Research 9 M4 W4 FINAL PDF
Research 9 M4 W4 FINAL PDF
Research 9 M4 W4 FINAL PDF
Module 4 Week 4
Conduct an actual experiment
1 |R. Pañamogan. R. Gargarita- SDO SAN CARLOS CITY
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This self-learning module will introduce you to the steps in conducting an actual
experiment. A researcher involved in conducting a research project generally goes through
the steps of the scientific method, from making sure that the hypothesis is valid and testable
to using controls and statistical tests.
Research, like Science, revolves around experiments, and learning the best way of
experimenting is crucial to obtaining useful and valid results. Whilst all scientists use
reasoning, operationalization, and the steps of the scientific process, it is not always a
conscious process. Experience and practice mean that many scientists follow an instinctive
process of experimenting, the 'streamlined' scientific process. Following the basic steps will
usually generate valid results, but where experiments are complex and expensive, it is
always advisable to follow the rigorous scientific protocols.
When conducting research, scientists use the scientific method to collect
measurable, empirical evidence in an experiment related to a hypothesis with the goal in
mind of supporting or contradicting a theory. Research, relative to Science, should also be
taught in a logical and systematic approach discovering how and why things happen as they
occur. With the purpose/question in mind, doing a background check of the research
project, formulation of hypothesis, recording of data, and coming up with a conclusion, all
these steps ensure that the researcher is on the right track. With the aid of this self-learning
module, a novice researcher like you would further explore the world of Research.
Read the paragraphs describing an experiment. Then, answer the questions that follow.
1. How does temperature affect a football player's performance?
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
2. Ms. Wagner loves to eat tomatoes. She wants to plant a garden and is trying to
figure out how to grow plants with more tomatoes. She plants three different pots
of tomato plants and gives them different amounts of fertilizer. She keeps everything
else the same (the amount of water, the amount of soil, amount of sun the plants
get). For one month, she records how many tomatoes each plant produces.
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
The road to a successful research project is through rigorous planning and decision-
making. To better gauge you on the variables and experimental design that you need to
utilize in your chosen research project, here are some videos for you to watch.
Experiment Scenario
Four different concentrations of alkaloids extract will be tested for pesticide activity against
black rice bugs living in rice plants in simulated field tests.
Guide Questions
1. What particular design is suitable for the experiment?
2. How are you going to group the sample to their treatments? Include a diagram.
Experiments, as mentioned earlier, are done under controlled conditions, so that desired
results can be achieved. Important concepts must be considered in learning about designing and
conducting experiments.
Independent variable is the factor that affects the other variable. This is also the factor that
causes a particular effect or condition. This factor is manipulated by the experimenter.
Dependent variable is the factor or condition that might be affected. The effect that is
observed or measured.
Controlled variables are the factors that are maintained in the experiment. This is done to
avoid other factors to intervene in the results.
Replication is the number of samples used per treatment
An experimental group is a group that receives the variable being tested in an experiment.
The control group is the group in an experiment that does not receive the variable you are
Experimental design is the major plan on how to distribute each sample to the treatments
(independent variable) in a random or randomized manner. This plan deals with how
samples are to be selected for the experimental and control groups, the ways through which
variables are to be manipulated and controlled, how extraneous variables are to be
controlled, how observations are to be made, and the type of statistical analysis to be
A completely randomized design (CRD) is the simplest design for comparative experiments, as
it uses only two basic principles of experimental designs: randomization and replication.
A completely randomized design (CRD) is one where the treatments are assigned
completely at random so that each experimental unit has the same chance of receiving any
one treatment. For the CRD, any difference among experimental units receiving the same
treatment is considered as experimental error. Hence, CRD is appropriate only for
experiments with homogeneous experimental units, such as laboratory experiments, where
environmental effects are relatively easy to control.
Pandemic brought us unexpected difficulties in life, losing a job is one.
Ben has been working for almost 5 years. Due to the pandemic, the company was forced to
retrenched employees and one of them is Ben. Ben is fond of collecting fishes. Upon losing his job,
he is thinking of possible ways to earn a living using his collection.
If you were Ben, what are you going to do in order to produce a unique variety of fishes that you
can sell and can compete with the present varieties in the market?
Get more ideas in one of the experiment designs used in testing your research project- the
randomized complete block design (RCBD) by clicking the link description below.
A. II only
B. I & III
Constants: same performance task, same time of day for testing, same group of players (who
are at similar levels of ability), similar nutrition and sleep patterns
Hypothesis: If the temperature is higher, then performance will be decreased because the
increased temperature may lead to dehydration and therefore lowered ability.
Experimental Group: group in a room where jazz music plays softly throughout the night
Independent Variable: whether or not children were exposed to loud sound while exposed to
Experimental Group: group exposed to fuzzy bunnies while a loud cymbal is struck behind them
2. Answers may vary
3. One-Way Analysis of Variance because there are four treatment used
4. Treatments are 1% 5% 10% 15%
5. Three (3)
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Assess Your Learning
1. c 2.A 3. C 4. A 5. A