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Đề số 5

1 A degener/ate/ B appropri/ate/ C consider/ate/ D temper/ate/
2 A accur/ate/ B sophistic/ate/ C rumin/ate/ D fulmin/ate/
3 A intim/ate/ B deliber/ate/ C duplic/ate/ D delic/ate/
4 A cre/ate/ B concentr/ate/ C moder/ate/ D titiv/ate/
5 A candid/ate/ B chocol/ate/ C contamin/ate/ D ordin/ate/

Part 2. STRESS
6 A contribute B influence C computer D remember
7 A decide B envelope C deliver D enclosed
8 A efficient B element C electrically D election
9 A Embroider B Lantern C Impress D Desire
10 A geology B classify C stylistic D defy


11 Simon (takes part with) many (different) volunteer (programs) (in) his town.
12 (Could) you please look (at) my chilren (when) I’m (away)?
13 (What a pity) I have to (look at) my little brother, so I (can't go) to the cinema (tonight).

14 Peter promised to come here __________ 9 o’clock __________ Monday morning.

A within/ at B about/ upon C at/ on D for/ in

15 My father often goes to work early __________ the morning and returns home __________
A in/ at B on/ for C at/ about D up/ to
16 We will have completed our work __________ next month, and then we will have an interesting
vacation __________ summer.
A since/ on B for/ of C on/ at D by/ in
17 I often busy __________ weekdays and free __________ the weekend.
A at/ for B in/ on C during/ within D on/ at
18 Daisy is standing __________ the table. She is opening the drawer __________ which she
keeps her savings.
A next to/ over B by/ in C on/ from D through/ into
19 The victim was __________ a shop when he was attacked and the police were __________ the
spot immediately.
A under/ to B between/ in C above/ at D outside/ on
20 Look! Peter is __________ the last group. He has never won a race. He is often __________ the
A among/ behind B between/ under C in/ above D at/ through

21 If you want to reach that shelf you had better stand __________ the chair which is __________
the table.
A among/ by B beneath/ in C on/ next to D under/ above
22 Peter is standing __________ the bus stop to wait for the bus. He often arrives at the office
__________ time.
A from/ at B at/ on C to/ in D by/ for
23 He made his escape by jumping __________ a window and getting __________ a waiting car.
A on/ up B out of/ into C over/ out D through/ by

24 Large waves were __________ on the seashore.
A going B running C hitting D breaking
25 When you come tomorrow, why not __________ your brother with you?
A fetch B take C bring D carry
26 After Jack's mother died, he was __________ up by his aunt.
A grown B taken C set D brought
27 It was rather childish of her to __________ into tear when her teacher corrected her mistakes.
A melt B fall C burst D break

Two friends Diana and Anne are talking with each other about their exam results.
Diana: Look at this, Anne! I got the highest score of the class in Maths.
Anne: “__________”
A I worried about B Congratulations! C Thank you for D I'd love to but I
that. your advice. can't.
29 Daughter: “Dad! I have just won the first prize in the Olympic English Contest.”
Father: __________
A That’s a good idea B Thank you. C Congratulations! D I’d love to.
30 “Mum, I’ve won the girls’ long jump.”
A It’s nothing. B Don’t be proud! C Congratulations! D All right.
31 Nga: “We’ve passed the first round”
Hoa : “ __________ ”
A That’s a good B It’s nice of you to C Do you? D Congratulation
idea. say so. s!

32 Please give me some (advice) to buy suitable books for my ten-year-old
A recommendation B information C fiction D interest
33 These were the people who (advocated) using force to stop school
A openly criticized B publicly said C publicly D strongly
supported condemned
34 We should buy a new house at (affordable) price.
A reasonable B cheap C low D good

35 You can (attach) a document to this e-mail.
A detach B stick C close D adhere
36 The captain of his team attempt to (attack) so that he could score a goal before the match
A defend B maintain C save D advance
37 Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now (attracts) more than 140 countries.
A repels B throws C destroys D kills
Electricity is the most common form of energy used today. (1) __________ the modern world, ()
__________ is instantly available at the touch of a switch. Electricity has numerous uses. The
most common use of electricity is to provide artificial lighting. In factories, electricity is used to
() __________ the electric motor of machines. In offices, electricity is used to lighting up ()
__________ workplace. It is also used to operate air-conditioners, computers () __________
many other machines.

38 A Round B From C During D In

39 A coal B electricity C gas D water
40 A driving B driven C drive D drove
41 A the B a C many D any
42 A but B so C because D and

Part 10. READING

English is one of the most popular languages in the world. It comes second in the number of
speakers after Chinese. In Vietnam, more and more people are studying English and they
consider it a key to success. However, not everyone knows how to learn English effectively.

The best way to improve the four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing is to practice
regularly. You should make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at
English speaking clubs or ourselves in front of the mirror. Learning by heart all the words does
not help much if you do not read a lot because you will easily forget what you have learnt.
Reading books, listening to radio and watching films are better ways to (memorize) words.
Besides. English learners should not be so shy because making mistakes is unavoidable in
learning foreign languages. Practicing speaking a lot is a good way to correct your mistakes.
How many skills are mentioned in paragraph 2?
A 2 B 4 C 5 D 0
The word “memorize" in paragraph 2 is CLOSEST in meaning to
A remember B forget C communicate D 0
45 A good way to correct your mistakes is
A avoiding speaking B stopping learning C practicing D 0
English English speaking English
a lot
46 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A You should never B Many C English learner D 0
speak English with Vietnamese should be shy if
yourselves. people consider they make
English a key to mistakes.
47 The passage is mainly about __________
A how to learn B people who study C how to read D 0
English English in books, listen to
effectively. Vietnam. radio and watch
48 Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
In spite of __________
A In spite of his B In spite of having C In spite of having D In spite of good
earning a good a good salary, he earning a good salary, he was
salary, he was was unhappy in salary, he was unhappy in his
unhappy in his his job. unhappy in his job.
job. job.
49 Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car.
In spite __________
A In spite of have a B In spite of having C In spite having a D In spite of to
broken leg, he a broken leg, he broken leg, he have a broken
manged to get manged to get manged to get leg, he manged
out of the car. out of the car. out of the car. to get out of
the car.
50 Eight years ago we started writing to each other
We have __________.
A We have been B We have been C We have been D We have been
writing each other write to each writing to each written to each
for eight years. other for eight other for eight other for eight
years. years. years.

51 I haven’t seen that man here before.

It’s __________.
A It's the first time I B It's the first time I C It's the first time I D It's the first
seen that man have seen that saw that man time I see that
here. man here. here. man here.


52 She had a cold. She took some medicine.
A Because she had a B Because she had C Because she had D Because she
cold, she take a cold, she took a cold, she takes has a cold, she
some medicine. some medicine. some medicine. took some
53 Nga didn’t go to school. She was ill. (because)
A Nga went to B Nga didn’t went C Nga did go to D Nga didn’t go
school because to school school because to school
she was ill because she was she was ill because she
ill was ill

54 She went to bed early. She was tired last night. (because).
A She went to bed B She went to bed C She went to bed D She went to
early because of early because she early because she bed early
she was tired last tired last night. was tired of last because she
night. night. was tired last
55 We had the trip to Van Mieu. We will have an exam to university this year. (because )
A We had the trip to B We had the trip C We had the trip D We had the
Van Mieu because to Van Mieu to Van Mieu trip to Van
we will have no because we will because we will Mieu because
exams to have an exam to have a exam to we will be
university this university this university this exam to
year. year. year. university this


56 We are closed for staff training today.
A We can train you B We are not open C The shop is run D The shop won’t
to work here. today because of by a trained staff. open until
the staff training. tomorrow.
57 Although the weather was terrible, we had a good time.
A We had a good B We had a good C Despite of the D We didn’t have
time because of time in spite of terrible weather, a good time
the terrible the terrible we had a good because of the
weather. weather. time. terrible

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