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Design Data For Seismic Applications of Victaulic Grooved System

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Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
The following information is a general reference for using Victaulic prod- a compression seal is created as the coupling housings press the gasket
ucts in regions that are prone to seismic forces. Because each system onto the pipe. Finally, the sealing lips of the gasket are forced down onto
is different, this information is not to be used as a specification for all the pipe end when the system is energized. All of these features result
installations. Professional assistance is a requirement for any applica- in a leak-tight, self-restrained joint.
tion. Published pressures, temperatures, external and/or internal loads, Victaulic grooved products have provided many successful years of
performance standards, and tolerances must never be exceeded. reliable service in seismic applications, including fire protection, HVAC,
THE BENEFITS OF VICTAULIC PRODUCTS IN SEISMIC AREAS municipal, and industrial systems. Our couplings are durable and are
designed to last the life of the piping system when installed in accor-
Piping systems in earthquake-prone areas can be exposed to forces and dance with our published installation instructions. Our couplings can be
deflections beyond normal static conditions. These seismic forces can quickly and easily assembled and disassembled. This, in combination
cause extensive damage when piping systems cannot accommodate with a union at every joint, reduces labor costs and permits easy system
these changes. Victaulic components can be used to accommodate access for maintenance, repair, component replacement, and retrofits.
seismic forces in the following piping system conditions: Also, fittings can be loosely assembled and rotated to line up with mat-
• Code-regulated systems with adequate earthquake bracing ing components before the couplings are tightened. This eases work in
tight places and around existing pipe, structures, or equipment.
• Unregulated systems with little or no earthquake bracing
• Seismic joint connections between independently-moving
• Buried systems
When dealing with any of these applications, each must be considered
The following information, when used in conjunction with established
seismic design practices and requirements, provides an excellent guide-
line for piping system design.
Exaggerated for clarity Exaggerated for clarity
The Victaulic system provides many mechanical design features that
GROOVED are useful in systems exposed to earthquake conditions. The flexibility
of Victaulic flexible grooved-pipe couplings reduces the transmission
of stresses through a piping system, while the gasket damps vibration
(refer to Victaulic Submittal 26.04, Vibration Attenuation Characteristics
of Victaulic Couplings).
CUT GROOVED When flexibility is not desired, rigid couplings, such as the Style HP-70
and the Style 07 Zero-Flex®, can be used. Both flexible and rigid cou-
plings provide discontinuity at each joint, which helps minimize pipeline
stresses generated during seismic movement.
Where design considerations permit, flexible couplings can be used at
changes in direction to provide stress relief through deflection for small
differential movements.
Movement Due
to Seismic Thrust

The Victaulic grooved pipe joining method is simple and reliable. The Offset
four basic components are the grooved pipe, the housing, the bolts/
nuts, and the gasket. The grooved pipe can be prepared with either a
roll groove for standard wall and lighter pipe, or a cut groove for stan-
dard wall and heavier pipe. Both roll and cut grooved pipe will provide
the same pressure rating for standard wall pipe. The coupling housing When large differential movements between piping sections are antici-
performs several functions as an integral part of the pipe joint. It fully pated, seismic swing joints that are comprised of flexible couplings,
encloses the elastomer gasket and secures it in position for a proper pipe nipples, and elbows may be required. Seismic swing joints provide
seal. It also engages the pipe around the full pipe circumference to simultaneous movement in all directions. By adding flexibility to the pip-
create a unified joint, along with the advantages of mechanical joining. ing system, they help reduce pipe stress and potential system damage.
The bolts and nuts hold the housings together around the pipe. The
synthetic elastomer gasket creates a triple seal effect on the pipe ends.
A tension seal is created as the gasket is stretched around the pipe, and


System no. __________________________ Submitted By ________________________ Spec Sect ____________ Para __________
location ____________________________ date ________________________________ Approved ___________________________
date ________________________________

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_1
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
Seismic Swing Joint Assembly Generally, buried systems do not experience damaging movements,
2 Ells
except where they cross or are parallel to a fault line; or where they are
located in unconsolidated ground prone to slumps, lurches, or land-
Nipple “D” Nipple “D” slides.
Coupling “B” To prevent damage by major earth movements, consideration should be
given to install pipelines above ground in unstable areas. Providing addi-
tional Victaulic flexible couplings will allow greater deflections to occur.
2 Ells 2 Ells and Sprinkler Normal
Nipple “E” Main Position FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS
Normal Position Longitudinal Movement Flexible couplings for grooved-end pipe allow linear, angular, and rota-
Vertical tional movement to occur at pipe joints, while they maintain a positive
Fire Sprinkler Coupling Movement
seal and self-restrained joint. Such performance is achieved through
Main Ell
Normal the combination of our elastomeric gasket (which seals the joint) with
“A” “B” Position the housing (which engages the groove without clamping rigidly onto
the pipe). These features provide design and installation advantages
for piping systems that allow for expansion, contraction, and deflection
generated by thermal changes, building/ground settlement, and seis-
Ell Nipple “E” mic activity in the pipe. However, these features must be considered
“D” Ell Lateral Movement when determining hanger/support spacing. Refer to Table 4 in the “Pipe
System Bracing Support Guidelines” section in this brochure for addi-
When an in-line device is required, a Victaulic Style 155 expansion Joint tional support information.
can be used, which incorporates special, precisely grooved nipples
Expansion Deflection Rotation
(refer to Victaulic Submittal 09.05 for additional information).
End Adapter
Nipple Coupling

Exaggerated for Clarity

Victaulic grooved products are also suitable for buried applications

in seismic areas. The deflection capabilities of flexible couplings will
permit a pipeline to continue to function after minor earth movements.


Allow. Pipe End Allow. Pipe End Allow. Pipe End
SIZE Sep. † Deflect. Fr. CL † SIZE Sep. † Deflect. Fr. CL † SIZE Sep. † Deflect. Fr. CL †
Nominal Nominal Nominal
Inches Degrees Pipe Inches Degrees Pipe Inches Degrees Pipe
Actual mm In./mm per Cplg. In./ft./mm/m Actual mm In./mm per Cplg. In./ft./mm/m Actual mm In./mm per Cplg. In./ft./mm/m
3/4 0 - 0.06 0.72 4 1/2 0 - 0.13 0.25 10 0 - 0.13 0.14
3° 24’
26.9 0 - 1.6 60 127.0 0 - 3.2 1° 26’ 21 273.0 0 - 3.2 0° 40’ 12
1 0 - 0.06 0.57 5 0 - 0.13 0.27 0 - 0.13 0.13
2° 43’ 1° 18’ 304.8 mm 0° 36’
33.7 0 - 1.6 48 141.3 0 - 3.2 22 0 - 3.2 11
1 1/4 0 - 0.06 0.45 0 - 0.13 0.28 12 0 - 0.13 0.12
2° 10’ 133.0 mm 1° 21’ 0° 34’
42.4 0 - 1.6 38 0 - 3.2 23 323.9 0 - 3.2 10
1 1/2 0 - 0.06 0.40 0 - 0.13 0.28 14 0 - 0.13 0.11
1° 56’ 139.7 mm 1° 18’ 0° 31’
48.3 0 - 1.6 33 0 - 3.2 23 355.6 0 - 3.2 9
2 0 - 0.06 0.32 0 - 0.13 0.21 15 0 - 0.13 0.10
1° 31’ 152.4 mm 1° 12’ 0° 29’
60.3 0 - 1.6 27 0 - 3.2 17 381.0 0 - 3.2 8
2 1/2 0 - 0.06 0.26 6 0 - 0.13 0.23 16 0 - 0.13 0.10
1° 15’ 1° 5’ 0° 27’
73.0 0 - 1.6 22 168.3 0 - 3.2 19 406.4 0 - 3.2 8
0 - 0.06 0.26 0 - 0.13 0.24 18 0 - 0.13 0.08
76.1 mm 1° 12’ 159.0 mm 1° 9’ 0° 24’
0 - 1.6 22 0 - 3.2 20 457.0 0 - 3.2 7
3 0 - 0.06 0.22 0 - 0.13 0.23 20 0 - 0.13 0.08
1° 2’ 165.1 mm 1° 6’ 0° 22’
88.9 0 - 1.6 18 0 - 3.2 19 508.0 0 - 3.2 7
3 1/2 0 - 0.06 0.19 0 - 0.13 0.16 22 0 - 0.13 0.07
0° 54’ 203.2 mm 0° 54’ 0° 19’
101.6 0 - 1.6 16 0 - 3.2 13 559.0 0 - 3.2 6
4 0 - 0.13 0.34 8 0 - 0.13 0.18 24 0 - 0.13 0.07
1° 36’ 0° 50’ 0° 18’
114.3 0 - 3.2 28 219.1 0 - 3.2 15 610.0 0 - 3.2 6
0 - 0.13 0.35 0 - 0.13 0.15
108.0 mm 1° 41’ 254.0 mm 0° 43’
0 - 3.2 29 0 - 3.2 13

† NOTE: These values are based on standard roll grooved pipe. Figures for standard cut grooved pipe may be doubled. Request 06.01.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

26.12_2 REV_A
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System

Pressure Zero

tolerances: Line Pressurized

50% for 3 1/2-inch size and smaller

Movement Due
25% for 4-inch size and larger to Pressure Thrust

Piping system design for seismic applications requires a careful review

of manufacturers’ published performance data for piping components,
including linear and angular movement tolerances. Couplings for
grooved-end pipe do not provide maximum linear and angular move-
ment simultaneously. However, the movement can be accommodated if
the system is designed with a sufficient number of joints, in accordance
with published design recommendations.
Victaulic rigid couplings provide a rigid joint through mechanical and
frictional interlock on the pipe ends. The Style 07 Zero-Flex, Style 005
Firelock®, and the Style HP-70 couplings positively clamp the pipe to
resist flexural and torsion loads. This keeps the pipe aligned without
deflection during operation.

Flexible couplings must be used properly to obtain the desired flexibil-

ity, since they do not provide pipe expansion or contraction automati-
cally. Therefore, always consider the best setting for pipe-end gaps. In
anchored systems, set the gaps to handle combinations of axial move-
ment and deflection. This can be achieved by assembling the couplings
at the mid-point of the maximum available gap (half-way between HP-70 COUPLING
fully-butted and fully-gapped). In free-floating systems, use directional
changes or offsets of sufficient length to accommodate movement with-
out exceeding the deflection values shown in Table 1.

FULLY APART Pipe Movement

Expansion Only

Exaggerated for clarity
Contraction Only

PARTIALLY GAPPED In seismic applications, rigid couplings may be used in any areas
Expansion and Contraction
where flexibility is not desired, including long, straight runs and 2-inch
or smaller-sized branch lines (often where codes do not require flex-
ible couplings). rigid couplings eliminate the movement that occurs
Max. Gap
with flexible, grooved joints, and therefore have support and hanging
requirements similar to welded systems (corresponding to nFPA 13,
Zero Gap AnSI B31.1, and AnSI B31.9). refer to Submittal 26.01 for additional
information on piping support for flexible and rigid couplings. grooved
piping with rigid couplings typically incorporates sway bracing similar to
other types of rigid piping systems to minimize the relative movement
Since flexible couplings permit linear movement, internal pressure can with respect to the building structure.
cause pipe growth to accumulate at the end of the run in unanchored
systems. The amount of growth is dictated by the position of the pipe
ends following installation. Butted pipe ends will allow full growth, while
fully gapped pipe ends will allow no growth. Thermal expansion adds to
this accumulation. Thus, offsets must be of sufficient length to prevent
excess deflection and harmful bending moments at these joints.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_3
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System


SIZE Dimensions
Minimum “D” Length – Inches/millimeters
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/ 5"/ 6"/
Actual Elbow “E” 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm 127 mm 152 mm
mm C to E Length Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
2 3.25 6.50 4 14 25 36 47 57
60.3 83 165 102 356 635 915 1194 1448
2 1/2 3.75 7.50 4 18 31 45 58 71
73.0 95 191 102 458 788 1143 1474 1804
3 4.25 8.50 4 22 37 53 69 84
88.9 108 216 102 559 940 1347 1753 2134
4 5.00 10.00 4 7 11 16 23 30
Victaulic No. 10 90° Elbow 114.3 127 254 102 178 280 407 585 762
(6 Required) 5 5.50 11.00 6 7 14 22 31 39
141.3 140 279 153 178 356 559 788 991
Victaulic Flexible 6 6.50 13.00 6 7 16 26 36 46
Coupling Nipple “D” 168.3 165 330 153 178 407 661 915 1169
(10 Required) (2 Required) 8 7.75 15.50 6 9 22 35 49 62
219.1 197 394 153 229 559 889 1245 1575
10 9.00 18.00 8 14 31 48 66 83
273.0 229 457 204 356 788 1220 1677 2109
12 10.00 20.00 8 16 35 54 73 92
Normal Position 323.9 254 508 204 407 889 1372 1855 2337
*Values were calculated using standard #10 IPS cast grooved elbows. If other
elbows are used, “E” length will change accordingly.
Nipple Length
as Required

SIZE Dimensions
Pipe Line Front Elevation Pipe Line Minimum “D” Length – Inches/millimeters
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/ 5"/ 6"/
Seismic Swing Joint Assembly Actual Elbow “E” 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm 127 mm 152 mm
mm C to E Length Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
2 Ells 2 3.25 6.50 4 7 11 14 20 25
60.3 83 165 102 178 280 356 508 635
Nipple “D” Nipple “D”
2 1/2 3.75 7.50 4 7 12 18 25 31
73.0 95 191 102 178 305 458 635 788
Coupling “B”
“A” 3 4.25 8.50 4 7 14 22 30 38
88.9 108 216 102 178 356 559 762 966
2 Ells and Sprinkler 4 5.00 10.00 4 7 11 14 18 21
2 Ells Normal 114.3 127 254 102 178 280 356 458 534
Nipple “E” Main Position
Normal Position Longitudinal Movement 5 5.50 11.00 6 7 11 14 18 21
141.3 140 279 153 178 280 356 458 534
Movement 6 6.50 13.00 6 7 11 14 18 21
Fire Sprinkler Coupling
Main Ell 168.3 165 330 153 178 280 356 458 534
Normal 8 7.75 15.50 6 7 11 14 18 22
“A” “B” Position 219.1 197 394 153 178 280 356 458 559
Ell 10 9.00 18.00 8 8 11 14 23 31
273.0 229 457 204 204 280 356 585 788
12 10.00 20.00 8 8 11 16 25 35
Ell Nipple “E” 323.9 254 508 204 204 280 407 635 889
Ell Lateral Movement *Values were calculated using standard #10 IPS cast grooved elbows. If other
elbows are used, “E” length will change accordingly.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

26.12_4 REV_A
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
Victaulic Style 155 expansion Joints are a combination of couplings and ExAMPLE FOR L TyPE LAyOUT
specially machined short pipe nipples that provide pipeline expansion
and contraction and are ideal for lateral pipe movement. The nipples are A = (√2) x (required movement) / (coupling capability)
precisely grooved to provide full linear allowance at each joint. TABLE 3A – ROLL GROOVED PIPE
End Adapter
Cplg. Cplg.
Nipple Coupling Deflect. Design
SIZE Cap. Deflect. Minimum “A” Length (feet/m) for L Type Offset
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/
Actual in/ft in/ft 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm
mm mm/m mm/m Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
Exaggerated for Clarity 2 0.32 0.16 8.9 17.7 26.6 35.4
60.3 27 13 2.7 5.4 8.1 10.8
2 1/2 0.26 0.13 10.9 21.8 32.7 43.6
Θ 73.0 22 11 3.3 6.6 10.1 13.3
3 0.22 0.11 12.9 25.8 38.6 51.5
88.9 18 9 3.9 7.9 11.8 15.7
4 0.34 0.25 5.7 11.4 17.0 22.7
(LATERAL MISALIGNMENT) 114.3 28 21 1.7 3.5 5.2 6.9
5 0.27 0.20 7.1 14.2 21.3 28.3
141.3 23 17 2.2 4.3 6.5 8.6
“X” DISPLACEMENT 6 0.23 0.17 8.4 16.7 25.0 33.3
(OFFSET LENGTH) 168.3 19 14 2.6 5.1 7.6 10.1
The movement characteristics of flexible couplings provide linear move- 8 0.18 0.15 9.5 18.9 28.3 37.8
219.1 15 11 2.9 5.8 8.6 11.5
ment and angular deflection for offsets. This can be beneficial for
10 0.14 0.10 14.2 28.3 42.5 56.6
applications where small amounts of pipe movement compensation 273.0 12 9 4.3 8.6 13.0 17.3
are required from an in-line configuration. In accordance with Victaulic
12 0.12 0.09 15.8 31.5 47.2 62.9
specifications and code requirements, the configuration must be sup- 323.9 10 8 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2
ported properly. Special techniques may be required to achieve this
support while providing the desired movement.
Victaulic flexible couplings, grooved elbows, and grooved pipe ends TABLE 3B – CUT GROOVED PIPE
can be assembled in l-type or Z-type offset configurations to achieve Cplg. Cplg.
movement through deflection at each flexible coupling. The minimum Deflect. Design
SIZE Cap. Deflect. Minimum “A” Length (feet/m) for L Type Offset
required pipe lengths adjacent to the elbows can be calculated by using
published information for deflection values of flexible couplings (see Nom.
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/
Table 1), as shown in the following examples. The equations provide the Actual in/ft in/ft 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm
mm mm/m mm/m Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
minimum nipple lengths (“A”) required to achieve the required move-
ment in all three directions. In applications where only two directions 2 0.63 0.32 4.4 8.8 13.3 17.7
60.3 27 13 1.3 2.7 4.1 5.4
of movement are required, the layouts can be optimized with shorter
2 1/2 0.52 0.26 5.4 10.9 16.3 21.8
lengths. Please contact Victaulic for details. note that the specified 73.0 22 11 1.6 3.3 5.0 6.6
length must be able to move freely in order to ensure proper operation. 3 0.43 0.22 6.4 12.9 19.3 25.7
local code requirements and feasibility must be evaluated to verify 88.9 18 9 2.0 3.9 5.9 7.8
whether the layout is practical. 4 0.67 0.50 2.8 5.7 8.5 11.3
114.3 28 21 0.9 1.7 2.6 3.4
5 0.54 0.40 3.5 7.1 10.6 14.1
A A 141.3 23 17 1.1 2.2 3.2 4.3
A 6 0.45 0.33 4.3 8.6 12.9 17.1
168.3 19 14 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2
8 0.35 0.26 5.4 10.9 16.3 21.8
A 219.1 15 11 1.6 3.3 5.0 6.6
A A 10 0.28 0.21 6.7 13.5 20.2 26.9
273.0 12 9 2.1 4.1 6.2 8.2
L-Type Z-Type Z-Type 12 0.23 0.17 8.3 16.6 25.0 33.3
323.9 10 8 2.5 5.1 7.6 10.2

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_5
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
A = (required movement) / (coupling capability)


Cplg. Cplg.
Deflect. Design
SIZE Cap. Deflect. Minimum “A” Length (feet/m) for Z Type Offset
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/ 5"/ 6"/
Actual in/ft in/ft 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm 127 mm 152 mm
mm mm/m mm/m Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
2 0.32 0.16 6.3 12.5 18.8 25.0 31.3 37.5
60.3 27 13 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 9.5 11.4
2 1/2 0.26 0.13 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2
73.0 22 11 2.3 4.7 7.0 9.4 11.7 14.1
3 0.22 0.11 9.1 18.2 27.3 36.4 45.5 54.6
88.9 18 9 2.8 5.5 8.3 11.1 13.9 16.6
4 0.34 0.25 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0
114.3 28 21 1.2 2.4 3.7 4.9 6.1 7.3
5 0.27 0.20 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
141.3 23 17 1.5 3.0 4.6 6.1 7.6 9.1
6 0.23 0.17 5.9 11.8 17.7 23.6 29.5 35.3
168.3 19 14 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8
8 0.18 0.13 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2
219.1 15 11 2.3 4.7 7.0 9.4 11.7 14.1
10 0.14 0.10 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0
273.0 12 9 3.0 6.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3
12 0.12 0.09 11.2 22.3 33.4 44.5 55.6 66.7
323.9 10 8 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 16.9 20.3


Cplg. Cplg.
Deflect. Design
SIZE Cap. Deflect. Minimum “A” Length (feet/m) for Z Type Offset
In. 1"/ 2"/ 3"/ 4"/ 5"/ 6"/
Actual in/ft in/ft 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 102 mm 127 mm 152 mm
mm mm/m mm/m Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt. Mvmt.
2 0.63 0.32 3.2 6.3 9.4 12.5 15.7 18.8
60.3 53 27 1.0 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.7
2 1/2 0.52 0.26 3.9 7.7 11.6 15.4 14.5 23.1
73.0 43 22 1.2 2.3 3.5 4.7 4.4 7.0
3 0.43 0.22 4.6 9.1 13.7 18.2 22.8 27.3
88.9 36 18 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.5 6.9 8.3
4 0.67 0.50 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
114.3 56 42 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.7
5 0.54 0.40 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
141.3 45 33 0.8 1.5 2.3 3.0 3.8 4.6
6 0.45 0.33 3.1 6.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.2
168.3 38 28 0.9 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.6 5.5
8 0.35 0.26 3.9 7.7 11.6 15.4 19.3 23.1
219.1 29 22 1.2 2.3 3.5 4.7 5.9 7.0
10 0.28 0.21 4.8 9.6 14.3 19.1 23.9 28.6
273.0 23 18 1.5 2.9 4.4 5.8 7.3 8.7
12 0.23 0.17 5.9 11.8 17.7 23.6 29.5 35.3
323.9 19 14 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8



VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

26.12_6 REV_A
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
Seismic separation assemblies using flexible couplings (i.e. seismic RIGID SySTEMS
swing joints) are typically required for all pipe sizes when the aboveg- For Victaulic rigid coupling Styles 07, 307, HP-70, 005, and others,
round piping crosses between independently moving building segments. the Maximum Hanger Spacing below may be used.
our experience has shown that the first adjacent length of pipe on each
side of the grooved seismic swing joint should be rigidly attached to the
corresponding structure with adequate bracing. The swing joint must Suggested Maximum Span Between Supports
PIPE SIZE Feet/meters
be supported in a manner that will not prohibit proper operation during Nominal water Service Gas or Air Service
an earthquake. non-restraining hangers should be incorporated to sup- Inches
Actual mm * † ‡ * † ‡
port the grooved elbows and pipe nipples of the assembly. noTe: Code
1 7 9 12 9 9 12
requirements take precedence over these recommendations. 33.7 2.1 2.7 3.7 2.7 2.7 3.7
Section 6-4.4.1 of nFPA 13 (1999) stipulates that the diameter of holes, 1 1/4 7 11 12 9 11 12
where pipe passes through walls or other obstructions, must be as fol- 42.4 2.1 3.4 3.7 2.7 3.4 3.7
lows: 1 1/2 7 12 15 9 13 15
48.3 2.1 3.7 4.6 2.7 4.0 4.6
• 2 inches larger than pipe 3 1/2 inches and smaller 2 10 13 15 13 15 15
• 4 inches larger than pipe 4 inches and larger. 60.3 3.1 4.0 4.6 4.0 4.6 4.6
This standard also stipulates that the piping must have at least two 3 12 15 15 15 17 15
88.9 3.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.2 4.6
inches of clearance around other structural members that are not pen-
4 14 17 15 17 21 15
etrated or used to support the piping. exceptions to this include piping 114.3 4.3 5.2 4.6 5.2 6.4 4.6
that passes through gypsum or other non-fire-related material and when 6 17 20 15 21 25 15
flexible couplings are within 1 foot of each side of the wall or obstruc- 168.3 5.2 6.1 4.6 6.4 7.6 4.6
tion. When the applicable building code requires that the annular space 8 19 21 15 24 28 15
around the piping be filled, a flexible sealant, such as mastic, must be 219.1 5.8 6.4 4.6 7.3 8.5 4.6
10 19 21 15 24 31 15
used. 273.0 5.8 6.4 4.6 7.3 9.5 4.6
This criteria defines the method by which sprinkler systems are pro- 12 23 21 15 30 33 15
tected from seismic movements under nFPA 13. other piping systems 323.9 7.0 6.4 4.6 9.1 10.1 4.6
will have varying installation requirements to provide for earthquake 14 23 21 15 30 33 15
conditions, depending on the specific system; its proximity to seismic 355.6 7.0 6.4 4.6 9.1 10.1 4.6
zones; the level of seismic zone; and conformance to local, state, and/ 16 27 21 15 35 33 15
406.4 8.2 6.4 4.6 10.7 10.1 4.6
or national codes. Therefore, each system must be reviewed on an 18 27 21 15 35 33 15
individual basis to determine the support mechanism and the proper 457.0 8.2 6.4 4.6 10.7 10.1 4.6
incorporation of flexible and rigid couplings. 20 30 21 15 39 33 15
Factory mutual provides design steps for sway bracing in data Sheet 508.0 9.1 6.4 4.6 11.9 10.1 4.6
2-8, earthquake Protection for Water-based Fire Protection Systems, 24 32 21 15 42 33 15
610.0 9.8 6.4 4.6 12.8 10.1 4.6
which states the following:
* Spacing corresponds to ANSI B31.1 Power Piping Code.
Step 1: Lay out sway bracing locations with respect to the sprinkler pip- † Spacing corresponds to ANSI B31.9 Building Services Piping Code.
ing and to the structural members to which the bracing will be attached.
‡ Spacing corresponds to NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems.
Step 2: Calculate the seismic design load requirements for each sway
bracing location.
Step 3: Select the proper sway bracing shape, angle of attachment, size,
and maximum length based on the horizontal design load requirement. For coupling Styles including 75, 77, and others.
Step 4: Select the proper attachment method for the sway bracing to the Standard, grooved-type couplings allow angular, linear, and rotational
structure and to the piping.1 movement at each joint to accommodate expansion, contraction, set-
tling, vibration, noise, and other piping system movement. These fea-
Systems installed with Victaulic rigid couplings can be supported and
tures provide advantages in designing piping systems but must be con-
braced for seismic occurrences in a similar way to threaded and welded
sidered when determining hanger and support bracing and location.
systems. The hanger spacing requirements for Victaulic rigid couplings
are in accordance with standard industry codes for threaded and
welded systems. These nationally recognized codes are AnSI B31.1
Power Piping Code, AnSI B31.9 Building Services Code and nFPA 13
Sprinkler Systems.
Victaulic Company’s pipe support recommendations for both flexible
and rigid systems can be found in the following Tables 4A through 4C.
The tables show the suggested maximum span between pipe supports
for horizontal straight runs of standard-weight steel pipe that carry water
or similar liquids.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_7
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
Maximum Hanger Spacing
For straight runs without concentrated loads and where full linear ENERGIZED, UNANCHORED
movement is required.
PIPE SIZE Pipe Length in Feet/meters
7 10 12 15 20 22 25 30 35 40
Nominal 2.1 3.0 3.7 4.6 6.1 6.7 7.6 9.1 10.7 12.2
Actual mm *Average Hangers per Pipe Length Evenly Spaced
3/4 – 1
1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6
26.9 – 33.7
1 1/4 – 2 �
42.4 – 60.3
1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ANCHOR ONE SIDE
2 1/2 – 4
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4
73.0 – 114.3
5–8 L
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
141.3 – 219.1 �
10 – 12 ∆L
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
273.0 – 323.9 No anchor on horizontal pipe movement
14 – 16
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 will be towards path of least resistance.
355.6 – 406.4 � - Victaulic flexible coupling
18 – 24
457.0 – 610.0
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 � - Anchor
28 – 42 � - Assumed or proposed anchor
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
711.0 – 1067.0
*No pipe length should be left unsupported between any two couplings. ANCHORED BOTH ENDS
Maximum Hanger Spacing B
For straight runs without concentrated loads and where full linear
movement is not required.
PIPE SIZE RANGE Suggested Maximum Span Unrestrained, deflected joints will straighten under axial pressure thrusts
Nominal Inches Between Supports and other forces that act to pull pipes apart. If deflection is desired,
Actual mm Feet/meters
anchors or lateral resistance must be applied to the lines to help main-
3/4 – 1 8
26.9 – 33.7 2.4 tain joint deflection. lateral forces will always act upon deflected joints
1 1/4 – 2 10 due to internal pressure. A fully-deflected joint will not provide linear
42.4 – 60.3 3.0 movement that is normally available at the joint. Conversely, angular
2 1/2 – 4 12 deflection at fully-butted or fully-gapped joints is not possible, unless
73.0 – 114.3 3.7 the pipe ends can shorten and grow, as required. Partially deflected
5–8 14 joints will provide some portion of linear movement.
141.3 – 219.1 4.3
10 – 12 16
273.0 – 323.9 4.9
14 – 16 18 Plan View
355.6 – 406.4 5.5 (Zero Pressure)
18 – 30 20
457.0 – 762.0 6.1
32 – 42 21
813.0 – 1067.0 6.4 Plan View
The system designer should note that flexible couplings installed with Hanger
partial gaps or fully-butted pipe ends will allow the pipe to expand fully
when the system is energized. Strategically placed anchors will con-
tain the energized system between the anchors. Also, pipe guides and Gross effect of
Lateral inadequate lateral
proper pipe support will help to prevent angular deflection at the joints Force restraint on suspended system.
that would otherwise reduce the amount of linear movement capable at (illustration exaggerated for clarity)
each joint.




Flexible couplings can provide deflection at branch connections and

offsets to accommodate anticipated pipe movement. Offsets must be

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

26.12_8 REV_A
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
long enough to provide sufficient deflection to prevent harmful bending California Building Code. Section 1630B.2 states that piping, ducting,
moments, which would be induced at the joints of the offset. noTe: conduit systems, and connections that are constructed of ductile mate-
If the pipes were to expand due to thermal changes, additional pipe rials may use the values of Cp from Table 16B-0. Victaulic grooved cou-
growth would also take place at the ends. pling housings are constructed of durable ductile iron that is dual certi-
fied to ASTm A395, grade 65-45-15 and ASTm A536, grade 65-45-12.
ASTm A395 is the formulation commonly referenced in ASTm B31
Victaulic grooved products have consistently demonstrated the ability codes for ductile iron pressure-containing components, while ASTm
to withstand considerable forces during earthquakes. When exposed A536 is a widely accepted formulation used in modern castings.
to bending forces, they have remained intact. A bending moment will
occur when the joint deflects beyond its maximum allowable angular INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (2000)
deflection. Where these deflections are anticipated, additional flexible Seismic forces calculated in accordance with IBC are determined as follows:
couplings should be installed to accommodate this movement. Several
agencies, such as ASTm and Underwriters laboratories (Ul), have lp
( )
established methods for qualification of bending loads. However, the fol- F p = (0.4apSDSWp ) R 1+2 h
lowing is a list of the minimum bending moments that Victaulic products
must withstand to obtain a Ul listing. Ul established the minimum which can be simplified to the following equation based on the maxi-
bending moment requirements through the following method from Ul mum value of Fp:
Standard 213, rubber gasketed Fittings for Fire Protection: F p = 1.6DS1 pWp
The bending moments are calculated based on twice the weight of the where
water filled pipe over twice the maximum distance between supports Fp is the design lateral force for non-structural components.
specified in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, nFPA 13.2
SdS is design spectral response acceleration (0.33, based on SdS =
This Ul standard is one of several publications for bending moment 2FaSs/3, where Fa = 2.5 for worst case soft soil and Ss = 0.2s for worst
requirements. ASTm F-1476 is another standard that provides bending case spectral acceleration).
loads based on hanger spacing, etc. The couplings are tested only to
Ip is importance factor (1.5 for critical facility).
the respective bending moment shown, and factor of safety is built into
these values. All bending moments were applied at their maximum Ul Wp is component operating weight.
pressure rating. These values are provided as information only and must When required, the vertical component of the force is calculated by:
not be used for design purposes. However, they can be compared to F p v = 0.25DSWp
minimum theoretical values required by various building codes to dem- The following chart provides results using the first simplified equation as
onstrate the actual capabilities versus design requirements. a general case.
SIZE wp Fp M
COUPLING SIZE Bending Moment COUPLING SIZE Bending Moment Nominal In. lb/ft lb/ft ft-lb Safety
Nominal In. ft-lb Nominal In. ft-lb Actual mm kg/m kg/m N•m Factor*
Actual mm N•m Actual mm N•m 2 5.1 4.0 800
1 300 6 7085 60.3 7.6 6.0 1084
33.7 407 168.3 9600 2 1/2 7.9 6.3 1260
1 1/4 420 8 11304 73.0 11.8 9.4 1707
42.4 569 219.1 15317 3 10.8 8.6 1720
1 1/2 810 10 16785 88.9 16.1 12.8 2331
48.3 1098 273.0 22744 4 16.3 12.9 2580
2 1150 12 22950 114.3 24.3 19.2 3496
60.3 1558 323.9 31098 6 31.5 25.0 5000
2 1/2 1770 14 27450 168.3 46.9 37.2 6775
73.0 2398 355.6 37195 8 50.2 39.8 7960
3 2426 16 35843 219.1 74.7 59.2 10786
88.9 3287 4006.4 48568 10 74.6 59.1 11820
3 1/2 3013 18 45360 273.0 111.0 87.9 16016
101.6 4083 457.0 61463 12 98.6 78.1 15620
4 3645 20 54742 323.9 146.7 116.2 21165
114.3 4939 508.0 74176 14 114.3 90.5 18100
5 5238 24 77670 355.6 170.1 134.7 24526
141.3 7098 610.0 105244 16 141.7 112.2 22440
406.4 210.8 167.0 30407
The following static analysis equations and resulting values demonstrate
18 171.8 136.1 27220
the capabilities of Victaulic products in seismic conditions. The results 457.0 255.6 202.5 36884
provided in the following tables show that properly assembled Victaulic 20 204.6 162.0 32400
grooved couplings exceed the performance requirements to which 1.69
508.0 304.4 241.1 43902
threaded and welded piping systems currently conform for use in pre- 24 278.4 220.5 44100
approved seismic systems. In addition, Victaulic has a 75-year history of 610.0 414.3 328.1 59756
successful use of these products in commercial building applications, *Safety factor is based on comparison of calculated bending moment (M) to
mining, municipal, industrial, oilfield, and fire protection. These results UL minimum required bending moment which all Listed Victaulic couplings
are in accordance with the requirements of the latest revision of the must withstand.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_9
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System
CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (BASED ON 1997 UNIFORM I is importance factor (1.5 based on essential facility).
BUILDING CODE) Cp is horizontal force factor (0.75 for rigidly mounted pipe). (noTe: resil-
F p = 0.4 Ca 1p Wp iently mounted equipment, such as spring-mounted hangers, uses a Cp
of 2.0).
or, to consider the higher accelerations which occur on upper elevations
of a structure, W is distributed load (weight per foot of pipe and water).
F p = (ap Ca 1p / Rp ) (1 + 3h x / hr ) Wp STANDARD wALL CARBON STEEL PIPE SINGLE SPAN, SIMPLE
Fp is the design lateral force for nonstructural components.
ap is component amplification factor (1.0 for piping).
SIZE wp Fp M
Ca is the seismic coefficient (between 0.06 and 0.44, depending on Nominal In. lb/ft lb/ft ft-lb Safety
seismic acceleration zone and soil profile). Actual mm kg/m kg/m N•m Factor*

Ip is the importance factor (1.5 for essential facility). 2 5.1 2.3 460
60.3 7.6 3.4 623
rp is the response modification factor (3.0 for piping). 21/2 7.9 3.5 708
hx is component elevation (components on upper elevations receive 73.0 11.8 5.2 959
more accelerations than lower floors). 3 10.8 4.9 970
88.9 16.1 7.3 1314
hr is roof elevation. 4 16.3 7.3 1467
Wp is distributed load of the pipe (weight per foot of pipe and water). 114.3 24.3 10.9 1988
The following chart provides results using the first equation as a general 6 31.5 14.2 2833
168.3 46.9 21.1 3839
case, with Ca of 0.44 (worst case) and Ip of 1.5.
8 50.2 22.6 4522
219.1 74.7 33.6 6127
10 74.6 33.6 6712
SINGLE SPAN, SIMPLE SUPPORT 273.0 111.0 50.0 9095
12 98.6 44.4 8871
TABLE 7 323.9 146.7 66.1 12020

SIZE wp Fp M 14 114.3 51.4 10285

Nominal In. lb/ft lb/ft ft-lb Safety 355.6 170.1 76.5 13936
Actual mm kg/m kg/m N•m Factor* 16 141.7 63.8 12752
2 5.1 1.4 270 406.4 210.8 94.9 17279
60.3 7.6 2.1 366 18 171.8 77.31 15461
2 1/2 7.9 2.1 418 457.0 255.6 115.0 20950
73.0 11.8 3.1 566 20 204.6 92.07 18414
3 10.8 2.9 570 508.0 304.4 137.0 24951
88.9 16.1 4.3 772 24 278.4 125.29 25058
4 16.3 4.3 860 610.0 414.3 186.4 33954
114.3 24.3 6.4 1165 *Safety factor is based on comparison of calculated bending moment (M) to
6 31.5 8.3 1664 UL minimum required bending moment which all Listed Victaulic couplings
168.3 46.9 12.4 2255
must withstand.
8 50.2 13.3 2650
219.1 74.7 19.8 3591
273.0 111.0 29.3 5336
The performance of the Victaulic grooved-end piping system under seis-
12 98.6 26.0 5206
323.9 146.7 38.7 7054
4.41 mic conditions was evaluated in a series of tests conducted by AnCo
14 114.3 30.2 6036 engineers, Inc., an independent laboratory that specializes in seismic
4.55 evaluations of products. The tests were conducted to assess the struc-
355.6 170.1 44.9 8179
16 141.7 37.4 7482 tural and functional integrity of Victaulic products during seismic loading
406.4 210.8 55.7 10138 for a major electric utility that was considering the use of grooved piping
18 171.8 45.4 9072 at one of its nuclear plant sites. The tests included flexible and rigid
457.0 255.6 67.6 12293
couplings, tees, elbows, reducers, and caps, as well as roll-grooved and
20 204.6 54.0 10802
508.0 304.4 80.4 14637
5.07 cut-grooved pipe in 1 – 6-inch nominal sizes.
24 278.4 73.5 14700
610.0 414.3 109.4 19919
*Safety factor is based on comparison of calculated bending moment (M) to
UL minimum required bending moment which all Listed Victaulic couplings
must withstand.
F p = Z I Cp W
MA "
where ED 1'0
Fp is total design lateral seismic force (actually recalculates distributed
Figure 1
load for piping system).
Z is seismic zone factor (0.4 based upon worse case seismic zone 4).

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

26.12_10 REV_A
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System


Highest Level
Operating-Basis Safe-Shutdown (H-L)
Earthquake (OBE) Tests Earthquake (SSE) Tests Tests

x y Z x y Z x y Z
A 1.9 3.1 1.4 2.6 4.7 2.4 3.1 5.0 3.3
Y X B 1.5 6.9 3.5 2.3 8.9 5.0 2.9 14.1 5.4
MA C 2.4 0.9 2.6 3.9 1.4 5.0 4.0 1.4 4.0
ED '0"
FE EV. 2
EL The 6.9g y-direction result for System B during oBe testing reflected
TEST SYSTEM B the use of a hard stop on the piping to simulate lack of rattle space
Figure 2 near that location. Additionally, the highest-level test produced displace-
ments in System B of +/-5.0” in the X direction and +1.6”/-6.0” in the
y direction. The previously mentioned hard stop limited the +y direc-
tion displacement. The same test displaced System C +/-0.35” in the X
direction and +/-3.5” in the y direction.

E ED . 3'0"

EL 10.000

Figure 3

The laboratory used computerized data monitoring control and acquisi-

tion systems, plus servo-hydraulic actuators and feedback controls to
conduct the tests. Three test segments (A, B, and C shown in figures 1.0000
1, 2, and 3) were constructed on a shake table that measured 45-feet
long by 14-feet wide and 14-feet high. Four linked actuators – two lon-
gitudinal and two transverse units – generated the pitch, roll, and yaw Figure 4
motions of earthquake activity.
each simulated disturbance lasted 30 seconds, including a 5-second .10000
1.0000 10.000 100.00
rise, 20 seconds of strong motion, and 5 seconds of delay time.
The tests simulated 13 different scenarios:
• Three less-than-operating-basis earthquakes (oBe) to establish TABLE INPUT X G's
the relationship between shake table drive signal gains and com- 100.00
puted test response spectra (TrS)
• Six oBes
• Two safe-shutdown earthquakes (SSe)

• An earthquake scaled to 1.2 times SSe levels 10.000

• one scaled to 1.4 times SSe levels RESPONSE

The test system main feed line resonant frequencies ranged from 1.92
Hz (y direction) to 40.6 Hz (Z direction). Shake-table input acceleration
averaged 1.5g in each principal direction during the oBe tests, 2.25g
during the SSe tests, and 2.9g under the highest-level (H-l) conditions 1.0000
(upward ground accelerations of up to 1.8g were recorded during the
northridge earthquake). The following table shows response accelera-
tions in “g”s for the main feed lines of systems A, B, and C in directions Figure 5
X, y, and Z during oBe, SSe, and H-l testing. These results apply only
to Victaulic products and do not represent the performance capabilities .10000
1.0000 10.000 100.00
of competitors’ grooved products.

VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.

REV_A 26.12_11
Design Data for Seismic Applications of
Victaulic® Grooved System



Figure 6

1.0000 10.000 100.00

The severity of input motion is best described in terms of Test response

Spectra (TrS), which was calculated from measured test input motions.
Figures 4, 5, and 6 are the TrS for the highest level event, which
is impressively high. In the opinion of AnCo engineers, Inc., few, if
any, nuclear power plant sites would have higher required response LOOP IS “Z” SHAPED TO ABSORB SEISMIC MOVEMENT.
Spectra (rrS) as design criteria above 1.5 Hz.
Post-test inspection by the laboratory of the Victaulic fittings and cou-
plings revealed no abrasion, cracks, deformation, or damage of any
kind, indicating it could continue to perform its intended function.
Hydro-tests after the first oBe test demonstrated that these Victaulic
components maintained functionality during and after the simulation,
thereby substantiating their reliability under seismic conditions.
Victaulic grooved products have consistently demonstrated the ability
to withstand earthquakes when used on fire protection, HVAC, munici-
pal, and industrial applications in seismic-active areas. recognition of
their inherent seismic accommodation characteristics by national and
international organizations further attests to the superior design features
of Victaulic grooved products. When properly used and installed in
accordance with published requirements, Victaulic grooved products will
provide durable pipe joints in seismic areas.


For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com

26.12 2972 REV A UPDATED 10/2000
VICTAUlIC IS A regISTered TrAdemArk oF VICTAUlIC ComPAny. © 2000 VICTAUlIC ComPAny. All rIgHTS reSerVed. PrInTed In THe USA.


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