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MotionWorld 2012 2 en

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The Magazine for CNC Automation

Volume 11 2/2012

Robots for
CNC Machining
Making the
Most of Robots
Multi-axis Machining
Safety in
Machine Tools

High-End Machining with Sinumerik 840D sl

Implants with Polish

Content motion world | 2-2012

Siemens AG

Siemens AG
Precision control is the key Monogram Aerospace reduces The latest Sinumerik 840D sl version
to complex robotics downtime by speeding up tool type 1B impresses with maximum
changes productivity and quality
Page 4 Page 14 Page 18

p Cover 16
Tooling and Mold-making
Safety in Series Production
Combined CNC and Robotic
Samag Saalfelder Werkzeugmaschinen
GmbH, Germany
4 Making the Most of Robots for

p Innovations
CNC Tasks
Robots for CNC machining

Mill-Turning/Robotic Machining Sinumerik Trends

7 Higher Productivity with Robots 18 Top-Class Performance in
Alzmetall Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik the High-End Segment
GmbH & Co., Germany Sinumerik 840D sl Type 1B

p Industry p News
Automotive Collaboration
10 Expertise in Design Modeling 20 Partnership in Poland
Bertrandt AG, Germany FAT Haco, Belgium

Medical Technology Energy Efficiency

12 Implants with Polish 22 Environmental Benefits
Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG, Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy

Aerospace 23 Dialogue, Imprint

14 More Uptime and Higher
Monogram Aerospace Fasteners, USA

2 motion world | 2-2012


solutions increase

Siemens AG
Michael Brückner
Director Business Development,
Sinumerik High-End

At this year’s AMB trade show, the focus at the Siemens booth is on system solutions
for sophisticated and productive machine tools. You can look forward to several new
developments. The performance of the Sinumerik 840D sl, for example, has been
increased through the use of more powerful NCUs. This enables you to increase
the productivity of your machines even further and to move forward with your
innovations. As a premium CNC for the high-end segment, the Sinumerik 840D sl
now offers maximum milling expertise in the three- and five-axis range for mold
construction and five-axis machining with a block cycle time of up to 0.4 ms – both
with efficient machine operation via the Sinumerik Operate graphical user interface.
We are seeing a steady trend toward greater precision and a shortening of cycle times
in the manufacturing industry. As a result, manufacturers’ demand for multi-technology
machines capable of complete machining is increasing. This is precisely where the
Sinumerik 840D sl proves its value due to optimum technology integration – the
possibility, for example, of mill-turning or turn-milling on the same machine.
Another way of increasing productivity is to perfectly integrate robot loading and un-
loading on the machine tool. This solution, which was presented with KUKA at EMO 2011,
is now available as a ready-to-run solution. Loading and unloading with the robot is
carried out quite easily via the Sinumerik’s operator interface, which is familiar to
virtually every machine operator. At AMB, we will show a combination of CNC and
robot control for machining for the first time. This combination is especially suitable
for the machining of large parts or more complex geometries.
We will also be addressing other interesting topics in Stuttgart, such as the Sinumerik’s
energy efficiency solutions and the advantages of an integrated CAM/CNC process chain.
Come in and find out about our innovations and see the performance of Sinumerik
solutions for yourself – at our AMB booth C12 in Hall 4 and in this issue of motion world.
I look forward to your visit!

motion world | 2-2012 3

Cover Combined CNC and Robotic Controller

p Robots for CNC machining

Making the Most of Robots

for CNC Tasks
Only with a combination of Sinumerik CNC control and robotic control is it possible
to use robots for demanding machining tasks. With this combination, the integrated
CAM/CNC process chain can be used from modeling to the finished NC program.
p c kinematics and safety
y features are also available.

4 motion world | 2-2012

Robotic automation
plain and simple

A knuckle-boom robot offers many opportunities

due to its flexibility. Its kinematics reach points and
achieve movements that are far superior to Carte-
sian robots. However, every knuckle-boom robot
has its own operation, programming, and diag-
nostics – previously a practical obstacle to wide-
spread use with machine tools on many occasions.
Robot manufacturer KUKA has a perfect solution
for this: The functional module library mxAutoma-
tion makes starting out with robot operation consid-
erably easier because it can make the KUKA robot’s
movement sequence completely programmable in
the Sinumerik CNC. According to Tanja Birner-Such,
director product management at KUKA, “The worlds
of machines and robots are drawing even closer
together due to robotic control systems, pro-
gramming, and diagnostics that are controlled via
PLC and CNC. An annual production of 400,000
CNC machines is contrasted with the production
of around 100,000 knuckle-boom robots. So our
customers speak the language of PLCs and CNCs.
We are therefore extending our KRL [KUKA Robot
Language] programming language and speaking
the customers’ language.”

Assisted by the openness of the Sinumerik 840D sl,

user-oriented cycles are used for programming in
the familiar Sinumerik programming environment.
At the same time, robot-specific functions such as
teaching are available, even in different coordinate
systems or with different offsets. And, if on occasion
something is not working, the Sinumerik diagnostics
provide information via the robot’s indications and
alarms. So robot-specific knowledge is no longer
needed to set up the program, and automation

All photos: KUKA

becomes extremely simple.

U sing robots in production can signifi cantly

increase efficiency and productivity. Thus,
machines can be equipped for fully auto-
mated around-the-clock operation. Thanks to the
combination of CNC and robot control, robots are
the complete root machining of the blade in a wind
turbine here. This consists of face milling (trimming)
as well as the placement of horizontal and vertical
holes. The robot can also assist with the bonding
process or lamination of the blade.
also perfect for CNC tasks. This gives machine
tool builders the opportunity to easily integrate Perfect interaction
robot kinematics into their machine designs. With this CNC and robot controller combination, the
program required for the CNC is created directly from
Siemens and Augsburg-based KUKA Roboter GmbH, a the NX CAM system by Siemens PLM. Connection of
world-leading supplier of industrial robots, are jointly the Sinumerik 840D sl to KUKA’s KR C4 controller is
exhibiting the combination of a Sinumerik CNC and effected via a motion control interface that enables
KUKA’s robot controller for the first time at AMB 2012. the controllers to be integrated consistently into the
The presentation focuses on the cell for machining process chain from CAM to path movement. The tried
composites – material that will gain importance in and tested interface of the mxAutomation handling
the fields of automotive construction and also power solution is used for diagnostics, including drive
generation in the future. The robot can take over diagnostics, of course. Birner-Such, is very pleased

motion world | 2-2012 5

Cover Combined CNC and Robotic Controller

with the integrated solution of the Sinumerik 840D sl

CNC and the KR C4 robot controller: “We are con-
vinced that we can now offer machine builders a
» With the integrated solution perfect solution.” Michael Brückner, Director Business
Development, Sinumerik High-End at Siemens, adds,
of CNC and robot controller, “And this, while they continue to rely on Sinumerik
for operation and Simatic for cell control.”
we can offer machine A robot as a flexible six-axis machine
It is possible to perform six-axis machining with the
builders a perfect solution. « six degrees of freedom afforded by a robot. This pro-
vides the user with a high level of flexibility and
Tanja Birner-Such, Director Product Management,
excellent workpiece accessibility at comparatively
KUKA Roboter GmbH
low costs. Manufacturers of industrial robots offer
their products in modular form matched to the
intended use. As a result, there are robots for pal-
leting, welding, assembly and also milling. These
robots are specifically strengthened in terms of
mechanics and gears so that they can absorb greater
machining forces. In addition, robot manufacturers
CNC Machining with Sinumerik offer special packages for robots to optimize both
Live at AMB accuracy and the robot’s dynamics.

Siemens will demonstrate trends in CNC machining with Last, but not least, the robot controller also delivers
Sinumerik – live at AMB 2012: five-axis machining, robot-specific safety features such as Cartesian space
machining of new materials such as composites, as monitoring or a safe speed of the machine tool.
well as the use of robots for machining. Machine build- Thus, KUKA’s KR C4 controller combines motion and
ers and users can look forward to seeing new develop- safety control and replaces passive responses with
ments for the Sinumerik 840D sl CNC as well as the extremely fast, active interaction. By connecting to
OP 019 operator panel. Visit the Siemens booth C12 the Sinumerik motion control, it is optimally suited
in Hall 4 for live demonstrations. for use in demanding machining tasks, paving the
Other booths featuring interesting information about way for launching into new markets such as the
Sinumerik solutions are the CNC arena in booth B12 in machining of composites. p
Hall 4, booth E0-100 from VDW Jugend, and booth D32
in Hall 5 hosted by the Technical University of Darmstadt,
Institute for Production Management, Technology, and
Machine Tools.

i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
c ont a c t michael.strahlberger@siemens.com

6 motion world | 2-2012

Cover M i l l -Tu r n i n g / R o b o t i c M a c h i n i n g

Parts that require both

milling and turning are
produced 30 percent
more quickly on the new
hybrid machining center

p Alzmetall Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co., Germany

Higher Productivity
with Robots
Siemens AG

Robots using Sinumerik 840D sl to load blanks and to perform

pallet management have enabled the machine tool builder
Alzmetall to achieve extremely high levels of productivity
with its complex five-axis mill-turning centers.

H igh-performance machine tools are par-

ticularly efficient when they are able to
operate around the clock. With this in mind,
Alzmetall Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.,
a manufacturer of high-quality machining centers,
production manager at Alzmetall, appreciates the
performance of this modern mill-turning center.
“It brings significant reductions in production time,
labor-intensive reclamping tasks, and improves
accuracy,” he explains. “We manufacture complex
has equipped its production facility with two components that require both milling and turning
five-axis GS 1000/5-FDT machines linked to a using the hybrid GS 1000/5-FDT machining centers,
robot that automatically loads the blanks into which perform milling and turning in a single clamp-
the machines. The entire system is controlled ing, on average 30 percent faster than using two
by a Sinumerik CNC system. Wolfgang Losert, machines.”

motion world | 2-2012 7

Cover M i l l -Tu r n i n g / R o b o t i c M a c h i n i n g

» We developed the electronic

pallet management system
for the robot together with
Siemens. From initial proto-
types to final integration,
everything was done
with the highest levels
of professionalism and

Photos: Siemens AG
reliability. «
Wolfgang Losert, Production Manager, Alzmetall

Best for small batches duction for machining centers and drilling machines,
but is also used to process gray and ductile iron from
The efficiency of the synchronous five-axis mill- the company foundry for external customers who
turning centers is further increased by using a are happy to benefit from Alzmetall’s expertise. This
robot to load the machines. This has brought sig- is where robot assistance really comes into its own,
nificant productivity gains for Losert and his pro- making it possible to operate connected machines
duction team, which has helped him increase the unstaffed for many hours. The only limitation is the
proportion of external job orders. “We first started intake capacity of the pallet stand system, the pro-
accepting outside orders three years ago. Now we cessing time of the individual workpieces, and tool
use approximately 40 percent of our production wear. The automated system can operate on its own
capacity for external customers from a range of for several shifts without an assigned employee,
highly demanding industries, such as mold and die which among other benefits makes it easier to intro-
production, the automotive industry, and turbo duce weekend shifts. Alzmetall has designed its pal-
machinery,” he says. Alzmetall expects that the cost let stand system with 16 pallet slots so that it lasts
of deploying robots in the company will pay for for at least one complete shift without needing to
itself within a year. be refilled.

The use of robots is especially beneficial for contract Perfect interaction

manufacturers who need to produce a wide range The robot’s electronically-controlled pallet manage-
of different workpieces in small batches, because ment system was developed jointly by Alzmetall and
the machining time is a major factor in profitability. Siemens and stored in the Sinumerik CNC system.
According to Losert, the ideal workpiece is one that Losert, who worked on the project as a production
takes between 8 and 40 minutes to produce. Alz- specialist, is delighted at the level of collaboration:
metall manufactures a wide range of parts. The robot- “From initial prototypes to final integration, every-
assisted GS 1000/5-FDT five-axis mill-turning cen- thing was done with the highest levels of profession-
ters are used in the production of around 100 differ- alism and reliability.” In practice, the Sinumerik
ent workpieces, in batch sizes of anywhere between CNC takes on the master role, while the robot is used
5 and 150 units. The Alzmetall PowerCell TWIN sys- only during system commissioning and when there
tem is not only used in the company’s own tool pro- are any changes to the pallet management system,

8 motion world | 2-2012

because it is required to set-up the pallet slots.
When the production program for a new workpiece
has been written, the machine operator links it to
the pre-determined pallet slot on the machine’s oper-
ator panel. The system is now ready to run com-
pletely automatically. Before the program starts, the
operator fits the first machine with the pre-defined
tools. Then, protected by the Safety Integrated soft-
ware package, he or she moves the workpiece into
the machine to be processed. During this process,
the speed and feed rate of the machine are limited
and the robot is safely disconnected. However, the
system is not idle at this point because the robot is
simultaneously loading the second machine. If the
set-up phase confirms that the program is running
safely, then it can be mirrored on the second mill-
turning center without any further checks, imme-
diately doubling production capacity.

Intuitive operator interface

Losert sees many benefits in the new Sinumerik
Operate user interface: “We don’t program directly
on the machine, which means the operator panel is
required only for set-up and initiating the production The Sinumerik Operate operator interface is very similar to that of a PC;
run. However, I was quickly convinced of the benefits during set-up, the operator is supported by graphical displays and
of the new user interface.” The Sinumerik Operate animated images
graphical user interface is very similar to that of a PC.
During set-up, the operator is supported by graphi-
cal displays and animated images. So, for example,
every level features self-explanatory icons that can
be configured as Favorites. There are also many
intelligent functions that are helpful for tool and
workpiece measurement, among other tasks. The
Sinumerik Operate user interface also features
integrated swivel commands that make machine cycles, known from ShopTurn. To do so, the trans-
set-up easier. verse turning axis can even be set so that it is ver-
tical, in order to match the actual orientation.”
Other users of the Alzmetall mill-turning center pro-
gram directly on the machine itself. In this case, Another control-specific highlight is the ability
Sinumerik Operate offers even more advantages: to equip the GS 1000/5-FDT with the Sinumerik
Because all the processing technologies are hosted MDynamics technology package. At the heart of
in the same NC kernel, the user is always presented this development is the new Advanced Surface
with a consistently structured operator interface. This intelligent path control. Siemens experts have fur-
means that milling and turning processes can be easily ther improved the look-ahead functions so that
programmed and set-up on the same machine. the velocity profiles of adjacent milling paths are
automatically harmonized. This helps achieve the
There are three basic programming methods to required high level of surface finish in an extremely
choose from: ShopMill or ShopTurn as a graphical short period of time and with the highest possible
workstation-oriented workflow programming quality. In addition, there is an intelligent jerk-
system, programGuide for cycle support, and DIN/ control system that ensures smooth acceleration
ISO-compliant G-code programming and Sinumerik and deceleration of the axes despite the extreme
high-level programming language. If the user de- dynamics of the equipment. This helps preserve
cides to use ShopMill, he or she gets an animated the mechanical components of the machine and
graphical interface for simple work-step program- increases their longevity. p
ming. If turning is required, as well as milling, that
is no problem for the modern GS range of hybrid
machining centers. Andreas Pfisterer, Siemens prod- i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
uct manager for Sinumerik, explains: “At any time, c ont a c t alois.penzkofer@siemens.com
the operator can access a wide range of turning

motion world | 2-2012 9

Industry Automotive

p Bertrandt AG, Germany

Expertise in
Design Modeling
A five-axis machining center delivers high levels of productivity for an engineering
service provider specializing in the manufacture of complex 3-D geometries. Crucial
to the performance of the machine – alongside its mechanical design – is its use of
a high-end CNC with optimized motion control capabilities.

B ertrandt AG, based in Ehningen, Germany, is

a global engineering service provider that
supports automotive and aircraft manufactur-
ers and suppliers in the development of their next-
generation models. A major part of the company’s
20 percent faster with the new machining center
than with the previous three-plus-two-axis solution.

In addition to productivity, customer solutions from

Bertrandt require a high-quality surface finish and
business involves regularly checking the extent to production tolerances in the tenths of a millimeter
which the ideas of designers and engineers can
actually be implemented in practice. Despite the
availability of sophisticated simulation technologies,
nothing can take the place of a tangible model of Benefits of Sinumerik Operate
the design in question. Accordingly, the Bertrandt at a glance
Technikum GmbH site boasts a superbly equipped 3 Windows-style user interface for intuitive
design modeling facility. operation

The main responsibility of CAM/milling coordinator 3 Graphical display with animated images
Richard Richter lies in optimizing the processing time 3 Many integrated intelligent functions
required to develop realistic models from design
data. The important thing here is to select the best 3 Three programming methods to choose from:
milling machine for the workpiece in question from ShopMill/ShopTurn, programGuide, DIN/ISO
all the available machinery at the site. The factors and Sinumerik high-level language
governing this decision include the size and com-
plexity of the model. The models are manufactured
primarily from plastics such as Ureol. The Gamma T
Linear portal milling machine from the Frickenhausen- range. The new machining center guarantees posi-
based supplier EiMa GmbH is a popular choice for tioning accuracy of 0.025 mm and repeat accuracy
manufacturing medium-sized components. of 0.012 mm, which means it is always within the
required values. Crucial to this accuracy are the
Twenty percent faster than robustness of the mechanical design and the quality
the previous model of the Sinumerik 840D sl with its new Sinumerik
As part of an operator model agreement, Bertrandt’s Operate user interface and MDynamics technology
modeling department commissions this machine from package. Cutting experts Schilling and Richter both
HS-Kunststofftechnik, a specialist milling service agree: “In terms of performance in simultaneous
provider. In terms of size, design, and performance, five-axis machining, Sinumerik control systems have
the five-axis machining center, which is equipped been the industry leader for years.”
with the Sinumerik 840D sl control system, meets
all of the requirements of company owner Stefan Intuitive operation, high-quality interfaces
Schilling. Although throughput time varies considerab- The machine supplier is also convinced that Schilling
ly depending on the shape and size of the models, has made the right decision in choosing the Sinumerik
Schilling and Richter believe production is around 840D sl. As EiMa managing director Helmut Gras

10 motion world | 2-2012

Siemens AG
In addition to the mechanical design of the machine, Sinumerik 840D sl with Sinumerik Operate
and Sinumerik MDynamics is essential for the high productivity and production quality of plastic models

explains: “Approximately 70 percent of our custom- by cutting expert Schilling: “The Cycle832 high-
ers rely on control systems from Siemens. And with speed setting lets us adapt our processing strategy
the most recent improvements to Sinumerik Operate very quickly, and the new Cycle800 swivel cycles
and MDynamics in particular, I see a great deal of allow even complex workpieces to be prepared and
further potential.” Gras knows exactly what he is processed quickly and easily from a single setting.”
talking about because his company was involved as The new JOG-mode measurement functions are also
pilot partner during the implementation phase of interesting, further simplifying the machine set-up –
the latest developments. even for three-plus-two-axis centers.

Sinumerik Operate offers three different methods Downtime costs money

for programming and setting the workpieces: the When a machine drops out of production, immediate
ShopMill and ShopTurn as graphical user interface, action is required. That’s why an efficient service
programGuide for G-code with cycle support, and offering is a key requirement of Bertrandt. Even
traditional DIN/ISO programming. Stefan Schmidt, 24-hour service isn’t adequate, according to model-
a Bertrandt employee at the site, enjoys working with ing manager Richter. In this case, the proximity to
the software: “I’ve been working with Sinumerik CNCs company sites and a service agreement with Siemens
for a long time now, but the new Sinumerik Operate bring considerable benefits, with response times
user interface makes my job even easier.” The Sinumerik coming in at well under eight hours. p
MDynamics technology package really comes into its
own in complex five-axis machining. Precision work-
pieces with high-quality surface finishes can now be
produced even more quickly. Sinumerik MDynamics
has also seen the further development of various i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
functions for high-speed cutting, which are made c ont a c t wolfgang.reichart@siemens.com
available on the EiMa machining center and used

motion world | 2-2012 11

Industry M e d i c a l Te c h n o l o g y

p Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Implants with Polish

The production of bone and joint implants requires equipment with
cutting-edge technology. The latest software tools allow optimal
interaction between CAM and CNC systems and guarantee a perfect
finish and the highest levels of p
product q y

T he world’s first artificial hip, which was

implanted in Germany in 1963, was pro-
duced by the German company Waldemar
Link GmbH & Co. KG. Since then, the specialist
manufacturer has repeatedly set standards in the
development of artificial implants. “We have a
wide range of special one-off designs, starting
from slightly modified standard knee joints and
extending up to and beyond complete femur
replacements, that is, implants that completely
rebuild the thighbone. Our day-to-day work pri-
marily involves the series production of bone and
joint implants,” explains Kai Lemke, production
manager at Link.

Link uses highly sophisticated CNC grinding

machines to produce knee implants such as the
femur components of the Gemini SL bone sur-
face replacement, which is available in eight vari-
ants to suit the most diverse medical indications.
Grinding is now a validated method in the over-
all CNC process and helps create products that are
identical. With up to 600 grinding paths side-by-side
on the surface of a knee joint, a great deal of com-
puting power is required from the CAM worksta-
tions and the machine tool used. Grinding helps
combine an extremely high-quality surface finish
with a high degree of repeat accuracy, especially
on the extremely hard materials used for these
implants, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum

Integration of all available product data

From the original idea to the sterile packing of the
product, almost all tasks are performed within the

company’s internal production network. In addition


to manufacturing the blanks in the company’s own


foundry, there is also an internal research and


Link manufactures thighbone

r Lin

development (R&D) division called Deru. As part of


implants using sophisticated


its R&D process, Deru uses the NX CAM and Team- CNC machines from Haas

12 motion world | 2-2012

Grinding achieves an
extremely high-quality surface
finish with a high degree of
repeat accuracy, especially on the
exceptionally hard materials used
in medical technology

Haas Schleifmaschinen GmbH

center software tools for its product lifecycle » The optimal interaction
management (PLM), which supports a consistent
process chain across the company, from construc-
tion to the finished workpiece. “The optimal
between CAM and CNC that we
interaction between CAM and CNC that we
get by combining NX CAM and the Sinumerik
get by combining NX CAM and
control system is essential for creating excel-
lent products,” stresses Lemke. the Sinumerik control system is
Production plans, created by the NX CAM essential for creating excellent
system from the individual parts, contain
not only the CNC programs for the implants products. «
themselves, but also complete information
on the required production resources, such as Kai Lemke, Production Manager, Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG
machines, tool lists, clamping devices, and so
on. The accessibility of all these data in the
Teamcenter software facilitates the seamless
transfer of information to the production depart-
ment. The data are linked in the PLM system,
ensuring that all processes are completely trans-
parent, and the CNC programs are sent directly
to the machine over the network. grind CB machines. These work with directly driven
grinding spindles and are equipped with the high-
Strict safety requirements fulfilled performance Sinumerik 840D sl CNC and automatic
“Because we place a lot of emphasis on an inte- handling systems. “Our machines use only compo-
grated overall process, our employees need to have nents that are innovative and that we know really
a general understanding of that whole process, as work,” explains Philip Burkard, project manager at
well as solid and specific expertise in their own par- Haas. These include the Sinumerik Safety Integrated
ticular area of responsibility,” explains Lemke. “We safety functions that are integrated into control sys-
also place correspondingly high demands on our tem and drive technology. The safety package moni-
equipment partners.” When it comes to grinding, tors the machine tool in all its operating states, with
the company works closely with Haas Schleif- safety indicators linked to process steps so that both
maschinen GmbH based in the German town of machine and operator are protected from possible
Trossingen. The extensive implementation of hazards. p
Siemens products at the implant specialist is also
based on the same requirement. Both companies
understand the strict regulations and restrictions
governing the medical technology sector and are i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
therefore able to provide optimal support for cus- c ont a c t sabine.fietz@siemens.com
tomers. Link polishes its knee implants on Multi-

motion world | 2-2012 13

Te c h n o l o g y Aerospace

p Monogram Aerospace Fasteners, USA

More Uptime and

Higher Productivity
Monogram Aerospace Fasteners uses remote access and condition monitoring from
Siemens to troubleshoot and reduce machine tool service calls by
y over 25 p

M onogram Aerospace Fasteners (MAF) is a

leading producer of high-strength blind
bolts for aircraft assembly, temporary fas-
teners for fixturing and alignment, as well as instal-
lation, finishing and removal tools. With manufac-
S6 line to MAF, specifically for the high volume of
fastener families produced at the company. A key to
the S6 design is the centerline clamping, two-jaw
chucking system that allows fast diameter change-
overs for the rapid production of workpiece families.
turing expertise spanning more than 120 years, the The powerful Sinumerik 840D CNC on the S6 permits
company has pioneered a number of fastener inno- nearly immediate restart of the cutting cycle with
vations, like its Visu-Lok®, Composi-Lok®, Radial- the proper feed speed and rapid traverse, after a fast
Lok®, or OSI-Bolt® brands. Likewise, the company’s tool and clamp jaw change, made possible by the
fastener designs have evolved with the times and configuration of the machine design. The CNC was
technology to incorporate various features required considered by MAF as a critical step up from the
for semi- or totally automated assembly operations, conventional hydraulic or hydromechanical control
as well as to meet the unique fastening require- typically found on such machines. It was a definite
ments of today’s composite aero structures. The solution to the small and medium batch production
company boasts numerous industry certifi cations needs at the fastener manufacturer.
(AS9100, ISO9001 and NADCAP), plus supplier
awards for quality, delivery and its achievements There was also some consideration being given to a
in driving the technology forward. further enhancement, namely, an ongoing condition
monitoring system offered by Siemens that would
Definite solution substantially improve the predictive maintenance
Recently, MAF purchased four new Eubama S6 CNC capabilities at MAF. While many companies do pre-
turning machines. This German machine tool builder, ventive maintenance in a regular pattern and set
with its local office in Elkhart, Indiana, provided the time period, predictive maintenance would key the

Eubama designed
the S6 with
centerline quick-
change jaws and
rapid tool change
capability to
fur ther reduce


14 motion world | 2-2012

activities of the MAF personnel to the actual perfor- Grove Village, Illinois, regarding a fault on one of the
mance and onsite utilization of the machine tools. Eubama S6 turning centers. The remote access session
was initiated by the MAF operator directly on the
As Daniel Martinez from the Siemens Aerospace machine’s CNC and the technical support was able to
Center of Competence describes it, “Monogram see the alarm log directly onscreen to diagnose the
was seeking a total service solution, where the ser- issue. It was immediately determined that an onsite
vice contract would be extended in functionality field service call was needed. However, prior to the use
by giving our service department the ability to look of ePS, this incident would likely have required 3–4
into their Eubama machines on very short notice. additional calls and as much as 300 percent more time
We convinced Monogram’s management that the to resolve. The obvious savings to the MAF production
enhanced service and remote access capabilities scenario were substantial.
of our Electronic Production Services [ePS] were a
less-costly investment, compared to the increase Through ePS, all HMI action logs, machine data and
in service and inside maintenance needed.” CNC status data are captured in real time. A PLC trace
enables the prior actions to be taken as a snapshot
The condition monitoring system would track five for instant analysis of alarms. Alerts generated by the
key conditions (called triggers) with SMS/e-mail noti- system can take the form of text or e-mail messages,
fication. Additionally, production part count would both internally, to the MAF personnel and externally
be plotted graphically, for easy access by the produc- to the Siemens Technical Support.
tion team. The five triggers included a maintenance
task involving backups on each machine, part counts Flexible system
per shift, spindle temperature, alarm log and current The trigger determinations of ePS can vary substan-
status of each machine, plus a notification if the tially with the customer. It is not a one-size-fits-all
machine was in e-stop condition for more than proposition, because the production variables moni-
30 minutes. tored are driven by customer and machine needs.
Condition monitoring services are not designed only
From the Siemens technical support side, engineer for large production departments. A shop of any size
Brad Cornell commented, “By accessing the Eubama can benefit almost immediately from this service,
machines at MAF with our ePS, we eliminated addi- especially where “lights-out machining” takes place.
tional calls to identify part numbers and software In a smaller shop, where there is often no distinct
versions. I could look into the error log, versions dis- maintenance personnel, the operator and shop
play and machine data instantly to get actual values. owner alike can use condition monitoring to their
By utilizing ePS remote viewing, we minimized time advantage. p
spent on the diagnosis of a failure.”

Better support in less time

i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
As an example of the functionality of the system, MAF c ont a c t john.meyer@siemens.com
recently contacted the Siemens Technical Center in Elk

Siemens AG
Siemens AG

ne tool data,
to the error log, machi
ws Sie me ns Tec h Suppor t instant access and res olve a problem
ePS condition monit
oring allo ine cause
ce to quickly determ
CNC status and PLC tra

motion world | 2-2012 15

Industry To o l i n g a n d M o l d - m a k i n g

S amag GmbH is a manufacturer of machine

tools and individual components. Based in
the Thuringia region of Germany, the com-
pany employs around 500 people, 366 of whom
are involved in the manufacture of machine tools.
The main focus is on manufacturing parts for the
automotive sector, but the company also produces
hydraulic and pneumatic components, along with
tools and dies. Its machine range includes multi-
spindle horizontal machining centers along with
special-purpose machines and deep drilling
machines. The machining centers can be used to
process small to medium workpieces efficiently,
accurately, and safely with four or, optionally, five
axes. “Our machine strategy allows for preparation
and processing to be carried out simulta neously.
While one workpiece is being processed, the next
ones are already being manually or automatically
clamped in place. We then use a pivot to move the
pieces into the loading area or the processing
chamber,” explains Samag designer Ronny Witt. This
strategy dramatically reduces nonproductive time
and allows machines to be easily integrated into the
company’s automation systems. The results of this
basic concept are the MFZ4 and MFZ6 lines, which
can each be fitted with two, three, or four spindles.

Effective protection with

Sinumerik Safety Integrated
At the heart of the automation concept is the Sinumerik
840D sl. “We’ve been using this modern CNC con-
trol system since 2010, but even before that we
had positive experiences with a pilot machine,” says
Harald Wagner, group leader of electrical design at
Samag. The Sinumerik 840D sl is a universal and
flexible CNC system that works equally well with dif-

p Samag Saalfelder Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, Germany

Safety in Series
In addition to highly sophisticated mechanical components,
Samag GmbH relies on the latest Sinumerik 840D sl and Sinamics
S120 control and drive technologies with integrated safety
features when manufacturing g multispindle
p machining
g centers.
Photos: Siemens AG

Multispindle machining centers can be used to process

workpieces effectively, accurately, and safely

16 motion world | 2-2012

Sinumerik Safety Integrated
at a glance

3 Safe and easy operation of machines in all types of

operating conditions – for example, in set-up and test
mode with an open safety door
3 Compliance with DIN EN 61508 for use up to and
including SIL (Safety Integrity Level) 2, and category
3 and PL (Performance Level) d in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 13849
3 Functions for safe monitoring both at speed
and when idling
3 Functions for the safe isolation of processing
and safety chambers, and for area identification
3 Direct connection and internal logical combination
of all safety-relevant signals

A Sinumerik 840D sl mounted on a C-frame is a characteristic feature

on all Samag machining centers

ferent processing technologies. It also includes PLC master communication system – for performing
functionality, meaning that companies like Samag remote diagnostics via modem or Internet, for
do not need to add an additional special system to example.
their machining centers. The high-end control sys-
tem is characterized by its openness and scalability, “We deploy the whole spectrum of Siemens NC tech-
so that in terms of the user interface and underlying nology for all the different tasks we perform, includ-
software, there are very few barriers to the imple- ing additional panels, handheld devices, and even a
mentation of specific customizations. The control second control system,” explains Wagner. The close-
concept also provides effective personal and equip- ness of the partnership between the companies is
ment protection in the form of Sinumerik Safety demonstrated by the fact that every new machine
Integrated, which integrates safety functions concept is first discussed in detail, and the modular
into the control and drive technologies. “Safety control concept is then designed in collaboration.
Integrated is used on all the machines at Samag,” Wagner sees this level of cooperation as extremely
explains Wagner. “The reason for this is that we positive: “Regardless of whether we are dealing with
always have a large number of NC axes in operation hardware or software, the communication is excel-
at any given time. The four-spindle MFZ6 alone has lent. And whenever we need help, we get it – which
23 NC axes.” isn’t always the case when you have two companies
that are so different in size.” p
Positive collaboration between partners
The Sinamics S120 is the servodrive of choice at
Samag. Its key benefits are the integrated system
modules for all the production areas, along with its
compactness, modularity, and flexibility. For efficient
communication, the designers use Profibus to con-
nect distributed I/O devices via a Simatic ET-200S.
“As for motors, we use three models: the Simotics i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
S-1FK7, S-1FT7, and M-1PH7,” continues Wagner. c ont a c t bernd.lb.lehmann@siemens.com
The machining centers are also equipped with a

motion world | 2-2012 17

I n n o v a t i o n se n S i n u m e r i k T r e n d s

p Sinumerik 840D sl Type 1B

Top-Class Performance
in the High-End Segment
The new version of the Sinumerik 840D sl permits the flexible
networking of machine tools, while extended functionality
enables efficient, high-performance operation.

T he Sinumerik 840D sl type 1B features

scalability up to the highest performance
level together with maximum accuracy and
extreme efficiency. Up to 93 axes and spindles
ensure maximum quality and productivity, and
additional axes are implemented with the CU 320-2
control unit. The functions in Sinumerik Operate are
also innovative. As a result, the Manual Machine
function in ShopMill/ShopTurn is available now for
milling, and features of this function have been
the Profinet functions make engineering, main- enhanced for turning. In Manual Machine it is
tenance, and diagnostics easier than ever. possible to use the same options as in the Editor.
This results in consistent and efficient machine
Tried-and-tested Sinumerik concept operation.
The Sinumerik 840D sl line offers a tried-and-tested
concept featuring CNCs in a variety of performance Profinet simplifies wiring,
versions, from the Sinumerik 840D sl Basic, the eco- engineering, and diagnostics
nomical solution for machine tools with up to six Productivity is not least a question of the speed and
axes, to the high-performance high-end model for reliability of communication. The Sinumerik 840D sl
complex machining tasks. All the functions for the type 1B offers Profinet functionality as standard for
various CNC, HMI, PLC, control, and communication
tasks are combined in one NC unit. Hardware and
software can be scaled separately, which allows
flexible set-up for any machine and production
environment, thus enabling individual machines
to be tailored to the customer’s requirements.

Maximum productivity
The latest version of the Sinumerik 840D sl
offers a performance category with w in-
creased performance thanks
nks to mult
ock cycle tim
technology, with low block mes
of up to 0.4 ms, and more re powerfuul
PLCs. Based upon the optimized
atform, it
Sinamics S120 drive platform,
evel of
offers an even higher level
accuracy and maximum control
dynamics for the best sur-ur-
face quality while machin-in-
ing. It can be extended by
up to 93 NC axes via an
NCU link. This ensures
maximum quality and
s AG

productivity. Further
s: Sie
All p

18 motion world | 2-2012

team for
machine tools:
the new Highlights at a glance
Sinumerik ... 3 Scalable up to the highest performance level
due to multi-kernel technology
3 Up to 93 axes and spindles for optimum quality
and accuracy
3 Optimized Sinamics S120 drive platform for greater
accuracy and maximum control dynamics
3 Profinet on-board as standard for simpler engi-
neering, wiring, diagnostics, and maintenance

... the
th new
Sinamics S120
Combi drive

out the use of additional PN-PN couplers. Shared

Device, which enables two controllers to access the
same Profinet I/O device (for example, distributed
peripherals or drives), offers simplifications for engi-
neering. This reduces the number of hardware com-
ponents and interfaces necessary, which simplifies
the system configuration and wiring. Shared Device
also optimizes the implementation of machine tools
in which a Sinumerik controller with an integrated
standard PLC is used for machining tasks and a fail-
safe Simatic PLC is used for safety tasks. The new NC
unit integrates a PLC web server, which, in addition
to pre-defined status and diagnostic information, also
provides user-definable process information. It is pos-
sible with an Internet browser to access the web
server via the machine or company network without
... and high
an engineering system. This makes commissioning
performanc and diagnostics, in particular, considerably easier.
Simotics motors Fast access to this information reduces downtimes,
since machines can easily be diagnosed remotely
and service calls can be planned to perfection. Even
the documentation of a machine can be stored as
HTML on the web server.

Perfect for the most demanding

Thanks to its innovations in scalability, perfor-
reduced wiring requirements, simpler engineer- mance, accuracy, control dynamics, and communi-
ing, and more flexible diagnostics and maintenance. cation, the Sinumerik 840D sl type 1B is particularly
With the I-Device function extension, the Sinumerik suitable for demanding applications in the high-end
CNC becomes both an intelligent controller and an segment – for example, complete machining in a
I/O device. It can therefore communicate not only single work-step. p
with subordinate devices as an I/O controller, but
also with higher-level or central controllers as an I/O
device. This enables very simple and fast controller-
controller communication on the same bus, with
full system access throughout the entire network. i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
At the same time, it is possible to access addresses c ont a c t engelhard.tobisch@siemens.com
of the I-Device with the Profinet IO protocol with-

motion world | 2-2012 19

News Collaboration

p FAT Haco, Belgium

in Poland
Since the Belgium Haco group took
over the Polish lathe manufacturer FAT,
Sinumerik CNC accomplished the
evolution of the company. Ever since,
FAT Haco can look back on 15 years
of using Sinumerik.

A bout 15 years ago, the Belgian Haco group

of machine builders, who originally became
famous for their sheet and woodworking
machines, took over the Polish state-owned com-
pany FAT (Fabryka Automatow Tokarskich), a manu-
facturer of automatic lathes. Originally, FAT focussed
on manufacturing lathes, teach-in lathes and slant
bed lathes. By now, they have about 200 employees
and are evolving towards larger and more complex
machines – like turning centers. Turning centers can
be used for milling, drilling, tapping, grinding and so
on – all in addition to turning. ”In other words, one
can produce completely finished items, all one the
same machine,“ Gabriel Joye, managing director of
FAT Haco, explains.

”Initially, the management saw opportunities in sim-

ply mechanically upgrading the existing range of
machining possibilities of the company – but in the
end, we decided to expand the production of lathes,“
says Joye. Under the former Polish regime, economic
activity was regulated strictly – which means that
only a limited number of manufacturers was allowed
to manufacture lathes. And if so, then only in a
specific basic segment. FAT, for example, was only
allowed to manufacture lathes with a swing of 560
and 630. After the fall of the former regime, quite a
number of Polish companies – including FAT – have
been privatized step-by-step. ”And after this privat-
ization, we finally have been able to expand the pro-
duction of conventional lathes to teach-in lathes and
bigger sizes and ranges,“ Joye states.
FAT has retrofitted its machines
with Sinumerik – for the
All machines have been fitted with
production of larger and more
Sinumerik controls complex parts
FAT possessed the expertise and the technology, at
least as far as conventional machines were con-

20 motion world | 2-2012

cerned. What they needed, however, was to estab-
lish computerized numerical control machines.
”Since we took the step to CNC, we decided to use
Sinumerik – and this is how the cooperation with
Siemens Belgium came about,“ Joye continues.
”Besides, there aren’t so many other manufactur-
ers of control systems. And since Siemens is well-
established in Western Europe, where our intended
market was mainly located, the decision was soon
made.“ Other reasons for the cooperation with
Siemens have been the good service infrastructure
in Western Europe as well as their general expertise
In Wroclaw Siemens and FAT celebrated
of CNC systems. And once the decision was made,
the 1,000th Sinumerik control in the
all of their machines have been fitted with Sinumerik 1,000th FAT machine
controls. Recently, the integration of the 1,000th
Sinumerik CNC in the 1,000th FAT machine was

Last, but not least, Siemens Belgium was recently

approved by the Siemens head office as ”Compe-
tence Center for Retrofit for Central Europe,“ which » Since we took the step
also qualified them for the FAT project. ”All of these
points played a prominent role with regard to our to CNC, we decided to
decision,“ says Joye.

Intention of building larger and more use Sinumerik, because

complex machines
”By now, the cooperation between Siemens and FAT
Siemens is well-
has grown from a pure customer/supplier relation-
ship into a full-fledged industrial partnership,“
established in Western
Thierry Van Eeckhout, Siemens Belgium, confirms.
Six machines in the company’s machine park have Europe, where our
already been retrofitted so far. ”During these initial
retrofits we still took full responsibility for the proj- intended market was
ect, but experts from FAT, however, are now able to
carry out the complete electrical retrofit by them- mainly located. «
selves – which means that we can limit our involve-
ment to supporting specific functions,“ Van Eeck- Gabriel Joye, managing director of FAT Haco
hout continues.

During the FAT relaunch, the machine stock was up-

graded with finishing machines and with exisiting
machines from other plants of the Haco group. A solution for us. But when we subsequently switched
high-precision spindle grinder was also acquired. to CNC machines, we integrated ShopTurn – which
”Currently we are building 14 to 15 machines per is, in my point of view and with regard to its perfor-
month on average. The sales markets for our stan- mance, the best version of Sinumerik. As part of
dard machines include the automotive, aviation, the further expansion of our turning centers, we
hydraulics and agricultural machines sectors. We are, are planning to integrate ShopMill as well,“ Joye
however, fully committed to building larger and more explains.
complex machines,“ Joye reveals. ”Larger machines
because there is less competition, complex machines Michael Brückner, Director Business Development,
because they offer more possibilities and have a Sinumerik High-End at Siemens, is also positive
larger capacity.“ about the company’s development: ”End-users
demand machines which are more accurate and
Long-term use of Sinumerik pleases incur lower logistical costs – a trend which FAT
management of FAT follows closely.“ p
At FAT Haco, everyone is pleased with the long-
term use of Sinumerik: ”For our original intention – i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik
All photos: Siemens AG

migrating from conventional lathes to teach-in c ont a c t thierry.van_eeckhout@siemens.com

lathes – the ManualTurn version was the best

motion world | 3-2012 21

News Energy Efficiency

p Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy

Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy provides both
machine tool builders and end-users with
a wide range of solutions for improving
the energy efficiency of their equipment.
This service has now been recognized

Photos: Siemens AG
with an award in the Environment
category at a leading industry trade
fair in Paris. Winners of the innovation prize (from left to right):
François Chevalier, Fabrice Vandenbrouck, Luc Losson,
and Bernard Mauclere

F or the past 10 years, the Trophées de l’Innovation

have been awarded to particularly creative
solutions that lead to improvements in indus-
trial production. This year’s innovation prize was
awarded at the Industrie Paris trade fair for end-
folio of Sinumerik CNC systems and Sinamics drives
and Simotics motors, the function is available on
almost all equipment, from standard machines to
premium-level machining centers. Using the simple
and easy-to-remember Ctrl+E key combination on
users in the mechanical engineering sector, where the operating panel of the Sinumerik CNC control
Siemens France received the coveted prize in the system, users can carry out a quick assessment of
Environment category for its Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy the energy consumption of the machine and man-
function. The decisive factor for the jury was the age energy consumption during downtimes.
function’s ability to reduce the energy consumption
of machine tools and thus contribute to a healthier Conclusion
environment. The judges were also impressed by With its ability to maximize energy efficiency for all
the end-user focus of the development, the func- types of machine tools, ensure efficient solutions
tion’s ease of use, and the wide range of offerings from machine construction to retrofitting, and opti-
for almost all control systems. mize manufacturing procedures from an energy per-
spective, Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy is already providing
A basis for economical operation solutions to the energy efficiency challenges of
Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy can be used at any point in tomorrow. p
the machine lifecycle, from machine construction to
work preparation and machine operation to partial
or complete refitting. Supporting the energy-effi-
cient operation of machine tools are a wide range of
drive and motor components, CNC and drive func-
tions, PC software solutions, and Sinumerik Manu- i nfo www.siemens.com/sinumerik/ctrl-energy
facturing Excellence services. Because Sinumerik c ont a c t karl-heinz.knecht@siemens.com
Ctrl-Energy is compatible with the complete port-

22 motion world | 2-2012


Mowo app
motion world for iPad

Just in time for AMB 2012, the third issue

of motion world for the iPad will be ready for
download soon. The iPad magazine combines
the print editions of motion world IMTS and
motion world AMB with multimedia and inter-
active features. Videos, animated graphics, photo
slideshows and other content provide you with
an even richer environment to learn even more
enjoyably about the latest trends and technologies
in the world of Sinumerik CNC.
Launch the motion world app you have already
installed and download the latest issue. Don’t
have motion world on your iPad yet? No problem!
Simply scan the QR-code and install the motion
world app from the App Store – free of charge,
of course.

Siemens AG
More information can be found online:



motion world 2-2012

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Tel.: +49 (0) 91 31 / 91 92-5 01 SINUMERIK, SINUMERIK Ctrl-Energy, SINUMERIK MDynamics,
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motion world | 2-2012 23


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