Abstract—Healthcare is one of the most important needs of any Along with these facilities, the users can track their steps
human being. For any nation to prosper, it must first ensure that its using the pedometer option and monitor their levels and blood
citizens get the appropriate health care facilities. It is often observed
that due to expensive routine check-ups, people usually procrastinate pressure by placing their finger on the camera lens. In case of
going to the hospitals until it becomes absolutely necessary and an emergency, the application allows the users to view the list
sometimes, that is too late. Moreover, time and resources get wasted of nearby hospitals and medical care facilities. The application
when patients have to go from one hospital to another for the required
services. The project aims to reduce these shortcomings in the
also allows the users to register themselves as potential blood
healthcare system by recommending doctors along with the donors or view the list of blood donors. The doctor and user
laboratory names to the patients, based on their requirements. For the credentials along with their appointment details as well as the
disease prediction, the symptoms inputted by the users are processed list of donors based on the blood group are stored in the
using machine learning algorithm (Random Forest Classifier), based
on which the users can then choose appropriate lab packages. Besides Firebase database. The admin has access to all the information
the aforementioned facilities, the application also allows the users to stored in the database while the user can view only his/her
view nearby hospitals in case of an emergency, check their blood details.
pressure and levels whenever they want to. Furthermore, our app
provides users with a pedometer to keep track of their steps and
health and also provides them with an option to register themselves as II. PROBLEM DEFINITION
blood donors or view the list of blood donors.
Index Terms—healthcare, android application, symptoms, disease The mobile healthcare web services by using android can
prediction, appointment scheduling, pedometer, blood bank, SpO2, provide benefits to the users, allowing them to enter their
blood pressure, nearby hospitals locator, Random forest classifier symptoms and get the correct response from the system in the
form of disease identification and providing appropriate lab
I. INTRODUCTION packages for the illness. Using the new technologies, users can
In today’s world, mobile phone has become an essential part be equipped with powerful and efficient tools, support systems
of everyone’s life. Laptops may not be owned by everyone but that can help them in their everyday management of health and
nowadays, everybody has a mobile phone equipped with an thus, they can be more involved in decision making when it
internet connection. A mobile phone can be used to solve comes to their health; for instance, the patients can timely plan
many problems related to healthcare. People have now become their routine body check-up’s and further consult a doctor if a
more aware regarding proper health and fitness. This project is serious situation arises. They can also locate nearby hospitals
an online diagnostic lab manager application equipped with an in case of an emergency by making use of the built-in feature
emergency, pedometer, SpO2, blood pressure and blood bank of GPS and find routes through Google Map API.
option. Due to the technology advances in healthcare, a user can
The app can be used by people to view variety of tests along now locate the nearest available blood donor and communicate
with their prices, conducted by various labs. It also allows the with him/her in case of an emergency situation. People can
users to input their symptoms and then accordingly, our also keep track of their fitness, calories burnt and cholesterol
application predicts the disease. Based on the output, the users levels by using the pedometer applications that are available
can then choose the appropriate lab package. The application on playstore. Instead of going to the hospitals or buying
also allows the registered doctors to keep a track of their instruments to calculate blood pressure and levels, a person
appointments. The dataset used for the prediction of diseases can now use his/her mobile phone to do the same. For
has been taken from a study conducted at Columbia healthcare applications, user-friendliness of the system is very
University. important as there is a big spectrum of users with different
needs and expectations that should be met by the application.
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
Furthermore, we have tried to integrate all the above facilities availing health service facilities such as scheduling an
into a single application, thus reducing the hassle of juggling appointment, low cost and time saving system, and disease
between multiple apps. prediction.
Our project consists of three main modules namely, doctor,
admin, patient and provides the user with five other options on III. RELATED WORK IN THE AREA
the home page namely, emergency, blood bank, SpO2 monitor, Health care is changing with a new focus on the patient. In
BP monitor and pedometer. Once the application is installed, relation to this transformation, the new focus on the patient
the user can click on any one of the aforementioned options. includes recognition of the role of patients in health care
On clicking the admin button and giving the correct admin design and delivery. By using the Internet as a medium, users
username and password, the user is allowed to view the details now have more freedom in decision making regarding their
of the patients (along with the appointment details) or that of preferences and have improved access. Many positive changes
the doctors’. in some areas have been observed after adopting mobiles for
When the user clicks on the patient button present on the healthcare such as decreased no-show rate, less staff labour,
home page, he/she is given an option to make a new account reduction in waiting time, and better satisfaction, and so on.
or log into an existing one by entering the registered phone Major reasons that discourage providers from switching to
number and view his/her details. The project allows the patient mobile-based scheduling include cost, flexibility, safety, and
to fix an appointment or delete an existing one. The integrity. Patients’ unwillingness to use such applications is
appointment details include, name of the doctor and the mainly characterised by their past experiences regarding usage
hospital, name and price of the test and appointment date and of computers and the Internet as well as their communication
time. Also, the patient can choose from a pool of packages, preferences.
that suit his/her needs. The basic packages included are: Lipid The mobile based healthcare systems are faster than the web
Panel, Liver Panel, Full Body Check-up, Urinalysis, Complete applications and have greater functionality due to access to the
Blood Count and Haemoglobin A1C. To view more packages, system resources. Also, mobile health [m-Health] applications
the patient is given an option to select the symptoms, on the are safer and more secure as they must first be approved by the
basis of which an illness is predicted. The algorithm used to play store. Out of 120 applications that we surveyed on the
predict the disease is Random Forest Classifier and some of play store, most of them either focus on online lab bookings or
the diseases predicted are: fungal infection, common cold, disease prediction, and few of them are either pedometer,
migraine, acne, allergy, diabetes and so on. Once an blood bank or pulse oximeter applications. On the contrary, we
appointment is fixed, the user receives an SMS notifying have tried to incorporate all the aforementioned facilities into
his/her of the same. The details get updated in the Firebase, one.
allowing the admin to view the modified data. On clicking the
doctor button present on the home page and giving the correct
username and password, the doctor is allowed to view the For the project, we surveyed various research papers, out of
name of his/her patients and when the name of the patient is which we zeroed in on the following ones. To comprehend the
clicked, the user is taken to a new page displaying if the significance of data mining in healthcare, we referred to [1]. It
patient had made any appointments. states that data mining techniques are necessary for better
When the emergency option is clicked, a list of all the decision and prediction in the healthcare field. This paper also
nearby hospitals and health care facilities is displayed to the shows how data mining of medical data contributes to business
user based on his/her location. The pedometer option present intelligence which is very useful for the diagnosis of diseases.
on the home page allows the user to keep track of his/her [2] states that for fast classification of big data and accurate
steps. Furthermore, the options to monitor blood pressure and prediction of the disease, KNN and CNN are used. Since
SpO2 levels work only when the user places his/her finger on medical data is increasing daily, the need for correct prediction
the camera lens. The blood bank button present on the home is crucial. On the contrary, [3] claims C4.5 algorithms to be an
page and displays two options, either to be a donor or view the efficient one when compared to the other algorithms and since,
list of blood donors. When the user chooses to be a donor, the number of attributes is less, the complexity of decision tree
he/she is asked to fill in certain details including his/her name, is reduced. After going through [4], we decided to use
blood group and mobile number. When the user chooses the Random Forest Classifier for disease prediction in our project,
latter option, he/she is asked to select a blood group type in as when compared to Naıve Bayes and KNN, Random Forest
order to view the list of donors of the particular blood group was better in terms of f degree and accuracy over distinctive
(along with their locations). datasets. Also, [5] states that in situations where the number of
Our main focus was on the convenience of the user, thus variables is larger than the number of observations, Random
making sure that the project had the following characteristics: Forest has shown good performance. This has helped us with
regard to the project as our dataset has large number of
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
symptoms for the prediction. [6] author have been used To make sure that the user takes out time for fitness during
machine learning model using genetic algorithm and support his/her daily routine, we have included a pedometer option.
vector machine. For this, we referred to [16] which is a study on how accurate
[7] provided us with a framework for implementing our pedometer mobile applications are. The aim of the paper was
idea. In this paper, an android based application has been to evaluate the accuracy of six different free pedometer
designed which provides many features to the user. This applications for three different cell phones, worn at three
application helps the user to keep a track of his/her fitness different cell phone positions. Since many pedometer
regime and also manages appointments with the doctors easily. applications are available for download, it is necessary that
Similarly, in [8], a healthcare-based app has been proposed their accuracy is evaluated before use.
which is user friendly and efficient. Also, this application can
be deployed on the cloud when integrated with different V. IMPLEMENTATION
hospitals and linked with their servers to the cloud. For the use
of Firebase in our project, we studied [9] and found out that The application is written in Kotlin on Android Studio. For
android apps run faster and efficiently when Firebase is used storing the details of the users, doctors and donors, Firebase
as PHP is not required to communicate with the database. Real-time Database has been used. It stores the data in JSON
Also, it provides a safe and secure channel to interact with the format which has a nested structure and can be represented
database directly from Java. using a tree. The dataset used for the prediction of diseases has
As the main objective of our project is to reduce the time been taken from a study conducted at Columbia University
and energy spent by users in travelling and standing in long [17]. It has then been cleaned and pre-processed. The dataset
queues in hospitals, we decided to provide them with an option contains the name of the diseases along with their symptoms
to fix appointments online. For this, [10], [11] and [12] were as shown in Fig. 1. We have used random forest classifier to
consulted. [10] states that the benefits of implementing such classify the disease because random forest has shown better
system are easy registration by the customer from anywhere, performance in situations where the number of variables is
at any time and on any device. [12] suggests that for a system larger than the number of observations and in our project, the
to achieve integrity, mutual authentication, data confidentiality dataset has large number of symptoms for each disease. The
and secure search, the following four entities must be used: confusion matrix for the random forest classifier is shown in
Cloud Server, Trusted Authority, User and Medical Service Fig. 2 andFig. 3 displays the precision, recall and F-1 Score of
Providers. the classifier.
In order to incorporate SpO2and blood pressure monitor in
our application, we consulted [13]. The paper talks about how
mobile phones with numerous in-built sensors can be used to
develop and design applications to collect different biomedical
signals. It proposes the use of mobile phone’s camera to
predict heart-rate and pulse oximeter level. This is achieved by
making use of the ability of the smart phone to record and
detect variations in colour signals in a fingertip when placed in
contact with the phone’s camera. [14] was studied to get an
idea of how a blood bank option should be added to our
project. The paper proposes an android application that Fig. 1. Dataset
searches for the nearest donor available by tracking their
present location via GPS by making use of the Haversine
Mathematical Algorithm. It then consults the Department
ofHealth and Welfare regarding the benefactor’s medical case
history.We are living in a world where perilous situations can
happen to anybody therefore emergency rescue assistance and
relief operations become very important. In order to make sure
that our application includes an emergency option, [15] was
consulted. The paper proposes an application that locates the
nearest hospital (within five km radius) with the desired
medical specialist. The location of the hospital is found out by
making use of the GPS in smartphones and finds the route
from the user’s current location through Google Map API.
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
enter the following details: name, blood group and mobile
number. On hitting continue, the details get stored in the
Firebase Database along with the user’s location.
When the emergency button is clicked, the application asks
for the location permission to be enabled if not. A new page is
displayed which has search nearby hospitals button. When the
button is clicked, a google map is displayed with nearby
hospitals and medical care facilities shown with red markers
and the user’s location shown in blue marker. This page also
has a button which when clicked, displays the list of the
nearby hospitals with their names and addresses as shown in
Fig. 6. The pedometer button allows the user to count his/her
stepsas shown in Fig. 7. Once started, the application
simultaneously displays the number of steps travelled on the
top. When stopped, a toast message is displayed with the total
number of steps travelled as shown in.
In order to estimate oxygen saturation level and blood
Fig. 7. Pedometer
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
detail, he/she can click on the button “receive appointment
details”. If the user wants to view more packages, he/she can
choose the option to predict disease. This takes the user to the
next page that displays a list of symptoms as shown in Fig. 10.
Before clicking on the button “predict”, the user needs to
select at least one symptom.
Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, Aug - Sep, 2020
ISSN: 2320 – 8791 (Impact Factor: 2.317)
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Published by: PIONEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT GROUP (www.prdg.org)