Test 32-45
Test 32-45
Test 32-45
L Circle the word tlaat bu the ■aderlioed part pronounced differently from .._e others. {Sp) . . .
- -
V. Rea d and com plet e the pass age belo
· in a year in our country. They (2) _ _
_ _spring, summer, fal(
There are four (1)
etimes it is cold, (4) --n ot
and winter. (3) · the spring• the weather is usually wann. Som
summ~r. ht
in this summer. (6) _ _ _ _ spring, it is the
very cold. (5) _ _ _ _ are many flowers
are long and the (7) _ _ _ _ are short. We often go on- (8) _ _ _ _ in the
the summer, the days
cold. lhe
_ is often cool. In the winter, it's usually very
summer. Fall is a nice season. The (9) _ _
ys (I 0) _ _ _ _ warm clothes in the wint
days are short and the nights are Jong. We alwa
VI. Underli,ne the mistake and correct it. (Sp)
=> __ __ __ __ __ ___
I. How many tea do you want? .
2. Ba often go out with his friends at week
ends. => __ __ __ __ __ __
4. Paris restaurant/They/they/because/go/are/
London/ in - cold./is/ It
5. like / the/ weather/ winter?/ What I is I in/
... «., .,
et THI
~ -•.,,,.,,,,,,,
--:•- ,. .- .- ~-----~
c;- ... . -~. .---,-·.·- . .. .
·- u
I. Choose A, B, C or D that contains one word
lv :lof T 41
Ngay tbi: 30/0S/2018
. .
whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others(l point).
True False
IO. The elder brother got more land than his brother. ✓
I. The younger brother had only one starfruit tree.
12. A big bird ate the orange and paid gold for the elder brother.
13. The bird also carried the elder brother to the island to get gold.
4. The younger brother got a lot of gold and carried the bird home.
15. The elder brother died because he was greedy.
VU.Read the followmg passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D(l pomt).
Mrs Lan is a teacher. She lives is Bae Giang city. She is going on vacation for ten days this summer.
First, she is going to visit Hue. She is going to stay in a small hotel near Huong river. She is going to see
the citadel for two days.Thenshe is going to have sunbath on beautiful sandy beach in Nha Trang for
two days. After that, she is going to visit Da Lat for three days. Finally, she is going to visit some
friends in Ho Chi Minh city. She is going to stay there for one day. She is going to fly home.
1. ls Mrs Lan going on vacation for ten days this summer?
A. Yes,sheis B. Yes,itdoes C. No,itisn' t D. No, she isn't
2. Where is she going to visit first?
A. Da Lat B. Hue C. Nha Trang D. Ho Chi Minh city
3. How many cities is she going to visit this summer vacation?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.5
4. Who is she going to visit in Ho Chi Minh city?
A. her teacher B. her mother C. her father D. her friends
5. How is she going home?
A. by train B. by coach C. by plane D. by motorbike
VIII. Order the words to make sentences(! point).
1. I/ because/ love/ folk tales /each of them/ me/ gives/ in life./ a lesson
IX. Complete each sentence that it means the same as the sentence above(l point).
I. This class has five new students.
2. He often flies to China.
➔He often .
3. My favourite story is Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.
➔ I like .
4. Ha Noi is large, Bangkok is larger and New York 1s the largest.
➔Ha Noi is _ __ _-=----::::-~---- ----- -- -of the three cities.
5. Why don't we go to Ha Long Bay?
➔ What _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _---;;;z::--=:,-- ------?
· 'If.
1. My kitchen is smaller than yours. ....... ••.. •••••••••. ••· ........ ···········
=> Your k1·tchen···············································································
2. The children liked to walk in the rain.
=> The ch1'ldren en,ioy ~ ed .............................................. ..................... .... •· •••.. ·.. ·· .. ·· .... •........ ···········
3. My grandmoth~r is very old. She can't work now (so) ....................... .············
=> My grandmother 1·s very ·············································· ···············.........
4. The children go to school at seven fifteen.
... ••••· · •· · · · · · · •••••.. ....... .
=> The children go ... .. ... ... ....... . ... ...... ... ....... .... .. .. ..... .....
5. Hung is taller than Ba.
=> Ba.................. .....................................................................;.........
.................. ........................ .
VI. Read and answer the questions. . • hi·~d· ...... his fami ly. ·He really
• . -
1s twel ve years old ,and he is only'c ·J. ~ •
T· .. ·
1......, • . . . . . .
want s to have a ·siste r or broth er to"play ·with . Ever
:y· daf• .h ~-get up at
6 o'clo ck. Afte r that, he"clean s his tcietfr 'artd ·was}
?.es his•·f ace. He has
brea kfast at 6:30 .· ·He ·ofteh' ·has ·brea d, eggs}:·e nees
e :arid •fru.it·juice·for
his brea kfast .· Then he leave s -for ~cho ol at 6 ':--3 0'11
John 's scho ol ·fa big vvith;a ,'I arg~,. playg i6uii tt';
Iena s thre e ~o~r s and .t
.",:/'.// .f'.£ jt~rf V./ ,.
his cfassroofu is on the sec6: nd}:floor.
noon . '·Fie likes
His class start s at 8:00 and fi.filshei{ af4!00 ill the· after
:·_ .:;;J., J:~ {j:.£ · ·"·
his scbo bJ:v~zy much . y, · ,.. · .. ·
I. How old is John?
- he --
- -any
- have ---------------------
brothers or sisters?
2. ·Does
¢ - ---- ---- -~-- --
--;- --;- --:- --:- ---- ::-- --:- -:-- ::-- :-:-
3. What does he often have for his breakfast? [I
¢ ---- ---- ----
---- -;:- ---; ---- -;:- --;- --:- --:- ::-- --:-
4. How many floors does his school have?
-o-o-; r?~----------------
5. Is h::-i::-s~cl;-:-as--::-s:-::ro--::-o::-m--:o-:n-::t~he-;;fi:-rs~t-;fl;
Ex 8: Rea::r:r::a:n:ee::-:ith~e:--:w=or:di:s:--:t;:o-:m=ak;::-e=-=m:--::e-=.-a--n;-in-e1-;fu:--:J;-s-e-n-=--te_n
I. you/do/watch/usually/TV/ every night ?
=> .......... ......... .......... ................... ......... ....... ·
rush/ ..... .. .....
2. teeth/our/meals. /should/right/after/We/b
=> ..................................................... . .............
4. for/What/we/have/tomorrow/shaiVh~~~f~~·i;,· .. ········· ··• ..........
· 5.He/ fi~;d·~;~;~~k/;~;k~i"~'i': .......................:.........................................
=> ......inE.ENo·······························
f)£J5 . A~
1. Pronunciation
1. A.Jhat B.J!!is C.Jhanks D._!hese
2. A. stud1nt B.p~n C. tsri D. spsll .
3. A. IQ!!k. B. book C. S!!,2dbye I>. dfil!r
4. A. t~e B.~me C. ·grfil' D, h_!!nd
5. A: bus~ B.go~ C. box§ D. couch~
6. A. br2ther B.- m_qther C.c,2me D. h,2me
7. A, tn!!SiC B. lynch C.mym D.yp
8. A..EJ
. B,heayy C.h~d D.'~read .
9. A.lived B. stuc!ied . C. ·practiced p,.raised
10. A; c.ooked B. firiished C. listened 0. washed
II. Circle the o~d one out.
l. ..A.
. .
dining room · B. bath'i;Qorri
.. c. living room' D. ap·aitment
B._mother C. ,father o .·sister
2, A. teacher
.'3:· A.'schoolbag .. : . . .J3.·:(>e~ ,.
,• .
.. b.. atlemoon
I· , " . •, • • .. •: ~- - , ;_ ' •. , .
. 2.
. '
. I• Io t•
VIII. ·Make. q ue~.tions for, the underHned' parts in ~he:following sente~ces.
1; Peter is reading books in the,bedroom. . .
I t • I I " • I I • I • I I t • I I t I I, I I I f I • ! •.
I t I • t I • •• I I I I • I I • •. I • I • I I · ~· I I • .. : I I I I I I ,ii • t' f • • • ...: . , f •. I •. I.,.-.. I • I.?
,,a --
llz- 3;.
. ..
. ·-·
Name: ···---·-···-··•-•..··-..·- ····-···-·:..._:---:-··-..··--·•-..--....Class..........._.................:......•-····..···
·.- .AJ
I. J>ick out the word whose underl!ned part in pronounced dltTerently from
1. A. beach B. seat C. meat D. grgt
2. A. boots B. flQQr C. to.2thpaste D. food
3. A. ide!! B. y~ C. wgr
B. D. near
4. A. C!IDP pl~ C. pl~e · D. bidminton
5. A. map~ B. be~ C. rooms taxi~ D.
6. . A. ; full B. summer C. sunnySund~y,,. D.
7. A. QI8Ilge B. hQt C. hQbby
D. nQse
8. A. sometimes B. washes C. benches D. couch~
9. A. ride B. night C. river D. tired
IO. A. teeth • B. tree C. betw~en D. engin~r ·
II. Supply the correct nrb tense/ form of the verbs in the brackets. · . . · ·
1. Mrs Thu (do)_. .............. ;the hous~work every day. => ...... :........-.';•.-.. ;.: ............... .
2. My brother (listen) ............. to music DO\\'.. => ......... :.. ........ ;.: .......... ..
3. They {visit)...... .......... Da Lat this summer vacation.=> ...................................... ..
4. Long is thirsty. He'd like (drink) .............. some water.=> ....... :...............................
5. Now they (play) .......... ..soccer. . · -d;. ... .. .. .. ... ... ........ .......... ...... .
6. He ( not go) .............fishing in the winter. . -· => . ..:...·................. .. .... .....
. .. . .. . ..
7. Y~
8. 1bis
n, Yp
in :i:orn~_g? - Y~ I d.<>.: .=~>.. :.... :... .........................
( VISJt) ........ Hue. - ....................................... .
9. What about ( go) ..........to Nha Trang? => .........................................
10. We mustn't (drive) .........fast on th.:~. ··. => .......................... ...............
Ill. Supply the correct form of the .words in brackets to complete each sentence.
I. It is very .................... ........ ;..... :... i'. .... in the city. NOISE
3. This is my favorite chair. It's so ............ ;;....... . COMFORT
4. There is a .................... ~ ....... )1ext to my house. BAKE
5. She is a .................... ....: of English. TEACH
6. I brush my ............ :....... twfoe a day. TOOIB
7. Long goes .................... at the weekend. . SAIL
8. Their house is on the .....:~............... floor of the room. FIVE
9. Bae Giang is ............ : . :·............. : . than Ha Noi. SMALL
10. Do you ...... ::: ... :·~·.-· ... ;: .... play video games? USUAL
IV. Rea~.the passage carefully and then answer the foHowing questions.
·. My ~ i~·Pe~y and this is my h~sband, Ph~l. We bQth work in .ofti<;es in.London. We .
have..~}ifasr~t half past seven. We don t have a big breakfast. We usu~ly have bread, coffee
and orange juice;.· . . . .
Forlunch·we usually have a salad or soup and sandwich. That's at about 1.30:
we· llsually have dinner at.half past seven in the evening. It is a big meal of the day and
we have meat or fish with vegetables and potatoes or rice. We have orange juice with the milk.
On Saturday evenings we go to a restaurant for dinner at about eight o'clock.
1. Who is Petty's husband? => .._...........-...................._..................._............................._.-.......-.........-·-···...........:. ,..............
2. What do they have for lunch? => ....................................................-.....................................................................................
3. What time do they usually have dinner? => ......-........................................................................................................
4. What do they drink for dinner? => ..._...:•..,..._.......--·-·-·---....-................-........,.........-..-·.................................
5. Where do they have dinner on Saturday evenings? ·
····················· ..························· ............................................................ .
6. Is dinner a big meal for Petty and her husband? .
• H\I
•••••• , •••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••• ···••1••· •••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I. Choose the suitable word for eacb blank in the following passage
, ;, ~•
- ·'·•.· ~ 1·
Mistake Correction
l. Linh would like to be an singer when she grows
2. She has a sore throat,. She shouldn't eats ice cream
3. What can I get to My Dinh Stadium?- You can go
by bus.
4. The cinema is in the end of this street.
S. Why don't we going swimming this Saturday?
VI. Read and complete.
interesting hvice favourite They like
Hello. I'm Trang. 1study in class SA, Ly Thuong
Kiel primary school. Tomorrow I have four lessons.
(\) are Vietnamese, M11ths, lT and English. They are all
at school. I finished al\ homework this morning. my (2) subjects
I (3) English the best and I have it
three times a week. l know l have to study English
well, so that I can read news and many
(4) comic books in English. I have IT lessons (5)
Vietnamese and Maths almost every day. a week, and I have
Ngay thi: 30/5/2022
Thoi gian lam bai: 40 phut
. ' . ..
4. They will drive to Ha Noi next Monday. ..
- ···- ... - ------~- ... -- ~ . .. . .. . ... . --
=> They will .... .... .. ...... .... ..... ....' .... ...... ........ ' ....
...... : ' .... ..... ...... ... ...........
5. There are a lot of beautiful flow
ers in her garden.
=> Her garden .... . ... ... .... ... .. .... .... .
VI. Put the words in the correct ord
.... . .. ... .... .... . .... . ••••· · •· · · · · · · · · · ·
·· · · · ·· · ·· ·· · · · ·· -
1. would/ Which/ you/ like/ plac
e/ to/ visit,/ Sa Pa/ or Da Lat? ~:
2. the meat/ up/ The fox/ and said 1
/ picked/ "ha ha! Thanks for the meat." ,
3. Mai/ reading?/ of/ What / stor
ies/ does/ kinds/ like
¢ '
4. healthy,/ eat/ To be/ rice,/
you/ bre ad,/ and fruit. /and lots of/ should/ veg D
q etables
5. some/ has/ Chocolate/ but.I
vitamins/ a lot oft it/ and sugar too,
=> /eati has/ -fati so don 't/ too mud1.
VII. In each line of the passage, there
is a mistake. Find and torrect it. The
re is one example
0. Mr Hung work in a factory for five Mistake Correct
days a week. work
1. When we were at the zoo, the tige works
rs roared loud .
2. Ho a often goes to school by foot. ·· ········ ···········
..... .... . .... , ....
3. What is the matter with he?
....... ... ....... ...
4. When does she go to the English
club?- Once a week.
5. He 'd like to be a astronaut in the ····· ··· · ··· ··· ····
VIII. Make question for underlined ........ .. ..........
l. He plays chess in his free time.
2. The main character in this stor
y is An Tiem .
3. Hung walked to school yesterday mor
4. There are four floors in my school.
5. I learns English because I want to work
in London.
IX. Complete each sentence so tha
t it means the ~ame as the sentence
1. My brother cycles to work every.day. above
c::> My brother goes
2. The museum is in front of the bakery.
c::> The bakery
3. Mr Nam is fifty years old. Mr Hung is fifty
-five years old.
c::> Mr Hung
4. How many boys are there in grade 5
in class SAS?
¢ How many boys
5. How old is this pagoda?
c::> What is
(4) ... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ... her fath
er, mot her and her bro ther . Her hou
se is (S) •·· •·· ·· · ·· · ··· ···· ···· to the
lake. There C,
(6) ..... .... .. . ... .. .... a larg e yacd
in fron t of the hou se and ther e (7)
..... ..... . ~an y tree s beh ind it. Her
works in (8) .. . .... .. .... . .. ..... fact father
ory in tow n. Her mot her wor ks in
a dru gsto re. The dru gsto re is nea
(9) ..... ..... ..... . her mot her usually r her house,
goe s to the dru gsto re ( 10) .... .... ..
.... foo t. Thu lov es her fam ily ver
VI. Ord er the wor ds to make sen y much.
ten ces (1 point) I
l. a Jot of/ We / pho tos. / too k/ the
zoo / we nt/ and
c::> •• ••••• ••••• .. •• ••• •• •... .. . .. . ....
.... .... .... ... .... .. ... ... .... .... . .. .
. ..... . ..... . . .... .... .. .... .... ... .
2. you/ a/ breakfast?/ Do/ eat/ big
/ often
···· ·· ······················· ········ ····················· -
3. than / life / that in the city. / pea ················· ·················· ················ J
cefu l / is/ mo re/ in / the cou ntry side l
····················· .........................................................
4. Yes terd ay / wen t / bec aus e/ den
tist / to/ Pet er/ he / toot
.·......................... .. ..
► ..... ..........................
hache. / had' / the / a
5. her / hav e/ Lan / man y frie nds
..... ....................... ............. ..... ............ ...................
/ sch ool / doe sn't / new / in.
► ..... ..... ..... .......................................... ..... .............
VII . Com ple tet be eac h sentence so
that it me ans the sam e as the sen
............... ......... .........
1. My mot her usu ally drives to wor tence abo ve. (!p oin t)
c::> My mot her usu ally ... .... ..... .. . ..
.... .. . ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... . .... ..
..... .. .... .... .... .. ..... . .
2. How muc h is the bott le of coo
kin g oil?
c::> How mu ch doe s ... ..... . ... .
. . ... ... .. .. . . ..... ..... .. .... .. .... . ....
.... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... ... .
3. Lin da likes chic ken bes t.
=> Her fav our ite .. ..... .. ..... . ....
... .. .. ... . ..... ... ... . ... ..... ..... ... . .
: .. .. . ... .. . ..... . . .. ..... . .. .. . .. .
4. The whi te car is che ape r than
the red car.
c::> The red car . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . ,
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
5. How long is this stre et?
c::> Wh at is . .... . .... .... .... .... .... . .....
.. .. .... . ..... ..... ..... . .... .... .... .... .. ... ....
..... ..... . ..... ..
VIl l. Un der line ON E mistake in
eac h sentence then cor rec t it.
-=J=1,T t~
-,.:-u.... i.~~N~R.--·c::....,
~N~.-~-~T " ~G~CA_o_LOP
, 4"'-= -f>~t==-oo-=ra -=;.=--= '""""""'2--=- -
'-6uow- ~ ,. . . . _: . N1-M HQC 2022 - 2023
· .,.h ,. . Nga Yki~em tra ... ..._............ . ..
i, az g1an lamb,. 30 h.
ai P ut, kh6ng Ice thai gian giao di
¢ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3.There aren 't a trees to the left ofMinh's house. ¢
4. That's my father over there. He works in the garden. - - - - -- - -
5. Do you kno~ how many teachers does your school have? ,
V. Make questions for the underlined parts (Sp) :":·
1. Quang is studying Math. -ll
2. The children are goin~ to the museum by bus.
¢ _ _:___--,--_: __ _:-----:::---; --- - - ---'----
3. My school library has about two thousand books.
VI. Com assa e with the words in the box.There is one example.
love Ii e
more and weather
Hi, my name is Minh. I'm from Bae Giang (0) _province_. It's in northern Vietnam, about 60
kilometers from Hanoi. (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ in my hometown is very quiet. There are not so many
cars (2) _ _ _ _ _ buildings like Hanoi. There are (3.) _ _ _ _ _ trees and lakes here. The air is
also fresher than it is in Hanoi. The (4) - ~_ _ _ and temperature are almost the same as they are
in the capital city. I (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ my everyday life here, in my hometown.
VII. Order the words to make sentences.
l. life / her hometown / What / in / is / like /?
2. Quy Nhon / many / landscapes / beautiful / have / Does /?
=> - - : ' . : - - : - - : - - - : - - : - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3. family /place/ to /does/ like/ visit/ her/ Which/?
::-:--;---;-; :-;-:-----;-- -;-;--:--;--: --:-::-:-:--: ----:---:-:-- -:----------- --
4. autumn/ fishing/ usually/ in I go/ We/ our/ with/ friends.
=> .--;:-:--;--;---; -:---:---:-:-::- ----=---:---- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
5. fun fai,;/ the/ to /and/ fast /Hoa /go /Tony /Friday? /Did/
=> .
VllI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one.
l. How high is that building?
¢~ ?
2. Let's g:-o-;fi::-or_a_p~i;-c~ni;-c~th;-;i-s-w-ee-;k-e-n-=-d.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
¢ What about ?
= - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -
- tee-.th:--a-=-da-y-?
3. How often d-o e-s-:;N-;-am--;-brus-h~h1:.s-:-
¢ How · ?
4. This book is 20,000d. That book is 30,000d
¢ This book
5. Does your s-c;:-ho-o-;l-;-ha-v_e_o_v_e_r_ru:-.n-e7h-un-d7 r-ed-;-:stu-d7 e-n-:-ts-::;?-- --- - - - - -- - - - -
¢ ~ ?
or- t-:::b-e-se_ a_n_s_w_e _rs-.------- -- -- - ~ - -- - - --
IX. Ma-;k_e_q_u-es-:ti:-.o_n_s-:t:--
a) Tony went to a party with my friends yesterday.
... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ., .... ............... ......... , . , ... ............... ......... ······" ··· ...... ···· ·· ······ ... ... .... .
b) I chatted with friends and ate pizza at the party.
~) ·M·; ~·i;~~-:;;~~~ ~~·H~~ ..i~~~ri~-Cify·l~~-;~~: ...... . ............. . ....... ...... . ........ ...................· ·........
...... ... ... ... ······ ... ... ......... ······ ... ······ ...... ······ ......... , ........... ......... ... ......... ... ········ .., ...... ... .. .... ··· ·····
e) Yes, 1 did. I went on a picnic with my family .
... ... ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ··· ··· ......... ............ ...... ..................... ...... ····· ............... .......... .
NAM HQC 2022-2023
Class: _ _ _School: _ __
I. Choose A, B, C or D that contain~ on
whose underlined part is pronounced
differently f~om the others (5 points)
1. A. l1ke B. tiger
C. sit D. k.iri.dness
2. A. ~wim B. ~it
3. A. dances B. misses
c. clo~e D.~tand
C. watches D. lives
4. A. com]! B. bike -
C.]2ook D.heach
5. A. visited B. ;ayed D. needed
C. rented
JI. Find A, B, or D to odd one out (5 points)
6. A. engmeer B. write C. cook D. pilot
7. A.· drive B. motorbike C. plane D. taxi
8. A. museum B. swimming c. cinema • D. zoo
9. A. met B. saw C. played D. did
10. A. lion B. python C. zoo D. crocodile
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (2 points)
11. There are_ _ _ toys under the bed. ·
A. some B. any C. an D. a
12. Last month, They didn't go to Bae Giang ____ It had corona virus.
A. because B. but C. and D. so
13. How _ _ _ kilos of beef does she want? - One kilo.
A. much B. about C. many D. far
14. We should _ _ _ our hands regularly and wear masks to protect our health from Corona Virus.
A. wash B. washing C. washes D. washed
15. What ___ they _ _ _ next Sunday? ... They will go to Hanoi.
A. do-do B. did-do C. will-do D. are-doing
16. Lan: Would you like some orange juice?
Mai: - - - - - - - - -
A. Yes, I woulf;l. B. No, I wouldn't. C. Yes, please. D. No, I don't
17. _ _ _ _ _ does he play games? - He plays games every weekend.
A. How B. Where C. How often D. What
18. I would like to be an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when I graduate the college.
A. writer B. dancer C. pilot D. engineer
19. I ____ swim in the swimming pool because I don~t like it.
A. never B. often C. usually D. always
20. Tony is sitting _ _ _ _ _ to Mary.
A. behind B. between C. next D. in front of
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (1 point)
21. She (not study) _ _ _ on Fridays. ➔ .......................
22. Listen! They (talk) _ _ about how to prevent Corona virus. ➔ ·····················..
23 • My brother would like (be)_ _ an engineer in the future. ➔ ···············.········
24. My classmates (not visit) Ha Long Bay this summer. ➔ ·····················..
25.How often she (play) ~orts? -. Sometimes. ➔ ·...... ···.............
V. Make question for underlined part. There is one example (5 points)
O. She is cooking, in the kitchen ➔ Whal is she doing in the kitchen?
3L My mother does aerobics everyday.
32. She often goes to school at .seven o'clock every morning~
33. They are going to stay in a big hotel n11.ar the sea next summer.
34. My father went to work, by car yester~Yi' \ ·
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
35. Lan likes English best because it is vecy interesting.
V. Com e with the words in the boL There is one exam le J oint
In the end very slowly fH
Last weekend, I went to the _(O)..lQ!! _with my classmates. We _(26)_ __ a lot of animals.
First, we saw the elephants. They were _(27) _ _ _ _ big. They moved _ (28) _ _
and quietly. Then we saw the kangaroos. I enjoyed watching them _(29) _ _ _ they jum~
very high and ran quickly. _ (30)_ _ ___, we went to see the monkeys. They looked
funny. They ·swung from tree to tree all the time. They jumped up and down on the trees very
quickly. We had a really good time.
VD. In each line of the passaE!e. there l, a mistake. Fmd and correct it. There is one example 1 point)
Mistake Correct
0. Mr Hung work in a factory for five days a week. work works
36. Miss Lien lives in a small house on Hanoi. ........... ···········
3 7. She teach English at a school there. ......... ...... .....
3 8. She teaches his students in the morning. ...... .... ..........
39. She teaches them di~ogue on Wednesday to Friday ..........
40. In the evening, she usually stays at home and .listens books. .......... ..........
VIIl. Order the words to make sentences (1 point)
41. good/ the/ there. /let's/ and/ time/ beach/ go/ have/ to/ a
IX. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above (1 point)
46. What is the price of your dress?
➔ How much - - - - - - - : - - : - - - - - : - - " " 7 "----:--:-:--;:------;-----;;-;---;:--;-;- -- -?
47. To the left ofmy school is a big garden, to the right of my school is a field .
➔ My school is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
TRif:t:: ,;,~,1_~ ~ . Dl'i:~.4J.o~&TRII/JNG1HCSLliQIJYIKlN
NAM BQC2020- 2021
[ id;·nn rtnr s6 16- BY MRS THANil 'imiY
· · , '
I M<>N Tin: ntNG ANH
Ngly thl; .................... ..
(Di thi g6nrc/J: 02 trang) 1 nu, glan lam bat 35 phut, ~ng _ki thui gian giao 4i
5. She never (stay) up late at night1i
V. Make question for the underlined parts. (Sp)
=> _ _ __ _ _ __
.. · • .
_ _ _ _ _ _--"Primary School
KltM 1TRA CHuYtN »~ p · " ,
El 1: pronunciation
13. Minh can (swim) .. .. . . . ....... ......... ...faster than his brother.
Ex 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.