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Students' Perceptions and Challenges in Improving Speaking Ability in Public and Private University

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 373

International Conference of CELSciTech 2019 - Social Sciences and Humanities track (ICCELST-SS 2019)

Students’ Perceptions and Challenges in Improving

Speaking Ability in Public and Private University
Wandi Syahfutra Agung Prasetyo Wibowo Ardiya
English Education Department English Education Department English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia Pekanbaru, Indonesia Pekanbaru, Indonesia
wandisyahfutra@umri.ac.id Agungprasetyo.w@umri.ac.id ardiya@umri.ac.id

Prih Febtiningsih
English Education Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract—Speaking is one of skills that difficult to master by psychological obstacles or cannot find appropriate
students in Indonesia, little research has been done to vocabulary and expressions. When anxiety is experienced
investigate students’ perceptions and challenges in improving by English Education students, the stakes are higher because
speaking ability: the analysis study between English Education they are prospective English teachers. In the teaching
Department students. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, profession, they are required to have such confidence to
this research selected learners’ studying in private and public
show their skills in front of an audience: students.
university as research respondents. The findings suggest that
the main causes of speaking difficulties were affected by Therefore, anxiety can cause serious problem for a group of
shyness, lack of vocabularies, and environment of learning; students. Despite the large number of studies conducted
dealing with mistake and lecturers’ reaction during English aimed at helping students mastering English, speaking is
speaking performance. This study is beneficial to improve EFL still a very difficult skill in language to be mastered.
learners to improve their speaking ability. It is important to
lecturers identifying their students’ speaking skill as a matter II. LITERATURE REVIEW
of applying a more effective learning strategy. 2.1 Review of Related Theory
2.1.2 English as Foreign Language in Indonesia
Keywords— English students’ perceptions and challenges,
and speaking ability Nowadays, it has been well perceived that many people
speak English as the means of communication globally.
I. INTRODUCTION With or without realizing, Gould and Rankin (2014) stated
Since English has been considered as the first foreign that English has been spreading all over the world and it is
language in Indonesia, speaking is one of the most essential estimated that English is spoken within approximately 70
skill to be mastered by English students through practice to countries either as the second or official language. Given
communicate orally. The mastery of speaking skill is being that, this remarkably percentage along with the history of
a priority for second and foreign language learners. By British Empire, it is undeniable that the dominance of
speaking, we are able to know and easy to get some English is spoken not only within academic purpose, but it
information that we need. is also used in business, military, internet, and other
Teaching speaking approaches and methods are being worldwide development (Ibid., 2014 p. 223).
research major focuses of language teaching. Although the Situated in southeast Asia, Indonesia is considered to
lecturers have already given some different methods, course have been adopting English as a foreign language since
books, audios and videos are applied but some learners still colonization. It’s clearly evidenced through the history
have problems when they speak in a foreign language record that Dutch had colonialized Indonesia for 350 years,
especially in public due to the fact that speaking is anxiety- which impacted to the use of Dutch and Malay language as
provoking in nature, environment and friends’ laughing the means of communication amongst the native and
effect. colonialists (Lauder, 2008). However, Dutch was not
However, although speaking has been included in entirely taught to the natives, due to a condition where
educational plan for English teaching in collages and selected Indonesians were given opportunity to study in the
universities in the past year, the percentage of time devoted Dutch Schools. Cited in ibid (2008) according to Gregory,
to activities in which students can communicate with each English was firstly taught at Indonesian schools to
other in english remains small in the whole class. Indonesian (native) in 1914, it was initiated by the
Many English language learners have difficulty colonialists who established junior high schools, followed
expressing their ideas in spoken language. They generally by senior high schools in 1918.
face problems using English for expressing ideas A closer look at drawbacks for Indonesian to adopt
effectively. Then, they stop talking because they face English as foreign language can be seen firstly by the

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 66
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 373

influence of national language, Bahasa Indonesia which 2.4 Challenges Faced by University Students in
affect the way people communicate in English. It is believed improving speaking skill
that speaking Bahasa Indonesia is one of the ways to Brown (1987) states that some learners have problems
maintain the country patriotism (Mappiasse and Sihes, when speaking a foreign language especially in public due
2014). Furthermore, the recognition of English as a foreign to the fact that speaking is anxiety-provoking in nature, with
language in Indonesia was started through the government might lead the failure in communicating with the
policy, formulated in the act of the Parliament in interlocutors, especially with native speakers. (Leong &
Government Guideline No. 28, 29/1990. This guideline Ahmadi, 2017:1) state that speaking skill is one of difficult
approved English to be studied at school (ibid., 2014). aspects of language learning. Many language learners find
However, this subject is currently studied in high schools difficult to express their thoughts effectively in spoken
and higher education levels such as colleges and university language.
only. Questioning in primary school, this subject used to be Many of English foreign language learners still get
studied in such school and remaining optional subject due to difficult to master speaking skill although some studies
low English teacher qualification. Yanik (2007) found that purposed help students to master it, (Nazara, 2011:2). On
the English curriculum in high school is still not compatible other hand, although speaking has been included in
to be applied and used for students and teachers in educational plan for English teaching in collages and
government school. universities in the past year, the percentage of time devoted
to activities in which students can communicate with each
2.2 Skills in English: Speaking other in english remains small in the whole class, (Liao,
Skills in studying English are generally comprised into 2009:1).
four; speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Brown
(1987) states that speaking is an interactive process of 2.5 Review of Related Finding
constructing meaning involving the producer and receiver of
Based on the research don’t by Nazara (2011) entitles
information. The form and meaning of the information
―Students’ Perception on EFL Speaking Skill
spoken is very contextual.
Development‖, she concluded her research by summarizing
Speaking might include at least for speech production
some findings as follows:
process. Related to the speech production processes, Carter
1. All respondents agreed that speaking is very
and Nunan (2001:16) propose that speech production
important and they should master it with all the
involves four major processes. They are (1) formulation, (2)
necessities. Although the lecturer provided them
conceptualization, (3) articulation, (4) and self-monitoring.
with the delightful materials and grant chance to
This enable the speakers to self-correct for expression,
practice speaking, they still required longer time to
grammar and pronunciation. Formulation referred to finding
do practice, sometimes some of participants avoid
words and phrases to express the meaning, position them in
speaking by cause of lecturers’ fear and shyness of
suitable grammatical markers (like inflection, auxiliary, and
friends’ laughing.
article). Then, after formulator is articulation. The
2. Some students figure it were sometimes out
articulator organs are the motor control, such as; the lips,
scolded by their lecturers for speaking incorrectly,
tongue, teeth, alveolar palate, velum, glottis, mouth cavity
but some of them do not think so. These findings
and breath. Self-monitoring is concerned with language
implied that the learners need empowering
users being able to identify and self-correct mistakes.
motivation, support, psychological training,
assistance and counselling to remove their fearful
2.3 Improving Speaking Ability
by cause of laughing of their classmate and
To speak well, learners should know and must be criticizing by lecturers. The lecturers also have to
mastered three areas of knowledge: 1) procedures that find more friendly wise to do correction of their
contains pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. On the students’ error.
assumption, students must use the true words with the
correct pronunciation. 2) function which consist of
transaction and interaction. In case, students are able to III. RESEARCH METHOD
know that the message clarity is very crucial to build an
understanding. 3) recognizing the social, cultural and norms This study was designed to explore the differences of
(turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between students' speaking anxiety where qualitative descriptive was
speaker, and the roles of the correspondent). On other hand deployed. Describing a qualitative approach as "a systematic
to speak well, learners have to comprehend the micro skills subjective approach used to describe life experiences and
of speaking like producing forms of words and phrases; situations to give meaning" (Burns and Grove, 2009). As
convey a link and connect between even and communication emphasized that the type of study involving people as
such relation as idea, recent information, use special research subjects. In other words, it is a typical of human-
emphasize and body language to convey the meaning; and oriented research, given that it is recommended to use
improve speaking strategies like set off keywords, qualitative descriptive (Atkins and Wallace, 2012).
rephrasing, appealing for help, etc. Qualitative research prospects to investigate problems and
detailed perspectives on certain aspects (Creswell, 2014). In
addition, qualitative research mentions identifiability,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 373

confidentiality and individual privacy aspects. This means information is a true story from the interview. The
participants in this research will be anonymous without researcher also chooses features that are relevant to the
mentioning personal data (Cohen et al, 2011). research question and records changes in participants' tones
and voices. The researcher used thematic analysis to analyze
1. Data Collection the data contents. Thematic analysis is a method used by
researchers to organize data in detail (Braun and Clarke,
Because the design of this study was qualitative, the
2006). There are two different thematic analysis approaches,
researchers proposed interviews as a method of data
namely inductive thematic analysis and theoretical thematic
collection. Interviews were conducted because they involve
analysis. What distinguishes these two methods is that the
a process of interaction between researchers and research
first uses the concept of code and themes, while the second
participants, which aims to find information or find out the
is rooted in the theoretical and analytical interests of the
experiences of participants on research problems (Arthur,
researchers (Flick, 2008). In this study, researchers used
2012). Compared to other types, qualitative research using
theoretical thematic analysis in which there were several
interviews allows researchers to explore further for
sections within the framework of the research question that
answering as a way of digging information into more
explained in each research variable.
complexed and comprehensive topics. The respondents of
this study were students of the English Language Education IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
Program at either private or state university in Riau
Province, the participants’ identities were hidden during the To analyze the data, each of subdivision is divided into
transcription and interview. It is then labeling them with S1, several points to answer research questions: students’
S2, S3, and etc is beneficial for the researchers to do perceptions and challenges in speaking, solution to improve
transcribing and rooting the answer. students’ speaking ability, and environment that supports
The researcher used convenience sampling in selecting students to improve their speaking ability.
participants in the interview process. Convenience sampling 1. Students’ perceptions and challenges in speaking
method according to Cohen et al. that recruited participants 1.1 Students’ perceptions and challenges in speaking in
were taken from the nearest environment, where they could public university students
be accessed and ready to become participants according to During the interview, the researchers found two
their time and willingness. Along with the interview as an general factors which contributed to speaking
instrument for collecting data, it shows that there are many ability in public university students as follow.
types of interviews in qualitative research, such as in-depth S1 states that
interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), curriculum “I always feel worry, if I was given chance to speak
vitae, and semi-structured interviews. Among the types of in front of the class by the lecturer”.
interviews, researchers chose semi-structured interviews in Whilst other students emphasized one particular
collecting data. Semi-structured interviews allow point of view that the most striking factor which
participants to speak freely using their own language contributed to speaking performance was related to
patterns, questions in interviews are suggested to be public the idea that would be delivered.
so participants can provide many possible answers “Lack of vocabularies was one of my problems
(Silverman, 2008). when I want to speak in English …”
“Sometimes I feel the environment don not
2. Data Analysis support me in speaking.
1.2 Students’ perceptions and challenges in speaking in
Data analysis in qualitative research is described as a private university students
reflection, reaction and process of interaction between The main factors of speaking perceptions and
researchers and decontextual data that has interpretations in challenges in private university were found to be
social gatherings. Decontextual data are those chosen by the low self-confidence which includes afraid of
researcher, whether to present important points related to the making mistakes. Another student also emphasized
research question, or to repeat the entire interview. After the that:
interview process, transcription is needed to find out the “…. I am afraid when I use wrong grammar in
meaning behind the interview. Transcript or transcription is speaking…. “
the core content in finding out the meaning behind an “…. I am afraid my friend’s lough of me when I do
interview. To some extent, transcription can be understood mistake in speaking.”
as two concepts that are useful in providing a paradigm for Last respondent gave a note that
researchers in data analysis. The concepts are 'naturalization' “It is better if lecturers give feedback after not
and 'denaturization' transcription (Oliver et al, 2008). In the during the speaking performance. it makes me
previous approach, transcription was carried out by quoting ashamed and lost my ideas,
all interviews; details or information available. On the other From the results above, it can be highlighted that there
hand, denaturalized transcription is a complete and reliable are some differences of speaking factors exhibited by the
concept. This transcription is in accordance with the context students in public and private university. The major causes
of qualitative research, which has a tendency towards of speaking at public university were primarily affected by
contextual meaning and perception. In transcribing, the the nervousness and idea delivery. However, students in
researcher must listen to it several times to ensure that the private university claimed that their major cause is rooted

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 373

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