Vertebrate 5
Vertebrate 5
Vertebrate 5
Pisces = fishes
What is the fishes
What is the fishes
Fishes are: Aquatic,
Swimming by fins
pygmy goby
attain lengths less
than 15 mm
whale shark
attain lengths near 21 m
and 25 tons
Adaptations in fishes to the life at the water
1- The body is fusiform in shape and divided into head, trunk and tail.
2- The body is provided with paired and unpaired fins for swimming
and movement in water
5- The majority of the fish are provided with air bladders, supporting
organ for swimming and diving
as sensory organs
General characters of Chondrichthyes
1- The body is fusiform or spindle in shape with unequal caudal fin
2- Ventral mouth and bounded by upper and lower jaws with enamel
3- The body is covered by placoid scales which directed to back
4- Pelvic fins attached with pelvic girdle
5- Endoskeleton is cartilaginous
6- The heart is formed of 4 chambers
7- Number of gills ranged between 5 - 7 pairs with exposed gill slits
8- Number of gill opening ranged between 5 – 7 pairs and no
9- Two spiracles are present above the head in the back of the eyes
10- Two kidneys are mesonephric type
11- No swim bladder
12- They contain 3 semicircular canals
13- In male, pelvic fins modified to claspers
14- Internal fertilization
General characters of Chondrichthyes
External features of dog fish
1- The body is fusiform or spindle in shape with unequal caudal fin
7- Two spiracles are present above the head in the back of the eyes
2- The blood collect in the kidney from the posterior part of the body
via caudal vein through renal portal veins, then passes to sinus
venossus via 2 posterior cardinal veins through right and left cuvierian
3- The blood collect from the lateral side of the body via lateral
abdominal veins, then passes to sinus venossus through right and left
cuvierian ducts.
4- the blood collect in the liver from the viscera via hepatic portal vein,
then passes to sinus venossus via hepatic veins
Venous system in dog fish
Contraction of heart dog fish
The wall of the heart is pumped the blood forward into a ventral aorta .
The arterial system in dog fish
The wall of the heart is pumped the blood forward into a ventral aorta .
After exchange of gases, the aerated blood are pushing into median
dorsal aorta above the gills via 4 efferent branchial arteries.
The arterial system in dog fish
The aerated blood return to heart via cardiac artery
The blood moves anteriorly via paired carotid artery to supply anterior
end of the body and moves posteriorly via dorsal aorta to supply the
posterior body and viscera.
2- optic nerve
3- oculomotor nerve
العصب الشمى-1
4- trochlear nerve
العصب البصرى-2
العصب محرك العين-3
5- trigeminal nerve
العصب البكري-4
6- abducent nerve
العصب التوأمى الثالثى-5
7- facial nerve
العصب مبعد العين-6
8- auditory nerve
العصب الوجهى-7
9- glossopharyngeal
nerve العصب السمعى-8
All of tubules join to form 5 urinary ducts, enter a urinary sinus and
open into the cloaca
The urinogenital system in dog fish
The female reproductive system in dog fish
female has a single large ovary
from which eggs are carried by
the cilia of the peritoneum to a
pair of funnels on either side of
the liver behind the heart.
2 oviducts are extended along
the body cavity.
The anterior part of each duct
is dilated as a shell gland and
the posterior part enlarged as a
The eggs enter the 2 oviducts
through funnel, covered by
shell from shell gland and
settled in uterus
The male reproductive system in dog fish
In the male, the sperm
developed in 2 long testes lies
in the anterior body cavity.
From each testis, several vasa
efferentia lead to much
convoluted vas deferens
running posteriorly on the
ventral surface of the kidney
to vesicula seminalis and
stored in sperm sac
At mating, sperms are
transferred by claspers into
the cloaca at female
in dog fish