Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore: Shipping Circular No. 25 OF 2015
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore: Shipping Circular No. 25 OF 2015
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore: Shipping Circular No. 25 OF 2015
No. 25 OF 2015
Shipping Division
460 Alexandra Road
#21-00, PSA Building
14 Oct 2015 Singapore 119963
Fax: 63756231
Applicable to: This circular is for the attention of ship owners, managers, operators,
agents, masters and deck officers of Singapore ships.
2. Ship owners, managers, masters and deck officers of ships fitted with ECDIS are
strongly encouraged to use the guidance to improve their understanding and facilitate
safe and efficient usage of ECDIS.
ECDIS Training
3. Masters and deck officers on ships installed with ECDIS must have thorough
knowledge and ability to use ECDIS for safe and efficient voyage. They should
undertake approved Generic ECDIS Training meeting the competency requirements
prescribed in 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and STCW Code. In
addition, they must undergo Familiarisation Training to have operational knowledge of
the specific model of ECDIS installed on the ship. Appropriate resources supplied by
the ECDIS manufacturer (e.g. courses in ECDIS training centre ashore, e-learning via
DVD or similar means) may be accepted as part of the ECDIS Familiarisation Training.
‘Trickle down’ training (i.e. one officer informally trains another on board a ship) is not
acceptable. If Familiarisation Training is to be conducted on board, such training should
be properly structured, provided by a dedicated officer and cover all functionality and
effective use of the system. The Familiarisation Training provided to officers must be
properly documented in the ship’s safety management system.
6 When ENPs are used on board, they shall be subjected to the following
a. ENPs to be published by a hydrographic organisation which is authorised by
the Administration (e.g. United Kingdom Hydrographic Office) or published by
an intergovernmental organisation (e.g. IMO, ITU);
b. ENPs to be kept corrected and up-to-date and means available for making
timely corrections;
c. Appropriate independent backup arrangements;
d. ENPs from the main and backup unit shall be accessible to the Officer of the
Watch (OOW), without limitations, from the bridge; and
e. Computer shall be dedicated for the provision of ENPs having un-interrupted
power from the main and emergency power supplies.
Latest and updated edition of ECDIS software and software used in the
computer for viewing ENPs.
Appropriate independent back-up arrangements in accordance with SOLAS
Documented procedures for using ECDIS/ENPs and regular checks under the
ship’s safety management system.
Conformance and alignment with inputs from various sensors (e.g. heading,
speed, rate of turn, etc.) and presentation of such information on ECDIS display.
Documentation relating to ship’s officers’ Generic and Familiarisation Training.
Demonstration of operational competency in using ECDIS and ENPs by ship’s
deck officers.
10 Any query relating to this circular should be directed to Capt Khoo Gek Hung
(Tel: 6375 1935), Capt Farhad Iftekher (Tel: 6375 6209) or Capt I G Sangameswar (Tel:
6375 6205), or email: