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MM 1990 12 08

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Volume 7

MUSIC Issue 49
December 8





The European
Music &

MEDIA Broad.
Trade Magazine




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here 49
December. 8

Labels Divided Over East
ECU 4 European Investments by Noche e I Bakker
The current climate of was whether Western record record companies are slowly
economic uncertainty that companies should just jump testing the waters before
characterises the Eastern in - and ignore problems of making any firm com-
European marketplace leaves piracy, inadequate copyright rnitments.
mast of the major Westem protection and under- In one industry panel -
THE POWER record companies looking to developed distribution sys- "What are Western record
adopt a very cautionary [ems - or take the long-term companies doing in Eastern
policy towards possible in- view and wait for favourable Europe?" - BMG Music In -
vestments. changes. ternational's Central Em -
One of the recurring to- With the exception of ope senior VP Arnold
The European

MEDIA Musk &

pics addressed at the Look- CBS, which has had a repre- Bahlmann urged Eastern
ing East & West Conference sentative in 'Prague since European label executives to
in Budapest November 23-25 June, the major Western lobby their local govern-
Trade Magazine
ments to enforce copyright
protection. "We see Eastern
000PS UP Europe as having tremen-
Ofredia, FM Stations dous opportunities. Unfor-
tunately the market is still
plagued by so many pro-
Take Aim At Aids blems that we need to build
for the long-term. We are
by Paul Andrews
definitely not here for chari-
CULT OF SNAP Some 70 local FM stations radio news service AREA, ty reasons or to make some
in Italy were to link up with which supplies the material quick money. We need solid
leading French syndicator to subscribing stations ground our plans can grow
Ofredia for a special series alongside its regular news mg'
MARY HAD A of broadcasts to mark feeds. Participating stations However, Bahlmann con-
"World Aids Day" Decem- include Radio Serena/Rome, firmed that Budapest and
French "minister of rock" Boom.
LITTLE BOY. Id N. ..00) ber I. Plans Radio
All Together Now! From
along with Tribute Productions MD Tony Hollingsworth and Muleimea
Prague offices will open by
a series of sin, two -minute Flash/Erin and Radio 101/ MD Los.. Hegedus, address the EasoWest delegates. Hollingsworth and the end of next June
features and interviews Bologna. Many other sta- Hegedus unec I as organisers of the Conference. A more robust outlook
relayed direct from Ofre- tions am expected to orga- was presented by Factory -

dia's Paris studios on nise their own Aids -related Records chairman Tony
December 1 and lam, events and programming AER Affirms '91 Action Plans continues on page 7

ary 31. around the broadcasts. Pan -European commercial meeting will take place
Most of the broadcasts "We think it better to do radio lobby group AER alongside a two-day con - CONTENTS
offer informative bits about something on a European (Association of European Terence on news and infor-
Aids and its prevention, lever,' explains AREA edi- Radio) is to be relaunched he motion on private radio in Farian To Release
with some related to the cur- [oriel director Matteo Cor- the New Year. The organisa- Europe, which the associa- Mill Tape 6

rent Red Hot & Blue charity tese "Aids is a big problem tion, whose members are don is sponsoring.
album project. They include everywhere. We should see mainly national radio assn- The AER was originally Looking East & West 7

interviews with Les Negres- what is happening in other clarions, is to resume its launched in late 1989 to
ses Vertes, who appear on countries, not just Italy. activities with a policy represent private radio at a Ta&back
the LP, and couturier Jean- "We chose France be - meeting in Strasbourg, European level and encour- Georges Polinski 8

Paul Gaultier, who has cause it has the highest France, February I. age cross -border co -opera -
designed a range of clothing number of Aids cases in Although a definite agen- lion, but has been largely Networks Show
to support the effort. Doc- Europe, and it was wherethe da has yet to be fixed, Fran- inactive since its inaugural Regional Differences 12

tors, scientists and other Aids virus was discovered. cois le Genissel, AER VP meeting at MIDEM '90 last
workers in the fight against Also, we've worked with and director of French syn- January. BRT Ruffles Feathers 13

Aids will also appear in the Ofredia for the last three dicator Ofredia, says "deci- "Several of our major
programme. years and have done many sions on future strategy and partners this year have had Video The Pouidi
The December I project is productions togetheg' 0 priorities" are likely to be their own domestic problems
Format 23-26

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Radio Roks December Launch e vtra
Oslo -based Soviet
pop station Radio Roks now
by Paul Andrews
been received and that "the com-
plications are purely technical,
"Our eventual programming
will be influenced a lot by au-
e Atra
ramps ens, wnien sponsorto tne
plans to be on air by the first week not political". dience surveys we have commis- Tears For Fears world rout, is now
of December, after "technical Staffed by six former Radio sioned from two Soviet opinion sponsoring the video of the tour,
problems" delayed its planned Moscow employees and operated research institutes, which will Going To California - Live From
October 15 launch (M&M Oc- by a Soviet firm called Interroks, begin as soon as we go on air. We Santa Barbara, released by PMV.
tober 13). Radio Roks is backed by Hunga- don't know yet what the Soviet h is believed to be the first time
any commercial video has been
Staff from the 'free format' sta- rian commercial public station public wants!' He adds that the sponsored. The front cover of the
tion are already installed at Radio Danubius. It is based in station expects to be on air around video and laser disc has 'Philips
studios leased from Norwegian Oslo because no suitable studio the clock by 1992. Compact Disc Presents...' and
local Radio Oslo, from where pro- space was available in the Soviet As for advertising, expected to there is further endorsement on
grammes will be beamed to Union. account for about four minutes the back. In addition, Philips CD
has paid for a TV ad campaign
ground -based transmitters in five Initially, the station will be on per hour, "we have preliminary for the video on MTV in Europe
Soviet regions: Moscow, Len- air 06.00-10.00 and 18.00-20.00 agreements, mainly with interna- and the as.
ingrad, Vilnius, Minsk, and Moscow time, with a variety of tional companies:' although he * * *
Byelorussia both Soviet and Wesrem pop and declines to name them. "For the Europe's no: mold sleeve adver-
"We have been held up:' says rock music. Most programmes time being everything hinges on tising deals have been made by
spokesperson Peter Efimov, will be in Russian, though Efunov us being on the air. Still not a lot Telwar with Hitachi and Ever -
Ready, for the Jive BM, Christ-
"because our partners who were himself - formerly with Radio of people believe something like mas album. It's Pony Time. Ever
supposed to supply satellite dishes Moscow's North America service this is possible' ReedYa0Marson 150.000eassette
to the transmitter sites did not do - will present an 'English - Three representatives of the iMay cards, Hitachi on 100.000
so on time, and we were let down language hour' each morning. station, including MD Andrei CDs. "The idea is fine. long as
on some other contracts:' But he The final shape of the format will Romantchenko, were present at it doesn't interfere with the pm.
stresses that official Soviet per- depend largely upon audience the Looking East & West con- duct:. says Teller MD gem
O'Brien. Money generated will
mission for the broadcasts has reaction, says Efimov. ference in Budapest. 0 finance extra advertising for the
word, plus a charily donation.
Warner Music Uses Ad Agency For Collins Patrick Hayes, co.founder re
mask marketing company RPM,
by Hoard Shannon Se( up the deal, and claims the
Peter Ritchie, Warner Music Inter- Explains Ritchie, "I ran the Griffin says Virgin has worked record sleeve market could be
national's marketing director, has
for the fast time gone out -of -
house and used a script from Lon-
don advertising agency Emerson
storyboard past Virgin and Atlan-
tic and they liked it. I used the
agency because I wanted some
fresh input on the writing of a
with an advertising agency before,
on Collins' previous album,
...But Seriously.
And on this occasion, she says,
worth up to 2 10 million a year.
Prices work out at 2 31.250 per
250.000 units.
* * *
peter gabriel shaking the trel
RTIX Luxembourg -based radio
Pond -Jones to run a Phil Collins script. I ran it quality -wise against "it was the other way round, with services have moved into a new
television campaign which broke a campaign devised in-house by Warners in fact using a com- studiocomplex at Kirchberg, leas.
in Belgium November 26 and is me and came to the conclusion mercial produced by Virgin and the Villa Louvigny after 56
now airing across Europe until the that the agency script was better!' our agency, The Leisure Pro- years. English. German, French
end of the year. He declined to put a figure on cess:' and local language services will all
marketing spend or comment For the US, Ritchie based with mettle Lfr 920 million (app. USE
And the Christmas commercial
3s million) studios. TV services
for the compilation Serious directly on future policy regarding New York -based Atlantic mar- are to remain at Villa Louvigny.
Hits... Live! has been picked up creative campaigns devised out - keting directors Mark Shulman * *
on by Atlantic and Virgin of -house. and Shelley Cooper. Europe is the target of a
Records, Collins' affiliated labels Says Virgin UK's senior pro- Director and writer of the script marketing campaign by New SIXTEEN GOLDEN GREATS
in North America and the UK. duct manager Libby Griffin, "We is Jay Pond -Jones, who has pro- Yorbbased radio syndicator
&immix, a company which its
The commercial features Col- looked at Ritchie's commercial, duced several versions, some with
joint VP Michael Murray sap of-
lins in the exact poses used for the thought it was great and used it. dialogue "There are no long- fers "professional dance mix se-
four albums which make up the "We got to see the script before term plans for a working relation- solsbury his Can Jacinto'
quences on tape" on a pm.paid
live, on -tour compilation - Face actual shooting started bat there ship with Warners, rather I will charge re e of between USE i don't remember ammo'
Value, Hello, I Must Be Going, were no changes needed, it being operate on a project -by -project 75-250. Supermixx W affiliated to sledgehammer red rain
No Jacket Required and .. . But very generic in approach. We are approach!' Westwood One in the ITS with family snapshot i have the touch'
sales handled by Bill Salim,
Seriously - and then brings them now airing it on British television manager international division. mercy street
to life. until. Christmas!' shaking the tree 'featured on cd
don't give up & cassette only
here comes the flood
MUSIC &MEDIA'S games without {robbers
shock the monkey
available on v.deo
live in athensiMila
Published January 26, 1991
Full editorial report on hot new talent Large bonus circulation at MIDEM
Special pull-out supplement Distributed to all major radio stations in Europe
Advertising deadline closes December 24, 1990. For reservations call:
Ron Betist, MUSIC & MEDIA, Amsterdam: (20) 669.1961.
4 MUM a. MEDIA December 8,19,0


Farian Plans New January LP Release by Howard sasuucu

Labels Divided
continued Born page

Wilson. "Everybody is always

With asking prices reaching as Farian. Only BMG Ariola had rights. This is a good opportunity A live tour, details Farian, "is a talking about getting the money
high as DM 100 (app. US$ 68) per shipped out the new single before to establish a real group. definite if the second album has out of Eastern Europe and the
copy in German record stores, the news of the hoax broke A four -city industry launch the same success as the first". problems of piracy; these have
Frank Fenian will this week decide November 14. mid -January starting in New It is not known if former Vail never been problems for us. We
An estimated 400 people attended
whether to resume a European Likely to keep its Keep On Run- York, followed by London, Paris frontmen Rob Pilatus and Fab want to get as much music out
and Munich, will feature a live the Looking East & West Con-
release of Keep On Running as a ning title, the album recorded dur- Morvan have been given a pay- there as possible and to play a part
ference, which featured IS panels
single in its own right. This ing August and September is now performance of tracks and effec- off. Farian claims to have a video in the growth of domestic reper-
covering a wide range of industry toire. If young people are
follows the news that distributors to be released mid -January with tively unveil Davies, Howell, which shows that the pair pulled
and radio appear happy to sup- the band's name forthcoming. Mohamed and Horton. With the off a similar hoax just six months restricted in their influences, their
prior to joining VaniBi, fronting
Moo major Western record ability to compose is limited!'
port the producer throughout the Full credit will be given to the line- exception of Horton, the session
companies were represented, and
current Milli Vanilli controversy up, which includes three session trio are responsible for the vocals but not singing with a band called Similar sentiments were echoed
label support outpaced radio at-
(M&M December I). musicians already responsible for on all previously issued Vanilli Empire Bizarre. 0 tendance Western radio execu-
by panel moderator and MCA In-
But whatever happens, Farian the Milli Vanilli sound, John material. Budapest...Where The Publishers Meet - D'scussl, Cavern European ternational VP Stuart Watson.
tives included Mike Haas, business poss.. are Mr, MCA Mus k Publish, operations head Jahn Brands and
confirmed to Music & Media Davies, Brad Howell and Tina Peter Elide MD EMI Mu. Germany According to Watson, East Euro-
Antenne Bayern; Alexander Pei-
November 26 that the dance track Mohamed. MUSIC & MEDIA BUSINESS CALENDAR telhack, SCI; Mikael Nilsson,
pean media should be used to
will remain as is, "and be publish- One new addition will be a gain recognition and credibility
1990 who produced a one -hour special for artists, whereas immediate
ed along with all other material fourth singer, Ray Horton, and December 3 Independent Radio Advertising Awards on the event for Swedish National
recorded for an album of the possibly a guest rapper as well. It Grosvenor House Hotel, London sales rearms are of secondary im-
Radio P3; Simon Cole, Unique
same name. We have informed all is not known if they will remain portance "This business is about
December 5 BMI 50th Anniversary Awards Dinner Broadcasting Doug Adamson,
our [distribution] partners of our technically session musicians or people and promotion. We have
Dorchester Hotel, London MCM Networking; Kevin Wall
plans". be entitled to a royalty payment. sold nearly 200.000 Kim Wilde
and Stefan Erickson, Radio Vi-
All three distributors, Chrysalis Explains Farian, "The tape in 1991 albums in Poland, but haven't
January 20-24 MIDEM 25th Anniversary "The Music Show" sion; Steve Saltzman and Tamara
(UK), Carrere (France) and BMG my office now will remain exactly seen a penny because of the
Palais Des Festivals, Cannes, France Chant, Rock Over London; And)
Ariola (all other European ter- the same production recording, adverse exchange rat. What mat-
Economos, RCS; Carmen Ketola,
ritories), have already confirmed with maybe just a remix some January 24-27 Radio Advertising Bureau ters is that Kim Wilde is now con-
Radio Express; and Westwood
they are willing to continue a rela- where. I can keep the original Managing Sales Conference
One's Bill Stolier and Richard
sidered one of the top three artists
tionship on any new product from Milli Vanilli sound, as I own all Opryland Hotel, Nashville in Poland. The money will come
Jan. 30 -Feb. 2 Eighth Annual Pollack Media Group in timer
A larger contingent of Eastem The Million -Font Question Can Eon European e and rod
BPP Reaches TV, Radio Programming/Management Conference
Bel Age Hotel, Los Angeles
radio executives par-
with representatives
used to promote mord, That was [bequest,. that (MIRO. Negrania A&R are
natronalOrector Andy Maack, MCA Records Internononol VP Stuart Moan a
Mum & Media senior editor Mach& Bakker fought hard to get answered.
The input from Eastern Euro-
pean delegates was no less con-
troversial. Radio programmers are
With Concert Coverage February 14-16 Gavin Seminar 1991
St Francis Hotel, San Francisco
from Czech Radio/Prague, Slo-
mkradio/Bratislava, RMF/Cracow,
eager to play Western pop and
rock but their cry for samples is
Big Picture Productions (BPP), under way, as a broadcast of Tina February 20 33rd Annual Grammy Awards Calypso Radio/Budapest, Radio
not finding a very willing ear in
the eight -month -old "event music Turner's summer than an the Radio City Music Hall, New York City Katowice Estonian Radional-
the West. The issue of record ser-
television" subsidiary of Granada public network Antenna 2 in April 15-18 National Association of Broadcasters linn, Moscow's Gosteleradio and
vice nearly overshadowed the
Thlevision International, has France was simulcast by private Spring Convention Radio Roks, as well as Radio Cen-
Saturday afternoon panel, "Can
released details showing it has station Europe 2. Las Vegas tres and Radio M -I in Vilnius.
East European television and
achieved pm -European television Concerts staged 1990 include April 29 Sony Radio Awards radio be better used to promote
penetration with a series of major Tina Tumer, The Rolling Stones, Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London records?"
concerts aired throughout the New Kids on the Block, Madon- The fort was defended by
June 5-7 Association of Professional Recording
year. Radio involvement is also na, Happy Mondays, Def Lep- Studios Conference MCA's Watson, who felt it was
pard, Sinead O'Connor, Luciano Olympia Centre, London not the responsibility for the
Pavarotti, ?mita Tikararn, Robert Westem companies to supply pro-
Cray and The Charlatans. July 3-7 International Broadcasting Convention
RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam duct. "We often have no idea bow
Sales have been made tot ETI Food For Thought - MCA Records VP Stuart %%Don 1200 right), who chaired
smog panels at the conference greets severe/ BMG International orecutives at the important you are; we leave that
and Antenne TV (Greece); TRT July 11-14 16th Annual Upper Midwest open, banquet. From I-, Michad Braun. manager European licensees; Save up to our local license. Talk to
(Turkey); Tele (Belgium);
21 Communications Conclave McCaughley market, director; Arnold Bahlmann, senior VP Central Coop, and them if you want product for your
TV2/1 (Denmark); RTE (Ire- Radisson South Hotel, Minneapolis Chris Stone, VC A&RIMarket", shows:'
land); TV[/3 (Finland); VPRO October TBD Sonnd Broadcasting Equipment Show "Supplying records From the
(Holland); TV2 (Iceland); REP Birmingham, UK West] would lead to commercial
(Portugal); Canal Plus and TV3 suicig' commented David Main,
Catalonia (Spain); TV4 (Sweden); AER Affirms Plans also has affiliates in France (SIR - manager for Asia, Africa &
NRK (Norway); and ScanSat. continued Com page I TI), Portugal and Greece "Our Eastern Europe at London -based
Rayner adds that he has also
dirks studios started to pick up contracts with
which have prevented us from
working together!' explains le
previous initiative was maybe too
early" he admire, "but I think
CBS Records International. "I
know of many shows that openly
professional eastem European broadcasters, to Genissel. 1991 is the year when a real debate invite people to home tap. The
audio-s mobiles date Poltel (Poland) and Novisad "The Belgian groups, Vebora in among private radio stations will sequencing and pace of such
(Yugoslavia). Flanders and GRIB in Wallania, begin at a European level:' shows often - purportedly -
The company is headed by joint have also had a difficult time with The original aims of the facilitate the taping of songs.
...why going for less in MDs Mark Young and Greg their legislation, and the BPRT in organisation, he adds, have not Also, many samples land on the
live recording? Roselli, who formerly worked in Germany has become the VPRT altered. "What we want is to be a black market!'
music sponsorship in the US. lin- and had to cope with the coun- kind of EBU for private radio sta- 'For more information on the
nover figures have not been try's reunification!' tions, especially for the local sta- The Lion Roars Bruno Don, Oe conference, including a full up-
dlerks studios gmbh revealed. However, le Genissel says he dons and FM networks which French 'Mister of rock': add's., the
delegates ot Me banquet hosted by Or date of the major record company
tel. (49)22 38-2004/33 33 BPP can be contacted on Lon- now believes the time is right to currently have no representation investments in Eastern Europe,
Hungann ministry of culture during Oe A Matter Of Law - Conversing about copy,. swore are G
fax. (49)22 38-27 34 don (71) 734 8080. 0 revive the organisation, which at European level" conference's opening president Peter Kirsten Befriend Germany "PI director-general Norbert see next week's issue. .0
6 MUSIC a MEDIA December 8, MO MUSIC Si MEDIA - December 8, 19M)

Aiming For A Media Presence Throughout Europe Clyde Poised To Pounce As Profits Rise Money Men Listen
by Hugh Heider Jazz FM has introduced a regular
Glasgow's Radio Clyde is looking body should incur the extra Lon - the year. financial report on major stock
Europa Plus's Georges language 15 hours a day, mists fion and organisation. But tation, as we used to, when sta- to expand its activities following don costs which are quite hormno "But local advertising has been market and currency movements
Polinski was one of the within this structure It's not the sometimes we forget that while tions plan to address a particular an 113/4 increase in pm -tax profits dove!' says Gordon. good throughout the year, par- following a recent audience survey
early birds when it came same as Nostalgic, which broad- French radio has become much market, whether its 15-20 year ro £ 2.17 million.
to investing in Eastern Clyde's annual tumover to the ticularly from the retail sector. So showing that 251/4 of London's
casts in French: when the mom professional, a mom credi- olds, or 15-34 year -olds, we want a Chairman Ian Chapman says end of September increased 877o to if local retailers can see the benefit business community
European radio. Here he Nostalgic DJ says it's the 14th, it is ble media, over the last five years, local radio that appeals to every-
the company now has "substan- £ 8.38 million and Gordon says of advertising on radio, so should regularly to the station. The four
talks to Jacqueline Eacott in fact the 16th in Moscow. That's it's taken us almost 10 years to one But for that to happen we tial cash resources and is poised to advertising revenue would have those who advertise through daily bulletins are provided by
about his involvement in the difference. For Nostalgia it's achieve the revolution. We want to need rules established. Private exploit any opportunities which been even better but for a severe agencies!' ITN Radio.
the USSR, as well as his mom of a promotion, for us it's give lessons, but in fact we've only radio should have real status, each might become available!' And downturn in the last six weeks of
continued commitment real collaboration. just finished learning ourselves. category should be clearly MD James Gordon adds, "We'll
to local radio in France. That's why it should be more of developed. And when them are look anywhere that makes sense
an integration.
Q: How would you
Europa Plus's strategy?
frequencies on offer, we will be
protected against programme
for us to expand. I think there will
be casualties among radio com-
Southern Radio Rationalises Still Further
Qi What about involvement dumping by the networks, to a panies before long. Some com- More changes are being made at This as -yet unnamed service Light FM and Ocean FM - have
A: It's simple... to have a media elsewhere in Eastern Europe? certain extent, and also against panies have been over -reaching Southern Sound and Ocean will also be carried by Ocean still to be announced, the station
presence essentially through ra- A: The situation is very com- clandatine advertising, which is themselves and will not survive Sound following the recent Sound as a replacement for its ex- has recently been advertising for a
dio, in all of Europe's major plicated there If things change currently invading the decentralis- the difficult times ahead!' restructuring at both stations by isting Gold AM service. Pro- salm maaagm for "Ocean Sound
capitals. That's why we're called every day in Czechoslovakia, they ed stations, Gordon says that Clyde will be parent company Southern Radio gramme manager will be Ocean Classic Hits FM", prompting
Europa Plus. Of course it's a change every hour in Germany. I It's no secret that Radio France bidding for the national FM fran- Holdings (M&M December 1). FM presenter Guy Hornsby. speculation that the new service
long-term development - 12 years remain committed to Radio has preferential treatment, a bet- chise to be awarded next year by Southern Sound will finally Ocean Sound's Power FM ser- could consist mainly of Southern
or so - but in each country our Nantes. It allows me a spare ter relay of programmes etc, and the Radio Authority although he split frequencies early next year, vice will be given extra resources Sound FM with some additional
aim is to create a subsidiary and where I can work on local radio obviously you have to favour the will not speculate on the "non one of the last independent sta- and extended to provide a 24 -hour locally -originated programming.
work with local partners. The projects. As for mixing it with my public service to a certain extent, pop" format the company has in tions to do sa coverage At present it broadcasts Meanwhile Southern Sound
Soviet Union is very important Eastern Europe commitments, but there comes a time when you mind. The current "classic hits" for- Ocean FM's overnight program- has announced plans to move
for us. throes no real mchange as such. have to say stop. But he emphasises that if mula will continue on FM and ming although it continues to use from from its current base at
We'll promote Russian projects on Add to that the technical pro- Clyde's bid is successful, the sta- new programming will be in-
(ji Why did you decide to get so Power FM jingles to maintain its Portslade just outside Brighton,
the airwaves of Radio Nantes, but blems: although the monopoly of tion will he based in Glasgow at
involved in Eastern Europe?
troduced on AM, targeted at a separate identity. to Lewes.
not the other way round. But we France Telecom was broken, TDF Clyde's studios. 50 -plus audience with a mixture Although plans for Ocean's
A: The idea first came to me in have sent a Radio Nantes team to is now in the process of recon- "There's no reason why any - of speech and MOR music other two FM frequencies - The
October 1988, after an event had provide technical back-up in structing a technical monopoly. If
occurred which I considered to be Moscow. At the programming you're a network that wants to go (eclrerusernen,
very important, although at the level, we prefer to work rather on satellite, you can't.
time nobody paid much attention with Europe 2 - we have very ac- The networks and the periphe-
to it: in July 1988 the Soviet tive shareholders who want to get riques do an enormous amount of
government had taken the deci- involved. lobbying. Our resources are limit-
sion to stop jamming foreign ed in comparison. But it's better
Wendell Williams
radio stations broadcasting to the (3, You are investing Ffr 30 You are also president of the that French companies are the get decoded and danced on
USSR, notably Voice Of America million over three years, isn't that SIRTL How do you see the future ones who are doing the develop-
and Radio Free Europe. quite a risk? of independent radio in France? ing, rather than everyone being N-JOI Creation
I thought, why don't we put A: The risk is obvious, but it is At The struggle of the indepen- taken over by American, British
the dance album of the gear
forward the idea of creating the just incredible that the Soviets dents is very important. We want or Australian companies.
first free radio station there? have given us access. But it is not to avoid being ignored. The big Eden's Paradise
I wrote to Gosteleradio, then in just a question of one-way m - problem is that private commer-
February 1989 I went to Moscow ports. I'm trying to learn how the cial radio stations have no real
to see how the land lay. Contrary Soviets work and how they func- status. You can't compare a Georges Polinski is president Ben Chapman
to what most Westerners thought, tion. Although they am basically peripherique IAM station] or a of Radio Nantes, the co-
the Soviets reacted very en- Westerners, they have an oriental station like NRJ, or a network like
president of Kiss FM, presi-
thusiastically to the idea. mentality. I'm teaming with them Nostalgia, with a local radio sta-
dent of the independent radio
Coloursound featuring Sobhan
Jean-Claude Nicoll, Kiss FM's through their enthusiasm for tion like Radio Nantes. Each
majority shareholder, didn't agree communication. category must have defined fights
and TV union, SIRTI, and a
At the moment our station major figure in holding com-
with the idea of development in and obligations. The real com-
pany GPT, which operates
Freaky Dreamer
Eastern Europe which for me was there is a music media, but we - petition is decentralised - it's not
a priority. So I went on to discuss and they -am asking for mom and the networks. But if the networks Europa Plus.
the possibility of creating a
multimedia company, offering
more information. And to put an practise a commercial dumping, Created in 1982, OPT (tur- Marina Van-Rooy
advertising structure in place then it will hurt us. We don't have nover Ffr 50 million - app. US$
management and production ser- they have to use our marketing the same operating costs, the 10 million) combines the skills
vices with the Soviets. methods - the listeners' panel, same staff structures. A radio sta- and experience of Polinski Liaisons D
The result was Europe Plus,
which grouped Europe 1, Caisse
De Depots, Quest France Precom
audience polls etc. There's a per-
manent exchange, The Soviets
wanted a model, a joint company
tion like Radio Nantes has 20 peo-
ple, RVS has 40, a franchised sta-
(media development), Stephane
Georget (publishing) and Ian
gamed up
and GEL. The joint company but one which worked along
tion has around 4 people. That's
Itavaille (marketing). As foun- Guru Josh
why we've appealed to the CSA
Europa Plus URSS (513/4 Europe Western tuna. for all this to be reconsidered, ding shareholder of Europa
Plus France) was then created
with partners Gosteleradio and
the Soviet Ministry of Telecom-
I've already noticed changes in
radio, in the way it's
presented, and now people are

Qi What about the development

Plus, GPI' has also been in-
strumental in the development
of radio projects Europa Plus
rhythms oi ge-coosiruction
munications. The Europe Plus coming to us with programming of regional networks? Moscow and Europa Plus
Moscow radio programme, queries. What interests us is to At The future is in local media. Prague
broadcasting in the Russian give an example in terms of crea- Rather than talking about segmen

MUSICS MEDIA Dacernber S, 1990 MUSIC A MINA Dearnber R 1910


Programer ers Free To Ostsee Files For RE! Schedules MEDIA

Air Lennon Interview

John Lennon's famous final
interview, given to BBC Radio l's
ible for the recent Lennon series,
each CD has around 50 access Ferienwelle Frequencies Star*Sat Full Time
Andy Peebles two days before points covering the different by Rob et Lyng Munich -based private satellite Brenner Pass and Lake Garda.
Lennon was murdered on topics contained in the interview. Rostock -based private station and economic situation, the MDs broadcaster Star*Sat Radio has REI, a popular seasonal holiday
December 81980, has been releas- A BBC spokesperson says other Ostsee Radio has made an offer to in early November issued a joint announced that Radio Eisack In- station, will produce 25% of the
ed by BBC Records as a two- radio stations are entitled to play the state government of Mecklen- statement demanding a statewide ternational (RED will begin daily programming, concen-
CD/cassette pack. "bit." from the interview as long bury.Vorpommern (M V)to take M -V frequency, saying, "We trust rebroadcasting Star*Sat pro- trating especially on traffic and
Produced by Radio I producer as the BBC and Radio I is
over the broadcasting operation that the newly formed state gramming around the clock by weather reports.
Kevin Howlett who was respons- credited. of the former Ferienwelle (Vaca- government will quickly provide Christmas on AEI's 30 German - Star*Sat has a current poten-
tion Wave). the necessary legal framework language frequencies, tial audience of over 20.7 million
REI, which has been broad-
Radio I Airs BFBS Gulf Station According to an Ostsee Radio
spokesman, "Now that it has
within which Ostsee Radio can
commence broadcasting. Private casting in both German and Ita-
via cable, satellite and terrestrial
reception in Germany, while a fur-
by Paul Easton
become evident that (public radio radio is necessary in order to in- lian (Radio Is.° International) ther 10 million potential listeners
As the stalemate in the Gulf crisis given a UK national audience station] NDR intends to broad- crease programming diversity and in south Tirol for the last 14 years, can be reached throughout the
On o recent Wit to the UK. SBK Records threw o porty at Morton's in London to
celebrate Me album Wilson Phillips' going gold and debut single 'Hold On' going saves
continues, the British Forces when it is re -broadcast on his cast throughout the new state, balance, and to contribute to the already carries Star*Sat's night rest of Europe. Star*Sat's peak
From Pr Peter Reichardt MD SBK UK; Mark Richardson marketing manager MK UK; Broadcasting Service (BFBS) is Radio I show at 10.30 on the private radio is the only way to further democratisation of our programme from midnight -07.00 hours of reception 'are from
Chynna PiallOs; weedy Wilson; 'Irma Ando,/ manager: Can. Wilson; Steve preparing to set up a local radio same day. assure programming from and for state The owners of Ostsee Radio on its 70 frequencies between the 20.00-05.00.
Hoffman manager. station in Saudi Arabia. BFBS London station manager Mecklenburg-Vorpommem". are prepared to invest millions of
An advance party is already Richard Astbury says( "The mail NDR says Ostsee is currently marks in order to create work-
there: Chris Russell, programme has been unbelievable However, "illegally occupying" the former places for numerous employees
LBC Starts Ratings director of BFBS Cyprus, is pro-
viding radio reports and in-
our ultimate hope is that if the
Gulf crisis continues then we will
Ferienwelle frequencies. In their
offer, Ostsee's board of directors
and freelancers. The state govern-
ment must, therefore, give the new
PolyGram's Retailer
Linked Salaries vestigating the possibility of
BFBS broadcasting live He is
joined by Alton Andrews from
be broadcasting locally on FM:'
Astbury says a local station
could be established very quickly.
stressed they are prepared to take
over Feriemvelle's studios, equip-
ment and editorial staff, and to
state media law top priority!'
With one station ready for
broadcast in Rostock, Ostsee
Seminar Covers All Bases
London talk station LBC has in the next two JICRAR surveys.
BFBS Germany who is presenting "We are standing by, although resume broadcasting on the for- Radio is also planning further PolyGram Distribution hosted a as well as profits. His remarks
averted a threatened journalists' The last JICRAR survey gave
a two-hour show each afternoon logistically there is a problem with mer frequencies under the name studios in Schwerin and Vorpom- multi -faceted seminar/presenta- were followed by a visit to
strike by introducing a ratings - LBC a reach of 18% although a
from Al Jubayl through an ar- getting the necessary equipment Ostsee Radio Ferienwelle. They mem. The company is owned by tion for two busloads of record numerous record stores in the cen-
linked pay deal, the first time a recent survey carried out for
rangement with the American out there. By using our standard also underlined plans to finance five newspaper publishing houses retailers from the five new Ger- tre of Hanover. The first day end-
UK radio station has adopted the Melody FM gives the station only Forces Radio and Television overnight package, which uses the station solely through adver- in Rostock and Schwerin, the FC man states in Hanover October ed with a performance by sclilager
formula. 11%. Since splitting frequencies a
Service programmes recorded onto VHS tising revenue, assuming them Hansa (soccer club), as well as the 29-30. Lothar Rodis, director of star Nicole, who presented her
Staff will receive a 4% increase year ago, audience figures and
BFBS is also broadcasting three cassettes, we could could easily would be no taxes or radio licens- Hamburg -based Axel Springer the Distribution Center East, in- new album Fuer Immer...Fuer
backdated to October. And they advertising revenue have fallen
special half-hour programmes to broadcast with just two people In ing fees. publishing house and the Ufa troduced new distribution direc- Ewig. There was also a lively
will receive a further 2.5% if the and some 60 jobs have been lost.
the Gulf daily at 01.50, 09.20 and addition we have satellite links, Reflecting the local political Film Und Fernseb. 0 tor Fritz Lehmacher, who pointed discussion about repertoire and
combined audience figures for Separate FM/AM programming
13.30 GMT, using three shortwave and we hope that a downlink can out ways to successful co-opera- myriad marketing techniques.
LBC Newstalk FM and London has been cut back to 05.00-21.00
frequencies allocated by the BBC be put into operation to enable tion between the industry and The programme for the second
Talkback AM recover to 21% with- on weekdays.
World Service, The Monday 09.20 troops in the Guff to get our hour- retailers. Other important topics day included a visit to the PDO
programme is presented by BBC ly news bulletins!' included the compilation, use and factory in Hanover-Langenhagen,
Dl Simon Bates and
Sponsorship's Easier Ride Radio 1
New Radio Landscape Painted function of the Media Control
sales charts and working with the
where participants could observe
how CDs are made. There was
A revised sponsorship code issued Radio companies had criticised Crunch Up The Volume For Baden-Wurttemberg
single as an LP marketing tool.
Peter Bertram, owner of the
also a seminar on window dis-
plays, store furniture and product
by the Shadow Radio Authority the Authority's original draft
Golden Wonder crisps is sponsor- ecutive Linda Phonohaus record store in Frank- presentation by Klaus Mekitt
removes most of the restrictions which prevented alcoholic drink
ing a Capital Radio "Crisp-mas Groves says, "In putting LfK, the Baden-Wurttemberg The Lf1( proposal would re- furt, stressed the importance of from Lift, a German company
contained in an earlier draft. firms from sponsoring program-
Party" at London's Wembley together a deal like this it's impor- state licensing authority for pri- quire broadcasters at both levels careful calculations in determin- offering store display facilities. 0
Alcoholic drink manufacturers mes broadcast at times when vate broadcasters, presented in
Arena December 8 featuring tant to link the right project with to enter into co-operative partner- ing operating and stock budgets
am still prevented from sponsor- children were likely to be listening.
ing children's programmes but The Authority says that radio's
Jason Donovan, Aswad, Black the right brand. In this case the Stuttgart November 9 its new pro- ships in order to enjoy larger
Box, Mica Paris, Jive Bunny, The match was perfect" posal to station operators for the broadcasting areas. The 16 local
this no longer includes chart "responsible" treatment of spon-
Chimes and EMF. Capital DJs are reorganisation of the financially stations, which should be fmanc-
shows, although a programme sorship has enabled it to relax the,
compering the show which is be- endangered private broadcasting ed with local advertishm, will have .
devoted to an artist whose fans are restrictions. But sponsorship of
ing broadcast live and filmed for Consuming Pirates sector. broadcasting ranges from 110.000
predominantly children - such as news bulletins is still prohibited
Jason Donovan or Kyle Minogue although newspapers can be
screening on ITV children's shows Essex Consumer and Public Pro- The state's original private potential listeners in Lake Con- Counting the days...
over Christmas.Tickets tection Department has won the broadcasting system, initiated in stance West to 720.000 in Stuttgart.
- would be affected by the restric- credited for individual items. 1
cost £ 10 and the first first UK Record Industry Anti - 1986, foresaw 50 local stations The Lf1( projects annual adver-
tion. In two weeks' time the totally redesigned,
1.000 people to purchase receive a Piracy Award established by the and 23 regional broadcasters. tising revenues from DM 1.6 mil-
free multi -pack of Golden British Phonographic Industry While providing broad plurality, lion to 5 million (US$ 1.08m - larger -size MUSIC & MEDIA
CIN Changes Chart Rules Wonder crisps.
It is the first time Capital's
following the seizure of counter-
feit audio cassettes from an illegal
the system kept the broadcasting
range of most of the stations so
3.39m) for the new local stations.
Meanwhile, the 28 broadcasters will be on its way to you.
Chan Information Network CIN CEO Adrian Wistreich Christmas Party has been spon- trader in August this year. small that they have not been able now broadcasting from 21 regio-
to finance themselves through
(CIN) is changing its rules to
allow joint chart placings, follow-
says that there are two or three ties
a week based on the panel sales
sored and follows a successful
promotional tie-up with Golden
There have been 1.462 seizures
by trading standards officers advertising revenue The LfK's
nal stations will have to come to
an agreement to consolidate into WATCH OUT FOR
index but from January the index newly proposed two -tiered sys- four or six area stations, depen-
ing the recent fracas over the no. 1
spot when Steve Miller's The will now be checked to one
Wonder earlier this year. The
"Crisp -ma Party" is being sup-
across the UK to date involving
over 250.000 illegal cassettes. And tem, while not considering a ding on which variation of the MUSIC & MEDIA'S 1990
Joker was given precedence over decimal point which should ported on -air by promotional BPI anti -piracy co-ordinator Tim hoped -for statewide frequency, LfIC plan finds their approval
Deee-Lite's Groove Is In The eliminate most of them. But he trailers and an advertising cam- Dabin says the UK now has the provides for 16 local broadcasters
and either four or six "area
January 25. The area stations will YEAR-END ISSUE!
Heart although both achieved the estimates there will still be two or paign on the station. Capital's lowest percentage of counterfeit- be financed with national, regio-
same panel sales index. three per month. senior business development ex- ing in any developed country. broadcasters". nal and local advertising. 0
10 MUSIC Is MEDIA December O. IMO MUSIC A MEDIA - Dternla. A IMO


Networks Show Their Regional Differences BRT TV TV Chart Show Ruffles Industry Feathers
Amid controversy about not in- system (based on FNAC sales) BRT TV will not have a separate "We are lucky to have other pro-
A study on how peripheriques ing a weak presence in the south- qual and damaging geographical France Inter has a reasonable cluding local talent, the first nor the IFPI chart can give us Flemish chart show. grammes in which to feature our
and FMs fare in terms of regional west, is concentrating its efforts distribution (M&M September score (12.7%), close to its national Flemish chart countdown show what we really want: a chart for BMG Ariola promo head Hilde Flemish artists. But I must say we
audiences shows that while the on securing a greater number of 22). The increasing FM coverage average but Europe 1 (1.5%) and will debut January II on BRT TV. the Flemish audience". an Steenvoort does not believe regret the decision to leave out
batik intensifies between NRJ frequencies in the region, to enjoyed by peripherique stations RTL (1.6%), both searching for The videodip programme, called But as with the radio chart, the the chart reflects the actual sales Flemish acts from the BM' TV
and Europe 2, with MR] losing its assure a more balanced national further challenges the existing new frequencies in this area, re- "TV1 Top 30", will air Fridays new TV chart will not have any situation in the Flemish market. chart show!'
dominance in certain regions, the coverage The station, which regional order. main very weak. between 18.30-19.05, and relies on

Laser Disc Retail

actual Flemish product in it Micro
most marked differences continue developed from a strong regional The raring positions of indivi- The situation changes dramatic- the retail -based weekly BRT time constraint, "Give us an a-
to be among the peripheriques. following in the north, has also dual FMs vary considerably from ally in the Paris region where RTL Radio Top 30 chart.

Launch Approved
tm 15 minutes and we will include
INC remains dominant in the made subtle changes to its pro- region to region. Europe 2 and takes a massive 27.5% share, com- Producer Johan van den Eeden Flemish product;' maintains van
south at the expense of RTL and gramming style to adapt to a NRJ jostle each other closely in pared with RMC"s 0.6%. RMC is is confident the programme's den Eeden. "The whole pro-
Europe 2, a situation which is wider audience four main areas. Europe 2 is top not represented in the north, which broadcast time is perfect for his gramme has to be seen as an op- Although the introduction of essential in promoting the laser
reversed in the central and nor - The differences are also chang- in the Paris region with 6.3% just is again dominated by RTL 12-20 year -old target audience, portunity for the record industry Laservision and CDV have nbt disc towards a consumer market:
them regions. ing the networks' strategies. ahead of NRJ's 6.2%, a scenario (332%) nor in the eastern Paris "The Radio Top 30 is Flanders' to air their clips!' reached a broad audience, Super the availability of interesting roft-
Published by Carat Radio, the While Europe 2 sells its program- repeated in the east (Europe 2, basin, where RTL registers 372%. most popular radio programme, However, the decision to leave Club and Philips have made plans ware, reasonably priced hardware
study is based on the last round of mes to subscribers throughout 8.5%; NRJ 7.7%) and in the In the south-east the situation and the TV show will be airing out Flemish talent is not going to launch the laser disc on the and effective distribution chan-
Mediametrie results. France, who insert local shows in Mediterranean coastal region: is more balanced where the Monte one day ahead, at the start of the over well in the local music in- Belgian market. Both companies nels. Our collaboration with
The differences caused by geo- the evening (Europe 2's Paris fre- Nostalgic (9.5%), Europe 2 Carlo station is considerably weekend. It's the ideal daypart!' dustry. Walter Grootaers, front - believe that they will be more suc- Super Club could become instru-
graphical location have already quency Hit FM has a nightly jazz (7.2%) and NRJ (6.2%). stronger (8.4%) while RIT Explaining the show's features, man of the very popular cessful this time, thanks to a new mental in boosting sales of both
prompted national networks programme not heard in other NRJ takes top place in the (13.4%) is not so far ahead of van den Eeden says, "We have the Menaces, says, "This is the most advertising campaign for both the hardware and software, as we at
to think regional. Skyrock, for areas), NRJ is now also acting as eastern Paris basin (8.6%), ahead rivals Europe (10.8%) and
new entries, top sellers and the tap ridiculous decision I have ever hardware and software Philips do not believe in rentals as
example, recently divided its a programme supplier in certain of Fun Radio (5.9%), with Europe France Inter (9.6%). The south- 5 records in Europe This ingre- heard of, just when Flemish talent Philips Interactive Media Sys- bring important to developing the
national operations into three regions, a departure from its nor- 2 fourth with 3.8%. NRJ is also west sees RTL (6.1%) lose its lead dient will be based on the Euro- accounts for the boom within the tems senior product manager AF market het'
areas, covering the Mediterra- mal policy. lop in the western Paris basin to France Inter (15.6%) followed chart, and it is particularly in- Belgian record industry". Simonis says, "Three things are
nean, northern and south-west RTL and Europe 1 based their (8.9%) followed by Europe 2 closely by RMC (13.6%). teresting because that chart will Hans Rosters Music product
parts of the country.
And Metropolys, acknowledg.
recent claim for more FM fre-
quencies on what they see as une-
(8.2%), and again in the south east
(9.4%) with Europe 2 at (6.8%).
Skyrock makes a big impres-
A recent study based on Media.
metric Jan -June 1990 showed that
give a somewhat "delayed view"
on what's going on, since coun-
manager Roland Keyaert is al-
so concerned. "On radio, the
Swiss Movement For
sion in the north (8.6%), followed
while 89.4% of the French popu-
lation tune in regularly to a radio
tries like Spain tend to follow cer-
tain hits later on",
Flemish Top 10 chart is aired just
before the international Top 30
Super Club Shareholders
by Nostalgia (4.2%), NRJ (3.9%) station, more people listen to the Asked why he's using the Radio The Maurits de Prins group of
chart. Obviously, they don't want European stock markets in the
Inter Programme Boss and Europe 2 (3.1%). Skyrock is radio in the Alsace region (92.7% Top 30 chart, van den Eeden says, to have some of the same records shareholders who own 51% of near future
also strong in the west (7.2%), of the population and mostly to "Because neither Canal Plus's Super Club have decided to place
Demands More Cash back on the air. It is deplorable if According to insiders, Philips,
just behind NRJ (7.5%) and the RTL and NRJ) than anywhere their shares in a new Swiss part-
by Emmanuel Lep-and which in May underwrote the
Pierre Bouteilier, programme di-
south west (5.1%), again second
to NRJ (7.7%).
else Southerners are less enthu-
siastic; the lowest percentages are EMI Cues Up Silverpoint nership. The Super Club Holding
Et Finance, with registered offices
previous capital augmentation for
Bfr 1.5 billion (US$ 50 million), is
rector of public radio France In- But the differences are more found in Languedoc Rouseillon EMI Music Publishing/Benelux activities in that field. We want in Geneva, will act at Super Club's now said to have taken pan in the
ter, has called foe increases in the marked among the peripheriques.

(84.2%) and Provence Cote has announced the launch of this new label to be the major new top holding company. new holding for an amount of Bfr
station's budget to help it compete Radio Monte Carlo bases its pro- d'Azur (85.3%) while Paris/Ile de record label Silverpoint Records. force within the Benelux for fin- The inirial value of the new 2 billion through the intermediary
with national AM privates RTL gramming and image on its warm France shows a respectable, above The new imprint will be be ding, developing and working shares has been set at Sfr 100 (app of the Swiss Confinpart holding.
and Europe I. Mediterranean roots, a successful average, 90.4%. Figures relate to distributed by EMI Bonn, with new artists, and helping them USS 83) and Super Club has con- Control over the Super Club
Ina rare interview, with weekly strategy reflected in its high percentage of listeners September - hich will also deal with to develop their repertoire for an firmed its offer to a shareholders group will remain with the same
RAMA110111 newsmagazine L'Evenement du ratings (23%) in this region. October 90. marketing and promotion. The international market!' to trade their current Super Club shareholders: the Maurits de
Jeudi, Bouteiller attacked cash first release will be Feel So Good Adds Witte, "We feel this is the shares for the new shares. Prins group Philips, KS (Kern-
allocation within Radio France,
IN OGNISINSO the public service radio corpora- Les Mysteres Des Voix Bulgares by Dutch singer Tam.
Says MD Arjen Witte "Silver -
right time to launch our own label
after having delivered numerous to
The move is reportedly meant
provide the growing video
cense Steenkool), financial com-
panies Benevent and Euroven-
tion. Inter, he points out, receives point will help to maximise our artists to other record companies
EUROPEAN TOUR 1990 group with necessary resources tures, and investment funds of
only 11% of the total budget, while Bulgarian a cappella choir Let they have found a wider audience music publishing potential and in the past!' and structures, as well as to ensure both the Belgian Kredietbank and
DECEMBER - local stations are allocated 33%. Mysteres Des Voix Bulgares, win- than expected for their mix of will be another channel for our the possibility of an entry on the the French Credit Lyonnais. El
This leaves him unable to ners of this year's Grammy for orthodox and traditional folk
03.12.90 challenge the commercial sta- best folk recording for their dou- music.
MILANO PALATRUSSAROI dons, he says, citing recent ad ble Volume I/2 compilation, are "It's very weird, but unique
campaigns which cost RTL and to tour Europe to promote their musi4" says A&R manager Jac- SATURDAY
07.12.90 Europe I a total of Ffr 35 million Volume 3. ques Sanjuan. "Most of their Only two weeks left until
(app. USE 7 million). By contrast, Dates in France are scheduled tracks are purely weal, and 00S/F11/0011,

he was able to spend only Ffr 1.5
million on advertising,
for December, with Spain, Ger-
many, Austria and Switzerland to
nobody's quite able to say where
the style comes from - but their
"We have fantastic products, follow between January and June. audience is the widest you can im-
11.12.90 excellent programmes:' he told
EEvenement, "but if we can't
The choir have already performed agine!' YEAR-END ISSUE
promote them how can we still be
in Scandinavia and the UK, dur-
ing October, and their album has
Although, as a compilation,
not eligible for the French chart, WHAT'S HAPPENING IN
13.12.90 compared with our competitors? been available throughout Europe Sanjuan says some 80.000 copies New Larger Size
FRANKFURT fES7HALIE "We live in a constant con- since July. have been sold there, with the DUTCH MUSIC NOW
tradiction. I'm told lack of money According to PolyGram France, follow-up now also selling (-heck it out at X001.10E5L" Iest,val Biggest Distribution Ever
14.12.90 is what makes our task noble, but which holds worldwide rights "steadily". He adds that AM sta-
FRANKFURT FESTNALIE at the same time I am confronted (occluding Switzerland and tions, particularly Europe I, haw New Modern Design
with the audience ratings. People Japan) for the 25 -woman group, given the group airplay, as well as 35 BANDS 5 STAGES 1 NIGHT
16.12.90 tend to forget that it needs money actually the female choir of "specialist" FMs such as Radio
1 VENUE Must -read Issue
PARIS - ZENITH to produce quality!' Bulgarian state TV and radio, Nova and Oui FM.

11 MUSIC.MEOIADessuber 8,1890


Radio & Company Delays Launch San Remo RTL's Scandi Service lberpop Cancelled EDIA

by David Ransfield Dates Confirmed lberpop, one of Spain's most TV rights for the festival to Canal
The launch of the new national
commercial station Radio &
SCGR, blames the new broadcast
legislation for the delay. Zard:
July 1991',' said Zard.
Zard confums that the station
Next year's San Remo Song Festi-
val will be held from February 27
Runs Into Problems important rock and pop festivals
for local talent, will not be held
Plus, and had registered lberpop
as his idea and intellectual proper-
to March 2 and will probably be by David Rowley this year due to a legal dispute ty. It has since launched legal pro-
Company has been delayed, "We want to launch the station in has not changed its projected non -
perhaps until summer 1991. The a very special way. But we want specialised music format targeted staged at the city's Ariston RTL International MD Morris "We have experience in other between organiser Ignacio Paulin ceedings against Faulin.
station is owned by newly created government guarantees that we at an 18-40 age group. He adds Theatre, the traditional venue Vass says the company's recently European countries and 6% for and the local government in Rio- The annual festival, which is
company SCGR (Societa Ges- will be allowed to operate so we that Radio & Company will before the change in 1990 to a site launched satellite and cable ser- basic copyright is about top ja, which has sponsored the event held in Logrono, has built a
tione Radio) with Italy's Beta TV have to wait until the new laws benefit from the creativity of his outside the centre of San Remo. vice in Scandinavia is under threat whack with another 2-3% on since it was launched six years reputation for showcasing up-
group holding a 51% sham The become effective" firm and that the station will help This year's venue was heavily due to a dispute over the level of neighbouring royalities. They've ago. and-coming Spanish bands, with
rest of the company is split bet- All 41 articles of the new with his promotion business. criticised for its inconvenient copyright performance payments been talking about 12% and we The government decided not to past successes including Loquillo
ween Rome promoter David Zard, legislation will be put into opera- Zard: "It is part of our strategy location. in Sweden. just can't go ahead on that basis:' give permission to the forthcom- and El Ultimo de la Fila. The
journalist Daniela Brancati and a tion by January 1 1993 but Zard to use media for our purposes. We Adriano Aragozzini mill orga- Says Vass, "We are being asked says Vass. ing edition after learning that government is now considering
dozen commercial stations. does not believe that Radio & aim to organise some major nise the event for the third suc- to pay on the basis of households Gun Magnusson, MD of per- Faufin was trying to sell exclusivg organising an alternative event. 0
Beta's director-general Pier Company will have to wait until events for new acts and the in- cessive year. Aragozzini has which is completely absurd. The formance rights organisation
Luigi Stefani predicted an Oc- then to start broadcasting. volvement of the station will be a brought slick organisation but figure mentioned was Skr 14 (app. Copyswede, says she expects the
tober or November launch for "We want to use the same fre- great heir also controversy to the organi- US$ 2.50) per household, which is negotiations with RTL to be dif-
Radio & Company (M&M July quency throughout national ter- He maintains that he will not sation. In 1989 one artist took about 10 times more than our pro- ficult because the company wants
28). He was unavailable for com-
ment at press time
ritory but only the two govern-
ment commissions working in
use Radio & Company exclusively
for his concert promotion ac-
him to court claiming she was
unfairly excluded from the contest
jected revenue.
"There is no intransigence on
royalties paid on the basis of a
combination of income and num- Ramoncin Joins
But Zard, who says he has per- that area can decide that. But I tivities. "We will continue to work while another protested by going the part of either party, but we ber of households.
sonal and company shares in believe we will be in business by with every station possible Radio
& Company will receive no pri-
on a hunger Strike.
The music format for the 1991
need the agreement so we can "Performing artists are very
begin introducing the cable service well protected in Sweden com-
Onda Cero Line -Up by Anna Marie de la Fuente
vileges!' Song Festival has not yet been in Sweden during December. If pared to other countries and this
confirmed. not, then there will be serious pro- can make it expensive RTL has to ONCE's new I05 -station network
Rete 105 Air McCartney Phone -In blems on the viability of the whole take the intiative now but I can see Onda Cero has announced that
Rete 105, the Milan -based com-
mercial station, claimed another
Edoardo Hann: "The event was
a peculiar one for us as our DJ Tracker Steps In project and that would be sad!'
Vass says RTL International's
things becoming difficult because
it has made it very dear that what
pop singer Ramoncin has joined
its line-up of well-known perso-
national exclusive with its involve-
ment in the UK staged Rocksat
event featuring Paul McCartney.
Stations in 15 European ter-
Alec Permit wasn't doing the in-
terviewing. A lucky listener, who
had to speak in English, asked
Paul a question. It was an emo-
To New Market
Tracker, the computer audio log- a system that Radio DeeJay
calculations are based on a very
low listener reach - one radio per
house and one listener per radio,
given the limits of a cable service,
we're asking is unacceptable!'
Copyswede is negotiating with
RTL International on behalf
of IFPI, STIM and SAMI on
nalities who will host programmes
on the network.
The announcement was made
during a press/media presentation
ritories linked up live via the Aster tional moment when you consider ging system, is about to be intro- definitely needs!' and adds that the company wants all aspects of broadcast royal- on November 20, when the net-
satellite to London's Capital that they were being heard right duced on the national broadcast He also believes it will help with an agreement based only on ties. work's new logo and TV adver-
Radio where McCartney talked across Europe!' market. The system is manufac- the forthcoming law requirements revenue. tisement were unveiled.
about his new album, Pipping Peroni may not have asked lured by the US One RCS and will and is enthusiastic about its abili- Ramoncin will host a breakfast On& Cetus new logo
show featuring interviews with
The Live Fantastic, and answered
questions from a listener in each
McCartney any questions but he
was responsible for the on -air
be distributed in ltaly by Mario
Semprini who heads the Milan -
Norway To Consider Awards Cuts famous people Director-general will be transmitted via satellite by
of the participating countries. translation during the 21.00-22.00 based Radio System Sound IFPI Norway may slash its sales The Norwegian market, how- Ricardo Vaca says other per- April.
Rete 105 was the only Italian broadcast. company. levels for platinum and gold ever, is even smaller than Den- sonalities presenting programmes Meanwhile, ONCE director-
station to take part. PR manager Semprini believes that Tracker awards, in the wake of the deci- mark's. Trade deliveries of all on Onda Cero include veteran general Miguel Duran has an-
with its ability to store up to 16 sion by IFPI Denmark to substan- album formats amounted to 8.2 actress Massiel,who focuses nounced that the charity group
days of programming on one DAT tially reduce its qualification ceil- million nits in 1989, compared to on the show -business world. plans to set up a holding com-
Onda Com is a fusion of pany, pending government ap-
Licence Allocation Delay Expected 240 cassette will provide a wide
variety of benefits to stations.
ings (M&M November 24).
IFPI Norway chairman Rune
Denmark's 9.8 million. Some
703.000 singles were delivered in ONCE's Amanecer and Cadena proval. He says that the company
The allocation of frequencies and at national commercial network He claims it will make life Hogberg says the issue has been Norway 900.000 in Denmark. Rata networks and Vacs says it would be comprised of five divi-
licences under the terms of Italy's Radio DeeJay and inter -regional much easier for broadcasters raised before but that the Danish Hagberg adds that if IFPI Nor- will move to larger headquarters sions: media, real estate, finance,
new broadcast law is now not ex- station Radio Capital comments: when Article 23 of the new move may see it put on the agenda way does take up the idea, it by early next year. He adds that it industrial and stocks.
pected to be completed for two "The work of the commissions government legislation comes into of the net meeting. "We will would "go all the way down" to
years, due to the high number of will not be simple With the effect from January I 1993. It possibly follow Denmark on this',' the levels of countries such as
applications. number of applications received, I states that commercial radio and he adds. "It would be a logical Austria and Belgium (50.000 for a
A total of 3.879 stations ap- suspect that the whole operation TV stations must submit com- step, considering the stagnation platinum LP, 25.000 for gold),.
plied for licences before the Octo-
ber 23 deadline (M&M November
will take two years!'
Astorri says he is surprised by
plete recordings of their program-
mes every thrm months to the
of the market here!'
Currently, Norway has levels of
and abolish both silver and dia-
mond awards.
Onda Madrid Faces Overhaul
10), including 3.855 local outlets, the number of applicants: "The government in order to ensure 100.000, 50.000 and 25.000 "However:' he continues, "there The board of directors at Madrid One proposal being considered
15 national commercial broad- whole industry thought the re- that they are not causing public respectivelyfor platinum, gold are many people who believe the local station Onda Madrid has set involves programming based on
casters, six non -Italian stations quitement to apply for a licence offence. ty to provide a check on station and silver albums and singles. platinum and gold classifications up a commission to study a possi- France's Franco -Info, a 24 -hem
and the three channels owned by was part of the initial selection Semprini will be demonstrating programming. "I have to use a There is also a diamond award for are awards of excellence that need ble overhaul of the ailing station, news station. However, Onda
state broadcaster RAI. process It seems we were wrong Tracker at the Milan -based natio- tape recorder to do my air checks album sales of 75.000. to be upheld!' which has only 21.500 listeners ac- Madrid executives say the station
The job now for two govern- because all stations appear to nal stations 101 Network, Radio at the moment But with 'Backer For albums, these levels (except cording to the latest EGM media would need 50 reporters to make
ment commissions is to define fre- have received the necessary forms DeeJay and Rete 105. He expects I only have to digit a keyboard to diamond, which is peculiar to survey. this feasibly.
quency areas, select successful and have completed and submit- Radio DeeJay to be the first buyer find the exact time I want to listen Norway) match those which IFPI To contact The commission is composed Meanwhile, 90% of Onda Ma-
applicants and lay down technical ted them. at an initial introduction price of to. It willassist me in giving Denmark cut last month to 80.000 Music & Media of the station's administrative drid's staff have signed a petition
regulations for each broadcaster, "This means problems for both US$ 15.000. advice to DJs more quickly and for platinum, 40.000 for gold. staff, trade unions and consultan- calling for the resignation of sta-
Te1:31 20 669 1961
Oscar Mammi, minister for national and local broadcasters. Claudio Astorti, station direc- efficiently. It will also help to give Danish singles awards were cut cy firms. Onda Madrid's budget tion head Gabriel Campo. The
post and telecommunications, There is no way the government tor at Radio DeeJay, confirms his guarantees to advertisers who from 50.030 to 20.000 for pla- Fax: 31 20 669 1951 for 1991 is Pta 612 million (app. employees have also requested
had hinted at an early conclusion can allow the existence of 3.855 commitment to the system. want to ensure that their spots are tinum and from 25.000 to 10.000 (editorial) US$ 6.5 million), but expenses at talks with director-general Gon-
but that now seems unlikely. local stations and 21 national sta- Astorri: "I first saw Tracker at being aired at the right times!' I for gold, with silver awards 31 20 669 1931 (sales) the station have increased by zalez Snide.
Claudio Astorri, station director tions!' Boston's NAB in September. It is abolished altogether. 207% since 1988.

14 MUSIC MEDIA - December 1990 MUSICS MEDIA - December 1990 Is



Jimmy Somerville MEDIA

"The Singles Collection

1984/1990'; a compilation
featuring hits by Jimmy
Somerville, was released
the album are Marc Almond,
Claudia Bracken, Sarah Jane
Morris and June Miles Kinston.
The first single, a cover version
Signed to Polydor Hamburg
for the world via German
production company
Marketing: Ads in all heavy
metal magazines, including
Kereang, Metal Hammer,
Metal Forces and Sounds; fly
posters in 18 UK tides; in-
by London Records on of To lave Somebody, came out Mainhattan Music store merchandising SINGLE OF THE WEEK ! ALBUM OF THE WEEK
November 12 and is now in the UK on November 5 and in Publisher: Mainhattan Musik ns Tour: the band are special Silje Beloved
climbing up the European makland Europe on November Verlage (the cover of the guests on Magnum's current Tell Me Where You're Going EMI Biased Out - East West
Top 100 Albums after 12. It is now at no. 8 in the UK Jefferson Starship song Jane 18 -date UK tour; headline gig Norway's Silje has got a definite Known as one of the first groups
debuting at no. 25. and na 15 in the German Airplay is published by Pods, at London's Marquee, hit on her hands here, with this to combine guitar rock with
As Claire Heffernan Chart. Lunatunes, Little Dragon, attended by PolyGram lovely acoustic song. Originally house. Moved are the link bet-
reports, the album spans John Reid, international mana- Kosher Dill) eXeClItiVeS released on the indie label ween the pop sensibilities of the
Somerville's career, ger at London Records, says the Management: BFS Foreign release: UK, Lifetime Records, the song has Pet Shop Boys and the techno-
from his days with single is "exploding on radio in Management INC, Muhlheim Scandinavia, Holland, Soak, already charted in Norway. This , drive of New Order. This remix
Bronski Beat and The Europe" and adds that it will be Band members: Roko Italy, Greece Japan second try, however, deserves to album puts them at the forefront
top the charts from Bombay to Reykjavik. Breezy, melodic and of the current dance scene, with its array of crystal-clear, modern
Communards, through followed by Smalltown Boy in Kohhneyer (vocals, guitar), (Phonogram) and the US
heartfelt sweet, this up -tempo folky pop tune has all the mak- pop tunes. Danceable and very a.essibk. Combined, this makes
to his solo work up January. The track is being Jurgen Beitel (keyboards), (PolyGram) logs of a classic them equally as attractive to CHR as to dance programmers.
to this year. remixed by Stephen Hague this Ricky Lee (drums), Andre
week. Pasquier (bass), Marc Founded by singer/guitarist and
Jimmy Somerville's previous Reid adds, "Somerville is Bugnard (guitar) songwriter Roko Kohlmeyer, who Marc Almond Mark Shaw Danielle Dax Distance Between You And
releases have notched up devoting three months to doing Current album: Roko, wrote all the tracks on the new Waifs & Strays - PaHophone Love So Bright - EMI Blast The Human Flower - Sire Me, is pleasant up -tempo pop
sales of more than six UK and European press and released in GAS end of album, Roko specialise in hard- The Frank Sinatra of sleaze Former Then Jerico singer in Former member of the featuring a fine twangy guitar
million units in Europe and all of promotion. He is in and out of September hitting, muscular rock with returns with a romantic though an emotional, epic love song, notorious Lemon Kittens and that could easily fit modern hit
his singles have made the top 30 in every major market". Current single: One Night memorable hooklines. danceable track, with just the backed by lush strings and Shock Headed Peters, Dax has radio playlists. And the track
the UK. He first found fame in Somerville recently retumed right degree of camp. featuring Shaw's heartfelt clearly outgrown her indie past. Takes A Lot To Rock You is, in-
Stand In the past Kohhneyer has
from a promotion trip in Ger- vocals. Although this album is still deed, a good rocker. Neither
the early 80s, when Bronski Beat Production: produced by Bob worked as a session musician and pretty offbeat, the total avant are tear -jerking ballads miss-
Marlette (Steve Thompson, has also been a member of several garde extravaganza has gone. ing, of which Sad, Sad Music is
'Racy Chapman) for rock bands in the Frankfurt area. BB King Several tracks feature loud - the most compelling.
Mainhattan Music He also owns an eight -track Londonbeat Peace To The World - MCA rocking guitars, while dance
Production; engineered by studio, where most of the pre- A Better Love - Anxious/RCA/MG A soulful gospel with plenty of beats are notable on others. Child's Play
Albert Boekholt (Def recording for this album was The follow-up to the Eurochart horns, massive choir in the The Beatles cover Tomorrow Rat Race - Chrysalis
Leopard, Victory, Magnum). made. Kohhneyer is known for his topper I've Been Thinking chorus and King's trademark Never Knows could be a chart Hard -rocking, party metal
David Kershenbaum (Joe dislike of samples and computer - About You, is once again a mellow guitar sounds. Taken contender with its firm house from the US in a greasy produc-
display of vocal craftsmanship. from the Live At San Quentin rhythm and oriental setting. tion by Howard Benson. The
Jackson, Macy Chapman, driven music and instead opts for
Up -tempo, yet mildly moody album. four -piece band specialise in
Supertramp) was executive his music to be as "hand -made" and chartbound. Primus simple but effective rock songs,
producer. Pre -recording was as possible Frizzle Fry - Caroline with influences ranging from
done at Roko-Soundstudio The video for One Night Stand The funk/hardcore crossover blues to punk. Echoes of Van
and Hotline Studios in was directed by the renowned Kirsty MacColl s.ne coMinues to produce Halen in their David Lee Roth
Frankfurt; final production at "Torpedo Reins", Rudi Dolma'
Herman Brood & The Pogues remarkable bands. A freaky days are notable- Try: My Bot-
Wisseloord Studios in and Hennas Rossacher, for Doro Miss Otis Regrets/ album full of Zappa influences tle, Wind, Girl Like You and
0 Legal In Amsterdam - CRS with wildly reverberating bass Damned If I Do.
Holland Productions in Vienna. Just One Of Those Things - Chrysalis
hit no. 3 in the UK charts with many, where he was interviewed Although officially still not sounds, howling guitars and
Smalltown Boy, and then formed by Radio Gong, Star*Sat, Radio legal in Amsterdam, Brood's funky drumming. A very left - Peter Gabriel
The Communards with long-time
friend - and Bronski Beat
WDR, Radio RPR, Radio FFR
and Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR).
Fabrizio de Andre swan songdeals with the
pleasures of certain oriental
of -centre combination of
styles, but yielding some very
Shaking The Tree -Yrgm
An album that hardly needs an in-
substances. Good ole', straight - innovative ideas about making troduction. A greatest hits collec-
saxophonist and clarinet player - And he has also been featured on IN Signed to Dischi Ricordi. The TOM, national tour from from -the -heart rock & roll. music. Any programmer into tion featuring the former Genesis
Richard Coles. RAI 1and Radio Dimension new LP is a co -production February something new - and that in- frontman in his finest hour. In-
The combination of Coles's Suono in Italy. between Ricordi and Fonit Euro releases: no immediate cludes dance, rock and alter- telligent, melodic pop songs,
arrangements and Somerville's TV appearances have included Cede plans native formats - should try The which, in all their diversity, possess
soaring vocals proved to be a "Rockopop", one of the most Publisher Jabal Many Puppies, Frizzle Fry and the unmistakable Gabriel touch of
major success, with The Com- popular music shows in Spain Management: no current Le Nuvole, which has sold Elmer Food Beat John The Fisherman. genius. From the pounding
munards scoring a string of hits, (TVE); the telecast of Belgium's management 300.000 units since its release, Sledgehammer, through the quir-
Danrila - OTT/Polydor Roko ky madness of Shock The Monkey
including a no. 1 spot with Don't Diamond Awards (BRT); and Current album: Le Nuvole, features a range of musical styles,
A French guy called Elmer Roko - Polzdar to the chilling Biko, Shaking The
Leave Me This Way. But after German TV show "Formal Eins" released September 24 from ballads to folk and rock. Food Beat, playing an acoustic
two years they went their separate (ARD I). This month he will Production: recorded and The LP was given heavy rotation A German outfit producing Pre is a quality compilation.
country -tinged "oompah oom- This Red Hot & Blue collabora- nicely textured hard rock, once
ways and Somerville launched his appear on "Countdown" in Hol- mixed at the Metropolis on the RAI 2 music programme 'I pah" song, sung in his native tion deserves every attention it again proving well -crafted The Tragically Hip
solo career. land (Veronica) and an interview Studio in Milan; produced by Magnilici 10' for two weeks, and language? A strange mix in- can get, if eat for the cause, metal comes from all over the Up To Here -MCA
Released on CD, LP, MC and is also scheduled with French Mauro Pagani and De Andre, both state and private networks deed, but what fun it is ... then for the beautiful song. globe. Roko know the rules of The first full album of the Cana -
video, The Singles Collection television channel Canal Plus. mixed by Maurizio Camagna have screened the video for the This is no Fairytale Of New making hard rock through the Wan blues rockers after their
1984/1990 features 17 tracks, Meanwhile, the current single is Marketing: TV ads song Mega Megan. York, but it comes close. use of keyboards to add .lour self -tided mini, is a collection of
including Ain't Necessarily So, being given heavy rotation by announcing the LP's release De Andre has released 20 to an overall sound. Try One sleazy, swampy songs with ample
Comment Te Dire Adieu, Never MTV Europe. on all three state RAI albums since starting his career in Night Stand, Fantasy and the space for the droning rhythm
Cubik Olympic Jefferson Starship cover Jane. and bass guitars and the sharp
Can Say Goodbye, Why? and Reid says a tour is not planned, channels from September 1960. His last studio album,
808 Stars - ZTT/WEA
World Famous
but that Somerville has started Creuza De Ma (1985), sold See facing page. slide. Mostly up -tempo, this is a
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real), 10-22; spots on the same Instrumental dance of high Supreme Team Show solid, no-nonsense album where
plus Smalltown Boy and Don't writing material fora new album. channels following the release 150.000 units and won seven calibre. A heavy -sounding cross Operaa House - firgir, Dwight Yoakam tradition is kept in honour, but
Leave Me This Way. Recording is expected to begin in for 16 days; interview on RAI awards, including three from Club of weird sounds, crucial Malcolm McLaren is back with If Their Was A Way - Reprise never takes over. Best: the single
It was produced by Mike February/March and the LP will TV's 'Prisms' show on Tenco and one from national grooves and tunes of TV series. an self-made trend - opera New country's finest proves to New Orleans Is Sinking, Opiated
Thorne Stephen Hague and be released near the end of next September 22; press music journalists. Hardcore house, but not to be house, indeed - mixing house have a good ear for commercial and the acoustic, spine -shivering
Pascal Gabriel. Also featured on year. conference on September 24 missed. beats with raps and arias. sounds. The LP's opener, The 38 Years Old.
MUSIC 6 MEDIA - December 4 1990 MUSIC 6 MEDIA - December 8. 17
December 8
1990 bums
MEDIA abanrtra

The leading Italian magazine in the radio and television broadcasting fields.

MELTIMis sent every month on a subscription basis to over 4,000 radios,

Whitney Houston Art -ploy
Vanilla Ice Gales
Madonna Airplay
Phil Collins Gales

600 Tv stations, the main national radio and TV networks, equipment suppliers, Explosives features the major new releases by established and new artists. Chart Butters is a quick reference to this week's Hot 100 Singles/Albums and the

production and postproduction facilities as well as the most important It includes recent releases still in need of support on European radio. European Top SO charts. Chart positions are rtdisated where appropmre.


advertising agencies, adding up to a total circulation of about 15,000 copies
including distribution through selected newsstands.
Silje - Ter Me Where You're Going
Kirsty MacColl & The Pogues - Miss Otis Regrets
World Famous Supreme Team Show - Operaa House
Airplay Top 50
Steve Winwood - One And Only Man (26) (virgin)
B.B. King - Peace To The World (MCA) Madonna - Justify My Love (31) (sir,
,the magazine that If you want to know more about Marc Almond - Waifs & Strays (Parlophonc) Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby (31) (58K)
Monie Love - It's A Shame (My Sister) (44) ' (Cookempo)
keeps you informed on the marketing, MILLECANALI MAGAZINE
Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring (45) (Parloplione)

legal and political aspects, as well as on COMPANY Hot 100 Singles

Londonbeat A Better Love (Anx,aus RCA BING,
the general trends, of the Italian Aztec Camera - The Crying Scene (11.1 Patrick MacNee & Honor Blackman - Kinky Boots (43) (Der.)
Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring (52)
NAME AND SURNAME Holly Johnson - Where Has Love Gone? (MCA) (EnrinPlmoN
broadcasting world. Soul II Soul - Missing You (Ten Records)
Isabella A - He Lekker Beest (67) (CM)
Dread Zeppelin - Your Time Is Gonna Come (IRS)
Elton John - You Gotta Love Someone (73) (Rocket)
Top 100 Albums

.... ..........
[EURO-CROSSOVERS Claudia Baglioni - Oltre (37) - (CBS)
Peter Gabriel - Shaking The Tree - Golden Greats (39) (Virgin)
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION:. Herman Brood Legal In Amsterdam (CPR The Righteous Brothers - The Very Best Of (43) (Verve/Pokdor)
Elmer Food Beat - Daniela IOTT %Irk.
Cuhik Olympic - 808 State (ITT WEAI Airplay Top 50
Mark Shaw - Love So Bright EMIT Robert Palmer & UB40 - Be Your Baby Tonight (2-5) (Elk)
Dream Warriors - My Definition Of Elm Bk.)

Londonbeat - live Been Thinking About You (3-4) (Anxious/RCA)
Please, fir in the enclosed coupon and mail it to: Pet Shop Boys - So Hard (5-8) (Parlophone)
Gruppo Edilariale JCE s.r.l. -via Ferri, 6 The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody (6-13) (vervemolydor)
20092 Cinisello Balsamo - MI - Italy The Beautiful South - A Little Time (745) (DonDscs)
Mory Kante - Touma (LP) (Rattan)
Living Colour- Love Rears Its Ugly Head
Hot 100 Singles
r King Bee- Royal Jelly (LP)
Prefab Sprout- We Let The Stars Go
(Torso Dance/CBS)
Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby (1-2)
Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight (3-3)
I MIN like to MOON, The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody (4-4) (Verve/PolydaM
MILLECANALI MAGAZINE: annual SPOSCIiptiOn M ' M Ke Sh MH (5 5) (4,)
(11 ISSIMS, Enigma - Sadeness Part I (6-9) ME&
Advertising price -list 1990 Of MILLECANALI MAGAZINE Beloved - Blissed Out (East West) Top 100 Albums
Primus - Frizzle Fry (Caron.) Phil Collins - Serious Hits... Lion! (I -I) (VirgM/WEA)
Peter Gabriel - Shaking The Tree (V61,6) Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight (2-2) (Ark.
Danielle D. - Blast The Human Flower (3,e) Elton John - The Very Best Of... (3-5) (Rocker)
Dwight Yoakam - If There Was A Way
NAME AND SURNAME/ Child's Play . Rat Race
Madonna - The Immaculate Colection (6-6) P)
Status Quo - Rocking All Over The Years (15-20) . (Vertigo)
................ ........ ....... Roko - Roko (taper)
ADDRESS: The Tragically Hip - Up To Here (PICA)
The Outfield - Diamond Days (PICA) IHOT ADDS
Status Quo - Rocking All Over The Years (,6ruto)
Beyond The Blue - Beyond The Blue (EMSEMN
Breaking Out On European Radio
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION... Tony Carey - Storyville (Memonome) Elton John - Whispers (Rocker)
Lucio Battisti - La Sposa Occidentals (CBS) The Pixies - Dig For Fire (9AD)

YESTER HITS the Eurochart top five from flue years ago. DECEMBER 8 - 1985
Singles Albums
A -Ha - Take On Me (Warner Brothers) Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms (Vertigo)
Gruppo Editoriale ICE Please, fill in the enclosed coupon and mail it to: Elton John - Nikita (Rocket) Madonna - Like A Virgin
Via Ferri, 6 Gruppo EdItorlale JCE s.r.l. - vie Ferri, 5 Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love
Stevie Wonder - Partrlime Lover
Bade - Promise
Simple Minds - Once Upon A Time

20092 Cinisello Balsamo - MI 20092 Cinisello Balsamo - MI - Italy

Lionel Ritchie - Say You, Say Me (Motown) ZZ Top - Afterburner (Warner Broth)

MASTER CHART - December 8, 1990
EUROPEAN The Return Of The


'One And Only'
M:21' SO Steve Winwoo
WHETHER united kingdom germany austria MEDIA
YOU ARE Mom eed records co.., on..<
station.'nd the mapor Indepedents.
Mau played records on the AC, ...fans
Most played records on Meal.na
03, Compi. byControl. Control. i

Whim Mauston Pmaaw0abalaa.

Mecifa Control. Baden Baden

1. larAda4Ht rartIeealto,Aboa am,

Baden Baden.

Dame 1411hSrn.
g ARTIST . 6410.1 14tH IPUBLISNE,
HU ARTIST 04.143 LP. . ,9/81.114,

I'm Your Baby Tonight


Kober Paann a 1114.6.6r 11. 2. Va.. Hamm rarer Bap aaqa 1.). e Tamar, We .132.23.32. 8

HIGH Rin 1,140y

414 N., .5,11.4. Int
14.1,11.0 0.60H4
PHA* Ilaya Sea.
4 klia am41...."
5 1)11,...
6 Vara Con Ms -Naa
7 Na. Wee ...mntlitann
Vaya Con Vim NA..
5 Peva Wow.,.
7 Law t
Pad Caa)Iaaa

aine, 0 LIM Thlrot aff,f.

0 IR'IBLybritra,RaBbz ,T,,o(no,g,i hot, 27
©1:3* StneeWfirdod-°,rngilnYfFSM.MrIr

BA, Flearola (BAP Musikverlag)
rn Songs/Warner Chappell)

OR The La, 1:.+4191 Coes

The Nth.. Orodoen I Pe..
Mom Sam. To TYIRI kral
The Sega. Sax 0.m...a
HI Irak. Ilan fe
Robert harp r.11 Ul140
0 firm, Some.. .1e unions..
I Jason Donovan 1811.11.0601188.
8 Fla Sampan a OcHle Kay Vie Le, a awe

10 OW learn fence -Torn.tOmer 0 onI'ved. nter

Show Me Heaven
Thinking,fln.,on,w Abo,b1t You

1-4=10W London/feat tamp.
3 fro a Ram...) Cauca Lemma
4 layers KOH .Peebater
2 0 Maria McKee- Epic (Earnotts/Fnsign Music) 4 Box-YGroove Groove Melody (EMI nwo


44Ft 0enClaia
CraielaLaWan if...Urea,
5 Elan n loran 1..toLov.Thannea
6 Nod Stewart k123.01,332
Kenny Roer, xem !Wrt.
krvt .maV
Most played records on the AM and FM
0 e 1° It't Shil:Vys. Parlophone (Cage Musk)
30 rlilVciaint)a. ,TitnoSar TeLyting,..mrg.,

Madonna ma,.
CH. Mt aaaaalNaare
h ms Rkeri im.e
SUMAS as comp d. by Media Control.
® 30 , %.-h,,,..'..::',':,1:',.°P,',.,,or,,,-17,..., .® ra* tr,.?,,m,,T,-,z7,1,)
CHART Radios PereMeeleues (AM Stations)

if Rokeve (9, 0 . , fteleetlautlitlIoluTh-eGollIscs (GoThscs Music) 13* Ice\ 111Ins:- Sitabp!ious)

switzerland italy Tom's Diner 33 There She Goes
BE Most played refer. on the nat., chan.
4 Pairick Bawl if. ffprfle DNA feat Suzanne Vega- A8M(Rondm Musk) The La's- GoThscs (G0301.3 M333¢)

To Love Somebody 34
,ref DRS 3 and the 133/332SEe sermons. RaMo
Alf ot
miBasiliek. Radio hiatus. Radlo Z
and Radio 21 Compiled by Media Con.
53333eo Due 7 Mar Lamina kaa Fam.wa
8.Rart Ne. 4140 .11,14.1,1433.
hem Bachalet 1.a
O (ttnt sone, ne. ma. (Gibb BrothersfIll,11801)
Lonu j2no. Lta,e,L,o,svp:mloc)rneone

mot Basel. 0 Diana Tell um 0)4391 10 Tonight jnyit,ohnzO4Lyter,,Rtr,.)

11 Zook !fa. . Tau. A
New Kids On The Block. CBS (M,StarHEMI AprilfAThncelotti)

Lend* 13,3322331131.3.241,33
2 Rohn a lagnarr 1.6411-1114, WI*
Wormy Houston .1233,3321331,14
Maria McKee aLa. Me Hawn
Oamho Saglioni
o Dalla
) (wee &mar ..1.10.1enode
4 Paul ,mon 132 Oboe 0331
11. km da a ThaBlawla ',mak
I3 Mom Kams 6a.e.
4 PaMine Emer te node f sc feu
15 At, n &weapon ult.,.
© 'Ll'yeh,torth, Before. r.W, meg s,S,t,amtr, d
36 ,. .
Have You Seen Her
MC. Hammer. Capitol pinichappell/Bust-lt)

PERSONAL ) Shop Says

6 Steve Miner Iand Nemer
5 4133e, alousron 1,3 /332.11141333432
le. Michel Fug.
37 La hay a...fiame.
Crying In The Rain 7 Keep On Running
7 George Mewl Framen 18 Ilaaalararar N 12 A-ITh Warner Brothers (Screen 04,0071) - Milli Vanillt HansalArlola (Far Music.Produsbon)
8 4fer1X.111.510.-1.4a...n. 0 Our. Duran ia...me
10 LAtaxre Laub Tab Ch.... De Son Cote
VanMa Ne. 41.14., : Allem. 20 Elton loan wime.. It Takes Two Love Takes Time
EYE 0 Akeit Leve 11,31.,5...1
.4194a C.111.1.
o Franz... Cam,'
Kay Ourfea 3,331,52132.2
I. a at alCaloaka

Machos FM
13 a
Rod Stewart & Tina Turner- Warner Brothers Bohm Music) Mariah Carey- CBS (Vision Of Loe/Been Jammin')
2 PtIffl VW, lee, OA., Leff11.01 333.33333333L'
Close To You Marie Jeanne
5 Mr. Carey
Katioweail. C323,263m Von.
raw ree
George /312434elr.nwgb To

PerShop . 3
Mr Fala. W)
e Smaree Vga

Mao' ala Care y


14 23
Maxi Priest. Ten Rea,. (Various) Michel Sardott Trerna (Afa Music)

6 Dee.....is s. Rowan franca", Lualat-ut1He0.14.11 15 Nah Neh Nah

Wafer t (Hamm Luna Eros 19.amoni In 0.6. 40 .
0 i,
Phil CePke 1x[[9398 War, ttP!hferr,sT(11,3":orkLeallyllusie)
FOR ALL INFO Vaya Con Dios. Ariola (Vaya Con Pio,13MG Music)
8 Sims Qin he am.. vem na 0. Con fa 6 Nee Ruff Chf
9 Mn Son). .se °Wel L/2.
Enigma ..94:1 Mao Mahn Pa.! Power
News,warnerP Generationr, Dressed For Success
r,..arge 0HaelaaIa 41
CALL M&M'S Dare Stearan414811Haan Corboys. 100 1aaal
Roxette. Parlophone If immy Fun Music)

V aya Con Me .vosa, awe.. Step Back In Time ,9 Jack Talking

holland Spain Scare Plalar 11.1 13,04 Kylie Minogue- PVVL (All Boys Mu.. 42 Dave Stewart & Spiritual Cowboys. RCA (Eligibl.PBMGIRondor)

Patna Bevel 31.411,36 18

Most played records complied on the rm.
hone, statns flacho 2 and Radio 3 as
The 20 best played rec.'. in Spam from
Cuarenta Princlpales. coming the melon 0.08
Dap he Ma -Wat na tne
43 . 5 licluiettlfleearl-BWT.Lhr Meordohg We Thr ilk Life116.1Waraer Chappell)

AMSTERDAM [22,331tO by Stfchung Nederlandse Top Span...stations Um Stanfield IC+, Dna It

Lbraa fa,* Bert We ke 19
The Joker
Srme Miller Rand, Capt., (WatnerChaPed1)
It's A Shame (My Sister)
Monie Love feat. True Image- Cooltempo (ChrysalisifolfeteiVegin)
Cabael la taanan a a

31.20.669.1961 Ana a Ileyer 12242333 1.8eter Thy . 0.1. Z1.1 a Aaa

Ifed...../ Tina Tow r Naa /110f5
Don't Worry 45 CEO.O Beingin
3 The Vaaran Larethers 1,114at ).4xrnn Thesam 1, , Kim Appleby- Parlophone (Copyright Control) Shop (Cage MusicITen Music)
4 Tha &Hu* Sava* rna no. 4 Varkfusettists
5 Opeahe vbra [ye
® -L,
46 Waiting For That Day
Italia McKee saale 6 New If ids On The Noel 1,3


7 PI. rir.k.er 4ereaux Most played recorch. on 25 private sta Sailor George Michael. Epic (Morrison LeahyfWestninster)
7 Numb PalosPollovile1.3.2.3113.3333
8 7...fe he 8 Pea Shop Bap awns as compiled by Dtscopress Tampere
9. Damn 9 The Police 3.4.01oph Imcp,t,M.ttt.rraariztmyzn Dir 47 Release Me
.0 lialetzo ..araa taglanga 30. Panfidirg In Kayma -Twee haw Wilson Phillips. SBR (EMI Blackwood/9,103)
i I feet. Pm Penn. II. V Nan Susa I. Musat., ti
12. Union teof teaCesx 2 KHz Plata..
3.48 994nseL44 neermse,m, 13 Arlie Faun Came. a amo. 3 .. 23 '' l' ,1`.:(is,,id.,-.ce,Bi-rk:Inmtl:,,,,c,,,,.., 111:* JI:lafiatcoffes 66dman. Epic aRGTharc Lumbroso)
.4 Ohea 14 Taloa a 4 Sem A,a a oazana 4 Toro Vas .1, Vaa 141.1aav
Berty.o . Pe 15. Tam Tam Gel Mamma* S. Namrhimen. Of..
6 Mae all. ten A Better Love
171 nap )1:0
1 Hombres G buts
6. laernost nalea. Paul apoz norArisau.skaara
g' ' Londonheat. Anftious/RCA (Warner apps lose Thump) 49 Cr.' Freedom
rMyer- Arm', (BMG Music Publishing)
8 Mai Lore 323.35.3* 18 La familia .1.1vier It rel. Ole.b1.190(
MEDIA 9 The Iona NTh '11.1
10 Ieyrra.14.0 0ISovhizer ree..eme
19 Mt.,
/0 lan Kamm.
9 RIM, Renstenre0m0.1.001
10. Time Anew .8mom home 25 . ' r,::::"'a,,,rtlp,1.,...,s,,go (51 1:11110 !1/71rPII:liliVos!SI3K IEMliWarner Cha..111

MASTER CHART - December 8, 1990 MASTER CHART - December 8, 1990 III




Queen Of Hearts 057

C) 2 4
Ice Ice Baby
Vanilla Ice- SBK (Various)
67 2
King Of The Road
The Proclaimers- Chrysalis (Burlington)
77 3

Bad Boys Blue- Coconut/Ariola (A La Carte Music)

I've Been Thinking About You UKTIREACHSDKNSE Marie Jeanne 70 Verdammt, Ich Lieb' Dich OSNL

2 14
Londonbeat- runnonvitc..4 (Warner cnappero
36 39 8
Michel Sardou- Berra (ART Music)
36 32
Matthias Reim- Polydor (Karraruh Musk)

I'm Your Baby Tonight Cubik Olympic UKU Le Jerk! FB

3 7
Whitney Houston- Arista (Kear/Epic/Solar)
37 34 4
808 State- zn (Perfect Songs)
71 51 22
Thierry Hazard- au (as Musk)

Unchained Melody UK.D.RNLO.

A Little Time UK.0 Missing You UK

The Righteous Brothers- vewe/Polydor (MPL Communications)
38 33 9
The Beautiful South- Gonscs (Gonscs Music)
93 2
Soul II Soul & Kym Mazelle- Ten Records (lathe BNirgin/EMI/Copyright Control)

Show Me Heaven UK.DRNLACHSPDK.k.N My Definition Of A Boombastic jazz Style UK impo, You Gotta Love Someone D.NLA.DK.N

5 12 80 2
Dream Warriors- 4'th & B'Way (MCA/Warner Chappell) Elton John- Rocket (Big Pig Music)
Maria McKee- Epic (Famous/Ensign Musk)



Sadeness Part I
Enigma- learn (Data 44nnamarnbo/smgo

So Hard




Praying For Time
George Michael- Epic (Morrison Leahy Musk)

Suicide Blonde

La Legende De Jimmy
Diane Tell- WEA (CMBM)

Love Takes Time

Mariah Carey- ces (Vision Of Love/Been Jarman)

Pet Shop Boys- Padophone (Cage Music) INXS- Mercury (221 Muziek/MCA Musk)

Hey Little Girl Megamix UK FD

It Takes Two UK.RNL.DK,k1
31 2
Rod Stewart & Tina Turner- Wainer Brothers Gobete Musk)
42 3s 9
Mark Boyce- Epic (CBS Music/EMI Music)
41 16
Technotronic- ARE (Bogarn/BMC Publishing)

C) 20 4
Unbelievable UK.141.1r
13* Kinky Boots 77 61 18
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini DK

Patrick MacNee & Honor Blackman- Derain (Not Listed) Bombalurina- Carpet (Campbell Connelly & Co)
E.M.E- Parlophone (Copynght Control)

Une Femme Avec Une Femme F.8

Thunderstruck DaNLCH co. Wicked Game UK

10 l0 10
Mecano- Adola (Ba Ba Blaro/BMG Musk)

AC/DC- Atco C. Albert & Son) Cris !mak- Reprise (Warner Chappell)

Don't Worry tikkSf Groove Is In The Heart EXH.DK.GR

79 52 7
(We Want) The Same Thing UK h

7 5 50 15
11 Deee-Lite- Elekos (Debvely) Belinda Carlisle- *gin (Future FurnitureLlipaseds/Vityin)
Kim Appleby- Parlophone (Copyright Control)

The Joker DRNLACHSN Tears Of The Earth F Don't Stop FENS

12 15
Steve Miller Band- c4o/roi (Warner Chappell)
David Hallyday- Phonog-am (Scorn Brothers) MC. Sar & The Real McCoy- zrx/mrkursin 0v/rump flunk)

Crying In The Rain UK.FORNLACH.DK.N1 The Party F Ritmo De La Noche F.B

13 14 9
A -Ha- Warner Brothers (Screen Gems/EMI)
47 48 17
Latino Party- Pow°, (Copyright Control)
81 97 12
Lorca- Camaro (Pink/Hanseatic)

Tom's Diner F.DEACH.V.1 Blaze Of Glory DACH.PDK Black Cat DOIDKN

14 8 19
DNA feat. Suzanne Vega -rum (Rondo, Music) 48 38 18
Jon Bon Jovi- *rug° (Bon lovi/PreWarner)
82 Janet Jackson- A&M (Back Ice Music)

Fantasy UK.F.E.IrSf It's A Shame (My Sister) DNLCH La Berceuse Du Petit Diable F8

65 2
15 15 5
Black Box- Groom Groove Melody (EMI Music) Monie Love feat. True Image- Cooltempo (Chrysalts/lobere/Virrn) Roch Voisine- Anoko (Ed Georges Mary)

Cult Of Snap DEACHS91.1 U Can't Touch This FDEDK Tom's Diner Rap
16 12 11

Snap- Logic/Anda (Fellow/Warner Chappelaomba/Son Of Logic)

50 47 25
MC. Hammer- Capitol (robete/Bust4)
84 88 5
After One- zrx (Rondor Music)

'There She Goes UKk Qu'Est-Ce-Qu'On Fait Maintenant

17 13 36
Kingston Town
UB40- Yoga r Farb


La's- Go!Ducs (Go!Discs Music) m). Ben'irflivur (SW& Control)

Let's Swing Again UK

Petit Franck
OD* Being Boring
F.8 UK/n!

is 18 7
Francois Feldman- Phonograh (Marilu/Carole) Pet Shop Boys- Parlophone (Cage Music/kn Music)
86 Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Music Factory Dance (Various)

Are You Dreaming ? UK.DEACH.DKSFI Power Of Love/Deee-Lite Theme UK.k.SF Close To Me LACEIr

19 17 6 75 2
Deee-Lite- Elektra (Deee-Lite/Vilin)
87 54 5
The Cure- Fiction (Fiction Songs)

Twenty 4 Seven- Freaky Records/BCM (Stop & Go Music)

Keep On Running D8NLA A Toutes Les Filles F2 We Love To Love DA

62 2 54 40 27
Felix Gray & Didier Barbevilien- Tatar (Zone flusque)
92 19
P.M.Sampson & Double Key- cas and Hand Musc/Siegel)

Milli Vanilli- Hama/mob (Far Music-Pnxkiction)

I'll Be Your Baby Tonight UK.D8NL.k Sucker DJ Ula Rue Fontaine

22 5
Robert Palmer feat. UB40-Ern(corght Control)
78 3
Dimples D.- FBI (ARL Music/Screen)
89 76 10
mart Lavoine- Anap (Avrep)

Alors Regarde F8 Time To Make The Floor Burn UK Pray XH.1

22 69 3

21 8
Megabass- Brothers Organaaoon (Various) MC. Hammer- Capitol (Cononsersy/Warner Chappel/Bussk)
Patrick Bruel- RCA (14 Productions)

The Anniversary Waltz - Part One UK)DINLACHA No Coke rj* The Invisible Man DA

Status Quo- Verogo (Various)

57 60 2
Dr. Alban- snernrn (snenan Puboarank Dance With A Stranger- RCA (BMG Music)

What's A Woman FDP Avant De Partir cop Jack Talking
24 23 29
Vaya Con Dios-ma/a (rap Con Dios/BMG Music)
70 17
Roch Voisine- GM/Anon (Ed. Georges Mary) Dave Stewart & Spiritual Cowboys -RCA (Eigible/BMG/Rondor)

World In My Eyes FDECROKSF

Ultimo Imperio El The Obvious Child UK NL

25 19 10
Depeche Mode- Mute (Grabbing Hands/Sonet)
59 63 7
Atahualpa- Ginger Musk (Ginger Music)
93 59 7
Paul Simon- Warner Brothers (Paul Simon/Pattern)

g Moneytalks UK Ir
Falling UK.Ir Take My Breath Away UK.Ir

42 2
Julee Cruise- Warner Brothers (Anan/OK Paul)
60 43 7
Berlin- as (Warner Chappell/Famous) AC/DC- Arco (( Albert & Son/Carlin)

Ich Hab' Getraeumt Von Dir DRNLACH Crazy For You DA En Del Av Mitt Hjarta 5

27 26 14
Matthias Reim- Polydor (Karam,' Music)
68 9
David Hasselhoff- White Records/Anola (Young Musikseriag)
95 96 8
Tomas Ledin- Record Station (Acosts/Sseden Musk)

Have You Seen Her DRIVLACHISF Seven Little Girls UK Island Head (EP) UK

28 24 9
M.C. Hammer- Capitol (Unichgopelaust-It)
99 2
Bombalurina feat. Timmy Mallett- Carpet/Polydor (Campbell Connelly/EMI)
96 72 3 Insp iral Carpets- Cow Dung/Mute (Chrysalis Musk)

To Love Somebody It Must Have Been Love DCN.PDK Born To Be Wild BNL

29 27 4
Jimmy Somerville- London (Gila.. Brodiers/BMG Must)
63 49 27
Roxette- EMI (irnmy Fun Music)
97 79 3
Steppenwolf- MCA (MCA Music)

Step Back In Time DB.NL.E.FSF

Miracle UKIlk Soca Dance
30 25 5 83 3
98 SS 20
Charles D. Lewis- Polydor (Gem Musk)

Kylie Minogue- PWL (All Boys Music) Jon Bon Jovi- vertigo (BoninwPwwamed

Frente A Frente New Power Generation UK.RNLDKSF Spit In The Rain UK

56 4
Chico & Roberta- carrere (curare)
65 53 4
Prince- Warner Brothers (Controversy Music)
99 87 4
del Amitri- A&M (PolyGram Music)

Fog On The Tyne (Revisited) Rien Que Pour Ca F

I 00 45 29
I Can't Stand It /5016R!

32 16 4
Gazza And Lindisfarne-Best/RC-A (Charisma)
82 7
Elsa- GM/Ariob (Ed. Georges Marie) Twenty 4 Seven- Freaky Records/BCM (Nanada/Freaky/CasTalk)

UK = United Kingdom, D = Germany, F = France, CH = Switzerland, A = Austria, I = Italy, E = Spain, NL = Holland,

What Time Is Love? (Live At Trancentral) XHSDK El*He Lekker Beest B = Belgium. IR = Ireland S = Sweden, DK = Denmark, N = Norway, SF = Finland, P = Portugal, GR = Greece.
33 30 17
KLF- KLF Communkations (EL./Zoo/Warner Chappell/Copyright Control) Isabella A- CNR (Colour)
34 Tonight FDBAP
Found Love UK F

28 18
New Kids On The Block- CBS (M.Starr/EMI April/A. Lancelotti)
Double Dee- Onoom/Dtscoln (Copyright Control) = RE-ENTRY


Here's what you get:
New Larger Size Biggest Distribution Ever New Modern Design Must -read Issue
puiSTIM CHANT - December 8. 1910 Eurochart Hot 100 is compiled by BPI Communications BV in cooperation with Burna/Stemra. © BPI Communications BV/Buma/Stemra - All rights reserved.
Nor 100 is a trademark of Billboard Publications. Inc. used with permission.
0 F2'
uk & ireland germany, austria france Italy co.,,,, i 1 3
swat erland UNITED KINGDOM ke 174*
Sedates Part!
Unchained en? lody
ke ke Baby
. Unbenlievable
tni la

Betty Boo BAP Niagara Claudio Baglioni GERMANY N.M. Nvertaree,

he Been Thinking About You
la... KEPPO
24 Hours riblryAur KV/grUKI Alin Ern Lot ralearroLvEp Pendant Qua In Champs... Ohre (CPS)
FRANCE Une Femme Ave Una Femme Pedt Fran& Town
The Chimes HMI Vanilli Herbert Leonard Lucie Dalla ..4..t ,..., ....i.rn use

Love Comes To KW (EpeUll)

Dusty Springfield
Neap On lapwing (lianraralr

Entre Tea Hans (WEA)

Veronique Samson
Aram Al lApro Oral)
Francesco De Gregor!
I ITALY Pm Your Baby Tonight
he Been Tilting About You
SPAIN Olt Of Snap Ukimo Impute So Hard
Arrested Sy Tau (Par/Orme:Up Sadness Parr I (IriginGra) kapyreuLe (MAI) La levy Galcsoca .rtm... .... lawn. ..rahrIPal
Watch Your House Sailor Pacifique Massimo Briviero HOLLAND Unchained Melody Shore Me Heaven
OaL Mu Paul McGrath (PoKraraER) The Secret, (ACA/DA) Anodur Love in l A. (Pogue) Angel I WEA) ,kk...B.Mq:1 117777.01888 Z.,,,M8r,/,T.17
BELGIUM Sadeness Part I
Show Me Heaven
He Lekker Been

SWEDEN No Cake I've Been Thinking About You Show1.1 Me Haven

scandinavia benelux DrMap Mame Muk1

DENMARK fee Er Bar' Sa Go' Vas Two 've

I Been Thin king About You
h.,...,tie PcdIt Straw a 10 Imer 1181pner 18.10 Lendent,8118 AM,

Dr. Alban Anita Meyer

THIS COULD BE NORWAY Show Me Heaven I've Been Thlradng About You Crying In The Rain
La Tramp. ..we mama. PA NYmo Plerl
Anna Y Beanie Ram) No Coke rSpeu,S) Freedom (Aware Ne) YOUR OWN Ihninen DVoi Elea Vehunotla Yuen Of Hearts
Dinamita Pa Los Polkas Erika Ste( Bos FINLAND 110 081880 ...Pt..
Ihe Been Thinldag About You O
men mun i....
U. Aguienar .. (WAS A.)
El Norte
Together a/Wye Lost tlargarS,

Otto Brandenburg
GeP Tun h Gerrancl(CNRAVA)


IRELAND we.....
Clob Aah had McGrath
.0. Unchained Melody
I Use Ta Love Her
SWITZERLAND r"...,14.16.11Abe.t Yen ke ke Baby So Hard
Siam rCES) Soren Bahamas (EPPO) Damao (COO NCB, CALL HMI'S MUSIC 19,a10.89.1 806018 R9A9100
La Union Petra & Co
aueron Los Gabs Mark
Tannin & De Serious Cutshock
Warr. Dame! (Preele,V0) Can (HMCO)
About Younking Oa Of nap
AHHk 088S
Tos Diner
kh Hid Getranont Von Du
reWel.) GREECE '
wAM ' el,tbl T7w* ,
Groove Is In The Heart
Pe0-071L.Lo 110r/
Neu .w Estrella No...
EUROPEAN PORTUGAL Nothing Compare 2 U Inseme 1992
a. ,.... we .........n.

hot 100 top 100 MEDIA
LI-1 i, C.,jr..., ....7
Country 1 1 3
ap. L7,,,y88
C07. ip m.- UNITED KINGDOM The kArek. came'. q,7", ve'T Br' °0-- - nate,.
to a
GERMANY Serious Hits...Livel
X Fuer 'E U
I'm Your Baby Tonight117,P80
81118,11.7877 0718 M7PLI

FRANCE tn.. iRiC,

Le Privilege
nut mai.
kene De Vk
ten mPt
ITALY Owe Cambia Le Novak
or cm.e.,,,,cet Lp7817/717 81188 /7.814 80,8,,,,,,
SPAIN Pretty Woman Their Greatest Hits SAte 1700
.8180 1,8119.0919909 888101889,80 L.018,10118

HOLLAND Tour OfThity

88,189981 11A1819.019.0
LM Rhyden4/1The Saints
Of T

The Very Rest Of...
Serious Hks...Livd

el7L:at Pe, SWEDEN 11.1=tr P II.881SwYder0HYAAH ..,,,,,,..,


bine... Ihn Your Baby Taught
Dark Passion
NORWAY Alone Too LORE East Of The Sun, Vkst Of The Moon The Very Bert Of...
87. 088880
8811.09. 1
1181.1.1.1077, Elm 1.77,87,7PPI

01 FINLAND Ota Lahellesi

I'm Your Baby Tonight
va,...en... RetTdu
u ira Mu. Muhl

IRELAND The Immaculate Colledlon Rhythm Of Love Ser ious Hits...Uvel

/80 MP) 1,18 717776781107P an cm...
Recyder Eden
nav Parra Palma ,PravaPrarvl
Th08e RIwthrn Of The Saints
1718880*ner Muz)

AUSTRIA The Very Best Of...

T Zed*
r er ag
Inc Concert


Pm Yaw laby Tonight
Limos &Daimlers&
he Very Best Of...
Night Ow ls
PPrrrav ave Pr, vrurG

Serious Hks...tard
VI MASTER CHART - December 8, 1990 MASTER CHART. December & 090
AmericanRadioHistory.Com VII
> eoir, _zotor < dawn burro'
[ID L.1:*
ARTIST cavausomerfo
TITLE. 01..,18f1 nn
35 " 9 riterfl" 69 " ' TigtgLiit Spehrtme wan
at,l,riLic,,I?: Andre'
36 w
C) rt".."Tre, P.ZyklF.Hr'='rr,Irm
O - cro.Chudlo Baglioni Sinead O'Connor
I Do No[ Warn VAR I Have. Got asm

4 ;;Vrc..tril2liPnygIA 38 ' t,Tri !ClirMrZedisRatetattLps,

Paul Simon fff
The Rhythm Of The Sail...mamma 10 1:12,
Peter Gabriel
Snaking The Tree . Golam Greau win
® Madonna
CollectiosT''''' CD '= Ltt'tt, 74 OMy Y'eter7t7Greates.-1.
ZZ Top
CHI ict22s,,tem
7 = Retycler umma lj'a0M2/10
Kylie Minogue wino-,
qpp waters
Completely revised and up-to-date
8 =
The Police
Their Great. Tlim ism 42 m Rho, of Team. 76 ' m,
9 m s
Boy, mtMetataustamtai
00* ' s
Tr! hOn7ifThe Remitess
Expanded staff listings - who to contact by name or function
10 222 rme4ar Of Love Sr, ' ' !Le': %reinka4 n,. User-friendly layout and easy data access
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waane The Sisters Of Merry v Union
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49 '4:17,,,!,,d4h-t1 The Block

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19 it la
cm, t.°,"Nr. as
54 t'rdollt2T 88 '
01 IorylYoung Gum Ilrama

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Send to Music & Media, Rijnsburgstraat 11, 1059 AT Amsterdam, the Netherlands
VIII MASTER CHART - December ft, 1990

131 According to Jensen, the show's "Second, there must be closer is not something I need worry
MEDIA barrassed to do so. In the past we MEDIA

Networked Shows - Are You Being Served? success underlines the potential of
UK networking, though "a fine
line" must be negotiated in
co-operation on sales between
private stations - we are working
towards a national sales network -
about. Besides, I need to use
night -times to train my broad-
casters of tomorrow.'
have broken the sponsorship and
advertising laws as well, and
escaped with a warning!'
from Italy, draw in up to 50 creating a programme with uni- plus promotional and marketing Even for ALPHA's plans to
Whether termed 'shared programming: 'sustaining testing four formats in Europe via The most widely -networked
versal appeal: "There will always aspects. At the moment there is a
services' or, as in Germany, 'mantel programming: the Panamsat satellite, SMN outlets. The company makes no succeed, there are further, chart show across Europe, the
be a reluctance among some sta- technical problems to solve. The
networking in its various forms represents a growing denies that it is seeking to 'net- secret of the fact that it wishes to Eurochart is now heard in some
trend in European radio. And the arrival of American work' Europe. Kennedy: "In this become established on the Conti- tions to take programmes from private stations do not have the six countries on over 120 outlets.
others, in that they want to keep landline links that the ARD
multi -format specialists like Satellite Music Network context we don't see ourselves as nent, although, says Blackmore, Developed by MCM in co-opera-
solid their own sound and outlets enjoy, the costs of satellite
(SMN) and Drake-Chenault, who recently began live, being in the business of network- its "entirely different" approach tion with a series of co -producers
character. But if it's done with the
transatlantic broadcasts, proffers still new definitions ing. SMN treats each re -broad- will not involve the establishment time in Germany are high and the and agents in the various terri-
and implications. Chris Fuller reports. casting radio station as though it of pan-European networks. kind of consideration we put into only other means of joining, by tories. Uptown has made further
the `Network Chart Show' and if, `piggy -backing' on each other's
is the only station being served. "Unique is first and foremost a me of the Danish network by
"It is likely that in the UK, for programme production company. through sponsorship, it's going to signals, is inefficient. Also, more offer* its own syndicated shows
instance, stations will still want to We would be extremely narrow- bring money directly into those ominously, there mists the poten- to the Eurochart stations.
Networking - that is, pro-
minded not to look at the role we
stations on the network... it will tial threat of intervention by the Pedersen: "Networking can
gramming from a single take a weekly, twice -weekly or
could play across different ter- be very difficult to rum down. As state media councils.
source being relayed perhaps daily show. Some may only increase here as the laws relax
ritorial boundaries, but I don't a radioholic, it never actually
simultaneously through a number want to take one of the formats and stations become more aware
bothers me where a programme is Legal restrictions
of separate stations - is, of course, overnight. In other countries a think we could ever be so arrogant of the benefits of taking a big -
to come up with one pro- corning from so long as it's enter- Haas: "If we keep setting up net-
already established in Europe in longer period of programming as production show such as the
may be needed. All of the 10 for- gramme or one format and expect taining!' works for long enough I'm sure
the shape of Italian multi -outlet Eurochart. American shows such
operations Dimensione mats are designed to be flexible it to be taken by every country" In its current form, The `Net- the politicians, the media control- as ABC's 'American Top 40' are
Suono, Radio Denby and Kiss and customer/user-friendly" Rather, Blackmore sees the
work Chart Show' allows for IDs lers, will try and find some way of also present but can only ever ex-
Kiss, or profitable French chan- future of part -European radio in to be inserted by individual sta- saying "this is not what your pect limited success because of the
nels such as USE, Skyrock, National differences "the sharing of programme tions plus, during the first hour, broadcast charter was about". language difficulties!'
Europe 2 and Nostalgie. Under But nation -to -nation differences resources, knowhow and ideas... local ad breaks. There are no One should take into considera- On a Europe -wide scale, the
Mike Mops
references to the fact that it is be- tion there is no national media
most of these systems, partici- in musical taste, plus restrictive I could see, for example, Unique growing number of radio outlets
wishing to license a programme ing broadcast from London, nor reluctance to co-operate on the law, and because there is not, the
pating outlets are either owned or national media laws, are likely to will see increasingly fierce com-
that it's a national show. Jensen: part of many stations because of potential for abuse is there'
affiliated to the source program- prove problematic in the applica- idea or format to other countries. petition for both audience and
Bob Kennedy But the execution of such an idea "It's done in such a way that we audience overlap and the fact they Other European territories such
mer, with 'windows' provided for tion of such pan-European ser- advertisers. Intros type of climate,
could only be for separate pro- could be broadcasting from Wrex- consider themselves competitors!' as Belgium have already expe-
the insertion of local news and with national advertising already vices. In the view of Tim Black - the smaller stations will always be
ham or Inverness or Manchester The recently -formed private rienced an authoritarian clamp-
advertising. present he the signals. more, programme director at ducers in each territory!' at risk. And for them the possible
But in the comparably less Following a series of live test market -leading UK syndicator when in fact were broadcasting radio lobby group. ALPHA, con- down on networking. Under new cash rewards and high production
Countrywide programming from the Easton Road!' sisting of nine of West Germany's introduced last month
developed UK, Scandinavia, Ger- broadcasts in the UK and Italy, Unique Broadcasting, the mason values offered by networked pro-
The most successful weekly net- Other, unexpected inconsisten- largest commercials, sees the crea- (October) by the Flemish regional
many and Eastern Europe, it re- Bob Kennedy, whose UK -based 24 -hour specialised formats work gramming may be hard to resist.
worked show in the UK is the cies have been ironed out over tion of further networks as a government, and specifically aim-
mains a new and controversial media consultancy Independent in the US is because it is, in short,
concept. such Communications Limited (ICL) one nation. 'Network Chart Show', produced time Jensen: "When we started, priority, vital to providing ed at the prevention of national
Syndicators as
MCM, Unique Broadcasting and represents SMN in Europe, is now by London's Capital Radio on the we used the sound of a bullet, in stronger competition to the public radio networks, stations are
Rock Over London have made seeking 're -broadcaster' partner commission of commercial radio the Billboard vemacular, for a ARD channels. Haas views the restricted to drawing advertising
body, the AIRC, and taken by 47 new chart record. Then we had a possible disadvantage of network- revenues from within an eight
some headway in piecing together stations across the Continent.
stations with a collective weekly complaint from Belfast that the ing - loss of local identity, job cuts kilometre broadcast radius, are
national or pan-European station Kennedy describes the SMN
sound of a bullet was not hastened by the need for less forbidden from sharing the same
groupings for weekly musk shows formats as "English -language audience of some six million.
Now into its seventh year with something they wished to hear on production staff, union oppo- name or jingles, and must pro-
or one-off life events. But for the programming with an American
the radio... so the bullet effects sition - as "unlikely to happen duce at least 80% of their own
vast majority of its output, accent", although the signal can original presenter (David Jensen)
had to go!' here and far outweighed by the programming.
commercial radio tends towards also be modified to allow for and original sponsor (Nescafe)
self-sufficiency, holding sacred local -language presentation. In- still in place, the show is also syn- advantages". Belgium's private operators
the principles of individual iden- dividual outlets may not want to dicated to stations in Holland, German developments Aside from 'live' events, have slammed the legislation,
the Middle In Germany, Bavarian statewide ALPHA -is also investigating the claiming it is designed to streng-
tity and locally -tailored program- take the full 24 -hour signal, he Italy, Scandinavia,
ming. adds, but could rather take East, Asia and South America. private Antenne Bayern was in- possibility of a shared overnight then government influence over
segments and mix them in with strumental in setting up the first service. Haas: "There are several radio and allow pro -state stations
commercial network of any ideas in development. The goal onto the market. They have pledg-
The US approach their own programmes. Tim Blackmore
significance, for June's all-star would be to arrive at a national ed to fight the new measures but
SMN, for once, adheres to a dif- "SMN is providing customised
Blackmore: "The moment you Knebworth concert, relayed across audience figure for nights that estimate that up to 150 stations
ferent philosophy. This Dallas - syndicated radio designed from
Bavaria, Hamburg (Radio Ham- could be compared to the ARD. may be forced to dose because of
based company, a division of the bottom up for individual sta- aim to create a service that is to
Capital Cities/ABC, is the mar- tion syndication to re -broadcas- feed several countries, all of burg), Lower Saxony (flu) and That has never been done before increased costs and reduced According to ICUs Bob Ken-
ket -leading networker in the US, whom have different languages, Hessen (FFII). and is a very attractive proposi- income nedy, such increased competition
ters:' he says. "It is not the output
cultures and attitudes to music, Antenna's programme con- tion" In Denmark, too, networking is "will see radio become more like
sending out live 24 -hour formats of one radio station that is simply
to more than a IMO stations. This being made available to others!' then you are looking at a com- troller, Mike Ham, believes mom But Haas perceives only a officially illegal, though this has television and have to find its pro-
networking is inevitable but will limited market for foreign or Ger- not prevented Copenhagen pri- gramming from the best sources
is a common approach in the US, The man benefits in this kind pletely different market than that
where groups of up to 200 stations of programming, SMN contends, which mists in the US. In my take from three to five years to man -based networking companies: vate Radio Uptown from esta- available. And like television,
at a time draw much of their out- discussions with Americans who become a regular furor= "There's "Live satellite format feeding will blishing a 24 -station network for radio stations will have to buy in
include high programme quality,
put from a single source. low hourly cost, the ability to have talked about these services, I an unwillingness to take risks here not, I believe, make any kind of the 'Coca-Cola Eurochart' in col- some of their programming from
don't believe they are yet seeing in the minds of some programme in -roads at the top 50 stations laboration with London -based independents like SMN and other
SMN's 10 formats include hard maintain complete station identi-
Europe in the same way as those directors, to step outside the hem But at lower levels, it is hap- distributor MCM. "The law is stations that have developed par-
rock and metal ('Z -Rock'), soul ty plus, as Kennedy stresses, "the
music/Motown (Mean & Sour), considerable promotional and of us that live here' bounds of a format into new pening; it's already on air from basically bal.,' says Uptown head ticular talents and specialist ex-
In the UK, Unique regularly in- forms of programming, and this the likes of German -based ope- of music and Eurochart host Niels pertise Format stations offering
CHR, AC, gold, big band and marketing benefits of having pro-
gramming coming live from itiates 30-40 station commercial must be overcome Up until a few rators like RTL and Star*Sat. Pedersen, "so we took it upon better programming than their
NAC/new age, with the majority
of client stations taking the full Dallas in the US". radio `networks' for its range of years ago format radio did not For some broke station down in ourselves to challenge if' competitors and at a cost that
24 -hour programme but inserting Yet, curiously, in common with weekly music -based shows, while exist here, but now it exists so the Italian alps, it may be a great "No one has bothered us, as reflects the most difficult eco-
severely that often we can't look help to get free programming, but media regulations are soon to be nomic times will be the most sue-
their own jingles and ads. Pay- the Albuquerque -based Drake one-off events such as the FIAT -
sponsored world cup reports, live beyond it. at the luxury end of the market it relaxed they are probably too em- cmsful in the 1990s:'
ment is on a cash and barter basis, Chenault, which has begun

MUSIC 0 MEDIA December 11., 1990 MUSIC A MEDIA December /1, 1990 21

The Fourth Format Comes Of Age MEDIA

Musk video came of designed to grip the imaginations With this ever-increasing supp-
age in 1990. With the of distributors and consumers ly of product, the retail side of the
launch of WMV (Warner alike, in the knowledge that onlys industry has continued to grow
.Musk Video) all five the briefest of opportunities exists this year. The UK, however, still
major record companies to snatch shelf -space and sales leads continental Europe in VCR
now have a full-scale before the next hit grabs their at- penetration, and consequently the
video operation, as do tention. size of its software market and the
many of the smaller ones. And with it have shifted the number of outlets available.
As Paul Andrews reports, street -level economics. "We're do- There in particular, 1990 has
that development has ing a lot mom in terms of budget been encouraging for the further
marked a new maturity pricing nowadays:' says McKen- penetration of sell -through pro-
which is gripping the zie. "Once we're through the peak duct. (which includes virtually all
market at all levels. we have to take things down to MUSIC video, of course), into
f 5.99 retail [standard shelf price markets that have hitherto been
is usually around f. 9.99]. That hard to crack.
sIsland Visual Arts' can change the way we look at our C.O./Kemp., In the past, believes Kempin,
marketing manager Alex releasing policy) has come from labels, fmally ac- music video has always tended to
Swore says: "Video is lust as music video has come to cepting the format's status. "It is Fuld itself neglected, stuck M a no-
now the fourth format for carry - resemble the competitiveness of something I have always strived to man's-land between the rental
mg music!' This acknowledge- the record business, so the 'fourth have nvideo - you're being a little club and the record shop, neither
ment by the record companies

format' this year more than ever short-sighted if you don't. But I of whom fully understood nor
that video has given up its fanner has looked to its audio counter- think we have finally reached the quite [mated it.
role, as a mere adjunct to the main parts, and they to it, for mutual stage where the record companies encouraging that there are
business of selling records has support. recognise us, so that there is com- ow video -only retail stores open-
allowed it to take centre stage. Geoff Kempin is MD of Castle munication and more concentra- ing that are hued, stocking
"That has only happened in Music Pictures (CMP), another tion on video!' music video alongside other
1990',' she affirms. "It has been a
good year for consolidation!'
of this year's newcomers. "There's
now a greater understanding that
McKenzie, the genres:' he says. "This year we
logistics of successful inter -media
At PME the video arm of EMI' the timing of new releases is very co-operation are still too often in-
marketing manager Gordon critical:' he explains. "Where at surmountable "While simulta-
McKenzie agrees. But in welcom- all possible it's important to link neous releasing is obviously the
ing the recognition of video as an in with activity on audio for- ideal, you can't actually do it very
equal player, he also notes that the mats!' often. You can with things like
transformation has changed the As a result of this kind of in- greatest hits compilations, but
nature of the business. terest on all fronts, CMP's very with a normal album, people still
first release, Luciano Pavarotti - tend not to make clips op front'
The Event leapt to the upper until it has been decided to release
reaches of the video chart. An- a particular song as a singe
other multimedia phenomena The most effective way to over-
Knebworth, followed it in a three' come that problem, he says, is for
volume assault. the video arm itself to back a
Castle's ability to score such longform production. PMI is do- Adrian WM.nn
important early hits might seem ing that with its latest Robert
all the more remarkable given that Palmer programme, now in post have seen sell -through really
the firm had no direct involve- production and due for release in beginning to increase as rental
ment with the parallel audio March. perhaps has faltered.
releases. For Kempin, however, "It's called Don't Explain," "Rental stores are finally star-
this testifies to the strength of the remarks McKenzie, "which is the ting to introduce sell -through vi-
TEARS FOR FEARS new relationship between audio tide of the current album. It
Gordon McKenzie
deo, including music. Also record
51-10irltinESA0 and video. reflects the LP but isn't exactly stairs have become more likely to
vo VINO( tlarliatit
Mir(CHA "It's far more like the record In the past, there has been
fRYBOtit BA the same We've gone ahead and be informed about video, and to
IN M), business now:' he says, "all down resentment from record com- funded it to get a 60 -minute stock it. At last we are getting full
Of LOVE WOMAN to what hit you have. It used to be panies when a different firm gets
IOTAIP special, and then we can take distribution coverage, but I still
a catalogue business, but now the video rights to something. But some of the clips from that to use believe there's a fair way to go."
,08,5/(7, jumped on the we have had very effective co- as promos!' .The UK sell -through market is
)'ACCESS ALL AREAS' bandwagon, there is so much new operation with Polydor over Island's Sartore faces the same stilt, however, dominated by the
I product thatat have become Knebworth, and with others on challenge "Even if you can't Woolworth department store and
very difficult for catalogue It's other releases. It's encouraging release a video at the same time as WEE Smith newsagent -bookstore
turned into a new release business that there's no longer a stand-off an album, there's a concentrated chains. . Most of the majors tie in
- things sell for six or eight weeks' when that kind of situation arises, effort to time it as something else their marketing closely with them,
then they fall off. It takes a lot but an understanding that it's is happening for the artist in forinstance using joint TV and
shorter to bring product to mutually beneficial to producers' another area of their own cam- potter campaigns. As McKenzie
maturity in this sort of market" retailers and consumers that we paign we're releasing our next notes, "They take video more
In that environment, marketing work together': Anthrax video as they're touring seriously now that all the major
policies have changed. Major At BMG Video International, Europe supporting Iron Maiden. players are in there
WHERE THE BEST IN MUSIC BECOMES TI-IE BEST IN VIDEO releases are increasingly backed by VP Adrian Workman claims the This should bring them to the at- Sailor°, though, still admits
intensive high -profile campaigns movement towards co-operation tention of half -a -million people!' continues an page 2i5

MUSIC MEDIA - December 8, 1990 23


'1'111,, INV
TI I E ( '01'S
Happy Mondays Banned in the Pavarotti James Galway nor
Spandau Ballet Carlisle Julie Andrews
Cen the gape sive FIRS Runaway Live
USA Even: Invites Nigel HO w' e with
Greatest Hits Live
M N.E.C. Featuring Songs from Stage
Kennedy Julian Jive Bunny
CMP 6016 (We Want) the same thing LLoyd Webber with Including
and Screen Gee
CMP 6004 CMP 6027 Peter Petting. 'lets Swing Again' Video
(T MP 6011 CMP 6020


Ten Years After Deep Purple Saxon The Everly

Burzeocks Uriah Heep Dr. Feelgood ilawkwind vve Legends Theo Thing Greatest Hits Live'
.e egenOs Live Legends Uwe Legends CMP 0012
egM 60CI CMP 3001 CMP 7009
CMP 6003 CMP 5005 Rock Roll
CMP 6021

ONO \ 1 1 1

4/As:VT ,

BR F118

The Everly
Reunion Co2gert Dancedaze
King Cole Collection Knebworth The Event issing l.;. T-. N nooes & Volume 1
-3 Ivol mos 1
t MP 6024 6025 60,6
7012 7013
TELESALES 021-500 5678


MEDIA continued Isom page 33

some reservations about their
effectiveness. "The volume of
business one does through them is
"But these are things wed
already planned for before the
recession started to bite We're

looking to continental Europe for

1990 bits:
The CMistians The Collection
Serious Vision
Andras Through Time POI,
huge, so they are very important. growth, because they don't have Various Happy Dime
Marianne Faith., Blazing Away
But they are defmitely too conser- that recession. That's where the Asivad, Always Wick.
vative, they should be more real boost is going to come from:' 1991 priority releases:
adventurous!' PMI has already upped its Various, La Me Co Vogue (PernomY) PHIL COLLINS
Young MC. Busting Loose (Dlrnsarn)
She claims the need to guaran-
tee a fast turnover to the chains
commitment on the Continent.
Last March, video distribution in
Mica Paris, tide Me (61arek)
Bob maddy, Time Will Dll Nov)
IN tiny Li/id
cm conflict with Island's own Robert PaTher, Addictions (September)
each European country came
philosophy. "We like to give space back under the wing of national
to certain artists outside the chart EMI affiliates, having been 1990 bits:
pop market, that we know don't separately licensed for the pre- : Live In Barcelona...
have a big fan base but have a
well -targeted audience and pro-
vious three years. A distribution
centre has also been established in
Boa Ayers
. Roger Waters, The Wall
duce a sophisticated
video!' As examples she city
kind of Cologne, a manufacturing base in
Tears For Ram Going To Calefornia
1991 priority releases:
;#2L4ty 1011'

Marianne Faithfull this year, and Sartore, Kempirt and Workman

Thin rims Dedication (,...r)
Yam tide the (February/Mareh)
a forthcoming Courtney Pine all echo the belief that the The Cum fide tic (Nbruary/March) WITH PHIL COLLINS
release brightest prospects for the im-
"As the market itself gets more mediate future lie outside the UK. BMG VIDEO INTERNATIONAL S£112CO2-TS
1990 hi.:
sophisticated, we have to learn to "We find the market there, with Erasure, W iM Live
target the right people mom. In some exceptions like France, is T.D.., I. coo Are of Too
limi Hendrx, At The Isle Of Wight
that respect, we should be treating still pretty young;' points out Su - Depeche Mods Satarge Too
videos more like records or books, tom "We first aim to consolidate Peter Mat., Leipzig '90
especially became with a reces- distribution there, then there is a 1991 priority releases:
sion going on, while I don't think lot of scope for developing the Eurythmics, Giswese Him (March)
Various, Red Hot And Blue (December '90)
people will stop buying the soft- market. Lisa Ssusfield, Ai/Around The Pt. Live( hrt '901
ware they may well become more "This year has already been Ems
MaanRmge.SU .%Summer)
selective' promising;' adds Workman.
That recession looms ever more "The Italian, French, German, PICTURE MUSIC INTERNATIONAL
menacingly over the UK video Spanish and Danish markets have 1990 hits:
market, as it does the rest of the all done very well, and I am also Tina Rimer, Thiele', Affeit
Cliff Richard, From A Distance- De Merit
economy - although all the players heartened by all the other terri- Morrissey, Holm.
believe they will weather it. "Lux- tories. I've been in music video six Poison, Sight Poi Sore Ears
Iron Malden, The Dr. Des Years
ury goods tend to be hit most years, and this is the most en-
1991 priority releases:
heavily:' points out Workman, couraging yet. nowt Palmer, Don') Eele, 0...,
"but entertainment usually holds "There are still a couple of Vbs. Reeked U, (February)
Bowe Diekinson, The (February)
its own. If you look at Brazil, for years to go, though, to build the R. Hot ME Peppers Positive .n..oreo(R..1)
example, where they have massive market up to its potential. Scan-
inflation, there is also a thriving dinavia in particular is going to CASTLE MUSIC PICTURES
record industry" take quite a lot of work, hopefully 1990 hits:
One failure has cast a shadow from all the labels working colic. Various !Malmo,. . The Poem (3 volumes)
over Britain's video industry this lively!" 1=iCrrrItAtaway Live
year, however. In July, the giant BMG has also been con- Happy Mondays, Call The Co,
2 Live Cm, Banned In The (WA
Parkfield group (which had solidating its operational base
earlier reported interim profits of throughout the region, with video
1991 priority releases:
Status Quo Anniversory H. (Hbruvy)
refr9 tLg) 4- -3
£13.86 million, up 103%) collaps- labels now established by all its af-
ed. The failure was generally filiates. Workman says it is up to
Bobby Womack, title Me (March)
blamed on the performance of its the software companies to show Nat King Cols Collertion Weed+)
video sell -through operation, this kind of resolution to stimu-
following a gross overestimate of late the market.
1990 hits:
the size of the market and stock "Europe is underdeveloped Phil Collins, The Singles Collection
problems. because they have not taken it Simple Minds Verona
PMI's McKenzie firmly as- seriously enough. It's not that its
Phil Collins, SenYualy Live
UM Labour Of Love, I., 2
Mk! +Th!
cribes the Parkfield breakdown to treatment has been second class, Fray Music, Lbtal Pewee 111!CHI11C5
"poor management", but admits but that we were deflected from its 1991 priority releases:
that the growth of the UK market potential. Results in the UK have Sec ,

Pist,The StoryThem.
Ply. Stor (Marns
Genesis, Of Gene, (Fy ebruary))
is unlikely to continue at its cur- just been so overwhelmingly posi- Gary Moorh Live (April)
rent pace (Sell -through in all tive that most of the energy has
genres is expected to gross about gone into the UK market. WARNER MUSIC VIDEO
1990 hits:
£ 360 million this year, up from "Most labels have simply set Madonna, Imnsanelate Collection
£ 300 million in 1989). themselves up here and not really Aerosmith, Things That Go Pump In The Night
"Certainly the UK is going thought about Europe. It's only REM, Pop Screen li CLOSE) 1106
NmPlY Rect, Dke You Home
to slow down:' says McKenzie, now that the video market has Neil Young, Decdom
"I think we're talking 10-15% stabilised here, this is the first 1991 priority releases: BMX% MIKE TI -16
7500 3811.59-3 BCINALNICS
growth next year. It's still a very year, and actually allowed us to Skid Row, Oh Say You Con Scream (Tammy) . 22.22-11
Various Moscow Peace Festival Irnseme I ()mums)
healthy business - there aren't concentrate on developing the rest
many industries that can still grow
at that rate.
of this area!'
REM, Tour Film (0
MmIcy Cr. Doctor Fmk., The Home Md. (1mmork)
David LynchAngelo Badalamenfi, Industrial SymPhorn Toluene l (Tamara) a
26 MUSIC L MEDIA - December R 1990
*Also Available on Laserdisc ionic
MEDIA I've come across in a long time. nels they can receive. But has it similar to the ones surrounding Sution reports inched< all
Will To Power- I'm Not In Lore B List: Tony Terry- Head Over Heels Robert Palmer,UB 40. I'll Be
Loose Ends. ove, Got Me . Dream Warrio, My Definition Righuous Brothers You've Low jimmy Somerville To Love
RVS in France, (La Radio Active) had any effect on viewing figures Elvis Presley, James Dam and nons ro the playlist.
INXS- Disappear Soul II Soul. Missing You Botany 5- Lorebomb IP,' Sadness Part I

is using a cow painted with the in Bulgaria? so-called "Deadheads". A good Rea l People. Window Payne wenty. Seven- Are You Kim ilde. I Can't Say Goodbye BA, Alles Em Lot
I. Crazy Deee-Lite- Power Of Love Wendy Mahan,- GalifornW You Seen Her
station logo! Well, it beats the fat- And so to the anniversaries for portion of thesis is devoted to fans cams atem monmima Can H:7;r-t7e
G, Glitter. Red Hot Chris Isaak- Widred Game Michael Bolton. Georgia On My
this week. And yes, you're way visiting the grave site of Morrison mi. oases. on die ..B..Lst WeedUrn
ted calf I suppose. Man.! South- My Book Aswad. Smile Gliff Richard Saviors Day London Bea, A Better Lave
rotatio). A number of nations. Maxi Priest Human Work Of Art
Now you read about it here, ahead of me on this one, because in Paris. "The use of cannabis, feature a "Power Play" (Tr). 1.,
Dusty Springlielb Arrested By Beautiful Sout, My Book
The Farm- All Together Now Human League. Soundtrack To A Kim Appleby Don t Worry
many many months ago, so I will on December 8 it will be 10 years cigarettes and alcohol is typical to track*. reteweS sPeciaf erd Alias. More Than Words Can Say FOX FM OXFORD Ka Hallyday- Tears Of The
refrain from further comment on since John Lennon was shot dead. Morrison/Doors devotees, who Nikes the new alburols)
RADIO CLYDE GLASGOW bndon Beat- A Better Lore Steve Ellis - Pros. Como.
Alex Dickson Prog. Dir. Vanilla Ice. Ice We Baby A List: Pp171-Z",r,M.'"De"`°'
the MBA Mali affair (snigger snig- December 8 would also have been visit his grave. It's part of social A Li. Real People- Window Payne AD Clued In Fortune, Hand
ger). Suffice to say, that one of the Jim Morrison's 47th birthday. communication within a group of AD Horse. Careful AC/DC. Money Talks Madonna- justify, My Love HR FRANKFURT
tracks on the Keep On Running EP Joan Armatrading will be 40 on people:' Soederholm says! UNITED KINGDOM Errol Brown- Send A Prayer Betty Boo- 24 Hours Pet Shop Boys. Being Borin Markus Hertle Of/Prod.
George Michael. Freedom Silje. Tell Me Where You're Proclaimers King Of Takers AD Yank Ice. Ice Ice Baby
is called The End Of Good Times! December 9, Otis Reading died 23 Now, of course, by the time you BBC RADIO 1 LONDON Patsy Cline- Crazy Loose Ends- Love's Got Me R.Stewart/TTurner. It MadonnaJustify My hove
IBA chairman George Russell was Heavy irony or what? years ago on December 10 and read this, the after-effects of Chris Lyceet Sen. Prod. Michael McDonald- All We Got Donna Summer. State Of Enigma Sadness Part I

A List Cliff Richard Saviour's Dry RADIO FORTH EDINBURGH B List: Billy Idol- Prodigal Blues
in a happy mood when he made Here is the best news I have had Sam Cooke was murdered 26 Margaret Thatcher's resignation AD Chris 'seek. Necked Game Paul McCartney- All My Trials Colin Somerville - Head Of Music Kylie Miogue- Step Back In
his "Marching Onwards" speech in ages. The mighty Wham! are years ago on December 11. Jer. will have faded away. Never- Innocence. A Matter Of Fact Beautiful Sout, My Book AD Enigma. Sadness Part I EM Unbelievable Brothers,earless
Aztec amera- The Cry, Scene The Farm- All Together Now Klm onDon, Worry
to mark the demise of his organi- reforming for a special one-off mains Jackson will be 33 on theless, I must mention my dear Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby
Yazoo- Situation INXS. Disappear CRC Music Factory. Gonna Make London BeatwA Better Love London Bea, A Better Love
sation. Referring to the expansion performance at the Rock in Rio II December II, Frank Sinatra will friend Egil Houeland, just one of B List: Seal- Crazy George Michael- Freedom Soul II Soul. Missing You C.Atkins/M.Knopfler- Poor Boy
AD Be, Boo. 24 Hours L.L Cool .1. Around The Way Soulsiazer- Through Before VVe
of independent radio in the UK, festival in January next year. be 70 on December 12 and Dionne many of who had rushed off to Phil Collins- Do You Remember Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby
Dimples D.- Sucker DJ Fleetwood Mac. Sk. The Limit Hndu Love Gods- Raspberry Steve Winwood- One And Only Ile Nits- Radio Shoes
he said the new London stations Word is George Michael and An- Warwick will be 50! And on the gram library looking for The Farm. All Together Now AshThe Farm ll Together Now Steve Winwood- One And Only
"have brought enormous pleasure drew Ridgely will perform at least December 14 it will be 13 years suitable records to play. Bob George cseael- Freedom JacAkson- Gold um ROSE AP.010FIEMNSIACIMIL RTL 2011 LONDON Traveling, Wilburys She's My
Inlet °Vi. Falling WI To Power- rrn Not In Love Kerani lames - Head Of Music Jeff Graham - Pros. Dir.
to jazz fans, dance fans, and Lord two Wham! hits. I can't make it to since the film "Saturday Night Dylan's Maggie's Farm, Maggie Phil Coll.- Do You Remember Chfis Isaak. Wicked Game B List: PP Sup M, Had A Little Boy VIDR ICOLOGNE
Hanson". Lord Hanson is, of Rio but I am very glad it's going Fever" had its premier. Get out May from Rod Stewart and, for Seal. Crazy Dream Warriors- My Definition AD Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby Beautiful Sou, bly Book HIT CHS Weekdas 1s.3 PM
Snap- Mary Had A Litde Boy List: INXS. Disappear GN. Electric, undays Child erner Hoffmann- Pryod.
course the owner of Melody. to be on TV. (Actually I note on those white suits, boys. those she wished she hadn't, Can't roclaimers. King Of The Road
AD iMary Had A Little Boy ZZ Top Give It Up Jesus Loves You. One On One D
The divine Whitney Houston is the line-up that Milli Vanilli are Talking of Jim Morrison, what Let Maggie Go by the Honeybas. GPITAL RADIO. LONDON Wlde. I Can't Say Goodbye Whycliffe. Love Speak Up A List: Per Shop Boy, Being Boring

also scheduled to appear!) about a doctoral thesis on the My favourite reaction came, amaz- Richard Park Pro, Conr. MC Hammer- Pray . R.Stewart/T.Turner. It Takes Unbelievable
quoted in a (respectable) British A L. be. Sunshine On A Rainy Dry ATLANTIC 2S2- COUNTY MEATH Bombalurina. Seven Little Black Box. Pant,
Sunday newspaper as saying she Some good (sic) news has come man? Well that's just what Stig ingly enough, from Holland's AD Betty Boo.. Hours Talk Talk- Such A Shame Paul Kavanagh Head 01Music Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring Stevie B- Because I Lave You
from the BSB and Sky merger. Soederholm in Finland has done. sober and serious news station, Aztec Camera- The Crying Scene Bassomanc Ease On By A List: Twenty 4 even. Are You Snap- Mary Had A Uttk Boy
would like to make a gospel album
julee Cr modes.ingGeorge Yazoo. Sltuation Kim Appleby- Don't Worry B List: Roxy Music. Avalon
some day because "that pop dance MTV Europe's director of adver- It's Finland's first ever thesis on Radio 1 which played the Moody Freedom Seiko- All The Way To Heaven Robert Palmer/MO.1.g Be AD DeeeLite. Power Of Lore Mother's FInest. Somebody
stuff I can run off in my deep". tising sales Brace Steinberg says rock culture and is called "The Blues Go Now. Sing -along every- Whitney Houston- All The Man Anmother Alias- More Than Words Can Say Faith No More- Falling To
Black Box- Fantasy Cathy Guthrie -taiss My Love
Gwen Black Box. Fantasy grCCorine--EZt'u 0...mbar Retry Boo.. Hours
Whitney, I can't wait, and you will the station has become an unex- Mythology Ritual And Death Of body ..."Said she'd better go, oh Righuoos Brothers- Unchained
be guaranteed airtime on my latest pected beneficiary, explaining that A Lizard King". According to you'd better go now, go now, go METRO FM NEWCASTLE RADIO CITY LIVERPOOL RStewart,Turner- It Takes Elton John WDR COLOGNE
as BSB's estimated 120.000 UK - Soederhohn the Morrison cult is now, before you see me cry ..." Giles Sou. Prog. con, Tony McKenzie -Head Or Musk Jimmy SomewIlle. To Lave Stranglers POP SESSION Weekdays PM
idea for the new UK national fran- A L. A List: Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby HansHolger Knock, Prod.
chise Gospeleradio. based dish owners are switched - visually connected with religious AD The Farm- All Together Now AD Dream Warriors. My Definition Rowetu- Dresed For Success SWANSEA SOUND WALES Select
Now, here's one of the strangest over to the Astra satellite, so they behaviour, a form of post-modern Beautiful South- My Book
1MXS. Disazpear Betty Boo.. Hours PP Philollins. Do You Remember Kronos Quart, Marquee Moon
station promotional techniques find MTV is one of the new chan- cultural religiousness somewhat New Kids OT Block- This One, R.StewaraTurner- It Takes HORIZON RADIO.MILTON KEYNES Wendy Ma harry. California Chris Spedding- Smoke
Michael Bolton. Georgia On My Soul II Soul. Missing You Clive Dickens Head Of Music A List: Madonna. justify My weey


Keith Pringle - Head Of Music
A List:
AD C8C Music Facoy- Gonna Make
.1,0. Kiss Per Minute
IMXS- Disappear
AD Techotronk. Turn It Up
MC Hammer- Pray
Prayers- Allekilah
VVorld Party- Is It Too Late
AD Jive Bunny. Let's Swing Again
Soul II Soul- Missing You Aga
Seven Little
Undivided Roots- Stranger To
Jimmy Somerville. To Lave
Bausc- Am The Walrus
Cowl, Junkies- You Will Be

AD Ole. Adam, Rhythm Of Life Beat Club. Security AD New Kids 07 Bhu- Thrs ns Zikato- Whole Lot A Love
An Emotional Fish. Blue RADIO TRENT GROUPNOTTINGHAM Dusty Springfield- Arrested By Brenda Fassie- Wont, Run

Antenne Bayern, Building For The Future Creation- Give h. Up

Dream ariors. My Definition
Len Groat Deputy Prog.Dir.
A L.
AD E. Unbelievable
Dean Pecan - Head 01Music
A List:
PMacNee/H Blackman. Kinky
Hannah Jones- Every Kmden SDP STUTTGrodART
ans Thomas P.
Chris lsaak- VVicked Game
Kon Kan. Liberty
Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring
R.StewartgTurner- It Takes
AD Horse. Careful
julee Cruise- Falling EMEIMMEZKI Rotrv%Iirt"r''
information, community service MC Tunes- Pri, Rhyming Dunn Duran- Serious
Format Euro AC/gold/need- Studio (Munich); Axel DUBLIN SRIEUROPAWELLE SAAR
Springer, Burden Verlag, and general entertainment. New Kids OT Block. Thh One's UB 40- Impossible Love Soul II Soul- Missin You
John Clarke
sional specials The Or, Little Fluffy Clouds IMXS. Disappear Bontalurina. Seveng Little Dieter Eater DyProd.
Core artists: Fleetwood Mac, Medienpool; Radio Bavaria, "We do use computer program- Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby Aswad- Smile Chris !seek- Wicked Game
PP George Michael. Freedom
PP Proclarners- King Of The Road
Steve Winwood- One And Only
New Kids On The Block and Studio Coos; UfA (percent - ming, a system called Music Scan. Soul Soul- Missing You 1NXS. Disappear
UB 40. Impossible Love
Ga,Linclislarne. Fog On The
Cliff Richard ages not given) Jingles are both bought -in and B List Cliff Richard Saviours Day Black Box- Fantasy

Hours on Or: 24 Address: Funkhaus Cuter - AD Be, Boo. 24 Hours " Rae New Kids OiT Block. This One's Pars- Kr
Of The Road
Robert Pder. Menry Mercy
AD Snap. Mary Had A Ltle Boy
produced in-house. Eton John- Easier to Walk Madonna The Las- There She Goes
Target audience: 14-39 foehring, Muenchner Strasse AD An Fish- Blue
Inspiral Carpets. Island Head
"Sponsorship mainly rests on Proclaimers- King Of The Road
Actual audience: 203/4 reach 20, 0043 Unterfoehring 'Crnftt'inler B Ust:
Power Of DEmotional Never Been To
Eno/Cae. Spinning Away
Telephone: (0)89 959 990. pop concerts - we do not sponsor Beverley Craven- Holding On
Frequency: various FM GREATER LONDON RADIO . LONDON Planked Mann's Earth Band AD ADec Camera- Skiesryig Scene Prefab Sprou, We Let The
Traveling Wilburys- If You
On -air: September 1988 Fax: (0)89 957 9966. football. On July 7 we had our Trevor Dann Head 01 Music Fleetwood Mac. The Limit T. Outfield- For You
Ownership: Arnperwelle Teem 17 5214217 A List: DOWNTOWN RADIO. BELFAST Talk Talk- Such A Shame LP Paul McCartney
biggest ever outdoor promotion in AD Beautiful South. My Book loan Rosborougb Head 01 Proc. mo. Situation Freudiana
East Germany, in the city of Gera Michael Blton- Georgia On My AD Michael McDonald- All We GOI VVilde- World In Perfect
Michael McDonald. All We Got
EMEMMEZMI The Outfield

Programme director Mace Haas, Czechoslovakia. We have stu- and attracted upwards of 35.000 Nuremberg. Them are a lot of Seal. Cnzy Fleetwood Mac. Skies The Limit
List: Kim Wilde. I Can't Sry Goodbye The Singing Come, Jennifer BAYERN 3 - MUNICH
"Antenne Bayern went on air at dios in the towns of Memming- people. It raised money for or- idiosyncrasies, especially in the Beautiful South. My Book Innocence. A Matter Of Fact Claus...121N, Head Ent. Pam, Axel SommerIeld,
phans. Events are organised by German marketplace, and the Azuc Camera- The Crying Scene Innocence. A Matter Of Fact 'we, 4 S w en. Are You st. rgbard Bausch opProd.
06.00 on September 5 1988 and en, Nuremberg, Wurzburg and AD Eno/Cale- Spinning Awry
Maxi Pries, Human Wo. Of Art Double Dee. Found Love Cd1 Your Name
broadcasts 24 hours a day to the Regensburg. Victor Warms, Antenne Bayern's smarter radio stations are already Saw Doctors- Uuta Lover Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring David illdry- Tears Of The Km Appleby- Don't Worry
Power Carae
entire state of Bavaria, a poten- "We claim a 32% weekday promotions director. budgeting for qualitative re- Patsy Cline. Crazy The Chimes. Love s To Mind The La's- There She Goes The Beloved. Alright Now
LP Garth Brooks CHILT131NRADO A NORGIANISRACIO Pet Shop Boys- Being Boring E M , Unbehereble
tial audience of 14 million. We market share of the 14-39 demo- "We run two main charts: a search.
Chet Atkins e Mark Knopfler Paul Robinson Pos. Contr. RADIO BRODLANDNORWICH Frio/Cale- Spinning Away
are FM -only, the only statewide graphic audience (source Funk. weekly "Coca-Cola Eurochart" 'And the future for the station TravelIng VIllburys Dave Brown Head 01Music SWF 3 . BADEN BADEN
is good. The goal for Antenne Seal- Crazy PP Amad. Smile Ulli Frank . DI/Prod. Happy Monday, Kinky Afro
private, and a staff of around analyse Bayern 1990). We cal- and our own "Hitparade". I com- BRNO BIRMINGHAM Beautiful South- My Book The Chimes- Love Comes To Mind Hindu Love Gods. Raspberry
85. The station is a private outlet culate an actual audience of pile the playlists and we use an Bayern is to build in the audience Robin Valk - Head 01Music Snap- Mazy Had A Lltrle Boy Iiinmy Somerville- To Love " Tret:irlt'r T'"" Inge Humpe. Do I Have To

with Germany's largest poten- 700.000 per hour. ABCD system, with records clas- areas that advertisers want over A L. George Michael- Freedom Righteous Browbers. Unchained Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring Billy Idol- Prodigal Blues
AD Deee-Llte. Power of Love 1.0. Disappear Kirn Appleby. Don't Worry The La's- There She Goes Inka- Schntte
tial audience, "The station operates a for- sed as A gaining the heaviest rota- the next half year, particularly Jesus Loves You. One On One Allaw More Than Words Can Say Inspral Biggest

"Antenne Bayern also broad- mat mix: Euro AC, some gold tion. We are well served by record females from 30-39, while seeking Dream Warrlors- My Definition GWR BRISTOL/SWINDON A List: LoNDR - HAMBURG Madonna. Justifyfy My Love
Chris beak' Wicked Game Andy Westgate Head Or Music AD Alison Limerick. Where Love Ackennann Head 01 Music Maria McKee- ti My Love
casts into parts of Hasson, programming and occasional companies. to lose as few teenagers as possi- Mee Cruise. Falling ALIM: A List: Snead O'Connor -Three Balaus
Baden-Wurttemberg, East Ger- specials. Programming is cen- "We have already done a test ble. Another aim is to break the B List: King Of :z7m.^D:trz::1, Rorneos. This Girl Is

many, Austria, Switzerland and tred on music, local and national call -out research, using Pals in 103/4 share in every city!' 0 AD Mow Love. Down To Earth D Rau
Phil Colons Do You Remember
jimmy Somerville. To Love
Michael McPonald. All We Got
B List:
Pet Shop Boys So Hazd
Kylie Mmoue- Step Back In
Soul II Soul. Missing You
Ten City- Whatever Makes You
PIC Hammer- Pray
L L Cool I. Around The Way ) uWe Cruise- Falling AD Errol Brown -Send A Prayer Herbert Groenemryer. Id Will Traveling Wilbury, She's My

28 MUSIC A MEDIA - December 8, 1900 MUSIC A MEDIA - December 8, 1990 29

RIAS 2. BERLIN Whitney Houstom I'm Your Baby Robert PalmeriUB 40- NI Be Clouse.- Domino Enigma. Sadness Part I Dane Poly- Au fur Et A Rohert Palmer,DB 90-1, Be AD Snap- Mary Had A Little Boy
Henry Gros,Andreas Dorfmann - London Beat- Pve &en New Kids 0/T Block- Merry km, Somerville., Love Steve M.o. Band The joker Patrick gruel. Alors Regarde Aswad- Smile Will To Power. I'm Not In Love
Head Of Music e, o Hac LP Paolo Conte Andre Hazes. lk Blijf BB jou Francois an Petit Prank Philippe Chnel- Inner City- That Man RStewarEFETurne, It Takes
AD Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring NSoop L ov ion Paul Personne SOmethm appens. Parachute LI Elton john Jane Birkin- Des IlsEt
Et Des Carly Simon. Betur Not Tell LP ,,seoni
Paul Andy. Teach The New Kidsg GT Block- Let's Try Elsa- Nen Qua Pour Ca Soup Dragon, I'm Free
RSH KIEL Harriet. Temple Of Love RMC PARIS Nee Lite- Power Of Love RADIO EXPRES ANTWERP Freudian. Little Hans Mika- Mercy Merry
Martin Schwabe, Head Of Music Crying The Rain Nathalie Andre Head Of Music Sybil. Make It Ea, On Me Marc Oholder
ian Head Of Music Everyday People. All See Miguel Bose,. ChicMos Na RADIO STAR VICENZA
IP Beautiful South- A Little lime Hall g Oates- So Close AD Demis Rousso, Poesie Gjoling/J.Hartman- Seasons Maria McKee. Show Me Heoven The Popes- Sayonara Paolo Conte- Dragon Mao Mart. hog. Dir.
Tommy Conwell. m kventeen BAN Ages Pm Lot Robert Charlebois. Silence On Tot Africa T.Turner,R.Stewart- It Takes Charlatan, Sonic PP ncogrko- Can You Feel Me
AD R.Stewartri,rner It Takes AD Vanilj li Ke ep On Ru nr.g john Mayday -0e Ne Suis Pas Mat.ias Reirn-Verdamrnt Ich WM Data- Anent Al Lupo AD Gino Vanelli- Sunset On L A
Blue System -When Sarah Sm,les JonBon ovi. Mir ack Jllm NOS HILVERSUM Beverley Craven -Promise Me RADIO DIMENSIONE SUONO Alison Limerick Where Love
London Bea, A Better Love Tom Blomberg - IN/Prod. Sanne. Zeg Het Inan Niemand RADIO FORDERBAND BERN Carlo Mancini - Music Director Soulsiste, Through Before
MC Hammer- Pray RADIO SALU SAARBRUECKEN Gerard Lenorrnan. Montfort PI Tara- Feels So Good Kylie Minogue- Step Back In Res Hassenstein - DYCo-Ord. II Madonna -justify My Love
LP Beautiful South Adam Hahne Dir. Isabelle He Lekker Beest PI Travellng Wilburys- She's My Ralph levant. Sensitivity -ve'L'ghr:-Zro 'D ow n
Jimmy Somerolle PP Scorpions. easeTe Posse Ile SUD RADIO .101.11.00SE VARA HILVERSUM Whitney Haus.. 0ur Baby AD Beautiful South. A Little Time Poison- Something To Belie.
Enigma. Marie Angel Roig Prog. Dir. Rolf Kroes Head Of Music The Rado, Gimme Love Roger Chapman- b Anybody Out Whitney Houston. Pm 0ur Baby RADIOLINA GGLIARI
RADIO RPR LUDWIGSHAFEN AD Soup ragns. 1,1 Free PP Stress- Beautiful people Rene Proger. just Say Hello Lin- Affection AD Tom Robinson. Blood Brother Andrea Angioni - Head Of Musk
Hans Mapes op.. AD
rap O
Vanilli- Keep
E.M.F.. Unbelievable
Lio. The Girl From Ipanema AD 0o Short- Ghett AD jimmy Somerville -To Love Snp. Mary Had A Little Boy PP Massimo Priviero- Nessuna
AD Proclaimers. King 01 The Ro. Black Box- Fantasy Status Qua -Anne iersary Waltz Eric Red/Red ift Ways RADIO BASILISK BASEL R.StewartITTurner. It Takes R.StewartflTurne, It Takes
Eros Raman.. Camni London Beat. A Better Love Axel Bauer. Maria LP Danielle/Rex RADIO ANT1000N ANTWERP Nick Saida Cli/CoOnt 49ers- I Need Y. A Lim
Black Sorrows- Angel Street LP Styx Les Infidel. Non Plus De Piet Raker Dir. AD Bobby Vinton- Blue Velvet snap -Mary Had A Little Boy
Del Am, spit)n The Rain Innocence Comae Twins. Icehlink Luck AVRO HILVERSUM RADIO MONTE CARLO , MILAN London Beat. A Bauer Love
Demis Roussos- Poesie Steerrun Head Of Music A List: Brea.e. Say A Prayer Francesco Miglioni Prog. Contr. DO, El Diablo
HUNDERTA BERLIN BAO Chris !sank- Wicked Game IP Suve Winwood- One And Only Maria McKee. Show Me Heaven SouNster. Through Be0re We A List Houston- I'm Your Baby
ro:156.negal . Head ° Mode !tVIGEIVTrITH. Vagabonds. Pm Noel Rocker The Nit, Giant Normal Dwarf Mat.ias Reim- Verdammt, LP Led Zeppelin G eorge Michael LP Appleby- Don't VVorry
PP Mstern Union- L.I.E.B.E. Reinharti Barren- Head Of Music Candy Dulfer- Heavenly City Madonna A -Ha LP Diritti Doveri
Michael Bolton. Georgia. My Mind PP Eros Pornazoni- Canon! LI Jil Cap. TROS - HILVERSUM Beverley Craven- Promise Me Peter Gabriel Hall S Oates LP George Michael. Freedom
AD Restless Heart- Fast Movin'
AD Peter Blakeley- Quick Sand David Hallyday Perry Mast Head Of Musk Betty Boo. Doi, The Do Mother's Finest Gino Vannelli LP kulsister- Through Before We
nt - Langsam Wachs Ma
W. Aros Soul.ter- Through Bens We PP Rene rage, The Love Of The Soulsister- Through Before We Steve Wlnwood Lucio Apriti Cuore
Blue Sister- VVhen miles NRI NETWORK AD Madonna. Justify My Love Whitney Houston- I'm
r& by
ntrdc'I'de rot ft7pp)e-rP A -Ha. Call Your Name
Breathe -Say A Prayer Max Guazzini Dir. Sn.- Mary Had A Little Boy George Michael. Freedom RADIO ZUERISEE STAEFA 19 27 LP , Claudio W..

EM=1 "(We want)

Walter Freiwald Musk Dir. Phil Goghs- Do You Remember Stevie Wonder- Body Language Uell Prey Head Of Music Paul Slmon LP
AD Zucchero Pornaciari.Diavolo Madonna
PP Minnie Love. les A Shame
LidRADIO ARA ASCHAFFENBURG Scorpions. Wind Of Change Power Band. Mary Had A Linle . Eros Rama., Canton Whit, Houston LP
MC Hammer. Prey A 0 rIVAZ: rn: ; Hatt M. Sampson- How I Miss You
AD The Cure. Close To Me
o Langenohl - Musk DirA MC Hammer- Pray Stevie Wand, Keep Our Love

PM. Sampson. How I Miss You

PI Enigma- Sadness Part I Soul 11 Soul. Missing You Elton Jahn. You Gotta Love Michel Berge, Le Paradis AD Scorpions. Wind Of Change

jimmy SomervIlle- To Love
Eton John
Eddy Gran, Restless World
Van Morrison- Real Real Gone
MC Hamme, Pray

Sorneryil, To Love Clouseau- Domino
Sweet Sensation. If Wishes
Donna Summer- State Of
Kim Appleby- Don't VVorry
Snap Mary Had A Little Boy
lames Ingram. I Don't Have The
Ekon J..- You Gotta Love
Paul Rutherford- That Moon


Rafael Revert Music Mgr.
HMI Playlist the same thing"
Mathias Hofmann - Music Dir.
R.StewartiTTurner- It Takes
Robert Pilmer,DB 10. I'll &
Laurent Bowman Prog.
AD Whit, Houston. 'm Your Baby Maarten- Separate Ways
Tom Holland - Pros. Dir. MEMOMME21 'P'f:r'n'aZetySa7:it Was Easy PP
Tam Tarn Gol- Fspaldas Mo,adas
George Michael. Freedom
Vaya Con Dios. Nah NehNaA Alain Chamfort.LAmour Sample Twenty 4 Seven- Are You PP ) wet Jackson- Lave Will Never
A Lis, Paul McCartney- Birthday
PP Enigma- Sadness Part
The Cure- Close To Me The Stranglers- Always The Sun Hanny. Maar Vanavond Heb lk AD Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby Whit, Houston- I'm Your Baby Los Limon.. El Tiernpo Pasara
Guenther Lesjak Head Of Musk
London Be.. Pre Been
Pet Shop Boys- So Hard my Somerville. To Lo. Aswad- Next To You London Bevn A Better Love
AD Milli Vend, Keep On Running Poison. Something To Believe VanI111- Keep On Running The runaway single by
Na. Crying In The Rain London Ben- A Baur Love London Beat- I've Been KRO.HILVERSUM Kylie Mmogue- Step Back In Hall Oates. So Steve Winwood- One And Only
BAP- AI. Lot AD Pet Shop Boys -Being Boring Paul van der Lst Head Of Musk ey
Enigma- Sadeness Part I
ID Age- SecretLove
jon Bon Jow- Mira EUROPE 2 NETWORK PP Madonna. Justif y My Love Clouse.- Domino Unbellevable jimmy efSomors eEo Love
AD Phil Collins. Do You Remember
Donna ummer. State Of Marc Garcia Prog. Dir. Paul SIMI, The Obvious Child Phil Collins. Do You Remember
George Michael. Freedom
Wibon Phillips- Impulsive PP Francis Cahrel. Tout Le Monde NCR's' HILVERSUM tri"n7A pp'Iren:yrtn7'WO7r ZZ Top. Give h Up Hero. Del Sikncio- Entre Dos
Mario Weinl Head Of Music
Westernhagen. Freihelt
. Veronique Nviere- Captain pap De GrootNenk Mown Dprod. Caron Wheele, UK Mak A List:
A List:
STARkSAT RADIO -GRUENWALD RADIO F NUREMBERG Smelt! O'Connor. Three Bab. PP ?NIollins- Do You Remember Sam Brown. Mindworks Whit, Houston. Cm Your Baby POPULAR Sh9CAOSNA COPS HADRID
London Bea, I've Been
JO LUeders Prog. Dir. Sigi Hoge Prog.Dir. Popes. Summer in Slam AD Miker Were Got The Juice Bryan Adams- Somebody
H. Crying In The Rain
Poison- Some.ing To Believe Carlos Finely - Music Director
A List: A List Poch Voisine- E& Du Kim ppleby- Don't VVorry Blow Monkeys. If You Love Hill Oates So Close A List:
Matthias Reim- 'oh H.'
PM. Sampson- How Gots 0u Andrew Whi, I'm Only Wounded LP Peter Gabrlel LP Nghteous Brothers Pet Shop Boys. So Hard
Eton John. You Gotta love
Koris- Everybody's To A. ,o R. Power. Forografia LP Mauna Berg
Maria McKee -Show Me Heaven
RADIO MILANO IT. 101 Whit, Houton- I, 0ur Baby
AD°Ambrosio Prog. ir.
Stevie Wonder. Keep Our Love
The Time- Chocolate
WIngs Of Peace -Help The World
Wayne Dailey' Follow Your
SKY RADIO BUSSUM EEMELINTEI Steve Miller Band. The joker
II Adv. Of Stevie V. Jealousy
Tarn Tam Goi- Espaldas Majadas
from the album
Mathi anzo New Nds Orr Block- TonIght
Too Short. The Ghetto Tonle hrfstle- Sepumber Love Eno. L. 0. Ouverrs Ton Lathouwers Operations Mgr. AD Ralph 5,000. Sensitiviry RdUFonF-eond enos el Amor or
Vaya Con Dios- Nah Neh N.
Whitney Houston- 1, Your Baby Ng Fun -Hey There Lonely Or! C.A.InsIMKnoper. Poor Boy A List DRS 3 BASEL
Georg,,iae- Praying For
Ten CI, Whatever Makes 0u AD Elton john. You Go Love

The Rernbrandts. Jun The Wry Dusty SprInammer-glield. Arrested By Dimples Sucker DJ Nghteous Brothers- Unchained Christoph Music Cooni. The utfiel, For You Ultim De La Fila- Del Templo
iael. Waiting For
George Michael. Freedom MC H Have You Seen Her Julien Clem. Nouveau Big Bang Maria McKee. Show Me Heaven A List: Steve Win wood- One And Only Los Reheldo. La Noche Es
AD Ray ChaeMI Take Care Of
Propaganda. Heaven Give Ile MidnightBedlam Bridge Ste. Miller Band- The joker Beautiful South. A Little Time Will To Power. I'm Not In Love

Runaway Horses
Ray Char.. MI Take Care Of Blue Spurn- When Sarah Smiles
iscult's In The House Vaya Con Dios- Nah Neh Robert PalmeHUB 40.111 Be Wilson Phillips- Release Me Eno/Ca, Been There Done That CANAL SUR RADIOANDALUCIA
Maxi Prie. Human Work Of Art
AD Will To Pow, I, Not Inure Soup Dragons -I'm Free ist: Happy Mondry,. Kinky Afro RADIO KISS KISS NAPLES
S Paco Sanchez Music Mgr.
Eros Rannzaon, Canaoni
RADIO RESIDENZ KARLSRUHE Sylvie Vert.. (Nand 0 Es a AD Ekon John- You Gotta Love Inspiral iggest ni Siioli Prog. Oir. AD Breathe. Say He

Pkbbles. Giving You The
Milli Keep On Running Axel an - Prog.Dir. Jimmy Somerville- To Love Eve Gallagher- Love Come Down Cocteau Twin. kehlink Luck
Cher- Ice In His Kiss A List: RMC COTE DAZUR RADIO HOORDHOLAND- HAARLEM LI Absent Friends P List: Stevie VVorider- Keep Our Lore
Cliff Rhd We Don't Talk London Ben- I've Been AD Ri.u.s Brothers- Unchained Pieter Bulh nJ,Pred Midnight To Six LIZ- t And They Peter Allen- Tonight u Made

nova. j My Love Wnitnry Houston. l'rn Your Baby Girl From 1panema AD ne Nits- Giant Normal Dwarf RUE 03 - MILAN yo. Man
M In Moon Will To I'm Not In Lo.
Ca.y Dennis. Just Ano.er Pet Shop Boys- So Hard
INXS- Suicide Blonde
Hem aul. Pm Asses De Tol
Les Eponges- Machine A Sere tri'1171dSorP=ils'1Zues''
Gerard Soudan Head of Music
Alex Peroni Prog. Dir.
Grant Benson DI/Prod.
VVhitney Ho.ton-
Innocence- Let's nit
0ur Baby Cher. It's InIn His Kiss
Brent ourgeois- Time Of The Hot on European Radio!
Dawn Sea- Say Antone
jon Bon jai. Blaze Of Glory Chico Secchi Pro,ec. Say Va. Con Dios- Night Owls II The Lis. Son Of Gun A List: Aswad. Next To You Beautiful South- Little Time
RADIO RFGENBOGEN MANNHEIM Mariah Carey- Vision Of Love Dimples I, Sucker Di Menace Berg. I Got It Bad Happy Mondays- God's Cop A -Ha LP George ichael- Waitg for Elisa Fiorillo- On The Way Up
Markus Wahl Music Dir. Nelson. Love And Affection Sweet Sensation- If Wishes
lixies. Dig For fire NXS LP
Whitney Houston LP
AD Dm -Lit. Power Of ve Biscuit- Biscuit's In The BBC Radio 1, Metro FM, Piccadilly,
DNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom's Diner RIVIERA RADIO MONACO Danielle Dax- King Crack Loves You One One Ten City- Whatever Makes You
Mariah Carey- Love Takes Time
BAP. Alles Em Lot Kylie Minogue. Step Back In Daevid Fortune Music Dir. LP II 61,17 " Pans Angels. Scope Nop Boys LP
London Bea, Missing 0u
Alison ierick- Where Love
ROben Palmer- You're Amazing Clyde, City, Trent FM, GWR, Forth,
Robert Paliner,UB 10- I'll Be AD Mar N. Get Into Trance AD John Farnham. That's Freedom onLo Beat LP Bassomado Fascinating Rhythm
join Farnham -Thais Freedom Kylle -St Back In RETE 3 - LUGANO Tit. LP Dimples 1, A Witch For love LP Soulsister Red Rose, Atlantic 252, Broadland,
Kim Wilde. WorM In Perfect George Mi Waiting For
Jason Donovan- I'm Doing Fine
EMMIMMEM3 Giorgio Passe.. Head Of Music
PP Big Audo Dynamite- Change
George Michael LP
Favor. Angel. Only VVomen
The Beautiful South
Vaughan Brothers
Fox FM, WDR 1, SR 1, BIAS 2, ffn,
Cede Taman Prog. Dir. /HIT EAST FLANDERS Don't Ask Me Intim- People Claudio Baglioni RADIO II. MADRID
II Black Box. Fantasy nrn john Got'rtrat've'y Rudi S.M. Prod.
AD Righteous Brothers- Unchained
A List:
Paul McCartney. Maybe I'm
1.12 -Night And
Jorge De Anton Pros. Dic
IP Supertramp- Dreamer
Correio Da Manha, Antenna FM,
AD Snap- Mary Had A Litde Boy FluteSecc1,0.johnson- On

Candrnan- Knockin. Boots RTL - PARIS Enigma. Sadness Part Fno/Cale. Been There Done That Deee-Lite LP Lenny DI/Prod. Complices. Pre. Del Tiempa Riksradion P3, SFR, Viborg,
Milli Vanilli. Keep On Running Monique Le Mantis Head Of Prog. Righteous Brothers- Unchained R StewartIT.Turner- It Takes Edie Brickell TNB. Woyaho Stevie Wonder -Keep O Love PP R.Stewart/TTurne, It Takes Heroes Del ilence- Entre Dos
Selection Monique Le Monis: MC.Hammer- Pray
Vanilla Ice. Ice ce Baby
Van Plorrlson- Youth Of 1000
J.L.Hooker/M.Davic Bank
Jonathan Perkins. I Can't Say:
Boo LP
A List:
Whitney Houston.. Your Baby
MC Hammen Have You Seen Her
Whitney Houston- I'm Your Baby
Varna, Novo Mesto
RAD XANADU MUNICH George Michael- Freedom Breathe- NiO Prayer I

ArminIO Kessler. HeadOIMusic Den. Rousso, Poesie Shakin' Steven, Pink Champagne MC Sar,The Real McCoy. Don't Andrea Ming... Con Ragan° A
AD Debbie Gibson LP London Beat- I've Been Rico. Haz El Amor En E.
PP R.SuwartirTurner. It Takes Lio- The Owl From 1panema Blue Pearl- Little Brother Vaya Con Dios. Nig ht Onds Paolo D Elisa Fiorillo. On The Way Up Mort Carey. Love Takes Time Preudlana- Freud.a
AD Pet Shop Boys Being Boring Lambert Wilsor,Eau A la Stevie Wonder. Keep Our Love Blue Pearl- Naked fn The Rain Hindu Lon Gods- Raspberry Cool Down Zone- Waiting For 1.12. Night And Dry Nat King Cale. Ansiedad
Janet Jackson. Love Will Never Gerard Lenorman- Montfort Mari. Ca, Love Takes Time Dann°. Clouseau Garbo- Domani Mlker G. LP Ha. Crying In The Rain LP Eros Raanottl
Soulsister. Though Before We Neville Brothers. Fearless D.Fabry/S.Melody- De Telefoon Sold. Louis. C'Est Un Pays S.W., Through Before We Red Homt Blue (Comp.)
London Be, A Better Love LI Serge Reggiani RAI STEli REOUNO ROME Hall S Oates. So Close
Phil Collins- Hang In Long ap. BRT RADIOS WEST FLANDERS RSR LA PREMIERE . GENEVA E.Monari - Dir. Nelson. Love And Affection
Hag S Oates- Give It Up EdleC BrickelliNew Bohemians Peter de Groot Head Of Musk Catherine Colombara Prod. ERellisarlo Pros. Dir. Stevie Wonder -Keep Our Love
LP VVhitney Houston Robert Palmer VERONIG HILVERSUM PP Prefab Sprout- We Let The A List: PI MC Hamme, Pray RIKSRADION P3 !CLANG le C:0
Hans Van Der Veen - Prog. Dlr. Drk Blanchart En= Enza- Deux Minutes De Whitney Houston. I'm Your Baby R.T.L. ISM HITRADIO Weekdays 12.303 PM
SCHWARZWALD RADIO. music EUROPE 1 , PARIS PP Living Co,nr- Love Rears Michel Delpec, J'Etais Une Arige London Ben. I, Been Luca Viscardi Head Of Music Pontos Enhorning Prod.
Pete 'Reyna Head Of Musk Yvonne Lebrun - Pros. Dir. AD MC arnmer- Pray RTLIF RADIO 2 HAINAUT Eddy Mitchell. Under The Rain. Claudo Baglion. Dag II Via PP Claudio BaglIonl. Dagli You Via Charlie Peacock. One Thing
A Uk: AD Lin The Girl From 1panema Madonna. justify My Love A. Birenne/Ph. flunk. L'Affaire I.ois Trio- AD George Michael. freedom Soul II Soul. 11.ng You Loo. Ends. Cheap Talk
Enigma. Sadness Part 1 Fn. Enna. Les Term Omrts Phil Collin, Do 0u Remember AD Benny Po Qu'Est-Ce QuOn F. jean -Jacques Goldman.Nun
Muir Jon an low- Miracle 99ers- I Need You Paul Haig. 1 Believe In

30 MUSIC Si MEDIA December 8, 1990 MUSIC E MEDIA - December 8 1990 31

KA A. McGarrigle. Heartbeats
Robert Palmer/UB 90. MI&
MC II Fresh/Carbo. Brothers
Gipsy Rose Don't Turn Your
LP Steve Winwood
Steve Booker
Olaf Medltsky DjfProd. EMIENIMMMI Doe-Lite. Groove Is In The
INXL Suicide Blonde
Liane Poly- Au Fur Et A Mesure
Michel Fagan -Chansons Pourre
Matthias Reim. Ich
ACIDC.Moneytalks Stemar Albrigoen PP Robert Palmer/DENO. I'll Be RADIO 1, 91.1 FM -HELSINKI POLSIUE RADIO 1 g 1- WARSAW Neneh Cherry- Fre Gat You Lemke- C'en Mon Bateau Anita Meyer- Freedom
Paul Jan, Every Lktle Tear
Unbelievable AD TV -2- The Whole Wrlds Gonna Joke Slonamea - Pres. Dir. Bogdan Pablanski OXProd. NfibID,on Phillips. Release Me wlet!, Riviera. Capioine Vanilla Ice- 1. Ice Baby
Paul Carrack- Loveless
Ray Dee Ohh.Efterar STUOENTRADIOEN TROMSO London &at- A Better Low A AO StewaruT.Turner- It Takes Sylvie Varon. Quand Tu Es La Enigma- Sadeness Part
Darden Smith LP oC, I

The Rembrando- just Tie Way

lor, Estelan Oye Ml Canto
Dane Poly LP
M. Bore Hey Little Girl
Linnet/Salomonsen Play.iunx
Rune Hagen - Head Of Music

Walter Trout Band- Girl From

Ion on uteri. Miracle
Donna SmnieF State Of
cabal,nogue. Step Back In
Debbie Gibson Anything Is
Sandra Reamer- La Colegala
Mory Kan...Fiero
Ten ry-Whatever Makes You
Stranger. Sto
Maxi Prlest- Close To You
Pet Shop oys. So Haid
Force B:
CL ]ane Birkin. Amours Des
Patrick Bruel- Regarde Aleksander Hein Head Of Music
Sows Quo. Anniversary Waltz

Righteous Brothers- Unchained

RADIO OREBRO - OREBRO NorMside- My Rising Star I'll Lim Donna Summer- State Of PM. Sampson- How I Miss You Twenty Seven- I Can't Sond hrts. I:Ocean Sans Fond CL PI..- Don't Ask Me
Arne Holmberg Music Director Dumdum Bo, En VIII En Toto- Can You Hear Robert Palmer- You're Amazing Parners In Kryrne- Undercover Zucchero Fornadari. Madre Nohalie Doren. Le Matin Blue Suzanne Vega-Men In War
Menzel A Thos. Desertoeren
Happy Mondays- Holiday jimmy Somerville To Love Madonna- justify My Love Snap- Mary Had A Little Boy Sisters Of Me, More
Marie Bergman LP A Usti David Hallyday. Tears Al The Blue System. When Sarah Smiles
Less Ls More. Kom

Christer Sandelin- Kom In
Steve Winwood- One Ard Only
Whitney Houston- I'm Your Baby
Libido Lank- Smeary,
Waterboys- How Long Will
Ster- lbe Child's Right
Axi Priest- Human Work Of Art
Caron Wheele. UK Blak
Ul- Night And Day
Phil Loans. Hang In Long Enough
Hy Prodigal Blues
The Prince 01Rap- Rap To The
Salt 'n Peppa- Independent
Double jarn. The Porer Of
ina, Step Back In
jon Bon jov,
Steve Winwood One And Only
Lnel re Pas Po Prohleme
Si,. Marechal.
Kante. Bankiero
Breathe Say A Prayer
Herbert Groenemeyer. kb Will
Kohl A The Gang- He's The Boss
UPTOWN FM COPENHAGEN Soup Drag. Mother Universe
.4m:ip 24 PH Maria licKee. Show Me Heaven ner Albrigasen Richland
Niels Pedersen Head Of Muds
Paul Rutherford- I Guess It Concrete Blonde -Joey Niagara. Pendant Qua Les Malcolm Mc Laren Pres, Opera
Raj Kindoll Prod. Menzel A Thors- ere Van Morrison She, A Baby Soulsister. Through Before We lutist Cruise- Falling Retour A IrErwoyer A Hund Miles And
AD Mon. looples A Shame Dogs D'Amour. Cart.. Town PP London Ben. A Better Love RADIO MUSA TAMPERE joelle Ursulh Ammo Massive Attack. SomeMing To Technotronic- Roc.' Over R,FVO. . eig Monderey Noise
Dr. lban. No Coke
Irma- Decembersnoe Bel Canto- Dreaming Girl Me Pek- Casanova had Teravainen Producer Inner City -That Man Front 92. Tragedy For You Diane Tell, Legende De
Maria McKee Show Me Heaven
Kim Appleby- Don't Worry Bleep. The Launchpad A List PP Prebeit. Love Is No Science
Tiffany- NewInside De. Purple King Of Morns Coups De Coeur: TROS
Ion Bon jovi- Miracle
Mark Boyce. Hey Little Girl H. Gravrok Band -Saunas Shen'. On A Long Loey AD Davld Hasselhoff- Crazy MC Su /The Real McCoy. Don't CL AHa.
Inner Circle- Boys Poison Something To Believe In FareT Rain John De Mot. Prod.
Hugh Moffat- Bose 01My Heart Niklas Stromswdt. Om Troll. Dance With Me Mory Kamm. Bankiero
Erika. Together .re Lost R.StmortfiTurner- It Takes iondi. In
InThe r Ea. CI George Micahel. Freedom
Skinny Puppy- Noure's Roenge London Beat. I've Been R.Stewart,Turner- It a LP aulr;Cartney
S Elton John- VVhspers Righteous Brothrs- Unchained
Twenty Seven. Are You LP Madonna
Bobby McFerrin. Medicine Man Whiney Houston. I.rn Your Baby Madame justifyr My Love
New Kids OR Block, Let's Try jimmy Somerville. To Love Rene Prose, The Love Of The
Michael Bolton Georgia On My Caron Wheeler- UK Blak
Niklas Stromsted Flickor RADIO LIDINGO - STOCKHOLM Wham- Wake Me Up Before You
RADIO MORD - HARSTAD Wilson Phillips. Impulsive Hector- ille Mtenee POLSKIE RADIO I WARSAW
Neopop- Talk To Me Mikael Odansberg DXProd. R1AS TV .c Blok. Nothing But A
R.Stewart7Turner. It Takes
A LI. Tom Berg Head Of Music
Z,V"'"'" Marek Niedewleckl Prod. joerg Grabosch - Had Of Pro,. ST Gino Vannelli- InconsolaNe

The KLF. What Time Is Love
Inner Circle- &Cloys AD Charley Pride -Whole Lot., Steve Winwood. One And Only LP trnu PP Sun Sojka- Play It Again Video Charts Neer Entries: Twenty 9 Seven- Are You
Carob- Lwe
Milli Vaal, Keep On Running Garth Brooks- Unanswered Kylle Minogue- Step Back In AD Carly Simon Better Not Tell CL
Ice Ice Baby Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby Item:
Pet Shop Boys- So Hard Prince- New Power Generation Wilson Phillip, Impulove
Robert PalmeriUB 90.1'11 Be
jimmy Somerville- To Love
121MNIMIMEMI U2. Night And Day CHANNEL Kohl A The Gang.. e's The Boss George Michael
George Michael. Freedom Bassornatic. Fascinating Rhythm Vaughan .thers Tick Tok Hothouse Flamers- Movio The Jeremy Day, History Kylie Minogue
Proclaimers. woveOf The Road ERA - ATHENS
MC Hammer- Have You Seen Her
Kyle Minogue. Step Back In
Black Box- Fano,
Innocence- Let's Push it
Whitney Houston. I'm Your Baby
London Beat- I've Been
Water., How Long Will
Sinead OConnr- Thro Babies
Sovie Wonder. Keep Our Love
Janet Jackson- Will Never
Maxi Prie.. Anon Work Of Art
Vasdlis Look. Head Of Music
A List
The Cure- Close To Me
Bob Geldof.
n Ban

Chris RejoT.hat's What They

La Merry Heed Of Musk
CL The Mission- Hods Across The EUROMUSIQUE
Enigma- Sadeness
Robert Pamer/DB.10. I'll &
Status Quo. Anniversary Waltz
Prefab Sprout- We Let The Annie Amsellern Head Of Prog.
Sinead O'Connor -Three Babies Soul II Soul. Missing You ISAM Somenll, 1, Loa
Scorpion, Tease Me Plose Me HIgh Live Charm
Belinda Carlisle. We Want The African Busines, In Zaire Poor Boy 'B'OrtaMt:td'k"i4 Arr's CL Vanessa Sandi, Dis Lur Que CL A.Ha- Crying In The Rain
Beautiful South- A Little Time RADIO ABC - RANDERS Whit, Houston- Miracle
Hooters. Give The Music Back Dr. Alban- Na Coke ZZ op. Give It Up Morent Pagny. Presse Qui Route Jon Donovan- RhyMm Of The
StIg Harhig Nielsen Prog.Contr. Vaughan Brothers. Tick Tod
VOA EUROPE otorious-The Swalk Rio Mitsouko- Hrp Kit he Cure. Never Enough
A Li. U2. Nght AA Day June Brown Director Chris Is, Wicked Game Dane Poly. Au Fur Et A Pet Shop Boys- So Hard
AD Soulsis mr- Through Before We . Jackson. Love Will Never
Martin Loogna - Head Of Music A Lirti King Bee- Must Be The Me Francis Calve, Tout Le Morde Chris !oak. Wicked Game
Donna Summer. State Of Pet Shop Boy, Being Boring
AD MC Hammer. Pray Aias. More Than VVords Can Say Nick Kame Agony And Eatasy Patrick &tel. Aloe Regards Beautiful South- A Lktle Time
Blue Pod- Little Brother Black Box. Fantasy
MRK OSLO DAMMARKS RADIO . ARHUS DeeeLlte Groove Is In The Aswed- Smile DNA... Vega. Tom, Diner Nick Cave- Th Weeping Song
Pet Shop Boys. Being Boring
NIklas Stromste, Hickor Steiner Ffelod Prod. Lelf Wiveletas Head Of Prog. Li. assomadc- Fascinating RhyMm
Mari. Ca, Love Takes Time MeanerUne Femme Avec we Tina Turner -Be Tender With Me
A Listi AD EnoiCale Spinning Away EnIgme-Sedeness Part I
Whit, Houston- I, Your Baby 171=4 e0rl0,Ot0
Cool Runnings. Twlce Shy D Will T Power- I'm Not In Love Whitney Houston- Pin Your Baby Beats Int, Burundi Blues SUPER 50
Horse- Careful Poison- Something To Believe
The KLF. What Time Is Love Kim Appleby. Don't Worry London Bea, I've Been Fine Young Cannibal, It's UR PM. Sampson- VVe Lore To Love The KLF- What Time Is tare jos ran Oortanielick- Prost
Prefab Sprout- We Let The ANTENNA 91.1 FM ATHENS
lobo Pop. Here She Comes j.j.- Don't Let Her Slide Away 2x Raj. Alle Boo -one Stevie B. Because I Love You Was (Not Was). I Feel Better The Charlatans- Then CL Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby
Janet Jackson- Love WM Never Plkteel Tseoussopoulos Head Of Musk
Holly Johnson Where Has Love David Hallyda, Tears Of The Maria MKee- Show Me Heaven Bette Midler- From A Distance On The Air Powerplayx Whitney HoListon. Pm Tor Baby Status Quo. Anniversary Waltz
Ralph Tresvant- Sensitwity Breathe- Say A Payer Twenty Seven. Are You Maxi Priest. Bonafide
Sok. Mary Had A Little Boy
A List:
George Michael- Freedom
Tony! Tonii Tone, Feels Good CL ter
Eve Gallagher. Love Come Pown High Uve Special: Enigma. Sadeness Part I

RStewartITTurner- It Takes Mlson Phillips- Impulsive Pet Shop s- Being Boring

just Varegen Pase
Menzel 6 Thors- Desertoren
Malcom McLaren Pres.- OPeraa
Soul., Through Before . jon Bon jovi. Miracle
Nlklas Strormod, Flicker
R.Stewart/T.Turner- It Takes
YVhitney Houston. I'm Your Baby
AD Janet Jackson- Love Will Never Noi.
j A 11TIM
Suzanne Vega
Righoous Brothers- Unchained
.11.1 South. A Little
Donna Summer. On The .io Bell Bir Devoe. I Thought It Orem VVarriors. My Definition T A L Y Kim Appleby- Don't Worry

CITY 101- GOTHENBURG Go For lb You've Got The INS. Disappear Betty Boo. oin' The Do
Bo Berg - Prog. Dix RADIO SYDRYSTEN -SOUTH OF Black Box- Fantasy
Lars Bodin Music Director
PM. Sampsn. How Mlss You
Christer andel. Kamm In
PP Blue Pearl- Humanrothe
Maxi Print. Work Of Art Pees.Peter Hald Head Of Music
W. (Not Was} How The Heart
VVarran, Chertie Pie
Tv Mome Love- Down To Ea.
Sop Mary Had A Littk Boy WEL TELEVISION
London Beat- A Better Love
Clouse.- Domino
IN. Suicide Blonde George Ache, freedom Vents d'Est Soulsister- Through Before We
rd llSe-Tt LvoitvyePD
Happy Mondays- Kinky Afro A List:
Ledin- on Scar Alit RADIO 1. OSLO Van& Ice Ice Baby leen Luc Bertrand - Prod. Maria McKee. Show Me Heaven
Tmmm s
Sop- Mary Had A Little Boy Niklas Stromsted- Orn Hartie, Temple Of Love
DAISnee- Last Plane Out
rado,Anglar Visst
Coste Apetre. A Sponful Of
Nom Faarlond Of
AD Pet Shop Boys- Being Boring
Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice baby
Aswad. Smile

Yasmin- Vienna Dance

Kyle Minogue. Step Back In
R.tewartR.Turner- It Takes
Vaughan Brothers. Tick Tack
London Beat- I've Been


New . OR Block. TNs One,

Top 211.:
Lod n Bea, I've Been
Rev Miller Band. The joker
Niklas Strmsted, Flicker Bee Gees- How Deep Is Your
Skorforp- On A Long Lonely bndon Beat. A Better Love Tie Fritiou DjfProd. Whitney Homo- I'm Your Baby Gismo...GA:WA. Prod.
Tommy Tysper The Klds. Rock Gary Moore. Too Tired
Prince- New Power Generation Kim Appleby -Don'[ Worry A Litt Pet Shop oys. So Hard De Purple King . Dreams
Maxi Pries, Human Work Of Art reathe- Say A Prayer Trussetyven- Hvem Er Van INKS. Suicide Blonde A -H Crying In The In Prefab prout- Looking For
Dodo/The Dodo', Mgen Med
LP Thelma Houston Madonna. justify My Love
R.StewartaTurner- It Takes SkoRorp On A bng Lonely Jason Donoan- I'm Doing Fine Heavy Rotation: ER TmeA Deeerite. Groove Is In The C.AtIons/M.Knopfler- Poor Boy

Umberto To:6,i mo
A '30 Whitney Houston- I'm Your Baby CL Maria McKee- Show Me Haven Mar McKee- Show Me Heaven Living Colon!, Elvis Is Dead
Steve Winwooch One And Only Ray Charle, I'll Take Care
RADIO GOTHENBURG WillWill To Power- m Not In Love Crying In The Rain Whitney Houston Mn Your Baby lean. acques Goldman. Not Scorpions. Tease Me Please Me
Whitney Houston I'm Tour Baby Julio Iglesia, Can't Alp
Leif Wivalt - Had Of Music Medeiro, All I'm George Michael- Freedom
El. John You Gotta Love is Cabrel, Tout Le Mo.
Fran Gary oore. Too Tired
After 7- Can't Stop Prince New Pmrer Generation
AD MC Hammer Pry SLR . SLAGELSE NewRids OR Block. Let's Try DNS Hallyda, Torsof The Steve Wnwood- One And Only
Robert Palmer/UB 90.1'11 Be
RADIO OST - RADE Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby Pavi k Bruck Alois Regan*
K. Appleby- Don't Worry Par- The Other Side Michael Hansen - Head Of Music Elton John. You Gotta Love Brickell/New .ernian, Mama
Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby Slw Marian Olsen OXProd. Deee-Lite Groove Is In The George Michael, Freedom Beautdul South- A Little Time Kings k lt, Lore
PP Debbie Gibson. Anything Is
PP Belinda Carlisle.. Want The Traveling Wilbur, She's My Paul CiDani Prod. ZZ op. Concrew And Steel
Black Box- Fantoy After Z. Can't Stop Asia- Hot Of The Moment Dread Zeppelin- Heartbreaker NORDIC CHANNEL
Paul Simon- The Obvious Child RADIO VIBORG MC Hammer- Pray ream Warrior, My Wink. ge Mich, Freedom
Mghteous Brothers- Unchained
Lonesome Romeo, Sherry
OST Twin Peaks
AD Megabass Time To Make The
Madonna. jti M Love
Henning KrIstensenfPoul Ford
Mead Of Music
AD Teddy Pendergrass. Make It
Pebbles,. Make Things
The -Clove To Me
Marsh Caro. Love Tiles Time


IN%S. Disappear
Po Shop Boys. Being Boring
Soul II 5.1. Missing You
MMaeabass. Tim To Make
Dave Stewart. Love Shines
The Cure- Close To Me
HOLL AND Stuart Ward Presenter
ST Less Is More
Tomas Win
Elton job,. Goto Love R.Stmar,Turner, Takes Ble ckman- Kinky
Steve Winwusoothfy On e And Only PP Madonna. justify My Love Apootolos Laskarides Prog.D1r. Dane Foly. Au Fur Et A Mesure
Vaughan rothers. Tich Tod ZZ Top G. It Up Dimples D.- Sucker 01 Les Infidel. Rebelle
In L W
HIT FM - STOCKHOLM Breathe. Say A Prerer Aswad- Smile A Lists Manrti Rood
Jon Bon jovi. Miracle Whit, Houston. I'm Your 13.y Snap Mary Had A LAtle Boy Chris !sok- WIcked Game Tonton David- Peuples Ou
Johan Bring Pros. Dir. Milk Val, Keep On Running Donna Summer -State Of Christer Sande&
Maria McKee Show Me Heaven Tammy Wynote. Let, C. It A A -Ha- Crying In The Rain Active Rotadon: Pet Shop Boys Being Boring LAIlaire Loos Trio- Chacun
A Listi
Admirers. Om On A Limb
Depeche Mode.World In My Eyes
LP Elton john
Robert Palmer
Wilson Phil10.
K. ppleby- Don't Worry
Soubster. Through Before We
Black Sorrows. Angel Streo
Prefab Sprout- . Let The
Stevie Wander -Keep Our Lore
ardet- Temle Of Love
CL London Bear- I've &en
AC, M Ihundernruck
Bombalurina. Seven Little
Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby ARENANY Lowe
LDI±A P 0. 1 AND
Flemming Arleth.FIleven God R.Stemn,TTuprner- It Takes Sop- Cult Of Snap
Some End Of The World New Kids. OR Block. This One,
Mory Kante. BanDero A.H. Crying In The Rain eeeLite. Power Of Love VERONICA
Francols Valery- yam RADIO MOTOR OSLO Kim Larsen, Det Rokke La' Robert Palmer/DB.90- 'll Be

Twenty 9 Seven- Are You
Visitors., Don't Vienna Spend
Grote Torp klead Of Music
AD Marta McKee. Show Me Heaven
LP Steiner Albrigoen
London Beat- A Better Law
Janet Jackson. Love Will Never
Deb. Gibson. Anything Is
Delta Cross Band. The Thrill
Somerville- To Love
Scorpions Tease Me Please Me
Ma. Carey. Love Takes Time
Pet Shop Boys- Being Bori ng
Paul Sim. The Obvious Child
Robert PalmerlUB 90-
jummy Soinervgln To Love
& F ANCE Rob De Boer Prod.
CL 1.12. Night And Day
Tears For Fears- Advice For
In, If You Say You Love Me LP Elton John
The Cure. Close To Me Beautlful South- A Little Janet Jackson. Love Will Never Living Color- Love Rears lo
Paul Haig. I Believe In You Ray Dee Ohh
RADIO 101. HAUGESUND New Kids OR Block. This Ones LInneeSaonsen Appleby. Don't Worry Bon joy!. You Give Lo. A Bad
Holly Johnson Where Has Love
Tomas Ledin. Hon Goer Allt
Kon an Liberry
Egli oueland Head Of Music
AD Del Ammi. Spit In The Rain AD
jimmy Somerville. To Love
Donna Summer- State Of


MEECIMIE1 Billy kid- Prodigal Blues
London Beat. A Better Love ST
Prince- New Power Generation
n. Feel So Good
Steve Alien Love Is In The A.Ha- I Call Your Name Con Dios. bitht Owls Rig Nielsen DJ/Prod. STUDIO D RADIO NOVO MESTO Monie Love. les A Shame Betty Boo- Doi, The Do
Ksa lade Came A Get It David Hallyday. Tears Of The Maxi
Mai Priest. Human .rk Of Art Pre Pebbles. Love Makes Things R,DS Bolls DJProd. Maxi Ries, Human Work Of An Andreas Thlesmeyer Prod. Item TV 1 FLESH
Kim Appleby- Don't Worry Smile A List List kW Hod- Missing You CL D.W.A. Stranger - Stop LookIng Bogdan Pabianski - Prod.
1ZlVZLGeorge Michael
RADIO ARP, LUND Vanilla Ice. Ice Ice Baby Delo Cross Ban, The Thrill
Delp Yvon- Wanna Dance Quincy Jones- The Places You Bun Elton john. You Gotta Love CL Prince- New Power Genet...
Hans Strandberg Music Dir. Wilson Phillips- Impulsive Tanya Tucker- It Be Me MC Skat Kale Skat Strut Phil Coigns- Hang In Long CL Ha, Mond, Kinky Afro Gilbert Poucaud - Musk CoOrd MC amr. Pray Janet jacks.. Black Cat
PP Paul I..., Little Tear Paul jam- Stand Caglo Mo. Haw The
The Right After 7- Can't Stop Heart- Stranded are. Close to Me Clip Des lips: Monie Love It's A Shame Michael Bolton- Georgia On My
AlOs. More Than Words Can Say rotAie- Living Next Door To MC Hammo. Have You Seen Her Belinda Carlisle- We Want The The Unbelioable CL Florent agn
PlyPODS Qui George Michael. Freedom Whtney Houston- Pm Your Baby
Maxi Priest- Human Work Of An
AD New Life. Got 2 B Free tutee Cruise. Falling Kit
Rangers- Den Be. Er Nu Robert PalmeLIB 90. I'll Be Fleetwood Mac. Hard Feelings E.BrickekINew Bohol., Mania Force It Gazzakindsfarne- Fog On The Nick amen- Looking Good
Harriet- Wornan To Man Andrew johniLlssa. Sensible Status Quo. Annlversary Walt: Sintad O'Connor. I'm Stretched Public Enen, Burn Hollywood CL 12Affare Louis Trlo. Chaco Whorl Phillips. Impuls. Mory Kante. Bankiero
Paul Haig- I Believe In You
Zok Machine.. Ke Dag Kolsrud- Hear Them Cry Eyes- NbQtly Saki It Was Ea, R.Stewar,Turner- It Tako N. Klds OR Block. Let, Try Medium Rotation: Michel Berger- Paradis Blanc Pet Shop Boy, Bein Boring Twenry 9 Seven- Are You
Reggae RI Orch.- Promise Madonna- justify My Love Ray Charole, Take Care Of Lonnie Gordon, I Have To AD Whitney Houston I'm Your Baby CI MC Hammer- U Can't Touch This Blues Trottel, 21 fours PM. Sampson. Howe Miss You Maria PIcKee- Show Me Heaven
din JamesK Keep On Loving R.Stewart_ITTurner- It Takes Billy Id, Prodigal Blues They Houston I'm Your Baby lggy Pop Candy Jon Bon I. 13. Al Glory jil Caplan- Tout C'Qui Non Zorfrok- Beinhart Rob De Boer Prod. Vanika Ice- Ice Ice Baby
Gana/Lindisfarne. Fog On The jimmy Somerville- To Lo. Sissel Kyrkieboe Lem Sam Rakers By Choice- Ta. Mig Som lanes Jackson. Lore WIll Noer ONAIStizanne Vega- Tom's Diner Ho. Nen Que Pour Ca Top. G. It Up CL Eton john You Gotta Love Milli Vanil, Keep On Running

MUSIC l MEDIA - December B, 1990 MUSIC fis MEDIA - December, 1990 33

31 AmericanRadioHistory.Com
3320.669.1961 CRATE: DFL 48.- PER SINGLE COLUMN CM.
Aalborg Nurradio MUSIC & MEDIA
Personally ... TP Black Sorrows- Angel Street a pull* iiISMCommelationiek VARIOUS
Willy DeVille- Beating Like A a stediMy dee! Mininunixfortilei
To Start Off with the albums. Concrete Blonde iS
one of my favourite nxkbands at the moment. Heart -Stranded
1 rho recommend An Emotional EUh, one of the LP Beautiful South SuPoll,1006 Mena A LEADING INDEPENDENT
Jive Bunny & The Masterrnixers Sfinibmitraull, IMIM Lewd.
Many young and exciting bands from Ireland. My
Choke of singles includes New Model Arrays
Porky, a track from their new Abcoew Scratched NAGUI
Fent )1..6491111
Made is an old song by House Of Low whkh final- RTL BASED IN MILAN,
ly has been released. The last tip is Lovebomb by
Botany 5. a new and promising band from Scotland.
TO Florent Pagny- Nesse Qui
pi Caplan- Tout CQui Nous
Ion -Jacques Goldman- Nuit Seet Ekon Blelor
Coulee 3 o part of the Swiss pie. network RM.
LP Robert Palmer Ran*, War Stoptenlexx
k has a progressoe style el matt prograrrenne haven CoOnfmaxor Iasiflaw LAWYERS WITH EXPERIENCE IN
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rfew. Deka, Inman
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exAtorial ...Lc Pot Anxtanal.
Voltage FM Radio Antigoon
77 Whitney Houston -All The Man Ore Heenan Pox Can
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Steve Wonder Keep Our Love Lea Stang/ie. This Is The
Prefab Sprout- Jesse lames
Madonna- Justify My Love
Carreseemeenan Paul 1.0 On TOURS & CONCERTS
Twenty 4 Smen- 1 Cane Stand Madonna- Justify My Love
LP Edle Brickell/New Bohemians
lnlAnd), Nit Mans iBnleunx. Wen Bourne. LABEL MANAGERS
Anna Mane de X
LP Whitney Houston LP JImi Hendrix lG1nrx1.xxx:
:n 11oenn1.l:e,0n
Steve Winwood Ott AoyepScvnAuenntxO,
Red Hot & Blue (Comp.) Flory Karate

Antenna 97.1 FM Adverting ken Molten
Radio City 103 Studentradiun Tromso
TP Kyle Minogue- Step Back In
Tomas Ledo- Den Dar Elden
77 Bleep The Launchpad
Carter The US.M.- Anytime
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Pet Shop Bey. Being Bong
Peter Helena Sanntore
SelesCoOrtlinator ina Mies
Marketing Hammon Mem Kmximberg
rixxla. Cann iBom
Malcolm McLaren- Opera Home Prince- New Power Generation
Prime- New Power Generation
ManinetIng Aaionint In, ran Oer

., -
LP Mica Paris LP Walter Trout Band Pronluction Mu, 0.m Bremen
Memorex Of Stevie V World Of Skin INKS Parke 01 on L.,
Salikeipww le.terlde

Radio Bremen 4 uaue A CURRENT CV TO:
Radio AF/P4 Radio Sydkysten konnmen Be, Ode
TP Soup Dragons- Mother Universe
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K MacCollellogues- Miss Otis how.* Dune Blonexel Ph. 31-23-319333 BPI COMMUNICATIONS B.V.
C&C Muse Factory -Gonna Make
Tingo Tango Ole- It's Jam
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Vaughan Brother, Tick Tock
Prociaimers beg Of The Road
Eurofile Cum nan Goal
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LP Paul McCartney Excel /*an Seven Aodols
LP Twenty 4 Seven LP Mica Paris Goolntrooi 11,1013 CB Haarlem, Holland.
Vanilla Ice
After 7 Tracey Spencer
LOU ROWLAND NL Ma tat 41l11116186,.
Capital Radio
Radio Orebro CFNB
TP Steve Winwood- One And Only
n:1N1-311110 u. WIN
loo11.01 cram 3.14 CmOnlineOre tnriume
1,141.111.41: pep:eine Ex..
TO Seal- Crary TP Papa Dee- Beautiful Woman temN
Blow Monkeys- If You Low at 31140.0
The Farm- All Together Now Paul Haig- Believe In You

B.B. King- Peace To The World 141111Ween

Double Dee- Found Love Janet Jackson- Love Will NeverLP Robert
LP Edie BrickeliNew Bohemians
Steve Winwood 1.1lpx BM... Ilrhanno lo

LP Kim Appleby Tiffany
.M Inelyn
Blue Pe, Madonna 20019.. NBA en Nat 581914.
ins N.J62 SIKOS

EG1L HOUELAND GERARD SAUDAN Elkeeid CeOrnireteen own Sixa

ALISON CRAIG UK n,.1.6610,0
Radio 102 Couleur 3
Radio Fort. TP New Model Army. Purity
4001.130 1.4744o195 Broad,
TO Chris Isaak- Wicked Game TP Del Amitri- Spit In The Rain Yak 10014, f1637,
juke Cruise- Falling House Of Love- Scratched ta 111.5.5.tr 1103
Eve Gallagher- Low Come Down
INKS- Disappear Hanes- Woman To Man Botany 5- Lovebon,
LP An Emotional FM


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Concrete Blonde BILLBOARD
Dwight Yoakam Steve Winwood President leo bon
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MUSIC & MEDIA December 3, 1990 MUSIC & MEDIA December IL 1910

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