Conversion methods
Linear regulators can output a lower, but not a higher, voltage from the
input. They are very inefficient if the voltage drop is large and the current high as
they dissipate as heat power equal to the product of the output current and the
voltage drop; consequently they are not normally used for large-drop high-current
The inefficiency wastes power and requires higher-rated, and consequently
more expensive and larger, components. The heat dissipated by high-power
supplies is a problem in itself as it must be removed from the circuitry to prevent
unacceptable temperature rises.
They are practical if the current is low, the power dissipated being small,
although it may still be a large fraction of the total power consumed. They are
often used as part of a simple regulated power supply for higher currents: a
transformer generates a voltage which, when rectified, is a little higher than that
needed to bias the linear regulator. The linear regulator drops the excess voltage,
reducing hum-generating ripple current and providing a constant output voltage
independent of normal fluctuations of the unregulated input voltage from the
transformer / bridge rectifier circuit and of the load current.
Linear regulators are inexpensive, reliable if good heat sinking is used and
much simpler than switching regulators. As part of a power supply they may
require a transformer, which is larger for a given power level than that required by
a switch-mode power supply. Linear regulators can provide a very low-noise
output voltage, and are very suitable for powering noise-sensitive low-power
analog and radio frequency circuits. A popular design approach is to use an LDO,
Low Drop-out Regulator that provides a local "point of load" DC supply to a low
power circuit.
Switched-mode conversion
Electronic switch-mode DC to DC converters convert one DC voltage level
to another, by storing the input energy temporarily and then releasing that energy
to the output at a different voltage. The storage may be in either magnetic field
storage components (inductors, transformers) or electric field storage components
(capacitors). This conversion method is more power efficient (often 75% to 98%)
than linear voltage regulation (which dissipates unwanted power as heat). This
efficiency is beneficial to increasing the running time of battery operated devices.
The efficiency has increased in since the late 1980's due to the use of power FETs,
which are able to switch at high frequency more efficiently than power bipolar
transistors, which have more switching losses and require a more complex drive
circuit. Another important innovation in DC-DC converters is the use of
synchronous switching which replaces the flywheel diode with a power FET with
low "On" resistance, there by reducing switching losses.
Drawbacks of switching converters include complexity, electronic noise
(EMI / RFI) and to some extent cost, although this has come down with advances
in chip design.
DC to DC converters are now available as integrated circuits needing
minimal additional components. DC to DC converters are also available as a
complete hybrid circuit component, ready for use within an electronic assembly.
In these DC to DC converters, energy is periodically stored into and released
from a magnetic field in an inductor or a transformer, typically in the range from
300 kHz to 500 MHz. By adjusting the duty cycle of the charging voltage, that is
the ratio of on/off time, the amount of power transferred can be controlled.
Usually, this is done to control the output voltage, though it could be done to
control the input current, the output current, or maintaining a constant power.
Transformer based converters may provide isolation between the input and the
output. In general, the term "DC to DC converter" refers to one of these switching
converters. These circuits are the heart of a switched-mode power supply. Many
topologies exist. This table shows the most common.
In addition, each topology may be:
Hard switched - transistors switch quickly while exposed to both full
voltage and full current
Resonant - an LC circuit shapes the voltage across the transistor and current
through it so that the transistor switches when either the voltage or the
current is zero
Switched capacitor converters rely on alternately connecting capacitors to
the input and output in differing topologies. For example, a switched-capacitor
reducing converter might charge two capacitors in series and then discharge them
in parallel. This would produce an output voltage of half the input voltage, but at
twice the current (minus various inefficiencies). Because they operate on discrete
quantities of charge, these are also sometimes referred to as charge pump
converters. They are typically used in applications requiring relatively small
amounts of current, as at higher current loads the increased efficiency and smaller
size of switch-mode converters makes them a better choice.[citation needed] They are
also used at extremely high voltages, as magnetics would break down at such
A further means of DC to DC conversion in the kW to many MW range is
presented by using redox flow batteries such as the vanadium redox battery,
although this technique has not been applied commercially to date.
Step-down DC/DC converter input ripple and noise
This application note discusses the proper methods for measuring input and
output noise of a high frequency DC/DC converter. Without proper measurement
techniques, the high frequency noise component can easily be overestimated.
When necessary, simple methods are available to reduce input noise and the impact
it may have on other devices.
When a step-down converter shares a common input voltage with other
devices, the input noise generated by the step-down converter may be sufficient to
cause interference with the other devices. Simple filter methods can be used to
reduce the input noise, and simple models can be developed characterise the
circuit. Two circuit models&#mdash;one for the fundamental switching frequency
ripple component and one for the high frequency noise&#mdash; simplify the
analyses. In most cases, a ceramic bypass capacitor placed close to devices that
share the common input voltage is sufficient. A ferrite bead placed between the
converter input and other devices powered from the same source attenuates the
converter input noise.
Class D:
The purpose of a radio frequency power amplifier is to deliver, with
reasonable efficiency, a sinusoidal signal having low harmonics and other
spurious components. Rf power amplifiers are classified by the operation of their
output transistors. Classes A to C uses transistors in the active region, so they are
generally unsuitable for use in power converters, where efficiency is far more
important than signal purity.
To increase efficiency, the transistors may instead be operated as
switches. Class D is a two-switch topology in which the switches conduct on
alternate half cycles, each with a conduction angle approaching 180°. A series
resonant tank converts the square voltage waveform into a sinusoidal load current.
Literature review:
Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, “A new neutral-point-clamped PWM
inverter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-17, no. 5, pp. 518–523, Sep. 1981.
A new neutral-point-clamped pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter composed of
main switching devices which operate as switches for PWM and auxiliary
switching devices to clamp the output terminal potential to the neutral point
potential has been developed. This inverter output contains less harmonic content
as compared with that of a conventional type. Two inverters are compared
analytically and experimentally. In addition, a new PWM technique suitable for an
ac drive system is applied to this inverter. The neutral-point-clamped PWM
inverter adopting the new PWM technique shows an excellent drive system
efficiency, including motor efficiency, and is appropriate for a wide-range
variable-speed drive system.
A grid-tied electrical system, also called tied to grid or grid tie system, is a semi-
autonomous electrical generation or grid energy storage system which links to the
mains to feed excess capacity back to the local mains electrical grid. When
insufficient electricity is available, electricity drawn from the mains grid can make
up the shortfall. Conversely when excess electricity is available, it is sent to the
mains grid. When the Utility or network operator restricts the amount of energy
that goes into the grid, it is possible to prevent any input into the grid by installing
Export Limiting devices.
When batteries are used for storage, the system is called battery-to-grid (B2G),
which includes vehicle-to-grid (V2G).
How it works
Grid-tied Inverter
Direct Current (DC) electricity from sources such as hydro, wind or solar is passed
to an inverter which is grid tied. The inverter monitors the alternating current
mains supply frequency and generates electricity that is phase matched to the
mains. When the grid fails to accept power during a "black out", most inverters can
continue to provide courtesy power.
Battery-to-grid can also spare the use of fossil fuel power plants to supply energy
during peak loads on the public electric grid. Regions that charge based on time of
use metering may benefit by using stored battery power during prime time.
Environmentally friendly
A micro generation facility can be started with a very small system such as a home
wind power generation, photovoltaic (solar cells) generation, or micro combined
heat and power (Micro-CHP)[1] system.
V2G can be used with gridable vehicles, that is, plug-in electric vehicles (BEV and
PHEV), with grid capacity. Since at any given time 95 percent of cars are parked,
the batteries in electric vehicles could be used to let electricity flow from the car to
the electric distribution network and back. A 2015 report on potential earnings
associated with V2G found that with proper regulatory support, vehicle owners
could earn $454, $394, and $318 per year depending on whether their average
daily drive was 32, 64, or 97 km (20, 40, or 60 miles), respectively.
It has been proposed that public utilities would not have to build as many natural
gas or coal-fired power plants to meet peak demand or as an insurance policy
against power outages.[12] Since demand can be measured locally by a simple
frequency measurement, dynamic load leveling can be provided as needed.
Carbitrage, a portmanteau of 'car' and 'arbitrage', is sometimes used to refer to
the minimum price of electricity at which a vehicle would discharge its battery.[14]
Backup power[edit]
Modern electric vehicles can generally store in their batteries more than an average
home's daily energy demand. Even without a PHEV's gas generation capabilities
such a vehicle could be used for emergency power for several days (for example,
lighting, home appliances, etc.). This would be an example of Vehicle-to-home
transmission (V2H). As such they may be seen as a complementary technology for
intermittent renewable power resources such as wind or solar electric.
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCV) with tanks containing up to 5.6 kg of hydrogen
can deliver more than 90 kWh of electricity.[15]
Types of V2G]
1. Unidirectional power flow (V1G) with one resource and unified actors
2. V1G with aggregated resources
V1G involves varying the time or rate at which an electric vehicle is charged in
order to provide ancillary services to the grid, while V2G also includes reverse
power flow. V1G includes applications such as timing vehicles to charge in the
middle of the day to absorb excess solar generation, or varying the charge rate of
electric vehicles to provide frequency response services or load balancing services.
V1G may be the best option to begin integrating EVs as controllable loads onto the
electric grid due to technical issues that currently exist with regards to the
feasibility of V2G. V2G requires specialized hardware (especially bi-directional
inverters), has fairly high losses and limited round-trip efficiency, and may
contribute to EV battery degradation due to increased energy throughput.
Additionally, revenues from V2G in an SCE pilot project were lower than the costs
of administering the project,[17] indicating that V2G still has a ways to go before
being economically feasible.
Unlike more mature V1G solutions, V2X has not yet reached market deployment,
apart from Japan where commercial V2H solutions have been available since 2012
as back-up a solution in case of electricity black-out.[19][20]
Bidirectional V2G
With V2G, the electric vehicles could be equipped to actually provide electricity to
the grid. The utility or transmission system operator may be willing to purchase
energy from customers during periods of peak demand[21], or to use the EV battery
capacity for providing ancillary services[22], such as balancing and frequency
control, including primary frequency regulation and secondary reserve. Thus, V2G
is in most applications deemed to have higher potential commercial value than
V2B or V2H.
Most modern battery electric vehicles use lithium-ion cells that can achieve round-
trip efficiency greater than 90%.[23] The efficiency of the battery depends on factors
like charge rate, charge state, battery state of health, and temperature.[24][25]
The majority of losses, however, are in system components other than the battery.
Power electronics, such as inverters, typically dominate overall losses.[26] A study
found overall round-trip efficiency for V2G system in the range of 53% to 62%'.
Another study reports an efficiency of about 70%.[28] The overall efficiency
however depends on several factors and can vary widely.[26]
Implementation by country
In 2018, Nissan launched a pilot program under the Nissan Energy Share initiative
in partnership with vehicle-to-grid systems company Fermata Energy seeking to
use bi-directional charging technology to partially power Nissan North America's
headquarters in Franklin, Tn.[33] In 2020 Fermata Energy’s bidirectional electric
vehicle charging system became the first to be certified to the North American
safety standard, UL 9741, the Standard for Bidirectional Electric Vehicle (EV)
Charging System Equipment.[34]
In order to meet the 2030 target of 10 percent of Japan's energy being generated by
renewable resources, a cost of $71.1 billion will be required for the upgrades of
existing grid infrastructure. The Japanese charging infrastructure market is
projected to grow from $118.6 million to $1.2 billion between 2015 and 2020. [citation
Starting in 2012, Nissan plans to bring to market a kit compatible with the
LEAF EV that will be able to provide power back into a Japanese home. Currently,
there is a prototype being tested in Japan. Average Japanese homes use 10 to 12
KWh/day, and with the LEAF's 24 KWh battery capacity, this kit could potentially
provide up to two days of power.[citation needed] Production in additional markets will
follow upon Nissan's ability to properly complete adaptations.
In November 2018 in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota Tsusho Corporation
and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc initiated charging and discharging
demonstrations with storage batteries of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid
vehicles using V2G technology. The demonstration examines how to excel the
ability of V2G systems to balance demand and supply of electricity is and what
impacts V2G has on the power grid. In addition to ordinary usage of EVs/PHVs
such as by transportation, the group is producing new values of EVs/PHVs by
providing V2G services even when EVs/PHVs are parked. Two bi-directional
charging stations, connected to a V2G aggregation server managed by Nuvve
Corporation, have been installed at a parking lot in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
to conduct the demonstration test. The group aims to assess the capacity of
EVs/PHVs to balance out demand and supply of electrical power by charging
EVs/PHVs and supplying electrical power to the grid from EVs/PHVs.[35]
Following the Edison project, the Nikola project was started[37] which focused on
demonstrating the V2G technology in a lab setting, located at the Risø Campus
(DTU). DTU is a partner along with Nuvve and Nissan. The Nikola project
completed in 2016, laying the groundwork for Parker, which uses a fleet of EVs to
demonstrate the technology in a real-life setting. This project is partnered by DTU,
Insero, Nuvve, Nissan and Frederiksberg Forsyning (Danish DSO in
Copenhagen). Besides demonstrating the technology the project also aims to clear
the path for V2G-integration with other OEMs as well as calculating the business
case for several types of V2G, such as Adaptive charging, overload protection,
peak shaving, emergency backup and frequency balancing. In the project the
partners explored the most viable commercial opportunities by systematically
testing and demonstrating V2G services across car brands. Here, economic and
regulatory barriers were identified as well as the economic and technical impacts
of the applications on the power system and markets.[39] The project started in
August 2016 and ended in September 2018.
United Kingdom
The V2G market in the UK will be stimulated by aggressive smart grid and PEV
rollouts. Starting in January 2011, programs and strategies to assist in PEV have
been implemented. The UK has begun devising strategies to increase the speed of
adoption of EVs. This includes providing universal high-speed internet for use
with smart grid meters, because most V2G-capable PEVs will not coordinate with
the larger grid without it. The "Electric Delivery Plan for London" states that by
2015, there will be 500 on-road charging stations; 2,000 stations off-road in car
parks; and 22,000 privately owned stations installed. Local grid substations will
need to be upgraded for drivers who cannot park on their own property. By 2020 in
the UK, every residential home will have been offered a smart meter, and about 1.7
million PEVs should be on the road. The UK's electric vehicle market value is
projected to grow from $0.1 to $1.3 billion between 2015 and 2020 (ZigBee 2010).
The system was originally developed as part of the Smart Power Infrastructure
Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security (SPIDERS) Phase II program,
led by Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. The goals of the
SPIDERS program are to increase energy security in the event of power loss from
a physical or cyber disruption, provide emergency power, and manage the grid
more efficiently.[49] In November 2012, SwRI was awarded a $7 million contract
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to demonstrate the integration of vehicle-
to-grid technologies as a source for emergency power at Fort Carson, Colorado.
In 2013, SwRI researchers tested five DC fast-charge stations at the army post.
The system passed integration and acceptance testing in August 2013.[51]
Delft University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk, Vincent Oldenbroek and Dr. Carla Robledo, researchers
at Delft University of Technology, in 2016 conducted research on V2G technology
with hydrogen FCEVs. Both experimental work with V2G FCEVs and techno-
economic scenario studies for 100% renewable integrated energy and transport
systems are done, using only hydrogen and electricity as energy carriers.[52] They
modified a Hyundai ix35 FCEV together with Hyundai R&D so it can deliver up to
10 kW DC Power[3] while maintaining road access permit. They developed
together with the company Accenda b.v. a V2G unit converting the DC power of
the FCEV into 3-phase AC power and injecting it into the Dutch national
electricity grid.[3] The Future Energy Systems Group also recently did tests with
their V2G FCEVs whether it could offer frequency reserves. Based on the positive
outcome of the tests an MSc thesis was published looking into the technical and
economic feasibility assessment of a hydrogen and FCEV based Car Park as Power
Plant offering frequency reserves.[53]
University of Delaware
Willett Kempton, Suresh Advani, and Ajay Prasad are the researchers at
the University of Delaware who are currently conducting research on the V2G
technology, with Dr. Kempton being the lead on the project. Dr. Kempton has
published a number of articles on the technology and the concept, many of which
can be found on the V2G project page. The group is involved in researching the
technology itself, as well as its performance when used on the grid. In addition to
the technical research, the team has worked with Dr. Meryl Gardner, a marketing
professor in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economic at the University
of Delaware, to develop marketing strategies for both consumer and corporate fleet
adoption. A 2006 Toyota Scion xB car was modified for testing in 2007.
In 2010, Kempton and Gregory Poilasne co-founded Nuvve, a V2G solutions
company. The company has formed a number of industry partnerships and
implemented V2G pilot projects on five continents worldwide.
One notable V2G project in the United States is at the University of Delaware,
where a V2G team headed by Dr. Willett Kempton has been conducting on-going
research. An early operational implementation in Europe was conducted via the
German government-funded MeRegioMobil project at the "KIT Smart Energy
Home" of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in cooperation with Opel as vehicle
partner and utility EnBW providing grid expertise. Their goals are to educate the
public about the environmental and economic benefits of V2G and enhance the
product market. Other investigators are the Pacific Gas and Electric
Company, Xcel Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and, in
the United Kingdom, the University of Warwick.[63]
University of Warwick
WMG and Jaguar Land Rover collaborated with the Energy and Electrical Systems
group of the university. Dr Kotub Uddin analysed lithium ion batteries from
commercially available EVs over a two year period. He created a model of battery
degradation and discovered that some patterns of vehicle-to-grid storage were able
to significantly increase the longevity of the vehicle's battery over conventional
charging strategies, while permitting them to be driven in normal ways. [64]
There is some skepticism among experts about the feasibility of V2G and several
studies have questioned the concept's economic rationale. For example, a 2015
study[65] found that economic analyses favorable to V2G fail to include many of the
less obvious costs associated with its implementation. When these less obvious
costs are included, the study finds that V2G represents an economically inefficient
The more a battery is used the sooner it needs replacing. Replacement cost is
approximately 1/3 the cost of the electric car. Over their lifespan, batteries degrade
progressively with reduced capacity, cycle life, and safety due to chemical changes
to the electrodes. Capacity loss/fade is expressed as a percentage of initial capacity
after a number of cycles (e.g., 30% loss after 1,000 cycles). Cycling loss is due to
usage and depends on both the maximum state of charge and the depth of
discharge.JB Straubel, CTO of Tesla Inc., discounts V2G because battery wear
outweighs economic benefit. He also prefers recycling over re-use for grid once
batteries have reached the end of their useful car life.[68] A 2017 study found
decreasing capacity,[69][70] and a 2012 hybrid-EV study found minor benefit.
Additionally, in order for V2G to work, it must be on a large scale basis. Power
companies must be willing to adopt the technology in order to allow vehicles to
give power back to the power grid.[10] With vehicles giving power back to the grid,
the aforementioned "smart-meters" would have to be in place in order to measure
the amount of power being transferred to the grid
There are several electric vehicles that have been specially modified or are
designed to be compatible with V2G. Hyundai ix35 FCEV from Delft University
of Technology is modified with a 10 kW DC V2G output.[15] Two vehicles that
have a theoretical V2G capability include the Nissan Leaf and Nissan e-NV200.[73]
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1.Open the SimPower Systems library by entering the following command at the
MATLAB prompt.
2.From the File menu of the powerlib window,open a new window to contain your
first circuit and save it as circuit1.
3.Open the Electrical Sources library and copy the AC Voltage Source block into
the circuit1 window. C components have disappeared so that the icon now shows a
single resistor.
Together with voltage sources, or inductor elements in series with current sources.
When you start the simulation, SimPower Systems will signal an error if one of the
following two connection errors are present in your diagram: