Rhenofit Ocd
Rhenofit Ocd
Rhenofit Ocd
Mode of action Rhenofit OCD, as well as Rhenofit DDA, prevents damage by oxygen and
heat in NR, IR, BR , SBR, EVM, NBR and especially CR. Being a heat
protective agent, it is recommended at higher temperatures.
Processing -
Packing 20 kg bags
Storage stability In original closed containers under cool and dry conditions max. 2 years.
Handling Consult material safety data sheet (MSDS) for additional handling
information on Rhenofit OCD.
Our technical advice - whether verbal, tion to test the products supplied by us in spite of this, liability be established for
in writing or by way of trials - is given as to their suitability for the intended any damage, it will be limited to the value
in good faith but without warranty, and processes and uses. The application,use of the goods delivered by us and used by
this also applies where proprietary and processing of the products are you. We will, of course, provide products
rights of third parties are involved. It beyond our control and, therefore, enti- of consistent quality within the scope of
does not release you from the obliga- rely your own responsibility. Should, our General Conditions of Sale and