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TikTok CreativeCodes May2023

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Six secrets to help decode your

brand’s creative potential on TikTok

01 TikTok First

02 Structure

03 Stimulation

04 Sound

05 Trends

06 Production
Code 1: Creating content authentic to TiKTok
and the For You Page is as simple as

TikTok First thinking TikTok First.

What does TikTok First

Actions Increase
Actions such as
clicks or shares
increase by nearly
It’s as simple as feeling authentic to the
For You Page, from looking right-at-home
to talking the lingo.
● Go lo-fi (avoid glossiness)
● Go 9:6 when taken on
TikTok First ads vs.
● Shoot hi-res non-TikTok First ads
● Feature people (creators, employees, on the platform 1
● Adopt category/vertical norms

Moving TV-style assets to TikTok First Ads leads to significant lift: 2

Increase in Recall Increase in Intent Increase in Increase in Brand

Favorability Association

2X Increase in engagement and watchtime

If you can’t adopt - adapt Creator Made:

Use creators as an effective shortcut to create
TikTok First assets. Give them a clear brief and
Adapt your existing content in a few simple
trust them to create content in their style.
ways to make them feel authentic and
● Make sure your asset is hi-res and
vertical framed
● Use quickfire stitches: simple, pacey,
clean and satisfying to watch edits
● Use post-editing techniques that borrow
from user generated content
● Use TikTok text overlays to make content
fit with the platform

Key takeaways 1
Think TikTok First
Going TikTok First on the
Adapt your content and use
platform is simple, but effective Going TikTok First doesn’t mean
in driving results making everything from

1. Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global Entertaining Ads Study 2022 conducted by Marketcast
2. Source: TikTok Marketing Science Creative Coding Analysis based on 3,500 TikTok ads that ran from 1/1/2021 - 10/1/2021 representing all
major verticals, conducted by Kantar, 2022
Code 2: Structure drives effectiveness and value in the
ads on TikTok. By focusing in on the content
structure of your creative, you can focus on

grabbing attention, conveying value, and then
driving actions. Good structure guides your
audience through the ad and keeps them

Structure Breakdown 1 The Hook: The first six

seconds are vital
We can split the structure of your creative into three
sections: the hook, the body, and the close. Use
messaging across all three to guide your audience and 2 The Body: Nail your
weave in your branding throughout so that the brand product and brand home
naturally drives impact throughout.

Your hook should drive audience engagement, before the The Close: Provide a
body pulls them in to the additive branding. Make sure
strong CTA
you leave your audience with a clear action and a CTA.

The Hook: Create Anticipation

The opening seconds for TikTok content can make or Try out these hook types:
break the video. Land the content value proposition early
and in the first six seconds to keep attention and raise Suspense: ads that use suspense
impact. early in a story lead to a +16%
increase in watch time2

Surprise: using surprise can lead

90% of ad recall impact is captured

within 6 seconds 1
to a 1.7x VTR2

Emotion: opening up your spot

with powerful emotions can lead

80% of the awareness impact is

captured within 6 seconds1
to a 1.7x lift in awareness2

Try and identify the most natural point to introduce your brand or product cues within the hook

Memorable Messaging

Weave your brand and product naturally throughout the

content to drive impact.

Branding in the first few seconds should

be subtle and not compromise the hook

Additive branding to the content of the


Use strong CTA to drive your audience to

your brand

Key takeaways 1
Focus on your hook
Make sure it will keep your
Try out these narrative
structures: a-ha moments,
audience engaged problem-solutions, or a
customer journey

1 Source: TikTok Creative Guide: Driving Brand Equity", 2020 (TikTok "Value of View" Analysis)
2 Source: TikTok Marketing Science US SMB Creative Effectiveness Study 2021, conducted by Lumen
Source: TikTok Creative Guide: Driving Brand Equity", 2020 (TikTok "Value of View" Analysis)
Code 3: After a powerful hook, the best way to keep
users’ engaged is to use editing techniques
and additions to stimulate your audience. Let’s

break down some easy ways to stimulate your
audience and keep them engaged throughout
your ad campaign

Attention Triggers
The best way to grab your audience’s ATTENTION is to employ editing techniques or assets. Try
out some of these to level up your ad sets and appear more native.


Faster paced Fast scene Movement Visual guidance Emoji’s can Increased
music was changes draw within an such as text help to brand visibility
found to boost users in early assets catches pop-ups humanise or early product
neuro activity and increase the users eye sustain high your content, placement
associated with chances and keeps the engagement conveying improves ad
ad of making an narrative among viewers. tone in a effectiveness,
memorability. impression moving. simple, playful memorability,
on users. manner that brand recall.
feels native.

Don’t know where to start? Try using text pop-ups as a simple way to go TikTok First,
drive information, and convey key information!

Mock Video Structure

Let’s look at a potential video structure to hook your audience in. This is not
a prescriptive video structure, but something that you can get started with.

kicks in
driving hook Transition + Scene Resolution
using text Scene change scene
overlays change

Attention and Memorability


Narrative Flow

Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global Information

Density 2022 conducted by Neuro-Insight
Code 4: TikTok is the only platform where ads with
sound drive significant lifts in purchase intent
and brand favorability. Here are some ways

where you can think about sound on TikTok.

Sound-On is Powerful 50% of TikTok users say music makes

content more uplifting and entertaining1

Sound on TikTok is a full body experience. It helps

your content resonate in the mind of TikTok users.. 55% lift in communicating new information
to audiences through sound-on2

Let’s breakdown why sound is so important to drive

significant lift in purchase intent and brand
73% of users would “stop and look” at a
sound-on TikTok ad2

90% of users say sound it vital to the TikTok





Music: Set the mood and rhythm for the video

● Find music that complements the content’s look and feel VOICEOVERS
● Use rhythm and volume to build energy
Voiceovers: Reveal more details about the story
● Use for how to/guides, reviews, or commentary/narration
● Keep it clear and concise

Sounds: Parallels or amplifies the actions in a video SOUNDS

● Use for ASMR, demonstrations, candid camera

● Ensure sounds are high-quality PARALLELS OR AMPLIFIES

Get More Eyes and Ears

There are tons of ways to get the right audio you need! Here are
just a few ways to unlock the right sound to use for your creative:

● Ask us about custom music services and leveraging our

team’s network of music partners
● Use our commercial music library (CML), a pre-cleared
brand-ready library that can be found on Creative Center
● Sound clips: owned original sounds & others original sounds,
(subject to applicable clearance) to use in both organic and
paid posts

Key takeaways 1
Think Sound FIrst!
TikTok Content is best when
Check our our Commercial
Music Library for a pre-cleared
sound is on. Think about how brand-ready library
sound to amplify your brands

Source: 1. TikTok Marketing Science EU Consumer Empathy Research, 2020; Base UK TikTok users in the past 7 days, 138 respondents ; 148 respondents
2 .TikTok Marketing Science US Cross-Platform Sound Research 2021 conducted by Kantar
Code 5: Apply platform trends to your brand to
connect with wider users. Get inspiration
from what you see on your own ForYou

Trends Page and start creating today!

Types of Trends There are three types of trends, all of which can be used by
brands as shortcuts to make TikTok first content.


(days-weeks) (months-years) (up to decade)
Popular, often ethereal moments rooted in Evergreen trends that are platform Macro cultural patterns or trends that
recognisable and relatable human truths, and vertical native i.e. storytime, remain recognisable when introduced
lasting a few days or weeks. transitions, challenges etc. on-platform i.e. body positivity, veganism,
AR adoption etc.

Why are Trends important?

Trends are an easy way to create TikTok First on the

platform. Tap in and create for your brand by taking
inspiration from the trends that live on the platform.

Don’t overthink your creative! Moments are difficult to

capitalize on, so start with relevant forces and work down
to signals and moments as you gain confidence.

of TikTok users like it when brands use
trends, memes, or challenges on TikTok to
make new content 1

How to use Trends

⚡ Find a trend: 🔥 Establish Brand/Product Relevance
Scroll your FYP, search hashtags, use Creative Isolate how your brand or product can fit into
Center, or engage with your own community the larger trends. Does it fit in the behavioral
to find relevant trends that you can tap into. context? The cultural context? Even try and
Start imaging how your brand can fit into the see if there’s any emotional relevance to the
trend brand fitting into the trend

📕 Choose a narrative
Iterate on what the narrative of your video
could look like. Use other trend videos as
inspiration. What’s the trend hook? Choose a
narrative structure and decide how to fit your
brand/product inside of it

Key takeaways 1
Trends are an easy way to tap in
It comes off as native to the
Start with forces
if you don’t know where to begin,
platform and will help start look at the macro trends of the
conversation with your audience platform before diving deeper

Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global Community and Self-Expression Study 2021 conducted by
Code 6: Production on TikTok doesn’t look too different
from any other platform. However, there are a
few key differences, as well as tips and tricks to

make sure your creative performs on the

Production Principles

Production on TikTok is as simple as 1-2-3. Start

with these fundamentals and play around with
what you can do.

Shoot Vertical, stand tall, and frame your

content at 9:16

Use hi-resolution footage, avoid pixelated

visuals or grainy sounds

Be aware of the safe space of the TikTok UI to

ensure nothing is covering it.

Use the space wisely! Try to fill the screen, but

make sure to not overlap with the UI.

Why follow the

Production Principles?

Good creative works harder. By following

the production principles, your creative
will be more efficient at spending and

The last step to follow is to be refreshing

your creative often. Combat creative
fatigue by refreshing your content often
with different assets.

Make sure to monitor your creatives

performance to ensure that you are not
prematurely changing the creative out.

Key takeaways 1
Follow the production
principles to start delivering
Don’t forget to refresh your
creative, but keep monitoring
more lift on your creative the performance of your assets
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