Network Management Card (NMC) Password Reset Procedure - APC USA
Network Management Card (NMC) Password Reset Procedure - APC USA
Network Management Card (NMC) Password Reset Procedure - APC USA
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Devices with an embedded Web/SNMP Card include (but are not limited to): Environmental Monitoring
Unit 1 (AP9312TH)
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 1 include (but are not limited to):
Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP78XX, AP79XX), Rack Automatic Transfer Switches (AP77XX,
Environmental Monitoring Units (AP9320, AP9340, NetBotz 200)
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 2 include (but are not limited to): 2G
Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP84XX, AP86XX, AP88XX, AP89XX), Rack Automatic Transfer Switches
(AP44XX), Certain Audio/Video Network Management Enabled products, Smart-UPS Online (SRT).
The Network Management Card's administrator username and/or password has been forgotten or lost
and requires a special reset procedure in order to regain access.
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These steps will require local access to NMC1 and NMC2 device(s) and require you to directly connect
to it with the APC serial configuration cable. Browse the steps below for your device model in order to
reset the Administrator's password.
NOTE: Connecting a non-APC serial cable during the procedures below can cause unwanted erratic
device behavior.
In addition, if you are trying to reset a password on a UPS that has more than one SmartSlot accessory
installed in it (i.e. AP9607 Interface Expander), it may be required to temporarily remove the other
SmartSlot accessories to gain direct serial access to the NMC console interface. Please reference that
accessory's User Guide on how to do that. It is also important to make sure that the accessories are
installed in the correct order, referencing this document.
1.) Select a serial port at the local computer, and disable any service that uses that port.
2.) Refer to the chart below and obtain the correct communication cable for the Network Management
Card 1-enabled device:
3.) Connect the serial cable to the selected port on the computer and to the configuration port at the
UPS/Network Management Card Embedded device.
4.) Run a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal®) and configure the selected port as follows,
depending on your device model type (refer to the user's manual if the device is not listed below):
NOTE: For three phase UPS devices, it will be necessary to remove the communication cable from the
port labeled "Display" that connects to the PowerView display prior to completing this reset procedure.
5.) Press ENTER, repeatedly if necessary, to display the User Name prompt. If you are unable to display
the User Name prompt, verify the following:
6.) Press the Reset button once. The Status LED will flash rapidly (almost immediately) while alternating
between orange and green. NOTE: If you are using an AP9606, proceed to step 7. Press the Reset button
again a second time immediately while the LED is rapidly flashing - which will cause the LED to then go
off - in order to reset the User Name and Password to their defaults temporarily (the default User Name
and password are both apc).
7.) Press ENTER as many times as necessary to redisplay the User Name prompt, then use the
default, apc, for the user name and password. (If you take longer than 30 seconds to log on after the
User Name prompt is redisplayed, you must repeat step 5 and log on again.)
8.) From the Control Console menu, select System, then User Manager.
9.) Select Administrator, and change the User Name and Password settings, both of which are now apc.
10.) Press CTRL+C, log off, reconnect any serial cable you disconnected, and restart any service you
NOTE: For Network Management Cards running lower than version 2.5 firmware (or models AP9606),
step 6 (the second reset press) will not be necessary.
NOTE: On v6.X.X firmware, the Super User or Administrator level accounts can reset other Administrator,
Device, Read Only, and Network Only user passwords. This procedure may not be required if the Super
User password or at least one set of Administrator credentials are known.
You can use a local computer that connects to the Network Management Card through the serial port to
access the command line interface. This port is labeled "Console" and is on the Network Management
Card itself. You'll also need to press the pinhole reset button - access is located on the front of the
Network Management Card to the right of the Ethernet jack.
1.) Select a serial port at the local computer, and disable any service that uses that port.
2.) Connect the provided serial cable (APC part number 940-0299) to the selected port on the computer
and to the configuration port at the Network Management Card.
3.) Run a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal®) and configure the selected port for 9600 bps, 8
data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
4.) Press ENTER, repeatedly if necessary, to display the User Name prompt. If you are unable to display
the User Name prompt, verify the following:
5.) Press the Reset button once (please note, sometimes aligning a paper clip or similar to the pinhole
reset button can be difficult. It is suggested to hold the paper clip or similar device towards the top of the
reset button hole and press gently until the alignment is made). Wait 5-7 seconds (the Status LED will be
off while you wait) and then after that period of time, the Status LED will flash rapidly while alternating
between orange and green. Press the Reset button a second time immediately while the LED is
rapidly flashing - which will cause the LED to then go off - in order to reset the User Name and Password
to their defaults temporarily (the default User Name and password are both apc).
6.) Press ENTER, repeatedly if necessary, to display the User Name prompt again, then use the default,
apc, for the User Name and password. (If you take longer than 30 seconds to log on after the User Name
prompt is redisplayed, you must repeat step 5 and log on again.)
7a.) For v5.X.X firmware only: At the Command Line Interface, use the following commands to change
the User Name and Password settings, both of which are now temporarily apc:
7b.) For v6.X.X firmware only: At the Command Line Interface, use the following commands to change
the Password setting for the Super User account, for which the username is always apc, and the
password is now temporarily apc: 3/6
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Secondly, the Super User account can be disabled for security reasons. In addition to possibly needing
to reset its password, you may need to re-enable the account if no other administrative access is
available or known. To do that, type:
Because the Super User can also reset the password for any account, you can reset other user's
passwords as well. For example, to change the password for user upsadmin too, type:
NOTE: Per the v6.X.X's firmware User Guide, please note that changing user name information is no
longer supported via the Command Line Interface. If a user's user name needs to be changed, it must be
deleted and re-created. The Super User will also have access now to log in and adjust any other user's
8.) Type quit or exit to log off, reconnect any serial cable you disconnected, and restart any service you
The following video explains the password reset procedure for Network Management Card 2 with
firmware revisions of v6.X.X.
Network Management Card 3 / Network Management Card for Easy UPS Procedure
NOTE: Resetting your NMC will reset the card to its default configuration.
If you forget your NMC’s password, you must use the Reset button on the NMC to wipe all configuration,
including the password.
1.) Hold down the Reset button for 20-25 seconds, ensuring the Status LED is pulsing green during this
2.) When the Status LED change to amber or orange, release the Reset button to allow the NMC to
complete its reboot process.
3.) After the NMC reboots, you must re-configure your NMC. For more information, see the NMC
Installation Guide on the APC website.
NOTE: It is recommended you export the config.ini file after configuring your NMC to prevent loss of data
in the event of a lost password.
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UPS Network Management Cards
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