Jal Jeevan
Jal Jeevan
Jal Jeevan
Narendra Modi
Prime Minister
Study by Interna onal Labour Women for Water: How Jal Jeevan
Organisa on (ILO) Es mates Mission has Unleashed Female
Crea on of 13.3 Lakh Person-Year Leadership
Employment - Shailika Sinha ............................18
- Rachna Gahilote Bisht...............12
A Thirst for Progress: Raghuram
UNOPS Success Story: Innova ve Village's Remarkable
Par cipatory Approach Generates Transforma on
Prime Minister on Jal Jeevan Community Ac on - PHED, West Bengal and
Mission.........................................1 - Madhuri Shukla and Disha Ranjana ...........................21
C Sundara Manickam ................13
Note from the desk of Addi onal Case Study: Chha sgarh
Secretary & Mission Director Celebra ng Water for All: Jal Jeevan Development of Water Security Plan
- Vikas Sheel....................................2 Mission Fortnight in UT of Jammu & at Village-level Adop ng Scien fic
Kashmir Approach
JJM Progress - Dr G N Itoo................................16 - Ajay Kumar Sahu, Harish Kumar
Hingorani, Dr. I. C Das, Dr. Ninad
Progressive coverage - Bodhankar, Prashant Kawishwar
Func onal Household Tap and Lopamudra Panda..............23
Connec on (FHTC) ..........................4
Congratula ons to Jal Jeevan
Compara ve FHTC coverage Mission’s WQMIS for the Silver
status of States/ UTs .......................4 Award at 26th Na onal Conference
of E-governance!...........................29
Jal Jeevan Mission’s Special Guest Review Meetings ...................................30
Par cipate in the 77
Independence Day Event Jal Jeevan Survekshan .........................32
- Rachna Gahilote Bisht, Shailika
Sinha and Utkarsha Rathi............6 National WASH Experts’ visits................33
Editorial Team th
35 Edition
Editor-in-Chief August 2023
Rachna Gahilote Bisht
Vikas Sheel
Addi onal Secretary & Amit Kumar Ranjan
Mission Director, NJJM Lopamudra Panda
© JalJeevanMission-2023
Arpan De Sarkar
Editor Disha Ranjana
Shailika Sinha
Yogendra Kumar Singh National Jal Jeevan Mission
Director, NJJM New Delhi - 110 003
Design: Arif Khan e - mail: njjm-ddws@gov.in
Prime Minister
on Jal Jeevan Mission
Narendra Modi
Prime Minister
1 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Note from the desk of
Additional Secretary & Mission Director…
New Delhi
31 August 2023
August marked an even ul month for Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), and as we celebrated India's 77th Independence Day,
it became a moment of deep reflec on for all of us on the significance of this day in our na on's history.
Independence Day is not just about poli cal freedom; it represents a shared responsibility to shape a brighter future
for all ci zens — a day that calls for celebra ng our unity, embracing our diversity, and char ng a path of progress for
our great na on. This no on of freedom touches upon various aspects of human existence and everyday lives,
where JJM is inching further towards 'freedom from drudgery'. In contemporary mes, JJM has emerged as a pivotal
force in bestowing freedom upon millions of women by allevia ng water scarcity and empowering them with
newfound opportuni es and skills.
One remarkable highlight of our Independence Day celebra on was the inclusion of 100 Special Invitees — our
esteemed 'Water Warriors' from 25 States/ UTs across the na on. These grassroots leaders, mostly women, which
included Village Sarpanch, Plumbers, Pump Operators, Water Metre Readers, Water Quality Tes ng Specialists,
VWSC/ Paani Sami , and SHG members, have played an integral role in the success of Jal Jeevan Mission, exemplify-
ing our commitment to long-term sustainability.
Their reless efforts at the grassroots level have been instrumental in implemen ng the Mission's objec ves,
ensuring every rural household has access to clean and safe piped water through func onal household tap connec-
ons. This is a testament to our unwavering dedica on to securing a sustainable water future for India. It is per nent
to men on that such efforts have culminated into crea ng micro and macro water u li es at the grassroots level.
The Gram Panchayats are more capacitated than ever, crea ng a new cadre of responsible and accountable ci zenry
which will create a sustainable future for the younger genera on.
JJM has played a transforma ve role by ensuring access to safe and potable piped drinking water within households.
The impact is such that, JJM has liberated women from drudgery of water collec on, and enhanced their health and
well-being. They now have more me to engage in income-genera ng ac vi es and community development
projects. The mission has also opened employment opportuni es for countless individuals, especially women, who
are ac vely par cipa ng in the water sector, whether it be as skilled laborers, community mobilisers, or entrepre-
In pursuit of the same, JJM has ac vely embraced the idea of empowering the rural populace through a Mul -Skilling
course; Nal Jal Mitra Programme (NJMP). It is not just about providing jobs but enabling individuals to become self-
reliant and contribute to the Opera on and Maintenance (O&M) of the scheme and work towards sustainable
management of water resources. In this decentralised programme, the Gram Panchayat will capacitate the commu-
nity by nomina ng and sponsoring the candidate to be trained for various trades of the WASH sector culminated into
one course. By empowering the community with the skills (hard & so ) and knowledge needed for water-related
careers, we are not only enhancing their employability but also ensuring the long-term sustainability of our mission
by inculca ng a sense of ownership.
The study undertaken by Centre for Public Policy under IIM-B, with technical support from ILO, recently released at
CSOI, New Delhi, looks at the direct and indirect employment created under 'Har Ghar Jal' programme, sta ng that
JJM's employment genera on poten al during the construc on phase is an average of 59.93 lakh person-year of
direct and 2.22 crore person-year of indirect employment and 11.18 lakh person-year of addi onal direct employ-
ment annually during the O&M stage.
In our journey, we shouldn't forget that our success comes with the collabora ve efforts with States/ UTs, sector and
Rural WASH partners that have been instrumental for the on-going success of the Mission. This synergy has pro-
pelled us forward in providing safe piped drinking water to every rural household. By pooling exper se, resources,
and innova ve technological solu ons, we have made significant strides in achieving our goals, further underlining
our commitment to long-term sustainability.
As we look at the future of WASH landscape in India, we see a path guided by the principles of long-term
sustainability, technology-driven progress, and the boundless poten al of our ci zens of today and tomorrow who
lead the way in shaping a sustainable future. Together, we can ensure that the Jal Jeevan Mission's impact con nues
to posi vely shape the lives of millions for genera ons to come.
[Vikas Sheel]
3 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
A&N Islands
Himachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Comparative FHTC coverage status of
Progressive coverage - Functional Household
West Bengal
As on 31st August, 2023 Source: JJM-IMIS
Total number of Households with tap water Households with tap water
households (HHs) connections as on 15th Aug 2019 connections as on date
Households provided with tap water connection since launch of the Mission
9,74,22,050 (60.91%)
Goa, A & N Islands, Puducheerry, D&NH and D&D, Haryana, Punjab, Telangana, Gujarat
5 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Jal Jeevan Mission’s
Special Guest Participate in the
77th Independence Day Event
- By Rachna Gahilote Bisht, Shailika Sinha and Utkarsha Rathi, NJJM
of the en re na on as they represent different walks of These guests were; Sarpanch, Plumber, Pump operator,
life. They were part of the iconic hois ng of the Na onal Water meter reader & Village Water and Sanita on
Flag by the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Commi ee (VWSC) members. Many of them had stepped
and heard his address to the na on seated from the out of their state for the first me and Delhi was beyond
ramparts of the historic Red Fort. their imagina on. The Union Government's ac on
acknowledged the efforts of 'Jan Bhagidari' and expressed
The day became extra special for the Water Warriors as gra tude to the 'common man' for their contribu on to
among these 1800 'Special Guests' was a delega on from na on-building in a truly democra c manner.
7 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
sector. Water as a subject was divided among many quan ty reaches every rural household and that 'No One
ministries and departments. The Prime Minister is Le Out'. The me saved by women is spent in teaching
acknowledged the importance it righ ully deserves and children, working on farmlands, growing vegetables,
made an integrated Jal Shak Ministry, where we started inves ng in livestock and goat rearing. The women are
working on all water related topics with a unified vision.” adding their share to the family income.”
Shri Shekhawat further added, “Efforts are being made The Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and
by the government to improve the lives of its ci zens. No Sanita on, Smt. Vini Mahajan, said, “It is with great joy
one could have dreamt that the century old drudgery and pride that I welcome the guests who have travelled
faced by women across rural India could be ended by long distance to a end the Independence Day celebra-
provisioning tap water connec on in every rural home. on. The honour accorded by the Prime Minister also
Under the visionary leadership of the Prime Minister, we places responsibility on our shoulder to ensure that the
have provided more than 12.83 crore tap connec ons water supplied is frequently tested for purity and is used
and the country is moving rapidly towards 'Sampoorna judiciously. Working at a speed and scale which is
Swachhata' i.e., complete cleanliness, a er declaring unparalleled, the Mission today ensures that no state has
itself Open Defeca on Free (ODF) on 2nd October 2019. less than one-third coverage. In this calendar year, we are
The target now set before us is to become ODF Plus with working at a speed wherein one tap connec on is being
Solid Liquid Waste Management. 60% of the villages have provided every second in rural India.”
already become ODF Plus. The invita on extended to the
foot soldiers of 'Har Ghar Jal' and members of VWSCs Addi onal Secretary & Mission Director of Jal Jeevan
indicates the importance accorded to these two Missions Mission, Shri Vikas Sheel, spoke about the importance of
– JJM and SBM-G, and the change it brings about in the 5 R's – refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle water
rural landscape of the country.” for efficient water management. He said, “It is crucial to
recognise the opportuni es for u lising available
The Minister of State for Jal Shak and Food Processing resources effec vely and implement sustainable
Industries, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel spoke on the collabo- prac ces.”
ra ve effort made by the government, development
partners, civil society, and community in helping achieve Director, Jal Jeevan Mission, Shri Y K Singh, while giving
the goal of provisioning piped tap water connec on in the Vote of Thanks, said that the presence of the ‘Special
every rural household. Shri Patel said, “Jal Jeevan Mission Guests’ serves as a testament to the spirit that forms the
ensures that water of prescribed quality, in adequate essence of Jal Jeevan Mission.
1. Pra ma Santra is the Pradhan of Ratanpota were also lost in the process as one would slip into
village from Howrah District in West Bengal. She the deep well trying to grab a bucket of water. The
recalled that earlier there were no tap connec ons provision of piped tap water connec on in the
in the village and they were dependent on tube household has resulted in a saving of Rs 25,000
wells and handpumps for their daily water needs. annually as people were forced to call for a water
But with the launch of Jal Jeevan Mission, the work tanker every week which costed Rs 500. We had
of provisioning tap water in the village stared in never dreamt of ge ng water daily, but our life has
2021. The village was mapped by the Public Health completely changed with 'Har Ghar Jal'. We are
Engineering Department (PHED) officials to check ge ng clean piped drinking water and the me
the exis ng water sources and the same was aligned saved by women is used for undertaking income
with the water requirement of the community. genera ng ac vi es like tailoring, dairy and poultry
Later a tender was issued and the work was ini - farming.”
4. Sushila Devi, a Sarpanch of Mukundpur village in
Pra ma goes on to add, “Today, all the households, Jaipur, Rajasthan said, “I was elected from a
primary schools and anganwadi centres are ge ng reserved seat three years ago. Water has always
piped drinking water through taps. VWSC has been been an issue in our desert state. We were depend-
cons tuted and a 5-member women commi ee has ent on borewell and handpump. Carrying heavy
been formed which is trained to conduct water load of water mul ple mes in a day would lead to
quality tes ng using Field Test Kits (FTKs) at pain in the neck and legs. But with Jal Jeevan
frequent intervals. Regular chlorina on is done to Mission our life has completely changed. We are
ensure supply of safe drinking water. Everyday 55 ge ng clean piped drinking water. A one- me
lpcd water is supplied for two hours in morning and charge of Rs 2,250 was collected from every
a ernoon.” household for installa on of the tap and the
community is now using water judiciously.”
2. Shan Devi Debbarma and Anjali
Debbarma are VWSC members from Jiraniakhala 5. Urmila Mandal is an Anganwadi worker from
village in Tripura. Under 'Har Ghar Jal' programme, Ramnagar village in Sitapur Shaheed Dweep of the
they go house-to-house tes ng the quality of water Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Narra ng her
at delivery points to ensure that safe water is experience, she stated, “Earlier the lives of village
supplied in every home with adequate pressure people was difficult, as the majority of water needs
even at the tail-end houses. They also sensi se the were met by ring wells, which would dry up during
community to install tap water connec on for water the summer season. Disconnected from the
that is free of impuri es and fit to drink. While mainland, the islands were dry and water needs
narra ng their daily rou ne they said, “We tell our were met by the tankers of fresh water which were
people how dysentery and diarrhoea cases have mostly shipped from the mainland. During the
reduced in homes which are using tap water for monsoons, although the ring wells filled up, water
daily consump on. Drinking contaminated water tes ng was not done adequately causing epidemics
leads to ailments, one must install tap water to of diarrhoea, typhoid fever, and other waterborne
reduce spending money on doctor's fee and diseases. A er the implementa on of Jal Jeevan
medicines. Safe tap water saves out me and health Mission, the lives of the people have changed
in mul ple ways.” en rely. Now, they get an adequate amount of
water, which is tested weekly with the FTK and
3. Rama Maloo who belongs to Amlikala village in monthly in the laboratory.” She further added that
Bhilwara, Rajasthan said, “Jal Jeevan Mission has for her, it was like a dream come true, to be called to
ended our drudgery. Earlier we spent one and a half Delhi to see the Prime Minister, for real. She also
hours daily looking for water to meet our household interacted with other water warriors to understand
needs. With deple ng water-table, we were forced and learn from their experience which she can take
to go deep inside the well and very small quan ty of back to her village and implement those ideas and
water was available to quench our thirst. Some lives innova ons.
9 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
6. Babiangmon Lapang, a resident of Mawphrew The Panchayat and the Commi ee have granted
village in Ri Bhoi district, Meghalaya and a VWSC & free access of water to families which are poor and
SHG member narrated that previously, the commu- cannot bear the monthly user charge. It demon-
nity had only one tap for everyone to use, leading to strates empathy and strong community support,
daily conflicts over water access. It was a me- making the programme and Mission a true 'Jan
consuming ordeal, and the water quality was also Andolan'.
below the recommended standards.
8. Dasiya Choudhry, a VWSC member from
In her words, “The JJM ini a ve has completely District Ghansaur, Madhya Pradesh, shared her
transformed our daily lives for the be er. We now experiences of distress, as she had to make the
have taps in our homes, which has saved us a difficult decision of sending her daughter to fetch
significant amount of me and energy. Addi onally, water every day from a far-fetched well, a er she
it has encouraged people to take responsibility for herself became ill from drinking contaminated
managing their water resources.” water. Her daughter couldn't a end school, wai ng
in the long queues to acquire water for the daily
She further said that as a result of these changes, needs of the family. As a result, she lost the opportu-
there has been a no ceable improvement in nity to complete her educa on.
cleanliness and sanita on condi ons within the
community. People are now dedica ng their me to But now with access to potable piped water, her
create kitchen gardens and learn about greywater daughter no longer misses school and is doing well
management techniques. Furthermore, water in studies. The accessibility of a FHTC eliminated the
quality is regularly monitored at its source, ensuring need for her daughter to fetch water from afar,
its safety for consump on. allowing her to a end school regularly and focus on
her studies. Many like her have benefited from the
The community has also become environmentally Mission, which has posi vely impacted the lives of
conscious, with residents ac vely involved in tree rural residents by addressing the issue of water
plan ng and other eco-friendly ini a ves. Overall, scarcity and contamina on. This in turn, has led to
JJM has brought about happiness and prosperity to be er educa onal opportuni es and overall well-
the village, significantly improving the quality of life being of the community. JJM has given the children
there. of her village, an equal foo ng to a end school and
change their lives for good.
7. Hazra Khatoon is a Sarpanch Sakwania Khurd
village in U ar Pradesh. Struck by personal tragedy, 9. Rajmol T, an inhabitant of Chandayamangalam
with her daughter turning deaf due to consump on village in Kerala and a member of the VWSC & SHG
of contaminated water, Hazra Khatoon took it upon shared her experiences regarding the water
herself to sensi se people on the importance of situa on. Located near the coastal area, her village
clean drinking water. While most people would go faced significant challenges related to water quality.
on self-pity, she took the other road of sensi sing High concentra ons of salinity, primarily caused by
her community on the ill-effects of consuming excessive divalent ca ons, and elevated levels of
contaminated water. She would meet people and chloride ions made the water not only unsafe but
tell them how life can be adversely affected by also problema c for daily ac vi es due to scum
con nuous consump on of unclean water. Hazra build-up. However, since the implementa on of Jal
began by conduc ng regular mee ngs to raise Jeevan Mission, there have been remarkable
awareness about clean water and proper sanita on improvements in the water situa on. Regular
prac ces. Together, with the VWSC members, she monitoring of water quality is now a standard
ensured that water was tested at the source and at prac ce, ensuring that every household receives a
delivery points on quality parameters to safeguard consistent supply of adequate and high-quality
the purity of water supply. piped water. Rajmol herself is an enthusias c user of
FTKs, which allows her to conduct weekly checks on
In order to ensure the FHTCs remain in good
water quality from various sources to guarantee
working condi on, the community contributes to
that her village consistently receives water that
the u lity and maintenance fund.
11 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Study by IIM-B & International Labour
Organisation (ILO) Estimates Creation of
13.3 Lakh Person-Year Employment
- Rachna Gahilote Bisht, NJJM
but is also genera ng employment covers three aspects – direct, indirect Smt. Mahajan men oned that one
opportuni es in the villages. A study and induced employment created by rural household is ge ng a tap water
conducted by Indian Ins tute of 'Har Ghar Jal' programme. He opined connec on every second and with
Management-Bangalore (IIM-B), that Jal Jeevan Mission is bridging the con nuous efforts on the ground,
with technical support from Interna- rural-urban divide through income over 12.7 crore tap water connec-
onal Labour Organisa on (ILO), genera ng opportuni es for men, ons have been established as
tled 'Assessment of Employment women, skilled, unskilled, one- me, against 3.23 crore at the me of
Poten al of Jal Jeevan Mission' short-term and long-term employ- launch of the Mission on 15th August
es mates the crea on of 13.3 lakh ment. 2019.
person-year employment per year
during JJM opera on phase. Shri Sasaki congratulated Jal Jeevan The impact of safe drinking water
Mission for achieving 65% tap water extends beyond employment. A
The study undertaken by Centre for connec on across villages, recent study by WHO revealed that
Public Policy under IIM-B, recently emphasising that infrastructural universal tap water coverage could
released at CSOI, New Delhi, looks at development directly impacts save 4,00,000 lives. The study by IIM-B
the direct and indirect employment employment and economic growth. is par cularly important as it sheds
c re a t e d u n d e r ' H a r G h a r J a l ' He asserted that the construc on light on the impact of 'Har Ghar Jal'
programme. Shri Satoshi Sasaki, industry, which employs both skilled programme on women. In order to
Deputy Director at ILO, while and unskilled workforce, plays a ensure long-term sustainability for
speaking at the launch, emphasised crucial role in this regard. The posi ve opera on & maintenance of the water
that the construc on industry has impact on vulnerable groups in supply infrastructure created under
significant poten al to create remote villages is evident. The Government of IndiaI's biggest
employment and serves as an entry analysis derived from the study will flagship programme on rural water
p o i n t fo r i n c o m e g e n e ra o n , be taken forward in dra ing policies, supply, a Mul -Skilling course will
especially among women.” ev i d e n c e - b a s e d p l a n n i n g a n d soon be introduced, empowering
developing strategies. communi es to maintain these assets.
The study was released in the
presence of key figures, including Smt. Vini Mahajan, Secretary, In line with the vision of the Hon'ble
Smt. Vini Mahajan, Secretary DDWS; Department of Drinking Water and Prime Minister to enhance ease of
Shri Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director Sanita on (DDWS), while speaking living in India, the Jal Jeevan Mission
ILO; Shri Gopal Naik, Professor IIM-B; on the findings of the study, affirmed is benefi ng people in myriad ways.
and Shri Vikas Sheel, Addi onal that provisioning tap water connec- It is not only transforming rural life
Secretary and Mission Director of Jal ons in rural households is improving with func onal household tap-water
Jeevan Mission. family income and crea ng employ- connec ons (FHTCS), but is also
ment opportuni es for both men and leading to posi ve outcomes, such as
Professor Naik explained the data women. She added, “The Depart- improved health and increased
analysis process, which involved ment is happy to see the reduc on in economic opportuni es.
W ater is a life-sustaining
resource. It harbors life
and is bound to the
existence of all beings; and while the
illusion of the vast blue bodies in our
improved social cohesion within the
CLNOB Process
Amongst the various capacity-
building ac vi es, the first ac vity
conducted was Community Leave No
One Behind (CLNOB). It is an adapt-
able par cipatory approach in which
One such approach invented and
planet may lead us to believe that we communi es were convened and
implemented by UNOPS in its 268
have enough water to last us for facilitated to conduct their own
project villages triggered commu-
genera ons, the truth remains we analysis on the water supply system,
nity ac on in Pakkuve , a UNOPS
are careening towards mes of grey water management, and access
interven on village in Tamil Nadu
extreme water distress. to sanita on facili es.
leading to posi ve results under Jal
Rightly stated by António Guterres, Jeevan Mission. In Tamil Nadu, CLNOB allows the community to
UN Secretary-General in his closing UNOPS is directly working in two themselves understand the real
remarks at the United Na ons Water aspira onal districts – picture in rela on to their well-being,
Conference, “As humanity's most Ramanathapuram and Virudhunagar health and hygiene, the number of
precious global common good, water – to provide strategic technical water sources, toilets, open defeca-
unites us all. That's why water needs support to the district in community on hotspots and the grey water
to be at the center of the global mobilisa on, capacity building, management scenario. This also
poli cal agenda. All of humanity's ins tu onal strengthening, creates valuable primary data for
hopes for the future depend, in some educa on, and awareness as well as decision makers to address exis ng
way, on char ng a new science-based learning and sharing of best prac ces. challenges and provide interim
course to bring the Water Ac on
Agenda to life.”
13 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Process of CLNOB Mapping
solu ons ll the me the piped water Supply Schemes from the Cauvery All the informa on along with
supply is provided. River. The source is far away wherein observa ons and recommenda ons
pipelines have to run over mul ple was collated and shared with the
The process of mapping is led by the districts. In such a scenario, the District Collector, respec ve line
community members themselves community collec vely realised that department heads, and Panchayat
and takes place in the educa onally interim solu ons for supply of water representa ves.
and economically challenging blocks will have to be arranged.
of the district, where significant Upon perusing the primary data and
amount of handholding and support The ins tu onal memory of the older evalua ng the inputs provided by the
is ini ally required. This is essen al to ci zens was tapped-in to understand villagers themselves, the gravity of
help the villagers understand the previous water situa ons, prac ces, the situa on became clear to the
context and purpose of conduc ng a and maintenance of water bodies in officials. The ma er was understood
CLNOB exercise. the past in order to arrive at poten al and the authori es were very keen to
solu ons and interim ac on points. cascade the CLNOB process across
For effec ve documenta on of the
ground situa on under CLNOB, steps
for effec ve approach were taken up.
To facilitate and help the villagers
have standard symbols and legends,
community maps were created,
s ckers made with standardised
symbols which helped in interpre ng
and colla ng the data correctly.
These maps are easily readable
without much explana on.
Outcome of CLNOB at
Pakkuve Village
Kamudhi block in Ramanathapuram,
a UNOPS WASH project site, is Pakkuvetti GP - Ulaganadai hamlet CLNOB
dependent on Mul -village Water
15 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Celebrating Water for All: Jal Jeevan Mission
Fortnight in UT of Jammu & Kashmir
- Dr G N Itoo, Mission Director, Jal Jeevan Mission, J&K
17 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Women for Water: How Jal Jeevan Mission
has Unleashed Female Leadership
- Shailika Sinha, NJJM
at 0.017mg/ltr. In February 2021, the extensive social and Informa on, 305 households and a popula on of
Indian Ins tute of Technology (IIT) Educa on, and Communica on (IEC) nearly 1,450 people, has set an
Madras, took a significant step campaigns to mo vate the commu- example of strong women's leader-
towards elimina ng arsenic and iron nity regarding individual water ship and community involvement.
from the groundwater in this village. sources and the use of RO Water.
They installed a state-of-the-art Sumanjit Kaur has helped the
arsenic and iron removal plant with a This led to a significant reduc on of community make significant progress
capacity of 150KL. Furthermore, water wastage with monthly tariffs by ensuring that every household in
efforts to promote the usage of being consistently paid to the pump the village has access to clean piped
arsenic and iron-free water included operator at a fixed rate of Rs 100 per water. She has achieved this through
a range of tools and techniques. household, all coordinated by the various ac vi es like awareness
GPWSC. As a result, the community programs, training sessions, and
The task to raise awareness in the has amassed a substan al savings of c o l l a b o ra o n s w i t h d i ffe r e n t
community was taken over by Smt. Rs 1,00,000 in the O&M account, and government departments.
Charanjeet Kaur, Chairperson of the there are no outstanding electricity
GPWSC (Gram Panchayat Water and bills in the village. The residents of Sarpanch Sumanjit Kaur leads regular
Sanita on Commi ee). She, along Gunnowal are grateful to DWSS for mee ngs to address water supply
with Shri Daljeet Singh, Secretary of providing them with safe and arsenic issues. These mee ngs have been
GPWSC, conducted regular cam- and iron-free water, transforming crucial in making important decisions
paigns, focusing on tap installa ons, their lives for the be er. about the water supply schemes,
mely submission of monthly water such as keeping water tanks clean,
tariffs, and the importance of Empowering Leadership improving the waterworks' site,
conserving arsenic and iron-free quickly fixing leaks, performing minor
water. Her dedica on became the
and Ac ve Par cipa on repairs and se ng specific hours for
driving force behind the success of Sumanjit Kaur, the Chairperson of water supply. She also encourages
this ini a ve. Together with the GPWSC, lives in Saferra village in her team to keep detailed records to
DWSS team, they relessly conducted Pa ala. This village, comprising of ensure transparency in ac ons.
19 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Punjab's water revival journey. While
challenges persist, the concerted
efforts of the government, local
communi es, and various stake-
holders have helped in mi ga ng the
severity of the crisis. By adop ng a
holis c approach that encompasses
water quan ty, quality, community
e n ga ge m e nt , a n d s u sta i n a b l e
prac ces, Punjab is gradually moving
towards water security.
21 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Paro Nayek's Promise for a priori se cleanliness by washing improved their overall wellbeing,
hands with soap and clean water ensuring a healthier and more secure
Brighter Future before meals, and avoid wastage of future for the family.
Paro Nayek, a mother of two daugh- water.
ters, faced the daily struggle of A Story of Change
accessing clean drinking water in With the water problem behind
Raghuram village. She and her them, the Nayek family now has In the heart of Raghuram village,
husband work as labourers in the tea embraced a healthier and worry-free Durgi Santal is working as a pump
garden. Their only op ons were the lifestyle. The children can a end operator at Ghusura Pumping
tea garden's tank, which wasn't school regularly, and the financial sta on. With a warm smile, she
available every day, or their own well, burden of frequent illnesses has shares, “As a pump operator, provid-
which o en led to physical ailments, eased. This transforma on highlights ing water to Raghuram village's tribal
financial hardships, and their the significance of accessible and p o p u l a o n fi l l s m e w i t h j o y.
children missing school due to clean drinking water, leaving the Witnessing a posi ve impact on lives,
recurring illnesses. family grateful and commi ed to especially on Sumita Munda and her
responsible water usage. daughters is truly rewarding. Jal
Jeevan Mission has given a new lease
Paro's three rules Luiytel Nayek's Improved of life and empowered the commu-
nity by freeing women from the toil of
in her own words Lifestyle with Clean Water fetching water over long distances.”
“Pani pura leoke hoi jaoel ke
baad, moy panikar nal ke band
For 62-year-old Luiytel Nayek, a
mother of two children working in a
local tea garden, life took an unex-
pected turn when one of her children
Raghuram village stands as a testa-
ment to Jal Jeevan Mission's success
story. Through func onal household
kair debu, taki mor ghar kar baad tap connec ons, it has not only
main wale ghar bhi pani pai.” passed away due to stomach illness,
followed by her husband's demise resolved the water scarcity issues but
(I will turn off the tap when not from a similar ailment. The cause was has also improved the overall quality of
in use, so that others can also a ributed to the consump on of life for the villagers. Sumita Munda's
have drinking water) contaminated water from an unsani- story underscores the profound
tary well in a distant tea garden. benefits of this ini a ve; with
“Khaonkar agea saaf pani ebong enhanced safety, be er health, socio-
sabun sei haat dhui ke khana For a considerable me, the family economic development, and an
khabu.” grappled with water-related chal- empowered community. Jal Jeevan
(I will wash hands with clean lenges, un l they finally received a Mission has truly brought about a
water & soap before ea ng) drinking water tap connec on at posi ve change, crea ng a brighter
their home, giving a posi ve turn to and more prosperous future not just
“Pani ke barbai band karop.” their lives. The presence of clean for Raghuram village but for several
“ drinking water has substan ally other communi es across the na on.
(I will stop was ng water)
23 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
S Geo-referencing of topo sheet & HGM maps in and S Exis ng water supply details
around the village S Total number of tubewell (TW) drilled : 24
S Conversion of HGM map at the scale of 1:10000 S Hand pump installed : 22
S Demarca on of in and around area of the village S Solar pump installed - Standalone
showing various features like geology, watershed with Cistern in Khaspara &
boundaries (milli & micro) on topo sheet in & Kurgipani habita on : 02
around the village
S Func onal TW in Summer : 14
S Development of thema c map – Drainage showing
stream ordering, contours & slope, geological S Non-Func onal TW : 10
showing structural details, geomorphology and S Water Quality affected : 0
lineaments, soil texture etc. S Present popula on (2023) : 1380
Suppor ng agencies for conduc ng the survey: S Present household : 235
District : Bastar
2. Development of Geo-Referenced
Loca on of Village Thema c Maps
Topo sheet No. : 65F/13 To understand the inflow and ou low dynamics of
groundwater resources, thema c layers at the micro-
La tude : 18° 57' 10.75 N watershed or milli-watershed level have been developed.
Longitude : 81° 52' 17.43 E To achieve this, a comprehensive GIS database was
established, encompassing all relevant thema c layers at
1. Geo-Referenced Village Administra ve a village-level scale, ideally at 1:10,000 resolu on. The
Map @ Scale of 1:10000 primary goal of this ini a ve is to conduct a thorough
analysis of these integrated layers in order to gain insights
into the overall aquifer health and condi ons within the
specified geographic area.
An cipated Depth in
SN Geomorphic
Yield in LPM Meters
01 PLM – 68 10 – 50 70 – 80
02 PLH – 68 0 – 10 80 – 100
03 PLS – 68 10 – 50 80 – 100
04 PLM – 64 100 – 200 60 – 80 Source
La tude Longitude
Loca on No
Recommended hydro-geomorphic unit PLM-64 with 01 18.943897410 81.856763280
an cipated yield of 100 LPM with the tubewell depth of
02 18.940781610 81.861462360
100 metres
S Assessed Ul mate Water Demand is 1,18,776 LPD 03 18.939266370 81.861077160
for the year 2053. Considering pumping hours as 16, 04 18.973841400 81.855967320
the required discharge is 124 LPM.
05 18.968415660 81.857036880
S If tubewells are proposed as a source, then required
numbers may be 2. Note: All the sources suggested in PLM-64 Hydro-
Geomorphic unit
4. Overlay for Decision-Making
Overlay of Village Boundary, Drainage with Stream 6. Transfer & Valida on of Source
Ordering, Hydro-Geomorphic Units, Lineaments Overlay
Loca ons on the Ground using GPS
of Village Boundary with Contour Map
Using the GPS instruments, PHED located and marked
the posi ons of source points 1, 2, and 3 in the field. This
was done to confirm the accuracy of these iden fied
points based on ground observa ons of the HGM maps
and the results of geophysical studies.
25 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Geo-Physical Survey Results by ERT groundwater moves along this barrier at shallow depth.
Further studies can be ascertained to structural control
viz. a local fault or lineament, which helps in groundwater
percola on and seepage to deeper depths.
27 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Recharge Loca on No La tude Longitude Type Purpose
Recharge Loca on -12 18.937943550 81.860925960 Gabion – Boulder Check
Recharge Loca on – 4 18.935526240 81.860276880 Boulder Check Cum Dyke Boulder Check cum Sub-
Surface dyke to retain the
base flow, raising the
Recharge Loca on - 5 18.940969260 81.854004240 Boulder Check Cum Dyke upstream water level &
quan ty of water.
Recommended Dug 18.939933000 81.860017000 Large Diameter Dug well
Well Site
FREEDOM from Drudgery
Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35th Edition | August 2023 28
Congratulations to Jal Jeevan Mission’s WQMIS for the Silver Award
at 26th National Conference of E-governance!
अब दे श के
9 लाख से यादा
कूल म नल से जल
29 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Review Meetings
UT of Ladakh
Review Meeting
31 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Jal Jeevan Survekshan
I n the month of August-2023, Chirang from Assam, Ayodhya & Bulandshahr districts from U ar Pradesh, Nilgiris from
Tamil Nadu and Burhanpur from Madhya Pradesh have secured first rank in Aspirants, Performers, Achievers, High
Achievers, and Front Runners sub-categories respec vely under “Best Performing Category”.
Followed by, Jaisalmer from Rajasthan, Ayodhya and Bareilly districts from U ar Pradesh, and Tirap from Arunachal
Pradesh have secured first rank in Aspirants, Performers, Achievers, and High Achievers sub-categories respec vely under
“Fastest Moving Category”.
I n the month of August-2023, Na onal WASH Experts’ visits were conducted in 12 priority-focused states, to observe
the ground-level situa on and provide sugges ons to improve the quality of work done in the villages, total 28 teams
consis ng of two WASH experts visited 12 States to evaluate the quality of work done/ on-going in 448 villages. Star
ra ng of villages visited by them is a ached herewith.
33 Jal Jeevan Samvad | 35 Edition | August 2023
Jal Jeevan Samvad
Government of India
Ministry of Jal Shak
Department of Drinking Water & Sanita on
Na onal Jal Jeevan Mission
New Delhi - 110 003
e - mail: njjm-ddws@gov.in
© JalJeevanMission-2023