This document describes an experiment to verify Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Thevenin's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a single voltage source in series with a resistance. To verify this theorem, the open circuit voltage and equivalent resistance are measured. Norton's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a current source in parallel with a resistance. To verify this, the short circuit current and equivalent resistance are measured. The experimental results are recorded and compared to theoretical values. Verifying both theorems, the document concludes they are applicable to the given network.
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This document describes an experiment to verify Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Thevenin's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a single voltage source in series with a resistance. To verify this theorem, the open circuit voltage and equivalent resistance are measured. Norton's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a current source in parallel with a resistance. To verify this, the short circuit current and equivalent resistance are measured. The experimental results are recorded and compared to theoretical values. Verifying both theorems, the document concludes they are applicable to the given network.
This document describes an experiment to verify Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Thevenin's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a single voltage source in series with a resistance. To verify this theorem, the open circuit voltage and equivalent resistance are measured. Norton's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a current source in parallel with a resistance. To verify this, the short circuit current and equivalent resistance are measured. The experimental results are recorded and compared to theoretical values. Verifying both theorems, the document concludes they are applicable to the given network.
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This document describes an experiment to verify Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Thevenin's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a single voltage source in series with a resistance. To verify this theorem, the open circuit voltage and equivalent resistance are measured. Norton's theorem states that any linear bilateral network can be reduced to a current source in parallel with a resistance. To verify this, the short circuit current and equivalent resistance are measured. The experimental results are recorded and compared to theoretical values. Verifying both theorems, the document concludes they are applicable to the given network.
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Circuit Diagrams : To find load current (I L ) :
To find Thevinins Resistance (R th ) :
To find Thevinins Voltage (V th ) To Iind Nortans Current (I N ) :
Aim: To VeriIy Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Apparatus: S.No. Apparatus Range Type Quantity 1 Ammeter (01) A MC 1 2 R.P.S (00V) DIGITAL 1 Rheostat 25O/5A Wire wound 1 4 Rheostat 18O/1.8A Wire wound 1 5 Rheostat 50O/ 5A Wire wound 1 6 Rheostat 100O/ 5A Wire wound 1 7 Voltmeter (00V) MC 1
1hevenin's theorem. Statement: Thevenin's theorem states that 'In any two terminal, linear, bilateral network having a number oI voltage, current sources and resistances can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting oI a single voltage source in series with a resistance, where the value oI the voltage source is equal to the open circuit voltage across the two terminals oI the network, and the resistance is the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals with all energy sources replaced by their internal resistances. !ROCEDURE: (a) To find V th
1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit. (Fig. 1) 2. Measure V oc between A and B terminals. (b) To find R th
1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit (Fig. 2) 2. Replace the voltage and current sources by open circuit and short circuit respectively and connect a voltage source and series with an ammeter between the terminals A&B . Note down the ammeter readings Ior diIIerent voltages. 4. Calculate R th V/I 5. Draw the thevenins equivalent circuit orton's theorem: Statement: Norton's theorem States that 'in any two terminal, linear, bilateral network with current sources, voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting oI a current source in parallel with a resistance. The value oI the current source is the short circuit current between the two terminals oI the network and the resistance is the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals oI the network with all the energy sources replaced by their internal resistances. !rocedure: (a) To find I N
1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit. (Fig. 1) 2. Measure the current I sc (or) I N through 'AB' by shortcircuiting the resistance between A and B. (b) To find R th
1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit (Fig.2) 2. Replace the voltage and current sources by open circuit and short circuit respectively and connect a voltage source and series with an ammeter between the terminals A&B . Note down the ammeter readings Ior diIIerent voltages. 4. Calculate R th V/I 5. Draw Norton's equivalent circuit.
TABULAR COLUMN !arameters Theoretical Values !ractical Values I L
RESULT : Hence Thevinin`s Theorem and Norton`s Theorems are veriIied Ior the given network.
VIVA VOCE: 1. State Thevinin`s theorem. 2. What are the limitations oI Thevinin`s theorem? . State Norton`s theorem.