ch04 Student
ch04 Student
ch04 Student
(a + b) × c = c × (a + b)
Axiom 5 commutativity of ×
so (a + b) × c = c × (a + b) = (c × a) + (c × b)
Axiom 9 left distributive law ;
but (c × a) = (a × c) and (c × b) = (b × c)
Axiom 5 commutativity of ×;
so (a + b) × c = c × (a + b) = (a × c) + (b × c) = ac + bc.
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.2.1 Using only the definitions and axioms given above, prove
that, for all natural numbers s, x, t,
if s > x and x > t then s > t.
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.2.3 Use the result of the preceding exercise, and Axiom 10, to
prove that if m + x = n + x for some natural numbers m, n, x, then
m = n.
Discussion Recall that Axiom 10 (from Section 4.2) states that, if
m, n ∈ N then exactly one of the following three statements is true:
m < n, m = n, n<m
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.3.1 Use the method of proof by induction to show that, for all
n ∈ N, n2 + n is an even number. (Another proof was given in
Section 1.5.)
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.4.2 Use the method of induction to show that the following state-
ment is true for all natural numbers n:
Pn 1
r=1 r(r + 2)(r + 4) = 4 n(n + 1)(n + 4)(n + 5).
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Discussion This is useful practice: trying the first few values is very
often (though not always!) a useful way of getting a ‘feel’ for the
patterns involved in recursive definitions.
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.5.2 Write down formulae for the numbers un defined by the fol-
lowing equations.
(i) u1 = 1, un+1 = un + 3 (n ≥ 2).
(ii) u1 = 1, un+1 = (n + 1) un (n ≥ 2).
Solution (i) The first few values are 1, 4, 7 and 10, and two ver-
sions of the correct formula are un = 3n − 2 and un = 3(n − 1) + 1.
(ii) The first few values are 1, 4, 36 and 36 × 42 = 576, and the
formula is un = (n!)2 .
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.6.3 Use the strong form of the principle of induction to show that
if un is defined recursively by the rules
if k, r ∈ N, k ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ r ≤ k then ur = 2r + 1.
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
4.7.2 For each of the following sets find the least member, and
find the greatest member if it exists.
{n ∈ N | n2 ≤ 38},
{n ∈ N | n is a multiple of 3},
{n ∈ N | n2 ≤ 100n},
{n ∈ N | n is a prime}.
Solutions to Exercises in Discrete Mathematics
by: Norman L. Biggs: 2nd Edition 2002
reversed, a similar argument to that used for min X1 ∩ X2 shows
that w ≤ min {max X1 , max X2 }.