How Rivers Shape The Land
How Rivers Shape The Land
How Rivers Shape The Land
by Michael Capek
illustrated by Drew Brook-Cormack 5/31/01 9:11 AM Page ii
Photo Credits: Cover, Philip Gould/Corbis; title, Owen Franken/Corbis; p. 10, David Young-
Wolff/Photoedit; p. 12, Jodi Cobb/National Geographic; p. 14, AFP/Corbis; p. 15 Andrew
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by Michael Capek
illustrated by Drew Brook-Cormack
1. springs or rills 7. meandering 3
2. waterfalls path
3. sandbanks 8. tributary
4. oxbow 9. caves
and lake 10. mouth
5. channel 11. sediment
6. islands 12. rapids
A River Is Born
Rivers originate in various ways. Some emerge from
the ice and snow of high mountain peaks, where melting
glaciers send water gushing into the valleys below.
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A Meandering Channel
how sediment builds up
in a turn or oxbow
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Water flows on a course of least resistance, so no river
channel is ever perfectly straight. When moving water
comes to something it cannot easily dissolve or move, it
simply turns and seeks an easier path. Sometimes, too, as a
river slows, it becomes so choked with sediment that it may
actually block its own course and seeks a new path. All
streams and rivers meander, or twist and turn. Bends make a
river much longer than it would be if it were perfectly
straight. In places, some rivers turn so sharply that they
almost double back on themselves, creating horseshoe-
shaped bends called oxbows. Occasionally, a river channel
will shift and cut straight through the bend, leaving an
oxbow lake or marsh separate from the main river channel.
Rivers served as convenient border markers for early
surveyors which accounts for the “wavy” edges of some
states, such as Arkansas, Vermont, Ohio, and Mississippi.
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River sediment load in metric tons
Transportation of Sediment
Rivers work like giant conveyor belts, transporting
material from one place to another. As streams and rivers
flow, their rushing water erodes the land, picking up sed-
iment. The sediment can be rocks, stones, pebbles, sand,
soil, or even living matter—anything water can pick up
and move into the channel. As each stream flows into
another, the lighter material dissolves or becomes sus-
pended in the water, like chocolate powder in milk. The
heaviest rocks and pebbles stay very deep. Under the
raging waters, they tumble, bump, churn, and crash
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When a river spreads out on a low, flat floodplain, much
of its lighter sediment, called silt, is deposited in a wide,
thin layer, forming a delta. Over time, river deltas, like
those at the lower end of the Mississippi River and the
Chang River in China, extend hundreds of miles out into
the ocean. The Mississippi River delta, in fact, covers most
of the state of Louisiana. Most of these low, marshy areas
are too wet to farm or to build on, though they are home
to thousands of species of birds and animals, which depend
on the delta’s water and plant life for their survival.
When delta land does dry out, the mineral-rich soil
provides some of the richest farming land in the world.
Deltas are one way nature constantly builds new land, as
each layer of silt is deposited on top of an older one. In a
low, flat delta, it is often hard to tell exactly where the river
channel is. The river may separate into a giant fan or
“bird’s foot” pattern as the river breaks into dozens of
smaller waterways. In some ways, this is the opposite of
what occurs in the upper reaches of the river, where many
tributaries come together to form one larger channel.
A delta is the result of a constant battle between a river
and the ocean into which it flows. The sea’s tides and waves
continually erode the soft mud a river lays down, picking
up the material and carrying it away. The river, meanwhile,
constantly brings in new material.
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People build dams across rivers primarily to control
flooding. For centuries, river levels have risen and fallen in
a regular pattern. Rivers usually
swell in spring, when ice and
Floods in the United
snow melt in the highlands and
States destroy more
precipitation increases over a
than $2 billion in prop-
watershed. When rivers crest at
erty and kill an average
higher-than-normal levels, they
of one hundred people
may overflow their banks. In every year.
many places, such as the Nile
delta, these annual floods are expected and welcome.
Floodwaters bring a wealth of moisture and rich sediment
that refresh the land. Farmers rely on these yearly floods to
ensure good crops. For centuries, the ancient Egyptians
worshiped the river as a god, awed by its power to bring
life to the barren Sahara. There and in other parts of the
world, people’s lives were in harmony with the seasonal rise
and fall of rivers.
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Rivers represent a powerful force in our environment.
Erosion, channeling, and flooding all change the shape of
land all over the world.
We rely on rivers for food, electricity, and fresh water.
We also play in rivers, sail on them, and sing about them.
Rivers remind us, even inland, hundreds of miles from the
sea, of the extent to which our lives—and our planet—are
shaped by flowing water.
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