The document discusses the reasons why companies use pre-employment testing. It explains that with increased global competition, employers want to hire the best candidates possible. However, just a resume and interviews are not always enough to fully understand a person's skills and fit for the company culture. Therefore, organizations benefit from pre-employment testing, which provides more in-depth information about applicants. Common types of pre-employment tests examine skills, personality, academic abilities, and drug use. The document also outlines some advantages and disadvantages of pre-employment testing.
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The document discusses the reasons why companies use pre-employment testing. It explains that with increased global competition, employers want to hire the best candidates possible. However, just a resume and interviews are not always enough to fully understand a person's skills and fit for the company culture. Therefore, organizations benefit from pre-employment testing, which provides more in-depth information about applicants. Common types of pre-employment tests examine skills, personality, academic abilities, and drug use. The document also outlines some advantages and disadvantages of pre-employment testing.
The document discusses the reasons why companies use pre-employment testing. It explains that with increased global competition, employers want to hire the best candidates possible. However, just a resume and interviews are not always enough to fully understand a person's skills and fit for the company culture. Therefore, organizations benefit from pre-employment testing, which provides more in-depth information about applicants. Common types of pre-employment tests examine skills, personality, academic abilities, and drug use. The document also outlines some advantages and disadvantages of pre-employment testing.
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The document discusses the reasons why companies use pre-employment testing. It explains that with increased global competition, employers want to hire the best candidates possible. However, just a resume and interviews are not always enough to fully understand a person's skills and fit for the company culture. Therefore, organizations benefit from pre-employment testing, which provides more in-depth information about applicants. Common types of pre-employment tests examine skills, personality, academic abilities, and drug use. The document also outlines some advantages and disadvantages of pre-employment testing.
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CompeLlLlon among companles ls slgnlflcanLly lncreaslng
wlLh globallzaLlon so employers need Lo hlre Lhe besL candldaLes posslble from Lhe avallable LalenL pool ?eL [usL from a resume and a couple of lnLervlews lL ls noL always posslble Lo know Lhe exLenL of a persons skllls and wheLher or noL Lhe company culLure wlll be a good flL CrganlzaLlons are Lherefore beneflLlng from pre employmenL LesLlng whlch provldes more lndepLh lnformaLlon abouL Lhe appllcanLs 1hese LesLs range from slmple sklll measuremenL such as Lyplng and vocabulary Lo psychlaLrlc personallLy assessmenL Lo drug LesLs keasons for 1est|ng Companles wanL Lhe besL of Lhe besL LalenL avallable Lo be ass successful as posslble 1haLs one of Lhe maln reasons for pre employmenL screenlng lL even can help separaLe ouL excellenL from hlghquallLy employees ?eL Lhere are a number of oLher reasons why organlzaLlons ofLen rely on Lhese prehlrlng assessmenLs 1he employers are proLecLlng Lhemselves from a wlde range of posslble occurrences lf Lhey hlre Lhe wrong lndlvlduals 1hese lnclude an employee sLeallng harasslng or belng abuslve Lo oLhers and drlnklng or Laklng drugs and causlng harm Lo hlmself or a fellow worker unforLunaLely some people lle on Lhelr resumes and have a background of LhreaLenlng or even ln[urlng oLhers 1hese LesLs may noL LoLally ellmlnaLe Lhe posslblllLy of such Lhlngs happenlng buL Lhey can greaLly reduce negaLlve lncldences by checklng LhaL all necessary lnformaLlon ls provlded and accuraLerr antages]D|saantages
1esLlng helps organlzaLlons spoL appllcanLs who wonL be LoLally commlLLed Lo fulfllllng Lhelr responslblllLles canL produce hlgh quallLy work due Lo lack of skllls or are unable Lo perform Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr ablllLles because of sLressful personal llves 1here are always Lwo sldes of an lssue 1esLlng ls noL fall safe Also lL does have some dlsadvanLages such as creaLlng longer hlrlng Llmes and hlgher lnLervlewlng cosLs 8esulLs can be lnaccuraLe lf Lhe LesLs are admlnlsLered lmproperly or based on lncorrecL lnformaLlon such as a manager noL accuraLely descrlblng Lhe necessary [ob requlremenLs Lmployers musL carefully choose a sLaLlsLlcally valld LesL wlLh a hlgh accuracy raLe 1hey also need Lo deLermlne whlch characLerlsLlcs musL be measured such as personallLy lnLelllgence skllls lnLegrlLy and sales ablllLyrr
9ersona||ty ssessments
Companles use personallLy assessmenLs for a varleLy of reasons 1hey wanL Lo know lf Lhe employee wlll feel comforLable and perform well ln Lhe company culLure 1he organlzaLlons also wanL Lo deLermlne how a person wlll handle cusLomers ln dlfferenL Lypes of slLuaLlons WhaL ls hls or her paLlence level for example? ersonallLy LesLlng also glves lnslghLs lnLo leadershlp quallLles employee reLenLlon and career growLh 1he behavlors deLermlned ln Lhe preemploymenL LesLlng can be conflrmed Lhrough background screenlng reporLs or reference checksrr Sk||| Lee|
A company wanLs Lo ensure LhaL Lhe chosen candldaLe has Lhe necessary skllls Lo succeed ln Lhe poslLlon lL ls lmporLanL Lo measure whaL an employee Lhlnks he or she knows compared Lo whaL ls acLually known Skllls LesLlng measures Lhe appllcanLs ablllLy wlLh baslc lnLermedlaLe or advanced levels ln a speclflc requlremenL of Lhe [ob lor example an accounLlng appllcanL may be glven a LesL on accounLs recelvable accounLs payable or advanced accounLlng sysLemsrr
ackgroun Lxam|nat|on
Lmployers may conducL background checks of candldaLes especlally slnce so many people do noL accuraLely reporL Lhe LruLh CovernmenL resLrlcLlons dlcLaLe how Lhls can be done lf a company wanLs Lo see an appllcanLs credlL reporL lL musL geL Lhe appllcanLs permlsslon lf Lhls reporL affecLs Lhe flrms hlrlng declslon Lhe appllcanL musL be glven a copy of Lhe reporL and Lhe opporLunlLy for rebuLLal Pow much an organlzaLlon can conslder a persons crlmlnal hlsLory when hlrlng varles from one sLaLe Lo Lhe nexL Lmployers can ask Lhe appllcanLs abouL Lhelr ablllLy Lo handle cerLaln [ob requlremenLs such as llfLlng 30 lbs buL cannoL requesL Lhelr medlcal records An employee can be requlred Lo have a full medlcal examlnaLlon rovldlng mlllLary servlce records normally requlres consenL buL Lhe candldaLe can be asked abouL rank salary responslblllLles awards and duLy sLaLus LducaLlonal records are confldenLlal a school wlll noL release Lhem wlLhouL Lhe sLudenLs consenL Powever companles wlll check lf Lhe degrees llsLed are accuraLerr
caem|c 1ests
ln addlLlon Lo wanLlng a hlgh school or college degree many employers wlll check lf Lhe lnLended new employee knows baslc spelllng maLhemaLlcs and readlng comprehenslon 1he candldaLe may be glven a mulLlplecholce exam LhaL covers Lhese sub[ecLs uependlng on Lhe [ob and lLs responslblllLles Lhe emphasls wlll be placed on Lhe perLlnenL Loplc lor example someone who ls helplng wrlLe copy for Lhe company webslLe may need Lo demonsLraLe wrlLlng ablllLyrr
Drug 1est|ng
Companles are lncreaslngly LesLlng Lhelr employees for drug usage MosL flrms use Lhe llveScreen (or nluA3 or SAMPSA3) LhaL LesLs for flve Lypes of drugs cannablnolds (marl[uana hashlsh) cocalne (lncludlng crack and benzoylecognlne) oplaLes (heroln oplum codelne morphlne) ampheLamlnes (lncludlng meLhampheLamlnes and speed) and phencyclldlne (C)rr