498q-Essentials of Microbiology For Dental Students (2) - 1-100
498q-Essentials of Microbiology For Dental Students (2) - 1-100
498q-Essentials of Microbiology For Dental Students (2) - 1-100
Smith, Andrew J.; Bagg, Simon
Title: Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students, 2nd
Copyright Š2006 Oxford University Press (Copyright 2006 by Jeremy
Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton, Andrew J. Smith and
Simon Bagg)
> Fro nt o f Bo o k > Autho rs
Jeremy Bagg
Professor of Clinical Microbiology
University of Glasgow Dental School, Glasgow, UK
T. Wallace MacFarlane
Emeritus Professor of Oral Microbiology
University of Glasgow Dental School, Glasgow, UK
Ian R. Poxton
Professor of Microbial Infection and Immunity
University of Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh, UK
Andrew J. Smith
Senior Lecturer in Oral Microbiology
University of Glasgow Dental School, Glasgow, UK
Simon Bagg
Illustrated by
Authors: Bagg, Jeremy; MacFarlane, T. Wallace; Poxton, Ian R.;
Smith, Andrew J.; Bagg, Simon
Title: Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students, 2nd
Copyright Š2006 Oxford University Press (Copyright 2006 by Jeremy
Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton, Andrew J. Smith and
Simon Bagg)
> Fro nt o f Bo o k > Disclaimer
The main purpose of this textbook remains unchanged from the first
edition. It sets out to present the science of microbiology in a clinical
context that is relevant to the safe and effective practice of dental
surgery. Many dental school curricula are now changing in line with the
recommendations of the document produced by the UK General Dental
Council, entitled The First Five Years. The two key elements of the
recommendations are that clinical teaching should be brought forward,
ideally starting in Year 1 and that the underpinning basic science,
including microbiology, should be more closely integrated with the
clinical teaching and spread throughout the five years of the course.
When the first edition of Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students
was prepared, one of our main aims was to produce a book that placed
microbiology firmly in the context of clinical dentistry, an ideal formula
for use in the new style curricula. For this reason, the second edition
has retained the successful format of the first edition, covering the
relevant subject matter in three sections, namely the fundamental
principles of microbiology and immunology, infectious diseases relevant
to dentistry and, finally, oral microbiology. There is extensive cross-
referencing throughout and the book is lavishly illustrated in full colour.
Microbiology is a very rapidly moving discipline. Since the first edition,
a number of infectious diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and
SARS have emerged as significant clinical problems. There have also
been changes in the epidemiology of certain infections, for example
sexually transmitted diseases. These issues are all covered in this
second edition. The text and lists of further reading have been updated
throughout and changes to antimicrobial drug prescribing regimens
have been included. Major new chapters include those on fungi, human
herpes viruses, infections of the central nervous system, and use of
antimicrobial agents in dentistry. The chapters dealing with
sterilization, disinfection and infection control procedures in dentistry
have been completely re-written, to reflect significant recent changes
in decontamination protocols which have been stimulated by the
problem of prion diseases. In addition to providing a source of further
reading to supplement traditional teaching, the integrated clinical
approach will ensure that the text is valuable to those preparing for
problem-based learning sessions.
Another new feature of the second edition is the inclusion of a
comprehensive glossary of medical, dental and biological terms, all of
which are used in the text itself. It is the authors' experience that
many dental students find the terminology a major problem when they
commence their studies of microbiology. The very clinical emphasis of
the book has dictated that the glossary contains many terms that will
be relevant to other disciplines.
Qualified dentists, particularly those preparing for postgraduate clinical
dental examinations, will also find the book of value. Microbiology is of
immense importance to dentists and it is our hope that the book will
help to make this fascinating subject accessible and relevant to those in
clinical practice.
In summary, we have designed this book to serve as a core reference
text for use throughout all years of the undergraduate dental
curriculum, as a refresher course for postgraduate students and as a
continuing source of reference for dentists in clinical practice. We trust
that our efforts are sufficient to allow these very different groups of
readers to obtain the information they require in a convenient, clear
and interesting way.
T W MacF
Glasgow, Edinburgh, 2004
Authors: Bagg, Jeremy; MacFarlane, T. Wallace; Poxton, Ian R.;
Smith, Andrew J.; Bagg, Simon
Title: Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students, 2nd
Copyright Š2006 Oxford University Press (Copyright 2006 by Jeremy
Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton, Andrew J. Smith and
Simon Bagg)
> Fro nt o f Bo o k > Ackno w ledgements
The concept of micro-organisms
The history of microbiology and immunology
Before the development of the light microscope all living organisms
could be divided empirically, without too much debate, into two
kingdoms: the plants and the animals. In the 1660s, Robert Hooke,
using a crude compound microscope, was probably the first person to
see cells; a few years later Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, using the first
high-resolution, single lens microscope, saw microorganisms for the
first time. These microscopic living creatures, some of which were seen
to move, were described as small animals or ‘animalcules’. From
Leeuwenhoek's drawings we know them to be bacteria and protozoa. It
is of interest to note that his specimens included material scraped from
his own teeth.
Fig. 1.1 Some key players in early microbiology and
There was a gap of almost two centuries before the development of the
first high-quality compound microscope, together with the pioneering
work of Pasteur, Koch and Lister, established the importance of micro-
organisms as agents of disease, and the science of bacteriology (or the
more modern microbiology) was born (Fig. 1.1). Following the discovery
of penicillin by Fleming, the development of antimicrobial
chemotherapy slowly began, and is now the driving force behind a large
and important branch of microbiology. Much of modern immunology had
its roots in the study of micro-organisms by such key players as
Metchnikoff and Erhlich (Fig. 1.1).
Robert Koch was the first person to prove that micro-organisms caused
disease. Absolute proof can be established by fulfilling the following
postulates, though this raises ethical problems in studies of human
Koch's postulates
1. The specific micro-organism should be isolated from all cases of a
specific disease, and should not be found in healthy individuals.
2. The specific micro-organism should be isolated from the diseased
individual and grown in pure culture on an artificial medium.
3. The isolated micro-organism should reproduce the specific disease
when inoculated into a healthy individual.
4. The specific micro-organism should be re-isolated in pure culture
from the experimental infection.
Atmospheric requirements
Many micro-organisms obtain their energy by fermentation (substrate-
level phosphorylation), a process which does not require oxygen. The
smallest amount of oxygen is toxic to some of these micro-organisms,
or at least inhibits their growth, and these are termed strict anaerobes.
Other micro-organisms perform respiration (oxidative phosphorylation),
and are aerobes. A few species of bacteria can respire anaerobically,
utilizing CO 2 or NO3 instead of O2 as the final electron acceptor. Thus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually considered to be an aerobe, can grow
anaerobically if nitrate is present in the growth medium. Many micro-
organisms can both ferment and respire and are known as facultative
anaerobes. The microaerophilic bacteria, typified by the genus
Campylobacter (see Chapter 15), are unusual in that they require
subnormal levels of oxygen for their growth; while others, the
Key facts
Further reading
Mims C, Dockrell HM, Goering RV, Roitt I, Wakelin D, Zuckerman M
(2004). Microbes as parasites. In Medical Microbiology, 3rd edn,
Chapter 1. Elsevier Limited, London.
Authors: Bagg, Jeremy; MacFarlane, T. Wallace; Poxton, Ian R.;
Smith, Andrew J.; Bagg, Simon
Title: Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students, 2nd
Copyright ©2006 Oxford University Press (Copyright 2006 by Jeremy
Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton, Andrew J. Smith and
Simon Bagg)
> Table o f C o ntents > Sectio n 1 > 2 - Bacterial structure and physio lo gy
Bacterial structure and physiology
Lipopolysaccharides are complex, amphipathic molecules located as the
sole lipid in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
Structurally, LPS molecules are divided into three main sections: the
lipid A, the core oligosaccharide and the O-polysaccharide or O-antigen
(Fig. 2.9). The O-polysaccharide is made up of a chain of repeating
oligosaccharide units of heterogeneous length. This normal
configuration of LPS is usually referred to as smooth-form LPS (S-LPS),
since wild type bacteria possessing this molecule produce colonies with
a ‘smooth’ appearance. Mutant bacteria lacking the O-polysaccharide
appear ‘rough’ and have a rough-form or R-LPS. Some species of
bacteria naturally produce an R-LPS and these molecules are sometimes
termed lipo-oligosaccharides (LOS) (Fig. 2.9).
The lipid A molecule consists of a disaccharide backbone (usually bis-
glucosamine) which is substituted with five or six fatty acids and two
phosphates. Between different species of Gram-negative bacteria, there
is little variation in structure of the lipid A part of the molecule, with
identical structures between related species. In the core region, there
are several unusual sugars which are found only in bacteria, for
example 3–deoxy-D-manno-2–octulosonic acid, which is still more
commonly known by the initial letters of its previous name, KDO (keto-
deoxy-octonic acid). The inner part of the core is, like lipid A, highly
conserved within related species, but some variation can occur in the
outer part. However, it is in the O-polysaccharide that the real variation
occurs. The many different possible combinations of sugars and the
configuration of the linkages between them give rise to an infinite
number of different oligosaccharide-repeating units. In the species E.
coli alone there are approximately 160 different structures recognized,
giving rise to the distinct O-serogroups.
LPS is an essential component of the Gram-negative bacterium. Its
functions include a structural role, where the fatty acid chains pack
tightly in the OM resulting in a relatively non-fluid structure, which
forms an impervious barrier. As described earlier for teichoic acids, LPS
molecules are negatively charged, and the long sugar chains confer a
degree of hydrophilicity on the bacterial surface. In pathogenic
bacteria, LPS is considered to be one of the most important virulence
determinants. It has a role in protecting the organism from the effects
of serum complement, and the lipid A region is extremely biologically
active, giving rise to the synonym for LPS of endotoxin. These
properties of LPS/endotoxin will be covered in more detail in Chapter 4.
Many bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative, possess a gel-
like layer outside of the envelope. This may be in the form of a discrete
capsule, which can extend from the envelope for a distance several
times the diameter of the cell. Alternatively, this gel material may not
be firmly attached and forms a slime, which is released into the
surrounding environment. Most of these materials are polysaccharide in
nature, and are often referred to collectively as exopolysaccharides.
However, some species, for example Bacillus spp, produce a capsule
consisting of poly-amino acids. The capsule of Bacillus antbracis, the
causative organism of anthrax, has a capsule of poly(D-glutamic acid).
Exopolysaccharides are sometimes neutral homopolysaccharides, for
example the glucans and fructans of many oral streptococci, or
negatively charged heteropolysaccharides, where uronic acids are
common constituents. The poly(D-glutamic acid) capsule with its
negative charge is probably physiologically analogous to the negatively
charged polysaccharide capsule.
The capsule is a highly hydrated gel and in the microscope, with both
living and stained bacteria, it is invisible. The simplest way to
demonstrate the capsule is to mix a suspension of bacteria with an
equal volume of Indian ink on a slide, cover with a coverslip, press it
down firmly to create an extremely thin film, and then view it in the
microscope. The capsule is ‘negatively’ stained,
appearing as a clear zone around the cell where the microscopic Indian
ink (carbon) particles have not penetrated (Fig. 2.10).
Fig. 2.10 Indian ink stain to demonstrate bacterial capsule.
Courtesy of Sheila Patrick.
The capsule has various functions and perhaps the most universal of
these is its involvement in adhesion to surfaces. Many bacteria colonize
both inert and living surfaces, and grow in microcolonies, or as a
consortium in a biofilm. Dental plaque is an excellent example of this.
Other functions can be considered as protective and in the pathogen
include protection from, and evasion of, the immune system. These will
be covered in detail in Chapter 4.
Surface appendages
The surface appendages can be divided into two main types: those
involved in motility (flagella), and those involved in adhesion
Many species of bacteria can move actively through an aqueous
environment. This motility can be governed by several different
mechanisms, including the poorly understood gliding motility of
Cytophaga spp. However, the mechanisms involving flagella (singular:
flagellum) are the most common and the best understood. The
arrangement of flagella varies between different species, but is the
same for a given species. Flagella can be found singly (monotrichous)
or in bundles (lophotrichous) at one or both poles of the cell, or they
can be arranged over the whole cell surface (peritrichous) (Fig. 2.11).
The flagellum consists of a long thin filament projecting for up to
several micrometres from the cell surface. The main part of the
filament is made up of protein subunits (flagellin) arranged in several
helices around a central hollow core. At the base of the flagellum, a
‘motor’ is located in the cell envelope. It consists of a series of rings
through which the base of the filament can rotate in either a clockwise
or an anti-clockwise direction. Above the base of the filament there is a
short bent region, which produces a propeller-like propulsion from the
revolving flagellum (Fig. 2.11). A motile bacterium is able to perform
chemotaxis or phototaxis, that is, move towards or away from stimuli
such as chemicals or light respectively. Receptors that are sensitive to
such stimuli are located on the bacterial surface and respond by making
the flagellum rotate in one or other direction. The resultant motility,
which varies between a tumbling and a directional mode, depending on
the direction of rotation, allows the bacterium to swim by means of a
‘random walk’ towards or away from the source of the stimulus.
Fig. 2.11 Diagram illustrating the various arrangements of bacterial
flagella, fimbriae and the structure of the flagellar motor.
The cytoplasm
The cytoplasm of bacteria contains all the biosynthetic machinery
required by the bacterium for growth and cell division, together with
the genetic material. The latter consists of a double helix of DNA
arranged in a supercoiled circular structure. It is not enclosed in a
nuclear membrane, but is often referred to as the ‘bacterial
chromosome’ because of the analogy with the eukaryotic structures. In
growing bacteria the DNA can account for up to 20% of the volume of
the bacterium. Smaller circles of ‘extra-chromosomal’ DNA are often
present in bacteria and these are termed plasmids (Chapter 5). They
carry genes which may confer the bacterium with properties such as
antibiotic resistance or the capacity to produce toxins or enzymes.
The ribosomes used for protein synthesis are smaller than their
eukaryotic counterpart, with a sedimentation coefficient of 70S
(compared with 80S in eukaryotes). They consist of two subunits of 30S
and 50S, giving a net 70S. They are the site of action of several
antibiotics such as the aminoglycosides, macrolides and tetracyclines
(Chapter 10).
Many bacteria possess inclusion granules within their cytoplasm, and in
some species they are utilized as characteristics which can serve as
markers for identification purposes. Their main function is thought to
be one of storage, being produced when their main constituent element
is present in excess in the culture medium. Metachromatic granules, or
volutin are deposits of inorganic polyphosphate, which can be dyed with
methylene blue and are characteristic of Corynebacterium diphtberiae.
Starch and glycogen granules are commonly revealed in many bacteria
when stained with iodine. Lipid inclusions are found in mycobacteria
and are visualized with Sudan Black dye. Some bacterial toxins
characteristically form as crystalline cytoplasmic inclusions.
Bacterial cells, unlike all higher and many lower eukaryotic cells, are
unable to differentiate, or undergo morphogenesis. However, some
bacterial species, notably the aerobic Bacillus spp. and the anaerobic
Clostridium spp. can perform a primitive process of differentiation
termed sporulation. The bacterium, on encountering stressful conditions
such as dehydration or nutrient limitation, can convert to a resting or
dormant endospore. This endospore is then highly resistant to many
harsh physical and chemical conditions such as heat (some can
withstand boiling), dryness, toxic chemicals, and radiation. From a
practical point of view, spore-forming bacteria can be very difficult to
eradicate during sterilization procedures.
During the process of sporulation, before the spore is free of the
‘parent’ cell, it often has a characteristic appearance within the
bacterial cell. This can be defined on the basis of the spore's location in
the cell (terminal/subterminal/central), its diameter
(smaller/same/greater than vegetative cell) and its shape
(spherical/oval) and can be used to assist in diagnosis.
On returning to favourable conditions, spores can germinate and form
new vegetative cells.
Bacterial physiology
The nutritional requirements of bacteria vary enormously. At the
simplest extreme, Escherchia coli and related enterobacteria can grow
in a simple synthetic medium consisting of the inorganic salts which are
necessary to supply the major essential elements of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, together with a source of
energy, the simplest being glucose. Trace elements are not usually
added specifically since they typically occur at adequate levels as
contaminants in commercial chemicals. Some bacteria release
extracellular hydrolytic enzymes into the environment for nutritional
purposes and such enzymes, for example proteases, may play a role in
disease production.
Conventionally, bacteria are cultured in liquid media (broths) or on the
surfaces of solid media which have agar added as a gelling agent. Agar,
a polysaccharide extracted from seaweed, is relatively inert (is not
metabolized by most bacteria), gels below 50°C (heat-labile ingredients
can be added after sterilization) and melts at 100°C (does not melt
when incubated). Agar media are usually contained in flat, circular
plates (Petri dishes).
Fig. 2.12 Summary of energy production and associated metabolic
pathways in bacteria.
Many bacteria require certain amino acids, vitamins and other growth
factors, which can be supplied by adding yeast extracts and meat
digests. These are available commercially as various forms of nutrient
broths and nutrient agars. Other bacteria require more extensive
additions, and for many clinically important bacteria, these
requirements can be fulfilled by the addition of blood or serum (from
Some bacteria require living cells for their growth, and these can be
supplied by tissue culture methods. However, a few species, notably
Mycobacterium leprae and Treponema pallidum, the causative agents of
leprosy and syphilis respectively, can only be cultured when inoculated
into a living animal.
Energy production
Production of energy can be considered as the processes by which
bacteria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by phosphorylation of
adenosine diphosphate:
Adenosine – P – P + energy + P → Adenosine – P – P – P
As described briefly in Chapter 1, this is mainly by fermentative or
respiratory processes. The large group of photosynthetic bacteria
produce ATP by harnessing energy from light, but these will not be
discussed any further in this book.
The anaerobic bacteria, which produce energy only by fermentation,
use substrate-level phosphorylation, and can utilize carbohydrates or
amino acids as fermentable substrates. Aerobic and facultative
organisms utilize both substrate-level and oxidative phosphorylation,
producing much more ATP per mole of substrate if the oxidative process
is used (Fig. 2.12). Glycolysis is the central pathway for carbohydrate
metabolism, but many bacteria have alternative pathways such as the
pentose phosphate and Entner–Doudoroff pathways, which are outside
the scope of this book. The end products of fermentation are typically
ethanol, carbon dioxide, lactic acid and volatile, short-chained fatty
acids, the latter giving some anaerobic bacteria their characteristic foul
Biosynthesis of macromolecules
The various macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and
lipids) required for the structure and biosynthetic machinery of the
bacterial cell must be assembled from the nutrients supplied from the
growth medium. As described previously, the nutritional requirements
of different bacteria range from extremely simple to complex. There is
consequently a range of biosynthetic capabilities in different bacteria.
Some, such as E. coli, can synthesize their macromolecules from simple
inorganic molecules, while other bacteria have requirements for amino
acids, peptides, vitamins and growth factors. Although bacteria have
some pathways peculiar to themselves, the basic pathways which they
possess for their biosynthetic processes are similar to their eukaryotic
counterparts. The reader is referred to a standard biochemistry
textbook if more information is required.
Growth of bacteria
Growth can be defined as the orderly increase of all the chemical
components of the cell. Bacteria fulfil this definition, and when they
have grown to a certain size (length) they undergo cell division to
produce two daughter cells identical to the parent cell. The process is
termed binary fission (Fig. 2.13). Bacterial growth can be equated to
cell number: one bacterium divides into two, these two produce four,
and then eight and so on. The growth rate of a bacterium is therefore
measured by measuring the change in bacterial number per unit time.
The time between cell divisions can be as short as 10–20 minutes for
many common bacteria growing in laboratory media.
The number of bacteria at a given time can be estimated by taking a
small sample and counting the number of organisms directly by use of a
counting (haemocytometer-type) chamber and a microscope, or by
diluting a sample and spreading small volumes over the surface of an
agar plate and counting the number of colonies after a suitable
incubation time.
If bacterial number is plotted against time the shape of the curve will
show an exponential increase (Fig. 2.14). If however the number is
plotted as a log value, a straight-line graph is the result (Fig. 2.14).
Key facts
Further reading
Mims C, Dockrell HM, Goering RV, Roitt I, Wakelin D and Zuckerman
M (2004). The bacteria. In Medical Microbiology, 3rd edn, Chapter 2.
Elsevier Limited, London.
Authors: Bagg, Jeremy; MacFarlane, T. Wallace; Poxton, Ian R.;
Smith, Andrew J.; Bagg, Simon
Title: Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students, 2nd
Copyright ©2006 Oxford University Press (Copyright 2006 by Jeremy
Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton, Andrew J. Smith and
Simon Bagg)
> Table o f C o ntents > Sectio n 1 > 3 - Bacterial taxo no my
Bacterial taxonomy
The genus and species names are used together to give the scientific
name (or Latin binomial) of the organism (although Greek and
sometimes modern European words are commonly used and are
Latinized). This binomial is printed in italics with the genus name
beginning with an upper case (capital) letter, and the species name with
a lower case (small) letter, for example Homo sapiens. In a piece of
writing this can be abbreviated to the form H. sapiens after it has been
written out initially in full.
bacteria (or Prokaryota) as a single entity. Class and order are usually
ignored, being replaced instead by morphological divisions based on cell
shape, Gram reaction, and nutritional properties. The next important
level is family, followed by genus and species. The use of these terms
will now be illustrated for two important medical pathogens, Escherichia
coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
The organism Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped,
facultatively anaerobic organism which is tolerant to bile. This places it
in the family Enterobacteriaceae. A series of metabolic tests, including
the fermentation of various sugars and the production of indole from
tryptophan, separates it from other genera of Enterobacteriaceae such
as Salmonella and Proteus and places it in the genus Escherichia and
the species coli. It is commonly abbreviated to E. coli.
Fig. 3.1 Phenotypic methods used in bacterial
and produces the enzyme coagulase this places it in the species aureus.
This can be abbreviated to S. aureus.
In writing, where two different species are being discussed which both
have the same initial letter for the genus, for example Staphylococcus
aureus and Streptococcus mutans, it is common to use the termsStaph.
and Strep. as the abbreviations, to avoid ambiguity. When bacterial
names are used as adjectives, for example staphylococcal toxin or
clostridial spore, or are used collectively, for example salmonellae or
streptococci, the names are not italicized and do not begin with a
capital letter.
devised about 200 years ago to avoid inherent bias in the classical
methods. Every observable character of an organism carries an equal
weight and they are considered equally in calculating similarities or
differences between organisms. A similarity coefficient can be
calculated between two or more organisms. The results of such methods
do not give rise to the classical genus and species, but to mathematical
relationships which are often represented as a dendrogram
demonstrating similarities and differences. Modern computer programs
can be used to analyse numerical data and construct dendrograms (Fig.
Bacterial identification
The steps taken in the laboratory to identify a bacterium follow a series
of routine procedures which are summarized in Fig. 3.4. This is a
practical topic and there are many textbooks and laboratory
Key facts
Further reading
Collier, LH (ed.) (1998). Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and
Microbial Infections, 9th edn. Edward Arnold, London.
Bacterial pathogenicity and
The final type of biological association that must be considered is
parasitism, where the host is harmed by the relationship but the
parasite gains. In biological terms an obligate parasite requires a host
for all or part of its life cycle. This is summarized in Fig. 4.1. For the
parasite to be successful in biological terms it must be able to complete
this life cycle, even if the host is ultimately killed. Bacterial parasites of
humans are, by definition, pathogens, since they harm the host and
cause disease. Furthermore, they are termed obligate or primary
pathogens, since causing harm is a necessary part of their life cycle.
They are also infectious and can be transmitted from a single individual
to one or many others. The organisms Vibrio cbolerae and Neisseria
gonorrboeae, which cause cholera and gonorrhoea, respectively, are
both good examples of obligate parasites, that is to say infectious
agents requiring a human host. Other bacteria, including some which
produce food poisoning, for example Salmonella enterica, have their
main reservoir in animals where they live parasitically, but they can
cause disease in humans following transmission via food or drink. A
disease that is transmitted from an animal to man is known as a
Fig. 4.1 A simplified life cycle of a parasite. There may be more
than one host species, and the parasite may have a free-living
Not all bacterial pathogens are true parasites, because some do not
depend on a host for their life cycle:
Opportunistic infections
A bacterium which normally lives harmlessly with the host, and is non-
pathogenic because of a host's normally functioning immune system,
may become pathogenic if the immune system is compromised in some
way. Such organisms are termed opportunist pathogens. This type of
infection has assumed mounting importance in recent years, following
the use of powerful immunosuppressive drugs in modern medicine and
the emergence of AIDS. A good example of a versatile opportunistic
pathogen is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause serious
infections of burns or contribute to severe lung disease in cystic fibrosis
sufferers, both conditions where innate immune mechanisms have been
compromised. Many of the bacteria of the normal oral flora can cause
opportunistic infections when they enter sites in which abscesses can
develop, both within the mouth (Chapter 25) and elsewhere in the
body, for example the brain (Chapter 17).
Transmission of bacteria
Bacteria may be transmitted to a new host in four different ways:
An important term, which is used in connection with pathogenesis, is
virulence. Virulence is a measure of how harmful a pathogen might be
to a host. The determinants that confer on the bacterium the potential
to cause harm are termed virulence factors. These may either be
associated with the cell, usually the cell surface, or be produced
extracellularly as exotoxins. Virulence factors may be involved in one
or more of the stages of pathogenesis such as adherence, invasion,
nutrient acquisition, or evasion of immune mechanisms, as well as
contributing to the disease process. Many virulence factors have a role
in the primary physiology or structure of the bacterium and their role
in virulence may be purely coincidental.
Virulence factors
Surface-associated virulence factors
These factors are summarized in Fig. 4.3. Full details of their structure
and physiological function are given in Chapter 2. Many of these
surface structures act by allowing the bacterium to evade the immune
response by three main mechanisms (see Chapter 8 for details of the
host defence mechanisms mentioned below):
Fig. 4.3 Surface-associated bacterial virulence factors. LPS,
lipopolysaccharide; LOS, lipo-oligosaccharide.
Bacterial exotoxins
In contrast to endotoxins (LPS) – which are cell-associated during
normal growth of the Gram-negative bacterium and heat-stable –
exotoxins are extracellular products. They are produced by both Gram-
positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Exotoxins are proteins, often
enzymes, usually of high molecular mass and are heat-labile. They
cause damage to cells and tissues or can affect the whole animal.
Fig. 4.4 Classification of bacterial exotoxins by their action at the
cellular level.
Epidemiology is the study of the occurrence, spread, and control of
disease. It relies upon the collection of detailed statistical information
recording the diseases affecting a population and, in the case of
infectious diseases, may help to identify their causes and modes of
transmission. It may also predict the future likelihood of infection,
identify risk factors, and help in the planning of control measures
involving chemotherapy and vaccination.
An understanding of how and why infectious diseases occur requires
consideration of not only the specific determinants themselves, but also
how they interact. The three basic determinants are:
Occurrence of diseases
Infections may occur as occasional cases at irregular intervals (sporadic
occurrence), as a low number of cases at regular intervals (endemic
occurrence), or as a high number of cases appearing suddenly
(epidemic occurrence). A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread
between continents.
The prevalence of a disease refers to the proportion of the population
affected, or to the numbers of cases that are active at a particular time.
This differs from the incidence of a disease, which is a rate, indicating
the number of cases within a specific population in a defined time
Epidemiological studies
There are two main analytical epidemiological methods available. In a
case-controlled study, the investigation starts with a clinical effect and
attempts to identify the cause of that effect. This is also referred to as
a retrospective study – going back in time to determine what caused a
specific effect. In a cohort study, also referred to as a prospective
study, a population exposed to a presumed cause is followed to identify
if and when disease supervenes and the outcome.
An additional method is a cross-sectional study, which looks at the
population at a specific time point to describe the prevalence
relationships outlined above.
Identification and typing of micro-organisms are crucial in most
epidemiological studies and are described in Chapters 3 and 5. Indeed,
epidemiology is advancing rapidly with the advent of molecular
techniques to identify and type infectious agents.
Bacterial pathogenicity is a rapidly growing area of microbiology. It is
very amenable to investigation by modern molecular techniques, the
cloning of virulence factors, and determination of the DNA sequence of
their genes, therefore allowing greater insight into their roles in
virulence and to their control.
It should be emphasized that bacterial pathogenicity has to be viewed
from two aspects, from that of the pathogen (its virulence) and of the
host (the immune system). The host-pathogen relationship is in a state
of equilibrium, and pathogenicity is sometimes referred to in terms of
the host-pathogen equation. The outcome of the association, whether in
favour of the host or the pathogen, can be strongly influenced by
clinical intervention. Thus, understanding of pathogenicity forms the
basis of many of the strategies employed for the prevention and
treatment of bacterial diseases. Bacterial genetics, the immune system,
and intervention strategies are described more fully in later chapters.
Key facts
Further reading
Coggan D, Rose G and Barker DJP (1997). Epidemiology for the
Uninitiated, 4th edn. BMJ Publishing Group, London.
Bacterial genetics and molecular biology
with purine and pyrimidine bases. Complementary base pairs are cross-
linked through hydrogen bonds, guanine (G) pairing with cytosine (C)
and adenine (A) with thymine (T) (Fig. 5.1). The four bases represent
the letters in a four-letter alphabet that are read linearly in three-
lettered ‘words’.
DNA replication
During cell growth the DNA replicates by a process known as semi-
conservative replication (Fig. 5.2a). This takes place at a replication
fork, where the separate helices of the DNA act as templates for the
new, daughter strands. Deoxyribonucleotides are added sequentially, a
phosphodiester bond forming between the deoxyriboses while a guanine
pairs through hydrogen bonds with a cytosine, and an adenine with a
thymine, and so on. However, as the DNA polymerase enzyme can only
add bases to the 3′ end of a growing strand, and the two parent strands
are antiparallel, the replication processes at the division fork are
asymmetrical (Fig. 5.2b). The initiation of a replication fork and the
subsequent DNA replication is performed by a series of enzymes
coordinated with the DNA polymerase. These include a topoisomerase
(DNA gyrase) to relieve helical winding and tangling problems, a DNA
ligase to join together newly synthesized fragments, and initiator
proteins which bind to specific DNA sequences and initiate a replication
Although the process of DNA replication is highly efficient and accurate,
with built-in repair mechanisms, mistakes can occur. For example, one
or more nucleotides can be omitted, or extra ones can be inserted, a G
can be added instead of an A, or a T instead of a C. These mistakes
occur in fewer than 1 in 10 9 nucleotides added. Such mispairings are
one of the methods by which mutations occur. Other methods by which
mutations occur include direct damage to the DNA by radiation or
chemicals. These errors in the DNA can be passed on to future
The result of a mutation can vary, depending on the site and its extent.
The transcription and subsequent translation (see later) of the mutant
genes produces variations in the amino acid sequence in the proteins,
which may have properties so different that they do not function as
well, or they may be inactive and result in cell death. Some
transcription errors of DNA may be silent because the change in the
resultant protein is insignificant. Some mutations can even be better
than the original – this is the basis of ‘natural selection’, where
beneficial mutations can be selected for better survival of the organism.
In the cell, each amino acid has one or more of its own transfer RNA
(tRNA) molecules, which are specific short chains of folded RNA. One
end of the tRNA binds an amino acid, while the other end has a three-
base recognition sequence (anticodon) which binds to a complementary
three-base sequence in the mRNA – the codon. The genetic code is a
series of codons (three-base sequences) that determines the sequence
of the amino acids in the primary structure of the protein. Protein
synthesis takes place by a ribosome moving step-wise along the mRNA
chain (Fig. 5.4). Each ribosome has two binding sites, one which holds
the tRNA attached to the growing peptide, the P site, and the other the
incoming tRNA with the amino acid attached, the A site. Peptide bond
formation occurs here. Special codons code for the start and stop of the
peptide. In bacteria, formyl methionine, coded for by the sequence
AUG, is the initiator tRNA which always starts the peptide chain.
Genetic recombination
This is a basic mechanism by which genetic variation can occur, and is
an important phenomenon in survival and evolution. In simple terms,
recombination is the rearrangement of DNA that
So far, the basic synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins has been
described, and this forms much of the fundamental knowledge required
for understanding the mechanisms of genetic transfer and genetic
techniques that are the subject of the remainder of this chapter.
DNA is released from a bacterium on lysis.
DNA is ‘naked’ - it is sensitive to the action of DNA-degrading
enzymes (DNase).
The recipient bacterium must be competent.
Transferred genes are inserted into the genome of the recipient cell
by recombination (Fig. 5.5).
Gene cloning
Gene cloning is simply the artificial introduction of a gene, or a series
of genes, from one source into a new host cell where they are
incorporated by genetic recombination into that cell's genome. Here
they can be expressed and passed to daughter cells on cell division,
resulting in millions of cells producing the same product. Multiple copies
of the gene can be made which can then be transferred, allowing
hyperproduction of the gene product. Many biotechnological processes
now depend on gene cloning, for example genetic engineering and the
promised revolution in gene therapy. Thus, one insulin preparation used
to treat humans with diabetes mellitus is produced by bacteria which
have been cloned with human insulin genes. Also the hepatitis B virus
vaccine is produced in yeasts cloned with genes encoding part of the
coat of the hepatitis B virus.
A generalized scheme for DNA cloning is shown inFig. 5.10. The DNA to
be cloned is usually extracted from the cells and purified. It is then cut
into short fragments by means of a restriction enzyme - leaving sticky
ends. These can then be inserted into vector DNA by first cutting the
vector with the same restriction enzyme, and then allowing
complementary sticky ends to pair up, treating finally with a DNA ligase
which joins the breaks.
Specific genes can be amplified from minute amounts of DNA by the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (see p. 50). Also, RNA can be the
source of specific genes by using reverse transcription: complementary
DNA is produced from an RNA template when the enzyme reverse
transcriptase and DNA bases are incubated together.
The vector used for the transfer is usually a plasmid or a virus. When
on a plasmid, the gene does not need to integrate into the host genome
as the plasmid will self-replicate at cell division. If it is an R-plasmid it
can move into other bacteria and be selected by antibiotic resistance. A
virus vector can carry more genes than a plasmid, and a lysogenic
bacteriophage - which has the property of being integrated into the
host chromosome as part of its normal life cycle - is usually used. For
example, bacteriophage lambda (λ) is often used when E. coli is being
The vector containing the DNA has to be inserted into a cell by one of
several means:
Gene probes
DNA or gene probes are simply pieces of labelled, single-stranded DNA
or RNA from a known source that can be mixed with an unknown single-
stranded (melted/denatured) DNA. If complementary base sequences
are recognized the probe will hybridize, thus labelling the unknown
DNA. The label can be radioactive or fluorescent. The technique is
summarized in Fig. 5.11. DNA probes are highly sensitive and are a
powerful method for diagnostic microbiology. Probes may be made from
whole genomic DNA, or more specifically by cloning, direct chemical
synthesis (if the base sequence is known), or polymerase chain reaction
(PCR). The method can be used to probe DNA purified from whole cells
in a test tube, DNA applied directly to a nitrocellulose or nylon support
(dot blotting), or DNA restriction fragments separated on an
electrophoresis gel (Southern blotting). ‘Blots’ of bacterial colonies can
be made directly on to nitrocellulose membranes, and following lysis of
the bacteria and denaturation of the DNA, can be probed for
identification purposes.
Real-time PCR
Although exquisitely sensitive, traditional PCR methodologies have not
been quantitative, and although rapid, the time it has taken to get a
result has depended on how quickly the PCR products can be run on a
gel and analysed. However, recently both of these problems have been
overcome simultaneously by the advent of real-time PCR. Real-time
PCR depends on detection and quantitation of a fluorescent reporter
signal that increases directly in proportion to the amount of PCR
product that is formed. Interested readers are referred to the relevant
reference at the end of this chapter.
If the source of DNA to be probed is present in extremely small
amounts, e.g. viral DNA in tissue from an infected individual, or in
minute amounts of tissue or body fluid collected at a crime scene, it
would be insufficient for the above sort of fingerprinting. In such
situations the DNA can be amplified by PCR, and then analysed as
the gel. The large molecules become stretched out and work their way
snake-like through the gel, and are not well separated. However, with
the advent of a special electrophoresis power supply, where the polarity
of the current is regularly reversed, these large fragments are
sufficiently distorted so that they can be resolved by the system.
Key facts
Further reading
Alberts, B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K and Walter P
(2002). The Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edn. Garland, New
Characteristics of viruses
Viruses differ from other groups of micro-organisms, such as bacteria,
in many key respects. The important characteristics of viruses are
summarized in Fig. 6.1. They are very small agents with a simple
chemical composition comprising the viral genome and an outer protein
coat known as the capsid. The capsid is composed of multiple building
blocks known as capsomeres, and each particle has a strict geometric
structure. The genome may be either DNA or RNA, but never both, and
may be single or double-stranded, linear or circular.
Viruses are unable to synthesize proteins from the information in their
genome: they have no ribosomes or otganelles such as mitochondria.
For this reason they are strict intracellular parasites and can only
repiicate after infection of a living host cell. Viruses are resistant to
antimicrobial agents used to treat bacterial and fungal infections but
are very sensitive to interferon.
In addition to the nucleic acid and protein capsid, some viruses have an
outer coat known as an envelope. This is lipoprotein in structure and is
derived from either the plasma- or nuclear-membrane of the infected
cells. In general, non-enveloped viruses are more resistant than
enveloped viruses to environmental factors such as drying, gastric
acidity, and bile.
Symmetry of viruses
The complete unit of capsid and nucleic acid is termed the nucleo-
capsid. Viral nucleocapsids have a strict geometric structure and can be
divided into two main symmetrical forms. Cubic or icosahedral
Detection of viruses
The laboratory detection of viruses is important both for diagnostic and
research purposes. The methods available are summarized in Fig. 6.5.
More comprehensive details of methodology are given in Chapter 12.
Viral particles may be detected by electron microscopy (F ig. 6.6),
allowing rapid detection of viruses directly in clinical specimens. The
specificity of the method is poor, but can be improved by adding specific
immune serum that agglutinates a particular virus.
Since viruses are stria intracellular parasites they must be provided
with living cells if they are to be cultured in the laboratory. Most viral
culture is now performed in tissue culture systems (Fig. 6.7), although
for some viruses such as hepatitis B no cell lines are available which
wilt permit viral culture in the laboratory. The specimen is collected
into virus transport medium and inoculated into the cell culture tube or
flask. The cells are then incubated and observed for development of a
cytopathic effect. This appears within 48 hours for some viruses, but
may take as long as 14 days to develop. The changes in cell morphology
which constitute a cytopathic effect may be characteristic of a particular
virus. Some viruses induce no cytopathic effect and must be detected
by other means.
Detection of antiviral antibodies (serology) may be useful in diagnosis,
although for common viral infections this requires the