Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1341270 E-Mail Like a Lawyer As one of the most common-and commonly misused-forms of business communication, e-mail can enhance or hinder your professional success. That's why it pays to evaluate your e-mail habits and make appropriate improvement~
ost professionals know from experience the
truth about what Lynne Agress writes in Working With Words in Business and Legal Writing: "[E-Jmail ... has encouraged just about everyone to try his or her hand at writing off-the-cuff, with little or no prepa- ration or forethought. As a result, lawyers, architects, accountants-all business people, in fact-have been given an equal opportunity to embarrass themselves." Embarrassing yourself is obviously something you don't want to do when you work in a law office. Stated more positively, when you enter the practice of law, you enter a professional environment. Your e-mail messages are professional communications, and they reflect your pro- fessional demeanor. Never take for granted the sensible use of e-mail by lawyers. As recent- ly as the fall of 2006, the Maine Bar Journal included an article titled "E- mail for Lawyers: Cause for Celebration and Concern." It was only the lat- est in a series of published advice for lawyers in recent years about the potential pitfalls and abuses of communicating bye-mail. As you embark on your legal career, remember this: Every e-mail mes- sage you send on the job says something about you and your professi~n alism. In fact, e-mail keeps on saying something about you long after you've sent the message. Whether by intentional forwarding or by an accidental "reply to all," your messages live on and can come back to you in unexpected ways. Whether you're a novice or seasoned business pro, it's a good idea to review your e-mail practices regularly and make necessary improve- ments. Use this article to get you started.
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1341270 First, a few threshold matters: Think about whether you should send subject line-a subject line that now has • Don't use smileys, other emoticons, an e-mail message at all. Often, a real let- nothing to do with the current message. and abbreviations like LOL that are ap- ter is better than an e-mail message. No The same is true of multiple replies to propriate for personal text messages but matter how formally worded an e-mail replies. The subject line, which busy not in the office. message is, it's still less formal than a readers use to sort and prioritize their • Use standard capitalization, punctu- hard-copy letter. If the formality and se- messages, loses its value when senders ation, and spelling. riousness of a real letter are called for, don't bother to update it. Using a clear • Edit and proofread your messages write one. Sometimes a phone call is a and accurate subject line allows readers as carefully as you would a letter. better option. Use the phone when you to easily skim their inbox and read mes- • Above all, assume that the recipient need an immediate response, when you sages by priority of importance. will judge you by your e-mail messages. need to ask questions and negotiate, or The general counsel of a nonprofit or- Think about how you sound and what a when you have concerns about privacy. ganization told me that he once got an im- reader might think. "Beware the Ease of E-mail" is the title portant e-mail message requiring his ur- __With these points in mind, here are of a 2003 New York Law Journal article gent attention. The subject line was more to consider for sending the right by Jeffrey Fuisz and Alison King, lawyers "Rosie's birthday party." This resulted (e-mail) message. at Kaye Scholer in New York. The authors from the sender's use of an earlier, unre- advise asking the following questions be- lated message as the vehicle to forward a Think. Pause. Think again. fore sending an e-mail message: new message. But because the general Send • Would you be comfortable if every- counsel received a large volume of e-mail, E-mail's speed often causes senders to one on your team saw the e-mail you are he put the "Rosie's birthday" message at write, reply, or forward too quickly. And sending? the bottom of his list and didn't get to it its ease often causes e-mailers to neglect • How would your clients react if they for days. thoughtful scrutiny. Hence the advice to saw the message? That's why effective e-mailers change "think, pause, think again, then send." • Are you accomplishing anything and update the subject line-even if only In my legal writing classes, students constructive with your response? a word or two: so the recipient gets a bet- often report bad e-mail experiences, most Unless you are comfortable with the ter sense of the current subject. For ex- caused by haste. Some arise when a sum- answers to all three questions, Fuisz and ample, suppose you received an original mer clerk hits "reply to all" instead of King write, don't send the message. message that has this subject line: "reply" and sends a personal, often nega- Why so many cautions about e-mail? tive, message to everyone at the office. One word: easy. E-mail messages are Reminder: Rutherford deposition Others get burned trying to be funny or easy to forward, easy to include in a tomorrow cute in ways their classmates would un- reply, and easy to include in the most derstand but lawyers at the office do not. treacherous of e-mail actions: reply to all. You might reply with a subject line Mistakes from haste happen to When you send an e-mail message to a like this: lawyers, too. In an incident reported in client, Fuisz and King warn, assume the The New York Times in April 2002, a client will forward it to others. Your client Confirming Rutherford deposition lawyer at a major New York firm inad- might even send the message to the op- tomorrow vertently destroyed the confidentiality of posing side, writes lawyer Frederick Hertz the bidding process for a bankrupt client. in an August 2002 Texas Lawyer article By replacing just one word, you have The lawyer was sending a routine e-mail titled "Safe E-mail Practices for Solos." made your e-mail message more helpful message to all the potential bidders for a As Hertz recalls, "I have had the plea- and more quickly informative to the bankrupt client. The identities of the sure of reading the complete confidential recipient. suitors were to be kept secret, but the advice of my opposing counsel when her Besides updating subject lines on sender inadvertently included the e-mail client forwarded it on to my client as part replies, you can do much to improve sub- addresses of all the potential bidders. of a back-channel negotiation ploy." ject lines in original messages. Three Of course, clients can repeat what you tips: say, and they can photocopy and give • Be specific. Think of the subject line away your written advice. But these as summarizing the message instead of Wayne Schiess (wschiess@/aw.utexas.edu), methods of passing along information re- merely defining the topic. director of legal writing at the University of quire more effort than forwarding e-mail. • Use "FYI" to introduce your mes- Texas School of Law, practiced law for three sage, or include your recipients in the years at the Texas firm of Baker Botts. He is Use the subject line "Ce" line, to signal that the message is not author of Writing for the Legal Audience To be a considerate and clear e-mailer, directed primarily at them. and Better Legal Writing, and he is an asso- use subject lines effectively. You have cer- • State or hint at requested action in ciate editor of the Scribes Journal of Legal tainly received a forward of a forwarded the subject line. Writing. e-mail message that contains the original Here are some examples:
Instead of: Legal memo text in forwards and replies. If you are re- Ms. Mandel: plying to someone as part of a continuing Write: First draft of Coastal Bank thread, you may want to include the text 1. Do you have a suggestion for resolv- memo attached of previous messages so the reader can ing the price-term impasse? I have a follow or recall the context. But if you are suggestion below. Instead of: Impact statement forwarding or replying on an unrelated topic, you may decide to delete the content 2. Can you meet me Thursday (5/24) Write: Need Delta site impact state- of previous messages to reduce clutter. for lunch to firm up a closing date? ment by Friday, 6/1/07 Check your e-mail program's default set- tings to see if the text of previous mes- Suggestion on price term: By using the subject line to summa- sages is automatically included or not, rize the message and to give the reader a and adjust them to meet your needs. Since we both agree that the exact clue about the content and the purpose of sales price will depend on the then- the message, you set yourself apart from Use short paragraphs current market price, I suggest that we run-of-the-mill e-mailers. in block style incorporate a market-price provision A short message with short paragraphs into the contract rather than waiting Use a salutation is more likely to be read and understood. for the closing date to get closer so When you work in a law office and send After all, that's what e-mail is really for: that we can get the exact price into e-mail messages to colleagues, profes- short, quick messages. Long paragraphs, the contract. sional etiquette requires that you begin like long messages, deter readers even with a salutation- a sign or expression more in e-mail than in other media. So I have drafted market-price terms in of greeting. Perhaps you think of the write in short chunks. other contracts, and I know that it can "To" line as all the "greeting" you need. And present those chunks in readable work. I have the language ready to go But most e-mail recipients don't consider format. Don't bother indenting the first and would be happy to send it along the "To" line to even be part of the mes- line of each paragraph in an e-mail mes- for your review. I'm also open to con- sage. So use a salutation, and adjust it to sage. Block style-with an extra hard re- sidering your suggestions .... the level of appropriate formality: turn between each paragraph- is the right style for e-mail. This revision will be easier to read Formal: Dear Ms. Anderson: So instead of looking like this: and respond to. (with colon) Moderate: Dear Denise, (with Ms. Mandel: Put the question or comma or colon) point up front Informal: Denise, (vyith comma or Since we both agree that the exact The example above did more than break colon) sales price will depend on the then- up the paragraphs. It also moved the im- current market price, I suggest that we portant questions from their originallo- Write short messages incorporate a market-price provision cation-buried in a long paragraph- to Readers are probably more likely to give into the contract rather than waiting a prominent position up front. If you are up on reading a long e-mail message than for the closing date to get closer so asking a question in the message, ask it on any other type of writing. As one that we can get the exact price into first. If the reader needs background to lawyer told me: "Seven pages of single- the contract. I have drafted market- understand the question, then ask the spaced text becomes even more oppres- price terms in other contracts, and I question and say that the background sive when cut-and-pasted into an e-mail." know that it can work well. I have the follows, like this: So keep it short. language ready to go and would be As for what is "short," some recom- happy to send it along for your review. Don, mend the "one screen" rule: Don't send a That's my suggestion to resolve this message that requires the recipient to small impasse. Do you have any sug- Can you prepare a reply brief in scroll beyond the first screen. If you do, gestions? I'd be open to considering Henderson v. American Technologies? you're all but asking the reader to ignore them. The other issue, of course, is You may need some background to be the later parts of the message. Of coUrse, that the tentative closing date keeps able to answer that, so here it is . ... you can't know the recipient's screen size getting pushed farther into the year. or type settings, and you might occasion- We probably need to get together to If you ask the question up front, you're ally need to write a long message. But err discuss the situation and agree on a more likely to get an answer. If the mes- on the side of brevity. The longer the firm closing date .... sage had started with the background message, the more likely that you should about the Henderson case, the reader be writing a letter or making a phone call. Your e-mail message should look like may have quit reading before getting to Think about your use of extraneous this: your question.
Another helpful technique, recom- the e-mail message to summarize your He granted me an exception to the mended by Steven Stark, author of Writ- point. Many lawyers resist this idea, say- law-school curve based on three reasons: ing to Win, is to summarize the question ing to themselves, "I need to give the the small class size (24 students), the you were asked when you reply. When background first" or "I need to support self-selecting nature ofthe course (i.e., you answer a question in a reply, write this idea before I introduce it." Maybe so. students who signed up for this course something like this: But you'll usually get better results if you probably take legal drafting seriously), summarize the point first and give the and the fact that I had already graded Becca, background or support later. and returned two earlier assignments For example, here are two versions of that were not based on the curve. You asked if I would be able to work an e-mail message I sent to my students. on the Henderson reply brief. I do The "before" text is a draft that does not have the time, but will need to start put the point of the message first. The Explain attachments tomorrow. I have a 5:00 p.m. deadline "after" text is the final version that Make it a practice to always explain- fOUlnother brief today.... moved the point of the message up front. early in the message-what you have attached, in what form, and why. Many Though the recipient can scroll down Before: e-mail users are rightly concerned about and reread what she asked you, you opening attachments. So even if it's a make things clearer and easier by restat- Dear students, harmless document, explain it. ing the question up front. And give the file you're attaching a If you're not asking a question but I spoke to the Dean of Academic helpful name. Attaching <memo> or making a point, use the first sentences of Affairs today about getting an excep- <letter> makes the file harder to recog- tion to the law school's curve for the IP nize, especially if the recipient doesn't Drafting course. As you know, I believe open it directly from the message screen. that I should be allowed to give grades A better name might include the creator's that are higher than they would be if I name and a date: conformed to the curve. • schiess_memo_6-21-03 He granted me an exception to the • martin_demandlettecdraft law-school curve based on three reasons: the small class size (24 students), the Finally, don't attach a file to a message self-selecting nature of the course (i.e., unless your recipient asked for it or students who signed up for this course might reasonably expect it. probably take legal drafting seriously), and the fact that I had already graded and returned two earlier assignments Use a sign-off that were not based on the curve. In a letter, you'd always sign off with something, whether "Sincerely," "Yours So, as I hoped, the grades for IP Draft- very truly," or "Best regards." You can be ing do not have to conform to the law less formal in e-mail messages, of course, school's curve. but in a professional setting, you ought to sign off. It can be as simple as "Thank you After: for your help," followed by your name. Set your e-mail preferences to always Dear students, include a signature line, but don't get car- ried away. Keep your signature to a few As I hoped, the grades for IP Drafting straightforward lines, consisting of your do not have to conform to the law full name, mailing address, e-mail ad- school's curve. dress, and perhaps your firm's web site address. (Your firm may set this up, I spoke to the Dean of Academic along with any legal disclaimers, as a Affairs today about getting an excep- standard feature of all staff outgoing e- tion to the law school's curve for the mails.) And remember that professional course. As you know, I believe that I e-mail messages never include extrane- should be allowed to give grades that ous information like "quotes of the are higher than they would be if I week" or artwork created with punctua- conformed to the curve. tion marks. ~1.