On The Erdos-Straus Conjecture
On The Erdos-Straus Conjecture
On The Erdos-Straus Conjecture
N \ C1 ⊂ {n | n ≡ 1 (mod 12)}.
We observe that 12 = 22 (3), a product of a combination of the first
two primes. The first prime that is excluded in this proposition is 13. The
equality (2) becomes
4 1 3
(3) = + .
12l + 1 3l + 1 (3l + 1)(12l + 1)
At this point we can do another analysis modulo any other number as
long we can reduce the number of possible situations for which we cannot say
anything about the decomposition as in (1). It is easy to see that 3l + 1 is
even if l is odd and then Theorem 1 can be used easily with x = 1 and y = 2.
This means that we have in fact an improvement of Proposition 1:
Proposition 2. The equation (1) has at least one solution for every
prime number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n ≡ 1 (mod 24).
In fact,
N \ C1 ⊂ {n | n ≡ 1 (mod 24)}.
Let us observe that 24 + 1 = 52 , 48 + 1 = 72 , which pushes the first prime
excluded by this last result to 73. Quite a bit of progress if we think in terms
of the primes in between that have been taken care off, almost by miracle.
If n = 24k + 1, then the smallest possible value for a is 6k + 1 and at this
point let us try now the possibility that a = 6k + 2 = n+7 4 ,
4 1 7
(4) = + , k ∈ N.
24k + 1 6k + 2 2(3k + 1)(24k + 1)
In the right hand side of (4), the second term has a bigger numerator
but the denominator has now at least three factors. This increases the chances
that Theorem 1 can be applied and turn that term into a sum of only two unit
fractions. Indeed, for k = 7l + r, we get that n = 24k + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 7) if r = 2,
2(3k + 1) + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 7) if r = 3, n + 1 = 2(12k + 1) ≡ 0 (mod 7) if r = 4,
and n + 2 = 24k + 3 ≡ 0 (mod 7) if r = 6. Calculating the residues modulo
168 in the cases r ∈ {0, 1, 5} we obtain:
Proposition 3. The equation (1) has at least one solution for every
prime number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n ≡ r (mod 168),
with r ∈ {1, 52 , 112 }, k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0. More precisely,
N \ C2 ⊂ {n | n ≡ 1, 52 , 112 (mod 168)}.
Let us observe that 168 = 23 (3)(7), 168 + 1 = 132 , and the excepted
residues modulo 168 are all perfect squares. Because of this, somehow, the
first prime that is excluded by this result is 193 = 168 + 25. Again, we have
24 Eugen J. Ionascu and Andrew Wilson 4
even a higher jump in the number of primes that have been taken care of. As
we did before there is an advantage to continue using (4) and do an analysis
now on k modulo 5.
For k = 5l + r, we have n ≡ 0 (mod 5) if r = 1, 3k + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 5) if
r = 3, and 6k + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 5) if r = 4, which puts n ∈ C2 again. Therefore,
we have for r ∈ {0, 2} the following excepted residues modulo 120.
Proposition 4. The equation (1) has at least one solution for every
prime number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n ≡ r (mod 120),
with r ∈ {1, 72 }, k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0. More precisely,
N \ C2 ⊂ {n | n ≡ 1, 72 (mod 120)}.
One can put these two propositions together and get Mordell’s Theorem.
Theorem 2 (Mordell, [5]). The equation (1) has at least one solution
for every prime number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n =
840k + r, where r ∈ {1, 112 , 132 , 172 , 192 , 232 }, k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0. Moreover,
we have
N \ C2 ⊂ {n | n ≡ 1, 112 , 132 , 172 , 192 , 232 (mod 840)}.
Proof. By Proposition 3, n = 168k + 1 may be an exception but if
k = 5l + r, with r ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} we have n ≡ 1 or 72 (mod 120) only for
r ∈ {0, 1}. These two cases are the exceptions for both propositions and they
correspond to n ≡ 1 or 132 (mod 840). All other excepted cases are obtained
the same way.
Let us observe that 840 = 23 (3)(5)(7) and the residues modulo 840 are
all perfect squares. Not only that but 840 + 1 = 292 , 840 + 112 = 312 , and
1009 = 840 + 132 is the first prime that is excluded by this important theorem.
While 193 is the 44th prime number, 1009 is the 169th prime. It is natural to
ask if a result of this type can be obtained for an even bigger modulo. We will
introduce here the next natural step into this analysis, which implies to allow
a be the next possible value, i.e., n+11
4 , and we will be using the identities
4 1 11
(5) = + , k ∈ N,
120k + 1 30k + 3 3(10k + 1)(120k + 1)
4 1 11
(6) = + , k ∈ N.
120k + 49 30k + 15 3(5)(2k + 1)(120k + 49)
Theorem 3. The equation (1) has at least one solution for every prime
number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n = 1320k + r, where
r ∈ {1, 72 , 132 , 172 , 192 , 232 , 292 , 312 , 7(103), 1201, 7(127), 23(47)} := E,
k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0.
Moreover, we have
N \ C3 ⊂ {n | n ∈ E (mod 1320)}.
The residue 1201, the first prime in this list is not really an exception
because of the following identity
4 1 1
(7) = + +
9240k + 1201 2310k + 308 5(9240k + 1201)(15k + 2)
+ ,
770(9240k + 1201)(15k + 2)
which shows that 9240k + 1201 ∈ C8 for all k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0. We checked for
similar identities and found just another similar identity for the exception
17(353) = 6001:
4 1 1
(8) = + +
9240k + 6001 2310k + 1540 385(9240k + 6001)(2034k + 1321)
+ ,
22(3k + 2)(2034k + 1321)
which shows that 9240k + 6001 ∈ C40 for all k ∈ Z, k ≥ 0.
Theorem 4. The equation (1) has at least one solution for every prime
number n, except possibly for those primes of the form n ≡ r (mod 9240) where
r is one of the 34 entries in the table:
equation (1)
n = 4ab(cd − b) − c or cn + 1 = 4ab(cd − b), n, a, b, c, d ∈ N.
The reader can verify that in the first case we have
4 1 1 1
= + +
n ad(cd − b) nad(cd − b) nabd
and for the second condition
4 1 1 1
= + + .
n ad(cd − b) abd nab(cd − b)
Let us denote by δ(r) a divisor of r. Terzi’s program is based on three different
ways of writing the first condition (above) and another way of writing the
second condition
n = 4αβk − δ(α + β), n = 4αβk − 4αδ(α) − β
n = 4αβk − δ(4αβ + 1), and n = (4αβ − 1)k − 4αδ(α).
Also, Terzi [9] provides a list of 198 exceptional residues for the modulo 120120.
For two of the exceptions that they have there, 2521 and 9601, we have found
the following identities
4 1
(9) = +
120120k + 2521 30030k + 4004
1 1
+ + , k ≥ 0,
1001(120120k + 2521)(810k + 17) 22(15k + 2)(810k + 17)
and also for k ≥ 0,
4 1
= +
120120k + 9601 2436 + 30030k
1 1
+ + .
14(120120k+9601)(58+715k)(470+5880k) 6(58+715k)(470+5880k)
This shows that the program used in [9] was not exhaustive and the
method was completely different of ours. We have implemented the same idea
into a program, as in [9], and obtained different results than the ones stated.
We observe that the first ten of these residues in Theorem 4 are all perfect
squares. In fact, all 19 squares of primes less than 9240 and greater than 112
are all excepted residues. There is something curious about the fact that all
the perfect squares possible are excepted. This may be related with the result
obtained by Schinzel in [7] who shows that identities such as (7), (8) and
others in this note, cannot exist if the residue is a perfect square. The same
28 Eugen J. Ionascu and Andrew Wilson 8
4 1 1 1
= + + ,
2521 636 70588 5611746
which puts 2521 ∈ C6 . The other primes are in the smallest class C as follows
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
3361, 7681, 8089 3529, 5569 8761 2689 7561 2101, 2521
Clearly, one can continue this type of analysis by adding more primes to
the modulo which is at this point 9240. It is natural to just add the primes in
order regardless if they are of the form 4k + 1 or 4k + 3. We see that Erdös’
conjecture is proved to be true if one can show that the smallest excluded
residue for a set of moduli that converges to infinity is not a prime. One
way to accomplish this is to actually show that the pattern mentioned above
continues, i.e., the number of excluded residues which are perfect squares or
composite is essentially growing as the modulus increases. This is actually our
conjecture that we talked about in the abstract. Numerical evidence points
out that for residues r which are primes, we have 9240s + r ∈ Ck(s,r) with
k(s, r) bounded as a function of s. For example, 9240s + 2521 ∈ C12 for every
s = 1 . . . 100000 and the distribution through the smaller classes is
might be true, by taking into account that Vaughan [10] showed that
1 2/3
#{n ∈ N | n ≤ m, and (1) does not have a solution} ≤ e−c(ln m) , m ∈ N,
for some constant c > 0. This is saying, roughly speaking, that the proportion
of the those n ≤ m for which a writing with three unit fractions of 4/n goes to
zero a little slower than m as m → ∞. The first few primes that require a big-
ger class than the ones before are 2, 73, 1129, 1201, 21169, 118801, 8803369, . . . ,
corresponding to classes C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C8 , C15 , C27 , . . .. which shows a steep
increase in the size of classes relative to the number of jumps.
In [11], Yamamoto has a different approach from ours and obtains a
lesser number of exceptions at least for the primes involved in Theorem 4. For
each prime p of the form 4k + 3 between 11 and 97, there is a table in [11] of
exceptions for congruency classes r (n ≡ r (mod p)) that is used to check the
conjecture using a computer for al n ≤ 107 . In [3], Richard Guy mentions that
the conjecture is checked to be true for all n ≤ 1003162753. Nevertheless, it
seems that the conjecture has been checked for n ≤ 104 , see [8].
However, with our method we extended the search for a counterexample
from 1003162753 further for all n ≤ 4, 146, 894, 049. For our computations we
wrote a program that pushes the analysis for a modulus of M = 2, 762, 760 =
23 (3)(5)(7)(11)(13)(23). The primes chosen here are optimal, in the sense that
the excepted residues are in number less than the ones obtained by other
options. The first 12 exceptions in this case are 1, 172 , 192 , 292 , 312 , 372 ,
412 , 432 , 472 , 532 , 3361, and 592 . The number of these exceptions was 2299
but it is possible that our program was not optimal from this point of view.
Nevertheless, this meant that we had to check the conjecture, on average,
for every other ≈ 1201 integer. The primes generated, 889456 of them, are
classified according to the smallest class they belong to in the next tables:
C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24
115 124 111 26 10 27 2 4 4 0 0 0
0.013% 0.014% 0.012% 0.003% 0.001% 0.003% 0.0002% 0.00045% 0.00045% 0% 0% 0%
So far, we have not seen a prime in a class Ck with k > 27. However, the result
obtained in [7] seems to imply that the minimum class index for each prime,
assuming the conjecture is true, should have a limit superior of infinity.
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