Bee Lab Manual
Bee Lab Manual
Bee Lab Manual
AIM: To find the resonant frequency, quality factor, and band width of a series and parallel resonant circuit. Apparatus: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Apparatus Function generator Decade resistance box Decade inductance box Decade capacitance box Ammeter Range Type Quantity
Parallel resonance:
Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig.1 for series resonant circuit & fig.2 for parallel resonant circuit. 2. Set the voltage of the signal from function generator to 5V. 3. Vary the frequency of the signal from 100 Hz to 1KHz in steps and note down the corresponding ammeter readings. 4. Observe that the current first increases & then decreases in case of series resonant circuit & the value of frequency corresponding to maximum current is equal to resonant frequency. 5. Observe that the current first decreases & then increases in case of parallel resonant circuit & the value of frequency corresponding to minimum current is equal to resonant frequency. 6. Draw a graph between frequency and current & calculate the values of bandwidth & quality factor. MODEL GRAPHs:
Observation Table:Series Resonance S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Observation Table:Parallel Resonance Frequency (Hz) Current (mA) Frequency (Hz) Current (mA)
Aim: To design and analyze RL/RC first order network circuit with short, medium and long time constants.
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Output L
Fig (a)
R-C Network:
R =10K
10 P-P 1KHz
Fig (b)
Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in the fig. (a) 2. Apply the square wave input of 10V P-P at 1KHz 3. Observe the output at short, medium and long time constants by choosing appropriate inductance 4. Repeat the same procedure for RC network shown in fig. (b) by choosing appropriate capacitance. 5. Plot the wave forms for both RL and RC for all cases
Wave forms:
Circuit Diagram :
Procedure:Z Parameters 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig. 2. Open circuit port-2 (i.e I2 = 0 ) and measure V1,I2 and V2 and calculate Z11 & Z21 using the formulae
V1 I2 0 I1
Z 21
V2 I2 0 I1
3. To Measure Z12 and Z22, open circuit port-1 (i.e. I1=0) and measure V1, V2 and calculate Z12 & Z21 using the formulae
and I2
V1 I1 0 I2
Z 22
V2 I1 0 I2
Y Parameters 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig. 2. Short circuit port-2 (i.e V2 = 0 ) and measure V1, I1 & I2 and calculate Y11 & Y21 using the formulae
I1 V2 0 V1
I2 V2 0 V1
and I2
3. To Measure Y12 and Y22, short circuit port-1 (i.e. V1=0) and measure V2, I1 and calculate Y12 & Y22 using the formulae
I1 V1 0 V2
I2 V1 0 V2
Tabulation S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parameter Z11 Z12 Z21 Z22 Y11 Y12 Y21 Y22 Theoretical Value Practical Value
Circuit Diagram:
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Aim: To verify the Superposition theorem and Reciprocity theorem. Apparatus: S. No. 1 2 3 Apparatus Circuit board RPS Ammeter Range Type Quantity
SUPERPOSITION THEOREM: Statement: Superposition theorem states that "In any linear bilateral network containing two or more sources, the response in any element is equal to the algebraic sum of the responses caused by individual sources acting alone, while the other sources are non-operative i.e., while considering the effect of individual sources, other ideal voltage sources and ideal current sources in the network are replaced by short circuit and open circuit across their terminals.
Procedure: 1. Make the connections as shown in fig.1 and measure the current 'I'. 2. Short circuit E2 (assuming the internal resistance of E2 source to be zero) as shown in fig.2 and note down the current I1 when only E1 is acting. 3. Short circuit E1 (assuming the internal resistance of E1 source to be zero) as shown in fig. 3 and note down the current I2 when only E2 is acting. 4. By superposition theorem I = I1+I2.
Statement: Reciprocity theorem states that In any linear, bilateral, single source network the ratio of excitation to response is constant even when their positions are interchanged. Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig. 1. 2. Measure the current 'I in the branch CD. 3. Interchange voltage source and response as shown in fig.2 and note down current in the branch AB. 4. Observe that the current is same in both the branches AB in Fig. 2 and CD in Fig. 1. the
Tabular column: Parameters Before interchange After Interchange V I V/I V I1 V/I1 Theoretical Values Practical Values
Given Circuit:
A Given Circuit B
Practical Circuit:
Given Circuit
P in Watt s
For AC Circuit:
Aim:- To verify the maximum power transfer theorem for DC & AC circuits. Apparatus: S. No. 1 2 3 4 Statement: DC Circuit: The maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is delivered from a source resistance to a load resistance when the load resistance is equal to source resistance. Rs = RL is the condition required for maximum power transfer. AC Circuit: a. The maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is delivered from a source impedance to load impedance when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance. b. The maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is delivered from a source impedance to load resistance when the load resistance is equal to the magnitude of the source impedance. Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit shown in fig.1 2. Vary the load resistance in steps and note down voltage across the load and current flowing through the circuit. 3. Calculate power delivered to the load by using formula P=V X l 4. Draw the graph between resistance and power (resistance on X- axis and power on Yaxis). 5. Verify the maximum power is delivered to the load when RL = Rs for DC * and RL = Zs for AC. Apparatus Ammeter Voltmeter Variable Resistor R.P.S Range Type Quantity
Given Network
B Fig. (1)
Voltage & current sources are to be replaced by open ckt and short ckt respectively
Fig (2)
S.No. 1 2 3
Thevenin's theorem. Statement: - Thevenin's theorem states that in any two terminal, linear, bilateral network having a number of voltage, current sources and resistances can be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source in series with a resistance, where the value of the voltage source is equal to the open circuit voltage across the two terminals of the network, and the resistance is the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals with all energy sources replaced by their internal resistances.
1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit. (Fig. 1) 2. Measure Voc between A and B terminals. (b) To find Rth 1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit (Fig. 2) 2. Replace the voltage and current sources by open circuit and short circuit respectively and connect a voltage source and series with an ammeter between the terminals A&B 3. Note down the ammeter readings for different voltages. 4. Calculate Rth = V/I 5. Draw the thevenins equivalent circuit
Theoretical calculations
Given Network
Theoretical Calculations
Given Network
Voltage & current sources are to be replaced by open ckt and short ckt respectively
Norton's theorem:
Statement: Norton's theorem States that in any two terminal, linear, bilateral network with current sources, voltage sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source in parallel with a resistance. The value of the current source is the short circuit current between the two terminals of the network and the resistance is the equivalent resistance measured between the terminals of the network with all the energy sources replaced by their internal resistances. Procedure: (a) To find IN 1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit. (Fig. 1) 2. Measure the current Isc (or) IN through 'AB' by short-circuiting the resistance between A and B. (b) To find Rth 1. Connect the circuit as per the practical circuit (Fig.2) 2. Replace the voltage and current sources by open circuit and short circuit respectively and connect a voltage source and series with an ammeter between the terminals A&B 3. Note down the ammeter readings for different voltages. 4. Calculate Rth = V/I 5. Draw Norton's equivalent circuit.
Theoretical Values
Practical Values
Circuit Diagram:
Model Graph:
Aim: To find critical field resistance of a separately excited DC generator from its open circuit characteristic. Apparatus Required: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Precautions: a) Motor field rheostat must be kept in minimum resistance position. b) Potential divider must be kept in minimum potential position. c) Starter arm must be in OFF position. Procedure: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 2) Observing the precautions close the DPST Switch and switch ON 220V DC supply. 3) Start the Motor-Generator set with the help of starter. 4) Adjust the speed of motor to a fixed value by adjusting field rheostat and maintain the speed constant throughout the experiment. 5) Increase the excitation of the generator in steps by adjusting the potential divider and note down the corresponding voltmeter readings. 6) Take the readings up to a value little higher than the rated voltage of the generator. 7) Again decrease the excitation in the same steps till field current is zero by adjusting the potential divider noting down the corresponding voltmeter readings. 8) Observing the precautions switch OFF the supply. Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostat Name of the Equipment Range Type Quantity
Tabulation: Speed of the Generator: S. No. If (A) Eg (V) (Increasing) r.p.m. Eg (V) (Decreasing)
fig. (b) Name Plate Details: Voltage : Current : Speed : Field Current : Model Graph:
Aim: To pre-determine the efficiency of a DC shunt machine when run both as generator and motor. Apparatus Required: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Precautions: d) Field rheostat must be kept in minimum resistance position. e) Armature rheostat must be kept in maximum resistance position. Procedure: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 2) Observing the precautions close the DPST Switch and switch ON 220V DC supply. 3) Start the Motor with the help of starter keeping the switch S connected across the ammeter closed. 4) Adjust the speed of motor to its rated value by adjusting field and/or armature rheostats. 5) Now open the switch S and note all the meter readings. 6) Observing the precautions switch OFF the supply. To find the armature and series field resistance: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram (fig.(b)) 2) Keeping the rheostat in its maximum resistance position close the DPST Switch and switch ON 220V DC supply. 3) By adjusting the rheostat for different values of current note down the meter readings. 4) Observing the precautions switch OFF the supply. Name of the Equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostat Range Type Quantity
Tabulation: For Swinburnes Test: Speed of the motor: S. NO. Supply voltage (Volts) r.p.m. Line current IL (amps) Shunt current If (amps)
Average Ra Machine when run as Motor: S. No. Voltage (V) IL (A) If (A) Ia (A) I.P (W) Wcu (W) WT (W) O.P (W) = 0.P / I.P (%)
Machine when run as Generator: S. No. Voltage (V) IL (A) If (A) Ia (A) O.P (W) Wcu (W) WT (W) I.P (W) = 0.P / I.P (%)
Model Calculation: IL = ; If = =
Ia = IL - If
Constant Loss, WC = V IL - Ia Ra
IL =
; If = =
Ia = IL - If
Input = V IL = CU Loss, WCU = Ia Ra = Total Loss, WT = WC + WCU = Output = Input - WT = Efficiency, = 0.P / I.P =
; IL = =
; If =
Ia = IL + If
Output = V IL = CU Loss, WCU = Ia Ra = Total Loss, WT = WC + WCU = Input = Output + WT = Efficiency, = 0.P / I.P =
Circuit Diagram:
Field Current :
Model Graph:
Aim: To obtain the performance characteristics of DC shunt motor by direct loading. Apparatus Required: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Equipment Range Type Quantity
Precautions: f) Motor field rheostat must be kept in minimum resistance position. g) Starter arm must be in OFF position.
Procedure: To conduct Load Test: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram. 2) Observing the precautions close the DPST Switch and switch ON 220V DC supply. 3) Start the motor with the help of starter. 4) Now load the motor in steps to its full-load and note down all the meter readings. 5) Observing the precautions switch OFF the supply.
Tabulation: For Load Test: Radius of Brake Drum: S. No. VL (V) IL (A) Speed (r.p.m.) S1 Spring Balance readings (Kgs) S2 S1 S2 Torque (N-m) I.P (KW) O.P (KW) 0.P / I.P (%)
Model Calculations:
Torque, T =
Input = V I =
Output = (2 N T) / 60
Aim: (a) To predetermine the efficiency and regulation of Single Phase Transformer by conducting no-load test and short circuit test. (b) To draw the equivalent circuit of single phase transformer referred to LV side as well as HV side. Apparatus Required:
S. No. 1. 2.
Precautions: a) There should not be loose and wrong connections in the circuit b) Single phase auto transformer should be in minimum output voltage position c) Before making or breaking the circuit, supply must be switched OFF
Procedure: 1) Connect the circuit for O.C. test as per the circuit diagram. 2) Keep the variac in minimum output voltage position and switch ON the supply. 3) Apply the rated voltage to the transformer by properly adjusting the variac. 4) Note down the readings of various meters and switch OFF the supply. 5) Connect the circuit for SC test as per the circuit diagram, with appropriate ranges of meters. 6) Keep the variac in minimum output voltage position and switch on the supply. 7) Apply proper voltage (low voltage) to the transformer by adjusting the variac such that rated current flows through the transformer. 8) Note down the readings of various meters and switch OFF the supply.
Where M. F. = Multiplication factor = FSD Full scale divisions SC Test Observations S VSC (V) ISC (A) WSC = W x M.F (w)
VI cos FSD
(a)Calculation of Equivalent circuit parameters: Let the transformer be the step-up transformer Primary is L. V. side.(V1) , Secondary is H. V. side (V2) (i) Parameters calculation from OC test
cos 0 =
Wo = Vo I o
= = = =
1 Iw Iw / K
Iw = I0 cos 0
V1 Iw
1 R0 R0
K2 =
I = I0 sin 0
1 I I / K
V1 I
1 X0 X0
K2 =
V2 V1
WSC I sc
Z 02
X 02 Z 02 R02
X 01 X 02 / K 2 R01 R02 / K 2
= = =
Z 01 Z 02 / K 2
Tabulation: (a) Efficiency at different loads and P.fs cos 1 = ___________ cos 2 = ___________
Cu.loss (W)
Output Input
(W) (W)
Cu.loss (W)
Output (W)
Input (W)
Lagging Pf S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. P.F. 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Unity % Reg. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
(b) Calculations to find efficiency: For full load Cupper losses = Wsc x (1/2)2 watts = where Wsc = full load copper losses Constant losses = W0 watts = Output = KVA x cos = [cos may be assumed]
% efficiency
I2 = Load (KVA) X 10 / V2 =
% Re gulation
Circuit Diagram:
3 IM
Spring Balance
Brake Drum
Frequency =
AIM: To conduct brake test on the given 3 phase induction motor and to plot its performance characteristics. Apparatus Required:
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Precautions: d) There should not be loose and wrong connections in the circuit e) Three phase auto transformer should be in minimum output voltage position f) Initially there should be no load on the motor g) Apply water into brake drum during operation to control the heat of the brake drum. h) Before making or breaking the circuit, supply must be switched OFF.
Procedure: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. 2. Observing precautions, close the TPST switch. 3. Apply the rated voltage to the stator windings of 3 induction motor with the help of 3-phase auto transformer. 4. Note down the readings of all meters on no-load. 5. Load the induction motor in steps using the brake-drum arrangement. At each step note down the readings of all meters up to full load of the motor. 6. Gradually release the load and switch OFF the supply. 7. Using thread, measure the circumference of the brake-drum when motor is at rest.
S. No.
Voltage V (volts)
Current I (Amps)
Speed N (rpm)
Power factor
Torque N-m
Output Watts
Model calculations: S. No.: Input power drawn by the motor W = (W1 + W2) watts = R Radius of drum in meters = (Circumference of brake drum in mtrs) / 2 =
2 N Tsh watts 60
% efficiency
120 x f p
% slip
Ns N x 100 Ns
W 3 VL I L
Circuit Diagram:
Parameter Power Voltage Current Speed type Excitation Voltage Excitation Current P.F.
DC Motor
AIM: To pre-determine the regulation of a given three-phase alternator by conducting O. C. and S. C. tests by synchronous Impedance method (EMF method)
Apparatus Required:
S.No. 1.
Equipment Tachometer
4. 5.
Rectifier Rheostat
PROCEDURE: 1. OC test: (i) (ii) Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram for OC & SC test. With the rectifier in the zero voltage position, TPST switch open and the rheostats in their proper positions, the d.c. supply to the motor is switched ON. (iii) The dc motor is brought to rated speed of the alternator by properly varying the field rheostat of motor. (iv) Now, the alternator field is excited by applying the dc voltage through the rectifier in steps. At each step, note down the field current and the corresponding generated voltage. This procedure is repeated till the voltage generated is much beyond rated value. (v) Reduce the alternator field excitation to zero level.
O. C. Test Speed =
S.No. Field current (A) Phase voltage (V)
SC test (i) (ii) with the rectifier in the minimum voltage position, the TPST switch is closed. Increase field excitation gradually till the S.C. current of the alternator reaches the rated current of alternator. (iii) Note down all the meter readings.
b) Armature Resistance:
I (A)
V (volts)
Rdc = V/I
2 2 ZS Ra
Assume p.f. (Cos) = Assume armature current (Ia) = Generated emf of alternator on no load is
v cos
I a Ra 2 v sin I a X S =
+ for lagging p.f. - for leading p.f. The percentage regulation of alternator for a given p.f. is
% Re g
E0 V x 100 = V
E0 Generated emf of alternator per phase voltage V Full load, rated terminal voltage per phase.