Diagnostics 07 00038 v2
Diagnostics 07 00038 v2
Diagnostics 07 00038 v2
Salivary Immune and Metabolic Marker Analysis
(SIMMA): A Diagnostic Test to Predict Caries Risk
Alex Mira *, Alejandro Artacho, Anny Camelo-Castillo, Sandra Garcia-Esteban and
Aurea Simon-Soro
Center for Advanced Research in Public Health, FISABIO Foundation, Valencia 46020, Spain;
artacho_ale@gva.es (A.A.); camelo_ann@gva.es (A.C.-C.); garcia_sanest@gva.es (S.G.-E.);
simon.aurea@gmail.com (A.S.-S.)
* Correspondence: mira_ale@gva.es; Tel.: +34-961-925-925
Abstract: By using ELISA and colorimetric tests, we have measured 25 compounds in individuals
with and without dental caries at different time points of dental biofilm formation and time of
the day. We find that some compounds appear to be affected by circadian rhythms, others by
dental plaque maturity, and others show constant values during a 24 h period. Using univariate
analysis and cross-validation techniques, we have selected six components measured at specific time
points that maximize the diagnostic separation of health and disease conditions. Two out of the six
selected compounds are related to immune competence, another two to the adhesion capacity of
micro-organisms, and another two to acid production or pH buffering. We conclude that, in order to
design a robust caries risk test, the time of saliva sampling must be standardized and biomarkers
from different categories must be included. The preliminary data shown in this paper provide a
proof of principle of a caries risk test based on risk-associated categories. Thus, the test will provide
not only a general caries risk assessment, but also the likely biological origin of that risk, namely:
immune imbalance, and/or a tendency to adhesion of cariogenic organisms, and/or a lack of acid
buffering. When tested longitudinally and validated in larger cohorts, this could open the possibility
to develop preventive and personalized treatments.
Keywords: saliva; dental caries; circadian rhythms; immune system; buffering capacity; pH; adhesion;
microorganisms; toothpaste
1. Introduction
Dental caries (tooth decay) is the most prevalent chronic disease in the world. Data from the
World Health Organization indicate that 80% of the human population suffers or has suffered from
it, and it affects over 50% of the population at school age [1]. Dental caries is caused by the acid
produced by micro-organisms inhabiting the oral cavity, as a consequence of the fermentation of
dietary sugars. This lowers the pH on the tooth surface under a certain threshold, below which the
enamel demineralizes, initiating a caries lesion [2]. Once the lesion is cavitated, it is irreversible and the
damage can only be restored through clinical intervention, for instance a restoration or a tooth implant.
Although cavities are caused by micro-organisms, dental caries is a multi-factorial disease [3].
Apart from the microbiology, both human-related factors such as immune competence, enamel strength,
tooth shape, or saliva buffering effect, and external environmental factors such as diet, oral hygiene, or
fluoride exposure have a direct impact on tooth decay rates [4].
Despite its high prevalence and its direct and indirect impact on human health, there are still no
effective diagnostic tools to predict dental caries, and therefore dedicate the appropriate personalized
measures to prevent the disease. A large effort has been dedicated to study bacterial composition
in the oral cavity [59], with the aim of developing tests that could relate the presence of acidogenic
organisms to caries risk. This has been performed by the direct culturing of specific bacteria [10], or by
DNA-based chips that would identify the presence of potentially pathogenic species [11]. The former
approach has been clinically applied for years, and includes diagnostic kits for caries risk assessment,
focused on culturing the acidogenic mutans streptococci and lactobacilli. However, the bacterial
counts of these two bacteria, which have traditionally been considered the main etiological agents of
dental caries, have proven to provide limited diagnostic value to predicting disease progression [12].
This can be due to the fact that Streptococcus mutans accounts for less than 1% of the total bacterial
community in cavities [17], and that lactobacilli are only found in dentin cavities and not in initial
enamel caries lesions, indicating that this species is not involved in caries initiation [13]. Furthermore,
the bacterial community within cavities is variable among individuals and cavities [14], hampering
the identification of a unique list of pathogenic organisms with predictive value for this polymicrobial
disease. In addition, most bacteria-based tests utilize saliva as a sample [9,15], and it has been shown
that saliva is not representative of the microbial community at the disease site [14,16,17].
Although caries risk tests based on saliva microbial composition have not been successful in
predicting tooth decay, saliva is a powerful sample for measuring overall body health. It is the
most easily available and accessible body fluid, and markers expressed in saliva can be used for the
diagnosis and patient follow-up of different diseases, including cancer, diabetes, hereditary disorders,
and infections [18]. Given that saliva contains many molecules that can directly or indirectly influence
oral micro-organisms and their potential cariogenic effect, measuring the levels of appropriate salivary
compounds may provide information to predict caries risk [19].
Saliva contains a wealth of substances that are protective of the teeth, and salivary flow has been
shown to be a key determinant of protection against tooth decay [20]. In fact, diseases with impaired
salivary function, as well as medication reducing saliva production, are frequently accompanied
by increased frequencies of tooth decay [21]. There are numerous salivary molecules that could
theoretically, and in many cases experimentally, be related to caries propensity, and most of them can
be included within three general categories:
tendency of an individual, the identification of the underlying reason for the diseases propensity
could allow the design of person-specific preventive treatments in the future. Thus, this preliminary
work aims to identify the potential biomarkers of dental caries, and establish the approximate health-
and disease-associated concentrations of those compounds.
Table 1. Salivary components measured in the current work and manufacturer of the kit used for
determining their concentrations.
Table 1. Cont.
3. Results
be evaluated. A period of 30 min after toothbrushing was chosen, to allow for the stabilization of
the salivary concentrations that could be altered due to the mechanical tissue abrasion. Important
concentration changes were observed across time for most compounds, indicating that the salivary
levels of these proteins are not constant (Figure 1). The trends were, however, different depending
on the compound. IgG, for instance, showed a decrease in salivary concentration from the time of
toothbrushing, whereas Calprotectin displayed an increase through time. This suggests that the time
of toothbrushing could have an effect on the salivary concentrations of some compounds. For some
proteins, such as IgA, -defensin 2, or -defensin 3, a clear U-shape pattern was observed for caries-free
individuals, where the concentrations decreased during the afternoon and night but were higher in
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 5 of 13
the two morning samples, suggesting an influence of circadian daily rhythms (the p-values for the
at anotherthetime
point. and afternoon samples
We hypothesize that thiswere 0.019
can be one for IgA,
of the 0.0005why
reasons for -defensin
the results 2,
and 0.019 for -defensin 3; the p-values for the comparison between the
of salivary tests which do not specify a sampling time may lack accuracy or consistency. two morning samples were,
respectively, 0.11, 0.35, and 0.58 (Wilcox test)). Interestingly, the salivary concentrations
Given that 12 and 24 h after toothbrushing will not represent a comfortable and reliable sampling of IgA and
-defensin 2 in caries-active
time for clinical use, and thatindividuals
the sampling appeared to be
has ideally to constant
be adjusted through time,opening
to a clinics as a consequence
hours, the of
which the levels
morning of these two
and afternoon compounds
timepoints, in the afternoon
corresponding to 0.5and evening
and 6 h afterweretoothbrushing,
significantly different
considered for further study, and the measurements of all 25 salivary components
between the caries-active and caries-free groups (Table 2). Thus, the molecules that could be good were performed
at these two
biomarkers oftimepoints.
the diseaseThe at measured
a given time concentrations of the selectedbetween
may not discriminate 25 components
andthe three
categories at
individuals foranother
timeand caries-active
point. individuals
We hypothesize thatare indicated
this in Figure
can be one of theS1A, C and
reasons E (values
why at
the results
0.5 h, morning sample) and Figure S1B, D and F (values at 6 h, afternoon
of salivary tests which do not specify a sampling time may lack accuracy or consistency. sample).
Figure Temporalchanges
Figure1.1. Temporal changes in salivary
in salivary biomarkers.
biomarkers. The graphsTheshowgraphs
the show the concentrations
concentrations (means
standard standard
error (SE))error (SE))
of 10 of 10 salivary
salivary immuneimmune
in cariesinfree
(n =free
10)(n = 10)
and and caries-active
caries-active (n =
(n 10)
= 10) individuals
individuals at four
at four time-points
time-points with with
a 24 ha period.
24 h period. Toothbrushing
Toothbrushing was performed
was performed at 9 a.m.atwith
9 a.m.
with water.Samples
Samples were collected
were at 30
collected min,
at 30 6, 12,
min, and
6, 12, 2424
and hh after
toothbrushing. Several
increase decreaseininconcentration
concentration with with time
time after
after toothbrushing.
toothbrushing. Other Othersalivary
(marked witha adaynight
with daynightsymbol)
symbol) display
display a U-shape
U-shape pattern
wherethe thetwo
morning samples
samples have
similar concentrations,
concentrations, suggesting
suggesting that that
they they are influenced
are influenced by circadian
by circadian rhythms.rhythms.
Potential Potential
include LL37,include
which LL37,
appears which appears to discriminate
to discriminate between caries-free
between caries-free and caries-active
and caries-active groups at groups
all time
at all time points, or -defensin 2, which shows large differences between caries-free
points, or -defensin 2, which shows large differences between caries-free and caries-active individualsand caries-active
only only in the
in the afternoon andafternoon
evening and evening samples.
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 6 of 14
Table 2. Statistical significance for the comparison of 25 measured salivary compounds between
caries-free and caries-active individuals at two different times after tooth brushing (performed at 9 a.m.).
Given that 12 and 24 h after toothbrushing will not represent a comfortable and reliable sampling
time for clinical use, and that the sampling has ideally to be adjusted to a clinics opening hours, the
morning and afternoon timepoints, corresponding to 0.5 and 6 h after toothbrushing, were considered
for further study, and the measurements of all 25 salivary components were performed at these two
timepoints. The measured concentrations of the selected 25 components from the three categories
for caries-free and caries-active individuals are indicated in Figure S1A,C,E (values at 0.5 h, morning
sample) and Figure S1B,D,F (values at 6 h, afternoon sample).
Figure 2. Concentrationsofofpotential
2. Concentrations potentialsalivary
biomarkers of dental
dental caries.
caries. The
normalized median and interquartile ranges for 10 caries-active (CA) and 10 caries-freecaries-free
normalized median and interquartile ranges for 10 caries-active (CA) and 10 (CF)
(CF) individuals
in 6individuals in 6 salivarywith
salivary components components
potentialwith potentialvalue
diagnostic diagnostic
at two value at two time-points:
time-points: (A) 0.5
(A) 0.5 h after h
after tooth
brushing brushing
(morning (morning
sample); andsample); and (B)
(B) 6 h after 6 hbrushing
tooth after tooth(afternoon
brushing (afternoon
sample. sample.
The data show that immune components are the ones that better discriminate between healthy
and diseased individuals. This suggests an important role for immune competence in the risk of
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 8 of 13
Thus, based on the p-values from the univariate analyses (Table 2) and the lack of overlap
Diagnostics the 7,
between 2017, 38
data 8 of 14
dispersion boxes (Figure S1), the following salivary metabolites are selected to
provide discrimination value between healthy and caries-active individuals:
1. At 6 h: caries. At 6 h after tooth brushing (afternoon sample), several components of each of the
three categories were different between the two patient groups, whereas at 0.5 h (morning sample)
a. Immune molecules: -defensin 2 and LL-37.
no differences were found in the acidic component category. The latter could be due to the fact that
b. Adhesion molecules: Collagen I and Fibronectin.
these metabolites are mainly produced after dietary carbohydrate fermentation, and are more readily
c. pH components: Formate and Phosphate.
measured at 6 h (after lunch in our sampling schedule). In order to test this possibility, the same test
2. repeated
At 0.5 h: in the morning but 10 min after a 1 min rinse with a 10% sugar solution. The results
show an improvement in the discriminatory power of Statherin and of compounds in the pH buffering
a. Immune molecules: LL-37 and IgA.
category, specifically Formate and Phosphate (Figure 3). Curiously, Lactates discriminatory power
b. Adhesion molecules: Statherin and Fibronectin (Statherin only if saliva is collected after a
did not improve after the sugar rinse. The biomarker concentrations in the other two categories were
sugary solution rinse).
affected by the sugar rinse, and although the overall tendency for the selected biomarkers in the
c. pH components: Phosphate and Lactate (Phosphate and Formate if saliva is collected after
adhesion and immune categories was maintained, the difference between caries-active and caries-free
a sugary solution rinse).
individuals was significant only for Statherin.
Figure 3. Effect
Figure 3. Effect of
of sugar
sugar rinse
rinse on
on salivary
salivary concentrations
concentrations ofof potential
potential biomarkers.
biomarkers. Unstimulated
Unstimulated saliva
samples were collected 10 min after a 1 min rinse with a 10% sucrose solution performed
samples were collected 10 min after a 1 min rinse with a 10% sucrose solution performed between between9
910 a.m.Relative
10 a.m. Relativetotothe
Table22 and
and Figure
Figure 2,
2, Phosphate
Phosphate and
and Formate
Formate increase
their discriminating
discriminating power.
power. The
The boxplots
boxplots show
show the
the median
median andand interquartile
values. Asterisks
indicate statistical significance (Wilcox rank sum test).
indicate statistical significance (Wilcox rank sum test).
In order
Thus, to on
based testthe
fromcombination of analyses
the univariate concentrations ofand
(Table 2) anythe
of lack
the aforementioned 25
of overlap between
the present boxes
data dispersion in saliva may improve
(Figure caries risk salivary
S1), the following prediction, the statistical
metabolites classification
are selected power
to provide
was comparedvalue
discrimination between the six
between variables
healthy selected above
and caries-active (those with the best p-values) and 1000
random selections of variables. Power may be defined as (proportion of correct classification of caries
1. At 6 h: (CA)) + (proportion of correct classification of caries-free individuals (NOCA)). Thus, the
maximum classification power value is 2. When the potential biomarkers of caries risk were
a. Immune molecules: -defensin 2 and LL-37.
randomly selected in groups of six, the combinations did not improve the diagnostic value provided
b. Adhesion molecules: Collagen I and Fibronectin.
by the six selected compounds, neither at 0.5 h after brushing teeth (Figure 4A) or at 6 h (Figure 4B).
c. pH components: Formate and Phosphate.
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 9 of 14
2. At 0.5 h:
of subjects without caries are falsely assigned to the high caries risk group. It is possible that the 12%
of false positives arise within the group of subjects without caries because these subjects in fact have
high caries risk, but have not clinically developed this condition due to, for example, the quality of
their diet and/or oral hygiene. Unfortunately, we did not collect diet data, and the validity of this
hypothesis should be tested with larger sample sizes, especially in longitudinal studies.
4. Discussion
Based on the above preliminary data, a Salivary Immune and Metabolic Marker Analysis test
(SIMMA test) is proposed, which is based on measuring the salivary values from an individual at a
given time point of six selected compounds, two of which are related to immune competence, another
two to the adhesion capacity of micro-organisms, and another two to the acid production and buffering
capacity. Those values are then compared to the reference values obtained from a healthy population
of a similar age, and the concentrations falling outside the healthy range are indicative of caries risk
due to an imbalance in the corresponding category. Thus, the test will provide not only a general caries
risk assessment, but also the likely biological origin of that risk, namely: immune imbalance, and/or a
tendency to adhesion of cariogenic organisms, and/or a lack of acid buffering. Based on the SIMMA
test outcome, a preventive, personalized treatment will be possible, directed towards one 10
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38
the following goals: (i) immune modulation to select a non-cariogenic oral biofilm, which could be
achieved, forone or morebyofprobiotic
example, the following goals:that
bacteria (i) immune
have beenmodulation
shown totostimulate
select a non-cariogenic oral
antibody production
(see [34] for a recent review); (ii) diminishing the adhesion capacity of a cariogenic biofilm,to
biofilm, which could be achieved, for example, by probiotic bacteria that have been shown which
be achievedantibody production
by specific (see [34] for a molecules
anti-adherent recent review);
fordiminishing the adhesion
example [35]) added tocapacity
daily of
a cariogenic biofilm, which could be achieved by specific anti-adherent molecules (see for example
hygiene products; and (iii) improving buffering capacity, which could be achieved by stimulating
[35]) added to daily dental hygiene products; and (iii) improving buffering capacity, which could be
salivary flow through chewing or by the addition of buffering molecules or prebiotic compounds that
achieved by stimulating salivary flow through chewing or by the addition of buffering molecules or
stimulate ammonia
prebiotic compounds production (see for
that stimulate example
ammonia [36]) to daily
production dental
(see for hygiene
example products.
[36]) to A flow
daily dental chart of
products. test, its rationale,
A flow chart of theand applications
SIMMA is shown
test, its rationale, andinapplications
Figure 5. is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. 5.Rationale
Rationale of
of the
the Salivary
Immune andand
Metabolic Marker
Metabolic Analysis
Marker (SIMMA)
Analysis test. An test.
unstimulated saliva sample is used to measure different compounds belonging to three functional
An unstimulated saliva sample is used to measure different compounds belonging to three functional
categories, and compare their concentrations to those or healthy, caries-free individuals from the same
categories, and compare their concentrations to those or healthy, caries-free individuals from the same
age. A skewed concentration for any of those biomarkers is considered to represent an imbalance in
age. A skewed concentration for any of those biomarkers is considered to represent an imbalance in
the corresponding category, opening possibilities for individual-specific preventive measures.
the corresponding category, opening possibilities for individual-specific preventive measures.
Our data also underline the importance of standardizing sampling time, because some
molecules with potential diagnostic value are subject to daily rhythms. Although we did not measure
salivary flow in our samples, observed daily changes in the levels of some compounds must partly
be due to salivary flow, which is known to follow a circadian rhythm [26], where lower saliva levels
in the morning would tend to elevate solute concentrations. Thus, if sampling time is not taken into
account, an individual salivary biomarker may have more predictive power when the data are
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 11 of 14
Our data also underline the importance of standardizing sampling time, because some molecules
with potential diagnostic value are subject to daily rhythms. Although we did not measure salivary
flow in our samples, observed daily changes in the levels of some compounds must partly be due
to salivary flow, which is known to follow a circadian rhythm [26], where lower saliva levels in the
morning would tend to elevate solute concentrations. Thus, if sampling time is not taken into account,
an individual salivary biomarker may have more predictive power when the data are normalized with
salivary flow rates or total protein concentration (a flow rate dependent parameter).
The univariate analysis determines the individual salivary compounds that, once measured
and compared to the healthy reference values, will suggest the appropriate treatment to prevent the
appearance of caries. In addition to this, it must be kept in mind that the combination of measurements
will be more informative and sensitive than individual ones. For instance, an individual may present
normal values for a given compound but have out-of-range values for another. This is one of the
reasons why tests based on individual variables will likely lack the sensitivity to detect the risk of
caries. In addition, not only the values of each compound but also the interaction among them may
provide information about an individuals caries risk. Thus, combining the values of all of the selected
compounds measured in a multivariate analysis should also be performed to provide an overall caries
risk value. This overall value will inform the clinician about the general tendency of the patient to
develop caries. In practice, the number of out-of-range compounds could also serve in the clinic as a
measure of the caries risk in a patient, and therefore their treatments urgency. This information could
also serve to determine individuals at risk, where the frequency of visits and the type of interventions
can be adapted to reduce the probability of future caries development [37,38].
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, a test based on the selection of biomarkers from different risk-associated categories
will provide an overall caries risk value and a list of salivary components that show skewed values.
The test should be performed at a specific timepoint and time since toothbrushing, given that both
factors, especially daily rhythms, affect salivary compounds concentration. If urine or blood tests
have to be performed under specific conditions or at timepoints for determining the health boundaries
of biomarkers, it is not unreasonable to assume that the same standardization has to be achieved with
salivary tests. The functional category to which those skewed components belong may provide a
putative prevention treatment to restore values to the healthy range.
A limitation of the current study is clearly the small sample size. Nevertheless, the preliminary
data shown in this paper provide a proof of principle of a caries risk test based on risk-associated
categories. The specific boundaries of health and disease in the concentrations of the different
biomarkers are likely to be age-specific, and should be quantified in study groups of different ages,
especially children, which is the group in which preventive strategies are most fruitful. Although
not shown in this paper, we measured salivary pH and pH buffering capacity in the same samples
using commercial kits, but these basic measurements failed to discriminate between caries-free and
caries-active individuals. However, we did not measure other variables normally used for caries
risk assessment, such as the salivary levels of cariogenic organisms, or dietary habits. Thus, the
test proposed in this paper should be compared with the methods that are currently accepted in
the assessment of caries risk (see, for example, [37,38]). Once the appropriate biomarkers have been
selected, the SIMMA test should be transformed from the current laboratory measurements into a
ready-to-use kit based on reactive strips, where out-of-range values for one or two biomarkers per
category can be easily and quickly visualized without the need for laboratory equipment. The use
of diagnostic strips has been successfully applied to determine the risk of periodontal disease in
adolescents based on the levels of the human matrix metalloproteinase MMP-8 [39]. Similarly, the
development of point-of-care diagnostic strips could be instrumental for an application of caries risk
tests at a community level. Especially relevant would be the application of caries risk assessment
in children, in order to determine those individuals at high risk where preventive measures could
Diagnostics 2017, 7, 38 12 of 14
be implemented. Some of those, like the sealing of pits and fissures for caries prevention, would
be too costly and unnecessary to perform on all children, and a test able to select high-risk patients
would be extremely helpful [40]. In private clinical practice, the identification of high-risk individuals,
and especially the putative cause of the risk, would provide the dentist with valuable information
to personalize the treatment, as well as to establish the timing of visits. The development of caries
risk assessment methods in order to achieve personalized, precision dentistry is both desirable
and achievable, but several conceptual and analytical mistakes have been highlighted, including the
application of population-level variables to individuals or the use of inappropriate modeling [41].
The data presented in this paper show an association of some salivary components with an existing
caries status. When appropriate health thresholds are established for the different biomarkers,
longitudinal studies will determine whether those compounds are not only disease-associated, but
have also a predictive value.
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