Developing Oral Communication Skills THR 2012a498
Developing Oral Communication Skills THR 2012a498
Developing Oral Communication Skills THR 2012a498
Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Education, Bauchi State University, Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Abstract — Considering the need for effective oral environment (Chang & Goswami, 2011; Chen & Goh,
communication skills in academic and professional 2011), large class sizes, insufficient facilities and equipment
successes, this paper reviews oral communication skills and (Aduwa-Ogiegbaen & Iyamu, 2006), teaching approach and
collaborative learning. It highlights some benefits of inadequate emphasis on speaking in the classroom.
collaborative learning. Specifically, it discusses how to The concern of this paper is on the teaching approaches
develop students’ oral communication skills through adopted by Nigerian teachers in teaching oral
collaborative learning. Finally, the paper suggests that communication skills. From experience, most of the
empirical studies should be conducted to provide teachers teaching methods adopted by teachers in Nigeria do not
with methods that would allow students to collaborate in give adequate emphasis on developing the students’ oral
the learning process in order develop their oral communication skills. They mostly dominate the classes
communication skills. It also gives some pedagogical and hardly give the students opportunity to speak or interact
implications for teachers. in the learning process. This hinders the development of the
Keywords— Collaborative learning, Nigeria, oral students’ oral communication skills because one cannot
communication skills. learn to speak through listening only but through the
practice of speaking (Derakhshan, Tahery, & Mirarab,
I. INTRODUCTION 2015). As for the listening skills, only a few students pay
Oral communication skills which include speaking and much attention to what the teacher says while teaching
listening (Ogunsiji, 2004) are indispensable life skills. because they know they would not be asked to participate or
These skills have been used to communicate ideas long contribute based on what the teachers said.
before the development of a writing system. Ability to From the general observation of teaching of English
master and use the skills effectively influences one’s level Language in Nigeria, there is almost a complete neglect of
of success in different life endeavours, particularly in the listening and speaking skills from primary to the tertiary
current era of globalisation. Therefore, the place of listening levels of education. Students are not given enough
and speaking in teaching any language cannot be opportunities to practice oral expression or listening
overemphasised since the goal is to enhance effective comprehension in their classrooms. This hinders them from
communication. However, acquiring these important skills becoming competent communicators. In comparison with
poses many challenges to learners especially when learning reading and writing skills, in most Nigerian educational
a second (L2) or foreign language (FL). In Nigeria for institutions, reading and writing are taught as courses on
instance, English is used as the official language and it has their own but in many cases, no course is assigned
been a compulsory course in Nigerian educational specifically for the teaching of speaking or listening skills.
institution for decades. The role the English language plays Speaking and listening skills are only learned while learning
in the country necessitates the need for Nigerian students to other courses. Even in rare cases where a course is assigned
be proficient in their oral communication in the language: for the teaching of speaking and listening skills, students are
speaking, listening. However, there have been complaints only told about the skills, about how to become effective
from teachers, parents and government on the Nigerian listeners or speakers. They are not taught the actual
students’ inability to communicate effectively using correct speaking or listening. They are not engaged in the process
English expressions in their speaking. or allowed to practice the actual speaking or listening in the
Various factors hinder the students from developing their classroom.
oral communication skills in English which include These are some of the challenges faced by Nigerian
insufficient teaching hours for English, unskilled teachers, students in acquiring speaking and listening skills.
students’ poor proficiency, non-English speaking Therefore, this paper suggests that collaborative learning