MotionWorld 2012 2 en
MotionWorld 2012 2 en
MotionWorld 2012 2 en
The Magazine for CNC Automation
Volume 11 2/2012
Robots for
CNC Machining
Making the
Most of Robots
Multi-axis Machining
Safety in
Machine Tools
Siemens AG
Siemens AG
Precision control is the key Monogram Aerospace reduces The latest Sinumerik 840D sl version
to complex robotics downtime by speeding up tool type 1B impresses with maximum
changes productivity and quality
Page 4 Page 14 Page 18
p Cover 16
Tooling and Mold-making
Safety in Series Production
Combined CNC and Robotic
Samag Saalfelder Werkzeugmaschinen
GmbH, Germany
4 Making the Most of Robots for
p Innovations
CNC Tasks
Robots for CNC machining
p Industry p News
Automotive Collaboration
10 Expertise in Design Modeling 20 Partnership in Poland
Bertrandt AG, Germany FAT Haco, Belgium
solutions increase
Siemens AG
Michael Brückner
Director Business Development,
Sinumerik High-End
At this year’s AMB trade show, the focus at the Siemens booth is on system solutions
for sophisticated and productive machine tools. You can look forward to several new
developments. The performance of the Sinumerik 840D sl, for example, has been
increased through the use of more powerful NCUs. This enables you to increase
the productivity of your machines even further and to move forward with your
innovations. As a premium CNC for the high-end segment, the Sinumerik 840D sl
now offers maximum milling expertise in the three- and five-axis range for mold
construction and five-axis machining with a block cycle time of up to 0.4 ms – both
with efficient machine operation via the Sinumerik Operate graphical user interface.
We are seeing a steady trend toward greater precision and a shortening of cycle times
in the manufacturing industry. As a result, manufacturers’ demand for multi-technology
machines capable of complete machining is increasing. This is precisely where the
Sinumerik 840D sl proves its value due to optimum technology integration – the
possibility, for example, of mill-turning or turn-milling on the same machine.
Another way of increasing productivity is to perfectly integrate robot loading and un-
loading on the machine tool. This solution, which was presented with KUKA at EMO 2011,
is now available as a ready-to-run solution. Loading and unloading with the robot is
carried out quite easily via the Sinumerik’s operator interface, which is familiar to
virtually every machine operator. At AMB, we will show a combination of CNC and
robot control for machining for the first time. This combination is especially suitable
for the machining of large parts or more complex geometries.
We will also be addressing other interesting topics in Stuttgart, such as the Sinumerik’s
energy efficiency solutions and the advantages of an integrated CAM/CNC process chain.
Come in and find out about our innovations and see the performance of Sinumerik
solutions for yourself – at our AMB booth C12 in Hall 4 and in this issue of motion world.
I look forward to your visit!
Siemens will demonstrate trends in CNC machining with Last, but not least, the robot controller also delivers
Sinumerik – live at AMB 2012: five-axis machining, robot-specific safety features such as Cartesian space
machining of new materials such as composites, as monitoring or a safe speed of the machine tool.
well as the use of robots for machining. Machine build- Thus, KUKA’s KR C4 controller combines motion and
ers and users can look forward to seeing new develop- safety control and replaces passive responses with
ments for the Sinumerik 840D sl CNC as well as the extremely fast, active interaction. By connecting to
OP 019 operator panel. Visit the Siemens booth C12 the Sinumerik motion control, it is optimally suited
in Hall 4 for live demonstrations. for use in demanding machining tasks, paving the
Other booths featuring interesting information about way for launching into new markets such as the
Sinumerik solutions are the CNC arena in booth B12 in machining of composites. p
Hall 4, booth E0-100 from VDW Jugend, and booth D32
in Hall 5 hosted by the Technical University of Darmstadt,
Institute for Production Management, Technology, and
Machine Tools.
i nfo
c ont a c t
Higher Productivity
with Robots
Siemens AG
Photos: Siemens AG
reliability. «
Wolfgang Losert, Production Manager, Alzmetall
Best for small batches duction for machining centers and drilling machines,
but is also used to process gray and ductile iron from
The efficiency of the synchronous five-axis mill- the company foundry for external customers who
turning centers is further increased by using a are happy to benefit from Alzmetall’s expertise. This
robot to load the machines. This has brought sig- is where robot assistance really comes into its own,
nificant productivity gains for Losert and his pro- making it possible to operate connected machines
duction team, which has helped him increase the unstaffed for many hours. The only limitation is the
proportion of external job orders. “We first started intake capacity of the pallet stand system, the pro-
accepting outside orders three years ago. Now we cessing time of the individual workpieces, and tool
use approximately 40 percent of our production wear. The automated system can operate on its own
capacity for external customers from a range of for several shifts without an assigned employee,
highly demanding industries, such as mold and die which among other benefits makes it easier to intro-
production, the automotive industry, and turbo duce weekend shifts. Alzmetall has designed its pal-
machinery,” he says. Alzmetall expects that the cost let stand system with 16 pallet slots so that it lasts
of deploying robots in the company will pay for for at least one complete shift without needing to
itself within a year. be refilled.
Expertise in
Design Modeling
A five-axis machining center delivers high levels of productivity for an engineering
service provider specializing in the manufacture of complex 3-D geometries. Crucial
to the performance of the machine – alongside its mechanical design – is its use of
a high-end CNC with optimized motion control capabilities.
The main responsibility of CAM/milling coordinator 3 Graphical display with animated images
Richard Richter lies in optimizing the processing time 3 Many integrated intelligent functions
required to develop realistic models from design
data. The important thing here is to select the best 3 Three programming methods to choose from:
milling machine for the workpiece in question from ShopMill/ShopTurn, programGuide, DIN/ISO
all the available machinery at the site. The factors and Sinumerik high-level language
governing this decision include the size and com-
plexity of the model. The models are manufactured
primarily from plastics such as Ureol. The Gamma T
Linear portal milling machine from the Frickenhausen- range. The new machining center guarantees posi-
based supplier EiMa GmbH is a popular choice for tioning accuracy of 0.025 mm and repeat accuracy
manufacturing medium-sized components. of 0.012 mm, which means it is always within the
required values. Crucial to this accuracy are the
Twenty percent faster than robustness of the mechanical design and the quality
the previous model of the Sinumerik 840D sl with its new Sinumerik
As part of an operator model agreement, Bertrandt’s Operate user interface and MDynamics technology
modeling department commissions this machine from package. Cutting experts Schilling and Richter both
HS-Kunststofftechnik, a specialist milling service agree: “In terms of performance in simultaneous
provider. In terms of size, design, and performance, five-axis machining, Sinumerik control systems have
the five-axis machining center, which is equipped been the industry leader for years.”
with the Sinumerik 840D sl control system, meets
all of the requirements of company owner Stefan Intuitive operation, high-quality interfaces
Schilling. Although throughput time varies considerab- The machine supplier is also convinced that Schilling
ly depending on the shape and size of the models, has made the right decision in choosing the Sinumerik
Schilling and Richter believe production is around 840D sl. As EiMa managing director Helmut Gras
explains: “Approximately 70 percent of our custom- by cutting expert Schilling: “The Cycle832 high-
ers rely on control systems from Siemens. And with speed setting lets us adapt our processing strategy
the most recent improvements to Sinumerik Operate very quickly, and the new Cycle800 swivel cycles
and MDynamics in particular, I see a great deal of allow even complex workpieces to be prepared and
further potential.” Gras knows exactly what he is processed quickly and easily from a single setting.”
talking about because his company was involved as The new JOG-mode measurement functions are also
pilot partner during the implementation phase of interesting, further simplifying the machine set-up –
the latest developments. even for three-plus-two-axis centers.
its R&D process, Deru uses the NX CAM and Team- CNC machines from Haas
Eubama designed
the S6 with
centerline quick-
change jaws and
rapid tool change
capability to
fur ther reduce
Siemens AG
Siemens AG
ne tool data,
to the error log, machi
ws Sie me ns Tec h Suppor t instant access and res olve a problem
ePS condition monit
oring allo ine cause
ce to quickly determ
CNC status and PLC tra
Safety in Series
In addition to highly sophisticated mechanical components,
Samag GmbH relies on the latest Sinumerik 840D sl and Sinamics
S120 control and drive technologies with integrated safety
features when manufacturing g multispindle
p machining
g centers.
Photos: Siemens AG
ferent processing technologies. It also includes PLC master communication system – for performing
functionality, meaning that companies like Samag remote diagnostics via modem or Internet, for
do not need to add an additional special system to example.
their machining centers. The high-end control sys-
tem is characterized by its openness and scalability, “We deploy the whole spectrum of Siemens NC tech-
so that in terms of the user interface and underlying nology for all the different tasks we perform, includ-
software, there are very few barriers to the imple- ing additional panels, handheld devices, and even a
mentation of specific customizations. The control second control system,” explains Wagner. The close-
concept also provides effective personal and equip- ness of the partnership between the companies is
ment protection in the form of Sinumerik Safety demonstrated by the fact that every new machine
Integrated, which integrates safety functions concept is first discussed in detail, and the modular
into the control and drive technologies. “Safety control concept is then designed in collaboration.
Integrated is used on all the machines at Samag,” Wagner sees this level of cooperation as extremely
explains Wagner. “The reason for this is that we positive: “Regardless of whether we are dealing with
always have a large number of NC axes in operation hardware or software, the communication is excel-
at any given time. The four-spindle MFZ6 alone has lent. And whenever we need help, we get it – which
23 NC axes.” isn’t always the case when you have two companies
that are so different in size.” p
Positive collaboration between partners
The Sinamics S120 is the servodrive of choice at
Samag. Its key benefits are the integrated system
modules for all the production areas, along with its
compactness, modularity, and flexibility. For efficient
communication, the designers use Profibus to con-
nect distributed I/O devices via a Simatic ET-200S.
“As for motors, we use three models: the Simotics i nfo
S-1FK7, S-1FT7, and M-1PH7,” continues Wagner. c ont a c t
The machining centers are also equipped with a
Top-Class Performance
in the High-End Segment
The new version of the Sinumerik 840D sl permits the flexible
networking of machine tools, while extended functionality
enables efficient, high-performance operation.
Maximum productivity
The latest version of the Sinumerik 840D sl
offers a performance category with w in-
creased performance thanks
nks to mult
ock cycle tim
technology, with low block mes
of up to 0.4 ms, and more re powerfuul
PLCs. Based upon the optimized
atform, it
Sinamics S120 drive platform,
evel of
offers an even higher level
accuracy and maximum control
dynamics for the best sur-ur-
face quality while machin-in-
ing. It can be extended by
up to 93 NC axes via an
NCU link. This ensures
maximum quality and
s AG
productivity. Further
s: Sie
All p
... the
th new
Sinamics S120
Combi drive
in Poland
Since the Belgium Haco group took
over the Polish lathe manufacturer FAT,
Sinumerik CNC accomplished the
evolution of the company. Ever since,
FAT Haco can look back on 15 years
of using Sinumerik.
p Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy
Sinumerik Ctrl-Energy provides both
machine tool builders and end-users with
a wide range of solutions for improving
the energy efficiency of their equipment.
This service has now been recognized
Photos: Siemens AG
with an award in the Environment
category at a leading industry trade
fair in Paris. Winners of the innovation prize (from left to right):
François Chevalier, Fabrice Vandenbrouck, Luc Losson,
and Bernard Mauclere
Mowo app
motion world for iPad
Siemens AG
More information can be found online:
Increase productivity
The innovative CNC platform to meet all requirements / sinumerik