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9 Class

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Term 4

Unit 9
"The School:
work "
Date: Teacher’s name:
Grade 9 er Number absent:
Theme presen
of the Phobias.
lesson: 9.L1 understand a sequence of supported
classroom instructions
9.C2 use speaking and listening skills to
provide sensitive feedback to peers
9.S1 provide basic information about
themselves and others at sentence level on
an increasing range of general topics
9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
9.R7 recognise typical features at word,
sentence and text level in a limited range
of written genres

All learners will be able to:

Lesso  Understand a discussion about phobias.
n Most learners will be able to:
object  To understand dictionary entries.
Some learners will be able to:
 Complete a personal profile.
Pla Marks
nne Teacher’s Pupil’s Resour
d activities activities ces
Beg The lesson
inni greeting.
ng The teacher
the sets the lesson Students
less objectives, respond Formati
on letting students to ve
7mi know what to greeting assessm
n anticipate from ent is Presenta
the lesson Ss held tion
.With books answer through
closed, write the observat
the word questions ion/moni
phobia on the toring.
board and
elicit its
meaning. If
explain that a
phobia is a
fear of
• Elicit
examples of
phobias from
the class and
find out if
anyone suffers
from a phobia.

Mai Students
n New Theme think Formati Presenta
Acti Ask students critically, ve tion
vitie some question exploring assessm
s about new , ent is
30m theme. developi held
in ng, through
Ex.1 p.108. evaluatin observat
Read the g and ion/moni
instructions making toring.
together and choices
check that about
everyone their own Comme
understands and nts
abbreviation others’ Ex1 English
ideas answers plus 9
Ex.2 p.108. A :
Match them learner: verb – v;
with a–c. What  select somebod
are two s an y – sb;
adjective appropri adjective
suffixes? ate – adj;
• Ask answer. noun – n
volunteers to  comp Definitio
read out the letes the ns: a
three example task. sudden
sentences in  uses feeling
the dictionary appropri of fear,
entry. ate to make
• Check that subject- sb
everyone specific afraid,
understands vocabula afraid,
what a suffix ry while causing
is, and speaking fear
elicit the two .
adjective Ex3
suffixes -ed answers
and -ing. Draw :
students’ a3b1c
Ex.3p.108. attention 2
Make sure to the All
everyone about me
understands … profile 1terrifies
that the words and 2
in the box are ask them worried
verbs. Students to look at 3
must convert the horrifyin
them to photos. g4
adjectives. Elicit astonish
Elicit how they what they ed
will do this (by show (a 5
adding plane, a fascinati
suffixes). spider, a ng 6
• Students snake, a shocks 7
complete the high cliff embarra
adjective ). ssing 8
columns. • Tell interesti
Allow them to students ng
work in pairs they are 9
to look up the going to relaxed
noun forms in listen to a 10
a dictionary. radio annoyin
Remind them program g
to use the me
abbreviations about
to help them phobias.
use the Ask them
dictionary to
entries. prepare
Ex7. Work in by
pairs. deciding
• Ask
to listen
for which
of the
things in
Giving the
Ss give feedback
express their They get their hometask
attitude to the
lesson and
give self-
using the
method: “Six
thinking hats”:
•Green: How
can you use
learning in
•Red: How do
you feel about
your work
•White: What
have you leant
•Blue: How
much progress
have you made
in this lesson?
(Now I can, I
still need to
work on, I've
improved in,
Today I
learnt... )
Term 4
Unit 9
Date: Teacher’s name:
Grade 9 er Number absent:
Theme presen
of the Reacting to news and sympathizing
lesson: 9.L6 deduce meaning from context in
ing unsupported extended talk on a wide range
object of general and curricular topics, including talk
ives(s) on a limited range of unfamiliar
that topics
this 9.L8 recognise inconsistencies in argument in
lesson extended talk on a range of general
is and curricular subjects
contri 9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent
buting argument when speaking or writing
All learners will be able to:
 Listen to a conversation in which
someone reacts to news
Lesso and sympathizes.
Most learners will be able to:
ives  Practise reacting to new and
sympathizing with someone.
Some learners will be able to:
 Practise listening for detail.
Pla Marks
nne Teacher’s Pupil’s Resour
d activities activities ces
Beg The lesson
inni greeting.
ng The teacher
the sets the lesson Students
less objectives, respond to Format
on letting students greeting ive
7mi know what to assess
n anticipate from Ss answer ment is Presenta
the lesson the held tion
Warm-up questions throug
With books h
closed, write observ
on the board: ation/
A problem monito
shared is a ring.
halved. Tell
students this is
an English
proverb and
ask them what
they think it
• Ask students
who they talk
to when they
are feeling
or worried.
Mai Students
n New Theme think Format Presenta
Acti critically, ive tion
vitie Ex.1 p.110. exploring, assess
s Focus on the developing ment is
30m photo. Ask: , held
in What are evaluating throug
Marie and and h
Dean doing? making observ
How do you choices ation/
think Marie is about their monito
feeling? Elicit own and ring.
that they are others’
chatting and ideas
Marie doesn’t A learner: Comm English
look very  selects ents plus 9
happy. an Ex1
appropriat answe
Ex.3 p.110. e answer. rs:
Remind  comple B
students to tes the
listen carefully task. Ex3
to the  uses answe
intonation of appropriat rs:
the key e subject- 1 look
phrases, and to specific 2 hear
try to convey vocabular 3 end
the same y while 4 badly
emotion when speaking. 5 this
they practise 6 up
the dialogue.
Optional Draw Exerci
activity: students’ se 4
Communicatio attention to Answe
n : Ask the All rs
students to about me 1
work … profile weren’
individually and t
and think of ask them 2
another to look at won’t
situation the photos. 3 have
which might Elicit what been
make them they show 4
unhappy. (a stayed
Ask two plane, a 5
students to tellspider, a would
the class their snake, a n’t
situation and high cliff ).
elicit • Ask
some positive students to
aspects from listen for
the class. which of
the things
Exercise 4 in the
• Allow photos
students time are
to read the mentioned.
• Play the CD
twice if

Giving the
Ss give feedback
End Students
ing express their They get their hometask
the attitude to the
less lesson and
on give self-
(3- assessment
Term 4
Unit 9
Date: Teacher’s name:
Grade 9 er Number absent:
Theme presen
Language Focus. Defining and non –
of the defining relative clauses.
lesson: 9.L2 understand specific information in
unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a limited range of
unfamiliar topics
9.L3 understand the detail of an argument in
unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a limited range of
unfamiliar topics
9.UE17 use if / if only in third conditional
All learners will be able to:
 Learn about defining and non-defining
relative clauses.
Lesso Most learners will be able to:
n  Practise using defining and non-
object defining relative clauses.
ives .
Some learners will be able to:
 Make notes rather than writing their
answers in full.
Pla Marks
nne Teacher’s ’s Resour
d activities activi ces
timi ties
Beg The lesson
inni greeting.
ng The teacher
the sets the lesson Stude
less objectives, nts Formative
on letting students respo assessment
7mi know what to nd to is held
n anticipate from greeti through Presenta
the lesson ng observation tion
• With books /monitoring
closed, write Ss .
on the board: answe
What do you r the
remember questi
about the man? ons
Ask students
whether they
know which
man you are
talking about.

Mai Stude
n New Theme nts Formative Presenta
Acti Rules: think assessment tion
vitie Relative critica is held
s pronouns lly, through
30m introduce explor observation
in relative ing, /monitoring
clauses. The devel .
most common oping,
relative evalua
pronouns are ting Comments
who, whom, and Ex1
whose, which, makin answers:
that. The g 1 Sentences
relative choice 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, English
pronoun we s 9, 10 plus 9
use depends on about 2 Sentences
what we are their 3, 8
referring to own 3 Sentence
and the type of and 7
relative clause. others 4 Sentence
’ ideas 2
Ex.1 p.109. A
Put students learne
into pairs to r: Ex2
study the rules  sel answers:
and find ects 2 where
examples in an many high-
the text on appro tech
page 10 priate companies
answ are located.
Ex.2 p.109. er. 3 which
Talk through  co helps you
the example, mplet generate
drawing es the and
attention to the task. remember
photo.  us passwords?
Establish that es 4 where I
the sentence is appro can buy
about a man, priate smartphone
and elicit the subje screens?
relative ct- 5 who fixed
pronouns that specif my hard
can be used in ic drive
the relative vocab problem.
clause ulary 6 (which) I
(who or that). while do far too
speak much of
Ex.4p.109. ing. 7 whose
Draw students’ software I
attention to the often use.
subheading. • Ask
Point out that studen Ex4
they have just ts to answers:
learnt about listen 1 who is
defining for from
relative which London
clauses, and of the University
now they are things 2 who’ve
going to learn in the had similar
about non- photo problems
defining s 3 where
relative are there are a
clauses. Ask menti lot of
them to think oned. people
about what the 4 where I
difference had a
might be. meeting
Allow them to 5 whose job
compare ideas includes
in pairs. travelling
• Check Rules: a 2,
answers and 3 b 1, 4, 5
ask students to
explain the
clauses in their
own words.
End Giving the
ing hometask.
the Ss give feedback
less Rounding up:
on ask They get their hometask
(3- SS: what did
4mi you learn
n) today? What
can you do
now? And
elicit answers:
I can make
sentences with
information. I
know how to
make non-

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