2023 Business Studies F1 QS T2 Exam Teacher - Co - .Ke
2023 Business Studies F1 QS T2 Exam Teacher - Co - .Ke
2023 Business Studies F1 QS T2 Exam Teacher - Co - .Ke
END TERM (II) 2024
Time - 2 HOURS
a) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided above.
b) Write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
c) Answer ALL the questions.
d) ALL answers must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Question 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TOTAL
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1. State the term given to each of the following statements as used in business studies.
Statement Term
a) Movement of goods and services from producers to consumers
b) Creation of goods and services
c) Using a good or service
d) Satisfaction derived from using a good or service.
3. State 4 Items that are stated in a business plan. (4mks)
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9. Highlight four significance of entrepreneurship to the economy. (4 mks)
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10. Identify four characteristics of land as a factor of production. (4 marks)
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11. Identify four characteristics of economic resources (4mks)
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a) Human activities that assist trade to take place
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15. Highlight four difficulties faced in satisfaction of human wants. (4 marks)
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16. Outline four factors that may lead to the success of a business enterprise. (4mks)
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17. Give four reasons why shelter is a basic human want. (4mks)
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18. State the level of production that matches the following occupations (4mks)
b. Lumbering
c. Fishing
d. Banking
19. State the best type of machine one would use to perform the following tasks. (4 marks)
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20. Identify the type of utility created by following activities.
Transporting Cargo to the market..........................................
Keeping Silos...................................................................
Student buying biscuits from the school canteen.................................
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