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International Journal of Polymer Science

Volume 2022, Article ID 4130440, 7 pages

Research Article
Mechanical Properties and Electrical Resistivity of the Friction
Stir Spot-Welded Dissimilar Al–Cu Joints

N. Mohanraj ,1 N. Mathan Kumar,2 P. Prathap,1 P. Ganeshan ,3 K. Raja,4

V. Mohanavel,5,6 Alagar Karthick ,7 and M. Muhibbullah 8
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, 641008 Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akshaya College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, 642109 Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore - 641202, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering Dindigul, Dindigul, 624622 Tamil Nadu, India
Centre for Materials Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,
Chennai 600073, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India
Renewable Energy Lab, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore, 641407 Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh

Correspondence should be addressed to N. Mohanraj; mohanrajnagarajan@gmail.com

and M. Muhibbullah; m.muhibbullah@bu.edu.bd

Received 22 October 2021; Accepted 21 April 2022; Published 3 June 2022

Academic Editor: Ching Hao Lee

Copyright © 2022 N. Mohanraj et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Alternative methods for dissimilar metal joining particularly aluminium and copper have gain interest in manufacturing sectors.
Friction stir spot welding was carried out on the AA6061 and C11000 wires of 2 mm diameter. This research paper reported the
results on microstructures and mechanical properties of the spot-welded joints, and also special attention is provided for electrical
resistivity of the welds. The microstructures reveal the information of grain structure and bonding. The width of diffusion layer
significantly reduced with low dwell times. For a plunge depth of 1 mm, the maximum tensile strength (294 MPa) is achieved
during the higher rotational speed (1400 rpm). For the same plunge depth, lower tensile strength values are exhibited by the
joint produced using the lower rotational speed (800 rpm). Hardness of the weld region recorded 70 HV which is less than Cu
(115 HV) and greater than Al (40 HV). FSSW joints (0.30 to 0.34 μΩ) offered higher range of electrical resistivity than that of
base metal (0.02 μΩ). The results highlighted in this paper might be helpful for both academic researchers and industrialists.

1. Introduction shows the greater efficiency than the existing methods of dis-
similar joining of aluminium. Extensive feasibility studies
The application range of aluminium in automotive indus- are performed on FSSW of dissimilar metals (aluminium
tries is expanding due to its many inherent characteristics and copper) from manufacturers of aeroplanes, trucks,
like low weight, high ductility, and excellent thermal and trains, motor vehicles, and appliances.
electrical conductivity. Joining of aluminium with the other FSSW is a modified version of friction stir welding
metals is still a challenge for many researchers. With (FSW) originally developed for joining Al-alloys [1–6], with
advances in welding processes, interest has become more similar working mechanism used for special applications
on solid-state welding processes as an alternative for dissim- (spot welding process) [7, 8]. A rotating tool (nonconsum-
ilar metal joining. Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a able) is positioned perpendicular to the workpiece and
newer technique under solid-state welding processes, which pushed towards the workpiece with the application of axial
2 International Journal of Polymer Science

force for a specific duration also called as dwell time. After time of 5 s are employed. FSSW rotational speeds are varied
the formation of weld, the tool retracts from the workpiece. from 800 rpm to 1400 rpm. The FSSW torque and axial load
In FSSW, the heat input and material plasticization are values are analyzed through a load cell of six axis attached to
determined through the two significant parameters such as the data acquisition system for continuous monitoring. The
dwell time and tool penetration speed. Based on the material dimensional indication of workpiece is provided in Figure 2.
plasticization and heat input, the mechanical properties of For metallographic examination of the weld cross sec-
the joint are determined [8]. The schematic of FSSW process tions, Keller’s reagent is used as an etchant for Al side and
[9] is shown in Figure 1. a solution comprising of HCI (6 ml) + FeCI3 (10 g) + ethanol
Spot welding techniques are mainly concentrated in the (C2H50H) (20 ml) + deaerated water (80 ml) was utilized to
joining of dissimilar wires, sheets, terminals, and contacts etch the Cu side. (Morphology and qualitative analysis of
to retain its intrinsic metallic properties which are not possi- the weldments are performed using SEM and EDAS analy-
ble in conventional fusion welding techniques, brazing, and sis. The electrical resistivity values of the samples are deter-
soldering. Solid-state welding processes help avoid the inter- mined using four-point probe meter. Simple device
metallic compounds formation, whereas conventional weld- employed for gauging the resistivity of semiconductor spec-
ing leads to produce them [10]. Several researchers imens is known as four-point probe meter. The substrate
attempted the dissimilar welding [1] of aluminium and cop- resistivity is measured by applying the current through two
per through FSW [11–19]. Akinlabi et al. investigated the outer probes and assessed the voltage through the inner
electrical resistivities of the Al to Cu joints. The authors probes. Further, weld specimens for tensile tests are
found the relationship between the resistivity and the heat machined as per the standard (ASTM A-931). The tensile
input, and higher heat inputs lead to the increased electrical tests are carried out at the standard room temperature. Vick-
resistance. The higher resistivity of joints is about 9.8% more ers hardness apparatus (with a load of 0.98 N) is employed to
than that of the parent metal resistivity [20]. Similar studies measure the hardness in the weld region and base metal. An
have been performed by the other researchers. Savolainen average of five values is taken in each region. Scanning elec-
found that the joint resistivity is 2.5% times more than the tron microscopy (SEM) is equipped to observe the micro-
average value of both parent materials [21]. Most of the structures of weld joints. Energy-dispersive X-ray
work carried out on FSSW of aluminium to copper deals spectroscopy is employed to assess the elemental composi-
with mechanical and microstructural properties of the welds. tions of the weld joints.
Dissimilar metal joint (aluminium-copper) could be benefi-
cial in electrical connections, wiring circuits in automobiles,
and electronic board assemblies. All these applications 3. Results and Discussion
require the knowledge about weld joint electrical perfor-
Dissimilar joints (Al and Cu) were successfully obtained
mance. Hence, the present study has been conducted to
through friction stir spot welding according to the experi-
address the friction stir spot-welded joint electrical perfor-
mental design. The cross sections of the joints exhibit the
mance parameters. The present paper investigates the effect
five distinct regions such as base metal (BM), stir zone
of the FSSW process parameters on electrical resistivity of
(SZ), thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), the heat
the weld joints and its relationships. Mechanical and metal-
affected zone (HAZ), and hook region [8].
lurgical properties of the weld joints are reported. This
research deals with the dissimilar aluminium-copper spot
joint produced by friction stir spot welding. The mechanical 3.1. Microstructures. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) depict the micro-
properties reveal the joint strength of the weld, and the graphs of the spot weldments. It is observed that the six
microstructure highlights the various defects in the joint. intermetallic phases exist below 500°C which are likely some
The electrical resistivity is also measured to find the of many metastable intermetallic phases existing in the Al-
resistivity. Cu phase diagram [22–24]. Sound welds are obtained for
the selected process parametric range. The width of diffusion
2. Experimental Setup layer at the interface is significantly decreased with the
decrease in dwell time. The diffusion layer is noticed in
Aluminium, AA6061, and copper, C11000, wires of 2 mm Figure 3 for rotational speed of 1400 rpm with dwell time
diameter are employed for joining process (friction stir spot of 5 s. In Figure 4 (rotational speed: 1400 rpm and dwell
welding). Tables 1 and 2 show the elemental composition time: 1 s), the diffusion layer is lower than the Figure 3.
and mechanical properties of both the metallic wires The micrographs reveal the negligible pores and defect free
adopted for experimentation. Before producing weldments, weldments. Microstructural studies are performed in all the
surfaces of the workpiece are cleaned with acetone for the five distinct zones of weld. The TMAZ constitutes smaller
removal of surface contaminants. Welds are produced by and equiaxed grains because of the mechanical deformation
placing Cu on the top side of Al. Experimental trials are car- and thermal cycles during stirring action. Stir zone has fully
ried out by different combinations of the process parameters crystallized small and fine grains along the boundaries. Lon-
of FSSW process. The FSSW tool is produced with H13 steel ger grains are observed in the HAZ than that of TMAZ and
tool hardened to 46-48 HRC (with a pin length of 4 mm, SZ. Typically, with the increase in distance from weld center,
shoulder diameter of 10 mm, and diameter of 5 mm). The evolution of grain structures takes place. Further, grains in
tool plunge depths of 0.5 and 1 mm with a constant dwell HAZ are randomly distributed in the region.
International Journal of Polymer Science 3

Rotation Rotation


(a) Plunging (b) Stirring

(c) Retracting

Figure 1: Graphic representation of friction stir spot welding process.

Table 1: Chemical composition of AA6061 and C11000 wires.

SEM images are shown in Figures 4(a) and 4(b). The
Materials images depict the Cu rings and keyhole of the spot-welded
Cu Fe Si Zn Pb Ni Al joints by varying process parameter range. Scanning electron
AA6061 0.005 0.3 0.07 0.005 0.003 <0.001 Balance
microscopy (SEM) analysis performed to find the disparity
between two base metals such as Al and Cu. The micro-
C11000 Balance 0.05 0.009 4.69 0.03 0.03 0.02
graphs clearly reveal the presence of Cu on the Al side and
disparity between the base metals. The large variation
between the melting points of Al and Cu combined with
Table 2: Mechanical properties of AA6061 and C11000 used for
FSSW tool stirring action and dwell time produce the brittle
the experimentation.
and hard intermetallic compounds.
Properties AA6061 C11000 The intermetallic compounds in the specimens are ana-
Tensile strength (MPa) 290 455
lyzed using an electron dispersed X-ray spectroscopy
(EDS). Previous literature reports suggested the increased
Elongation (%) 15 33
resistivity of the joints due to the presence of long-range–
Hardness (HV) 41 115 ordered alloys [25, 26]. The long-range–ordered alloys in
the weld region of weldment produced with tool rotational
speed of 1000 rpm and dwell time of 1 s are noticed in
Figure 4(a). Three major intermetallic compounds, namely,
Al2Cu, AlCu, and Al4Cu9, are noticed in the SZ of the joints
AA6061 for dwell time of 1 s and rotational speed of 1000 rpm,
0.5 0.5

whereas the joint produced with dwell time of 1 s and

10 1400 rpm showed only two intermetallic compounds,
Weld interface
namely, Al3Cu4 and Al2Cu.
In most of the welded samples, it is observed the accu-
All dimensions are in mm
mulation of aluminium particles or aluminium-rich content
Figure 2: Workpiece dimensions for experimentation. on the Cu side, particularly in the upper side of keyhole with
small percentages of copper. This may be attributed to FSSW
tool stirring action which takes bottom side of aluminium
particles to the top region. This action promotes the forma-
tion of intermetallic compounds or aluminium-rich contents
on Cu side.
4 International Journal of Polymer Science

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Microstructures of friction stir spot-welded Al-Cu wires (a) rotational speed: 1400 rpm, dwell time, and 5 s (b) rotational speed:
1400 rpm, dwell time: 1 s.

(a) (b)

Figure 4: (a) Microstructure of the spot weld using SEM (1000 rpm, 1 s and 0.5 mm plunge depth). (b) Microstructure of the spot weld using
SEM (1400 rpm, 1 s, and 0.5 mm plunge depth).

350 3.2. Mechanical Properties. Figure 5 reveals the weld strength

300 profile of the spot-welded Al-Cu wires for different process
Stress (MPa)

250 parametric range. The results revealed that the weld strength
150 is influenced by many factors such as tool pin length, tool rota-
100 tional speed, and plunge depth [27]. The least affected param-
50 eter in joint strength is weld time and remains to be
0 insignificant. Weld strength is majorly influenced by the tool
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Strain (2%)
rotational speed. As the rotational speed increases, weld
strength increases. The maximum tensile strength (294 MPa)
Figure 5: Stress vs. strain curve of spot-welded wire joints is achieved during the higher rotational speed (1400 rpm).
(rotational speed: 1400 rpm and plunge depth: 1 mm). The minimum tensile strength is yielded during the lower
rotational speed (800 rpm). Weld strength remains to be unaf-
fected even for rotational speed more than 1400 rpm. The lin-
ear relationship between weld strength and rotational speed
exists only for the limited range. All the specimens observed
International Journal of Polymer Science 5

Figure 6: Hardness profile of Al-Cu spot welds (rotational speed: 1200 rpm and plunge depth: 0.5 mm).

Table 3: Electrical resistivities of the base metals and the spot welds observed to the contrast in plasticization and thermal cycles
of various process parameters (TRS: tool rotational speed; PD: during welding process. The increase in hardness value of
plunge depth).
joint when compared to Al is because of the grain recrystal-
Material Resistivity (μΩ) lization in the stir zone.
Base metal, Al 0.018
Base metal, Cu 0.026 3.3. Electrical Resistivity. The electrical resistivity at the joint
Average value 0.022 interface of spot-welded dissimilar Al-Cu wires is measured
Spot welds Resistivity (μΩ) using four-wire probe meter. Similar studies are performed
TRS: 800 rpm; PD: 0.5 mm 0.061 by the authors for ultrasonic spot welding of Al-Cu wires
TRS: 800 rpm; PD: 1 mm 0.038 [28, 29]. The electrical resistivity values of joints for process
TRS: 1000 rpm; PD: 0.5 mm 0.047
parameters of welding are presented (Table 3).
From Table 3, the electrical resistivity values increased
TRS: 1000 rpm; PD: 1 mm 0.032
with the rise in magnitudes of plunge depth and tool rotational
TRS: 1200 rpm; PD: 0.5 mm 0.036 speed. The tool rotational speed has four values from 800 to
TRS: 1200 rpm; PD: 1 mm 0.030 1400 rpm. The plunge depth with two values of 0.5 and
TRS: 1400 rpm; PD: 0.5 mm 0.029 1 mm is used. The electrical resistivities of the spot-welded
TRS: 1400 rpm; PD: 1 mm 0.024 specimens are higher than the both metals. The difference in
electrical resistivity values is huge between spot-welded joints
and base metals. This pattern is attributed to the presence of
pores and micro cracks at the stir zone of weldments
failure in the weld region during tensile testing. Weldments [30–32]. The highest measured of resistivity is 0.061 μΩ for
are achieved with the average tensile strength of 293.48 MPa the plunge depth of 0.5 mm and tool rotational speed of
and the maximum load of 40.45 kN by using 1400 rpm rota- 800 rpm. It is observed that the most values of the joint resis-
tional speed and plunge depth of 1 mm. tivities lies in the range of 0.30 to 0.34 μΩ. The average of base
Vickers hardness measurements are performed across metals is 0.022, and when comparing this value to the joint
the weld region and base metal region of the welded speci- resistivities, a depreciation varies between 0.08 μΩ (42%) and
mens (Figure 6). Figure 6 shows the hardness profile of 0.012 μΩ (60%). Along with these values, a maximum value
spot-welded specimen with plunge depth of 0.5 mm and of 0.061 μΩ is 200% rise of base metals average for plunge
rotational speed of 1200 rpm. At the center of the weldment, depth of 0.5 mm and tool rotational speed of 800 rpm.
hardness value observed is 70 HV which is less than Cu and Figure 7 shows the comparison chart of electrical resistivities
greater than Al. Slight decrease in hardness values on Cu is of the spot welds with various process parameters.
6 International Journal of Polymer Science



Resistivity (micro ohm) 0.04




Al Cu Average 800, 0.5 800, 1 1000, 0.5 1000, 1 1200, 0.5 1200, 1 1400, 0.5 1400, 1

Figure 7: Influence of process parameters on the electrical resistivity of the spot welds when compared to the base metals and their average

It can be observed from the measurements that all the (v) The electrical resistivity of the spot welds lies in the
joint resistivity values are much more than the parent metal. range of 0.30 to 0.34 μΩ which is significantly more
In FSSW process, the presence of intermetallic compounds than the average value of base metals (0.022 μΩ)
affects the electrical resistivity and therefore increases in
magnitude. The higher electrical resistivities of the spot
welds in the present work are because of the presence of Data Availability
long-range–ordered alloys (intermetallic phases) in the key-
hole. This is validated from the energy-dispersive X-ray The data used to support the findings of this study are
spectroscopy analysis. included within the article.

Conflicts of Interest
4. Conclusions
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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