English For Academic Purposes Program
English For Academic Purposes Program
English For Academic Purposes Program
- provides a rapid grasp of the
fundamental aspects or parts of an
entire expository piece. It shows,
through its standard format, how
these parts relate to each other as
sections of equal importance or units
of subordinate rank which merely
support, clarify, or illustrate the main
headings under which they are
Reaction Papers ❖ For Human Situations
- A brief description of the situation
— academic texts, should be expressing - People involved, their roles, and
reactions that reflect critical thinking through contributions
logical reasoning and assertions. - Other driving forces, in the open or
hidden and unsuspected
According to Saqueton and Uychoco - Implications and consequences
(2016), a reaction paper, “is an informed - Assessment
and insightful perspective on art, popular - Some offered solutions
culture, and the world.
❖ For Cultural Affairs/Performance
The subject being evaluated and reacted - The central purpose of the event
upon, the content and response should - The means, devices, and strategies
remain reasonable and insightful which can employed to achieve the purpose
either be intelligent, humorous, or wise. - An evaluation of the achievement:
success or failure
Purpose of Reaction Paper - The significance beyond
- Reacting to or commenting on a entertainment
particular event.
- Reviewing a cultural event. TIPS
- Reviewing a book or other scholarly ● For opinions and preferences, make
publication. sure to always support them with
- Critiquing a literary piece. conventions and facts.
● It is also important that as we base
Forms and support our assertions to some
● Reflection, Appeal, Protest, documents and researches, citations
Tribute or Denunciationan, like using the American
Speculation Psychological Association (APA) or
the Modern Language Association
Reaction Paper (MLA) formats are necessary to
- also called a response paper avoid plagiarism.
- an avenue for a writer to share their ● The introduction contains an
feelings on a topic, to express assertion that can serve as your
agreement or disagreement, and to topic sentence.
evaluate the topic. ● Provide evidences to prove your
point and to justify your assertions
Reflection paper like statement of facts and
- is an avenue for a writer to focus on conventions.
their learnings rather than their ● Assertions should be explained by
feelings. providing context or the necessary
background for your readers to have
FORMATS an understanding of your purpose in
writing the reaction paper. You can
also use theories to help explain,
predict and understand certain - Assumes agreement among people
phenomena. of “right” perception or indicates that
no agreement is expected and that
ASSERTIONS the statements are really about the
conditions of the speaker rather than
❖ CONVENTION about the content.
- depends on the truth of the Example: The government’s focus on drug
following: rules, tradition, dictionary, war must shift towards a war against
and contracts. poverty because poverty is the root of drug
Example: This certifies that the bearer is dependence and drug trade.
beneficiary of the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program of DSWD, and as such is
entitled to Php 800.00 subsidy per month.
- Statements whose truth or falsity
can readily and finally be determined
by reference to experience.
Example: The National Anti-Poverty
Commission of the Philippines says that
poverty needs redefinition in order to find
solution at the grassroots level.
- Reflect the writer’s uncertainty about
the possibility of producing
satisfactory proof of soundness and
his recognition that disagreement is
more likely than not.
The uncertainty stems from any of the
1. difficulty of the procedures
necessary for testing validity
2. ambiguity of terms
3. connotative effect of the terms in the
- Highly subjective because it is a
question of ‘taste’
- Statement of taste (“I like it”
- Statement of obligation (“You should
do it” statements)
POSITION PAPER 4. The sense and significance of the
- This is an academic paper which issue
presents the ideas, views, and
standpoints of a writer about an In line with the selected issue for your
issue. By writing down and outlining position paper, you must also consider
your arguments along with the building your arguments. These are
course of action you subject your necessary for you to defend your stand or
points with, you are sharing much of position in order to make your readers
your ideas and you get involved in a assent their position, change their minds,
larger debate about the issue. and take a course of action (Dadufalza,
2008 as cited in Marcial, Cruz,
Writing a Position Paper (Dapat, 2016) Malata-Silva, 2018).