(Ebook PDF) New Society 9Th Canadian Edition
(Ebook PDF) New Society 9Th Canadian Edition
(Ebook PDF) New Society 9Th Canadian Edition
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(Original PDF) Canadian Social Policy A New
Introduction 5th Canadian Edition
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Chapter 2
Social Science as a Socia l Practice 31
Mi nimizing Bias in Social Science 32
Scientific vs. Nonscient ific Thinking 33
Understanding Science Sociologica lly 34
Natu ral vs. Social Science 34
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Innis and McLuhan 128 I Canada's Commitment to Social Housing168
The Politica l-Economy Perspective 129 SUM MARY 169
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Government Intervention in
I Canadian Media Industries 133 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER 169
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Interpersonal Consequences 283 AND AGING 322
Societal Consequences 285
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Religion and the Residential
I Schools 286 HEALTH AND OLD AGE 326
THE FUTURE OF RELIGION 288 Inequality, Health, and Aging 328
Explaining Social Inequalities in Health 330
SUMMARY 290 CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Why we Haven't Won the War
QU ESTIONS TO CONSIDER 290 I on Cancer 332
Intersecting Inequalities and Health over the Life
GLOSSARY 290 Course 333
PART 5 Self-Care and Informal Care 334
Formal Medical and Home Care 334
CHANGE AND CONFLICT Healthcare Syst em Change and Refo rm 336
Privatization and Prof itizat ion 337
Ch a pter 13
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Free Trade and State
DEVIANCE AND CRIME JU LI AN TANNER 294 Regulation of Prescription Drug Prices: Who Wins and
Who Loses? 337
Crime and Deviance as Norm-Violating Behaviour 295 QUESTIONS TO CONSI DER 339
Crime and Deviance as Labels and Social
Const ructs 298
Crime in the News 300
Chapter 15
BRYM 341
Official Statistics 301
Regional Va riations in Crime Rates 303 INTRODUCTION 342
Homici de Rates 303
Other Data Sources: Self-Repo rt Surveys and Direct
Pluralist Theory 345
Observati on 305
El ite Theory 345
CORRELATES OF CR IME 305 Power-Balance Theory 348
THEORIES OF CR IME AND DEVIANC E 307 State-Centred Theory 350
Socia l Learning Theories: Edwin Sutherland and Relative-Deprivation Theory 351
Differential Associati on 309 Resource Mobi lizat ion Theory 352
Control Theory 309 Frami ng Discontent 353
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: The Politics of Criminal Back to 1968 354
I Justice 310
Routine Activities Theory 311
I. The Rich Countries 355
Gender and Crime 311 I Electoral Politics 356
Youth, Crime, and Deviance 312 II. The Other 85 Percent 358
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Schools, Sexual Assault, and I CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY: Democratic Cycles 359
I Sexualized Dress Codes 313
Net Effect s: Internet Deviance 314 SUMMARY 363
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ABOUT THE GENERAL EDITOR Teaching Academy, and a winner of the Northrop Frye
Prize for academic and teaching excellence and the
AND CONTRIBUTOR British Journal of Sociology Prize. His introductory-level
ROBERT BRYM textbooks have been published in Canada, Quebec (in
French), the United States, Brazil (in Portuguese), and
Robert Brym is S. D. Clark
Australia. He has published research on the sociology of
Professor in the Department
intellectuals, social movements in Canada, Jews in Russia,
of Sociology at the University
collective and state violence in Israel and Palestine, the
of Toronto. He is a Fellow of
2010-11 Arab Spring and the ensuing Arab Wmter, and
the Royal Society of Canada,
the effects of social media on social protest.
a member of the President's
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MARGARET J. PENNING Julian Tanner is Professor of
Sociology at the University of
Dr. Penning's research focuses
Toronto. His interest in th e
on the sociology of health and
sociology of crime and deviance,
healthcare as well as aging. In
par ticularly youth crime and
particular, she is interested in
youth culture, derives from his
examining structural inequal-
school days in England-as both
ities in health and healthcare·
' a student in an all-boys boarding school and later on
social support and caregiving; ' '
as a secondary schoolteacher. In addition to under-
and the importance of self, informal, and formal
graduate and graduate courses in crime and deviance
care for dealing with chronic illness and disability '
he has taught and researched in the areas of school-
in middle and later life. She is curr ently con-
to-work transitions (high-school dropouts, the effects
ducting research on the impact of caregiving as well
of part-time jobs, and so on), the sociology of work
as immigrant status, gender, and race intersections
(the industrial and political attitudes and behaviours
on mental health and well-being in middle and
of male manual workers, gender and the professions),
later life.
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young people, and popular music. In the recent past, to the Canadian retail and food supply sector. See
he has studied patterns of crime and victimization his website at www.theindustrialdiet.com and Twitter
among young people in Toronto and youth gang account @industrialdiet.
activity, and is currently investigating youth and guns.
Marisa Young is Assistant
Anthony Winson's research Professor in the Department of
and publications have focused Sociology at McMaster University.
on agriculture, food, and rural She specializes in research on the
development issues related to work-family interface and gender
Canada and the developing differences in paid and unpaid
world. He is the author of Coffee work. She is currently working on
and Democracy in Modern Costa a series of cross-sectional and longitudinal projects in
Rica, The Intimate Commodity: Food and the Development Canada and the United States, examining how family
of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Canada, and Contingent and community contexts shape expectations of work
Work, Disrupted Lives: Labour and Community in the New and family obligations. Her recently published research
Rural Economy, with Belinda Leach. Contingent Work examines the impact of workplace resources/demands
won the 2003 John Porter Tradition of Excellence on work-family role-blurring; gender differences in
Book Award of the Canadian Sociology Association. experiences and family-related consequences of work-
He recently co-edited (with M. Koc and J. Sumner) family conflict; and the psychosocial determinants of
Critical Perspectives in Food Studies. His latest book is The perceived demands in the work-family interface. Her
Industrial Diet: The Degradation of Food and the Struggle future research plans include exploring how neighbour-
for Healthy Eating. He is currently researching the rela- hood context impacts work-family relations and well-
tionship of sustainable seafood certification programs being among family members.
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The job of figuring out what to do with our lives and how to act in the world is more
difficult than ever. Sociology helps by analyzing the pressing social issues of the day,
showing how those issues affect us, and setting out options for dealing with them.
Moreover, as you will learn in the following pages, sociology views social issues from
a un ique disciplinary perspective. All in all , it is a controversial and exciting business.
Social problems are typically complex. The options for action often involve different
benefits and disadvantages for different groups. Sociologists usua lly see th ings differ-
ently than do other social and natural scientists. Not surprisingly, therefore, sociology,
like any vibrant academ ic discipline, involves a lot of heated debate.
Unfortunately, most introductory sociology textbooks don't give much of a feel for the
excitement of the discipline. They usually resemble encycloped ias full of definitions and
presumably undeniable facts. They make sociological knowledge resemble the tablets
some people say were brought down by Moses from Mount Sinai: abstract principles
carved in stone, eternal truths that most people agree with but that tell us little about
the way life is actually lived.
In preparing this book, I tried to overcome th is deficiency in two ways. First, when I
recru ited authors to write chapters, I asked them to focus on socia l issues that are likely
to be of rea l, everyday concern to Canad ian undergraduates. Second, I asked the authors
to highlight the controversies in the field, not the cliches. There is no sense keeping
secret what any good scientist knows: Advances in knowledge usually result from intel-
lectual confl ict, not consensus.
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WHAT'S NEW IN THE NINTH others to inequalities at work and in families. The
chapter includes two new Critical Sociology fea-
EDITION tures, Trans Women of Colour Spark the Modern
With the helpful feedback of reviewers and a dedi- LG BTQ Movement and Intersectionality and
cated team of contributors, this ninth edition has been Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and
thoroughly revised and updated to include important Girls.
emergent topics in the field of sociology. These topics • Chapter 6, Communication and Mass Media
include the following:
has been updated to include the most recent
examples of how social movements, including
• Governments and big data
the #MeToo movement, are influenced by social
• Intersectionality theory
media. The chapter also features a new discussion
• Advertising and identity
of cyberbullying, enhanced coverage of frames
• Precarious work
and frame analysis, and a n ew Critical Sociology
• Legalization of cannabis
feature, Advertising and Identity.
• Cycles of democracy and reaction
• Chapter 7, Social Stratification, expands
• Polyamory and the law
the discussion of racism, discrimination, and
Beyond this comprehensive update, the chapters have Indigenous people. It also incorporates new
undergone the following enhancements: material on panhandling and the Safe Streets Act,
• Chapter 1, Introducing Sociology, includes and two new Critical Sociology features dealing
a new opening vignette exploring the promise with precarious work and Canada's commitment
of sociology as seen through the eyes of an to social housing.
Indigenous sociologist, a new Critical Sociology • Chapter 8, Race and Ethnic Relations
feature on Dysfunctional Religion, new material expands the discussion of ethnic relations in
on mesostructures, an d an expanded discussion of Quebec, paying special attention to Islamophobia
the sociological imagination. and anti-immigrant sentiment in that province.
• Chapter 2, Research Methods, features new It also expands and updates the discussion of
material on racial profiling in police search and police racism and carding, and provides illustra-
arrest practices, an updated discussion of parental tive examples from Thunder Bay, Ontario. The
education and the likelihood of attaining a uni- discussion of murdered and missing Indigenous
versity degree, and a new Critical Sociology fea- women and girls has also been expanded, and
ture on governments and big data. new material has been added on the racial wage
• Chapter 3, Culture, incorporates new dis- gap, transnational ethnic ties, and the Black Lives
cussions of childhood socialization, residential Matter movement.
sch ools, and language loss among Indigen ous • Chapter 9, Development, Underdevelopment,
Canadians. The chapter also contains new mate- and Globalization, adds material on the impact
rial on the Internet and social media, hip-hop, of U.S. nuclear bomb testing on the inhabitants of
and a new Critical Sociology feature, Control the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific and the
and Creativity on the Internet. devastation of Canada's Indigenous population
• Chapter 4, Socialization, features updated dis- caused by diseases introduced by European fur
cussions of the age of retirement and emerging traders. The chapter also includes a n ew Critical
adulthood as a new stage in the life course. The sociology feature on globalization and work.
chapter also contains a new discussion about • Chapter 1 O, Families, is an entirely new
Generation Z and a new Critical Sociology fea- chapter. Instead of a traditional definition of
ture, Must I Be My Age? family, which focuses on the roles played by
• Chapter 5, Genders and Sexualities is an family members, it adopts a "process" defini-
' tion that draws attention to the social processes
entirely new ch apter. It takes on the task of
explaining variation in genders and sexualities taking place in families. The result of this shift
and showing how genders and sexualities inter- of focus is a superior understanding of the wide
sect with ethnicity, indigeneity, race, and class, variety of family types that exist in contempo-
making some people more vulnerable than rary society.
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xvi ii PREFACE
• Chapter 11, Education, features new material the firm sense that, for all the intellectual liveliness
on credential inflation and its side effects and and controversy on display in this book, sociology can
recent controversies concerning the quality of be and is disciplined by the judicious use of logic and
higher education in Canada. The chapter also evidence.
includes a new Critical Sociology feature on the The remainder of the book is divided into four
use of digital technology in the classroom. parts. Part 2 could be subtitled "Becoming Human."
• Chapter 12, Religion, introduces a new discus- In Chapter 3, Culture, Robert Brym makes a case
sion of personal religiosity in Canada, especially for the view that ours is an increasingly fragmented
among Millennials, and new material on religious and globalized postmodern culture that increases our
identification among Indigenous Canadians. The freedom to fashion identities that suit our individual
chapter also features a new Critical Sociology tastes. Paradoxically, however, he also shows that our
feature on residential schools. increased cultural freedom develops within definite
• Chapter 13, Deviance and Crime, discusses limits beyond which it is more and more difficult
sexual assaults at St. Michael's College school in to move.
Toronto in the context of hypertoxic masculinity, In Chapter 4, Socialization, Lisa Strohschein
as well as an evaluation of laws governing pros- discusses the interactive mechanisms through
titution. The chapter also includes new material which we learn beliefs, symbols, values, and
on solitary confinement and on the legalization self-identities throughout the life cycle and in var-
. . . .
of cannabis in Canada. 1ous 1nstltutlons.
• Chapter 14, Health and Aging, includes new Tina Fetner and Marisa Young then devote
discussions of conventionally defined beauty Chapter 5, Genders and Sexualities, to an in-depth
standards and health, elder abuse, and mental analysis of what might seem to be the most intimate,
health. In addition, the chapter features a new fixed, and biologically determined aspects of our
Critical Sociology feature, Free Trade and State identity but actually vary by social, cultural, and his-
Regulation of Prescription Drug Prices: Who torical context.
Wins and Who Loses? In Chapter 6, Communication and Mass Media,
• Chapter 15, Politics and Social Movements, Sonia Bookman dissects the impact of one of the most
features a new Critical Sociology feature on pervasive and influential social institutions. Bookman,
cycles of democratic progress and reactionary along with the other Part 2 authors, thus give the
setback that sheds sociological and historical light reader a solid appreciation of how we become part of
on current political developments in Canada and society and how society becomes part of us through
internationally. the transmission of culture between generations.
Part 3 concerns how people become and remain
unequal. In Chapter 7, Social Stratification, Michelle
ORGANIZATION OF THE Maroto and Harvey Krahn show that despite recent
assertions of the demise of social classes, stratification
TEXTBOOK persists and continues to structure Canadians' lives.
Chapter 1, Introducing Sociology, by Robert Brym, Indeed, inequality is increasing in many societies,
strikes the book's keynote. Instead of sermonizing including Canada.
on the question "What is sociology?" as most other Vic Satzewich devotes Chapter 8, Race and
textbooks do, the chapter asks, in effect, "Why soci- Ethnic Relations, to highlighting the deficiencies of
ology?"-that is, why does an undergraduate in this biological and purely cultural approaches to under-
particular time and place need to know what soci- standing the bases of ethnic and racial inequality,
ology has to offer? The chief aim of Chapter 1 is to emphasizing their sociological underpinnings in the
show how sociological thinking can clarify and help Canadian context.
to resolve the real-life social issues that confront all Anthony Winson criticizes modernization and
of us here and now. other theories of economic underdevelopment
Chapter 2, Research Methods, concisely outlines and global inequality in Chapter 9, Development,
how sociologists work. Neil Guppy's clarity, research Underdevelopment, and Globalization. He offers a
experience, and balanced approach add much-needed compelling argument for the analytical benefits of
lustre to the subject. Guppy leaves the reader with a modified dependency approach to the problem. As
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a result, the reader will complete Part 3 with a firm religion, relying heavily on his own important survey
understanding of how people are highly differentiated research to argue his case for the persistence of reli-
and differentially rewarded, depending on their social gion in Canadian society and the growing polariza-
and historical location. tion of Canadians into religious and secular camps.
Part 4 shifts the reader's attention to some of soci- Change and conflict are the subjects of Part 5.
ety's fundamental institutions. Chapter 10, Families, Here the reader is introduced to the main forces of
by Amber Gazso and Karen Kobayashi, examines turbulence in our society. In Chapter 13, Deviance
how and why families and intimate relationships have and Crime, J ulian Tanner elegantly analyzes one form
undergone change and diversification, particularly in of social conflict: deviant and criminal behaviour. He
the past several decades, and suggests where they may undermines several common misconceptions in the
be headed. They argue that families are sets of social process.
processes, not just ensembles of roles, allowing them In Chapter 14, Health and Aging, Margaret
to highlight the wide diversity of family forms that Penning expertly discusses the aging of the Canadian
exist in today's society. population and its attendant health issues, keeping
Scott Davies analyzes our education system in her eye steadily on the policy implications of current
Chapter 11, Education. Paradoxically, he demon- research.
strates that the educational system is as much a cause Finally, in Chapter 15, Politics and Social
of the persistence of inequality as it is an avenue for Movements, Robert Brym surveys the evolution of
upward mobility. politics and social movements, showing how var-
In Chapter 12, Religion, Reginald Bibby ious forms of conflict emerge, change our lives, and
assesses the social origins, consequences, and future of become institutionalized.
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The content and organization of this text have been carefully prepared , and
you will fin d updated visua l and pedagogical features in this ninth edition
of New Society.
AFTER READING THIS CHAPTER, YOU W ILL BE Contrast the decl ining socializing influence of
ABLE TO the family with the rising socializing influence of
schools, peer groups, and the mass media over the
past century.
Appreciate the degree to which social interaction
unleashes human abilities, including the ability to Compare the greater speed, frequency, and com-
see oneself as different from others. prehensiveness of identity change today with the
lower speed, frequency, and comprehensiveness of
Evaluate how stages in life are influenced by the
identity change j ust a few decades ago.
historical period in which people live.
The 2014 RCMP report Missing and Murdered to create a public awareness and prevention cam-
Aboriginal Women is disturbing reading. The report paign focusing on violence against Indigenous
notes that between 1980 and 2012, 1181 Indigenous women and girls in Canada" (Special Committee on
women were homicide victims. Maki ng up about Violence Against Indigenous Women, 2014: 43).
CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY FEATURES 4 percent of Canada 's female population, they com-
prised 16 percent of all murdered Canadian women
According to Human Rights Watch (a nongovern-
mental agency that monitors human rights abuses
over that period. Moreover, the situation seems to around the world), one of the glaring silences in both
be getting worse. In 1984, Indigenous women were
Created to further engage students and reflect the crit- 8 percent of female homicide victims, but by
reports concerns the role that the police may play in
the victimization of Indigenous women. Human Rights
2012 that figure had climbed to 23 percent (Royal Watch (2013) argues that a big part of the problem is
ica l approach of the text, there are 30 Critical Sociology Canadian Mounted Police, 2014: 7- 10). The report that police do not take the issue of violence against
also showed that there were 164 missing Indigenous Indigenous women seriously. To support their claim,
features in the book, 18 of which are new t o this ed it ion. women, then constituting about 11 percent of all
missing women in the country (Royal Canadian
they document cases in which Indigenous women
are sexually and racially abused by the police.
These features cover key t hemes such as globa lization, Mounted Police, 2014: 8 ).
The causes of crime are complex, as are the rea-
In September 2016, the federal government
launched a National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered
sons why some people go missing. The RCMP report Indigenous Women and Girls. Its mandate is to
protest and policy, and socia l inequality. identifies three "risk factors• that contribute to the
. .. look into and report on the systemic
high rate of victimization of Indigenous women: poor
A set of Critical Thinking Questions 1s provided at employment conditions and opportunities; the con-
ca uses of all forms of violence agai nst
Indigenous women and g irls, including
sumption of drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants prior
sexua l violence. We must examine the
the end of each feature, and answers/poi nts to con- to the incident; and involvement in the sex trade
(Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2014).
underlying socia l, economic , cultura l,
institutional, and historical causes that
The RCMP report followed on the heels
sider for these questions are provided on the student of another report by th e Special Pa rl iamentary
contribute to th e ongoing violence and
to particular vulnerabilities of Indigenous
Committee on Violence against Indigenous Women.
Companion Website at www.nelson.com/student. The Committee report tried to place the problem in
women and girls in Canada (National Inq uiry
into Murdered and Missing Ind igenous
a larger social and historical context. It argued that
Women and Girls, 2019).
the "root causes" of violence agai nst Indigenous
women include the legacy of Indigenous children The main work of the inquiry has been to cross
being removed from their families and their cu lture the country gathering stories of survivors and fam-
by the government and placed in church-run boarding ilies of victims in the hope that public education
schools; persistent poverty and poor housing condi· will help spark more dialogue about how to curtail
tions; and widespread racism in Canadian society the violence. One can only hope that their reports
(House of Commons, 2014). and recommendations will not gather dust on politi·
Not everyone was pleased with the RCMP cians· shelves.
report because it was silent on the larger context
contributing to violence against Indigenous women.
Critical Thinking Questions
Some people called the Special Committee's report
a whitewash because of its timid recommendations 1. From an investigative point of view, do police agen-
for improving the situation; rather than demanding a cies take cases of missing Indigenous women as
national inquiry and a comprehensive national action seriously as those of non-Indigenous women?
plan, the committee merely recommended that 2. What changes should police forces make to
the federal government "learn from the stories of better address the issue of murdered and
missing and murdered Indigenous girls and work ... missing Indigenous women and young girls?
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FI GURE 6 .3 Socia l Media Use among Online Canad ian Ad ult s
0 20 40 60 80 100
to enhance student learning- 30 of these figures are Percentage of online Canadian s
com plet ely new. SOURCE: Anatoliy Gruzd, Jenna Jacobson. Philip Mai, Elizabeth Dubois. (20 18). The State of Social Media in Canada, 2017.
Version: 1.0 . Ryerson University Social Media Lab. DOl:10 .5683/ SP/ AL8Z6R.
1. W hat is democracy and what determ ines the associated with the success of labour parties
and policies that redistribute wealth.
level of democracy in a society?
Democracy involves a two-way process of control
4 . Under what circumstances do people rebel
between the state (the set of institutions that for-
mulate and carry out a country's law, policies, and against established autho rity?
binding regulations) and civil society (the private
sphere, consisting of social movements, political
Research does not support the view that social
movements emerge when relative deprivation
Each chapter concludes with a set of end-of-chapter
parties, the mass media, and so on). The level of spreads. Research suggest s that people are more
democracy in a society depends on the capacity inclined to rebel against the status quo when they resources to help students review and apply t heir knowl-
of civil society to influence the state through are bound by close social ties to many other people
citizen support of social movements, political par- who feel similarly wronged and when they have the
money and other resources needed to protest.
edge. Our Summary format covers key concept s in each
ties, and other groups. That capacity increases as
chapt er in question-and-answer format, which helps stu-
dents t o see the bigger picture and interact wit h con-
cepts, not just facts. A set of Questions to Consider
1. Have you ever participated in a social movement try to recruit to help you achieve your goal? Why?
encourages readers to think crit ically about the materia l
or been actively involved in a political party? If so, What collective actions do you think would be
explain how your political choices (which party you most successful? Why? To whose attention would and to apply what they have learned against t heir own
j oined, your level of participation, the timing of these actions be directed? Why? Write a mani-
your recruitment) were influenced by the sociolog.
ical factors discussed in this chapter. If you have
festo that frames your argument in a way that is
culturally appealing to potential recruits.
values, ideas, and experiences.
never participated in a social movement or been 3. Do you think that social movements will be more
actively involved in a political party, explain how or less widespread in the twenty-first century
the sociological factors discussed in this chapter than they were in the twentieth century? Why, or
influence you to remain politically inactive. why not? What kinds of social movement s are
2 . How would you achieve a political goal? Map out likely to predominate?
a detailed strategy for reaching a clearly defined 4. Do you think that the twenty-first century will be
A glossary of key terms and t heir defi nitions 1s also
provided at the end of each chapter.
Authorities (p. 343) are people who occupy the change. It also holds that societies with widely dis-
command posts of legitimized power structures. tributed power are more democratic and more egali·
Authority (p. 343) is power that is widely viewed as tarian than are societies with narrowly held power.
legitimate. Relative deprivation (p. 352) is an intolerable gap
Civil citizenship (p. 355) recognizes the right to between the social rewards people feel they deserve
free speech, freedom of religion, and justice before and the social rewards they expect to receive.
the law. Resource mobilization theory (p. 352) holds
Civil society (p. 344) is the private (nonstate) sphere that social movements crystallize and succeed in
of social life. achieving their goals to the degree that they have
access to scarce resources, such as money and
Elite theory (p. 34 5) maintains that well-t o-do people
effective communication facilities.
consistently have more political influence than people
who are less welHo-do have and that society is A ruling class (p. 346) is a self-conscious and cohe-
therefore not as democratic as it is often portrayed. sive group of people, led by corporate executives and
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“Sure. Wasn’t much in it, but not too bad, at that.”
“QX. Control room! QX?”
“Ten dead,” the intercom blatted in reply. “Otherwise QX.”
“Fuse the panels?”
“Let’s go!”
They went. Their vessel flashed away. The passengers rushed to
their staterooms. Then:
“Doctor Cloud!” came from the speaker. “Doctor Neal Cloud!
Control room calling Doctor Cloud!”
“Cloud speaking.”
“Report to the control room, please.”
“Oh—excuse me—I didn’t know you were wounded,” the officer
apologized as he saw the bandaged stump and the white, sweating
face. “You’d better go to bed.”
“Doing nothing wouldn’t help. What did you want me for?”
“Do you know anything about communicators?”
“A little—what a nucleonics man has to know.”
“Good. They killed all our communications officers and blasted
the panels, even in the lifeboats. You can’t do much with your left
hand, of course, but you may be able to boss the job of rigging up a
“I can do more than you think—I’m left-handed. Give me a couple
of technicians and I’ll see what we can do.”
They set to work, but before they could accomplish anything a
cruiser drove up, flashing its identification as a warship of the
Galactic Patrol.
“We picked up the partial call you got off,” its young commander
said, briskly. “With that and the plotted center of interference we
didn’t lose any time. Let’s make this snappy.” He was itching to be off
after the marauder, but he could not leave until he had ascertained
the facts and had been given clearance. “You aren’t hurt much—
don’t need to call a tug, do you?”
“No,” replied the liner’s senior surviving officer.
“QX,” and a quick investigation followed.
“Anybody who ships stuff like that open mail ought to lose it, but
it’s tough on innocent bystanders. Anything else I can do for you?”
“Not unless you can lend us some officers, particularly navigators
and communications officers.”
“Sorry, but we’re short there ourselves—four of my best are in
sick-bay. Sign this clearance, please, and I’ll get on that fellow’s tail.
I’ll send your copy of my report to your head office. Clear ether!”
The cruiser shot away. Temporary repairs were made and the
liner, with Cloud and a couple of electronics technicians as
communications officers, finished the voyage to Dekanore III without
more interruption.
The Vortex Blaster was met at the dock by Works Manager
Graves himself. The fat man was effusively sorry that Cloud had lost
an arm, but assured him that the accident wouldn’t lay him up very
long. He, Graves, would get a Posenian surgeon over here so fast
that. . . .
If the manager was taken aback to learn that Cloud had already
had a Phillips treatment, he did not show it. He escorted the
specialist to Deka’s best hotel, where he introduced him largely and
volubly. Graves took him to supper. Graves took him to a theater and
showed him the town. Graves told the hotel management to give the
scientist the best rooms and the best valet they had, and that Cloud
was not to be allowed to spend any of his own money. All of his
activities, whatever their nature, purpose, or extent, were to be
charged to Tellurian Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Graves was a grand guy.
Cloud broke loose, finally, and went to the dock to see about
getting his flitter.
It had not been unloaded. There would be a slight delay, he was
informed, because of the insurance inspections necessitated by the
damage—and Cloud had not known that there had been any! When
he had learned what had been done to his little ship he swore bitterly
and sought out the liner’s senior officer.
“Why didn’t you tell me we got holed?” he demanded.
“Why, I don’t know . . . just that you didn’t ask, is all, I guess. I
don’t suppose it occurred to anybody—I know it didn’t to me—that
you might be interested.”
And that was, Cloud knew, strictly true. Passengers were not
informed of such occurrences. He had been enough of an officer so
that he could have learned anything he wished; but not enough of
one to have been informed of such matters as routine. Nor was it
surprising that it had not come up in conversation. Damage to cargo
meant nothing whatever to the liner’s overworked officers, standing
double watches; a couple of easily-patched holes in the hull were not
worth mentioning. From their standpoint the only damage was done
to the communicators, and Cloud himself had set them to rights. This
delay was his own fault as much as anybody else’s. Yes, more.
“You won’t lose anything, though,” the officer said, helpfully.
“Everything’s covered, you know.”
“It isn’t the money I’m yowling about—it’s the time. That
apparatus can’t be duplicated anywhere except on Tellus, and even
there it’s all special-order stuff. OH, DAMN!” and Cloud strode away
toward his hotel.
During the following days TPI entertained him royally. Not
insistently—Graves was an expert in such matters—but simply by
giving him the keys to the planet. He could do anything he pleased.
He could have all the company he wanted, male or female, to help
him to do it. Thus he did—within limits—just about what Graves
wanted him to do; and, in spite of the fact that he did not want to
enjoy life, he liked it.
One evening, however, he refused to play a slot machine,
explaining to his laughing companion that the laws of chance were
pretty thoroughly shackled in such mechanisms—and the idle
remark backfired. What was the mathematical probability that all the
things that had happened to him could have happened by pure
That night he analyzed his data. Six incidents; the probability was
extremely small. Seven, if he counted his arm. If it had been his left
arm—jet back! Since he wrote with his right hand, very few people
knew that he was left-handed. Seven it was; and that made it
virtually certain. Accident was out.
But if he was being delayed and hampered deliberately, who was
doing it, and why? It didn’t make sense. Nevertheless, the idea
would not down.
He was a trained observer and an analyst second to none.
Therefore he soon found out that he was being shadowed wherever
he went, but he could not get any really significant leads. Wherefore:
“Graves, have you got a spy-ray detector?” he asked boldly—and
The fat man did not turn a hair. “No, nobody would want to spy on
me. Why?”
“I feel jumpy. I don’t know why anybody would be spying on me,
either, but—I’m neither a Lensman nor an esper, but I’d swear that
somebody’s peeking over my shoulder half the time. I think I’ll go
over to the Patrol station and borrow one.”
“Nerves, my boy; nerves and shock,” Graves diagnosed. “Losing
an arm would shock hell out of anybody’s nervous system, I’d say.
Maybe the Phillips treatment—the new one growing on—sort of pulls
you out of shape.”
“Could be,” Cloud assented, moodily. His act had been a flop. If
Graves knew anything—and he’d be damned if he could see any
grounds for such a suspicion—he hadn’t given away a thing.
Nevertheless, Cloud went to the Patrol office, which was of
course completely and permanently shielded. There he borrowed the
detector and asked the lieutenant in charge to get a special report
from the Patrol upon the alleged gems and what it knew about either
the cruiser or the pirates. To justify his request he had to explain his
After the messages had been sent the young officer drummed
thoughtfully upon his desk. “I wish I could do something, Dr. Cloud,
but I don’t see how I can,” he decided finally. “Without a shred of
evidence, I can’t act.”
“I know. I’m not accusing anybody, yet. It may be anybody
between here and Andromeda. Just call me, please, as soon as you
get that report.”
The report came, and the Patrolman was round-eyed as he
imparted the information, that, as far as Prime Base could discover,
there had been no Lonabarian gems and the rescuing vessel had not
been a Patrol ship at all. Cloud was not surprised.
“I thought so,” he said, flatly. “This is a hell of a thing to say, but it
now becomes a virtual certainty—six sigmas out on the probability
curve—that this whole fantastic procedure was designed solely to
keep me from analyzing and blowing out that new vortex. As to
where the vortex fits in, I haven’t got even the dimmest possible
idea, but one thing is clear. Graves represents TPI—on this planet
he is TPI. Now what kind of monkey-business would TPI—or, more
likely, somebody working under cover in TPI, because undoubtedly
the head office doesn’t know anything about it—be doing? I ask
“Dope, you mean? Cocaine—heroin—that kind of stuff?”
“Exactly; and here’s what I’m going to do about it.” Bending over
the desk, even in that ultra-shielded office, Cloud whispered busily
for minutes. “Pass this along to Prime Base immediately, have them
alert Narcotics, and have your men ready in case I strike something
“But listen, man!” the Patrolman protested. “Wait—let a Lensman
do it. They’ll almost certainly catch you at it, and if they’re clean
nothing can keep you from doing ninety days in the clink.”
“But if we wait, the chances are it’ll be too late; they’ll have had
time to cover up. What I’m asking you is, will you back my play if I
catch them with the goods?”
“Yes. We’ll be here, armored and ready. But I still think you’re
“Maybe so, but even if my mathematics is wrong, it’s still a fact
that my arm will grow back on just as fast in the clink as anywhere
else. Clear ether, lieutenant—until tonight!”
Cloud made an engagement with Graves for luncheon. Arriving a
few minutes early, he was of course shown into the private office.
Since the manager was busily signing papers, Cloud strolled to the
side window and seemed to gaze appreciatively at the masses of
gorgeous blooms just outside. What he really saw, however, was the
detector upon his wrist.
Nobody knew that he had in his sleeve a couple of small, but
highly efficient, tools. Nobody knew that he was left-handed. Nobody
saw what he did, nor was any signal given that he did anything at all.
That night, however, that window opened alarmlessly to his deft
touch. He climbed in, noiselessly. He might be walking straight into
trouble, but he had to take that chance. One thing was in his favor;
no matter how crooked they were, they couldn’t keep armored troops
on duty as night-watchmen, and the Patrolmen could get there as
fast as their thugs could.
He had brought no weapons. If he was wrong, he would not need
any and being armed would only aggravate his offense. If right, there
would be plenty of weapons available. There were. A whole drawer
full of DeLameters—fully charged—belts and everything. He leaped
across the room to Graves’ desk; turned on a spy-ray. The sub-
basement—“private laboratories,” Graves had said—was blocked.
He threw switch after switch—no soap. Communicators—ah, he was
getting somewhere now—a steel-lined room, a girl and a boy.
“Eureka! Good evening, folks.”
“Eureka? I hope you rot in hell, Graves. . . .”
“This isn’t Graves. Cloud. Storm Cloud, the Vortex Blaster,
investigating. . . .”
“Oh, Bob, the Patrol!” the girl screamed.
“Quiet! This is a zwilnik outfit, isn’t it?”
“I’ll say it is!” Ryder gasped in relief. “Thionite. . . .”
“Thionite! How could it be? How could they bring it in here?”
“They don’t. They’re growing broadleaf and making the stuff.
That’s why they’re going to kill us.”
“Just a minute.” Cloud threw in another switch. “Lieutenant?
Worse than I thought. Thionite! Get over here fast with everything
you got. Armor and semi-portables. Blast down the Mayner Street
door. Stairway to right, two floors down, corridor to left, half-way
along left side. Room B-Twelve. Snap it up, but keep your eyes
“But wait, Cloud!” the lieutenant protested. “Wait ’til we get there
—you can’t do anything alone!”
“Can’t wait—got to get these kids out—evidence!” Cloud broke
the circuit and, as rapidly as he could, one-handed, buckled on gun-
belts. Graves would have to kill these two youngsters, if he possibly
“For God’s sake save Jackie, anyway!” Ryder prayed. He knew
just how high the stakes were. “And watch out for gas, radiation, and
traps—you must have sprung a dozen alarms already.”
“What kind of traps?” Cloud demanded.
“Beams, deadfalls, sliding doors—I don’t know what they haven’t
got. Graves said he could kill us in here with rays or gas or. . . .”
“Take Graves’ private elevator, Dr. Cloud,” the girl broke in.
“Where is it—which one?”
“It’s in the blank wall—the yellow button on his desk opens it.
Down as far as it will go.”
Cloud jumped up listening with half an ear to the babblings from
below as he searched for air-helmets. Radiations, in that metal-lined
room, were out—except possibly for a few beam-projectors, which
he could deal with easily enough. Gas, though, would be bad; but
every drug-house had air-helmets. Ah! Here they were!
He put one on, made shift to hang two more around his neck—he
had to keep his one hand free. He punched the yellow button; rode
the elevator down until it stopped of itself. He ran along the corridor
and drove the narrowest, hottest possible beam of a DeLameter into
the lock of B-12. It took time to cut even that small semi-circle in that
refractory and conductive alloy—altogether too much time—but the
kids would know who it was. Zwilniks would open the cell with a key,
not a torch.
They knew. When Cloud kicked the door open they fell upon him
“A helmet and a DeLameter apiece. Get them on quick! Now help
me buckle this. Thanks. Jackie, you stay back there, out of the way
of our feet. Bob, you lie down here in the doorway. Keep your gun
outside and stick your head out just far enough so you can see. No
farther. I’ll join you after I see what they’ve got in the line of
A spot of light appeared in a semi-concealed port, then another.
Cloud’s weapon flamed briefly.
“Projectors like those aren’t much good when the prisoners have
DeLameters,” he commented, “but I imagine our air right now is
pretty foul. It won’t be long now. Do you hear anything?”
“Somebody’s coming, but suppose it’s the Patrol?”
“If so, a few blasts won’t hurt ’em—they’ll be in G P armor.” Cloud
did not add that Graves would probably rush his nearest thugs in just
as they were; to kill the two witnesses before help could arrive.
The first detachment to round the corner was in fact unarmored.
Cloud’s weapon flamed white, followed quickly by Ryder’s, and those
zwilniks died. Against the next to arrive, however, the DeLameters
raved in vain. But only for a second.
“Back!” Cloud ordered, and swung the heavy door shut as the
attackers’ beams swept past. It could not be locked, but it could be,
and was, welded to the jamb with dispatch, if not with neatness.
“We’ll cut that trap-door off, and stick it onto the door, too—and any
more loose metal we can find.”
“I hope they come in time,” the girl’s low voice carried a prayer.
Was this brief flare of hope false? Would not only she and her Bob,
but also their would-be rescuer, die? “Oh! That noise—s’pose it’s the
It was not really a noise—the cell was sound-proof—it was an
occasional jarring of the whole immense structure.
“I wouldn’t wonder. Heavy stuff—probably semi-portables. You
might grab that bucket, Bob, and throw some of that water that’s
trickling in. Every little bit helps.”
The heavy metal of the door was glowing bright-to-dull red over
half its area and that area was spreading rapidly. The air of the room
grew hot and hotter. Bursts of live steam billowed out and,
condensing, fogged the helmets.
The glowing metal dulled, brightened, dulled. The prisoners could
only guess at the intensity of the battle being waged. They could
follow its progress only by the ever-shifting temperature of the barrier
which the zwilniks were so suicidally determined to burn down. For
hours, it seemed, the conflict raged. The thuddings and jarrings grew
worse. The water, which had been a trickle, was now a stream and
scalding hot.
Then a blast of bitterly cold air roared from the ventilator, clearing
away the gas and steam, and the speaker came to life.
“Good work, Cloud and you other two,” it said, chattily. “Glad to
see you’re all on deck. Get into this corner over here, so the Zwilniks
won’t hit you when they hole through. They won’t have time to locate
you—we’ve got a semi right at the corner now.”
The door grew hotter, flamed fiercely white. A narrow pencil
sizzled through, burning steel sparkling away in all directions—but
only for a second. It expired. Through the hole there flared the
reflection of a beam brilliant enough to pale the noon-day sun. The
portal cooled; heavy streams of water hissed and steamed. Hot
water began to spurt into the cell. An atomic-hydrogen cutting torch
sliced away the upper two-thirds of the fused and battered door. The
grotesquely-armored lieutenant peered in.
“They tell me all three of you are QX. Check?”
“Good. We’ll have to carry you out. Step up here where we can
get hold of you.”
“I’ll walk and I’ll carry Jackie myself,” Ryder protested, while two
of the armored warriors were draping Cloud tastefully around the
helmet of a third.
“You’d get boiled to the hips—this water is deep and hot. Come
The slowly rising water was steaming; the walls and ceiling of the
corridor gave mute but eloquent testimony of the appalling forces
that had been unleashed. Tile, concrete, plastic, metal—nothing was
as it had been. Cavities yawned. Plates and pilasters were warped,
crumbled, fused into hellish stalactites; bare girders hung awry. In
places complete collapse had necessitated the blasting out of
Through the wreckage of what had been a magnificent building
the cavalcade made its way, but when the open air was reached the
three rescued ones were not released. Instead, they were escorted
by a full platoon of soldiery to an armored car, which was in turn
escorted to the Patrol station.
“I’m afraid to take chances with you until we find out who’s who
and what’s what around here,” the young commander explained.
“The Lensmen will be here in the morning, with half an army, so I
think you’d better spend the rest of the night here, don’t you?”
“Protective custody, eh?” Cloud grinned. “I’ve never been
arrested in such a polite way before, but it’s QX with me. You, too, I
take it?”
“Us, too, decidedly,” Ryder assented. “This is a very nice jail-
house, especially in comparison with where we’ve. . . .”
“I’ll say so!” Jackie broke in, giggling almost hysterically. “I never
thought I’d be tickled to death at getting arrested, but I am!”
Lensmen came, and companies of Patrolmen equipped in
various fashions, but it was several weeks before the situation was
completely clarified. Then Ellington—Councillor Ellington, the
Unattached Lensman in charge of all Narcotics—called the three into
the office.
“How about Graves and Fairchild?” Cloud demanded before the
councillor could speak.
“Both dead,” Ellington said. “Graves was shot down just as he
took off, but he blasted Fairchild first, just as he intimated he would.
There wasn’t enough of Fairchild left for positive identification, but it
couldn’t very well have been anyone else. Nobody left alive seems to
know much of anything of the real scope of the thing, so we can
release you three now. Thanks, from me as well as the Patrol. There
is some talk that you two youngsters have been contemplating a
honeymoon out Chickladoria way?”
“Oh, no, sir—that is. . . .” Both spoke at once. “That was just talk,
“I realize that the report may have been exaggerated, or
premature, or both. However, not as a reward, but simply in
appreciation, the Patrol would be very glad to have you as its guests
throughout such a trip—all expense—if you like.”
They liked.
“Thank you. Lieutenant, please take Miss Cochran and Mr. Ryder
to the disbursing office. Dr. Cloud, the Patrol will take cognizance of
what you have done. In the meantime, however, I would like to say
that in uncovering this thing you have been of immense assistance
to us.”
“Nothing much sir, I’m afraid. I shudder to think of what’s coming.
If zwilniks can grow Trenconian broadleaf anywhere. . . .”
“Not at all, not at all,” Ellington interrupted. “If such an entirely
unsuspected firm as Tellurian Pharmaceuticals, with all their
elaborate preparations and precautions, could not do much more
than start, it is highly improbable that any other attempt will be a
success. You have given us a very potent weapon against zwilnik
operations—not only thionite, but heroin, ladolian, nitrolabe, and the
“What weapon?” Cloud was puzzled.
“Statistical analysis and correlation of apparently unrelated
“But they’ve been used for years!”
“Not the way you used them, my friend. Thus, while we cannot
count upon any more such extraordinary help as you gave us, we
should not need any. Can I give you a lift back to Tellus?”
“I don’t think so, thanks. My stuff is en route now. I’ll have to blow
out this vortex anyway. Not that I think there’s anything unusual
about it—those were undoubtedly murders, not vortex casualties at
all—but for the record. Also, since I can’t do any more extinguishing
until my arm finishes itself up, I may as well stay here and keep on
“Practising? Practising what?”
“Gun-slinging—the lightning draw. I intend to get at least a lunch
while the next pirate who pulls a DeLameter on me is getting a
square meal.”
* * * * *
SINCE BECOMING the Vortex Blaster, Neal Cloud lived alone.
Whenever he decently could, he traveled alone and worked alone.
He was alone now, hurtling through a barren region of space toward
Rift Seventy One and the vortex next upon his list. In the interests of
solitude, convenience, and efficiency he was now driving a scout-
class ship which had been converted to one-man and automatic
operation. In one hold was his vortex-blasting flitter; in the others his
duodec bombs and other supplies.
During such periods of inaction as this, he was wont to think
flagellantly of Jo and the three kids; especially of Jo. Now, however,
and much to his surprise and chagrin, the pictures which had been
so vividly clear were beginning to fade. Unless he concentrated
consciously, his thoughts strayed elsewhere: to the last meeting of
the Society; to the new speculations as to the why and how of
supernovae; to food; to bowling—maybe he’d better start that again,
to see if he couldn’t make his hook roll smoothly into the one-two
pocket instead of getting so many seven-ten splits. Back to food—for
the first time in the Vortex Blaster’s career he was really hungry.
Which buttons would he push for supper? Steak and Venerian
mushrooms would be mighty good. So would fried ham and eggs, or
high-pressured gameliope. . . .
An alarm bell jangled, rupturing the silence; a warm-blooded
oxygen-breather’s distress call, pitifully weak, was coming in. It
would have to be weak, Cloud reflected, as he tuned it in as sharply
as he could; he was a good eighty five parsecs—at least an hour at
maximum blast—away from the nearest charted traffic lane. It was
getting stronger. It hadn’t just started, then; he had just gotten into its
range. He acknowledged, swung his little ship’s needle nose into the
line and slammed on full drive. He had not gone far on the new
course, however, when a tiny but brilliant flash of light showed on his
plate and the distress-call stopped. Whatever had occurred was
Cloud had to investigate, of course. Both written and unwritten
laws are adamant that every such call must be heeded by any warm-
blooded oxygen-breather receiving it, of whatever race or class or
tonnage or upon whatever mission bound. He broadcast call after
call of his own. No reply. He was probably the only being in space
who had been within range.
Still driving at max, he went to the rack and pulled down a chart.
He had never been in on a space emergency before, but he knew
the routine. No use to investigate the wreckage; the brilliance of the
flare was evidence enough that the vessel and everything near it had
ceased to exist. It was lifeboats he was after. They were supposed to
stick around to be rescued, but out here they wouldn’t. They’d have
to head for the nearest planet, to be sure of air. Air was far more
important than either food or water; and lifeboats, by the very nature
of things, could not carry enough air.
Thus he steered more toward the nearest T-T (Tellus-Type)
planet than toward the scene of disaster. He put his communicators,
both sending and receiving, on automatic, then sat down at the
detector panel. There might not be anything on the visuals or the
audio. There had been many cases of boats, jammed with women
and children, being launched into space with no one aboard able to
operate even a communicator. If any lifeboats had gotten away from
the catastrophe, his detectors would find them.
There was one; one only. It was close to the planet, almost into
atmosphere. Cloud aimed a solid communicator beam. Still no
answer. Either the boat’s communicator was smashed or nobody
aboard could run it. He’d have to follow them down to the ground.
But what was that? Another boat on the plate? Not a lifeboat—
too big—but not big enough to be a ship. Coming out from the
planet, apparently . . . to rescue? No—what the hell? The lug was
beaming the lifeboat!
“Let’s go, you sheet-iron lummox!” the Blaster yelled aloud,
kicking in his every remaining dyne of drive. Then, very shortly, his
plate came suddenly to life. To semi-life, rather, for the video was
blurred and blotchy; the audio full of breaks and noise. The lifeboat’s
pilot was a Chickladorian; characteristically pink except for red-
matted hair and red-streamed face. He was in bad shape.
“Whoever it is that’s been trying to raise me, snap it up!” the pink
man said in “Spaceal,” the lingua franca of deep space. “I couldn’t
answer until I faked up this jury rig. The ape’s aboard and he means
business. I’m going to black out, I think, but I’ve undogged the locks.
Take over, pal!”
The picture blurred, vanished. The voice stopped. Cloud swore,
* * * * *
The planet Dhil and its enormous satellite Lune are almost twin
worlds, revolving around their common center of gravity and
traversing as one the second orbit of their sun. In the third orbit
revolves Nhal, a planet strikingly similar to Dhil in every respect of
gravity, atmosphere, and climate. Thus Dhilians and Nhalians are, to
intents and purposes, identical.[1]
The two races had been at war with each other, most of the time,
for centuries; and practically all of that warfare had been waged
upon luckless Lune. Each race was well advanced in science. Each
had atomic power, offensive beams, and defensive screens. Neither
had any degree of inertialessness. Neither had ever heard of
Civilization or of Boskonia.
At this particular time peace existed, but only on the surface. Any
discovery or development giving either side an advantage would
rekindle the conflagration without hesitation or warning.
Such was the condition obtaining when Darjeeb of Nhal blasted
his little space-ship upward from Lune. He was glowing with pride of
accomplishment, suffused with self-esteem. Not only had he touched
off an inextinguishable atomic flame exactly where it would do the
most good, but also, as a crowning achievement, he had captured
Luda of Dhil. Luda herself; the coldest, hardest, most efficient
Minister of War that Dhil had ever had!
As soon as they could extract certain data from Luda’s mind, they
could take Lune in short order. With Lune solidly theirs, they could
bomb Dhil into submission in two years. The goal of many
generations would have been reached. He, Darjeeb of Nhal, would
have wealth, fame, and—best of all—power!
Gazing gloatingly at his captive with every eye he could bring to
bear, Darjeeb strolled over to inspect again her chains and
manacles. Let her radiate! No mentality in existence could break his
blocks. Physically, however, she had to be watched. The irons were
strong; but so was Luda. If she could break free he’d probably have
to shoot her, which would be a very bad thing indeed. She hadn’t
caved in yet, but she would. When he got her to Nhal, where proper
measures could be taken, she’d give up every scrap of knowledge
she had ever had!
The chains were holding, all eight of them, and Darjeeb kept on
gloating as he backed toward his control station. To him Luda’s
shape was normal enough, since his own was the same, but in the
sight of any Tellurian she would have been more than a little queer.
The lower part of her body was somewhat like that of a small
elephant; one weighing perhaps four hundred pounds. The skin,
however, was clear and fine and delicately tanned; there were no
ears or tusks; the neck was longer. The trunk was shorter, divided at
the tip to form a highly capable hand; and between the somewhat
protuberant eyes of this “feeding” head there thrust out a boldly
Roman, startlingly human nose. The brain in this head was very
small, being concerned only with matters of food.
Above this not-too-unbelievable body, however, there was
nothing familiar to us of Tellus. Instead of a back there were two
pairs of mighty shoulders, from which sprang four tremendous arms,
each like the trunk except longer and much stronger. Surmounting
those massive shoulders there was an armored, slightly retractile
neck which bore the heavily-armored “thinking” head. In this head
there were no mouths, no nostrils. The four equally-spaced pairs of
eyes were protected by heavy ridges and plates; the entire head,
except for its junction with the neck, was solidly sheathed with bare,
hard, thick, tough bone.
Darjeeb’s amazing head shone a clean-scrubbed white. But
Luda’s—the eternal feminine!—was really something to look at. It
had been sanded, buffed, and polished. It had been inlaid with bars
and strips and scrolls of variously-colored metals; then decorated
tastefully in red and green and blue and black enamel; then, to cap
the climax, lacquered!
But that was old stuff to Darjeeb; all he cared about was the
tightness of the chains immobilizing Luda’s hands and feet. Seeing
that they were all tight, he returned his attention to his visiplates; for
he was not yet in the clear. Enemies might be blasting off after him
any minute.
A light flashed upon his detector panel. Behind him everything
was clear. Nothing was coming from Dhil. Ah, there it was, coming in
from open space. But nothing could move that fast! A space-ship of
some kind . . . Gods of the Ancients, how it was coming!
As a matter of fact the lifeboat was coming in at less than one
light; the merest crawl, as space-speeds go. That velocity, however,
was so utterly beyond anything known to his system that the usually
phlematic Nhalian stood spellbound for a fraction of a second. Then
he drove a hand toward a control. Too late—before the hand had
covered half the distance the incomprehensibly fast ship struck his
own without impact, jar, or shock.
Both vessels should have been blasted to atoms; but there the
stranger was, poised motionless beside him. Then, under the urge of
a ridiculously tiny jet of flame, she leaped away; covering miles in an
instant. Then something equally fantastic happened. She drifted
heavily backward, against the full force of her driving blasts!
Only one explanation was possible—inertialessness! What a
weapon! With that and Luda—even without Luda—the solar system
would be his. No longer was it a question of Nhal conquering Dhil.
He himself would become the dictator, not only of Nhal and Dhil and
Lune, but also of all other worlds within reach. That vessel and its
secrets must be his!
He blasted, then, to match the inert velocity of the smaller craft,
and as his ship approached the other he reached out both
telepathically—he could neither speak nor hear—and with a spy-ray
to determine the most feasible method of taking over this Godsend.
Bipeds! Peculiar little beasts—repulsive. Only two arms and eyes
—only one head. Weak, no weapons—good! Couldn’t any of them
communicate? Ah yes, there was one—an unusually thin, reed-like
creature, bundled up in layer upon layer of fabric. . . .
“I see that you are survivors of a catastrophe in outer space,”
Darjeeb began. He correlated instantly, if not sympathetically, the
smashed panel and the pilot’s bleeding head. If the creature had had
a head worthy of the name, it could have wrecked a dozen such
frailties with it, and without taking hurt. “Tell your pilot to let me in, so
that I may guide you to safety. Hurry! Those will come at any
moment who will destroy us all without warning or palaver.”
“I am trying, sir, but I cannot get through to him direct. It will take
a few moments.” The strange telepathist began to make motions
with her peculiar arms, hands, and fingers. Others of the outlanders
brandished various repulsive members and gesticulated with
ridiculous mouths. Finally:
“He says he would rather not,” the interpreter reported. “He asks
you to go ahead. He will follow you down.”
“Impossible. We cannot land upon this world or its primary, Dhil,”
Darjeeb argued, reasonably. “These people are enemies—savages
—I have just escaped from them. It is death to attempt to land
anywhere in this system except on my own world Nhal—that bluish
one over there.”
“Very well, we’ll see you there. We’re just about out of air, but we
can travel that far.”
But that wouldn’t do, either, of course. Argument took too much
time. He’d have to use force, and he’d better call for help. He hurled
mental orders to a henchman, threw out his magnetic grapples, and
turned on a broad, low-powered beam.
“Open up or die,” he ordered. “I do not want to blast you open,
but time presses and I will if I must.”
Pure heat is hard to take. The portal opened and Darjeeb, after
donning armor and checking his ray-guns, picked Luda up and
swung nonchalantly out into space. Luda was tough—a little vacuum
wouldn’t hurt her much. Inside the lifeboat, he tossed his captive into
a corner and strode toward the pilot.
“I want to know right now what it is that makes this ship to be
without inertia!” Darjeeb radiated, harshly. He had been probing
vainly at the pink thing’s mind-block. “Tell your pilot to tell me or I will
squeeze it out of his brain.”
As the order was being translated he slipped an arm out of his
suit and clamped a huge hand around the pilot’s head. But just as he
made contact, before he put on any pressure at all, the weakling
Also, two of his senses registered disquieting tidings. He
received, as plainly as though it was intended for him, a welcome
which the swaddled-up biped was radiating in delight to an
unexpected visitor rushing into the compartment. He saw that that
visitor, while it was also a biped, was not at all like the frightened and
harmless creatures already cluttering the room. It was armed and
armored, in complete readiness for strife even with Darjeeb of Nhal.
The bonehead swung his ready weapon—with his build there
was no need, ever to turn—and pressed a stud. A searing lance of
flame stabbed out. Passengers screamed and fled into whatever
places of security were available.