School of Education Calendar
School of Education Calendar
School of Education Calendar
The University of Venda aspires to be at the centre of
tertiary education for rural and regional
development in Southern Africa.
The University of Venda, anchored on the pillars of excellence in
teaching, learning, research and community engagement,
produces graduates imbued with knowledge, skills and
qualifications which are locally relevant
and globally competitive.
Mission Statement
Administrative Staff
General Regulations
Dean (Ass. Professor) MP Mulaudzi, JSTC (VECO), BAED, BEd (Hons) (Univen), MEd (Bowie
State Univ. USA), D.Ed (Unisa)
Vice-Dean (Ass. Professor) T Runhare, Cert. in Personnel & Training Management (IPM
Zimbabwe); C.E, B.ED, M.ED, (UZ); PhD (Pretoria)
Dean’s Secretary B Mudau, Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa)
School Administrator GM Tshimange Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa)
Academic Administrator Vacant
Senior Clerk NL Mushi, Nat. Dip. Pub. Mgt (Unisa)
Clerk TJ Phadziri, Cert. Local Gov & Admin (Unisa), Dip in Pub. Mgt (SBS)
Educational Management
Senior Lecturers *NF Litshani, BA, BEd (Unisa), M.Ed, DEd (Rau), HED (Vista), AMDP (UP),
Cert. in Theo, Dip. In Theo & B.Theo (Faith Bible College), PG. Dip HE
Ass.Professor TS Mashau, STD (VECO), BEd (Hons), MEd (Potch), DEd (Univen), FDE,
Cert in HR (Rau), Cert in CNB (BEIT BERL–ISRAEL), Cert in DM (UNISA)
Lecturers DA Sinthumule, BA(Ed), BA (Hons), BEd (Hons), ACE-SML (Univen),
M.Tech (Ed) (TUT) D.Ed (Univen)
AT Nesengani, ScTD, BAED, BEd (Hons) (Unisa), BA (Hons), MEDEM
(Univen), HRD (RAU) D.Ed (Univen)
MG Muremela, STD (Makhado), BA, BEd, FDE, Masters Diploma in
Educational Management (Unisa), M.Ed (Univen), Diploma in Theology
(Living Gospel World Mission).
Foundations of Education
Vice-Dean (Ass. Professor) *T Runhare, Cert. in Personnel & Training Management (IPM
Zimbabwe); C.E, BEd, MEd, (UZ); PhD (Pretoria).
Lecturer: EN Thenga BA(Ed), BEDGC, MEd (Univen)
Teaching Assistant: Dean’s Substitute: Vacant,
Professional Studies
Senior Lecturer *M Mpeta, BSc, PGCE (Lesotho), MSc (ETSD) (Twente, Netherlands)
PhD (Pretoria)
SJM Kaheru, Dip Ed, BSc (Makerere), Dip in Sc Ed, MA (Sc Ed) (Kings
College London), PhD (Unisa)
LS Tshikota, BA (Univen), BA (Hons), Mphil (Stellenbosch), DPhil (UL)
Lecturers LP Ramabulana, BSC, BSCHZO, MScEDU, DIPNRM, UED (Univen), Cert.
ICT in Educ. For Policy Implementers (WITS) D.Ed (TUT)
TE Tshiovhe, STD (Makhado), FDE, BEd (Hons) (RAU), MEd, D.Ed
MA Nenzhelele, (STD) (Soweto College of Education), B.Com (Hons)
(Univen), MBA (MANCOSA)
NM Nndwamato, BA (Hons), MA (Univen).
1.1.1. Acceptance by the University as a registered student does not automatically qualify a student for
enrolment in the School or in a particular Department.
1.1.2. All students who qualify for registration on the basis of maturity or acknowledged prior learning
may be required to write a School entrance test on a date specified by the School.
1.1.3. Students wishing to follow service courses in the School will be admitted only in accordance with
pre-determined numbers for every Department.
1.2.1 DEGREE
Admission Requirements
• In order to be admitted a candidate should meet any of the following requirements:
a) A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor and an average of 36%, with a minimum
percentage of 50 in English.
b) Old Senior Certificate (Matric) with exemption and an average symbol D (Standard Grade) or
E (High Grade) in English.
The minimum admission requirement is a NSC as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating
of 3 (moderate achievement, 40-49 %) or better in four recognized NSC 20-credit subjects. A grade
12 certificate is required if grade 12 has been achieved before 2008.
The minimum admission requirement is a NSC as certified by Umalusi. To be considered for
admission to specific programmes, applicants are required to have the appropriate combinations
of recognized NSC subjects as well as certain levels of NSC achievement in these subjects.
a) National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor and an average of 36%, with a minimum
percentage of 50% in English.
b) Old Senior Certificate (Matric) with exemption and an average symbol D (Standard Grade) or
E (High Grade) in English.
a) National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor and an average of 36%, with a minimum
percentage of 50 in English.
b) Old Senior Certificate (Matric) with exemption and an average symbol D (Standard Grade) or
E (High Grade) in English.
c) A senior certificate (SC) and completion of Level 5 or N6 in Edu care /Higher diploma
in ABET/ACE in the relevant field leading to the specialization.
1.4.1 A student shall not repeat a module at first- or second-year level more than once. Cancellation of
a course after the commencement of the second semester for year courses and after the closing
date for cancellation of semester courses or modules shall be deemed a failure, except if Senate
decides otherwise on the basis of special circumstances.
1.4.2 No second-year courses shall be taken unless two-year courses (or four semester courses or
modules) have been passed at first year level; in order to register for third year courses, a student
shall have passed six year courses (twelve semester courses or modules) at first and second year
1.4.3 Students registered for the B Ed FET and B Ed TEF degree are required to pass all modules at third
year level before they proceed to fourth year. Due to credit values, students who failed modules
at previous levels of study may not proceed to the fourth year until they have passed these
The following rules are to be read with the general "Rules for Post-Graduate Degrees" (G16 to G19) and
any Senate approved Departmental rules in the Calendar.
2.1.3 Requirements
(a) For part-time students, the difference between the number of module(s) taken in the first and
second years of study shall not be more than three modules.
(b) A student shall only be admitted to a final examination if he obtains a minimum continuous
assessment mark of 50%.
(c) For every module, a Final Mark (the average of the continuous assessment, project and
examination mark) of
(b) The student has to register for every academic year s/he is on the programme. The supervisors
shall submit a yearly progress report to Senate.
(title of dissertation)….....................................................................………………………………….
by (name of candidate)...............................................................................………………………
has been completed under my/our supervision and is hereby submitted for examination.
................................................ .............................................…
Signature (Supervisor) Signature (Supervisor)
(The above declaration does not, in any way mean or implies that the dissertation is passable or
even acceptable).
(d) Other General Rules for Graduate Studies (G.18), including the format and declarations, apply.
(e) The PASS mark for a Masters degree is 50%. A mark of 75% or above is a PASS cum laude.
(f) A Masters degree shall be awarded after at least one academic year has passed since the
candidate obtained an Honours degree.
(g) At least five (5) bound copies of the Dissertation must be submitted to the Chief Examinations
Officer through the Head of the Department and the Dean.
2.3.2 Duration of Programme
(a) The duration of a Doctoral degree programme shall be a minimum of three (3) years or a
maximum of five (5) years. Beyond the maximum duration, the candidate shall reapply for
the programme for a further one year.
B. PASS, subject to minor typographical errors (which should be corrected and submitted to
only the internal examiners);
C. PASS, subject to major changes required (which should be re-submitted to the Examination
Committee after a given period).
A person who intends to graduate for a post-graduate degree shall have fulfilled all the requirements for
such a degree - passed all prescribed examinations, passed the Dissertation/Thesis, and paid all prescribed
fees, etc. - at least 28 days before the relevant graduation ceremony.
Certificate in School Leadership & Management Skills CSLMS
Advanced Certificate in Education:
- Educational Management ACEEM
- Environmental Education ADCEE
- Remedial Education ADCRE
- School Management and Leadership ACESML
Post Graduate Certificate in Education PGCE
National Professional Diploma in Education NPDE
Bachelor of Education: Early Childhood/Foundation Phase BEDTEF
Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training BEDFET
Bachelor of Education (Honours) BEd (Hons)
- Early Childhood Education BEDECE (Hons)
- Curriculum Studies BEDCS (Hons)
- Guidance and Counselling BEDGC (Hons)
- Educational Management BEDEM (Hons)
E3.4.1. Description
Certificate programmes are offered at undergraduate level. They are intended to build capacity in the
specific field of study by providing basic knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for teachers.
This is an undergraduate qualification which aims at empowering serving teachers in selected fields, re-
skilling them to be more marketable in the changing world. The qualification will open up opportunities for
advanced studies in education for teachers.
The programme is offered for the duration of one year full-time or two years part-time.
Admission requirements:
The following section captures all the programmes at a glance indicating all the modules that
are offered.
Semester 1 Semester 2
EOF 4511 ESA 4611
EMP 4511 ETM 4611
Semester 1 Semester 2
ECD 1521 ENM 1621
ELS 1521 EHD 1621
ENL 1521 ETC 1621
ELL 1521 ESR 1621
ETP 1621
E4.2.2. Educational Management (ACEEM)
Semester 1 Semester 2
EIE 4420 EMP 4620
EEE 4420 ECD 4620
E4.2.5. School Management and Leadership ACESML (ACE for School Principals)
Choose two teaching majors from the following list. The first major would be taken up to third year while
the second major would be taken to second year. The student would then proceed to fourth year.
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
CHE 3520 CHE 3621 MCS 4541 MCS 4641
CHE 3523 CHE 3622
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
HIS 3542 HIS 3644 HSM 4541 HSM 4641
- Curriculum Studies
- Early Childhood Education
- Educational Management
- Foundations of Education
- Professional Studies
Semester 1
EDR 5521 Educational Research
EDT 5521 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies
ECC 5521 Curriculum Design and Development
Semester 2
EDR 5621 Educational Research
HIV 5621 HIV & AIDS Education for Teachers
ECC 5621 Curriculum Design and Development
Semester 1
EDC 5521 Curriculum Management
EDE 5521 Curriculum Evaluation
EDT 5521 Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Semester 2
EDU 5000 Research Project
First Semester
ERM 6541 Educational Research Methods
PCD 6541 Curriculum Design
PCE 6541 Curriculum Evaluation
Second semester
ERM 6641 Educational Research Methods
PCD 6641 Curriculum Design
PCE 6641 Curriculum Evaluation
First semester
CED 6641 Curriculum Development
PCM 6541 Curriculum Management
Second Semester
Year Module
MDS 6000 Research Project
For entry into the programme a B.ED degree with Educational Research Methods is required.
A dissertation is subject to internal and external examination in accordance with the prescribed procedures
and criteria of the University.
Curriculum Composition
First Semester
ECF7501 Curriculum Foundations
Second Semester
ECD7501 Curriculum Design & Development
First Semester
ECM 7501 Curriculum Management & Implementation
Second Semester
ECE 7501 Curriculum Research & Evaluation
ECT 7500 Thesis
- School Management and Leadership ACESML
3. Bachelor of Education Honors in Educational Management BEDEM
4. Master of Education MEd
5. Master of Education in Educational Management MEDEM
6. Doctor of Education DEd
- Educational Management
- Psychology of Education
7. Doctor of Philosophy PhD
- Educational Management
- Psychology of Education
First semester
EDR 4521 Basic Educational Research
ORB 4521 Organisational Behaviour
ELE 4521 Law in Education
Second semester
EDR 4621 Basic Educational Research
SCM 4621 School Management
HIV 4621 HIV/AIDS for Teachers
First semester
HER 4521 Human Resource Management in Education
EDF 4521 Financial Management in Education
Second semester
EDL 4621 Education Leadership
SGO 4621 School Governance
Semester 1
EIE 4420 Environmental Crisis and Emerging Responses
EEE 4420 Ecology and the Environment
Semester 2
EMP 4620 Environmental Crisis and emerging responses
ECD 4620 Curriculum, Projection and Resource Development
Semester 1
ELM 4511 Language skills in School Leadership
EGP 4511 School Development and Governance
EMP 4511 Leadership and Management
Semester 2
ESM 4611 Basic Computer Literacy for School Management
ETM 4611 Management of Teaching and Learning
EPM 4611 Management and Leadership Competence Portfolio
Semester 1
EOF 4511 Management of Organizational systems, Physical and Financial Resources
EPA 4511 Assessment of Learning Outcomes OR
EML 4511 Management of Learning Programmes
Semester 2
ESA 4611 School Leadership and Management in the South African Context
EMS 4611 Mentoring and Evaluation OR
EMA 4611 Educational Moderation
The BEDH (Hons) is the first postgraduate degree in the field of education.
Each qualification carries 120 credits.
Admission requirements
• Students must be in possession of a recognized University degree and a teacher qualification
• A four year integrated teaching qualification
• An advanced certificate in education.
Assessment will be according to the university rules.
Semester 1
EDR 5521 Educational Research
ORB 5521 Organizational Behavior
EDA 5521 Law in Education
Semester 2
EDR 5621 Educational Research
HIV 5621 HIV & AIDS Education for Teachers
EDL 5621 Educational Leadership
Semester 1
HER 5521 Human Resource Management in Education
EDF 5521 Financial Management in Education
SGO 5521 School Governance
Semester 2
EDU 5000 Research Project
The objective of the Master of Education degree is to provide professional and scholarly training for
educators. The programmes enable participants to develop professional skills through either core modules
or a research project or through a full dissertation.
Admission Requirements
Students must be in possession of a BEd Honours degree from a recognized university or an equivalent
qualification recognised by Senate.
Examination of dissertation
Two external examiners shall be appointed. The external examiners must have appropriate qualifications
in the area in which the research was conducted.
The degree may be awarded with distinction
First Semester
ERM 6541 Educational Research Methods
GBI 6541 Group Behavior and Interpersonal Influence
ORB 6541 Organizational Management and Leadership
Second Semester
ERM 6641 Educational Research Methods
ELE 6641 Law in Education
HRM 6641 Human Resource Management
First Semester
PME 6541 Project Management in Education
EFM 6541 Financial Management
Second semester
EDU 6540 Research Project
Specialization in
- Educational Management
- Psychology of Education
For entry into the programme a B.ED degree with Educational Research Methods is required.
A dissertation is subject to internal and external examination in accordance with the prescribed procedures
and criteria of the University.
The objective of the Doctor of Education degree is to enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge of
educational events based on methodically defendable and theoretically informed research to both school
and office-based educators. The programme enables participants to develop professional skills through a
full dissertation.
Admission requirements
After completion of a Master’s degree, students can obtain admission to doctoral studies on the grounds of
an approved research proposal. A candidate who has not passed a research methodology course at BED
or Honours level must register concurrently for Research Methods Modules offered at Masters level.
The programme consists of the execution of an independent and original research project leading up to a
dissertation as prescribed by the University.
The student writes a dissertation (under supervision) on a selected topic in Education which will be
examined according to the University regulations for the examinations of doctoral dissertations as stipulated
in the section on General rules for degrees in the University Calendar.
Curriculum Composition
Curriculum Composition
This is a comprehensive four year undergraduate degree. The degree prepares teachers who qualify to
teach at both Senior Phases, and Further Education and Training (FET) band.
The BED FET is a four year degree programme on full time basis.
Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted a candidate should meet any of the following requirements:
a) National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor and an average of 36%, with a minimum
percentage of 50% in English.
b) Old Senior Certificate (Matric) with exemption and an average symbol D (Standard Grade) or
E (High Grade) in English.
Semester 1
EHD 1521 Psychology of Education
IEH 1521 History of Education
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills
Semester 2
SFE 1621 Sociology of Education
EPH 1621 Philosophy of Education
ECS 1642 English Communication Skills
Semester 1
SOE 2521 Sociology of Education
Prerequisite SFE 1621
PHE 2521 Philosophy of Education
Prerequisite EPH 1621
ETL 2521 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
Semester 2
HDC 2621 History of Education
Prerequisite IEH 1521
ECT 2621 Psychology of Education
Prerequisite EHD 1521
ETL 2621 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
Semester 1
ESP 3521 Sociology of Education
Prerequisite SOE 2521
EHC 3521 History of Education
Prerequisite HDC 2621
ETL 3521 Preparation of Teaching Strategies
Prerequisite ETL 2521
ETL 3511 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
PSC 3521 Computer Literacy
Semester 2
ETE 3621 Psychology of Education
Prerequisite ECT 2621
EMT 3621 Philosophy of Education
Prerequisite PHE 2521
ETL 3621 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
Prerequisite ETL 2621
PSC 3621 computer literacy
Semester 1
ECT 4521 English Competence for Teachers
NB: Students with ENG 2561 and ENG 2661 are exempted from ECT 4521
PSG 4521 School Management
HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Education for Teachers
ETP 4521 Teaching Practice
Semester 2
All second semester modules are completed through portfolios
ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory and Practice
One optional module from:
SPE 4621 Sports Education
MCE 4621 Music Education
DME 4621 Drama in Education
SCL 4621 School Librarianship
RED 4621 Religious Education
Choose two teaching majors from
First Year
First Semester
ACC 1541 Introduction to Financial Accounting
Second Semester
ACC 1641 Financial Accounting
Second year
First Semester
ACC 2541 ACC: Company Financial Statement
Second Semester
ACC 2641 Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting
Third year
First Semester
ACC 3541 ACC: External Financial Acc.
Second Semester
ACC 3641 ACC: Managerial Acc and Finance
Fourth Year
ACM 4541 Methodology of Management Sciences: Accounting
ACM 4641 Methodology of Management Sciences: Accounting
First Year
First Semester
ANS 1541 Anatomy, Histology and Physiology of Farm Animal
Second Semester
GEN 1641 Genetic Basis of Plant & Animal Breeding
Second year
First Semester
AGR 2531 Introduction to Plant Production or
Prerequisite GEN 1641 & AGR 1631
ANS 2541 Basic Principles of Nutrition
Prerequisite ANS 1541
Second Semester
AGR 2631 Dry land Farming Technology
Third year
First Semester
AGR 3541 Principles & Application of Plant Physiology in Plant Production
Prerequisite BIO 1643 and AGR 2631
Second Semester
AGR 3641 Introductory Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Prerequisite GEN 1641 and AGR 3541
AGR 3643 Agro. of Selec. Oil Seed, Fibre and Cereals
Fourth Year
ASM 4541 Methodology of Life Sciences: Agriculture
ASM 4641 Methodology of Life Sciences: Agriculture
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
AGR 3541 PPR 3641 ASM 4541 ASM 4641
ANS 3542
First Year
First Semester
BIO 1541 Diversity of Life
BIO 1542 Cell Biology
Second Semester
BIO 1643 Ecology, Adaption and Evolution
BIO 1644 Introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology
Second year
First Semester
BOT 2544 Plant Anatomy and Morphology
Pre-requisites BIO 1541, BIO 1542
Second Semester
BOT 2645 Plant Taxonomy & Reproductive Biology
Pre-requisites BIO 1541, BIO 1643
ZOO 2648 Animal Phylogeny
Pre-requisites BIO1541, BIO1643
Third year
First Semester
BOT 3543 Disturbance and Plant Ecology
Pre-requisites BIO 2542 or BOT 2544
Second Semester
BOT 3645
Fourth Year
MLS 4541 Methodology of Life Sciences: Biology
MLS 4641 Methodology of Life Sciences: Biology
First Year
First Semester
BMA 1541 Intro to Business Management
Second Semester
BMA 1641 Functional Areas of Business Management
Second year
First Semester
BMA 2541 Purchasing Management
Pre-requisites BMA 1541 & BMA 1641
Second Semester
BMA 2641 Human Resource Management
Pre-requisites BMA 1541 , BMA 1641 & BMA 2541
Third year
First Semester
BMA 3541 Marketing Management
Pre-requisites BMA 2541 & BMA 2641
Second Semester
BMA 3641 General Management
Pre-requisites BMA 2541 & BMA 2641
Fourth Year
BEM 4541 Business Studies Methodology
BEM 4641 Business Studies Methodology
First Year
First Semester
CHE 1540 General Chemistry for Applied Sciences
Second Semester
CHE 1621 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 1622 Introductory Organic Chemistry
Second year
First Semester
CHE 2521 Inorganic Chemistry
Pre-requisites CHE 1621
CHE 2522 Organic Chemistry
Pre-requisites CHE 1622
Second Semester
CHE 2620 Analytical Chemistry
Pre-requisite CHE 1540
CHE 2623 Physical Chemistry
Pre-requisite CHE 1540
Third year
First Semester
CHE 3520 Analytical Chemistry Instrumental Techniques
Pre-requisites CHE 2620
CHE 3523 Advanced Physical Chemistry
Pre-requisites CHE2623.
Second Semester
CHE 3621 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Pre-requisites CHE 2521
CHE 3622 Advanced Organic Chemistry
Pre-requisites CHE 2522
Fourth Year
MCS 4541 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Chemistry
MCS 4641 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Chemistry
First Year
First Semester
ECO 1541 Basic Microeconomics
Second Semester
ECO 1641 Basic Macroeconomics
Second year
First Semester
ECO 2541 Intermediate Microeconomics
Pre-requisites ECO 1541 & ECO 1641
Second Semester
ECO 2641 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Pre-requisites ECO 1541 , ECO 1641 & ECO2541
Third year
First Semester
ECO 3541 ECO: International Trade and Finance
Pre-requisites ECO 2541 & ECO 2641
Second Semester
ECO 3641 ECO: The SA Economy
Pre-requisites ECO 2541 & ECO 2641
Fourth Year
ECM 4541 Methodology of Management Sciences: Economics
ECM 4641 Methodology of Management Sciences: Economics
First Year
First Semester
ENG 1561 English First Semester
Second Semester
ENG 1661 Introduction to Literature Studies
Pre-requisites ENG 1561
Second year
First Semester
ENG 2561 English Structure and Usage: Intermediate Level
Pre-requisites ENG 1561 & ENG 1661
Second Semester
ENG 2661 Post Coloniality and The African World in Lite
Pre-requisites ENG 1561, ENG 1661 & ENG2541
Third year
First Semester
ENG 3541 Advanced English Structure
ENG 3542 Advanced English Usage
Pre-requisites ENG 2541 & ENG 2661
Second Semester
ENG 3641 Post Coloniality and the Novel
ENG 3642 The Poetry of Love, Protest and Resistance OR
ENG 3643; Drama of Class, Race & Cultural Differences
Fourth Year
ENM 4541 Methodology of First Additional Language: English
ENM 4641 Methodology of First Additional Language: English
First Year
First Semester
GEO 1520 Geography: Cartography, Map Analysis, Air Photo
GEO 1541 Integrated Study of Major World Environments
Second Semester
GEO 1620 Geography: Elements of Remote Sensing
GEO 1641 Geography: Major World Environments
Second year
First Semester
GEO 2541 Spatial Organization of Society
GEO 2542 Quant. & Qualit. Research Methods
Second Semester
GEO 2641 Patterns and Processer in Physical Geography
GEO 2642 Themes in the Geography of Africa
Third year
First Semester
GEO 3542 Geomorphology
GEO 3543 Biogeography
GEO 3544 Population and Demography
GEO 3545 Settlement and Industrial Development
GEO 3541 Geography of South Africa
Second Semester
GEO 3642 Climatology
GEO 3643 Geography of Tourism
GEO 3644 Rural Geography and Development
GEO 3641 Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
Fourth Year
GEM 4541 Methodology of Social Sciences: Geography
GEM 4641 Methodology of Social Sciences: Geography
First Year
First Semester
HIS 1543 Twentieth Century Africa
Second Semester
HIS 1644 Contemporary Middle East
Second year
First Semester
HIS 2541 The making of Modern South Africa
Second Semester
HIS 2642 Europe Since 1945
Third year
First Semester
HIS 3542 Inter African Relations
Second Semester
HIS 3644 Africa and the World
Fourth Year
HSM 4541 Methodology of Social Sciences: History
HSM 4641 Methodology of Social Sciences: History
First year
First Semester
ISN 1541 Introduction to Isindebele Grammar
Semester 2
ISN 1641 Introduction to Isindebele Grammar
Second year
Semester 1
ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Word and sentence structure in Isindebele
ISN 2542 Orthography and Terminology
Semester 2
ISN 2641 Origin and Development of traditional and modern literature
Third Year
Semester 1
ISN 3541 Introduction to Translation, Interpretation and Editing
ISN 3542 Language planning and policy
Semester 2
ISN 3641 Society and literature
ISN 3642 Language and society
Fourth Year
Semester 1
NMD 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Isindebele
Semester 2
NMD 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Isindebele
First Year
First Semester
ISW 1541 Introduction to Isiswati Grammar
Second Semester
ISW 1641 Introduction to Isiswati Literature
Second year
First Semester
ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Words & Sentence Structure
ISW 2542 Orthography and Terminology
Second Semester
ISW 2641 Origin & Development of Modern Literature
Third year
First Semester
ISW 3541 Introduction to Translation
ISW 3542 Language Planning and Policy
Second Semester
ISW 3641 Society and Literature
ISW 3642 Language and Society
Fourth Year
First Semester
ISM 4541 Methodology of Isiswati
Second Semester
ISM 4641 Methodology of Isiswati
First Year
First Semester
MAT 1541 Mathematics 1541
MAT 1542 Mathematics 1542
Second Semester
MAT 1641 Integral Calculus
Pre-requisites MAT 1541
MAT 1642 Mathematics Foundation II
Pre-requisites MAT 1542
Second year
First Semester
MAT 2541 Linear Algebra
Pre-requisites MAT 1642
MAT 2542 Advanced Calculus
Pre-requisites MAT 1641
Second Semester
MAT 2641 Real Analysis 1
Pre-requisites MAT 1542
MAT 2642 Ordinary Differential Equations
Pre-requisites MAT 1641
Third year
First Semester
MAT 3541 Real Analysis
Pre-requisites MAT 2641
MAT 3542 Group Theory
Pre-requisites MAT 2541
Second Semester
MAT 3641 Complex Analysis
Pre-requisites MAT 2641
MAT 3642 Rings and Fields
Pre-requisites MAT 3542
Fourth Year
MAM 4541 Methodology of Mathematics
MAM 4641 Methodology of Mathematics
First Year
First Semester
NSO 1541 Introduction to Northern Sotho Linguistics
Second Semester
NSO 1641 Introduction to Northern Sotho Literature
Second year
First Semester
NSO 2541 An Advance Study to Northern Sotho Grammar
NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics and Semantics
Second Semester
NSO 2641 An Advanced Study of Northern Sotho Literature
Third year
First Semester
NSO 3541 Advanced Study of Morphology
NSO 3542 Semantics
Second Semester
NSO 3641 Further Advanced Study of N. Sotho Literature
NSO 3642 Translation and Terminology
Fourth Year
NSM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Northern Sotho
NSM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Northern Sotho
First Year
First Semester
PHY 1521 Mechanics 1521
Pre-requisites As per admission requirement of the School of Maths & Natural Science
Co-requisites MAT 1541
PHY 1522 Waves and Optics 1522
Pre-requisites As per admission requirement of the School of Maths & Natural Science
Co-requisites MAT 1541
Second Semester
PHY 1623 Properties of Matter and Thermal Physics
Pre-requisites As per admission requirement of the School of Maths & Natural Science
Co-requisites MAT 1641
PHY 1624 Electricity and Magnetism
Pre-requisites As per admission requirement of the School of Maths & Natural Science
Co-requisites MAT 1641
Second year
First Semester
PHY 2521 Classical Mechanics
Pre-requisites PHY 1521, MAT 1541, MAT 1641
PHY 2522 Waves and Optics
Pre-requisites PHY 1522, MAT 1541, MAT 1641
Second Semester
PHY 2623 Electrodynamics
Pre-requisites PHY 1624, MAT 1541, MAT 1641
PHY 2624 Modern Physics
Pre-requisites PHY 1521, MAT 1541, MAT 1641
Third year
First Semester
PHY 3521 Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Pre-requisites PHY 2624
PHY 3522 Solid State Physics
Pre-requisites PHY 2521 and PHY2624
Second Semester
PHY 3623 Thermal and Statistical Physics
Pre-requisites PHY 2521
PHY 3624 Quantum Mechanics
Pre-requisites PHY 2624
Fourth Year
MPS 4541 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Physics
MPS 4641 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Physics
First Year
First Semester
PSY 1541 Introduction to Psychology
Second Semester
PSY 1641 Introduction to Applied Psychology
Second year
First Semester
PSY 2511 Research Proposal Writing Practical’s
PSY 2541 Basic Research Methodology
PSY 2542 Human Development
Second Semester
PSY 2641 Psychopathology
PSY 2642 Introduction to Social Psychology
Third year
First Semester
PSY 3511 Practicum: Basic Counselling Techniques
PSY 3541 Personality Theories
PSY 3542 Psychotherapy
Second Semester
PSY 3611 Research Project Practical (Qualitative and Quantitative)
PSY 3641 Psychological Assessment
PSY 3642 Research Methodology
Fourth Year
MLO 4541 Methodology of Life Orientation
MLO 4641 Methodology of Life Orientation
First Year
First Semester
TVE 1541 Introduction to Tshivenda Grammar
Second Semester
TVE 1641 Introduction to Tshivenda Literature
Second year
First Semester
TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Tshivenda Grammar
TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics and Semantics
Second Semester
TVE 2641 Advanced Study of Tshivenda Literature
Third year
First Semester
TVE 3541 Further Advanced Study to Tshivenda Grammar
TVE 3542 Comparative Linguistics and Semantics
Second Semester
TVE 3641 Further Advanced Study of TVE Literature
TVE 3642 Language Planning Policies & Comparative Stud.
Fourth Year
TVM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Tshivenda
TVM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Tshivenda
First Year
First Semester
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Introduction to Grammar
Second Semester
XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Intro. to the Study of Literature
Second year
First Semester
XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga Grammar
XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical and Socio Linguistics
Second Semester
XTS 2641 A Detailed Study of Xitsonga Literature
Third year
First Semester
XTS 3541 An in-depth study of Xitsonga Grammar
XTS 3542 An in-depth study of aspects of Sociolinguistic
Second Semester
XTS 3641 An In-depth Study of Xitsonga Literature
XTS 3642 An In-depth Study of Historical Comperat. Lin.
Fourth Year
XIM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Xitsonga
XIM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Xitsonga
E5.3.2 Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training (BEDFET) [STREAMS]
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6
Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
of Education of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
Education Philosophy of Education Psychology of Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
ECS 1541 English Education ETL 2521 Preparation of Education ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
Communication Skills ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice- ETL 2621 Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Choose Communication Observation Preparation of ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Accounting Skills Continue with the chosen Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
and one African Choose majors at year two Observation Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
Language Accounting Accounting Continue with the PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
Accounting and one African ACC 2541: Company chosen majors at Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for Teachers taken as methodology
ACC 1541 Language Financial Statement and year two Isiswati Literature ETP 4521 Teaching modules
Introduction to Accounting Isiswati Accounting ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language Practice ACM 4641 Accounting
Financial Accounting ACC 1641 ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, ACC 2641 Translation ISW 3542 and Society or The two majors Methodology and
and Financial Words & Sentence Structure Introduction to Cost Language Planning and Tshivenda taken at year two ISM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Accounting and ISW 2542 Orthography and and Management Policy or TVE 3641 Further will be taken as Home Language: Isiswati
ISW 1541 Isiswati Terminology or Accounting and Tshivenda Advanced Study of methodology or
Introduction to ISW 1641 Tshivenda Isiswati TVE 3541Further TVE Literature modules TVM 4641 Methodology
Isiswati Grammar or Introduction to TVE 2541 Advanced ISW 2641 Origin & Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language ACM 4541 Accounting of Home Language:
Tshivenda Isiswati Literature Study to Tshivenda Grammar Development of Tshivenda Grammar TVE Planning Policies & Methodology Tshivenda
TVE 1541 or TVE 2542 Historical Modern Literature 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud or ISM 4541 Methodology XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Tshivenda Linguistics and Semantics or or Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga of Home Language: Home Language:
Tshivenda Grammar TVE 1641 Xitsonga Tshivenda or XTS 3641 An In-depth Isiswati Xitsonga
or Xitsonga Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study of TVE 2641 Advanced Xitsonga Study of Xitsonga TVM 4541 Methodology NSM 4641 Methodology
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Tshivenda Xitsonga Grammar Study of Tshivenda XTS 3541 An in-depth Literature of Home Language: of Home Language:
Introduction to Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, Literature or study of Xitsonga XTS 3642 An In-depth Tshivenda Northern Sotho or
Grammar or Xitsonga Historical and Socio Xitsonga Grammar XTS 3542 An in- Study of Historical XIM 4541 Methodology NMD 4641 Methodology
North Sotho XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Linguistics or XTS 2641 A Detailed depth study of aspects of Compaat. Lin. or of Home Language: of IsiNdebele
NSO 1541 Intro. to the Study North Sotho Study of Xitsonga Sociolinguistic or North Sotho Xitsonga One optional module
Introduction to of Literature or NSO 2541 An Advance Study Literature or North Sotho NSO 3641 Further NSM 4541 Methodology from:
Northern Sotho North Sotho to Northern Sotho Grammar North Sotho NSO 3541 Advanced Study Advanced Study of N. of Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports
Linguistics or NSO 1641 NSO 2542 Historical NSO 2641 An of Morphology Sotho Literature Northern Sotho or Education
IsiNdebele Introduction to Linguistics and Semantics or Advanced Study of NSO3542 Semantics or NSO 3642 Translation NMD 4541 MCE 4621 Music
ISN 1541 Northern Sotho IsiNdebele Northern Sotho IsiNdebele and Terminology or Methodology of Education
Introduction to Literature or ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Literature or ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele IsiNdebele DME 4621 Drama in
IsiNdebele Grammar IsiNdebele Word and sentence structure IsiNdebele Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and Education
ISN 1641 in IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and and Editing literature SCL 4621 School
Introduction to ISN 2542 Orthography and Development of ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language Librarianship
IsiNdebele Terminology traditional and planning and policy and society RED 4621 Religious
Literature modern literature Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for
the Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of Philosophy of Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice-Observation of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Continue with the chosen Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills majors at year two Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose Business Choose Business (Business Studies and one chosen majors at Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
Studies and one Studies and one African Language) year two (Business PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
African Language African Language Business Studies Studies and one Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for Teachers taken as methodology
Business Studies Business Studies BMA 2541 Purchasing African Language) Isiswati Literature ETP 4521 Teaching modules (Business
BMA 1541 Intro to BMA 1641 Management and Business Studies ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language Practice Studies and one
Business Functional Areas of Isiswati BMA 2641 Human Translation and Society or The two majors African Language)
Management Business ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Resource ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda taken at year two BEM 4641 Business
and Isiswati Management and Words & Sentence Structure Management and Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further will be taken as Studies
ISW 1541 Isiswati ISW 2542 Orthography and Isiswati Tshivenda Advanced Study of methodology Methodology
Introduction to ISW 1641 Terminology or ISW 2641 Origin & TVE 3541 Further TVE Literature modules (Business ISM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Grammar Introduction to Tshivenda Development of Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language Studies and one Home Language: Isiswati
or Tshivenda Isiswati Literature TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Modern Literature or Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & African Language) TVM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 or Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or BEM 4541 Business Home Language:
Introduction to Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics TVE 2641 Advanced Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga Studies Tshivenda
Tshivenda TVE 1641 and Semantics or Study of Tshivenda or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth Methodology XIM 4641 Methodology of
Grammar or Introduction to Xitsonga Literature or XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga ISM 4541 Methodology Home Language: Xitsonga
Xitsonga Tshivenda XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature of Home Language: NSM 4641 Methodology of
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Literature or Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth Isiswati Home Language: Northern
Introduction to Xitsonga XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Study of Xitsonga study of aspects of Study of Historical TVM 4541 Methodology Sotho
Grammar or XTS 1641 Xitsonga: and Socio Linguistics or Literature or Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or of Home Language: NMD 4641 Methodology of
North Sotho Intro. to the Study North Sotho North Sotho Sotho NSO 3541 North Sotho Tshivenda IsiNdebele
NSO 1541 of Literature or NSO 2541 An Advance Study to NSO 2641 An Advanced Study of NSO 3641 Further XIM 4541 Methodology One optional module
Introduction to North Sotho Northern Sotho Grammar Advanced Study of Morphology Advanced Study of N. of Home Language: from:
Northern Sotho NSO 1641 NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Northern Sotho NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature Xitsonga SPE 4621 Sports
Linguistics or Introduction to and Semantics or Literature or or NSO 3642 Translation NSM 4541 Methodology Education
IsiNdebele Northern Sotho IsiNdebele IsiNdebele IsiNdebele and Terminology or of Home Language: MCE 4621 Music Education
ISN 1541 Literature or ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele Northern Sotho DME 4621 Drama in
Introduction to IsiNdebele Word and sentence structure Development of Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and NMD 4541 Education
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 in IsiNdebele traditional and and Editing literature Methodology of SCL 4621 School
Grammar Introduction to ISN 2542 Orthography and modern literature ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language IsiNdebele Librarianship
IsiNdebele Terminology planning and policy and society RED 4621 Religious
Literature Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History Philosophy of Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
of Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice-Observation of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Continue with the chosen Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills majors at year two Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose English Choose English English chosen majors at Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
and one and one African ENG 2561 English Structure year two PSC 3521Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
African Language and Usage: Intermediate English Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for Teachers taken as methodology
Language English Level and ENG2661 Post Isiswati Literature ETP 4521 Teaching modules
English ENG 1661 Isiswati Coloniality and The ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language Practice ENM 4641 Methodology
ENG 1561 English Introduction to ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, African World in Lite Translation and Society or The two majors of First Additional
First Semester Literature Studies Words & Sentence Structure Isiswati ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda taken at year two Language: English and
and Isiswati and Isiswati ISW 2542 Orthography and ISW 2641 Origin & Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further will be taken as ISM 4641 Methodology of
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Terminology or Development of Tshivenda Advanced Study of TVE methodology Isiswati or
Introduction to Introduction to Tshivenda Modern Literature or TVE 3541 Further Literature modules TVM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Isiswati Literature TVE 2541 Advanced Tshivenda Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language ENM 4541 Methodology Home Language:
Grammar or or Tshivenda Study to Tshivenda Grammar TVE 2641 Advanced Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & of First Additional Tshivenda
Tshivenda TVE 1641 TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Study of Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or Language: English and XIM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 Introduction to and Semantics or Xitsonga Literature or Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga ISM 4541 Methodology Home Language:
Introduction to Tshivenda XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga Or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth of Isiswati or Xitsonga or
Tshivenda Literature or Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga TVM 4541 Methodology NSM 4541 Methodology
Grammar or Xitsonga XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Study of Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature of Home Language: of Home Language:
Xitsonga XTS 1641 Xitsonga: and Socio Linguistics or Literature or XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth Tshivenda or Northern Sotho or
XTS 1541 Intro. to the Study North Sotho North Sotho study of aspects of Study of Historical XIM 4541 Methodology NMD 4641 Methodology
Xitsonga: of Literature or NSO 2541 An Advance Study to NSO 2641 An Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or of Home Language: of IsiNdebele
Introduction to North Sotho Northern Sotho Grammar Advanced Study of Sotho NSO 3541 North Sotho Xitsonga or NSM 4541 One optional module
Grammar or NSO 1641 NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Northern Sotho Advanced Study of NSO 3641 Further Methodology of Home from:
North Sotho Introduction to and Semantics or Isindebele Literature or Morphology Advanced Study of N. Language: Northern SPE 4621 Sports
NSO 1541 Northern Sotho ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, IsiNdebele NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature Sotho or Education
Introduction to Literature or Word and sentence structure ISN 2641 Origin and or IsiNdebele NSO 3642 Translation NMD 4541 MCE 4621 Music
Northern Sotho IsiNdebele in IsiNdebele Development of ISN 3541 Introduction to and Terminology or Methodology of Education
Linguistics or ISN 1641 ISN 2542 Orthography and traditional and Translation, Interpretation IsiNdebele IsiNdebele DME 4621 Drama in
IsiNdebele Introduction to Terminology modern literature and Editing ISN 3641 Society and Education
ISN 1541 IsiNdebele ISN3542 Language literature SCL 4621 School
Introduction to Literature planning and policy ISN 3642 Language Librarianship
IsiNdebele and society RED 4621 Religious
Grammar Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
of Education of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
Education of Education Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students portfolios
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation with ENG 2561 ETP 4621 Teaching
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- and ENG 2661 Practice
Choose Choose Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum
Geography Geography Continue with the chosen Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer from ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
and one African and one African majors at year two chosen majors at Observation Literacy PSG 4521 School The two majors taken
Language Language Geography year two PSC 3521 Computer Literacy Isiswati Management at year two will be
Geography Geography GEO 2541 Spatial Geography Isiswati ISW 3641 Society and HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS taken as methodology
GEO 1520 GEO 1620 Organisation of Society GEO 2641 Patterns ISW 3541 Introduction to Literature Education for modules
Geography: Geography: GEO 2542 Quant. & Qualit. and Processer in Translation ISW 3642 Language Teachers GEM 4641 Geography
Cartography, Map Elements of Remote Research Methods Physical Geography ISW 3542 Language and Society or ETP 4521 Teaching Methodology
Analysis, Air Photo Sensing And Isiswati GEO 2642 Themes in Planning and Policy or Tshivenda Practice ISM 4641 Methodology of
GEO 1541 Integrated GEO 1641 ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, the Geography of Tshivenda TVE 3641 Further The two majors Home Language: Isiswati
Study of Major Geography: Major Words & Sentence Structure Africa and TVE 3541 Further Advanced Advanced Study of taken at year TVM 4641 Methodology of
World Environments World Environments ISW 2542 Orthography and Isiswati Study to Tshivenda TVE Literature two will be taken Home Language:
And Isiswati And Isiswati Terminology or ISW 2641 Origin & Grammar TVE 3642 Language as methodology Tshivenda
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Tshivenda Development of TVE 3542 Comparative Planning Policies & modules XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Modern Literature or Linguistics and Semantics or Comparative Stud. or GEM 4541 Home Language:
Isiswati Grammar or Isiswati Literature or Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda Xitsonga Xitsonga Geography Xitsonga
Tshivenda Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical TVE 2641 Advanced XTS 3541 An in-depth study XTS 3641 An In-depth Methodology NSM 4641 Methodology
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 Linguistics and Semantic or Study of Tshivenda of Xitsonga Grammar Study of Xitsonga ISM 4541 of Home Language:
Introduction to Introduction to Xitsonga Literature or XTS 3542 An in-depth study Literature Methodology of Northern Sotho
Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda Literature XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga of aspects of Sociolinguistic XTS 3642 An In-depth Home Language: NMD 4641 Methodology
or Xitsonga or Xitsonga Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed or Study of Historical Isiswati of IsiNdebele
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2542 Semantics, Study of Xitsonga North Sotho Comperat. Lin. or TVM 4541 One optional module
Introduction to Intro. to the Study Historical and Socio Literature or NSO 3641 Further Advanced North Sotho Methodology of from:
Grammar or of Literature or Linguistics or North Sotho Study of N. Sotho Literature NSO 3641 Further Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports
North Sotho North Sotho North Sotho NSO 2641 An NSO 3642 Translation and Advanced Study of N. Tshivenda Education
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 NSO 2541 An Advance Study Advanced Study of Terminology or Sotho Literature XIM 4541 MCE 4621 Music
Introduction to Introduction to to Northern Sotho Grammar Northern Sotho Isindebele NSO 3642 Translation Methodology of Education
Northern Sotho Northern Sotho NSO 2542 Historical Literature or ISN 3541 Introduction to and Terminology or Home Language: DME 4621 Drama in
Linguistics or Literature or Linguistics and Semantics or Isindebele Translation, Interpretation Isindebele Xitsonga NSM 4541 Education
Isindebele Isindebele Isindebele ISN 2641 Origin and and Editing ISN 3641 Society and Methodology of SCL 4621 School
ISN 1541 ISN 1641 ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Development of ISN3542 Language planning literature Home Language: Librarianship
Introduction to Introduction to Word and sentence structure traditional and and policy ISN 3642 Language Northern Sotho RED 4621 Religious
Isindebele Grammar Isindebele Literature in Isindebele modern literature and society NMD 4541 Education
ISN 2542 Orthography and Methodology of
Terminology Isindebele
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521Psycholo SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second
gy of Education of Education Education Education Education Education Competence for semester modules are
IEH 1521 History EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers completed through
of Education of Education Education of Education Education Education NB: Students with portfolios
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
Communication Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Skills Choose Biology Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Choose Biology and one African Continue with the chosen Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
and one African Language majors at year two chosen majors at Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
Language Biology Biology year two PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
Biology BIO 1643 Ecology, BOT 2544 Plant Anatomy Biology Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for taken as methodology
BIO 1541 Adaption and and Isiswati BOT 2645 Plant Isiswati Literature Teachers modules
Diversity of Life Evolution ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Taxonomy & ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language and ETP 4521 Teaching MLS 4641 Methodology of
BIO1542 Cell BIO 1644 Words & Sentence Structure Reproductive Biology Translation Society or Practice Life Sciences: Biology
Biology I and Introductory Human ISW 2542 Orthography and ZOO 2648 Animal ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda The two majors ISM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Anatomy and Terminology or Phylogeny Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further taken at year two Home Language: Isiswati
ISW 1541 Physiology or Tshivenda And Isiswati Tshivenda Advanced Study of TVE will be taken as TVM 4641 Methodology
Introduction to Isiswati TVE 2541 Advanced ISW 2641 Origin & TVE 3541 Further Literature methodology of Home Language:
Isiswati Grammar ISW 1641 Study to Tshivenda Development of Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language modules Tshivenda or
or Tshivenda Introduction to Grammar Modern Literature or Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & MLS 4541 XIM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 Isiswati Literature or TVE 2542 Historical Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or Methodology of Life Home Language:
Introduction to Tshivenda Linguistics and semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga Sciences: Biology and Xitsonga
Tshivenda TVE 1641 Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth ISM 4541 NSM 4641 Methodology
Grammar or Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga Methodology of Home of Home Language:
Xitsonga Tshivenda Literature Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature Language: Isiswati Northern Sotho or
XTS 1541 or Xitsonga XTS 2542 Semantics, XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth TVM 4541 NMD 4641 Methodology
Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Historical and Socio Study of Xitsonga study of aspects of Study of Historical Methodology of Home of IsiNdebele
Introduction to Intro. to the Study Linguistics or Literature or Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or Language: Tshivenda One optional module
Grammar or of Literature or North Sotho North Sotho Sotho NSO 3541 North Sotho XIM 4541 from:
North Sotho North Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study NSO 2641 An Advanced Study of NSO 3641 Further Methodology of Home SPE 4621 Sports
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 to Northern Sotho Grammar Advanced Study of Morphology Advanced Study of N. Language: Xitsonga Education
Introduction to Introduction to NSO 2542 Historical Northern Sotho NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature NSM 4541 MCE 4621 Music
Northern Sotho Northern Sotho Linguistics and Semantics or Literature or or NSO 3642 Translation Methodology of Home Education
Linguistics or Literature IsiNdebele IsiNdebele IsiNdebele and Terminology or Language: Northern DME 4621 Drama in
IsiNdebele Or IsiNdebele ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele Sotho Education
ISN 1541 ISN 1641 Word and sentence structure Development of Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and NMD 4541 SCL 4621 School
Introduction to Introduction to in IsiNdebele traditional and and Editing literature Methodology of Librarianship
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Literature ISN 2542 Orthography and modern literature ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language and IsiNdebele RED 4621 Religious
Grammar Terminology planning and policy society Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of of Education Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students portfolios
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation with ENG 2561 ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- and ENG 2661 Practice
Communication Choose Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Mathematics and Continue with the Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer from ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
Choose one African chosen majors at year chosen majors at Observation Literacy PSG 4521 School The two majors taken
Mathematics and Language two (Mathematics and year two PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati Management at year two will be
one African Mathematics one African Language) (Mathematics and Literacy ISW 3641 Society and HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS taken as methodology
Language MAT 1641Integral Mathematics one African Isiswati Literature Education for modules (Mathematics
Mathematics Calculus MAT 2541 Linear Algebra Language) ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language Teachers and one African
MAT 1541 MAT 1642 MAT 2542 Advanced Mathematics Translation and Society or ETP 4521 Teaching Language)
Mathematics Mathematics Calculus and Isiswati MAT 2641 Real ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda Practice ISM 4641 Methodology of
MAT 1542 Foundation II and ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Analysis1 Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further The two majors Home Language: Isiswati
Mathematics Isiswati Words & Sentence Structure MAT 2642 Ordinary Tshivenda Advanced Study of taken at year TVM 4641 Methodology of
And Isiswati ISW 1641 ISW 2542 Orthography and Differential Equations TVE 3541 Further TVE Literature two will be taken Home Language:
ISW 1541 Introduction to Terminology or Tshivenda and Isiswati Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language as methodology Tshivenda
Introduction to Isiswati Literature or TVE 2541 Advanced ISW 2641 Origin & Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & modules XIM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Grammar Tshivenda Study to Tshivenda Development of TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or (Mathematics Home Language: Xitsonga
or Tshivenda TVE 1641 Grammar Modern Literature or Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga and one African NSM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 Introduction to TVE 2542 Historical Tshivenda or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth Language) Home Language: Northern
Introduction to Tshivenda Literature Linguistics and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga ISM 4541 Sotho
Tshivenda or Xitsonga Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda study of Xitsonga Literature Methodology of NMD 4641 Methodology of
Grammar or XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2541 A detailed study Literature or Grammar XTS 3642 An In-depth Home Language: IsiNdebele
Xitsonga Intro. to the Study of Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga XTS 3542 An in-depth Study of Historical Isiswati TVM 4541 One optional module
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: of Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, XTS 2641 A Detailed study of aspects of Comperat. Lin. or Methodology of from:
Introduction to North Sotho Historical and Socio Study of Xitsonga Sociolinguistic or North Sotho Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports
Grammar or NSO 1641 Linguistics or North Sotho Literature or North Sotho NSO 3641 Further Tshivenda XIM Education
North Sotho Introduction to NSO 2541 An Advance Study North Sotho NSO 3541 Advanced Advanced Study of N. 4541 Methodology MCE 4621 Music
NSO 1541 Northern Sotho to Northern Sotho Grammar NSO 2641 An Advanced Study of Morphology Sotho Literature of Home Language: Education
Introduction to Literature or NSO 2542 Historical Study of Northern NSO3542 Semantics NSO 3642 Translation Xitsonga NSM 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
Northern Sotho IsiNdebele Linguistics and Semantics Sotho Literature and or and Terminology and Methodology of Education
Linguistics or ISN 1641 and IsiNdebele IsiNdebele IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Home Language: SCL 4621 School
IsiNdebele Introduction to ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction to ISN 3641 Society and Northern Sotho Librarianship
ISN 1541 IsiNdebele Literature Word and sentence Development of Translation, literature NMD 4541 RED 4621 Religious
Introduction to structure in IsiNdebele traditional and modern Interpretation and Editing ISN 3642 Language Methodology of Education
IsiNdebele ISN 2542 Orthography and literature ISN3542 Language and society IsiNdebele
Grammar Terminology planning and policy
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of Philosophy of Education Psychology of Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of Education ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice-Observation ETL 2621 Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Continue with the chosen Preparation of ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills majors at year two Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose History Choose History History Observation Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
and one African and one African HIS 2541 The making of Continue with the PSC 3521 Computer Literacy Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
Language Language Modern South Africa and chosen majors at Isiswati ISW 3641 Society and Education for taken as methodology
History History Isiswati year two ISW 3541 Introduction to Literature Teachers modules (History and
HIS 1543 HIS 1644 ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, History Translation ISW 3642 Language ETP 4521 Teaching one African Language)
Twentieth Century contemporary Words & Sentence Structure HIS 2642 Europe ISW 3542 Language and Society or Practice HSM 4641 Methodology of
Africa and Middle East and ISW 2542 Orthography and Since 1945 and Planning and Policy or Tshivenda The two majors Social Sciences: History
Isiswati Isiswati Terminology or Isiswati Tshivenda TVE 3641 Further taken at year two ISM 4641 Methodology of
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & TVE 3541 Further Advanced Advanced Study of will be taken as Home Language: Isiswati
Introduction to Introduction to TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Development of Study to Tshivenda TVE Literature methodology TVM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Grammar Isiswati Literature Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Grammar TVE 3642 Language modules (History Home Language:
or Tshivenda or Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Planning Policies & and one African Tshivenda
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 and Semantics or Xitsonga TVE 2641 Advanced Linguistics and Semantics Comparative Stud. or Language) XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study of Study of Tshivenda Or Xitsonga Xitsonga HSM 4541 Home Language: Xitsonga
Tshivenda Tshivenda Xitsonga Grammar Literature or XTS 3541 An in-depth study XTS 3641 An In-depth Methodology of Social NSM 4641 Methodology of
Grammar or Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Xitsonga of Xitsonga Grammar Study of Xitsonga Sciences: History Home Language: Northern
Xitsonga Xitsonga and Socio Linguistics or XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3542 An in-depth study Literature ISM 4541Methodology Sotho
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: North Sotho Study of Xitsonga of aspects of Sociolinguistic XTS 3642 An In-depth of Home Language: NMD 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Intro. to the Study NSO 2541 An Advance Study to Literature or or North Sotho Study of Historical Isiswati IsiNdebele
Grammar or of Literature or Northern Sotho Grammar North Sotho NSO 3541 Advanced Study Comperat. Lin. or TVM 4541 One optional module
North Sotho North Sotho NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics NSO 2641 An of Morphology North Sotho Methodology of Home from:
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 and Semantics and Advanced Study of NSO3542 Semantics or NSO 3641 Further Language: Tshivenda SPE 4621 Sports
Introduction to Introduction to Isindebele Northern Sotho IsiNdebele Advanced Study of N. XIM 4541 Education
Northern Sotho Northern Sotho ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Literature and ISN 3541 Introduction to Sotho Literature Methodology of Home MCE 4621 Music Education
Linguistics or Literature or Word and sentence structure IsiNdebele Translation, Interpretation NSO 3642 Translation Language: Xitsonga DME 4621 Drama in
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele in IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and and Editing and Terminology and NSM 4541 Education
ISN 1541 ISN 1641 ISN 2542 Orthography and Development of ISN3542 Language planning IsiNdebele Methodology of Home SCL 4621 School
Introduction to Introduction to Terminology traditional and and policy ISN 3641 Society and Language: Northern Librarianship
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele modern literature literature Sotho RED 4621 Religious
Grammar Literature ISN 3642 Language NMD 4541 Education
and society Methodology of
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History Philosophy of Education Psychology of Education Education NB: Students with portfolios
of Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of Education ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice- ETL 2621 Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Observation Preparation of ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills Continue with the chosen Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose Choose majors at year two Observation Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
Economics and Economics and Economics Continue with the PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
one African one African ECO 2541 Intermediate chosen majors at Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for taken as methodology
Language Language Microeconomics and year two Isiswati Literature Teachers modules
Economics Economics Isiswati Economics ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language and ETP 4521 Teaching ECM 4641 Economics
ECO 1541 Basic ECO 1641 Basic ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, ECO 3541: Translation Society or Practice Methodology
Microeconomics Macroeconomics Words & Sentence Structure International Trade ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda The two majors ISM 4641 Methodology of
And Isiswati and Isiswati ISW 2542 Orthography and and Finance and Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further taken at year two Home Language: Isiswati
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Terminology or Isiswati Tshivenda Advanced Study of TVE will be taken as TVM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & TVE 3541 Further Literature methodology Home Language:
Isiswati Grammar Isiswati Literature TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Development of Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language modules Tshivenda
or Tshivenda or Tshivenda Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & ECM 4541 Economics XIM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 TVE 2542 Historical Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or Methodology Home Language:
Introduction to Introduction to Linguistics and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga ISM 4541 Xitsonga
Tshivenda Tshivenda Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda Or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth Methodology of Home NSM 4641 Methodology
Grammar or Literature or XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga Language: Isiswati of Home Language:
Xitsonga Xitsonga Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature TVM 4541 Northern Sotho
XTS 1541 XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2542 Semantics, XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth Methodology of Home NMD 4641 Methodology
Xitsonga: Intro. to the Study Historical and Socio Study of Xitsonga study of aspects of Study of Historical Language: Tshivenda of IsiNdebele
Introduction to of Literature or Linguistics or Literature or Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or XIM 4541 One optional module
Grammar or North Sotho North Sotho North Sotho Sotho North Sotho Methodology of Home from:
North Sotho NSO 1641 NSO 2541 An Advance Study NSO 2641 An NSO 3541 Advanced Study NSO 3641 Further Language: Xitsonga SPE 4621 Sports
NSO 1541 Introduction to to Northern Sotho Grammar Advanced Study of of Morphology Advanced Study of N. NSM 4541 Education
Introduction to Northern Sotho Northern Sotho NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature Methodology of Home MCE 4621 Music
Northern Sotho Literature and NSO 2542 Historical Literature and or NSO 3642 Translation and Language: Northern Education
Linguistics or IsiNdebele Linguistics and Semantics or IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Terminology and Sotho DME 4621 Drama in
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele NMD 4541 Education
ISN 1541 Introduction to ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Development of Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and Methodology of SCL 4621 School
Introduction to IsiNdebele Word and sentence structure traditional and and Editing literature IsiNdebele Librarianship
IsiNdebele Literature in IsiNdebele modern literature ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language and RED 4621 Religious
Grammar ISN 2542 Orthography and planning and policy society Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History Philosophy of Education Psychology of Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
of Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of Education ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice-Observation ETL 2621 Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Continue with the chosen Preparation of ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills majors at year two Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose Choose Psychology Observation Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
Psychology Psychology PSY 2511 Research Proposal Continue with the PSC 3521 Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
and one African and one African Writing Practical’s chosen majors at Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for Teachers taken as methodology
Language Language PSY 2541 Basic Research year two Isiswati Literature The two majors modules
Psychology Psychology Methodology Psychology ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language taken at year two MLO 4641 Methodology
PSY 1541 PSY 1641 PSY 2542 Human Development PSY 2641 Translation and Society or will be taken as of Life Orientation
Introduction to Introduction to And Isiswati Psychopathology ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda methodology ISM 4641 Methodology of
Psychology and Applied Psychology ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, PSY 2642 Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further modules Home Language: Isiswati
Isiswati And Isiswati Words & Sentence Structure Introduction to Tshivenda Advanced Study of ETP 4521 Teaching TVM 4641 Methodology of
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 ISW 2542 Orthography and Social Psychology TVE 3541 Further TVE Literature Practice Home Language:
Introduction to Introduction to Terminology or and Isiswati Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language MLO 4541 Methodology Tshivenda
Isiswati Grammar Isiswati Literature Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & of Life Orientation XIM 4641 Methodology of
or Tshivenda or Tshivenda TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Development of TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or ISM 4541 Methodology Home Language:
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga of Home Language: Xitsonga OR
Introduction to Introduction to TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Tshivenda Or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth Isiswati NSM 4641 Methodology
Tshivenda Tshivenda and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga TVM 4541 Methodology of Home Language:
Grammar or Literature or Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature of Home Language: Northern Sotho
Xitsonga Xitsonga XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth Tshivenda NMD 4641 Methodology
XTS 1541 XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga study of aspects of Study of Historical XIM 4541 Methodology of IsiNdebele
Xitsonga: Intro. to the Study XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical XTS 2641 A Detailed Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or of Home Language: One optional module
Introduction to of Literature or and Socio Linguistics or Study of Xitsonga Sotho North Sotho Xitsonga OR from:
Grammar or North Sotho North Sotho Literature or NSO 3541 Advanced Study NSO 3641 Further NSM 4541 Methodology SPE 4621 Sports
North Sotho NSO 1641 NSO 2541 An Advance Study to North Sotho of Morphology Advanced Study of N. of Home Language: Education
NSO 1541 Introduction to Northern Sotho Grammar NSO 2641 An NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature Northern Sotho MCE 4621 Music
Introduction to Northern Sotho NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Advanced Study of or NSO 3642 Translation NMD 4541 Education
Northern Sotho Literature or and Semantics or IsiNdebele Northern Sotho IsiNdebele and Terminology or Methodology of DME 4621 Drama in
Linguistics or IsiNdebele ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Literature or ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Education
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 Word and sentence structure IsiNdebele Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and SCL 4621 School
ISN 1541 Introduction to in IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and and Editing literature Librarianship
Introduction to IsiNdebele ISN 2542 Orthography and Development of ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language RED 4621 Religious
IsiNdebele Literature Terminology traditional and planning and policy and society Education
Grammar modern literature
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education EHC 3521 Education Competence for modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology History of Education EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of Education Education of Education ETL 3521Preparation Education NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
of Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of Teaching strategies ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
ECS 1541 Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- ETL 3511Preparation Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted and Practice
English Choose Observation Observation of Teaching Practice- Observation from ECT 4521 The two majors taken at
Communication Agriculture and Continue with the chosen Continue with the Observation PSC PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School year two will be taken as
Skills any one African majors at year two chosen majors at 3521Computer Literacy Management methodology modules
Choose Language Agriculture year two Literacy Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS ASM 4641 Methodology of
Agriculture Agriculture AGR 2541 Introduction to Agriculture Isiswati ISW 3641 Society and Education for Teachers Life Sciences: Agriculture
and any one GEN 1641 Principles plant production or ANS 2643 Anatomy ISW 3541Introduction Literature ETP 4521 Teaching ISM 4641 Methodology of
African of genetics PPR 2541 Introduction to and physiology of to Translation ISW ISW 3642 Language and Practice Isiswati
Language AGR 1631 plant protection farm animals 3542 Language Society OR The two majors TVM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Agriculture and Isiswati AGR 2631 Dry land Planning and Policy or Tshivenda taken at year two Home Language: Tshivenda
ISW 1541 Humankind ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, farming technology Tshivenda TVE 3641 Further will be taken as XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Isiswati Words & Sentence Structure Isiswati TVE 3541 Further Advanced Study of TVE methodology Home Language: Xitsonga
Isiswati ISW 1641 ISW 2542 Orthography and ISW 2641 Origin & Advanced Study to Literature modules NSM 4641 Methodology of
Grammar Introduction to Terminology Development of Tshivenda Grammar TVE 3642 Language ASM 4541 Methodology Home Language: Northern
Tshivenda Isiswati Literature Tshivenda Modern Literature TVE 3542Comparative Planning Policies & of Life Sciences: Sotho
TVE 1541 Tshivenda TVE 2541 Advanced Tshivenda Linguistics and Comparative Stud. OR Agriculture MLS 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to TVE 1641 Study to Tshivenda Grammar TVE 2641 Advanced Semantics or Or Xitsonga ISM 4541 Methodology Life Sciences: Biology
Tshivenda Introduction to TVE 2542 Historical Study of Tshivenda Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth of Isiswati NMD 4641 Methodology of
Grammar Tshivenda Literature Linguistics and Semantics Literature XTS3541An in-depth Study of Xitsonga TVM 4541 Methodology Isindebele
Xitsonga Xitsonga Xitsonga Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Literature of Home Language: One optional module
XTS 1541 XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2541 A detailed study of XTS 2641 A Detailed Grammar XTS 3542An XTS 3642 An In-depth Tshivenda from:
Xitsonga: Intro. to the Study Xitsonga Grammar Study of Xitsonga in-depth study of Study of Historical XIM 4541 Methodology SPE 4621 Sports Education
Introduction to of Literature XTS 2542 Semantics, Literature aspects of Comperat. Lin. OR of Home Language: MCE 4621 Music Education
Grammar North Sotho Historical and Socio North Sotho Sociolinguistic or North Sotho Xitsonga DME 4621 Drama in
North Sotho NSO 1641 Linguistics NSO 2641 An North Sotho NSO 3641 Further NSM 4541 Methodology Education
NSO 1541 Introduction to North Sotho Advanced Study of NSO 3541 Advanced Advanced Study of N. of Home Language: SCL 4621 School
Introduction to Northern Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study Northern Sotho Study of Morphology Sotho Literature Northern Sotho Librarianship
Northern Sotho Literature to Northern Sotho Grammar Literature NSO3542 Semantics NSO 3642 Translation MLS 4541 Methodology RED 4621 Religious
Linguistics IsiNdebele NSO 2542 Historical IsiNdebele Or IsiNdebele and Terminology of Life Sciences: Education
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 Linguistics and Semantics ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction IsiNdebele Biology
ISN 1541 Introduction to IsiNdebele Development of to Translation, ISN 3641 Society and NMD 4541
Introduction to IsiNdebele Literature ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, traditional and Interpretation and literature Methodology of
IsiNdebele Word and sentence structure modern literature Editing ISN 3542 ISN 3642 Language and IsiNdebele
Grammar in IsiNdebele Language planning society
ISN 2542 Orthography and and policy
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers are completed
IEH 1521 History of of Education Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students with through portfolios
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Choose one African Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Language and Continue with the Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose one Biology chosen majors at year chosen majors at Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
African Language Biology two Biology year two PSC 3521Computer Isiswati HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
and Biology BIO 1643 Ecology, BOT 2544 Plant Anatomy Biology Literacy ISW 3641 Society and Education for taken as
Biology Adaption and and Morphology BOT 2645Plant Isiswati Literature Teachers methodology
BIO 1541 Diversity Evolution Isiswati Taxonomy & ISW 3541 Introduction to ISW 3642 Language ETP 4521 Teaching modules
of Life BIO 1644 ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Reproductive Biology Translation and Society or Practice ISM 4641 Methodology
BIO1542 Cell Introductory Human Words & Sentence Structure ZOO 2648 Animal ISW 3542 Language Tshivenda The two majors of Isiswati or
Biology I and Anatomy and ISW 2542 Orthography and Phylogeny Planning and Policy or TVE 3641 Further taken at year two TVM 4641 Methodology
Isiswati Physiology and Terminology or Isiswati Tshivenda Advanced Study of TVE will be taken as of Home OR Language:
ISW 1541 Isiswati Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & TVE 3541 Further Literature methodology Tshivenda
Introduction to ISW 1641 TVE 2541 Advanced Study Development of Advanced Study to TVE 3642 Language modules XIM 4641 Methodology
Isiswati Grammar Introduction to to Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Tshivenda Grammar Planning Policies & ISM 4541 of Home Language:
or Tshivenda Isiswati Literature or TVE 2542 Historical Tshivenda TVE 3542 Comparative Comparative Stud. or Methodology of Xitsonga or
TVE 1541 Tshivenda Linguistics and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced Linguistics and Semantics Xitsonga Isiswati or NSM 4641 Methodology
Introduction to TVE 1641 Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda or Xitsonga XTS 3641 An In-depth TVM 4541 of Home Language:
Tshivenda Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study Literature or XTS 3541 An in-depth Study of Xitsonga Methodology of Home Northern Sotho or
Grammar or Tshivenda Literature of Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga study of Xitsonga Grammar Literature Language: Tshivenda NMD 4641 Methodology
Xitsonga or Xitsonga XTS 2542 Semantics, XTS 2641 A Detailed XTS 3542 An in-depth XTS 3642 An In-depth or of IsiNdebele and
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Historical and Socio Study of Xitsonga study of aspects of Study of Historical XIM 4541 MLS 4641 Methodology
Introduction to Intro. to the Study of Linguistics or Literature or Sociolinguistic or North Comperat. Lin. or Methodology of Home of Life Sciences: Biology
Grammar or Literature or North Sotho North Sotho Sotho NSO 3541 North Sotho Language: Xitsonga One optional module
North Sotho North Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study NSO 2641 An Advanced Study of NSO 3641 Further or from:
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 to Northern Sotho Grammar Advanced Study of Morphology Advanced Study of N. NSM 4541 SPE 4621 Sports
Introduction to Introduction to NSO 2542 Historical Northern Sotho NSO3542 Semantics Sotho Literature Methodology of Home Education
Northern Sotho Northern Sotho Linguistics and Semantics or Literature or or NSO 3642 Translation Language: Northern MCE 4621 Music
Linguistics or Literature or IsiNdebele IsiNdebele IsiNdebele and Terminology or Sotho Education
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, ISN 2641 Origin and ISN 3541 Introduction to IsiNdebele NMD 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
ISN 1541 ISN 1641 Introduction Word and sentence Development of Translation, Interpretation ISN 3641 Society and Methodology of Education
Introduction to to IsiNdebele structure in IsiNdebele traditional and and Editing literature IsiNdebele and SCL 4621 School
IsiNdebele Literature ISN 2542 Orthography and modern literature ISN3542 Language ISN 3642 Language MLS 4541 Librarianship
Grammar Terminology planning and policy and society Methodology of Life RED 4621 Religious
Sciences: Biology Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education of Education Education Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education Philosophy of Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Education ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Preparation of Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills ETL 2521 Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Chemistry Chemistry Preparation of Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 MLS 4641 Methodology of
CHE 1540 General CHE 1621 Introductory Teaching Practice- Chemistry Teaching Practice- Preparation of PSG 4521 School Life Sciences: Biology
Chemistry for Applied Inorganic Chemistry Observation CHE 2620 Analytical Observation Teaching Practice- Management MCS 4641 Methodology of
Sciences CHE 1622 Introductory Chemistry Chemistry PSC 3521 Computer Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Natural Sciences: Chemistry
Organic Chemistry CHE 2521 Inorganic CHE 2623 Physical Literacy PSC 3621 Education for One optional module
Biology Chemistry Chemistry Biology Computer Literacy Teachers from:
BIO 1541 Diversity of Biology CHE 2522 Organic Biology BOT 3543 Disturbance Biology ETP 4521 Teaching SPE 4621 Sports Education
Life BIO 1643 Ecology, Chemistry BOT 2645 Plant and Plant Ecology BOT 3645 Plant Practice MCE 4621 Music Education
BIO1542 Cell Biology Adaption and Evolution Biology Taxonomy & Physiological MLS 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
I BIO 1644 Introductory BOT 2544 Plant Reproductive Biology Ecology Methodology of Life Education
Human Anatomy and Anatomy ZOO 2648 Animal Sciences: Biology SCL 4621 School
Physiology Phylogeny MCS 4541 Librarianship
Methodology of RED 4621 Religious Education
Natural Sciences:
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of Education Education Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students portfolios
of Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation Philosophy of with ENG 2561 ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Education and ENG 2661 are Practice
Communication Chemistry Observation Observation Strategies ETL 3621 exempted from CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills CHE 1621 Introductory Chemistry Chemistry ETL 3511 Preparation of ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry CHE 2521 Inorganic CHE 2620 Analytical Preparation of Teaching Practice- PSG 4521 School MLS 4641 Methodology of
CHE 1540 CHE 1622 Introductory Chemistry Chemistry Teaching Practice- Observation Management Life Sciences: Biology
General Organic Chemistry CHE 2522 Organic CHE 2623 Physical Observation PSC 3621 Computer HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS MCS 4641 Methodology of
Chemistry for Chemistry Chemistry PSC 3521 Computer Literacy Education for Natural Sciences:
Applied Sciences Biology Biology Biology Literacy CHE 3621 Advanced Teachers Chemistry
BIO 1643 Ecology, BOT 2544 Plant BOT 2645 Plant CHE 3520 Analytical Inorganic Chemistry ETP 4521 Teaching One optional module
Biology Adaption and Anatomy Taxonomy & Chemistry CHE 3622 Advanced Practice from:
BIO 1541 Evolution Reproductive Biology Instrumental Organic Chemistry MLS 4541 SPE 4621 Sports
Diversity of Life BIO 1644 Introductory ZOO 2648 Animal Techniques Methodology of Life Education
BIO1542 Cell Human Anatomy and Phylogeny CHE 3523 Advanced Sciences: Biology MCE 4621 Music
Biology I Physiology Physical Chemistry MCS 4541 Education
Methodology of DME 4621 Drama in
Natural Sciences: Education
Chemistry SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of Education of Education Education Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of Education of Education of Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
of Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation of Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills Preparation of of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Communication Economics Teaching Practice- Observation ETL 3511Preparation of ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 ASM 4641 Methodology of
Skills ECO 1641 Basic Observation Economics Teaching Practice- Preparation of PSG 4521 School Life Sciences: Agriculture
Economics Macroeconomics Economics ECO 2641 Observation Teaching Practice- Management ECM 4641 Economics
ECO 1541 Basic And Agriculture ECO 2541 Intermediate PSC 3521Computer Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Methodology
Microeconomics GEN 1641 Principles of Intermediate Macroeconomics and Literacy PSC 3621 Computer Education for One optional module
and genetics Microeconomics Agriculture ECO 3541: Literacy Teachers from:
AGR 1631 Agriculture And Agriculture ANS 2643 Anatomy International Trade and ECO 3641: The SA ETP 4521 Teaching SPE 4621 Sports Education
and Humankind AGR 2541 and physiology of Finance Economy Practice MCE 4621 Music Education
Introduction to plant farm animals ASM 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
production or AGR 2631 Dry land Methodology of Life Education
PPR 2541 farming technology Sciences: Agriculture SCL 4621 School
Introduction to plant ECM 4541 Economics Librarianship
protection Methodology RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History Philosophy of of Education Education Education Education NB: Students with portfolios
of Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 ECS 1642 English of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
English Communication Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Communication Skills Economics of Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Skills Economics Economics ECO 2641 Intermediate Observation Literacy Management ASM 4641 Methodology
Economics ECO 1641 Basic ECO 2541 Macroeconomics and PSC 3521Computer HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS of Life Sciences:
ECO 1541 Basic Macroeconomics Intermediate Agriculture Literacy Agriculture Education for Teachers Agriculture
Microeconomics and Microeconomics ANS 2643 Anatomy and AGR 3641 Introductory ETP 4521 Teaching ECM 4641 Economics
Agriculture and physiology of farm animals Agriculture plant breeding and seed Practice Methodology
GEN 1641 Agriculture AGR 2631 Dry land farming AGR 3541 Principles & production ASM 4541 Methodology One optional module
Principles of AGR 2541 Introduction technology application of plant AGR 3643 Agronomy of of Life Sciences: from:
genetics to plant production or physiology in plant selected oil seed, fibre & Agriculture SPE 4621 Sports
AGR 1631 PPR 2541 Introduction production cereal crops ECM 4541 Economics Education
Agriculture and to plant protection Methodology MCE 4621 Music
Humankind Education
DME 4621 Drama in
SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of of Education Education Education Sociology of Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Education Education Teachers through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of of Education Education Psychology of EHC 3521 History EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of Education of Education Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills Teaching Practice-Observation ETL 2621 ETL 3521 Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Communication Business Studies Business Studies Preparation of Preparation of ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 The two majors taken at
Skills BMA 1641 BMA 2541 Purchasing Teaching Practice- Teaching Preparation of PSG 4521 School year two will be taken as
Business Studies Functional Areas of Management and Observation Strategies Teaching Management methodology modules
BMA 1541 Intro to Business Isiswati Business Studies ETL 3511 Practice- HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS BEM 4641 Business
Business Management ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, BMA 2641 Human Preparation of Observation Education for Teachers Economics Methodology and
Management And Isiswati Words & Sentence Structure Resource Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 ETP 4521 Teaching ISM 4641 Methodology of
and Isiswati ISW 1641 ISW 2542 Orthography and Management Observation Computer Practice Home Language: Isiswati or
ISW 1541 Introduction to Terminology or And Isiswati PSC 3521 Literacy The two majors taken TVM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Isiswati Literature or Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & Computer Literacy Business at year two will be Home Language: Tshivenda
Isiswati Grammar Tshivenda TVE 2541 Advanced Development of Business Studies taken as or
or Tshivenda TVE 1641Introduction Study to Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Studies BMA 3641 methodology XIM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 to Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Tshivenda BMA 3541 General modules Home Language: Xitsonga or
Introduction to Literature or and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced Marketing Management BEM 4541 Business NSM 4641 Methodology of
Tshivenda Grammar Xitsonga Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda Management Economics Methodology Home Language: Northern
or Xitsonga XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or and Sotho or
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Intro. to the Study of Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga ISM 4541 Methodology ISM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical XTS 2641 A Detailed of Home Language: IsiNdebele
Grammar or North Sotho and Socio Linguistics or Study of Xitsonga Isiswati or One optional module
North Sotho NSO 1641 North Sotho Literature or TVM 4541 Methodology from:
NSO 1541 Introduction to NSO 2541 An Advance Study to North Sotho of Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports Education
Introduction to Northern Sotho Northern Sotho Grammar NSO 2641 An Tshivenda or MCE 4621 Music Education
Northern Sotho Literature NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Advanced Study of XIM 4541 Methodology DME 4621 Drama in
Linguistics or Or IsiNdebele and Semantics or Northern Sotho of Home Language: Education
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 IsiNdebele Literature or Xitsonga or SCL 4621 School
ISN 1541 Introduction to ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, IsiNdebele NSM 4541 Methodology Librarianship
Introduction to IsiNdebele Literature Word and sentence structure in ISN 2641 Origin and of Home Language: RED 4621 Religious Education
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Development of Northern Sotho or
Grammar ISN 2542 Orthography and traditional and ISM 4541 Methodology
Terminology modern literature of IsiNdebele
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
of Education Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
Education of Education Education of Education Education of Education NB: Students portfolios
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation with ENG 2561 ETP 4621 Teaching
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- and ENG 2661 are Practice
Biology Agriculture Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation exempted from CTP 4621 Curriculum
BIO 1541 Diversity of GEN 1641 Principles of Agriculture Agriculture Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
Life genetics AGR 2541 Introduction ANS 2643 Anatomy Observation Literacy PSG 4521 School ASM 4641 Methodology of
BIO1542 Cell Biology AGR 1631 Agriculture to plant production or and physiology of farm PSC 3521 Computer Biology Management Life Sciences: Agriculture
I and Humankind PPR 2541 Introduction animals Literacy BOT 3645 Plant HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS MLS 4641 Methodology of
Biology to plant protection AGR 2631 Dry land Biology Physiological Ecology Education for Life Sciences: Biology
BIO 1643 Ecology, Biology farming technology BOT 3543 Disturbance Teachers One optional module
Adaption and BOT 2544 Plant Biology and Plant Ecology ETP 4521 Teaching from:
Evolution Anatomy BOT 2645 Plant Practice SPE 4621 Sports
BIO 1644 Introductory Taxonomy & ASM 4541 Education
Human Anatomy and Reproductive Biology Methodology of Life MCE 4621 Music
Physiology ZOO 2648 Animal Sciences: Education
Phylogeny Agriculture DME 4621 Drama in
MLS 4541 Education
Methodology of Life SCL 4621 School
Sciences: Biology Librarianship
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy of PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History Education NB: Students with ENG through portfolios
Education Education Education of Education of Education EMT 3621 2561 and ENG 2661 are ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Philosophy of exempted from ECT CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Preparation of Education 4521 and Practice
Choose Biology and Choose Biology and Observation Observation Teaching ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
any one of the two any one of the two Continue with the Continue with the Strategies Preparation of Management year two will be taken as
majors majors chosen majors at chosen majors at ETL 3511 Teaching HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS methodology modules
Biology Biology year two (Biology and year two (Biology Preparation of Practice- Education for Teachers (Biology and the second
BIO 1541 Diversity of BIO 1643 Ecology, the second major) and the second Teaching Practice- Observation ETP 4521 Teaching major)
Life Adaption and Evolution Biology major) Observation PSC 3621 Practice MLS 4641 Methodology of
BIO1542 Cell Biology I BOT 2544 Plant Biology PSC 3521 Computer The two majors taken Life Sciences: Biology
English BIO 1644 Introductory Anatomy and BOT 2645Plant Computer Literacy Literacy at year two will be ASM 4641 Methodology of
ENG 1561 English First Human Anatomy and Morphology Taxonomy & BOT 3543 BOT 3645 Plant taken as methodology Life Sciences: Agriculture
Semester Physiology English Reproductive Biology Disturbance and Physiological modules (Biology and ENM 4641 Methodology of
History English ENG 2561 English ZOO 2648 Animal Plant Ecology Ecology the second major) First Additional Language:
HIS 1543 Twentieth ENG 1661 Introduction to Structure and Usage: Phylogeny MLS 4541 Methodology of English
Century Africa Literature Studies Intermediate Level English Life Sciences: Biology HSM 4641 Methodology of
History History ENG2661 Post ASM 4541 Methodology of Social Sciences: History
HIS 1644 Contemporary HIS 2541 The making of Coloniality and The Life Sciences: Agriculture One optional module
Middle East Modern South Africa African World in Lite ENM 4541 Methodology of from:
History First Additional Language: SPE 4621 Sports Education
HIS 2642 Europe English MCE 4621 Music Education
Since 1945 HSM 4541 Methodology of DME 4621 Drama in
Social Sciences: History Education
SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of Education of Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of Education NB: Students with ENG through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of Education Philosophy of of Education Education EMT 3621 2561 and ENG 2661 are ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
of Education ECS 1642 English Education ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Philosophy of exempted from ECT CTP 4621 Curriculum
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills ETL 2521 of Teaching Practice- Preparation of Education 4521 Theory and Practice
Communication Mathematics Preparation of Observation Teaching Strategies ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School MAM 4641 Mathematics
Skills MAT 1641Integral Teaching Practice- Mathematics ETL 3511 Preparation of Management Methodology
Mathematics Calculus Observation MAT 2641 Real Preparation of Teaching Practice- HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS MLS 4641 Methodology of
MAT 1541 MAT 1642 Mathematics Mathematics Analysis1 Teaching Practice- Observation Education for Teachers Life Sciences: Biology
Mathematics Foundation II MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2642 Ordinary Observation PSC 3621 Computer ETP 4521 Teaching One optional module
MAT 1542 Biology Algebra Differential Equations PSC 3521Computer Literacy Practice from:
Mathematics BIO 1643 Ecology, MAT 2542 Advanced Biology Literacy Chose on teaching MAM 4541 Mathematics SPE 4621 Sports Education
Biology Adaption and Evolution Calculus BOT 2645 Plant Chose on teaching major Methodology MCE 4621 Music Education
BIO 1541 BIO 1644 Introductory Taxonomy & major Biology MLS 4541 Methodology of DME 4621 Drama in
Diversity of Life Human Anatomy and Biology Reproductive Biology Biology BOT 3645 Plant Life Sciences: Biology Education
BIO1542 Cell Physiology BOT 2544 Plant ZOO 2648 Animal BOT 3543 Physiological Ecology SCL 4621 School
Biology I Anatomy Phylogeny Disturbance and Librarianship
Plant Ecology RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Sociology of Education Education Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of Education PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
Education EPH 1621 of Education of Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English Philosophy of ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Education of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Accounting ECS 1642 English Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 ACM 4641 Accounting
ACC 1541 Communication Accounting Accounting of Teaching Practice- Preparation of PSG 4521 School Methodology
Introduction to Skills ACC 2541: Company ACC 2641 Observation Teaching Practice- Management MIT 4641 Methodology of
Financial Accounting Accounting Financial Statement Introduction to Cost PSC 3521Computer Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Information Technology
and ACC 1641 and and Management Literacy PSC 3621 Computer Education for Teachers One optional module
Computer Science Financial Computer Science Accounting and Computer Science Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching from:
COM 1522 Introduction Accounting and COM 2523 Imperative Computer Science COM 3521 Distributed Computer Science Practice SPE 4621 Sports Education
to Computer Systems Computer Programming COM 2624 Algorithms Operating Systems or COM 3617 ACM 4541 Accounting MCE 4621 Music Education
COM 1524 Science COM 2529 Database and Data Structures COM 3520 Software Professional Issues Methodology DME 4621 Drama in
Fundamentals of COM 1626 Fundamentals COM 2626 Data Engineering or in Computing and MIT 4541 Education
Computer Architecture Computer COM 2701 Computer Communication and COM 3528 Systems Information Methodology of SCL 4621 School
COM 1721 Object Technology Science Lab Computer Networks Design and Technology Information Librarianship
Oriented Programming Implementation COM 3621 Advanced Technology RED 4621 Religious
Algorithms Education
COM 3629 Database
Design and
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers through portfolios
Education Philosophy of of Education Education Education of Education NB: Students ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Education ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation with ENG 2561 Practice
Communication Skills ECS 1642 English of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- and ENG 2661 are CTP 4621 Curriculum
Mathematics Communication Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation exempted from Theory and Practice
MAT 1541 Skills Mathematics Mathematics Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer ECT 4521 MAM 4641 Mathematics
Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real Analysis1 Observation Literacy PSG 4521 School Methodology
MAT 1542 MAT 1641Integral Algebra MAT 2642 Ordinary PSC 3521Computer Chose on teaching Management MIT 4641 Methodology of
Mathematics Calculus MAT 2542 Advanced Differential Equations Literacy major HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Information Technology
Computer Science MAT 1642 Calculus Computer Science Chose on teaching Computer Science Education for One optional module
COM 1522 Mathematics Computer Science COM 2624 Algorithms and major COM 3617 Professional Teachers from:
Introduction to Foundation II COM 2523 Imperative Data Structures Computer Science Issues in Computing ETP 4521 Teaching SPE 4621 Sports Education
Computer Systems Computer Science Programming COM 2626 Data COM 3521 Distributed and Information Practice MCE 4621 Music Education
COM 1524 COM 1626 Computer COM 2529 Database Communication and Operating Systems or Technology MAM 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
Fundamentals of Technology Fundamentals Computer Networks COM 3520 Software COM 3621 Advanced Mathematics Education
Computer COM 2701 Computer Engineering or Algorithms Methodology SCL 4621 School
Architecture Science Lab COM 3528 Systems COM 3629 Database MIT 4541 Librarianship
COM1721 Object Design and Design and Methodology of RED 4621 Religious
Oriented Implementation Implementation Information Education
Programming Technology
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of of Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History Education NB: Students with through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of Philosophy of Education Education of Education EMT 3621 ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Philosophy of 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Teaching Practice-Observation Teaching Practice- Preparation of Education from ECT 4521 and Practice
Communication Communication Continue with the chosen Observation Teaching ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
Skills Skills majors at year two Continue with the Strategies Preparation of Management year two will be taken as
Choose English Choose English ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, chosen majors at ETL 3511 Teaching Practice- HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS methodology modules
and one African and one African Words & Sentence Structure year two Preparation of Observation Education for Teachers ENM 4641 Methodology of First
Language Language ISW 2542 Orthography and Isiswati Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 ETP 4521 Teaching Additional Language: English
Isiswati Isiswati Terminology or ISW 2641 Origin & Observation Computer Literacy Practice and
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Tshivenda Development of Modern PSC 3521 ENG 3641 Post The two majors taken ISM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Literature or Computer Literacy Colonialist and the at year two will be Isiswati or
Isiswati Grammar Isiswati Literature Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda ENG 3541 Novel taken as methodology TVM 4641 Methodology of
or Tshivenda or TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics TVE 2641 Advanced Advanced English ENG 3642 The modules Home Language: Tshivenda or
TVE 1541 Tshivenda and Semantics or Study of Tshivenda Structure Poetry of Love, ENM 4541 Methodology XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to TVE 1641 Xitsonga Literature or ENG 3542 Protest and of First Additional Home Language: Xitsonga or
Tshivenda Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga Advanced English Resistance or Language: English NSM 4641 Methodology of
Grammar or Tshivenda Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed Usage ENG 3643; Drama and Home Language: Northern
Xitsonga Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Study of Xitsonga of Class, Race & ISM 4541 Methodology of Sotho or
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Xitsonga and Socio Linguistics or Literature or Cultural Isiswati or NMD 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to XTS 1641 Xitsonga: IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Differences TVM 4541 Methodology of IsiNdebele
Grammar or Intro. to the Study ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, ISN 2641 Origin and Home Language: One optional module from:
Isindebele of Literature or Word and sentence structure in Development of Tshivenda or SPE 4621 Sports Education
ISN 1541 IsiNdebele IsiNdebele traditional and modern XIM 4541 Methodology of MCE 4621 Music Education
Introduction to ISN 1641 ISN 2542 Orthography and literature or Home Language: DME 4621 Drama in Education
IsiNdebele Introduction to Terminology or North Sotho Xitsonga or SCL 4621 School Librarianship
Grammar or North IsiNdebele North Sotho NSO 2641 An Advanced NSM 4541 Methodology RED 4621 Religious Education
Sotho Literature or NSO 2541 An Advance Study to Study of Northern Sotho of Home Language:
NSO 1541 North Sotho Northern Sotho Grammar Literature and Northern Sotho or
Introduction to NSO 1641 NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics English NMD 4541 Methodology
Northern Sotho Introduction to and Semantics and ENG2661 Post of IsiNdebele
Linguistics and Northern Sotho English Coloniality and The
English Literature and ENG 2561 English Structure and African World in Lite
ENG 1561 English English Usage: Intermediate Level
First Semester ENG 1661
Introduction to
Literature Stud
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of of Education Education Education Education Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of Philosophy of of Education Education Education Education NB: Students with portfolios
Education Education ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Communication Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills Skills English English Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
English English ENG 2561 English ENG2661 Post Observation Literacy Management ENM 4641 Methodology of
ENG 1561 English ENG 1661 Structure and Usage: Coloniality and The PSC 3521Computer ENG 3641 Post Coloniality HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS First Additional Language:
First Semester Introduction to Intermediate Level African World in Lite Literacy and the Novel Education for Teachers English
History Literature Stud History History ENG 3541 Advanced ENG 3642 The Poetry of ETP 4521 Teaching HSM 4641 Methodology of
HIS 1543 Twentieth History HIS 2541 The making HIS 2642 Europe Since English Structure Love, Protest and Practice Social Sciences: History
Century Africa HIS 1644 of Modern South Africa 1945 ENG 3542 Advanced Resistance OR ENM 4541 One optional module
Contemporary English Usage ENG 3643; Drama of Methodology of First from:
Middle East Class, Race & Cultural Additional Language: SPE 4621 Sports Education
Differences English MCE 4621 Music Education
HSM 4541 DME 4621 Drama in
Methodology of Social Education
Sciences: History SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education of Education Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Choose English Choose English Observation Observation Strategies ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 The two majors taken at
and one and one Commerce Continue with the Continue with the ETL 3511Preparation Preparation of PSG 4521 School year two will be taken as
Commerce Module Module chosen majors at chosen majors at year of Teaching Teaching Practice- Management methodology modules
English English year two (English two (English and one Practice-Observation Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS (English and one
ENG 1561 English ENG 1661 and one Commerce Commerce Module) PSC 3521Computer PSC 3621 Computer Education for Teachers Commerce Module)
First Semester and Introduction to Module) English Literacy Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching ENM 4641 Methodology of
Accounting Literature Stud and English ENG2661 Post Coloniality ENG 3541 Advanced ENG 3641 Post Practice First Additional Language:
ACC 1541 Accounting ENG 2561 English and The African World in English Structure Coloniality and the The two majors English
Introduction to ACC 1641 Financial Structure and Usage: Lite and ENG 3542 Advanced Novel taken at year two ACM 4641 Accounting
Financial Accounting Accounting or Intermediate Level Accounting English Usage ENG 3642 The will be taken as Methodology
or Economics and ACC 2641 Introduction to Poetry of Love, methodology ECM 4641 Economics
Economics ECO 1641 Basic Accounting Cost and Management Protest and modules (English Methodology
ECO 1541 Basic Macroeconomics or ACC 2541: Company Accounting or Resistance OR and one Commerce BEM 4641 Business
Microeconomics or Business Studies Financial Statement or Economics ENG 3643; Drama of Module) Economics Methodology
Business Studies BMA 1641 Economics ECO 2641 Intermediate Class, Race & ENM 4541 Methodology One optional module
BMA 1541 Intro to Functional Areas of ECO 2541 Macroeconomics or Cultural Differences of First Additional from:
Business Business Intermediate Business Studies Language: English SPE 4621 Sports Education
Management Management Microeconomics or BMA 2641 Human ACM 4541 Accounting MCE 4621 Music Education
Business Studies Resource Management Methodology DME 4621 Drama in
BMA 2541 ECM 4541 Economics Education
Purchasing Methodology SCL 4621 School
Management BEM 4541 Business Librarianship
Economics Methodology RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education of Education Education Education of Education Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education Philosophy of Education Education of Education NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English Education ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG Practice
Communication Skills Communication Skills ETL 2521 Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum
Choose English Choose English Preparation of Observation ETL 3511 Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
and one of the and one of the Teaching Practice- Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School The two majors taken
following following Observation chosen majors at year Observation Literacy Management at year two will be
English English Continue with the two PSC 3521 Computer ENG 3641 Post HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS taken as methodology
ENG 1561 English ENG 1661 Introduction chosen majors at English Literacy Coloniality and the Education for Teachers modules
First Semester and to Literature Stud and year two English ENG2661 Post Coloniality ENG 3541 Advanced Novel ETP 4521 Teaching ENM 4641 Methodology of
Geography Geography ENG 2561 English and The African World in English Structure ENG 3642 The Poetry Practice First Additional Language:
GEO 1520 GEO 1620 Geography: Structure and Lite ENG 3542 Advanced of Love, Protest and The two majors English
Geography: Elements of Remote Usage: and Geography English Usage Resistance or taken at year two GEM 4641 Geography
Cartography, Map Sensing Intermediate Level GEO 2641 Patterns and ENG 3643; Drama of will be taken as Methodology
Analysis, Air Photo GEO 1641 Geography: and Geography Processer in Physical Class, Race & Cultural methodology MAM 4641 Mathematics
GEO 1541 Integrated Major World GEO 2541 Spatial Geography Differences modules Methodology
Study of Major World Environments or Organisation of GEO 2642 Themes in the ENM 4541 Methodology MPS 4641 Physics
Environments or Mathematics Society Geography of Africa or of First Additional Methodology
Mathematics MAT 1641Integral GEO 2542 Quant. & Mathematics Language: English One optional module
MAT 1541 Calculus Qualit. Research MAT 2641 Real Analysis1 GEM 4541 Geography from:
Mathematics MAT 1642 Methods or MAT 2642 Ordinary Methodology SPE 4621 Sports Education
MAT 1542 Mathematics Mathematics Differential Equations or MAM 4541 MCE 4621 Music Education
Mathematics or Foundation II or MAT 2541 Linear Physics Mathematics DME 4621 Drama in
Physics Physics Algebra PHY 2623 Electrodynamics Methodology Education
PHY 1521 Mechanics PHY 1623 Properties MAT 2542 Advanced PHY 2624 Modern Physics MPS 4541 Physics SCL 4621 School
PHY 1522 Waves and of Matter and Thermal Calculus or Methodology Librarianship
Optics 1 Physics Physics RED 4621 Religious
PHY 1624 Electricity PHY 2521 Classical Education
and Magnetism Mechanics
PHY 2522 Waves
and Optics
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education Education of Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521 Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG Practice
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice-Observation of Teaching Practice- Preparation of Education 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum
Choose Geography Choose Geography Continue with the chosen Observation Teaching Strategies ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
and one African and one African majors at year two Continue with the ETL 3511 Preparation of PSG 4521 School The two majors taken
Language Language Geography chosen majors at Preparation of Teaching Practice- Management at year two will be
Geography Geography GEO 2541 Spatial Organisation year two Teaching Practice- Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS taken as methodology
GEO 1520 GEO 1620 Geography: of Society Geography Observation PSC 3621 Education for Teachers modules
Geography: Elements of Remote GEO 2542 Quant. & Qualit. GEO 2641 Patterns PSC 3521 Computer Computer Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching GEM 4641 Geography
Cartography, Map Sensing Research Methods and Processer in Literacy Geography Practice Methodology
Analysis, Air Photo GEO 1641 Geography: And Isiswati Physical Geography Geography GEO 3642 The two majors ISM 4641 Methodology of
GEO 1541 Integrated Major World ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, GEO 2642 Themes in GEO 3542 Climatology taken at year two Home Language: Isiswati
Study of Major World Environments Words & Sentence Structure the Geography of Geomorphology GEO 3643 will be taken as TVM 4641 Methodology of
Environments And Isiswati ISW 2542 Orthography and Africa and GEO 3543 Geography of methodology Home OR Language:
And Isiswati ISW 1641 Introduction Terminology or Isiswati Biogeography Tourism modules Tshivenda
ISW 1541 to Isiswati Literature Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & GEO 3544 GEO 3644 Rural GEM 4541 Geography XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to or Tshivenda TVE 2541 Advanced Development of Population and Geography and Methodology Home Language: Xitsonga
Isiswati Grammar or TVE 1641 Introduction Study to Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Demography Development ISM 4541 Methodology OR
Tshivenda to Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Tshivenda GEO 3545 Settlement GEO 3641 Remote of Home Language: NSM 4641 Methodology of
TVE 1541 Literature or and Semantics or TVE 2641 Advanced and Industrial Sensing and Isiswati Home Language: Northern
Introduction to Xitsonga Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda Development Geographic TVM 4541 Methodology Sotho
Tshivenda Grammar XTS 1641 Xitsonga: XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or GEO 3541Geography Information of Home Language: NMD 4641 Methodology of
or Xitsonga Intro. to the Study of Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga of South Africa Systems Tshivenda IsiNdebele
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Literature or XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical XTS 2641 A Detailed XIM 4541 Methodology One optional module
Introduction to North Sotho and Socio Linguistics or Study of Xitsonga of Home Language: from:
Grammar or NSO 1641 Introduction North Sotho Literature or Xitsonga SPE 4621 Sports Education
North Sotho to Northern Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study to North Sotho NSM 4541 Methodology MCE 4621 Music Education
NSO 1541 Literature or Northern Sotho Grammar NSO 2641 An of Home Language: DME 4621 Drama in
Introduction to IsiNdebele NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Advanced Study of Northern Sotho Education
Northern Sotho ISN 1641 Introduction and Semantics or Northern Sotho NMD 4541 SCL 4621 School
Linguistics to IsiNdebele IsiNdebele Literature or Methodology of Librarianship
Or Isindebele Literature ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, IsiNdebele IsiNdebele RED 4621 Religious
ISN 1541 Word and sentence structure in ISN 2641 Origin and Education
Introduction to IsiNdebele Development of
IsiNdebele Grammar ISN 2542 Orthography and traditional and
Terminology modern literature
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education Education Education Sociology of Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology of Education Education Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education Education Education EHC 3521 History EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of of Education Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice-Observation Teaching Practice- ETL 3521 Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Choose History Choose History and Continue with the chosen Observation Preparation of ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 The two majors taken at
and one African one African majors at year two Continue with the Teaching Preparation of PSG 4521 School year two will be taken as
Language Language HIS 2541 The making of chosen majors at Strategies Teaching Management methodology modules
History History Modern South Africa and year two ETL 3511 Practice- HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS HSM 4641 Methodology of
HIS 1543 Twentieth HIS 1644 Isiswati History Preparation of Observation Education for Teachers Social Sciences: History and
Century Africa and Contemporary Middle ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, HIS 2642 Europe Since Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 ETP 4521 Teaching ISM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati East and Words & Sentence Structure 1945 and Observation Computer Practice Home Language: Isiswati
ISW 1541 Isiswati ISW 2542 Orthography and Isiswati PSC 3521 Literacy The two majors taken or
Introduction to ISW 1641 Introduction Terminology or ISW 2641 Origin & Computer Literacy History at year two will be TVM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Grammar or to Isiswati Literature Tshivenda Development of Modern History HIS 3644 Africa taken as Home Language: Tshivenda
Tshivenda or Tshivenda TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Literature or HIS 3542 Inter and The World methodology or
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 Introduction Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda African Relations modules XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to to Tshivenda TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics TVE 2641 Advanced HSM 4541 Methodology Home Language: Xitsonga
Tshivenda Grammar Literature or and Semantics or Xitsonga Study of Tshivenda of Social Sciences: or
or Xitsonga Xitsonga XTS 2541 A detailed study of Literature or History and NSM 4641 Methodology of
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Xitsonga Grammar Xitsonga ISM 4541 Methodology Home Language: Northern
Introduction to Intro. to the Study of XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical XTS 2641 A Detailed of Home Language: Sotho or
Grammar or North Literature or and Socio Linguistics or Study of Xitsonga Isiswati or NMD 4641 Methodology of
Sotho North Sotho North Sotho Literature or TVM 4541 Methodology IsiNdebele
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 Introduction NSO 2541 An Advance Study to North Sotho of Home Language: One optional module
Introduction to to Northern Sotho Northern Sotho Grammar NSO 2641 An Advanced Tshivenda or from:
Northern Sotho Literature or NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Study of Northern Sotho XIM 4541 Methodology SPE 4621 Sports Education
Linguistics or IsiNdebele and Semantics or IsiNdebele Literature or of Home Language: MCE 4621 Music Education
IsiNdebele ISN 1641 Introduction ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, IsiNdebele Xitsonga or DME 4621 Drama in
ISN 1541 to IsiNdebele Word and sentence structure in ISN 2641 Origin and NSM 4541 Methodology Education
Introduction to Literature IsiNdebele Development of of Home Language: SCL 4621 School
IsiNdebele Grammar ISN 2542 Orthography and traditional and modern Northern Sotho or Librarianship
Terminology literature NMD 4541 Methodology RED 4621 Religious
of IsiNdebele Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education Education Education of Education NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG Practice
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum
Communication Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation Observation from ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
Skills History History of Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School ENM 4641 Methodology of
HIS 1644 HIS 2541 The making History Observation Literacy Management First Additional Language:
History Contemporary Middle of Modern South Africa HIS 2642 Europe Since PSC 3521Computer HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS English
HIS 1543 Twentieth East 1945 Literacy History Education for HSM 4641 Methodology of
Century Africa English HIS 3644 Africa and Teachers Social Sciences: History
English ENG 2561 English English History The World ETP 4521 Teaching
English ENG 1661 Introduction Structure and Usage: ENG 2661 Post Coloniality HIS 3542 Inter African Practice One optional module
ENG 1561 English to Literature Stud Intermediate Level and The African World in Relations ENM 4541 from:
First Semester Lite Methodology of First SPE 4621 Sports Education
Additional Language: MCE 4621 Music Education
English DME 4621 Drama in
HSM 4541 Education
Methodology of Social SCL 4621 School
Sciences: History Librarianship
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education Education Education Sociology of Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology of Education Education NB: Students with through portfolios
Education of Education Education Education EHC 3521 History EMT 3621 ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of of Education Philosophy of 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- ETL 3521 Education from ECT 4521 and Practice
Choose Biology Choose Biology and Observation Observation Preparation of ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
and any one of any one of the four Continue with the Continue with the Teaching Preparation of Management year two will be taken as
the four majors majors chosen majors at year chosen majors at Strategies Teaching HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS methodology modules
Biology Biology two year two ETL 3511 Practice- Education for Teachers (Biology and the second
BIO 1541 Diversity BIO 1643 Ecology, BOT 2544 Plant Anatomy Biology Preparation of Observation ETP 4521 Teaching major)
of Life Adaption and and Morphology BOT 2645Plant Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Practice ISM 4641 Methodology of
BIO1542 Cell Biology Evolution Isiswati Taxonomy & Observation Computer The two majors taken Isiswati
I BIO 1644 ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Reproductive Biology PSC 3521 Literacy at year two will be TVM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Introductory Human Words & Sentence Structure ZOO 2648 Animal Computer Literacy Biology taken as methodology Home Language: Tshivenda
ISW 1541 Anatomy and ISW 2542 Orthography and PhylogenyIsiswati Biology BOT 3645 Plant modules (Biology and XIM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Physiology Terminology ISW 2641 Origin & BOT 3543 Physiological the second major) Home Language: Xitsonga
Isiswati Grammar Isiswati Tshivenda Development of Modern Disturbance and Ecology ISM 4541 Methodology of NSM 4641 Methodology of
Tshivenda ISW 1641 TVE 2541 Advanced Study Literature Plant Ecology Isiswati Home Language: Northern
TVE 1541 Introduction to to Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda TVM 4541 Methodology of Sotho
Introduction to Isiswati Literature TVE 2542 Historical TVE 2641 Advanced Home Language: MLS 4641 Methodology of
Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda Linguistics and Semantics Study of Tshivenda Tshivenda Life Sciences: Biology
Xitsonga TVE 1641 Xitsonga Literature XIM 4541 Methodology of NMD 4641 Methodology of
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: Introduction to XTS 2541 A detailed study Xitsonga Home Language: IsiNdebele
Introduction to Tshivenda Literature of Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed Xitsonga One optional module
Grammar Xitsonga XTS 2542 Semantics, Study of Xitsonga NSM 4541 Methodology from:
North Sotho XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Historical and Socio Literature of Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports Education
NSO 1541 Intro. to the Study of Linguistics North Sotho Northern Sotho MCE 4621 Music Education
Introduction to Literature North Sotho NSO 2641 An Advanced MLS 4541 Methodology of DME 4621 Drama in
Northern Sotho North Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study Study of Northern Sotho Life Sciences: Biology Education
Linguistics NSO 1641 to Northern Sotho Grammar Literature NMD 4541 Methodology SCL 4621 School
IsiNdebele Introduction to NSO 2542 Historical IsiNdebele of IsiNdebele Librarianship
ISN 1541 Northern Sotho Linguistics and Semantics ISN 2641 Origin and RED 4621 Religious Education
Introduction to Literature IsiNdebele Development of
IsiNdebele Grammar IsiNdebele ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, traditional and modern
ISN 1641 Introduction Word and sentence literature
to IsiNdebele structure in IsiNdebele
Literature ISN 2542 Orthography and
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education Education Education Education 3521Sociology of Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology Education Education NB: Students with ENG through portfolios
Education of Education Education of Education EHC 3521 EMT 3621 2561 and ENG 2661 are ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation History of Philosophy of exempted from ECT CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice-Observation of Teaching Practice- Education Education 4521 and Practice
Choose Choose Continue with the chosen Observation ETL 3521 ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
Mathematics Mathematics majors at year two Continue with the Preparation of Preparation of Management year two will be taken as
and one African and one African Mathematics chosen majors at Teaching Teaching HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS methodology modules
Language Language MAT 2541 Linear Algebra year two Strategies Practice- Education for Teachers MAM 4641 Mathematics
Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2542 Advanced Calculus Mathematics ETL 3511 Observation ETP 4521 Teaching Methodology
MAT 1541 MAT 1641Integral and Isiswati MAT 2641 Real Preparation of PSC 3621 Practice ISM 4641 Methodology of
Mathematics Calculus ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Analysis1 Teaching Computer The two majors taken Home Language: Isiswati
MAT 1542 MAT 1642 Words & Sentence Structure MAT 2642 Ordinary Practice- Literacy at year two will be TVM 4641 Methodology of
Mathematics and Mathematics ISW 2542 Orthography and Differential Equations Observation Mathematics taken as methodology Home Language: Tshivenda
Isiswati Foundation II and Terminology or or Isiswati PSC 3521 MAT 364 modules XIM 4641 Methodology of
ISW 1541 Isiswati Tshivenda ISW 2641 Origin & Computer Complex MAM 4541 Mathematics Home Language: Xitsonga
Introduction to ISW 1641 TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Development of Literacy Analysis Methodology NSM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati Grammar or Introduction to Tshivenda Grammar Modern Literature or Mathematics MAT 3642 ISM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Northern
Tshivenda Isiswati Literature or TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics Tshivenda MAT 3541 Real Rings and Home Language: Isiswati Sotho
TVE 1541 Tshivenda and Semantics or Xitsonga TVE 2641 Advanced Analysis Fields TVM 4541 Methodology of NMD 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to TVE 1641 XTS 2541 A detailed study of Study of Tshivenda MAT 3542 Group Home Language: IsiNdebele
Tshivenda Grammar Introduction to Xitsonga Grammar Literature or Theory Tshivenda One optional module
or Xitsonga Tshivenda Literature XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Xitsonga XIM 4541 Methodology of from:
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: or Xitsonga and Socio Linguistics or XTS 2641 A Detailed Home Language: Xitsonga SPE 4621 Sports Education
Introduction to XTS 1641 Xitsonga: North Sotho Study of Xitsonga NSM 4541 Methodology of MCE 4621 Music Education
Grammar or North Intro. to the Study of NSO 2541 An Advance Study to Literature or Home Language: Northern DME 4621 Drama in
Sotho Literature or Northern Sotho Grammar North Sotho Sotho Education
NSO 1541 North Sotho NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics NSO 2641 An NMD 4541 Methodology of SCL 4621 School
Introduction to NSO 1641 and Semantics or Advanced Study of IsiNdebele Librarianship
Northern Sotho Introduction to IsiNdebele Northern Sotho RED 4621 Religious
Linguistics or Northern Sotho ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Literature or Education
IsiNdebele Literature or Word and sentence structure IsiNdebele
ISN 1541 IsiNdebele in IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and
Introduction to ISN 1641 Introduction ISN 2542 Orthography and Development of
IsiNdebele Grammar to IsiNdebele Terminology traditional and
Literature modern literature
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for Teachers semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy NB: Students with ENG completed through
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education of Education Education of Education 2561 and ENG 2661 are portfolios
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation exempted from ECT ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 4521 Practice
Communication Mathematics Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation Observation PSG 4521 School CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills MAT 1641Integral Mathematics Mathematics of Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer Management Theory and Practice
Mathematics Calculus MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real Observation Literacy HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS MAM 4641 Mathematics
MAT 1541 MAT 1642 Algebra Analysis1 PSC 3521Computer Mathematics Education for Teachers Methodology
Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2542 Advanced MAT 2642 Ordinary Literacy MAT 364 Complex ETP 4521 Teaching MLS 4641 Methodology of
MAT 1542 Foundation II Calculus Differential Equations Mathematics Analysis Practice Life Sciences: Biology
Mathematics Biology Biology Biology MAT 3541 Real MAT 3642 Rings and MAM 4541 Mathematics One optional module
Biology BIO 1643 Ecology, BOT 2544 Plant BOT 2645Plant Analysis Fields Methodology from:
BIO 1541 Diversity Adaption and Anatomy Taxonomy & MAT 3542 Group MLS 4541 Methodology of SPE 4621 Sports Education
of Life Evolution Reproductive Biology Theory Life Sciences: Biology MCE 4621 Music Education
BIO1542 Cell BIO 1644 Introductory ZOO 2648 Animal DME 4621 Drama in
Biology I Human Anatomy and Phylogeny Education
Physiology SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of Education Education Education of Education Education Competence for modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education Education Education Education NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation of ENG 2561 and ENG Practice
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Teaching Practice- 2661 are CTP 4621 Curriculum
Communication Observation Observation Strategies Observation exempted from Theory and Practice
Skills Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry ETL 3511Preparation PSC 3621 Computer ECT 4521 MAM 4641 Mathematics
CHE 1621 Introductory CHE 2521 Inorganic CHE 2620 Analytical of Teaching Literacy PSG 4521 School Methodology
Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Practice-Observation Mathematics Management MCS 4641 Methodology of
CHE 1540 General CHE 1622 Introductory CHE 2522 Organic CHE 2623 Physical PSC 3521Computer MAT 364 Complex HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Natural Sciences:
Chemistry for Organic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Literacy Analysis Education for Chemistry
Applied Sciences Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics MAT 3642 Rings and Teachers One optional module
Mathematics MAT 1641Integral MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real MAT 3541 Real Fields ETP 4521 Teaching from:
MAT 1541 Calculus Algebra Analysis1 Analysis Practice SPE 4621 Sports Education
Mathematics MAT 1642 MAT 2542 Advanced MAT 2642 Ordinary MAT 3542 Group MAM 4541 MCE 4621 Music Education
MAT 1542 Mathematics Calculus Differential Equations Theory Mathematics DME 4621 Drama in
Mathematics Foundation II Methodology Education
MCS 4541 SCL 4621 School
Methodology of Librarianship
Natural Sciences: RED 4621 Religious
Chemistry Education
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of Education Teachers through portfolios
Education Philosophy of of Education Education Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English Education ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Preparation Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills ECS 1642 English of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Mathematics Communication Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 MAM 4641 Mathematics
MAT 1541 Mathematics Skills Mathematics Mathematics of Teaching Practice- Preparation of PSG 4521 School Methodology
MAT 1542 Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real Analysis1 Observation Teaching Practice- Management MIT 4641 Methodology of
Computer Science MAT 1641Integral Algebra MAT 2642 Ordinary PSC 3521 Computer Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Information Technology
COM 1522 Introduction Calculus MAT 2542 Advanced Differential Equations Literacy PSC 3621 Computer Education for Teachers One optional module
to Computer Systems MAT 1642 Calculus Computer Science Chose on teaching Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching from:
COM 1524 Mathematics Computer Science COM 2624 Algorithms major Chose on Practice SPE 4621 Sports Education
Fundamentals of Foundation II COM 2523 Imperative and Data Structures Mathematics teaching major MAM 4541 MCE 4621 Music Education
Computer Architecture Computer Programming COM 2626 Data MAT 3541 Real Analysis Mathematics Mathematics DME 4621 Drama in
COM1721 Object Science COM 2529 Database Communication and MAT 3542 Group MAT 364 Complex Methodology Education
Oriented Programming COM 1626 Fundamentals Computer Networks Theory Analysis MIT 4541 Methodology SCL 4621 School
Computer COM 2701 Computer MAT 3642 Rings and of Information Librarianship
Technology Science Lab Fields Technology RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education of Education Psychology of Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History Education Teachers through portfolios
Education Philosophy of of Education Education of Education EMT 3621 NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English Education ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Philosophy of ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills ECS 1642 English of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- Preparation of Education 2661 are exempted and Practice
Choose Communication Observation Observation Teaching ETL 3621 from ECT 4521 The two majors taken at
Mathematics Skills Continue with the Continue with the Strategies Preparation of PSG 4521 School year two will be taken as
and one of the Choose chosen majors at chosen majors at ETL 3511 Teaching Practice- Management methodology modules
following Mathematics year two year two Preparation of Observation HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS MAM 4641 Mathematics
Mathematics and one of the Mathematics Mathematics Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer Education for Teachers Methodology
MAT 1541 following MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real Observation Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching ACM 4641 Accounting
Mathematics Mathematics Algebra Analysis1 PSC 3521 Mathematics Practice Methodology
MAT 1542 MAT 1641Integral MAT 2542 Advanced MAT 2642 Ordinary Computer Literacy MAT 364 Complex The two majors taken ECM 4641 Economics
Mathematics Calculus Calculus and Differential Equations Mathematics Analysis at year two will be Methodology
and MAT 1642 Accounting and MAT 3541 Real MAT 3642 Rings and taken as BEM 4641 Business Economics
Accounting Mathematics ACC 2541: Company Accounting Analysis Fields methodology Methodology
ACC 1541 Foundation II and Financial Statement or ACC 2641 Introduction MAT 3542 Group modules One optional module from:
Introduction to Accounting Economics to Cost and Theory MAM 4541 Mathematics SPE 4621 Sports Education
Financial Accounting ACC 1641 Financial ECO 2541 Management Accounting Methodology MCE 4621 Music Education
or Accounting or Intermediate or ACM 4541 Accounting DME 4621 Drama in Education
Economics Economics Microeconomics or Economics Methodology SCL 4621 School Librarianship
ECO 1541 Basic ECO 1641 Basic Business Studies ECO 2641 Intermediate ECM 4541 Economics RED 4621 Religious Education
Microeconomics or Macroeconomics or BMA 2541 Macroeconomics or Methodology
Business Studies Business Studies Purchasing Business Studies BEM 4541 Business
BMA 1541 Intro to BMA 1641 Management BMA 2641 Human Economics Methodology
Business Management Functional Areas of Resource Management
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education Education Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education of Education Education Education NB: Students portfolios
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation of with ENG 2561 ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- and ENG 2661 are Practice
Communication Choose two Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation exempted from CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills teaching majors Continue with the Continue with the Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer ECT 4521 Theory and Practice
Choose two from chosen majors at chosen majors at Observation Literacy PSG 4521 School The two majors taken
teaching majors Geography year two year two PSC 3521Computer From the two majors Management at year two will be
from GEO 1620 Geography: Geography Geography Literacy chosen at year two HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS taken as methodology
Geography Elements of Remote GEO 2541 Spatial GEO 2641 Patterns and From the two majors you took one at third Education for modules
GEO 1520 Sensing Organisation of Processer in Physical chosen at year two you year level Teachers GEM 4641 Geography
Geography: GEO 1641 Geography: Society Geography took one at third year Geography ETP 4521 Teaching Methodology
Cartography, Map Major World GEO 2542 Quant. & GEO 2642 Themes in level GEO 3642 Climatology Practice MAM 4641 Mathematics
Analysis, Air Photo Environments Qualit. Research the Geography of Geography GEO 3643 Geography of The two majors Methodology
GEO 1541 Mathematics Methods Africa GEO 3542 Geomorphology Tourism taken at year two MPS 4641 Physics
Integrated Study of MAT 1641Integral Mathematics Mathematics GEO 3543 Biogeography GEO 3644 Rural will be taken as Methodology
Major World Calculus MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real GEO 3544 Population and Geography and methodology One optional module
Environments MAT 1642 Algebra Analysis1 Demography Development modules from:
Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2542 Advanced MAT 2642 Ordinary GEO 3545 Settlement and GEO 3641 Remote GEM 4541 SPE 4621 Sports
MAT 1541 Foundation II Calculus Differential Equations Industrial Development Sensing and Geographic Geography Education
Mathematics Physics Physics Physics GEO 3541 Geography of Information Systems Methodology MCE 4621 Music
MAT 1542 PHY 1623 Properties PHY 2521 Classical PHY 2623 South Africa Mathematics MAM 4541 Education
Mathematics of Matter and Thermal Mechanics Electrodynamics Mathematics MAT 364 Complex Mathematics DME 4621 Drama in
Physics Physics PHY 2522 Waves and PHY 2624 Modern MAT 3541 Real Analysis Analysis Methodology Education
PHY 1521 PHY 1624 Electricity Optics Physics MAT 3542 Group Theory MAT 3642 Rings and MPS 4541 Physics SCL 4621 School
Mechanics and Magnetism Physics Fields Methodology Librarianship
PHY 1522 Waves PHY 3521 Atomic and Physics RED 4621 Religious
and Optics 1 Nuclear Physics PHY 3623 Thermal and Education
PHY 3522 Solid State Statistical Physics
Physics PHY 3624 Quantum
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education of Education of Education Competence for modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers through portfolios
Education of Education Education Education Education of Education NB: Students with ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG CTP 4621 Curriculum
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Theory and Practice
Mathematics Mathematics Observation Observation Strategies Observation from ECT 4521 MAM 4641 Mathematics
MAT 1541 MAT 1641Integral Mathematics Mathematics ETL 3511Preparation PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Methodology
Mathematics Calculus MAT 2541 Linear Algebra MAT 2641 Real of Teaching Literacy Management MLO 4641 Methodology of
MAT 1542 MAT 1642 MAT 2542 Advanced Analysis1 Practice-Observation Mathematics HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Life Orientation
Mathematics Mathematics Calculus MAT 2642 Ordinary PSC 3521Computer MAT 3641 Complex Education for Teachers One optional module
Psychology Foundation II Psychology Differential Equations Literacy Analysis ETP 4521 Teaching from:
PSY 1541 Psychology PSY 2511 Research Psychology Mathematics MAT 3642 Rings and Practice SPE 4621 Sports Education
Introduction to PSY 1641Introduction Proposal Writing PSY 2641 MAT 3541 Real Fields MAM 4541 MCE 4621 Music Education
Psychology to Applied Psychology Practical’s Psychopathology Analysis Mathematics DME 4621 Drama in
PSY 2541 Basic Research PSY 2642 Introduction MAT 3542 Group Methodology Education
Methodology to Social Psychology Theory MLO 4541 SCL 4621 School
PSY 2542 Human Methodology of Life Librarianship
Development Orientation RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules are
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers completed through
IEH 1521 History of Education of Education Education Education of Education NB: Students with portfolios
of Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521 Preparation ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Choose two Observation Observation ETL 3511 Preparation Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills teaching majors Continue with the Continue with the of Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Choose two from chosen majors at chosen majors at year Observation Literacy Management The two majors taken
teaching majors Accounting year two two PSC 3521 Computer From the two HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS at year two will be
from ACC 1641 Financial Accounting Accounting Literacy majors chosen at Education for Teachers taken as methodology
Accounting Accounting ACC 2541: Company ACC 2641 Introduction to From the two year two you took ETP 4521 Teaching modules
ACC 1541 Economics Financial Statement Cost and Management majors chosen at one at third year Practice ACM 4641 Accounting
Introduction to ECO 1641 Basic Economics Accounting year two you took level The two majors Methodology
Financial Macroeconomics ECO 2541 Accounting one at third year Accounting taken at year two ECM 4641 Economics
Accounting Business Intermediate ECO 2641 Intermediate level ACC 3641: Managerial will be taken as Methodology
Economics Management Microeconomics Macroeconomics Accounting Acc and Finance methodology BEM 4641 Business
ECO 1541 Basic BMA 1641 Functional Business Business Management ACC 3541: External Economics modules Economics Methodology
Microeconomics Areas of Business Management BMA 2641 Human Financial Acc. ECO 3641: The SA ACM 4541 Accounting One optional module
Business Management BMA 2541 Resource Management Economics Economy Methodology from:
Management Purchasing ECO 3541: Business ECM 4541 Economics SPE 4621 Sports Education
BMA 1541 Intro Management International Trade Management Methodology MCE 4621 Music Education
to Business and Finance BMA 3641 General BEM 4541 Business DME 4621 Drama in
Management Business Management Studies Methodology Education
Management SCL 4621 School
BMA 3541 Marketing Librarianship
Management RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 Psychology SFE 1621 Sociology SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521 ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
of Education of Education Education Education Sociology of Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
IEH 1521 History of EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy of ECT 2621 Psychology Education Education NB: Students with through portfolios
Education of Education Education of Education EHC 3521 History EMT 3621 ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ECS 1541 English ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation of ETL 2621 Preparation of Education Philosophy of 2661 are exempted CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory
Communication Skills Communication Skills Teaching Practice-Observation of Teaching Practice- ETL 3521 Education from ECT 4521 and Practice
Choose Economics Choose Economics Continue with the chosen Observation Preparation of ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
and one African and one African majors at year two Continue with the Teaching Preparation of Management year two will be taken as
Language Language Economics chosen majors at Strategies Teaching HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS methodology modules
Economics Economics ECO 2541 Intermediate year two ETL 3511 Practice- Education for Teachers ECM 4641 Economics
ECO 1541 Basic ECO 1641 Basic Microeconomics Economics Preparation of Observation ETP 4521 Teaching Methodology
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics And Isiswati ECO 2641 Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Practice ISM 4641 Methodology of
Isiswati And Isiswati ISW 2541 Meaning, Sounds, Intermediate Observation Computer The two majors taken Home Language: Isiswati
ISW 1541 ISW 1641 Words & Sentence Structure Macroeconomics and PSC 3521 Literacy at year two will be TVM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to ISW 2542 Orthography and Isiswati Computer Literacy ECO 3641: The taken as methodology Home Language: Tshivenda
Isiswati Grammar or Isiswati Literature or Terminology or ISW 2641 Origin & ECO 3541: SA Economy modules XIM 4641 Methodology of
Tshivenda Tshivenda Tshivenda Development of International ECM 4541 Economics Home Language: Xitsonga
TVE 1541 TVE 1641 TVE 2541 Advanced Study to Modern Literature or Trade and Finance Methodology NSM 4641 Methodology of
Introduction to Introduction to Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda ISM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Northern
Tshivenda Grammar Tshivenda Literature TVE 2542 Historical Linguistics TVE 2641 Advanced Home Language: Isiswati Sotho
or Xitsonga or Xitsonga and Semantics or Study of Tshivenda TVM 4541 Methodology of NMD 4641 Methodology of
XTS 1541 Xitsonga: XTS 1641 Xitsonga: Xitsonga Literature or Home Language: IsiNdebele
Introduction to Intro. to the Study of XTS 2541 A detailed study of Xitsonga Tshivenda One optional module
Grammar or Literature or Xitsonga Grammar XTS 2641 A Detailed XIM 4541 Methodology of from:
North Sotho North Sotho XTS 2542 Semantics, Historical Study of Xitsonga Home Language: SPE 4621 Sports Education
NSO 1541 NSO 1641 and Socio Linguistics or Literature or Xitsonga MCE 4621 Music Education
Introduction to Introduction to North Sotho North Sotho NSM 4541 Methodology DME 4621 Drama in
Northern Sotho Northern Sotho NSO 2541 An Advance Study to NSO 2641 An Advanced of Home Language: Education
Linguistics or Literature or Northern Sotho Grammar Study of Northern Northern Sotho SCL 4621 School
IsiNdebele IsiNdebele NSO 2542 Historical Linguistics Sotho Literature or NMD 4541 Methodology Librarianship
ISN 1541 ISN 1641 and Semantics or IsiNdebele of IsiNdebele RED 4621 Religious Education
Introduction to Introduction to IsiNdebele ISN 2641 Origin and
IsiNdebele Grammar IsiNdebele Literature ISN 2541 Meaning, Sound, Development of
Word and sentence structure traditional and modern
in IsiNdebele literature
ISN 2542 Orthography and
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 ECT 4521 English NB: All second semester
Psychology of Education of Education Education Education Psychology of Competence for Teachers modules are completed
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of Education NB: Students with ENG through portfolios
IEH 1521 History of of Education Philosophy of Education Education EMT 3621 2561 and ENG 2661 are ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
Education ECS 1642 English Education ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation Philosophy of exempted from ECT CTP 4621 Curriculum
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills ETL 2521 Teaching Practice- of Teaching Strategies Education 4521 Theory and Practice
Communication Choose Preparation of Observation ETL 3511Preparation ETL 3621 PSG 4521 School The two majors taken at
Skills Mathematics Teaching Practice- Continue with the of Teaching Practice- Preparation of Management year two will be taken
Choose and one of the Observation chosen majors at Observation Teaching Practice- HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS as methodology
Mathematics following Continue with the year two PSC 3521Computer Observation Education for Teachers modules
and one of the Mathematics chosen majors at Mathematics Literacy PSC 3621 Computer ETP 4521 Teaching ACM 4641 Accounting
following MAT 1641Integral year two MAT 2641 Real Analysis1 Accounting Literacy Practice Methodology
Mathematics Calculus Mathematics MAT 2642 Ordinary ACC 3541: External Accounting The two majors taken ECM 4641 Economics
MAT 1541 MAT 1642 MAT 2541 Linear Differential Equations Financial Acc. or ACC 3641: at year two will be Methodology
Mathematics Mathematics Algebra and Economics Managerial Acc and taken as methodology BEM 4641 Business
MAT 1542 Foundation II and MAT 2542 Advanced Accounting ECO 3541: Finance or modules Economics
Mathematics Accounting Calculus and ACC 2641 Introduction International Trade Economics ACM 4541 Accounting Methodology
and ACC 1641 Financial Accounting to Cost and and Finance or ECO 3641: The SA Methodology MAM 4641 Mathematics
Accounting Accounting or ACC 2541: Management Accounting Business Economy ECM 4541 Economics Methodology
ACC 1541 Economics Company Financial or Management or Methodology One optional module
Introduction to ECO 1641 Basic Statement or Economics BMA 3541 Marketing Business BEM 4541 Business from:
Financial Macroeconomics or Economics ECO 2641 Intermediate Management Management Economics Methodology SPE 4621 Sports Education
Accounting or Business ECO 2541 Macroeconomics or BMA 3641 General MAM 4541 Mathematics MCE 4621 Music Education
Economics Management Intermediate Business Management Methodology DME 4621 Drama in
ECO 1541 Basic BMA 1641 Functional Microeconomics or Management Education
Microeconomics or Areas of Business Business BMA 2641 Human SCL 4621 School
Business Management Management Resource Management Librarianship
Management BMA 2541 or RED 4621 Religious
BMA 1541 Intro to Purchasing Education
Business Management
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology ECT 4521 English NB: All second
Psychology of Education Education Education Education of Education Competence for semester modules
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology of EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy Teachers are completed
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education Education Education of Education NB: Students with through portfolios
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation of ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation ENG 2561 and ENG ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies of Teaching Practice- 2661 are exempted Practice
Communication Mathematics Observation Observation ETL 3511Preparation of Observation from ECT 4521 CTP 4621 Curriculum
Skills MAT 1641Integral Mathematics Mathematics Teaching Practice- PSC 3621 Computer PSG 4521 School Theory and Practice
Mathematics Calculus MAT 2541 Linear MAT 2641 Real Analysis1 Observation Literacy Management MAM 4641 Mathematics
MAT 1541 MAT 1642 Algebra MAT 2642 Ordinary PSC 3521Computer Psychology HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Methodology
Mathematics Mathematics MAT 2542 Advanced Differential Equations Literacy PSY 3611 Research Education for MLO 4641 Methodology
MAT 1542 Foundation II Calculus Psychology Psychology Project Practical Teachers of Life Orientation
Mathematics Psychology Psychology PSY 2641 PSY 3511 Practicum: (Qualitative and ETP 4521 Teaching One optional module
Psychology PSY 1641 Introduction PSY 2511 Research Psychopathology Basic Counselling Quantitative) Practice from:
PSY 1541 to Applied Psychology Proposal Writing PSY 2642 Introduction to Techniques PSY 3641 Psychological MAM 4541 SPE 4621 Sports
Introduction to Practical’s Social Psychology PSY 3541 Personality Assessment Mathematics Education
Psychology PSY 2541 Basic Theories PSY 3642 Research Methodology MCE 4621 Music
Research Methodology PSY 3542 Methodology MLO 4541 Education
PSY 2542 Human Psychotherapy Methodology of Life DME 4621 Drama in
Development Orientation Education
SCL 4621 School
RED 4621 Religious
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
E5.3.3. Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
The (PGCE) is a post graduate certificate in education. The programme prepares students who have
completed bachelor’s degrees. Students are restricted to a choice of two methodologies on the teaching
subjects that they studied in the bachelor’s degree. These are subjects taught at senior phase and Further
Education and Training (FET) band. Students with ENG 2561 and ENG 2661 are exempted from ECT
4621.Students with SOE 2521, PHE 2521, ECT2621, HDC 2621 are exempted from EPE 4521, ESE 4521,
EPS 4621 and EHE 4621
Admission Requirements
Students should be in possession of a recognized university degree. Students must have completed at least
24 credit points in one teaching subject and 36 credit points in another teaching subject at undergraduate
First semester
Core Modules
EPE 4521 Philosophy of Education
ESE 4521 Sociology of Education
ETL 4521 Teaching and Learning Strategies and Media
PSG 4521 School Management
PSC 4521 Computer Literacy
ECT 4521 English Competence for Teachers
HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Education for Teachers
Second semester
All PGCE students continue with the two methodologies as in first semester as follows:
▪ Students who have completed Education at year two, are exempted from Education modules
offered at PGCE level.
▪ Students who have completed English at year two are exempted from ECT 4521 English
Competence for Teachers.
The department of Professional studies offers the following modules to the following qualifications:
BEDFET/ PGCE : Bachelor of Education in Further Education and Teaching/ Post Graduate Certificate
in Education
The objective of the M.Ed (Science education) is to provide professional and scholarly training for
educational practitioners. The programme enables participants to develop professional skills through
core modules and a research project.
To provide professional and scholarly training for those Sciences, Mathematics or Technology
practitioners (the names used include and are not limited to Life Sciences; Natural Sciences, Physical
Sciences) who wish to combine course work with an area of applied research of direct interest and
relevance to their work, community or region.
Assessment: The degree is examined through course work and a research project.
Duration of study
The duration of study of the M.Ed (Science Education) is a minimum of two years full time and four years
Students must be in possession of a B.Ed Honours degree from a recognized university or an equivalent
qualification recognized by the Senate. The admission must fulfill the entry requirements as in the
general rules pertaining to the Master’s degree.
Credits: 240
Core modules
SME 6541 or Science Educational Research project
SME 6542 Mathematics Education Research project
SME 6543 Research methods in Science Education
SME 6645 or Curriculum Development in Science Education
SME 6646 Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education
SME 6544 Methods and techniques of Science Teaching and Learning
Elective modules
SME 6622 History and Philosophy of Science and Science Education
SME 6521 Science, Technology and Society
SME 6522 Primary Science Education
SME 6523 Primary Mathematics Education
SME 6648 Gender Issues in Science Education
SME 6623 Evaluation and Assessment Issues in Science/Maths Education
SME 6621 Independent Study-Science/Mathematics Education Seminar
SME 6524 Language and Medium of Instruction in Science
SME 6549 One Content Science Module
SME 6550 One Content Mathematics Module
Candidates are expected to take all core modules and to select two modules from the Electives based on
need and interest.
SED 6000
The M.ED (Science Education) is a one year full-time or two-year part-time degree programme. The
programme is designed especially for professionally qualified people who want to learn about applied
research methods, and conduct their own research project that can be relevant to their own teaching
situation. It is a strongly multi-disciplinary programme attracting teachers at all levels from across the
broad field of science and mathematics education who have an interest to improve the teaching and
learning of science, mathematics or technology and advance their career prospects.
SCD 6000
The MSc.Ed by research is a one year full-time or two-year part time degree programme. The programme
is designed especially for professionally qualified people who want to learn about applied research methods,
and conduct their own research project. It is a strongly multi-disciplinary course attracting students with
a sound science or mathematics background who have an interest in addressing factors which affect
the teaching and learning of science, both at tertiary and pre-tertiary level and to advance their career
prospects. A suitable research project from this programme would require expertise on the student’s part
in a recognized subject area in Science.
The course seeks to stimulate the development of analysis, theoretical and practical understanding and
competencies needed by those involved in educational innovation and consolidation, especially as critical
and constructive users of research as active researchers, as administrators or planners and as initiators or
agents of change.
To accredit the highly advanced and specialized professional study of an agent of science and mathematics
education in which the student demonstrates capacity for sustained, original research
Duration of study
The degree shall not be conferred unless the student has been registered as a student at the university for
at least two years of full time study or four years of part-time study. A student who has not obtained a
degree after four years of full time study or six years of part-time study will be allowed to register only by
special consent of the Senate.
A person shall not be admitted as a candidate for the PhD (Science Education) unless s/he holds the degree
of M.Ed (Science Education) or another equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate of the University.
Credits: 360
SED 7000 Science Education research dissertation
The National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE) is an interim national qualification for upgrading
currently underqualified school-based REQV 11 or 12 educators to the status of REQV 13.
REQV 12 educators will be exempted from 120 credits through credit exchange for qualifications they
already have. They will therefore have to do only 120 credits of the programme. REQV 11 educators will
first do 120 credits of the programme. They will then be assessed for the recognition of prior learning and
experience, and may be credited with up to 120 credits.
The table below indicates the modules available in the various phase/learning area specialisations in
Component Two. In Year Two of the programme, educators select a specialization. In most cases, modules
are stand alone, and not sequenced. However, in instances where one module must be studied after
another module in the series, they are coded sequentially; for example, Literacy 1 (LTC 201) precedes
Literacy 2 (LTC 202)
Modules for the additional 120 credits required to complete the NPDE programme
The module tables above represent the programme for 120 credits of the 240 credit NPDE - to be completed
over two years. Whereas REQV 12 educators are automatically given credit for the remaining 120 credits
of the NPDE, REQV 11 educators have to go through a process of assessment for recognition of prior
learning (RPL) in order to determine the number of credits of the remaining 120 they can be awarded. On
the basis of the results of the RPL assessment, REQV 11 educators may be required to study one or more
of the following modules:
Component Code /Phase Name of module Credits Level
One GMN 001 General mathematics and numeracy 12 4
ECM 001 English communication 12 5
Three ICM 201 Introduction to classroom management 12 4
IAS 201 Introduction to assessment 12 4
ITS 201 Introduction to teaching strategies 12 4
LAL 201 Learners and learning 12 4
Two Senior Phase
One or two modules in a learning area not 24 5
selected in year 2
LOI 201 Life Orientation 1 12 4
LOI 202 Life Orientation 2 12 5
LOI 201 Life Orientation 1 12 4
LOI 202 Life Orientation 2 12 5
ILC 201 Introduction to LLC for the intermediate 12 5
NIP 201 Introduction to Numeracy for the 12 4
intermediate phase
LIS 201 Life Skills 1 12 4
LIS 202 Life Skills 2 12 5
REC 201 Reception year 1 12 4
REC202 Reception year 2 12 5
First semester
ECD 1521 Child Development
ELS 1521 Life Skills Learning Programme
ENL 1521 Numeracy Learning Programme
ELL 1521 Literacy Learning Programme
Second Semester
ENM 1621 Managing the ECD Learning Programme
EHD 1621 Health and Nutrition in ECD
ETC 1621 Techniques for Teaching Young Children
ESR 1621 School Readiness
ETP 1621 Teaching Practice
First semester
ECD 4521 Child Development
BER 4521 Basic Educational Research
ELD 4521 Learners with Learning Difficulties
Second Semester
ECD 4621 Child Development
BER 4621 Basic Educational Research
ELD 4621 Learners with Learning Difficulties
First Semester
EPC 4521 Parental Consultation
EAV 4521 Assessment and Evaluation
Second Semester
HIV 4611 HIV and AIDS Education
ETS 4621 Teaching and Learning Techniques
This is a comprehensive four year undergraduate degree, which carries 480 credits. The programme
prepares teachers who will teach in the Foundation Phase (Grade R – 3).
The BEDTEF is a four year degree programme on full time basis.
Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted a candidate should meet any of the following requirements:
a) National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor and an average of 36%, with a minimum percentage
of 50 in English.
b) Old Senior Certificate (Matric) with exemption and an average symbol D (Standard Grade) or E (High
Grade) in English.
c) A senior certificate (SC) and completion of Level 5 in ECE and N6 in Edu care/ABET at Further Education
and Training (FET) college in a recognized field leading specializing in teaching subjects
Semester 1
IEH 1521 History of Education
EHD 1521 Psychology of Education
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills
EDH 1521 The Reception Year
ELF 1521 Life Skills Learning Programme
Semester 2
SFE 1621 Sociology of Education
EPH 1621 Philosophy of Education
ELL 1621 Literacy Learning Programme
EML 1621 Numeracy Learning Programme
ECS 1642 English Communication Skills
Semester 1
SOE 2521 Sociology of Education
Prerequisites SFE 1621
PHE 2521 Philosophy of Education
Prerequisites EPH 1621
ELF 2521 Life Skills Learning Programme
Prerequisites ELF 1521
ENM 2521 Numeracy Learning Programme
Prerequisites EML 1621
ETL 2521 Preparation for Teaching Practice- Observation
Semester 2
ECT 2621 Psychology of Education
Prerequisites EHD1521
HDC 2621 History of Education
Prerequisites IEH1521
ELL 2621 Literacy learning Programme
EDA 2621 Administration and Management
ETL 2621 Preparation for Teaching Practice- Observation
Semester 1
EHC 3521 History of Education
Prerequisites HDC 2621
ESP 3521 Sociology of Education
Prerequisites SOE 2521
ELF 3521 Life Skills Learning Programme
Prerequisites ELF2521
ENB 3521 Numeracy Learning Programme
Prerequisites ENM 2521
ELB 3521 Children with Learning Barriers
ETL 3521 Preparation for Teaching Practice- Observation
Semester 2
ETE 3621 Psychology of Education
Prerequisites ECT 2621
EMT 3621 Philosophy of Education
Prerequisites PHE 2521
ELL 3621 Literacy Learning Programme
ELD 3621 Children with Learning Barriers
ETL 3621 Preparation for Teaching Practice-Observation
PSC 3621 Computer Literacy
Semester 1
HIV 4521 HIV/ AIDS Education
EAT 4521 Art for Young Children
EDL 4521 Curriculum Development
PSG 4521 School Management
ETP 4521 Teaching Practice
Semester 2
All second semester modules are completed through portfolios
EDL 4621 Curriculum Development
EMU 4621 Music for Young Children
ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
Year 1 NQF level 5 Year 2 NQF level 6 Year 3 NQF level 7 Year 4 NQF level 8
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
EHD1521 SFE 1621 Sociology of SOE 2521 Sociology of HDC 2621 History of ESP 3521Sociology of ETE 3621 Psychology of HIV 4521 HIV/ AIDS EDL 4621 Curriculum
Psychology of Education Education Education Education Education Education Development
Education EPH 1621 Philosophy PHE 2521 Philosophy ECT 2621 Psychology EHC 3521 History of EMT 3621 Philosophy of EAT 4521 Art for EMU 4621Music for
IEH 1521 History of of Education of Education of Education Education Education Young Children Young Children
Education ECS 1642 English ETL 2521 Preparation ETL 2621 Preparation ETL 3521Preparation of ETL 3621 Preparation of EDL 4521Curriculum ETP 4621 Teaching
ECS 1541 English Communication Skills of Teaching Practice- of Teaching Practice- Teaching Strategies Teaching Practice- Development Practice
Communication ELL 1621 Literacy Observation Observation PSC 3521Computer Observation PSG 4521 School
Skills Learning Programme ELF 2521 Life Skills ELL 2621 Literacy Literacy PSC 3621 Computer Management
EDH 1521 The EML 1621 Numeracy Learning Programme learning Programme ELF 3521 Life Skills Literacy ETP 4521 Teaching
Reception Year Learning Programme Prerequisites ELF 1521 EDA 2621 Learning Programme ELL 3621 Literacy Practice
ELF 1521 ENM 2521Numeracy Administration and Prerequisites ELF2521 Learning Programme
Life Skills Learning Learning Programme Management ENB3521 Numeracy ELD 3621 Children with
Programme Prerequisites: Learning Programme Learning Barriers
EML 1621 Prerequisites ENM 2521
ELB3521 Children with
Learning Barriers
Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits = 120 Total credits for the
Qualification = 480
E5.4.4. Bachelor of Education Honours in Early Childhood Education [BEDHEC]
Semester 1
EDR 5521 Educational Research
EDT 5521 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies
EAM 5521 Administration and Management in Early Childhood Education
Semester 2
EDR 5621 Educational Research
ECD 5621 Child Development
ECS 5621 South African Early Childhood Education in Context
Semester 1
EEL 5521 Literacy Learning in Early Childhood Education
ELS 5521 Life Skills Learning in Early Childhood Education
ENL 5521 Numeracy Learning in Early Childhood Education
Year Module
EDU 5000 Research Project
Semester 1
Semester 1
EDR 5521 Educational Research
GTP 5521 Counseling Theory and Practice
GHD 5521 Human Growth and Development
Semester 2
EDR 5621 Educational Research
GVC 5621 Counseling Orphans and Vulnerable Children
GHD 5621 Human Growth and Development
Semester 1
GDM 5521 Developing and Managing Schools Guidance Programme
GCA 5521 Counseling Children and Adolescents
GCD 5521 Careers Counseling and Development
Year Module
EDU 5000 Research Project
ACM 4541 Methodology of Management Sciences: Accounting
ACM 4641 Methodology of Management Sciences: Accounting
ASM 4541 Methodology of Life Sciences: Agriculture
ASM 4641 Methodology of Life Sciences: Agriculture
BAT 101 Being a Teacher 12
BEM 4541 Methodology of Management Sciences: Business Economics
BEM 4641 Methodology of Management Sciences: Business Economics
BER 4521 Basic Educational Research
BER 4621 Basic Educational Research
CED 6641 Curriculum Development
CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory and Practice
CTP 4621 Curriculum Theory and Practice
DET 7000 Doctoral Dissertation
DME 4621 Drama in Education
DME 4621 Drama in Education
EAM 5521 Administration and Management in Early Childhood Education
EAT 4521 Art for Young Children
EAV 4521 Assessment and Evaluation
ECC 5521 Curriculum Design and Development
ECC 5621 Curriculum Design and Development
ECD 1521 Child Development
ECD 4521 Child Development
ECD 4620 Curriculum, Projection and Resource Development
ECD 4621 Child Development
ECD 5621 Child Development
ECD 7501 Curriculum Design & Development
ECE 7501 Curriculum Research & Evaluation
ECF 7501 Curriculum Foundations
ECM 7501 English communication 12
ECM 4541 Methodology of Management Sciences: Economics
ECM 4641 Methodology of Management Sciences: Economics
ECM 7501 Curriculum Management & Implementation
ECS 5621 South African Early Childhood Education in Context
ECT 2621 Psychology of Education
ECT 4521 English Competence for Teachers
ECT 7500 Thesis
EDA 2621 Administration and Management
EDA 5521 Law in Education
EDC 5521 Curriculum Management
EDE 5521 Curriculum Evaluation
EDF 4521 Financial Management in Education
EDF 5521 Financial Management in Education
EDH 1521 The Reception Year
EDL 4521 Curriculum Development
EDL 4621 Curriculum Development
EDL 5621 Educational Leadership
EDR 4521 Basic Educational Research
EDR 4621 Basic Educational Research
EDR 5521 Educational Research
EDR 5621 Educational Research
EDT 5521 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies
EDU 7000 Dissertation
EEE 4420 Ecology and the Environment
EEL 5521 Literacy Learning in Early Childhood Education
EFD 6540 Research Project
EFM 6541 Financial Management
EGP 4511 School Development and Governance
EHC 3521 History of Education
EHD 1521 Psychology of Education
EHD 1621 Health and Nutrition in ECD
EHE 4621 History of Education
EIE 4420 Environmental Crisis and Emerging Responses
ELB 3521 Children with Learning Barriers
ELD 3621 Children with Learning Barriers
ELD 4521 Learners with Learning Difficulties
ELD 4621 Learners with Learning Difficulties
ELE 4521 Law in Education
ELE 6641 Law in Education
ELF 1521 Life Skills Learning Programme
ELF 2521 Life Skills Learning Programme
ELF 3521 Life Skills Learning Programme
ELL 1521 Literacy Learning Programme
ELL 1621 Literacy Learning Programme
ELL 2621 Literacy learning Programme
ELL 3621 Literacy Learning Programme
ELM 4511 Language skills in School Leadership
ELS 1521 Life Skills Learning Programme
ELS 5521 Life Skills Learning in Early Childhood Education
EMA 4611 Educational Moderation
EML 1621 Numeracy Learning Programme
EML 4511 Management of Learning Programmes
EMP 4511 Leadership and Management
EMP 4620 Environmental Crisis and emerging responses
EMS 4611 Mentoring and Evaluation OR
EMT 3621 Philosophy of Education
EMU 4621 Music for Young Children
ENB 3521 Numeracy Learning Programme
ENL 1521 Numeracy Learning Programme
ENL 5521 Numeracy Learning in Early Childhood Education
ENM 1621 Managing the ECD Learning Programme
ENM 2521 Numeracy Learning Programme
ENM 4541 Methodology of First Additional Language: English
ENM 4641 Methodology of First Additional Language: English
EOF 4511 Management of Organizational systems, Physical and Financial Resources
EOF 4511 Management of Organizational systems, Physical and Financial Resources
EPA 4511 Assessment of Learning Outcomes OR
EPC 4521 Parental Consultation
EPE 4521 Philosophy of Education
EPH 1621 Philosophy of Education
EPM 4611 Management and Leadership Competence Portfolio
EPS 4621 Psychology of Education
ERM 6541 Educational Research Methods
ERM 6641 Educational Research Methods
ESA 4611 School Leadership and Management in the South African Context
ESE 4521 Sociology of Education
ESM 4611 Basic Computer Literacy for School Management
ESP 3521 Sociology of Education
ESR 1621 School Readiness
ETC 1621 Techniques for Teaching Young Children
ETE 3621 Psychology of Education
ETL 2521 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
ETL 2621 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
ETL 3511 Preparation of Teaching Practice-Observation
ETL 3521 Preparation for Teaching Practice- Observation
ETL 3621 Preparation for Teaching Practice-Observation
ETL 4521 Teaching and Learning Strategies and Media
ETL 4621 Teaching and Learning Strategies and Media
ETM 4611 Management of Teaching and Learning
ETP 1621 Teaching Practice
ETP 4521 Teaching Practice
ETP 4621 Teaching Practice
ETS 4621 Teaching and Learning Techniques
GBI 6541 Group Behaviour and Interpersonal Influence
GCA 5521 Counseling Children and Adolescents
GCD 5521 Careers Counseling and Development
GDM 5521 Developing and Managing Schools Guidance Programme
GEM 4541 Methodology of Social Sciences: Geography
GEM 4641 Methodology of Social Sciences: Geography
GHD 5521 Human Growth and Development
GHD 5621 Human Growth and Development
GMN 001 General mathematics and numeracy 12
GPR 101 Getting Practical 24
GTP 5521 Counseling Theory and Practice
GVC 5621 Counseling Orphans and Vulnerable Children
HDC 2621 History of Education
HER 4521 Human Resource Management in Education
HER 5521 Human Resource Management in Education
HIV 101 HIV and Aids for Educators 12
HIV 4521 HIV/AIDS Education for Teachers
HIV 4611 HIV and AIDS Education
HIV 4621 HIV/AIDS Education for Teachers
HIV 5621 HIV & AIDS Education for Teachers
HRM 6641 Human Resource Management
HSC 201 Human and social sciences in the classroom 12
HSM 4541 Methodology of Social Sciences: History
HSM 4641 Methodology of Social Sciences: History
HSS 201 Human and Social Sciences 1 12
HSS 202 Human and Social Sciences 2 12
IAS 201 Introduction to assessment 12
ICM 201 Introduction to classroom management 12
IEH 1521 History of Education
ILC 201 Introduction to LLC for the intermediate phase 12
ISM 4541 Methodology of Isiswati
ISM 4641 Methodology of Isiswati
ISN 4541 Methodology of Isindebele
ISN 4641 Methodology of Isindebele
ITS 201 Introduction to teaching strategies 12
LAL 201 Learners and learning 12
LIS 201 Life Skills 1 12
LIS 202 Life Skills 2 12
LLC 201 LLC for the Senior Phase 1 12
LLC 202 LLC for the Senior Phase 2 12
LLS 001 Language and learning skills 12
LOI 201 Life Orientation 1 12
LOI 202 Life Orientation 2 12
LTC 201 Literacy 1 12
LTC 202 Literacy 2 12
MAM 4541 Methodology of Mathematics
MAM 4641 Methodology of Mathematics
MAT 201 Mathematics 1 12
MAT 202 Mathematics 2 12
MCE 4621 Music Education
MCS 4541 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Chemistry
MCS 4641 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Chemistry
MDS 6000 Research Project
MIT 4541 Methodology of Information Technology
MIT 4641 Methodology of Information Technology
MLO 4541 Methodology of Life Orientation
MLO 4641 Methodology of Life Orientation
MLS 4541 Methodology of Life Sciences: Biology
MLS 4641 Methodology of Life Sciences: Biology
MPS 4541 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Physics
MPS 4641 Methodology of Natural Sciences: Physics
MUM 4541 Methodology of Arts and Culture: Music
MUM 4641 Methodology of Arts and Culture: Music
NIP 201 Introduction to Numeracy for the intermediate phase 12
NIP 201 Numeracy for the intermediate phase 12
NMC 201 Numeracy 1 12
NMC 202 Numeracy 2
NMD 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Isindebele
NMD 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Isindebele
NSC 201 Natural Sciences 1 12
NSC 202 Natural Sciences 2 12
NSM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Northern Sotho
NSM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Northern Sotho
NTS 201 Natural sciences in the classroom 12
ORB 4521 Organisational Behaviour
ORB 5521 Organizational Behaviour
ORB 6541 Organizational Management and Leadership
PCD 6541 Curriculum Design
PCD 6641 Curriculum Design
PCE 6541 Curriculum Evaluation
PCE 6641 Curriculum Evaluation
PCM 6541 Curriculum Management
PHE 2521 Philosophy of Education
PME 6541 Project Management in Education
PSC 3521 Computer Literacy
PSC 3621 Computer Literacy
PSC 4521 Computer Literacy
PSG 4521 School Management
PSG 4621 School Management
REC 201 Reception year 1 12
REC202 Reception year 2 12
RED 4621 Religious Education
REP 5000 Research Project.
SCD 6000 Science Education
SCL 4621 School Librarianship
SCM 4621 School Management
SED 6000 Science Education
SFE 1621 Sociology of Education
SFE 1621 Sociology of Education
SGO 4621 School Governance
SGO 5521 School Governance
SME 6521 Science, Technology and Society
SME 6522 Primary Science Education
SME 6523 Primary Mathematics Education
SME 6524 Language and Medium of Instruction in Science
SME 6541 or Science educational Research project
SME 6542 Mathematics Education Research project
SME 6543 Research methods in Science Education
SME 6544 Methods and techniques of Science Teaching and Learning
SME 6549 One Content Science Module
SME 6550 One Content Mathematics Module
SME 6621 Independent study-Science/Mathematics Education Seminar
SME 6622 History and Philosophy of Science and Science Education
SME 6623 Evaluation and Assessment Issues in Science/Maths Education
SME 6645 or Curriculum Development in Science Education
SME 6646 Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education
SME 6648 Gender Issues in Science Education
SOE 2521 Sociology of Education
SPE 4621 Sports Education
SSU 101 School Support 12
TLL 201 LLC for the intermediate phase 12
TVM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Tshivenda
TVM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Tshivenda
XIM 4541 Methodology of Home Language: Xitsonga
XIM 4641 Methodology of Home Language: Xitsonga
This module equips students with knowledge and skills that help learners to develop their languages
for communications. The content of Literacy Learning Programme 2621 includes: Literacy teaching in
the Foundation Phase, different concepts in Literacy, the importance of teaching literacy in the
Foundation Phase, interconnectedness of the basic language skills, teaching reading, writing and
vocabulary, theories of Home language acquisition, theories of Second Language acquisition, factors
that influence learners ability to acquire the additional language, the roles of the teacher, methods used
in EFAL teaching, lesson planning and assessment.
The primary aim of the module is to introduce the student-teacher to the basic concepts of Curriculum
Development for Early Childhood Education. Student teacher learn how to implement curriculum that
is thoughtfully planned, challenging, engaging, developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically
responsive, comprehensive, and likely to promote positive outcomes for all young children. Policies on
Children’s rights and legislation are studies. Curriculum is adapted for those who are ahead as well as
those who need additional help. Teachers recognize that children's different backgrounds and
experiences mean that they do not learn the same things at the same time in the same way. Student
–teachers gain insight into planning and implementing assessment that is developmentally appropriate
and culturally, linguistically responsive to preschoolers and primary grade children. They gain insight in
effective program evaluation and accountability.
The school as a formal organization: Defining organizations; Characterization of
formal/bureaucratic organization; the school as formal organization; the school as an informal
organization; Characterization of informal organizations; the informal/hidden functioning of the school.
The School Curriculum: The official/formal school curriculum: Definition of school curriculum;
Structural Functionalist theory on school curriculum; Nature/structure of the formal school curriculum;
the teaching and learning of official school curriculum. The hidden school curriculum:
Meaning/Definition of hidden/informal school curriculum; Structural Marxists theory on the working of
the hidden school curriculum. Culture and learning: Culture and socialization; Primary and secondary
socialization; Distinction of home and school cultures; the influence of home culture on learning.
Teacher-typifications and school achievement: David Hargreaves’ definition of the ideal type of
learner; Nell Keddie’s concept of streaming; Utility of Hargreaves and Keddie to South African
classrooms; Implications of ideal type and streaming on education
EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING: Using direct instruction as a teaching strategy; using
discussion as a teaching strategy; Using small group work as a teaching strategy; using cooperative
learning as a teaching strategy; and using problem solving as a teaching strategy
Organize a file system in email; Create and Delete email messages; Add attachments to email
messages; Open email attachments; Choose which attachments to open; Forward email messages;
Send email messages to more than one contact; Choose a suitable search engine and use that search
engine to find information; Save information after searching for it; Evaluate valid web sites; Avoid fraud
and inappropriate sites; Do research using the internet; Download photos from the Internet; Open
Microsoft Word and (a) Create a simple document in Word, (b) Insert photos and clip art in Word, (c)
Understand file-management: save and retrieve a documents; Edit photos using Microsoft Paint;
Download photos from cameras/cell phones/ websites; Use Microsoft Excel; Use Microsoft Publisher;
Use Microsoft Power Point; Start a program; Switching between programs. UNIT 3 PRACTICAL
APPLICATION OF COMPUTER LITERACY IN EDUCATION: The student is required to compile a portfolio
containing at least three different tasks to show case their practical use of computer literacy skills in
the context of education.
LITERACY IN EDUCATION: The student is required to compile a portfolio containing at least three
different tasks to show case their practical use of computer literacy skills in the context of education.
Understanding HIV and AIDS: HIV and the Immune System; origin and transmission of HIV. The
difference between HIV and AIDS. Symptoms related to infection by HIV; Prevention and control of
HIV infection and AIDS; Myths about transmission, symptoms and prevention. Living with HIV and
AIDS: Impact of HIV infection on the individual and the affected. Acceptance and Caring for people
living with HIV and AIDS. Dealing with stigma about HIV/AIDS; Testing; Life style and; Basic Counseling
HIV/AIDS policy for schools: National Policy on HIV/AIDS for learners and educators in Public
schools, and students and educators in Further Education and Training Institutions; Roles and
responsibilities of educators in schools; Referral places.
BEM 4541 is a one semester module with 12 credit value. It is designed for students studying Business
Studies methodology. The module consists of 12 units which cover a general introduction about the
curriculum teaching as a profession of which Business Studies methodology is a part, objectives of
Business Studies, emphasizing CAPS Curriculum, learning theories, preparation of the work schedule
and lesson plan, different teaching methods, teaching skills, assessment methods, learning skills and
educational/instructional media in the teaching of Business Studies. The study guide has been
developed with local examples suitable for South African students.
HSM 4541 is a one semester module with 12 credit value. It is designed for students studying History
methodology. The module covers a general introduction about the curriculum teaching as a profession
of which History methodology is a part, objectives of History, emphasizing CAPS Curriculum, learning
theories, preparation of the work schedule and lesson plan, different teaching methods, teaching skills,
assessment methods, learning skills and educational/instructional media in the teaching of History.
UNIT 1: Overview of the teaching of Information Technology, this starts with an introduction to motives
to teaching, then exemplary Information Technology teachers leading how to observe lessons. UNIT2:
The theoretical underpinning of Information Technology. Looking at Information Technology as a
discipline and Information Technology as a subject. Why do we teach Information Technology? What
are the domains of teaching thrusts? Planning: work scheduling and lesson plans. UNIT 3 Issues in
the teaching and learning of Information Technology, constructivism is considered and other
approaches like learning styles and the Information processing model with regard to learning
Information Technology are considered. UNIT 4 Information Technology outside the classroom: Field
trips, tours etc. there is an integration of excursions, field trips, educational tours in a virtual and
physical modes. With the proliferation of digital interactivity and the issue of having problems based
on difficulties with the actual educational tours, digital could be better in some instances and hence
introduced to the student teachers. UNIT 5 Computer laboratory experiences and assessment, goals
of laboratory experience, school laboratory safety. Practical Solution Development using the Java or
Delphi Programming Language, which involves the use of computer software programs to solve real-
life problems. Here we also have, physical and digital manipulatives being used. Computer simulations
are used in addition to computer laboratory equipment and experimentation. Curriculum and
Assessment Policy Statement for Information Technology is used throughout the module. UNIT 6
Recent developments in information technology and teaching relevant to Information Technology
teaching. Aspects of technology that lead to greater teaching and learning are handled in this unit. It
is infused into the others. It takes place all the time and it changes depending on what is new.
Examples of these include use of social networks like WhatsApp, Facebook; Google docs; Skype etc.
The module prepares the student to teach Information Technology in different conditions.
educational tours in a virtual and physical modes. With the proliferation of digital interactivity and the
issue of having problems based on difficulties with the actual educational tours, digital could be better
in some instances and hence introduced to the student teachers. UNIT 5 Laboratory experiences and
assessment, goals of laboratory experience, school laboratory safety. Here we also have, physical and
digital manipulatives being used. Computer simulations are used in addition to laboratory equipment
and experimentation. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Physical sciences is used
throughout the module. UNIT 6 Recent developments in technology and teaching relevant to physical
sciences teaching. Aspects of technology that lead to greater teaching and learning are handled in this
unit. It is infused into the others. It takes place all the time and it changes depending on what is new.
Examples of these include use of social networks like WhatsApp, Facebook; Google docs; Skype etc.
The module prepares the student to teach physical sciences in different conditions.
dza Tsumbamaitele. Mveledziso ya Phothofolio. Ngudo ṱhukhu dza u funza (Minete ya fumi
nga ngudo):
Understanding HIV and AIDS:
National Policy on HIV/AIDS for learners and educators in Public schools at Further Education and
Training Teaching, and students and educators in Further Education and Training Institutions; Roles
and responsibilities of educators in schools; Referral places.
SPE4621 is a one semester module with 12 credit value. It is designed for students who are taking
teaching as a profession and are in their final year of BED or in PGCE. The course is designed to expose
student teachers to various sporting codes. It is conducted during second semester. CONTENT: Seven
principles of intramural sports: Involvement: getting involved in intramural sports; Participation: proving
equitable opportunities for participation; Fair play: ensuring for play in a competitive spots atmosphere;
Sportsmanship: promoting sportsmanlike behavior among participants, opponents, spectators and
staff; Organization: providing organization and structure for teams and participants; Safety: ensuring
the safety to participants, patrons and staff; Facilities maintenance: maintaining quality recreational
facilities for the community.
are given a portfolio exam equivalent which is submitted at the end of the year. The following topics
are covered: Who is a student teacher and teacher; his or her qualities. Who is a lecturer? What
is expected of him or her qualities? Group work as a teaching and learning strategy: develop
ground rules on group work for lecture room and individual groups. Terminology on English as a
Second Language for example: first language or Home language (L1), second language (L2) or
English First Additional language (EFAL); language acquisition and learning, differences between
acquisition of L1 and L2, BICS and CALP. Different theories and their proponents, approaches to
teaching, learning and assessment. Behaviourist: Thorndike, Skinner, Pavlov. Cognitive theories: Piaget,
Socio cultural theory: Vygotsky and Discovery Learning: Jerome Bruner the relativist, positivist and
contextualist approaches to teaching learning and assessment and SLA theories: Stephen Krashen’s
five hypotheses. Stages of Second Language Acquisition (SLA): What the learner is able to do,
how the teacher can support the learner in language acquisition. The silent phase, speech emergence
stage, fluency stage and advanced stage. Curriculum and assessment Policy Statement (CAPS)
document: English First Additional Language (EFAL) Grades 10-12. The relationship between (CAPS)
and English Language teaching. Multi-grade teaching. Lesson planning: designing a work schedule
and lesson plan template. Effective lesson design and delivery: What the teacher needs to know. What
is a lesson? Lesson planning and presentation on the following: Develop and present lesson plans for:
Listening and speaking, Speaking and presentation: oral activities, Reading process: for
comprehensions, writing process: Language structures and conventions: teaching grammar. Lesson
plans on literature: Poetry, short story, drama and novels, the writing process, Assessment and
guidelines: How to go about it. How to design questions and answers at different levels of the Bloom’s
MIT4641 is a second semester module. The module is designed to espouse students to Information
Technology in a practical way. The student is able to use the knowledge gained in MIT4541 to use it
for teaching and learning, for producing a portfolio that show the students’ growth in the ability to
express what s/he has learnt in a practical way. The module develops and enhances the student’s
repertoire of knowledge and skills in the teaching and learning of Information Technology in a practical
way at schools.
develops and enhances the student’s repertoire of knowledge and skills in the teaching and learning of
Xitsonga in a practical way at schools.
Introduction, Working Definition of leadership, management and administration, Trait and behavioural
theories of leadership, Behavioural style theory, Situational Theories, From Transactional to Charismatic
Leadership. MOVE TOWARDS SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT. Introduction, Relationship
between change and leadership in education, Understanding the nature of educational leadership,
Educational leadership and management debate revisited, Evolving conceptions of school leadership:-
Instructional leadership, Laissez-faire leadership, Contingency leadership, Transactional leadership,
Shared leadership andTransformational leadership. THIS MODULE INTRODUCE STUDENT
Introduction, Searching for leadership for SBM, What is successful school leadership?, Multifaceted
leadership for SBM, School Leadership dimension, School Leadership perspectives, School Leadership
practices, Approaches to school leadership practices, School leadership vision, School context,
Influences as the binding force and Instructional programme
Introduction to Human Development theories: Freud’s psychosexual theory; Erikson’s psychosocial
theory; Piaget’s cognitive theory, Vygotsky sociocultural theory, Gesell’s maturational theory, Kohlberg’s
moral development theory, Parenting styles and their educational implications. Gender. Self-Concept
and its impact on schooling. Attachment. Discipline problems and their causes. Educating Exceptional
Learners. Assessment criteria: Assignments and Tests.
Career Development: Basis Concepts and Application; Definition of and scope of career development;
Definition of counseling and support services; Objectives of Career Counseling and Career
Development. Elements of career counseling and guidance: Self-awareness of interests, values,
personal styles and abilities; Provision of job related information; Decision making process; career
management. Perspectives in Career Decisions and Career Choice: Trait and Factor Theory; A
Sociological Perspective. Career Development Theories: Theory of Work Adjustment; Holland's
Theory of Career Development; Theory of Circumscription and Compromise; Social Cognitive Theory.