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2 Psychological barriers to exercise should be addressed ical activity and monitoring exercise intensity. Can J Cardiol
For people with depression, these include amotivation, low energy, and
5. Fortier M, McFadden T, Faulkner G. Evidence-based recom-
perceived fatigue, among others.3 While meta-analyses have found posi- mendations to assist adults with depression to become
tive effects of exercise interventions, these largely involved willing partici- lifelong movers. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
pants with professional support.1,2 Addressing psychological barriers is 2020;40:299-308.
CMAJ invites submissions to “Five things to know
Exercise interventions are generally safe
about …” Submit manuscripts online at http://
Exercise in this population is well tolerated, with minor adverse events mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cmaj.
such as joint pain, headache, and fatigue.1,2 Patients should be screened
for pre-existing comorbidities such as injuries, physical inability, and con-
ditions such as severe cardiovascular disease that increase the risk of
exercise.1 Among those without such comorbidities, clinical supervision is
not necessary for safety.4
E596 CMAJ | May 6, 2024 | Volume 196 | Issue 17 © 2024 CMA Impact Inc. or its licensors