Eng 7 Curr Map (Q3)
Eng 7 Curr Map (Q3)
Eng 7 Curr Map (Q3)
Quarter/ Unit Topic: Content Performance Institutional
AMT Assessment Activities Resources
Month Content Standards Standards Core Values
The learners ACQUISITION
The learners analyze the style, EN7INF-III-1 Peer-Sharing My Role Model RBSI English
demonstrate their form, and features Examine text Pair them up and Series
multiliteracies and of informational structures for ask them to Illuminate:
communicative texts (expository clarity of meaning discuss people English for the
competence in texts, news and and purpose: they consider as Mind and Heart
evaluating press releases, and non-journalistic their role 7
informational features); texts: models, people First Edition
3RD UNIT III- texts (expository evaluate expository text that they look up ISBN 978-621-04-
QUARTER FOSTERING texts and informational texts a. to. Guide students 5251-8
COMMUNITY journalistic texts: for clarity of sequence/process during the Classification:
SOLIDARITY news and press meaning, purpose, b. comparison- discussion by Teacher’s
releases, and and target contrast providing some Resource Material
features) for audience; and c. cause and effect talking points (53-EI-00071-E)
clarity of compose and d. problem- similar to the ones
meaning, purpose, publish original solution provided in the
and target multimodal worktext.
audience as a informational texts
foundation for (expository texts, EN7INF-III-3 Kings of the RBSI English
publishing news and press Examine how Road Series
Month of Lesson 9: original releases, and visual elements Encourage critical Illuminate:
Norms, Rules, informational features) using are used as tools thinking by asking English for the
December and Roles: texts. appropriate forms to achieve students what they Mind and Heart
2024 Me and My and structures that the intended think are the 7
Community represent their meaning of pros and cons of First Edition
to meaning, purpose, informational
using these public ISBN 978-621-04-
January and target texts: transportation 5251-8
audience. • vectors (for systems. Classification:
2025 scientific, Teacher’s
mathematical, or Resource Material
technical (53-EI-00071-E)
topics) and
EN7INF-III-1 I’m a Pandemic RBSI English
Examine List and Discuss Survivor Series
linguistic features Show pictures of Illuminate:
Lesson 10: as various streaming English for the
Trust and tools to achieve apps or sites Mind and Heart
Reciprocity: organizational to the students and 7
Building a efficiency in ask if they are First Edition
Community informational familiar with any ISBN 978-621-04-
texts: of it. For the 5251-8
• diction and style students who are Classification:
• transition aware of these Teacher’s
devices apps, ask how Resource Material
these apps (53-EI-00071-E)
have served their
EN7INF-III-1 needs during the
Examine text pandemic,
structures for especially in terms
clarity of entertainment
of meaning and and staying
purpose: connected. Echo
• journalistic texts the questions
• news and press raised in the
releases worktext to
• features facilitate
reflection and
Is It a Fact-Based RBSI English
Opinion or Just Series
Your Opinion? Illuminate:
Students will English for the
identify if the Mind and Heart
Lesson 11: following text is a 7
Ties and Identification fact-based opinion First Edition
Relationships: or just an opinion. ISBN 978-621-04-
Belonging in a 5251-8
Community Classification:
Resource Material
What Can RBSI English
You(th) Do? Series
Lead the class in Illuminate:
viewing Ms. English for the
EN7INF-III-5 Thunberg’s TED Mind and Heart
Analyze the real- Talk presentation 7
world issues/ Viewing when she was just First Edition
occurrences Comprehension 16 years old. As ISBN 978-621-04-
presented in Check they are watching, 5251-8
informational remind them to Classification:
texts. take Teacher’s
Lesson 12: notes and answer Resource Material
Developing the guide (53-EI-00071-E)
Community questions in their
through Unity workbook.
EN7INF-III-7 Delving Deep RBSI English
Analyze Comprehension into the Series
propaganda Check and Structure Illuminate:
techniques Peer-Share Give them 15 English for the
used in minutes to answer Mind and Heart
informational the activity and 7
texts for check the First Edition
political students’ ISBN 978-621-04-
correctness: answers 5251-8
• testimonials vs. afterward. After Classification:
plain folks the allotted time, Teacher’s
• stereotyping vs. call on some Resource Material
fear appeals volunteers who (53-EI-00071-E)
are willing to
their answers with
the graphic
organizer. From
the sharing of
their answers, take
note of the
they used, provide
a formal
discussion of
devices covering
the types, and
provide examples.
EN7INF-III-8 Comprehension Show Your RBSI English
Draw inferences Check and Understanding Series
and conclusions Peer-Discussion The students will Illuminate:
to formulate discuss the cause- English for the
sound judgment: and-effect that Mind and Heart
• author’s purpose they have identify 7
and in the expository First Edition
meaning texts. ISBN 978-621-04-
Utilize actual 5251-8
excerpts from the Classification:
text read to Teacher’s
illustrate the Resource Material
cause-and (53-EI-00071-E)
effect relationship
in the text.
I Can Draw RBSI English
Inferences and Series
Conclusions Illuminate:
EN7INF-III-9 Let them English for the
Analyze how non- brainstorm on Mind and Heart
linear texts how to draw 7
represent and/or inferences and First Edition
summarize the Comprehension conclusions based ISBN 978-621-04-
contents of Check on the given 5251-8
informational situation as either Classification:
texts: a manager or a Teacher’s
infographics. rank-and-file Resource Material
audience. Check (53-EI-00071-E)
the students’
EN7INF-III-17 Expressing Fact Greta and Her RBSI English
Compose the and Opinion Propaganda Series
informational text For 10 minutes, Illuminate:
based on the have students English for the
chosen text type. examine an Mind and Heart
excerpt from 7
Greta Thunberg’s First Edition
speech and ISBN 978-621-04-
determine what 5251-8
propaganda Classification:
techniques were Teacher’s
used, along Resource Material
with the keywords (53-EI-00071-E)
that helped them
identify the
technique. After
10 minutes,
encourage some
students to share
their answers out
loud. The rest of
the session may be
dedicated to this
Synthesize the
discussion by
asking students to
share their
thoughts on
Greta Thunberg
whether they
consider her a role
model or not.
EN7INF-III-20 Improving the RBSI English
Revise the text for Write a Problem- Public Transport Series
cohesion Solution text Students will Illuminate:
(diction, syntax, work in pairs to English for the
and style) gather information Mind and Heart
on how to 7
improve the First Edition
public transport. ISBN 978-621-04-
They will then 5251-8
organize the data Classification:
into an Teacher’s
infographic that Resource Material
goes with a (53-EI-00071-E)
text. Once the
activity is done,
allow each group
to take turns in
presenting one of
their answers to
the class.
Understanding RBSI English
Charts Series
Direct students’ Illuminate:
attention to the English for the
highlighted data Mind and Heart
within the chart 7
and guide them in First Edition
interpreting its ISBN 978-621-04-
meaning by 5251-8
identifying the Classification:
intended target Teacher’s
EN7INF-III-21 audience. You Resource Material
Edit the text for may assign (53-EI-00071-E)
Create a Reel
textual students into
consistency groups and assess
whether they
arrive at similar or
interpretations of
the same data.
Synthesize the
chart with some of
the information
and conclusions
derived from their
EN7INF-III-22 Write a News Is There Ethics RBSI English
Publish a Story in the News? Series
multimodal The students will Illuminate:
informational text examine text English for the
for one’s structures for Mind and Heart
purpose and target clarity of meaning 7
audience: and purpose: First Edition
expository text, journalistic ISBN 978-621-04-
news and press text 5251-8
releases, and Classification:
features Teacher’s
Resource Material
Approved by: