Invitation - Sector Stakeholders
Invitation - Sector Stakeholders
Invitation - Sector Stakeholders
22 May 2024
Sector Stakeholders
Please note that the national launch, consultation, and engagement workshop shall be held at
the Harare International Conference Centre in Harare on the 27th of May 2024. Agenda for the
meeting is reflected in the concept note herein attached and shall include presentations and
interactive sessions to facilitate meaningful dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.
Washington Zhakata
Director Climate Change Management Department
For: Secretary for Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Concept Note
Ministry of Environment, Climate and Wildlife
National Launch and Stakeholder Consultations on the Climate Change Bill
27 May 2024
Harare International Conference Centre
1.0 Introduction
The global challenge of climate change has necessitated the urgent need for countries to
adopt effective strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and combat its adverse
impacts. Zimbabwe, as a developing nation, acknowledges the significance of
sustainable environmental practices and has taken substantial steps towards addressing
climate change. In line with this commitment, the Government of Zimbabwe is working
towards the development and gazetting of the Climate Change Bill to enhance its
climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.
The successful development and gazetting of the Climate Change Management Bill
requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach that involves active engagement and
consultation with various stakeholders. Stakeholders in this context refer to individuals
and groups who have a vested interest or are directly affected by climate change
policies and strategies. This includes local communities, government ministries,
departments and agencies, private sector entities, civil society organizations,
development partners, academic institutions, etc.
2.0 Objectives
The objectives of the stakeholder consultations are to:
I. Ensure diverse perspectives and interests are captured in the development of the
Climate Change Management Bill;
II. Foster a common understanding and consensus among diverse stakeholders
regarding the draft bill;
III. Enhance transparency in the development of the Climate Change Management
Bill to build trust and credibility among key stakeholders and players in the
climate change space; and
IV. Identify opportunities and challenges associated with implementation of the
Climate Change Management Bill.
The expected outcome from the stakeholder consultations is the development of a well-
informed, inclusive, and widely accepted climate change management legislation. By
actively involving diverse stakeholders, the process aims to generate consensus,
enhance decision-making, and promote transparency.
This national launch and stakeholder consultation workshop shall be highly interactive
providing an opportunity for stakeholders to share their perspectives, insights, and
concerns regarding the draft Climate Change Management Bill. This shall be achieved
through structured presentations, breakaway groups and plenary discussions.