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I- Objectives
At the end of 50 minutes discussion, the pupils are expected to achieve the
following with at least 85% level of accuracy.
a. Identify the major organs of the digestive system.
b. Explain the functions of the major organs of the digestive system.
c. Show cooperation during class discussion and group activities.

II- Subject Matter

Topic: Digestive System
Reference: Science for Active Learning, Health and Wellness, www.google.com
Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures and Pilot pen
Integration within the Curriculum: Science 6 (Explain how the organs of each organ system
work together) Code: S6LT-IIab-1
Integration across the Curriculum: Math 2 (counting numbers by 10s and 50s)
Code: M2NS - Ib -8.2
Health 2 (describes ways of caring for the mouth/teeth)
Code: H2PH -IIfh - 7

III- Procedure

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

A. Engagement

1. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

2. Prayer
Everybody stand we will have the prayer first
before we will start, who can lead the prayer? - Me teacher…….
You may now start. (Learners will pray together)
So, we are done praying you may now take your sit. - Thank you teacher

3. Setting of Standards
Before we will start with our new lesson this
morning, what can you see on the board? - Pictures teacher
Pictures of what class? - Pictures of eyes, ears, and mouth
Very Good! So, eyes on the board when I’m talking
Infront, keep quiet don’t be noisy inside the class and
listen carefully. Clear?
- Yes teacher
4. Review
Let’s start, who can tell me what lesson we’ve - About the Integumentary System teacher
tackled yesterday?
What can you remember about the integumentary - About the skin teacher, it protects the
system? body organ from the heat of the sun and
from many bacterias.
What else can you remember about the digestive - There are 3 main layers of the skin, the
system? epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis.

Very Good! When we say epidermis it is the

outermost layer of the skin, dermis the innermost
layer of the skin and beneath the dermis is where we
can find the hypodermis.

5. Motivation
I have here two pictures class, what can you say - The boy eating watermelon
about the first picture?
What about the second picture class? - The girl is also eating watermelon

Class is food important? - Yes Teacher

Why? - Because we can’t survive without foods

Very Good! People can’t survive without foods to eat
same also with the animals they can’t survive without
Why do you think we can eat foods? Where do our
foods go after eating them? Today we will learn how
food digest in our stomach. You will learn about the
digestive system.

Class this is our incentive chart we will use this in our

B. Exploration

Now everybody listen, I will group you into three because

we will have an activity. Here are the instructions:

1. Watch and listen to the video carefully
2. Identify the different organs of the digestive
3. Explain the function of each organ of the digestive
4. Choose a leader to report your output.

Whose group got many correct answers after the activity

will have a prize from me. Clear? - Yes Teacher
By the way class in doing your activity what should you - Keep quiet, cooperate and
do? participate teacher.
Very Good! You may now start. I’ll give you 10 minutes to
finish your work and your time starts now.

Group 1. (Graphic Organizer)

Word Map


Group 2

Concept Table

Parts of Digestive System Functions

Group 3 (Diagram)


1. What is digestion?
2. What are the parts of digestive system?
3. What are the three segments of the small
4. What happen to the undigested food?
5. Why is digestion important?

C. Explanation
(The presentation of output is being done here
the teacher will also correct the misconception of
the learners.)

Class when you here about the word digestion what

comes into your mind? Anybody from the class?

When we say digestion, this is the process of breaking

down foods into pieces so that it can be used by our
body. Digestion is really important because our body
needs nutrients from food to work properly and stay
healthy. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins
and water are nutrients. Without digestion we can’t eat
foods and we can’t also drink which is really important
for us to have energy every day through the help of our
digestive system the topic that we are going to discuss - Mouth teacher
this morning. - Mouth is the beginning of the
digestive tract and digestion starts
A while ago you have an activity about the major organs here.
of the digestive system who can tell me what is the first
major organ?
- Salivary Glands teacher
Very Good! What is Mouth?

Very Good! So, Mouth is also responsible in breaking the

food into pieces so that it can be easily digested.
What is the next organ?
Salivary glands responsible in producing more saliva.
With the help of saliva that moisten the food so that it - Pharynx teacher
can easily break down into pieces. When we smell food,
it triggers the salivary gland to produce more saliva inside
our mouth.
- Esophagus is responsible in
Next organ is what? delivering food down to our
Okay! Pharynx is responsible in receiving food from our stomach.
mouth before the food reaches the esophagus which is
the next major organ. Anybody from the class who can
tell me what is the function of the esophagus inside the
digestive system?

Very Good! Before the food reaches down to our

stomach esophagus is responsible in delivering them
down tour stomach.

Let’s proceed to the next major organ which is the

stomach. Stomach serves as a container because it holds - Liver teacher
the food while it is being mixed with enzymes that
continue the process of breaking down food into usable
form. After stomach what is the next organ class?

Liver its main function within the digestive system is to

process the nutrients absorbed from the small intestine.

Next organ we have the Gallbladder, the function of the

gallbladder inside the digestive system is store and
concentrate bile and then releases it to the duodenum to
help absorb and digest fats. After the gallbladder the
next major organ is the pancreas. Pancreas secretes the
digestive enzymes into the duodenum the first part of the
small intestine which is the next organ. Small intestine is
responsible in breaking down food using enzymes
released by the pancreas and bile from the liver. - Duodenum, Jejunum and the ileum

There are three parts of the small intestine, what are

those three parts class?

Let’s proceed to the next major organ which is the large

intestine. Large intestine is responsible in processing
waste so that emptying of bowels is easy and convenient.
Then the undigested food will go to the large intestine
through muscle contraction, the feces will go down to the
rectum the next major organ and that’s the time brain - Yes teacher
receives message from the rectum that there is stool.
Then the last organ is the anus is where the feces pass.

That’s the end of our discussion, did you understand

class? - Yes teacher

Okay! I’ll ask you some questions if you really

understand. How many organs does our digestive system
Can you count them?
- Because every organs is working
Everybody let’s count the number of organs that our together in breaking down the
digestive system has. foods into pieces so that it can be
used by our body.
Why our digestive system is important?
- Our body can’t absorb the nutrients
that are really important for our
body to stay healthy and work
What would likely happen if our food will not digest?

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