BCAR-404 (Project Work)
BCAR-404 (Project Work)
BCAR-404 (Project Work)
Project Definition:
Define a structure that can describe a hotel. It should have members that include the name,
address, grade, average room charge, and number or rooms. Write functions to perform the
1 following operations:
a. To print out hotels of a given grade in order of charges.
b. To print out hotels with room charges less than a given value.
Write a menu driven program that will maintain a no, name and total marks of students.
Consider the information associated with each number to be a separate record. Represent
2 each record as a structure. Make user defined function for the following.
a. Add a new record
b. Delete a record
c. Modify a record
d. Display all records.
3 Design and develop simple console application without graphics of Snake Game using C
programing language.
4 Develop Personal Diary Management System in which user can keep their personal record
like what they do in a diary. User can keep records of the important things User can keep
records of daily life, meetings and various other tasks.
5 Develop Contact Management System It is similar to the contact manager in cell phones. In
this project, user can add, view, edit, search and delete contacts. All added and edited records
are saved in a file.
6 Design and develop Tic-Tac-Toe Game for 3*3 board using C programing language. It is the
same nought’s and crosses or the Xs and Os, the other names for Tic-Tac-Toe, you’ve played
with paper and pencil. Tic-tac-toe (or Noughts and crosses, Xs and Os) is a paper-and-pencil
game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who
succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the
7 Design and develop Quiz Game using C programing language. In this project, a number of
questions are asked, and the user is awarded point for each correct answer given.
8 Develop Phonebook Application it performs Phonebook operations like in your mobile. You
can add, list, modify, search and delete Phonebook-related records.
9 Develop Employee Record System in which it uses files as database to perform file handling
operations such as add, search, modify and delete records to manage employee’ records.
10 Develop Student Record System, in which it uses files as database to perform file handling
operations such as add, search, modify and delete records to manage students’ records. In this
project, you can also generate mark-sheet for students.
11 Develop simple Calendar Application In which user can find out the day corresponding to a
given date and view the days and dates corresponding to a particular month and year.
12 Design and develop Snakes and Ladders Game for two player or multi player with attractive
ladder design.
13 Generate simple console application of Typing Tutor. In this project user can test his speed of
typing and shows number of word typed per minute.
14 Design and develop Packman Game with attractive user interface. The direction of Packman
is controlled with the navigation keys (up, down, left and right keys) of the key board. Space
bar pauses the movement of Packman. If you are able to drive the Packman along all the lines
so that Packman eats all, you will be winner.
15 Develop Cricket Score Sheet which uses file handling to store various information regarding
runs, wickets, overs, extras, and many more. The program can display runs, wickets, names
of batsmen and bowlers, overs, extras, economy of bowler, strike rate of batsmen, etc. It also
displays the date and time of the game.
The length of the report should be between 40- 60 pages including the cover page, summary,
and table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables.
Positioning of page numbers should be on bottom right hand side. Pages starting from the
summary until the last list of tables should be numbered using Latin numbers (I, II, III, IV,
…). Pages starting from the Introduction until the appendices should be numbered using
numbers (1,2,3,…). Pages with figures and tables or illustrations must be also numbered.
The report should be spiral bound.
Number of copies
Two copies should be submitted – self copy, Center copy.
Formats of certificates and pages to be included
A. Cover page: The text highlighted in italics should be changed according to your project.
(Project Title)
Name : ………………….…………………………
En.Rollment No………………………………….
Study Center Name : ………………………………
Study Center Code : ………………………………..
B. Certificate from the Guide. (Format of the certificate)
Date: Signature of
Date: Name:
Roll No:
Date_ _
Year: 20…. - ……
Programme: --------- Semester: ------
Enrollment No:
Student’s Name: _ _
Signature: _
Date: -