Chapter FIVE Chapter FIVE: Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds
Chapter FIVE Chapter FIVE: Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds
Chapter FIVE Chapter FIVE: Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds Accounting For General & Special Revenue Funds
Charges for services by other government
Donation, Grant, entailment
Shared revenues
Fines and forfeits
Transfers received from other fund & debt issue
proceeds received by a fund are classified as other
financing sources
•Fund balances :
•Reserved for Encumbrance (credit)
•Unreserved for Encumbrance (debit or credit)
•Revenue (Credit)
•Other financing sources control
•Transfer in (Credit)
•Long term debt proceeds (Credit)
•Expenditures (Debit)
•Other financing uses (Debit)
•Transfers out (Debit)
•Estimated revenues (debit)
•Estimated other financing sources (debit)
•Appropriation (credit)
•Estimated other financing use (credit)
•Encumbrance (debit)
•Budgetary fund balance reserved for encumbrances (credit)
•Budgetary fund balance (debit or credit)
Other financing sources:- are transfers in from another
fund & debt issue proceed
Expenditure:- includes both cost and expenses of
business organization.
is a decrease in fund financial resource other than
though inter fund transfer.
Other financing Uses:- it refers to transfer out of fund to
other fund
Recording a budget
Example: Assume that the amounts appearing below have been
legally approved as the budget for General fund of a certain
government for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2011. As of Jan 1,
2011 total estimated revenue is 1,350,000 (from taxes 882,500,
Licenses and permits 125,500, Intergovernmental revenues 200,
000, Charges for services 90,000, Fines and forfeits 32,500, and
Misc. revenues 19,500), this total estimated revenue should be
recorded in the General fund general ledger accounts as follows:
Entry 1: Estimated revenues 1,350,000
Budgetary fund balance 1,350,000
The total appropriations legally approved for 2011 is birr
1,225,500; (General government 129,000; Public safety
277,300; High ways & streets 84,500; Sanitation 50,000;
Health 47,750; Welfare 51,000; Culture & recreation 44,
500; Education 541,450; and Estimated other financing
uses (Transfers out) birr 74,500 for the General Fund of
the same governmental unit.
The GF should record in the control account as follows:
Budgets & Budgetary
2. Budgetary fund balance 1,300,000
Appropriations control 1,225,500
Estimated OFU 74,500
Accounting for Revenues
The actual revenues should be recognized as credits to
the revenues control accounts.
Encumbrance 500,100
BFB, reserved for encumbrance 500,100
(to record PO)
Example 2- When a purchase orders for goods or
services is issued to a supplier by one of those funds, a
journal entry similar to the following is prepared for the
FB Reserved for Encumbrances----------------150,000
(to record encumbrances for PO no. 001 issued to X company)
When the suppliers invoice for the ordered merchandise
or services is received by the governmental unit, it is
recorded and the related encumbrance is reversed as
seen below:
FB reserved for Encumbrances 150,000
Encumbrances 150,000
(To reverse encumbrance for PO no. 001 issued to X Company)
Expenditures 180,500
Vouchers payable 180,500
(to record an invoice received from Wilson company under PO no. 001)
Two journal entries are needed for encumbrances: one
when the order is placed and another when the goods are
When the order is placed, encumbrance is debited and
Reserve for Encumbrance (a fund balance account) is
When the order is received, the entry is reversed.
As indicated by the example above the invoice amount
may differ from the amount of the governmental units PO
because of such items as shipping charges, Sales Taxes,
and price changes
If the estimated revenue and estimated other financing
sources of the budget exceed appropriations and
estimated other financing uses (as required by law for
many governmental units), there will be budgetary
surplus, if vice-versa, there will be budgetary deficit.
Tax anticipation notes payable---------------------200,000
Recording Property Tax levy
Assume that the budgeted revenue form real
property taxes, included in the total estimated
revenues was 3,200,000 excluding prior year
property taxes (20,000). Further assume that 2% of
these taxes are estimated to be uncollectible due
to tax collection policy and local economic
conditions. Therefore, when the taxes are levied,
the following entry should be made:
Recording Property Tax levy
Taxes receivable (current)-------------------3,265,306
Uncollectible current Taxes--------------- 65,306
Revenues control----------------------------3,200,000
b. cash----------------------------------353,000
Tax receivable diligent-------------------------------330,000
Interest and penalties receivable on taxes----- 23,000
Payment of Vouchers and other items
Payment is made on 770,000 of the outstanding
accounts payable, and the amounts due to the federal
and state government is 942,000 and 245,000,
Accounts payable-------------------770,000
Due to federal government-----942,000
Due to state Government-------245,000
Payroll and Payroll taxes
• The gross pay of employees of general fund departments
amounted to 3,345,000. Deductions from gross pay for
the period amounted to 256,000 for employees’ pension
contribution and Medicare tax 430,000 for employees’
federal withholding tax; and 78,000 for employees’ for
state withholding tax.
• The first two have to be remitted to the federal
government, and the last item has to be remitted to the
state government.
Expenditures control-----------------------3,345,000
Due to federal Government----686,000
Due to state Government------- 78,000
Voucher payable------------------2,581,000
When the liability is actually paid
Due to federal government----------------686,000
Due to state government-------------------- 78,000
Payment of the vouchers for the net pay results in the following
Voucher payable----------------------2,581,000
• In as much as the recorder is liable for the employee’s share
of the tax and Medicare tax (256,000) and for contribution to
additional retirement funds established by the state law,
assumed to amount 167,000 for the year, the liabilities for the
contribution must be recorded as:
Expenditure control--------------------423,000
Due to federal government------------------256,000
Due to state government-------------------- 167,000
When the liability is actually paid
Due to federal government------------------256,000
Due to state government-------------------- 167,000
Amendment of Budget
For example, Assume that the estimated revenues
budget increased by 50, 000 in the charges for services
sources category and that the appropriation for the
public works department was increased by 100, 000.the
amendments to the budget would be record when they
are legally approved, as follows:
Estimated Revenue control----------------50,000
Budgetary found Balance------------------50,000
Appropriation control----------100,000
Inter fund Transactions
• Assume that the amount charged by the water utility to
the General fund was 80, 000 Br. The General fund
entry would be
Expenditure ------------------80,000
Due to water utility fund--------------80,000
Due From general fund------------------80,000
• Assume the General fund received 377,000 in supplies
from the supplies fund and later made the partial
payment of 322,000 in cash. The entries would be as
Expenditure -------------------377,000
Due to supplies fund------------------377,000
Due to supplies fund-------------------322,000
Due from general fund -------------------377,000
Due from general fund--------------322,000
Inter fund Transfers
•Assuming that the General fund made the budgeted transfer to a
debt service fund for the payment of debt service, the General
fund entry would be as follows:
other financing uses- Transfers out 204,000
cash 204,000
cash 204,000
other financing source-Transfers in 204,000
Recognition of inventories in Governmental Funds
Generally, inventories of supplies are insignificant
relative to governmental fund balances.
In any case, GAAPs permit two methods of accounting
for inventories.
1. Under the Purchase Method of accounting of inventories, the
expenditure account is debited when supplies are received.
2. Under the Consumption Method of accounting for inventories,
an asset is debited when inventories acquired, and the
expenditure account is debited and the asset credited when
inventories are consumed, the same as in business
Purchase Method: at the time of acquisition, supplies
are recorded as a debit to expenditure account.
Voucher payable/cash-----------------------------------xx
If inventories are significant, GAAPs require that a
yearend adjustment to be made in which an asset
account is debited and an equal amount set aside as a
fund balance reserve.
Inventory of supplies--------------------xx
FB reserved for inventory of supplies xx
At the end of the next accounting period
1. When ending inventory of supplies increases
Inventory of supplies------------------------------xx
FB reserved for inventory of supplies-------xx
2. When ending inventory of supplies decreases
FB reserved for inventory of supplies-------xx
Inventory of supplies ----------------------------------------xx
Consumption Method
At the time of acquisition, supplies are recorded as a debit
to supplies inventory account
Inventory of supplies------------------------------xx
Voucher payable/cash---------------------------------------------xx
Unreserved FB----------------------------------xx
FB reserved for inventory of supplies-----------------xx