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BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

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Natural intelligence and the ‘economy’ of social emotions: A connection

with AI sentiment analysis
Jorge Navarro a, *, Pedro C. Marijuán b
Grupo de Decisión Multicriterio Zaragoza (GDMZ), Faculty of Economics, University of Zaragoza, 50006, Zaragoza, Spain
Independent Scholar Affiliated to Bioinformation Group, Aragon Health Science Research Institute (IIS Aragon), Zaragoza, Spain


Keywords: By approaching the concept of Natural Intelligence a new path may be open in a variety of theoretical and
Natural intelligence applied problems on social emotions. There is no doubt that intelligence emerges as a biological/informational
Life cycle phenomenon, although paradoxically a consistent elaboration of that concept has been missing. Regarding
Social emotions
emotions, they have been keeping an unclear status, being often restricted to the anthropological or to etho­
Circumplex model
Sentiment analysis
logical approaches closer to the behaviorist paradigm. Herein we propose a different track, centered in the life
cycle advancement. The life cycle in its integrity becomes the nucleus of natural intelligence’s informational
processes, including the consistent expression of emotions along the maximization of fitness occasions. In human
societies, the overall ‘economy’ of social emotions is manifest, showing up in the conspicuous interplay between
bonding processes and different classes of social emotions. The essential link between natural intelligence,
emotions, and the life cycle of individuals may harmonize with current progresses – and blind spots – of artificial
intelligence fields such as ‘sentiment analysis.’

1. Introduction: Approaching natural intelligence different multidisciplinary syntheses among a plurality of new fields that
have progressively emerged along the biomolecular and computer rev­
One way to initially approach natural intelligence in its relationship olution of recent decades: evolutionary epistemology, autogenesis,
with social emotions could be placing a contraposition between the two autopoiesis, bioinformation, biological cognition, biocybernetics, bio­
kinds of intelligence: natural and artificial. In this contraposition, semiosis, natural computation, bioinformatics, biocomputing, bioengi­
emotions appear as one of the fundamental components of natural in­ neering, synthetic biology, systems biology, and so on. Different
telligence, but at the same time they constitute one of the most cherished synthetic views about some of these fields may be found in (Armitage
targets of socially applied artificial intelligence—the core of the et al., 2005; Corning, 2020; Marijuán, 2002; Marijuán and Navarro,
“attention economy (Lanham, 2006). In our approach to social emotions 2022; Perez Velazquez, 2009; Shklovskiy-Kordi and Igamberdiev, 2022;
from the point of view of the former, we will largely benefit of recent Slijepcevic, 2018; Timsit and Grégoire, 2021; van Duijn, 2017). Let us
biological achievements, trying to translate into the human societies a note that the term intelligence frequently appears in these works,
consistent conceptualization based on the cellular life-cycle’s intercep­ referred to information processing and often extended to cells, multi­
tion of information flows. We will show that our informational nature of cellulars, plants, nervous systems, swarms, and animal societies (Calvo,
composite “cellular individuals” involves a parsimonious deployment of 2016; Gershenson, 2021; Solé et al., 2019; Trewavas, 2017). But the
emotions in the individual achievement of fitness within the social conceptual panorama is far from coherent. Indeed, intelligence partici­
milieu. The challenge is how to establish a compact narrative that might pates of the conceptual difficulties of a series of deeply related concepts
lead, so to speak, from living cell-cycles to behaving animal brains and such as information, meaning, value, and knowledge. In fact, whatever
human individuals within social structures. That’s precisely the central the field, the concept becomes unassailable, and counts like its germane
goal of this work. information with multiple pragmatic definitions – too many of them! –
Let us clarify first what we mean by the rather infrequent term of related to the traditional fields in which it has been applied: psychology,
‘natural intelligence.’ It may be ascertained, or better intuited, via social science, cognitive science, computer science, etc.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jnavarrol@unizar.es (J. Navarro).

Received 8 August 2023; Received in revised form 21 September 2023; Accepted 21 September 2023
Available online 22 September 2023
0303-2647/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

Pragmatically, intelligence means the ability to flexibly use different of the patterns and coalition patterns that trigger off our social emotions.
tools in the pursuit of some adaptive goals in a changing environment. In It is an idea that can also be related to the emergence of human
the field of AI, as indicated by its pioneers (McCarthy et al., 1955), the “ultrasociality” (Turchin, 2016). The basic or primary emotions
interest on intelligence was just pragmatic. They were interested in involved in processes of strong bonding, as well as the secondary emo­
automatic computers, language programming, neural networks, tions involved in intergroup cooperation and weak bonding, would be
complexity measurement, abstraction processing, randomness, and systematically co-opted for the emergence and structural consolidation
creativity. Very soon, however, the success of this venture lead to the of ultrasociality. There seems to be a global interrelationship of new
"cognitive revolution," which proposed a hexagon of disciplines focused bonding processes and appearance of new social emotions, crystallized
on human cognition and artificial intelligence: linguistics, neuroscience, in very different cultures, social structures, and institutions.
artificial intelligence, philosophy, anthropology, and psychology. Any Summing up at the Conclusions Section, and closing the conceptual
biological connections were disregarded; it was a separate kind of in­ circle, the whole case of social emotions will be reconsidered in the light
telligence, only anthropocentric and computational. of the dichotomy between natural intelligence and artificial intelli­
Nevertheless, as one of the present authors argued long ago, in the gence—and their contemporary collision in ‘sentiment analysis’.
early 1980s, the exclusively formal, computer-based schemes of expert
and logical systems, perceptrons, neural networks, parallel processing, 2. The fundamental unit of natural intelligence
etc., were far from sufficient. Previously, a reflection on the general
phenomenon of intelligence in nature was needed, also taking distances It is important that we clarify the origins of biological/natural in­
from too anthropocentric approaches in psychology or from telligence and its cellular ‘fundamental unit’, which is necessary to set
behaviorism-oriented ethology. These ideas were developed as a PhD up a consistent rationale along the evolutionary process. In other words,
thesis: "Natural Intelligence: The Evolution of Biological Information Pro­ there appears a ‘prehistory’ of intelligence – and of emotions –which
cessing" (Marijuán, 1989). To make a long story short, the scheme of this undoubtedly is cellular. Its evolutionary development provides a deep
work was oriented bottom-up, from enzymes as basic processors (mo­ sense and cogency to the social emotions approach.
lecular automata), coupled with memory banks (nucleic acids), to the
informational-intellective scheme of living cells; going then to multi­ 2.1. The cellular life cycle
cellularity, to the emergence of nervous systems, and to fundamentals of
intelligence based on neural processing; ending with an approach to Cellular systems (even the simplest ones, prokaryotes) purport an
crucial aspects of social intelligence. The commonality of features amazing information design. The living cell is a system that constructs
among highly different, but hierarchically interrelated, forms of intel­ itself from environmental material according to an internal blueprint
ligence was dubbed as ‘natural intelligence’ (Marijuán, 1989). This that is separate from the constructive system itself (following von
approach pointed to some fundamentals of cellular, neural, and social Neumann’s self-reproducing automata). All external substances used for
collective intelligence that, overall, would continue to be applicable and self-construction are systematically detected and identified by a dedi­
of some theoretical interest, also facilitating the connection with social cated apparatus, the signaling system; then they are selectively imported
emotions. into the cytoplasm in order to extract their free energy along the ensuing
Properly establishing the core of natural intelligence is too complex a metabolic pathways. So, metaphorically speaking, ‘reading’ the envi­
multidisciplinary task. Just trying to model or simulate in AI grounds ronment affordances becomes prior to ‘eating’ them. Or more conven­
some of its multifarious capabilities does not seem to conduce to the core tionally, the high-energy, highly valuable energy flows apportioning the
problems (Bryson, 2015; Gershenson, 2021). Herein, in order to connect materials needed for self-production will be anticipated, detected, and
with social emotions, we will make a detour around a series of ideas that captured by means of the faster and cheaper communication flows
establish a workable scheme of natural intelligence. It will start, in tended with the surrounding environment via the cellular signaling
Section 2, with the cellular world, taking prokaryotic intelligence as the system. Recent discoveries in prokaryotic cellular signaling systems
‘fundamental unit (Armitage et al., 2005; Marijuán et al., 2010). An have evidenced new important details of this sophisticate relational
essential point will be advanced: the primacy of the cellular life cycle (life phenomenon (Galperin, 2005; Grigoroudis et al., 2007; Ulrich et al.,
story, life course) as the main subject of evolutionary information pro­ 2005). What has been called the “1-2-3 Component Systems” scheme (as
cessing and adaptation (Minelli, 2015). Analyzing the behavioral de­ coined by Jorge Navarro in (Marijuán et al., 2010) has opened new
velopments of the cell and its interception of information flows, we will views on a variety of themes related to the cellular integration of
find a curious simile of, say, ‘molecular emotions’ at the level of gene signaling with metabolism and gene transcription—the core of biolog­
expression—around the functional hierarchy of sigma factors. Parallel ical intelligence.
considerations around the life cycle of multicellular organisms will An important aspect, looking at the way the bacterium E. coli – the
guide in our analysis of the adaptive information-processing role of most traditional biomolecular model system – organizes its gene tran­
nervous systems. We will register the appearance of true emotions along scription processes, is that a few general states strongly orientate the
the evolution of nervous systems, and we will also consider the opti­ whole activities: favorable growth conditions, thermal and osmotic
mality or ‘economy’ principles of neuronal information processing stresses, starvation, lack of iron, etc. A few “sigma” factors take care of
(Friston, 2012; Tozzi et al., 2017)—not to forget that it was Santiago responding to such specific conditions. In E. coli there are 7 different
Ramón y Cajal (1899) who first proposed ‘principles of economy’ in “sigmas”, which are respectively known by their weigh in kDalton. They
nervous system anatomy and physiology. link RNA polymerases to transcription factors and gene promoters. One
Previous to the discussion in depth of the human emotional of them, Sigma 70, which is constitutively expressed, correlates with
endowment, in Section 3 we will focus on the stringent social adaptation favorable growth conditions, and promotes generic translation of
of our species – the ‘niche’ structure of our own sociality – what can be around 40% of the genome; the other sigma factors directly promote the
called the human “sociotype”, and the influence that the different expression of around one hundred genes or less. They may cover
relational domains therein would have on our own arrangement of so­ desiccation, starvation, iron presence, sporulation, SOS system, etc. In
cial emotions (Marijuán et al., 2017, 2019). Then, in Section 4, we will all cases, these sigma factors are carefully controlled: anti-sigma pro­
approach the Cartesian diagram of emotions, the circumplex model, teins and anti-anti-sigma proteins take care of detecting specific state
which represents valence and activation (POSNER et al., 2005; Russell, variables that determine their gene expression (Gama-Castro et al.,
1980; Russell and Barrett, 1999); other classifications of emotions will 2016; Karp et al., 2007; Salgado et al., 2013).
be revised but, rather than emphasizing the making of longer and longer Let us emphasize that the sigma factors’ role in the bacterial life cycle
all-encompassing emotion lists, we will propose the systematic analysis parallels the role of emotions in central nervous systems—propitiating a

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

complete reorientation of cellular behavior by switching towards 2.2. Complex multicellular organisms: emergence of new forms of
another aggregate of molecular pathways which are more favorable for biological intelligence
the advancement of the life cycle.
If we focus on this continuous relationship with the environment, the The different types of intelligence that have evolved in eukaryotic
adaptive responses that the cell synthesizes may now be contemplated cells, multicellular organisms, fungi, plants, animals, etc. would not
under the prism of what the signal ‘invisibly’ conveys—its meaning. depart from the basic phenomenology of prokaryotes: their intellective
Meaning emerges from the cell’s capability to self-modify its structures mechanisms are always in the service of advancing the life cycle. New
in response to external signals, and to inner changes as well. We may powerful developments such as symbiosis, signal expansion, cell cycle
state that the meaning of a signal is what is fabricated ad hoc by the modularity, differentiation, epigenesis, and the ontogenetic develop­
receiver cell, essentially via its signaling system and the coupled protein ment of metazoans did conduce to evolutionary scenarios of uncanny
synthesis. This is a universal trait maintained in all the kingdoms of life. complexity. Eukaryotic cells developed new tools to control the possible
Thus, we advocate the centrality of the cellular signaling system as paths of the now far more complex life cycle. It becomes in Borges’
the genuine source of biological semiosis along the evolutionary process terms, “the garden of the forking paths” (Borges, 1941). Now, the
(Marijuán et al., 2018). It is the capability of responding to external functional equivalents of sigma factors are the cellular “checkpoints”,
signals, changing the own structure via the relatively ‘blind’ where fundamental internal and external pieces of information converge
self-production mechanisms, what supports the evolution of more to take the great decisions of a life cycle, which has now become
advanced interactions and communicative exchanges—including ‘mo­ extremely more complex: growth, maintenance, arrest, reproduction,
lecular languages and all sort of intercellular codes. A cluster of concepts differentiation, specialized function, apoptosis … All these complex
tightly associated with information and meaning, such as memory, checkpoints represent genuine “pattern recognition” devices the mission
value, and knowledge, all of them integrated within the whole of bio­ of which is to maintain or to transform the trajectory of the eukaryotic
logical intelligence, may be suitably approached along this way of cell cycle along its most appropriate path. See Fig. 1.
thinking (Marijuán and Navarro, 2022; Navarro and Marijuán, 2022). As supracellular organisms come forward, endowed with multiple
Let us emphasize that while we have described the foundations of tissues playing a collective problem-solving game, they are still based on
cellular intelligence, we have also found a ‘protoemotional’ system the signaling system capabilities of individual cells and their malleable
capable of dramatically redirecting the ongoing cellular life cycle to­ life cycles. The nervous system is a case in point. It appears as a special
wards its most adaptive course. electro-molecular tissue capable of orchestrating a new way of ‘top­
odynamic’ information processing, providing the body with instant
fitness assessment based on increasing varieties of information acquisi­
tion (Tozzi et al., 2017). Electricity, ad hoc molecules, and topological
mappings become the basic tools of this advanced form of biological

Fig. 1. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic life cycles: A comparative is drawn between prokaryotic sigma factors (fanning red lines in the center of the figure) and
eukaryotic checkpoints (represented as dotted signs along the different phases of the life cycle).

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

intelligence. The evolution of neuronal intelligence has kept pace with larger and larger groups. Some prior conceptualizations in evolutionary
the progressive complication and refinement of these nested information anthropology and evolutionary psychology would be in order.
flows across the hierarchy levels of organization (Wurtz, 2021). From
diffuse neural networks, to ganglia, to cords, to cerebroids, and to the • The “social brain”. We have evolved our big brains to cooperate,
central nervous systems of vertebrates, what we see is an informational compete, and communicate in large, but close-knit, "natural groups".
crescendo culminating in advanced mammals and anthropoids where There seems to be an average of social networking, with rather ample
individuals may be organized not only into ecosystem-based dispersed upper and lower limits, concerning the number and types of bonding
networks, but also into coherently bonded societies. relationships that an individual can maintain meaningfully. The
Adaptability defines and sets the scope of natural intelligence. Suc­ empirical finding of networking regularities such as the famous
cessful adaptive action, which leads an organism and its genetic partners “Dunbar’s number” (150–200 individual acquaintances) would
in the pursuit of long-term fitness, becomes the litmus test for any make evolutionary and anthropological sense (Dunbar, 2004, 2007).
intelligent behavior. No matter how complex neural processes operate in These findings, integrated within the “social brain hypothesis”,
complex organisms, they must always serve to drive the life cycle ahead, which was originally known as the Machiavellian intelligence hy­
to maximize the organism’s fitness. However, what could be the inner pothesis (Whiten and Byrne, 1988, Whiten and Byrne, 1989), show
equivalent of fitness maximization within this new neuronal realm? A an ample clutch on the roots of human sociality and the origins of
general principle of free energy minimization among the coupled language. Essentially, this social brain hypothesis has posited that, in
neuronal discharges has been postulated, irrespective of the multipli­ primate societies, selection has favored larger brains and more
cation of mappings, localizations, and neurotransmitters, in order to complex cognitive capabilities as a mean to directly cope with the
organize adaptive behavior (Friston, 2012). An early approach to challenges of social life (Allman, 1999; Silk, 2007). Subsequently, the
knowledge automation within central nervous systems, based on en­ overall cortical conformation and capacity of our species, vastly
tropy minimization, was already proposed by Kenneth Paul Collins enlarged regarding other Anthropoidea, would sustain the high
(Collins, 1991; Collins and Marijuán, 1997). number of bonds that, comparatively, human individuals can
Once these complex nervous systems are at work with their sophis­ maintain meaningfully within their oversized groups.
ticate and ultrafast information processing, the open-ended detection of • The “Sociotype”. As a result of the functioning of our social brain,
events coupled with the internal states and the action possibilities all despite all the existing cultural diversity, there is a great similarity of
must be integrated to appropriately pursue the fitness occasions. Re­ social relationships that has evolutionary roots (‘descended from our
flexes, proto-emotions, and emotions are an essential part of the whole genes’). The sociotype would represent our adaptive sociality, a
integrative process. The implementation mechanisms developed along relational whole consisting of a few characteristic sectors in nowa­
the evolution of nervous systems basically go from relatively simple days societies: close family and kin circles, friends, work colleagues,
“fixed detection-action patterns” to more articulate “flexible” ones, and and general acquaintances (Marijuán et al., 2017, 2019; Navarro
finally to elaborate “perception-action-reference superstructures” et al., 2022). In the same way that there is scientific consensus on the
(Csany, 1988). It could remind the complexity jump we have found at validity of the genotype and phenotype constructs for the human
the cellular level from sigma factors to cellular checkpoints. As a result species, notwithstanding their respective degrees of variability, a
of the different pattern recognition devices, either fixed or flexible or sociotype metrics could also be developed applying to the relative
superstructural, a battery of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and constancy of the social environment to which the individuals of our
neurohormones with different time scales and providing a variable species would be evolutionarily adapted. The empirical quest by the
interconnection among the different cortical areas and basal structures authors has shown relational results that are relatively similar, and
would have the capability to suspend the ongoing minimization pro­ not far away from Dunbar’s number in most cases, but with relevant
cesses and focus on the pursuit of the detected new fitness occasions. differences (Ji, 2017; Marijuán et al., 2019). There is also a more
We call ‘emotions’ to these processing superimpositions that inter­ holistic interpretation of the sociotype covering the influence of
rupt the secondary and enforce the fundamental, always to establish the cultural backgrounds with a special focus in the individual’s mental
non-negotiable primacy of the life cycle. Then, the parallel with pro­ and physical health (Berry and De Geest, 2012; Berry, 2011). We
karyotic sigma factors and eukaryotic checkpoints seems appropriate: need instinctive responses to achieve individual adaptation to the
the ongoing life cycle recalibrates its inner processes and explores a new, different kinds of groups, to achieve and maintain our own socio­
more favorable trajectory for the sake of its own advancement. That’s type—and to achieve some level of collective "social intelligence"
the overall mission of the whole mechanisms of natural intelligence: the both intragroup and intergroup (Henrich, 2016). And we also need
maximization of fitness occasions, inclusively understood. the reflective capabilities of the conscious mind, as outlined by V.A.
Researchers who have worked on the interplay between rationality Lefebvre regarding the use of language for social communication and
and emotions in the human case would not be too far from this idea on information interaction (Igamberdiev, 2023).
the emotions’ role of extending the information processing of life cycles • Social emotions. In a first approach to social emotions, we may
towards the most adaptive directions (Arbib and Fellous, 2004; Dam­ consider that the ’big six’ emotions traditionally discussed by theo­
asio, 1994; Kahneman, 2011; Panksepp, 2015). Cogent rationality re­ rists (Barrett, 2006; Ekman, 1992, 1999) are the most important in
quires emotional support, guidance, and regulation (Koole, 2009). So to terms of their facial and bodily expressions (sadness, happiness, fear,
speak, being a sort of closed ‘formal’ processing system, the conscious anger, surprise, and disgust), but this does not mean they are most
reflective mind (Igamberdiev, 2023) needs to receive its processing common or significant in our daily lives within the different social
goals and evaluations from afar. environments or in online communication. Rather we may find more
The pertinence of this natural intelligence approach to emotions, often a series of dual sentiments and emotional reactions linked to
now assuming all the complexity of human brain evolution and the group situations such as: exclusion vs. inclusion, sympathy vs. an­
interrelated social scenarios, will be addressed in the next Section. tipathy, admiration vs. envy, reward vs. punishment, irritability vs.
calmness, excitement vs. composure, etc. We will consider some of
3. The social environment of human emotions these conditions in Section 4, within the new framework we are
exploring for social emotions. Further, current AI works on sentiment
The linguistic ability of human species has led our societies down a analysis via lexicons are trying to analyze some of these dual re­
whole new path. The role of emotions, or better of the newfangled actions, regularly processing them via different procedures (Turón
“social emotions”, in the context of extended sociality, or even “ultra­ et al., 2023). The interrelationship of social networks texts with
sociality” (Turchin, 2016), is now mediated by linguistic exchanges in

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

emotions is also an essential matter for commercial platforms Another relevant model to consider is due to Robert Plutchik (Plut­
(Zuboff, 2019). chik, 1980), known as the “emotion wheel”, with eight primary emo­
tions grouped on positive versus negative influences and capable of
Too many open questions remain. Among them: How social emotions combining to form emotional dyads and triads. This model has been
relate with the making and breaking of social bonds (and, particularly, followed by many professionals and counselors on personality disorders
with what kinds of social bonds)? How social emotions could be and self-improvement. But many other lists and classifications have also
analyzed and classified in their relationship with different types of social been developed, and the number of emotions listed has been steadily
situations? How different emotions may get mixed and combined within increasing as well as their possible combinations (Parrott, 2001). For
successive combinatory levels? How prolonged sentiments and social instance, six axes of emotions each one with another six gradual ranges
moods may be established, detected, and changed upon entire com­ give a total of 36 emotions (Kort et al., 2001), and the Book of Human
munities? Some aspects of these questions will be discussed in the two Emotions contains a total of 154 emotions and sentiments identifiable in
Sections that follow. different cultures (Watt Smith, 2021). It is interesting that Ekman’s big
six emotions were later complemented with another 16 by his research
4. Reference frames for social emotions collaborators (Ekman, 1999), most of them social and not necessarily
expressed in facial muscles.
4.1. Representations of emotions Actually, one of the main problems of emotion theorists, at least for
the research linked to commercial platforms, is not the compilation of
The discussion on a new frame of reference for these ‘small’ but possible emotion lists, but trying to establish a solid emotional under­
frequent social emotions in daily life is one of the aims of our approach. pinning for the most frequent social situations of daily life, either in front
To begin with a general scheme, the well-known Cartesian emotion di­ of a screen or in face-to-face relationships or in group contexts. Brute
agram (POSNER et al., 2005; Russell, 1980; Russell and Barrett, 1999), force approaches based on big data are useful for direct marketing
the “circumplex model” counts with valence and arousal as the two purposes but not enough for developing a coherent perspective on
fundamental dimensions of emotional space. See Fig. 2. This model has emotions. As a revealing instance, laughter and crying, so basic
the advantage of placing several emotions in very appropriate places emotional states in human close-knit groups and respectively funda­
relative to each other. Actually, numerous graphical mappings of emo­ mental for supporting the creation of social bonds and for mitigating
tions have been derived from that model, often introducing a third their destruction (Marijuan and Navarro, 2010; Navarro et al., 2014,
dimension which usually is either approach/avoidance or time. The 2016), are still missing in almost all compilations of emotions. This
model may also provide a visual understanding of emotional trajectories absence tells us that relational aspects of importance might not be well
when the valence and activation coordinates of subjects are changed solved yet in conventional approaches to emotion. The enigmatic role of
according to the evolution of mental states. Further, the subject’s laughter along all the stages of human life seems to consist in an indirect
persistence in some emotional state would be tantamount to a perma­ but highly efficient tool for bond-making via synaptic reinforcement
nent displacement of the origin of coordinates so that more – or less – (Navarro et al., 2016). Intriguingly, laughter appears as a “proto-­
activation would be needed comparatively, or that a bigger – or smaller phenomenon” of our ontogenetic sociality.
– increment would be needed regarding valence. The permanence in According to the previous sections, what natural intelligence would
time of some emotional states is often considered as an instance of suggest us is the need of looking closely to the human life cycle (or
‘sentiment’, at least in the way AI sentiment analysis is currently prac­ better, the life course), searching for the systemic equivalents of cellular
ticed, as will be discussed later. “sigma factors” and “checkpoints”, it is to say, the fixed and flexible

Fig. 2. The circumplex model: This Cartesian representation (arousal vs. valence) includes the eight basic/primary emotions mentioned in the main text (Section 5),
in red, and another eight secondary emotions (in italics).

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

detection-patterns and the superstructural patterns already mentioned bonding – primary – or the others of interindividual nature – secondary –
that are able to agitate our processing resources and reorient our more related to our enlarged prosocial inclination.
cognitive mechanisms by means of emotional tools along the life course. And there is also the very important ultrasociality phenomenon (iv).
An additional idea that the sociotype may convey is that our funda­ Historically, we have embarked in collective identities of highly variable
mental adaptation is to a very rich and structured social environment. nature and size. New determinants such as commonality (unity) vs.
So, we must try to synthesize what could be the main structural and individualism (discord), freedom (tolerance) vs. oppression (intoler­
superstructural patterns triggering our panoply of emotions in the ance), and equality (fairness, justice) vs. inequality (unfairness, injus­
adjustment to a very complex social environment—with remarkable tice) represent further important dimensions or patterning axes to
differences along the life course, and with respect to gender, social allocate our emotional responses regarding collective identities. It
location, cultures, etc. somehow echoes the classical political slogan of “Liberté, Égalité,
Fraternité.” But evolutionarily, the timing of history for this ultrasocial
4.2. Sociality different scenarios phenomenon has been too short. Quite probably, utrasociality has been
using the emotional resources already present in Homo sapiens. So, it
Trying to separate different emotional domains pertaining to the would have co-opted a mixing of basic and secondary emotions in the
main relational scenarios of our species, as sketched in the sociotype, we emergence and maintenance of the new social structures—particularly
might distinguish the following modalities: (i) survival and self- conveyed by means of political, religious, and cultural developments.
maintenance; (ii) sex and family nucleus; (iii) friends, colleagues, and However, like in the case of reading (Dehaene, 2009) it might well be
general acquaintances; and (iv) ultrasociality & collective identities. that the socialization process of individuals, their ‘education’, provokes
Concerning the survival and self-maintenance drivers, (i) they would the emergence of genuine new emotions derived from the combinatorics
be served by the basic emotions, whatever number we may consider. among previous emotional reactions, with reactions such as: elation,
(For instance, Ekman’s six basic ones: sadness, happiness, fear, anger, admiration, awe, adhesion, synchronization, togetherness; as well as
surprise, and disgust.) And concerning sex, marriage, and family life, (ii) rejection, hostility, xenophobia …
they would also be covered by these basic emotions but also by some In any event, our emotional minds are not organized in watertight
new specific emotions linked to strong bonding processes, ‘almost’ compartments. The presence of the previous interindividual axes con­
exclusively human (for instance: love, affection, lust, play, laughter, tinues to be inevitable in this new ultrasocial domain too, as is the
curiosity). These six plus six could be considered as our ‘primary’ emo­ presence of the basic patterns and emotional reactions related to the
tions for strong bonding. close friends and family circle. So, it would be very frequent the over­
Then, we could put together another sector of the sociotype, lapping and conflict between opposing emotional occurrences. Dis­
‘friends’, which is somehow intermediate between the nuclear relations playing these conflicts and showing how they can – or cannot – be solved
and the work colleagues and general acquaintances, considering all of is the bread and butter of many an artistic discipline (Booker, 2004), and
them together under the label of ‘interindividual’ (iii). In this interin­ the real substrate of personal wisdom in our social lives. It is in the
dividual domain we have the instinct to make social bonds of weaker ultrasocial domain where these conflicts appear more recurrently, given
nature, more numerous and malleable, implying frequent inclusions/ the easy recourse to primary emotions—the appeal to brotherhood or to
exclusions. In this domain of weak bonds, we must maintain our repu­ hatred, or the use of fear as a means of mass control. The emotional
tation and personal image, we must cooperate to achieve our best in­ mismatch between relational domains is currently amplified in social
terests with occasional conflicts with other individuals, and we networks, where the inimical, offensive forms of primary emotions often
instinctively abide by stringent relational rules, even at very early ages substitute for the civilized relationships of weak bonds.
(Tomasello, 2019). This is the genuine territory where Trivers’ moral­ Summing up, this approach to social emotions based on natural in­
istic emotions are deployed as spontaneous behavioral strategies in the telligence and our social nature proposes a different kind of exploration.
reciprocity game (Pinker, 2009; Trivers, 1985). Another six ‘secondary’ We do not think, at the time being, that a detailed listing of prosocial
emotions would appear, say, in parallel to those primary emotions just emotions taken in isolation would be feasible, or even interesting. Our
mentioned for strong bonding. We would find for weak bonds: resent­ alternative – complementary– approach based in the detection of
ment, liking, gratitude, sympathy, guilt, and shame. In this point we patterning axes associated to the different relational domains, rather
should remind the important difference in social science between strong than being in opposition to Artificial Intelligence fields, could be
bonds and weak bonds, and the centrality of the latter in the establish­ developed in a fruitful cooperation with them. The basic ideas on
ment of commercial and economic activities (Granovetter, 1973). Weak Sentiment Analysis in next Section could provide some inkling on how to
bonds and their associated emotions would be the main support of ci­ contribute meaningfully, in an empirical way, to refine and develop the
vility. So, we can establish an interesting correspondence of bonds with present suggestions.
emotions: primary and secondary emotions would respectively be in
charge of creating and maintaining strong bonds and weak bonds. 5. Emotions in AI: sentiment analysis
In this interindividual scenario, we propose that in an analogy with
the tridimensional approaches of the circumplex model, there would Emotions have never been alien in AI. Despite the first wave of
appear tree highly frequent distinctional or ‘patterning axes’ for the pragmatic and rationalistic approaches, emotions and emotion-metrics
triggering of the emotions, precisely where most group conflicts arise. were incorporated to AI relatively soon. From the rudimentary “sen­
They would consist of: trust (cooperation) vs. mistrust (conflict); supe­ tometers” of Manfred Clynes in the 1980s (Clynes, 1988), representa­
riority (arrogance) vs. inferiority (humiliation); and inclusion (accep­ tives of the new wave to come, to the “affective computing” research
tance) vs. exclusion (rejection), which is highly significant in many cases headed by Rosalind Picard in the 1990s (Picard, 1997). Later on, with
where being marginalized in a group is tantamount to have really bleak the growing business interest about the “attention economy”, different
a future. And an additional condition to consider relates to cognitive emotion-detection systems and patents were issued by Facebook,
distance, familiar (close) vs. unfamiliar (distant), which is highly rele­ Affectiva, Emoshape, and others, including the design of specific mi­
vant concerning our ‘automatic’ minimization processing and the sub­ crochips (Zuboff, 2019). An important referent was Eksman’s “big six”
sequent emotional response to the colligated patterns present in these basic emotions, which became 16 in Facebook research. One of the main
previous axes (Collins, 1991; Collins and Marijuán, 1997). Thereafter, orientations was towards automatic visual detection of emotions in
the respective coordinates of the different patterns in this multidimen­ images as well as the identification of multiple emotional combinatorics.
sional space, appropriately transformed by the ‘familiar’ vs. ‘unfamiliar’ In another direction, Alex Pentland’s “sociometers” were addressed to
condition, would call into action different emotions, either of strong cover important metrics on social relationships: interactions, bonding

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

processes, real hierarchies, etc.—a sociotype of sorts easily measurable 6. Concluding comments
via data from ad hoc wearables and mobiles (Pentland, 2014). Further,
the boom of social networks, with their enormous trail of images, videos, Whatever the domain of life, it is the advancement of the life cycle
and texts, has promoted new types of AI approaches. One of them, what guides the informational interaction with the environment. We
sentiment analysis, is the research link we take as a potential way to may consider in a general way that emotions are the inner forces that
connect natural intelligence with artificial intelligence regarding social manipulate the ongoing behavioral (or genetico-molecular) trajectory of
emotions (purposively, we leave aside the ‘black box’ approaches of the biological system so that the new fitness opportunities in the envi­
machine learning, so fashionables in the new open AI language ‘chat’ ronment may be properly realized along the life course.
systems). Natural intelligence should study the organization of the “informa­
Sentiment analysis is based on natural language processing. For each tion flow” subtended with the environment, as well as the inner pro­
text of natural language (after its ‘cleaning’ and normalization) a global cessing resources involved. The molecular tricks inherent in sigma
sentiment vector is processed, composed of multiple paragraphs. In each factors, in eukaryotic checkpoints, or in the neuronal circuits of fixed,
paragraph there is a count of the number of words associated with each flexible, or superstructural perception-action patterns, become all of
basic emotion, taken from an ad hoc lexicon, obtaining the percentage of them ad hoc instances of (biological) natural intelligence.
words associated with each emotion. The lexicon is a list of English In the approach to social emotions, we want to remark the research
words (or of other languages) with their associations with basic emo­ interest of the sociotype. Indeed, the genotype and phenotype constructs
tions (often eight basic emotions are considered: anger, fear, anticipa­ for the human species, notwithstanding their respective degrees of
tion, trust, surprise, sadness, joy, and disgust). With each word there are variability, could well be accompanied by a sociotype metrics, repre­
two associated ‘sentiments’ (either negative or positive valence), or more senting the relative constancy of the basic social environment to which
values in a larger gradation. Next, from the values of the sentiment the individuals of our species would be evolutionarily adapted.
vector – the valence of the paragraphs – and the way emotions are The differentiated relational domains within the sociotype are
distributed in the text, an overall statistical assessment may be obtained. important for a more nuanced approach to social emotions. We should
Besides this emotional counting, there appears a valence or sentiment emphasize our distinction between primary emotions for the closest
trajectory along the text, which is a plot of the variation of the emotional relational circle (‘strong bonds’), secondary emotions for the interindi­
valence with respect to the narrative time. It is a trajectory graph quite vidual relationships (‘weak bonds’), and finally some hypothetical ter­
revealing about the overall intentionality and mood of the text. tiary emotions for the ultrasocial domain. Overall, there is design
elegance, a manifest economy, in the evolutionary correspondence be­
5.1. Relationship with natural intelligence views tween groups of emotions and social bonding classes.
Then, as a research strategy, rather than looking for more sophisti­
Thereafter, looking for a fruitful interconnection of sentiment anal­ cate emotion classifications, or for more and more enlarged lists, we
ysis methodologies with natural intelligence, what should matter is the have pointed at the contextual patterns guiding our social-emotional
possibility of detecting not just the emotions directly in collections of adjustment. The interindividual and ultrasocial patterning axes herein
texts, the overall valence, or the trajectory plot, but to distil contextual proposed are just educated guesses, but via sentiment analysis bootstrap
patterns that may trigger the different emotions. It forms part of the big we could start to materialize the dialectical interrelationship contexts/
problem of ‘context’, plagued with semantic traps for whatever auto­ emotions. Thereafter, the refining of classifications and the enlarging of
mated analysis. The six patterning axes we have previously identified, emotion lists could be contemplated and developed in a new light.
three for interindividual cases and another three for collective identities, Our final approach to sentiment analysis within current artificial
could be tentatively approached via some of the new bootstrapping and intelligence has shown that there might be an effective and efficient
subject classifier methods coupled with deep learning. connection between research programs of the two branches of intelli­
In order to facilitate this kind of AI exploration a parsimonious stance gence—there is enough research potential to apply the muscle of AI to
is needed. Perhaps, in the same way that “groups shape emotions” and social emotions and their triggering circumstances. Natural intelligence
“emotions shape groups” (van Kleef and Fischer, 2016), we may state versus artificial intelligence: what was separated should be reunited.
that “contexts shape emotions” and “emotions shape contexts”. This
dialectics may be realized via sentiment analysis models endowed with Data availability statements
adequate lexicons where emotion-laden words create contexts (which
become identified as patterns), and the presence of the contextual pat­ The authors report no associated data.
terns helps to recognize further emotional words. Lexicons should be
built with more inner complexity, each word projected initially to all the Declaration of competing interest
(three or six) axes present, with a more complex valence gradation, and
somehow making a reinforcing link with the other emotional words The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
present in the sentence or paragraph. It is a bootstrapping methodology interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
to be designed and implemented via NLP and sentiment analysis. To the work reported in this paper.
start with, simpler models related to each patterning-axis polarity could
be developed. Acknowledgements
In sum, the fast advancement of these new fields of sentiment anal­
ysis, opinion mining, affective computing, and emotional AI, as well as This research is partially funded (JNL) by ‘Grupo Decisión Multi­
their multiple applications in social media, marketing, health care, so­ criterio Zaragoza’ research group (S35-20R) and the project ‘Partic­
cial surveys, political forecasting, etc., although rather distant from the ipación Ciudadana Cognitiva y Decisiones Públicas. Aplicaciones
views herein advocated, could also represent a degree of opportunity for Sociosanitarias’ (Ref. LMP35_21), both supported by grants from the
the advancement of new kinds of research on social emotions … Regional Government of Aragon and FEDER funds; and also by the
Whether the future applications of AI may transcend the present “age of Project "Codecisión Cognitiva y Colaborativa. Aplicaciones en Salud"
surveillance capitalism” (Zuboff, 2019) or not, may also depend on the (Ref.: PID 2022-139863OB-I00), supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia
relevance of the counterpoised research. e Innovación (Spain).

J. Navarro and P.C. Marijuán BioSystems 233 (2023) 105039

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Review Jurnal

Judul Natural intelligence and the ‘economy’ of social emotions: A

connection with AI sentiment analysis

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Volume & Halaman Volume biosystem 233 10539 halaman 1-8

Tahun 2023
Penulis Jorge NavarroA,*, Pedro C. Marijuá nB
Nama Azarine devina ningrum
NIM F100230082
Tanggal 20 oktober 2023
Abstrak dengan mendekati konsep Kecerdasan Alami, sebuah jalan baru mungkin terbuka dalam berbagai permasalahan
teoretis dan terapan tentang emosi sosial. Tidak ada keraguan bahwa kecerdasan muncul sebagai fenomena
biologis/informasional, meskipun secara paradoks tidak ada penjabaran yang konsisten mengenai konsep tersebut.
Mengenai emosi, statusnya tidak jelas, sering kali dibatasi pada pendekatan antropologis atau etologis yang lebih
dekat dengan paradigma behavioris. Di sini kami mengusulkan jalur yang berbeda, berpusat pada kemajuan siklus
hidup. Siklus hidup dalam integritasnya menjadi inti dari proses informasi kecerdasan alami, termasuk ekspresi
emosi yang konsisten sepanjang pemaksimalan kesempatan kebugaran. Dalam masyarakat manusia, keseluruhan
'ekonomi' emosi sosial terwujud, terlihat dalam interaksi yang mencolok antara proses ikatan dan berbagai kelas

Pengantar 1. Pendahuluan: Mendekati kecerdasan alamiah

Salah satu cara untuk mendekati kecerdasan alami dalam hubungannya dengan emosi sosial adalah dengan
menempatkan kontrasposisi antara dua jenis kecerdasan: alami dan buatan. Dalam kontradiksi ini, emosi muncul
sebagai salah satu komponen mendasar dari kecerdasan alami, namun pada saat yang sama emosi merupakan salah
satu target yang paling dihargai dari kecerdasan buatan yang diterapkan secara sosial—inti dari “ekonomi
perhatian” (attention economy). Lanham, 2006). Dalam pendekatan kita terhadap emosi sosial dari sudut pandang
yang pertama, kita akan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari pencapaian biologis baru-baru ini, dengan mencoba
menerjemahkan ke dalam masyarakat manusia sebuah konseptualisasi yang konsisten berdasarkan intersepsi arus
informasi dalam siklus hidup seluler. Kami akan menunjukkan bahwa sifat informasional kita sebagai “individu
seluler” gabungan melibatkan penyebaran emosi yang pelit dalam pencapaian kebugaran individu dalam
lingkungan sosial. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana membangun sebuah narasi kompak yang dapat mengarah pada
siklus sel hidup hingga perilaku otak hewan dan individu manusia dalam struktur sosial. Itulah tepatnya tujuan
utama dari pekerjaan ini.

Mari kita perjelas terlebih dahulu apa yang kami maksud dengan istilah 'kecerdasan alami' yang jarang digunakan. Hal ini dapat
dipastikan, atau lebih baik diinisiasi, melalui

sintesis multidisiplin yang berbeda di antara sejumlah bidang baru yang secara progresif muncul seiring dengan
revolusi biomolekuler dan komputer beberapa dekade terakhir: epistemologi evolusioner, autogenesis, autopoiesis,
bioinformasi, kognisi biologis, biosibernetika, biosemiosis, komputasi alami, bioinformatika, biokomputasi,
bioteknologi, biologi sintetik , biologi sistem, dan sebagainya. Pandangan sintetik yang berbeda tentang beberapa
bidang ini dapat ditemukan di (Armitage dkk., 2005; Corning, 2020;Ganja, 2002;Ganja dan Navarro, 2022;Perez
Velasquez, 2009; Shklovskiy-Kordi dan Igamberdiev, 2022; Slijepcevic, 2018;Timsit dan Gré goire, 2021;van Duijn,
2017). Mari kita perhatikan bahwa istilah kecerdasan sering muncul dalam karya-karya ini, mengacu pada
pemrosesan informasi dan sering kali diperluas ke sel, multiseluler, tumbuhan, sistem saraf, kawanan, dan
masyarakat hewan (Kalvo, 2016; Gershenson, 2021;Solé dkk., 2019;Trewavas, 2017). Namun panorama
konseptualnya jauh dari koheren. Memang, kecerdasan berpartisipasi dalam kesulitan konseptual dari serangkaian
konsep yang sangat terkait seperti informasi, makna, nilai, dan pengetahuan. Faktanya, apa pun bidangnya, konsep
tersebut menjadi tidak dapat disangkal, dan dianggap sebagai informasi yang erat dengan berbagai definisi
pragmatis – terlalu banyak! – terkait dengan bidang tradisional yang menerapkannya: psikologi, ilmu sosial, ilmu
kognitif, ilmu komputer, dll.

mencari interkoneksi yang bermanfaat antara metodologi analisis sentimen dengan kecerdasan alami, yang penting
Pembahasan adalah kemungkinan mendeteksi tidak hanya emosi secara langsung dalam kumpulan teks, keseluruhan valensi,
atau alur lintasan, namun juga menyaring pola kontekstual yang mungkin memicu emosi. emosi yang berbeda. Ini
merupakan bagian dari masalah besar 'konteks', yang dipenuhi dengan jebakan semantik untuk analisis otomatis
apa pun. Enam sumbu pola yang telah kami identifikasi sebelumnya, tiga untuk kasus antarindividu dan tiga lainnya
untuk identitas kolektif, dapat didekati secara sementara melalui beberapa metode bootstrap dan pengklasifikasi
subjek baru yang dipadukan dengan pembelajaran mendalam.

Untuk memfasilitasi eksplorasi AI semacam ini, diperlukan sikap pelit. Mungkin, dengan cara yang sama seperti “kelompok membentuk
emosi” dan “emosi membentuk kelompok” (van Kleef dan Fischer, 2016), kita dapat menyatakan bahwa “konteks membentuk emosi”
dan “emosi membentuk konteks”. Dialektika ini dapat diwujudkan melalui model analisis sentimen yang dilengkapi dengan leksikon
yang memadai di mana kata-kata yang sarat emosi menciptakan konteks (yang kemudian diidentifikasi sebagai pola), dan kehadiran
pola kontekstual membantu mengenali kata-kata emosional lebih lanjut. Leksikon harus dibangun dengan lebih banyak kompleksitas
batin, setiap kata diproyeksikan pada awalnya ke semua (tiga atau enam) sumbu yang ada, dengan gradasi valensi yang lebih kompleks,
dan entah bagaimana membuat hubungan yang memperkuat dengan kata-kata emosional lainnya yang ada dalam kalimat atau
paragraf. Ini adalah metodologi bootstrap yang dirancang dan diimplementasikan melalui NLP dan analisis sentimen. Untuk
memulainya, model sederhana yang terkait dengan setiap polaritas sumbu pola dapat dikembangkan.

Singkatnya, kemajuan pesat bidang baru analisis sentimen, penambangan opini, komputasi afektif, dan AI
emosional, serta berbagai penerapannya di media sosial, pemasaran, layanan kesehatan, survei sosial, perkiraan
politik, dll., meskipun agak Berbeda dengan pandangan- pandangan yang dikemukakan di sini, hal ini juga dapat
mewakili sejumlah peluang bagi kemajuan penelitian jenis baru mengenai emosi sosial... Apakah penerapan AI di
masa depan dapat melampaui “zaman kapitalisme pengawasan” saat ini (Zuboff, 2019) atau tidak, mungkin juga
bergantung pada relevansi penelitian yang diimbangi.

kemajuan siklus hiduplah yang memandu interaksi informasi dengan lingkungan. Kita dapat mempertimbangkan
Simpulan secara umum bahwa emosi adalah kekuatan batin yang memanipulasi lintasan perilaku (atau genetiko-molekuler)
sistem biologis yang sedang berlangsung sehingga peluang kesesuaian baru dalam lingkungan dapat terwujud
dengan baik sepanjang perjalanan hidup.

Kecerdasan alami harus mempelajari pengorganisasian “aliran informasi” yang dikombinasikan dengan lingkungan,
serta sumber daya pemrosesan internal yang terlibat. Trik molekuler yang melekat dalam faktor sigma, dalam pos
pemeriksaan eukariotik, atau dalam sirkuit saraf dari pola tindakan persepsi yang tetap, fleksibel, atau
suprastruktural, semuanya menjadi contoh ad hoc dari kecerdasan alami (biologis).

Dalam pendekatan terhadap emosi sosial, kami ingin memperhatikan minat penelitian terhadap
sosiotipe. Memang benar, konstruksi genotipe dan fenotipe spesies manusia, terlepas dari tingkat
variabilitasnya masing-masing, dapat disertai dengan metrik sosiotipe, yang mewakili keteguhan
relatif dari lingkungan sosial dasar di mana individu-individu spesies kita akan beradaptasi secara

Domain relasional yang berbeda dalam sosiotipe penting untuk pendekatan yang lebih bernuansa
terhadap emosi sosial. Kita harus menekankan perbedaan antara emosi primer untuk lingkaran
relasional terdekat ('ikatan kuat'), emosi sekunder untuk hubungan antarindividu ('ikatan lemah'),
dan akhirnya beberapa emosi tersier hipotetis untuk domain ultrasosial. Secara keseluruhan, ada
keanggunan desain, sebuah nyataekonomi, dalam korespondensi evolusioner antara kelompok emosi
dan kelas ikatan sosial.

Kemudian, sebagai strategi penelitian, daripada mencari klasifikasi emosi yang lebih canggih, atau
daftar yang lebih luas, kami telah menunjuk pada pola kontekstual yang memandu penyesuaian
sosial- emosional kami. Sumbu pola antarindividu dan ultrasosial yang diusulkan di sini hanyalah
tebakan, namun melalui bootstrap analisis sentimen kita dapat mulai mewujudkan konteks/emosi
keterhubungan dialektis. Setelah itu, penyempurnaan klasifikasi dan perluasan daftar emosi dapat
direnungkan dan dikembangkan dengan cara baru.

Pendekatan terakhir kami terhadap analisis sentimen dalam kecerdasan buatan saat ini telah menunjukkan bahwa
mungkin ada hubungan yang efektif dan efisien antara program penelitian dari dua cabang kecerdasan tersebut—
ada cukup potensi penelitian untuk menerapkan kekuatan AI pada emosi sosial dan keadaan pemicunya.
Kecerdasan alami versus kecerdasan buatan: apa yang dipisahkan harus dipersatukan kembali.
Kelebihan jurnal ini sangat lengkap dan memudahkan pembaca membuat riview
Kekurangan Ada beberapa kata/istilah yang jarang diketahuioleh pembaca
awam,dan juga paragraph yang terlalu panjang
Social and
Procedia - SocialProcedia - SocialSciences
and Behavioral and Behavioral Sciences
30 (2011) 2562 –00 (2011) 000–000


Social Psychology at the Royal School of St Elizabeth in Madrid

Beatriz Comella Gutiérrez a *
Facultad de Educación UNED, Senda del Rey,7 28040 Madrid (Spain)


This paper presents the major ideas on social psychology at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th at the Royal
School of St Elizabeth (Real Colegio de Santa Isabel) in Madrid. First of all, the school reflects the different social strata: pupils
from the upper and lower classes. Secondly, within the framework of a predominantly Christian culture, the interest in universal
education was manifested in providing free education to the more disadvantaged pupils in Madrid at that time. It was a society
that respected the social strata, projecting differential psychology of diverse characteristics depending on the social class. The
pupils from the upper class received the type of education that reflected their social status, while the curriculum for the lower
class reflected their own social status. These differences were mitigated as the culture gave rise to a global social psychology
whose exponent is the school presented here.
© 2011
PublishedbybyElsevier Ltd.Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and
Keywords: social psichology, social clesses, differential psycology.

The Royal School of St Elizabeth in Madrid is one of the oldest schools in the capital of Spain, which is
still in existence today. It was founded by Philip II of Spain in 1592 as an orphanage and run by the Augustinian
Recollect nuns, who lived in the nearby convent, until 1649 when it passed into the hands of lay teachers. In 1863
the school was entrusted to the Daughters of Mary Escolapias congregation until 1876 (Sánchez Hernández, 1997,

The Assumptionist nuns took over the School in 1876 and it was set up for girls belonging to the ruling
class (HCOL, 1876-1978, p.1), like the other schools run by the same Congregation in various countries of Europe
(ACOSTA, 1931,p.22). However, from the very beginning the Assumptionist nuns started a free school in the same
building for poor girls from the Lavapiés district. It can be affirmed that from a socio-psychological point of view
there was segregation based on social class in the Royal School of St Elizabeth and it was possible to carry out
differential psychology studies in this centre.

There were two entrances to the building; the main door with the coat of arms of Philip V on the lintel
opened onto a hall that was tiled halfway up, with a commemorative plaque of the benefactor Carlos Borja y
Centelles, who made significant improvements to the school during the 18th century. This was the entrance for the

* Beatriz Comella Gutiérrez. Tel.: +34 91 398 6910; fax: +34 91 398 7611.
E-mail address: bcomella@edu.uned.es

1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance.
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boarders and day pupils. The other entrance was on the other side of the building, below the governor’s house and
was a simple door which led to a few classrooms for the poor pupils of the Free School.

Two Sisters of the Assumption, Sister María Fuensanta and Sister Pilar and the many others who followed,
were devoted exclusively to this stimulating and evangelical task until 1920 when Sister María Nieves took charge
of the School, assisted by a lay sister who also taught and took care of the girls. There were 250 pupils (HCOL,
1876-1978, p. 1). From 1925, the pupils who received free schooling used the same uniform as the boarders
(Annals of 1876-1996, 2 pp.259). This did not change essentially between 1876 and 1942 (Annals of 1876-1996, 5,
p.6). The pupils of the Free School at Saint Elizabeth's did not mix with the fee-paying pupils until 1964. This meant
that segregation lasted a long time.

After the Civil War of 1936-1939, one must stress the consolidation of another charitable initiative, a
Sunday School founded in 1929 for young female workers and employees of St Elizabeth's, where sewing, typing,
music theory and French were taught to those from the Free School who had finished their primary studies. On 30
April, 1945, Dolores Capdevila y Cardona received the Pro Ecclesia et Romano Pontifice medal for her
collaboration in the Sunday School (Annals of 1876-1978, 5 p.133).

The Annals of St Elizabeth's offer more detailed information on the interest shown for the needy as well as
the free school. From its inception, the boarders, who were from the upper class, spent one day making clothes for
the poor, according to the school guidelines given to the parents who wanted to enrol their daughters.

The inauguration of the Ropero de St Victoria (the church organisation that delivers clothing among the
poor), which had been in operation since 1927 to provide clothing to the needy, marked another milestone in social
consciousness for St Elizabeth's pupils. The honorary president was Princess Beatriz, daughter of Alfonso XIII
(Annals of 1876-1996 2, pp.303-325).

Since 1901, on the Epiphany, 6 January, the School had held a lottery or raffle to raise money for the poor.
The drawing was sometimes presided by Princess María Paz, sister of Alfonso and Princess María Teresa, sister of
Alfonso XIII (Annals of 1876-1978, 1 p. 202).

Another charitable initiative, of a spiritual nature, was promoted in 1934 by Mother Inés María Montes
Jovellar, Superior of the School, through St Elizabeth's Catholic Action, which provided religious education to poor
women and their children in the district (Annals of 1876-1978, 3 p. 147).

In the spring of 1942, the Bishop of Madrid-Alcalá asked the mothers of the pupils at St Elizabeth's to
organise a Ropero-Dispensario (an establishment providing food and clothing for the poor) in La Elipa district of
Madrid and where catechism was also taught (Annals of 1876-1978,4 p.386). The pupils contributed voluntarily by
donating one peseta every Saturday.

To promote this project, on 29 April 1942 a meeting, chaired by Monsignor Eijo y Garay, bishop of
Madrid-Alcalá, was held in the Church of St Francis the Great (San Francisco el Grande). Thanks to the efforts of
the women convened and the support of Mr Piugdollers, a good friend of the School of the Assumption (Colegio de
la Asunción), the prelate of Madrid was able to organise a provisional Ropero-Dispensario on November 19th of
the same year to coincide with the feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, patron saint of the School. On 20 November
1945 the Dispensario, which was visited by the Home Secretary and Doctor Gómez Ulla among other personalities
could be considered completed (Annals of 1876-1978 5, p.100).

These types of activities formed part of the collective social psychology of the ruling class in Spain at the
beginning of the 20th century.

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From what has been mentioned, it must be emphasized that at St Elizabeth's there was clear social
segregation from the very beginning of the period analysed (1876). In one building different sections were used for
classes for girls of the same age, but from different social classes. More than a century had to go by before thit
segregation came to an end.

The curriculum of the upper class girls (boarders and day pupils) was also different from that of the poor
girls (day pupils); in the first case, the goal the Agustinian nuns had in mind when the school was founded, was to
offer the teaching and knowledge that the society demanded. The Assumptionist nuns taught all the subjects
themselves. English and French were taught by the nuns from the Orders of the respective countries, and all the
lessons were in one language or the other at the higher levels, special attention being paid to Spanish and grammar.

It can be said, therefore, that at the higher levels at St Elizabeth's there was real linguistic immersion,
especially for the boarders, which was very positive bearing in mind that we are talking about the 19th century.

The academic year at the end of the 19th century lasted 10 months, from October to July, and the basic
subjects taught were: Spanish, French, English and needlework. In addition (paying separately) the girls could study
what was termed finishing classes: music, singing, drawing, German, Italian and gymnastics.

On the other hand, secondary school education was not introduced at St Elizabeth's until 1927. That was
the first year pupils had to take an entrance examination and when they finished secondary school they sat the
examination at the Cisneros Institute in Madrid. In February 1929, at the request of many parents, secondary school
education was definitively established at St Elizabeth's. Very soon, good results were obtained, since in 1931, for
example, 60 pupils from the school passed their school leaver's exam with distinction. However, St Elizabeth's
continued teaching general culture for those who did not wish to obtain the secondary school leaver's certificate
(Annals of 1876-1996 2, p. 303).

With regard to the Free School, the poorer day pupils only attended primary school, but there is no
record of the subjects taught in the Annals although the curriculum probably consisted of reading, writing
and basic arithmetic. From 1925, the girls from the Free School began to wear the same uniform as those
from The Royal School of St Elizabeth, a measure of social cohesion (HCOL, 11).
It is difficult to judge social segregation at the The Royal School of St Elizabeth from today’s perspective.
It must also be emphasised that we cannot feel responsible for how a pupil from the poor district of Lavapiés felt in
the same class as a pupil from a well-off family from the rich district of Salamanca at the end of the 19 th century. In
all likelihood, they felt uncomfortable and preferred to be with those of their own kind. In addition, it should be
noted that there was constant social awareness at the School of the Assumption through activities such as sewing,
raffles, the Saturday peseta, the dispensario.

Once the pupils from the Free School finished primary school, they could enrol in the Sunday School,
aimed at working women and maids, which, as previously mentioned, began in 1929. They were taught
dressmaking, typing, music theory and French (Annals of 1876-1996, 2 p.238).

Another aspect of social collective psychology for the pupils of St Elizabeth's were the numerous visits the
school received, evidence of which is found in the volumes of the school’s Annals.

Between 1876 and 1945, the Papal Nuncio, representative of the Holy See in Spain, visited the school on
twenty occasions. The first few visits of the secretary to the Nuncio, Mr Guidé, were in 1879 and 1880, followed by
two visits by the Nuncio Angelo Bianchi that same year (1880).

Often, the papal legates presided over certain religious ceremonies such as first communions, Corpus
Christi processions or novices taking their vows. This was the case of Nuncios Mariano Rampolla (1883, 1886),
Angelo di Pietro (1890) or Aristide Rinaldini (1907). On other occasions, they visited St Elizabeth's to officiate at
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funeral masses, like those of Pope Leon XIII by Nuncio Rinaldini in 1903, or Jaime Cardona y Tur, the Royal
Chaplain buried in St Elizabeth's church, whose funeral service was officiated by Nuncio Federico Tedeschini (AGP
PER 2611/39). These visits helped to strengthen the bond between the School and the authorities in Rome.

During the period considered for this study, the School and nuns at St Elizabeth's gladly received the visits
of Mother María Eugenia de Jesús, founder of the Assumption Congregation, who was in Madrid in September 1878
and in October 1894. Later, Mother Superiors of the Assumption came to Madrid on thirteen occasions: Mother
Marie Celestine del Buen Pastor (1898, 1900, 1902, 1905, 1911, 1913 y 1917) and Mother Joanna de L’Incarnation
(1922, 1930, 1941, 1943 y 1944). In this way the ties were strengthened between the School and the Motherhouse of
the Assumption Congregation.

The Royal Chaplains made 24 visits to the Royal School between 1876 and 1931. Cardinal Benavides y
Navarrete were at St Elizabeth's in 1877, 1878 and 1890; Royal Chaplain Moreno Mazón visited on four occasions
between 1881 and 1884. Before 1892 they had only visited the School on three occasions. From then on and until
1922, Royal Chaplain Jaime Cardona y Tur frequently visited the St Elizabeth's board of governors, of which he was
head between 1877 and 1888. Between 1925 and 1931, the Royal Chaplains lavished attention on the School; they
visited ten times, eight of which were by Royal Chaplain Muñoz Izquierdo. The visits helped to strengthen the
relationship of the royal prelate and the Royal School.

Between 1885, the year the Diocese of Madrid-Alcalá was founded, and 1945, four of the seven prelates of
Madrid visited the School: Monsignor Ciríaco María Sancha (1888 and 1891); Monsignor Victoriano Guisasola
(1904 and 1905); Monsignor Prudencio Melo y Alcalde (1919 and 1922) and Monsignor Leopoldo Eijo y Garay
(1926 and 1930.

The Royal School of St Elizabeth also received prelates from places where the Congregation had expanded
to: this is the case of the Archbishop of Manila (1889, 1902 and 1907), and the Archbishops of Mondoñedo (1888),
Tenerife (1905 and 1934), Oviedo (1889 and 1907) and León in Nicaragua (1913).

Special mention is made in the Annals of the frequent visits of another Spanish prelate, Monsignor Enrique
Almaraz, who was the confessor to the Order of the Sisters of St Elizabeth between 1886 and 1893. He was
appointed Bishop of Palencia (1893), Archbishop of Seville (1907), Cardinal (1911) and Archbishop of Toledo
(1920). He visited the School on eleven occasions between 1895 and 1920. Another prelate linked to the School,
Cardinal Casanova, confessor to the pupils in 1908, visited St Elizabeth's in 1927.

The School held fairly numerous receptions for religious Superiors such as the Abbot of Silos (1885 and
1903), the Superior of the Assumptionists Fathers (1885), the Provincial of the Jesuits ( 1914) or the Superior of the
Dominicans (1926).

Moreover, between 1880 and 1915 St Elizabeth's received prelates from distant countries or unusual
visitors for that time, such as a bishop from a Syrian denomination (1880), the Bishop of Bucharest (1882), an
Australian Bishop (1883), the Armenian Patriarch (1903) or the Cardinal of Quebec (1915) (Annals of 1876-1978,
4, 113).

The girls at St Elizabeth's became so accustomed to the visits of the prelates, that they were psychologically
predisposed to venerate, respect and obey them, according to the teachings of the School and the practical
application which these pastoral visits made a reality.

Another great field of the collective social psychology of the pupils at The Royal School of St Elizabeth in
Madrid was the visits of the royal family.

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King Alfonso XIII had entrusted the Assumptionist nuns with running the School of the Assumption in
1876 (HCOL, (1876-1978). p.5), a royal foundation since Philip II established it in 1592.

The royal family still attends regularly prize-giving ceremonies, school plays or just for the pleasure of
seeing the mother superiors and pupils at their everyday activities, to which they join in with simple and pleasant
familiarity (HCOL, (1876-1978). 9). This summary of the history of the School in the 1920s, makes it easy to
understand the relationship between the royal family and The Royal School of St Elizabeth.

Between the foundation of the School in 1876 and the advent of the Second Republic in 1931, the Annals
of St Elizabeth's make reference to the following visits of the royal family:

- Princess Isabel (daughter of Isabel II): 11 visits between 1877 and 1926.
- Princess María de la Paz (daughter of Isabel II): 5 visits between 1879 and 1906.
- Princess Eulalia (daughter of Isabel II): 3 visits between 1879 and 1883.
- Alfonso XII (son of Isabel II and the crown prince): visited on 30-4-1883 and 6-7-1884.
- María de las Mercedes de Orleans y Borbón (first wife of Alfonso XII) visited on 4-12-1877 and 16-5-
- María Cristina de Austria (second wife of Alfonso XII): 11 visits between 1883-1905; as queen mother,
5 visits up to 1926.
- Alfonso XIII, before reaching adulthood, 8 visits between 1894 and 1902; in 1904 he visited the School
of Malaga. As king, he visited the School with Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg in 1914 and 1923.
- Princess Mª Mercedes de Borbón (sister of Alfonso XIII); 1 visit in 1896.
- Princess Mª Teresa de Borbón (sister of Alfonso XIII); 4 visits between 1896 and 1908.
- Reina Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg: visited in 1906, 1914, 1917.
- The children of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia when they were young: 1911, 1916, 1920, 1922.
- Princesses Beatriz and Cristina (daughters of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia): 1927, 1930.
- Princess Isabel Alfonsa (niece of Alfonso XIII). She was a boarder at the School during the 1911-1912
academic year.
- María de las Mercedes y Dolores de las Dos Sicilias y Orleans (Annals of 1876-1896, 2 pp. 139-160).

This social intercourse between the pupils at the School of the Assumption and the Spanish royal family
was without doubt intense; this brought about, in the girls as well as the teachers and the families of the pupils,
great devotion for the monarchy which, at the end of the 1920s, was going through a critical period with the
establishment of the Second Spanish Republic.

The visits from the ecclesiastic and civil authorities to the pupils of the Royal School of Saint Elizabeth
were doubtlessly another opportunity for these pupils to socialise and to become aware of the world of influence, be
it religious or civil, to which they were destined as members of the designated ruling classes.


ACOSTA, L. de, Una gran educadora del siglo XIX: Ana Eugenia Milleret de Brou, Fundadora de las Religiosas de la Asunción. Ed. Casals,
Barcelona, 1931.
ARCHIVO GENERAL DE PALACIO (MADRID), (PER) Expedientes Personales 2611/39 Y 716/7.
ARCHIVO DEL REAL COLEGIO DE SANTA ISABEL, Anales del Colegio de Santa Isabel-La Asunción. 7 tomos, Madrid (1876-1996).
ARCHIVO DEL REAL COLEGIO DE SANTA ISABEL, (HCOL) Historia del Colegio de Santa Isabel, Madrid (1876-1978).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, M.L., Patronato regio y órdenes femeninas en el Madrid de los Austrias, Fundación Universitaria Española,
Madrid, 1997.

Review Jurnal

Judul Social Psychology at the Royal School of St

Elizabeth in Madrid
Jurnal PROCEDIA,social and behavioral sciences

Volume & Halaman Volume 30 (2011) halaman 2562 – 2566

Tahun 2011
Penulis Beatriz Comella GutierrezA*
Nama Azarine devina ningrum
NIM F100230082
Tanggal 20 oktober 2023
Abstrak Tulisan ini memaparkan gagasan-gagasan besar psikologi sosial pada akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad
ke-20 di Royal School of St Elizabeth (Real Colegio de Santa Isabel) di Madrid. Pertama-tama, sekolah
mencerminkan strata sosial yang berbeda: siswa dari kelas atas dan bawah. Kedua, dalam kerangka
budaya yang mayoritas beragama Kristen, minat terhadap pendidikan universal diwujudkan dalam
memberikan pendidikan gratis kepada siswa yang kurang beruntung di Madrid pada saat itu. Itu
adalah masyarakat yang menghormati strata sosial, memproyeksikan psikologi diferensial dari
beragam karakteristik tergantung pada kelas sosial. Siswa kelas atas mendapat jenis pendidikan yang
mencerminkan status sosialnya, sedangkan kurikulum kelas bawah mencerminkan status sosialnya
sendiri. Perbedaan-perbedaan ini dimitigasi ketika budaya memunculkan psikologi sosial global yang
eksponennya adalah aliran yang disajikan di sini.

Pengantar School of St Elizabeth di Madrid adalah salah satu sekolah tertua di ibu kota
masih ada sampai sekarang. Didirikan oleh Philip II dari Spanyol pada tahun 1592 sebagai panti asuhan dan
dijalankan oleh para biarawati Augustinian Recollect, yang tinggal di biara terdekat, hingga tahun 1649 ketika biara
tersebut diserahkan ke tangan guru awam. Pada tahun 1863 sekolah tersebut dipercayakan kepada jemaah Putri
Mary Escolapias hingga tahun 1876 (Sá nchez Herná ndez,1997, hal.48).

Para biarawati Asumsi mengambil alih Sekolah tersebut pada tahun 1876 dan didirikan untuk anak
perempuan yang tergabung dalamkelas yang berkuasa(HCOL, 1876-1978, hal.1), seperti sekolah-
sekolah lain yang dijalankan oleh Kongregasi yang sama di berbagai negara Eropa (ACOSTA, 1931,
hal.22). Namun, sejak awal para biarawati Asumsi memulai sekolah gratis di tempat yang sama
bangunan untuk gadis-gadis miskin dari distrik Lavapié s. Dapat ditegaskan bahwa dari sudut
pandang sosio-dari sudut pandang psikologis terdapat segregasi berdasarkan kelas sosial di Royal
School of St Elizabeth dan studi psikologi diferensial dapat dilakukan di pusat ini.

Ada dua pintu masuk ke gedung itu; pintu utama dengan lambang Philip V di
ambang pintu dibuka ke aula yang setengahnya dilapisi ubin, dengan plakat peringatan
dari dermawan Carlos Borja y Centelles, yang membuat perbaikan signifikan pada sekolah
tersebut selama abad ke-18. Ini adalah pintu masuknya
Pembahasan sisi lain, pendidikan sekolah menengah baru diperkenalkan di St Elizabeth's pada tahun
siswa tahun pertama harus mengikuti ujian masuk dan setelah menyelesaikan sekolah
menengah mereka mengikuti ujian di Institut Cisneros di Madrid. Pada bulan Februari
1929, atas permintaan banyak orang tua, pendidikan sekolah menengah secara definitif
didirikan di St Elizabeth's. Hasil yang baik segera diperoleh, karena pada tahun 1931,
misalnya, 60 siswa sekolah tersebut lulus ujian kelulusan sekolah dengan sangat baik.
Namun, St Elizabeth terus mengajarkan budaya umum bagi mereka yang tidak ingin
memperoleh sertifikat lulusan sekolah menengah (Annals of 1876-1996 2, p. 303).
Simpulan Disebutkan secara khusus dalam Catatan Sejarah kunjungan rutin prelatus Spanyol lainnya,
Monsignor Enrique Almaraz, yang merupakan bapa pengakuan Ordo Suster St Elizabeth antara tahun
1886 dan 1893. Ia diangkat menjadi Uskup Palencia (1893), Uskup Agung Seville (1907), Kardinal
(1911) dan Uskup Agung Toledo (1920). Dia mengunjungi Sekolah tersebut sebelas kali antara tahun
1895 dan 1920. Prelatus lain yang terkait dengan Sekolah tersebut, Kardinal Casanova, bapa
pengakuan para murid pada tahun 1908, mengunjungi St Elizabeth pada tahun 1927.
Bidang besar lain dari psikologi sosial kolektif para murid di The Royal School of St
Elizabeth di Madrid adalah kunjungan keluarga kerajaan. Jenis aktivitas ini merupakan
bagian dari psikologi sosial kolektif kelas penguasa di Spanyol pada awal abad

Kelebihan Jurnal ini menjelakan berdirinya sekolah psikologi pertama di spanyol

Kekurangan Kurang lengkap dan jelas apanyang dimaksudkan pada jurnal diatas

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