Quantitative Topic: Department of Training
Quantitative Topic: Department of Training
Quantitative Topic: Department of Training
2. A train 100 metres long passes a bridge at the rate of 72 km/hr in 25 seconds. What is the length of
the bridge?
(a) 400 m
(b) 17 m
(c) 600 m
(d) None of these
3. A train passes a railway bridge 150 m long in 18 seconds. If the train is running at a speed of 60
km/hr., then the length of the train in metres is
(a) 160 m
(b) 150 m
(c) 180 m
(d) None of these
4. Rajesh covers a certain distance by bus at 16 km/hr and returns back at the starting point on a cycle
at 9 km/hr. His average speed for the whole journey is ?
(a) 13.54 km/hr
(b) 11.52 km/hr
(c) 15.52 km/hr
(d) None of these
5. A and B are two towns. A car goes from A to B at a speed of 64 km/hr and returns to A at a slower
speed. If its average speed for the whole journey is 56 km/hr, it returned with speed ?
6. By walking at 3/4 of his usual speed, a man reaches office 20 minutes later than usual. His usual
time is ?
(a) 65 minutes
(b) 60 minutes
(c) 70 minutes
(d) None of these
Department of Training
7. Rakesh sets out to cycle from Delhi to Mathura and at the same time Suresh starts from Mathura
to Delhi. After passing each other they complete their journeys in 9 and 16 hours, respectively. At
what speed does Suresh cycle if Rakesh cycles at 16 km per hour?
(a) 12 km/hr
(b) 16 km/hr
(c) 14 km/hr
(d) None of these
8. Without any stoppage a person travels a certain distance at an average speed of 42 km/hr and with
stoppages he covers the same distance at an average speed of 28 km/hr. How many minutes per
hour does he stop?
(a) 25 minutes
(b) 30 minutes
(c) 20 minutes
(d) None of these
9. A train is running at a uniform speed of 60 km/hr. It passes a railway platform in 15 seconds. If the
length of the platform is 130 m, then the length of the train is
(a) 160 m
(b) 120 m
(c) 140 m
(d) None of these
10. Two trains are moving in the same direction at 50 km/hr and 50 km/hr. The faster train crosses a
man in the slower train in 18 seconds. Find the length of the faster train.
(a) 120 m
(b) 110 m
(c) 100 m
(d) None of these
11. Two trains are running in opposite directions with the same speed. If the length of each train is
135 metres and they cross each other in 18 seconds, the speed of each train is
(a) 29 km/hr
(b) 35 km/hr
(c) 27 km/hr
(d) None of these
Department of Training
12. A boat goes 13 km upstream in 39 minutes. The speed of stream is 3 km/hr. The speed of boat in
still water is :
(a) 23 km/hr
(b) 27 km/hr
(c) 25 km/hr
(d) None of these
13. A man can row with the stream at 7 km/hr and against the stream at 3 km/hr. His speed in still
water is:
(a) 6.5 km/hr
(b) 7 km/hr
(c) 5 km/hr
(d) None of these
14. A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km downstream in 6 hr, while it covers 36 km upstream
and 24 km downstream in 6 2 hrs. The velocity of the current is:
15. A man can row 30 km upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hr. Also, he can row 40 km
upstream and 55 km downstream in 13 hours. Find the rate of the current and the speed of the
man in still water
(a) 3 km/hr, 8 km/hr
(b) 3.5 km/hr, 7.5 km/hr
(c) 4 km/hr, 7 km/hr
(d) 4.5 km/hr, 6.5 km/hr
16. A man takes 8 hours to walk to a certain place and ride back. However, he could have gained 2
hours, if he had covered both ways riding. How long would he have taken to walk both ways?
(a) 10 hrs
(b) 8 hrs
(c) 6 hrs
(d) None of these
17. A man travels 600 km in 15 hours partly by rail and partly by car. If he had gone all the way by
car he would have arrived at his destination 3 hours earlier, find the speed of the car.
33 km
(a) (b) 40 km/hr (c) 50 km/hr (d) 45 km/hr
Department of Training
18. Two trains start at the same time from Aligarh and Delhi and proceed towards each other at 16
km/hr and 21 km/hr, respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has travelled 60 km
more than the other. The distance between the two stations is
(a) 445 km
(b) 444 km
(c) 440 km
(d) 450 km
19. A train travelling at 54 km/hr completely crosses another train of half its length and travelling in
opposite direction at 72 km/hr in 12 seconds. If it also passes a railway platform in one minute,
the length of the platform is
20. If a train runs at 40 km/hr, it reaches its destination late by 11 min, but if it runs at 50 km/hr, it is
late by 5 min. only. The correct time for the train to cover its journey is
(a) 13 min
(b) 15 min
(c) 21 min
(d) 19 min
21. A car travels a distance of 840 km at a uniform speed. If the speed of the car is 10 km/hr more, it
takes two hours less to cover the same distance. The original speed of the car was
(a) 45 km/hr
(b) 50 km/hr
(c) 60 km/hr
(d) 75 km/hr
22. A train 120 m long takes 6 seconds to pass a man, who is running in the opposite direction at the
speed of 12 km/hr. Find the speed of the train.
(a) 60 km/hr
(b) 65 km/hr
(c) 55 km/hr
(d) 19 km/hr
Department of Training
23. Two persons are walking in the same direction at rates 3 km/hr and 6 km/hr. A train comes
running from behind and passes them in 9 and 10 seconds. The speed of the train is
(a) 33 km/hr
(b) 40 km/hr
(c) 22 km/hr
(d) 35 km/hr
24.In a race of 300 m A beats B by 15 m or 5 sec. A’s time over the course is
(a) 100 sec
(b) 95 sec
(c) 105 sec
(d) 90 sec
25.In a game, A can give B 20 points, A can give C 12 points and B can give C 15 points. How many
points make the game?
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 400
26.In a race of 600 m, A can beat B by 60 m and in a race of 500 m, B can beat C by 50 m. By how
many m will A beat C in a race of 400 m?
(a) 364 m
(b) 254 m
(c) 324 m
(d) 354 m
27.A boat goes 13 km upstream in 39 minutes. The speed of stream is 3 km/hr. The speed of boat in
still water is :
(a) 23 km/hr
(b) 27 km/hr
(c) 25 km/hr
(d) None of these
28.A boatman can row 48 km downstream in 4 hr. If the speed of the current is 5 km/hr, then find in
what time will be able to cover 8 km upstream?
(a) 6 hr
(b) 4 hr
(c) 8 hr
(d) None of these
29.A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 2 hours but takes 4 hours to return upstream to the
starting point. If the speed of the stream be 3 km/hr, find the speed of the boat in still water.
(a) 11 km/hr
Department of Training
(b) 13 km/hr
(c) 9 km/hr
(d) None of these
30.In a river flowing at 2 km/hr, a boat travels 32 km upstream and then returns downstream to the
starting point. If its speed in still water be 6 km/hr, find the total journey time.
(a) 16 hours
(b) 12 hours
(c) 14 hours
(d) None of these
Department of Training