2005 Biography Obituary Template
2005 Biography Obituary Template
2005 Biography Obituary Template
(Full name) (Age) of (City at death) passed away in (location) on (Full name) (Age) of (City at death) passed away in (location) on
(date of death). (First name) was born in (city, state of birth) on (date of death). (First name) was born in (city, state of birth) on
(date of birth) to (mother’s first name) and (father’s first name) (date of birth) to (mother’s first name) and (father’s first name)
(Last name). (He/She) attended (name of high school and/or (Last name). (He/She) attended (name of high school and/or
college). college).
(First name) worked as (job) and enjoyed participating in (First name) worked as (job) and enjoyed participating in
(hobbies). (First name) was also a proud member of (hobbies). (First name) was also a proud member of
(organizations and affiliations). (First name) is survived by (names (organizations and affiliations). (First name) is survived by (names
and roles of surviving family) and was predeceased by (names and roles of surviving family) and was predeceased by (names
and roles of family who have died.) and roles of family who have died.)
Memorial services will be held at (location) on (date and time). Memorial services will be held at (location) on (date and time).
Memorial donations may be made in (first name)’s name to Memorial donations may be made in (first name)’s name to
(organization). (organization).