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Language plays an important role in our daily life communication. It is one thing
which differentiates between human and other creatures. Substantially, language is
formed as sound or written text that has meaning. Essentially, the functions of language
are to express thought, ways of thought and feel, and ways of understanding thought and
feeling. According to Ganjar Harjain Moriyama, in Mikihiro and Manneke Budiman
(2010), there are three language problems found in Indonesia such as local language,
regional language, and the use of foreign language. These three problems cannot be
separated from human daily life. This is because of the globalization effect and the
development of information technology which give us the new world life. In order to
encounter these problems, people sometimes use a code for communication. They
usually choose different codes in a different situation. They may choose a particular
code or variety because it makes easier to discuss a particular topic, regardless of where
they are speaking.
In a multilingual society, people usually use more than one language, either by
an individual or by a community; they are usually required to select a particular
language. They may also decide to switch from one language to other languages.
According to Hoffman (1991, in Cakrawati, 2011), there are seven reasons to switch the
languages: 1) the need to discuss about a particular topic, 2) the necessity of quoting
somebody else speeches, 3) being emphatic about something (expressing solidarity), 4)
the essentials of using interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), 5)
the need to use repetition for clarification, 6) the necessity of intention in clarifying the
speech content for interlocutor and, 7) the need to express group identity code switching
and code mixing can also be used to express group identity.
English code switching and code mixing are often presented on the slogan,
product's feature and characteristic and the main message of advertisements. These
advertisements provide sufficient data of code switching and code mixing cases. The
positive response of Indonesians toward English as lingua franca of the world has made
the use of code switching and code mixing common in public such as in advertisements.
The stigma of Indonesian society is that something from a foreign country is of better
quality and more trustworthy than domestic products that takes part in reinforcing
phenomena of code switching and code mixing. However, the ability of advertisement
in shaping and sometimes changing a person‟s behavior, opinion and attitude by its
words can be a strong influence on familiarizing English among Indonesians.
In Indonesia, television advertisement uses any language choice which can
attract the listeners' attention. One of language choice is using English code-switching
for their advertisement. As it can be seen in Indonesian television advertisements, they
use code-switching to promote „Body Lotion and Face Wash' product. See the slogan
- Gak lengket di kulit, wanginya nempel sepanjang hari. It's a preview gel!
- Saatnya bersinar tanpa khawatir polusi, because my skin is my world.
Those examples show that code-switching occurs after the base language. The
base language is Indonesian and written in italic, while the tag is in English, written in
bold texts. Each of these examples of code-switching has its own purposes. For
cosmetic product in instance, the switch into English word mostly has function for
In this study, the writer will use a content analysis as research design. Content
analysis is a methodology in the social sciences for studying the content of
communication. Earl Babbie defines it as “the study recorded human communications,
such as books, websites, printings and laws.” It is commonly used by researchers in the
social sciences to analyze recorded transcripts of interviews with participants.
Researcher quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationship of such words
and concepts, then make interferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s),
the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part. Texts can be
defined broadly as books, book chapters, essays, interviews, discussion, newspaper
headlines and articles, historical documents, speeches, conversation, advertising,
theater, informal conversation, or really any occurrence of communicative language.
a. Observation
Observation data is qualitative in the first instance. Consisting of
recordings, transcriptions and notes related to our subject‟s behavior and
language. Arikunto (2006:229) says that an observation is a way to get
information by observing and taking notes systematically about observed
b. Recording
The researcher recorded the spoken advertisements which content
English-Indonesian code switching.
a. Transcribing.
After collecting the data, the researcher will select and arrange the
utterances including the expressions to the transcript paper. The paper consists of
numbers, commercials, utterances, and the chosen code switching. The followings
are the outline of the transcript paper.
b. Identifying.
Documentation is a process of documenting the data. It was done after
collecting the data and pairing the sentences in columns. After being transcribed,
the utterances of advertisements will be identified by the researcher.
d. Analyzing.
After All utterances are identified and classified into code switching form,
then the data will be analyzed based upon the theories proposed by Hoffman (1991)
e. Calculating.
Make percentage, of types of code switching from announcers
conversations. The researcher use the following formulation from Arikunto. S
P= Percentage
F= Frequency of the types of code switching used
N=Number of cases (the total number of the whole English-Indonesian code
switching found)
This chapter represents the result of analysis of the types of code switching
found and what is the most dominant code-switching used in Indonesian television
advertisements. As mentioned in chapter two, there are three kinds of code-switching:
intra-sentential code-switching, and tag switching as shown in the table bellows:
1. Emina Bright Stuff Dua puluh detik yang menutup aktivitasmu jadi
Face Wash perfect.
2. Garnier Sakura White X: Duh.. kulitku kusam dan kering.
Wipo Y: Di wipe-wipe aja!
3. Maybelline Formula terasa ringan, hasil matte seketika.
Sensational Liquid
4. Purbasari Lotion Kulitmu ga highres!
5. Loreal Paris Beauty Selalu matte and fresh terlindungi setiap hari.
Perfect Matte and
6. Fair and Lovely Facial Slalu cuci muka, enggak glowing juga!
7. Fit Me Foundation 99% fit kulit wanita Indonesia.
8. Wardah Perfect Bright Sekali swipe wajah tiga kali lebih bersih cerah
Micellar Water seketika.
9. Lip Cream Superstay Tampil on fleek seharian.
Matte Ink Maybelline
10. Poise Luminious Kulit luminious dalam tujuh hari.
11. Wardah Perfect Bright Halal, buat wajahmu satu, dua, tiga kali lebih
Tone Up Cream bright seketika.
12. Wardah Instaperfect Aku harus selalu ready dan terlihat perfect setiap
13. Pons Serum Burst Sepuluh kali lebih efektif, wajah cerah dan dewy.
14. Lakme 9to5 Cushion serba bisa buat cewek serba bisa kayak
15. Marina UV White E Bouncy itu kulit cerah dan kenyal, wangi dan
Collagen Asta terlindungi.
Based on the result of the research, the writer would like to give some suggestions
as follows:
For the students, learning code switching is very magnificent for students to
improve their knowledge of sociolinguistics. For English students especially whose
subject matter are sociolinguistics, it is hoped that by knowing the results of this study,
Ganjar Harjain Moriyama, in Mikihiro and Manneke Budiman, Geliat Bahasa Selaras
Zaman: Perubahan Bahasa-Bahasa di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru, (Jakarta : KPG,
2010), p.32