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Exploring The World of Science: Dental Caries: A Review

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2369-4475 Review Article

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Dental Caries: A Review
Nélio Veiga1,2*, Daniela Aires1, Filipa
Douglas1, Margarida Pereira1, Ana Vaz1,
Liliana Rama1, Mariana Silva1, Vanessa
Miranda1, Francisco Pereira1, Beatriz Vidal1,
Joao Plaza1 and Filipa Bexiga1
1Health Sciences Institute - Universidade Catolica
Portuguesa, Estrada da Circunvalacao, 3504-505,
Viseu, Portugal
2Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS)
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
*Corresponding author: Nelio Veiga, Health
Sciences Department-Portuguese Catholic University,
Estrada da Circunvalacao, 3504-505, Viseu, Portugal,
Email: nelioveiga@gmail.com
Dental caries consists in a post-eruptive bacterial infectious disease characterized
by a progressive demineralization process that affects the mineralized dental tissues.
It is considered to be the most prevalent oral disease worldwide and the main cause of
tooth loss among the population [1,2].
Dental caries are responsible for a high rate of morbidity among the population
and are associated with a reduced quality of life. It is known that the prevalence of
dental caries among the general population has been linked to socio-economic and
demographic conditions, as well as behavioral aspects [3].
Therefore, in most developed countries, the prevalence of dental caries show a clear
tendency to decline in the last three decades of the twentieth century and early twentyfirst
century [2].
Throughout this article we intend to review some important aspects about dental
caries and the main etiological factors envolved so that health professionals can
intervene in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Introduction: Dental caries is the most prevalent chronic disease worldwide. It’s an
infectious disease characterized by a multifactorial etiology and slow evolution that leads to
the destruction of dental hard tissues. The implementation of preventive measures, the need
of investing in education for the correct maintenance measures of oral health, associated with
preventive and continuos medical and dental care, are key to the awareness of populations of
its existence and to the decline of its prevalence. Throughout this article we intend to review
some important aspects about dental caries and the main etiological factors envolved so that
health professionals can intervene in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Materials and Methods: To carry out this review article the search strategies included
electronic databases, such as Pubmed, Cochrane Library and Science Direct, reference
lists of articles, and selected textbooks. Articles and textbooks used in this study were
mainly reached by using the following keywords: “oral health”, “dental caries”, “etiological
factors”, “risk factors”, “primary dental prevention”. Selection criteria included articles
published from 1990 to the present year of 2016 that described the definition, etiology and
other characteristics associated with the disease dental caries. At the end of the search, 16
scientific articles were selected.
Results: Dental caries is a disease that develops through gradual complex biological
interactions of acidogenic bacteria, fermentable carbohydrates and host factors such as the
teeth and saliva, during time. The disease developes due to multifactorial aspects, since
biological to social aspects that the oral health professional should be aware of.
Discussion: The implementation of preventive measures, the need of investing in
education for the correct maintenance measures of oral health, associated with preventive
and continuos medical and dental care, are key for the awareness of populations of its
existence and contribute for the decrease of the prevalence of oral diseases.
Conclusions: Dental caries should be seen as a fairly common condition that can
greatly affect the health and quality of life of patients, so it is extremely important to
increase the knowledge towards their mechanisms, focusing on prevention and the correct
therapeutic approach. However, it is necessary to be aware of the hard work ahead in the
future related with education and oral health promotion.
Keywords: Oral health, Dental caries, Etiological factors, Risk factors, Prevention,
This article was published in the following Scient Open Access Journal:
Journal of Dental and Oral Health
Received July 25, 2016; Accepted August 10, 2016; Published August 16, 2016
Citation: Nelio Veiga, Daniela Aires, Filipa Douglas, et al. (2016). Dental Caries: A review
Page 2 of 3
Volume 2 • Issue 5 • 043 www.scientonline.org J Dent Oral Health
Materials and Methods
To carry out this review article the search strategies included
electronic databases, such as PubMed, Cochrane Library and
Science Direct, reference lists of articles, and selected textbooks.
Articles and textbooks used in this study were mainly reached
by using the following keywords: “oral health”, “dental caries”,
“etiological factors”, “risk factors”, “primary dental prevention”.
Selection criteria included articles published from 1990 to the
present year of 2016 that described the definition, etiology and
other characteristics associated with the disease dental caries. At
the end of the search, 16 scientific articles were selected.
Dental caries is a disease that develops through gradual
complex biological interactions of acidogenic bacteria, fermentable
carbohydrates and host factors such as the teeth and saliva [1].
For decades, the acidogenic bacterial species Streptococcus
mutans has been considered the main causal agent of dental
caries. Most of the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies have been
directed against this microorganism. However, recent studies on
DNA-based carious lesions and bacterial RNA have disclosed an
ecosystem which this bacterium is only a small fraction of the
whole bacterial community (microflora). Thus, it is known that
dental caries is derived from the collective action of a wide range
of micro flora [4].
A large number of studies have identified various molecular
mechanisms by which pathogenic microorganisms have the
ability to increase the biomass of oral biofilm in the presence of
sucrose, and the ability to promote biological changes of the oral
environment, causing dental caries [5].
In addition, there is a vast body of evidence that give great
importance to the role of saliva in the development of caries.
The role of saliva in the self-cleaning of the tooth surface, the
pH regulation and control of oral microflora have the ability to
reduce the cariogenic potential of the dental plaque [5,6].
The risk for the development of dental caries derived from
a synergy among physical, biological, environmental and
behavioral factors related to the individual´s lifestyle, including
the number of cariogenic bacteria, low salivary flow, and display
to insufficient fluoride, poor oral hygiene and food consumption.
All these factors are transversal to any individual [1].
The approach in a primary prevention phase should be made
based on the most common risk factors. Prevention and treatment
should focus on the management of the dental caries risk factors
and process according to the individual patient´s profile. This
prevention and treatment should ideally be the least invasive as
possible while preserving the maximum dental hard tissue [1,7].
It is significant to note that dental caries and tooth loss are
important oral health indicators of oral and general health status
Keyes in 1960 formulated a model that attempts to explain
the disease. This researcher considered that dental caries should
result of the interaction between the following determinants:
substrate, the host and microorganisms [3,9,10]. The host is
characterized by teeth and saliva. The morphology and chemical
composition of the teeth are etiological factors of extreme
importance related with dental caries. The saliva present in the
oral environment, more specifically its acid component is an
important factor for the development of dental caries. When saliva
is in its healthy state, it presents a buffering action promoting the
neutralization of acids.
Microorganisms related to caries are Streptococcus mutans,
Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacilli. These are present in
the dental plaque formed along the tooth and in accordance with
the low pH of the saliva and the lack of fluorine the development
of the dental caries can be initiated. The absence of a balanced
diet containing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and a
high intake of sugary products can easily initiate dental caries
development since the microorganisms need fermentation of
carbohydrates to form a low pH environment to achieve dental
In 1978, Newbrun adds to the three main factors of Keyes
the time factor which increases the multifactorial nature of
dental caries. The formation of dental caries is not a continuous
process but a cyclical episode where there is a predominance of
demineralization at the expense of remineralization. Enamel is an
acellular structure that has no vessels or nerves which may be the
explanation for the cavity to develop without creating any initial
inflammatory process [3,9,10].
In addition to these factors, there are other external factors.
Socio-economic and behavioral factors may influence the
development of dental caries. The age, gender, scholarship, the
presence of fluorides, oral hygiene habits, among others are all
factors that influence the development of dental caries [9,10].
We can conclude that primary preventive measures prove to
be extremely important. The risk factors have a major influence
on the variation in prevalence. Oral health programs implemented
in some regions helping in the education for oral health among
communities are important primary prevention methods.
The difficulty of access to dentists also has some influence,
because when they are not treated in an early stage, dental
caries tend to develop increasingly. We also have to consider the
individual´s caries risk, which indicates the likelihood that an
individual will develop new cavitated lesions, and this factor is
of the utmost importance since it allows the adjustment of the
therapeutic approach based on the individual risk of dental caries
development. Thus, treatment and prevention are more effective,
since they are adjusted to the own individual´s needs [10].
In the last century, several studies have increased the
scientific knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of
dental caries. The deepening of evidence regarding the
dynamic process of desmineralization and remineralization
has led to a consensus that the resulting dental destruction
due to bacterial action can be stopped or reversed by taking
primary preventive measures such as fluoride applications
associated with daily regular oral hygiene habits [7].
Recent studies report the importance of proper oral hygiene
since a young age, in that it tends to perpetuate itself efficiently
by adulthood, resulting in significant reduction in the risk of oral
disease development.
Dental caries is the most common disease of the oral cavity
and one of the main concerns consists in the lack of information
and knowledge of parents and consequente lack of transmission
Citation: Nelio Veiga, Daniela Aires, Filipa Douglas, et al. (2016). Dental Caries: A review
Page 3 of 3
Volume 2 • Issue 5 • 043 www.scientonline.org J Dent Oral Health

Subject verb agreement

Dental destruction due to bacterial action can be stopped or reversed by taking

We can conclude that primary preventive measures prove to be extremely important.

Dental caries is the most common disease of the oral cavity and one of the main concerns
consists in the lack of information.

Recent studies report the importance of proper oral hygiene since a young age, in that it tends to
perpetuate it self efficiently.

We also have to consider the individual´s caries risk

Dental caries is the most common disease of the oral cavity

and one of the main concerns consists in the lack of information

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