Midterm Notes
Midterm Notes
Midterm Notes
Key Points
• This theory states that natural selection shapes 3.Lack of historical and cultural sensitivity.
certain characteristics, behaviors, or abilities over Evolutionary psychology on gender is sometimes
time, so that those more suited to the environment criticized for not taking into account how
are more likely to be passed on to future generations. historical and cultural factors shape gender roles and
• Most traits of an organism are adaptations that behaviors, which can lead to an oversimplification of
helped solve an ecological problem in the organism's how gender roles change over time.
environment and that these traits are the result of 4.Lack of attention to intersectionality.
trade-offs between benefits they provide and the cost Evolutionary psychology on gender is not always
they impose. able to account for the way in which multiple
identities (such as race, class, sexuality) intersect
Limitations of the Evolutionary Psychology and shape gender roles and behaviors.
Theory on Gender 5. Lack of consideration of environmental factors.
Critics of evolutionary psychology on gender argue Evolutionary psychology on gender also could be
that it oversimplifies and exaggerates the criticized for not considering the impact of
differences between men and women, and it environmental factors on shaping gender
ignores the influence of culture, socialization, and differences, such as access to education, healthcare
context on shaping gender roles and behaviors. and economic opportunities, which could play a
They also argue that it implies that gender crucial role on the way the gender roles are
differences are fixed and determined by biology, represented.
neglecting the role of social and environmental
factors in shaping gender identity, expression,
and roles. Additionally, this theory cannot account for
the diversity of human experience, cultural influences,
and social constructs on shaping gender roles and