Unit-3 1
Unit-3 1
Unit-3 1
UNIT - 3
Cloud Infrastructure: Architectural Design of Compute and Storage
Clouds, Layered Cloud Architecture Development, Design
Challenges, Inter Cloud Resource Management, Resource
Provisioning and Platform Deployment, Global Exchange of Cloud
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the features, advantages and challenges of cloud computing, compare their
operation ,implementation and performance.
2. Understand, Analyze and compare different types of clouds and cloud services.
3. Understanding and validating the financial and technological implications in selecting cloud
computing paradigm for an organization.
4. Understand and Analyze the security challenges and risks involved in the cloud.
5. Create/Deploying of an application in cloud.
The architecture
of a cloud is
developed at
three layers:
I. Infrastructure
II. Platform
III. Application
Multiple VMs can be started and stopped on demand on a single physical machine to
meet accepted service requests, hence providing maximum flexibility to configure
various partitions of resources on the same physical machine to different specific
requirements of service request.