Maruti Research Paper
Maruti Research Paper
Maruti Research Paper
Nithish Pal J R, final year MBA, College of Management, SRM Institute of Science and
Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai.
Vivek S, final year MBA, College of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Ramapuram, Chennai.
CRM is a strategy and technology that is used to build stronger relationships between
organizations and their clients. An organization will store information that is related to their
clients, and employees will analyze it to use it in forecasting and making reports. Some of the
strategies of CRM software are planning for targeted marketing campaigns towards specific
clients. The strategies used will be relying on the information that is coming from the CRM
system. CRM software solution is commonly used by all kind of corporations that focusing on
maintaining a strong relationship with their customers. There are many reasons why CRM
software has become the most important software in the last 10 years. The competition has become
highly competitive in the global market, and it has become easier for clients to switch companies if
they are not happy with the service they receive or want the product with the low price. One of the
primary goals of CRM solution is to retain clients and protect them from competitor’s temptations.
When CRM is used effectively, an organization will be able to build a relationship with their
clients that can last a lifetime. It is so important to realize that CRM system solution is more than
just software. This CRM introduction aims to explaining what the CRM is in a nutshell and
making it easier to realize the tremendous benefits of purchasing Customer Relationship
Management software that will help drive more customers thus more profit towards you and
makes your life easier.
Today growing businesses manage customer connections and information in a variety of ways.
Some use old fashioned note cards and Rolodex. Others store information on their mobile phone
while on the go or while having no means of accessing a Personal Computer or a laptop. Others
use Excel spreadsheets or Google documents and that is the most common case.
Literature may explore different CRM strategies implemented by automotive companies like
Maruti Suzuki to enhance customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. This could include
segmentation strategies, personalized marketing approaches, and after-sales service initiatives.
Technology Adoption: Research may focus on the adoption of CRM technologies within the
automotive sector, including the integration of CRM systems with other business applications and
the use of data analytics to drive customer insights and decision-making.
Customer Experience Management: Studies may examine how automotive companies manage
customer experiences across various touch points, including pre-sales interactions, vehicle
delivery, after-sales service, and customer support, to build long- term relationships.
Customer Loyalty and Retention: Literature may analyze the factors influencing customer loyalty
and retention in the automotive industry, including the role of brand image, product quality,
pricing, customer service, and the effectiveness of loyalty programs.
Dealer Management: Research may investigate the relationship between automotive manufacturers
and their dealership networks, including issues related to dealer performance, training, incentives,
and the impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Digitalization and CRM: With the increasing
digitalization of business processes, studies may explore how automotive companies leverage
digital channels such as social media, mobile apps, and online platforms to enhance CRM efforts
and engage with customers more effectively.
Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Given the global nature of the automotive industry, literature may
examine cross-cultural differences in CRM practices and customer preferences, particularly in
emerging markets like India where Maruti Suzuki operates.
A comprehensive review of literature on CRM in the automotive industry can provide valuable
insights into best practices, emerging trends, and areas for further research and improvement,
helping companies like Maruti Suzuki optimize their CRM strategies to better serve their
• To know whether the different variations of price level provided by
COMPETENTAUTOMOBILES satisfies consumers.
• To know about code of conduct and which rules and procedures are followed by employee
• To determine and compare educational development of the project-assisted and non-assisted
institutes as perceived by teachers, administrators, and current students
4.1 Data Designing:
• Basic research: This study is undertaken only for the advancement of knowledge and has no
immediate economic prospects. The study conducted for the wellbeing of humans, animals,
and the plant kingdom. It is known as basic, pure, and fundamental research. The primary
objective here is to extend human understanding, not to construct or invent something.
• Applied research: Applied research is intended to solve actual issues in the current world
rather than acquiring information for its own sake. Applied research aims to better the human
situation. It focuses on analyzing and addressing social and real-world problems. This study is
often undertaken on a huge scale and is costly. As a result, it is frequently carried out with the
assistance of a finance body such as the national government, Government Company, World
Bank, UNICEF, ugc, etc.
• Quantitative research: The study is based on numerical data. Quantitative research aims to
measure a number or amount, compare it to previous data, and forecast for the future. In the
humanities and social sciences, "quantitative research alludes to the systematic examination of
quantitative features and events and their relationships".
• Qualitative research: Qualitative research presents non-quantitative type of analysis.
Qualitative research is collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do
and say. Qualitative research refers to the meanings, definitions, characteristics, symbols,
metaphors, and description of things. Qualitative research is much more subjective and uses
very different methods of collecting information, mainly individual, in-depth interviews and
focus groups.
4.2 Data Collection:
For a research paper on "Customer Relationship Management Strategies Impact on Maruti
Suzuki," the data collection methodology should encompass a mix of quantitative and qualitative
approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Quantitative data can be
collected through surveys distributed to Maruti Suzuki customers to gather feedback on their
experiences with the company's CRM strategies, satisfaction levels, and loyalty.
This data can be analyzed using statistical tools to quantify the impact of CRM strategies on
customer perceptions and behaviours. Qualitative data can be obtained through in-depth interviews
with Maruti Suzuki executives, CRM managers, and frontline staff to gain insights into the
development, implementation, and effectiveness of CRM strategies within the organization.
Additionally, analyzing internal documents, reports, and customer feedback channels can provide
valuable insights into the specific CRM initiatives undertaken by Maruti Suzuki and their impact
on customer relationships. By combining quantitative survey data, qualitative interviews, and
internal document analysis, the research paper can offer a comprehensive evaluation of the impact
of CRM strategies on Maruti Suzuki's customer relationships and business performance.
Age of the respondents
S NO Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
1 20 7 4.46
2 20-30 61 38.85
3 30-40 46 29.30
4 40-60 43 27.39
TOTAL 157 100.00
From the above table, it is interpreted that the number of respondents 20 ages of respondents are
4.46%, between 20 to 30 ages of respondents are 38.85%, between 30 to 40 ages of respondents
are 29.30%, and between 40 to 60 ages of respondents are 27.39%.
Gender of the respondents
S.NO Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Male 96 61.15
2 Female 61 38.85
TOTA L 157 100.00
From the above table, it is interpreted that the number of male respondents is 61.15% and female
respondents is
Qualification of the respondents
S.NO Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
1 10th Pass 10 6.37
2 12th Pass 10 6.37
3 Graduate 74 47.13
4 Others 63 40.13
TOTAL 157 100.00
From the above table, it is interpreted that the number of respondents 10th Pass is 6.37%, 12th
Pass is 6.37%, Graduate is 47.13%, Others is 40.13%.
Occupation of the respondents
S.NO Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Student 52 33.12
2 Government Employee 32 20.38
3 Self Employee 23 14.65
4 Private Employee 50 31.85
TOTAL 157 100.00
From the above table, it is interpreted that the number of respondents were 33.12% is Student,
20.38% is Government Employee, 14.65% is Self Employee, 31.85% is Private Employee.
• Majority (38.85%) of the respondents are age between 20 to 30 years.
• Majority (61.15%) of the respondents are Male.
• Majority (47.13%) of the respondents are Graduate.
• Majority (33.12%) of the respondents are Student.
• Majority (57.32%) of the respondents are married.
• Majority (62.42%) of the respondents are agree.
• Majority (43.95%) of the respondents are waiting/queues.
• Majority (87.26%) of the respondents are satisfying.
• Majority (71.97%) of the respondents are yes.
• Majority (43.31%) of the respondents are often.
• Majority (49.04%) of the respondents are satisfied.
One limitation of the research paper on "Customer Relationship Management Strategies Impact on
Maruti Suzuki" is the potential bias in customer feedback and survey responses. As customers may
not always provide accurate or honest feedback, the study's findings may be influenced by this
bias. Furthermore, the research's reliance on selfreported data from Maruti Suzuki executives and
CRM managers may also introduce a level of subjectivity, as their perceptions of the company's
CRM strategies may not align with actual customer experiences.
Additionally, the study's focus on a single company, Maruti Suzuki, may limit its generalizability
to other organizations in the automotive sector, making it essential to consider the unique
characteristics and challenges of Maruti Suzuki's customer base and CRM strategies. Finally, the
study's time frame may be limited by the availability of data, which could impact the depth of
analysis and the ability to capture long-term trends or changes in Maruti Suzuki's CRM strategies
and their impact on customer relationships.
• In a research paper focusing on "Customer Relationship Management Strategies Impact on
Maruti Suzuki," a key recommendation would be to suggest that Maruti Suzuki continuously
evaluates and adapts its CRM strategies based on customer feedback and market dynamics.
• Encouraging the company to prioritize customer-centric approaches, the research paper should
advocate for the implementation of data-driven CRM initiatives that leverage customer
insights to personalize interactions, enhance service quality, and build long-term relationships.
Additionally, recommending the integration of digital technologies and analytics tools can
enable Maruti Suzuki to gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, behavior
patterns, and satisfaction levels, facilitating more targeted and effective CRM strategies.
• Furthermore, emphasizing the importance of employee training and engagement in delivering
exceptional customer experiences can help Maruti Suzuki align its internal culture with
customer-centric values. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and
customer focus, Maruti Suzuki can strengthen its competitive position, drive customer loyalty,
and achieve sustainable growth in the automotive market.
It has been observed that most customers are satisfied with pre sales services similarly most of
these customers are dissatisfied with the post sales service which is the matterof concern for the
company. Maruti Suzuki needs to improve some parts of products specifically the interiors. High
customer satisfaction level helps the company to retain its existing customer as well as generate
new customer through word to mouth publicity. Customer satisfaction index is a good tool to make
improvements in the products and services of the company. And therefore should utilize carefully
and kept as confidential as possible. Customer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of
consumer purchase intentions and loyalty." "Customer satisfaction data are among the most
frequently collected indicators of market perceptions. Their principal use is twofold:" "Within
organizations, the collection, analysis and dissemination of these data send a message about the
importance of tending to customers and ensuring that they have a positive experience with the
company‘s goods and services."
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