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Ujian Semester Ganjil SMP 3 Angsel

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Ujian semester ganjil

Bahasa inggris
Kelas : VIII
1. Write 3 expression of getting attention..
2. Write 3 expression of giving attention..
3. Write dialogue using expression of getting and giving attention.
4. Write expression of asking for opinion..
5. Write expression of giving for opinion..
6. Write dialogue using asking and giving opinion
7. Write 3 adverb of frequency..
8. Write 2 sentences using adverb of frequency..
9. Write 5 verb..
10. What is present continuous tense..
11. Write the formula (rumus) of present continuous tense..
12. Write sentences using present tense in (+), (-), (?)..
13. Write sentences using ability ( can )..
14. Write sentences using ability ( able to )….
15. Write sentences using asking for someone`s willingness..
16. Write sentences using giving information for someone`s willingness..
17. Write 2 articles..
18. Write sentences using article “ the “.
19. Write sentences using article “ a / an”
20. Write down in the article using given noun
…….. umbrella

Bahasa inggris
Kelas : VII
1. Write is getting..
2. Write formal greetings and responses..
3. Write informal greetings and responses..
4. What is leave taking..
5. Write formal leave taking and responces..
6. Write informal leave taking and responces..
7. What is thanking..
8. Write thanking expression and responses..
9. What is apologizing..
10. Write apologizing and responses..
11. What is introduction..
12. Write introduction yourself
13. Write expression responses..
14. What is telling the time..
15. Write question and answers about telling the time..
16. Today is Monday, what is tomorrow..
17. Today is Friday, what is yesterday..?
18. Write questions and answers about telling the date..
19. Write a sentences using simple present of “be”
20. What is the simple present tense..
Bahasa inggris
Kelas : IX
1. Complete the situation below
Dayu is going participate in a bike race to celebrate the independenceday, Siti is shows her
hope that Dayu will get a prize
The conversation.
Dayu : Siti wish me luck, I will take part in a bike race to celebrate the independence day.
Siti : ……………

2. Complete the following sentences with hope or wish below

I……I can finish this project on time
3. Write 2 expressions to celebrate someone..
4. Complete the conversation below by using advice
Dayu : …………………………
Udin : to have stronger lungs
Complete the sentences below with choose to so that or in order to !
5. I am going to Garonggang……visit my family..
6. I am saving money …… I can buy a new car.
7. Write 2 expression of agreement !
8. Write 2 expression of disagreement !
9. What is fabel ..
10. Write 4 structures of label..
11. The function of label is..
12. What is produre text..
13. Write 3 generic structures and language features of procedure text..
14. Make an example of procedure text in your daily activites..
Change the verb in parentheses into present continuous tense
15. BUTET…..(water) flowers in the garden now
Change the verb in parentheses into past continuous tense
16. Last week, she (read) English book, when I came
Change the verb in parentheses into future continuous tense
17. Alex ….. ( arrive)late, he is struck in traffic
Change the verb in parentheses into present perfect tense
18. I …… (understand) the difference between simple past tense and continuous tense
19. She … (live) in Bandung since 1996
20. Wulan …..(buy) some clothes for her mom recently

Bahasa daerah

Kelas : IX

1. Ahama naidokkon tutur tusi matobang

2. Ahama na sanamo tutur tu ayah..
3. Ahama naidokkon ina pangitubu
4. Ise – ise ma naidokkon simatobang..
5. Ise ni ayahmu ma oppungmu..
6. Ahama na sanamo didokkon tu sibutet..
7. Pahoppu ni ise ma ho..
8. Isemu ma iboto ni inangmu..
9. Isemu ma naibuat ni amangtuamu..
10. Isemu ma naibuat ni istri ni anakmu..
11. Ahama naidokkon dalihan natolu..
12. Ahama naidokkon mora..
13. Tuliskan ragam – ragam nitutur horang anakboru..
14. Tuliskan ma ragam – ragam nitutur horang mora..
15. Ahama naidokkon mora sok – sok / ulu bondar..
16. Ahama naidokkon mora pambuatan boru..
17. Ahama naidokkon mora ni mata niari..
18. Ahama naidokkon anak boru pusako..
19. Pala anakboru ni eda iba / tulang ni iboto niba, ise niba me..
20. Isema naidokkon anakboru si buat boru..
Bahasa daerah
Kelas : VIII
1. Ahama naidokkon tutur
2. Hm nasanamo tutur tu inang
3. Isemu ma naidokkon inang pangitubu
4. Ahama nasanamo didokkon tusi uccok..
5. Ise – ise ma naidokkon simatobang
6. Isemu ma naibuat iboto inangmu..
7. Isemu ma anggi ni ayahmu..
8. Isemu ma oppugn ni umakmu alaklai..
9. Isemu ma naibuat ni udakmu..
10. Isemu ma anggi ni umakmu..
11. Ahama naidokkon dalihan natolu
12. Ahama naidokkon anak boru
13. Ahama naidokkon kahanggi pareban
14. Ahama naidokkon anakboru si buat boru..
15. Piga ma ragam – ragam ni tutur..
16. Ahama naidokkon mora mata niari
17. Ahama naidokkon kahanggi
18. Tuliskan ragam – ragam mora kahanggi
19. Isema naidokkon kahanggi hombar suhut
20. Aham naidokkon mora sok – so / ulu bondar..
Bahasa Indonesia

Kelas : VII

1. Teks yang menggmbarkan objek wisatasecara rinci dn detail adalah..

2. Tuliskan ciri – ciri teks deskripsi
3. Apa kegunaan huruf capital dan tanda koma pda suatau paragraf..
4. Ku bersekolh di SMP Negeri 3 Angkola Selatan, sekolaku terletk di Garonggang. Sekolahku
memiliki lingkungan yang nyaman dan asri,…. Lanjtkan teks deskripsi diatas sesuai dengan
keadaan sekolahmu..
5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan apa ADIKSIMBA
6. Tuliskan apa saja ciri – ciri pantun
7. Tuliskan jenis – jenis puisi rakyat
8. Tuliskan ciri – ciri gurindam..
9. Lengkapi pntun dibawah ini…
Kota Sampit di Kalimantan
Teruslah berusaha jdi teladan
Raihlah cita raihlah prestasi

10. Bila punya sifat kikir

Sanak saudara akan menyingkir
Apa makna dari gurindam diatas..

Bacalah teks narasi di bawah ini

Akhirnya hari ini tiba aku dan keluargaku akan pergi ke Danau Siais, aku bangun pukul 05.00
pagi. Kemudian membantu ibu mempersiapkan perlengkapan yang akan dibawa. Sebelum
pergi, kai sarapan terlebih dulu hingga pukul 07.00, kami berangkat menuju Danau Siais. Ayah
dan ibuku duduk didepan sedangkan aku dan kakakku duduk dibelakang ibuku.
11. Latar tempat pada kutipan tes narasi diatas adalah..
12. Tuliskan tokoh yang terdapat dalam teks narasi diatas adalah..
13. Tuliskan unsur – unsur

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