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Vertebrate 5

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Superclass: Gnathostomata

Pisces = fishes
What is the fishes
What is the fishes
Fishes are: Aquatic,


Swimming by fins

and Respiration by gills

Fishes are the most numerous of the
The number of species is around 20000,
while, the vertebrates are estimates by
40000 species.

Fishes occupy all water regions in the world

and all habitats of water
Fishes are different in
shapes and sizes.

pygmy goby
attain lengths less
than 15 mm

whale shark
attain lengths near 21 m
and 25 tons
Adaptations in fishes to the life at the water
1- The body is fusiform in shape and divided into head, trunk and tail.

2- The body is provided with paired and unpaired fins for swimming
and movement in water

3- The body is covered by scales for protection

4- Gills are the main respiratory system in the fish

5- The majority of the fish are provided with air bladders, supporting
organ for swimming and diving

6- There are 1 – 2 lateral line system act

as sensory organs

7- The fish are able to regulation of osmotic

pressure to prevent rapture or desiccation

Subphylum: vertebrata
Superclass: Gnathostomata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Chondrichthyes = elasmobranches = cartilaginous fish

Chimaeras Shark skates

General characters of Chondrichthyes
1- The body is fusiform or spindle in shape with unequal caudal fin
2- Ventral mouth and bounded by upper and lower jaws with enamel
3- The body is covered by placoid scales which directed to back
4- Pelvic fins attached with pelvic girdle
5- Endoskeleton is cartilaginous
6- The heart is formed of 4 chambers
7- Number of gills ranged between 5 - 7 pairs with exposed gill slits
8- Number of gill opening ranged between 5 – 7 pairs and no
9- Two spiracles are present above the head in the back of the eyes
10- Two kidneys are mesonephric type
11- No swim bladder
12- They contain 3 semicircular canals
13- In male, pelvic fins modified to claspers
14- Internal fertilization
General characters of Chondrichthyes
External features of dog fish
1- The body is fusiform or spindle in shape with unequal caudal fin

2- The front of the ventral mouth is a pointed rostrum

3- The paired nostrils are ventral and lies forward mouth

4- The body is covered by placoid scales and mucus glands

5- Number of gills are 5 pairs lies anterior of pectoral fin

6- Number of gill opening are 5 pairs and no operculum

7- Two spiracles are present above the head in the back of the eyes

8- Lateral line system is well developed and composed of canal

extending along the sides of the body and over the head.

9- I n male, the median part of the pelvic fins

modified to claspers, used in copulation

The difference between male and female
of dog fish
The skin of dog fish

The skin consists of epidermis and dermis

The epidermis is made up of Malpighian layer in the base and
stratified squamous epithelium with mucus cells in the surface.
The dermis is made up of fibrous connective tissue for great
flexability to maintain the shape of the body.
The color of skin produced by melanophores
Placoid scales in dog fish

The skin covered with placoid scales

The scale consists of a wide basal plate, dermal dentin
around pulp cavity and a spine covered with enamel
The skeleton in dog fish
The skeleton is cartilaginous and consists of:
1- Axial skeleton: chondrocranium, jaws with
many sharp triangular teeth, the notochord is
partly replaced by a series of vertebrae.
Two pairs of cartilaginous nodules (basi
dorsal and basi ventral)in each segment lies
on either side from the centrum of each
The vertebrae are hold together by ligaments.
2- Appendcular skeleton:
U shaped pectoral girdle supporting the
pectoral fin, fatter pelvic girdle supporting the
pelvic fin, many small jointed cartilages
supporting each lateral fin and the median
fins supported by dermal fin rays
Digestive system in dog fish
broad mouth is marginated with
transverse rows of sharply pointed


A flat tongue adherse to the floor of

the mouth


large pharynx with gill slits and



A Short wide oesophagus

Digestive system in dog fish
There is J shaped stomach
The stomach connect to intestine by pyloric valve
A liver and pancreas open into
a short intestine
The intestine contains spiral valve
The rectal gland attached to rectum
Mode of feeding in dog fish
Dog fish is a predators

It hunting the preys by teeth which frequently replaced by new rows

of teeth

The food passing through large pharynx and short oesophagus to


The pyloric valve make prevent passes of food to intestine until

digestion in stomach by gastric José
Liver with gall bladder and pancreas secret the gastric enzymes in
intestine to complete digestion
Spiral valve delays the passage of the food and increase the
absorptive surface
Rectal gland secretes a color less fluid containing a high
concentration of sodium chloride. It assists the kidney in
regulation of salt concentration in the blood.
The circulatory system in dog fish
The heart lies ventrally, beneath the gill region in pericardium

It consists of 4 chambers: sinus venosus, auricle, ventricle and conus


The blood is red in color

The venous system in dog fish
1- The blood collect from the anterior part of the body by 2 anterior
cardinal veins and 2 inferior jugular vein and passes to sinus venosus
through right and left cuvierian ducts.

2- The blood collect in the kidney from the posterior part of the body
via caudal vein through renal portal veins, then passes to sinus
venossus via 2 posterior cardinal veins through right and left cuvierian

3- The blood collect from the lateral side of the body via lateral
abdominal veins, then passes to sinus venossus through right and left
cuvierian ducts.

4- the blood collect in the liver from the viscera via hepatic portal vein,
then passes to sinus venossus via hepatic veins
Venous system in dog fish
Contraction of heart dog fish

The wall of the heart is pumped the blood forward into a ventral aorta .
The arterial system in dog fish
The wall of the heart is pumped the blood forward into a ventral aorta .

The blood distributed in 5 pairs of afferent branchial aeteries to

capillaries in the gills for aeration.

After exchange of gases, the aerated blood are pushing into median
dorsal aorta above the gills via 4 efferent branchial arteries.
The arterial system in dog fish
The aerated blood return to heart via cardiac artery

The blood moves anteriorly via paired carotid artery to supply anterior
end of the body and moves posteriorly via dorsal aorta to supply the
posterior body and viscera.

Finally, the blood moves through capillaries to venous side

Respiratory system in dog fish
There are 5 pairs of gill
open into the pharynx by 5
inner gill slits and open to out
side by 5 outer gill slits on each
side of the body.

Gill septum is separated

between gill pouches

Each gill pouch contains many

gill filaments which bear gill
Mechanism of respiration in dog fish
1- The lowering of floor and
expansion of the wall of the
pharynx causes enter of
water to mouth.
2- the mouth closed, the
water containing oxygen
passes between the gill
pouches, the blood flows
through the lamellae in the
opposite direction of water.
3- After exchange of gases,
the floor raised, forcing the
When the mouth is busy by prey,
water out through the gill the water taken by spiracle for
slits respiration
The nervous system in dog fish
The forebrain includes large
paired olfactory lobes,
attached with 2 smaller
cerebral hemisphers on the
Diencephalon and pineal
body in dorsal
Beneath the mid brain is
infundibulum in ventral side
and pair of small optic lobes
in dorsal one.

The hind brain comprises of

large cerebellum over the
open topped of medulla
The nervous system in dog fish
10 pairs of cranial
nerves: ‫❖ األعصاب‬
1- olfactory nerve

2- optic nerve
3- oculomotor nerve
‫ العصب الشمى‬-1

4- trochlear nerve
‫العصب البصرى‬-2
‫ العصب محرك العين‬-3
5- trigeminal nerve
‫ العصب البكري‬-4
6- abducent nerve
‫ العصب التوأمى الثالثى‬-5
7- facial nerve
‫ العصب مبعد العين‬-6
8- auditory nerve
‫ العصب الوجهى‬-7
9- glossopharyngeal
nerve ‫ العصب السمعى‬-8

10- vagus nerve ‫ العصب اللسانى‬-9

‫ العصب الحائر‬-10
The nervous system in dog fish
The spinal nerve cord is
protected by the neural
arches of the vertebrae

Paired spinal nerves to

each body segment.

The sympathetic nervous

system comprises a
series of ganglia, above
the posterior cardinal
Sense organs in dog fish
1- a pair of nasal
2- eyes
3- 2 internal ear has 3
semicircular canal
4- taste buds occur in
the pharynx
5- lateral line sense
organs on each side
of the body
6- sensory canals
opening by pores on
the head
The excretory system in dog fish
2 kidneys lies above the coelom on either side of the dorsal aorta
Each kidney is formed of 2 portions in male, the anterior portion is
connected to the testis by vasa efferentia which lead to epididymis.

The posterior portion consists of a mass of tubules ending in very

large glomeruli.

All of tubules join to form 5 urinary ducts, enter a urinary sinus and
open into the cloaca
The urinogenital system in dog fish
The female reproductive system in dog fish
female has a single large ovary
from which eggs are carried by
the cilia of the peritoneum to a
pair of funnels on either side of
the liver behind the heart.
2 oviducts are extended along
the body cavity.
The anterior part of each duct
is dilated as a shell gland and
the posterior part enlarged as a
The eggs enter the 2 oviducts
through funnel, covered by
shell from shell gland and
settled in uterus
The male reproductive system in dog fish
In the male, the sperm
developed in 2 long testes lies
in the anterior body cavity.
From each testis, several vasa
efferentia lead to much
convoluted vas deferens
running posteriorly on the
ventral surface of the kidney
to vesicula seminalis and
stored in sperm sac
At mating, sperms are
transferred by claspers into
the cloaca at female
in dog fish

sex are separate

internal fertilization

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