Mod-5 240716 153846
Mod-5 240716 153846
Mod-5 240716 153846
Processor Memory
Move DATAIN, Ro - Reads the data from DATAIN then into processor register Ro.
Move Ro, DATAOUT - Send the contents of register Ro to location DATAOUT.
DATAIN - Input buffer associated with keyboard.
DATAOUT - Output data buffer of a display unit / printer.
Fig: I/O Interface for an Input Device
Address line
Data line
Control line
Input device
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Address Decoder:
It enables the device to recognize its address when the address appears on
Data register - It holds the data being transferred to or from the processor.
Status register - It contains information relevant to the operation of the I/O devices.
The address decoder, data & status registers and the control circuitry required to
co-ordinate I/O transfers constitute the device‟s I/O interface circuit.
For an input device, SIN status flag is used SIN = 1, when a character is entered
at the keyboard, SIN = 0, once the char is read by processor.
For an output device, SOUT status flag is used.
The data from the keyboard are made available in the DATAIN register & the data sent to
the display are stored in DATAOUT register.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
This program, reads a line of characters from the keyboard & stores it in a
memory buffer starting at locations LINE.
Then it calls the subroutine “PROCESS” to process the input line.
As each character is read, it is echoed back to the display.
Register Ro is used as a pointer to memory buffer area. The contents of R0 are
updated using Auto – increment mode so that successive characters are stored in
successive memory location.
Each character is checked to see if there is carriage return (CR), char, which has
the ASCII code 0D (hex).
If it is, a line feed character (ASCII character 0A) is sent to move the cursor
one line down on the display & subroutine PROCESS is called. Otherwise, the
program loops back towait for another character from the keyboard.
DMA - It is a technique used for high speed I/O device. Here, the device
interface transfer data directly to or from the memory without
continuous involvement by the processor.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
When a program enters a wait loop, it will repeatedly check the device status.
During this period, the processor will not perform any function. There are many
situations where other tasks can be performed while waiting for an I/O device to
become ready. To allow this to happen, we can arrange for the I/O device to
alert the processor when it becomes ready.
The processor saves only the contents of program counter & status register ie; it saves only
the minimal amount of information to maintain the integrity of the program execution.
Saving registers also increases the delay between the time an interrupt request is
received and the start of the execution of the ISR. This delay is called the Interrupt
Generally, the long interrupt latency in unacceptable.
The concept of interrupts is used in Operating System and in Control Applications,
where processing of certain routines must be accurately timed relative to external events.
This application is also called as real-time processing.
Interrupt Hardware:
A single interrupt request line may be used to serve n devices. All devices are connected to the line via
switches to ground.
To request an interrupt, a device closes its associated switch, the voltage on INTR line drops to 0(zero).
If all the interrupt request signals (INTR1 to INTRn) are inactive, all switches are open and the voltage on
INTR line is equal to Vdd..
When a device requests an interrupt by closing its switch, the voltage on the line drops to 0, causing INTR
request signal received by the processor to go to 1.
Since closing one or more switches will cause line voltage to drop to 0, the value of INTR is the logical
OR of the requests from individual devices. ie;
INTR - It is used to name the INTR signal on common line it is active in the low voltage state.
The arrival of an interrupt request from an external device causes the processor to
suspend the execution of one program & start the execution of another because
the interrupt may alter the sequence of events to be executed.
INTR is active during the execution of Interrupt Service Routine.
There are 3 mechanisms to solve the problem of infinite loop which occurs due to
successive interruptions of active INTR signals.
The following are the typical scenario.
The processor has a special interrupt request line for which the interrupt handling
circuit responds only to the leading edge of the signal. Such a line said to be edge-
When several devices requests interrupt at the same time, it raises some questions.
They are.
Polling Scheme:
If two devices have activated the interrupt request line, the ISR for the selected
device (first device) will be completed & then the second request can be serviced.
The simplest way to identify the interrupting device is to have the ISR polls all
the encountered with the IRQ bit set is the device to be serviced
IRQ (Interrupt Request) -> when a device raises an interrupt requests, the status
register IRQ is set to 1.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Vectored Interrupt:
Here the device requesting an interrupt may identify itself to the processor by
sending a special code over the bus & then the processor start executing the ISR.
The code supplied by the processor indicates the starting address of the ISR for
the device.
The code length ranges from 4 to 8 bits.
The location pointed to by the interrupting device is used to store the staring
address to ISR.
The processor reads this address, called the interrupt vector & loads into PC.
The interrupt vector also includes a new value for the Processor Status Register.
When the processor is ready to receive the interrupt vector code, it activate the
interrupt acknowledge (INTA) line.
Interrupt Nesting:
Multiple Priority Scheme:
In multiple level priority scheme, we assign a priority level to the processor that
can be changed under program control.
The priority level of the processor is the priority of the program that is currently
being executed.
The processor accepts interrupts only from devices that have priorities higher than
its own.
At the time the execution of an ISR for some device is started, the priority of the
processor is raised to that of the device.
The action disables interrupts from devices at the same level of priority or lower.
Privileged Instruction:
The processor priority is usually encoded in a few bits of the Processor Status
word. It can also be changed by program instruction & then it is write into PS.
These instructions are called privileged instruction. This can be executed only
when the processor is in supervisor mode.
The processor is in supervisor mode only when executing OS routines.
It switches to the user mode before beginning to execute application program.
Privileged Exception:
Simultaneous Requests:
Daisy Chain:
The interrupt request line INTR is common to all devices. The interrupt
acknowledge line INTA is connected in a daisy chain fashion such that INTA
signal propagates serially through the devices.
When several devices raise an interrupt request, the INTR is activated & the
processor responds by setting INTA line to 1. this signal is received by device.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Device1 passes the signal on to device2 only if it does not require any service.
If devices1 has a pending request for interrupt blocks that INTA signal &
proceeds to put its identification code on the data lines.
Therefore, the device that is electrically closest to the processor has the highest
It requires fewer wires than the individual connections.
Here the devices are organized in groups & each group is connected at a different
priority level.
Within a group, devices are connected in a daisy chain.
Exception of ISR:
Read the input characters from the keyboard input data register. This will cause
the interface circuits to remove its interrupt requests.
Store the characters in a memory location pointed to by PNTR & increment
When the end of line is reached, disable keyboard interrupt & inform program
Return from interrupt.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Kinds of exception:
System software has a program called debugger, which helps to find errors in a
The debugger uses exceptions to provide two important facilities
They are
Trace Mode:
Break point:
Here the program being debugged is interrupted only at specific points selected by
the user.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
An instance called the Trap (or) software interrupt is usually provided for this
While debugging the user may interrupt the program execution after instance „I‟
When the program is executed and reaches that point it examine the memory and
register contents.
Privileged Exception:
Starting address
Number of words in the block
Direction of transfer.
When a block of data is transferred , the DMA controller increment the memory
address for successive words and keep track of number of words and it also informs
the processor by raising an interrupt signal.
While DMA control is taking place, the program requested the transfer cannot
continue and the processor can be used to execute another program.
After DMA transfer is completed, the processor returns to the program that requested
the transfer.
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A DMA controller connects a high speed network to the computer bus. The disk
controller two disks, also has DMA capability and it provides two DMA channels.
To start a DMA transfer of a block of data from main memory to one of the disks,
the program write s the address and the word count information into the registers
of the corresponding channel of the disk controller.
When DMA transfer is completed, it will be recorded in status and control registers
of the DMA channel (ie) Done bit=IRQ=IE=1.
Cycle Stealing:
Requests by DMA devices for using the bus are having higher priority than
processor requests.
Top priority is given to high speed peripherals such as ,
High speed Network Interface and Graphics display device.
Since the processor originates most memory access cycles, the DMA controller
can be said to steal the memory cycles from the processor.
This interviewing technique is called Cycle stealing.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Burst Mode:
The DMA controller may be given exclusive access to the main memory to
transfer a block of data without interruption. This is known as Burst/Block Mode
Bus Master:
The device that is allowed to initiate data transfers on the bus at any given time is
called the bus master.
Bus Arbitration:
It is the process by which the next device to become the bus master is selected and
the bus mastership is transferred to it.
There are 2 approaches to bus arbitration. They are,
Centralized Arbitration:
Here the processor is the bus master and it may grants bus mastership to one of its
DMA controller.
A DMA controller indicates that it needs to become the bus master by activating
the Bus Request line (BR) which is an open drain line.
The signal on BR is the logical OR of the bus request from all devices connected
to it.
When BR is activated the processor activates the Bus Grant Signal (BGI) and
indicated the DMA controller that they may use the bus when it becomes free.
This signal is connected to all devices using a daisy chain arrangement.
If DMA requests the bus, it blocks the propagation of Grant Signal to other
devices and it indicates to all devices that it is using the bus by activating open
collector line, Bus Busy (BBSY).
The timing diagram shows the sequence of events for the devices connected to the
processor is shown.
DMA controller 2 requests and acquires bus mastership and later releases the bus.
During its tenture as bus master, it may perform one or more data transfer.
After it releases the bus, the processor resources bus mastership
Distributed Arbitration:
It means that all devices waiting to use the bus have equal responsibility in carrying out
the arbitration process without using a central arbiter.
A winner is selected as a result of the interaction among the signals transmitted over
these lines.
The net outcome is that the code on the four lines represents the request that has the
highest ID number.
The drivers are of open collector type. Hence, if the input to one driver is equal to 1, the
input to another driver connected to the same bus line is equal to 0, then bus will be in
low-voltage state.
Assume two devices A & B have their ID 5 (0101), 6(0110). They are requesting
the use of bus.
Device A transmits the pattern 0101 and B transmits 0110. The code seen by both
devices is 0111.
Each devices compares the pattern on the arbitration line to its own ID starting from
If it detects a difference at any bit position, it disables the drivers at that bit
position and for all lower order bits.
It does this by placing 0 at the input of these drivers.
In our example. A detects a difference in line ARB1, hence it disables the drivers on
lines ARB1 & ARB0.
This causes the pattern on the arbitration line to change to 0110 which means that
B has won the contention.
Note that since the code on the priority line is 0111 for a shorter period, device B
may be temporarily disable its driver on line ARB0. However, it will enable this driver
once it sees a 0 on line ARB1 resulting from the action by device A.
Highly reliable – because operation of the bus is not dependent on any single device.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Word length is the number of bits that can be transferred to or from the memory, it can be
determined from the width of data bus, if the data bus has a width of n bits, it means word length of that
computer system is n bits.
Memory access time: time elapses between the
initiation of an operation and the completion of that
Memory cycle time: minimum time delay
required between the initiations of two successive
memory locations.
Compared to processor, the main memory unit
is very slow. So in order to transfer something
between memory and processor takes a long time. The
processor has to wait a lot. To avoid this speed gap
between memory and processor a new memory called cache memory is placed in between main
memory and processor.
In the memory hierarchy, speed will decrease and size will increase from top to bottom level.An
important design issue is to provide a computer system with as large and fast a memory as possible,
within a given cost target.
Random Access Memory (RAM)is a memory system in which any location can be accessed for
a Read or Write operation in some fixed amount of time that is independent of the location‟s address.
Several techniques to increase the effective size and speed of the memory: Cache memory (to
increase the effective speed) &Virtual memory (to increase the effective size
register and setting the R/W line to 1.Upon receiving the MFC signal, the processor loads the data on
the data lines into the MDR register.
The processor writes data into the memory location by loading the data into MDR. It indicates that a
write operation is involved by setting the R/W line to 0. If MAR is k bits long and MDR is n bits long,
then the memory unit may contain up to 2k addressable locations. Memory access can be synchronized
by using a clock.
Semiconductor memories are available in a wide range of speeds. Their cycle times range from
100ns to less than 10 ns.
When first introduced in late 1990s, they were much more expensive than the magnetic-core
memories they replaced. Because of rapid advances in VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology,
the cost of semiconductor memories has dropped dramatically. As a result, they are now used almost
exclusively in implementing memories.
Each row of cells consists of memory word, and all cells of a row are connected to a common
line referred to as the word line, which is driven by the address decoder on a chip.The cells in each
column are connected to a Sense/Write circuit by two bit lines. Sense/write circuits are connected to the
data input/output lines of the memory chip.
During read operation, these circuits sense or read the information stored in the cells selected by
a word line and transmit this information to the output data lines. During a write operation, the
sense/write circuits receive input information and store it in the cells of the selected word.
Two control lines, R/W and CS, are provided in addition to address and data lines. The
Read/Write input specifics the required operation, and the CS input select a given chip in multichip
memory system
Static Memories (SRAM)
Static memories are the memories that consist of circuits capable of retaining their state as long
as power is applied. Two transistor inverters are cross connected to implement a basic flip-flop. The cell
is connected to one word line and two bits lines by transistors T1 and T2. When word line is at ground
level, the transistors are turned off and the latch retains its state.
Most of the static RAMs are built using MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology, but
some are built using bipolar technology. If the cell is in state 1/0, the signal on b is high/low and signal
on bit line b‟ is low/high.
Read operation: In order to read state of SRAM cell, the word line is activated to close switches
T1 and T2. Sense/Write circuits at the bottom monitor the state of b and b‟.
Write operation: During the write operation, the state of the cell is set by placing the appropriate
value on bit line b and its complement on b‟ and then activating the word line. This forces the cell into
the corresponding state. The major advantage of SRAM is very quicly accessed by the processor. The
major disadvantage is that SRAM are expensive memory and SRAM are Volatile memory. If the power
is interrupted, the cell‟s content will be lost. Continuous power is needed for the cell to retain its state.
transistor T.
Information is stored is a dynamic memory cell in the form of charge on a capacitor and this
charge can be maintained for only tens of milliseconds.
Since the cell is required to store information for a much
longer time, its contents must be periodically refreshed by
restoring the capacitor charge to its full value.
Read Operation: Transistor turned on, Sensor check
voltage of capacitor. If voltage is less than Threshold value,
Capacitor discharged and it represents logical „0‟ else if voltage is
above Threshold value, Capacitor charged to full voltage and it
represents Logical „1‟
Write Operation - Transistor is turned on and a voltage is
applied/removed to the bit line.
Asynchronous Dynamic RAM:
In Asynchronous dynamic RAM, the timing of the memory device is controlled
asynchronously.A specialized memory controller circuit provides the necessary control signals, RAS
and CAS, which govern the timing. The processor must take into account the delay in the response of
the memory.
In the diagram above, we can see that there are two extra elements with two extra lines attached
to them: the Row Address Latch is controlled by the RAS (or Row Address Strobe) pin, and the Column
Address Latch is controlled by the CAS (or Column Address Strobe) pin.
Read Operation:
1. The row address is placed on the address pins via the address bus.
2. The RAS pin is activated, which places the row address onto the Row Address Latch.
3. The Row Address Decoder selects the proper row to be sent to the sense amps.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
4. The Write Enable (not pictured) is deactivated, so the DRAM knows that it's not being
written to.
5. The column address is placed on the address pins via the address bus.
6. The CAS pin is activated, which places the column address on the Column Address Latch.
7. The CAS pin also serves as the Output Enable, so once the CAS signal has stabilized the
sense amps, it place the data from the selected row and column on the Data Out pin so that it
can travel the data bus back out into the system.
8. RAS and CAS are both deactivated so that the cycle can begin again.
Write Operation:
1. In the write operation, the information on the data lines is transferred to the selected circuits.
For this write enable is activated
Fast Page Mode
Suppose if we want to access the consecutive bytes in the selected row. This can be done
without having to reselect the row. Add a latch at the output of the sense circuits in each row.
All the latches are loaded when the row is selected.Different column addresses can be applied to select
and place different bytes on the data lines. Consecutive sequence of column addresses can be applied
under the control signal CAS, without reselecting the row.
This methodology allows a block of data to be transferred at a much faster rate than random
accesses.A small collection/group of bytes is usually referred to as a block.This transfer capability is
referred to as the fast page mode feature. This mode of operation is useful when there is requirement for
fast transfer of data (Eg: Graphical Terminals)
Synchronous DRAM’s
Operation is directly synchronized with processor clock signal. The outputs of the sense circuits
are connected to a latch. During a Read operation, the contents of the cells in a row are loaded onto the
latches. During a refresh operation, the contents of the cells are refreshed without changing the contents
of the latches.
Data held in the latches correspond to the selected columns are transferred to the output.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
For a burst mode of operation, successive columns are selected using column address counter
and clock. CAS signal need not be generated externally. A new data is placed duringraising edge of the
Memory latency is the time it takes to transfer a word of data to or from memory.
Memory bandwidth is the number of bits or bytes that can be transferred in one second.
Double Data Rate SDRAM
DDR-SDRAM is a faster version of SDRAM. The standard SDRAM perform all actions on the
rising edge of the clock signal.DDR SDRAM is also access the cell array in the same way but transfers
data on both edges of the clock. So bandwidth is essentially doubled for long burst transfers.
To make it possible to access the data at a high enough rate, the cell array is organized in two
banks. Each bank can access separately.Consecutive words of a given block arc stored in different
banks. Such interleaving of words allows simultaneous access to two words that are transferred on
successive edges of the clock.
Static RAM Dynamic RAM
More expensive Less expensive
No refresh Deleted & refreshed
High power Less power
Less storage capacity Higher storage capacity
MOS transistors Transistor & capacitor
Faster Slow
More reliable Less reliable
Packaging considerations have led to the development of larger memory units known as SIMMs
(Single In-line Memory Modules) and DIMMs (Dual In-line Memory Modules). Memory modules are
an assembly of memory chips on a small board that plugs vertically onto a single socket on the
motherboard in order to occupy less space on the motherboard. And also allows for easy expansion by
The choice of a RAM chip for a given application depends on several factors: Cost, speed,
power, size etc. SRAMs are faster, more expensive and smaller. In the case of DRAMs are slower,
cheaper and larger.
If speed is the primary requirement static RAMS are the most appropriate one. Static RAMs are
mostly used in cache memories. If cost is the prioritized factor then we are going for dynamic RAMs.
Dynamic RAMs are used for implementing computer main memories.
Refresh overhead:
All dynamic memories have to be refreshed. In DRAM, the period for refreshing all rows is
16ms whereas 64ms in SDRAM.
Eg: Suppose a SDRAM whose cells are in 8K (8192) rows; 4 clock cycles are needed to access
(read) each rows; then it takes 8192×4=32,768 cycles to refresh all rows; if the clock rate is 133 MHz,
then it takes 32,768/(133×10-6)=246×10-6 seconds; suppose the typical refreshing period is 64ms, then
the refresh overhead is 0.246/64=0.0038<0.4% of the total time available for accessing the memory.
Memory Controller
Dynamic memory chips use multiplexed address inputs so that we can reduce the number of pins.
The address is divided into two parts and they are the High order address bits and Low order address
bits. The high order selects a row in the cell array and the low order address bits selects a column in the
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
cell array. The address selection is done under the control of RAS and CAS signal respectively for high
order and low order address bits.
SRAM and SDRAM chips are volatile: Lose the contents when the power is turned off.Many
applications need memory devices to retain contents after the power is turned off.
For example, computer is turned on; the operating system must be loaded from the diskinto the
memory. For this we need to store instructions which would load the OS from the disk that they will not
be lost after the power is turned off. So we need to store the instructions into a non-volatile memory.
Non-volatile memory is read in the same manner as volatile memory. The normal operation
involves only reading of data, this type of memory is called Read-Only memory (ROM). The data are
written into a ROM when it is manufactured and is permanent memory.
At Logic value „0‟: Transistor(T) is connected to the ground point(P). Transistor switch is closed
& voltage on bit line nearly drops to zero. At Logic value „1‟: Transistor switch is open. The bit line
remains at high voltage.
To read the state of the cell, the word line is activated. A Sense circuit at the end of the bit line
generates the proper output value.
Types of ROM
Different types of non-volatile memory are
Flash Memory
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
amplifying or switching electronic signals. Floating-gate transistors are electrically isolated and use a
floating node in direct current (DC). Flash memory is similar to the standard MOFSET, except the
transistor has two gates instead of one.
Processor is much faster than the main memory. As a result, the processor has to spend much of
its time waiting while instructions and data are being fetched from the main memory. These create a
major obstacle towards achieving good performance. Speed of the main memory cannot be increased
beyond a certain point.
Cache Memory is a special very high-speed memory. It is used to speed up and synchronizing
with high-speed CPU. Cache memory is costlier than main memory or disk memory but economical
than CPU registers. Cache memory is an extremely fast memory type that acts as a buffer between
RAM and the CPU. It holds frequently requested data and instructions so that they are immediately
available to the CPU when needed.
Cache memory is used to reduce the average time to access data from the Main memory. The
cache is a smaller and faster memory which stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory
locations. There are various different independent caches in a CPU, which store instructions and data.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Cache memory is based on the property of computer programs known as “locality of reference”.
Prefetching the data into cache before the processor needs it. It needs to predict processor future access
requirement [Locality of Reference].
Locality of Reference
Analysis of programs indicates that many instructions in localized areas of a program are
executed repeatedly during some period of time, while the others are accessed relatively less frequently.
These instructions may be the ones in a loop, nested loop or few procedures calling each other
repeatedly. This is called “locality of reference”.
Cache hit : Existence of a cache is transparent to the processor. The processor issues Read and Write
requests in the same manner. If the data is in the cache, it is called a Read or Write hit.
Write hit: Cache has a replica of the contents of the main memory. Contents of the cache and the main
memory may be updated simultaneously. This is the write-through protocol. Update the contents of the
cache, and mark it as updated by setting a bit known as the dirty bit or modified bit. The contents of
the main memory are updated when this block is replaced. This is write-back or copy-back protocol.
Cache miss: If the data is not present in the cache, then a Read miss or Write miss occurs.
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Read miss: Block of words containing this requested word is transferred from the memory. After the
block is transferred, the desired word is forwarded to the processor. The desired word may also be
forwarded to the processor as soon as it is transferred without waiting for the entire block to be
transferred. This is called load-through or early restart.
Write-miss: Write-through protocol is used, and then the contents of the main memory are updated
directly. If write-back protocol is used, the block containing the addressed word is first brought into the
cache. The desired word is overwritten with new information.
The mapping functions are used to map a particular block of main memory to a particular block
of cache. This mapping function is used to transfer the block from main memory to cache memory.
Mapping functions determine how memory blocks are placed in the cache.
Three mapping functions:
Direct mapping.
Associative mapping.
Set-associative mapping.
Direct Mapping
Block j of the main memory maps to ( j modulo 128) of the cache.
Block 0, 128, 256 of main memory is maps to block 0 of cache memory.
Block1, 129, 257 of main memory maps to block 1 of cache memory & so on.
More than one memory block is mapped onto the same position in the cache. This may lead to
contention for cache blocks even if the cache is not full. Resolve the contention by allowing new block
to replace the old block, leading to a trivial replacement algorithm.
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Memory address is divided into three fields: Low order 4 bits determine one of the 16 words in
a block. When a new block is brought into the cache, the next 7 bits determine whichcache block this
new block is placed in. High order 5 bits determine which of the possible32 blocks is currently presentin
the cache. These are tag bits.
This mapping methodology is simple to implement but not very flexible.
Associative mapping
In the associative mapping technique, a main memory block can potentially reside in any cache
block position. In this case, the main memory address is divided into two groups, a low-order bit
identifies the location of a word within a block and a high-order bit identifies the block.
In the example here, 11 bits are required to identify a main memory block when it is resident in
the cache , high-order 11 bits are used as TAG bits and low-order 5 bits are used to identify a word
within a block. The TAG bits of an address received from the CPU must be compared to the TAG bits
of each block of the cache to see if the desired block is present.
In the associative mapping, any block of main memory can go to any block of cache, so it has
got the complete flexibility and we have to use proper replacement policy to replace a block from cache
if the currently accessed block of main memory is not present in cache.
It might not be practical to use this complete flexibility of associative mapping technique due to
searching overhead, because the TAG field of main memory address has to be compared with the TAG
field of the entire cache block.
In this example, there are 128 blocks in cache and the size of TAG is 11 bits.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
Set-Associative mapping
This mapping technique is intermediate to the previous two techniques. Blocks of the cache are
grouped into sets, and the mapping allows a block of main memory to reside in any block of a specific
set. Therefore, the flexibility of associative mapping is reduced from full freedom to a set of specific
This also reduces the searching overhead, because the search is restricted to number of sets,
instead of number of blocks. Also the contention problem of the direct mapping is eased by having a
few choices for block replacement.
Consider the same cache memory and main memory organization of the previous example.
Organize the cache with 4 blocks in each set. The TAG field of associative mapping technique is
divided into two groups, one is termed as SET bit and the second one is termed as TAG bit. Each set
contains 4 blocks, total number of set is 32. The main memory address is grouped into three parts: low-
order 5 bits are used to identifies a word within a block. Since there are total 32 sets present, next 5 bits
are used to identify the set. High-order 6 bits are used as TAG bits.
Replacement Algorithms
When the cache is full, there is a need for replacement algorithm for replacing the cache block
with a new block. For achieving the high-speed such types of the algorithm is implemented in hardware.
In the cache memory, there are three types of replacement algorithm are used that are:
Random replacement policy.
First in first Out (FIFO) replacement policy
Least recently used (LRU) replacement policy.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
The block diagram of an associative memory consists of a memory array and logic from
words with n bits per word. The argument register A and key register K each have n bits, one for
each bit of a word.
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The match register M has m bits, one for each memory word. Each word in memory is
compared in parallel with the content of the argument register.
The words that match the bits of the argument register set a corresponding bit in the match register.
After the matching process, those bits in the match register that have been set indicate the fact that
their corresponding words have been matched. Reading is accomplished by a sequential access to
memory for those words whose corresponding bits in the match register have been set.
The key register provides a mask for choosing a particular field or key in the argument word.
The entire argument is compared with each memory word if the key register contains all 1‟s.
Otherwise, only those bits in the argument that have 1‟s in their corresponding position of the key
register are compared. Thus the key provides a mask or identifying piece of information which
specifies how the reference to memory is made.
To illustrate with a numerical example, suppose that the argument register A and the key register K
have the bit configuration shown below. Only the three leftmost bits of A are compared with
Word 2 matches the unmasked argument field because the three leftmost bits of the argument and
the word are equal.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
The relation between the memory array and external registers in an associative memory is
shown in below figure.
The cells in the array are marked by the letter C with two subscripts. The first subscript
gives the word number and the second specifies the bit position in the word. Thus cell Cij is the cell
for bit j in word i. A bit A j in the argument register is compared with all the bits in column j of the
array provided that K j =1. This is done for all columns j = 1, 2,…,n. If a match occurs between all
the unmasked bits of the argument and the bits in word i, the corresponding bit Mi in the match
register is set to 1.
If one or more unmasked bits of the argument and the word do not match, Mi iscleared to 0.
Flop storage element Fij and the circuits for reading, writing, and matching the cell. The input bit
is transferred into the storage cell during a write operation. The bit stored is read out during a read
operation. The match logic compares the content of the storage cell with the corresponding
unmasked bit of the argument and provides an output for the decision logic that sets the bit in Mi.
KTU - CST202 [Computer Organization and Architecture] Module: 5
The matched words are read in sequence by applying a read signal to each word line whose
corresponding Mi bit is a 1. In most applications, the associative memory stores a table with no
two identical items under a given key. In this case, only one word may match the unmasked
argument field. By connecting output Mi directly to the read line in the same word position (instead
of the M register), the content of the matched word will be presented automatically at the output lines
and no special read command signal is needed. Furthermore, if we exclude words having a zero
content, an all-zero output will indicate that no match occurred and that the searched item is not
available inmemory.
If the entire memory is loaded with new information at once prior to a search operation then
the writing can be done by addressing each location in sequence. This will make the device a
random-access memory for writing and a content addressable memory for reading. The advantage
here is that the address for input can be decoded as in a random-access memory. Thus instead of
having m address lines, one for each word in memory, the number of addresslines can be reduced by
the decoder to d lines, where m = 2d.
If unwanted words have to be deleted and new words inserted one at a time, there is a need
for a special register to distinguish between active and inactive words. This register, sometimes
called a tag register, would have as many bits as there are words in the memory. For every active
word stored in memory, the corresponding bit in the tag register is set to 1. A word is deleted from
memory by clearing its tag bit to 0. Words are stored in memory by scanning the tag register until
the first 0 bit is encountered. This gives the first available inactive word and a position for
writing a new word. After the newword is stored in memory it is made active by setting its tag bit
to 1. An unwanted word when deleted from memory can be cleared to all 0‟s if this value is used to
specify an empty location.