Fedlex Data Admin CH Eli CC 2019 763 20240301 en PDF A
Fedlex Data Admin CH Eli CC 2019 763 20240301 en PDF A
Fedlex Data Admin CH Eli CC 2019 763 20240301 en PDF A
English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is
provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.
on Financial Institutions
(Financial Institutions Ordinance, FinIO)
Companies or units of a group are deemed to have business ties insofar as they provide
financial services or services in the capacity of trustee for other companies or units of
the same group.
AS 2019 4633
1 SR 954.1
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2 SR 210
3 SR 210
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Art. 7 Exemption
(Art. 2 FinIA)
Where there are legitimate grounds for so doing, the Swiss Financial Market Super-
visory Authority (FINMA) may fully or partially exempt managers of collective assets
from the provisions of the FinIA and the present Ordinance if:
a. the protective purpose of the FinIA is not impaired; and
b. the management of collective assets has been delegated to them solely by the
following persons:
1. authorised parties in accordance with Article 2 paragraph 1 letters c and
d as well as paragraph 2 letters f–i FinIA,
4 SR 281.1
5 SR 956.1
6 SR 952.0
7 SR 958.1
8 SR 951.31
9 SR 961.01
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The functions of a group company are significant with respect to the activities which
require authorisation if they are necessary for the continuation of important business
processes, in particular in the areas:
a. liquidity management;
b. treasury;
c. risk management;
d. master data administration and accounting;
e. personnel;
f. information technology;
g. trading and settlement;
h. legal and compliance.
10 SR 951.31
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h. the supervisory organisation and the audit firm (Articles 61–63 FinIA).
2 Insurance companies as defined in the ISA11 are exempt from the duty to obtain
authorisation as a manager of collective assets.
3 Exemption from the duty to obtain authorisation as a trustee from FINMA can be
granted to trustees which act exclusively as trustees for trusts which were established
by the same person or in favour of the same family and which are held and monitored
by a financial institution which possesses authorisation in accordance with Article 5
paragraph 1 or Article 52 paragraph 1 FinIA.
Art. 12 Organisation
(Art. 9 FinIA)
1 Financial institutions must define their organisation in their organisational princi-
11 SR 961.01
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2 They must describe their area of business in factually and geographically precise
terms in the principal documents. The business area and its geographical extent must
be commensurate with the financial possibilities as well as with the operational or-
3 Financial institutions must have personnel in place who are appropriately and suita-
bly qualified to perform their business activities.
4 Riskmanagement must encompass all business activities and be organised in such a
way that all the main risks can be identified, assessed, controlled and monitored.
Art. 13 Guarantee
(Art. 11 FinIA)
1 The application for authorisation for a new financial institution must contain in par-
ticular the following information and documentation on the persons responsible for
administration and management in accordance with Article 11 paragraphs 1 and 2
FinIA as well as on the owners of a qualified participation in accordance with Arti-
cle 11 paragraph 3 FinIA:
a. natural persons:
1. details of nationality, place of residence, qualified participations in the
financial institution or in other companies and pending court and admin-
istrative proceedings,
2. a curriculum vitae signed by the relevant person,
3. references,
4.12 a standard private extract from the VOSTRA information system of the
Register of Criminal Records and an extract from the debt enforcement
register or corresponding confirmation if the person is resident abroad;
b. companies:
1. the articles of association,
2. an extract from the commercial register or a corresponding attestation,
3. a description of business activities, the financial situation and, if applica-
ble, the group structure,
4. details of completed and pending court or administrative proceedings.
2 The envisaged activity at the financial institution as well as the nature of the intended
investments must also be taken into account when assessing the good reputation, the
guarantee of irreproachable business conduct and the required specialist qualifications
of the persons responsible for administration and management.
3 Owners of a qualified participation must make a declaration to FINMA stating
whether they hold the participation in question for their own account or on a fiduciary
basis for third parties, and whether they have granted options or similar rights with
respect to this participation.
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4 Securities firms must submit to FINMA within 60 days of the end of the financial
year a list of all persons who hold a qualified participation in them. This list shall
contain details on the identity and percentage holding of all qualified participants as
at the relevant closing date, as well as any changes relative to the prior-year closing
date. In addition, the information and documentation set out in paragraph 1 is to be
submitted for any qualified participants being reported for the first time.
5 Persons connected through business ties or in any other manner who jointly hold at
least 10% of the share capital or votes of the financial institution or persons jointly
significantly influencing the business activities of the financial institution in another
manner are deemed to be a qualified participant in accordance with Article 11 para-
graph 4 FinIA.
13 SR 950.1
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Art. 19 Commerciality
(Art. 3 and 17 FinIA)
1 Portfolio managers and trustees are deemed to pursue their activities on a commer-
cial basis and, within the meaning of anti-money laundering legislation, on a profes-
sional basis if they:
a. thereby generate gross earnings of more than CHF 50,000 per calendar year;
b. establish business relationships with more than 20 contractual partners per
calendar year, each of which relationships is not limited to a once-only activ-
ity, or they maintain at least 20 such relationships per calendar year; or
c. have unlimited power of disposal over assets belonging to others, which assets
exceed CHF 5 million at any given time.
2 Activities for schemes and persons in accordance with Article 2 paragraph 2 let-
ters a, b, d and e FinIA are not factored into the assessment of commerciality.
3 Paragraphs1 and 2 do not apply to portfolio managers in accordance with Article 24
paragraph 2 FinIA.
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Art. 23 Organisation
(Art. 9 FinIA)
1 Two authorised signatories must sign jointly. Article 20 paragraph 2 FinIA remains
2 Portfoliomanagers and trustees must be able to be represented by a person who has
their place of residence in Switzerland. This person must be a member of the body
responsible for management or of the body responsible for governance, supervision
and control in accordance with paragraph 3. Article 20 paragraph 2 FinIA remains re-
3 With reservation as to Article 20 paragraph 2 FinIA, FINMA may require the port-
folio manager or trustee to appoint a body responsible for governance, supervision
and control the majority of whose members are not members of the body responsible
for management if:
a. it has ten or more full-time positions or annual gross earnings of more than
CHF 5 million; and
b. the nature and scope of its activities so demand.
Art. 24 Tasks
(Art. 19 FinIA)
1 The portfolio manager shall ensure that the assets entrusted to it for management are
held in safekeeping, segregated per client, with a bank pursuant to the BankA14, a
securities firm pursuant to the FinIA, a trading facility for distributed ledger technol-
ogy securities (DLT trading facility) in accordance with the FinMIA15 or other insti-
tution that is subject to supervision equivalent to that in Switzerland.16
2 Itshall manage the assets on the basis of authorisation given in writing or in another
form demonstrable via text. The authorisation must be limited to administrative acts.
If the portfolio manager is entrusted with the provision of further services which re-
quire more far-reaching authorisations, it shall document the basis of these activities.
3 Portfoliomanagers shall take measures to avoid a break-off of contact with clients
and to prevent client relationships from becoming dormant. If a business relationship
14 SR 952.0
15 SR 958.1
16 Amended by No I 7 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Devel-
opments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400).
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becomes dormant, the portfolio manager shall take suitable steps to ensure that
dormant assets are delivered to beneficiaries.
4 Paragraph2 applies by analogy to trustees. Moreover, trustees must, within the
framework of the law applicable to the trust:
a. act in the best possible interests of beneficiaries and with the required level of
skill, care and diligence;
b. take appropriate organisational precautions to avoid conflicts of interest or
disadvantages for beneficiaries as a result of conflicts of interest.
5 If the rendering of additional services increases the risks to which portfolio managers
and trustees are exposed, this must be taken into account within the scope of supervi-
sion (Articles 61 and 62 FinIA).
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a. is a company which has five or fewer full-time positions or annual gross earn-
ings of less than CHF 2 million; and
b. adheres to a non-high-risk business model.
3 The thresholds in accordance with paragraph 2 letter a must be achieved in two of
three past business years or be provided for in the business planning.
4 If the portfolio manager or trustee has a body responsible for governance, supervi-
sion and control in accordance with Article 23 paragraph 3 and generates annual gross
earnings of more than CHF 10 million, FINMA may also require that internal auditors
who are independent of management be appointed where the nature and scope of ac-
tivity so dictate.
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17 SR 220
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The following shall be deducted when calculating the level of capital adequacy:
a. the loss carried forward and the loss for the current financial year;
b. any unsecured valuation adjustments and provisions for the current financial
c. in the case of loans in accordance with Article 29 paragraph 3: 20% of the
original nominal amount per year for the last five years prior to repayment;
d. intangible assets (including start-up and organisational costs as well as good-
will) with the exception of software;
e. in the case of a company limited by shares and a partnership limited by shares:
the shares which they hold in the company at their own risk;
f. in the case of a limited liability company: the capital contribution which it
holds in the company at its own risk;
g. the carrying amount of participations.
Art. 31 Collateral
(Art. 22 para. 2 and 23 FinIA)
1 Collateral
is deemed to be appropriate if the applicable provisions on capital are
complied with.
2 Insofaras it covers the risks entailed by the business model, professional indemnity
insurance may be counted 50% towards qualifying capital.
3 FINMA shall regulate the details of professional liability insurance, in particular
with regard to term, notice period, the amount of insurance cover, the professional
liability risks to be covered and the reporting duties.
Art. 32 Accounting
(Art. 9, 22 and 23 FinIA)
1 Portfolio managers and trustees are subject to the accounting regulations of the CO18.
Article 957 paragraphs 2 and 3 CO are not applicable.
18 SR 220
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2 Where portfolio managers and trustees are subject to specific, more stringent ac-
counting standards, such standards take precedence.
Internal documentation of the portfolio managers and trustees must allow the audit
firm, the supervisory organisation and FINMA to form a reliable picture of the busi-
ness activities.
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Managers of collective assets also wishing to act as trustees require additional author-
isation for this.
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Art. 37 Organisation
(Art. 9 FinIA)
1 Two authorised signatories must sign jointly.
2 Managers of collective assets must be able to be represented by a person who has
their place of residence in Switzerland. This person must be a member of the body
responsible for management or of the body responsible for governance, supervision
and control.
3 The body responsible for management must comprise at least two persons.
4 Managers of collective assets must appoint a special body responsible for govern-
ance, supervision and control.
5 Where there arelegitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA may allow departures from
these requirements; it may grant exemptions in particular from the duty in accordance
with paragraph 4 where the nature and scope of activity so dictate, in particular if the
company has ten or fewer full-time positions or annual gross earnings of less than
CHF 5 million.
Art. 39 Tasks
(Art. 26 FinIA)
1 The receipt and transmission of orders in the name of and on behalf of clients in
relation to financial instruments is deemed to be an administrative activity in accord-
ance with Article 26 paragraph 3 FinIA which a manager of collective assets can per-
form within the scope of its tasks in accordance with Article 26 FinIA. Article 35
FinIA remains reserved.
2A manager of collective assets which also offers personalised asset management in
accordance with Article 6 paragraph 4 in conjunction with Article 17 paragraph 1
FinIA may not invest the investor's assets, whether in full or in part, in units of col-
lective investment schemes that it manages, unless the client has given their general
consent beforehand.
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3 Ifthe rendering of additional services increases the risks to which managers of col-
lective assets are exposed, this must be taken into account within the scope of super-
vision (Articles 61 and 63 FinIA).
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Art. 43 Collateral
(Art. 28 para. 2 and 3 FinIA)
1 FINMA may permit partnerships to provide, instead of minimum capital, collateral
in the form of a bank guarantee or a cash deposit in a blocked account with a bank,
said collateral being equivalent to the minimum capital in accordance with Article 42.
2 Wherethere are legitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA may stipulate a different
minimum amount.
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The following shall be deducted when calculating the level of capital adequacy:
a. the loss carried forward and the loss for the current financial year;
b. any unsecured valuation adjustments and provisions for the current financial
c. in the case of loans in accordance with Article 45 paragraph 3: 20% of the
original nominal amount per year for the last five years prior to repayment;
d. intangible assets (including start-up and organisational costs as well as good-
will) with the exception of software;
e. in the case of a company limited by shares and of a partnership limited by
shares: the shares which they hold in the company at their own risk;
f. in the case of a limited liability company: the capital contribution which it
holds in the company at its own risk;
g. the carrying amount of participations.
22 SR 220
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collective assets shall append to the annual report a list of the prescribed and available
capital as at the balance sheet date.23
3 The duty to prepare a full audit company report does not apply to managers of col-
lective assets that are granted an exemption in accordance with Article 37 para-
graphs 4 and 5 from the duty to appoint a special body responsible for governance,
supervision and control.24
Internal documentation of the managers of collective assets must allow the audit firm
and FINMA to form a reliable picture of the business activities.
Fund management companies also wishing to act as trustees require additional author-
isation for this.
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Art. 51 Organisation
(Art. 9 and 33 FinIA)
1 Fund management companies shall as a rule have at least three full-time positions
with authority to sign.
2 Two authorised signatories must sign jointly.
3 The body responsible for management must comprise at least two persons.
4 Fund management companies must appoint a special body responsible for govern-
ance, supervision and control.
5 Where there are legitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA may allow relaxations of
these requirements or it may impose more stringent requirements.
27 SR 220
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group. Fund management companies which are part of a financial group subject to
consolidated supervision by FINMA are exempted.
5 Where there are legitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA may allow relaxations of
these requirements or it may impose more stringent requirements.
Art. 53 Independence
(Art. 33 para. 3 FinIA)
1 Simultaneous membership of the body responsible for governance, supervision and
control of the fund management company and that of the custodian bank is permitted.
2 Simultaneous membership of the body responsible for management of the fund man-
agement company and that of the custodian bank is not permitted.
3 The majority of the members of the body responsible for governance, supervision
and control of the fund management company must be independent of the persons at
the custodian bank who are tasked with the duties in accordance with Article 73
CISA28. Persons at the custodian bank at management level tasked with duties in ac-
cordance with Article 73 CISA are not deemed to be independent.
4 None of the authorised signatories of the fund management company may at the
same time be responsible at the custodian bank for duties in accordance with Arti-
cle 73 CISA.
Art. 55 Tasks
(Art. 34 FinIA)
1 Fund management companies shall keep their own assets separate from managed
assets at all times.
2 They shall ensure that the valuation of investments, portfolio management and trad-
ing and settlement are kept separate both functionally and in terms of personnel.
28 SR 951.31
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The minimum capital of fund management companies must amount to at least CHF 1
million and be paid up in full. This amount must be maintained at all times.
29 SR 952.03
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e. hidden reserves, provided they are assigned to a separate account and desig-
nated as capital and their qualifiability as such is confirmed on the basis of the
audit in accordance with Article 63 FinIA.
2 Fund management companies may also count as qualifying capital any loans granted
to them, including bonds with a maturity of at least five years, if a declaration is pro-
vided to the effect that:
a. in the event of liquidation, bankruptcy or probate proceedings, such loans
shall be subordinate to the claims of all other creditors; and
b. the fund management company undertakes neither to net such loans with its
own claims nor to secure them with its own assets.
3 The declaration in accordance with paragraph 2 is irrevocable. It must be made in
writing or in another form demonstrable via text and filed with the audit firm.
4 Capital in accordance with paragraph 1 must amount to at least 50% of total capital
The following shall be deducted when calculating the level of capital adequacy:
a. the loss carried forward and the loss for the current financial year;
b. the unsecured valuation adjustments and provisions for the current financial
c. in the case of loans in accordance with Article 60 paragraph 2: 20% of the
original nominal amount per year for the last five years prior to repayment;
d. intangible assets (including start-up and organisational costs as well as good-
will) with the exception of software;
e. own shares held by the fund management company at its own risk;
g. the carrying amount of participations.
30 SR 220
31 Amended by Annex No 8 of the O of 31 Jan. 2024, in force since 1 March 2024
(AS 2024 73).
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Internal documentation of the fund management companies must allow the audit firm
and FINMA to form a reliable picture of the business activities.
Art. 65 Commerciality
(Art. 3 and 41 FinIA)
1 Securities firms within the meaning of Article 41 letter a FinIA are deemed to pursue
their activities on a commercial basis if they directly or indirectly manage accounts or
hold securities in safekeeping for more than 20 clients.
2 Thefollowing are not deemed to be clients within the meaning of Article 41 letter a
a. domestic and foreign banks and securities firms or other companies under
state supervision;
b. shareholders or partners holding a qualifying participation and persons with
whom they have business or family ties;
c. institutional investors with professional treasury operations.
3 Activities for schemes and persons in accordance with Article 2 paragraph 2 let-
ters a, b, d and e FinIA are not factored into the assessment of commerciality.
4 The proper functioning of the financial market is deemed potentially jeopardised
within the meaning of Article 41 letter b item 1 FinIA if the total volume of executed
trades in securities exceeds CHF 5 billion per calendar year in Switzerland.
5 Any party admitted as a direct participant of a trading venue is deemed to be operat-
ing as a member of a trading venue within the meaning of Article 41 letter b item 2
6A securities firm shall publicly quote prices within the meaning of Article 41 letter c
FinIA if the prices according to Article 3 letters g and h FinSA34 are part of an offer
to the public. Offers to schemes and persons in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3
are not deemed public.
7 Fund management companies are not deemed to be securities firms.
32 SR 951.31
33 SR 951.311
34 SR 950.1
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Art. 66 Organisation
(Art. 9 FinIA)
1 Securitiesfirms must be able to be represented by a person who has their place of
residence in Switzerland. This person must be a member of the body responsible for
management or of the body responsible for governance, supervision and control.
2 The body responsible for management must comprise at least two persons.
3 Firms trading for the account of clients and firms acting as market makers within the
meaning of Article 41 letters a and c FinIA must appoint a special body responsible
for governance, supervision and control. Its members may not be members of the body
responsible for management.
4 Where there are legitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA may allow relaxations of
these requirements or it may impose more stringent requirements.
Art. 67 Tasks
(Art. 44 FinIA)
1 Within the frame of their tasks in accordance with Article 44 FinIA, securities firms
shall ensure an effective internal separation between the functions of trading, asset
management and settlement. Where there are legitimate grounds for so doing, FINMA
may allow exemptions or it may order the separation of further functions.
2 Ifthey do not operate primarily in the financial sector, firms trading for the account
of clients and firms acting as market makers within the meaning of Article 41 letters
a and c FinIA must keep securities trading activities legally separate.
3 In all other respects, Article 14 applies.
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35 SR 952.03
36 Inserted by No I 7 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Devel-
opments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021 (AS 2021 400).
37 SR 952.02
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954.11 Financial Institutions
5If the capital under paragraph 1 letters a to d exceeds CHF 1.5 million after the de-
ductions under paragraph 4, 40% of the subordinated bonds may be included for the
excess amount.
Art. 71 Liquidity
(Art. 46 FinIA)
1 Securities firms which themselves do not hold accounts in accordance with Arti-
cle 44 paragraph 1 letter a FinIA must invest their resources such that sufficient li-
quidity is guaranteed at all times.
2 Securitiesfirms which themselves hold accounts in accordance with Article 44 par-
agraph 1 letter a FinIA must comply with the provisions of the Liquidity Ordinance
of 30 November 201238.
Art. 72 Accounting
(Art. 45–48 FinIA)
Internal documentation of the securities firms must allow the audit firm and FINMA
to form a reliable picture of the business activities.
38 SR 952.06
39 SR. 952.02
40 Term in accordance with No I 7 of the O of 18 June 2021 on the Adaptation of Federal
Law to Developments in Distributed Ledger Technology, in force since 1 Aug. 2021
(AS 2021 400). This amendment has been taken into account only in the provisions
mentioned in the AS.
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Section 5 Branches
41 SR 958.1
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42 The correction of 26 Aug. 2022 concerns the French text only (AS 2022 470).
43 SR 950.1
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3 The foreign financial institution may only apply for entry of the branch in the com-
mercial register when FINMA has granted said financial institution authorisation to
establish the branch.
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The foreign financial institution shall obtain the approval of FINMA before closing a
Art. 82
1 The representation of a foreign financial institution that provides financial services
in accordance with Article 3 letter c of the FinSA45 must:
a. comply with the provisions of the FinSA;
b. enter its client advisers in a register of advisers in accordance with Article 28
of the FinSA if they do not exclusively provide their services in Switzerland
to professional or institutional clients in accordance with Article 4 of the
2 The prohibition on establishing a representation of a foreign fund management com-
pany in accordance with Article 58 paragraph 2 of the FinIA46 applies exclusively to
the representation's activities in relation to the administration and management of in-
vestment funds.
3 If a foreign financial institution establishes two or more representations in Switzer-
land, it must obtain authorisation for each representation.47
4 The foreign financial institution must obtain approval from FINMA before closing
a representation.48
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Chapter 3 Supervision
Section 1 Portfolio Managers and Trustees
49 SR 955.0
50 SR 950.1
51 SR 951.31
52 SR 956.1
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With respect to the supervision of portfolio managers and trustees, FINMA and the
supervisory organisations will coordinate their supervisory activities in order to avoid
Where the supervisory organisation does not itself conduct the audit of supervised
entities, it will ensure that:
a. the appointed audit firm is correctly mandated and authorised in accordance
with Article 43k FINMASA54;
b. the appointed audit firm implements the guidelines provided by FINMA;
c. the areas audited and the corresponding depths of audit of risk assessments
are commensurate with its supervision concept; and
d. it is informed immediately of any irregularities.
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Section 2
Managers of Collective Assets, Fund Management Companies,
Securities Firms, Financial Groups and Financial Conglomerates
Art. 88 Auditing
(Art. 61 para. 3 and 63 FinIA)
1 The audit firm shall verify whether the entities under its supervision specifically:
a. satisfy the requirements of the FinIA;
b. observe the duties pursuant to the AMLA55;
c. observe the duties pursuant to the FinSA56 if it provides financial services in
accordance with Article 3 letter c FinSA;
d. observe the duties pursuant to the CISA57 if they perform activities falling
under the CISA.
2 Supervised entities for which the audit firm submits an annual risk analysis are ex-
empted from the duty to report on their business activity's compliance in accordance
with Article 63 paragraph 3 FinIA.
The audit firms of supervised entities which cooperate in accordance with Article 14,
27 or 35 FinIA must themselves cooperate closely.
Art. 90
Article 24 BankA58 applies by analogy to fund management companies and securities
The repeal and amendment of other legislative instruments are set out in the Annex.
55 SR 955.0
56 SR 950.1
57 SR 951.31
58 SR 952.0
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59 SR 955.0
60 SR 950.1
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Art. 94 Commencement
This Ordinance enters into force on 1 January 2020.
61 SR 951.31
62 AS 2013 585
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954.11 Financial Institutions
(Art. 91)
The legislative instruments below are amended as follows:
63 [AS 1997 85, 2044 Art. 2; 2004 2781; 2005 4849 No III; 2006 4307 Annex 7 No 2; 2008
5363 Annex No 9; 2012 5441 Annex 6 No 3; 2013 1111; 2014 1269 Annex 2 No 6, 2321
Annex 4 No 2, 4295 Annex No 4; 2015 5413 Annex 1 No 12; 2017 3715 No III]
64 The amendments may be consulted under AS 2019 4633.
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