Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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Science in Autism Treatment
Letter From the Editor continued...
(Continued from page 1)
Watch writers, and fundraisers. Many of these individuals, and their respective roles, are listed on page 12.
Since ASAT was established in 1998, it has been our goal to work toward adopting higher standards of ac-
countability for the care, education, and treatment of all individuals with autism; essentially to raise the bar. It
remains our goal to assure that the family of every person with autism has access to information that will help
their loved one receive the best intervention that science can provide, delivered with competence, clarity, and
ASAT was the first autism organization to wholeheartedly embrace an empirical, science-based approach to any
statements made about the causes and proposed treatments for autism. This commitment has led many to
question if we were biased to supporting and promoting Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). On a surface level,
there may indeed appear to be such a bias; however, it is the underpinnings of this discipline that inform our
advocacy. These include, but are not limited to:
Reliance on and respect for published research;
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
The use of single subject research design in documenting outcomes and assessing functional relation-
ships between independent and dependent variables;
An appreciation of the social validity of goals, methods, and outcomes;
The transparency and potential for replication that results from explicit treatment descriptions;
Objective definitions of treatment targets;
Collection of inter-rater reliability data to ensure that measurement is accurate;
Ongoing, objective data collection; and
Data-based decision making.
In 1999, the first issue of Science in Autism Treatment (SIAT), ASAT’s quarterly newsletter, was published in
order to make information accessible to consumers of autism treatment. The original newsletter was published
for three years. In 2001, ASAT’s website ( was launched to increase the reach of our infor-
mation-sharing, including suggested reading lists, links, and key articles on autism and its treatments.
The last few years have been particularly important for ASAT. We are now comprised of six committees, each
with their own distinct, yet complementary, purpose and goals. In the Summer of 2009, we resumed publica-
tion of SIAT, which now has over 8000 subscribers. The newsletter is published free-of-charge, to ensure every-
one has access to accurate, helpful information. In many respects, the new format of our newsletter was more
comprehensive and multifaceted than the original publication. Currently, ASAT’s e-newsletter features:
Invited articles by leading advocates of science-based treatment;
A Clinical Corner which responds to frequently asked questions about autism treatment;
A Consumer Corner which recommends resources that can guide and inform treatment decisions;
A Focus on Science column designed to empower families to make educated treatment decisions by
highlighting elements of science-based interventions and warning signs of unsubstantiated treatment;
Detailed summaries of specific treatments for autism;
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children unusually quiet, but that Soon after that day, I was asked
I recently had the wonderful
there was no interaction between by the National Autistic Society
opportunity to interview Jane
them: no shouting or joking – no (NAS) to open a new playgroup
Asher. Aside from her busy life as
squabbling or arguing. They didn’t they were going to run in a room
an actress and entrepreneur. Jane
even look at each other – indeed at their head office for some local
Asher is an actress, author and
they seemed completely unaware children with autism, and I was
businesswoman. She has been
of each others’ presence. The only too happy to do so. While I
working professionally in film,
difference from the behaviour of was there I learned even more
theatre and radio since she was 5
the other children was so marked about the condition, and spent
years old, and has run her own
that I asked one of their helpers quite some time with the children.
business, Jane Asher
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
Cakes, based in Chelsea, London, where they were from (This ‘carer’
was Lorna Wing, whom, as I’m Clearly, although autism can be
since 1990, selling bespoke extremely distressing, even
celebration cakes and a wide devastating, for those affected
range of home baking equipment. and their families, it also entails a
way of seeing and interacting with
She has also written more than a
the world that is extremely
dozen books, including three best-
interesting and makes one
selling novels. Jane’s work in the
consider just what we
charity sector is well respected.
neurotypicals take for granted and
She is President of Parkinson’s
consider “normal.” I have huge
UK, President of the National
sympathy with the view of much of
Autistic Society and President of
the Asperger community that the
Arthritis Care, Vice President of
autistic way of looking at things is
Autistica, Ambassador for the
just as, or in some ways more
Prince’s Trust, Friend for Life,
than, valid as that of the rest of
Terrence Higgins Trust. She is a
us. The way neurotypicals talk
Patron of many other voluntary
nonsense in ‘social
organizations. communication’ for instance
Can you share with our readers (whether it’s talking about the
how you were first introduced to weather or casually lying without
autism? thinking twice). I found myself
sure you know, was one of the becoming more and more
I first became involved with
great pioneers in the autism world intrigued and interested – and,
autism when I went to a children’s gradually, more knowledgeable
and first described the ‘triad of
tea party in 1985. Children and engaged.
impairments’. So I had my first
representing various charities had
lesson from the top!). The children Eventually I found I could be
been invited, and I remember the
were, of course, autistic, and that useful to the NAS by not only
room being full of the noise and
was when my association – and, visiting schools and residential
excited laughter that one would
in some ways, fascination – with units and hopefully gaining a little
expect. One table, though, was
oddly different. At first I couldn’t autism began. publicity and spreading
think quite why it stood out from Your work within the autism awareness, but also by speaking
the other three - the children had community has grown about autism to people who might
no obvious disability and looked substantially since that initial know nothing about it or who
quite ‘normal’ - but after a few encounter. What has led up to could provide us with valuable
seconds of watching I could your heightened level of (Continued on page 5)
clearly see that not only were the involvement?
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stop people from searching for an years ago after many years of
answer; especially for that elusive excruciating pain and other
‘cure’; and we can all become problems. So I guess the subject of
irrational when confronted with promoting the understanding of
something so potentially science is a subject generally very
devastating and for which there is Jane with Dr. Lorna Wing
close to my heart.
no easy or obvious way forward.
Due to your knowledge in this area, a child with autism who had been
As an actress, there must be so do you have a vision about how we speaking and behaving in a
many different organizations lining need to go about educating neurotypical way up to the time of
up to ask for your help. We are so professionals, paraprofessionals an MMR jab and who had soon
grateful that you have chosen to and laypersons about the thereafter developed autism, it
use your celebrity status to support importance of following the science would have been only too easy to
the development and testing of before subjecting a person with have come to a totally misguided
science-based treatments. The autism to a treatment? conclusion. We just need more
concept that science is crucial in people spreading the word about
terms of treatment for people with No specific vision I fear… it’s all part the only approaches to autism that
autism is much more complex than of the major problem that I’ve appear to make a difference, and
simply supporting any organization touched on in the previous even that is not really researched
that helps children with autism paragraph. How do we combat the
enough to give unequivocal results.
swim with dolphins or access some rather fascinating, but ultimately As with so many important causes,
other specific treatment. Do you extremely damaging, instinct and
money comes into this, and also the
have a background in science? How tendency of the human species to teaching of science in schools,
did you become so involved in this believe in things for which there is which has not been as good as it
particular issue (advocating for absolutely no evidence– whether it
be the supernatural, rituals, luck, should be in the UK for some
science-based treatment)? years. For anyone keen to learn
magic or other paranormal areas, or
That’s an interesting question! I ‘miracle cures’ and their like - more, I highly recommend an Open
suspect it is largely due to the rather than trusting science and University course that I took a
influence of my father, Dr Richard modern medicine? And, as I couple of years ago – ‘Autism in the
Asher, a consultant endocrinologist mentioned before, it’s particularly 21st Century’ – which is a
who was renowned for his rational difficult to target the strong instinct beautifully constructed,
and well-informed approach to the of a parent to try almost anything, scientifically-based module that
complex field of medicine (and for no matter how expensive and/or really brought my information up to
his witty and inspirational lecturing unproven, in the desperate search date.
and writing: his ex-students include for something to help their child. We Finally, do you have any advice for
Oliver Sacks and the British doctor/ all know how easy it is to make parents of newly-diagnosed
theatre director Jonathan Miller). completely erroneous deductions
I’ve grown up fascinated and from what appears to be clear
(Continued on page 7)
enthralled by science, and get very evidence, and I’m sure if I had had
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#1 Are there any published research articles in peer-reviewed journals documenting the efficacy of the
intervention method featured in my article or I am just finding hopeful testimonials? If not, why not,
and how should I pitch my article given the absence of supporting research? If so, are the studies
well designed?
#2 Who am I interviewing for this story and what are his/her qualifications? What does (s)he stand to
gain by this interview? Is (s)he making claims of efficacy or effectiveness that are not supported by
scientific data?
#3 Is there any evidence of harm associated with this intervention? What are the risks?
#4 How much does the intervention cost? Is the cost reasonable? How is it paid?
#5 What kind of training and supervision do treatment providers need to have before implementing the
intervention? If none or little, have I explored the ethics involved and asked if there is adequate con-
sumer protection?
#6 What position statements from respected professional organizations support or do not support this?
#7 Are already science-based interventions (such as applied behavior analysis) recommended by these
#8 Have I consulted with an unbiased entity for their input?
#9 As described or discussed in this article, "Does the intervention encourage false hope or suggest un-
realistic benefits for a family coping with a pervasive developmental disability?"
#10 Have I provided readers with related resources and references that are objective, science-based,
and minimize the risk of coercion or manipulation?
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In this newsletter, we have two very interesting article summaries. The first article summarized re-
Science in Autism Treatment
search conducted by ASAT’s own Vice President Dr. Florence D. DiGennaro Reed and her colleague on
an evaluation of therapeutic horseback riding. The second review summarized research conducted by
Tanaka and colleagues on the effectiveness of computer-based intervention in establishing facial
recognition skills. We hope you enjoy these summaries and find them informative!
Sharon A. Reeve, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Research Corner Coordinator
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Description: In the Rapid Prompting Method (RPM), practitioners attempt to compensate for the assumed sen-
sory overload and apraxia in children with ASD by continually speaking and requesting responses so that the
children stay attentive. They may attach writing implements to children’s wrists and prompt the children to type
out messages.
Examples: Rapid Prompting Method, Soma, Alphabet Therapy
Research Summary: There have been no scientific studies of rapid prompting for individuals with autism spec-
trum disorders.
Recommendations: Researchers may wish to conduct studies with strong scientific designs to evaluate rapid
prompting method. Professionals should present rapid prompting method as untested and encourage families
who are considering this intervention to evaluate it carefully.
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Advertisement on, Science in Autism Treatment newsletter, or other ASAT publication does not imply
endorsement by ASAT of the advertised company, service or product. All advertisements will be clearly labeled as such.
ASAT has no formal relationship with any of its advertisers. Although ASAT expects that all advertising organizations will act
in accordance with ASAT’s policy, ASAT does not assume responsibility for ensuring that advertisers engage in behavior that
is consistently congruent with the statements above. Complete policy and protocols here:
newsletters/ advertisers.htm
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Science in Autism Treatment
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nated to Association for #Science in #Autism
Bid, bid, bid (and encourage others to do the Treatment. You can read more about this ef-
same)! The Association for Science in Autism fort on page 26.
Treatment ASAT is hosting an online auction
through Bidding for Good to celebrate our 15th
anniversary. We have over two-dozen great #5
items for sports fans, entertainment enthusi- Support ASAT by purchasing quick, delicious
asts, as well as those seeking professional re- drinks, snacks, spices, soups, and more from
sources and training opportunities related to Tastefully Simple ( and 15%
autism treatment. Some of our great silent of your sales go to ASAT! Don’t forget to ‘like”
auction items include autographed albums by the Facebook page for this fundraiser and
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
Bruce Springsteen and the Rolling Stones, a ‘share’ to spread the word!!
Marc Jacobs handbag, sports memorabilia
signed by the very best, and registration to the
upcoming Autism New Jersey conference in
Atlantic City to name a few! #6 Email ASAT’s newsletter link to 15 friends and
AuctionHome.action?auctionId=199297297 colleagues and encourage them to sign up for
our free, informative quarterly newsletter
If you are interested, there is still time to do- (
nate an item for the online auction. Please signup). If you do, our 2013 goal of 10,000
email subscribers will be quickly realized. Since the
summer of 2009, we have published 16 issues
#2 of our newsletter, Science in Autism Treat-
ment, which now has over 8,000 subscribers.
“Like” ASAT on Facebook and encourage oth-
ers to do the same so we can surpass our
7,000 fan goal for 2013 (https:// #7 See updates Support Team ASAT in the 2013 NYC mara-
from ASAT, Media Watch announcements, thon on November 3! The Association for
and information about upcoming conferences. #Science in #Autism Treatment is participat-
We welcome your active participation and en- ing in the marathon. You can donate money
courage you to post comments and share con- on behalf of the individual runners of Team
tent with your own friends on Facebook. ASAT (
#3 ASATnyc2013)
Follow ASAT on Twitter
asatonline and retweet our posts. We have #8
843 followers. Help us surpass our 2013 goal
of 1,000 followers. Help celebrate our 15th anniversary by volun-
teering for the Association for #Science in
#Autism Treatment. ASAT’s success rests on
#4 the volunteer service of family members, pro-
fessionals, and community members. Do you
Purchase a t-shirt at “Kettlebells 4 Autism”
have a special talent or a little time to offer
online store (
our organization? If you are interested, please
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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volunteer.html #12
Show your support for ASAT and enjoy the
#9 benefits of being a sponsor, including recogni-
tion and online or newsletter advertisements!
Display ASAT donation jars at a wide array of We have two types of sponsorship options
business establishments to help educate con- each with several levels: professional (http://
sumers and to raise money to support our
mission. We encourage you to place a dona- sponsors#learn) or community (http://
tion jar in your place of business! ASAT will
provide the materials needed (donation jars, sponsors). Please also encourage your supervi-
an ASAT information insert card for the jar, sor or provider to do the same.
business cards, and signage) for any partici-
pating business. Contact
for arrangements. You can read newsletter ar- #13
ticles about participating businesses at http:// Help ASAT celebrate its 15th anniversary by proudly displaying our brochures or other
fund- raising.html promotional materials in your workplace or
other venues, such as coffee shops and
#10 bookstores. Doing so will spread the word
about ASAT and the importance of science in
15 In honor of the treatment of autism. If you are interested,
our 15th anni- please contact
Years! please encour-
age 15 #14
friends to do- Be a proud supporter of our mission by dis-
nate $15 to the tributing ASAT’s flyer or brochure to medical
Association for providers and educators in your community.
Science in Autism Treatment If you are interested, please contact dceliber-
asatonline). These funds will support a wide
array of initiatives including the development
and distribution of materials to educate medi- #15
cal professionals about evidence-based treat- You can help spread ASAT’s message of the
ment. importance of science in the treatment of au-
tism! At your next professional event, include
#11 a slide about ASAT at the end of your presen-
tation or distribute sign-up sheets for our free
Help us identify new newsletter subscribers at quarterly newsletter. If you are interested,
your place of business. Please download a sign please email us at
up sheet at
subscribeme.pdf. You can scan completed
sheets and email to
or mail to ASAT PO Box 3250 Hoboken, NJ
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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Science in Autism Treatment
ASAT is looking forward to participating in the NYC marathon because this year the NYC marathon will
have more meaning than ever before. This will be the first post-Sandy NYC marathon and the first
since the Boston terror attack. On November 3, 2013, Team ASAT will proudly be at the NYC
Marathon, ready to run.
The first New York City Marathon in 1970 was a relatively small event with a course contained within
Central Park, and only 55 runners crossed the finish line. In 1976 Fred Lebow revised the race to
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
course through all five boroughs from Staten Island through Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx to
This prominent event is now one of the world’s greatest marathons, pursued by more than 100,000
applicants annually. As stated on their website, “The race attracts many world-
class professional athletes, not only for the more than $600,000 in prize money, but also for the
chance to excel in the media capital of the world before two million cheering spectators and 315
million worldwide television viewers. As any one of the more than 700,000 past participants will
attest, crossing the finish line in Central Park is one of the great thrills of a lifetime.
This great event will be Team ASAT’s first NYC marathon. ASAT’s mission is to disseminate
information regarding evidence-based treatments for the Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASAT is
committed to helping parents, providers, and other consumers understand the difference between
sensational claims of how to help or cure autism versus science-based research that guides effective
ASAT is looking forward to the NYC Marathon and hopes you will
consider supporting Team ASAT, by checking out our runners’
Crowdrise links, where individual donations can be made. Team
ASAT is made up of Bobby Newman, Randy Horowitz, Sheila
Jodlowski, Alex and Jamie Schneider, and ASAT board member
Barbara Wells Reimann. We are very
excited to share a bit of background
about our runners:
Bobby Newman serves as Team ASAT’s
captain and has been working in the field
of Applied Behavior Analysis for over 25
years. His books are popular
introductions to ABA and the Autism
Spectrum Disorders. This is Bobby's tenth
marathon and second NYC, following in
the footsteps of his marathoner father,
Leo Newman.
Randy Horowitz is the Associate
Executive Director at Eden II Programs.
Randy Horowitz
(Continued on page 17)
Bobby Newman
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Ms. Horowitz has a Master of Science in Education from Queens College and
Certificate of School Administration from the College of New Rochelle. She is
an adjunct lecturer at Queens College and has presented at local, national
and international conferences on topics relating to educating students with
Sheila Jodlowski has been working with children with autistic spectrum
disorders for more than 15 years. She received her doctorate in Behavior
Analysis from Teachers College Columbia University. She provides academic
and behavior management consulting services for families in Westchester,
Putnam, Dutchess, Orange and Columbia counties. You can support Sheila
on her Crowdrise page
sheilajodlowski and contribute to her goal!
Alex and Jamie Schneider are 23 year old identical twins. Each is profoundly
Sheila Jodlowski
autistic with limited communication skills or understanding of safety in
the community. However, both are accomplished runners and love to
run! Both young men have completed five marathons to date, including
two Boston Marathons, two Hamptons Marathons, and one Marine Corp
Marathon. The New York City Marathon will be their sixth; and for the
first time they will be running to raise funds for ASAT. Alex in particular
has an incredible gift of speed when he races; he just recently
completed the 2013 Boston Marathon in 3 hours and 23 minutes. Alex
and Jamie are not able to run alone. They will be running with guides
whose sole responsibilities are to set the pace, help the boys navigate
the course and hydrate when needed. If not for the altruism of the
running guides, the Schneider twins would not be able to compete in
these races. To support them, visit
ASATnyc2013/fundraiser/alexandjamieschneider To read more about
the Schneider twins, please visit
Barbara Wells Reimann has been an
integral member ASAT’s Board of
Directors since 2006 and currently
serves as the Treasurer. She is a mother Alex and Jamie Schneider
of an adult son with autism and dedicated her life to promoting
evidence-based interventions for individuals with autism. Help Barbara
reach her goal by donating on her Crowdrise page at http://
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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Science in Autism Treatment
ago, the Hannon’s daughter was diagnosed with autism. The evaluating
psychologist informed the Hannons that her prognosis was quite poor,
and that she may not learn to talk. Fortunately, their daughter was
already enrolled in an inclusive preschool with a team of people, well
versed in Applied Behavior Analysis, incorporating a broad spectrum of ASAT donation jar
effective teaching techniques, intensive one-on-one instruction, related
services by providers committed to collaboration, reverse mainstreaming to provide meaningful and
structured opportunities for skills to generalize within interactions with typically developing peers, and
carefully planned and delivered shadowing in the classroom. Almost immediately, the Hannons
observed that their daughter was acquiring important skills and was responding very favorably to
treatment. Fast forward 7 years and she has blossomed into a fun-loving, inquisitive young lady with a
beautiful singing voice and honor roll grades. She has just completed fourth grade and participates in
a general education classroom and curriculum for most of the day with fading supports.
Discovering ASAT through their internet research, the Hannons were comforted to know that they were
on track and that the decisions they made for their daughter were not only scientifically sound, but
demonstrated best practice. Back in 2009, Larry was quoted as saying, “I’m a realist- I believe in facts
-but sometimes parents don’t know if the information they find online is fact or fiction. This is why
ASAT is such an important organization for the autism community.” Today, Larry elaborates, "The only
appropriate education is an effective one — one based in science. It is so sad that many families will
get stuck in their pursuit of miracle cures.”
As the years pile on, Larry and Kathy’s commitment to giving back to ASAT has been unwavering.
Every April for Autism Awareness month, the Hannons set up tables displaying an array of information
about autism and best practices. Furthermore, they have
shared hundreds of business cards and fliers showcasing
ASAT’s resources, such as our newsletter and website.
Stay tuned for further updates from this wonderfully
supportive and dedicated team from Maine. For those of
you in Maine or traveling to Maine, please stop by the
Bangor Mall, Old Town, or Freeport Dairy Queen and let
Kathy and Larry Hannon know that you join us in our
heartfelt appreciation of all they do to support families, to
raise awareness, and to help every person with autism
have a greater chance of accessing science-based
treatment. And while you are there, buy yourself a
Blizzard! Austism Awareness Month display table
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This educational event featured several vendors, networking opportunities, and presentations by
ASAT board members, including keynote speaker Daniel W. Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D., Mary E. McDonald
PhD., BCBA-D and Ruth Donlin, MS. Presentations included a range of treatment related topics, in-
Scientist-Practitioners in the Classroom: Using Data to Guide Our Students’ Progress:
Daniel W. Mruzek, PhD., BCBA-D
In an age when educators and school-based therapists increasingly feel the pinch of growing de-
mands, decreased resources, and busier school days, Dr. Mruzek discussed how to use the meth-
ods of science to promote progress for learners with autism. He brought together examples of
“real world” educational conundrums and offered science-based solutions. Most importantly, he
reviewed key principles of the scientific method and how they can be used to aid decision-making,
measure outcomes and plan next steps in the promotion of our students’ independence and qual-
ity of life.
Achieve Beyond provides pediatric therapy and educational services to children, students, and fami-
lies throughout the United States including the greater Los Angeles, California (CA) area, northern Vir-
ginia (VA) / Maryland / DC area, the greater Dallas, Texas (TX) area and New York (NY). These ser-
vices include: Speech Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Special Education,
Autism Services, Behavior Consultation, and Counseling. For more information, please visit
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The great work that ASAT does in promoting science-based treatment for individuals with autism
could not happen without our volunteers. Currently, ASAT has over 40 volunteers and externs who
work tirelessly to fulfill their commitment to evidence-based autism treatment. Volunteers have the
opportunity for professional growth and networking through collaboration with an array of knowl-
edgeable, seasoned professionals who aim to promote the advancement of science-based treat-
ments for autism.
There are many important roles that “I am honored to be involved with an organization that
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
volunteers play within the organization. is committed to helping families and professionals
Some of these activities include, but draw the line between unsubstantiated treatment
are not limited to: options and behavior analytic interventions, grounded
in the best available scientific evidence. Working
Helping to promote our website,
alongside knowledgeable board members has provided; me with many valuable research, writing, and social
Helping to promote our newslet- media opportunities. Thank you ASAT!” ~ Leanne Tull
ter, Science in Autism Treatment; (Toronto, Canada)
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Learning about grant writing and participating in all aspects of the process starting with grant re-
search and selection, and culminating in actual submission;
Learning how to evaluate and critique media representations of autism treatment;
Learning about fundraising conceptualization, development, and execution both at the community
and national levels;
Actively participating in social media and learning
about its use to convey information to the autism com- “Working with ASAT has been a great
experience. I’ve had the opportunity to
use my strengths and build upon them
Learning about autism services in other parts of the by writing in the newsletter, learning
world and engaging in efforts to promote dissemination about the grant application process,
and awareness of science-based treatments; and collaborating with other team
members. Most of all, my experience
Working alongside Board Members in an array of writ- has enhanced my skepticism and ability
ing, editing and fundraising activities; and to look for the facts.” ~ Alice Walkup
(Los Angeles, California)
Participating in monthly Extern conference calls to
share ideas, update on externship activities, and dis-
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Science in Autism Treatment
The long awaited and highly anticipated Diagnostic and Sta- Why was the ASD diagnostic criteria
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has arrived. revised?
However, the shift in diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum By: Leanne Tull, M.ADS, BCBA
Disorders (ASDs) has certainly evoked some questions and
confusion among parents, professionals, and educators. In
this issue of Consumer Corner, Leanne Tull will attempt to The DSM-IV-TR describes Pervasive
address the various issues that have arisen due to the DSM Developmental Disorder (PDD) as the
-5. Readers will find a link to a more extensive article on diagnostic umbrella, with five sub-
the subject at the end of this piece. types: 1) Autistic Disorder; 2) Asper-
ger’s Disorder; 3) Rett’s Disorder; 4)
Sabrina Freeman, PhD Childhood Disintegrative Disorder; and
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
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Lai, M-C., Lombardo, M. V., Chakrabarti, B., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2013). Subgrouping the autism
“spectrum": Reflections on DSM-5. PLOS Biology, 11, 1-7.
Lord, C., Petkova, E., Hus, V., Gan, W., Lu, F., Martin, D. M., et al., (2012). A multisite study of the
clinical diagnosis of different autism spectrum disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69, 306-
Matson, J. L., Hattier, M. A., & Williams, L.W. (2012). How does relaxing the algorithm for Autism
affect DSM-V prevalence rates? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 1549–
McPartland, J. C., Reichow, B. R., & Volkmar, F. R. (2012). Sensitivity and specificity of proposed
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder, Journal of American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 368–383.
Wing, L, Gould J., & Gillberg, C. (2011). Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: Better or worse
than the DSM-IV? Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 32, 768–773.
Worley, J. A., & Matson, J. L. (2012). Comparing symptoms of autism spectrum disorders using the
current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria and the proposed DSM-V diagnostic criteria Research in Au-
tism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 965–970.
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Science in Autism Treatment
ASAT’s mission is to promote safe, effective, science-based treatments for people with autism by
disseminating accurate, timely, and scientifically sound information; advocating for the use of sci-
entific methods to guide treatment; and combating unsubstantiated, inaccurate and false infor-
mation about autism and its treatment. With this in mind, ASAT is striving to reach 10,000 sub-
scribers by the end of the year. We are currently at 8,024 subscribers. Help us reach 10,000 sub-
scribers by clicking on the following link: You can also
“like” ASAT’s Facebook page at
ASAT Board of Directors ASATonline.
Mary E. McDonald, PhD, BCBA-D If you are a supervisor or administrator, please consider pass-
President ing along a sign-up sheet to help us recruit new subscribers.
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
Page 25
By Ruth Donlin, MS
stated, “We have a lot of noise in
The Central Basketball League
the autism community that is
(CBL) is a professional minor bas-
based on theory and not fact, and
ketball league that has chosen to
ASAT is based on scientific evi-
support ASAT’s mission and com-
dence. As a family, we tried nu-
mitment to the autism communi-
merous interventions. We even
had a doctor tells us Seth could
The CBL consists of 5 franchises outgrow his autism. There are a lot
within the league, hailing from 5 of professionals out there who
different states, playing a total of subscribe to wacky theories which
12 games each. The CBL’s first creates roadblocks for families.”
spring 2013 season came to a Seth is now in a behaviorally-
close on June 23rd. Congratulations, St. Louis based program that promotes greater main-
Hawks, for winning the League Championship! streaming opportunities. John felt strongly about
partnering with an autism charity and wanted CBL
to be a platform for educating the community.
CBL’s efforts have been noteworthy, including
making educational fliers about autism available
to their basketball crowds and publicizing ASAT’s
mission to provide information to those affected
by autism. In addition, we are thankful to CBL for
raising over $100 for ASAT on their very first pro-
motional night!
St. Louis Hawks, League Champions!
is made up of professionals who have been in-
volved in various sports related positions over the
years. ASAT is grateful to John Guy, the Operations
Director, and the Central Basketball League for
promoting science-based treatments for autism .
John has been instrumental in collaborating with
ASAT to broaden autism awareness and begin lo-
cal and regional initia-
tives to promote science Hornets Take Down Storm!
-based treatment.
John developed a per-
The CBL teams, Bowling Green Hornets, Dayton
sonal interest in autism
Air Strikers, Middle Tennessee Storm, River City
intervention after learn-
Panthers, and St. Louis Hawks will commence
ing that one of his
their second season this fall.
adopted grandchildren,
Seth, who is now an Learn more about the teams, schedules, and stats
eight-year-old, has au- at the CBL website: http://
tism. The reason John or on Face-
chose to collaborate book at
with ASAT is because of John’s grandson, Seth Oliver CentralBasketballLeague
ASAT’s scientific approach to the disorder. John
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
Page 26
rudimentary weight to a functional strength and doesn’t fully extend overhead but remains bent at
conditioning training tool. Kettlebells are cast the elbow, it’s a “no count.” The winner is deter-
iron, and differ from a dumbbell or barbell in that mined by the most repetitions per body weight
the shape lends to the bulk of the weight being category, per kettlebell weight, and event.
located in the centre of the kettlebell, and the There are so many autism causes from which to
handle allows the user to maintain neutral wrist choose. How did you choose ASAT and the Gene-
position. Full body movement is required to pull va Centre for Autism as your recipients?
the kettlebell via a “swing” motion with the aim of
completing high repetitions at submaximal load, I’ve known about ASAT for some time, and have
therefore targeting both musculosketal and cardi- used the website as a resource. I mentioned to a
ovascular training. friend that I was looking for beneficiaries for the T-
(Continued on page 27)
There is also kettlebell sport, or known by its Rus-
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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the Kettlebells Swings Event in 2014 will also be and number of beneficiaries the next year. In terms
donated to these two beneficiaries. Following the of raising awareness, I hope that those who buy the
Kettlebell Swings Event, two new beneficiaries will T-shirts or participate in the Kettlebells Swings
be chosen. event learn a little more about ASD, which can lead
to compassion and support for those affected by
We will certainly share more information about this
event as the date approaches. I also understand
that the T-shirts are being sold at several locations Christina, we appreciate that you took the time to
as well. You may not be aware but we have a few tell us more about your program and fundraiser.
hundred subscribers who reside in the province. Physical fitness is important for everyone, and if you
Yes, I am happy to report that a number of gyms are haven’t found a routine that works for you, perhaps
selling the T-shirts for a limited time. These include: it can be found in kettlebells. Supporting Kettlebells
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
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Science in Autism Treatment
"My child is enrolled in an ABA-based program Many children with autism receive occupational ther-
where he also receives some OT services. How apy services as part of their early intervention and
can occupational therapy benefit my child's ABA educational programs. In this edition of Clinical Cor-
program?" ner, Amy McGinnis provides an overview of the occu-
Answered by Amy McGinnis, MS, OTR, BCBA pational therapy assessment process and shares
how occupational therapy programs can complement
Occupational therapy (OT) can be beneficial as a sup- a child's ABA-based programming to further skill de-
plemental treatment to your child’s ABA program. The velopment across a variety of areas.
goal of occupational therapy is to support an individu- Nicole Pearson, PsyD, BCBA-D
al’s health and participation in life through engage- Clinical Corner Coordinator
ment in occupations or everyday tasks (AOTA, 2008).
The occupational therapy process begins with an eval-
uation. The evaluation helps to determine whether
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
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Science in Autism Treatment
Media Watch is a subcommittee of the Public Relations Committee whose primary initiatives are:
Educating the public about effective autism treatment through proactive contact with the media; Re-
sponding to inaccurate information or proposed treatments described by the media (as it relates to
scientific findings about their effectiveness); And supporting accurate media depictions of empirically–
sound interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
We seek to increase awareness of the scientific underpinnings surrounding autism treatment that can
lead to real hope for those touched by this disorder.
We have been busy since we last ASAT Responds to Texas Observ- ASAT Responds to's
updated you on our Media er’s "Autism Inc.: The Discredited "CDC: Higher number of children
Watch efforts in the Winter Science, Shady Treatments and with autism" (April 22, 2013)
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
issue! Here are the articles thatRising Profits Behind Alternative CDC's latest numbers for preva-
caught our attention and Autism Treatments" (March 27, lence of autism spectrum disor-
received our feedback. 2013) der in children are disturbing:
Journalist Alex Hannaford de- one in 50.
scribes the journey of several
ASAT Responds to WPMI Local
duped parents -- once amazed media_watches/104
15 News "Local Family Using
by the gamut of so-called
Breakthrough Autism Treat-
“miracle cures” -- but now in-
ment" (February 03, 2013) ASAT Responds to's
formed, and able to draw the line
Could the Integrated Listening "Pa. Autism Services Hope to
between quackery and science.
System be the next make inroads in work-
"breakthrough treatment" for au- place" (April 25, 2013)
media_watches/102 Attention to post-graduation em-
tism? ployment should be begun early,
media_watches/99 carried out extensively, and
planned meaningfully.
ASAT Responds to The New York
Times "Some With Autism Diag-
nosis Can Overcome Symptoms,
Study Finds" (February 26, ASAT Responds to Springfield
2013)'s "Parents can
A new study from the University get help with autism is-
of Conn. claims the hope of sues" (May 31, 2013 )
"recovery" for some children with Parents should be encouraged to
autism. ASAT Responds to be wary of “miracle cures” and’s "Parents Of Au- treatments that are not based in
media_watches/100 tistic Children Worry What Life scientific evidence.
Will Bring When They're
Adults" (April 01, 2013) media_watches/106
ASAT Responds to's
"Study Looks at Worm Therapy to The tsunami of young adults on
Treat Autism" (March 04, 2013) the autism spectrum is a growing Read all posts online. If you have
Worm therapy - is it viable? concern for parents and caregiv- any comments or would like to ers. contribute, contact us at in-
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
Page 33
Does Your Agency Share information and asking the between scientifically
ASAT’s Values? right questions. validated treatments and
ASAT believes that individuals When all providers will be treatments that lack
with autism have the right to guided by science when scientific validation.
effective treatments that are selecting and implementing 4.Consumers should be
scientifically-demonstrated to interventions. informed that any treatment
make meaningful, positive lacking scientific support
change in their lives. What It Means to Be a should be pursued with
We believe that it should not Sponsor: great caution.
be so challenging for families ASAT’s sponsors have 5.Objective data should be
to find accurate information indicated their support of the used when making clinical
about the efficacy of various following tenets: decisions.
autism interventions.
ASAT works toward a time... 1.All treatments for individuals Become a 2013 Sponsor
When all families will be with autism should be Now!
empowered with skills in guided by the best available These sponsorships not only
identifying and choosing the scientific information. provide financial support used
most effective, scientifically- 2.Service providers have a specifically for our
validated interventions for responsibility to rely on dissemination efforts, but also
their child. science-based treatments. send a clear message that
When the media will educate 3.Service providers should ASAT's vision is shared by
and not confuse parents by take steps necessary to help others within the professional
providing accurate consumers differentiate community.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: ASAT has no formal relationship with any of the sponsor organizations. Furthermore, their stated
endorsement of the above tenets is not verified or monitored by ASAT. Although ASAT expects that all sponsoring organizations will act
in accordance with the above statements, ASAT does not assume responsibility for ensuring that sponsoring organizations engage in
behavior that is consistently congruent with the statements above.
Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment
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Science in Autism Treatment
Volume 10.3 Summer 2013
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day, united in their commitment to accountability, respect, and science in
autism treatment. Individuals with autism deserve nothing less! Join us on
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Providing Accurate, Science-Based Information - Promoting Access to Effective Treatment