Americans of Gentl 00 Walk
Americans of Gentl 00 Walk
Americans of Gentl 00 Walk
I lllilH W l l l I I I M ill I
Volume I
'The Sovereign may ennoble a man, but descent alone can make him a gentleman."— Woodward.
'As It is the commendation of a good huntsman to find game in a wide wood, so It is no Imputation
if he hath not caught all." Plato.
Hmerican Women in Europe*
Mrs. George Cornwalls-West, better known as Lady Randolph Churchill, occupies
a unique position in English society. She was one of the first American women to marry
a distinguished titled Englishman and to come to London and attain a high social posi-
tion, having married Lord Randolph in 1874 one year before Miss Jane Frost, of St. Louis,
became the wife of Sir Lewis Molesworth.
Consequently, anything Mrs. West has to say about "American women in Europe"
is of much interest, and carries authority. In a recent contribution to the Pall Mall Ga-
zette, Feb. 22, 1903, she says:
"The steady progress of American women in theminds of Europeans can be gauged
by studying their present position in Europe. It is not to be denied that they are having
many of the 'seats of the mighty,' and the most carping, jealous critics cannot find fault
with the ways in which they fill them.
"In the political, literary and diplomatic worlds they more than hold their own.
They are a great success in the Old World." (London, Feb. .22, 1903.)
The raison d'etre of this status of the American woman abroad will be easily ac-
counted for by a careful perusal of this volume, wherein it is shown that many thousands
of American women bear in their veins the best blood of the most noble and royal lines
of Europe. Their fitness for the "seats of the mighty," in which they have been installed,
is a racial inheritance, and that they fill them worthily is not surprising.
"The Present is founded upon the Past, and the Past is our guide for the Future.
— [Alex. Brown.]
"Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long," is the only com-
mandment given with promise. It is therefore our religious as well as filial duty to rescue
the memory of our ancestors from oblivion, and gather together and put in durable form
their family and historic records, before they are obliterated by the fast effacing finger of
This book of Ancestry, with portraits and coats-of-arms, intended to preserve our
family records for our children to the most remote generation, is no new departure; such a
volume was prepared many years ago. "Lodge's Portraits," of which Sir Walter Scott
"It is impossible for me a work which ought to be more interesting than
to conceive
that which exhibits before our eyes, our fathers as they lived, accompanied by such memo-
rials of their lives and characters as enables us to compare their persons and counte-
nances with their sentiments and actions."
This is what I have endeavored to do. As far as possible, I have given pictures of
our ancestors, some of whom lived almost two centuries ago; and, appreciating the great
interest attaching to their portraits, coupled with the narratives of their lives, I have
added, as far as possible, the pictures of their descendants, which one hundred years
hence will give to their children's children the same pleasure that is now afforded us; the
perusal of the "persons and countenances" of their ancestors.
The "memorials of their lives and characters," I have endeavored to present in
the form of direct, authenticated pedigrees, which may be proven, making a book of refer-
ence far exceeding in historic value and interest the modest little volume which had been
contemplated in the beginning of this work.
Henry S. King, of London, England, prefaces his "History of the Norman People
and their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the U. S. of America," with
these words, "In the preparation of this work, common sense, history, chronology, armorial
bearings, public and private documents, and the earliest authenticated family records,
pertaining to the ancestors of these families have been examined, and an alphabetical list
compiled." can not do better than make this preface my own.
It is the employment of the student and historian for a verification of family genealogy
and traditions forms the basis of history. Biographies are the life of history. Great men
are the chief elements of a nation's power. These little biographical sketches of our fore-
fathers can not, therefore, be considered in any sense a book of "society." It is simply an
encyclopedia of authenticated pedigrees of people of to-day, whose ancestors, by their
gentle birth and noble deeds, entitle them to a place in its pages. A hundred years hence,
they will have passed away, and their children and grandchildren will thank them for
having preserved in durable form, these records of their gentle birth.
greater advocate of the importance of genealogical research can be found than
Josephus, who of his own personal history boasts:
"I have traced my pedigree as I have found it upon the public tablets."
This is what
have endeavored to do for each individual herein represented. No
book of genealogy can be made without some errors creeping in, for the early records
were so imperfectly kept, and in Virginia, the "Genesis of the United States," so many
valuable public and private documents have been destroyed by fire, and during the Civil
War, that family traditions and family bibles have often been, of necessity, accepted by
the best genealogists, who have of course taken into consideration the credibility of the
person offering such testimony. As such they have passed into history, and of those
which I have accepted and collected, after painstaking care and investigation, in which
genealogists of renown, Stannard, Brock, Grinnan, Teetor, Abbott, Hall, Dandridge and
others have been employed, in this country, and in Europe, I can say that they are herein
presented, "as I have found them on the public tablets."
Membership in the "Craft Guild's" has been taken by some un-
p. J. . informed persons as a certain indication of plebeian blood. Such
is not the case. On the contrary, an education in these crafts
was an absolute requirement of eligibility to office, and is to-day
in Germany, where the Emperor himself learned the art of bookbinding. Kev. Horace
Hayden, who is authority upon all genealogical subjects, in his preface to his valuable
work, "Virginia Genealogies," explains this matter clearly, giving the following informa-
tion on the subject:
There were in all seventy of these guilds, twelve of which were considered the
superior guilds, one of them the "Marchauntailo," a great educational guild, which ranked
high as a feeding school for the colleges. It was first licensed temp Edward I. Henry
VI gave it a charter under the name of "Masters and Wardens of the Fraternity of St.
John the Baptist of London." Henry VII was a member of this guild and changed the
name to "Merchant Taylors," and many of the sons of the most notable Virginia colonists
were sent back to London to attend this school.
James I was a member Prince Henry Stuart, his
of the "Clothworkers Guild."
eldest son, belonged to the "Merchant Taylors," and the Earl of Southampton was one
of its apprentices. Sir Geoffrey Boleyn, father of Queen Anne Boleyn, was apprenticed
to the "Mercers' Guild," and after a service of seven years was elected an Alderman,
then Sheriff. Later he was elected Lord Mayor, then knighted. From this it will be
seen that when we read of the early colonists, that one was a farrier (blacksmith, or
horseshoer), another a weaver, or a printer, or a merchant or a clothier, it signified only
that they had duly been educated to a trade in order to meet the important require-
ments of office holding, and they were therefore ready to turn their education to account
in the NewWorld, where good tradesmen were of paramount importance. It is rather
a proof of gentle birth than otherwise.
By this is meant the inheritance of the blood of gentlewomen
and gentlemen. The term "gentleman" originally comprehended
wlPll;. a |j a b ove ti^ ran k of yeomanry, whereby even noblemen were
properly called "gentlemen." Woodward says: "A gentleman
is not merely a nobleman, but something more. The sovereign may ennoble a man, but
descent alone can make him a gentleman." Of course, this must be taken in the heraldric,
I not the conventional sense. There are many of the old families of Great Britain who
are far more proud of their long lines of descent, as plain "gentry," than they would be
of any recently conferred grant of nobility.
"Gentlemen were those who could prove descent from four genera-
of the Blood,"
tions of "gentlemen," on both the paternal and
maternal sides. (Abbot.) If this is the only
qualification of "gentlemen of the blood" in England, there
are certainly many thousands
of "Gentle Birth."
of families in America, who are entitled to the distinction
officers of the Koyal
To circle must be added others no less prominent,
this select
Army or Navy noble birth of course, some of them of royal descent), sent out to
Large grants of land
order in the king's dominions, and many "gentlemen adventurers."
then embracing
were held by the "Subscribers to the London and Virginia Co." (Virginia
the whole Atlantic coast), by peers of the realm who
manned and sent out ships with
colonists, in charge of their younger sons, or relatives, to
represent their
supplies and
Some of them came over in person, briDging with them the laborers and the bricks
with which to build the fine old colonial residences about which cluster so many pictur-
esque traditions, and they named them usually for the family seats at
To these were added from time to time others, refugees from
political or religious persecutions. The Civil Wars divided En-
RcfUQCCS. gland into factions, and even families were separated, not only in
principle, but in active warfare, which in the end brought
to New En-
one side or the other these political offenders to the colonies. Roundheads
gland, Cavaliers to Virginia and the Carolinas, and with them came merchants, yeomen,
and tradesmen.
Religious intolerance and persecution was the most potent factor in peopling
of noble-
England, not only with representatives of the nobility, but with that best class
men, the Puritans, the gentle Quakers, the rugged Covenanters and Seceders, and
the noble
Huguenots, all of whom for conscience sake sacrificed riches, station, and political prefer-
ment to plant their families in the wilderness of a strange country, where they might wor-
ship God according to the dictates of their own hearts.
The Puritans and the Huguenots, faced death from religious persecution about the
same time, and when the little band from Scrooby sought refuge in Holland, they
Leyden full of French refugees from the same cause. When, therefore, the Mayflower,
in 1624, sailed from Plymouth with one hundred passengers (see Appendix),
the English
refugees found on board with them a few of the French exiles, who had
joined their ranks. Among them Priscilla Mullins, who passed into history
with John
Alden, her name originally Molines changed into Mullins, in the English spelling as
the names of the majority of our fathers in those phonetic days.
"The Pilgrim Fathers" became the "Fathers of New England," and many of that
company brought to this land in their veins the blood of nobles, and in their descendants
may be found many of the most illustrious men of our country. In the Speedwell, and the
Fortune, which soon followed the Mayflower, came with the Puritans, more French Protest-
ant exiles, and wherever they chose their abiding place the Huguenot blood blossomed
into genius, and their names, often corrupted, are found among the most
sons of New
Later, William Penn, of noble birth, came with his colony of "Friends," and settled
Pennsylvania (named for him), and soon Delaware and New Jersey became harbors of
safety for this persecuted sect, many of them of gentle birth.
From Scotland and Ireland came for conscience sake a noble race of men and
women, with the blood of princes and of peers in their veins, and bearing on their bodies
the scars of warfare on many bloody for their religion or their king, refugees or
political exiles, many of their progenitors, still found upon the list of "Attainted Peers."
They settled chiefly in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, and their descendants may
be found enrolled with honor in every war of their adopted country, as well as in legisla-
tive councils.
In the latter part of the Seventeenth Century the
° f tbe FrenCh Hu S neDots culminated in the revocation
HuauenotS Edict of Nantes, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew's
of the
when the streets of Paris illuminated by the conflagration of
their homes, ran with the blood of the innocents: men, women and children who pre-
ferred exile or death to a recantation of their faith. That night and
for succeeding days
such of them as escaped slaughter, or burning in their homes, fled into
Holland and Ger-
many and England, pursued to the borders by soldiers of the king. After a
lapse of a
decade or more, despairing of ever being able to return to their native
land, they turned
their eyes westward to the new country, where other religious refugees
had found homes,
and, about 1700, there was a concerted Huguenot emigration to
America, this time to Vir-
ginia, where the king, appreciating the value of this great
acquisition, gave to them a
large grant of land on the James Kiver, where they settled the
Manniken Town. Of thorn
Maury says
With rare exceptions they were the flower of France. Of the millions,
who were
members of the Huguenot Church in its halcyon days, they were the staunch
remnant who
despite the example and counsel of faithless king, wavering princes,
fickle nobles and ter-
rified companions, stood firm, and rather than abandon their
religion, abandoned all else
Had they been weak tbey would have yielded as the greater number
did; but they were
strong for conscience sake, the fittest of all their fellows, with firmest
convictions, earnest
to withstand temptation, courageous to encounter any danger
in their resolve to find a
refuge where they could worship God according to their own belief.
When they had gone
France fell from her high estate. No longer did her savants lead Europe
in advanced
thought, her navy was crippled, her army victorious no more, science
was silent, there
was no religion save that of a
few faithful Huguenots who could only worship in'
caves or lonely forests, commerce was ruined, and the golden age of Louis in time
ated to the lawless Revolution.
But the states which welcomed them reaped rich reward from their presence, and
the sweet influence of their pure lives, exalted character, industry,
and intellectual culti-
vation. Though poor, many in extreme poverty, strangers in a strange land,
of foreign
tongue, and of a nation always at enmity and often at war with
England, they soon gained
the same social status which had been theirs at home, and ere
a generation passed were
conspicuous leaders in church and state and social life, and their
lives were brilliant ex-
amples for good in every community in which they lived. In peace,
in war, at sea and
on land, statesmen, jurists, warriors, diplomats, and divines,
their children have been
foremost wherever duty called, and the cause of Christ, the
welfare of their countrv or
the good of mankind were to be advanced. For themselves
thev have gained from' the
world applause and renown, and from their children the right
to have the memory of their
greatness cherished and preserved for all ages; and they gained
for us, their children the
proudest heritage earth affords, ancient, honorable ancestry,
illustrious for faithfulness to
duty even unto death.
Spain discovered the Mississippi Valley, and France
French it- De Soto with his companions, went in the van of the
and the Franciscan and Dominican Fathers brought
Canadians. ud the
rear. A French colony had already been planted in Canada,
and from there the ? be £*n explorations of the
\ alley, which resulted in the planting of many settlements along their line,
which have
developed into some of the chief cities of the United
States. The Canadian French
Province was founded by Samuel de Champlin, La Salle,
Joliet, Hennepin, Brache Le
Seur, Vincennes, D'Artegenedte, Nicollet, Perrot, La
Verondove and their followers in-
spired by the Jesuit Fathers, with Marquette at
their head; Allonez Dablon, Jontie
Montigny, St. Sasme, Davion, Thaumur de la Source, Charlevoix,
Gravier, Marest, Du Bus
Giugnas M. de Valliere, Count de Frontenac La Salle, Bene,
Bobert, and others. Cheva-
a rich bnrgher family. Of his par y
were Jacques
Her La Salle was born at Rouen, of
Metrie (notary), and Jean Michel (surgeon).
Bourdon, Silurd, Autray, Jacques La
magnificent in its proportions as it was short-
The French- American empire was as
the Hudson Bay and Newfound-
lived Canada extended to the Polar Sea northward, to
Pacific Ocean, and the Spanish possessions began
land 'on the east, and westward to the
Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville completed La
where the French left off at the great lakes.
Salle's work.
another class of Frenchmen, who
James Bingham writes most interestingly of still
crossed to the tributaries of the Mississippi,
held Canada, navigated the great lakes,
floated down, dotted their route
with posts, and founded New Orleans. All of the
the lily flag, loyal to the king and faithful to
country was to be a new France, under
the Catholic religion.
design, he says: "There was a peculiar
Of the men who sought to accomplish this
light-hearted, devil-may-care way about
these Frenchmen temp Louis XIV in the New
fascinating. From this element of
World that makes each one of them indescribably
«entle'folk came in time those peoples
known as "Creoles," the settlers and builders up
of that vast expanse of territory
known then, in the XVII century, broadly as Louisiana;
day a separate and distinct class among
and their children's children mav be found to this
into which "Louisiana" was partitioned.
the leading citizens of the various States
"A Creole is one born of European parents in the American
colonies of France o r Spain, or in the States which
were once such
colonies, especially those of French or Spanish
descent, who are
Louisiana in the latter part of 1700, em-
natives of Louisiana, and their descendants)'
Louisiana Purchase." It belonged to
braced all of that territory now known as "The
or religious, like the Civil Wars
Spain but the constant upheavals in France, political
in peopling it with natives of France, of
of the British Isles, were largely instrumental
in New Orleans, and
noble birth. large colony was planted along with the Spanish
settlements were made on the shores of the
the surrounding country extending northward;
Mississippi, and in 1764 St. Louis was established,
a distinctively French Village, under
Spanish rule.
the colony, brought
St the Governor-General sent by Spain, to safeguard
in their train were blue-blooded
with him a retinue of Spanish Dons, and following
Spaniards from every province from the Bay of Biscay
and Altura to Catalma.
displaced by the tricolor
Then came the cession to France, and the Spanish flag was
of France and DeLassus, the French
Commandant, with his suite of noble gentlemen from
France, took the place of the Spaniards, and
with them came the flower of the French no-
bility from Normandy, Picardy, and
Provence, as well as from "La Belle Paris." The
Louis, and Marie Antoinette, sent
Revolution which culminated in the execution of King
south and west, and the
many "aristocrats" to seek their fortunes in this Eldorado of the
to the inflowing stream
wars of conquest, and the downfall of Napoleon added materially
of French blood, until they and their
children, the Creoles of "Louisiana," will be always
identifiedwiththe founding Of New Orleans and St. Louis, as are the old
with the founding of New York.
This resume of the sources of gentle blood, would be incomplete
Palatines. without reference to the Palatines and the "Lords Proprietor"
who received from their sovereigns princely grants of land with
regal rights, the king only retaining a feudal
tenure over them. Such grants were given
rich loam, where it will come up a thistle as all its fathers were. It may be warped by
strong winds, or increased in size and beauty by rich nourishment, but it will bear the un-
mistakable characteristics of its ancestors, quick to wound if handled too roughly. The
blood of a man is as strong to plant its likeness from generation to generation, as the sap
that colors the rose from year to year with unfailing fidelity in all climates, and in all
lands. If this is true, then it must be the blood of our forefathers, the Crusaders; the
Conquerers of England, and of the men who fought with Wallace, and with Bruce; of the
Cavaliers and Roundheads, of the Covenanters and the Huguenots, that made possible the
struggle for Independence, and crowned it with victory. The achievements of our Ameri-
can heroes then, and throughout the Eighteenth Century make many brilliant pages in the
history of the world. Contrast with it the history, the fiction, the drama, which portrays
the reign of Henry VIII and Louis XIV; of that corrupt epoch from which our country
sprung, and oDe must needs be convinced that the emigrant nobles brought not only
noble blood in their veins, but the best of it.
In fields of diplomacy our parliamentarians and statesmen have commanded the at-
tention, and won the admiration and respect of the foremost men of every land, repre-
sented in their commingled blood. Within the space of a little over one century of eman-
cipation, the United States have placed themselves in the front rank of the nations of the
earth, through the heroism and genius of their sons, who may in nearly every instance
trace back through many centuries, perhaps, —to the fountain head of noble blood, which
inspired their noble deeds, showing that the law of heredity in man is as immutable as that
of the animal and vegetable worlds. Yet, there are some who affect to despise what they
call "pride of birth."
It has only been within the last decade, that attention has been
called to the large number of Americans, who can claim descent
P "
p| .
represented hundreds of unnamed persons of the same lineage. There were some mistakes,
of course, as in many genealogies embracing American records, since no law of primo-
geniture in this country compelled the colonists to keep a clear pedigree, and they and
their descendants have many of them been negligent. But where clear records can be
shown, connecting the people of to-day with their emigrant ancestors, there can be no mis-
takes. Heralds find no difficulty in tracing the ancestry of the leading emigrants, from
the mother country to its source, which may lie in a hundred kings. In the Appendix
and elsewhere in the book may be found several charts of royal lineage compiled from
and compared with the best recognized authorities, among them Betham's "Genealogical
Sovereigns of the World. Boutelle's "Heraldry," Anderson's "Royal Genealogies," Dug-
dale's "Baronage of England," and the highest authority of all, "L'Arte de Verifier les
Dates." Through these charts, hundreds of Americans can trace their own "rnval
Is the handmaid of Genealogy,and was esteemed by Ruskin an
Hei*aldlty essential to the study of the gentle arts. It is of the utmost im-
portance in establishing ancestral lines, and verifying family
traditions. The coats of arms used by our forefathers as seals upon their public and pri-
vate papers, and willed to their children, along with other valued possessions are unerring
guideposts in connecting the pedigrees of the colonists with their ancestry in the Old
World. They are found carved upon the gravestones in the old churchyards, and mutely
proclaim the kinship of the mouldering bones beneath to those who rest under the same
devices in Westminster Abbey, or in the churchyards of their native land. They realized
their value and that 1he insignia —"Achievements" they called them—of noble services ren-
dered by their ancestors to their king, or country or church, were something to be proud
of, and safe-guarded along with other valued possessions willed to their children.
Washington, the "Father of his Country;" Taylor, the progenitor of two Presi-
dents; Jefferson, and Adams, and many other patriots, prized highly these insignia of their
gentle birth. Washington's coat of arms was a shield of stripes of red and silver, the
bar across the top, set with red stars; an eagle for the crest. From this coat of arms
was drawn the American flag and shield, and the eagle serves for the seal of the United
any one doubts, let him visit the little old church of St. Botolphe in London,
only five minutes' walk from the Tower, going to or returning from the grim fortress,
where so many gentle folk, in days gone by, lost their liberty or their lives. On one
of the ancient monuments in this ancient church (one hundred and fifty years old) may
be seen the Washington arms quartered with that of Col. William Legge, who died
1680, having married Elizabeth Washington. They are also found on another monument
in the same church, that of the first Lord Dartmouth. Here is shown two broad red
stripes on a yellow ground, surmounted by two red stars. One of the walls of the
church formed a portion of the Chapter House of a celebrated abbey built in the XV
century, called the Sorores Minories, or Little Sisters. After the disolution of the mon-
asteries the Abbey House was presented by Henry VIII to the Earl of Suffolk, father
of Lady Jane Grey. Several times the little church has been doomed to destruction, but
has been spared. It is often visited by Americans eager to trace for themselves the
origin of the stars and stripes which distinguish our flag. It is said that the Sons of
the American Revolution will probably interest their societies in its future preservation.
In this country there is no Herald's College to confirm to us the arms bequeathed
ns by our fathers, or the quartering adopted by them in colonial days as families intermar-
ried, but they are none the less valuable as illustrations of family history, and connecting
links with the ancestors who dwelt in the mother country. They may also prove an in-
spiration as suggested by Henry Seaton Merriman:
"When our forefathers looked around for some striking design of bird, or beast, or
fish to work upon their silken pennant, and casually asked a learned monk for a few words
in Latin or French to write beneath it, I wonder if they foresaw the responsibility they
were assuming? 1 wonder if they dreampt that in years to come when their bones were
mouldering beneath the moss grown stones of the little country churchyard (for mark you
those fellows rarely died in cities), I say I wonder if the dream ever came to them that
the bearers of their names long after would look up to the motto upon the church wall and
try to shape their lives according to Those words were a battle cry to them and they
are a battle cry now. Our ancestors have much to do with our lives, much more than we
think; a word or a name reaches into posterity. "Noblesse oblige."
The earliest Greek records were genealogical histories of individuals, and in the
Greek Testament the whole structure of Christianity is laid upon the pedigree of the Great
Master, the Messiah; hence we find in the Bible, the oldest book of pedigree in the world,
that a positive obligation was laid upon the Israelites to keep well their family records.
Here too we find authority for the first coat of arms, for the escutcheon of each family was
inscribed upon a standard beside each tent, and when the command was given, "To your
tents, Oh Israel," there was no confusion, no hesitation, a banner marked the abiding
place of each tribe, and of each family.
Abbott defines coats of arms, as "hereditary marks of honor con-
GontS of Jlnms sisting of certain fixed colors, conferred by sovereign princes at
first, and generally, as a reward for military achievements, but
subsequently also in recognition of some signal public service, not necessarily of a mili-
tary nature. These marks serve to denote the descent and alliance of the bearer. These
grants of arms were sometimes made upon the field for some specially brave deed and
usually the device was chosen with reference to the valorous act for which it was con-
This custom dates back certainly beyond the crusades, for the brave warriors who
followed the Emperor Conrad in the conquest of the French Provinces had their devices
to which augmentations were granted in 1033. Coats of arms were in use, and granted
during the crusades, for historic mention is made of the fact that some of the grand old
warriors quartered their arms with the Cross of the Knights of St. John. They were in
use, and also granted by the Norman King William at the battle of Hastings. Their an-
tiquity unchallenged, and they served not only the purpose originally intended, viz:
Are not of such ancient origin as the banners, coats and shields,
CPCStS They are also called "cognizance," because by them the wearers
were readily distinguished in battle. They were worn as orna-
ments upon the top of the helmet, and perhaps added to the protective power. They are
known to have been in use in English heraldry about the Fourteenth Century. Alexander
the Great is said to have adopted a lion for his crest, and Julius Caesar adopted a star to
denote his supposed descent from Venus. Richard I was the first English monarch who
wore a crest. He used the lion, which has since continued to be the crest of English
Are more ancient than coat armor, owing their origin to the "Cris
IDottOCS ^ c guerre," as when each tenant under a feudal lord brought his
vassals into the field, they had their own war cry. Mottoes de-
spite their antiquity, are not hereditary, but are varied or relinquished at pleasure. The
earliest motto recorded, is that of the Garter, "Honi soit qui mal y pense," founded by Ed-
ward III.
the small letters; "Lord de la Warr" has in this way become Lord Delaware; and so on.
For Heraldry I am indebted to Burke, Anderson, Doyle, Betham, Browning, L'Arte
de Verifier les Dates, America Heraldica and others.
Many county and court and parish records have been received, properly attested,
and used in the compilation of this work.
In the Appendix, page 389-405, will be found much valuable information and ad-
ditional notes of family records found elsewhere. Errata, page 405.]
St. Louis Women of Gentle Birth UJbo Have married Titled
Arranging this treatise of pedigrees called "Hesse." They are found in Eng-
alphabetically, itopens naturally with land, the latter part of 1400, or early in
this family, of which the various mem- 1500, and are seated in Yorkshire, about
bers by their intermarriages with the lead- the time of Queen Elizabeth,
ing colonial families, became the progeni- In the Yorkshire records is found the
tors ofmany "Americans of gentle birth," marriage license (1608) of Anthony Arm.-
distinguished men and women, whose de- istead of Kirk Deighton, to Frances
scendants are elsewhere represented in Thompson, one of the large family of that
this volume. Among the most eminent of name seated there for many years. ( See
their race must be named three Presi- Thompson.) In the church records ap-
dents of the United States pears, August 3, 1610, "Ye baptism of
William Henry Harrison, William, ye son of Anthony Armistead of
Benjamin Harrison, Kirk Deighton," in All Saints Church.
John Tyler. This William Armistead was without
Among the leading from whom
colonists doubt the emigrant who obtained from
the various generations of the Armisteads Capt. John West, Governor of Virginia
derive blood are found the Andersons, in 1636 a patent for 450 acres in Eliza-
Baylors, Bacons, Bassetts, Beverleys, beth City Co. He brought with him his
Booths, Bowles, Burwells, Byrds, Carters, wife, Anne. They had issue, William,
Carys, Champes, Ellysons, Fauntleroys, who died without heirs; John, heir at law,
Grymes, Harrisons, Hills, Hinds, Lees, known as "The Councillor;" Anthony,
Lewis, Lightfoot, Marrott, Merriwether, named for his father, and Frances named
Moores, Moss, Pages, Taylors, Thompsons, for his mother she married three times,
Walkes, Walkers, Wormleys and others first, Rev. Justinian Aylmer; secondly,
not appearing in the first three genera- Lieut.-Col. Anthony Elliott; thirdly, Col.
tions which are herein treated. In this Christopher Wormley, stepson of Gov. Sir
list willbe found many famous men col- : Henry Chickeley.
onial officers of the first importance, sec- John Armistead, the Councillor, mar-
retaries, treasurers, councillors, burgesses, ried either Judith Bowles or Judith Bev-
warriors and lawmakers. "Gentle blood" erly, and had children Judith Armis-
flows in the veins of all of them, and not tead, who married Robert Carter and had
a few can trace lineal descent from kings. Elizabeth Carter, who married, first,
ondly, Anne Taylor; John Page, who mar- William, who married, first, Hannah
ried Jane Byrd; Robert Page, who mar- Hinde; issue, I,John, who married Miss
ried Sarah Walker. QUI of Kent Co., and had Starckey, Wil-
John Carter, Secretary of the Colony, liam, John and 6*///,, who married Eliza-
son of Robert and Judith, married Eliza- beth Allen and had Elizabeth, who mar-
beth Hill of Shirley and had Elizabeth ried Maj. Miles Sclden; and Susanna, who
Carter, who married William Byrd; married John Gary; II, William, who mar-
Charles Carter, who married, first, Mary ried Judith; issue, Dunn, William, Anne,
11 '. Carter, secondly, Ann B. Moore; Ed- Frances, Simon, Henry and Anthony, who
ward Carter, who married married Margaret, issue, William, John,
Sarah Champe. Anthony, Benil and Hind, who married
Elizabeth Armistead, daughter of the Hannah, widow of Matthew Watts. Wil-
Councillor, married, Ralph Worm-
first, liam Armistead, married, secondly, Re-
ley, Secretary of the Colony, and had becca, daughter of Edward Moss, issue,
John, and Judith Wormley; secondly, Moss died unmarried; Edward, married,
William Churchill, and had Armistead first, Jane, secondly, Martha, issue, Rob-
Churchill, who married Hannah, daughter ert, Moss, William, Anne, Edward, Sam-
of Nathaniel Harrison; Priscilla Chur- uel, Rebecca, Robert and Hannah, who
ch ill, married Lewis, and married Miles Cary and had John Gary;
Elizabeth Churchill, who married Wil- Rebecca married the Rev. Miles Selden,
liam Bassctt and had Elizabeth, who mar- and Elizabeth, who married Benjamin
ried Benjamin Harrison, signer of the Watkins; and Judith Armistead, who mar-
Declaration of Independence, and was the ried John Robinson.
mother of President Wm. Henry Har- Anthony Armistead, second son of An-
rison,grandfather of President Ben- thony and Hannah Ellyson, married
jamin Harrison. Elizabeth, sister of William Westwood.
William Armistead, son of John, the Issue, Westwood, Anthony, and Hannah.
Councillor, married Anna, daughter of Robert Armistead, third son of Anthony
Hancock, son of Richard Lee, ancestor of and Hannah Ellyson, married, first,
the Lee family of Virginia. Their son, Booth, and had issue, Ellyson
John, married Susanna, daughter of and Booth. He married, secondly, Kath-
Thomas Merriwether; Susanna, married arine, daughter of Thomas Nutting, and
Moore Fauntleroy ; Mary, married, first, had Angelica, only daughter, and Robert
James Burtcell; secondly, Philip Light- and Booth Armistead (father of Robert),
foot. Betty and John.
Henry Armistead, soil of John the Coun- Ellyson Armistead, son of Robert and
cillor, married Martha Burtcell; his son, wife, Booth, married Jane,
William, married Miss Bowles, and had daughter of Rev. Charles Anderson, min-
William ; John who married Lucy Baylor, ister of Westover, and had
Bowles, Henry; Anne, who married An- Robert Booth Armistead, of York Co.,
thony Walkej Lucy, who married Thomas who married Christiana, daughter of Col.
Nelson, Secretary of Council, and was as- James Shields and wife, Anne Marott.
scendant of 'Thomas Nelson Page, the Issue, Mary Marott Ellyson, James Bray,
author; and Robert Armistead, who mar- Frances Anderson, Jane and Elizabeth.
ried twice. Mary Marott Armistead married Judge
Anthony Armistead, son of the emi- John Tyler, and was mother of John
grant, married Hannah, daughter of Rob- Tyler, President of the United States.
ert Ellyson, of James City, and had sons See Kicth and Hayden.
tT)p. and IDps. Eugene S. Jlbadie.
Eugene Solignac Abadie, son of Eugene and attested by the signature of Lord
and wife, Laura L. Beallj married Mary John Scott that the Abadies settled in
Louise, daughter of Robert Bruce Snow Pennsylvania, were of the blood and
and wife, Anna, daughter of William Orr lineage the ancient family of the
(of English ancestry) and wife, Ann Barony le Gironde, who bore for arms a
Thcotilc, of French descent. The Bealls shield, arg, bearing the red cross of the
were of English ancestry. Laura Beall, Crusaders capped with a plumed knight's
a daughter of Samuel and his second wife, helmet. Motto: "Tougours Fidele. Tou-
Rebecca Tannerhill; son of Walter and gours Brave"
wife, Susanna; son of Samuel Beall and The record of the Philadelphia branch is
wife, Eleanor. as follows Eugene Hilarian Abadie, born
The Abadies, according to an old docu- at Milan, France, August 16, 1809, died in
ment preserved in the family, came from St. Louis, December 22, 1874; grandson
an old French family, de V Abadie, of Pierre Abadie, born at St. Elix, France,
"living, 1662, in honor and opulent state Department of the High Grome (probably
upon the Barony of La Gironde, forty le Gironde), died at Espalion 1772; mar-
miles northeast of Bordeaux, from which ried Carlotte Canel of Espalion 1769.
estate they were hoisted at that time on His son, Hilarian Abadie, born at Es-
account of their heroic resistance to the palion April 14, 1772, died in Phila-
tyrannical edicts of King Louis Quar- delphia December 8, 1849. He married
torz." Later, in consideration of their in Espalion January 9, 1800, Marie Jeane
ancient lineage and services to their coun- Veissiere, born January 9, 1787; died at
try, Knights Guitteaume and Henri de Milan, France, December 11, 1813, leav-
FAba$ie, fwere proffered) the full resto- ing five children. The youngest, Eugene
ration of their rank aud estates, "pro- Baptise Hilarian Abadie, came with
vided they would abjure the Huguenot his father to Philadelphia when six years
heresy and return to the bosom of the old. He was a graduate of the University
Orthodox Catholic Church." This they of Pennsylvania, March 28, 1823 Member;
refused to do, and took refuge in Switzer- of the Academy of Science 1833 Commis-
land, whence thev went to England and sioned Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. July
settled upon the Scottish border, where 4, 1836 Major July 4, 1853 Brevet Lieu-
; ;
they were known as Abadies and became tenant-Colonel and Colonel March 13,
rich and prosperous in England. A 1865, for faithful and meritorious ser-
younger branch of the family remained vices during the war ( U. S. A. Rec). He
in France; emigrated to America the married, at the residence of Gov. Elias
latter part of the XVIII century and set- Rector, of Arkansas, March 12, 1841,
tled in Philadelphia. Laura L. Beall, daughter of Samuel T.
This account of the origin of the family Beall and wife, Sallie Rector, born at
was found in "The Records and Doings of Bardstown, Ky., May 7, 1824, died at St,
the Blood Stock Huguenots" by lean Louis September 9, 1875.
Baubee, preserved in the archives of the Sallie Rector was born in Shenandoah
British Consulate at Bordeaux, which Valley, Va., January 27, 1799; died at
were copied and furnished by Lord John Little Rock July 15, 1840 third daughter
Scott, British Consul General at Borde- of Frederick Rector of Fauquier Co., Va.,
aux to A. Cranshaw, British Consul at and wife, Elizabeth Conner, of Fauquier,
Philadelphia. It was proved at this time daughter of Lewis Conner of Newburn,
by an examination of the writing of one N. C, and wife, Ann Wharton, born near
lean Baubee, Notary of Deeds, Bordeaux, Norfolk, Va., 1755. (See pp. 9-10.)
John Rectorj father of Frederick; mar- December 12, 1755; married, 1783, Han-
ried a widow, Catharine Robinson nee nah Surges. Their son, John Surges
Taylor, born 1707, died 1792; of the old Snow, a graduate of Brown's University,
Virginia family of Taylors. (See p. 271 Providence, R. married Clmrlotte,
olas and Mary Snow of London, for he generation." (Amos Otis.) Their son,
named his first daughter Mary. He mar- Thomas, married Mary Worden and had
ried in Plymouth, Constance, daughter of Joseph, who married Thomasine, daugh-
Stephen Hopkins, "both of the blessed ter of Jonathan Bangs (a lineal descend-
company of the Mayflower." Their son, an t of Sir John Bankes, see pp. 318-19)
Mark Snow, "a man of large influence, am\ w ife Mary Mayo, daughter of Sam-
married Jane Prence 1660, daughter of UG \ Mayo and wife, Thomasine; son
Gov. Thomas Prence and second wife, Mary f Nathaniel Mayo and wife, Hannah;
Collier, ofDuxbury. He served as Gov- daughter of Gov. Prence and first wife,
ernor three terms and as Assistant Gov- I>atience, daughter of Elder William
eruor many times. Their son, Nicholas, Brewster of the Mayflower. John Bur-
horn in Eastham 1663, died at Rochester, ges, son of Jonathan and wife, Mary
Mass., 1751; married Lydia, daughter of Mayo, married Hannah Blackwell (see p.
Jonathan Shaw and wife, Phcbe (Watson) 26), and had John Burges, who married
Shaw. Their son, Jonathan, born in East- Abigail Chase and had Hannah Burges,
ham January 30, 1691 (died at Rochester), who married Jonathan Snow and had
married, 1718, Thankful, daughter of Ed- John Burges Snow, who married Char-
<r<ird and Sarah (Mayo) Freeman; moved lottc, daughter of Stephen Bruec and
to Rochester, Mass., 1729. Their son, wife, Ida Wichborn of Boston, parents of
Isaac Snow, born February 4, 1719 (or Robert Bruce Snow, who married Anna
20), married Thankful King and had Jona- Orr and had Mary L. Snow Abadie of St
ihon, born at Marlboro, near Rochester, Louis.
IDns. 3obn T\. Lee.
Martha Virginia Gathright Lee, wife hcger, one of the Norman knights; his
of Governor John A. Lee of Missouri (of mother was a Gartwright. At the time
the old Virginia family of Lees, (see pp. of the Revolution the descendants of
13-14), is the daughter of Owen GaihrigM Michael were among the
and wife, Eliza Ann Austin Gathright, of largest land owners above and below
Louisville, Richmond on the James. River; portions
Eliza Ann Austin was the daughter of of those vast estates are still in the Gath-
James Austin, who was in the battle of right or Garthright family. During the
New Orleans 1812,—and wife, Elizabeth Revolution many of the family were still
Dele, of French Huguenot descent. Her Royalists.
family came from Calvert Co., Maryland. Mrs. Lee's paternal grandmother,
As the records of that county were all Martha Redford, for whom (and her na-
burned with the court house in 1885 it tive state) Mrs. Lee is named,
a lineal is
has been impossible to trace the ante- descendant of the Redfords, one of the
cedents of Elizabeth Dele. most ancient English families. The town
James Austin was a son of John Austin, of East Redford, named for this family,
who was born on the ocean while his owns a seal, the date of which is 1545.
parents were en route to Virginia. John In 1635, there was heavier emigration to
Austin is one of the Roll of Honor the New World than all previous years
men of the American Revolution, having combined, owing to the methods of the
served the entire eight years of the war. crown to enforce ancient rights of taxa-
His first wife was a M^s-Qrigsby, to tion. These emigrants were all of the
which family belonged the famous Hugh better class, being property holders af-
Blmr Grigsby. fected by the these laws.
John Austin married, secondly, Eliza- Among themore prominent and
berth Lindsay (greatgrandmother of Mrs. wealthy families, whose entire property
Lee). She was descended from the Rev. was confiscated and the heads of the
David Lindsay, who was issued from the families thrown into prison as an example
Earl of Lindsay and Catharine, daughter to the others who refused to comply with
of King Robert II of Scotland, who was the laws, was the father of John and
descended from William the Conqueror. Frcmcis Redford, aged sixteen and twenty
(See pp. 90, 173-5.) respectively, who came to America that
'Owen Gathright is descended from year'- The will of John Redford has not
Michael Gartwright, one of the cavaliers been found, but that of his younger son,
who sought refuge in Virginia after the Francis, is preserved; probated 1692.
downfall of Charles I. He was one of The inventory of his personal estate
the Irish Royalists who joined the king's shows table silver, table and bed linen
forces at Newburg. In this famous and by the barrel, "Turkey wrought" carpets,
fatal battle a, cousin of Michael Gart- gilt leather furniture, etc., but most im-
wright was killed, Sir William St. portant of all, a large Bible and a library
I<eger, Knt, descendant of Sir Robert St. very rare in those days. His younger
son, John, was one of the vestrymen of has engaged ; wars and the Revo-
Henrico Parish who built the historic St. lution the war of 1812 the Mexican war;
; ;
John's Church in Richmond, where Pat- the recent war with Spain, and in the
rick Henry started the ball of the Revolu- Philippines. They also took part in the
tion rolling during the meeting of the Civil War; divided in their sentiments,
Virginia assembly there in 1775, "in a theirnames may be found on the rolls of
burst of unearthly eloquence" The wife both the Union and Confederate armies.
of this John Red ford was Martha Milner. Mrs. Lee is Vice Regent of the Jefferson
The descendants of the Virginia Mil- Chapter D. A. R.'s of St. Louis, and Presi-
ners have the distinction of being able to dent of the St. Louis Chapter of the
point to American evidence of the right United Daughters of the Confederacy.
to noble arms. The grave stone of Mary The Milner Arms, an ancient copy of
Milner, who died in 1700, is still pre- which is still preserved in Virginia, are:
served and on engraved the Milner
it is Sa, a chevron between three snaffle-bite,
coat of arms, being the same as the Lan- or. Crest: A horse's head erased, sa, brid-
cashire and Yorkshire Milners, which led, or.Motto: "Addit frona feris" (He ap-
have furnished a number of names prom- plieth the curb to savage nations). (See
inent in English history.
One of the the Virginia Historical Magazine, and The
founders of William and Mary College William and Mary Quarterly.)
was Tlwmas Milner, who was at that
Owen Gathright and wife, Eliza Ann
time, also, Speaker of the House of
Austin, had children: James (killed in
Burgesses. The founder of the Virginia war with Mexico); John Thomas Gath-
Milners was one of the early cavaliers,
right; William Price Gathright; Anna
Robert Milner, who came to Virginia in
Gathright Sperry; Eliza Gathright Mar-
tin; Owen Gathright, Jr.; Sallie Gath-
John Redford and Martha Milner Red- right, who married, first, Skeene,
ford furnished several adherents to the
secondly, Sperry; Alice Bradford
cause of liberty in their children and
Gathright Smith; Martha Virginia Gath-
grandchildren, among them their young- right Lee; Mollie Gathright (died young)
est son,Milner Redford, the great-great-
Minnie Warren Gathright Cook.
grandfather of Mrs. Lee.
Martha Virginia Gathright, married
Mrs. Lee is also descended through her
John Adams Lee, prominent in the pol-
paternal grandmother, Martha Redford,
itics of Missouri, which he now represents
from Lord Bradford and the French as Lieutenant-Governor. They have chil-
Huguenot family of Reynards. Through
dren :
This old Virginia family had its origin the Revolution, Lieutenant-Colonel of the
in Scotland,and were found later in Continental army. married, first, a He
Northumberland Co., England, where Sir daughter of George Rogers Clark; sec-
Edmund Anderson was Chief Justice, ondly, Sarah Marshall, cousin of Chief
The first American ancestor was Richard, Justice Marshall. They had sons, Rich-
who came over in the ship Merchant's ard C, Jr., Larz, who married a daughter
Hope. His sons, Thomas and John, set- of Nicholas Longworth, of Cincinnati;
tied at Gloucester Point, Robert, son of Maj. Robert Anderson, U. S. A., of Fort
Thomas (or John?) went to New Kent Sumpter fame, Gov. Charles Anderson, of
Co., where he had a grant of land, 1683. Kentucky, and W. Marshall Anderson,
His son, Robert II, a vestryman of St. third son, who married Eliza, daughter of
Peter's Parish, married Mary Overton, Gov. Duncan Mc Arthur of Ohio. (See
daughter of D. Massie and Lucelia Poin- McArthur and Marshall.) Their surviv-
dexter; granddaughter, probably, of Col. ing children are
Wm. Overton, as the name Mary Overton I. Thomas McArthur Anderson, Bri-
is carried down in the family. They had gadier-General of the Regular Army and
sons, David, and, Major-General of Volunteers, who rend-
Robert III, born at Gold Mine in Han- ered brilliant service in the Philippine
over Co., 1712, who married,
beth, daughter of Richard Clough and
1739, Eliza-
Islandg aftep ^ faU of Manila; now
Commandant of the goldierg and gailors ,
., ' ,. ,. . , ,.
TT f.* .
Richard Clough, the eldest, born in IV.—Minnie, wife of Judge Jos. Olds,
Gold Mine 1750, was a famous patriot of of Columbus, Ohio.
Thomas Anderson.
Grandson of Robert Anderson, of Gold BettieHawes Pendleton, secondly, Abbie
Mine, and wife, Cecilia Massie, born in Jackson; Thomas Winston, married Mary
Hanover Co., Va., 1732, married Frances Jane Gammon, Patsy Tanner, Archibald
Jones and had children, Mathew, Mary, Hart, married Katharine Massie Shelton;
Fanny, John, William, Elizabeth, Sally, Lucy, Barbara, Joseph; James married
Nancy, Thomas and Martha. Carrie Young; and Fannie Winston mar-
Mathew, born September 1, 1761, died ried Samuel Hart.
1799; married Martha Tanner and had Archibald Hart and wife, Katharine
Archibald Anderson, M. D., of Louisa Massie Shelton, had seven children:
Co., who married Patsy Callis, daughter Archer, Thomas Lewis, married Lily Por-
of John Winston and wife, Barbara Over- ter, resides in Richmond, Va. Jackson, ;
ton, whose mother was a daughter of Col. Patsy Callis, married Dr. Shipley of
Callis. They had children, Mathew Gar- Rippy, Iowa McGregor, married Willie
land, who married, first, Jane Lewis Hart, Wooten, lives in Richmond; Joseph, M.
secondly, Mollie F. Anderson; Dr. John D., Louisa Co., and Herman H., Rich-
Bickerton Anderson, who married, first, mond, Va.
1 [3]
This family, of noble somest man in France," had a son, who
Itlinstcn. lineage, is descended became a Protestant minister, called the
from the three brothers who emigrated "Prophet of the Reformation."
from Yorkshire, England, to Virginia Jacques, son of Jean, born 1663, became
about 1703 Isaac, James and John,
: famous as the "Fighting Huguenot." In
"They intermarried with the leading col- his "Memoirs of a Huguenot" he gives a
onists of that day and became the pro- vivid account of his persecutions and es-
genitors of a distinguished race." (His. cape into England with his betrothed wife
Reg. Va. ) married Mary Fon-
Isaac, and subsequent adventures in England
taine, daughter of Rev. Peter Fontaine of and Ireland, where his three sons and one
Westover, a Huguenot of gentle birth, and daughter were born :Capt. John Fon-
settled in Hanover Co. They had numer- taine, an English officer, Pierre and Fran-
ous children. Their eldest son, Isaac II, cis, both clergymen, and Mary Ann, who
married Mary Dabney, of the noble married Mathew Maury, of Castle Mauran,
Huguenot family D'Aubigne, who fled Gascony. They all came to America
from France to Wales, thence to this about 1698.
country with the Huguenot emigration, Pierre (Peter) Fontaine, who became
and settled in Hanover and King William the rector of Westover Parish, is described
counties descendants of Cornelius and
; as a polished scholar and courtly gentle-
Theodore D'Agrippa D'Aubigne. (Virg. man. He and were
his brother, John,
Reg. members of Gov. Spottsivood's famous ex-
Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Mary Dab- pedition across the Blue Ridge 1716,
ney Winston, married John Henry, and which ended on their return in the insti-
became the mother of Patrick Henry, who tution of the "Knights of the Golden
married, first, a Shelton, secondly, a Horseshoe." (See Fontaine elsewhere.)
Winston. Mary Overton, ancestress
John, son of Isaac and Mary Dabney ©VCPtOfl. on ^e ^p[ n ^i e gj^e f the
Winston, Captian of Fourth Virginia Reg- Andersons, was a daughter of William
ulars in the Revolution (see Heitman), Overton, born 1638, who married in Vir-
married Barbara, granddaughter of Rob- ginia, November 24, 1670, a young lady, to
ert and Mary Overton, and had Patsy whom it is said he was attached in Eng-
Callis Winston, great granddaughter of land, Mary Waters, sister of the young
Isaac and Mary Fontaine Winston, who Duke of Monmouth. In the Students' Art
married Dr. Archibald Anderson, and had Gallery of London, near the picture of
Archibald Hart, who married Katharine Charles I and Nell Gwynne, are paintings
Massie Shelton. of lovely Mary Waters and her brother."
This family traces its (Papers of the Fontaine Family.) The
* lineage
back to feudal Massies early intermarried with the
France, the first of record being Jean de Waters (see Massie), and also with the
la Fontaine, son of a Huguenot noble, Overtoils, according to the private and
born 1500, of the household of Francis I. public records of the Anderson family,
an officer of the Ordinance du Roi, retain- (Am. Ancestry, vol. 8, p. 231.)
ing this office until the reign of Charles This family is of English
II, when, because of his faith, he retired Sbclton. origin, supposed to belong
with his wife to their estate, where they, to the Shcltons seated in Norfolkshire.
with their retainers, were assasinated. John Shclton came from England 1680.
His three sons fled to La Rochelle, where He was a wealthy sea-captain, owned his
they grew up. Jean, called "the hand- own ship and traded between England
had George P. Shelton, who married, first, They had one daughter, Jean Hamilton
a kinswoman, Katharine Dabney, whose Anderson, born November 20, 1892 died ;
patched with a fleet of ships, while the between England and Scotland resulted,
King led in person an army by land to and Was followed by war on land, the
subdue the chiefs of the Scottish Isles killing of Andrew Barton mentioned by
who were in a constant state of rebel- King James as the first cause for the
lion. Andrew Burton was at the same declaration of war. Then followed Flod-
time employed in the vindication of the den Field, when King James and the
Scottish Sovereign among the nations, flower of his army were destroyed; and
who while at peace with them were after Flodden came the extinction of the
plundering their ships and robbing their Scottish fleet and Scotland ceased to be
crews. This he accomplished so success- a naval power. (See Chambers' Eminent
fully that the diplomats of the Court of Scotchmen.)
Henry VIII, seeking to divert the King In the course of the succeeding cen-
from his purpose of a war with France, turies the Bartons drifted to England
turned his attention to Scotland, repre- and America, In England their names
him that Andrew Barton was
vsenting to are found in the books of Peerage and
sweeping the sea with a piratical crew, enrolled with honor in the records of
and thus secured from him the order to State and War. In America they are
seek Barton and his ships and destroy found among'& the leaders in councils of
tnem -
peace, and upon the battlefield.
Capt. George Barton,
mentioned in his- Joshua and Isaac II, destined
tory as having served in to become
the Low Countrv prominent in the affairs of
Wars with distinction, was the the nation
first of They were the
the family to come first three lawyers who
to America. That he settled in the little
was of noble birth is evidenced French town of St.
from the Louis, then in Louisiana.
fact that his name is
found on the roll They volun-
teered to fight the Indians,
of officers, selected
by Sir Philip Sidney and on their
return David was appointed
and Sir Francis Drake, for Judge of the
the Cartha- first
genian expedition. Circuit Court west of
the Missis-
The records of that early
sippi. He was made President of the
day were so State Convention, which drafted
imperfectly kept that it is the
impossible to State Constitution known
know with certainty whether to-day as "The
the "Widow Barton Constitution." In
Barton," found in Maryland the same year
prior to 1700 the two first United States
was the widow of a descendant of this Senators were
chosen for the State and
George Barton, but it is David Barton
certain that from was unanimously elected, and
her five sons, Abraham, chose for
Isaac, Jacob, his colleague Thomas
Joshua and Benjamin, H. Benton. He
sprung a noble served his
race of men. About State in this capacity for
1672, Dr. John Bar- ten
o, came to America years. His brother, Joshua,
from England and became the
partner Edward
settled mSalem, Mass.
U. S. Attorney General
Bates and was made
These are the earliest of the District of
Bartons on
record ln this country, Missouri. He was killed in a duel while
and from one of holding
them must have descended that office. The youngest son,
the men who a Isaac
cen ury latep maintained
of their ancient
Scotch and English an-
^ Barton III, also prominent
profession, held the
in bis
office of Clerk of the
cestors, both on
U. S. Court twenty-one
the battlefield and years.
the state Councils. In
War ,t
the Revolutionary
shown that they served
Barton — Excursus.
with This branch of the family
distinction. Lieut. Joseph Barton's* descend-
is found on
name ant from a "Widow Barton," living in
the roll of the Rhode
Island Maryland prior to 1700. She
soldiers in 1775.
William Barton enlisted had "five
sons, Abraham, Isaac,
m a New Jersey company
as Ensign,
Jacob, Joshua and
Benjamin, and one daughter,
and for gallant conduct Elizabeth.
was made Capt. Joshua, born 1718, married
of Artillery in a Jane Dubart,
Pennsylvania companv, and had four sons, Abraham
1775 Col.
William Barton made II, Isaac II,
a bril- Joshua II, and David.
liant record in the
Revolutionary War- Isaac II, born 1746,
was made Brigadier General, married Kesiah
and an ele- Murphy, and
gant sword was had eight children, anion-
presented to him by them, David II, William,
Congress in recognition Isaac III, Joshua
of his distin- UI,
gurshed valor. These Martha, Jane, and another daughter
names, Joseph and
Vilham, are found in this Joshua II, brother of Isaac II,
family married
Isaac Barton, son of and had two sons, John and Jonathan.
Joshua and Jane
Dubart, was born in David I, brother of Isaac II and Joshua
Maryland, 1746, and U,
married Eesiah, daughter married and had
of Ret, William
Murphy, 1768. After Joseph Barton, who married
his marriage he Elizabeth
hector, daughter of
entered the Baptist Frederick K. Rector
Ministry and moved of
to Green County, Farquahar County, Va., and
N C, now Tennessee, Elizabeth
his wife,
and here were born his Conner, daughter of Lewis and
three sons, David his wife Anne Wharton
Conner, descend-
ants of scions of the nobility of Ireland education with a course of law. He then
and England. located in St. Louis, Mo., where he secured
Kimber Lewis Barton, son of Joseph and a fine law practice and amassed a for-
Elizabeth Rector Barton, married Isastta tune before his death. Mrs. Lida Barton
Collins, daughter of Joseph and his wife Fritcheymarried, secondly, John F. Hum-
Fannie Cave Collins, daughter of Benja- phrey, alawyer and capitalist of Califor-
min Cave and his wife Jane Moore, daugh- nia. They now reside in St. Louis.
ter of Andrew Glassell and his wife Eliza- Frances, daughter of Crimora Barton
beth, daughter of Erasmus Taylor and his and T. W. Morgan, married Dey M. Hough,
wife Jane Moore. Erasmus was the son formerly of St. Louis, now residing in
of James Taylor II and his wife, Martha Philadelphia. They have two children,
Thompson, a descendant of Sir Roger the eldest a son, Fritchey, and a daugh-
Thompson of England. ( See Taylor. ter, Lida. The Houghs are descended
Kimber Lewis Barton and Isaetta Collins from a prominent family in Wales, and
had four children, Crimora, who married from the eighteenth century down to the
T. W. Morgan of Virginia, and had one present time they have been chiefly pro-
child, Fannie (Shannie), who married Dey fessional men, showing la natural ten-
M. Hough of Philadelphia. dency to follow the life of a physician, in
Edward Rector Barton married Miss which calling many of them have
Helm. reached positions of prominence. St.
Joseph Collins Barton married Miss Mary's College, Oxford, numbers a John
Williams. Hough among its Presidents. At one
Lida Rector, second daughter of Kimber time one of the largest fleets of trading
Lewis Barton and his wife, Isaetta Collins, ships that ever left the ports of Great
married first, John Qui ncy Adams Fritchey, Britain under the ownership of one fam-
of German and Welsh origin, his ances- ily, was owned by the Houghs, and their
tors having come to this country the lat- mercantile transactions extended to
ter part of the eighteenth century. They nearly all portions of the world. Re-
settled inDauphine County, Pa., where ligiously and politically the family were
they built a handsome stone mansion, decidedly Puritanical, with a tendency
which remains to the present day. to the faith of the Quakers and the Close
Their son, Frederick William, born in Communion Baptists*. Owing to the re-
1799, married Anne Maria Willeisen, of ligious persecution in England in the
Welsh origin, born 1810. He was promi- seventeenth century, the Houghs migrat-
nent in the affairs of the county, serv- ed to Holland and later came to Amer-
ing many years as Captain of the Militia. ica, where they became members of the
They had seven children, among them, colony founded by Roger Williams.
Charge W. Fritchey, now residing in Al- Dey M. Hough is the son of Norman Fox
ton, 111.; and John Q. A. Fritcliey, born Hough and Elizabeth Matthews, and was
near Harrisburg, Pa., October 21st, 1830, born in Michigan in 1861. Elizabeth
who married Lida Rector Barton. His Matthews was the daughter of Simon
early years were spent in mercantile pur- Matthews of Syracuse, N. Y., and Phoebe
suits, later he became interested in jour- Squires of Philadelphia, Norman
nalism and connected himself with the Hough was the son of Simon Hough and
Herman Reform Messenger at Chambers- Abigail Reynolds. The Hough ancestors
burg, Pa. lis education was begun at
I on the male side are traced back for
Mercersburg, Pa., and completed at Ann some five hundred years, beginning with
Arbor, Mich, supplementing his classical William, father of Simon, father of Rich-
ardson, father of John, father of George, his death. He represented Orange County
another William, .and so on to Dey M. in theHouse of Burgess, 1756. He married
Hough. Hannah, daughter of William Bledsoe, and
Kimber Lewis Barton married, second- had several children. His grandson, Col.
ly, Miss Hughes, and had son® and daugh- Richard M. Johnson, served in Congress
ters: Kimber who married Hattie Over-
L., and U. S. Senate for many years; was
all; William, who married Fannie Wad- Vice-President in 1837. He distinguished
dell; George, who married Pamela Har- himself in the war of 1812 at the battle of
rison; James married Miss Pearl Me-
8., the Thames, where he killed Tecumseh.
Williams; Amanda Lewis, married T. W. Benjamin, ninth son of Benjamin Cave
Morgan, and Louisa, who married A. C. and Hannah married Elizabeth
Jahren, of Kansas City. Belfield, of noble descent, daughter of
Dr. John and Ruth Sydnor Belfield of
RcctoK. Richmond County, Va., son of Merriwether
The Rectoks (Reichtors) were of Colston Belfield and grandson of Dr.
Saxon origin, John Rector, being among Joseph and Frances Wright Belfield, an
the early adventurers from Germany to English physician, who came to Virginia
the Virginia Colony. He founded Rector- the latter part of the seventeenth century,
town in that State, and married Katlierine Their eldest son Belfield Cave, married
(Taylor) Robinson, who derived her blood Miss Christy, and had: I, Belfield, who
from the old Taylor family of Carlisle, married Crimora Jones and had a daugh-
Eng., descendants of the Earls of Pen- ter who became the wife of Gov. Kemper
nington, being a grand-daughter of John of Virginia, II, Emilie, married Col.
Taylor and his wife, Katheri/ne Pendleton Cave. Ill, Sallie married Mr. Shackel-
the Pendletons also of English birth and ford. IV, Hudson, a professor of Chappel
distinguished in the affairs of Colonial Hill.
Government. Katherine Taylor married, V, Benjamin, who married Jane Moore
first, a Robinson of the well-known fam- Glassell; their daughter, Fannie, married
ily of Virginia, also of noble English Joseph Collins, and their daughter, Isa-
birth. married Kimber L. Barton.
Joseph Barton and his wife, Elizabeth The Bledsoes, William and his brother,
Rector Barton, came to Missouri early in were famous explorers and continued
the eighteenth century and settled in the their explorations westward until finally
little French village of Kaskaskia, where they settled in Kentucky, where they had
their son, Kimber Lewis Barton, was born many descendants, among them Judge
in 1812, and married Isaetta Collins in Bledsoe, a distinguished lawyer and
1840. Through her mother, Fannie Cave, jurist. (Hayden.)
she was a descendant of the Belfields and
Bledsoes of England, and the Classels and Belfield— Glassell.
Moores of Scotland. From a genealogical record of this
Benjamin Cave came from England family furnished by Brock to the Ricli-
to Virginia in 1725, and patented land on mond Standard, 1782, the following ex-
the Rapidan river with William Bledsoe, tract is made: "Not another perhaps in
He was a scion of the English nobility, the catagory of old Virginia families has
the Cave Baronage having been created better sustained its ancient prestige, so-
in 1634. He was vestryman of St. Marks rialrank and personal merit through the
Parish, Culpepper County, 1731-40, and of varied changes of time than this worthy
St. Thomas Parish, Orange County, until family. Their eminent ancestor, Dr.
Jmcpli 11 el field, brought with him to VII, Duke and she became the
of Argyle,
the colonies a much larger property than grandmother of the Marquis of Lorne,
was usual among the American emi- who married Princess Louise, daughter
grants! of that clay, and in course of time of Queen Victoria.
became quite wealthy, owning large Andreio emigrated to Vir-
tracts of land in various parts of the ginia in 1756, and imported mechanics
country. The family was from Cornwall, and materials from Scotland with which
England, where it still exists and is said he built a fine residence upon his large
to be represented by a Baronet. All of estate, which he called Torthowald. He
the English Belfields used the same arms married, October 21st, 1776, Elizabeth,
with slight differences," Those brought daughter of Erasmus Taylor and his wife,
to this country and used by the Belfields Jane Moore. Erasmus was the son of
are thus described by Burke: Arms: Erm James Taylor II of Carlisle, and his wife,
a mullet gu on a chief of the last. A label Martha, daughter of Col. William Thomp-
of five points ar. Crest: A demi tiger ar, son, of the Boyal Army, a descendant of
armed and tuffted or. Pierced through Sir Roger Thompson of England. (See
the body with the broken staff of a flag, Thompson.
the flag hanging between his fore legs. Glassell Arms : Arg, a garb az, banded,
Party per fess wavey and azure. or, between three lions' heads^ erased, sa,
The Glass ells are of French descent, on a chief ermine, a lion rampant gules.
and it is claimed that the first of the Crest: The sun shining on a sunflower
name went from Poictiers, France, to full blown ppr.
Scotland, with Mary Queen of Scots. The
name was originally Glassele, and is so
Conner— II! bat? ton.
spelled in an old book still preserved by
the Virginia Glassells, in which appears This branch of the Conners is descend-
"John Glassele, gotten 1620." ed from the Conners of the northern part
I. John Glassell, a descendant of John, of Ireland, of noble birth. There is a
1620, lived atBucan Dumfries, Scotland; family tradition that a fortune there
he married, first as shown by the Thor- awaits American claimants.
wald Begister, his cousin, Marion Glassell, Capt. Charles Conner, owner and com-
of Bucan, and, second, by the family mander of a vessel sailing between
records, Mary His eon
Colter. Liverpool and Norfolk about 1750, tired
II. Robert Glassell, married Mary, of seafaring life, purchased a large body
daughter of Matthew Helton of Thorwald; of land on the Catawba river, N. C,
their eldest son: where he built him
house said to be the
III. John born 1734, came to
Glassell, finest of that day. He married Miss
Fredericksburg, Va., prior to the Bevolu- Nancy Eppes, daughter of a prominent
tion, but at the beginning of the war he old Virginia family. He was soon fol-
deeded his possessions to his brother, lowed to North Carolina by his brother,
Andrew, and returned to Scotland, where James, then Henry, and later, William,
he married Helen Buchan. One of her from whom was; descended Lewis Conner,
sisters having married a Dalhousie, and who married Ann Wharton, parents of
one an Erskine, she became, therefore, Elizabeth, who married Frederick Rector.
aunt to the Earl of Dalhousie and Lord They were all men of wealth and promi-
Erskine. John Glassell died in 1806, nence and their descendants have con-
leaving one child, Johanna, a great heir- tributed many interesting pages to the
ess, who married, April 7th, 1820, John history of this country.
Th fflh #n< derived tJieir name their descendants were united in Anier-
from a "Fair Lord- ica by the marriage of Joseph Barton to
ship," situated upon the River Eden. It Elizabeth) Rectior, granddaughter of Anne
is a family of great antiquity in the north Wharton.
of England. One of its members married PhilipLord of Wharton, created
in the reign of King Edward I, the daugh- Duke, 1718, whose estates were confis-
ter and heiress of Hastings, hie descend- cated with all of his honors save the
ants deriving thereby a strain of royal Barony of Wharton, had Sir George
blood from the Plantagenets. Wharton, who succeeded to the Barony.
Henry Whaiion of Eden, in 1409, mar- He was a subscriber to the Virginia Com-
ried Elizalcth, daughter of Sir Thomas pany. He had four sons, George, Thomas,
Musgrave, and their son married the John and Joseph. One of them married
daughter of Sir Thomas Lowther, and his the daughter of Sir Henry Lee of Ditchley,
descendants derived thereby a strain of ancestor of the Lee family of Virginia,
royal blood from Edivard II, and from known as the Marchioness of Wharton.
the Do Toeneys. Their son, Henry Sir Thomas, youngest son of Sir George,
Wharton, was the grandfather of Sir and grandson of the Dnke of Wharton,
Thomas Wharton, governor of the town emigrated to America in 1685 and be-
and Castle of Carlisle, who, in the cam e the founder of the Wharton family
time of Henry VIII, assisted by William f this country, many of whom are dis-
Musgrave, at the head of only two hun- tinguished in the history of America as
dred men, gallantly resisted an incursion Statesmen, Warriors, Clergymen and
of the Scots, put them to rout and made Physicians, (See records of Wharton
prisoner of the Earl of Glencaim. Two family.) The arms brought to this coun-
years later he participated in the taking try from England and used by the Whar-
of Dumfries, for which, and other emi- tons are thus described: Arms: Sable, a
nent services, he was knighted, 1545, maunch argent, a canton or; Crest: A
Baron Wharton. The lineal descendant of bull's head erased charged with a trefoil
this eminent nobleman, Philip Wharton, vert* Motto: Lesses dire.
VI Lord and II Marquis of Wharton, was Owing to the destruction by fire, and
created DuJce of Wharton, 1718, but hav- during the war, of many of the Virginia
ing joined the Chevalier, His Grace was recordS) has been impossible to deter-
attainted, and when he died in 1731 all
mine certainly from wMch 0ne of the
of his honors save the Barony of Whar-
sons of mi
„ , ,
_ Thomas, Anne TT77
. . .
It is
Whartons gained their chief honors in and their *"*hter, Elizabeth, married
the wars against the Scots, which were Frederick Rector; their daughter, Eliza-
brought on by the killing of Andrew Bar- heth Rector, married Joseph Barton; their
ton, Lord High Admiral of Scotland, by the son, Kimber Lewis, married, first, Isiaetta
English in naval battle temp Henry Collins, and had Lida Rector, wife of
VIII, and nearly five centuries later, John F. Humphreys.
Wv. and Wvs. 3esse Wcvczv Battle.
The original spelling of this name was Crudup, Elisha, John, William, Dempsey,
Battaile but the records show that in dif- Jacob and Jethro.
ferent periods the spelling has been William Battle, son of Elisha, was
changed to Battel, Battcll, and lastly Bat- born in Edgecomb, N. 0., November 8th,
tie. The name originated in a town in 1751 died there 1781. He was a wealthy
Essex, England, so named from the battle planter and married Charity, daughter of
of Hastings, fought in 1066 and won by Henry Horn, who was a member of the
William the Conqueror; on the spot, later, State Congress 1776, which was specially
was erected Battle Abbey. The surname is elected to form a Constitution for the new
literally DeBello. (Patronomia Britan- State. They had four children: Isaac,
ica. ) The family tradition is, that the Joel, Anne, who married Daniel Ross and
name originated from Battle Flats, which settled in Tennessee Isaac, who married
commemorates the great battle of Stam- Lucinda May, Pitt Co., N. C, and settled
ford Brid°e in the year 440. in Nashville, Tenn., and was the father of
The American family is of English de- Gen. Joel Allen Battle, State Treasurer
scent, the first emigrant, John Battle, of Tennessee.
having come from Yorkshire, Eng., to Joel, son of William and Charity Horn
what was then broadly known as Vir- Battle, born in Edgecomb Co., N.C, May
ginia. He resided in Nansemond Co., 16th, 1778, died at Rockymount, N. C,
Virginia, and on Pasquabank river, N. C, August 25th, 1829. He was a planter and
owning land there as early as 1663. His manufacturer; built in the year 1820 one
son, William Battle, born in Pasquabank, of the first cotton factories in North Car-
Congress which adopted the Constitution Court during the revolutionary war. His
of North Carolina 1776, State Senator father, Jacob Johnston, married Mary
1777; member of the State Convention Waller and emigrated from Virginia 1738.
1788, which postponed the adoption of the The children of Joel and Mary Johnston
Constitution of the United States, Chair- Battle were William Horn, Richard
man of the committee of the whole. He Henry, Rev. Amos Johnston, Katherine,
moved from Virginia to Tar River, N. C, Benjamin Dorsey, Christopher Columbus,
and married Elizabeth, daughter of John Susan and Laura. William Horn Battle
Sumner, first cousin to Gen. Jethro Sum- was Judge of the Supreme Court, North
ner, of Washington's staff; granddaugh- Carolina, and his son, Kemp P. Battle,
ter ofWilliam Sumner, of Sumner Manor, was State Treasurer and President of the
Tsle of Wight Co., Virginia. They had University of North Carolina; Dorsey,
nine children: Sarah, who married, first, son of Benjamin Dorsey Battle? was the
Jacob Billiard, and second, Henry Horn, Judge of the Superior Court of North
Sr.;John, Elizabeth, who married Josiah Carolina.
Amos Johnston Battle, born in Edge- There are twelve branches of this Eng-
eomb Co., N. C, January 11th, 1805, died lish family, and there has been some dis-
at Wilson, N. 0., September 24th, 1870; cussion among the biographers of the
a prominent Baptist preacher. His life Virginia branches as to which of these
was devoted to deeds of charity, much of families belonged Col. Richard Lee, the
his large fortune was spent in building Virginia emigrant. William Lee, of Strat-
the Baptist Church in Raleigh, N. C, and ford House, great grandson of Col. Rich-
Wake Forest College, at Wake Forest, N. ard, claims the Lees of Shropshire, who
C. He married in 1830, Margaret Heam had large possessions, many of whom were
Parker, daughter of Weeks Parker and knighted. Richard Lee's descent, as
Sabra Irwin, and had Caroline, Anne Jud- follows, was tested by an officer of the
son, James Thomas, Martha Louisa, College of Arms.
Walter R., Kate Johnston, George Board- Launcelot, the founder of the Lee fam-
man, Cullen Andrews, and Jesse Mercer, ily, was originally from France and went
Jesse Mercer Battle was born at Centre to England with William the Conqueror.
Hill, Hertford Co., N. C, November 10th, After the battle of Hastings, a fine estate
1850. He married, October 21st, 1873, at in County Essex was bestowed upon him.
Clayton, Johnston Co., N. C, Laura Eliza- Lionel Lee raised a company of Cav-
beth Lee, daughter of Charles Washington aliers and accompanied Richard Coeur
Lee and Candace Hawkins Turley. They de Lion in the third crusade, 1192. For
have one daughter, Helen May, born Feb- gallant conduct at the siege of Acre he was
ruary 28th, 1878, who married, April 5th, made First Earl of Litchfield, and another
1898, Eugene Fleming Smith, and has a estate was bestowed upon him, "Ditchley."
son, The armor worn by Lionel Lee was
Eugene Battle Smith, born in St. Louis, placed in the Moore Armory in the Tower
May 18th, 1899. of London.
Arms: Purp, a griffin segreant within Richard Lee accompanied the Earl of
a bordure engrailed, or. Crest: Out of Surrey in his expedition against the
an antique crown, or, a dexter arm ppr, Scotch, 1542. Two of the family were
holding a cross, crosslet, fitchie, in pale Knights Companions of the Garter, and
gules. (Burkes.) their banners surmounted by the Lee
arms, were placed in St. George's Chapel,
** ec » Windsor.
The name Lee is of common origin with Col. Richard Lee, a younger son of the
Legh, Leigh, Lys, Lege, Leighe, Lygh, etc., house of Litchfield, emigrated to America
all derived from the Saxon "lay" or 1641, during the reign of King Charles,
"leah," meaning "the pasture or place ;" as Secretary of the Colony of Virginia and
lea is often used for meadow. one of the King's Privy Council. He was
The pedigree of this family is one of the "a distinguished gentleman, a loyal cav-
oldest registered in the Herald's College, alier, and Secretary of State of Virginia."
covering about seven hundred and fifty It is said that his picture may be seen at
years. Beginning with 1559, it was con- Caton, the seat of Launcelot Lee. He is
tinued, 1584, by John Lee of Caton; in represented as "of good stature, comely
1623, by Sir Humphrey Lee, of Langley, visage, enterprising genius, sound mind,
certifying for both branches; in 1623 by vigorous spirit and generous nature."
Thomas Lee of Caton, and lastly by Wil- Upon his first visit to Virginia, he made
Ham Blackstone Lee, present representa- a large settlement of one thousand acres
tive -
in York Co., Va., 1642, and named it "Par-
adise." His wife is named in the patent VII.—Benedict Lee, of Hullcot, Co.
Ann Lee, and this tract was afterward Bucks, married Elizabeth, daughter of
willed to his second son, Richard Lee. Robert Cheyne, of Chesham Bois, Co.
He was a Burgess of York Co., 1647, and Bucks; had,
1657, for Northumberland Co. In his land VIII. Robert Lee, born in Parish of
patents he is designated as "Colonel" and Drayton-Beauchamp, 1543, knighted, died
"Secretary of State," "Counsellor of August 20, 1616 wife, Lucy, daughter of
on the Potomac in Virginia to his wife and His wife, Letitia, born 1657, daughter of
five younger children, William, Hancock, Henry Corbin, of Worcester, Eng., died
Betsy, Anne and Charles , the will pro- 1706. Their children were Richard Lee,
bated 1664-5. The homestead in North- son and heir of Ditchley, Philip Lee,
umberland Co. was called "Dividing- Frances Lee, Thomas Lee, father of Rich-
Creek." ard Henry Lee, framer of the revolution
The following pedigree of the Lees was and one of the signers of the Declaration
Richard Lee, who became heir to his was a revolutionary soldier after the war
father's titles and estates, was known as moved to Edgecomb Co., North Carolina,
the Counsellor (No. X.), born at "Para- where he died. He married Miss Light-
dise" 1647, died at "Mt. Pleasant" 1714. foot, and the old family bible, in the pos-
He married, 1G74, Letitia, daughter of session of John Arthur Lee, about fifty
Henry Corbin and wife, Alice Eltonhead, years ago, records his children as follows
of two noble English houses. They had, Arthur, Simon, Jesse, Charles and Sarah.
among other children, Henry, the ancestor Charles Lee, son of Arthur, was born in
of Gen. Robert E. Lee, as seen above, and Edgecomb Co., N. C, about 1770, and died
Philip, from whom Mrs. Battle derives de- near Raleigh, N. C. He married, 1792 or
scent as follows 1793, Sarah Butler and had John Arthur,
Philip Lee, born at "Paradise," Va., Charles Washington, William Sidney and
1681, died at Blenheim, Prince George Elizabeth Strmgfield. Their son,
Co., Md., April 1744,moved to Maryland Charles Washington Lee, born in Edge-
1700; M. C. and Justice; had large es- comb July 31, 1798, died in Clayton,
tates. Three Governors of Maryland is- Johnston Co., December 24, 1861; was
sued from him: Governors Plater, Thomas Sheriff, also Justice of the Peace. He
Sim Lee, and John Lee Carroll. He mar- married, January 13, 1821, Candacc,
Prince George
ried, first, at "Brookfield," daughter of John and Esther Hinton, in
Co., Md., 1706, Sarah, daughter of Col. Wake Co., N. C, born Aug. 26, 1807.
Thomas Brooke, and wife, Barbara Dent They had children; one of whom,
Addison, daughter of Thomas Dent and John William, born January 12, 1822,
wife, Barbara Wilkins, who afterward married Trilla Jones, of Johnston Co., died
married Col. John Addison. She died October 12, 1852. Addison Carsicell Lee,
1724, leaving by will to her "younger son, born November 17, 1824, married Mary
Arthur Lee," land given her by
all of the Smith, of Wake Co., died October 7, 1852
her father, "Thomas Brooke, gentleman." children, Thomas, who married Bettie
The children of Philip Lee and Sarah Hood of Raleigh and had children, Henry
Brooke were Richard, Francis, Philip, and Carswell Lee; James, married Jennie
Thomas, Anne, Sarah, Eleanor and Dodd of Wake Co., died 1870 Charles Ed- ;
house, granddaughter and heiress of Alex- Col. Hanson, Swedish army, was
of the
ander deWoodhouse, by his wife, Beatrice, authorized to bear a coat of arms, which
daughter and heiress of Thomas de Foot- is retained by his descendants to the pres-
hill, and had a son, ent day. "It was appropriate for a Chris-
John Hanson, of Woodhouse, who mar- tian soldier, and the cause for which he
ried Cicely de Windebankc, and left a died, religious liberty."
son, John, who married Cicely, daughter Arms: Az, a cross, betonee, cantoned
of John Ravenshaw, and a son,
left by four, fleur-de-lis, arg. Crest: A mart-
John, who married Catharine, daughter lett Motto : Sola Virtus Invicta.
of John Brooke (whose wife was a great They have also an English coat of arms
grandchild of Thomas Beaumont of certified by William Ryley Norroy, King
Whitely), and left a son, John, who mar- at Arms, January 17, 1652.
ried Agnes, eldest daughter of John 8a- Andrew, eldest son of Col. Hanson, set-
ville, Esq., of New Hall, and Mar-
wife, tied in Kent Island 1653.
jery, daughter of John Q-ledhill, and left Randal, second son of Col. Hanson,
sons, John, of Newhouse, born 1517, Ed- did not tarry long at Kent, but bold and
ward, of Nether Hall, born 1520, and, enterprising, went to the seat of govern-
Thomas, of Rastrick, who married ment at St. Mary's, and was soon en-
Janet, daughter of John Gledhill, of Lit- gaged in all of the military operations of
tie-even, in Barkisland, and had sons, the day, and was a man of marked dis-
Roger, Thomas, of Rastrick, John, of tinction. His daughter, Barbara, mar-
London, and Robert, of Rastrick. ried Thomas Hatton, grand nephew of Sir
John, of London, married Frances, Christopher Hatton, Lord High Chancel-
daughter of John Pritchard, and had sons, lor of England, a famous courtier in the
John, Thomas and Edivard. days of Queen Elizabeth. William Han-
John Hanson, son of John and Frances son, who accompanied Ms brother to St.
Pritchard, while making a tour of Sweden, Mary's, returned to Kent, and died, 1684,
fell in love with and married a Swedish leaving only his "loving wife, Alice."
lady closely connected with the royal John Hanson, youngest son, born
family. They both died young, leaving in Sweden, 1630, came to New Sweden on
a son who was reared in familiar intimacy the Delaware, 1642, removed to Maryland
with Gustavus Adolphus. He entered the 1653, settling in Charles Co. finally, where
army, served with credit, rose to the rank he died, "a planter of Charles Co."
of colonel and was always retained near He left seven children, Benjamin, Rob-
the royal person in action. While de- ert, Mary (wife of Rev. Wm. McConiche),
fending and attempting to shield his king Anne, Sarah, John, grandfather of Char-
he fell, slain in battle with Gustavus ity> Samuel, and a grandson, Samuel
Adolphus at Lutzen, 1632. He left four
8amp8<m His eldest son> Robert rep
the care of Lieut-Col. Printz, Governor of Rohert Hamon Sarrison, Military Secre-
New Sweden, with whom they came to the tar^ to General Washington with the rank
Delaware and remained on Tinicum Is- of eolonel and was appointed by him,
land until 1653, when they came to Kent later, one of the Supreme Court of the
Elisha Battle, Member of Provincial Philip Lee, M. C. of Maryland and Jus-
Congress and of Constitutional Congress, tice.
1776. Arthur Lee, Delegate to Council from
Henry Horn, Member of State Congress, Charles Co.
1776. Maj. Thomas Brook, of provincial
Amos Johnston, Presiding Justice; forces, Member of General Assembly,
State Senator from Pitt Co., N. C. 1659.
Col. Richard Lee, Burgess from York, Hon. Col. Thomas Brook, Dep. Gover-
1647, from Northumberland, 1651; Chief nor.
Councillor 1653 ; Secretary of State. Hon. John Hanson, of Maryland.
Col. Richard Lee (II), M. C, 1676-98, Samuel Hanson, Assemblyman for
Burgess, 1677. Charles Co., 1716-28.
Arthur Lee, a revolutionary soldier.
Thomas Turley, soldier of revolution.
Edward Beeson, the head of the Amer- Elizabeth McKibben settled in St. Louis,
ican branch of this family, a "Friend," in where their children were raised and edu-
search of freedom from religious persecu- cated. The second daughter, Susan Vir-
tion, emigrated from Berks Co., England, ginia, became a leading educator, advanc-
1681, to America, and settled in Chester ing steadily in her chosen work; now oe-
Co., Penn.; later moved to Berkeley Co., cupying a high position in the Normal-
Va., where there was a pioneer settlement High School. In the numerous educa-
of Quakers. His son, Edward Beeson, tional, literary and philosophical clubs of
had a son, Henry, born in Virginia, 1743, St. Louis she has always been an impor-
died in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, February 23, tant factor. She was one of the founders
1819 married Mary Martin, 1765, and re-
; of the Wednesday Club, the Philosophical
sided in Uniontown, Pa., from 1768-1801. Club, one of the organizers of the Shelly
He was prevented by religious scruples Club, and one of the leading officers of the
from participating in the war for inde- Humanity Club for Institutional Reform,
pendence, but rendered noble service to also a contributor to the Journal of Specu-
the government and soldiers at Valley lative Philosophy. has been truly said
Forge, in recognition of which he was of her, "What she has touched she has en-
granted a large tract of land in Virginia, nobled, and her proudest monument will
where he continued to reside, and his chil- be, perhaps, the many men and women
dren intermarried with the leading fami- who owe much of the best that is in them
lies of Maryland and Virginia, the Han- to her training" (Hyde). Her sister,
sons, Howards and others. Alice Beeson, born in Duncan's Falls,
Jesse Beeson (son of Henry), born Ohio, married Henry McKibben,
1767, in Berkeley Co., Va., married March f Danville, 111. Their third daughter,
10, 1810, Elizabeth Skiles, born March 16, Louise, born in Danville, 111., married
1792, died June 26, 1886. They moved to MiUon pi easant Qayce, of Farmington,
Uniontown, Pa., where he died March
Mo {8ee Cayce.)
22, 1820. Their only son, » ,, „
^7-7 n
Sidles Beeson,
, ^
The Bowmans were among- the earli- during- the Revolution, and was, later, one
est of the Kentucky pioneers, and asso- of the trusted officers under Gen'l George
dated with Boone, Harrod, Hite and Rogers Clark, in his Northwest expedi-
others, rendered valiant service in fight- tion. His journal of that campaign is
ing the Indian® and opening up the great held as a valuable State paper, and his
wilderness then known as "Transyl- account of the capture of Kaskaskia may
vania," and later, in the conquest of the be found in "American Remembrances"
Northwest. When the struggle for inde- Vol. VIII, published in London, 1779.
pendence began, they returned to Va., en- John Bowman, second son of Col. Abram,
listed in the colonial army, and soon be- was born in Fayette Co., Ky., 1787. He
came leaders' in the battles of the Revolu- was a soldier of the war of 1812, serving
tion. under Gen'l Harrison. He studied law
George Bowman, the emigrant ancestor, «* the office of Henry Clay, of whom he
had a patent of land from King George was a life-long and supporter.
II for several thousand acres, and settled He married Mary, daughter of Col. Dud-
near Strasburg im Frederick Co., Va. He ley Mitchem, a Kentucky pioneer^ and
married Mary Hite, of Virginia, daughter tad children, Dudley, who married Vir-
of the early Kentucky pioneer, and reared ginia Smith; John, who married Mary
five sons and four daughters. Dorcas Williams, and:
Col. Abram Bowman, fourth son of Abram Hite Bowman, who married
George, born 16 Oct., 1749, near Stras- MariJ Atwood Tomlinson, and had eight
burg, Va., emigrated to the Co. of Kv., children, Howard M., who married Kate
1775, and was engaged in surveying Watkins; Lida Morrisi, who married
lands when the war broke out, and in James Levin Ford ; A-twood married Car-
1776 he returned to Virginia, joined the rie Owens; Stanley married Eliza More-
8th Va. regiment, of which he was made ton ^ Anna married James Kennard; Mary
lieutenant colonel, then colonel, com- married WilUam Rowland; Lucy married
manding in many hard-fought battles L V ne 8 Metcalf; and Abram Hite mar-
Mil itary Governor of the County of Ken- ing of the colony of Va. She married,
tueky. 1876, James Levin Ford, now a resident of
Maj. Joseph Bowman, another brother St. Louis,
of Abram, rendered distinguished service J. L. Ford is of Virginia parentage, a
descendant of the Fords, Taylors, Thor- The Thompsons, from whom Eliza Mor-
oughgoods, Gregorys, and Rogers, all of ris Thompson derived descent, came from
whom were conspicuous during colonial Sir Roger, seated in Yorkshire, Eng. (ac-
days in their efforts to make brilliant the cording to the Heralds' Visitation), 1563.
history of the Old Dominion, and their Col. William Thompson, a, lineal descend-
sons, lawyers, statesmen and warriors, anet Ojfi this family, came to America, in
have ably maintained the records of their command of a body of troops, 1669. His
ancestors^ Through both the paternal daughter, Martha, married James Taylor
and maternal lines, he derives' descent II, of Caroline, and became the ancestress
from the Taylors of Caroline Co., Va., the of a large anid important family, number-
first of whom, James Taylor, came from ing two presidents of the United States
Carlyle, Eng., descended from the Earls in her line, Madison and Taylor. John,
of Pennington, who came over with son of Col. William Thompson, married
William the Conqueror (see Taylor). Rebecca (kinswoman of Col. William
James Walker, father of James L. Ford, CUyborne (R. D.) Their son, "Sir Roger,"
married Clara Ellen, daughter of Thor- married Lucy, daughter of Joseph Foster,
oughgood Taylor, and his wife, Susan and had Joseph, who married Sarah,
Rogers. He was a son of John Taylor daughter f Lt. Col. Thomas CMbome, and
Ford, and wife, Martha Gregory; son of
James and his wife, Jane Taylor Ford. .
w[{ ^
^ J<)Jmg(m q{
Amw Wesf
a « Cavalier „
^ daugllter of
., „ _„ ,
the Earls of Holla,nd and hlS Wlfe Anne
_ ' .
Henry, born 1606, and wife, came to Lord De la Warr (R- I).).
America 1652, and settled in Milford, Col. Roger, son of Joseph and Sarah Clai-
Conn. Their son, Agur, married Sarah, borne Thompson, married Sallie Light foot,
daughter of Gov. Thomas Wells; their son, and had Joseph II, who married Elizabeth
Zacharia, married Hannah, daughter of James, of the family of the Earl of Cam-
Joseph Beach; their son, Capt. Joseph, and had Eliza Morris, who married
married, 1714, Elizabeth Curtis, and had Dk j, At Tomlinson, and had Mary At-
Curtis, born August 1732, who married
wood who married Abraham Bite Bow-
Derbyshire, England, and his wife, Eliza Jam€S Levin > Jr-> and daughter, Elsie
Morris Thompson, of the Thompsons of Ta V lor Ford -
bornes, Wests, Dela Warr and Foxes (R. and West de la Warr pedigrees; also
D.), married Abram Hite Bourman, of Mer- Thompson, West Taylor and Claiborne
cer Co., Kentucky. Amies)
IDp. and IDns. Hoioapd Boioman.
Rebecca Burton; son of Joseph, and his married Nannie Woolfolk, and had seven
wife, Sarah Claiborne; son of Col. Roger, children, 1, Maria Beverly, who married
and his wife, Lucy, daughter of Col Frederick H. Pierce, of Las Vegas, New
Joseph Foster; son of John, and wife, Mexico; Thomas N.; 3, Virginia, mar-
Rebecca Claiborne; son of Col. William ried Donald Robertson Tyler, of the old
Thompson, of the Royal Army; son of Sir Virginia family, and had, Nanette Wat-
Roger Thompson, of Yorkshire, married kins, who died young, and Donald Robert-
ica with patents of large bodies of land. of Virginia, and had, Reddin, M. I).,
Their seat was named "Rollston Hall," Surgeon United States Army, and Susan.
and the first emigrant brought with him III, Katharine, who married Howard M.,
many family portraits, and a coat of son of Col. Abram Hite Bowman. They
arms. {See Moseley.) have children:
Philip and his wife, Sarah
Burton, D. Howard, who married Elizabeth
them, 1, Emily, who married Mr. George Mary Philip. Residence, Louisville, Ky.
Scarborough, from N. J.; 2, John Philip, Through his mother, Mary Atwood Tom-
who married Cornelia Cave, of the old linson, Howard Bowman is a descendant
Cave family of Orange Co., Va., and had of the Tomlinsons, of Derbyshire, Eng.,
John Philip, Jr., who married a daughter and the Yorkshire Thompsons, from whom
of Gov. Kemper, of Virginia, and Isabella his wife derives descent, and through the
Be Lacey, who married Mr. Gray, of brothers, Roger, and John Thompson, who
Brooklyn, New York; 3, Sarah Claiborne, married Susan Burton; sons of Joseph,
who married Dr. Frank Pearl; 4, Kathar- and his wife, Sai~ah Claiborne, daughter of
ine, who married Robert Craig, of Ayr, Lieut. Col. Thomas Claiborne, and wife,
the time of his death. He was of Eng- An/ne West, having married Henry Fox,
lish ancestry, his progenitors having son of Maj. John Fox, of the Royal army,
come from England because of com- descended from the Earls of Holland.
plicity in the civil wars. Arms , (See West and Thompson.)
sessionand moved to Southern Illinois, died June 24, 1844, and wife, Betsy,
where his son, William Pitt, was raised daughter of John Ellis, born 1730, son of
and educated. He studied for the bar, William, born 1690, son of John, son of
and is one of the prominent lawyers of David, who came to America with the
Central Illinois, having his home at Ed- second supply of emigrants, and was one
wardsville. He
married, July 12, 1876, of the men sent by Capt. Smith to build a
Sarah Hill, daughter of Dr. David Ellis house for Powhatan, on the York river.
Harrison and wife, Sarah Elizabeth, His son, John, was one of the grantees of
daughter of George Bowman, of Garrard the Second Charter of the Virginia Co.
Co., Ky., of the well-known family of Vir- George Harrison was a son of Matthew,
ginia; pioneers in the early settlement of who married Catharine (or Betsy?)
Kentucky, (see Bowman,) and wife Webb; son of Col. Burr Harrison, born
Sarah Hill Robards, daughter of Capt. 1734, died 1803, married, 1760, Mary
George Robards, an officer of distinction Anne, daughter of Matthew and Cathar-
in the Revolutionary War, and his wife, ine Barnes; son of Burr II, born May 21,
Elizabeth Barbara Sampson, of Huguenot 1699, and married Anne Wage Peyton, of
descent, daughter of Charles Sampson royal descent, (see Peyton) son of Burr ;
Thomas Porter and wife, Elizabeth Du- 1637, married Nancy Barnes (?) son of ;
tois; daughter of Pierre Dutois and wife, Cuthbert Harrison, Esq., of Acaster,
Barbara de Bonnet. York, who married a daughter of Lord
Capt. George Robards was the son of Langdale of Holm. Their only daughter
William Robards and wife, Elizabeth married Sir Lyon Pilkington. "This
Leivis, daughter of Joseph Lewis and wife, record is taken from St. Margarets, West-
Elizabeth Cocke, of the old English fam- minster, and by Richard Gibson,
ily of that name; son of Wm. Lewis, Sr.,
London" (Meade's Old Church). The
and daughter of Robert
wife, Elizabeth,
arms brought over by this family, the
Woodson and wife, Elizabeth Ferris; son
same as the Harrisons of Acaster, are az,
of Dr. John Woodson of England. Wm.
three demi lions, ramp. Crest: A demi
Lewis, father of Joseph, was a son of John
lion ramp., holding a laural wreath, vert.
Lewis and wife, Elizabeth, emigrants from
Wales 1640. {See Lewis.) Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bradshaw have sons,
Through Elizabeth Barbara Sampson, Earnest W., born November 1, 1877, and
Mrs. Bradshaw derives descent from the Courtland H., born November 4, 1883.
Kemps, Porters, Willoughbys, Curtises, Courtney died young.
Hilts. Clana Petenson Gaylord.
she was born 1781. They came to St. letters, devoted to music and the fine arts.
Louis 1818, accompanied by their son, He married in Rome, 1775, Marie Chris-
Frederick, who married, May 20, 1827, tine de Chinaldi, born in Parma, Italy.
Eulalie, daughter of Theotine Fleury and Theotine Fleury de Generelly, born in
wife, Emilie Sophie Generelly of France, Lyons, France, September 22, 1777, died
who came to St. Louis, 1822. They had in New Orleans, La., 1849. An officer of
twelve children, among them, Napoleon's army; he came to America,
Louis C. Billon, born in St. Louis Jan- 1801 and settled in Philadelphia, where
uary 22, 1833, married, January 22, 1861, he occupied the house built for William
Clara Peterson, and engaged in the bank- Penn ; moved to New Orleans. Of
later he
ing business in his native city. They had versatile talents, he was known as a fine
children painter and musician. He married, Sep-
Blanche, born February 20, 1862, mar- tember 11, 1799, Emilie Sophie Paul (sis-
ried in St. Louis, June 1, 1881, Nathan ter of Gabriel), born in San Domingo,
Marion Garland, born in New Hampshire, 1777; educated in daughter of
of old New England stock a family de- ; Eustache and wife, Marie Masse Paul, of
voted to intellectual pursuits, that came Paris, France. She died in New Orleans,
from the East and settled in Godfrey, 111., 1816.
later moving to St. Louis, where he was Clara Peterson, born in Philadelphia,
educated, and remained until after his November 14, 1841, married, first, Louis
marriage. The arms borne by his Ameri- C. Billon, January 22nd, 1861, secondly,
;; )
Samuel A. Gaylord, September 19, 1882. wife, Anne, daughter of John Jasper, sis-
She was a daughter of Alexander Peter- ter of M
argaret, wife of Sir William Pen^
son, of Philadelphia, boru February 10, Admiral of the English navy, founder of
1819, died in St. Louis, August 22, 1874, Philadelphia.
and his wife, Margaretta, daughter of Mary Wetherell was a daughter of
Joshua Barker, born in Philadelphia Sep- Thomas, born 1674, died 1758, and wife,
tember 6, 1780, died at Mount Holly Oc- Anne, daughter of John and Elizabeth
tober 22, 1864, and his wife, Martha Fearon, of Great Broughton, Eng. son of ;
This is an old English family. Nash, wife for life, the remainder to his second
in his history of Worcestershire, Vol. 2, son, Robert. Other estates were left to
Probably, therefore, Blackwell was orig- tenances to the several persons interested,
inally given by Alhedus about 778, seized Sir Charles Morrison and Robert Black-
by the Danes and then restored to Leofrie, well. Through Sir Charles (whose por-
Earl of Mercia, about 1034, which will ac- tion was one-third) so much of the estate
count for its being included by King Ed- descended to his grandson, Algernon, Earl
gar in the Church Hundred, as it was of Essex, who is the present owner
sometimes called." The name is also (1826).
found in the Domesday book, which was Through Robert Blackwell, two-thirds
compiled by William the Conqueror, of the estate was left to his younger
1086-7. brother, Richard, through whom it finally
Blackwell Manor was situated in the descended to his great granddaughters,
Hundred of Triddington, Worcestershire, Susan and Anne, daughters of Thomas
England, its boundaries described by Blackwell by Susanne, his wife, daughter
Nash (page 130). It was called Bush ey of Stephen Sedgwick, of Hockney, Co.
Hall, from the number of bushes or woods Middlesex. (History of Hertfordshire,
by which it was surrounded. It was one Vol. 2, pages 455-58.
of the manors which William the Con- Robert Blackivell, colonial ancestor of
queror gave to Jeoffrey de Magnaville, a the family in New York, appears first in
valiant Norman baron at the time of the Elizabeth, N. J. ; from which place he re-
conquest of England. After many changes moved toNewtown, L. I., about 1676, be
of title it passed to Sir Thomas Hastings, ing then a widower with several children,
knight, whose widow, Lady Winifred, car- He married at this time Mary Manning, of
ried it by marriage to Sir Thomas Bar- Manning's Island, in the East River, where
rington, who deeded it November 25th, he established his residence which there-
1568, to Andrew Jenour and heirs, who after bore his name; it was originally
conveyed it, April 28th, 1573, to Robert called Verken Island, and was first
Blackwell of Bushey, Gent, and his heirs, granted 1651 to Captain Frances Fynn,
ancestor of this branch of the American a Dutch officer. After the conquest of
Bhukwells, as shown by the coat of arms this country by the English, the farm and
herein given, brought to this country by island were confiscated as property be-
the Blackicells of Long Island, as found longing to a subject of Holland, and in
in the history of Newtown, L. I., New 1668 the whole was granted to Captain
York. John Manning, whose sword was broken
Robert Blackwell and wife, Joan, had over his head for surrendering New York
three sons, George, Robert and Richard, to the Dutch in 1673. Of the above island
By his will dated 4th of April, 1580, his and farm, Mr. Blackwell became the pro-
Manor house, Bushey Hall, was left to his prietor and they remained in the family
until a few years since; he died about may still be seen the mark of the broad
1717. His children, (all by his second arrow branded on the front door by the
marriage except the first two,) were Rob- British, and as such confiscated to the
crt, Ann, Bridget, Thomas, Francis, Crown. Col. Blackivell returned under
Walter, Henri/, Lydia, married Joseph Howe's proclamation but suffered much
Hallet, Sarah, married John Elsworth, indignity. The children who survived in-
Susanna, married Thomas Alsop, Jacob fancy were Joseph, Robert and James by
and Mary. his first wife and by his second, Jacob,
Jacob Blackwell, youngest son of Rob- Samuel, Josiah, Lydia and Mary, who died
ert, born 4th of August, 1692, succeeded single. Joseph married Mary, daughter
to the paternal estate and occupied the of Nathaniel Hazard. Robert was the
stone house near Astoria, which he erected late Rev. Dr. Robert Blackwell, of Phila-
and died there December 1st, 1744. He delphia, and married Mrs. Bennet; their
married, 11th of May, 1711, Mary, daugh- only child is Mrs. George Willing of that
ter of Capt. William Hallett, founder of city.
the distinguished New York family bear- James Blackwell, son of Col. Jacob and
ing that name; she died, August 26th, Frances Sackett Blackwell, married Eliza-
1743, aged nearly fifty-six. Their children beth, daughter of James Hallett and wife,
were Mary, who married Moses Hallett, Elizabeth Willing of New York; son of
Sarah, married John Hallett, Lydia, Re- Maj. Sam'l Hallett, and wife, Bridget
becca, Robert, Bridget and Blackwell; son of William Hallett, Sr. He
Jacob, son of Jacob Blackwell, born died November 25, 1831, aged 83. Their
November 20th, 1717, married Frances, children were Eliza H., widow of Lemuel
daughter of Joseph Sackett, Esq., who Willis, James of Yonkers, N. Y. Jacob
died February 3rd, 1754. He married, sec- A., died in Florida ; Robert, also deceased,
ondly, 19th February 1755, Lydia,
of Julia, wife of William Ray, Lydia, mar-
daughter of Joseph Hallett. With his ried Shepherd, married Dr.
brother-in-law, Joseph Hallett, he erected Hursey Vaylies, of Astoria, Samuel, mar-
the great mill on Sunset creek. Prior to ried Sarah Moore, and for second wife,
the French and Indian war, Jacob Black- Mary and
well held a captaincy in the Newtown Sidney Smith Blackivell, of Yonkers,
militia and afterwards became a colonel. N. Y., married Eliza Agnes Elizabeth
On the breaking out of the revolution, he Sclionnard. Their son,
stood prominent among the Whigs and his Sidney Smith Blackwell, born at Yon-
large estate was seized and despoiled by kers, N. Y., September 10th, 1843, mar-
the enemy. He was a member of the Pro- ried, February 14th, 1872, at Wilson, N.
vincial convention, but deeming his pres- C, Josephine Virginia Blount.
ence there of but little importance he re- The Blackivell arms, as herein given,
turned to Newtown, trusting to the assur- are the same as those brought to this
ance of protection contained in the proc- country by the first colonist, and used
lamation of Lord Howe; but the priva- upon his papers.
tions and pecuniary losses which he of New York had
suffered from the enemy, are believed to ^ c Scbontiatfds their origin in
have hastened his death, which occurred the Von Schonert family, raised to the
October 23rd, 1780, in his 63rd year, nobility of Esthland, a city in West Rus-
During the revolution Col Blackivell fled sia on the borders of Prussia. A transla-
te New Jersey, and at the venerable stone tion of the German
texts says "The Von
house in Ravenswood, then his residence, Schonerts came originally of a 'royal fam-
where amongst others
ily of councilmen,' gardens and carefully kept walks. He
Carl Joahann Schoncrt was a lawyer and died 1792, leaving a son, Frederick, who
councilman since December 4th, 1743." married Agnes Mary Arcolorious of a
He died in 1766 and George and Carl Savoy family.
Henry Von Schoncrt belong to his off- They had eight sons, all of whom died
spring, the father of the latter, was Henry prior to the birth of Edward Frederick.
Christopher Von Schonert, Court Coun- They had five daughters, of whom Mrs.
and Procurator, and his brother's
cillor Sidney Blacktcell is the only survivor
name was Andreas. George and Carl (1886). Before his death the Yonkers es-
Henry were matriculated among the Esth- tate was bestowed on the only surviving
land nobility as proprietors of the Manor son, Edward, who, in 1838, married
wife passed the rest of their days in the Crest: u P on a helmet three ostrich
charming old home on North Broadway, plumes, blue, red and gold. (Ref. Den.
which stood till 1853 in the grounds laid Adel. der Russia, or the Nobility of Rus-
out in the old French style, of flower sia. Submacher 3, book 3, page 239.)
"The Blount family is said to be the gree of the Blounts of Soddington, show-
oldest in North Carolina, and are of the ing their connections with the Howards,
wealthiest." (Wheelers "Eminent North Dukes of Norfolk, Stuart, Duke of Leon-
Carolineans") nogs> Earl of Shrewsbury and
The first to come to that state was Lord Clifford of Chudlcigh; also Lady
James Blount, youngest son of Sir James Blount's ancestors, the Lords Ashton of
Blount of England. From many wills Forfar, and other noble personages allied
and deeds has been obtained much family by marriage to his family, deduced from
history interesting to descendants. sundry records and evidences preserved in
Allen Blount, born March 12, 1789, the Herald's Office, London. (Nash's
died February 16, 1828. He married Hist, of Worcestershire, Vol. 2, p. 164.)
Esther Johnston, daughter of James Carr Sir Alexander Coke, knight L. L. D.,
of Edgemont Co., N. C, and had a son, of Studley Priory, Oxfordshire, traces the
Richard Eines, who married Sarah E., Blounts from the Counts of Gisnes in
daughter of B. F. Edwards and wife, Picardy, a race of nobles, themselves de-
Jemina Poivell scended from the Scandinavian rulers of
Josephine Virginia Blount was born in Denmark.
Pitt County, about ten miles from Green- &<> William LeBlount was a general at
ville, N. C, September She
30th, 1853. the battle of Hastings and was rewarded
rence, granddaughter of Captain Leroy His portion of the spoils embraced thir-
Edwards, who served in the revolutionary teen manors in Suffolk County. He was
war. Through her mother she derives the feudal baron of Ixworth, and lord
royal descent, Sarah Ingraham, Col. Sam- bearer of King Henry IV and was "ar-
uel Griffin, and the Edwards family. (See ra J ed in the same armor as his r °y al mas "
Island, 1645.
Samuel Griffin, Colonel, Justice, Bur-
Mai. Sam'l Eallett, Long Island. _ _, _
James Eallett, Long Island.
Joseph tfaZZe^ Long Island.
Moore Fauntleroy, Burgess and Justice.
Frederick Shonnard, Yonkers, N. Y. William Fauntlcroy, Burgess and M. C.
All of whom rendered distinguished col- Griffin Fauntleroy, Burgess and M. C.
onial service. I- Leroy Edicards, Capt. Rev. Army.
Jesse Leland Boogher, one of the lead- with the Thompsons of York, one of whom
ing wholesale merchants of St. Louis, married Anne, of Scarborough. (See
comes from an old Maryland family that Thompson Arms.) The marriage of Wil-
originated in Alsace Lorraine. He was Ham Richardson in Maryland to Eliza-
born Amherst, Va.
at son of David
; beth Scarborough, justifies this conclu-
Boogher and wife, Rebecca Coom, grand- sion.
daughter of Richard Richardson and wife, William, son of William and Elizabeth
Mary Pierrepont. The Pierreponts were Scarborough, born August 26, 1668, mar-
of English birth. The first ancestor, ried, secondly, Elizabeth Webster and had
James, settled in Ipswich, Mass., and the Richard, born February 11, 1707, died
name precludes the probability of their 1761; married Margaret Cole and had
having been more than the one American Richard, born December 2, 1742, who mar-
branch, among the early settlers. The ried Mary Pierrepont and had Sarah,
arms found in the family are the same as born February 12, 1770, who married
those used by the English Pierreponts, first, Cooms and had
Earls Manvers, and Dukes of Kingston Elizabeth Cooms, who married Nicholas
(extinct). Arg, semee of cinquefoils, gu, Boogher, born December 9, 1823, father
a lion ramp., sa. of David Boogher, who married Rebecca
Crest: A lion ramp., sa, betw. two Cooms, and had Jesse L. Boogher, who
wings, erect, arg. Motto : Pie, repose te. married Sarah Jane, daughter of David
(Amer. Heraldica.) Goodfellow and wife, Marie Cordon.
Jesse L. Booglier married Mrs. Sarah Of this family, Kimber,
Jane Cummings, daughter of David Good- GOtfdon. in ^ rare old book, "The
fellow and wife, Mary Gordon Day, born Peerage of Scotland," says This ancient :
. ,. , , , .,..,
Elizabeth, widow of Richard Taibot and *"*
UP ° n WhlCh he rem0Ved thlther
fr ° m Berwlckshire and called those lord "
daughter of Matthew Scarborough, died >
1703. An
old coat of arms in possession
shlpS Huntle y- He was slain at the bat "
of the familv would indicate that he be- tle ofHallidon Hill, 1333.
longed to the family of Richardsons seated Creations: Lord Gordon, 1376; Earl
in Yorkshire, England, who bore arms °? Huntle V> 1449; Marquis of Huntley,
with belled falcons on the field the crest, ;
1599 5
Duke °f Gordon, by Charles II,
hand a spear, these devices indicating that Arms: Quarterly, first, sapphire, three
the Richardsons of York had intermarried boars' heads erased, topaz, or Gordon.
Crest: In a marquis coronet, topaz, a nockburn in 1314, Gordon no longer hesi-
stag's head, ppr. tated to acknowledge Bruce as king; he
Motto: Animo, non aflutia. was cordially welcomed and was speedily
Supporters: On the dexter side, a numbered among his most trusted friends,
greyhound, pearl, gorged with a collar From Thomas Randolph, Earl of Mory,
ruby, and three buckles, topaz ; sinister, a he obtained the barony of Stitchel in Rox-
Senator of the College of Justice, ppr." burgshire, which was confirmed to him in
(Kimber.) his son, William, by Robert 1st on Janu-
The "International Biography" says ary 28th, 1315. As a reward for faithful
the first Gordon was knighted for slaying services Bruce granted to him and his
"a wild boar, the terror of all the Merse." heirs the lordship of Strathbogie in Aber-
This accounts for the boars' heads upon deenshire, which belonged to David, Earl
the shield. "The first Sir Adam Gordon, of Athol. Gordon bestowed on this lord-
the ancestor of all of the American Gor- ship the name of Huntly from a village
dons, was a son of this knight, and friend on his Berwickshire estate. His fidelity
of Malcolm III." to Robert Bruce was continued to his son
The second Sir Adam de Gordon, son in succession, David I, and he was killed
of the second of that name, married on July 12th, 1333, fighting in the van of
Alicia, the only child and heiress of one the Scottish army, at the battle of Hali-
Thomas de Gordon, who represented the don Hill; from this Gordon descended
elder branch of this family, and by this nearly all of the eminent men of that
alliance united the whole estates in one name in Scotland, and next in succession
property. His son, William de Gordon, was was his son, William.
one of the Scottish nobles who, in 1288, Jonnes de Gordon, or John de Gordon,
joined Louis IX of France in his crusade son of Sir Adam IV, a celebrated warrior
for reclaiming the Holy Sepulchre, and in 1376, received from Robert II a grant
in this crusade lost his life. of the barony of Strathbogie in Aberdeen-
The third Sir Adam de Gordon long shire, in which grant he is designated as
held out against the power of Edward 1st, Jonnes de Gordon, now for the first time
but finally succumbed, as did his son, Wil- (altered from Gor dun) without any ad-
liam, on July 28th, 1296,and he died Sep- dition or title of honor; the estate is
tember 1296 and was succeeded by his granted him and his heirs whatsomever
son, Adam de Gordon of Berwickshire, and in the grant it is mentioned that the
the fourth Sir Adam. former grant by King Robert I to his
The fourth Sir Adam de Gordon: A his- grandfather had not taken effect. By his
torian of the Gordon family says that this wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Cruieshanks
last Sir Adam joined Sir William Wallace of Aswanly, he had three sons the eldest
in 1297 after the coronation of Robert was Sir Adam de Gordon, who fell at
Bruce and the succession of Edward II Homildon.
to the throne of England certain Scottish
; This Adam de Gordon, who fell in Hom-
noblemen continued deeply engaged in the ildon in 1402, was also granted by Robert
English interest, among whom Abercom- II the charter conferring to him and his
brie mentions with sorrow "the formerly heirs on June the 13th, 1377, the lands of
brave and honest Sir Adam de Gordon." Strathbogie formerly granted by Robert
So it seems that until 1314 Sir Adam was Bruce. Gordon was in the Grand Army,
still well disposed towards the English which, with the Earl of Douglas, invaded
king, from whom he received various England and when on their homeward
marks of favor. After the battle of Ban- journey at this battle of Homildon was
the surname of Gordon, On July 28th, Burke's Landed Gentry, p. 478. Burke's
1408, the Duke of Albany, then Regent Peerage. Dictionary of National Biog-
of theKingdom, conferred to Alexander graphy, p. 178. Douglas' Scottish Peer-
Seton and Elizabeth Gordon, heiress of age, etc.
Gordon and Huntly, Berwickshire and Alary Gordon, daughter of George Gor-
other lands belonging formerly to the don, of South Carolina, married Joseph
Gordons there and in Aberdeenshire. Day and had Solomon Day, who married
From this couple descend the Earls of Rachael, daughter of Joseph Easson of
Huntly and Dukes of Sutherland and England, who settled in North Carolina,
other noble families. and had Mary Gordon Day, who married
A lexan der Seton Go rdon was 1st Earl of David Goodfelloio and had Sarah Good-
Huntly and eldest son of Alexander Seton fellow, who married Jesse L. Boogher.
and Elizabeth Gordon, who died at Elgin They had children,
on July 14th, 1470. His third wife was Dr. J. Leland Boogher, married Daisy
Elizabeth Crichton, daughter of the Lord Evil.
High Chancellor of Scotland, and had Walter C. married Lillian Ward Hill
grants from the Crown for the Highland of Arkansas. Her father, John C. Hill
Lordship of Badenoch and other lands in of the old Virginia families of Ward and
the counties of Inverness and Mory, and Hill. His Avife, nee Davis, a cousin of
by his marriage had three sons who took Jefferson Davis, President of the C. S. A.,
the surname of Gordon, which is settled by der i ve d through her mother, descent from
law on this third marriage. James Wihonj one of the s i gne rs of the
9 ' the II Earl of Huntly, Alex-
George, ^ ,. „
Declaration of TIndependence.
, , ,
r .
„ m _ .,,
' . ' .,
Barking, Tower Street Ward, London, October 1st,1778; served till June, 1783.
may be seen "two faire stones placed one Edward Milldollar Crowley, brother of
by another, thus inscribed Here lyeth : Maria, was the second president of Rutger
buried in the mercie of God the bodies of College, N. J.
Thomas Buckingham, Esq., merchant of Edward Milldollar, son of Gideon and
the Staple, at Callis, and Ann, his wife." Maria Crowley Buckingham, born in
(Stowe's Survey of London.) Troy, N. Y., 1814; died in St. Louis 1885;
Thomas Buckingham, son of Thomas married, April, 1845, Emma Marlow,
and wife, Ann, was among the Puritans daughter of Charles Marlow, who came
who sailed from London in the ship Hec- from England when only eighteen years
tor for America, and was among the early old. Their daughter, Belle Buckingham,
settlers of Milford, Conn. He derived de- married William S. Simpson.
scent from Balf de Bokenham of de Bok- Bukenham, Norfolk Co., England, re-
enham Castle of Norfolk, who was him- ceived its name from the number of bucks
according to armorial identity of the
self, with which the woods formerly abounded,
family of William de Albini, who rebuilt The castle and manor which belonged to
Bokenham Castle and afterwards was ere- Ralf Guaber, the Saxon Earl of Norfolk,
ated Earl of Arundell, one of the most was given by William the Conqueror to
powerful barons of England. William de Albany or Albini, descended
Thomas Buckingham came from Buck- from De Toeney. (See p. —
ingham, England, from which place the Upon the records their names appear
Dukes of Buckingham derive their title, frequently in 1300. Radulphus de Boken-
His son, Thomas, born in Milford
Jr., ham was lord of the township, Larling
1646, moved to Saybrook, where he died Co., Norfolk, 1316. The Buckingham arms
1709. He preached before he was nine- used as early as 1156 are described thus
teen years old and attained great emi- "Or, a lion rampant, gules, debruised by
nence in the profession was one of the; a bend azure, charged with three bezants,
founders of Yale College and a strong sup- Crest: A lion rampant, gules."
porter of its interests. He married Hes- Sarah Lay or Lee or Jjeigh was born
ter Hosmer and had Hezekiah, born June February 4th, 1655, at Lyme, Conn.,
21st, 1682, who held important offices of daughter of John Lay, of England, a sol-
trustand married, December 15th, 1703, dier in King Philip's war; who was badly
Sarah Lay. His son, Hezekiah, Jr., was wounded in the great swamp fight, 1675;
died November 13th, 1696. (Savage's Esther Hosmer, who married Rev.
Genealogical Dictionary.) Thomas Buckingham September 20th,
The Lay or Lee arms are described: 1666; was a daughter of Hon, Thomas
Gules, on a chief azure, three bezants. Hosmer, who came from Hawkhurst, Co.
Crest: An escallop, or, charged with a Kent, England, to Cambridge 1632; re-
saltire gules between two wings, or. moved to Hartford, Conn., 1635, where he
Maria Croicley derived her blood from had a good estate and held important offi-
Florence Croicley, an officer of the artil- ces: Selectman and Representative to
lery division in the Revolutionary War, General Court. His monument at Not-
enlisted 1775, promoted to the office of tingham is the oldest in the graveyard,
lieutenant, ( Mass. Soldiers Revolutionary In his will, dated February 7th, 1686,
War, Vol. 4, p. 193). He was a descendant names his son-in-law and grandson,
of Sir Ambrose Crowley, Sheriff of Lon- Thomas Buckingham. Four of his name,
don, 1706 of the Crowleys or Crawleys
; down to 1834, had been graduates of Har-
of Middlesex. vard, three of Yale and one of Dartmouth.
Arms: Vert, on a chevron or, an es- (Savage, Genl. Dictionary.)
toile of sixteen points betw. two roses, Tryphenia Ware was a descendant of
gules. Crest: On a mount, vert, a sun the Wares of Devonshire, and Lee or Lay
charged with a red rose. or Leigh, Co. Essex. They were conspicu-
Elizabeth Chatfield was a great grand- ous in Ireland, where Sir James Ware
daughter of George Chatfield, who came was one of the historians,
to Gilford, Conn., from England, 1639, Arms: A golden shield charged with
with two brothers, Francis and Thomas, two within a bor-
lions, passant, azure,
He married, secondly, Isabella, daughter dure gules, charged with eight golden es-
of Samuel Nettleton, and in 1663 removed callops. Crest: A dragon's head, or
to Killingworth, Conn., where he died William S. Simpson derives descent
June 9th, 1671. His son, John, came to from the Fosters seated at "Calfoss Hall,"
Derby, Conn., where he married, February near Hornsey, England. John Foster I.
5th, 1684, Ann, daughter of Jabez Harger, died at Calfoss Hall, aged 98. He left
of Stratford, and Margaret, daughter of children, among them, John II, who had
Henry Tomlinson, (see Tomlinson) , whom sons and a daughter, Grace, who married
he married, 1662, Ann, was born 1668. William Simpson of Hornsey. One of
John Chatfield, son of George and Anna their sons, Joseph, sailed from Liverpool,
Harger, born January 21st, 1697, was 1833, in ship Fairfield for New York,
known John Chatfield, of Quaker
as Lieut. From and mar-
there he went to Montreal
Farms. He was appointed ensign of ried, 1840, Eliza Hazlett; later went to
trained band in Oxford parish 1743, and Hamilton Co., Ohio, where William was
in October, 1750, was appointed lieuten- born July 1847. Three years later he
ant of the 2nd. Co. of Derby. He mar- died and his widow and son removed to
ried Elizabeth Johnson December 12th, St. Louis, where he graduated with honor
1721, who died June 8th, 1751; their at twenty,and was appointed clerk in the
daughter Elizabeth, born at Derby March Quartermaster's Department of the U. S.
9th, 1728, married, 1756, Hezekiah Buck- A., St. Louis. In 1873, he organized the
ingham, Jr. (Chatfield family, pp. 5, 6 firm of Christopher and Simpson Iron
and 7.) Foundry Co., of which he is secretary and
Arms: Shield argent, thereon a griffin's treasurer. He married Belle B uekingham
head segrant, sable, on a chief, purple, September 12, 1876. They have children,
three escallops argent. Crest: An her- William S., Jr., Grace
Eliza Belle,
aldic antelope's head, ducally gorged, or. Mildred, Edgar Ralph and Virginia Ruth.
0)k. and lllt*$. Leiois Rogers JUiocod.
Through his grandmother, Mary Kemp Peyton Short, son of Will lam and wife,
Robards, who married Vol. Peter Boivmer Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Skip-
Atwood. Lewis Rogers Atwood derives with of "Prestwold," Va., derived direct
lineage from many of the most prominent lineage from Edward III and Alphonso,
Virginia families, identified with the King of Castile, (Browning, pp. 87, 193),
founding of the colony; active in Indian Pierce (Percival) Butler (father of
warfare and holders of important colonial John Russell), born in Carrollton, Ky.,
offices; from the Robards, Hills, Lcivises 1794, an eminent lawyer and legislator,
of Wales; from the Woodsons (four married, 1822, Eliza, daughter of Col,
strains), Ashtons, Cockes, Willoughbys, John Allen, killed in the battle of the
Pleasants, Tarletons, Tuckers, Kemps, Raisin, and wife, Jane, daughter of Gen.
Porters, Sampsons, Herberts, Curtises Ben). Logan, captain 1771 in Dunsmore's
and others of English origin, and from the expedition to Northwest Ohio ;
Huguenots, Be Bonnets, Dutois, Michaux, pated in battle of Point Pleasant.
Saurvn and Rochclles, of noble birth. Pierce (Percival) Butler, father of
(Robards and Woodsons.) From his Pierce (Perccival), bom in Carlisle, Pa.,
mother, Jane, daughter of Dr. Lewis April 4, 1760, died in Kentucky September
Rogers, an eminent Louisville physician. 9, 1821 commissioned 1st lieutenant of
He derived blood from the Thrustons and the Third Penn. Reg., September 1, 1777
Cosby s, Fontaines and Farrars, equally wintered at Valley Forge; served in battle
prominent in colonial history. (See f Monmouth; was Yorktown at the at
Rogers.) capture of Cornwallis; with Morgan at
Lewis R. Atwood married, October 4, Saratoga; after the war removed to Jes-
1888, Caroline Butler, of Louisville. They samin Co., Ky., and was adjutant-general
have children, in war f 1812. He married Mildred
Jane Short, Lewis Rogers, Barbara Hawkins. His father,
Thruston and Pierce (Percival) Butler Thomas Butler, of Carlisle, Penn., born
Atwood. 1720, in Parish of Koolkenna, Wicklow,
John Russell'Butler, father of Caroline, Ireland, 1720; came to America, 1748;
was born in Shelby Co., Ky., December founded the first Episcopal Church in
18, 1823 graduated from Centre College
; Carlisle had five sons in the revolution
studied medicine and was aide-de-camp Maj.-Gcn. Richard Butler, Col, William
to his uncle, Gen. Wm, 0. Butler in Mex- Butler, Maj. Thomas Butler, Gen. Percival
ican war; colonel in C. S. A., married Butler and Captain Edward Butler. He
March 30, 1847, Jane, daughter of Dr. marr e d, 1741, Eleanor Parker, daughter
Charles Wilkins Short, one of the found- of Admiral Sir Anthony Parker, of the
ers of Louisville University, Professor of Royal Navy> descended from the Parkers
Materia Medica a botanist of interna-
of North Mol t on Devon, ancestors of the
his wife, Yictoire Chouteau, married John William de Aliot, who came over with the
Pierre Cabanne, a French gentleman born Conqueror.
1773 at Pau in the south of France, son of, Arms : Arg, a fess gu between two
Count Jean Cabanne, of Bordeaux, and bars genelle wavey sa sometimes az.
his wife, nee Duthiel, daughter of Baron Crest: An elephant's head, arg, colored
Duthiel, sister of the famous French gen- gu. Motto: Occurrent nubes (Troubles
eral,Lucien Duthiel, who commanded the will come) The earldom of St. Germans
of children: who married John B.
Taylor (sister of Gen. James Taylor,
Newport Ky), a lineal descendant of Sarpy; John Charless, who manned Yvr-
James Taylor II, and wife, Martha ginia,daughter of Judge William Carr of
Thompson, daughter of Co?. William Virginia, and wife, MaWa Eliot; Julia A.,
who married J. W. Kingsbury of the U.
Thompson of the Royal Army, son of Sir
S. Army; Lottisfc, married Liew*.
Roger Thompson, of Yorkshire, descended
from the Earls of Wigton. (See Thomp- Gallatin; Edmonds, Frank; Lucien Da-
thicl, who married Susan Plummer;
James Taylor was Louis
son, also Flcm ing).
a son of James Taylor I, of Carlyie, Eng., Julius, married Stella, daughter of
issued from the Earls of Pennington; A lex McNair, Governor of Missouri, and
founder of a distinguished family of war- w ife Margaret, daughter of Antome
of his son Jo hn is found in the Copps Hill 1794, under Gen. Wayne. In 1792 he
Churchyard, Boston, 1724, bearing arms married Martha Thompson Taylor, of
Jefferson Co., Ky. in 1801, when he
which shows that the family belonged to ;
the famous English house of Mountfort moved to St. Louis, taking with him
of Beamhurst Hall, Co. Stafford, claiming ample means. He held many important
descent from Simon de Mountfort, Earl offices: Clerk and Justice of the Court
of Leicester. of Quarter Sessions, Trustee of the town,
Arms: Bendy of ten, or, and az. Major of the Louisiana Bangers, Presid-
Grest: A lion's head erased. The Eng- jn g Justice of Court of Common Pleas,
Lishhouse use a plume of five feathers. Auditor for Territory, later State Aud-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charlcss Cabanne jtor, appointed 1820 by President
reside in St. Louis, and have children, roe, Register of United States
John Pierre, Virginia Carr, Martha Office, which office he resigned 1833 died ;
Mitchell, Susan, Frances, Mary and at his residence in St. Louis April, 1837,
Arthur Lee. his widow surviving him twelve years.
Virginia, eldest daughter, married, first, They bad children Sarah, who married
Alexander Kayser and had a son, Alex- Dr. Bernard G. Fnrmr (see Furrar); Mary
wnder, Jr. She married, secondly, Mr. Ann, married Ma]. Thos. Wright; Ma-
Little, a prominent financier of New York, tilda,married, first, Dr. D. V. Walker, sec-
Martha, married Robert Lee Kayser ondly, Col. N. P. Taylor; Frances, mar-
and resides in Mexico. ried, first, Maj. Taylor Berry, secondly,
Fannie, married Alfred Laurence Pier- Judge Robert Wash; Eliza, wife of Gen,
son of Pittsburg, Pa. Wm. H. Ashley; Harriet, wife of Copt.
Susan, married J. Sheppard Sm ith and
. James Dean; Virginia, wife of Dr. Edwin
has children. Bathurst Smith; Edmund Christy, died
unmarried; Howard, married Susan
The Cabanne connection is very large,
John P. and Victoire Gratiot Cabanne had Preston.
; : ;
mp. and IDns. Benjamin 7. Gray, 3n.
Mrs. Elizabeth Crittenden Cabell Gray born 1630, married Mary, and had Nich-
is a representative of the Virginia Cabells olas (fourth son), born in Warminster,
and many other prominent Virginia fam- 1667, married Rachael, daughter of
ilies with whom they have intermarried, George Hooper, of Frome. Their son
as shown by Alex Brown, the historian, in Dr. William Cabell, born in Warmin-
his book, "The Cabells and their kin." ster, March 9, 1687, died 1774. After a
Their records are well preserved, and a visit to England, he moved to Goochland
careful research established them, through Co. and called his new home "Warmin-
different lines, in many royal houses. ster." He was a vestryman of his church
has been definitely shown that Dr.
It agent for the colony, 1738-9; member of
William Cabell, the emigrant, was grand- Committee of Safety; married Elizabeth,
son to Wm. Cabell, who came to War- daughter of Samuel Burks and wife, Mary
minster, Eng\, 1614, of the Frome-Sell- Davis. Their son,
wood family of Somerset. Of them, Col Nicholas Cabell, born October 29,
Gabriel Ogilvie, Fellow of the Society of 1750, died 1803. He was a colonel in the
Antiquaries, Normandy, says, they can be Revolution ;member of House of Dele-
easily traced from Walter, who came over gates, 1779-81 member of Virginia So-
at the Conquest, 1066, the name then ciety of Cincinnatus married, 1772, Han-
selled Cabellus, signifying a horse, which nah, daughter of Col. George Carrington,
was the device adopted by the first mem- R. D. (See De Toeny),a Burgess, and his
bers of the family as their coat of arms wife, Anne, daughter of Wm. Mayo,
a white horse rampant, caparisoned with "Gent," and wife, Frances, daughter of
gold. Crest: Arm, holding sword. Enoch Gould; son of Dr. Paul Carring-
Walter Cabell (as shown by deeds) was ton (born in the Barbadoes), and second
in England 1066, when he owned a forest wife, Henningham Codrington. born 1673,
in Buckinghamshire; in 1198, "Frome" descended from Simon Codrington, of the
was the chief seat of the family. In St. Virginia Co., London, (see Bee. in British
Nicholas Chapel," founded by John Museum), "the first individual English-
Cabell 1517, a panel of stained glass, the man a foot of American soil."
to hold
only one remaining after the destruction Judge William Cabell, Richmond, Va.,
by the Puritaus, shows the armorial bear- son of Nicholas, born December 16, 1772,
ings of the founder, the white horse with Cumberland Co., Va., died 1853 Governor ;
gold trappings. Many Cabells were bap- of Virginia 1805, and for forty years
tized, married and buried from this Judge; married March 11, 1805, Agnes
church. Walter, in 1699, bearing same Sarah Bell, daughter of Col. Robert Gam-
name as the Norman, who settled in ble, distinguished in the Revolution, and
Wellshire six centuries before, was bap- wife, Catharine Grattan, son of James
tized there. William, the American an- Gamble and Agnes Sarah Bell; son of
cestor, born 1687, was of the original Robert Gamble, emigrant to Augusta Co.,
Frome stock. Va.
Richard Cabell, of Devonshire, 1582, Hon, Edward'Carrington Cabell (son of
married Maria, daughter of George Priest- Wm H.), born in Richmond, Va., February
ivood, Esq., Co. Devon, and wife, daughter 5, 1816, in the old Gamble residence, died
of Sir Nicholas Marfyu, Knight, 1625. in St. Louis, February 28, 1896, "a true
Their fourth son, William of Warminster, type of the old Virginia gentleman ;" ed-
ucated at Washington College and Uni- liam, Northamptonshire, born 1572,
versity of Virginia. He married, Novem- married, secondly, Dorothy Lane, sister of
ber 5, 1850, Anna M. 3 daughter of Dr. Sir Richard Lane, who defended Lord
Daniel P. Wilcox, and wife, Elizabeth Stafford 1640; their second son, Richard,
Moss; son of Col. George Wilcox and married Elizabeth Ryland, sister of Arch-
wife, Elizabeth Pinchbeck, of North Caro- deacon Ryland; their second son, Wil-
lina, natives of London, England. Eliza- Ham Randolph, born 1651, emigrated to
beth Moss Wilcox (mother of Mrs. Ca- America; was Speaker of House of Bur-
bell), married, secondly, 1833, Gen. Wm. gesses; Attorney-General and member of
H. Ashley, who, at the age of twenty-one, Council died at Turkey Island 1711 mar-
; ;
was the first lieutenant-governor of Mis- ried Mary, daughter of Henry Isham,
souri M. C. many times discoverer of the
; ; of royal descent, from Charles Martel,
South Pass in the Eocky Mountains, and (see Appendix), and Katharine (widow
with his party of the Salt Lake, Utah died ; of Joseph Royall), his wife. They had
1838; his widow, still an accomplished J sham Randolph, born 1690, who married
and beautiful woman, married, 1853, Hon, Jane Rogers, of London returned to Vir-
wife, Margaret, daughter of John Dairies eral of the Roman Cavalry under Conrad,
and wife, Elizabeth Prestbury, of Glou- in his conquest of France 1033. (See Du
cester,Eng. B. F. Gray, Sr., was a son of Puy.
Richard Gray, of Annapolis, Md., and Mat thew Woodson was a son of Stephen
wife, Eleanor Meade, of St. Mary's Parish, and wife? Elizabeth Branch; son of John
daughter of Samuel and Ann Meade, of and wife> ju dith Tarleton; son of Col.
Anne Arundel Co., Md. Robert and wife, Elizabeth Ferris; of
Through her grandmother, Elizabeth noble birth son of Dr John Woodson, an
Moss Wilcox, Mrs. Gray derives descent English surgeon, who came to America
from the Randolph, Moss, J sham, Wood- with gir Jolm H arvey 1624. (See Wood-
son, Du Puy and other ancestors of gentle son )
Banks and
of Canterbury, Eng., Mrs. Gray is a charter member and
wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Ken- officer ofDaughters of the American Rev-
nan and wife, Elizabeth Epps, daughter olution, and Chapter of Colonial Dames,
of William Worsham, widow of Lieuten- gt LouiSj her claims based upon t^, fol .
ant-Colonel Francis Epps, and had Col. lowing aS cendants: Col. Robert Gamble,
John Woodson, who married Dorothea Mq .
J .
1Tood « 0tt (Chaplain), Col, George Car-
married, 1801, Dr. James Wynne, son of
Maj. Hugh Moss and wife, Jane, daughter
rm ^on (Committee of Safety) ,
and Maj.
of Thomas Ford and wife, Keturah
Eu 9 h Moss -
Wynne; son of Wm. Ford of Goochland Colonial Daine Record: Col. Wm. Ran-
Co. Their daughter, Elizabeth Moss, dolph, Capt.Tsham Randolph, Col. John
married Dr. Daniel Wilcox and had Ann a Woodson,, Richard Kennon, Col, George
Maria Wilcox, who married Edward Car- Carrington, all Burgesses; Col. Carring-
rington Cabell and had, ton and Col. Woodson, all of Committees
Elizabeth Crittenden Cabell Gray. Is- of Safety; Dr. Wm. Cabell, Member of
sue Council, one of the founders of William
Cabell, born February 10, 1882 ; Benj. and Mary College, Member of Committee
F. Ill, born August 28, 1883; William of Safety; Col. Gamble, Charter member
Ashley, born December 1888, and Was- of the Order of Cincinnatus.
tell, born February 2, 1893. Kesidence, St. Louis.
Ashley, son of Col, and Mrs. E. C. Ca- at Corunna and unfitted for service, re-
bellj was born Washington, D. C, De-
in signed and came America 1818; settled
cember 27, 1853; educated at Washington in Nashville, Tenn., where he amassed a
and Lee University, fating there the B. L. fortune and died June 27, 1863. His wife,
degree 1873, and in Europe 1875; is now an Anne Power McCarton, was a daughter
eminent practitioner at the St. Louis bar. of Thomas McCarton and Judith Smith,
He was for many years Jury Commis- daughter of Reuben Smith, son of Reuben
sioner of St. Louis, and manager of the Smith, who came from England and set-
American School Book Company. He mar- tied in Goochland Co., Va., a soldier of
ried, October 19, 1881, Margaret Hodges the Bevolution. On the spindle side Ju-
Stretch, daughter of Dr. Aaron Stretch, dithSmith was issued from the Du Buys.
of Nashville, Tenn., and wife, Frances (See Du Buys.) Mr. and Mrs. Cabell have
Gowdy; great-grandson of Nathaniel children: Seldcn, born 1882, died 1887;
Stretch, who came from Wales and settled Margaret Cabell, born May 20, 1888 Car- ;
near Salem, N. Y. Frances was daugh- rington Cabell, born March 12, 1893.
ter ofThomas Gowdy, of Castlewellan, Co. Mrs. Cabell is second Vice President,
Down, Ireland, born 1795; appointed St, Louis Chapter of Daughters of the
Lieutenant in the British army wounded ; Revolution.
Jiidye and IT)i*s. H. J\. Claibonnc.
Hamilton and wife, Frances Calhoun born 1883, died 1890; Herbert Augustine
(great-aunt of John C. Calhoun), who Claiborne and Hamilton Cabell Clai-
OTTO I, THE GREAT EMPEROR OF GER- Gregory Isham, died 1557, buried at Branston.
MAN Y=2d, 951, Sir Eusaby Isham, buried at Pitchley i626=Anne,
Adelheid, widow of Lothary, King of Italy, had daughter of John Borlase.
Adelheid=William, Duke of Aquitaine, had William Isham, is87=Mary Brett.
Adela=Hugh Capet, King of France, had Henry Isham=Katherine Banks, Canterbury, Eng.
Princess Hedwige=Rynerius XI, Count Haniault. Issue: Henry; Anne=Francis Eppes, and
Lady Beatrix=Elbo I, Count de Rouci, had Mary Isham=Co\. Wm. Randolph, M. C, Burgess,
Lady Adela=Heldwin IV, Count de Ronci. born in Yorkshire, Eng., 1651, second son of Richard
Lady Margaret=Hugh de Clermont, Count Beau- Randolph, and wife Elizabeth daughter of John Ry-
vois. land of Warwick; second son of Wm. Randolph,
Lady Adeliza=Gilbert de Tousburg, II Earl of and second wife, Dorothy, daughter of Richard Lane,
Clare. sister of the defender of Lord Stafford; son of
Lady Adeliza de Clare=Alberic II, Baron de Vere. Robert Randolph of Hames (Hamesey near Lewes),
Sir Robert de Vere=Matilda, daughter of Robert Co. Sussex, Eng.
de Furnel. William and Mary Isham Randolph had, 1, William
Sir Henry de Vere^Lady Hildeburga, and had Randolph, Jr "Elizabeth Beverly ;2, Thomas=i7io,
Sir Walter de Vere=Lucia Bassett. Judith Fleming (R. D.) ; 3, Isham Randolph=i7i7,
Sir Henry de Drayton, assumed name of Manor= Jane Rodgers; had Jane Randolph=iji,9, Peter
Ivetta Bourdon, daughter of Sir Wm. Bourdon. Jefferson,and was the mother of Thomas Jefferson,
.Sir Baldwin de Drayton=Idonee Ginueges.
President of the United States.
Sir John de Drayton=Phillipa d'Ardene.
Anne, daughter of Isham and Jane Rogers Ran-
Lady Katharine Drayton=Sir Henry de Greene.
dolph=secondly, Jonathan Pleasants of Fine Creek,
Sir Henry de Greene=Matilda Mandel.
John de Greene=Margaret de Greene.
son of John Pleasants, who came from Norwich,
Isabella de Greene=Sir Richard de Vere.
Eng., 1665. They had issueSamuel and Jane. She
Ellen de Vere=Thomas Isham, Lord of Pitchley. married, thirdly, James Pleasants of Goochland Co.
Henry Isham=Joan Busley. and had, among other children, James Pleasants,
Sir Eusaby Isham, died i546=Anne Pulton. Governor of Virginia, and Elizabeth.
Isham Randolph, born 1690, was agent tons were of an old English family, is-
for the Colony in London; married 1717, sued lineally from John Thruston, Cham-
Jane Rogers, of Shad well St., London, berlain, of Bristol. The seal used by the
(an old English family) ^returned to Va. first emigrant showed three stringed
and was made Adj't Gen'l, 1738, Col. of horns upon the shield.
Militia of Goochland Co. Burgess &c.
Of Dr. and Mrs. Rogers' childern, Jane
Their daughter Jame married Peter Jef-
Farrar married Robert Ativood; Eliza
ferson, and was the mother of President
Thruston married Rev. B. M. MessicL
Of this same family was Dr. Dr. Coleman Rogers married Mary Gray;
RocjCPS. Lewis Rogers, who for many Caroline, unmarried; Anna Thruston,
years stood at the head of the married Harvey Yeaman; Harriet mar-
medical profession inKy. Louisville, ried George Gaulbert; Ella married
He married, 1819, Mary Eliza, daughter Charles Robinson.
of Col. John Thruston Minn and Avife Dr. Lewis Rogers was a son of Dr. Cole-
Eliza Sydnor, daughter of Judge Fortun- man Rogers and wife, Jane Farrar,
otus Cosby and wife Mary Ann Fontaine, daughter of Joseph Royall Farrar and
daughter of Copt. Aaron, son of Peter wife, Jane Ford, widow of Ma}. Hugh
Fontaine. (See Fontaine.) The Thrus- Moss.
Prominent among the founders of the The descendants of John Carter and
Virginia colony were the Carters, who de- Sarah Ludlow intermarried with many
rived descent from Richard Carter, of leading families of Virginia, among them
Garstan, in Perth, Walford Co., Herts, the Coles, the Randolphs, the Harrisons
England, mentioned in the Heralds Vis- (President Harrison's family), the John-
itation of Hertfordshire 1634. His sec- sons, and the Lees. Charles Carter of
ond son, John Carter, came over to Vir- Carotoman, married, secondly, Anne But-
ginia 1649-69, with his wife, Sarah Lud- ler Moore, a lineal descendant of Edward
loive of royal descent. He settled on Car- I, King and had Anne Hill
of England,
otoman Creek, near the mouth of the Kap- Carter, who married Maj.-Gen. Henry Lee
pahannock, and patented an immense body (Light Horse Harry), and their son, Rob-
of land. Because of his vast possessions ert E. Lee, became the famous general of
and influence his son, Robert, was called
the Confederate army.
King Carter of Carotoman. A bookplate,
used by one of the early members of the Sarah Ludlotcc, wife of John Carter,
family, shows the ensignia granted the derived royal descent through the ancient
Carter family of Hertfordshire 1612. house of Wcst-de la Warr as follows
Chilperic, King of Soissons, died 584, had Henry The Fowler, King of Germany, Emperor
St. Clothilde, married King of France 497, had Elect.
Chilperic, King of Soissons, died 584, had Otho the Great, Holy Roman Emperor, had
Clothaire II, King of Soissons, died 628, had Otho, who declined Imperial Dignity.
Charibert, King of Toulouse=Giselle, of Gascony. Luitguard,=947, Conrad, Duke of Rheinish France.
St. Ode,=Baggis, Duke of Aquitaine, Toulouse. Henry (Hegelon), Duke of Rheinish France.
Odeon or Eudes, King of Toulouse and Gascony. Conrad Holy Roman Emperor.
Humald, Duke of Aquitaine and Gascony. Henry Holy Roman Emperor.
Waifre, Duke of Aquitaine and Gascony, married Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.
Adele, daughter of Loup, Duke of Gascony. Agnes, io8o=Frederick, Duke of Swabia.
Lope II, Duke of Gascony, had Frederick, Duke of Swabia.
Lope Sancho, Duke of Gascony, had Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor=Beatrice.
Philip, Duke of Swabia=Irene, daughter of
Sancho, Garcion, Count de Navarre, had
Isaac Angelus, Emperor of the East.
Garcia Ximenes, King of Navarre 880, had
Sancho Garcia, King of Navarre, died 926, had Ethesia=Ferdinand King of Castile.
Mil?, and IDns. Chaises 3. Wilton.
Charles Johnson Milton is of the Clark remained to cover him after dividing with
family of Louisville, Ky
a grand nephew
; the freezing beggar at the gate of Amiens.
of General George Rogers Clark, illus- This half of the cloak, so valued by the
trious in the conquest of the Northwest French (as the legend runs), never
Territory. Having won the notable bat- showed signs of decay during many cen-
tle of Vincennes, a monument is erected turies, even the moths of the monastery
there to his memory. Mr. Milton married, being far too good Catholics to ever think
January 14, 1891, Lucy Seville, daughter of attacking so sacred a relic. The little
of Maj. Alonzo Loring, of Wheeling, West oratory in which was placed this cloak, or
Virginia, of the old Loring family of Bos- cape ("chape") was called for the treas-
ton; born in Batavia, N. Y., August 28, ure it held, "Chappelle," and the guardian
1820, died in St. Louis December 7, 1898. was called "Chaplain," the origin of our
He was a noble and distinguished gentle- English words "Chapel," and "Chaplain."
man, having won his military rank by Samuel Chapline was a son of Col.
gallant conduct during the Mexican war. Moses Caton Chapline, born in Frederick
In the old Granary Burial Ground of Bos- Co., Md., October 20, 1754, died in Wheel-
ton is found an old tombstone of the Lor- ing February 10, 1812. He was a gallant
ing family, bearing a coat of arms, show- Revolutionary Army, and for
officer of the
ing them to have belonged to the same bravery at the battle of Cowpens, was pub-
family as Sir Nigel Loring, of Chalgrave, licly thanked by Gen. Washington. He
Co. Bedford, England, 1344; one of the married, 1781, Mary, daughter of James
founders of the Knights of the Garter. Caldwell, born near Cork, Ireland, 1726,
Thomas Loring, the first of the family who came to America, 1769.
in America, 1635, came from Axminster, Capt. Moses Chapline, born in Sharps-
Co. Devon, Eng., to Hingham, Mass. {Be burg, Md., June 11, 1717, died 1762, was
Vermont.) a captain in the French and Indian wars.
Arms: Quarterly, arg, and gu, a bend A few years ago, while some workmen
engrailed, sable. Crest: Out of a bowl, were engaged tearing off the weather
plumes erect, arg.
or, five boarding of the old house once owned and
Maj. Loring married, January, 1863, occupied by Col. Joseph Chapline, near
Mary Caldwell, born 1830, died April 6, Sharpsburg, Md., a number of ancient and
1887, daughter of Samuel Chapline, of valuable papers were found, carried there,
Wheeling, West Virginia, and wife, Isa- perhaps, by mice. Among them the mus-
bella Graham, of Martinsburg, Va. (mar- ter roll of a part of the militia that served
ried February, 1828 ) She was a relative
. with Col, Joseph Chapline, 1757. On it
of Gen. Orel, said to be a descendant of is the name of Capt. Moses Chapline.
King George IV, by a morganatic mar- This highly prized relic is framed between
riage. glass, and each member of the family has
The American branch of the Chaplines a duly attested copy.
derived their blood from one of the oldest Capt. Moses Chapline married in An-
of the English families. The name is said napolis, Md., 1741, Jane Caton, of the Bal-
to have had its origin in the highly prized timore Catons. His father,
flag of St. Martin's (older than the tri- William Chapline, born in Calvert Co.,
color), the standard of the French nation Md., 1656, died there 1718, married Eliza-
for six hundred years. It was made of beth Lee, of the Lees of Virginia (See
one-half of the saint's blue mantle, which Lee). Records of the births of their six
a member of the King's Council and en- at ion of Independence, "a beautiful
sign in the Royal Navy. He came to Vir- woman, Avho like St. Cecilia, was a beau-
ginia 1610. He married in England, tiful mother of a beautiful race." Her
Mary, Calvert, a cousin of Lord Balti- daughters, the group of Caton sisters,
more, who came over in 1622, in the ship were hailed in Europe as "The American
James, bringing a retinue of servants. Graces." The most famous of the four
To their son, WilUam Chaplinc, his girls, Marianne, married Robert Pattcr-
lordship granted a large body of land in son (whose sister married Jerome Bona-
Maryland, styling him "my beloved parte), and went to England accompanied
cousin." This grant, together with Wil- by her two sisters, Elizabeth and Louisa,
Ham Chapline' s will, is preserved by his who created a profound impression in
descendants. London society. After the death of Rob-
The English Chaplins or Chaplines, crt Patterson, his widow married the
from whom Isaac derived descent, were Marquis of Wellcsly (brother of Lord
seated at Stoneham Co., Hantz, when their Wellington), then Lord Lieutenant of
coat of arms was granted in 1593, as Ireland. The marriage was celebrated
described by Burke, who says of them, with S reat P om P at Dublin Castle, and
"The family of Chapline, being of high was followed by a grand ball given for
consideration in Lincolnshire, derives de- the "American Vice-Queen," which was
scent from Sir Francis Chapline, Knight followed by many other fetes. It was
Alderman of London, temp. Charles II." said that the court of George IV, then
Arms: Ermine, on a chief indentured without a queen, was regarded less bril-
by three griffins' heads erased, or. Crest: liant than the court Dublin Castle,
A head erased, argent, ducally
griffin's under the rule of the Marquis and March-
crowned, arg. Motto: Lahore Armore ioness of Wellesty. Her two sisters also
Vincit work accomplishes all things)
married in England Lou isa the youngest.
; ,
The Lord Mayor of London, 1676, used married first, a distinguished soldier,
the same devices, except vert, instead of « Col Sir F(>Ho)l Bathurst.Hervey; sec-
azure; the Crest gorged with a mural
ndly, one of the handsomest men in Eng-
~ 77 „ .„ , r „ land, who, on the death of his father, suc-
Mary Caldwell, wife of Moses Caton '
' '
was also born near Cork, 1737, and is said Home Journal, "Fourth Series of Beauti-
to have been a descendant of the Bruces fnl Women.")
and Oliver, seamen on the Mediterranean 1724, married, in 1752, Elizabeth Alex-
in the XIV century, under two men named ander, born near Cork 1737. They had
Barbarossa, whose careers were ended by thirteen children. After the death of his
the Governor of Arno and their followers father he fled from persecution to Amer-
scattered. The three brothers returned ica, where they arrived, 1769, bringing
to Toulon, France, where they were born, with them nine children, John, Anne,
and settled near by, at Mount Arran. Mary, Sarah, Frances, Janet, Lovely,
Having incurred the displeasure of Fran- Elizabeth and Jane, a son, Samuel, was
cis I, King of France, they were forced to born at sea, and four more children were
leave France and went to Scotland, where born to them in America, James, Susan-
they purchased, near Solway Firth, the nah, Alexander Hillyard and Joseph.
estate of a bishop named Douglas, with They settled in Baltimore, or Havre de
the consent of James I, upon conditions Grace, and in 1774 moved to West Vir-
that "the said brothers, John, Alexander ginia, where he took up large bodies of
and Oliver, late of Mt. Arid, should have land. He finally settled near Wheeling,
their estate known as Caldwell, and when taking up nearly all of the land in that
the king should so require, they should section. One large plantation on Wheel-
each send a son with twenty stout men ing Creek he gave to his daughter, Mary,
to aid in the wars of the king." A cup wife of Gen. Moses Chapline, which is
(an heirloom) proves by its marking that now the summer home of Mrs. Milton.
the estate took its name from a watering- "Gen. Moses Chapline and wife, Mary,
place, "Cauld Well." The device shows had a daughter, Mary, born in Pennsyl-
a chieftain surrounded by a group of vania, and six sons, Josiah, William, Alex-
twenty men, one of whom is drawing ander, James, Moses and Samuel, who
water from a well. On a hill is a blazing married Isabella Graham and had two
fire and underneath the words, "Mt. children, Moses and
Arid." On the reverse side is a vessel Mary, who married, first, James Patter-
surrounded by high waves, indicating son, of Ohio, and had three children, An-
their former sea-faring life.
drew, Samuel and Isabella. She married,
Joseph, John, Alexander, David and
Andrew, of Caldwell, went with Oliver
Maj. Alonzo Loring, and had two chil-
Cromwell (a grandson of Anne Caldioell)
to Ireland, of which he was Lord Gover-
dren, Mary and
nor. After his promotion to the Protec- Lucy Seville, who married Charles
torate of England, they remained in Ire- Johnson Milton, and now resides in Cin-
land in his service until the restoration of cinnati, Ohio. They have children,
Charles II, when David and Andrew fled Alonzo Loring, Charles Johnson, Jr.,
to America. John, Joseph and Daniel and Mary Chapline Milton.
IDps. 3obn Fremont Hill.
The ancestors of this family were in the war against Canada. From
among the earliest of the New England Ipswich, England, came James Colman
colonists, the first on record being Ed- to take possession of the lands granted
toaoxL Oreenleaf, who married Sarah Dole, his father, bringing with him his wife,
They had Stephen, who married Elizabeth Rachel Andrews; he built for his family
Coffin, and had Sarah, who married Rich- the second house erected in Ashburnham.
ard Dole II. Their son, Richard III, mar- Of their children, Job was born October
ried Sarah Illsly, and had Enoch Dole, 25th, A. D. 1741, and married Elizabeth
who married Rachel Janet, or Jewett, Martm, February 20th, A. D. 1765. At
and had Parker Dole, who married Abigail the call of his country for volunteers', he
Lawrence. Their daughter, Abigail Dole, was one of the first to enroll, and his
married Samuel Colman, and had Hamil- name appears as one of the "Minute
ton Colman, who married Nancy Spi^ague, Men" in the "Lexington Alarm Roll,"
and had: which marched April 19th, A. D.
Norman J. Colman, who married, first, 1775. From that time he was prominent
Clara Harloiue Porter. Their daughter in military affairs throughout the strug-
Kate Laura Colman, married, first, gle for independence.
Hiram Shaw Liggett, and had one son The marriage of their son, Samuel Col-
John Edmund Liggett. -man, to Abigail Dole, took place in 1794,
She married, secondly, Hon. John Ere- and nine children were the result of this
mont Hill, Governor of Maine (1901). union: Anson, Franklin, Horace, Homer,
The traditions of the Colman family Hamilton, Nelson, Caroline, Parker Dole
are full of romantic interest, particularly and Charles Dole.
in church annals, the name first appear- From well authenticated genealogical
ing in history, A. D. 664, recounting the records rich in historic interest, extend-
deeds of the Scotch Bishop of Lindisford, ing back over a period of eight centuries,
who built several monasteries. A second to the war of the Crusades, it would be
bishop of this line founded a monastery impossible to condense into a brief
in Ireland, while a third Bishop Col- sketch, all of the stories of interest per-
man was murdered with the Bishop of taining to the different families from
Wartbery of Germany, A. D. 689, and which the Norman Colman family of St.
still another of these bishops of the Louis has sprung. Their genealogy must
twelfth century, making a pilgrimage necessarily be confined to the eleven gen-
from Scotland to Jerusalem was slain in erations of which Edmund Qrcenlcaf and
Austria. All of these bishops have their Sarah Dole were the founders,
places in the religious calendars of those ^
. The head of the Amer-
\ . ., .
days. • ican branch of this
In the early settlement of America family was born A. D. 1590, son of Ed-
there were many emigrants from the f am- mund (ireenhaf, of the Parish of St.
ilies of these churchly lords, and their Mary of the Tower, who married Sarah
names appear upon the historic records Dole and came to America before 1639.
as early as A. D., 1690, when Sam mi Col- They settled in Newbury, Mass., where
man, the founder of the American family, he was, 1639, appointed Ensign, and
was granted certain lands in Worcester later, 1642, served as Lieutenant of the
Co., Mass., for military services rendered Militia. One of his sons, Stephen, who
rKZ""' m
origin, having been introduced scent, his maternal ancestors being the
into England at the time of the Norman same as those of Longfellow and Whit-
conquest. Richard Dole, the first Amer- tier. From this union came Sarah
ican ancestor, was born on the family Illsley^, who married Richard Dole III.
is direct
,. , ,„ „
from General Robert 7 7 .
fortunes with the youthful Conqueror , . . , , , , , . . _..
, ',_ , , „ , , . who was knighted by his sovereign^ Kich-
brought them to the New World, for the Planted on the battlements the banner
descendent of Tristrum Coffin, who, be- of the Cross.
cause of political intolerance left his an- ( See "General Memoir of Laurences,"
cestral home in England, sailed west- Mercy Hale Stowe.)
In the tbird g eneration the Cabinet of the United States, Presi-
Laurence >
Sir James
Lawrence dent Cleveland having appointed him the
Ulasbinyten. married Matilda Wash- First Secretary of Agriculture. On Sep-
ington, of the same family as our George tember 14th, 1857, he married Clarissa
Washington; their descendant, Lawrence Harlow Porter, who December 18th,
Washington, after his return from the 1863. Four children were born of this
Carthaginian war, in 1743, purchased union, Chalmcr, Dwight, Francis Porter,
Mount Vernon, naming the estate for Laura Kate and Francis Porter II. Of
General Vernon, under whom he served. these children, Laura Kate married, Oc-
From his half-brother, Lawrence Wash- tober 1st, 1884, Hiram Shaxo Liggett, who
ington, General Washington inherited died December 25th, 1892. A sonwas
this historic place. From this Lawrence- born to them April 4, 1886, John Edmond
Washington union, there was an unbroken Liggett.
line from intermarriages with families Laura Colman Liggett married, sec-
distinguished in church and state of Eng- ondly, 1898, Dr. John Fremont Hill. Gov-
land until A. D. 1632, when William ernor of Maine (1901).
Lawrence came to New England and lo- On January 27th, 1866, Norman J. Col-
cated in Watertown, where he married, man married Sarah Katherine Wright, who
and with him began the American died September 18th, 1897. One child
branch, his descendents continuing the was born of this second marriage, Clara
line unbroken to the twenty-first genera- Wright, who married, June 7th, 1899, Dr.
tion, when, July 26th, 1745, was born the Clarence Maurice Nicholson, of St. Louis.
beautiful Abigail Lawrence, who became Pontcr.
the wife of Parhei* Dole, their daughter, Through her mother, Clarissa Harlow
Abigail, being the sixth Dole in this re- Porter, Mrs. Laura Colman Hill derives
markable genealogical line, which was descent from many prominent New Eng-
now to be merged into the Colman line land families, as follows:
by the marriage of Abigail Dole to Samuel I. Dr. Daniel Porter married Mae}/,
Colman. and had: II. Dr. Samuel Porter, who
The gallant Capt. James Lawrence, of married Abigail Humphrey. III. Dr.
"Don't (Jive Up the Ship" fame, came from Hczekiah PoHer, who married Hannah
this branch of the Lawrence family. Warrmer. IV. Dr. Ezekiel Porter, who
Hamilton, fifth son of Samuel Colman married Eunice Pomeroy. V. Dr. Daniel
and his wife, Abigail Lawrence Dole, was Pomeroy Porter, married Lydia Gould.
the ancestor of the St. Louis branch of VI. Clarissa Harlow Porter, who mar-
the family. He was born in 1804 and ried Norn} an J. Colman.
married Nancy Sprague. Four children Dr. Daniel Porter, was settled in Farm-
were born of this union, Norman J., ington, Conn., as early as 1655, when
Lester, Sophia C, and Cornelia H. the records show he was allowed a
The first born, Norman J. Colman, like salary out of the public treasury "to
his ancestors, has been prominent in the exercise his arte of chirurgerie." In 1669
political and military affairs of the state he received a grant of one hundred acres
and identified with the journalism of Mis- of land for his services in the colony, and
souri from his early manhood to the pres- in 1671 the court ordered that his salary
ent time, the beginning of the XIX cen- be increased. He left five sons, three of
tury, occupying many positions of promi- whom were physicians. They all mar-
nence and trust, among them, Governor ried into prominent families of the Con-
of the State of Missouri and a member of necticut colony.
Dr. Samuel Porter, who succeeded to of Springfield, Mass., who* came to Amer-
his father's practice in Farmington, mar- ica prior to 1638, resided in Roxbury,
ried Abigail Humphrey, through whom then Springfield. He was one of the first
the succeeding generations derived de- Board of Selectmen, Clerk of the Writs,
scent from the Grants, the earliest an- and filled many other important offices,
cestor in America, Michael Humphrey, He married Eulalie, and was ancestor to
having married Priscilla, daughter of Ex-President Grover Cleveland., Samuel
Matthew Grant, ancestor of President Wright, Governor of New York, Silas
Grant. Michael Humphrey was an inhab- Wright, United States Senator, Ethan
itant Simsbury in 1669, and was
of Allen, the hero of Ticonderoga, and Pres-
Deputy to the General Assembly of Con- ident Ezra Stiles, of Yale College,
necticut in 1670.
Ft P m Who married
Dr. Hezekiah Ponder, son of Dr. Samuel Dr. Ezehiel Por-
Porter, settled in Northampton, Mass., ter,was the daughter of Daniel Pomeroy
and married Hannah Warriner. "In 1738 and Eunice Grant; he was the son of
Hadley offered Mr. Hezekiah Porter, of Daniel Pomeroy and Naomi Eibbe; son of
Farmington, Conn., bonesetter, sixty-two Noah Pomeroy and Elizabeth Sterling; son
pounds if he would settle in Hadley and of Joseph Pomeroy and Hannah Lyman;
fifty-two pounds if in Hatfield or North- son of Edward Pomeroy, who came from
ampton." Three of the sons of Dr. England and settled in Windsor, Conn.,
Hezekiah Porter were physicians of note. 1630; his wife's name was Mary. Richard
Dr. Ezehiel Porter served in the war of Lyman, grandfather of Hannali, came
the revolution from Northampton and from England, 1631, and settled in Rox-
became an early settler of! Rutland, Vt., bury, Mass., where he and his wife were
where he was a prominent citizen and members of the Apostle Eliot's church,
physician. He was chairman at the or- He afterwards went with Hooper's Com-
ganization in 1795, of the first medical pany to Hartford, where he was an orig-
society of Vermont and was representa- inal proprietor.
tive to the legislature several years. He Elizabeth Sterling was the daughter of
married Eunice Pomeroy and removed, Capt. Daniel Sterling of Lyme, who* was
about 1816, to Indiana, with his son, Dr. commissioned Ensign, 1718; Lieutenant,
Daniel Pomeroy Porter, who became a 1723; Captain, 1728; served Queen
prominent physician of that state. Anne's war. He married Mary Marvin
.. * i7% Who married Ehi, daughter of Lieut. Reinold Marvin,
Hannah lUaninneP, t
,-> „ 7 T . / to
, ,,, ,, , ,. ,
Dr. Hezekiah who was a large landholder and leading
Porter, was the daughter of Joseph War- man of Lyme. He was one of the com-
rincr, and great granddaughter of Will- missioners to divide the town of Say-
iam Warriner, one of the early settlers of brook; a representative to the General
Springfield, Mass., Constable, Selectman Court, 1670-'72-'76.
and Committeeman in all important af- _ Through Eunice Grant, who
fairs, and his wife, Johanna Searle. His married Daniel Pomeroy, the
son, Joseph, married Hannah Bliss, grand- Porters are again descended from the
daughter of Samuel Bliss and Hannah Grants, for she was the daughter of Capt.
Stiles, who was a daughter of John, son Ephraim Grant, who married Estlier (Par-
of Thomas Stiles, of Milbroke, Bedford- ker) Ladd; son of Samuel Grant, who mar-
shire, England, who came to Windsor, ried Grace Minor; son of Samuel Grant,
1635. John Stiles, father of Hannah, mar- who married Mary Porter; son of Matthew
ried Dorcas Burt, daughter of Henry Burt, Grant and Priscilla, his wife.
5 -r
fy (^ 4 VS
Matthew Grant came to New England Kenilworth, Co. Warwick, England.
on the "Mary & John/' 1630; settled in His son, Roger (or Ralph), was "Grand
Dorchester, but removed to Windsor, Porteur" to Henry I, from which the
Conn., 1G35. He was deacon of the First name of Porter is derived. (American
Church; Recorder, 1652-77, and Select- Heraldica, page 175.)
man many years. He compiled a "book *+ *^»* Who married Sam-
of records of the town and ways of Wind-
Gnace IDinon,J 7
„ .
TT was
uel Grant II,
sor," and also the "Old Church Record." daughter of Capt. John Minor, who was
"Few men filled so large a place in the interpreter to the Indians in the Connect-
early history of Windsor, or filled it as icut colony, town clerk of Stratford ten
well, as honest Matthew Grant." (Dr.
years, deputy to the General Assembly
nineteen years, served in the French and
Samuel Grant, son of Matthew, married
Indian war. His father, Capt. Thomas
Mary Porter, daughter of John Porter,
who was one of the founders of Windsor. Minor, was a leading man in the settle-
John Porter is also said; to have been six- ment of Connecticut, serving as deputy
teenth in descent from William de la nine years and as captain in King Phil-
Grande, a Norman knight, who acquired lip's war.
land at the time of the Conquest near Compiled by Miss Hall, Gen. Boston.
Ensign Thomas Tenney, Ensign, 1677. Capt. Thomas Minor, Sergeant, 1649;
Major Eleazer Lawrence, Lieutenant by Lieutenant, 1675; Captain in King Phil-
1624; Captain, by 1727, Major. lip's war; Chief Officer at Mystic, 1675.
(btetjb xsxut^>
—— — — ——— — ——— — : — —
Claiborne Excursus*
This pedigree is well authenticated and Crinan-Tein, Lord of the Isles ; Abbott of
cited by expert genealogists, Brock, Stun- Dunsweld, had
nard and others, as a most remarkable III. Maldred, brother of Duncan,
record, extending a® does back of the
it King of Scotland (murdered by Mac-
Christian era, through one of the an- beth, married Lady Aldigitha,
cestors of "the distaff," Anne Lowther, daughter of Unchtred, Earl of Northumber-
who derived descent from Dorothea, land, and his wife, Princess Elgivia;
daughter of the X Earl of Clifford, sl daughter of Ethelred II, descended from
lineal descendant of the De Toenys, hered- the ancient kings, beginning with Alpin,
itary standard bearers of Norway, who who died 834, accounted of the noblest
derived their blood from Niord, King of blood in England; they had: IV. Cos-
Sweden, 40 B. C, and through him from patrick, Earl of Northumberland and Dun-
Odin, King of Escardia, who, with an bar, died 1115, leaving issue:
army of Goths, conquered Northern V. Lady Gunilda, married Orme, Lord
Europe, settled Sweden, reigned and of Seaton, and had: VI. Cospatrick dc
died there. He was forty-first in de- Curwen, Lord of Wokington, who was fol-
scent from Eric, King of the Goths, lowed by nine generations of Curwens,
in Scandinavia, living at the time of Lords of Wokington, who intermarried
Serue, the great grandfather of Abra- with the Harringtons, the Crofts, the
ham, 761 B. C, as shown by the De Toeny Hudlestons, the tenth generation bring-
chart, deduced from the Danish and ing the line down to:
Swedish archives, as fully compiled by XV. —Sir Thomas Curwen, XI Lord of
Harrison, tlie Historian of the West Rid- Wokington, who married Annie Lowther,
ing of York. The descent of the Clai- of royal descent, from Edward, III King
bornes from Odin, Eric and Niord, is of England. She also derived from Henry
shown on De Toeny chart. X, Lord Clifford, through his daughter,
I. Claiborne, 1292-1307,
Hcrvey de Dorothy, who married Sir Hugh Lowther,
father of: II. Geoffrey de Claiborne, five strains of the De Toeny blood. Lady
1315, who held by Knight Service, Clai- Elizabeth Curwen, daughter of Sir Thomas
borne and Lowther. III. Robert de Clai- Curwen and Anne Loiuther, married John
borne, 1354, Knight of Westmoreland, de Claiborne (No. VII), and had:
married Margaret, daughter of Harry, VII. John de Cleburne, of u Cleburne
Lord of Cumdale, and Kyme. IV. John Hall" of the seventh generation of Cle-
de Claiborne, 1392, married Margaret, burne, died 1487; they had issue: VIII.
whose second husband was Warthe, —Thomas Cleburne, of Cleburne Hall, who
Cappe of War Cap. V. John de Clai- had: IX. Robert Cleburne, of Cleburne
borne, 1423, who became the father of Hall, and Killerby, Yorkshire, married
VI. Roland de Claiborne, of "Claiborne Emma, daughter of George Kikbride, of
Hall," 1456, father of VII. John de Cli- Northumberland, from the "good Barons
burne, of Westmoreland, married Eliza- of Wigton;" and had:
beth, daughter of Sir Thomas Curwen, of X. Edmund Cleburne, of Killerby, mar-
Workton Hall, also of royal descent, as ried Anne Layton, of Delamaine, Cumber-
follows: land; had:
I. Malcolm II, King of Scotland, XI. Richard Cleburne, of Cleburne Hall,
had: II. Princess Beatrice, married Killerby, York and Westmoreland. He
rebuilt Cleburne Hall, 1567, married to Virginia about 1621, and was the first
Eleanor, daughter of Lancelot Lancaster, Secretary and Treasurer, also Surveyor
of Sackbridge, Westmoreland, descended General of the Virginia colony. He
from the Barons of Kendall; had: died 1676. He had sons: William Clai-
XIl.—Edmond Claiburne, of Clailnime borne, Lieutenant-Colonel, prominent in
Hall, married, 1566, Grace, daughter of the Indian war and colonial service; mem-
Alan Billingham, of Helsington and *>e r ° f the House of Burgess; and a Jus-
DeConey Chant.
Owing to the fact that so many fam- quered Northern Europe, settled Sweden,
ilies in the United State® derive their reigned and died there. He was fortv-
blood from the DeToneys, this chart is fi^t in descent from Eric, King of the
given in full. The families of Wyberg, Goths, in Scandinavia, living in the time
Lowther, Carleton and Cleborne, derived no f Seme, the great grandfather of Abra-
less than five strains of DeToney blood ham, 761 B. 0.
through Dorothy only daughter of Henry
t The descent of Niord, King of Sweden, B.
X, Lord Clifford, son of Walter Be Clifford c. 40, derived from Odin, King of Escardia
and Margaret DeToney. The Fairfaxes (deduced from the Danish and Swedish
derive their blood from the Cliffords archives), has been fully compiled by
through Sir Henry Chomley (grandson of Harrison, the Historian of the West Riding
VII Lord Clifford, whose daughter mar- f York. According to him, the descent
ried the Rev. Henry Fairfax, of Bolton- f rom Niord is as follow® :
rington Page and other families of Vir- who had Ralph DeToeny (Sire DeToeny),
ginia.. who had first, Roger DeToeny, who had
William De Lindsay, of Ercildun, the Randolph DeToeny (Knight of the Swan),
early ancestor of the Scotch Lindsays and who married Isabel, daughter of Simon De
Lindsays of Virginia, was the great, Montfort, and had Margaret DeToeny, who
great, great grandson of Ralph, called married Walter De Clifford; and Ralph
u Sire
DeToney," who lived 996-1027. The DeToeny, who married Judith, daughter
DeToney Excursus is as follows: of Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland ; they
/, Odin, King of Escardia, came out of had, DeToeny, of Flamstead, England.
Scythia with an army of Goths, con- (See Lindsay DeToeny.) —
Illir. and lUns. John Tcmpleman Doncyby.
From an exhaustive pedigree of the as "one of the, three fair ladies and chaste
Craddocks, made by Col. Henry Dudley damsels of King Arthur's Court, possess-
Teetor (genealogist), it is shown that they ing three precious things, of which he
are of ancient Welsh origin, of lineal de- alone was worthy, the Mantle, the Gob-
scent from Caractacus I, king of the Sil- let, and the Knife. Sir Caradoc and
lires, a British tribe in South Wales. He his lady remainamong the prime worthies
was defeated by the Romans under Claud- of King Arthur's Round Table, So much
ius and brought to Rome in chains, where for the ancient origin of the Craddocks.
his noble bearing impelled Claudius to Their pedigree, as shown in the Welsh
release him, King Agrippa also using his books of genealogy, is as follows:
influence in his favor, A. D. 51. (Cas- 1. Coll icy n, ap. (son of) Tangno, ap.
sels' History of England, Vol. I, p. 9-10.) Sytsylt, ap. Cynvin, ap. Cymon-Garnys-
It is claimed by Charlotte Yonge, in her gwydd, ap. Hoicell, ap. Bleddyn Hir, ap.
history of Christian names, that Cunobel- Meurie, Prince of Biffed, married a
inus or Kymbelinus or Cymbeline (father
daughter of Meredith Ychan (Vaughn),
of Caractus), was the Cymbeline immor- ap. Sir Meredith, ap. Jardyr, Lord of
talized by Shakespeare. There are two Arvan. He was father of
stories of the ancestry of Caractacus. The 2. Einon (son of), Collwyn, who came
British story runs thus into Glamorgan to assist Jestyn, ap.
Bran the Blessed (father of Caradwg), Gwyrgan, against Rhys ap. Tudor. He
was one of the princes of Britain who married Lucy (or Nest), daughter of
brought home the faith of Christ from Jestyn, and had.,
Rome where he was seven years a hostage 3. Richard, grandson of Givargan,
for his son, Caradwg, whom the Romans
Lord of Glamorgan, son of Ithel, son of
put in prison. Now Caradwdg, was, Oicen (died 1042), son of Morgan, Prince
without a doubt, the Caractacus of
of Glamorgan, died 984, aged 100 years,
Roman history."
by Nest, daughter of Rodri Maur. This
The Roman version is "Cunobelinus :
Gwrgan's descent was deduced by Welsh
wasi King of the Silures and husband of genealogists from Caractacus I, King of
Cartismanda, Queen of the Brigantes. Silures, whose wife was a daughter of
He was a powerful and properous prince Givyn ap. Colltvynn, Lord of Dyfed, ap.
* *
in league with the Romans. *
Edmoiuen Bendew, Prince of North
He had three sons, Adminius, Togodum- Wales and sister to Tangno, ancestor of
nus and Caractacus. The first named was Einon ap. Colhmjn. They had Jestyn,
exiled ; the other two, after their father's whose daughter, Nest, was the wife of
death, bravely encountered the invasion Einon ap. Collwyn, ancestors of more
of Claudius until Caractacus was be- than a third of the older Glammorgan
trayed and fell into the hands of Claud- families of pure Welsh blood.
ms. n Richard (ap. Einon) married Ethel,
The name comes from the Greek word, daughter of Rhys Vachan (Vaughn) of
Charis, grace, and Latin word, Carus, Caermothan; issue: Craddock, Hoioell,
dear. It means beloved. Lloyd, Ivor (whence Craddock of Swan-
The wife of Sir Cradoc or Caractacus, sea and the Leivises), Madoc, Rys Goch,
A. D. 541, was Tegan Euvren ("Golden Yorworth, Malt, Anghard and Joan.
Beauty"), and is mentioned by the Triads Ivor (fourth son), was father of Evern, ap.
Cradock, who won the Boar's Head and Robert, son of John and Alice (Owen)
Sword (used as the family crest), by the Cradock, married Margaret Gibbon and
slaughter of a wild boar in the forest had Richard, David, Janet,
He married Ann, daughter of Walter ap. Elizabeth and Jane. Richard married
Owillin Jenkin of Gower, and had, with Joan, daughter of Williams of Coed,
other children, France
Robert or Richard "Cradock of Cher- Yuir, King of Gwent,, was a descend-
iton;" father of John Cradock, who mar- ant of Prince Cadwallader, and married
ried Elizabeth, daughter of Philip de la Nest, daughter of Jestyn ap. Gurgan,
Bere, heiress of Cheriton. They had Rob- King of Glamorgan, issued from Caracta-
ert, father of Philip, father of Thomas, ens I. They had M eyrie, King of Gwent,
father of John, who, by wife, Catharine who married Eleanor, daughter of Yorath
"Williams, had Philip, Robert, Margaret Trevor, who married Gtvladdis, daughter
and Ann. of Rys ap. Goch and had Cradock ap.
Philip had, by wife, Elizabeth Thomas; Yuir, who married Nest, daughter of Sir
issue: Morgan, David, Jenkin, Jane, Rhydderech Le Gros.
Eleanor, M and, Ann, Margaret and Mary (Kef., "Morgan and Glamorgan of
Cradock. Wales," Clark. "Burke's Patrician," Vol.
Morgan Cradock was Deputy Seneschal 4, V- h&l- "History of Yorkshire," Har-
of Penmark Manor 1605; married, first, rison.)
Miss Spenser, secondly, Jane Fleming, One of the most interesting female char-
thirdly, Ann Pritchard, fourthly, Grace acters in English history is the Lady Jane
Mansel; issue: Agnes, Philip, Maud, Gordon, daughter of the Earl of Huntley,
Richard and Rose. known as "The White Rose of Scotland,"
Richard Cradock, son of Gurlim, son of widow of Perkin Warbeck. After the
Evan and wife, Ann Jenkin, married death of the Pretender she married Sir
Janet, daughter of Jenkin Horton of Matthew Cradock, Knight of Swanzy,
Leandoch her mother, Margaret Winnot
; and lies buried with him in Herbert's
Jenkin, received from John Penrees, 1383, Aisle of Swansea Church.
Their daugh-
a title to land in Swansea, on which Sir ter, Margaret, married Sir Richard Her-
Matthew Cradock built "New Place." bert and they became ancestors of the
They had issue, Matthew, Thomas, Ann, Earls of Pembroke. Sir Matthew Crad-
Maude and Alice. Sir Matthew Cradock, ock bore for arms the Boars' Heads, borne
of "New Place," Knight also of Cardiff, by all branches of this family in some
married Alice Mansel and had Margaret form.
Cradock, heiress. Arms: Az, semee of cross, crosslets,
Thomas Cradock, third son of Evan and three boars' heads, couped, arg. Motto:
wife, Ann Jenkins, married a daughter He Kymero, "On, Countrymen." (See
of Milcock de la Bere of Cheriton, and Annals of Counties and County Families
had David, who married a daughter of of Wales.)
Richard Giryn, ap. Grono, ap. Howel David Craddock, of South Carolina,
Melyn and had Robert and Henry. married Sallic Bartlett of the same fam-
Robert Cradock, son of David, son of ily, no doubt, as the Massachusetts fam-
Thomas. son of Evan and Ann Jenkins, ily from which came Josias Bartlett,
married a daughter of Owen Griffith and signer of the Declaration of Independ-
had Richard, who married Catharine ence. The relationship of the David and
Meyrcc and had John, Roger and Harry. Matthew Craddock branches, as shown in
John married Alice Owen and had Rob- pedigree, made more than probable a
ert, Owen, Richard and Morgan. visiting connection which might have
of wheat, or. Crest: A boar's head nated from the helme, or helmet, adopted
tricked. These same devices were borne as defensive head armor soon after the
by the Craddoeks of Stratfordshire. Conquest, giving rise to the belief that
Matthew Craddoek (son of Matthew, one they were of Norman origin,
of the early Governors of the Massachu- This branch of the family originated
setts Bay Colony), used these same deL in Lancashire, as shown in a history of
vices. the Parochial Chapel ry of Goosnargh,
In the Virginia, Maryland and South Lancashire, England, by Henry Fishwick,
Carolina Craddoeks are found the family F. H. L. He says (p. 184): "The old
names borne by State officials, or officers house taken down a few years ago had
in the Revolution. Richard, John and the date 1589 upon it. In the XVI and
Robert in Virginia; John and David in XVII centuries 'Church House' was the
North and South Carolina. With them property of the Helmes, one of the oldest
all are found the tradition of their Welsh of the Goosnargh families." They seem
ancestry, and the boar's head for their to have been priests or curates of this
crest. establishment. In 1642, Thomas Helme,
The following extract from a letter Gentleman, was living here with his sons,
written by Judge George Craddoek of Leonard, William and John. Christopher
Frankfort, Ky., when seventy-two years Helme was one of the Church Wardens
of age, confirms the Craddoek record, as in 1661. Henry Helme owned Middleton
herein given Hall, Goosnarch, died 1589, leaving a son,
"Our ancestors came from Wales and Leonard, three years old. One of these
settled in Virginia before the Revolution- Helmes, Christopher, emigrated to Massa-
ary war. Their true name was Caradoe. chusetts 1632, and removed to Rhode Is-
My grandfather, at twelve years of age, land 1642. Thomas Helm emigrated to
went to South Carolina, where both my Long Island 1675 and became prominent
father and mother were born. Gen. Pres- in colonial affairs.
ton told me that when a Minister to Spain Thomas Helme, Gentleman, living in
he met Lord Caradoe of Wales, who en- Goosnarch 1642, left sons, Leonard, Wil-
quired for the "Craddoeks/' said they liam and John. Leonard Helm, who ap-
were his kinsmen, and their name, Cam- peared in Virginia 1700, was no doubt the
doc. Bishop Meade, in his Old Churches, son or grandson of Thomas, as-it is chron-
says the name was originally "Caradoe." icled that "the family disappeared or left
This family, from which was the country (England) about this time."
M .
Neill, daughter of John Neill, Justice and John Tcmpleman Doneghy, Jr.
High Sheriff of Frederick ; died 1750. In Gov. Helm, Judge, John and Capt.
his will, dated October 2, 1750, he men- Thomas Helm are of this family.
tions his son-in-law, Meredith Helm. The Helm Arms: Or, on a pile, az. bet. two
Neil Is were Quakers from the north of griffins, segrant, regarding each other, gu,
Ireland. Meredith Helm, Sr., settled in an esquire's helmet, ppr. garnished, or.
the Valley of Virginia about 1725 and was Crest : On a mount vert, a demi-dragon
appointed Justice of Frederick Co. in az, holding in dexter claw a cross-crosslet
1743. He had sons, Thomas, who mar- fitchee, supporting with the sinister an
ried Elizabeth Neill, and Meredith, Jr., escutcheon or, charged with an, esquire's
who married Margaret Neill, as above. helmet, ppr. Motto: Casis tutissima vir-
Their son, tus. (Virtue is the safest helmet.)
Thomas Helm, born 1727, died Janu- John Tcmpleman
ary 6, 1778, had issue : Joseph, born in Doneghy, of the old
Frederick Co., Md., October 15, 1755; en- Maryland family of that name, later of
tered land in Shelby and Lincoln Co., Ky., Kentucky, was a son of James Doneghy
May 10, 1834,where he died. He mar- and wife, Kate Bradshaiv Campbell; son
ried, first, Rebecca La Rue, secondly, of Doneghy and wife, Lucy Temple-
Elizabeth Hutchinson, granddaughter of man, sister of Polly Templeman, who
Elisha HutcMnson, who is thought to married Moss, daughters of Capt.
have been a descendant of Col. Elisha John Templeman, a wealthy seai-captain,
Hutchinson, whose grandson was early and wife, Ellen Poarce Lawson, widow,
Governor of Massachusetts. He married, owner of a, handsome estate in Virginia,
thirdly, Susan Gaines. daughter of Pearce, an English-
Joseph and Elizabeth Hutchinson Helm man of large means, whose estate in
(born January 3, 1758, married, March Northumberland Co., Va., adjoined that
29, 1781, died August 11, 1796) had chil- of George Washington, and they became
dren, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Thomas, Joseph, intimate friends. Capt. Tcmpleman was
James, Nancy, Lucy and Meredith. educated in London, and when he re-
Lucy Helm married Lazarus Wilcox; turned to America, his uncle, owner of
had a line of ships, put him in charge of one
Mary Moss, married Samuel Craddock; of them and he spent some twenty-five
had years at sea.
Mary McKinley Craddoclc, who married The Doneghy s married into the Cald-
John Templeman Doneghy and had well, McDowell and Irvine families.
De rciun.
IDits. Charles Bland Smith
Derives her blood from the Gratiot s and Louise Isabel! Gratiot, second daughter
Dc Mans of the flower of the French no- of Charles Gratiot and his wife, Via-
bility, prominent in the settlement of the toire, born October 15th, 1786, died July
littleFrench village of St. Louis more 13th, 1878, married, May 31st, 1812, Jules
than a century ago and distinguished in Dc Mun, France (son of
of the nobility of
the early army records of the nation. On Jacques and his wife, Madeline dc Millc-
the distaff side she is a descendant of the cour), born at Porte au Prince, Island of
Chouteaus. San Domingo, April 25th, 1782, and with
Charles Gratiot, son of Charles and his his brother, Auguste, was sent to France
wife, Tietoire Chouteau, born in St. Louis to be educated; they afterward joined
August 29th, 178G, died there May 18th, their parents inEngland about 1800 and
1855. He
graduated from the U. S. Mili- came to the United States, where they set-
tary Academy, 180G; became Lieutenant tied in New Jersey and remained there
of Engineers 180G, Captain of Engineers until 1808, when they removed to Ste.
1808 served with distinction, 1812, under
; Genevieve, Mo.
Gen. Harrison, as Chief Engineer and In 181G Jules De Mun, with A. P. Chou-
Brevet Colonel, was at the defense of Fort toau and others, embarked in a fur trad-
Meigs and Fort McKenzie; Major of En- ing expedition to Santa Fe and Mexico,
gineers 1815 ; superintended the erections where they were arrested by the Mexican
on the Delaware river
of the fortifications authorities and thrown into prison. They
and at Hampton Roads; planned and su- remained there until twoyears later, when
perintended the erection of Fortress Mon- they were released on demand of U. S.
roe, the largest single fortification in the Government. In 1820 Jules de Mun
world; Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers went with his family to Cuba where he
1819; Colonel and Principal of engineer engaged in coffee planting till 1831 when
department at Washington, D. C, 1828; he returned to St. Louis and was made
Brevet Major General U. S. 1838, resigned secretary and translator to the Board of
1839. U. S. Commissioners, and in 1812 was
Ma').Gen. Charles Gratiot married in elected Recorder of Deeds. He died Au-
Philadelphia, 1819, Anne Bclin, and their gust 10th, 1813. They had children :
daughter, Vietoire Gratiot, born in St. Isabella De Man, who married Edward
Louis February 17, 1820, married, 1837, Walsh of St. Louis (see Walsh); Gulie
the Marquis Charles F. de Montholen, De Mun, who married Louis Chenic, of
Marshal of France under Napoleon and St. Louis; Laura De Mun, who married,
one of the Emperor's most trusted aides; January, 1845, Robert A. Hams, of Wash-
a devoted friend, and was with him at St. ington, D. C, and
Helena. At the time of his marriage he Amelic Dc Mun, born in St, Louis 183G,
was an attache of the French legation daughter of Jules De Mini and his wife,
under Monsieur Paget, Minister to the U. Louise Isab ell Gratiot, married in 18(50,
S. When Maximillion was Emperor of Charles Bland Smith, born 1830, grand-
Mexico, Mmc. dc Montholen was Maid of son of William Smith, Sr., of Culpepper,
Honor to the Empress Carlotta. Va., who moved to Lexington, Ky., where
Julia Auguste married her
Gratiot he married Eliza Brady and came to St.
cousin, Charles Pierre Chouteau, and re- Louis, lie died September 23rd, 1819.
sided in St. Louis. His son, John /?., born in Lexington, Ky.,
De Mun
) .
Charles Bland, who married Amelia poleon, after whose downfall he took
De Mun and resided in St. Louis until refuge in New Orleans, and after three
his death. His widow still resides in St. J ears residence there removed with his
sent to England to be educated, and after- Isabella De Mun and Edward Walsh
ward joined his uncle, Mons. Bernard, in had children Belle, Julius, married Miss
Canada. He
remained in Montreal only Dickson; John, married Miss Shannon;
a short time before joining the Northwest Edward, married Julia Maffitt; Marie C,
Fur Co., which brought him to St. Louis, married B. M. Chambers.
He was an earnest patriot of the Revolu- J ° hn Chambers > fatner
Chambers * of J. M. Chambers, who
tion and rendered material aid to the col- 1
onial troops. He married in St. Louis Vic- married Marie C. Walsh, daughter of Isa-
toire Chouteau and had children Julie, :
bella De Mun, born in Dublin, Ireland,
who married John Pierre Cabanne (see was banished 1784, because of his partici-
Cabanne) Victoire, who married Sylves-
pation in the Irish Rebellion. He was
ter Labadie; Charles, who married Anne joined in 1803 by his son, Charles, who
Belin; Marie Therese, who married John married in New York Jane, daughter of
N. Macklot; Henry, who married Miss John Mulanphy and wife, Elizabeth
Hempstead; Emilie, who married Pierre Bryan, Judge Bryan Mullanphy,
sister of
Chouteau; Louise Isabella, who married natives of Ireland, who came to Phila-
Jules De Mun; Marie Brigette; John Bun- del phia 1794. They had children, Ellen,
yan, married Adcle Marie Antoinette Ped- Jane, Charles, Anne, who married Maj.
reuville, born in Havre, France Paul ; Biddle, U. S. Army Mary, married Gen.
Benjamin, married Virginia Billon. (See W. S. Harney, TJ. S. A.; Eliza, married
Billon. James Clements; Catharine, married Den-
m U\
John N. de Macklot de
Coligny belonged to one
nis DeLaney and had children: Jane, mar-
ried Capt. A. J. Lindsay; John, married
of the most ancient of the noble houses of Miss Moreton; Octavia, married secondly,
France; married Ann e Joly. When only Henry Boy ce of Louisiana and left one
seventeen years old he was tendered by child, Mary Boyce.
Louis XVI a commission in the Royal (See Creoles, Billon, Hyde.)
IDit$. Rebecca lllest Sine,
Daughter of John Sefton and his wife, tucky Israel Dodge went westward, 1790,
Nancy Dodge Conn, widow of Joseph and crossing the Mississippi river, occu-
Conn., married, first, Augustus Rene pied a large grant of land given him by
Chouteau; secondly, Joseph A. Sire. the Spanish government. Upon the pur-
Mrs. Sire is a lineal descendant of chase of Louisiana by the United States
Tristram Dodge, who came to America he was present in St. Louis at the unfurl-
and on Block Island, 1660, a mem-
settled i*>g of the stars and stripes. Their son
ber of the same family as William Dodge, Henry Dodge, born at Fort St. Vincents
the emigrant, who came over from Ches- October 12, 1782, was educated in Ken-
hire, England, to Salem, 1629. He was tucky, a schoolmate of John Pope and
of old Kentish stock and several patents Felix Grundy and became one of the most
of arms have been granted to the Amer- distinguished historical characters of his
ican family and are preserved by them day. His nineteen commissions for pub-
to this day (American Heraldica). There lie service, military and civic, extend over
Rogers, of noble birth, from a family litia. Brigadier General and Marshal;
seated near Londonderry, Ireland, that Sheriff, Marshal, Captain, Lieutenant and
came to America (1727), where they in- Adjutant of Ste. Genevieve District, Chief
termarried with the Caldwells. Justice of Court of Iowa Co., etc. In 1845
Their son, Israel, born in Connecticut he was elected to the U. S. Senate from
September 3, 1760, at adult age moved Wisconsin. It was his privilege as Major-
to Kentucky, where he married Nancy General of Missouri Militia, to welcome
Ann Hunter, born in Carlisle, Pa., daugh- the Marquis de Lafayette and do him mili-
ter of Joseph Hunter, and wife, Anne tary honor upon the occasion of his visit
Homes, of the Scotch-Irish emigration, to St. Louis, 1825.
which has furnished so many strong men Nancy Hunter married, second, Asael,
to the nation. Two
sons of this family, son of the brave William Linn, who served
James and Joseph Hunter, Jr., served in with Col. Clark at Kaskaskia and had a
the Revolution, and in the Iowa Historical son, Lewis Fields, born November 24,
Records Nancy Hunter is spoken of as 1793, who served in the U. S. Senate from
"A heroine of the Revolution." Missouri 1833-45. She thus furnishes the
IsraelDodge joined the Revolutionary only instance in this country of a mother
army and served as second lieutenant at with two sons serving in the IT. S. Senate
Brandywine, where, in a hand to hand at the same time, Lewis Fields Liwn from
encounter, he received a sword thrust Missouri, and his half-brother, Henry
from the enemy in the chest. After this Dodge, serving from Wisconsin,
he went to Kentucky and is found in 1782 Meanwhile, Augustus C. Dodge, born at
acting under the military authority of his Ste. Genevieve 1812, son of Henry, was a
father at Kaskaskia. In Kentucky he Senator from Iowa 1848-55, the only in-
met and married Ann Hunter. They had stance in America of father and son sit-
children, Nancy and Henry. From Ken- ting together in the same senate. At one
period, 1841-3, she had three descendants William Wallace Greene , who married
sitting together in the Capitol, Henry Sarah A. Conn. He died April 16, 1873
Dodge as a delegate from the Territory his wife died soon after only two children
of Wisconsin, A. C. Dodge a delegate from survive them, Miss Anna Greene, and
the Territory of Iowa, and L. F. Linn, Edith, wife of W. McLanahan, who
Senator from Missouri. In the Twenty- had only one child, a son, who married,
seventh Congress A. G. Dodge welcomed June 6, 1895, his cousin, Nancy Dodge
his father into the House of Representa- Conn.
tives. John Greene, the emigrant ancestor,
In 1855, Augustus C. Dodge resigned traced his ancestry back to Robert Greene
his seat in the Senate, and on the follow- of Gillingham, 1545. Bernard Burke
ing day was appointed by President Pierce states that "this John Greene was a corn-
Minister to Spain, where he distinguished panion of Roger Williams, and a party
himself in the field of diplomacy. to the purchase of Providence from the
Nancy Dodge Henry Dodge),
(sister of Indians" (as above seen) A family tomb-
daughter of Ann Hunter and Israel stone in the King's Chapel Burying
Dodge, married in Ste. Genevieve, first, Ground of Boston, shows the same de-
Joseph Conn, and had a son, Joseph H. does also the bookplate of Gardi-
vices, as
Conn, a well-known business man of St. ner Greene (born 1773), who married a
Louis, who married Elizabeth Anderson, sister of Lord Lyndhurst. The crest on
and had five children, the youngest of the tombstone is a dove with an olive
whom, Nancy Dodge, married Wm. Mc- branch. A second crest is a buck's head
Lanahan and resides in St. Louis. erased, or. Motto : Nee timeo nee sper-
Sarah A. Conn, daughter of Joseph no. The shield is az, three stags trippant,
and Nancy Dodge Conn, married in Cin- or. (America Heraldica.)
cinnati, 1827, William Wallace Greene, a Nancy Dodge Conn, widow of Joseph
lineal descendant of John Greene, born in H. Conn, married, secondly, in Cincinnati,
Salisbury, Wiltshire, Eng., a surgeon by John Sefton, born in the north of Ireland,
profession, who came to America 1636; of English origin; his mother a Hyde, her
settled in Massachusetts and subsequently mother an Eglinton. They came to St.
removed to Rhode Island, and with Sam'l Louis to reside. Only one child blessed
Groton and others purchased in the vicin- this union, a daughter
ity of Providence a large tract of land Rebecca West Sefton, born in Cincin-
from the Indian chief, Miamononie. The nati, 1819, married in St. Louis, first,
deed, dated January 12, 1642, was in Auguste Rene Chouteau, son of Col.
possession of Hon. George Brayton, late Auguste Chouteau and wife, Marie Ther-
Chief Justice of Rhode Island. In 1647 ese Cerre, daughter of Gabriel Cerre and
he was appointed one of the committee of wife, a daughter of Antoine Gerard and
ten to organize the colonial government wife, Mary Le Fontaine, of a noble
under the parliamentary charter. He was French family of Huguenots. (See Fon-
several times appointed General Assist- taine). Mrs. Rebecca West Chouteau
an *- married, secondly,
Jabez, grandson of John Greene, had Joseph A. Sire, born at Rochelle,
several sons, one of whom, Nathaniel, was France, 1799, of Huguenot parents, it is
the father of Gen, Nathaniel Greene, sec- said. He came where
to St. Louis 1821,
ond in command of the Revolutionary he became a member of the Chouteau
army. His brother, Rufus Greene, was Sarpy Fur. Co., and amassed a large for-
the grandfather of tune. He died July 15, 1854.
IDn, and IDps. 3ohn C. Dods.
John C. Dods, born and educated in Among his descendants was Anne Lath-
England, is a representative of an English rop, wife of Jonathan Huntington; daugh-
family seated in Dorsetshire, son of Isaac ter of Capt. Ebenezer Lathrop, of the Rev-
and wife, Jane Dods. His sister married olution; son of Serj. Ebenezer, of the Lex-
Sir John Groves, knighted by Queen Vic- ington Alarm Co., and
Lydia Tracey
toriaupon the last occasion when she per- Leflmgwell; son of Israel and wife, Re-
formed that function. becca Bliss; son of Sam'l Lathrop and
The Dods' Crest is a sheaf of wheat, en- w ife Elizabeth Scudder.
twined with a serpent. Motto: In Copia Of the Traccys the first American an-
Cautus. cestor was Svr Thomas Tracey, of royal
John C. Dods married, July 2, 1873, descent, appointed, 1673 an officer of the
Clara Sophia Forbes., daughter of George New London Co. Drogoons— issued from
Lathrop Huntington and wife, Hannah William de Studley, and through him
Flagg Forbes, descended from Hon. f rom the Anglo-Saxon kings.
Daniel Forbes, Selectman, Rep. and M. C. He came over from Tewksbury, Eng-
of Westboro, Mass. George L. Hunting- land, 1610, to Salem, and was one of the
ton, born in Northampton, Mass., died original proprietors of Norwich, which he
in Springfield, 111., 1873; was a son of represented in the legislature twenty-
Jonathan Huntington and wife, Anne, seven times. (See Calkin's Norwich.)
daughter of Capt. Ebenezer Lathrop and His descent from the Saxon kings is as
wife, Lydia, daughter of Lieut. Thomas follows: I, Egbert; II, Ethelwolf; III,
Leffingwell. Edward the Elder;
Alfred the Great; IV,
Capt. Eliphalet Huntington, father of v, Edward; VI, Edward the Peaceable;
Jonathon (an officer in the Revolution), VII, Ethelred the Unready; III, Prin-
married Dinah Rudd; was a son of Natli- ceS s Goda
IX, Rudolph de Mantes X,
; ;
aniel and wife, Mehetable Thurston; son Harold de Mantes; XI, Sir William
of Joseph and wife, Rebecca Adgate, son Tracey (brother of John de Studley),
of Simon Huntington and wife, Rebecca, w ho inherited the lands of his mother,
daughter of John Clark, M. C. and Juror Grace Tracey, with the name. Fifteen
of Hartford, 1641. generations of Traceys follow to Richard,
The Huntingtons were of noble birth w h 0S e wife derived extraction from
and brought with them to this country a Charlemagne and Alfred the Great. Their
coat of arms, used by the family.
still S0Dj Nathaniel Tracey, was the father of
Samuel, brother of Nathaniel, was Gov- Lieut. Thomas Tracey, whose fourth
ernor of Connecticut, Congressman, Judge S0Dj jy T Solomon Tracey, married Sarah
of the Supreme Court, and one of the sign- Huntington and had Lydia, who married
ers of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Leffingwell and had Lydia Lef-
The Lathrops are lineal descendants of fingwell, wife of Capt. Ebenezer Lathrop;
"Rev. John Lathrop (or Loivthrop), of parents of Anne, who married Eliphalet
Cherry Burton, Co. York, Eng., a dis- Huntington, and had
senter harshly persecuted, who came to George Lathrop Huntington father of ,
America 1630. His pedigree is clear and Clara Forbes, who married John C.
complete; his coat of arms found on Dods.
Gore's Roll, also carved upon a monument Children, Alice Gilbert, Edith (died
in the old burying ground in Boston." young), John Huntington and Clara
(Amer. Heraldica.) Huntington.
21, 1834, died September 30, 1895, and his Mary Mitchell, who married Tilghman
wife, Bethia Harrison, born October 18, H. West, was a daughter of Edward
1811, died September 30, 1893; daughter Mitchell, and his wife, Nancy Haley; son
of Irwin B. Randle and wife, Mary E. of James Mitchell, and wife, Mrs. Mollic
Harrison, born June 5, 1811 daughter of
; Pryor Berry (widow) eon of Edward
Fielding Harrison, born 1779, and wife, Mitchell, born in Charlestown, South Car-
An\na Eleanor Madison Quinn, born 1780; olina.
son of Benjamin, Hawison, born 1741, and Mr, and Mrs. Harrison I. Drummond
wife, Mary McLare, have two children (twins): Harrison Ir-
James T. Drummond was a son of win, Jr., and Georgianna.
Harrison Drummond, and wife, Elizabeth,
daughter of Thomas Wilkins, and his wife,
nee Weeks; son of James Drummond, and This family is of lineal descent from
wife, nee Harrison; son of James Drum- the ancient Scotch family, the first of
mond, and his wife, Margaret, daughter whom took the name of Drummond, be-
of Capt. James Lucas, of the revolutionary ing Maurice, son of George, a younger
army. son of Andreas, King of Hungary, which
Mr. and Mr. James T. Drummond had Maurice quitted England with Edgar
six sons: I, Winter Lee, died November Atlieling, the rightful heir to that crown,
14, 1883; II, Harrison Irwin, who mar- but unjustly deprived thereof, first, by
ried Mary West Prickett. Harold, and after by William Duke of
III, James T. Drummond, who mar- Normandy, who seized the kingdom, 1066.
ried Grace Greenleaf, of Minneapolis, and Maurice commanding the ship in which
has a daughter, Dorris; TV, Charles Randle Edgar Atlieling, his mother, Agatha, and
Drummond, who married Maude Ringen, his sisters:, Margaret and Christian, were
and has a son, Charles Randle, Jr. embarked, meeting with a violent storm
Mhs. Harrison T. Drummond is a at sea, which drove them to Scotland,
daughter of Hon. Wm. Russell Prickett, they put into the River Forth, and landed
son of Isaac, and his wife, Nancy Lambkin; at the place called Queen's Ferry, from
son of George Prickett, of Maryland. They Margaret, the said Edgar's sister. This
derive extraction from an old English princess married Malcolm III, King of
family of Pricketts, of Allertkorpe, Eng- Scotland, who rewarded Maurice Drum-
land, who were for several generations mond with a considerable share of wealth
Recorders for York. They came to North and honor, particularly a large estate in
Carolina in the XVII century. An old the county of Dumbritton or Lennox and
seal used in the family shows a stag's the stewardy thereof, which estate and
head for the crest. He married: office were enjoyed by his successors.
Virginia Francis West, daughter of Ed- John Drummond, the seventh Steward
ward Mitchell, and wife, Julia Atwater of Lennox, having lost the lands which
West; son of Tilghman Hillary West, and he held in that Sheriffdom, retired into
wife, Mary Mitchell; son of Ben]. West, a Perthshire, and married Mary, eldest
lineal descendent of the noble house of daughter and co-heiress of Sir William de
Wests-De la Warr, and wife, Verlinda Hil- Monterex, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland,
with whom he had diver® lands in said burning in a church of a party of Murray
county, being- the baronies of Serobahl men by some of the Drummond party, was
and Cargill, near Perth. They had four condemned to lose his head, and though
sons and four daughters', of the latter, protesting himself innocent, was exe-
the eldest, the beautiful Annabel, was the cuted 1511. Of the daughters of the said
Queen of Robert III and mother of James Lord John Drummond, Margaret was pri-
/, and by this marriage the
Scotland, vately married to King James TV, and
houses of Austria and Burgundy, and their daughter, Jane, married Lord Gor-
many crowned heads of Europe, who don, eldest son of Alexander, Earl of Hunt-
married the King's daughters, are allied ley; their son, James, was Earl of Murray.
to the Drummonds. Margaret became the James IV, Lord Drummond, being much
wife of Sir Colin Campbell, and thus be- in favor ^^
King j ames yi was 6ent by y
came the ancestor of the Dukes of Argyle. him to confer with Charles Howard, Earl
Jane married a Stewart, and Mary mar- of Nottingham, Ambassador to Spain,
ried MacDonald, Lord of the Isles. Sir and after his return, was created Earl of
Malcolm, son and heir of John Drummond, Perth. James IV, Earl of Perth, was
at the battle of Chevy Chase, in 1388, made Privy Counsellor to King Clvarles II,
joining his own men with those of his 1678; Justice General, 1682; Lord Chan-
brother-in-law, James, Earl of Douglas, to cellor of Scotland, 1684, in which station
fight with the English, took prisoner Sir he was continued by King James VII till
Ealph Percy, brother of Henry, Lord the Revolution, 1688, and then followed
Percy called Hotspur, who in this en- that prince into France; was made by
counter killed the Earl of Douglas. him a Duke and Knight of the Garter,
His son, Sir John, was the father of but was outlawed by Parliament and
Sir Walter; his son, Sir Malcolm, the died at St. Germains, 1716. He married,
father of Sir John, who was made Stew- first, Lady Jane, daughter of William,
ard of Strathern, and Justice General of Marquis of Douglas, and had one son,
Scotland, and created Lord Drummond by James, Lord Drummond. By his second
James III. He did great service for James marriage with, Lillian^ daughter of Sir
IV, in which he distinguished himself, James Drummond, he had two sons, John
having routed the Earl of Lennox and the and Charles. His third wife was Lady
Lord of Lisle as they were upon their Mary, daughter of the Marquis of Huntley.
march to join the Earl Marshall and his His eldest son:
forces,upon their march to seize the James Drummond married Lady Jane,
King, under pretence of avenging the daughter of George, Duke of Gordon, who,
death of James III. He was then sent dying before his father, left two sons,
as Ambassador to England to conclude Jmnes wh0l would have succeeded his
a peace with Richard III, but after the grandfather, were it not for the out-
lawTy) and John
were in the n
,, ,
. , ,,.
„ „ „
Both of thege brothers
Ar At:
Rebellion, 1 4o,
at the battle of Culloden, John
T .,
before Parliament to give an account of
m^ the center and Jmncs the left W1Dg;
the Queen's marriage with the Earl of
Lennox; but the Queen, at the instance
of several great men, reinstated him and he ldied in his passage to France, leaving
restored his honors, William, his heir, no successor, so the succession fell to
being at open defiance with the family of James, grandson and heir of John, Earl of
Murray, was held responsible for the Melfort, second son of James III, Earl of
Queen. In the British peerage the orig- of Farquhar Co., and wife, nee Weeks, and
inal Drummond arms will now be found had sonsi, John N. and James T. Drum-
impaled with the most prominent houses mond, who married sisters, Mary Harrison
of England. and Bethia H. Ran del , lineal descendants
The Drummonds, who came to Virginia of the Hwrrisons of Surrey; Mary, daugh-
late in the XVII century, were originally ter of Harrison Drummond, and wife,
from Perth, and the old Drummond castle Elizabeth Wilkins, married B. E. Stevens,
was visited by Mr. James T. Drummond, of St. Louis.
The bead of the The grand mother of James T. Drum-
Abraham CUccks.
Weeks family, mond issued from the Harrisons of Sur-
settled iu Middlesex Co., Va. He and his rey and the Randolphs.
wife, Mildred, came from England about
the middle of the XVII century. He was
Among the ancient families in the
a vestryman of Lancaster parish, 1654, a
colony of Virginia, that of Harrison is one
Justice, 1666-76. He had one son and of the oldest, the earliest mention of the
four daughters. His son, "Francis Weeks,
name being prior to 1625, John Harrison.
(re/?£," was one of the leading men of Mid- Herman Harrison is also found early in
dlesex; sheriff 1697, Justice 1700-02. He the Virginia register. From their earli-
had one son, Hobbs Weeks, who was sent est appearance in the colony to the pres-
to England to be educated, and upon a ent date, over three centuries, the name
deed made out at Southampton signs him- has been distinguished for patriotism, in-
self "Only son and heir of Francis Weeks." telligence and the moral worth of those
Was among t h e who bore it. In all the councils of state
Cbomas Lucas. and houses of Burgess their names are
first emigrants to
Virginia and patented land in Gloucester found enrolled. John Harrison, in 1623,
was Governor of the Virginia Colony.
Co. as early as 1645, in which he is styled
Benjamin was a signer of the Declaration
"Thbmas Lucas, Gent." He married Mar-
of Independence. His son, William Henry,
garet, widow of Capt. John Upton, and
was President United States, and
of the
their son, Thomas, was lieutenant in the
his grandson, Benjamin Harrison, filled
Revolutionary army. He also had a the executive office at the White House
daughter, who married John Catlett. as President, two Harrisons thus appear-
Thomas Lucas, Sr., was Burgess of Rap- ing in the presidential roll of honor. Their
pahannock Co.,Va., 1657-8; a Justice, and matrimonial alliances at that early day
occupied many offices of trust and dis- were with the most prominent families
tinction. He came from Surrey, Eng- of Virginia.
land,and was of the same family as Sir Harrison Irwin Drummond, son of
Thomas Lucas, Justice of Surrey and Mid- James T. Drummond, and his wife, Bethia
dlesex at that time ; a descendent of Baron
Ran die, derives his blood from the Vir-
ginia Harrisons, through both his father
Lucas, of Crudwell, of the XVI century.
and mother. The exact line is not known
He was evidently a. man of wealth and
but in an old letter written by his ma-
distinction, for in his will he leaves fam-
ternal youngest sister,
ily jewels, diamond rings and necklaces born 1804, it is stated that they are de-
to his daughters. scendents through their mother from
Lucas Arms: Arg, three martlets gules, Benj. Harrison, of Surrey, the progenitor
houor of finally driving- the Tory, Gov. Anna Eleanor Madison was, no doubt,
Dunsmore, from our shores." (Mary Stew- named for Eleanor Conway, the mother of
art Smith, and Hoice's Hist, of Va.) the President.
This Col. Benjamin Harrison married CUcst-Dc la UJnpp.
Mary MeLare, and their son, Fielding Har- The ancient and honorable English
rison, married Anna Eleanor Mad/ison,
house of West, from whom the Maryland
daughter of Copt. James Quinn, of the Wests derive their blood, was merged in
Revolutionary army (enrolled in Ambrose
that ofLa Waek, in the XIV century,
Madison's regiment), and his wife, Anna
when Sir Thomas De West married Lady
Eleanor Madison.
Joan, the heiress of the ancient house of
One of their grandsons, Gessner Har-
the Earls De la Warr, both families of
rison, married a great granddaughter of
Royal descent from the kings of all na-
Fielding Lewis and Bettie Washington.
Mary E. Harrison, daughter of Fielding tions. (See West De la Warr.)
Harrison and Eleanor Madison Quinn, mar- Sir Reginald, son of Sir Thomas West
ried Irwin B. Randle, and had Bethia H. and Lady Joan De la Warr, was the grand-
Handle, who married James T. Drummond, father of Sir William West, I Lord De la
a wealthy tobacco manufacturer of St. Warr, of the new creation, whose grand-
Louis. They were the parents of Harrison son, Maj. Thomas West, of the Parliament
Irwin Drummond, who married Mary West army, who achieved distinction at the
Prickett. battle of Worcester, 1651, was the an-
Anna Eleanor Madison cestor of the Maryland branch of the
niadison. family. In the History of Chester Co.,
Quinn derived her blood,
as her name indicates, from the Virginia Pa., by Gilbert Cope, p. 1881, and in
Madisons, who furnished a President for "Philadelphia" page 761, is
by Everts,
the United States. A letter written by found this statement: Tlwmas West
one of her daughters, born 1804 (sister of (Maj.), of the family of Lord Dela Warr,
Mary E. Harrison, who married Irwin B. married Ann Gilpin, and had three sons,
Randle), is an interesting story of how Willmm, Thomas and J ohn, who emigrated
her mother, Anna Eleanor Madison, en- to Philadelphia and settled in Chester
joyed the hospitalities of Dolly Madison Co. William settled in Concord Town-
in the presidential mansion, she being a ship, then moved to Springfield. He
cousin of the President. She derived married Deborah Coppaek. He was a
lineage in a direct line from John Madi- Quaker. His brother (probably the elder),
son, the patentee of lands in Gloucester, Thomas West, of Wapping Hepney, Co.
1653. He is supposed to have been the Middlesex, son of Thomas, late of Cran-
son of Capt. Isaac Madison, who is ;<hown don, in Co. Bucks, was married to Mary
by London state papers to have had his Dean, of Shoreditch, at Devonshire
first patent of lands 1623. His wife's House, London, before coming to Amer-
name was Mary, and they had a son, John, ica. He settled in Concord, but moved
who married Isabella Minor Todd. They to Wilmington." From the third son,
had a son, Ambrose, who married Frances, John, who remained in England to be ed-
daughter of James Taylor and Martha ucated, came to America about. 1710, and
Thompson (see Thompson). Their son, James married Margaret Pearson, of Chester Co.,
Madimn, Sr., married Eleanor, daughter Pa., came the gifted artist, Sir Benjamin
of Sir Edwin Conway, and had children, West (Hayden). Of him, Gait, the histor-
of whom James Madison, the eldest, came ian, says: "He was traced in an unbroken
to be President of the United States. line to the Lord De la Warr, who dis-
tinguished himself in the great wars of Mitchell, of Cecil Co., Md., April 5th, 1803.
Edward II, and at the battle of Cressy, From this union came Eleanor, Samuel,
under the immediate command of the Anna M., Benjamin, Edicard M., Martha,
Black Prince. In London, Sir Benjamin Sophia, Susan, Virlinda and Sarah H. In
West was recognized as a descendent of 1812, Tilghman West and his brother,
the Wests-De la, Warr, and was received Maj. Washington West, entered the army
with great favor by King George. He in the war against England.
became one of the founders of the Eoyal VI. Edicard Mitchell West, late banker
Academy, and on the death of Sir Joshua of Ed wards ville, married Jidia At-
Reynolds, was made President, which water, 1833. Issue, Nora Tilghman West
office he held until his death, when he who married Oscar Livingston Taylor, of
was buried by order of the king in West- St. Paul. Mary West, who married Hon.
minster Abbey; a remarkable career, W. F. L. Hadley, M. C, a lawyer of
when one contrasts his early humble Edwardsville, 111. Virginia Frances,
frontier life in the New World, with his Tilghman H., and Susan B.
cathedral tomb, in which, however, he VII. Virginia Frances, married Hon.
was not misplaced." (Gulfs Life of Sir William Russell Prickett, of Edwardsville,
Benjamin West.) 111., banker and financier, and had:
He was one of ten children, and was GeorgianaR., who married TV. A. Burrows,
named probably for Admiral Benjamin of New York City; II, Edward I, late Con-
West, of the same line, who achieved dis- sul at Keil, Germany, who married Dora
tinction in the English wars with the Bryan, of Philadelphia, and has one son,
French, and in these two distinguished Russell; III, Mary West, who married Har-
members of the family may be found, no rison Irwin Drummond.
doubt, the immediate origin of the name Hillary.
Benjamin, which has been carried down Verlinda Hillary, wife of Benjamin West,
in the Maryland West family to the pres- was a daughter of Thomas Hillary, of
ent day. Their lineage runs thus: Prince George Co., Md., and his wife,
I. Maj. Thomas West, of the Parlia- Sarah Odell (earlier, OdilT). The Hillarys
ment army, distinguished in battle at have been a well-known family in Mary-
Worcester, 1651. His son: land for many generations. Thomas Hill-
II. Thomas West, of Middlesex, mar- ary, the first of the name, is found in a
ried Mary Dean, at Devonshire House, certain land record in Calvert Co., 1078.
London; emigrated to America about In 1689, his name was among others
1710. His son: signed to "The Address to the King,"
III. John West, married, and lived sent by the General of that Co. to His
and died in Maryland. His son: Majesty. a tract of land over
In 1683,
IV. Benjamin West, born in Montgom- one thousand acres was surveyed for him
ery Co., Md., married Virlinda Hilleary, of in Prince George Co., which he called
Hagerstown, of the Maryland family of "Three Sisters." In his will he makes a
that name. Then moved to Botetourt bequest to "Loving daughter Verlinda."
Co., Va., and settled on a plantation near (Annapolis Records, February 7, folio
Fincastle. They had eight children: 731.)
Henry, Hilleary, Anna, Virlinda, Tilghman, Thomas Hillary II, who inherited the
Washington, Frances and Sarah. bulk of his father's estate, lived in Prince 1
V. Tilghman Hilleary West, born in George Co., will probated 1728, in which
Virginia, September 20th, 1773, married he mentions his four sons, Thomas, John,
Mary A., daughter of Rev. Edward William and Henry.
Thomas Hillary HI, was the father of ing called home to frame the State Con-
Verlinda, who married Benjamin West. stitution.
The register of Queen Anne's Parish, Teneh born in Baltimore,
Prince George Co., records show that 1744, was Captain of Philadelphia Light
Thomas Hillary, Jr., married Sarah Odell, Infantry. In August, 1776, he became
November 9, 1727, Rev. Jacob Henderson Aid and Confidential Secretary to Gen'l
officiating. In the same volume is a Washington and remained in that posi-
record of the birth of Verlinda, daughter tion until the close of the war. He was
of Thomas Hillary^ and Sarah, his wife, which the main army
in every action in
March 5, 1735. There is also a record of was engaged, and was chosen envoy to
the birth of Hillary West, son of Benjamin bear to Congress at Philadelphia dis-
and Verlinda, October 12, 1765. Verlinda patches announcing the surrender of
Hillary West, died 1825, aged 91. Cornwallis. By act of Congress, October
Sarah Hillary, daughter of the first 24, he was presented with a horse fully
Thomas Hillary, great great aunt of Yer- caparisoned, and an elegant sword, in
linda, married Rev. James Magill, of Scot- testimony of their high opinion of his
land, who became the Incumbent of merit and ability. (Harper's Cyc. of U.
Queen Caroline Parish, Anne Arundel Co., S. Hist., Vol. II. Also Heitman.)
1730. He early became possessed of a Dr. Richard Tilghman and wife came
large landed estate. Late in life the title from England and settled at "The Her-
of Viscoimt of Oxford and Lord Magill of mitage," on Chester River, Queen Anne,
Cowsland, descended to him, but he did Md. It is said that he was one of the
not see fit to return to Scotland to enjoy petitioners to have justice done in the
it. (Sprague's Annals of American Pul- case of Charles I. He was a surgeon in
pit, Vol. 5, 309.) the British Navy, and was at that time,
The Hillarys are of English origin, and a member of Parliament. He was a de-
were early seated in Yorkshire. Arms: seendent of Richard Tilghman, Kent Co.,
Arg, three fleur de lis, or, bet. six cross- England, 1400; and came to America in
lets, fitches, sa, a crescent gu, for differ- the ship "Richard and Mary." He set-
ence. Crest: A couped arm erect, in tled on land given him by Lord Baltimore
armor, proper, holding in the gauntlet a and became the founder of the Tilghman
coltrop, arg; round the arm a sash, vert. family in Maryland. (Amer. Ency., and
Motto: Vertute, nihil, indium. (Burke.) "Old Kent:')
The Odell-s are of Irish origin and have Tilghman Arms: Per fesse sa and ar,
Arms: Arg, three crescents gules. Crest: a lion rampant, regardant, tail forked,
A dexter arm embowed in armor, the counter charged, crowned, or. Crest: A
hand holding a sword, all ppr. Motto: demi-lion sejant sa, crowned, or. Motto:
"Pro Patria, invictus." (Burke.) Spes alit agricolum.
"Among the earliest settlers in the
Tilghman. Petersville District, Frederick Co., Md.,
the most distinguished of the were the Lees, Wests, Hillearys, etc., who
old Maryland families may be named the located themselves on the Maryland
Tilghmans. Mattheio Tilghman, a mem- tract, "Mount Pleasant^ the oldest Hil-
ber of the Continental Congress, and a leary homestead, was bought 1770-4, from
leader of patriots in Maryland, in the Thomas S. Lee, second governor of Mary-
convention, urged separation from Great land, by John Hillmry. It is still a hand-
Britain. He
missed the honor of signing some old homestead, and the portrait of
the Declaration of Independence, by be- Tilghman Hilleary, born 1796, the son of
72 DR M M ND—M 1 TCH E L L.
perience Michellf a youth, came in the Continental line; his son, III. James
"Ann," and was one of thfe goodly com- Mitchell, born 1729, moved to Hanover
pany at Leyden. Jonathan Mitchell, born Co., Va., and settled on the banks of the
in Yorkshire, England, came to New Eng- Roanoke river, where he was a near
land in 1635. He was a famous preacher neighbor and great friend of Patrick
and was called the "Matchless Mitchell." Henry. There he met Molly Pryor Berry,
David Mitchell came from Bristol, Eng- widow of Maj. Berry, whom he married,
land, 1635, and taught school at Water- then moved to Botetourt Co. and settled
town, 1649. In 1675, Abraham Mitchell on the James river, 1783, and in 1818
was intrusted by the council of war with moved to St. Clair Co., Illinois, where he
important affairs. Mathew Mitchell came died, June 10th, 1819.
from Yorkshire, England, with Rev. Rich- The children of this union were Ed-
ard Mather, in 1635, to Charleston, Mass. ivavd, born 1760; James, born in 1762, and
Dr. Abraham Mitchell came to Lancaster, Samuel, born in 1764; these brothers were
Penn. These founders of New England all in the revolutionary war. Edward
were all professional men. From Dr. and James joined the army under Gen'l
Abraham Mitchell, a celebrated physician Campbell. Edward, when very young, re-
from Lancaster, Penn., came this family ceived the appointment of Quartermaster.
of Mitchells. He near Elkton,
settled James was promoted to Major but died
now in Cecil Co., Md., previous to 1767; of camp fever at Jamestown, 1781.
he was a cousin of Rev. Alexander Mitchell, IV. Rev. Edward, son of James Mitchell
a distinguished Presbyterian minister of and Molly Pryor, married Nancy Haley,
Chester Co., Penn. They were of Scotch 1784, in Charleston, Cecil Co., Md., and
descent, as follows: resided there about three years, when he
I.—John Mitchell, in Baddindeth (Ban- removed to Virginia and settled in Bote-
death), in the Barony of Cowie and Shire tourt Co., and moved to Illinois, 1818,
of Stirling, lived in the reign of King where he died in 1837. His wife was of
— ;
English descent, her father, William June 1st, 1809, Rebecca Walker, of the
Haley, having- emigrated from England prominent Virginia family of that name,
about the middle of the seventeenth cen- born in Green Oo., 9th of January, 1789.
tury with his wife, Harriet, daughter of They had five children. The first, Eliza,
George Forester, an Episcopal clergyman, never married; the second, Frances, mar-
IV. Mary A. Mitchell, daughter of ried Andrew Skidmore; the fourth child,
Rev. Edward Mitchell, married, April 5th, John Paul, born 1814, was never married;
1803, Tilghman H. West, born in Virginia, the fifth child, Emily, born 1825, married
Setpember 20th, 1773, son of Benjamin John Mabee, and left one child, John.
West, a descendant of the West-Dela Julia Ann Atwater, third child, married
Warrs and Virlinda Hillary, of the well- Edward Mitchell West.
known families Hillary and Tilgh/man, of _,. Among the early emi-
Hagerstown, Md. From this marriage *
grants from England
there were born, Eleanor e, Samuel, Anna was Wm. Thornton; in old works the
.1/., Benjamin, Edward M., Martha, Sophia, name spelled Thorton, and their arms are
Verlinda and Sarah H. identical with the Thortons of Oxford-
Edioard Mitchell West, of Ed wards ville, shire. He settled in York County, Va.,
married Julia Atwater, 1833, and
Illinois, where he had large grants of land, and
had Mary, who married W. F. Hadley later moved to Gloucester Co., where he
Nora Tilghman, who married Oscar Living- established a home near Gloucester
and Virginia Frances, who
stone Taylor; Point, which he called "The Hills," for
married Hon. Wm. Russell Prickett, and his ancestral home in Yorkshire, Eng-
had: land; it is known by that name to this
Mary West Prickett, who married Har- day. He had
three sons, William, Francis
rison I. Drummond. and Roland, who intermarried with some
„f f
This family derives de- of the foremost families of Virginia, the
scent from David Atwater, Taliaferos, the Taylors, the Thompsons, the
a native of Lenham, Kent
England, Co., Walkers, the Savages, the Merriwethers,
who emigrated to America, 1637, with the Robinsons, the Lewises, and the Pryors,
Rev. John Davenport and others of the his daughter, Prudence, hiaving married
original planters. Fourth in descent Col, Sam'l Pryor. who was also of old
from him was Jacob Atwater, born 1721, English stock; among those who came to
who married Marion Ives. His son, Noah, Virginia early in the seventeenth century
born 1752, married Rachel Lyman, of the and settled in Caroline Co.
prominent New England family of that Their eldest daughter, Mollie Pryor,
name. He was a graduate of Yale Col- married, first, Maj. Taylor Berry; sec-
lege. Professor Atwater, of Harvard, is of ondly, James, son of Edward Mitchell, and
the same family. Valeh Atwater, living had, Rev. Edward Mitchell, who married
at Westfield, Mass., had a son, John, who Nancy Haley, and had, Mary A. Mitchell.
married Miss Clapp, and their son, Joshua, who married Tilghman H. West, and had
born in Westfield, Mass., August 3rd, Virginia Frances, who married Hon, Wm.
1776, married in St. Clair Co., Illinois, Russell Prickett.
descendant of the Drummonds of Perth, olution her mother of the Virginia Madi-
who came to Virginia in the XVII cen- sons, of whom Eleanor Conway Madison,
tury; their estates forfeited by their ad- was the mother of President Madison.
herence to their king, James VII, in the Gessner, grandson of Fielding, married a
revolution of 1688; the family outlawed great granddaughter of Fielding Lewis
and The records show, Wil-
scattered. and Bettie Washington, which strength-
liam Drummond, Burgess from James ens the tradition of Fielding Harrison's
City, Va., 1692 John Drummond, Justice
; descent from the Fielding s.
of Accomac, 1696 John Drummond, Gov-
; Mary E. Harrison, daughter of Field-
ernor of North Carolina. ing Harrison and wife, Eleanor Madison
James Drummond, descended from the Quinn, married Irwin B. Randle, of Vir-
Earls of Perth, progenitor of this branch, ginia parentage, and had
came to Virginia early in 1700 served in ; Mary E. Randle, who married John N.
the colonial Avars also as lieutenant of the Drummond, of the Drummond Tobacco
9th Va. Eeg. He married Margaret, daugh- Manufacturers. After a long residence in
ter of Lieut. James Imcas, a hero of the St. Louis, they have retired to their hand-
Revolution ; of noble English birth. Their some home They have three
in Alton, 111.
son, James, married Miss Harrison of Vir- children, Bethia, Mary E. and John N.,
ginia, and had Harrison Drummond, who Jr.
married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Bertha, born January 5, 1869, married,
Wilkins, Burgess, of Farquhar Co., Va., October 18, 1893, Edward Munro Bow-
and wife, nee WeehSj a descendant of man, of Alton, son of Horatio J.
111. ;
1666, a native of England. They had sons, in Alton, September 20, 1891. He came
John N. and James T., who married sis- to Illinois at an early day, and was one
ters. (See Drummond.) of the old settlers of Alton, prominent in
John Neicton Drummond married Mary the village municipal affairs, and noted
E. Harrison Randle, who through her for his integrity. He married Selena
mother derived extraction from the Vir- Ryder, a native of Massachusetts. Her
ginia Harrisons, who, from their earliest father, Capt. Ryder, was a sea-captain,
appearance in the colony down to the pres- sailing his own vessel. After amassing a
ent time, have contributed manv brilliant large fortune, he followed the tide west-
pages to the history of the nation. They
ward and settled in Alton, where he died.
were counsellors, burgesses, governors;
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman have two sons,
one of them, a signer of the Declaration
John Drummond and Edward Monroe
of Independence, had a son, William
Bowman, Jr.
Henry Harrison, President of the United
John N. Drummond, Jr., residing in
States, and a great grandson, Benjamin
St. Louis, was born Decem-
in Alton, 111.,
Harrison, President. ( See Randle.
ber 15, 1875. He married, September 15,
Capt. Benjamin Harrison, of Point
Pleasant fame, the immediate progenitor 1900, Margaret Griffiths, daughter of John
their son, Fielding, born 1779, married Mary E. Drummond, born in Alton, 111.,
Anna Eleanor Madison Quinn, born 1780, married Mr. Zephaniah B. Job, of Alton.
Mr. Charles Henderson Randle, cap- of the English army and later was the
italist of Chicago, born in Alton, 111., custodian of the doomed king. This, how-
June 25, 1854, married, September 23, ever, is uncertain.
1878, Ellen 8. Hawson. They had three known, however, that four Har-
It is
Fielding family of which Fielding Lewis offspring of the two brothers supposed to
married Bettie Washington. The mar- have come from Essex to Virginia, the
riage of their great granddaughter, Eliza- coat of arms upon the tombstone of Mrs.
beth Lewis Carter Tucker, to Gessner Mary Digges Harrison showing the de-
Harrison, grandnephew of Fielding Har- vices of that branch; gules,two bars,
rison, strengthens the supposition. His sable, bet. six estoiles, three, two and one.
father, Col. Benjamin Harrison, born The early official recognition received
1741, married Mary McLare, of whose an- by these Harrisons in the colony would
cestry nothing has been preserved. He prove that they were people of note in
was that Benjamin Harrison of Point the old world. In the early records their
Pleasant fame, of whom Howe, in his his- names are found enrolled among the Coun-
tory of Virginia, says, "Eight months cillors and Burgesses; one of them was
after the battle of Point Pleasant Capt. Governor one a signer of the Declaration
illustrious men. It is almost certain that aire, on Les Gcneologks Des Families II-
it had its origin in France and that a lustres dc France," par Louis Moreri Doc-
——— : ————
DU PUY. 77
Du Puy Excursus.
"I. Du
Puy, Grande Cham-
Raphael Bordeaux, Ansenix, and Conisriea. He
berlain de l'Empire, and Gen'l de la Cav- married Beatrix Artod and had first:
il trie Romaine, Gouverneur des Romains
1 VII. Alleman Du Puy IV, father of
en Dauphine. He was succeeded by his Bastet, Archbishop of Boulogne, founder
son. of the branch Du Puy, Seigs. De Mont
II. Hughes I, Seigneur de Pereins, Brun; and Joubert, Cardinal of Boulogne;
d'Apifer, and de Kochefort. He went to had:
the Crusades with his three sons, and his VIII. Alleman V, Chev., etc., who fol-
wife, Deurard de Poissun, 1096. He lowed Philipe V into Flanders, 1339. He
founded the Abbey d'Aiguebelle, Order married Eleanor, daughter of Jean Alle-
of Saint Bernard; was one of the Gen- man, Seigneur de Lancoil, by whom he
erals of Godefroi de Bouillon, and for had
his bravery was granted the Souverainte IX. Alleman VI., Chev., Seig. de Pere-
la Ville d'Acres. Ancient writers called ins, who married Ainarde de Roland, 1362,
him 'Hughes de Podio, tres excellent Guer- by whom he had a son: 1
their coat of arms the motto, (translated) : Archbishop of Barri, 1551, was made
"He is only half a noble, who is not of Cardinal by Pope Julius II, and in conse-
the race of Du Puy." quence, was Protector of Poland, and
"Pierre Du Puy, of the Du Puys de President of the Order of Carmes and
FOrez (the first to bear that name); Seig. Malta. He died, April 26, 1583, and was
de St. Germain was the ancestor of succeeded by nephew Anthony, as Arch-
NicJwlas Du Puy, Chevalier of Malta, bishop of Beri."
killed by the Turks in the siege of Sara- Both Clement and his son, Claude Du
gossa, 1625." It is thought that some of Puy, were brilliant lawyers and states-
his descendents came to America in the men of the XV century. Clement was
Huguenot Emigration. There is a line of regarded as the Papinus of his period.
Nicholas Du Puys found in the East. Claude was counselor of the Parisian
"Noble homme Barthelemi Du Puy, son Parliament; died, December, 1594.
of Noble Guillaume; son of Dennis Du Henry Du Puy, born 1574, was classed
Puy (Nobilis Dionisus Podii), who was of among the most learned authors of his
the ancienne noblesse originaire de Forez age. The city of Rome honored him, and
married, October 15, 1450, Demoiselle Per- his issue, 1603, with citizenship, and en-
nette Busier, by whom he had Barthelemi rolled him and his posterity among the
and Dennis, Judge of Court of Appeals patricians. (Ref., Nicholas Balthazar's
in Forez, who had, Noble Barthelemi, "Abstract of Genealogy of the Old House
Seig. Du Perrier, and de Chazelles, who of the Du Puy'8,1733.")
died 1553," about the time of the birth of The late President of the French Re-
Bartholomew, of Cabrillus. (Diet. De la public, Mons. Du Puy, derived descent
Noblesse, Tome XI, p. 584.) from and noble house.
this ancient
"Le Sieur Du Puy was among the noble
From Moreri's Excursus, Du Puy and
Norman barons who followed William
"La France Protestante,^ Mons. Haag, Vol.
the Conqueror, and was at the battle of
TV, the following pedigree of Bartholomew
Hastings, 1066. His name is on the Battle
Abbey Roll, and his illustrious lineage is
Du Puy, of Languedoc, France, is de-
associated with the ivy mantled towers rived and supplemented by the family
bearing his name, "Chateau de la Hai- records of his descendents, bringing
Dupuis." His coat of arms is painted op- it down to the present time.
the Generals of Godefroi de Bouillon, and XVH. Bartholomew Du Puy, the flu-
for his bravery was granted the Sover- gemot exile, who married, 1681, Susanne
eignty of the City of Acres. He was Lc Villain, born 1660;
had three sons, 1,
called "Hughes de Podio, the very ex- Pierre (Peter); 2, Jean Bartholomew; 3,
cellent warrior." His eons were Alleman, Jacques (James); and two daughters,
Rodolphe, Romainc and Raymond, who Philippa and Martha. He died in 1732.
founded and became Grand Master of the From this record it will be seen that
Order of St. John. from the beginning the Du Buys, with
III. Alleman, Chevalier and Crusader their warlike spirit, had strong religious
in many battles, 1115. convictions. They were foremost in wag-
IV. Hughes II, Chev. Seig. de Pereins, ing the Catholic wars, for the wresting
Piochefort, d'Apifer, and Montbrun, Cru- of the Holy City from the Turks. Sev-
sader, 1140, married Floride Moiran. His eral centuries later, when the wave of
son reformation swept over France, their de-
V. Alleman II, mar-
Chev., Seig., etc., scendents were found fighting valiantly
ried Alix, Princess Dauphine, and had: in the Huguenot wars; then, for con-
VI. Alleman III, Chev., Seig., etc., mar- science sake, fled from France, preferring
ried Beatrice Artoid, and had: exile in foreign lands to riches and prefer-
VII. Alleman IV, Chev., Seig., etc., ment gained by the loss of their religious
married Ellinorc, daughter of Seigneur dc liberty. Such is the history of Bartholo-
Lancoil, and had mew Du Puy, the Huguenot/' whose pic-
VIII. Alleman V, who married Ainarde turesque story as court favorite, warrior,
de Rolande, 1362, and had: refugee and exile has often formed the
IX. Grilles, Chev., Seig., etc., married theme of poetry and fiction.
Alix dc Bellecomhe, and had: Eliza Du Puy, the well-known authoress
X. Gilles II, Chev., Seig., etc., died, of the early part of the past century in
1420; married, first, Florence deHauteille; her ''Story of a Huguenot Sword/' which
secondly, Beatrix de Tmilignan, and had: she states in a foot-note is substantially
XI. Aimer, 1446, married Catharine de the same as that found by her in the
Bclleeombe, and had: family papers, agrees with the follow-
XII. Jacques, who
married, 1476, first, ing mention made of him by Broclc,
Francis Artand; secondly, Jeanne de Yese, Bishop Meade, in his "Old Churches and
daughter of the Governor of Vese, died Families of Ya." and other historians.
1505, leaving four sons, Jean, Seign. d' "Bartholomew Du Puy was born in Up-
Hauteville, Jacques, Honored and Guil- per Languedoc, 1653. His father was the
laume. eldest of a numerous family of sons, and
XIII. Jean, founder of the Protestant as but one could hold the title and es-
family in Upper Languedoc, died, 1583, tates, the younger brothers sought in for-
leaving two sons, Pierre and Raymond, eign lands an inheritance free from
the younger, who married Antoinette feudal duties. But this favored heir was
Bourasier, Dame dc Periens, who gave him doomed an early death, leaving his
Jean and Charles. son, Bartholomew, a minor, who, when
XIV. Pierre, elder brother of Ray- only eighteen years of age, entered the
mond, was the father of: army, and Louis XIV soon took him into
XV. BartheJciny, Lord of CabriUus, royal favor and commissioned him an offi-
born, 1581, he being in turn the father of cer of the Household Guards. It was an
XVI. Jean, who married, 1652, Anne eminent position, but the young soldier,
St. IFyrr, and had: by his fidelity and intelligence, won such
DU PUY. 81
confidence that lie was intrusted with Sr. DuPuy, will be at the peril of the offi-
grave matters, the performance of which cer who commands it. Such
our Royal
required special papers from the mon- Will, and moreover we pray our said
arch signed by his own hand and seal. trusted friend, DuPuy, to abjure heresy
One of these papers was the means under and return to the bosom of the Holy
God, of saving this officer and his wife church, in which alone is rest.
from arrest and probably death." (Meade.) Done at Versailles October 30, in the
"A short time before the Revocation of year 1685. LOUIS."
the Edict of Nantes, he married! the beau- "To Sr.Barthelemy DuPuy,
tiful Countess Snsanne LeVillaine, of noble Chateau de Velours.
French-Norman descent, probably a These in haste. Ride."
daughter of Ctorles, and his wife, Bachael On the border, an officer, in command
de Lcuunay, of noble birth, as there is a of a body of soldiers, was disposed to pre-
record of the baptism of a daughter vent their crossing, but the exhibition of
Susanne. Soon after their marriage, the king's letter satisfied his scruples and
they returned to their villa at Velours, they were unmolested. When safely over
that he might enjoy a short respite they fell upon their knees in thanksgiv-
from his military duties. They had ing and songs of praise for their safe de
both ardently espoused the cause of the words of the Psalmist
liverance, in the
Reformers, and when soon after their re- (Psalm XLIV). They decided to settle
tirement, their lives were imperiled and in Holland, where they remained some
they were suddenly called upon for a re- years, then joined other members of the
cantation, he declined the good offices family in England, where they remained
of the king, who would have saved and two years, sailing thence for America in
forgiven him, and fled with his wife dis- 1700. They arrived just about one hun-
guised as a page, into Holland, the peril- dred years after King James planted his
ous journey occupying fourteen days. English colony in Virginia, and joined
The story of their escape, as told by his at once the Huguenot settlement on the
great, great granddaughter, Eliza Du lands granted them by the king on the
Puy, who had access to the family papers, James river in King William Co., near
"from notes written at the base of our the Maniken town, where they both lived
ancestral tree," is as follows: to a good old age." (Ref., Harper's Mag.,
"On the night of their departure they April, 1857.)
were on in the darkness and the
fired The famous sword of the old Exile,
Countess' life was saved from a bullet which had served his king in thirty-two
by her Psalm book, which she had thrust battles, he wore as part of the uniform
into her blouse before leaving her beauti- of the King's Guard when he escaped
ful home. (This Psalm book is preserved from France. On his death bed he called
as an heirloom.) The Count wore his uni- his children about him and blessing them,
form of the Guard in the King's House- gave this sword to his son, Jacques, with
hold, and this, with a letter from the the injunction, never to draw it save in
king, proved a safe passport to the a good cause. It was first used in this
frontier. reads thusi (translated):
It country by his grandson, James Du Puy,
"These to our trusted and well beloved, an officer in the Continental army, in
Barthelemy DuPuy, one of our guards- which the old exile had many representa-
men, who has an amnesty granted him, tives in his grandsons.
with all his household, until the first day Pierre, eldest son of Bartholomew Du
of December. Any annoyance of the said Puy, and Susanne Le Villain, married
82 DU PUY.
Judith Le Fevre, and had Peter, James, coise, who settled in the Maniken Town,
Polly, Mary and Elizabeth. Va. Jean settled in New York.
John Bartholomew, second son, married This family, from which
Miss Le .Grande, and had John, who mar-
Le Fevne.
came Judith, who married
ried Mary Watkins; Magdalen, married Pierre Du Puy, son of Bartholomew,
Thomas WatMm; James, married Mary was of the Huguenots, most pronounced.
Purnell; Peter, married Miss Martin. Jacques La Fevre, of Estaples, Picardy, had
Jolin James, third son of Bartholomew the honor of restoring letters to France.
Du Puy, born 1687. Married a kins- While Professor at the famous University
woman, Susamie, daughter of John Peter of Paris, a proficient in the sciences and
Le Villain, born 1724, and wife, Philippa biblical literature, he became dissatisfied
Du Puy, and they had children, Elizabeth, with the teachings of the church, and in
who married Thos. Atkinson; Olymphia; 1508, completed a Latin commentary up-
who married John James Trabue, son of on the Psalms, which enunciated the
Sir Anthony and his wife, Magdalen doctrine of "Justification by Faith,"
Flaurnoy, Huguenots (see Trabue-Flour- which became the cardinal doctrine of
noy) Anne, named probably for her great
; the Reformation. This commentary
grandmother, Anne St. Eyer; Bartlwlo- antedated Martin Luther five years.
meio married Mary Motley; John Du Puy Through the Confessor of King Francis,
married Elizabeth Minter; and James Du he gained his ear, and the attention of his
Puy, who married Ann Stark. mother and sister, Margaret D' Augou-
Philippa, eldest daughter of Count leme. He translated the Gospels into
Bartholomew Du Puy, married a kinsman, French, 1523, and soon after gave to the
John Peter Le Villain. Their daugh- world the entire New Testament, which
ter, Elizabeth, born 1737, married Rev. became the basis of all subsequent trans-
Matthew Woodson and had children, lations. So great was the storm raised
John, Stephen, Elizabeth, Philip, Mary, about him, that the friendship of the
Frances, Jacob, Daniel, Samuel, Thomas, Royal family scarce protected h»s life.
James and Tabitha Woodson. Finally, the king's sister, the Queen of
Martha, second daughter, married Dr. Navarre, secured from King Henry (her
Stephen Chastain (Huguenot). husband) permission to bring the old
From these scions and their children, scholar to Gascony, where he spent the
came large families, and the records now remainder of his days in the palace of
show that the descendents of Count the king and queen, greatly disturbed in
Bartholomew Du Puy, and wife, the Count- mind, however, by the reflection that "I
ess Susanne Le Villain, number over three am ending my life peacefully, while oth-
thousand souls. ers to whom I had taught the purity of
Besides Bartholomew Du Puy there the Gospel, are suffering persecution and
were three other Du Puys, who emigrated martyrdom." (Ref. Baird.)
to Virginia at the same time, presumably Many of the Le Fevres were among the
of the same family; Antoyne and Fran- Huguenot exiles.
:: ;
DU PUY. 83
91 years of age. They had eight children John, enlisted in the Revolutionary army
Mary Elizabeth, married Maj. J. T. at eighteen.
Brackenridge, of Austin, Texas; died, Bartholometo was a son of John James
leaving no children. Du Puy and wife, Susanna, daughter of
Joseph Dupuy, M. D., married Isabel John Peter La Villain and wife>,Philippa;
Sutter, Owen Co., Ky., who died leaving a son of Count Bartholomeio Du Puy
two daughters and a son, Edmund L. and wife, Susanne Lc Villain (parents
Bartholomew, married Flora M. White, of John James), lineal descendants of
Jackson Co., Texas; died 1889, leaving Hughes Du Puy, the crusader; son of
four daughters. Raphael, Grand Chamberlain of the
Roland, Kimble Co., Texas, married Roman Empire, under Conrad, Command-
Florence Isabel Horton; no children ing General ctf the Roman Cavalry, 1033.
Sarah Lyle Du Pay, born July 4, 1831, in ried, November 6, 1850, Virginia Catlvar-
Prince Edward Co., Va., sister of Virginia ine Du Puy, born, 1828, died, 1901. They
They had issue
had children Alice; Jane; Bettie Du Puy,
Catherine Cayce.
married Hon. Martin L. Clardy; Anna
Jolm Valentine Peers, born in Farm-
Claybrook, married Kossuth W. Weber,
ington, December 5, 1861, married, June
died 1899 James Henry, died 1890 Vir-
; ;
James Henry, and wife, Elizabeth Du Puy, and wife, Alice Beeson McKibben. Virginia
a first cousin, daughter of John Du Puy CaUiarine was a daughter of:
and wife, Mary Watkins, descended from James Henry Du Puy, born in Nodaway
James Watkins, from Wales, who was Co., Va,, 1801, died in Somerville Co.,
found in the Virginia colony with Smith, Tenn., 1850. He married his first cousin,
the explorer, 1608. John and James Elizabeth, daughter of John Du Puy, and
Henry were sons of Capt. James; son of wife, Mary Watkins, descended from
John Bartholomew Du Puy, who mar- James Watkins, from Wales. (See Wat-
ried Miss he Grande, daughter of Peter kins.) He was a son of:
he Grande and wife, Jane M, daughter of Capt. James Du Puy, an officer of the
Abralmm Michaux, and wife, Susanna Revolution, who fought under Gen'l Wash-
Rochelle, Huguenots. (See Michaux, Ro- ington, using the famous Huguenot sword
chelle.) He was the second son of: left by Bartholomew Du Puy to his son,
Count Bartholomew Du Puy, and wife, Jacques, with the injunction to draw it
Countess Susanne Le Villain. He was of only in a righteous cause. (See Harper's
the Household Guard of the King, a Mag., April, 1857.) It was lost in the civil
lineal descendant of: war. Capt. James Du Puy married Miss
Hughes Du Pity, the Crusader, who Purnell; his father, JoJm Bartholomew Du
founded the Order of St. Bernard; son of: Puy, married Miss Le Grande, daughter of
Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain PeterLe Grande and wife, Jane M., daugh-
of the Roman Empire, Commanding Gen- ter of Abraham Michaux, and wife, Su-
eral of the Roman Cavalry under Conrad, sanna Rochelle, Huguenots. (See Rochelle,
1033, and governor over the conquered Michaux.) He was a son of:
provinces of France. (See Du Puy.) Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife,
Valentine Cole Peers derived descent Susanna Le Villain, a lineal descendant
from an old English family seated in of:
of /o7m Du
Puy) and wife, Man/
Watkins, of the well-known Virginia fam- Virginia Catharine Du Puy was a
ily of that name (see Watkins). They daughter of James Henry Dupuy, of Noda-
had children: wa y Co., Va., and wife, Elizabeth Guer-
Anne Eliza, Welling, Mary Ellen Berry- rant Dupuy, daughter of his uncle, John,
man, Virginia C. Caycc, Sarah Lylc Peers, and wife, Mary Watkins Dupuy; son of
Frances Smith, Margaret Thompson, Ava, John Bartholomew Du Puy and wife, Miss
William H., John James, Emma Wirt ^e Grande.
Caycc and Cornelia. Capt. James Dupuy (brother of John),
Emma Wirt married Ellis Plummer a valiant soldier of the Revolution, mar-
Cayce. ried Mary Purnell, and they were the par-
James Henry Dupuy was a son of Capt. ents of James Henry} who married his
James Du Puy, an officer of the Revolu- cousin, Elizabeth G. Dupuy. He was the
tion, and wife, Mary Purnell; son of John third son of John Bartholomew and wife,
BartholomeiD Du Puy and wife, Miss Le Miss Le Grande, daughter of Pierre Le
Grande, daughter of Peter Le Grande and Grande and wife, Jane, daughter of Abra-
wife, Jane, daughter of Abraham Michaux ham Michaux (whose mother was a
(whose mother was a Saurin), and wife, Saurin), and wife, Susanne Rochelle,
Susanne Rochelle; son of Count Barthol- French Huguenots. (See Michaux, Roch-
omew Du Puy, of the Household Guard elle.)
of Louis XIV, and wife, Countess Susanne John Bartholomew was the second son
Le Villain, a lineal descendant of Hughes of Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife,
Du Puy, the Crusader, founder of the Susanne Le Villain, Huguenot exiles from
Order of St Bernard (father of Ray- France, where he was an officer of the
mond Du Puy, founder of the Order of the Household Guard of Louis XIV. He was
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem ) son of ; a lineal descendant of Hughes Du Puy,
Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of the Crusader, founder of the Order of
the Roman Empire, Commanding General St. who was a son of Raphael
of the Roman Cavalry under Conrad, Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of the
1033, in his Conquest of the Provinces of Roman Empire and Commanding General
France, over which he was made Gover- of the Roman
Cavalry under Conrad, in
nor, among them Languedoc, the birth- his invasion of France, 1033, and Gover-
place of Bartholomew Du Puy six cen- nor of the conquered provinces, among
turies later. (See Du Puy, Michaux, them Languedoc, the birthplace of Bar-
Rochelle.) tholomew Du Puy. (See Du Puy.)
Ulillinm Helm Smith. IHns. Florence Johnston.
William Helm Smith derives his blood Florence hucinda Du Pay, born in Louis-
from Count Bartholomew Du Puy through ville, Ky., April 8, 1869, married, June
his father, Hon. Z. F. Smith. He was 28, 1898, William Thomas Johnston, born
born August 13th, 1864, at New Castle, in Louisville, Ky., March 11, 1849, of Pro-
Ky. moved to Texas, 1887, and settled
; testant Irish ancestry. (See Jolinslou.)
at Fort Worth, where he has been act- He was of fine personal appearance and
ively engaged in business till the present business ability; of unimpeachable integ-
time. He married, February 3rd, 1892, rity, beloved and respected by all who
Lttlicm Burgess, eldest daughter of John knew him. He died suddenly, January
W., and his wife, Inn-ess Burgess, 19, 1900,leaving three children.
of Fort Worth, formerly of Fayette Co., William Du Puy, Florence Ferrers, and
Ky. They have three children, Sue Helm, Margaret Mary Ferrers Du Puy.
born 1893; Zaclmry Burgess, born 1898, Mrs. Johnston is a daughter of Judge
and Marian Duke. James Robert Du Puy, now residing in
William Helm Smith is Hon.
a son of Los Angeles, California, born in Shelby
Z. F. Smith, of Louisville, Ky., who mar- Co., Ky., August 4, 1831. He graduated
ried, first, January 7th, 1852, Susan Helm, in the law college at Harvard University,
daughter of William S. and Rebecca Hin- and practiced his profession in Louisville,
ton Helm, of Shelby Co., Ky., born 1833, where he also served upon the bench. He
died 1879, a (descendant of pioneers prom- married February 23, 1863, Florence
inent in the early history of the State. Murry howe, of English ancestry, a native
Her grandfather, Helm, settled at Logans- of Louisville. He was a son of:
fort,near Stanford, and one of his de^ hemuel Du Puy, born in Shelby Co., Ky.,
scendants became Governor of Kentucky. 1800, died in Woodford Co., 1867, and
Her grandfather, Hinton, located at Har- wife, hucinda Smith, son of:
rods Fort. (See Helm.) James Du Puy, and wife, Ami Stark;
Hem. Z. F. Smith was a son of Zaclmry son of :
Smith and Mildred, daughter of Joseph John James Du Puy and wife, Susanna,
Du Puy; son of Bartholomew Du Pay II daughter of Peter he Villain and wife,
and his wife, Mary Motley; son of John Philippa; third son of:
James Du Puy and Susanna he
his wife, Count Bartholomew' Du Puy, the Hugue-
Villain; son of Count Bartholomew Du not exile, and wife, Countess Susanne he
Puy and his wife, Susanne he Villian, Villain; a lineal descendant of:
Huguenots from France; he a lineal de- Hughes Du Puy, the Crusader, son of:
scendant of Raplmcl Du Puy, who made Rapltael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of
his appearance in France, 1033, as Gen- the Roman Empire and Commander Gen-
Roman Cavalry, and was made
eral of the eral of the Roman Cavalry, under Em-
Governor of the conquered provinces. He peror Conrad, 1033, and was made gover-
was also Grand Chamberlain of the nor of the conquered French provinces.
Roman Empire. (See Du Puy.) (See Du Puy.)
——— : —
the faith which they had espoused, as is brother, Francis Flournoy and Peter Da
shown by an old letter still preserved in Tois, bondsmen. (See Henrico Rec.)
James Du Puy and wife, Susanna Le Elizabeth, born 1778, married Fenelon
Villain, born November 12, 1729, grand- Wilson.
daughter of Count Bartholomew Du Puy, Samuel, born 1780, died young.
and had sixteen children Susan, born 1784, married Joseph Wat-
James, born 1745, married Jane Porter. kins.
Magdalen, -born 1748, married Edwin Judith, born 1786, married John Major.
Clay. Of the son®, three of them served in
Phoebe, born 1750, died young. the Revolutionary war. John was an en-
Jans, born 1752, married Joseph Minter.
sign and carried the standard through
John, born 1754, married Margaret
many hard-fought battles. (Heitman.)
Daniel Trabue, only sixteen years old,
William, born 1756, married Elizabeth
served as private under Capt. Matthew
Scott, Capt. Morely and Col. Goode, against
Mary, born 1758, married Louis Sublett.
Daniel, born 1760, married Mary Has- Lord Dunsmore.
kins. Edward, fourth son, was at Guilford,
Patsy, born 1762, married Joseph Wool- Gates' defeat, and at Yorktown. (See
ridge, Du Puy.)
Edipand Tnabue.
Tenth child of John James Trabue and 2, Elizabeth, who married Henry
Olymphia Du Puy, was born in Chester- Hatcher, of Glasgow, Ky.
field Co., Va,, 1764. When only a lad, he 3, Nancy, who married Asa Pittman.
entered the revolutionary army; was in 4, George W., married Elizabeth Cham-
active defense of his country at Guilford, bers,nee Beauford,
was Yorktown.
at Gates' defeat, also at Edward Trabue, married, secondly,
When the war was over, Edivard mar- Jane Clay, of the family of the "great
ried, first, Martha, daughter of Col. Rob- commoner," Henry Clay, and had:
1, diaries Clay Trabue, who
ert Raskins, an officer of the revolution, married
and his wife, Elizabeth Hill, of the Hills Agnes Woods.
of Surrey, both of English origin, de- 2, John Apperson, M. D., married
scendants of early Virginia colonists. beth Atkinson.
They emigrated to central Kentucky, and 3, Martlm Green, married Aaron Trabue.
built for themselves a hanidisome home 4, Jane Apperson, ma-med John L.
in Woodford Co., overlooking the Ken- Llewellyn, of Missouri.
tucky river. They were accompanied by 5, Cynthia, married Taylor Jones, of
his mother, Olymphia Du Puy Trabue, London, Mo.
who died at his home aged ninety-three. 6, Matilda Olymphia, married Mr. Sut-
Edivard Trabue and wife, Martha Has- ton.
kins had children: 7, Susan Du
Puy, married Mr. Clayton.
1, Mary, who married Anselm Clarkson. 8, Prince Edward, married Lydia Newell.
Austin Elliott Clarkson.
beth Dandridge, of noble birth (see Dan- brother, Col. Dandridge, came from Eng-
dridge), and had nine children: Edward land prior to 1700 and settled on opposite
Trabue, married Elizabeth Price; Patsy, sides of the Pamunkey river. They were
married G. Blackburn; George W., mar- desoendents of the Dandridges of Great
ried, first, Miss Rodgers, secondly, Miss Malbourn, Worcestershire, Eng., as is
Corbin; Green day, married Miss Garnett; shown by the arms they brought with
Nancy P., married Hon. James M. Corbin; them: a lion's head erased between three
Emily, who married Opie J. Lindsay, mascles.
M. D. Col.William Dandridge built a wharf
Edward Trabue Clarkson, married Eliza- at Hampton, 1717. He married Euphan
beth M., daughter of Pugh Price, and had (probably the daughter of James Wal-
Julius Reuben; Mary Eliza, married L. lace), widow of Wilson
Roscoe, and
D. Watson; Austin Elliott; Pugh Price, mar- m0 ved to King William Co. prior to 1714.
ried Surah W. Lewis; Susan; Anselm, mar- Hi® first wife dying, he married Unity,
ried Phoebe Campbell; James L. married daughter of Col. Nathaniel West, son of
Kate Haines; George W.; William Trabue John West, Jr., brother of Anne West
and Patsy Jane. Fox. He wasa member of the council
Austin Eliott Clarkson married Lydia in 1727, and subsequently received a
Diaxm Young, daughter of Benjamin and mission in the Royal Navy and command
wife, Hannah B. Westcott, a descendent in the South Sea, where he
ian, married Benj. D. West; George Of his children, Capt. Nathaniel West
Buchannan and Austin Elliott. Dandridge married! Dorothea, daughter
Edward Trabue, father of Mary Trabue of Gov. Alexander Spottswoods (R.
Clarkson, was a son of: D.), William married Agnes,
John James, son of Sir Antoine Trabue of Col. Francis West; Martha married
and wife, Magdalen Flourney, Huguenots. Philip Aylet, of Fairfield, and Mary mar-
His wife, Olymphia, was a daughter of: ried John Spottswoods; his younger
John James Du Puy and wife, Susanna, brother, John Dandridge, married Fran-
daughter of John Peter Le Villain and ces, daughter of Orlando Jones, Burgess
wife, Philippa, son of: from King William and among his
Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife, children was Martha, who married David
Countess Susanna Le Villain. He was a Park Custis and afterwards Genl. George
lineal descendant of: Washington.
Hughes Du Puy, the Crusader, son of: (See Virg. Hist. Mag.)
tT)p$. Davie Lindsay (Uopcestep.
beth Smith, who derived descent from the Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain
of the Eoman Empire and Commanding
Du Puy-Trabues; three distinct strains of
General of the Roman Cavalry under
Huguenot blood were united in their chil- governor
Emperor Conrad, 1033, and
dren, Averill and Lois Frances, wife of
over the conquered provinces of France.
John Downing Johnson.
(See Du Puy, Le Feme, Trabue, Flourney.)
The maternal ancestors, the Le Fevres, William A. Bearer and Mary Elizabeth
the De Flourmoys, and the La Villains also Smith were married, May 6, 1860, and
added their quota, for they were all had children:
French refugees Holland after the rev-
Averill and Lois Frances.
ocation of the Edict of Nantes, and came
Hon. flvettill Beaiten.
over together in the great Huguenot emi-
gration to the Virginia colony in 1700. Son of William A. Bearer and wife,
Mary Elizabeth Smith was a daughter Mary Elizaleth Smith,was born in Exeter,
of Abelard Temple Smith, born in Culpep- Scott Co., 111., August 1, 1863; was raised
in Chauibersburg, Ind., and after
per Co., Va., 1799, eldest son of John R.
and Lucy Tuning Smith. He married: ing a classical course at college, studied
Lucy Ann, daughter of Joseph (son of law and was admitted to the bar at a
Ma}. Joseph Watkins, Com. of Ordnance; very early age. He was then elected At-
Capt. of a fleet of vessels at Yorktown), ornev-General of the State of Indiana,
and wife: young for such an honor, and after serv-
Nancy, daughter of Joseph Anthony ing his term, made a tour of the North-
}finter and Jane,
daughter of John west, becoming interested in the Klon-
James (son of Sir Antoine Trabue and wife, dyke region, he decided to settle in Wash-
Magdalen Flournoy), and wife: ington, making Seattle his home, where
Olymphia Du Puy, daughter of John he continues the practice of his profes-
James and wife, Susanna, daughter of sion.
John Peter Le Villain, and wife, Philippa He a grandson of Abelard Temple
Du Puy. John James Du Puy was a son Smith, born in Culpepper Co., Va., 1799,
of: who moved with his parents to Kentucky,
Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife, where he graduated from Transylvania
Susanna Le Villain, of noble Norman- University, and after studying medicine
French Huguenot exiles, who
lineage, went to Chambersburg, where he con-
came to Virginia, 1700. He was an officer tinued the practice of his profession suc-
of the Household Guard of Louis XIV, a cessfully until his death, 1846. He mar-
lineal descendant of Hughes Du Puy, ried Lucy Ann Watkins, a lineal descend-
founder of Order of St. Bernard; father ant of the Du Buys, Trabues, Flourneys,
of Raymond, founder and first Grand as seen above.
lYiv. and IHps. John Downing 3obnson
Lois Frances, daughter of William A. William Blount and wife, Margaret
Bearer, and wife, Mary Elizabeth Smith, 'Eichingham, daughter of:
married, November 30, 1893, John Down- Thomas Eichingham and wife, Margaret
ing Johnson, of Indianapolis, of Scotch- [
Thomas Ludloio, son of Geotrge Ludlow Fevres, all French Huguenots of noble
and wife, Edith Wyndsor, daughter of: birth. (See Du Buy, Trabue.)
Andrew Wyndsor and wife, Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have one son;
Blount, daughter of: John Douming Johnson, Jr.
Lelia<Major, born in Pettis Co., Mo., father, one of thirteen brothers who
married, May 24, 1875, Bhilip Kidd, of crossed the Atlantic for the New World,
Lexington, Ky., offspring of an old Ken- after first settling in Virginia had finally
tucky family. His mother was a grand- made home. He married Betsy,
daughter of Col Abraham Clark, a mem- daughter of Joseph Minter, a Baptist
ber of the Committee of Public Safety, a minister of note, and his wife:
delegate to the Continental Congress, and Jane Trabue, daughter of John James,
a signer of the Declaration of Independ- son of Sir Antoine Trabue and his wife,
ence. Magdalen Flourney, and his wife:
Mr. and Mrs. Bhilip Kidd have children, Olymphia, daughter of John James Du
Major B. Samuelj and Bhilip C. Kidd. Puy and wife, Susanna, daughter of John
Lelki Major, born in Pettis Co., Mo., is a Peter Le Villain and wife, Philippa;
daughter of Benjamin, Major, born in John James Du Puy was a son of:
Frankfort, Ky., 1817. He married, in Count Bartholomew Du Buy and wife,
1840, Sallie daughter of an
Leftwich, the Countess Susanne Le Villain, Huguenot
eminent Methodist clergyman of an old exiles, who settled in Virginia, 1700, a
Virginia family; her mother a daughter lineal descendant of Hughes, the Cru-
of Beuben Smith, of North Carolina, a sader, founder of the Order of St. Ber-
soldier of the Revolution. nard; son of Baphael Du Buy, Grand
James Major, father of Benjamin, re- Chamberlain of the Roman Empire under
sided near Frankfort, Ky., where his Conrad, 1033. (See Du Buy, Trabue.)
The Pittmans were originally from ford Co. to Columbia, Ky. While a very
Denmark, having left there about the XVI young man he served in the war of 1812
century, when they went to England, was taken prisoner and carried to Canada.
where they have since held high official For his services he received a grant of
land in Missouri. After the war he re-
and military positions. Capt. Philip Pitt-
turned to Columbia, where he resided with
man, of the British army, sent to this
his family for a number of years, then
country to look into the condition of the
moved to Nashville, Tenn., where he en-
military posts, made the first official re-
gaged in mercantile pursuits until his
port ever made upon St. Louis, then a death, May 1837.
straggling little village. (Sharfs St.
After the death of their father the eldest
Louis. sons, Edward Williamson Haskins and
Asa and Williamson were sons of Wil- George Trabue, emigrated to Missouri,
liamson Pitt man, a noted Baptist min- finally locating in St. Louis, where they
ister of colonial days, and his wife, Judith, established themselves in the wholesale
daughter of Stephen Watkins, who derived dry goods business, in which they were
descent from James Watkins from Wales, eminently successful, and became identi-
an explorer in Virginia 1608, whose son fied with all public enterprises looking to
was the owner of "Maruburne Hills," the development of the city they were of
father of Henry (a Burgess) and wife, the one hundred citizens who founded the
Mary Crisp, whose son, Stephen, married Mercantile Library.
Judith, daughter of Anthony Trabue, son The Edivard Francis, mar-
eldest son,
of Sir Antoinc and wife, Magdalen Flour- ried, 1860, Anne Eliza, daughter of Dr.
noy, and had Judith, who married Wil- George Burr Harrison and wife, Kathar-
liamson, son of Thomas Pitt man and wife, ine Robinson, of Lexington, Ky., a lineal
Hannah Fielding (see Watkins), and descendant of Cuthbert Harrison, of Chip-
had sons, Williamson and Asa, who emi- pemansie, Eng. (see Harrison), and had
grated with their uncle, Joseph Watkins, issue: 1, Katharine, who married John
to Kentuckv. B. Oldham; 2, Edivard, who married Mae
Asa Pittman, youngest of the two broth- Wright and has one son, George, Jr.; 3,
ers, married Nancy Haskins, daughter of George; 4, Anne Belle; 5, Ida May, who
Edward Trabue and wife, Martha Has- married William Taylor and has a son,
kins, son of John James Trabue and wife, William, Jr.; 6, James.
Olymphia, daughter of John James Du II. Williamson Haskins Pittman, sec-
Puy and wife, Susanna LeVillian, son of ond son, married Hannah^ daughter of
Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife, Maj. William Daviess, of Harrodsburg,
Countess Susan ne he Villain, Huguenot Ky., and wife, Maria Thompson (see
exiles, linealdescendant of Daviess, Hamilton, Thompson, Robards,
Hughes Du Puy, the crusader, son of Claiborne, West-de la Warr).
Raphael Du Pay, Grand Chamberlain III. Martha Jane, who married Jesse
of the Roman Empire, Commanding Gen- Grady Crutcher. (See Crutcher.)
eral of the Roman Cavalry under Conrad, IV. George Trabue, died unmarried.
1033, and Governor of the conquered V. Benjamin; VI. Elizabeth; VII.
French provinces. See Du Puy, Trabue.
Jefferson; VIII. Charles.
After the marriage of Asa Pittman and IX. Anna Asa, who married Hon. Z.
Nancy Trabue, they moved from Wood- F. Smith, of Louisville, Ky. ( See Smith.
The Fieldings, ancestors of Hannah Fielding, born 1582, son of the first duke,
Fielding, wife of Williamson Pittman, being the head.
were early Virginia colonists and inter- Crest: A bird picking a hazel branch.
married with the WashingtonSj Warners, Motto: Crescit sud poudere virtua.
Lewises and other prominent Virginia Pittman Arms: Two battle axes crossed
families. arms quartered with
Their upon a red shield with a gold star in chief.
these families show them to have belonged Crest: An arm in armour, holding aloft
to the Dukes of Northumberland, Basil a battle axe.
Jean, Jacque, Honorat and Guillaume; the eldest. Roger Thompson^Ann Foster their son ;
Jean, founder of the Protestant family at Langue- Joseph Thompson=Sarah Claiborne, dau. of
doc, died 1583. His son, Col. Thomas, son of Col. Wm. Claiborne,
Pierre of Languedoc, was father of First Sec. and Treas. Va. Colony his son ;
Barthelemy, Lord of Cabrillus, born 1581, who had Thomas Claiborne=Anne West Fox, dau. of
Jean (1652), =Anne St. Hyer, had
Henry Fox. gr. dau. of Gov. West, son of
Count Bartholomew Du Puy=Countess Susanne
Thomas West, II Lord de la Warr. They had
Le Villain, had
Jean Jacques Du Puy=Susanna La Villain, had John Thompson=Susan Burton, and had
Olymphia Du Puy=John James Trabue, son of John Burton Thompson=Anne Porter Robards,
Sir Antoine Trabue and wife, Magdalen Flournoy Maria Thompson=Maj. William Daviess, had
Edward Trabue=Martha Haskins, and had Hannah Daviess=Williamson H. Pittman.
Nancy Trabue=Asa Pittman. (See Pittman.) (See Daviess, Thompson, Robards, Claiborne, Fox,
Williamson Haskins Pittman=Hannah Daviess. West —De la Warr, and DuPuy pedigrees).
mew Du Puy, the Huguenot exile, and ville, Ky., daughter of Asa Pittman, and
wife, Susanne Le Villain, as follows: his wife, Nancy Haskins Trabue; son of
Bartholomew Du Puy, born in Langue- Williamson Pittman, an eminent Baptist
clergyman, and wife, Judith, daughter of
doc, France, 1G53, a lineal descendant of
Stephen Watkins, and wife, Judith, daugh-
Hughes Du Puy, the Crusader, son of
ter of Anthony Trabue, whose wife was a
Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of
daughter of Moyse Vermiel (Huguenot),
the Roman Empire, joined the Huguenot
son of Sir AntoUe and wife, Magdalen
emigration to Virginia, 1700. His son:
Flourney, of noble birth, French Hugue-
John James, married Susanna, daughter
nots, see Trabue- Flourney). Through her
of John Peter Le Villain and wife, Philip-
father, Judith Watkins derived her blood
pa, kinswoman of Count Bartholomew Du (See
from James Watkins, the explorer.
Puy. Watkins.)
Bartholomew Du Puy, son of John James, Thomas Pittman, of English parentage,
married Mary Motley and had: father of Williamson, was the first on
Jloseph, who married Nancy Peay, and record in the colony. He married Han-
had: nah Fielding, of the old Virginia family
Mildred Du Puy, who married Zacliary of Fieldings. (See Pittman and Fielding.)
Smith, born in Boyle Co., Ky., 1799, died Nancy Haskins Trabue, wife of Asa Pitt-
in Henry Co., 1826, son of Capt. Jesse man, was a daughter of:
Smith and wife, Joanna Pendleton, of Vir- Edward Trabue and wife, Martha,
ginia (see Pendleton), who moved to Ken- daughter of Col. Robert Haskins and wife,
tucky, 1795. Elizabeth Hill, of English ancestry; son of:
Zacliary Smith, son of Zacliary and John James Trabue, (son of Sir Antoine
Mildred Du Puy, born January 7, 1827, and wife, Magdalen Flournoy), who mar-
after completing his education, devoted ried Olymphia, daughter of:
himself to literary and educational pur- John James Du Puy and wife, Susanna,
suits; is an able writer and historian. daughter of John Peter Le Villain and
He was for twelve years State Superin- wife, Phiiippa; kinswoman of Count Bar-
Martini, eldest daughter of Asa PiUman John James Du Puy, father of Olymphia,
and Naiwy Haskins Trabue, married
wife, married Susanna, daughter of John Peter
Jesse Grady, son of Rev. Isaac and his
Le Villain and wife, Philippa, Du Puy;
a kinswoman of;
wife, Ann Grady Crutcher, of Woodford
They had ten children: Asa
Count Bartholomew Du Puy, father of
Co., Ky.
John James and wife, Countess Susanna
unmarried; Isaac Henry, married
Le Villain, of noble Norman-French
Louise Taylor; Mary Du Pay, married
lineage. He was an officer of the House-
John L. Bateman, June 12, 1877; Martha, hold Guard of Louis XIV, and with his
married Clifford Wither spoon; Jesse; Rich- wife escaped from France after the
ard Lewis, married Emma J. Stephens; Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and
Anna Trabue, married P. P. Stanley; Ed- came to Virginia with the Huguenot emi-
ward P., unmarried; Flora Hallie, mar- gration. He was a lineal descendent of:
ried Robert Garland Brown; and Pittman. Hughes Du
Puy, the Crusader, son of:
Nancy Raskins Trabue was a daughter Raphael, Grand Chamberlain of the
of Edward Trabue and wife, Martha, Roman Empire, Commanding General of
daughter of Col. Robert Haskins and Eliza- the Roman Cavalry under Conrad, 1033.
beth Hill; son of: (See Du Puy, Trabue, Flourney, Le Fevre.)
John James and wife, Olymphia Du Asa Pittman was of an English family
Puy; son of: originally from Denmark. (See Pittman,
and wife, Martha, Crutcher, daughter of Asa Pittman and wife, Nancy Haskins
Asa Pittman and wife, Nancy Haskins Trabue, married, June 12, 1877, Clifford
Trabue, married Louise, Taylor and had: Wither spoon, of Denton, Texas. They
Isaac Henry Crutcher, Jr., who married, have children:
1897, Mary, daughter of Col. Bryan Marsh Ford C; Guy Pittman, Horace and
and wife, Lvcy, granddaughter of Edward Trabue; Anna Le Villain3 died young.
Portis and wife, Mary Rivers; son of Ira Through her mother, Martha Pittman
Portis and wife, Mary Marsh, daughter of Crutcher, Mrs. Witlwrspoon a descend- is
Richard Rivers Marsh and wife, Lucy ant of Count Bartholomew Du Puy, the
Gihbs. They have one son: Huguenot exile, andSusanna Le
Isaac Henry III, born 1899. Villain; of the TrabueSj Le Fevrcs and
Through his grandmother, Martha Pitt- Flonrnoys, Huguenots; and of the Watkins
man, Mr. Crutcher is a lineal descendant from Wales; the Haskins, the Hills and
of Count Bartholonvew Du Puy and wife, the Fielding of English ancestry; and of
Susanna Le Villain (as seen above) of ;
the Pittmans from Denmark originally,
Sir Antoine Trabue and wife, Magdalen who emigrated to England. (See Du Puy,
Flourney, of noble French families of the ;
Trabue, Pittman, Watkins, Fielding, Flour-
Pittmans, Watkms, Hills, and Ficldings. ney and Ij€ Fevre.)
DU PUY. 99
Daniel DuPuy, Sr., born in New York surgeon in the early days of New York
City May 10, 1719, died in Philadel- City, and "Ancien" in the old French
phia, August 30, 1807, gold and silver Church, "St. d'Esprit," and later a mem-
manufacturer, buried in Christ Church ber and pew-owner in old Trinity
Graveyard, Philadelphia, married, 1746, Church, New York City, married Ann
Eleanor, widow of Rev. John Dylander, Chardavoine, born 1693, died 1764, daugh-
Rector of Swedes Church in Philadelphia, ter of Elias Chardavoine, of Saujon, St.
and daughter of Peter Cox, from Onge, France, who was married at the
Sweden, granddaughter of Peter Matson, French Church in New York City August
who, in 1674, married Catharine Rambo, 24, 1692, to Anne Valleau, from L'Isle de
and to whom the Duke of York granted Re, France, a Huguenot refugee, arriving
in 1676 a patent for 300 acres of land in America by way of Jamaica after the
which remained in the DuPuy family dur- expulsion of the Huguenots from France.
ing 174 years, and which is now a part of ( See Du Puy Excursus. )
salem,and was the first Grand Master. Abraham, the only Du Puy line in which
Henry Depew was the first to emigrate it is found (so far), suggests the inference
to this country with a brother, Abraham, that Philip Dupuis was the founder of
whose descendants live at Peekskillon this branch of the family now called
the Hudson. He had children, Jeanne Depew.
Minto and had a son, Henry, born in Jed- traordinary to Sardinia, Governor-Gen-
boro, 1801, who married Mary Shortreed, eral to India, etc. He ordered the build-
born in Jedboro, 1799, and had sons, ing of the Minto House, but died on his
Henry and George, the former of whom voyage home from India without having
emigrated to America and was followed seen the picturesque, fortress-like pile
several years later by his brother, George. which had been erected for his occupancy
Henry Elliot, born in Jedboro, Scot- and is now the seat of the Elliots, Earls of
land, May 1, 1837, emigrated to America Minto. It sits in the midst of parks and
1850, settled first in Salem, 111., where woodlands, backed by Minto hills; east-
he married Mary Hazeltine Roach, born in ward the wooded craigs of Minto frown
Virginia 1837, daughter of John William- upon it while to the south the braes run
into Teviotdale and then rise to "Cheviot son. The Prices were seated at Chantilly.
mountains blue." (Lodge.) (Va, Hist. Mag., Vol. 6, p. 78.) Both
This family is said to be of families bear arms.
KOacI),Huguenot extraction, from Thomas McAdary Owen, in
the de la Roche, or Rochelle family of a publication of the South-
France. Whether this family tradition ern Hist. Association, Washington, D. C,
is correct or not, the various Roaches, April, 1879, is authority for the following
found in Virginia and North Carolina, oc- statement concerning the derivation of
cupied important positions in colonial the Lesters from the noble family of Lei-
days and were eminent patriots during cester in England. He says "The name
the war Four of them
for Independence. Lester is doubtless correctly stated to be
are found on the roll of Ambrose Madi- a corruption of the prominent and noble
son's regiment, and to David Roach, he one of Leicester, historic in Great Britain.
bequeathed in his will 200 acres of land. The family name of the Leicesters is Coke
Henry Roach, Charlotte Co., Va.,
and Burke's General Armory gives to
married Miss Williamson, and had three
them no less than eight coat of arms. The
sons, Elijah, Cuthbert, and John William-
names Lester and Leister are also corrup-
tions of the same, and for Lister, Burke
son, who married Frances Harriet Lester,
and their daughter, Mary Hazeltine, mar- gives eleven coats of arms. To Lester he
ried Henry Elliot, a native of Jedboro, gives the following : Arms: Arg, a fess
az, bet. three fleurs-de-lis, gu. Crest: A
demi-griffin, segrant, gules."
Among the earliest
lUilliamson, found this
colonists is Of the Virginia family, Brock says:
family, related probably to Sir Joseph "Maj. William Lester, Burgess, 1705-6,
Williamson, Secretary of State at that Avas a man of great personal worth and
time in England, and holding large inter- influence, a large land owner in Lunen-
ests in the London, Va. Co. The first on burg Co., Va. took part in the French and
record, was John Williamson, of Kent, Indian war. The name Lester does not
England, who signed himself "Gent." He appear as a patentee, but the name Bryan,
married Rebecca Chamberlyne, of New or Bryant frequently occurs. Bryant
Kent Co., Va. (Henning), and had Thomas, Lester (born 1730), through his maternal
who married Judith Fleming, of noble line, was therefore a hereditary land-
birth, descended from the "good Barons of holder. He was aman of prominence in
Wigton." (See Fleming.) Their son, John, colonial days, and many of his descend-
married Sarah Price and had Sarah, who ants have held various important posi-
married Joseph Lewis, and a son, John tions. He was a vestryman of Cumber-
Williamson, who married Mary White, land parish, Lunenburg Co. His name is
and had Sarah, who married Henry subscribed in bold characters in the old
Roach, and had John Williamson Roach, vestry book. His will, dated May 25,
who married Frances Harriet Lester. 1795, bequeathes a large estate to his chil-
"Cobham Hall," the fine country place of dren (Va. Rec.) He married Sarah Wim-
the Williamsons, was named for the fam- bush, of whose parentage nothing has been
ily seat in Kent, England. preserved. Their son,
The first Price, "a cavalier" officer, Henry Lester, born in Lunenburg Co.,
came to Virginia after the failure of Mon- 1752, married, November 4, 1771, Eliza-
mouth's Rebellion, 1685. He married beth, daughter of J a ret and Keziah Mc-
Elizabeth Pry or (see Pry or), and their Connico, of Scotch parentage. Soon after
daughter, Sarah, married John William- his marriage he entered the Baptist min-
istry and became an eminent preacher, Guynn, whose son, Lewis, became the an-
continuing his ministrations until dis- cestor of the Welsh families of that name.
abled by the infirmities of age. He was (See Lewis.) The emigrants to America
of prepossessing mien, a fluent speaker, at that time were all related to each other
and especially effective in his work. He and soon became more closely allied by
moved to Tennessee, where he died, 1826." intermarriages, which have left their lines
(Taylor's Hist, of Baptist Ministers, p. in an almost hopeless tangle. They all
237. ) They had Bryan Wimbush Lester. soon became prominent in the affairs of
It is not definitely known to the land of their adoption.
Bryan, w
branch of the Virginia
j1 j c j1 Of the family of Lewises, from which
family of Bryans (or Bryants), Lester's came Elizabeth Lewis, who married Bryan
mother belonged. Joseph Bryan, born in Wimbush Lester, John Lewis and wife,
England 1670, married Jeanette Cochrane Elizabeth, from Wales, were the ances-
and came to America prior to 1700; set- tors. He patented large bodies of land in
tled in South Carolina. Many of his de- Gloucester and Henrico counties. Their
scendants were afterward found in Vir- son, William, born 1661, died 1708, mar-
ginia. A family of Bryants of Irish de- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Robert
scent were found in Virginia early in Woodson and wife, Elizabeth, daughter of
1700 they belonged to the Irish nobility
; Richard Ferris of "Curies," of noble
many of them were distinguished patriots birth son of Dr. John Woodson, of Devon-
of the Revolution, and after the war were shire, Eng., surgeon to a company of
among the leading pioneers of Central soldiers who came over with Sir John
Kentucky. Their descendants now live Harvey, 1624. The Ferrises were issued
about Lexington and Georgetown (Hyde). from Henry de Ferriers, a Norman knight
A Richard Bryan, of Culpeper Co., Va., who came over with William the Con-
married Frances Battaly,a lineal descend- queror. (See Woodson and Ferris.)
ant of Gov. Matthews, the Taverners. William Lewis and wife, Elizabeth
Moses Battaly, and Maj. Laurence Smith, Woodson, had three sons, William, Joseph
all of noble English birth, bearing arms, and John. Joseph married Sarah, daugh-
and prominent in colonial days. The ab- ter of John Williamson and Sarah Price
sence of the final letter and the maternal (see Williamson above), and had a son,
name, Frances, makes it seem probable William, born 1730, who married a kins-
that this is the family of Bryans from woman, Elizabeth Woodson, and lived
which came Bryan Wimbush, eldest son upon a fine estate in Dinwiddie Co., Va.,
of Henry Lester, who married first Eliza- their imposing residence on the Appomat-
beth Lewis and had Frances Lester, who tox, known as "Hampstead Heights," was
married John Williamson Roach. He for many years one of the landmarks of
married, secondly, 1807, Elizabeth Friend, They had sev-
that section of the State.
of Charlotte Co., Va. eral children, among them a daughter,
Col. Henry Dudley Teetor Elizabeth, who married Bryan Wimbush
Lctols, Lester.
(Genealogist), is authority
for the statement that all of the Welsh Early in 1800 there was an exodus of
Lewises, who came to Virginia prior to the Lewis and Woodson families to Ken-
1750 were of the same family, descendents tucky, having large grants of land in dif-
of Gwathford, who acccording to Welsh ferent parts of the State. They settled
genealogists, was the representative of chiefly in Central Kentucky, where they
Teon. of the line of the Princess Brittain. soon became leaders in the affairs of the
In the XV
generation came Richard infant State; they and their descendants
Wv. and Wvs. B. 7. Saylon.
i/rs. Thomas B. Evans, aged eighty-six, married and had three sons, David,
her daughter, ilirs. #. .P
. Saylor and her Thomas and Benjamin, of whom David
granddaughter, Charlotte Evans Saylor, had one son, Owen, and two daughters,
represent three generations of the Evans, Sarah, wife of James Garrett, of Robinson
Brooke and Kendall families who came township, Burke Co., and Mary, wife of
over with William Penn and were found- Amos Evans, of Limerick. By his will
ers of Limerick, Montgomery Co., Penn. probated 1800, he home, with 400
left his
John Kendall, born 1709, one of the set- acres of land, to his son, Owen, who mar-
tiers of Limerick, had a son, John, born ried Rachel, daughter of John Brooke and
1750, whose son, Joseph, married Mary had five sons, John, David, Matthew, Rob-
Geiger and had Joseph, Jr., whose daugh- ert and Thomas.
ter, Mary, married Daniel Schtvenck and Thomas Brooke Evans, born at the old
had six children Mary Ann, who married
; Evans homestead April 21st, 1809, mar-
Thomas B. Evans, Ephriam, Amelia Bert, ried Mary Ann, daughter of Daniel and
Harriet, Elizabeth Stella and Charlotte. Mary Kendall Schwenck, and had seven
Mary Elizabeth Evans, daughter of children :R. Brooke Evans, Esq., resid-
Thomas B. Evans and his wife, Mary Ann ing on home place. Charlotte Evans,
Schwenck, married February 9th, 1871, died in 1892. Emma Evans Brownback,
B. F. Saylor of the same township. Is- resided in Linnfield, Penn. Montgomery
sue: Thomas Brooke Evans Saylor, Evans, Attorney, resides at the Ralston
died while at Lancaster College, Penn. B. Mansion House, the home of his wife, Nor-
Frank Saylor, M. now
taking a special
D., ristown, Penn. Franklin, Manty, and
course of medicine in Europe. May Say- Zella, who died in youth. Mary Elizabeth,
lor,died 1878, aged ten years. Ollie B. married B. F. Saylor and resides in St.
Saylor, now taking a college course, in- Louis. The daughters all completed their
eluding law, at Columbia College. Rich- education at Pennsylvania Female Col-
ore? Morgan, graduate of the High School, lege under Professor Sunderland, D. D.,
1901. Charlotte Evans, a student at L.L. D.
Mary Institute. Of the Evans ancestory, Burke says
This family settled in Lim- "The Evans family seated at Limerick in
erick township about 1761. Ireland is a younger branch of the noble
They were leading men, holding many house of Carberry, originally of Welsh
offices of trust and importance, as do their extraction, claiming descent from Elys-
descendants at the present day. William tan, Gladryda, Prince of Fferlys, and
Evans, the head of the family, of Welsh seated the county of Caermarthen,
descent, living in Limerick, Ireland, em- whence in the reign of James I, John
igrated to this country about 1690, and Evans, Esq., removed to Ireland. He was
settled first at Gwynedd township, named living in Limerick before the year 1628
probably for one of the ancestoral Welsh and left two sons and three daughters,
homes. He removed to Limerick, where he George, of Ballyphillip, County Cork, and
purchased land about 1715 being one of ; John, a colonel in the army, who married
the earliest settlers, was instrumental, no and had issue. Col. George served in the
doubt, in naming the township for his army, 1641, and afterwards settled at
Irish home. He had three sons, Owen, Ballygrenne Castle, County Limerick,
George and William. The eldest, Owen, where he acquired large estates by grants
from the Crown and purchase. He mar- established knighted in
himself there ;
ried Anne, daughter of Thomas Bower- 1660 and member of Parliament for Ches-
man of the ancient family of Bower man hire, and High Sheriff for that county
sable. Crest: A demi-lion regardant, or, Thomas Brooke, Esq., of Mere, had by
holding between his paws a boar's head Margaret, his first wife, daughter and
Motto: Libertas.
couped, sable. heiress of Henry Brereton, Esq., of Ec-
with Frances > his cleston a son and heir Peter Brooke >
1 h R
James and Matthew, arrived from York- heir of Peter Venable, Esq., of Overstreet,
the Brooke farm and erected upon it a fine adelphia Co., Penn. He had six sons, two
stone mansion in which the family lived of them, Joseph and Henry, settled in
for four generations, a portion of which is Limerick township. Joseph married and
still standing. Here John R. Brooke had a son, Joseph, who married Mary
was born, son of Maj. William Brooke, a Oeiger. Their daughter, Mary, married
soldier of the war of 1812. Daniel Schwenck; their daughter, Mary
The Brooke family of Yorkshire, from Ann, proficient in art and music, married
whom these Brookes derive their blood, Thomas B. Evans. The Kendalls belonged
was of ancient origin. Sir Peter Brooke, evidently to an English family of distinc-
son of Thomas Brooke, Esq., of North- tion, for Rev. Frederick Conrad, D. D.,
Chester Co., England, by Eleanor Gerard, a descendant of
L. L. D., of Philadelphia,
his third wife, purchased in 1652 from Joseph Kendall, says, "In a yisit to West-
John Mere, Esq., the Manor of Mere, and minster Abbey,! found the tomb of my an-
throu £ n their mother his wife died 1897, aged seventy-six years.
The SavlOPS ' >
David K. Ferguson, President of the Joseph Sherer, during the French and
Mechanics' Bank of St. Louis, has been Indian war, served as a non-commissioned
connected with some of the most important officer, and was in active service as a scout
manufacturing interests for many years, and ranger on the frontier. He took an
prominent among them the great iron in-
active part in the war of the Kevolution
by lending his influence to patriotic meet-
dustries, and for many years has been re-
ings held inHanover and Hummelstown,
garded as one of the leading representative
June, 1774. In the same year he was on
men of the city. He was born in Pitts-
the Committee of Celebrations, for the
burg, Penn., 1827; his mother, a Kings-
purpose of promoting loyalty to Congress.
land, descended from the Schuylers. ( See In 1776, he commanded one of the com-
Kingsland.) He received his education panies of the Fourth Battalion of Associa-
in the East, then came West and con- tion. (Col. James Burd.) He was chosen
nected himself with the Kingsland iron a member of the Committee of Safety, of
manufacturing business, in which he was Lancaster Co. a secret agent of the Su-
daughter of John and Anne Douglas, lin- father; was made ensign and was in the
eally descended from the "Black Douglas" battles of Long Island, White Plains,
of that clan.
Brandywine, Trenton, Princeton and Ger-
mantown; wintered with the troops at
When a very young man he married in
Valley Forge 1777-8. His granddaughter,
Pittsburg, Pa., Caroline, daughter of Sam-
Caroline, married D. K. Ferguson. They
uel Sherer of Pittsburg; son of Joseph;
had children, Caroline, unmarried Sarah,
son of Samuel Sherer, who emigrated from married T. R. Collins and left a son;
near Londonderry, Ireland, 1734, and set-
Mamie, married A. C. Fowler and has
tled in Dauphin, then Lancaster Co., Pa. children. (Residence, St. Louis.)
Oliver D. Filley. Giles Filley.
The Filleys belong to an ancient family Giles Filley, born in Bloomfield,
found both in England and Ireland. The Conn., February 15, 1815, died in St.
origin of the name is Gaelic, Filled (the Louis February 27, 1900. At eighteen
d silent), a poet, a bard. The English years of age he entered into the manufact-
branch derive their name, variously uring business with his brother, Oliver
spelled, Filleigh, Filey, or Filley, from a Divight Filley, who had preceded him in
town in England of that name. their emigration westward. He married
William Filley, the colonial ancestor,
in Hartford, Conn., 1844,Maria M. Far-
left the Old World on account of religious
rington, of New England parentage, and
persecution, as did so many of the early
colonists ; settled in Windsor, Conn., 1640
had nine sons, one of whom, Robert E.,
married and died there. From him de- married Cornelia Douglas, daughter of
scended in an unbroken line the St. Louis John Hopkins and wife, Sarah Ann Mc-
branch of the family, the Spindle side rep- Pherson, born in Fredericktown, of the
resented by the Brown, Barber, Dwight, well-known Maryland family of that
Moone, Loomis, Gillette and Farrington name. Of their children, Mary McPher-
families of New England. son Hopkins married Louis Hite of Louis-
Oliver Divight Filley was the first of ville, Ky., and has children, Lucille, Wil-
the family to emigrate to the West, and
liam Chambers, and Louis, Jr.; Marie
settled in St. Louis, where he entered into
Talbot, married Firman Day and has one
the iron manufacturing business, in which
he amassed a large fortune. He married child, Ann Talbot Day; Louisa Hopkins,
Brown, of a
in Connecticut Chloe Velina unmarried, and
prominent New England family, and had Cornelia Douglas, eldest daughter, who
children. His eldest son, married Robert E. Filley and has two
Oliver B. Filley, married 1879, Mary
daughters, Charlotte; and Louise Filley,
McKinley, born in Louisville, Ky., daugh-
married David Davis Walker, Jr., son of
ter of Andrew McKinley and wife Mary
D. D. and Martha A. Beakey Walker.
Moss Wilcox, issued from the Randolph,
Moss, Isham, Woodson and Du Puy fami- (See Walker.)
lies. Mary Elizabeth, Oliver
Issue: Filley Arms: Arg, a chevron bet. three
Dwight, and Anne McKinley. (See Mc- bats, sable. Crest: An olive branch pr.
Kinley.) Motto: Non Omni Morier.
Fu en ton.
Mary Mc Arthur, daughter of William Ireland 1717, died 1780. He came over
Renick Madeira and wife, Nannie Mc- with his father and lived on a farm near
Arthur Trimble, born in Chillicothe, Ohio, Pequa, Lancaster Co., Pa., where he mar-
married, July 1885, William Dixon Ful- ried Miss Glark, daughter of Daniel Glark,
lerton, born in Chillicothe November 25, a London merchant, ancestor of Rev. Dr.
1845 died December 3, 1900. They had
; Glark Young, President of Centre College,
children, Kentucky. They had sons, William,
William Dixon, McArthur Madeira, Thomas and
D wight Lyman, Reginald Humphrey and Humphrey III, born in 1718, in Pequa,
Nannie Trimble. Pa., married Martha, daughter of David
Nannie McArthur Trimble was the only Mitchell; removed to Greencastle, Lan-
daughter of Hon. Gary A. Trimble, M. C, caster Co., Pa., where he was a large land-
for Ohio, son of Gen. Allen Trimble, Gov- holder and Judge; died 1794. He had
ernor of Ohio, and wife, Rachael Wood- daughters and two sons, David and
row, his wife, Mary, daughter of Gen. Humphrey IV, who inherited the home-
McArthur, Governor of Ohio. She mar- stead, which he sold and moved to Chilli-
ried, November 1860, William Renick cothe, Ohio, 1804; married Gatharine
Madeira, born in Chillicothe 1836; died Dixon and had three daughters and five
June 15, 1899 son of Gol, John Madeira,
; sons, William, Humphrey, Franklin, An-
born in Woodstock, Culpepper Co., Va., gus Leivis and Dixon.
April 15, 1798; died in Ohio 1873; and William, born at Chambersburg, Pa.,
wife, Racheal, daughter of Felix, and Han- 1802, married, 1834, in Chillicothe, Sophia,
nah Renick; son of Daniel Madeira^ born daughter of Giles Lyman, of Greenfield,
in Virginia August 23, 1768, died in Chil- Mass., died in Chillicothe 1875. Their
licothe February 5, 1837; a legislator of son, William Dixon Fullerton, married
Virginia and served also in the Ohio legis- Mary McArthur Madiera.
lature from Chillicothe, where he was one John McArthur mar-
mcflntbuit. ried in the Isle of Bute,
of the early settlers; married, January
1768, Margaret Gampbell, of the great
10, 1791,Eleanor Stockdale.
house of Argyle. (See Gampbell.) They
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Madeira had chil- where
came to Duchess Co., N. Y., 1769,
dren, Annie Mary, and John. Duncan Ale Arthur, was born,
™ s famil F is of Scotch-
their son,
1772. He began his career fighting the
Irish extraction, the Indians in Ohio, where, 1796, with Nath-
early ancestors being Scotch Presbyteri- aniel Massie, he laid out the town of
ans, and were in the religious wars which Chillicothe. In 1796 he married Nancy
engaged Scotland in the XVII century. McDonald, of that sept of the clan
Humphrey Fullerton. the first American Gampbell. He was the first congressman
ancestor, fought at the battle of Boyne. elected Ohio; was legislator many
He, with a host of others, was driven by terms M. C. 1824 elected Governor 1830
; ;
Capt. and IDps. X M. Gardner.
Ky. Reuben Scanland, married August born May 4, 1717, died February 19, 1761
8th, 1844, Susan H. Woolfolk, daughter of second, Mrs. Sarah Taliaferro Conwmj,
Austin C.Woolf oik and Elizabeth Matilda born October 8, 1727, died January 17,
Anne Taylor, his wife, daughter of Roger 1784. This George Taylor had ten sons in
Taylor and his wife, Hannah Fishback, the Revolutionary army,
of St. Charles Co., Mo., a lineal descend- Richard Taylor (Commodore), son of
ant of James Taylor, of Carlyle, England, George, married Catharine Davis and had,
who derived his blood from the old Nor- among other children, Roger, who married
man Baron Taillefer (ancestor of the Tay- Hannah Fishback, and had
lors, Earls of Pennington), who accom- Elizabeth Matilda, born April 23, 1809,
panied William the Conqueror in his in- married, June 27, 1828, Austin C. Wool-
vasion of Great Britain. (See Taylor.) Woo If oik), and
folk, of "gentle birth" (see
James Taylor I, the American ancestor, had Susan H. Woolfolk, who married
emigrated to America 1635. He married Reuben Scanland and had Kittie Coleman
Frances and had three children. His son, Scanland, who married Capt John H. .
ID p. and IDps. Cheodonc Sbclton.
Mr. Theodore Shelton, a prominent built for themselves a house on the Madi-
wholesale merchant of St. Louis, Mo., is son Co. estate, which remains in the
a lineal descendant of the Sheltons of Vir- Gentry family to this day, the present
ginia, of noble English ancestry and prom- owner being George D. Harris, who mar-
inent in the early records of the colonies, ried Nancy White, a granddaughter of
(See Shelton.) married Jane Redd
He Richard Gentry.
Gentry, and they have two sons, Richard Gentry had twelve children.
Richard Theodore and William Gentry Seven of his sons came to Missouri from
Shelton. 1809-16. Among the most prominent of
Judge William Gentry, father of Mrs. them were Reuben, father of William;
Shelton, born April 14, 1818, married, Wm. Gentry, of Pettis Co.; Rev. Chris-
1840, Ann Redd,daughter of Lewis Redd topher Gentry, of Marion Co. Maj.-Gen.
Candidate" for Governor of the State. Hannibal, Mo., a wealthy farmer, and rail-
From this marriage there were eight chil- road builder, President of the Hannibal
dren an(i St. Joe Railroad when he died. Rich-
Reuben E.j father of William Gentry, ard Gentry was a son of
was born June 6, 1785, in Albemarle Co., David Gentry and his wife, Mary Eus-
Va. ; married in Kentucky Elizabeth tus; son of Richard Gentry, who came
White and removed to Missouri 1809, lo- from England and settled in Albemarle
eating at Boone's Lick, Howard Co. He Co., Va.
assisted, during the war of 1812, in build- Haiwls.
ing Forts Husted and Kincaid. He im- Jane Harris, wife of Richard Gentry,
proved the "Model Farm," now owned by was one of the brave trans- Allegheny
the Harris estate, and in 1824, moved to pioneer women who made possible the
a plantation five miles from Sedalia, opening up and settling of the western
which has ever since remained in the wilderness. She was of noble English
(2718 acres). He was a son of Col. Robert Wm. Thomson, married Ann, daughter
Overton, of noble birth, who commanded of John Rodes and Mary Crawford.
a brigade of Ironsides at Dunbar, in the Their son, David Thomson, one of the
cause of the Commonwealth under Crom- great men was educated at
of that day,
well. (See Overton. ) Transylvania University, and a monument
Mai.1 Robert
Harris,} son of William and « 1 «w,t H +« Viio «.^t«««^ ; n ™
erected to ins memory in +uthe Campus pays
y Overton, lived originally in ,, . „, ., , . „„
„ _
? -
this glowing tribute to his memory. "He
The Gris wolds, who were founders prominent as a lawyer and financier, be-
of the family in America, belonged to an Log one of the first in the field of active
old English family, who had their seats railroad building in the West. He was
at various points, Solihull, Lyme, and General Manager of the Terre Haute,
their chief seat at Malborrw Hall, near Alton and St. Louis K. R., and in 1848
Kennilworth, Warwickshire, whence was made General Manager of the Ohio
came the brothers who emigrated to this and Mississippi. He then moved to St.
country, 1639, sons of Sir Matthew Gris- Louis to reside, where his judicious man-
wo Ide. ageinent and wise investments yielded him
Edward and Matthew Grisivold came a handsome fortune. In 1842, he married
to America from England and settled in Maria Moseby, daughter Hon. Raphael
Windsor, Conn. From there Edward Lancaster, of Taylorville, Ky., one of the
moved to and founded Norwich, while most noted men of tlTe state in his
Matthew removed to Saybrook at the day. From this union there was one son,
mouth of the Connecticut river, and Joseph, who married Emily Adoe and has
founded a town which he called Lyme a daughter, Nellie; and,
for one of the family seats in England. Laura, who married Huntington Smith,
He quickly became prominent in the col- f the U.Navy, and had four sons:
ony and held many offices of trust, one Griswold, Hamilton, Ralph and Huntington
of them being that of first Governor of Smith, Jr.
Edward Griswold, the founder of Nor-
wich, married soon after coming to Amer- There were tbree Lanc ™^
Griswold, Isaac II, born 1779, was raised Ba ?> and im P orted from England square
brick with whidl to build their bouse a
in Connecticut but went with his father >
to Vermont in 1803, where they entered P ortion of which ma ^ be seen to tbj? P res "
e ^'
a large body of land, and young Isaac
soon developed into a man of influence
John Lanca^>' brought with him his
wife nee *<***»; they were the found-
and ability, and became a leader among >
a taste for letters and completed a married Roger Brook; another, Mr. Tamey,
classical and scientific course in Middle-
and her mn> Ro 9er Brook Tane»> became
distinguished as Chief Justice of the
burg, Vt., in 1836. Soon after finishing
his collegiate course he went to Virginia United States, A second Muss Darnell
and from there to Washington City, married Charles Carroll, of Carrollton; a
thence to Indianapolis, where he began third sister married a Mr. Bradford, and
the study of law and a year later found her daughter, Eleanor Bradford, married
him in Terre Haute, where he became Hon. Raphael Lancaster, and had a son,
years was joined there by hie parents and Dickenson, of Bradley (1612), a direct de-
their family; they all settled at Bards- scemdent of Hugh de Kenson, 1475. The
town, Ky. While a very young man he pedigree is without a break, from John
married Katharine, daughter of Philip Dickenson, of Leeds, 1525, down to the
Miles, also from Maryland, and their son, New England colonists, grandsons of
Hon. Raphael Lancaster, became prom- Symon. Of these, Nathaniel DicJcenson,
inent in Kentucky affairs. He was a who was in Boston, 1629, afterward
man of noble presence, high culture, a founder of Hoadly, Mass., was the an- .
proficient inmusic and a Judge of the cestor of Huldah, wife of Isaac Griswold
Kentucky courts until the time of his II. The coat of arm® was confirmed in
death. He married Caroline Matilda 1625, to the American family. Arms:
Carter (of royal descent), daughter of Vert, a cross between three hinds' heads,
Charles Carter, of Virginia, and hie wife, erased. Crest: A
stag's head, erased,
Diana Lambert. Of their five children, a couped, or. Motto: u Esse quam, videri."
daughter, Maria Moseby Lancaster, mar- (Ref., "The Dickenson Family" and
ried William D. Griswold. American Heraldica.)
Through his maternal ancestors, Mr. Susannah came from
w }
Griswold comes from the founders of New an old English family
England, no less than six of his ancestors of noble birth, whose eons played prom-
liaving come over on the Mayflower. inent parts in the founding of New Eng-
This line is richly endowed lan(^> anti their grandsons, in the "Genesis
w j^- n e blood of the Pil- °^ ne United States." Christopher and
grim Fathers. Wm. Latham, a young nis brother, Deacon Simon Huntington,
man of twenty, was one of the passengers alon£ witn the Griswolds, are found on
on the Mayflower. His eon, Robert the list of the founders of Norwich, Conn.,
Latham, born at Marshfield, 1643, mar- 166 °- The J were a11 active in tke affairs
ried Susanna, daughter of John Winsloio, of the colon y and tneir dependents fore-
Massachusetts), and his wife, Mary, Swnwi Huntington was one of the four
daughter of James Chilton and his wife, signers of the Declaration of Independ-
Chilton is famous in the early records as man J important offices. His: brothers
the first passenger who landed at Ply- were officers in the Revolution, and dis-
n .
., . ~, r77
married Isaac Griswold,
, .
Court, in Hereford Co., England (now ex- cil" (Sainsbury). His daughter, Eliza-
tinct), which was represented, 1570, by beth, married Secretary John Carter, of
Thomas Burnam, without much doubt a Carotoman, ancestor of Mrs. Qriswold.
lineal ancestor of the emigrant. It is Ref., Virg. Hist. Register.
admitted in England that the Burnams p, . This Virginia family derived
of Hatfield Court, are now represented by their blood from a young
the United States Burnhams ("Gen. Englishman, who went to Ireland at an
Records of Thomas Burnlvam, Amer. An- early date, when the English Government
cestry"). offered large inducements to "Gentle-
Burnam Arms: Gu, a chevron, or, be- men" to emigrate. He had large grants
tween three lions' heads, erased or. of land and several estates the chief of
Crest: A leopard's head, erased, ppr. which was "Enniscarthy," situated in
Mrs. Grisivold, through her maternal Leicester Co., Wexford. His younger son,
ancestors, descended from the founders
is John Coles, came over to Virginia in the
of the Virginia colony. Her father, Hon. last years of Gov. Spottswood's adminis-
Raphael Lancaster, having married Car- tration. He married Mary, daughter of
oline, daughter of Charles Carter II, and Isaac Winston, and his wife, Mary Dabney,
his wife, Diana, lineal descendent of of the French Huguenot family, "D'Au-
Thomas Lambert, Sheriff of Lower Nor- bignc," from Wales; and their daughter,
folk, 1643, Burgess, 1649-52, Major, 1661 Mary Coles, married Robert, son of Robert
— then Lieut. -Col. Lambert; sou of Charles Carter, "King of Carotoman.'''' A younger
Carter and Mary Ann Ellis, who derived brother, Robert Coles, followed him from
her blootd from John Ellis, one of the Ireland, married Lucy Winston, and
grantors of the second Charter; son of was the ancestor of Dolly Madison. At
Robert Carter, who married Mary Coles; one of his estates, "Enniscarthy," named
son of John Champe and Annie, daughter for the old home, he entertained lav-
of Charles Carter of Cleaves; son of John ishly large house parties, each spending
Carter and Elizabeth Hill; son of Robert a fortnight in turn at his hospitable
Carter and wife, Judith Armistead; son of home. Through her ancestor, Mary Coles,
John Carter and wife, Sarah Ludlow (of Mrs. Griswold derives descent from the
royal descent). Fontaines, Winstons and Dabncys.
..... Edward, born 1634, died 1663, n . . There
a tradition is
Speaker of the House. His son, that the Anmsteads de-
Edward Hill, born 1657, succeeded him. rive their name and origin from Darm-
He was Commander-in-Chief of Charles stadt, and the seat of the elder line in
City, Surry; Attorney-General and Col- Virginia was called "Hesse," for the
lector; member Council; Treasurer and land of their birth. Their time of go-
Speaker of the House of Burgess, 1691; ing over to England is not known, but sev-
Judge of Admiralty Court, Virginia and eral generations passed before William
North Carolina, 1697. He married Miss Armistead came to America, where he is
Williams and portraits of both now hang found possessed of land, 1635, "deeded by
at Shirley. Upon his tomb is carved a Gov. John West." The name appears in
coat of arms: a lion passant and for crest, the Yorkshire records, England, in the
a demi-lion rampant. His son, Col. Ed- time of Queen Elizabeth. William seems
ward Hill, of Shirley, Collector of James to have been the son of Anthony, of York-
River, 1716, was recommended by the shire, and his wife, Frances Thompson
—————— — : : : —
: : : — ———— : : : : :
(see Thompson), married, 1608. Their Carter, and from this marriage, in a di-
son, William, was baptized, August 3, rect line, came Mrs. Maria Moseby Gris-
1610. From Elizabeth City he moved to wold.
Gloucester, where he died, 1660. His
grandson, John, fourth in descent, was Through Caroline Carter, who married
an ancestor of President Wm. Henry Ear- Son. Raphael Lancaster, Mrs. Maria
rison; John Armistead, third in line, mar- Moseby Griswold, is of royal descent
ried Judith Beverley (sea Beverley), and through eight generations of French
their daughter, Judith, married Robert kings, beginning with :
Cartel* Excursus.
XVIII. Ixidy Edith Wyndsore, who They have sons: Griswold, Hamilton,
married George Ludlow, of Hill Deverill. Ralph, and Huntington Smith, Jr.
tYivs. Virginia H. Fonstcn. IT)ns. /InnLawrence Bailey.
From a rare old book, the "Peerage of king's daughter by King James immedi-
Seotland," by Kimber, author of the a,tely after the battle of Bannockburn.
Peerage of England," published 1767, is There were large grants of land attached,
taken this account of the Hamiltons num- and having been a royal residence for
bered among the sixteen peers of Scot- two centuries, even though in ruins, it is
land. a most picturesque and interesting feat-
"This illustrious Scotch family is de- ure to all tourists. It stands upon the
scendedi from the Earls of Leicester in summit of a rock two hundred feet high,
England, and the first on record was Sir guarding the Chase with its ancient oaks,
William Hanbleden, or Hamilton, third son the remains of the Caledonian forest,
of Robert, III Earl of Leicester, descended Opposite is the Castle of Chatellerault,
from the Earl of Mellent, in Normandy, consisting of stables and offices, imitat-
who came into England with William the ing in outline the castle of that name in
Conqueror. Sir William Hamilton had France. A noble avenue stretches be-
his sur-name from the Manor of Ham- tween it and Hamilton Palace, two miles
bleden, in Bucks, and came into Scotland away, built by the Duke of Hamilton and
in the reign of Aleaxinder II in the year Brandon, the Premier Peer of Scotland,
1215. He
married Mary, daughter and just east of the town of Hamilton and
heir of Gilbert, Earl of Strathern, and now occupied by them. The palace was
from their son, Sir Gilbert, all the Hamil- begun in 1642, built something after the
tons in Scotland descended. style of the Temple of Jupiter in Rome,
Creations Summoned to Parliament
: two hundred and sixty-two feet in length
in 1374; Robert Hamilton II was created and sixty feet in height. The interior is
Earl of Bute, August 10th, 1503 James ; richly decorated and contains one of the
IV, Duke of Chatelherault, in Poictiers, most valuable collections of paintings in
France, 1552, by Henry II, of France; Scotland.
Marquis of Hamilton in the County of Within the grounds, which contain
Lannerk, April 19th, 1599 Baron of
; fifteen hundred acres, is the Mausoleum,
Aberbrothock, June, 1606; Marquis of erected by the tenth duke, resembling in
Douglass and Earl of Angus ( to which general style, that of the Temple of Adri-
titles hisgrace succeeded upon the death an in Rome. ( Ency. Brit.)
of the late Duke of Douglass), June 17, Many causes contributed to the dis-
1633, and April 18th, 1703, Earl of the persal of the various members of this
County of Lannerk, Lord Mackeushire illustrious family, chief among them the
and Palmont, March 31st, 1639 ; Duke of espousel of the wars of their kings and
Hamilton, April 12th, 1643, and Baron of religious persecution.The settlement of
Dutton in Cheshire and Duke of Brandon the American colonies and adjacent
and of Suffolk, September 10th, 1711 islands, opened up many tempting aven-
( Kimber.) ues to adventurers from the British Isles.
The original coat of arms of the Hamil- John Hamilton, the III Lord Belhaven,
ton family is very elaborate, quartering a descendant of the Dukes of Hamilton,
the arms of all these noble houses. The was appointed Governor of the Barba-
first seat of the Hamiltons, Cadzow Castle, does, 1721, but was lost near Lizard
was conferred on the chief of that family, Point, the ship having struck the rocks,
Sir James Hamilton, with the hand of the only two men and a boy escaping. He
married Mary, daughter of Andrew Bruce, Arm Lawrence, who married Reynold Keen,
of Edinburg, and had four sons and one and had Julia Ann Keen, who married
daughter, John, Andrew, an officer in the Alexander Hamilton, and had Ann Law-
army, James, advocate, sheriff, deputy for rence Hamilton, who married Lewis Bailey
Hoddingtonshire afterward, Lord Robert, and Virginia Hamilton, who married Theo-
a major of foot, and Margaret. It is from dore Foster.
the Lords of Belhaven that several of the The American Lawrences, from whom
American families are descended. the Hamilton sisters are descended in a
Judging from the coat of arms brought direct line through six generations, dat-
to. this country by Hugh Hamilton, the ing from A. D. 1635, when John and
American head of this branch of the fam- William Lawrence came to America, are
ily, he derived his blood from the Lords lineal descendents of General Robert Law-
of Belhaven. Both his father and mother rence, who was knighted "Sir Robert Law-
died when he was very young and when rence, of Ashton Hall," by his sovereign,
only sixteen years old he came to Phila- Richard Coeur de Lion, for bravery in the
delphia from County Antrim with his war of the Crusades, having been the first
mother's people, the Ranmeys, and made to scale the walls of Acre and plant there-
that city hi® home. He married Sarah on the banner of the Cross. This was in
Kane, of Philadelphia, and had five chil- 1191. In the third generation, a descend-
dren, Clementine, Julia, Sarah, Horace and ent of Sir Robert Lawrence married Ma-
Alexander. The being only five
latter tilda and from this union
years' old at the death of his mother, was there was an unbroken line from inter-
raised by his father's kindred, the Ran- marriages with families of distinction in
meys. After finishing a classical educa- the church and state of England.
tion, he studied law with Garnet D. Wahl, In 1499, the estates of John Lawrence
of New Jersey, and married, when only were confiscated and his death is re-
twenty years old, Julia Ann Keen, daugh- corded in 1538. They again came into
ter of Reynold Keen, a descemdent of Sir prominence, for his son, Henry, the next
Robert Lawrence. From Philadelphia he in line,became a member of Parliament
moved to St. Louis about 1850, where he from Hertfordshire, and afterwards Lord
became prominent as a lawyer anid jurist, President of Cromwell's Privy Council,
occupying the position of Circuit Judge and while a member of the "Upper
at the time of his death at an advanced House" became a member of the com-
age. He left two daughters, Virginia, mittee, who, in 1635, commissioned John
who married Theodore Foster, and Ann Winthrop Governor of New York.
Laterence, who married Lewis Bailey. This explains, no doubt, the coming to
the New World of the two elder sons of
Henry Latvrence, for in April, 1635, they
Through their mother, Julia Ann Keene, sailed from England on the good ship
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Bailey derive their "Planter," and landed in Massachusetts.
blood from the Lawrences, distinguished Authorities differ as to whether they were
in English history, and also in the found- nephews or sons of Sir Henry. A third
ing of the United States, brother, Thomas, joinedthem before 1650.
WilliamLawrence married Elizabeth John Lawrence settled in the Dutch
Smith, and had Joseph Lawrence, who mar- Province of New Netherlands (New
ried, and had Elisha Lawrence I, who mar- York), and in A. D. 1645, a patent to the
ried Lucy Stout, and had Elisha Lawrence town of Flushing was granted to him
II, who married Elizabeth Brown, and had and his brother, William, and six others,
In A. I). 1663, he was appointed by Gov- A. D. 1701, and lived to be ninety-two
ernor Stuyversant, one of the commis- years old. In A. D. 1725, he married
sioners to treat with the general court of Elizabeth, only child of Dr. John Brown,
branch. They were men of great promi- frigates Chesapeake and Shannon, his
nence in the affairs of state of that day, last words, "Don't give up the ship," be-
and were also men of immense wealth. ing forever memorable in American his-
William married twice, his second wife tory.
daughters, the seconld son, Joseph, being nold Keen, an eminent magistrate of Phil
the second in the American line of Law- adelphia. The offspring of this union
rences. In 1681, Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence were Lawrence, Elisha, and Julia Ann
became the wife of Sir William Cartaret, Keen, who was married in 1835 to Alex-
Governor of New Jersey. ander Hamilton, of St Louis.
To her son, Joseph Lawrence, Lady Lawrence Coat of Arms:Argent, a
Cartaret then conveyed an extensive cross ragully, gules. On a chief of the
tract, deeded to her by his father, lying second, a lion passant, guardant, or.
on Little Neck Bay, in the township of Crest: A demii-turbot, in pale, gules, the
Flushing, where he married and six chil- tail upwards. Mottoes: A. In cruse
dren were born to him Richard, Elisha,
salus (in the cross is salvation). B.
Thomas, Elizabeth, John and Abigail. The Quaero, invenio (I seek, I find).
eldest son, Richard, inherited the family Notes: The Lawrence coat of arms is
estate, which is still owned by his de- taken from the imprint of a seal w hich T
scendents. The second son, Elisha, third wras used by Thomas Lawrence, in 1703,
in line, removed early in the seven- in sealing .his will. The motto "B" is
teenth century to New Jersey, and rep- furnished by Burke as belonging to the
resented his county, Monmouth, in the English Lawrences bearing the same in-
Provincial Assembly as early as 1707. signia, and still represented in the gentry
His residence, called "Chestnut Grove," of Great Britain. (American Heraldica.)
is so called to the present day. References: Mercy Hall Stowe "A —
On January 12th, A. D. 1692, he mar- general memoir of the family of Law-
ried Iaicij Stout, whose adventures form rence," published in 1856.
a pleasant episode in "Smith's History J. B. Holgate —"American Genealogy,"
of New Jersey." Seven children were published in 1851. New York Genealog-
the result of this union, among them, ical Record, Vol. 3, page 121.
Elisha II, fourth in line, who was born Sir Bernard Burke.
: —
Regent of Scotland during the infancy of and charged with treason. The trial and
Mary Stuart, 1550),
came to Virginia prosecution by Daviess and defense by
1735, and settled in Augusta Co., (Wad- Henry Clay formed an exciting incident
dels' Annals of Augusta Co.) Robert in the history of the state. WTiile on offi-
(father of Jean), who came to America cial business in Washington City he met
about the same time, and settled in Vir- and later married the sister of Chief Jus-
ginia, is believed to have been his brother. tice Marshall. Not long afterward he
Robert Davis, who was in Virginia, raised a regiment of troops to fight the
prior to 1753, was probably the emigrant Indians under General Harrison, and was
ancestor of this branch of the family; killed while leading a gallant charge at
father of Joseph.Alexander Brown, in the battle of Tippecanoe, not yet thirty-
"Cabells and Their Kin" says, "he re- eight years old. Ahandsome monument
moved with his second wife to N. Ca. erected by the state marks the spot where
Ilis sons by his (a Miss
first wife he fell. He was Grand Master Mason of
Hughes) remained in Virginia, and were Kentucky when killed, and his portrait
afterward among the first settlers of hangs in the State Lodge. In Hyde's His-
Kentucky." tory of St. Louis it is said of him, "The
Joseph Daviess and wife, Jean Hamil- memory of Joe Daviess of Kentucky yet
ton, had children, Robert, Samuel, James, lingers in the State made famous by his
John, Joseph Hamilton, a daughter, Mary, eloquence and consecrated by his life
who married Andrew Knox; another, blood." Four states have honored him
Margaret, who married Mr. Hess, of Ten- by naming counties for him.
nessee,and Jean, who married Mr. Dun. Samuel Daviess, second son of Joseph
James married and had sons, Harvey, and Jean Hamilton, was born 1776, died
and John, who married Miss Wallace, 1856. He was a prominent figure in Cen-
and had children; Mary, who married tral Kentucky in his day; Legislator,
Mr. Jury; Julia, who married Mr. Hinch; State Senator and Justice, member of the
Annie; and Henrietta, who married W. Board of Internal Improvements and
H. McBrayer and had one daughter, Hen- Grand Master Mason of the State when he
died. He married, 1810, Hannah McAfee, French and Indian war. On their return
of Scotch-Irish parentage, daughter of from the field, they took advantage of the
Samuel McAfee and his wife, Hannah proclamation of the Governor of Virginia,
McCormick. They had an only child, granting to each soldier of that war, four
William D.aviess, born 1811, died 1881, hundred acres of land in recognition for
who was educated at Bardstown, studied services rendered,and located in the blue
law at Transylvania, and was for a time grass region of Kentucky ( Mercer Co.
prominent in the politics of the state, Hearing of trouble in Virginia from the
serving in the Legislature and Senate Indians, they returned to help subdue
and Major of Militia. He retired from them, and while there, enlisted as privates
politics early and devoted him-
in life in the army, then forming to fight for the
self to agricultural pursuits. He was independence of the colonies, in which
a man of brilliant talents and his country they served until 1779, when they returned
home became the mecca of the eminent to Kentucky to reclaim their lands and
statesmen of that day. endure the privations and hardships of
He married Maria Thompson, born frontier life. Being in all generations
1814, died 1896, daughter of John Burton strongly religious as well as warlike, in
Thompson and his wife, Anne Porter Bo- peace they turned their spears into prun-
bards. (See Thompson, Claiborne, West ing hooks and their swords into plow-
tie la Warr and Robards. ) The children shares, and after making their homes,
of this marriage were Hannah, who mar- they built the Presbyterian church
ried Williamson Ha skins Pittman (see in the State, "Providence," and with their
Pittman, Du Puy, Trabue) ; John B. families, they brought out from Virginia
Thompson, who married Leonora Hamil- their pastor.
ton, a. kinswoman Nannie, who died in in-
; Of the McAfee brothers, Gen. Robert Mc-
fancy; Annie Trimble, Samuel, who died Afee became a lawyer and historian and
in infancy; Jean, who married William was appointed Minister to South America.
Warren (see Warren). William, Jr., Samuel McAfee married Hannah McCor-
and Samuel Daviess. mick and followed agricultural pursuits.
I** nf
The historians of Ken- They had brave sons and handsome daugh-
tucky and western ad- ters, Of the latter, the eldest, Jane, mar-
venture devote much space to the bravery ried Beriah Magoffin and was the mother
and heroism of the McAfees. Through of Hon. Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Ken-
history they trace themselves to the tucky. Mary, a beautiful woman, as
days of Cromwell, when they lived in shown by her portrait, married Col. T. P.
Scotland between Glasgow and Edinburg. Moore, who was appointed Minister to
Driven thence by religious persecution South America under Jackson. Of their
they settled in the north of Ireland. issue, two grandchildren survive, Mary
John McAfee and were activelv
his sons Abell, and Samuel Johnson. Hannah,
engaged in the revolution which placed married Judge Samuel Daviess. (Ref.
William of Orange upon the throne. Collins' Hist, of Ky. and Mss. of Gen.
James, son of John, Jr., emigrated to Robert McAfee, Minister to South Amer-
America, and with his wife, Jane Mc- ica.) The McAfee line runs thus:
Michael, settled in Pennsylvania, where I. John McAfee, the most remote
their four pioneer sons were born. From known ancestor of the McAfees, born
there they moved to Virginia, where these 1 045, in Scotland
between Edinburg and
four brothers, James, George, Robert and Glasgow married, 1672, Elizabeth Mont-
Samuel, all enlisted and served in the gomery, of the noble house of Montgom-
cri/ Montgomery), and moved to
(sec terian and elder Old Providence
in the
Armagh, Co. Ireland, 1690. Having es- church, Augusta, Va., of which the Mc-
poused the cause of William and Mary, Afces were also members. His daughter,
was in the battle of Boyne under King Hannah McCormick, married Samuel
William. His son, McAfee and Avas one of the heroic pioneer
II. John McAfee, Jr., born 1673, in women, who, with their husbands, helped
Co. Armagh, Ireland, when only sixteen make the Kentucky wilderness blossom
years old was with his father in King as the rose. They were among the found-
William's army at the battle of Boyne, ers of the New Providence church, the
died in 1739. He married Mary Rogers, first Presbyterian church in Kentucky,
sister of the mother of Gen. George Rogers Robert McCormichj father of Hannah,
Clark. His son, married, 1770, Margaret, daughter of Alex.
James McAfee, the
III. father of the Sanderson, landholder in Middletown
Kentucky pioneers, born in Co. Armagh, township, Pa., who emigrated from the
Ireland, October 17, 1709, married in north of Ireland to Cumberland Co., elder
1735, Janet McMichael. He came to of the church at Dillsburg, Pa. These
America in 1739, with his wife and two McCormicks were probably of the same
small children and landed at New Castle, family as Joseph McCormick, of County
Delaware, from there they went to Lan- Antrim, Ireland, living near the Giant's
caster Co., Penn.,where they settled and Causeway, born in Scotland, whose widow
other children were born, George, Mar- came to America 1760, and settled in
garet, Mary, William and Samuel. Later Pennsylvania. One of her daughters was
they made their home in Roanoke Co., named Hannah (Am. Ancestry.)
Va., near the mountain peak which bears (References, Collins' History of Ken-
his name, "McAfee Knob." He died in tucky and Government Records.
Virginia, 1785. His son, This family, of Scotch
IV. Samuel McAfee, who fought in lv\x\\ lineage, descended
the French and Indian wars and the Revo- from thc Wallaces, of Elders! ie; were
lution and was one of the first pioneers prominent in the civil wars, espousing the
to Kentucky, married Hannah McCor- Protestant-Irish cause. Emigrated to
mick of Pennsylvania, later of Virginia, America 1737, the five brothers settling in
also of Scotch-Irish descent. Their daugh- Pennsylvania and Virginia. John and
ter, Hannah McAfee, married Samuel Robert settled in Rockbridge Co., Vir-
Daviess. ginia. John had eight children James, —
John A. McAfee, D. D., philanthropist, William, Robert, David, Miriam, Mary
founder of Park College, Mo. issued from —
an^ John. Robert had but two John, and
Saml McAfee and Hannah McCormick. William, who married his cousin, Mary
m r
Thomas McCormick,
Ireland, 1702, died in Cumberland Co., a soldier of the Revolution, married, 1776,
Pa., 1762; emigrated to America with his Margaret, daughter of Robert, and Mtor-
brother, Hugh, 1735. He married in Ire- garet McKee Hamilton; daughter of Mi-
land, Elizabeth, daughter of Adam Caruth. riam Brown, daughter of Margaret Wal-
They had a born in Lancaster
son, Robert, lace; daughter of Janet Peebles. (See
Co., Pa., 1738, died in Rockbridge Co., Wallace and Brown.) Jean Hamilton
Va,, October 12, 1818; a revolutionary (their daughter) married Joseph Daviess.
patriot, served in the Virginia line under William McKee, who settled first in Lan-
Gen. Nathanael Greene; was at the battle caster, Pa,, moved to Virginia, thence, in
of Guilford. He was a staunch Presby- 1788, to Montgomery Co., Ky.
) ;
Joseph Daviess Hamilton was a son of Gen. Gates Thruston, a gallant officer in
William Hamilton, born in Rockbridge the Civil war, and died, leaving one child,
Co., Va., where he remained until man- a son, Gates, Jr.; Mary, who married,
hood, when he emigrated to Kentucky and first > Mr Housc and had a daughter,
^m™ E ™™9; Mrs.
carried by his son, Joseph Morgan, at Leonora, married, June 16, 1870, John
the battle of New Orleans, and were lost Burton Thompson, eldest son of Maj. Wm.
in that engagement. He was for ten con- Daviess and wife, Maria, daughter of
secutive sessions member of the Virginia John Burton Thompson and wife, Anne
Assembly. His father, William Morgan, Porter Robards, a descendant of the Bur-
was an officer of the colonial army; his tons, Foxes, Claibornes, Wests-De La
commission, signed by Governor Fairfax, Warr, and of the Robards family,
is still in possession of the family. They had children Emmeline Hamilton,
The children of Joseph Daviess Hamil- died young; Maria Thompson, and Mor-
ton and Sallie B. Morgan were 1, Oscar; : timer Hamilton Daviess, residing in Nash-
2, James, who married a Miss Berry and ville, (Thompson and Robards.)
had an only daughter, Ida, who married (See McKee, Wallace and Brown).
Hon. and Vfivs. IU. P. L. Hadlcy.
William Flavins Liecester Hadley, born Mary Julia West, wife of W. F. L. Had-
January 15th, 1827, near Collinsville, 111., ley, derived her blood through her father
died 1901. He was a lawyer by profes- from the noble house of West-Dela Warr,
sion; served in the State Senate for four one of the most ancient in the history of
years; was elected to Congress 1895. England, both the families, De West and
After twenty-seven years of professional La Warr.
lifehe retired from active practice 1899 Lady Joan De La Warr married Sir
and became President of the Bank of Ed- Thomas De West, uniting the two lines
wardsville, 111. Hemarried, June 15th, in Sir Reginald West. Their son, Sir
1875, Mary Julia West. Children Julia, : Richard Westj became VII Lord De La
William Liecester, Lora Haskell, Wini- Warr. His great grandson, Sir William
fred Wilder, Edward Douglas, McKinney West, became the ancestor of the Mary-
and Falvia Delphine. land branch of the West family through
Hon. W. F. L. Hadley was the son of his grandson, Maj. Thomas West, of the
William Hadley, born in Adair Co., Ky., Parliament army, whose sons, William,
November 23rd, 1806, died at Collinsville, John and Thomas, emigrated to Maryland
111., November 5th, 1896; a successful about 1700. John became the father of
planter and a local preacher of the Meth- Sir Benjamin West, the famous artist,
odist church. He married, September Thomas, who married at Devonshire
16th, 1830, Diadama, daughter of John House, London, Mary Dean, had John
McKinney, who served in the Revolution- West, who had Benjamin West, born in
ary war under General Marion. The Montgomery Co., Maryland, who married
silver spurs awarded him by General Verlinda Hilleary and had Tighlman Hil-
Marion for bravery and excellent service leary West, who married Mary A. Mitch-
are still preserved as heirlooms in the ell and had Edward Mitchell Westj who
family. He married Katherine E. Hamp- married Julia Ativater and had, among
ton, first cousin of the father of Gen. Wade other children, Mary Julia, who married
Hampton. W. F. L. Hadley, of Edwardsville, 111.
John Hadley, father of William, was Through her mother, Mrs. Hadley de-
born in Virginia 1776, died in Adair Co. rives descent from the Atwaters of Eng-
1847; married, December 4th, 1800, Pris- lish parentage, from David Atwater, of
cilia, daughter of Levi Gutherie, who Lanham, Co. Kent, England, and through
served in the war of 1812 he moved from
; his sons' wives from the Lymans, the Ives
Virginia to Cumberland Co., Ky., thence and the C la p ps, prominent New England
in 1840 to Madison Co., 111., where he
familie& ThrouRh her grandmother, Mary
spent the remainder of his days. He was , ,,.. , „ v derives
, , . .* A
descent tfrom the
ran away from home and came to America En S lish familie*> f ™ ndel '
s <> f the Virginia
Mrs. Anne Barbour Haldeman, widow treaty for Kentucky, the Lewises, the
of Hon. John A. Haldeman, late U. S. Fieldings, and through the Ishams and
Consul to South. America', derives descent the Randolphs traces descent from many
from many leading Virginia families of
noble families and royal houses of Europe,
gentle birth, all of whom were prominent
as shown by the following chart compiled
in the colonial government Governor and
Judge Barbour, Col. John Henderson, for Mrs. Haldeman by the Advocate of
who, with Nathaniel Hart, negotiated the the Royal Library of Edinburgh.
Charles Martel, King of the Franks, Bodicus; son of Hulderic, King of
born 690=Lady Rotrude. Saxony; son of
Pepin 'le Bref, King
of the Heathergate; son of Hartwoker, Prin-
Lady Bertha, daughter of the Count de cess of Saxony ; son of
Leon. Charlemagne=Hildeguarde de Heingst, King of Saxony, A. D. 434.
Suabia. Lady Adela, daughter Elbo I, Count
Louis I, King of France=Judith de Rouce, married Heldwin, IV Count de
d'Altrof. Rouce, and had
Charles II, King of France=Ermen- Lady Margaret =
Hugh Clermont,
trudes d' Orleans. Count Beauvois, and had
Louis II, King of France=Adelheid. Lady Adeliza^Gilbert de Tousberg, II
Charles III, King of France=Egiva, Earl of Clare; son of Richard, Earl of
granddaughter of Alfred the Great. Clare; son of
Louis IV, King of France=Gerberger, Giselbert, Count d'Eu son of Godfrey,
Robert III, Earl of Leicester, and Pe- grandfather of President Jefferson; was
tronella, son of member of the House of Burgesses in 1740
Robert II, Earl of Leicester, and wife, and Adjutant General of the Colony. He
Amelia de la Warr; son of
Lady Isabel de Vermandois and Robert
Mary Randolph=Charles Lewis of
Baron, daughter of
Buckeyland, Va. nephew of Fielding
Prince Hugh Magnus; son of Henry I,
King of France, and Anne of Austria; son Lewis, who married Betty, sister of
King of France.
of Robert the Pious, George Washington. They had
Adela de Vermandois was a daughter of Elizabeth Lewis=Bennett Henderson,
Herbert, Count de Vermandois, and Virginia,
Troyes; son of John Hederson=Anne Barbour, Hud-
Henry, Count de Vermandois, and Ed- son, Va. niece of Governor and Judge
DIp. and Wvs. X (U. Hannison.
John W. Harrison, one of the lead- he was knighted at White Hall January 4,
ing business men of St. Louis, is of Scotch- 1640. James Harrison, "Gent," was a
Irish a descendent of James
ancestry, son of Wm. Harrison. John Harrison,
Harrison, born 1740, in the north of "Gent," was a son of WilUam Harrison
Ireland. His parents emigrated to Amer- of Auld Cliffe. The arms, as herein given,
lea about that time and settled in Penn- have been preserved by the family for
sylvania, where he was raised. He was '
many generations and shows them to have
a soldier throughout the war of Inde- belonged originally to the Virginia Har-
pendence, and soon after its close mar- risons. (Brown's Genesis and Hayden.
ried Jane Carlyle and lived near Sunbury, Elizabeth, wife of John Harrison, was
Pennsylvania, until his death, 1804. a daughter of William McClannahan and
They had several children, among them wife, Elizabeth Newman (married in
John Harrison, who married Elizabeth Bourbon Co., Ky., 1799), daughter of Wil-
McClannahan; their son, John, married Ham Newman, a soldier of the Revolution
Pamela Mar, a lineal descendent of the in Captain Sam'l Colstan's Co., Fifth Va.
Earl of Mar (her ancestors refugees in Reg., commanded by Col. Josiah Parker;
America from civil warfare in Scotland), enlisted 1776, died 1778. (Pension Rec.)
and emigrated to the West, settling in Thomas McClannahan, father of Wil-
Missouri. Their son: Ham, born in Fauquier Co., Va., 1758,
John William Harrison, married, first, married there 1780 Mary Green; died in
his cousin, Laura, daughter of James Bourbon Co., Ky., 1809, having removed
Hatyison, one of the pioneer iron manu- from Culpeper, Va., after the war. He
facturers of St. Louis, of the firm Har- was a soldier of the Revolution (serving
rteon, Chouteau and Valle, owners of the under Cols. Spottswood and Febinger), of
Iron Mountain. On the distaff side, they whom it is written : "After displaying his
were both descended from the old Eng- prowess in unnumbered fights, he joined
lish house of Montague and the Trimbles the regiment of his uncle, Col. John Mar-
(see Trimble). shall and proved himself a daring and
He married, secondly, Eliza Anne Eads, chivalrous soldier." For his
widow of James Campbell. Children, services he received from the government
John Wm, Harrison, Jr., died in infancy, a large grant of land in Kentucky, as
and Stuart Eads Harrison. shown by the records in Frankfort. He
Mrs. Anne Eads Harrison was a had many perilous adventures with the
daughter of Wm. M. Eads, of Cynthiana, Indians in Ohio and Indiana, and became
Ky., and wife, Mary Laura Blackivell; son noted for his heroic exploits in the agres-
of Martin Luther Eads, of Virginia, and sive warfare with the Indians in the fron-
wife, Elizabeth Collins; son of Capt. tier States, which followed the Revolu-
Thomas Boyd Eads, and wife, Dav- tion. He afterward served in the Ken-
enport. tucky legislature from Bourbon Co., 1793.
Harrison Arms: The pedigree of Wil- (Collins' Kentucky.)
Ham Harrison, the earliest known an- Rev. Wm. McClannahan, father of
cestor of this branch of the family, is given Thomas, married Mary, daughter of Capt.
in the Visitation of London, 1633-4. He John Marshall, of "The Forest," West-
was for a long time treasurer of the East moreland Co., Va., and wife, Elizabeth
India Co. As a reward for his patriotism Markham, married 1722, issued from
"Deacon Daniel Markham (1666), Avhose of Pembroke, who
a loader of the barons,
descendants settled the Tennessee Valley, exacted the Magna Charter from King
crossed the Rockies and helped to settle John. Later his son, disgusted with the
the West. Ex-Gov. H. H. Markham of duplicity of the king, rebelled with other
California is of this branch, as are the barons, and with the aid of the French
Markhams of Atlanta, Georgia. The Dauphin Louis, reduced the king to ex-
Marshall family of Virginia all descend tremities. His father, the elder William,
from one, Eliza Markham Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, however, remained
grandmother of Chief Justice Marshall, loyal to his king, who, at his death, made
(Markham Gen.) She was of the same him guardian for his son and Protector of
family as William Markham, the emi- England. (Moore, p. 7.) About this
grant, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, time the Protector sent his nephew, John
whose coat of arms may be found in Amer- Marshall, as his representative to take
ica Heraldica, the same as those of the charge of his estates in England, endowed
Markhams of Sedgebrook, Co. Notting- him with lands and made him Marshall of
ham and more anciently
(extinct 1779), Ireland. The descendants of John Mar-
of the Markhams of Markham, Co. Notts shall, nephew of the Earl Pembroke,
(N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Rec), same arms still reside in the north of Ireland and
the father of John Edes II, born in Bos- important niche \n the nation s hist,
rl » „
MH, be cut
, *.
and it was
*P°» a pike on London bridge,
Green the l"«torian, says, "It was in the
May 3rd, 1791, who removed to Norfolk, &ght® of Man. It seems altogether fit
that in the veins of Mary Ball, mother of
Va., where he died, 1825, leaving no cliil-
idren; Mary Eades, third child, born April Washington, flowed the blood of John Ball,
21, 1793, who married James Porter; Cap- the martyr for religious freedom."
tain Thomas Eades, fourth child, born William Ball, a descendant of the
September 27, 1795, who married in New preacher, was a native of Kent, England.
York Crawford; died Oc-
City, 1821, Eliza After the death of Charles I, he came to
tober 30, 1825, at Charlestown, S. C." America and settled as a planter in Lan-
"The marriage of Thomas Eades, above caster Co., Va. He died in 1669, leaving
mentioned, to Mary Ball, November 26, two sons and one daughter. Joseph re-
1788; the death of their son, Benjamin turned to England to look after the es-
Wood Eades, in Norfolk, Va., 1825, and tates of his father; while there he mar-
the death of Captain Thomas Eades, in ried and lived until 1695, when he re-
Charlestown, S. C, 1825, leads to the con- turned to Virginia. His wife was of
elusion that the Eads family was thus noble birth, and their youngest daughter,
introduced into Virginia and that Cap- Mary, the mother of Washington, was
tain Thomas Boyd Eads of Virginia, born 1706. (Teetor.)
father of Martin Luther Eads, was a de- William M. Eads, father of Anne Eads
scendent of this New England family, Harrison; son of Martin Luther; son of
shown be in Massachusetts, Long
to Thomas Boya\ and wife, nee Daven-
Island, New York, Norfolk and Charles- . ,, r-..— ni^^h.^n
... ', , . ., , . ,
port, married Mary Laura Blaekwell,
town. Diligent search has failed to show \ ' ^_ . .
daughter of Alexander Chnstophe*-, and ,
(mentioned in his will), sister of George IV, Sarah Stuart Eads, married Henry
Crump. Among his children was C. Read, of Fort Smith, Ark. had four ;
Col. Joseph Blacktcell, born 1755, died children, Stuart, Annie, Adlyn and Dor-
September 15, 1823, at his residence othy. V, diaries Blackwell ^ao^married
near Elk river, Farquhar Co., Va. He Eizabeth Barnes, of Fort Smith, Ark., and
was a distinguished officer in the war for had three children: 1, William Martin;
independence, having entered the service 2,Adelyn Barnes; 3, Frances Louise. 4,
in the Second Virginia Regiment as a Elizabeth Collins, died in infancy. 6,
cadet, 1777, under Capt. James Monroe. Louis Sutton Eads, lawyer, residing in
For gallant conduct in many battles, St. Louis.
Harlem Heights, Princeton, Trenton, Eliza Ann Eads, the third child, who
Brandywine and Charlestown (where he married, James Campbell, of Scot-
was taken prisoner), he was rapidly pro- land, and had one child, James Eads
moted until he attained the rank of cap- Campbell; secondly, John W. Harrison, of
tain. He was exchanged in 1781 and re- St. Louis^ and had two children, John W.
turned to Farquhar Co., where he was Harrison, Jr., died in infancy; and Stuart
made Justice of the County and Com- Eads Harrison.
manding Colonel of the 85th Regiment. This family was particularly
He was twice commissioned High Sheriff *
distinguished in the early
of the County, but died before he quali- annals of Virginia. They derived their
tied for the last term. (Press notice of blood from an old English family seated
Col. After the war he
BlackwelVs death.) in Worcestershire and Somerset and
married, first, 1787, Ann, daughter of brought with them to America a coat of
Col. John Gibson, and had Susan Gibson armSl which Burke shows to have been
Blackwell, born 1789, Ann Grayson, born used by nearly all the English families
1791, William Taylor, born 1793, and of that name with small differences.
Elizabeth, born 1798. They were early emigrants to the colony
Col. Joseph Blackwell, married, sec- of Virginia and immediately became
ondly, Mary Waddy Brent, daughter of identified with colonial affairs. Giles
Brent was one of the; first governors of
n . The Neales were among the
Maryland, and later moved to Stafford *
first settlers of Virginia. The
Co., Va. first record John Neale, ''Gent," of
is of
George Brent, of "Woodstock," nephew Accomac Co., dated January 30th, 1630.
of Giles and son of George Brent3 of There was also a Captain James Neale, a
Worcestershire, England, and his wife, resident of Maryland, an Admiral in the
Mary Ann, daughter of Sir John Peyton Royal Navy before coming to Maryland,
of Doddington, settled in Stafford Co., 1638. He had lived in Spain and Portu-
Ya., 1680, where he acquired large es- gal, and was employed by his Majesty,
tates, which he called "Woodstock
and '
Charles I, and his Royal Highness, Duke
"Brenton." of York, in "several emergent offices."
Hugh Brent emigrated to Virginia 1639, He married Anne, and their daughter,
bringing five persons, for whom he re- Henrietta Maria, born while her father
ceived land grants. His son, Hugh, mar- was in foreign service, was named for the
ried Katharine, died 1713, leaving sons, Queen of Charles I, to whom her mother
Hugh, William, and George, who married had been Maid of Honor. On the execu-
and died 1748, leaving children, George, tion of Charles he directed that rings
Thomas , Lucy , Amy Haines, Judith King, should be presented to his most faithful
and friends, and that received by Anne Neale
Chirks R. Brent, who married Hannah is still preserved by her descendents.
Innes, and built a handsome mansion just Captain James Neale left four children,
above Acquia creek on the Potomac, among them, Henrietta Maria, who mar-
which was burned by Lord Dunsmore's ried, first, Richard Bennett, son, of Richard
soldiers in 1776. She was great-great- Bennett, one of the early governors of the
granddaughter of Rev. Hugh Tnnes, who old colony, and his wife, Mary Ann UUe;
came with brothers Robert and Harry James, who> married and settled on the
Innes to America early in 1600. Their western shore of Maryland,
children were, Charles, Hugh, William, In Scotland, the name of
George and three daughters, Mrs. Mary '
Innes is of great antiquity.
Lewis, Mrs. Wrenn and Mrs. Nancy At- Those who bore it belonged to the gentry
irell. of the kingdom, and were allied to many
Capt. William Brent, son of Charles and noble families, and, better still, had
11 a mi ah Innes married Hannah
Brent, brains, honesty and pluck. The name
Neale. of Farquhar Co., Va., a descendant signifies an island and the Barony of
of Capt. James Neale, of the Royal Navy, Innes, in Morey, is an island formed of
who came to Maryland in 1638. He two branches of a stream running
served through the revolution and was a through the estate. The hereditary
distinguished officer (Col. of the State knights who held it with strong arms for
Line). Their children were Thomas, who many centuries, took their surname from
married Miss Peyton; George, who also that estate. The first and second Baronet
married a Miss Peyton; John, who mar- was Sir Robert; fourth, fifth and sixth,
ried Lucy Page Baylor; William Neile, Sir Hary, but the sixth dying before he
Nancy, Betsy, Hannah, who married Mr. came into the estate, Sir James was sixth
Hampton; George, who married Miss and became V Duke of Roxbury. They
Peyton and had, Mary Wacldy Brent, who are said to have belonged to the Royal
married, 1803, Col. Joseph Blaclirell. family of Scotland.
James Eads Campbell, son of Eliza derives this family from the Kings of
Anne Eads, and her first husband, James Argyle in the VI century; but without
Campbell, is a, lineal descendant of the recurring to ancient records, every one
Dukes of Argyle, as shown by the Avell- knows it has produced a long series of
preserved records left him by his father, heroes and patriots firm in the cause of
and the crest of the Campbells (the boar's liberty and their country, and the two
head engraved upon his watch and upon last dukes, the renowned John and
his seal ring, with the motto: "M ob- learned Archibald, are too fresh in our
livious cares." James Campbell, Sr., was memories to need any enconiums her-e.
born at the "White House," Kilcalmoral, Arms: Quarterly, first and fourth,
Kintyre, Argyleslin, Scotland. He was girony of eight pieces, topaz and dia-
the son of Duncan and wife, Ann Campbell, mond, for Campbell; second and third,
His elder brother, Dr. John Campbell, still pearl, a lymphad, or old-fashioned ship,
lives in Gloucester, England, where the Crest: On a wreath, a boar's head,
family took refuge from persecution. His Supporters: Two lions, guardant, ruby,
sister, Sarah, married E. G. Scolen, of Motto: Ne obliviscaris.
New Zealand; Archibald, and two sisters, Behind the arms are two honorable
Jessie and Grace, live in Waipaha, and badges in saltire, which the Dukes of
Duncan lives in Napier, New Zealand. Argyle bore for a long time as great
The tradition of the boar's head is thus masters of the king's household, and
given by Sir Walter Scott, in "Tales of a Judiciaries of Scotland. One is the badge
Grandfather." When was out
the king of the Knights of the Thistle; the other
hunting with his court one day, he was is the badge of the Knights of the Garter,
attacked by a wild boar, which was killed Chief Seats: Inverness in Argyleshire,
by an arrow from the bow of a Campbell, and Campoleton, in Kintire, Argyleshire,
for which he was granted a boar's head Scotland." (See Kimber.)
for his crest. It was "The White House," in Kin-
Kimber, in his book of the Scottish tyre, that James Campbell, father of James
Peerage, published 1767, says: "Camden Eads Campbell, was born.
(Dr. and IDps. U4. T. Haydock.
William Thompson Haydock came from Lewis in Gen. of Morgan and Glamorgan,
an old Norman French family, Hey duel-, p. 38.)
that went into England soon after the Ralph and Mary Lewis, of Treverig,
Conquest. The name was anglicised and Glamorganshire, South Wales, settled
they were called Haydock. They bore for about 1682-3 in the eastern part of
arms :Argent, a cross coupe, sable. Haverford Township, Chester Co., Penn.,
Crest: A
demi-swan, or, ducally gorged, bringing with him an eloquent certificate
beaked gule. Motto: Sage et Brave. As of the esteem in which he was held in his
there is but one family found in England, native town in Glamorganshire. He sub-
emigrants to America from Eng-
file first sequently purchased land in Upper Darby
land must have come from that source, adjoining Hartford, and removed thither.
He married, August 4, 1864, Emily Lewis, Mary died 1704 and Ralph in 1712, their
of New Vernon, Ohio, and resided in Cin- children were, Mary, who married James
cinnati. Later they removed to St. Louis, Sharpies, 1699, and
where he died. They had one child, Evan, who married David, 1707,Ann
Nellie Lewis, who married John Paid- settled in Edgmont Township, Chester
ding Camp and died young, leaving one Co., near Delaware, Penn. In 1720 they
child, a daughter, removed to Coin Township where they
Nellie Haydock Camp. gave two acres of land for the West Coin
Emily Lewis, wife of William T. Hay- meeting house. (Ref., Sharpies Gen., p.
scent, a daughter of Isaac Lewis and wife, John Lewis, born June 1723, died Au-
Phelia Nordyke; son of Evan and his wife, gust, 1804, who married, 1749, Alice Maris,
Ann David; son of Ralph Lewis and wife, born May 31st, 1726, died February 21st,
Mary; from Glamorgan, Wales. 1820; both of them are buried in The
The Lewis families all came from Wales. Friends graveyard at Goose Creek, Bed-
This branch emigrated to America early f ord Co., Va. Their children were, Jessie,
in the XVII century and were, according bor n February 18, 1750, James, born Oc-
to the Welsh genealogists, descended from tober 19th, 1752, Elijah, born October 3rd,
the same fountain head, Giuathford, the 1753, Joc h born August 8th, 1755, Fan-
Representative of Teon of the Lienage of 1iah > born December 6th, 1757, Evan, born
the Princess of Britain. At the close of Ma y 21st 1760, Jennie, born March 2nd,
John Hoskins and Hannah Hackett Hos- having the same crest, one a griffin, the
kins; their daughter, other a griffin's head. The arms of Gen.
Emily Lewis, born in New Vienna, Lewis are quartered with the other fam-
Ohio, June 14th, 1844, married, August ilies, but were originally the same as Pem-
4th, 1864, William Thompson Hay dock. broke. Ralph Lewis came from Glamor-
Smith's History of Delaware Co., Penn., ganshire, as did also Francis Lewis, the
says the following members of the Lewis signer of the Declaration of Independence,
family have represented Chester Co. in who had same family record; they were
the Pennsylvania General Assembly cousins, and Mrs. Haydock may regard
Henry Lewis, Bams, Evan, William and the coat of arms of the Lewis family of
Robert. Pembroke, and also the Lewis family of
General Robert Lewis, from Brecon, Gloucester as illustrations of her family
Wales, settled in Gloucester, Va, His historv.
son, John Lewis, married Isabella Warner, Tennyson Arms: Thomas Tennyson,
and their country seat was called Warner
Archbisl of Canterbury, 1695-1715,
Hall. He died, 1725, leaving& a son, Maj. . _ ,. . _ . .
_ , Hnn J , ' , bore arms gules, three leopards' faces,
: or,
John Lewis, born November,' 1669, who . . , ,. , ., ,
, _. _. 71 ~ , . , lessant-de-hs, azure, a bend engrailed, ar-
married Frances Fielding: their son, Col. ^ _, _
_. ,,. , , „ -r .,
in armor, the
. '
, . ,, .
„, , , .
„ ,1
11 ashinqton, cousin of Gen. Washington,
TT7 , . . . .
,.,, _
a broken
in a gauntlet, or, grasping
tilted spear, enfiled with a garland of
. «,,.,,,
secondly, Betty Washington, sister of the . . „, ,, ,,__.,
•" laurel, ppr. Motto: "Nil tenuere."
Henry V
Leans, with i,-
•* vr •
from the parish of Ulan in Glamorgan- ron engrailed, gold, between three lions
shire. He was accompanied by his brother rampant, argent. Crest: A lion's head
John, whose children were Mary and erased, gold, issuing out of a ducal cor-
Lydia, who married James and Joseph onet, flames of fire issuing from the mouth,
Sharpies. Abram, who married Mary crown, or. Motto: "Virtute, non verbis."
Morgan; Thomas, who married Jane Granted 1666.
Meredith; Sarah, who married Will Wal-
Nordykes belon- to
ters, and Samuel, who married Phoebe Ropdyke. - ' «
P ™ ssian •!•+
• '
the noblht y-
Taylor; Ralph died 1710.
William Leivis, brother of Ralph, came Their coat of arms shows on a sllver sllield
over with his wife, Ann, 1686, and settled a red bar, roses on green steins, with
in Hoberford Township. leaves; upon the helmet the same flower
The arms of the Lewis of Pembroke are as shown on the shield mantles red and ;
identified with the Lewis' of Gloucester by silver. (Col. Henry Dudley Teetor.)
IDp. and IDns. Geottge JF1. Hayioand.
For many generations this English fam- family "Hayward Place," the fashionable
ily furnished soldiers and statesmen to residence portion of Boston in early col-
the service of its country, and the inter- onial days, was named.
marriage of many of its members with Their only child to reach maturity was
those of other families of weight and im- George Albigence Hayicard II, who, as a
portance exemplified the force as well as lad of eighteen, was fighting in the Mex-
the truth of the phrase, "Simolis simili ican war, and as a man of thirty-four, es-
gandet," while the underlying democracy poused the cause of the Southern Con-
of the veritable aristocrat finds expression
federacy. It was during the Civil war
in the Hayicard motto, "Virtu, non san- that Colonel Hayicard went from the Con-
guine n
federate capitol to Mexico alone and on
The American history horseback on a secret mission from Pres-
of the family dates
ident Davis to the Mexican government.
from the life of Thomas Wet more, Returning, he resumed his duties on Gen.
1631, the maternal great-great-great-
Stevenson's staff; the close of the war
grandfather of the present George A.
found him at the age of thirty-eight, a
Hayicard; the Hayicard side of the house
veteran of two wars.
continuing to regard itself as English
until several generations later.
A collateral branch of the family, which
The line
lias attained prominence, is that of Wil-
of descent from Thomas Wetmore to the
liam Wetmore, brother of George Wet-
present day being
more. His grandson was Joseph Story,
1, Thomas Wetmore; 2, Jeyremiah Wet-
more. Associate Judge of the United States Su-
of Thomas Wetmore, although born in Waldo Story are well known in the pres-
this country, by no means considered him- ent day as painter and sculptor, respec-
self an American, and at the commence- tively.
ment of the Revolutionary war, followed On the distaff side, the Hay-
the traditions of his family by entering wards of the present day are
the service of his king. He raised a no less fortunatelv descended. The Pat-
troop, equipped it at his own expense, ton side of the family is Scotch. One
and joining Brig.-Gen. Brown, served his Patton was Lord of the Manor of Stoke-
sovereign until 1783, when the battalion Newington; a later one was with Nelson
was disbanded. He then retired to pri- in the battle of the Nile, and was after-
vate and returned eventually to the
life, wards an Admiral and Lord of the Ad-
United States. He had ten children, the miralty. The first Patton to come to
youngest of whom, Mary Anne Wetmore, America was James Patton, 1756, estab-
married George Albigence Hayicard, an lishing on lands now partly covered by
English resident of Boston, for whose Asheville, N. C. His sister, Jane Patton,
\ 139
married Colonel Andrew Erwin. The staunch adherent to the English side, and
line of descent being": being an able jurist held a judgeship under
Jane Patton, married Col. Andrew the Crown government. The "Regula-
Erwin. tors" of that locality ordered him to desist
John Patton Erioin, married Fanny from holding court; upon his refusal to
Lanier Williams. comply with their demands they entered
Ellen Erwin, married George Albigencc the Courthouse, tookhim from the bench,
Hay ward II. put him in his gig, dragged it by hand
Taking up the Williams down the hill to the creek, and ducked
we find that this
side him. As he came out he said, "Gentle-
family was Welsh, the name being Ap. men, you have pulled me down the hill,
Williams. The prefix, however, was now you will kindty pull me up it," which
dropped in 1738, when John Ap-Williams they did, and he resumed the sitting, hav-
leftLlangallon in Wales, and settled in ing evidently a good working theory of
Hanover County, Virginia. The descent government, which is, "the law, and the
being power to enforce it."
1, John (Ap) Williams; 2, Nathaniel The son of the "Duke of Surrey" was
Williams; 3,Joseph Williams; " Prince John" Williams. He was a law-
4, Fanny Lanier Williams, who mar- ver of note, attained distinction in the
ried John P. Erwin; army, was then United States Senator and
5, Ellen Erwin, married Geo. A. Hay- later Minister to Guatemala. His younger
ward and had five children: brother was Lewis Williams, member of
1, Florence Hayward; Congress for twenty-seven consecutive
2, Harry E. Hay ward; years. His record was remarkable, inas-
3, Louis Janin Hayward, married Clara much as he was elected some months be-
Hopkins; fore attaining the age at which a citizen
4, Fanita Hayward, married George is eligible for Congress; from then until
Niedringhaus; his death 27 years afterwards, he never
5, Jane Erwin Hayward, Higginbotham.
either sought an election or lost one. An-
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Niedringhaus have
other brother was John Williams, United
three children
States Senator from Tennessee.
George Hayward Niedringhaus;
Marion Niedringhaus; and Collateral branches of the Williams and
Francis Niedringhaus. Erwin families have intermarried with
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Hayward have the families ofEthan Allen, Henry Clay,
one child, John Bell and Wade Hampton, the second
Lucretia Erwin Hayward. generation being often related on both the
The Williams family was prominently mother's and father's side; but such re-
identified with the civil and military lationships are too complicated to be of
history of this country. Joseph Williams, interest, except to those directly con-
having established himself in North Caro- cerned. Richard Pearson Hobson of
lina, owned such large bodies of land in Naval fame in Spanish-American War,
Surrey, Yadkin and the adjoining coun- issued from Col. Joseph Williams.
ties that he was known as the "Duke of Pout's Manuscript.
Surrey." A staunch colonial, he raised a Nesbit's Genealogy.
regiment in 1776, equipped it at his own Caruthers' "History of the Revolution."
expense, and rendered good service, es- Parton's "Life of Andrew Jackson."
pecially at the defeat of the Tory troops Drapers' "Kings Mountain and Its He-
at Shallow Ford. His brother, John Wil- roes n
liams, was, on the other hand, an equally Ramsay's "History of South Carolina."
Joseph Du Puy Hoclyen, D. D. L.
The Hodgcns are of English ancestry, ing many years in Kentucky, Dr. Hodgen
The first known ancestor married a lady removed to California, whither his chil-
from Holland. Their son, Robert Hodgen, dren followed him. His son:
born 1742, was a sea captain and when Joseph Du Puy Hodgen, born in Lexing-
twenty-three years of age, came to Amer- ton, Ky., September 12, 1865, now resides
ica, 1765, and settled in Pennsylvania, in California, where he is prominent in
where he married, first, Miss Adkins, and the medical world; Professor of Chem-
had four children, William, Robert, Joseph istry and Metallurgy in the Dental De-
and Susanna. He moved to Virginia and partment of the University of California;
married, secondly, 1775, Surah Da Rue. late editor of Pacific Coast Dentist;
In 1784, they moved to Kentucky and author of Practical Dental Metallurgy;
settled in what is now known as Hodgen- six years Secretary of California Board
ville, La Rue Co., so named in compliment of Dental Examinations. He married,
to his wife. He was a leader in politics October 31, 1889, Abigail Reynolds, daugh-
anxla legislator fourteen years. He died tier of James C. and Margaret D. Reynolds,
February, 1810. They had twelve chil- of Gutherie, Mo., and has one child:
dren, Margaret, Phoebe, Sarah, Isaac, John, Margaret Trabue Hodgen, born Septem-
Rcbecca, Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, Jacob, ber 10, 1890.
James and Jabez. Their fourth child: Through grandmother, Phoebe
Isaac, born in Virginia August 8, 1779, Trabue, Dr. Hodgen is a lineal descendant
died March 22, 1826, became an eminent of the Trabucs and Du Puys, Huguenot
Baptist minister; married Phoebe Trabue 'exiles. She was a daughter of:
and had children, among them William Trabue and wife, Mary, daugh-
Isaac Newton Hodgen, born in Green Co., ter of Col. Robert Easkins and Elizabeth
Ky., March 2, 1814, died in Woodland, HiU; son of:
Cal., November 29, 1895. He was an emi- John James Trabu£, and wife, Olymphia,
nent physician until compelled by ill- daughter of John James Du Puy; son of
health abandon his practice, when
to Sir Antome Trabue and wife, Magdalen
he took up dentistry and became the Flournoy.
inventor of many useful appliances. In John James Du Puy married Susanna,
the Christian church, of which he was a daughter of John Peter Le Villain and
member, he held the offices of deacon and wife Philippa, Du Pay. John James Du
elder for over sixty-five years. He mar- Puy was son of
ried September 24, 1840, Caroline Eubank, Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife,
daughter of: Countess Susanne Le Villain, of Norman-
William Ritter, born January 1, 1794, French lineage. He was of the House-
in Roanoke Co., Va., and wife, Lucy hold Guard of Louis XIV, a Huguenot ex-
Eubank, born near Glasgow, Ky., 1799, ile, who came to Virginia 1700. He was
son of Jiohn Ritter, born December 7, 1767, a lineal descendant of:
and his wife, Delilah Wilson, born Novem- Hughes Du Puy, the Crusader, founder
ber 18, 1777. of the Order of St. Bernard son of ;
Dr. I. N. Hodgen and wife had children, Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of
James Ritter, William, Lucy, Ellen, Phoebe, the Roman Empire and Commanding
Olivia, Mary Elizabeth, Pinkie, Dora General of the Roman Cavalry under Con-
Trabue and Joseph Du Puy. After resid- rad, 1033. (See Du Puy, Trabue, Le Fcvre.
HOD GEN. 141
Irvine, and his wife, Margaret Johnstone. A. Hodgen, and wife, Agnes Hart, had
Her paternal ancestors, the Harts, were three children:
of English descent, from a family of that Delia Agnes (died young); John Thomp-
name belonging "Landed Gentry,"
to the son and Ella Hodgen.
this claim supported by the coat of arms For Cault, Wylie, Hart, Irvine, John-
preserved by the family, and by the prom- stone and McDowell Arms, see Burke.
inent positions in colonial and territorial
affairs atonce accorded the emigrant an-
cestor and maintained by his descendants A name of ancient standing in Scot-
with marked ability, as shown in history, land, supposed to have been originally
He died in Hanover Co., Va., while his Erevine, derived by some antiquarians
sons were still young. In 1760, Nathaniel from the Celtic-Scythic, Erivine, that is,
accompanied his mother to North Caro- a stout westland man, Nisbet says that
lina, where she determined to reside. In when the colonies of the Gauls came
1770, he commanded a company in the from the west coast of Spain and seated
North Carolina troops, engaged in sup- themselves on the east coast of Erin, and
pressing an insurrection, and for gallant in the west hills and islands of Albyn,
conduct was complimented by the gov- the Erevines came to both of these islands,
eminent. Soon after, he and Col. Hender- One was Abthane
of them, Crine Erevine,
son formed a company for the purchase of Dull, and was Seneschal and Collector
and settlement of Kentucky. Nathaniel of rents for the King in. the western isles.
Hart made the treaty with the Indians at He married the Princess Beatrix, eldest
Wautonga, iand with an escort of Indians daughter of Malcolm II, and was father
returned to the treaty ground and negoti- of Duncan I, King of Scotland. Some of
ated the purchase of Kentucky, then the family went to Dumfrieshire and set-
known as Transylvania, where he re- tied on the river Esk, where one of them
mained chiefly until 1779, when he moved obtained by marriage the lands of Bon-
his family to Woodford Co., Ky. For his shatr in that country.
The Bonshaw were the first
Irvines of was engaged in the cause of Queen Mary
of the chief sub-clans, and the Laird of in 15G7. He married Many, daughter of
Bonshaw was recognized as the chieftain JoJmstkm NewUe. One of their sons, Ger-
Bruce made one of this family, Sir g^hed in the Irish Rebellion of 1641;
an officer in the Ko ^ al Arm ^ he was also
William de Irvine, his armor bearer and
, , . engaged with King William in the wars
He married a granddaughter
J & to «n 0n rin T17 .„.
T .
±1 - ^
of 1G89. Col.William Irvine, of Castle
of Bruee, '
who was
the daughter
b of Robert 7 .
. „
born ^ F. 0i „ ,. ,
1<34, was one of his descend-
J oh nston), the most powerful of the Dum- America, 1725-31, and became the pro-
frieshire clans, his son, Christopher, mar- genitors of the Irvines in America. Be-
rying Margaret Johnston, daughter of the fore emigrating, William Irvine married
chieftain of their clan. By this alliance Annie Craig in Ireland and had three
they were able to defeat the Lord Warden children, Johanna, who died young, and
at the head of the government troops, at two sons, Christopher and David, who
the battle of Dryfersands, so that the came with their parents to America, 1729,
king had to make peace with them and and settled, first, in Pennsylvania, then
appointed Johnston Chief Warder. The moved to Bedford Co., Va. His second
descendants of this Christopher Irvine son, David married Jane Kyle, July
still continue to reside at Bonshaw. 21st, 1754, in Bedford Co., Va., and
The next brother of Edward of Bon- moved to Kentucky, where they settled
shaw, Christopher Irvine, known as "Black in Madison Co. They had thirteen chil-
Christy," was also a turbulent chief and dren, among them:
Capt. a namesake
Christopher Irvine, Irvine Arms: These devices were sent
and far-away descendant of "Black to the American branch of the family by
Christy," who fought for Queen Mary and Sin William D'Arcy Irvine, of the Bonslmw
of that Christopher Irvine, who com- branch of the Irvines settled in Ireland,
manded a body of light horse for King They are described: Ar, a fess gules, be-
James at Flodden Field, was born about tween three holly leaves, ppr. Crest: A
1760, and true to the military instincts dexter arm in armor fessways; issuant
of his race, he distinguished himself in out of a cloud, a hand, ppr, holding a
border warfare in the New World, in thistle, ppr. Motto: "Dum manor ipse
married John Hart and had Edwin, ton, their son, William, and daughters,
55. William, Jr., was Commissioner of Agnes, who married Dr. Barry Hodgen.
Lower Norfolk, 1660, died 1671. He mar- Moseley Arms: Sa, a chev, arg, bet.
ried Mary, daughter of Capt. John Gookyn, three mill picks, or; Crest: An eagle dis-
member General Assembly of Norfolk, played, erm. Motto: Mos legum regit"
1639, and his wife, Sarah Offley, widow (custom rules the law). (See Virg. Hist,
of Col. Adam Thoroughgood. Their son, Mag, Vol. 5.)
Col. Edward Moseley, born 1661, was Jus- „ This family was of the
tice of Princess Anne Co.; Colonel High *
Isle of Wight. William, oi
Sheriff, Burgess and Knight of the Newport, had one son, William Bassett, of
Golden Horseshoe. He married Mrs. Southampton, England, captain in the
Bartho Taylor, daughter of John Col. British army at Dunkirk, who came to
Stringer, of the eastern shore of Mary- America and settled in New Kent Co.,
land, her mother, probably a BiUary (see Va., 1671. He married Bridget Gary.
Hillary), for their eldest son was named Their son, William, of Eltham, born 1670,
Hillary Moseley, to whom he left his in his will styles himself "Gent" of the
seal rings and coat of arms, pictures and parish of Blissland, New Kent Co. The
many other valuable things. To him was name of the family seat, "Eltham" has
granted the privilege of erecting "a hang- lead genealogists to infer that he sprang
ing pew for his own use in the Parish from James Bassett, Gentleman of the
church over the chancel door." He mar- Royal Chamber, who died 1558, and his
ried Hannah Hacke (?) died 1730; their scholarly wife, Alary, daughter of Wm.
son: Roper, of Eltham, in Kent, England. Her
Edwardi Hacke Moseley, Burgess from mother was the daughter of Sir Thomas
Princess Anne Co., Colonel and Sheriff, Moore, Lord Chancellor of England. The
married Mary, daughter of Wm. Bassett, arms on the tomb of the emigrant Wm.
of Eltham, whose wife, Johanna, was a Bassett, and upon the family silver cor-
daughter of Joseph Burwell, and Abigail responds with the arms of the Bassetts of
Smith, and heiress of Nathaniel
niece Umberly. Hon. Wm. Bassett married
Bacon. In his will, Edward Hacke Moseley Johanna Burwell, and their daughter mar-
leaves to his wife, besides a large estate, ried Edward Hacke Moseley. (Ref., C.
his "chariot and two horses, family pic- P. Keith.)
tures and silver plate." His wife's tomb The Bassett arms, as found on the em-
is still to be seen in Princess Anne Co. igrant, William Bassetfs tomb, and on the
William Bassett, theirmarried
son, family silver, are three bars, wavy, and a
Bridget, daughter of Col. Myles Gary, son chief, the inscription, "William Bassett,
of John Gary, of Bristol, England, and his Esq., of the County of Southampton in
wife, Alice, daughter of Henry Hobson, of Ye Kingdom of England."
Bristol, and his wife, Alice, daughter of The emigrant, Maj. Letvis Burwell, of
William Davis. the Burwells of Co. Bedford and Co.
Dr. Bennet Moseley, of Bedford Co., Va., Northampton, Eng., settled on Carter's
son of Arthur Moseley, and his wife, creek, Gloucester Co., Va. On his tomb-
Naney Trigg, married Elizabeth, daughter stone, the inscription states that he was
from that part of England, and the coat very young, he enlisted in the revolution-
of arms found there and upon his family ary army and served first as Lieutenant of
silver was the same as that used by Ed- Continental Artillery and was promoted
ward Burwell, of Harlington, Co., Bed- to captain. (Heitman.) He afterward
ford. His wife, Dorothy, was a daughter fought under Gen. Wayne, and at the bat-
of Wm. Bedell, of Cotworth, Co. Hunt- tie ofBlue Lick Springs, Ky., was killed,
ington, a descendant of John Bedell, of August 19, 1782. They had one son, David
Wallasten, Northamptonshire, who died Bryan, Jr., born 1777, died 1833; married
1485, with whom the pedigree in the Margaret Parker, born in Kentucky, 1783,
Camden Visitation starts. After the died 1856. She was the daughter of
death of her husband, Edward Burwell, John Parker, who was born at Gettys-
his widow married Robert Wingate, Treas- burg, Spottsylvania Co., Penn., Septem-
urer of Virginia Colony. ber 3rd, 1753, and his wife, Isabella Todd,
Henry, father of Alice Hobson, who mar- born February 15th, 1757, died December
ried Mylcs Gary, was buried in the Church 29th, 1831. He served in the revolution-
of All Saints, Bristol, Eng., March 29, ary war and while quite a young man
1639, and a funeral certificate was duly held many positions of trust. He moved
filed in the College of Arms, His coat to Kentucky, 1784, and settled Bryan's
of arms was: Arg, on a chev. az, between Station. He was twice elected to the
three pellets, as many cinque foils, arg, Legislature and at the time of his death
with a chief chequy, or, and az. (Ref ., C. he was associate Judge of the Circuit
P. Keith.) Court of Fayette Co., Ky. (Thos. Green's
The Pollards were of Welsh descent; Ky. Families.)
two brothers having come to this country Parker is a name which belongs to
early in 1700. One of them settled in many families of note in Pennsylvania,
Pennsylvania, the other, Joseph Pollard, descendants of the Scotch-Irish clan who
located in Goochland Co., Va., where he fled from the religious persecution in
married Priscilla Hoames, and had two Scotland to the north of Ireland, whence
sons. The eldest, Thomas Pollard, born they came to America early in the
in Goochland, was a captain in the Vir- eighteenth century with the Todds and
ginia line in the revolution. He married others of that and settled chiefly in
Sarah Harding, whose mother died when Pennsylvania. The Todds were already
she was an infant, and she was raised by connected with the Parkers by the mar-
her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Merriweather, riage in Ireland of Robert Todd to Isabella
grandparents of Davis H. Georye, and Bodley, whose mother was a Parker.
Lewis Merriweatlier, of Louisville, Ky. She The founder of the Todd family in
was a descendant through her mother of America was John Todd, who derived
Capt. Joseph Ball, who married Mary his blood from a Scottish Laird who fled
Spencer, 1721, and had a daughter, Sarah, from the persecution of Claverhouse into
who married Wm. Harding and had the north of Ireland, whence his descend-
Sarah, who married Thomas Pollard, ants emigrated to America, two of his
Their daughter, Jane, married Henry grandsons, Andrew and John, having emi-
Smith, and had Joseph, who married grated with their families prior to 1735.
Elizabeth Moseley. Robert Todd, born in Ireland, 1697, mar-
Elizab::th Bkyan, who married Ed- ried for his second wife, Isabella Bodly,
win Hart, was grand-daughter of David sister of Col. William Bodly. They came
Bryan of Spottsylvania, Penn., born 1757, to America with their two sons, John and
died 1846, and wife, Sarah Henry. While David, from whom are descended many
distinguished men and women. John daughter of Joseph Smith and Elizabeth
Todd, eldest son of Robert, born in Ire- Moseley; and their Agnes
land, graduated at Princeton 1749, a Hart married Dit. Harry Hodgen of
St. Louis.
member of the second class admitted to
Col. Miles Gary, fifth in descent
a degree. One of his daughters married
William Gary, Mayor of Bristol, England,
her cousin, Robert Todd, and became the
in 1546, and son of Col. Miles Cary, emi-
mother of Judge Levi Todd and General
grated to Virginia 1650. They were of
Thomas Todd.
the Devonshire stock, descended from
Mary Todd, eldest daughter of Robert, Adam de Karry, Lord of Castle Karry, Co.
married James Parker, and had four sons Somerset, who lived in 1198. Several
and daughters. Elizabeth Todd, second titleshave been granted to various
daughter of Robert, tKe emigrant, married branches of the family. Arms: arg, on
Robert Parker, brother of James. One of a bend sa, three roses of the field, leaved
her daughters married Gen'l Andrew vert. Crest: A swan ppr. wings ele-
Porter. vated. Motto: Sine deo careo. (With-
David Todd, second son born
of Robert, out God I am in want.) The same arms
in Ireland, 1723, lived in Pennsylvania are used by the extinct earls of Dover
till 1783, when he followed his sons to and present Viscount Falkland, also Ex-
Kentucky. His wife, Hanna Owen, was earls of Monmouth. (American Heraldi-
a. Quakeress of Welsh descent. They had ca, page 65.)
four sons, John, Robert, Levi and Owen. The first English ancestor of the Gook
John Todd, eldest son of David, studied ins, whose name has been preserved was
law in Virginia and became one of the Arnold Gookin, of Co. Kent, temp. Henry
deputy surveyors under Gen'l William VII, father of Thomas Goolkyne, of Bekes-
Preston. He was aide to Gen'l Lewis in bourne, both named in the Heralds' Kent
the battle of Point Pleasant. Visitation, 1619. The family seat was
Robert Todd, second son of David, was transferred to Ripple Court in Co. Kent
educated at Transylvania Seminary and by John Gookin, son of above and father
then studied law in Virginia in the office of Daniel Gookin the emigrant to Vir-
of Gen'l Andrew Lewis. He was sent as ginia, 1621-22.
a Burgess to the Virginia Legislature and The Bacons of Virginia show a clear
filled many important offices in the state. descent from the Bacons of Suffolk, to
He continued to be an active and brave which belong Lord Veruktm, Viscount St.
soldier throughout the trouble with the Albans, the great Bacon Lord Keeper.
Indians, and was often entrusted with They came over to Virginia before 1644
important commissions. He was for and obtained large estates there; in 1675
many years Judge of the Circuit Court Nathaniel Bacon lead an insurrection
of the Fayette Co. District. (Collins, against the Royal Governor Berkley. The
Kentucky.) pedigree of the Virginia Bacons is ac-
Isabella Todd, daughter of Robert, mar- cepted as complete and authentic; their
ried her cousin, John Parker, a major in arms are gu on a chief, arg, two mullets
the revolutionary army. Their daughter, sa, pierced of the second. Crest: A boar
Margaret f married David Bryan; grand- passant ermine armed and hoofed, or.
daughter, Elizabeth, married Edwin Hart; Motto: Mediocria firma. (Mediocrity is
their son, John Hart, married Margaret, stable.) (America Heraldica, page 61.)
Frederick N. Judson, born in Marys, St. who acquired land at the time of the Con-
Ga., October 7, 1845, graduated from Yale quest near Kennilworth, Co. Warwick,
College; Valedictorian of his class of Eng. His son, Roger (or Ralph), was
1866 completed his law course at Wash-
; L'Grande Porteur' to Henry I, from which
ington University; Bachelor of Laws of the name Porter is derived." (America
the class 1871; Private Secretary to Gov- Heraldica.)
ernor Gratz Brown ; returned to St. Louis Samuel Judson, son of Joshua, born in
and resuming the practice of his profes- Stratford August 27,1660, died there Jan-
sion, quickly rose to eminence at the St. uary 1728. He married Mary. Their son,
Louis bar. He married, February 8, 1872, Joshua, born in Stratford, Conn., No-
Miss Jennie Eakin, of Nashville, Tenn., vember 29, 1735, married Mary Wells,
a descendant of Rev. Sam'l Eakin, grad- daughter of John Wells, third son of John
uated from Princeton 1763, "said to be the Wells II; son of John Wells (Judge of
most eminent clergyman, after Whitfield, Probate) son of Gov. Thomas Wells, who
that had ever been in the country." He died January 14, 1659, of English origin,
Avas Pastor of Penn's Neck Presbyterian from the family seated at Norwich. (See
Church in West Jersey, 1763. Her mother Wells.) Their son,
was Felica Grundy, a belle and beauty of Jeremiah Judson, born in Stratford,
Nashville, Tenn., renown;
of national Conn., August 24, 1934, died December 11,
daughter of Hon. Felix Grundy and his 1759. He married Euldah, daughter of
wife, Anne Phillips Rogers. Peter Pixlee, and had a son, Pixlee, born
Mrs. Felicia Grundy Eakin married in Stratford, October 29, 1790,
secondly, Mr. Porter. who married Catharine Nicholls, of Eng-
Mr. and Mrs. Judson reside in St. Louis, lish origin, and had
They have one daughter, Frederick Joseph Judson, M. D., born
Felicia Grundy Judson, married, April, in Bridgeport, Conn., 1804, died there
1902, Gouveneur Calhoun of the South February 6, 1862. He was a classical
Carolina Calhouns. scholar, prominent in his profession and
The Judson family is of English origin, for many years President of the Board of
the ancestral home, "Kirby Moor," being Education. He married
Catharine Chap-
situated in the North Riding of Yorkshire, elle, of St. Marys, Georgia, an important
The American ancestor, William Judson, military post at that time, daughter of
born in Yorkshire, 1595, came to this Dr. Isaac Neivton Chapelle, an eminent
country, 1634, with his wife, Grace, and physician from North Ireland. They had
three sons, Joseph, Jeremiah and Joshua. Frederick N. Judson, who married, Feb-
He settled in Concord, Mass., where he ruary 8, 1872, Jennie Eakin.
remained four years, then removed to Catharine Nicholls was a
n » .
Stratford, Conn. From there he went to " daughter of Isaac; son of
New Haven, where he died, July 29, 1662. Joseph; son of Richard; son of Isaac; son
His son, of Isaac; son of Francis Nicholls, born in
Joshua Judson, born in Yorkshire, England 1590, came to America about 1635
Eng., died at Stratford, 1661. He mar- and died in Stratford, Conn., 1650. He
ried Ann, daughter of aJohn Porter, of brought with him three sons, Isaac, Caleb
Windsor, Conn., sixteenth in descent from and John, and one daughter. He is re-
William de la Grande, a Norman knight corded as one of the first landholders of
Long Island, 1647, then under the juris- fession, the practice oflaw; was elected
diction of Connecticut, known as York- to Congress and served two terms. In
shire, and was one of the first military 1829 he was elected to fill out John H.
officers of the plantation. Eaton's term in the Senate of the United
His son, Isaac, born in England, mar- States, and was re-elected in 1832. In
ried Margaret and had a son, Isaac (an- 1838, he was appointed by Martin Van
cestor of Catharine) and a daughter, Buren Attorney-General and served a
Mary, who married Rev. Isaac Chauncey, year, when he was returned to the U. S.
pastor of the church of Stratford
first Senate died December 1840.
one of the founders and first President To his mother, Margaret Beckam, a very
of Yale College; son of Rev. Charles superior woman, it is said that Felix
Chauncey, graduate of Trinity College, Grundy owed his early education and
England, and second President of Har- training, which so well fitted him for the
vard. Sarah, second daughter of Isaac, offices of public trust which in later years
married Stephen Burritt and was ancestor he so ably She was a daughter of
mir. and nips. 3. B. IT). Kcblop.
land, son of Gen'l Keldor, an officer of the Rdfus, a Norman knight in the army of
army, married La mir a Wealthy Rust, William the Conqueror. Of this family
a descendant of the Pilgrims of the May- was Francis Rous, M. P., for Devonshire,
flower, Elder Wm. Brewster, John Alden Speaker of the Short Parliament and one
and Priscilla Mullins, and of Richard War- of Cromwell's lord®.
ren,a signer of the compact for the ship, Rev. 0. N. Rouse, rector of Tetcott, was
whose name is upon the list, but being a lineal descendant of Sir Radulphus le
left behind followed, with his family, on Rufus; and the celebrated Francis Rous,
the next ship. at the time of Cromwell, was lately de-
In her ancestral line is found, besides clared to be in the patronage of Rev.
these, many of the men prominent in the Oliver Rouse, and their arms are the
founding of New England ; statesmen same as the original used by Sir Radul-
and warriors who, with sword or pen, phus le Rufus.
helped to shape the destiny of the new The original Rust arms are described:
world. From the records of "The Rust Or, an eagle displayed, azure, pruning
Family," carefully compiled from the its wings, feet and bill gu. Crest: A dove
county and state registers of New Eng- arg. Motto: Vescitor Christo. Various
land, her lineage, paternal and maternal, forms of the name are Rous, Rouse, Russe
has been derived as follows: and Rust. In this latter form the Rusts
are found in the ancient archives of Eng-
land, whence the American Rusts came
The Rusts of America belong to a very early in 1600. Mention is made of one
ancient English family, the name spelled Hugh Rust, 1312. In 1379 the names
in different forms; all of them descended Thomas and Robert Rust are found. Dr.
from Radulphus Rufus, a Norman
le George Rust, a learned English prelate,
knight who came over with William the a native of Cambridge, England, B. A.,
Conqueror. Of the name which has un- M. A. and B. D. in Christ College, Cam-
dergone several changes, as have all old bridge, 1658, was raised to the Bishopie
English names, the author of "The Nor- of Dromore, where he died, 1670, and was
man People" has this to say interred in the choir of the Cathedral in
"Rust is the same as Rous and Raste. v the same vault with his friend Jeremiah
Bradley, in a work on English sir names, Taylor.
says: "Peter le Russe would seem, at first The first of the family in America was
sight, tobe of Russian origin, but it is far Henry Rust, who came from Hingham,
more probably one of the endless corrup- Norfolk Co., England, 1633-35, and settled
tions of le Rous, a sobriquet of complex- in Hingham, Mass. They were a small
ion, so extremely familiar to all who company of emigrants, but in 1638 the
have spent any time over mediaeval reg- ship Dilligent brought over twelve fami-
isters." Burke says "Rous (Edmerstone lies,numbering eighty-four souls, from
Co., Devon, and Halton, Co. Cornwell,) Old Hingham, who had embarked for the
descended through the marriage, of purpose of joining the colony already
William Rous, son of Robert le Rous, settled at Hingham, in the New World.
Knight Bannerett under the Black Henry Rust became afterw ards a citizen
Prince, with Alice, daughter and heir of of Boston and purchased property there
in 1651-53, as shown by the records. He Carrie E. married, 15th of October,
married, probably soon after his arrival 1885, George F. Tower, Jr., and has a
in America, 1635, his wife's name not daughter, Marguerite Tower.
known. They had children, Samuel, Na- Lamira Josephine married Peyton, son
thanicl, Hannah, Israel, Benjamin and of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carr, and has
Bcnona. Israel, son of Henry Rust, bap- children, Kehlor and Peyton Carr, Jr.
tised in Hingham, 1643, moved from Jessie married Joseph Dickson son of Mr.
Hingham to Northampton and there mar- and Mrs. Julius Walsh.
ried, December 8th, 1678, Rebecca, ->. - William Clark, father of Re-
daughter of William Clark, of Northamp- *
hecca, who married Israel I, son
ton, and had nine children Nathaniel of Henry Rust, was born in England 1609,
Israel, Jonathan, John, Samuel, Sarah, Ex- and came over in the ship Mary and John
perience and Rebecca. Their sixth child, March 30th, 1630. He settled at Dor-
Israel II, born loth July, 1679, Chester, Mass., moved thence to North-
Sarah North, born 1681, and had Sarah, ampton about 1659. He was a Select-
man/, Lydia and Israel. Their son; man in 1660 and prominent in colonial
Israel Rust III, born in Northampton, affairs. He moved to Connecticut where
10th of April, 1712, married, 10th of he died, leaving two sons, William and
April, 1735, Mary Warner, born 1715, and John, and his daughter, Rebecca, who be-
had eleven children, among them, came the ancestor of the Rust family in
Israel IV, born 4th December, 1741, America,
married in Northampton, 22d August, John North, born 1615, came
1768, Esther Bartlett, born 1748, of the
"OPth. n the g usan and Ellen
over j
same distinguished family as Josiah Bart- from England; landed in Boston 1635.
lett, signer of the Declaration of Inde- He and his sons, John and Samuel, were
pendence. They had seven children: among the early settlers of Farmington,
Scth, born in Northampton, 15th March, Conn. Thomas, born about 1650, died
1772, died April 4th, 1848. He married 1712, married Hannah Neivell. He was
September 10th, 1794, Jeruslm Starr, born one of the pioneers of Northington, now
1772, of the well-known colonial family Avon, Conn. He was a soldier of the In-
of that name. They had nine children. di an wars an <i received a grant of land
The eighth, for his military services. (American An
Samuel Cliase Rust, born iu Northampton cestory, page 51.) His daughter, Sarah,
17th October, 1811, married in Middle- born 1684, married Israel Rust and was
town, Conn., April 15th, 1834, Adeline ne of the early ancestors of the Rust
Barnes, born 4th July, 1809, died 17th f a mily.
July, 1863. They had seven children This family came from Hert-
Adeline, Ossian, Stephen Knight, Josephine, *
fordshire, England. Thomas
Amelia, Alvina Miller and, was the first of the name to settle in Farm-
Lamira Wealthy, third child, born Sep- ington, Conn. He
married Rebecca Olm-
tember 20th, 1840; married in Waterford, stead. Their son, Samuel Newell, born 1660,
Wis., 6th of June, 1862, J. B. M. Kehlor, died 1753. He held the military rank of
born in Paisley, Scotland, 6th of June, an Ensign, and married, December 30th,
1842. They are now residents of St. 1683, Mary, daughter of Thomas Hart, and
Louis, where he has been for a number his wife, Ruth, daughter of Anthony Haw-
of years successfully engaged in the man- kins, who came over from England; of
ufacture of flour. the same family as Abigail Hawkins, who
They have three children, Carrie E., married a Foster, whose coat of arms may
Lamira Josephine and Jessie (twins). be found in Gore's roll. Ruth Hatokins
was the granddaughter of Peter Brawn, and his pedigree shows him be de-
who came over in the Mayflower. scended from Robert Montague, of Bo-
The first Olmstead came to America as bency and Dorney, Co. Buckingham,
early as 1632 from Braintree, England, England, who belonged to the noble race
probably Olmstead Hall, which now be- of Montacute, from which sprung so many
longs to the University of Cambridge, houses famed in English history. They
They settled in Cambridge, Mass., but were founders of Montague, Mass. Their
moved to Hartford, Conn., 1635. (Ameri- arms brought with them show the same
can Ancestory, Vol. 4, page 29.) devices and mottoes as used by the two
leading houses of Montacute, England.
(Harriet*. Motto: Disjunendo me, non Mutendo
William Warner, ancestor of Mary me. (Montague Family.)
Warner, who married Israel Rust III, SymondSj wife
$vmonds *
of William Warner, was
came from Norfolk, England, in the ship
Increase, 1637, and settled in Ipswich, of an old English family, of which de
Mass. He had two sons, Bcmjamin and Vermont says: "Here we are in the
John, and one daughter, Abigail. John presence of a clear pedigree, the family
Warner, born in Norfolk, England, 1616, of Samuel Symonds, who settled Ipswich,
married, in 1655, Pricillia, daughter of Mass. (Circa, 1630), having been estab-
Mark Symonds, born at Great Yedham lished for twenty generations back at
about 1588. John and Pricillia Warner Croft, in Lancashire, and Stratton, in
moved to Hadley, Mass., before 1678 and Staffordshire. The arms we give were
had six sons among them, Mark, third exemplified in 1625 to Richard, a brother
son, born about 1646, who moved to of Samuel, as being the ancient arms of
Northampton about 1670 and purchased theiSymonds, of Great Yedham, County
a homestead there. He married, Decern- Essex and of Newport, County Essex, and
ber 8th, 1671, A bigail, daughter of Richard of Newport, County Salop, gentlemen.
Montague Hadley, descended from the fine The church of Great Yedham contains a
old English family of Montagues and the fine brass tablet in memory of Richard
Hadley s, for whom the town of Hadley Symonds. The first wife of the emigrant
was named. She died in 1705 leaving was Dorothy Harlakenden, of the Harlak-
two children, a daughter, Abigail, and endens, of Earl Colne, also in County Es
son, Mark, born 1677. He married, 1701 r
sex, whose Roger Harlakenden,
Lydia, daughter of Nathenial and Grace was the founder of that family in
Martin Phelps, born 1660. They had America. Their armorial bearings are:
several daughters who intermarried with Az a chevron engrailed between three
the Bridgmans', Lymans and Downings, trefoils, slipped or. Crest: Out of a
of Massachusetts. (American Ancestry, mural coronet, cheque, arg and az, a
Vol. IX.) The fifth daughter, boar's head of the first crined sable.
Mary, born 1715, married Israel Rust Motto: Moriendo vive. (America Heral-
///. dica.)
The com P lete pedigree william of windsor Conn
of Richard Montague, the
n P
emigrant ancestor of Mary Warner, who Phelps Warner, whose daughter, Mary,
married Israel Rust III, is taken from the married Israel Rust III, was born in
American Heraldica (de Vermont), as Tewksbury, England, 19th of August,
follows: He sailed from England in the ship Mary
Richard Montague settled in Maine 1746, 1599; died in Windsor July 15tb, 1672.
and John and arrived at Nantucket 1630. chant, argent wings, endorsed argent.
He was one of the first settlers of Wind- No. 2: A castle with three turrets sa.
sor, 1635, and one of the seven governors Both crests are used together by the Eng-
of the colony for the first year. He mar- lish branch. Motto: "Mature." (Ameri-
ried Mary Dover in England, 1638, and ca Heraldica.)
had sons William, Samuel, Nathaniel, Jo- Robert Bartlett^ the first of the name
seph and Timothy. His son, Nathaniel, in America, was born 1607 in Sussex,
born 1660, married Grace Martin Phelps, England, and was, no doubt, a descend-
born 1662, and was the father of Lydia. ant of William, the eldest son and heir of
who married Mark Warner and had Mary, StopJiam, for in the old church of his
born 1715, who married Israel Rust. native place, are marble slabs inset
De Vermont (America Heraldica), with figures of brass showing a regular
says: "It is generally believed that succession of Bartletts, from John, who
he came from Exeter county, England. died in 1428, to Col. Qewge Bartlett, who
The arms here given are said to have died 1872, aged 94 years.
come over with the original William Robert came to America in the ship
Phelps: Arms: Arg a. lion ramp sa bet Anne, the second after the Mayflower,
cross crosslets fitchee gu. Crest: A 1623, when he was 27 years old. His
wolf's head erased az. Motto: Veritas name is inscribed, with one hundred
sine timore. (Truth without fear.)" others, on a shaft at Hartford Center
Church, the oldest in the State, as one
of the first settlers of Hartford. He mar-
The Bartletts are of old Norman English ried Mary, daughter of Richard Warren,
stock, their ancestor, Adam Bartlett, Esq., one of the signers of the compact for the
having come over with William the Con- Mayflower. His son, Benjamin, was born
queror. He was heir to the estate of Sto- 1056, and marrieid Sarah, daughter of
pham, county, Sussex, and died in France Love Brewster, who was a son of Elder
1518, leaving four sons. William, the William Brewster, one of the Pilgrim
eldest, succeeded to his father's estate, Fathers, who came over on the May-
while Edmund, the second son, inherited flower, and had several children, among
the Ernley estate, in the same county. them,
He had four sons, Edmund, who succeeded Ichabod, who married Elizabeth, daugh-
him; Richard, John and Thomas, who left ter of Robert Waterman. Their son, Jo-
Ernley, 1634, and came over to America. siah, of Lebanon, Conn., born 1709, mar-
The coat of arms they brought over is ried, 1730, Mercy, daughter of Zcbulai aud
substantially that of the present Bart el- Elizabeth Alden Chandler, great grand-
lots, of Stopham, England, and their kin- daughter of Capt. John and Pricilla Mul-
ship is admitted by the present head of lins Alden, Pilgrims from the Mayflower.
the elder branch, Sir Walter Ba/rtellot, Esther Bartlett, born 1748, married Is-
of Scotland. Thomas Bartlett settled in rael Rust; their grandson, Samuel Chase
Waterbury, Mass., and was known as Rust, married Adeline Barnes, and was
Ensign Thomas. Richard and John settled the father of Lamira Wealthy Barnes, who
in Newbury. Some of their descendants married J. B. M. Keillor.
acquired great wealth and influence in From Richard Bartlett, who came from
the country of their adoption. the same family in England, and belongs
Arms: Sa in chief, three falcons, gloves, to the same ancestral line, came Jomah
sinister, pendant, arg tasseled or charged the Declaration of In-
Bartlett, signer of
two and one. Crest: First, a swan cou- dependence, whose line runs thus:
Mrs. Walker is of English, Irish and and became one most valuable plan-
of the
Scotch descent, through her ancestors, the tations in that district. Other South
Kershaws and Cunninghams. Charles Carolina families, among whom were the
Kershaw, her grandfather, came to Turnbulls, Howclls, Hamptons, and many
Charleston, South Carolina, while quite others, had also made their homes upon
derived from Konigheim, which signifies under, "a man of extraordinary parts,"
"King's Home." Crawford, in his His- was created in the fifteenth century by
tory of Renfrew and Peerage of Scotland, James III, Earl of Glencairn. His mother
says the name Cunningham properly sig- was Janet, daughter of Lord Montgomery
nines the King's Habitation. (Sec Montgomery), and he married Mar-
Scotch books of heraldry are full of the fjaret Hepburn, daughter of the Lord
Robert, Patrick, John and David. The British government, however, in-
In 1TG9, the eldest son, Robert; moved denmified him for his losses and retired
to "District Ninety-six" in South Caro- him with the rank of Brigadier-General
lina, and was the first magistrate and on half pay for life. He retired to Nas-
Circuit Judge appointed for the district, sau, where he built him a handsome
Within the same year his brother, Patrick, home, and visited England, where he was
was made Deputy Surveyor-General under presented and received at Court with
Sir Egerton Leigh, showing the ability marked distinction. He died at Nassau
and high esteem in which these strangers 1818 and nis wife soon followed, leaving
a son anc^ * w0 daughters, who intermar-
were held
ried with the Eves and S6M*V of Geor S ia
In 1770* the two younger brothers, John
and the Fitzsimmons of South Carolina.
and David, with their three sisters, re-
Of his direct descendants there are but
moved to South Carolina. David was
two living bearing his name, Robert and
made Deputy Surveyor-General, and John
Miss Lillian Cunningham.
became a planter. They were all loyalists,
Patrick Cunningham, who was actively
for while opposing
rt the oppressions
of the . , .,,,., ., , , -,
. ,
mother country, they
J thought
& the time had , , . , . , » .
Congress," that appointed committees His house had been framed in England
with unlimited powers. Around Robert a nd brought over to this country by ship.
Cunningham, the loyalists rallied, and on He went to Florida, where he remained
his refusal to sign the articles proposed by three years. In 1785, advised by friends,
the "Provincial Association," he was ar- he petitioned the Governor to revoke his
rested and imprisoned in Charlestown, sentence. It was repealed and he re-
where, though furnished with all reason- turned, but he was assessed and disquali-
able comforts, he was not permitted "to fied from voting for seven years. Before
converse with, or correspond with any per- this term was over, he was sent to the
son whomsoever except by express leave State legislature, and so highly was he
from the Congress." He petitioned Con- esteemed that he was appointed Surveyor
gress to permit him to occupy a position of the District. Broken in health, he died
of neutrality, but was refused. Later, soon after, 1794, only fifty-four years of
however, he was released and retired to age. His wife, Ann Harris, of Virginia,
his home at Island Ford on the Saluda his young and only daughter, Pamela, and
and remained there until the fall of his son, John, lie beside him in the family
Charlestown, 1780, when he was made one burying ground at Rosemont,
of the five British Brigadier-Generals ap- Robert, born October 18, 1786, in the
pointed from the colonies and was actively Rosemonte Mansion, received a classical
engaged in warfare. Upon the success of education studied law under John C. Cal-
the American arms he was banished and houn, finished at the law school of Reeves
his estates confiscated. and Gould, Litchfield, Conn. He resided
upon his estates and war of 1812
in the In 1854 he bought "The Charlestown
raised the first volunteer company of Evening News" and as its editor became
South Carolina; was commissioned Cap- prominent in journalism. He was a dele-
tain by the United States government and gate to the State Constitutional Conven-
was in active service throughout the cam- tion that seceded South Carolina from the
paign, particularly against the Indians in Union, and as Chairman of the Military
Georgia and Florida. In 1820, he was Committee of the Legislature he did much
State legislator. For utilitarian reasons toward the military organization for the
he opposed nullification, though recogniz- Civil war which followed. He served on
ing its constitutional rights. Distin- Morris' Island in defense of Charlestown.
guished for his wealth, culture and noble As Colonel of the Seventeenth Regiment
hospitality, he lived in baronial style. he received the surrender of the Federal
His wife was Louisa, third daughter of Arsenal and continued in active service
Col. Wm. Bird, of Birdsborough, Pa., and
until incapacitated by his failing sight
wife, Kitty Dalton, of Alexandria, Va.
and the an arm.
loss of the use of
With her originated the idea of making
He married when quite young Floride
Mt. Vernon the Mecca of the nation, so
Calhoun Noble, daughter of Gov. Noble and
ably carried out by her daughter,
granddaughter of Gen. Andrew Pickens of
Pamela Cuningham, the founder and
South Carolina. Their eldest daughter,
first Regent of the Mt, Vernon Associa-
Emma Floride, is a writer of ability and at
tion of the Women of the United States
the World's Columbian Exposition repre-
for the purchase and preservation of the
sented South Carolina as Lady Manager.
home of Washington. Frail of body and
feeble in health, with her pen, and often
One son, Benjamin Dalton, died January
from her couch, she made strong appeals 28, 1898. His other children, all living, are
to the women of the country under the nom Elizabeth P., Louisa Bird, Robert Noble,
de plume of "A Southern Matron." Catch- John and Clarence. Louisa married C. H.
ing fire from her enthusiasm the two bril- Banks, who died leaving children, Charles
liant orators, William L. Yancey of Henry, Hugh Cuningham, Noble Calhoun
Alabama and Edward Everett of Massa- and Floride Elizabeth. The second son,
chusetts, gave lectures for the benefit of Hugh, married Agnes Ross, of Alabama.
the proposed fund of $200,000, which was Col. Cuningham's third son, John, mar-
secured, and Mount Vernon was rescued ried Elizabeth Bockenfeld, of Indiana.
from the speculators. The home was pur- They have daughters, Constance, Jane and
chased and renovated and made a lasting Mary Floride. Their only son, Arthur,
memorial to "The Father of his Country." died in early boyhood.
Her portrait, painted by Lamden by order John Cuningham, a younger brother
of the Vice-Regents, now hangs in the of Robert and Patrick, took no active part
South Carolina room at Mount Vernon. in the Revolutionary war and was per-
There is another fine portrait of her mitted to remain in Charleston, where, in
painted by Prof. Stolle. Her brother,
mercantile pursuits he amassed a large
Col. John Cuningham, born November
fortune, which, dying at a good old age,
23, 1810, educated in the schools of his
he left to his youngest and only surviving
native state; traveled much in his youth;
son, Richard.
became a student of men and politics, and
before his majority was admitted to the There is a tablet in the Second Presby-
har. After his removal to Charlestown terian Church, Wragg Square, Charles-
he entered the field of politics and repre- ton, South Carolina, on which maj' still
sented Charlestown in the legislature. be seen this inscription
28, 1775, daughter of James Miller, born adherent to the Greek church, in whose
1748, died April 19, 1821. They had four tenets she had been reared. She was
children, Mary Jane, Sarah, Miller, John much noticed at Court by Queen Char-
Pearis and Richard. The eldest, lotte, as she spoke German, an accomplish-
Mary Jane, married Thomas Kershaw ment possessed by few ladies of that day.
and had, among other children, They remained in Paris until 1666, when
Rose Sarah Kershaw, who married, at the attention of English capitalists was
her father's plantation, "Solferino," or drawn to Florida because of the salubrity
"Point Place," in Washington Co., Miss., of its climate and the wonderful produc-
Charles Frederick Tumbull, son of An- tiveness and adaptability to cultivation.
drew Tumbull, born January 27, 1801 Encouraged by government patronage and
son of Robert James Tumbull, born Jan- support, a company was formed with Dr.
uary 14, 1774, and wife, Claudia Butler Andrew Tumbull at its head, for the pur-
Gervaise, son of Dr. Andrew Tumbull pose of raising indigo and sugar. About
and wife, Gracia Maria Rubinc. 1500 Greeks, Italians and Minorcans were
Charles Frederick was born August 5, induced to join the colony, and were at
1840, on his father's plantation, "Vale- great expense transported to Minorca, the
wood," Issaquena Co., Miss., one of the name of the place afterward changed to
richest and most extensive in the State. New Smyrna, in compliment to Mrs. Turn-
He was aide de camp to Gen. Ripley, of bull.
the C. S. A. in Charleston, and assisted Dr. Tumbull had a grant from the Eng-
in drawing the plans of the harbor before lish government for 60,000 acres of land,
the fall of Fort Sumter. Later he was After locating his claim he proceeded to
of the signal corps with Capt. Davidson make many valuable public improvements,
and served in Virginia until captured; canals, ditches, etc., which are doing good
was paroled before the close of the war. service to this day. Many of his family
He was highly educated, having attended were born there, but the colonization
the University of Virginia; was a writer scheme proving unsuccessful he was
of ability. He died 1870, from the effect forced to leave Florida and settled in
of hardship and exposure in the army at Charleston, S. C, where he remained until
the siege of Vicksburg. He left two chil- his death He was grea tly respected ; Abbe
dren, Louis Allan, M.D., who married and
R . -
n Mg higt of Florida speaks
has a son Lout* Allan Jr j and Marie
Rubine, who married Keating Bauduy,
Mm ^
.,, ,
admltted as a membe* ° f
# ai t.
Turnbull „ He was
M.D. Mrs. Rosa Kershaw Tumbull, mar-
ried, secondly, Howard Christy Walker,
Society in Charleston about 1< 83.
He and
son of Maj. Leo D. Walker, of St. Louis, llis wife are buried in st Philip's church
name from the town and water of Rule. troopers and border raiders, so formidable
They appear first on the records of the that the king formed an army and
XIII century. In 1296 Adam Rule swore marched to the water of Rule November,
fealty to Edward I, and about 1300 he 1510, while the Court was sitting at Jed-
made a grant of land to the Monks of boro and executed summary justice. In
Kelsoe, William Rule, witness. He is 1668, to Thomas Turnbull was restored
supposed to have been the first to have the lands of his father, William, at Bed
The ancient family of Cuningham of leaving both estates to his brother, Rces
Scotland (see Cuningham) is represented D. Gayle. Jane died unmarried.
in country by the descendants of
this Bees Dorrington Gayle, torn in Clark
William Cuningham of Craigends, who Co., Ala., 1821, lost both parents when
came toAmerica about 1681 and settled only a few weeks old, and was reared by
in the valley of the Shenandoah, Augusta his uncle, Gov. John Gayle, and cousin,
Co., Va., where his family lived till 1769, John Dorrington, his guardians. He was
when it consisted of John Cuningham, adopted by Col. Dorrington; attended the
four sons and three daughters. In that Jesuits College at Mobile, and from there
year Robert and Patrick Cuningham, the went to Williamsburg, Pa. thence to Vir-
eldest sons, emigrated to District 96, S. ginia Universit}', thence to William and
C. Later the two vounger brothers and Mary, where he studied law ; returned to
three sisters removed also to South Caro- Alabama and settled in Mobile to prac-
lina,. John became a planter and David tice his profession, associated with his
was appointed Deputy Surveyor. His uncle, Gov. John Gayle. Later he located
daughter, Pamela, married Billups Gayle, at Cahoba and formed a partnership with
son of Mattheio Gayle and Mary Bees, his cousin, George W. Gayle, and was for
who emigrated from South Carolina and many years regarded as one of the leading
settled in Alabama near the old town of lawyers of the Alabama bar, which was
St. Stephens. Billups was an older at that time formed of a galaxy of bril-
brother of Gov. John Gayle of Alabama, liant lawyers. He was a courtly gentle-
and before removing to that State was man of the "Old School," distinguished
Sheriff of the Sumpter District in South not only for his talent but also for his
Carolina, where he lived. He married, aristocratic bearing. He married, 1851,
first, Miss Merriwcther; their daughter, Mary Louisa Gill, daughter of Dr.
Harriet, married Judge Talbot of Mobile, Thomas W. Gill, a wealthy planter near
a lineal descendant of the Earl of Shrews- Cahoba. They had five children
bury. He married, secondly, Pamela 1, Anna Maria Gayle, who married Dr.
Cuningham and had five children : Scar- Joseph Talbot Fry, of Galveston, Texas,
borough, who died 1853, unmarried; of the same family as the Earlys of Vir-
Eliza, who married Mr. lAvingstonc ginia and the Beaufords of Tennessee and
Stark, a wealthy planter of Clark Co., Kentucky, his mother and the mother of
Alabama, son of Gen. John Stark of Rev- Gen. Early being sisters.
olutionary fame, and had children, John 2, Thomas Gill Gayle, lawyer, married
Stai% a lawyer, served in the C. S. A. Fannie L. Northrop, daughter of Capt.
and died in Virginia. Turner3 died in Albert Northrop, C. S. A. has two sons,
George Kingsland was born in Pitts- Isaac Kingsland, who was a nephew of
burg, Pa.,June 24th, 1811, died in St. Nathaniel Kingsland, a Major in the
Louis March 15th, 1874. He was a lineal British army, who was sent with his reg-
descendant of one of the old Knicker- iment to Barbadoes in the West Indies,
bocker families who settled New York, and then to New Jersey about 1640.
his first American ancestor being Philip While there he was joined by his nephew,
Pietersen Van Schuyler, who was born Isaac Kingsland, from London, and to-
about the year 1625 in Amsterdam, Hoi- gether they became the possessors of a
land ; died at "The Flaethes" or "The large tract of land, which they called New
Flats" in New Jersey, May 9th, 1683. He Barbadoes. There is a legend in the fam-
married, December 12th, 1650, Margretta land was a grant from James
ily that this
Van Slechtenhorst. She is represented II of England. Hester Kingsland was
as a remarkable woman, who ably ad- born at New Barbadoes 1692, and her
ministered on her husband's estate for father died there 1698. Philip and Hester
twenty-eight years. The third son (the Van Schuyler's oldest daughter,
progenitor of this branch of the Kingsland Johanna, was born at Pompton Plains
family), September 2d, 1713. She was married
Arent Van Schuyler, was born at Al- June 24th, 1741, in Bergen Co., N. J., to
bany, New York, June 25th, 1662. He re- her cousin, Isaac Kingsland, of New Bar-
sided on his plantation at Pompton badoes, now Kutherfordboro. Isaac was
Plains, N. J., which he purchased from born in Essex Co., N. J., July 10th, 1710,
Isaac Kingsland and where he died, No- and died at Pequannock, Morris Co., N.
vember, 1730. Over the doorway of his J., July 28th, 1803. His marriage license
house was carved the Schuyler coat of attested by the Attorney-General of New
arms. The name Arent signifies "Eagle." Jersey is in the possession of the family.
He married, November 26th, 1684, Jen- He served in the Revolutionary war as a
neke Teller, daughter of William Teller, minute man; was at the battle of Ticon-
who came from Holland 1639, settled in deroga.
Albany, but moved to New York City Philip Schuyler, son of Isaac and Jo-
1689. Arent Van Schuyler was a man of hanna Kingsland, was born in Bergen
great ability and served his country in Co., N. J., 1744, died in Orange Co., N. J.,
many ways. He was sent by the govern- in 1800. He was in the Revolutionary
ment many times as commissioner to the war as secretary for an officer on Wash-
Indians, and was especially successful in ington's staff. He
married Katherine,
all his relations with them. His oldest daughter of Lawrence Creely, a man of
son, inventive genius, who was the first to ap-
Philip Van Schuyler, was born Septem- ply steam to the trip-hammer,
ber 11th, 1687, at Pompton Plains, which Lawrence Creely Kingsland, son of
his county several times in the legislature. Eleanor Woodruff in 1807 and moved to
In 1712 he married Hester, daughter of Pittsburg, Pa., where he was largely in-
12 [163]
works until 1843, when he
terestecl in iron Douglas of Scotch ancestry, he being a
removed to St. Louis, where he died Oc- lineal descendant of the "Black Douglas"
tober 15th, 1847, his wife having died of that ancient Scottish clan. Mrs. Kings-
1815. Their second son, land possessed all the sterling traits of
Pa., June 24th, 1811, died in St. Louis, to give. She was firm in her religious convic-
which place he had moved in 1835, and tion of the purity and soundness of the
established the first foundry called then Presbyterian faith, amiable, loving, gener-
stirring incidents in the quiet life of those and four daughters, Sarah Elizabeth,
early days. With his cousin, D. R. Gar- Eleanor ~\Yoodruff, Isabella, and Caroline.
and his friend, Luther Kennett, they
rison, ITIv. and lYivs, CUm. Dudley Pannisb.
were making the trip from Pittsburg by Sarah Elizabeth married Win. Dudley
steamboat, the "Indian Queen." When Parrish, a lineal descendant of the old
arriving at Louisville en route the en- English family of Dudley. They have an
gineer deserted his post, and the captain only daughter, Eliza Kingsland, who mar-
in despair accepted the services of the ried A. W. Southiuard, of Ohio, and has
three young men, who, knowing something a son,
of machinery, volunteered to take the boat Dudley Woodbridgc Southward born
to its destination. This feat they accom- July 12th, 1891.
plished safely, and feeling justly proud The Dudleys of Virginia
of their achievement, when about six miles and Kentucky are of Eng-
from Louis they began blowing their
St. lish descent. Robert Dudley, born Feb-
whistles so lustily that by the time they ruary 14, 1691, the first of this branch of
reached the levee, the entire population the family in America, settled in Middle-
had assembled en masse to greet them, so sex, Va. He belonged to the old family
rare a sight was a steamboat in those days. of Dudleys, who traced their lineage back
George Kingsland soon became a prom- to Dudo, an Anglo-Saxon, who built Dud-
inent character in the development of the ley Castle A. D. 700, the ruins still to be
resources of his adopted home. Early in seen in Staffordshire, England. The Ken-
the forties he was urged to become Mayor tucky branch derive their descent from
of the city, an honor which he declined, this Robert Dudley. One of his great-
being so fully occupied with the charge great-grandchildren, Col. William Dud-
of his large manufacturing business. He ley, born in Fredericksburg, Va., 1766,
did not however fail to give moral and removed to Lexington, Ky., about 1790.
financial support wherever needed. His Served in the war of 1812. He was killed
opinions were highly valued in financial at Fort Meigs and his sword is in the gov-
circles, and his christian character was ernment archives at Washington. His
without reproach. plume is a cherished heirloom in the fam-
George Kingsland married, July 13th, ily of his grandson, William Dudley Par-
1837, Eliza Anne, daughter of David and ish, who removed from Lexington, Ky., to
Elizabeth Ferguson, of Pittsburg, Pa., St. Louis August, 1859, and engaged in the
and granddaughter of John and Anne wholesale boot and shoe business.
IDi». and IDrs. George C. Robbins. IDtt. and Wvs. George D. Tisben.
Eleanor Woodruff, second daughter of Isabella, third daughter of George and
George and Elizabeth Ferguson Kings- Elizabeth Ferguson Kingsland, married
land, married Edward Coombs Bobbins, George Dunlap Fisher, who was born
son of Samuel and Mary Agusta Longest in Danville, Kentucky, son of Col. James
Bobbins, born in Hawesville, Kentucky, A. and Martha Dunlap Fisher and great-
grandson of General Gabriel Slaughter,
December 5th, 1841. His maternal ances-
who served for two terms as Kentucky's
tors were native Virginians of King
and Queen Co., and early in this century
Mr. Fishers parents were native Ken-
settled in Kentucky. His father was born
tuckians; their ancestors settled in Vir-
in Monmouth Co., N. J., coming to St.
ginia as early as 1735, and from Virginia
Louis when quite young. Mr. Bobbins has their representatives went to Kentucky in
lived nearly all his life in St. Louis, re- 1784 to participate in the building of a
High School
ceiving his education at the new state. They were people of marked
and Washington University and at an distinction, many of them having held
early age entered Amherst College. At offices of trust for the state.
the breaking out of the Civil war, being Mr. Fisher was a successful cotton fac-
young and having a taste for military life, tor in New Orleans for many years after
his southern blood prompted him to join the Civil war; was an organizer and
the Confederate cause, where he entered charter member of the New Orleans Cot-
as orderly sargent of the famous "Landis ton Exchange, among the first stock-
Battery." The last two years of the war holders and directors of the New Orleans
he served as lieutenant in "Johnston and National Bank, said bank still being one
Hood's Brigade." Returning to St. Louis of the great financial institutions of the
The patronymic of this family is of proves that he was of the family of the
great antiquity, having originated with old Crusader, Sir Robert of Ashton Hall.
the Latins, and through all ages the Law Before 1635, Sir Henry Lawrence, with
rences have held and still hold respon- a number of English noblemen, had pat-
sible and distinguished positions in the ented a large body of land at the mouth
church, as well as the civil service, the of the Connecticut river, and they in-
arniy and the navy of the British Empire, tended going out with Governor Win-
many branches having intermarried with throp to the New World, but were pre-
the clergy and the nobility, vented by a decree of Charles I. His
Joseph Joshua Lawrence comes from kinsmen, John and William, came over,
the ancient house of Lawrence (of Royal instead, in the ship Planter, 1635, and
Descent, see Lawrence Excurses), which their brotherThomas came over, prior to
had its founder in the Anglo-Norman fol- 1650. About this time a great many
lower of Richard Coeur De Lion Sir — Lawrences came to America, but the de-
Robert Lawrence of Ashton Hall, who scendents of Sir Robert are so strongly
accompanied his sovereign to Palestine, marked that it is an easy matter to trace
and distinguished himself by being the them. The warlike spirit of the early
first to scale the walls of Acre, and plant Lawrences is evidenced by the fact that
the banner of the cross upon its battle- their names have been enrolled in every
ments. For this valorous deed he was war in which their country has engaged,
knighted Sir Robert Lawrence of Ashton The Christian zeal, which tempered the
Hall, and was given the Coat of Arms fiery ardor of the Crusaders is shown in
found with his descendants even to the the churchly proclivities of many of his
present generation, viz.: a cross, raguly descendants, among whom may be found
gules, on a silver shield; a semi-dolphin clergymen of renown and writers of
for the Crest. Motto: "In Cruse Salus.'' theology; above all they may be traced
After the war of the Crusades was over, by the scriptural names. There is
and the soldiers of the cross had returned scarcely a generation that has not its
to their homes, the house of Lawrence Joseph, its John, its Joshua, its Thomas,
took deep root, and flourished, until, by its Nathaniel, its Benjamin, repeated over
intermarriages with the proudest of the and over again until the task of separat-
nobility, they had become one of the ing the families becomes at times a
richest and most powerful of the houses difficult matter. That these brothers,
of England. William, John and Thomas were lineal
In a Harleian MS., No. 1460, there is a descendents of Sir Robert Laurence of
drawing of all the ensigns and trophies Ashton Hall, is proved by the device of
won in battle by Cromwell, which is dedi- the Lawrence arms upon their seals which
cated to his counselors and ornamented may be found attached to many iinport-
with their arms, among them, those of ant papers of that period.
Henry Lawrence the Lord President. His William Lawrence, second son of
grave stone, not yet effaced, is in the William, of Sevenhampton (XXVII), was
Chapel of Hertfordshire, and traced upon the head of the Long Island branch of
it clearly is the Lawrence Arms, —
a cross, the family, the line running thus: Will-
with the semi-dolphin for the crest. His bam of St. Albans, m. Kate Beaumont,
seal, as shown upon public documents, and had John, who married secondly
Margaret Robertes and bad Thomas, see- troops, who fought under Lafayette,; he
ond son, bapt. Feb. 2, 1588, in. Oct. 23 died of wounds received at the battle of
Joan, daughter of Walter and Jane Ar- Yorktown. His wife, Vera de Launay,
iwlde Antrobus and had three sons, was a daughter of Jean, Baptistc, Rene,
William, John and Thomas, who came Clement, ^Launay, also an officer, com-
to America about 1635, their kinsman, mantling a body of French troops at
Henry Lawrence President of Crom- Yorktown. (See Heitman's Keg. of Offi-
well's Council, having patented large cers of Colonial War, French Sec.)
bodies of land in the New
World. Joseph Joshua Lawrence, his given
John, second son of Thomas and Joan names frequently found in the family
Lawrence became prominent in the records of both the William and John
Massachusetts Colony, before moving to Lawrence families; son of Bennett Bar-
New Amsterdam, where he owned a trad- row Lawrence, and Martha Frances
ing vessel, and took an active part in the Knight, born in N. Ca., was educated for
Governor's Council, became a Burgher a physician, but at the breaking out of
Mayor of New York
1691; and in 1693, the Civil War, entered the service of the
one of the justices of the Supreme Court Confederacy commanding a company of
of the Colony; he married Susanna and N OPtn Carolina troops,
had six children; three sons, John, Joseph A f ter the close of the war Dr. Lawrence
and Thomas, whose grandson, Frank rem me& the practice of his profession
Laurence was the progenitor of this and in 1873 began the publication of a
branch of the family. He was born in me dical magazine which proved so phe-
1740, went where he took an
to Virginia, nomen ally successful that he soon retired
active part in fighting the Indians. His from practice to devote his time exclu-
6on > sively to that publication. He married
Nathaniel Laurence,
was sent to josepUne, daughter of B. F. Edwards,
Princeton to be educated, and while a son of Capt LermJ Edwards, Continental
student at college ran away and entered line> and his wife> jem i nm) daughter of
Lawrknce, of N. Ca., a wealthy cotton
Prominent among the ancient families
planter before the Civil War, married
of ^enee and Southern France, was
Martha Frances, daughter of Judge Jesse
Cooper Knight, a prominent jurist of
the house dc ™
l ™™™> ^^tmguished al-
North Carolina. Through her mother, wa ^ s for their Patriotism and valor, and
Edith Wilkinson, she was of distin- loyalty to their king. They may be easily
guished lineage, being a granddaughter traced back through almost ten centuries,
of Augustine Clement de Villeneuve, for each revolving cycle brought forward
Chevalier dc Berthelot, capt. of French one or more representatives of this house,
each of whom descendants a
left to their This leads up to the XVI century,
heritage of brilliant civic or military when Christopher de Yilleneuve was born,
achievements. As early as 1180, during 1514. He, too, became a soldier of the
the reign of Philip Augustus, mention is French army, serving with distinction
made of Huron dc Yilleneuve, distin- under Henry III, Henry IV, and Louis
guished in the world of letters as a XIII. His was a long, adventurous and
French poet of renown. honorable extending into the XVII
In the twelfth century Rene de Yil- century, when he died, 1615, almost one
Icncuv, Constable and Grand Seneschal hundred years old. (See Ency., Cates
of Provence, an eminent soldier and and Woodward.)
statesman was sent as Ambassador to Pierre Charles Jean Babtistc Sil-
Rome, 1242, and was otherwise employed vestrede Yilleneuve was born in Pro-
in the service of the Americans; served Knight, who married Bennett Barrow
from 1768 in the Engineers, made cap- Laurence, father of Joseph Joshua Lau-
tain in 1777, came to America with the rence M. D., who married Josephine Ed-
rank of major, and was made lieutenant wards.
colonel and colonel respectively; his
name presented for lieutenant colonel in
the colonel's company of Provincial The Edwards families all came from
troops. In the same command, no doubt, Wales, and were no doubt related, though
was his kinsman, no bond was ever traced between the
Jean Babtistc Rene Clement de Lau- families of Richard, and Ambrose Edwards,
na y, a French soldier of distinction, who the latter the founder of that large Ed-
was born in Kuppeville, Normandy, No- wards family, numbers of whom are
vember, 1739. Before coining to America, found in every state. Within the past
he had served in many campaigns in century, however, they have become
Hanover, and was promoted to the rank united by, a marriage between Leroy Grif-
of captain July, 1769. He was decorated fin Edwards and Fannie Robins, daugh-
writes, "I secured with much difficultv to this country by the head of this branch
from the French army list, the names of of the family, Richard Edwards, and be-
the French officers who so nobly came queathed by him to his son.
to the rescue of the colonies in a critical Arms: Per bend sinister, ermine and
hour, and at the head of their French ermine, over all a lion, rampant, or;
troops, by a brilliant coup, turned for Vrest: a demi lion, or, holding between
them the tide of war, which led to victory paws a castle, Argent; Motto: "Sola,
and independence, thus rescuing from nobilitas, virtu" (Valor, sole nobility).
he married Ixidy Cristina, daughter of a large body of land, and in 1648 married
John Stewart, VII Earl of Traquair. Mary Hill. They had several children,
(Virg. Hist. Mag.) among them, William, who married
Griffin Arms: Arg, three chevrons sable, Apphia Bushrod, whose daughter, Betty
interlaced in base, a chief of the last. Fauntleroy,was known "The Lowland
Fauntlkroy. The first of the Ameri- Beauty," and was said to have been be-
can branch of Fauntleroys was Moore loved by George Washington. William
Fauntleroy (of Royal descent), who Fauntleroy, son of Colonel William
came to Virginia 1640. He was of a Fauntlkroy, married Katherine, only
noble English family, and to him was daughter of Col. SamH Griffin and from
this union came u Leroy Griffin,"
'granted by the Heralds College a con- Griffin
firmation of his arms, stated in the
Edwards," Leroy Bushrod," and Leroyu
Dr. and fflvs. 3. 3. Lawrence.
Sir David Lindsay, of Luffness, had without male heirs; second, Walter Lind-
Walter Lindsay, of Craigie, who had Sir sa y
^ ^ had Bq/M Umimy q{ .
Erskin, married Barclay, daughter many famous Virginia families : Lindsay,
of Barclay, of Mathers, and had David Moore, Claiborne, Dandridge, Burrell,
Lindsay, Bishop of Ross, 1613, who mar- Randolph, Good, Tucker, Fontaine, Lee,
ried Janet Ramsey, of Dalhousic, they had Read, Botts, Carter, of Sherley, Page,
Sir Hienome Lindsay, of Annatland and Campbell, Henry and other families.
"The Mount," Lord Lion, King at Arms, Alexander Lindsay, IV Earl of Crawford,
died, 1642; he married Margaret Colville, whose male line became extinct, had a
daughter of a Scottish knight of Colville, daughter, Lady Elizabeth Lindsay, who
and had Rev. David Lindsay, who settled married the first Lord of Drummond; they
in Northumberland, Va., born 1603, died became the great grandparents of Lord
1667, ancestor of the Lindsays of .North- Darnley, husband to Mary, Queen of Scots,
umberland and Fairfax, Va., and of the parents of James 1, of England, from
Kentucky Lindsays. whom descends Queen Victoria, and
Rachel Lindsay, daughter of David Lind- through her children, the rulers of Eng-
say,Bishop of Ross, married Right Rev. land, Germany and Russia.
John Spottsicood, Archbishop of St. An- These charts are reproduced from those
drews, and became the ancestress of prepared by the Earl of Crawford,
SpottsiDood Chart.
land, and "The Mount," Lord Lion King Ann Butler Moore, who married Charles
at Arms of Scotland. They had: Carter, of Sherley, and had Ann Hill
Sir John Spottsioood, ancestor of the Carter, who married Gen'l Henry Lee, born
Spottsiooods of Scotland, their second son: 1776, father of Gen'1 Robert E. Lee, who
Sir Robert Spottsioood, Lord President of married Mary Randolph Cnstis and had
the Court of Sessions, born 1596, be- Gen ,
l G. W. Custis Lee, born 1832, and
headed 1646, married Bethia, daughter of Capt. Sindey Smith Lee, father of Gen'l
Sir Alexander Morrison, and had: Fitzhmih Lee.
Robert Spottswood, M. D., who Dorothea Spottswood, third child of GenH
married Katherine Elliott, had:
Alexander Spottswood and Ann Butler
Gerf l Alexander Spottsicood, Lieutenant- „ , ~
._,_ ,, .,
.«.;-.. ml*.
of Virginia, 1752,
born at
__ ' .
born 1747, married Capt. Nathaniel
, ._, , __
7 ,
m . ._ An . » .7 r»
, . West Dandridge, of the Royal
J Navy;J had
Tangiers, 1706, married An n Butler Bryan * ' '
Robert DeToeny, second son of Ralph Robert De Stafford, second son of Roger
{Sire DeToeny), married Adela, 1088, and DeToeny, 1086, married Avice DeClare and
was ancestor of the great house of
had Nicholas De Stafford, temp Henry T,
Dygve, "The Brave;" who had Dagespak, Ijongespee, who married Sprota, or Serota;
father of Agne, who married Skiolf, of they had Richard I "sans peur" ) Duke of
( ,
Finland. They had Alric, who married Normandy, who married Gunilda, or Go-
Dagred, daughter of uDag the Great." nora (third wife). They had Richard
They had Yngye, who had Jorund, who ("The Good"), Duke of Normandy, 1027,
had Ami Hingamie, who had Egill Tuna- who married Popie (third wife) they had ;
dolgi, who had Otter Vendilkaker, who had William Pons or Ponce, Count D'Arqucs,
Adils, who married Arsa, daughter of and Thoulouse, 1067, who had Richard
Helse, King of Denmark, A. D. 494. They Fitz-Pons (temp Henry I), married
had Eynstein, who had Ingor, who had Maude, and had
Brentohund, who married and had Ingiald Walter De Clifford, of Clifford Castle,
llrada, last King of Sweden, of the Yng- 1216, who married Margaret DeToeny;
lings race, who married Gothild, daughter their son, Henry,Tenth Lord Clifford,
of Aleaut, King of Gothland. They had thirty-fourth in descent from Niord, King
Olaf (tree feller), King of Vermeland, of Sweden; was ancestor (on the Spindle
who married Solve; they had Half dan Hut- side), of the families of Lowther and Dud-
ben, or Half dan, "the Old/' King of Hede- ley, of England, and of Claiborne and
mark in the Uplands, who married Ada, Lindsay, in the United States.
Prominent among the Americans of Co., Va. He was the elder son of Sir
gentle birth must be reckoned the Lind- Hierome Lindsay of the Mount, Lord Lion
says, who trace their descent clearly back King at Arms to James VI of Scotland,
to Sir David,Lindsay of the Mount, the the same Hierome being the fourth Lind-
"Poet, Lord Lion King at Anus" to King say who had held that office. Sir Hierome
James the Fifth, of Scotland ; to whom was the elder son of the celebrated David
Sir Walter Scott pays a glowing tribute Lindsay, Minister of Leith and Bishop of
in his "Marmion," Canto Verse 7.
4, Ross, the King's Chaplain, and his am-
The honorable title of Lion King, a bassador on several important occasions,
most important office in the gift of the Sir David Lindsay was the son of Alex-
reigning sovereign in the days of chivalric ander Lindsay, of Edzell, and a cousin
and feudal splendor, was borne by the to- the Lindsays, Earls of CraAvford and
chief of the heraldic corporation of Scot- Balcares. As such his descendants bear
land. To this office, Sir David was ap- as second and third quarters on their
pointed in 1530J and ever remained a c ats of arms, the Abernathy arms found
1 / /"' ^B \ J
S \ 6& 7 !
5 !
.,.;.• -
William Lindsay II, who became a colonel Francis de Chantal; Maria, Bryan Mul-
of the Second United States Artillery. He lanphy, and Martha Lindsay.
married twice, his first wife being a Miss The second daughter, Katherine Gra-
Newton of Norfolk, Ya. The third child ham Lindsay, married James Morrison
of thismarriage was a son, Franciscus. Their children are: Cath-
Andrew Jackson Lindsay, who was edu- erine Graham, James Lindsay, Jane and
cated at West Point and served as Cap- Marion Elizabetli.
tain in the United States Mounted Rifle- Two of the sons, De Laney Lindsay and
men. Resigning at the beginning of the Henry Lindsay, died in early manhood.
Civil war, he joined the Southern army. Arms: Quartered, and 4th gules,
He also served in the Mexican war, show- a fess, chequy, argent and azure; 2nd and
ing thus the distinctive characteristics of 3rd, or, a rampant, gules the shield
lion, ;
the Lindsays as soldiers transmitted from debruised of a ribbon, in bend sable, over
generation to generation from the feudal all. Crest: A cubit arm in armor, in
age of Scotland on down to the present pale, holding in the hand a sword erect,
century. In 1860 he married Miss Julia argent. On the point a pair of balances
Dclaney, of Louisiana. There were six of the last. Motto: Recta sed, ardua
children born of this union (straight but hard), the Earls of Craw-
Martha Neicton, Mary Anne Lindsay, ford and Balcarres, the Lords Spynie
Catherine Graham Lindsay; John De- (title dormant) the baronets of Everlick
laney Lindsay; Henry $. Lindsay, and Co., Perth, have the same arms as the
Andrew Jackson Lindsay, Jr. Lindsays.
Captain A. J. Lindsay, as will be seen Arms of the Lindsays of Blackstone, as
from this record, was the eldest male recorded in the Lyon register, Scotland:
member of this family by direct lineal Gules a fesse-cheque, arg and az in chief
descent,and was therefore entitled to the a label of three parts of the second, the
honors and chiefship of this branch of the label,according to Crawford being to in-
great Lindsay clan. After the close of dicate that his ancestor was an eldest son
the Civil war, Captain Lindsay lived with of the family of Dun rod, though the suc-
his family in St. Louis, or at his country cession was put by him.
place near by, until the time of his death, Crest: A withered branch of oak
which occurred June 3rd, 1898, aged sev- sprouting forth green leaves. Motto:
enty-six years. Mortua Vivescurit.
The daughter of Captain and
eldest Earl of Craioford's lines of the; Lind-
Mrs. A. J. Lindsay, Martha Newton Tay- says 1849-1858. George Seton. Scottish
lor, married Henry Von Phul Taylor, of Heraldry, 1863. Sir Bernard Burke,
St. Louis, and had four children : Jane The Peerage of Scotland, 1716.
mps. Cbomas Philip mcCormick.
Through her father, Mrs. Mae Lindsley the Continental line, born December,
McGormick derives her blood from many 1731, died 1826. She was a sister of
noble English and Scotch-Irish ancestors, Abraham and Phinneas Bradley, first and
whose names may be found, not only in second assistant of the Postmaster Gen-
the books of the peerage, but also in the eral under the presidency of the elder
annals of the defenders of their faith, or Adam®, holding these appointments until
their king, as the case might be, until the Jackson administration, moving to
seeking refuge in America, they espoused Washington Git}^ when the seat of gov-
with ardor the wars of the colonies and eminent was changed,
fought valiantly throughout the long Abraham Bradley Lindsley, son of Capt.
struggle for independence. Samuel and Lois Bradley Lindsley, was
The first Lindsley who came to this born in Morristown, New Jersey, Novem-
country was a "Roundhead," who, about ber 4, 1786, and died in Washington City,
1660, fled from the persecutions of the February, 1851. He was an officer in
civil war to America, where he soon be- the United States Navy from 1804 to
gan to take part in colonial affairs, and 1807, serving on the John Adams in the
became a land holder in both New Jersey Mediterranean Squadron. He afterwards
and New York, living in Morristown, served as an officer in the United States
New Jersey, where Eleazer Lindsley, the army, 1811-15; was with General Scott
head of this branch of the family, was at Lundy's Lane. He married, Septem-
born, 1732. ber, 1827, Sarah Triplett Jameson, who was
Eleazer, like his father, took an active born and reared upon her grandfather,
interest in colonial affairs; was an officer Wm. Triptett's, estate, at Round Hill,
of colonial troops, and later a lieutenant- Fairfax Co., Va., joining Gen'l Wash-
colonel of the 4th New Jersey Infantry ington's estate, Mount Vernon. There
of the Continental army, and served was a great intimacy between the fam-
throughout the entire period of the war ilies, and both Col. Triplett, and his
for independence. For his services he brother-in-law, Col. Charles Little, be-
received from Congress a grant of land longed to the Masonic lodge established
in Steuben Co., N. Y., which was called by Gen'l Washington at Alexandria, Va.;
Lindsley Township, where he established Col. Little's name is found among the pall-
his home, and resided until his death, bearers at the funeral of this first Presi-
1796. His wife, Mary Miller, a well- dent of the United States.
known poetess of that day, was also of The Jamesom, of Alexandria, Va., were
a distinguished colonial family of Mor- of noble Scotch-Irish descent, Robert
ristown, New Jersey. They had children, Brawn Jameson having emigrated from
among them Dublin, 1770. He settled at Alexandria,
Samuel Lindsley, bora in Morristown, 1788, where he lived for many years, and
New Jersey, 1758, who enlisted in the 4th died in St. Domingo, in 1820. mar- He
New Jersey Infantry as a private with ried, 1791, Penelope Triplett, of Fairfax
his father, and for gallant conduct was Co., and they had, besides Sarah Triplett,
several times promoted, ranking as cap- who married Abraham Bradley Lindsley,
tain at the close of the war. He mar- Commodore Wm. Jameson, U. S. N.
ried, 1785, daughter of Abraham
Lois, Through his maternal ancestors, the
Bradley, of Guilford, Conn., an officer of Bromis and Montgoinerys, Robert Brown
Church, and was deposed, 1644, for and now resides in St. Louis.
speaking against the Covenant. There is Arms: Jameson, az, a saltire, or. can-
a tradition that he fought in the Swedish toned by ships under sail, in chief, a mul-
war, and that his wife was a Swedish let in fore, or. Crest: A ship in full
princess. (See Broicn.) sail, flag displayed, gu. Motto: Sine
Robert Bmwn Jameson's grandmother
was a Montgomery, and the coat of arms
brought by him country and pre-
to this
u Roger
served in the family to this day, proves Dt Montgomery, a relation of
conclusively that she was of the noble William,Duke of Normandy, and accom-
house of Montgomery, of Brigend, of Scot- panied him to England, 1066, was the
land, Earls of Eglinton. The right of ancestor of this noble house. He com-
thisbranch to bear these arms was recog-
manded the body of his army at the
nized by Lyon, King at Arms. It is
battle of Hastings, and for this signal ser-
said that the brave Gen' I Montgom-
vice, the duke bestowed on him very
Quebec, was of this branch,
ery, killed at
large gifts, as the territory and honor of
and there are many others in this coun-
try descendants of Hugh Montgomery, of
Arundel, with the Earldom of Salisbury.
Brigend, who came to New Jersey about
He married Mabel, daughter of William
1700. (America Heraldica.)
De Talvoise, and had a son, Philip, who,
in the reign of Henry I, got a fair inher-
Abraham Bradley Lindsley, and his wife,
itance, in the Shire of Renfreu, and from
Sarah had one daughter,
Triplett Jameson,
him descended Sir Robert Montgomery, of
Ada, who married James Monroe Tyler, of Eagleham, who, in 1388, at the battle of
Prince William Co., Va., and had a Otter-burn, took prisoner with his own
daughter, who married Capt, Lam Howell, hand, Lord Henry Percy, named Hotspur.
U. S. A., and two sons. They had also One of his descendents, Alexander Moni-
three sons, Mai com A., Dr. Waldemar, gomery, of Eglinton, Lord of His Majesty's
and Bed Chamber, one of the "Sixteen Peers
De Courcy Bradley Lindsley, born in of Scotland," in 1700, was
the father of
Fairfax Co., Va., February 8, 1830, died Hon. Archibald Montgomery, colonel of a
in St. Louis, December 8, 1893, where he Highland regiment of foot, which acted
resided with his family many years; a with bravery in the late war with Amer-
man of great probity of character and ica (1776), and Governor of Dunbarton
eminent in business. He married, No- Castle.
vember, 1863, Fannie Anderson, of Marion Arms: Quarterly, first and fourth,
Co., Mo., daughter of one of the promi- sapphire, three fleurs de lys, topaz, for
nent early settlers of that part of the Montgomery. (Kinber's Peerage of Scot-
state. They had three sons, Dr. De land.) Lindsley arms as herein given.
Dp. and IDps. 3obn $. Logan.
John M. D., of St. Joseph, Mo.,
S. Logan, service in the Continental line; died
son of Thomas, born August 7, 1801, in August 28, 1828, in Woodford Co., Ky.
Donegal, Ireland; son of John and wife, His wife, Susan, widow of Capt. Moses
Jane Shannon; son of John, a lineal de- Haickins, was a daughter of William
scendant of Sir Robert Logan, of Eestalig, Strother, born in Culpepper, Va., April
Scotland; was born in Skelbyville, Ky., Woodford Co., Ky.,
30, 1726, died 1830, in
June 25, 1836; wias a, surgeon in the civil and wife, Sarah Paunill, widow of Wil-
war; married, November 20, 1862, Emma Ham Paunill; daughter of John Bailey, of
Puryear Cotton, born February 26, 1841, TJrbana, Middlesex Co., Va., died in Or-
in Woodford Co., Ky. They have six ange Co., Coleman, nee
1774. Susan
sons: Strother, wife of Thomas Coleman, was
Dr. Charles Cotton Logan, married Edith born? 17 5 3) in Orange Co., Va., died, 1830,
Campbell; issue, Samuel James Logan, j n Woodford Co. Kv.
born January 7, 1901. They had, besides Susan, a son, Wm.
John 8., Jr., married Caroline Ashton Dabney' Strother, killed at the battle of
Sheridan; issue, Sheridan Logan, born Guilford Court House, and Sarah Dabney
December 9, 1900. Strother, born December 11, 1760, died De-
Frank Puryear, married Margaret Croys- member 13, 1 829, who married, August 20,
dale; issue, John S. and David C. Logan. 1779, Col, Richard Taylor, son of Zachary
Thomas Trabue (second son), Lewis (son of James Taylor II, and wife, Martha
Sublett, and Milton Tootle Logan, fifth Thompson), and wife, Elizabeth, daughter
and sixth sons, unmarried. G f Hancock, son Richard Lee, ancestor of
Thomas Logan, married, March 18, 1834, f the Lee family of Virginia. She be-
Frances Sublett, and had, besides John S. came the mother of Gen'l Zachary Taylor,
Logan, M. D., a daughter, Mary, who mar-
]ier o of the Mexican war and President of
ried William Richardson Lykens, of Mar-
the United States.
tinsburg, Va. Both died early, leaving a William Strother was a son of Francis
son, William Logan Lykens.
Strother, of St. Marks Parish, Culpepper
Frances Sublett Logan married, sec-
Co., Va., born 1751, and wife, Susan,
ondly, James L. O'Neill, Jr., September 16, daughter of John Dabney and wife, Samh
1841, and had five children: Alice, mar- Jennings. Francis Strother, son of Wil-
ried William O. Fairleigh; Katharine, mar-
u am } was a planter of Hanover, King
Thomas B Weakly; Susan and James L ried Margaret daU ghter of Francis Thorn-
ON all 3 Jr
' ton, born 1651, in Caroline Co., Va., and
r, 77 ,, ,
Frances Sublett was a daughter of Lewis ..
A1 , „ ..
daUghter ° f£ Anth
° mJ Samge
WlfeAUce >'
Sublett IV, a soldier of the war of 1812, >
Woodford Co., Ky., daughter of Thomas Lewis Sublett III was a soldier of the
Coleman, of Orange a soldier of
Co., Va., Revolution, born 1759, in Chesterfield Co.,
the revolutionary war received 400 acres
; Va. ; moved
Kentucky, 1782 was atto ;
of laud from Virginia in payment for the battle of Blue Lick Springs; died in
Woodford Co., 1830. He married, March tember 20, on the ship "Ye Peter and
5, 1779, Mary, daughter of: Anthony," accompanied by her brother,
John James Trabue (son of Sir Antoine Anthony Du Puy, and kindred, Anthony
and wife, Magdalen Flourney), and wife, Trabue, Jacob Flourney, Jean Villain, Jean
Olymphia Du Puy, born November 12, Martain, Isaac Le Fevre, Pierre Le
1729, miarried, 1744, died 1822, aged Grande, Pierre Gucrrant, Pierre Chastain,
ninety-three years; daughter of: who married Anne Sublett, and 160 other
John James Du Puy and wife, Susanna, French refugees. Abraham Sublett, Sr.,
daughter of John Peter Le Villain and was appointed one of the twelve vestry-
wife, Philippa,kinswoman of Bartholo- men of the first Episcopal church in this
mew Du Puy and wife, Susanna Le parish, built 1707; and his son, Jacques,
Villain. John James was a son of: Clerk of the Parish.
Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife, —
Cotton Punyeai*.
Countess Susanne Le Villain, of noble
Emma Puryear Cotton, born February
Norman-French lineage. He was a lineal
26th, 1841, married,November 20th, 1862,
descendent of: Dr. John S. Logan; was the daughter of
Hughes Du Puy, the Crusader, who Charles Cotton, born in Loudoun Co., Va.,
founded the Order of St. Bernard; son of: October 30th, 1781, died January 9th,
Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain
1863 son of William Cotton and his wife,
Gideon Blackburn, born 1772, in Augusta Virginia, in 1795; Elizabeth, married Ed-
Co., Va., died 1838, a Presbyterian clergy- ward Bullock, 1799; Matilda, married, 1805,
man and educator, pastor of the first Thomas Prather; Martha, married Alex-
Presbyterian church in Louisville, Ky., andvr Pope; Sarah married Col. George
1823-1827; then President of Center Col- Floyd, in 1810; Maria, married Sterling
lege, Danville, Ky., till his death, 1838. Grimes; America, married, 1809, William
Blackburn University, Carlinville, 111., Sidney Vernon; Barbara, married Mr.
was named in his honor. Sanders; Anna Overton, married John I.
The progenitor of the Blackburns of Jacobs. Aaron Fontaine and his wife and
Virginia was Richard Blackburn from children, moved from Virginia to Ken-
Yorkshire, England, who married Mary tucky, 1798. His wife died on her way
Watts, of thesame family as Dr. Watts, to Kentucky and he married, secondly, in
the hynmologist. William Puryear, the 1800, the widow of Charles Minn Thrus-
father of Sarah Blackburn Puryear, was ton, nee Whctney, of Virginia, a woman
the son of Puryear, and his wife, of unusual beauty and accomplishments;
Samh Fontaine, born in Charles City Co., she died in 1822.
Va., 1744, a daughter of Rev. Peter Fan- Rev. Peter Fontaine was the son of
tainc,born 1691, in Toulon, England, or- Jmncs Fontaine, Jr., born 1658; Minister
dained, 1715, by the Bishop of London, at Vaux, France; died 1722. He fled to
Emigrated to Virginia, 1715; settled in England, 1685. He was the son of Rev.
Westover parish, Charles City Co., where James Fontaine, born at Rochelle, France,
he preached forty-two years; died there 1603, died 1666; son of James de la Fan-
in 1757. He married, first, in Dublin, tainc, born 1547, died 1633; son of Count
Ireland, 1714, Elizabeth Fourreau, and had John de la Fontaine, born in the province
two children, Peter Fontaine and Mary of Maine, near the border of Normandy,
Ann Fontaine, who married Isaac Winston, became converted to Protestantism in
the progenitor of the Winstons in Vir- 1535. On account of his piety and zeal
ginia, for the pure worship of God, he and his
He married, secondly, Elizabeth Wade, wife were murdered in 1563. {See- Fon-
of Virginia, and had six children, Moses tame.)
Fontaine, born 1742; Sarah, born 1744; Frances Taylor was a descendant of
Joseph, born 1748; Aaron, born 1754, died James Taylor II, and wife, Martlm Thomp-
in Jefferson Co., 1823; he married three son,daughter of Col. William Thompson
times, first, Miss Ferrill, in Virginia,and of the Royal Army son of Sir Roger
had ten daughters; Mary Fontaine, born Thompson, of Yorkshire. (See Taylor-
1774, married Judge Fortunatus Cosby, in Thompson.)
Alfred the Great, of England, had Alfred the Great, of England, had
Edward the Elder, King of England. Ethelwide=Baldwin II, of Flanders, had
Edmund I, King of England, who had Arnolph the Great, Count of Flanders, had
Edgar the Peaceful, King of England. Baldwin III, Count of Flanders, had
Ethelred II, King of England, who had Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders, had
Edmund II, King of England, who had Arnolph II, Count of Flanders, had
Edward the Exile, Prince of England. Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders, had
Margaret=Malcolm III of Scotland. Baldwin V, Count of Flanders, had
David I, King of Scotland, who had Maud=William the Conqueror, had
Prince Henry of Scotland, who had Henry I, King of England, had
David, Earl of Huntington, who had Maud=Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, had
Isabella— Robert, Earl of Annandale. Henry II, King of England, had
Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, had John, King of England, had
Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick, had Henry III, King of England, had
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, had Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, had
Margery=Walter, High Steward, had Henry, Earl of Lancaster, had
Robert II, King of Scotland, had Joan=John de Mowbrey, had
Catherine— Sir David Lindsay, had John IV, Baron de Mowbrey, had
Alexander, Earl of Crawford, who had Eleanor=Rogerde le Warr, had
Walter Lindsay of Beauford, who had Joan=Sir Thomas de West, had
Sir David Lindsay, of Edzell, who had Sir Reginald, Baron de la Warr, had
Walter Lindsay, of Edzell, who had Sir Richard, Baron de la Warr, had
Alexander Lindsay, of Edzell, who had Sir Thomas, Baron de la Warr, had
Rev. David Lindsay, Bishop of Ross, had Sir George West, Knt, had
Rachel=Rev. Dr. John Spottiswood, had Sir William, Baron de la Warr, had
Sir Robert Spottiswood, of New Abbey, had Sir Thomas, Baron de la Warr, had
Surgeon Robert Spottiswood, who had Gov. John West, of Virginia, had
General Alexander Spottswood, of Virginia, Col. John West, of "West Point," had
John Spottswood of Virginia=Mary Dandridge. Capt. Nathaniel West, of Virginia, who had
Anne Spottswood=Lewis Burwell. Unity=William Dandridge, R. N., had
Spottswood Burwell^Mary Marshall.
Mary Spottswood Burwell=Otis F. Manson, M. D.
Sallie Spottswood Manson=Albert Lee Hunt.
William Frederick Manson=Mary Randall.
Mary Hunt and Randell Manson.
(See Lindsay and Spottswood)
mi*, and mit$. Ulilliam mcClintock.
Mary Kemp Robards, born Mercer
in with his wife and only child two years old
Co., Ky., April 6th, 1801, daughter of on the ship Jacob and Mary and reached
Capt. George Robards and wife, Elizabeth Delaware river September 12th, 1679
Barbara Sampson, married Peter Bow- purchased 318 acres on the river opposite
mar Atwood, born in Culpepper Co., Va., Burlington Island. His son, Thomas,
April 10th, 1792. They had two sons, born in England 1677, lived in Bucks Co.,
William and Robert, and one daughter, Pa." (Amer. An., Vol. 5, p. 101.)
Elizabeth Mary, who married, October 1st, Josiah Ridgeway, born in Bucks Co.,
1815, William Trimble McClintock, born Penn., July 6th, 1690, married Sarah and
in Chillicothe, Ohio, February 20th, 1819. had Josiah II, of Northampton, Burling-
He was a graduate of the Ohio University, ton Co., N. J., who married, August 12th,
Athens and Augusta colleges; admitted to 1736, Rachel Brown, daughter of Richard
the bar March 28th, 1840, and was for Brown of Northampton, and removed to
many years General Counsel of the Balti- Frederick Co., Va., where he died 1763.
more and Ohio Railroad; retired from His son, Richard, of Frederick Co., Va.,
practice 1890. The McClintocks are of born in Burlington Co., N. J., married
old English and Scotch-Irish origin. The Charity Beeson and had Rachel, who mar-
maternal ancestor, Richard Ridgeway, ried John Trimble, born in Cecil Co., Md.,
born in Milford, Co. Berks, England, died December 16th, 1746 removed to Freder-
in Burlington Co., N. Y., 1722, arrived ick Co., Va., thence to Ross Co., Ohio,
in the Delaware river on the ship Jacob where he died 1810. He was a son of
and Mary, July 6th, 1679, with his wife, Joseph Trimble and Sarah Churchman,
Elizabeth, and infant son, Thomas, and both belonging to the society of Friends
settled in Bucks Co., Penn. He bought of Chester Co., Penn. son of William
land in Burlington Co., N. J., 1690, where Trimble of the old Scotch-Irish family of
he resided until his death. He was prom- Trimble or Trumbull or Turnbull, accord-
inent in the Society of Friends; Judge ing to family tradition, and there is a
for Burlington Co. 1700-1720; served legend of a coat of arms in the Trimble
three years on the Supreme bench of Pro- family identical with the arms of the
vince, West, N. J. His wife, Elizabeth Turnbiills with the motto "I saved the
Churchman, died January 13th, 1692, and King." (See Turnbull, Trimble.) Joseph
he married, secondly, Abigail Stockton. Trimble came to America when eighteen
Authorities differ concerning name of years old and settled in Chester Co., Penn.
first wife, as seen by following extract. His wife was the sister of John Church-
He had a son, Josiah. man, the eminent Quaker minister.
"The Ridgivays are descended from Charity Trimble, daughter of John and
Asser, a Saxon noble of the time of the his wife, Rachel Ridgeway Trimble, born
Norman Conquest, living at Edinhall in in Culpepper Co., Va., 29th July, 1790,
Staffordshire, who founded manors in sev- had a half-brother, David Trimble, a rep-
eral shires of England, and whose grand- resentative from Kentucky in Congress
son, William, assumed the name, Ridware and a full brother, Isaac Ridgeway Trim-
from one of the manors in Staffordshire, ble, educated at West Point, who was a
The first emigrant of this family was Major-General in the Southern army. She
Richard, who married, first, Elizabeth married James McClintock, born at Ship-
Chamberlain, died in 1692; he came over penburgh, Penn., October 25th, 1785; died
in Chillicothe, Ohio, May 11th, 1862. He the English nobility; of the Michaux, Do
was the youngest son of James and his Bonnets and Dutois, Huguenots from
wife, Mary Davidson McClintock, of France. (See Robards.) They had chil-
Scotch-Irish ancestry, daughter of John dren,
Davidson, who came from Ireland about Sarah McClintock, born January 11th,
1700 and settled in Chester Co., Penn. 1847, died March 11th, 1874 Mary Petrea
He was a man of means and gave his October 21st, 1853 Anne Porter McClin-
children liberal educations. His eldest tock, born July 16th, 1856; Arthur Mc-
son, Hugh, was one of the framers of the Clintock and Eliza Bennett McClintock.
Constitution of the United States. He Elizabeth Atwood McClintock married,
was a great scientist and was sent to October 11th, 1877, Charles Lansing
Africa to make astronomical observations, Pruyn, of Albany, N. Y., son of Robert H.
His eldest daughter married a son of Pruyn and Jane Ann Lansing; she died
Alexander Hamilton. December 20th, 1884. They had children,
William Trimble McClintock, son of Elizabeth McClintock Pruyn, born June
James, married Elizabeth Mary Atwood,
14th, 1878, Jane Anne Lansing Pruyn,
daughter of Mary Kemp Robards and Col.
born December 15th, 1880, Sarah McClin-
Peter B. Atioood; granddaughter of Capt.
tock Pruyn, born November 17th, 1884,
(icorge Robards, of the Revolutionary
died July 1885.
army and his wife, Elizabeth Barbara
Sampson, a lineal descendant through her Anne Porter McClintock married, Oc-
mother of the Robards and Lewises of tober 26, 1882, Edward Woodbridge
Wales, and the Woodsons, Porters, Samp- Strong, of New Brunswick, N. J., now of
sons, Willoughbys, Curtises, Kemps, Fer- Cincinnati, Ohio, son of ^Yoodbridge
rises, Herberts, Sanbornes and Tuckers, of Strong and his wife, Harriet Hartwell.
Tlie ^°^f ees are of tne an '
Lcmtry, son of Cap*. Jo/m Armstrong;
cient Scotch clan. McPhie, 4, Cynthia=Jack Allen; 5, John Clarl&=
or McFie, who bore for arms a shield, or, first, Matilda Bohon; =2, Catharine
a lion ramp, gu, surmounted by a fess, az. Bohon; 6,WilMam—Parthena Washburn.
Crest: A demi lion ramp. gu. Motto: Pro Issue by second wife, 1, Caldwell McAfee
Rege. The American branches have in- =1, Parthena Washburn; =2, Amanda
termarried with the Caldwell, Rogers, Nicholls; Mary Ann—1, Richard Sing-
McCormick, Irvine, Daviess, Hamilton, leton; =2, Joel P. Williams; =3, Dr.
and other Scotch families, refugees from Benjamin King; 3, Elizabeth=Rev. Dr.
persecution. H- P- Thompson; their daughter, Mary
The emi STant James Mc '
=Thomas, son of Dr. Benjamin King;
ryjcHfee '
commodious homes for the students; its coup. He invited them all with their re-
hundreds of acres of farming lands, all rep- tainers to a royal hunt. Ten thousand
resenting the substantial gifts from Chris- responded. Armstrong was prevailed
tian people everywhere, and the manual upon to wait upon the king and came in
labor of the students trained in this col- such splendor as few border nobles could
lege home is a, superb and enduring mon- equal fifty well-horsed gentlemen rode in
ument to his memory for many thousands his train, and the king imagined that
of peoples all over the world rise up and some foreign ambassador or some royal
call him blessed. His worthy helpmeet potentate, approached, bowed low, and
still lives (1902). raised his plumed cap to the "Laird
John A. McAfee and wife, Annie Bailey, of Gilknockie," which angered him so
had children, Lowell M. McAfee, Prin- greatly that he had Armstrong and his
cipal of Park College Academy and Chair- retinue executed that day. So great was
man of Faculty=(7arrie E. Canpeld; the abhorrence of the deed that the grow-
Howard B. McAfee, Business Manager= ing trees upon which they were hanged
Lucy M. Hind man; Rev. Lopsley Arm- were declared to have withered away;
strong McAfee, D. D.=Ella Taylor; Rev. their graves, in a deserted churchyard, are
Clelland B. J. McAfee, D. D—Hattie M. still pointed out to strangers. (Cham-
Brown; Joseph Ernest McAfce=Ada bers Eminent Scotchmen.)
Brolcair; and Helen Bailey McAfee. The Armstrongs, because of civil and
James McAfee, one of the original religious persecution, emigrated to Amer-
McAfee brothers, married Nancy Clark ica about the same time as the McAfees
and had Mary, who married David Woods and McCormicks, with whom they inter-
and was the mother of Samuel Woods, married and settled first in Pennsylvania
father of Harry Woods of Harrodsburg, thence went to Virginia and from there
Ky. father of Rev. Meander Woods, D.
; to Kentucky. Maj. John Armstrong, of
D., pastor
of the first Presbyterian Batetourt Co., Va., at that time head of
Church of Louisville, Ky., after a long- the famity, was one of the original elders
pastorate at the First Church, Memphis. of the New Providence Church, Kentucky.
Arms: An arm
w P is
'7"? ssuwl
is ' habited, gu,
from the side of the shield, holding lower
of Gilknockie Hall, Eskdale, of which was part ojf a broken tree, vert. Crest: An
the renowned John Armstrong celebrated , arm in armor, embowed, grasping a
in the wars and minstrelsy of the Scot- broken tree. Motto: Invictus Manes.
tish border. The name was at first as- Brig.-Gcn'l John Armstrong, a member
sumed, as indicative of prowess. The of Order of Cincinnati elected to Con-
race that bore it lived in Liddesdale and gress; Maj. John Armstrong, Aide to
John, the hero of the family, younger Gen'l Hugh Mercer.
Adjt.-Gen'l 1780.
brother of Christopher, the Chief, had his Member of Cincinnati. Capt. James Arm-
stronghold near Langholme. To have ac- strong, of Lee's Legion.
mr. hugh i_. Mcelroy
nir. and VHvs. Hugh L. fDcElnoy.
The McElroys, of ancient lineage, still Doicell, of the historic race of Dovcall,
live in the neighborhood of Larne, Ire- sprung from Dugall.
land. The first of the name was Charles At the age of sixteen he went with the
McElroy, from whom all of the American Scotch-Irish Presbyterians to the defense
Elizabeth Wiley and had one son, David, wife, Mary Watk'ms.
who married Sarah Gmilt and had a son, The McDowells and McElroys
James, who married Margaret Wiley and all brought with them to this country
had ten children, among them Margaret, the coat of arms now used by their de-
who married her cousin, Ephraim Mc- scendants.
. Muj. John G. Handy was of Mary Elizabeth, who married Hugh
Handy, g^jj^ anC estry, a lineal Linn McElroy.
descendant of Samuel Handy, who sailed The coat of arms of the Baltimore
from London in the barque Assurance, Handys, descendants of Samuel, are de-
1664, and landed at Annapolis, Md. He scribed: Arg, on a saltire, gu, bet. four
settled in Somerset Co., where he married lions' heads, erased, sa, five martletts of
Mary Scicell, a daughter of a prominent the field. Crest: Two arms in armor,
old Maryland family, March 31st, 1679. embowed, holding battle-ax.
She crossed the ocean when a little girl Mary Watkins, wife of
in the same ship with him. He died UiaiKins.
J6fm Q Randy born^ in
March 15th, 1737; his will is now on Woodford Co., Ky., October 30, 1802,
record in the Court house of Princess died in Harrodsburg, Ky., August 6, 1877,
Ann His descendants intermarried
Co. was a daughter of Benjamin Watkins,
with the most prominent families of born in Virginia, October 1, 1775, died in
Maryland, and have been, up to the pres- Kentucky, 1830, and wife, Jane Minter.
ent day, identified with the best interests He was of Welsh extraction, the first of
of that state. Samuel Handy and his the name being Jmnes Watkins, who ap-
wife, Mary, hiad children, among them, peared in the Virginia colony, 1608, with
Isaac, who bore the title of Colonel, in- Smith, the explorer, and is generally be-
dicating leadership in the colonial days lieved to have been the ancestor of this
in which he lived. He married Anne large family. (Meade.) His descendants
Dashiell, and had children, among them, were men of ability and prominence, and
Captain Henry Handy, who won his title intermarried with the leading Virginia
in the war who mar-
for Independence, families of that day. This branch of the
ried Jane Windsor and had, among other family deduced from wills and other
children, a son, William, who married records found in Henrico Co., runs thus:
Miss Beauchamp and lived in Delaware. I.—James Watkins, the explorer, from
His son, William G. Handy, born in Dover, Wales.
January 12th, 1775, married Henrietta n. Henry Watkins, Burgess, petitioned
Corbin, a native of Maryland, and they the crown.
resided for a time in Baltimore; his III.—Henry Watkins, a Quaker, born
brother, Dr. John Handy, was a professor 1G37) owned "Mawburne Hills;" in will
in the Medical College of Baltimore. At mentions son
an early day, William G. Handy and his
iv.—Henry, who married Mary Crisp;
wife removed to Kentucky and settled in
Scott Co., where their son, John G. Handy,
[n ^mentions
Joseph, and,
Bmjmtinj^ ,
Mary WaltMl, whose mother was a Ann Maria, died young; 11, James, mar-
Lockett. ried Martha Scearcej 12, Benjamin, mar-
VII. Benjamin, who married Jane, ried, first, Elmira Adkins; secondly, Anna
daughter of Joseph Minter and Jane Tra- Jerusha McArthur; 13, John; 14, Walter
hue, and had children, 1, Mary; 2, Caro- L., who married Mary Holloway.
line, married Parker Hardin; 3, Margaret,
Mary, eldest daughter of] Benjamin
married A. D. Blythe; 4, Martha, married
Watkins and Jane Minter, married Maj.
John Luke; 5, Elizabeth, married Mr.
John G. Handy, a wealthy planter of
Carter, of Virginia; 6, Jane, married
Philip Gill; 7, Susan, married John
Mercer Co., Ky., and had:
Hardin; 8, Tabitha, married John Gill; Mary Elizabeth, who married Hugh Linn
9, Rebecca, married William Yates; 10, McElroy.
Tnabue-Du Puy.
Mrs. McElroy, through her grand- were Huguenots, but by favor of the king
mother, Jane Minter, derives descent escaped the Massacre of St. Bartholomew,
from the ancient "Maison Du Puy," After a sojourn of some years in Holland
founded in France, 1033, when the Em- and England, they emigrated to Virginia
peror Conrad conquered, at the head of and joined the Huguenot settlement on
his army, the baronies of Aries and the James river, 1700. They had three
Bourgoyne. He was accompanied by sons:
Raphael Du Puy, Grand Chamberlain of John James Du Puy, third son, mar-
the Roman Empire, General Commanding ried a kinswoman, Susanna, daughter of
the Roman Cavalry, who was made Gov- John Peter Le Villain and wife, Phillippa,
ernor over the conquered provinces, and kinswoman of Count Bartholomew Du Puy
his descendants became possessed of val- and wife, Susannc Le Villain. Their
uable estates in Languedoc and Dauph- daughter
ine. His son, Hughes, went to the Cru- Olymphia Du Puy, married John James,
sades with Godefroi de Bouillon, and son of Sir Antoine Trahue and wife, Mag-
founded the Order of St. Bernard; and dalen Flourney, of noble birth, French Hu-
his son, Raymond, founded the Order of guenots, and had children. Their daugh-
St. John of Jerusalem, of which he was ter:
the first Grand Master. (See British Jane Trabue, born 1752, married Joseph.
Ency.) Minter, born 1744, and emigrated with
From Raphael, through Hughes, Count him from Pittsylvania Co., Va., to Ken-
Bartholomew Du Puy derived his lineage tucky. Their daughter, Jane Minter, mar-
born at Languedoc about 650 years after ried Benjamin Watkins and had:
the Conquest. (See Du Puy.) He was of Mary Watkins, who married John G.
the Household Guard of Louis XIV, and Handy and had:
married the Countess Susanne Le Villain, Mary Elizabeth, who married Hugh
of noble Norman-French lineage. They Linn McElroy, Kansas City, Mo.
fill's. Olivet? B. Filley.
' An exhaustive research made by Col. Andrew McKmley3 born in Ky., Oct. 10,
Henry Dudley Tcttor, of New York, the 1817, married Mary Moss, daughter of Dr.
well-known geneological student, reveals Wilcox and wife, Elizabeth Moss, issued
that this family (of which the late la-
from the Randolph, Moss, Isham, Wood-
mented President McKinley, was an hon- son, Dudley and other families of gentle
ored member) "is descended from the chil- and royal birth. (See Cabell, and other
dren of the mist, who had their feudal pedigrees elsewhere.
estates in the Scottish Highlands by vir- Andrew McKinley and wife, Mary Moss,
tue of the sword, or battle axe," when had children, John,
born 1844, died
the United States, over which one of them July, 1852 Ashley, born August 27,
was destined to rule, was still an unex- 1846, married, March 26, 1868, Ellen
plored country. The McKmley coat of Wyatt August 19, 1849;
Shallcross, born
arms adopted in the XVI century shows Elizabeth Armistead, born September 6,
a red shield, upon which a silver elk is 1848 Anna Cabell, born October 5, 1850,
posed. Crest: a mailed hand bearing married, April 7, 1874, St. John Boyle;
a bunch of olives. Motto: "Not Too Crittenden, born August 18, 1854, mar-
Much." ried, April 16, 1892, Lucy, born October
According to the family tradition, two 14, 1862, daughter of Capt. Silas Bent;
brothers, James and William McKmley, Andrew, born June 29, 1857, married
were the progenitors of the American Pauline Chopin, born June 29, 1859; and
McKinley s. They came over when boys, Mary McKinley, fifth child, who mar-
from the north of Ireland, but thedr fore ried Oliver B. Filley and had children,
fathers had come from the west of Scot- Mary Elizabeth; Oliver Dwight and Anne
land. They were convenanters, and McKinley.
strong in their religous convictions, left The Filleys belong to an ancient fami-
their native heath rather than submit to ly, found in England and Scotland. Wil-
restraint. liam Filley, the colonial ancestor, left the
They came over early in 1700. James mother country because of religious perse-
settled in Penn. and became the ancestor cution; settled in Windsor, Conn., 1640.
of President William McKmley. Wil- From him descended the St, Louis branch
liam settled in Virginia, and became the
of the family, issued through the mater-
head of a large and influential family.
nal lines of Brown Barber, Dwight,
(See Hist, of Pres, McKmley.) Of this
Moore, Loomis, Gillette, and Farington
branch,-/o7m McKmley, bora in Culpepper
families of New England. (See N. E.
Co., Va,, 1, 1780, was the head. He
emigrated to Ky. while young, and soon
Ilec.) Oliver Du'ight Eilley was the
became prominent in State politics; As- first to emigrate to St. Louis. He mar-
sociate Judge, Supreme Court of U. S. ried in Connecticut, Chloc Velina Brown.
1837 moved to Alabama, which State he
Their eldest son, Oliver Brown Fillcy,
Vftv. and Dins. Joseph D. Lucas.
Mr. Joseph D. Lucas, of "Goodwood families of England, the chief representa-
Farm," St. Louis Co., is a son of the late tive at the present time being the Duke of
James H. and his wife, Mary E. Des Ruis- Manchester.
seaux Lucas; son of Jean Baptiste Charles The Earl of Warwick, "The King
Lucas, head of the St. Louis family, and Maker," was a Montague, as was also the
one of the founders of St. Louis ; born in wife of Richard III, Queen Elizabeth, and
the ancient town of Pont-Audemer, Nor- Mary, Queen of Scots. Sidney Montague,
mandy, France, a descendant of an old whose wife, Lady Mary Worthy Mon-
Norman family whose names appear on tague, a distinguished writer of those
the Battle Abbey Roll, and in the English days, belonged to this family, the name
Domes Day Book. His father held the Wortley appearing frequently in the
office of Procurer du Roi and married American line. The Virginia Montagues
M'lle de VArch. Several coats of arms intermarried with the Balls, the family of
belong to this family. Mr. Joseph Des- Washington's mother.
riusseaux Lucas was born and raised in Mrs. Lucas is a daughter of the Amer-
St. Louis, where he married Frances, ican Revolution through her grandfather,
daughter of Col. Charles McLaren and John Montague, who fought with Wash-
wife, Annie Montague Jennings. inton and received a wound (the scar of
MrS Frances McLaran
' which he bore through life) while defend-
u * Lucas is a native of St. ing Washington from the thrust of a Brit-
Louis, and through her grandmother, ish bayonet. Through her father she also
Annie Bradley Montague, who married claims membership, his father, John Mc-
James Jennings, she belongs to the old Laran's name, appearing upon the roll of
English family of Montagues, her grand- patriots. He was a native Scotchman, but
mother being seventh in descent from fought for the freedom of his adopted
Peter Montague, who first came to Vir- country.
ginia in 1621, bringing with him large The first ancestor of the Montague fam-
grants of land from the Crown, in con- iiy in America was William of Bovency,
sideration of his services in transporting Buckinghamshire, England, whose fourth
at his own expense numerous colonists SO n, Peter Montague, of Nansemond Co.,
to Virginia. A portion of this original Va., was the head of the American family,
grant is known as Montague Island, sit- He was born in Buckinghamshire, Eng-
uated in the Rappahannock river. He land, 1603 died at his home on the Rap-
was a leading man of his day, represent- pahannock 1659 married 1633, Cicely
ing Lancaster Co. in the house of Burgess Montague. His son, Peter Montague, born
in Nansemond Co, Va 1634 died Janu-
1651-8, and through this service his de- ;
was at the battle of Hastings. After the two children. His son, Thomas, born in
conquest of England he was given large Middlesex 1691, died 1756 married, first, ;
estates and titles in Somersetshire and Grace Montague, who died March 23rd,
from him are descended many illustrious 1726, leaving a son
Thomas Montague, born Middlesex
in nings, born in Virginia 1831, eighth in de-
February 20th, 1719, died 1777 while serv- scent from Peter Montague, the first emi-
ing his country in the Revolutionary war; grant, married Charles McLaran, of
he married, 1753, Jane Daniel, daughter Scotch-Irish descent, born in Baltimore,
of Charles Daniel, 8rmJ who died 1812, Md. His father, having come to America
leaving eighteen children. about the middle of the XVIII century,
Their son, Muckelborough, born in became a soldier of the Revolution, help-
Cumberland Co. January 5th, 1776, died ing to gain American independence,
in Powhattan Co., Va., November 26th, Charles McLaran and Annie
his wife,
1827. From his mother's family he re- M ontague Jennings, had children; Annie
ceived the name Muckelborough, signify- Montague, who married Theodore de
ing "The Great Place." He married, 1791, Forest; Charles Jennings, Frances, Ella,
Sarah Moore, who died, 1797, leaving married Charles H. Sawyer, Percy Blew-
three children. Their daughter, ett, Robert Lee, Mary Alice, James Oliver,
Annie Bradley Montague, married, Sep- Daniel Taylor, William Henry and John
tember 7th, 1809, James Jennings of Car- Montague.
tersville, Va., of English descent, the head Frances, married, May 4, 1882, Joseph
of the family having emigrated from D. Lucas. They reside at their beautiful
Northshire, England, born October, 1785. home, "Goodwood Farm," St. Louis Co.
They were among the early settlers of St. Mary Alice married Alexander Hazard,
Louis, cotemporaries of James H., father of Buffalo, New York,
of Mr. Joseph D. Lucas, and spent the
remainder of their lives upon their large ROYAL DESCENT OF MONTAGUE,
estate near the city. He died there June The royal descent of the Montagues is
3rd, 1855 his wife died March 12th, 1868,
from William I, King of England, who
leaving six children.
had Q undred(lj who ma rried William dc
Dr. Robert Muckleborough Jennings, Warren, wno had William, Earl of War-
who married, at Gainesville, Ala., Ann rm <md 8urrey who had Adeline, who
Hon. and IT)ps. Henity T. mudd.
Hon. Henry Thomas Mudd, an old I, Dr. Henry Hodgen Mudd, who mar-
resident of St. Louis, prominent in both ried Miss Albright and had children,
business and official circles, derives his Henry Robert, married Miss Garth, Kath-
blood from an ancient Polish family, who, erine, married Joseph Sidney Walker^ and
because of political and religious perse- Edith, Avho married Isaac Cook.
cution, left their fatherland in the XV II, Dr. Harvey Gilmer Mudd, married
and Alexis, came to America on the same III, Seely Wintersmith Mudd, civil min-
vessel which brought Iiord Baltimore to ing engineer of Denver, married Delia
Maryland, he having been appointed Gov- Mulock of ancient lineage.
ernor of that province. One of the broth- Henry Thomas Mudd, married, sec-
ers is said to have served as secretary ondly, July 8, 1884, Mrs. Catharine Lu-
under Lord Baltimore; and in 1755, the cinda Brown (widow), daughter of
Lord Baron issued letters patent to Henry Norbourn Woolfolk, grandson of Rob-
Mudd for a tract of 800 acres of land ert Woolfolk, of Virginia, and his wife,
which has been continuously occupied by Miss Gwathey, daughter of Owen Gwathey
the family up to the present time. and his wife, Miss Temple, daughter of
Thomas Mudd, son of Henry, married Sir John Temple, whose wife was a daugh-
a daughter of Maj. William Boarman, who ter of Hannah Moore, Maid of Honor to
brought to him a large tract of land from Queen Elizabeth, who gave to her her wed-
her father's estate, known as "Boarman's ding trousseau. Sir John Temple was a
Reserve." Their son, Henry Thomas son of Sir William Temple.
Mudd, married Miss Stansbury, and their Three Woolfolk brothers of whom Rob-
son, Henry (called Harry), married ert was one, came from England to Vir-
Ahlah, daughter of Basil Mahoney, of Ire- ginia in the early colonial days. The
land, and his wife, Miss Spalding, of crest brought with them and used upon
Charles Co., Md. He left a large estate. their seal was a sheaf of wheat, a wolf
One of his sons, guardant, over this a crown with motto
Stanislaus Mudd, moved from Mary- "I guard my
land to Kentucky, where he married, July Norbourne Woolfolk, son of Austin C.
10, 1817, Eliza Marshall January, and and his wife, Elisabeth Mildred Taylor,
moved to St. Louis, finally settling in St. was a lineal descendant, through his
Charles, Mo., whence he removed to Pike mother, of James Taylor of Carlyle, she
Co., where he died, leaving seven chil-
being a daughter of Roger and his wife,
dren. His eldest son, Henry Thomas,
born September 17, 1819, married, first in
Hannah Fishback Taylor, son of Com-
Pittsfield, 111., October 26, 1811, Sarah modore Richard Taylor and his wife,
Elisabeth Hodgen, of English descent Katherine Davis; son of George Taylor
(see Hodgen), and moved to St. Louis, and his wife, Rachel Gibson; son of James
1856, where he soon became identified Taylor II and his wife, Martha Thompson,
with the growth and development of the
city. He was nine years President of the of noble English birth; son of James Tay-
State Horticultural Society; eight years lor I, a descendant of the Earls of Pen-
curator of the State University. From nington, and his wife, Frances. (See Tay-
this marriage there were eight children, lor, Thompson Marshall and January.)
Dp. and Wvs. H. G. mudd.
Harvey G. Mudd, M. D., son of Hon. and had their charter (on record) from
Henry Thomas Mudd, of Polish ancestry, the Duke of Argyle, substantiates the fam-
and wife, Elizabeth Hodgen of English ily claim of descent, as shown in their
birth (see Mudd and Hodgen), was born well preserved records, which follow:
in St. Louis and educated at Washington James Clark, the first American ances-
University, St. Louis. tor, came to this country, 1700, from
Stuart of the C. S. A., and Daniel Stuart, Maryland, where they would be under the
ancestor of President Roosevelt, the name protection of the family of Col. Fitzhugh.
altered as was the case frequently in those They were heiresses and took with them
days, which in this case happens to be the a number of slaves. After a time Eliza-
original spelling of Stewart. beth, quite young and beautiful, met at
John Stuart I married Jerusha ; the home of Col. Fitzhugh Henry Gaither
died 1765. His son, John II, married from Howard Co., Md., a close relation of
Hannah Girrarden,of the notable Balling- the Howard family. The Gaithers were
er-Bohun families of South Carolina, of of good lineage and young Henri/, or
which Edmund Ballinger was one of the 'Handsome Harry,' as he was called,
firstLandgraves. John Stuart died Octo- was dashing, debonair, and of splendid
ber 21, 1766, leaving children, Mary, born physique, just the fellow to appeal to
September 22, 1723, married 'William young Elizabeth's heart, but he was poor
McLaughlin. John Stuart II, born Feb- and unable to surround her with all of the
ruary 13, 1726, died September 4, 1776; luxuries to which she had been accus-
Hannah, married John Stuart; Daniel, tomed. Suspecting the proud, austere
married Anna Ferguson; Elizabeth, born Col. Fitzhugh would disapprove her
1731, married John McTeer; Rebecca and choice, she did not consult him but ran
James. away and married him. By her father's
John Stuart III married, first his will, she was left a large farm in Wash-
cousin, Mrs. Susannah Bacon Stewavt ington Co., Md., 'Apple Hill,' and a num-
( widow), died 1776, leaving children, ber of slaves."
Sarah, who married William Quarterman; Henry Gaither and Elizabeth Stuart
Anne, born 1756; Susannah, married had children, among them, Stuart Gaither,
Joseph Fox; Rebecca, and Daniel, a fa- who married Margaret de la Plaux, of
mous general of the Revolutionary war, Huguenot descent, a belle and beauty, liv-
who married, first, Martha Pender, sec- ing in Frederick, Md. They had four
ondly, Susannah Oswald, and was the an- daughters, one of whom, Jane Gaither,
cestor of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt. married Robert Brackenridge Clark of
John Stuart III married, secondly, Baltimore, Md. They had three children,
August 7, 1769, Sarah, daughter of Capt. Robert Stuart; Stuart Gaither, and Mar-
Robert Nichols, and had one child, Eliza- garet de la Plaux, who married, 1892,
beth, born 1773, who married Henry Harvy Gilmer Mudd, M. D.; their only
Gaither of Maryland and had, among child is named Stuart Clark Mudd,
other children, Stuart Gaither, who mar- Residence, St. Louis,
ried Margaret de la Plaux. John Stuart Colonial Dames Record of Mrs. H. G.
II and III moved with their families to Mudd.
Georgia in 1754 and settled in St. John's John Stuart III was a member of His
Parish, Sunberry, Liberty Co., where Col. Majesty's Council in South Carolina Oc-
John Stuart died September 4, 1776, and tober 1772. (Ramsey's Hist, of South
liesburied in the old Midway Cemetery, Carolina.)
Liberty Co., where all of these Stuarts D. A. R. Record: John Stuart III,
are buried. Colonel of Artillery, Continental line,
Of the marriage of Elizabeth Stuart to Georgia Brigade. (White's Hist. Col. of
Henry Gaither, this record is found :
Georgia, p. 114 also, Order Book of Gen.
"During the troublous times of the Rev- Samuel Elbert in Georgia Historical So-
olutionary period Elizabeth Stuart and ciety.
her sister, were sent to Washington Co., (See Royal Lineage of Stewart.)
IDi*. and IDps. Daniel C. Duycnt.
Daniel C. Nugent was born in Ontario, tain, Avliere he served under Gen. Marion.
Canada. His business career was begun He married, 1768,
in Mt. Vernon, Ills., and continued in Mary Jane Pennington, of Spartans-
St. Louis Mo. He is 1st Vice-President burg, S. C, of the well known Pennington
of the B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co. family, descended from Ephraim, whose
a Director of the Louisiana Purchase pedigree is clearly traced to the Penning-
Exposition Co., and a member of the Mer- tons of Pennington Co., Lancaster, who
cantile Directory. came over in 1643; of the same stock as
He married, in 1885, Came Casey, the Lords Muncasterj of Castle Cumber-
daughter of Judge Thomas 8. Casey of land.
Mt. Vernonj Ills. They had seven sons and one daughter,
The name Casey indicated in early days Levi, Isaac, Abraham, Samuel, Randolph,
"Chief in Battle, or "Dart Armed," and Hiram and Zadok, who was born March
as far back as 1381 the Caseys are re- 7, 1796, in Georgia, whither the family had
corded as a warlike people, the Castle of gone after the Revolution. From there
Athlone being then under the command of they removed to Smith Co., Tenn., where
Gov. Thomas Casey. Various members the father, Randolph, died 1813.
of the family were accorded many privi- Zadok married in 1816, Rachael, daugh-
leges and prominent positions in Ireland, ter of Samuel King and re-
of Tennessee,
one of them Chief of Roth Common in the moved to the Territory of Illinois and
Barony of Puble-Brion. From this an- built himself a home which he called "Red
cient family was issued Admiral le Bud Hill," near the present site of Mount
Compte Casey, who was a Senator of Vernon. About this time he was ordained
France under Napoleon III. a minister of the M. E. Church.
The Casey arms are described, "Or, a In the year 1819 Jefferson Co. was
chevron bet. three falcon heads, gules, formed and he was selected one of the com-
Crest: A
hand fessways, issuing from a mittee to locate the public buildings. In
cloud lifting a garb." Another branch of 1822 he was a representative of Jefferson
the family used an azure shield with chev- Co. in the legislature. During this ser-
ron arg, bet. three eagles' heads. vice he Avas author of the resolution creat-
Several branches of this old Irish stock ing a new county, which he called Marion,
were planted America in the early col-
in for his father's commander, Gen.
onial days. One of them settled in Vir- Marion. In 1826 he was chosen State
ginia and was a near neighbor and friend Senator, holding the office until 1830,
of the Randolphs, from whom one of his when he was elected Lieutenant-Governor
seven sons was named, and the name Ran- of Illinois. He had acquired a reputation
dolph Casey has been continued through as a presiding officer and successful par-
all of the succeeding generations. They liamentarian. He volunteered in 1822 as
were prominent in the affairs of State and a private in the Black Hawk war under
in the army. Capt. Bowman. As a member of De-
Randolph Casey moved to South Caro- ment's Battalion at the battle of Kellog's
lina and was a patriot from that State, Grove, was complimented for his coolness
participating in many of the engagements and courage, his horse having been shot
of the Revolution, notably at Kings Moun- twice during the engagement.
Governor Casey was elected to Con- State. In 1870 he was elected to the legis-
gress 1833 for the third district, when lature, where he was an earnest advocate
Illinois had only three members. He of free trade. He was made State Senator
served fourteen sessions missing only one in 1872 and in 1879 was elected a judge in
and a half days throughout his term. He the Judicial District of Illinois and was
brought before Congress a plan for the at once appointed to the Appellate bench.
granting of lands in Illinois to aid in the At the expiration of his term he removed
construction of the Illinois Central Rail- to Springfield, 111., and resumed the prac-
road, and was the advocate of every meas- tice of law, continuing until his death,
ure for the advancement of his State. He March, 1891.
was State Senator at the time of his death. He was married in 1861 at Springfield,
The children of Zadoh and Rachael Ills., to Matilda Moran, daughter of Dr.
King Casey were Hiram, Maliala, Samuel Patricius Moran and Esther Kohler, of
King, Dr. Newton Randolph, Dr. John R., the Pennsylvania Kohler s. Patricius
Mary J.j and Moran was born in Roscommon Co., Ire-
Thomas Sloo Casey, born in Jefferson land; emigrated to this country and was
Co., 111., April 6, 1832. He graduated a graduate of Jefferson Medical College
with honors from McKendree College of Philadelphia.
studied law under Hugh Montgomery, and Judge and Mrs. Casey's family con-
in 1854 was admitted to the bar at Spring- sisted of three children, two of whom are
field, and located at Mt. Vernon, 111. In living:
1860, he was elected State Attorney and Louise Casey, wife of David Jeivett
served eight years. In 1862 he raised the Baker, Jr., Captain of the 12th Infantry,
110th regiment of Illinois volunteers and U. S. Army; and
was appointed the colonel. He partici- Carrie Casey Nugent, the subject of this
pated in the battle of Stone river and other sketch, whose children are Louise A.
engagements. On his return from the Nugent, Dan Casey Nugent and Morgan
field he resumed his profession and was Thomas Nugent.
classed as one of the ablest lawyers of the Residence, St. Louis.
Miss Catherine Luke Owen and her Mary Aull Luke, born in St. Louis
sisters, Frances L. and Mary L., and March 14th, 1849, died January 17th,
brother, 0. Edward Owen, Jr., are all 1878; a woman of lovely character and
native born St. Louisans of Welsh descent fine accomplishments, beloved of all who
through their father, 0. Edward Owen, knew She was a daughter of John
born in Eemsen, N. Y., October 16, 1842, "Wallace Luke, who was born near Belfast,
and came to St. Louis with his father, 0. Ireland, July 19th, 1817, and died at Fort
James Owen, born, 1812, in Caern- Benton, Montana, 1888. His mother was
orvanshire, North Wales; son of James Anna Maria Wallace, daughter of Maj.
Owen, born in North Wales 1780, came to Wallace, who was in command of the
New York 1818; son of Robert Owen, King's forces in Ireland was of the blood
born 1755; son of James Owen, born in of Sir William Wallace. She had three
North W
ales, 1720. brothers, Joseph, William, who died in
Mary Jenkins, wife of 0. James Owen, India, where his regiment was stationed,
was born, 1814, Glamorganshire,
in and Gordon Wallace, who was also in
South Wales, daughter of Edward Jenk- India with his regiment and died from
ins and his wife, Margaret Davics, born exposure. She married William Luke of
December 23, 1777, daughter of John Belfast, Ireland, and came to America
Davics and Elizabeth Presbury, of Glou- 1830; they had John Wallace, Robert
cester, England, whose sister married "Wallace and six daughters. John and
Lord Steele. (See Crdddock and "Wallace.) Robert were educated in Kinsale, Cork,
O. Edward Owen, son of 0. James Ireland, under the care of their uncle,
Owen, Sr., married, January 18, 1871, Burgoync, who was captain of the Royal
Navy and commander of the Coast Guard. 1794. He was in Capt. Lazarus Pine's
Robert was killed in the Mexican war. 4th Co., 2nd Battalion, Philadelphia
Jolui Luke married, November 10th, Militia, in the service United
of the
1847, Catherine Wells 'Wilson, born at States commanded by Col. Sharp Delaney,
Steubenville, Ohio, January 24th, 1828, stationed at Billings Port, July 12th,
died in St. Louis, Mo., December 16th, 1876, 1777. His brother, George, an officer in
daughter of Peter Miller Wilson, born in the Revolution, was killed by a Hessian
Philadelphia, Penn., June 27th, 1772, died officer after he had surrendered at the
November 23rd, 1829. He was appointed battle of Trenton. (Penn. Archives.)
receiver of public money at Steubenville, Elizabeth Richardson, wife of Peter
Ohio, by President Andrew Jackson. The Miller,was a great-granddaughter of Sir
name, Wilson, was originally spelled Vol- John Richardson of Wales, and Lady
sung ( celebrated in Wagner's music), and Elizabeth Aubrey, daughter of Sir John
the old Russian tribe, Wiltzin, perpetu- Aubrey, Knight and Baronet. They were
ated the name of Wilts or Wiltshire, where of the nobility of Normandy in France
stands the ruins of the Druid temple and are traced back to Saunders de St.
known as Stone Henge, England. Aubrey, Lord Martial of France and Earl
Peter Miller Wilson married, February of Boulogne, who came to England 1066.
23, 1808, Prances Pope Stokely, born in He was of the family of Vere de Vere. In
Sussex Co., Delaware, March 18, 1789, 1692 Sir John Richardson and his wife,
daughter of Thomas Stokely, born in Lady Elizabeth Aubry, living at Port
Edenton, N. C, March 27, 1755, died Royal, removed to Philadelphia. The
Brownsville, Penn., July 24, 1824. He baptism of Lady Elizabeth Aubrey ap-
was with George Rogers Clarke dur-
Col. pears in the birth register of Llanthrytid,
ing the Indian wars, and captain in Col. Glamorganshire, Wales, 20th of May,
Lochray's expedition, Pennsylvania Mil- 1645. Godfrey Miller, father of Peter
itia (Penn. Archives); married Elizabeth Miller, was born in Alsace Lorraine and
Mountford (Montford), daughter of died in Philadelphia.
Samuel Montford, born in England 1730, Aubrey of Llanthrytid Park Co., Gla-
and Frances Pope, born in Delaware 1724. morgan, created baron 1660, was de-
He was son of George Wilson, born at scended from one of the companions in
sea 1745, died, Philadelphia, 1789, where arms of William the Conqueror,
he was a prominent merchant, He mar- Arms: Az, a chev. between three
ried Sarah, daughter of Peter Miller and eagles' heads erased, or. Crest: An
Elizabeth Richardson, in the Friends eagle's head erased, or. Motto: "Solem
Meeting-house, Arch street, Philadelphia, fero," I bear the sun. (Burke.)
where he is buried. Peter Miller was The Aubreys of Normandy and France
born in New Swarden, Nassau, Germany, have the same arms. ( See Jouff roy
1727, died in Philadelphia, February 4th, D'eschavannes, Armorial Universal.)
The history of this family, as translated series of paintings, life size, marking each
from the German, shows that they derived stage of its progress, representing the var-
extraction from a Roman, Superbus, ious patrons of the enterprise ; a gay cav-
translated into German, Overstolz (Over alcade of knights and ladies and pages in
Proud). It is the oldest patrician family the dress of the period represented on
in renowned for its warlike
Cologne, horseback, followed by the laborers en-
achievements and civic attainments. The gaged in the constructive work of that
family is held in high esteem in Cologne, age, carrying their implements. In the
where they were known as merchant first period covered the excavaters, in the
princes of the thirteenth, fourteenth and second, the hewers of stone, and so on to
fifteenth centuries. the grand completion of the cathedral,
Mathias Overstolz, in the year 1268, covering the different periods in the lapse
was a knightly prince, who led a success- of the several centuries during which the
ful resistance to the assaults of the forces work progressed.
of the archbishop, who was seeking to de- In each picture are displayed by the en-
prive the city of its charter. He lost his signs, the different banners, showing the
life in the struggle and memory was
to his ensignia of the houses engaged in the
erected a superb statue, which may be undertaking. In each cavalcade may be
seen in the City Hall to the present day. seen the banner of the Overstolz, showing
Johan Overstolz, brother of Mathias, the same coat of arms as herein repre-
was Mayor of Cologne 1275. sented and used by the St. Louis family.
Gerhard Yon Overstolz, son of Mathias, Upon the completion of the Cathedral
fell in the battle of Worrington 1287, es- these pictures were reproduced, in a
pousing a patriotic cause. grand pageant-tableaux vivant, as may be
For centuries it had been the hereditary seen in a large book of colored plates,
right of the patricians to have elected which is one of the valued possessions of
from their number the Chief Magistrate. the family.
For resisting the forcible abrogation of The Town Hall was originally a clois-
this right the landed estates of the Over- ter, and within an artificial wall which
stolz were confiscated and they, with served to conceal the treasures, was found
fifteen other patrician families were ban- during the last century many valuable
ished, most of them going to Westphalia. works of art. It served as a prison house
Legal steps were taken for the restoration as well, for concealed behind these walls
of the property and the papers may be Rutger Von Overstolz, son of Mathias, was
found upon the files of the German courts imprisoned, and made his escape by fol-
to the present day. lowing a mouse which he petted while in
The Overstolz family donated the first captivity, the story forming a pretty chap-
half of the great Cologne Cathedral, as ter in one of the German histories. He
shown by the records of the building of was engaged to the famous beauty, Philip-
this edifice, a small volume kept in the pine Welzer, the leading character of the
vault with the valuable church and crown German play of that name, the Overstolz
jewels. knights figuring in the drama.
Five hundred years were consumed in The ancient Overstolz mansion was pur-
the erection of this wonderful structure, chased by the city and is perserved as
and in the Town Hall may be found a nearly as possible in its original condi-
V t»
tion, as a mark of respect to its former taining the city's distinguished guests
occupants. during the period of Mr. Overstolz admin-
WilUam Overstolz, born 1780, in Duis- istration as Mayor. They had children,
bury, Westphalia, where the family took Francis, who died young; Lucille, Aida,
refuge when banished from Cologne, died Katharine, Marie, and Charles. Misses
in St. His wife, Therese
Louis 1853. Lucille, Katharine and Marie have inher-
Dusc, a famous beauty, was born in Pader- ited the artistic tastes of both father and
born, Westphalia, 1770, and died in St. mother, the former a gifted musician.
Louis 1862. Their son, Miss Marie, a young writer of ability, has
Hon. Henry Clemens Overstolz, born in just issued a charming story book" for
Munster, Province of Westphalia, July 4, children. Katharine has shown rare
1822, died in St. Louis November 29, 1887, talent for sculpture and has already on
resided in his native city until 1836. exhibition in the life class some fine
After completing a course at the cele- models.
brated Gymnasium of Munster, he came to The Espenschieds are of Spanish ances-
America with his parents, who settled in try, as the name indicates. During the
St. Clair Co., 111. From there he removed days of persecution and the Spanish In-
to St. Louis 1816, and was so successful quisition, three brothers, Espenschied,
in all of his business enterprises that he fled to Germany, where they lived during
retired in 1857 and became interested in several generations until 1840, when one
banking and insurance. of their descendants,
He was a member of the City Council Louis Ober Maschel Espenschied, came
1847-53, when he was made Comptroller to America, bringing with him quite a
and re-elected to the same office. He was fortune. He settled first in Chicago, then
the first German ever elected to a city removed to St. Louis, where he married
office, and in 1856 was the German
first Katharine Von Weber, of the well-known
elected to a state office, a member of the German family of the great composer.
Board of Public Waterworks. He was She was a daughter of Katharine Yon
twice elected Mayor of the city and his Paul, Countess Yon Certain. They had
wise administration is a matter of history, children,
He was a writer of great ability on polit- Charles Espenschied, who married Miss
ical economy and a great lover and patron Gardner, of Hastings, Nebraska,
of fine arts. By his generous patronage Frederick, who married a cousin, Miss
, ,
, . .
the heights which they have now at-
, , of St. Louis.
„, .,. .
and Daphne Winifred, Palmer, born Oc- Dr. Reuben Dejarnett Palmer was the son
tober 2nd, 1885. He died 1902. of Elias Palmer, who died 1833, and his
II, H. Elizabeth (Bettie) Palmer, born wife, Hannah LeGrand, of Halifax Co.,
in Houston, Tex., married, firstly, Septem- Va. son of Thomas Palmer, a Revolution-
ber 12th, 1872, in Lynchburg, Va., Ed- ary soldier living in Halifax Co., Va.,
'tea rd- Milby, of Texas; no issue; secondly, 1785, who had four children, Elias,
in Houston, Tex., Joseph Chappell Hutch- Thomas, Elisha and Jeffrey.
eson, of Mecklenburg Co., Va., August Reuben J. Palmer, second son of Dr.
11th, 1886, and has two children, Wm. Reuben DeJarnette Palmer and his wife,
Palmer Hutcheson, born August 1st, Martha Christian, was born in Bucking-
1887, and Rosalie Winifred Hutcheson, ham Co., Va., January 18th, 1829; was a
born November 20th, 1890. lawyer in Montgomery, Tex.; signed the
III, Rosalie Heath Palmer, born in Texas Secession Ordinance in 1861 mar- ;
daughter of Henry Christian, died in Ain- Guerrant. Samuel Branch married twice,
herst Co., Va., 1805, and his wife, Martha, the second time married Mrs. Watkins.
daughter of Jonathan Patterson, born in He was a prominent lawyer; died at
New Kent Co., Va., June 6th, 1713, died Prince Edward Co., Va., 1817, aged about
in Lunenberg Co., Va., 1774, and his wife, sixty-four years; born about 1783. He
Elizabeth; son of David Patterson, of was a son of Samuel Branch II, of Ches-
New Kent Co., Va. terfield Co., Va., who died about 1787 or
Henry Christian, a captain in the Rev- 1790, and Jane Martin, his wife (married
olutionary war and minute men, Buck-
of September, 1782), who left two children,
ingham District, Va., which comprised Am- Samuel Branch III and Sarah Branch,
herst, Albemarle, Buckingham and East who married C. A. Jennings. Samuel
Augusta counties; served November 17, Branch II was the son of Samuel Branch
1775; was son of William Christian and I, of Manchester Parish, Chesterfield Co.,
wife, Susanna Browne. William Chris- Va., who
died there 1789; had eight chil-
tian's estate was appraised in Charles dren a descendant of Christopher Branch,
1729. James Christain was a son of Chesterfield Co., Va., had the following
Thomas Christian, the first American an- eight children 1, Arthur Branch; 2, :
cestor who patented land in Charles City Samuel II, married Jane Martin Septem-
and was a descendant of the
Co., Va., 1687, ber, 1782 3, Elizabeth, married Mr. Har-
family of Christians who were Deemsters vis; 4, Hannah, married Mr. Hopkins; 5,
or Judges in the Isle of Man, and mem- Mary, married Mr. Marshall; 6, William;
bers of House of Keys in 1422. The coat 7, Charles; and 8, Thomas.
of arms of the Christian family of Isle of Samuel Branch III and his wife, Wini-
Man is "azure a chevron humette between
; fred Jones Guerrant, had the following
three covered cups, gold. Crest : An ten children 1, Mary Jane Branch, born
unicorn's head erased, silver, collared and 1809, married Benjamin Walker.
armed, gold. Motto: "Salus per Chris- 2, Sarah Elizabeth, born 1811, married,
turn." (Burke's General Armory, and first, Isaac Walker; issue Samuel Branch
Fairbain's Crests of England and Ireland, Walker; secondly, Dr. Reuben Dejamett
p. 108, and Wm. and Mary Quarterly, Palmer; no issue.
3, pro f, Robert Guerrant Branch, born
Vol. VIII, page 72.) President Tyler's
first wife, Letetia Christian, was of this 1813) married Agnes Wood; had issue>
family '
Lorange of LaRochelle, France, Hugue- born in Henrico Co., Ya., July 3, 1732, and
not emigrant to Virginia. wife, Winifred Jones Miller (married
Daniel Guerrant II was a son of Daniel 1760). Winifred Jones Miller married,
Guerrant, Sr., a French Huguenot, spelled secondly, Thomas Eldridgc. She was born
Guerin, "of the nobility of France," from inGoochland Co., Va., May 22, 1743. She
the Isle of Champagne Auverne, and St. was a daughter of ^Ym. Miller and his
Nazaire Saintonge, France. wife, Mary Heath. Wm. Miller, died in
The Querin coat of arms is described: Goochland Co., Va., in 1777; son of
"Or, three lions ramp., sa langued, armed Thomas Miller, who died in Northumber-
and crowned gu." ( See Burke's General land Co., Va», 1719, and his wife.
Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland.) Mary Heath, wife of Wm. Miller, was
Major Peter Guerrant and his wife, a daughter of Thomas Heath, who died in
Magdalen Trabue, had the following seven Northumberland Co., Va., 1726, and his
children wife, Winifred, daughter of Robert Jones,
1, John Guerrant, Sr., born July 2nd, Jr., and wife, Sarah Garlington (widow
1733, died 1812 married Elizabeth Porter,
; of Thos. Salsbury who died 1720 daugh-
, ;
1740-1736. (See Cobells Kin.) of Col. Richard Lee and Anne, his wife,
Anthony Martin, a soldier in the Rev- said Col. Richard Lee, Secretary of Colony
olutionary war, was born in Goochland of Virginia 1659 one of the King's Privy
Co., Va., September 26th, 1737 died in ; Council Member of House of Burgesses
Powhatan Co., Va., 1805; son of Peter Mar- f or York Co., Va., 1647-51, and North-
ern and wife, Mary Ann, daughter of Cap- umberland Co., Va., 1651. ( See Lee.
tain Antoine Rapine and wife, Margaret, Elizabeth Porter, wife of John Guer-
French Huguenots. Capt. Antoine Rapine rant, Sr., was a daughter of John Porter,
died in Goochland Co., Va., 1737, and his Sr., Gent, who died in Cumberland Co.,
wife, Margaret, died in Cumberland Co., Ya., 1791; son of Capt. Thos. Porter, who
Va., 1756. Peter Martin died in Gooch- died in Cumberland Co., Va., 1767, and
land Co., Va., 1743, was a son of John wife, Elizabeth DuToit, died 1772 ; daugh-
Martin and his wife, Margaret. John
i\ ter of Peter Duto it (also spelt DuTois),
Martin died in Goochland Co., Va., 1739. died in Henrico Co., 1726, and his wife,
Mary Heath Povall, wife of John Guer- Barbara DcBonnette, daughter of Peter
rant, Jr., was born in Virginia January DeBonnet and Elizabeth, his wife, French
22, 1762; daughter of Robert Povall HI, Huguenots. (See Robards and Porter.)
Gen. Clement A. Evans of Georgia. The sioned 1st Lieutenant of Company "E,"
Texas Vol. XI, p. 575. 14th Virginia Infantry Regiment in Con-
Dr. Reuben Dejornette Palmer was first federate army in the war between the
Lieutenant in 1st Holcomb's Virginia States; under Gen. Geo. H. Stuart and
Militia, regiment of calvalry in Capt. Maj. Gen. Pickett; was promoted to com-
John B. Royall's troops of Halifax Co., mand of said company at battle of Din-
Va., and surgeon in the 7th (Gray's) regi- widdie C. H., Va., and served as captain
ment of Virginia militia in war of 1812. of said company until end of the war;
See War Department Washington, D. C, surrendered under Gen. Robert E. Lee at
and James T. White's National Cyclo- Appomattox. He was a member from
pedia American Biography, Vol. VIII, p. Houston, Tex., of 53rd and 54th United
160. See E. A. Palmer. States Congress, served from 1893 to
TJios. Palmer was private in a company March, 1897. See United States Congres-
sional Directory of 53rd and 54th Con-
of the 1st Virginia regiment in Virginia
battalion of companies of various regi-
gresses. He was one of the authors of
ments commanded by Lieut.-Col. Thomas a bill in Texas legislature to establish
Posey, Revolutionary war; he may also and maintain the University of Texas.
have been the Thomas Palmer who was (See "A Comprehensive History of
Texas," edited by W. G. Wooten and W.
with Capt. John Winston's company 14th
G. Scarff, Vol. II, pp. 283-301-321-442-
Virginia Regiment commanded by Col.
Chas. Lewis at Valley Forge, Va. See
and James T. W T
hite's National Cyclo-
pedia, American Biography, Vol. VIII, p.
records of Revolutionary war at War De-
161, and "Official Records War of the Re-
partment, Washington, D. C.
bellion" and Confederate Military His-
Reuben J. Palmer was one of the sign-
tory, edited by Gen. Clement A. Evans, of
ers of the Texas Secession Ordinance
Georgia the Texas Vol. XI, p. 468
Commonwealth Attorney for many coun- Henry Christian was captain in Revolu-
ties of Virginia was Trustee of Hampden
; tionary war and of minute men of Am-
Sidney College, Virginia, 1820, until his herst Co., Va. was in active service under
the Branch family in Virginia, was a May 25, 1779 was 1st Lieutenant, 1781, in
member of the House of Burgesses for Chas. Scott's Brigade in Virginia Con-
Henrico Co., Va., 1639. (See Virginia tinental troops of Goochland Co., Va.
Historical and Biographical Magazine, Avas in battles on Monmouth and of White
Vol. II, pp. 99-315-295; also Good's Vir- Plains and served until close of the war.
^and Sainsbury
Quar .
George Washington in Revolutionary war.
See Goochland County Records for his )
James Holman, Jr., and James Hoi- Council, etc. (See "Lee's of Virginia,"
man, Sr., were members of House of Bur- bv Edmund J Lee p ' 72-73 )
land St. John's Parish, Henrico Co., Va., of Thomas Booth Taliaferro and his wife,
1735-6.) Mary M. Sinclair of Gloucester, Va, ; son
William Miller qualified as Justice of Capt. James Taliaferro and Catharine
June 17, 1747, and as Sheriff August 20, Booth, his Wife; lineal descendant of Rob-
1751, of Goochland Co., Va. Was a ves- ert Taliaferro, "Gent.," who emigrated
tryman 1744-1756 in St. James Northam from England 1630 and settled in Glou-
Parish, Henrico Co., Va., and was a sol- caster Co., Va., and wife, daughter of
dier in first part of Revolutionary war; Rev. diaries Crymes of Middlesex Co.,
he died July, 1777. Appointed Church issued from the Norman baron, Taillifer.
A brief outline of the early history of
the family in the counties of Charles City
and New Kent, and an attempt to trace
the descendants of William Christian,
showing- intermarriages with the families
of Collier, Atkins, Diuguid, Patterson,
Walker, Fontaine, Dancy, Broivne, Minge,
Gay, Hendren, Warrefbj Lacy, Douglas,
Bates, Dunscomb, Palmer, Armi stead,
Trby, Watkins, Dandridge, Tyler, and
Sains per Christum. others.
in the forks ojf Beaver Dam Creek in that June 9, 1724 ( St. Peter's Parish Register),
part of Henrico called Goochland; 3, not mentioned in will, but in a deed, as
Charles Christian, of "Charles City," "son & heir," and as residing in Cumber-
locating lands in same vicinity (1714, land county in 1753 (Goochland county
1727); 4, James Christian in same vicin- records); 15, Nathaniel; 16, Thomas; 17,
ity, bounding on Thomas Christian's line Jesse; 18, David; 19, Lins; 20, Archer;
(1719); 5, John Christian, of "Charles 21, Mary; Susannah; 23, Elizabeth.
City," in same vicinity ( 1724). Had property on Willis' Creek.
All this furnishes strong presumptive 7, Robert (Thomas, Thomas) lived in
evidence, in the absence of any other Albemarle county, which was cut out of
Christians mentioned in the records of Goochland. His will, proved at May
Charles City and New Kent, that 2, 3, 4 court, 1749, mentions wife Lucy, sister of
and 5 were sons of 1, Thomas 1
Christian, William Bradly, and issue: 24, John; 25,
Sen., the immigrant. Robert; 26, Drury; 27, Lucy; 28, Eliza-
15 [211]
both. Witnesses to will Walter Leak, : Elizabeth, who married John Humber, of
Charles Christian, William Christian. St. Paul's Parish 50, Mary, who married
tian, deceased. He styles himself of Al- ( St. Peter's Parish Register) there is on ;
bemarle county. (Goochland county re- record a deed, 1756, from Gideon Chris-
cords.) tian, of Charles City county, for 368 acres
41, Charles Christian, Jan., of Goochland Samuel; 67, Richard; 68, Benjamin; 69,
bitha, and had
* „ ^
A issue:•
Joseph r'j,w«
„ . ,.
-, . . <0,
Pansh. His will was proved in Gooch- gept ^ 17g7
land county February 16, 1784, and men-
^ John ( ? Tnomas)# H e appears to
tions sons : 42, William
Walter, 44, ; 43, haye died prev j ous to 1768, and left a son,
George; 45, Charles; 46, John, who mar- 7^ j onn) living in New Kent in 1773
ried Judith Leek on May 9, 1771; 47, (Christian and'others vs. Whitt in gton and
Elijah; 48, Turner, married Anna, daugh- others, 2d Randolph's Reports, p. 353).
tar of George Payne, Jun., 1778; 49, 72, Mary, born October 8, 1735.
: :
The following deeds for lands in Gooch- Dempsters or Judges of that Island; the
land are recorded at the courthouse there name appears to have been first written
William Christian, son of James Chris- Christian about the year 1600 * * *)
tian, deceased, sells 250 acres whereon *This word is spelled Etcanrigg in every
said William Christian lately lived, on instance except this and in Appendix No.
east side of Beaverdam Creek, for 150 1 to Pevcril of the Peal;, where it is
pounds current money, 1752 Richard and; spelled Enrigg. Ewanrigg is believed to
Joel Christian, of Charles City county, to —
be the correct spelling obviously from
Rev. Wm. Douglas, of Goochland, 270 Ewan, the name of the first of the family
acres left to them by their deceased father, to settle in Cumberland, and the favorite
James Christian. Witnesses Thomas and given-name for males in the Isle of Man.
John Boiling, Drury Christian, and The following is from Burke's Landed
James Scruggs, dated July 16, 1754. Gentry
Gideon Christian, of Charles City "Christian of Ewanrigg Hall The —
county, sells for 30 pounds current money first ancestor of the family on record was
100 acres, part of 3G8 surveyed for James a member of the House, of Keys, in the
Christian, now deceased, on Beaverdam Isle of Man, at the Tynwall Court, held
Creek, as by certificate March 11, 1711, in that Island 1422. The first who set-
and devised by him to said Gideon, 21 tled at Ewanrigg was Ewan Christian,
July, 1756. Esq., of Milntown, Barrister-at-law, eld-
has always been firmly believed in
It est son of Edward Christian, Esq., of
the Virginia family of Christians that Milntown, Dempster of the Isle of Man
they are descended from the family of * * * and grandson * * * of
that name in the Isle of Man, who, as is John Christian, Esq., of Milntown, living
well known, were for centuries the Demp- 1643, who was son of Ewan Christian,
sters or Judges of that Island. ( See pre- Esq., of Milntown, made Dempster otf the
face and Appendix No. 1 to Pe-veril of the Isle of Man 1605, and grandson of Wil-
Peak). Perhaps this belief, until a few liam M'Christen, of Milntown, 7th in
years ago, had no more substantial basis lineal descent from William M'Christen,
than tradition, but it seems now to have a member of the House of Keys, 1422."
the support of evidence at least a little The following description of the crest
more satisfactory —especially to those isfrom Fairbain's Crests of England and,
who, very naturally, are not unwilling Ireland, page 108:
to be convinced. Christian, John, Esq., M. A., of Ewan-
A cut of the coat of arms of the Isle otf rigg Hall, Cumb., and Milntown, Isle of
Man Christians, with the family motto, Man, a unicorn's head, erased, ar., armed,
is prefixed to this article. The following and gorged with a collar, invecked, or.
description is taken from Burke's General Solus per Christum.
Armory: As this matter will be of interest to
Azure; a chevron humettee between many persons who are unacquainted with
three covered cups, gold. Crest —a uni-
the terms used in heraldry,
to be not inappropriate to
it is thought
add an expla-
corn's head erased, silver, collared and
armed, gold. nation of those terms. Erased means
having uneven or jagged edges, as if torn
Christian (Unerigg* Hall, County
from the body by violence. Ar. (argent)
Cumberland, descended from the ancient
means that the head is of the color of
family of M'Christen, of the Isle of Man,
silver. Armed means that the horn is
who for several generations have been of different color from the head, and or.
indicates that it (the horn) is of gold. A considerable part of that land has
Gorged with a collar, wvecked, or. means been from that day to this continuously
that the neck is encircled with a collar in the family; and a farm called "Cherry
whose edges do not lie flat against the Bottom," in Charles City, on the Chick-
neck, but are arched or rolled outwards ahominy, a part of the original grant, is
and over, and that the color of the collar now owned and occupied by Mrs. Louisa
is gold. The field of the shield is blue, Christian and her husband Capt. Thomas
the chevron and the cups gold; the head L. Christain, both referred to in the fol-
and neck silver, the horn and collar gold. lowing pages under 18 Thomas Christian.
Fairbain's Crests of England and Ire- This farm was the home of 18 Thomas,
land shows no less than seven different and of his father 1 William (who devised
crests belonging to the Christian fami- it as "my home place" to Thomas), and
Christian, who owned all the land on It is too much to expect, of course, that
both sides of the Chickahominy river from the following outline of the family is free
Windsor Shades to Squirrel Park." The from errors and omissions, although no
domains of Thomas may not have been as labor nor pains have been spared to make
extensive as thus indicated, but it ;
s it so. The destruction of the public rec-
known that in the region referred to there ords, whichi has
been referred to, the
Avere at one time twelve connecting plan- fragmentary character of such of them
tations owned and occupied by the Chris- as remain, the extraordinary number of
tians. names, the constant recurrence of the
As has been stated in the article in the same names (especially, in the earlier
Quarterly for April, 1897, this Mr. years, James and William), and the con-
Thomas Christian patented, Oct, 21, 1687. fusion arising from the persistent habit
1080 acres of land in Charles City county, of intermarrying, have made the task ex-
The following are the patents in the tremely onerous. It is hoped that the re-
Christian name: sult will prove to be at least fairly satis-
1. Thomas Christian, 100 acres north factory to those who are most interested
side of James River and east side of in it.
in 1775, as suggested in the Quarterly, at In 1775 lie was Lt. Colonel of the 1st
page 263. It was, doubtless, his son Virginia Regiment, of which Mr. Henry
William who was of that committee. He was Colonel. In 1776 he became Colonel
married, first (it is thought), a Miss of the first battalion of Virginia militia
Collier; second, Susan Browne, doubtless, and served with distinction against the
sister of William Browne, of James City, Indians. It is well known that he re-
who had a daughter Susan, who married moved with his family to Kentucky about
Gideon Christian, and a daughter Mary, 1783-4, and was killed there by the In-
who married Robert Christian. Susan dians in 1786. 2 Henry's Life of Patrick
and William were doubtless children of Henry, 285; 1 Idem., 320462-4. He was
William Browne ( who appears in St. the son of Capt. Israel Christian, who was
Peter's Register as owning slaves in New a merchant in Staunton, and afterwards
Kent in 1727) and of Susan Browne, who moved to that part of Augusta known as
died August 2, 1728. The last William Botecourt County, and founded the towns
may have been a brother of John Browne, of Fincastle and Christiansburg. It is
vestryman of St. Peter's in 1725 (who said that this Israel not of the Charles
married Mary Wharton, January 4, 1708- City and Ncav Kent branches of the fam-
'09), and a son of John and Elizabeth ily, but came of the Scotch-Irish stock
Browne, living in New Kent about 1680. which figured so largely in the settlement
By his first wife he is said to have had: of the Valley. See Peyton's History of
1 William; 2 John (called in the records Augusta Co., 313. The name Israel Chris-
"of New Kent"). By his second wife he tian occurs, however, in Kingston Parish
had 3 Anne, born Feby
: 21, baptized Mch. Register,Matthews Co., in 1757.
13, 1735 (untraeed); 4 William Browne; The second William Christian men-
5 Henry; 6 Elizabeth (untraeed); 7 Mary, tioned by Heitman as "2nd Lieutenant,
who married William Dguglas, nephew of 10th Virginia Regiment, Dec. 3, 1776; re-
Francis Jerdone (see under 11 Robert signed Jan'y 13, 1778," and who is spoken
Christian, post.); 8 Susanna, born May of in the records of the Pension Office at
29, baptised July 10, 1757 (untraeed); 9 Washington as "a lieutenant in Capt,
Turner. John Syme's company of regulars, 10th
1 William Christian (57 William). Virginia Regiment, commanded by Maj.
Lived at "Cherry Bottom," on the Chick- Samuel Hawes, commissioned Dec. 3,
ahominy river, in Charles City Co., a 1776," was also from Augusta Co., where
part of the land included in the original Capt. John Syme's company was organ-
grant to Thomas Christian in 1687. He ized on Dec. 3, 1776 (see WaddeU's An-
devised this place to his son Thomas, 1ials °f ^tgusta County, page 159), and
* ™
as mentioned by Waddell at page 90.
the n
oft ±u Committee of* c * ° „
-4.4. j. i
J of Charles T , * _ An T
, ,
In document No. 43, Journal House of
City Co. The William now under con-
Delegate ^ 1834j a « Ligt of Non .
sideration must not be confounded with
Commissioned and Soldiers of
either of the Williams mentioned in Heit- the Virginia State Line," &c, who had
man's Historical Register of Officers of no t then received Bounty land, occur the
the Continental Army. The first of these names of "James Christian, soldier, ar-
is evidently Col. William Christian who tillery," and "William Christian, Ser-
married Anne, sister of Patrick Henry, geant, artillery."
In Document No. 44, Journal House of Christian (see post, under 26 Dr. Collier)-,
Representatives, 1834, being "A List of 2 Jane, who married, first, John Ireland,
Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers second, Dr.Edward Willcox; 3 William,
of the Virginia State Line on Continental of Edenton, N. C, who married Harriet
Establishment" &c, who had not then re- Alexander; 4 Robert, who married Eve-
ceived Bounty land, appear these names: line Harrison; no issue.
John Christian, Sergeant, infantry; The issue of 2 Jane (Ireland, nee War-
George Christian, soldier, infantry; Wal- ren,) by Dr. Edward Willcox was: 1
ter Christian, soldier, infantry; Joseph Thomas W. Willcox, of Charles City
Christian, soldier, infantry; Richard (living); 2 Virginia, married Dr. Wm. J.
Christian, soldier, infantry. Upshaw, and died leaving issue; and Ed-
He married, first, Elizabeth Collier ward Warren, Richard, and James R.,
(sister of Mildred Collier, wife of his each of whom died very young.
brother John), and, second, Sally Atkins. By his second wife, Sally Atkins, he
By his first wife he had 10 William, who
: had: 18 Thomas; 19 Jacqueline (never
isnot mentioned in the will of his father, married); 20 Patsey Christian married
for the reason, it is thought, that he died Richard Singleton, and had issue: 1 Rich-
before the date of the will (1806), and left ard, never married 2 Jane, who married,
no issue He was a man of high spirits first, Hunt Royall, and left issue; second,
and irregular habits of Hfe, and was Canellem Folkes, of Charles City, and
familiarly known "Wicked Willie."
as left issue by him also; 21 George Hunt
The manuscript of Dr. Samuel P. Chris^ (never married); 22 Alexander (never
tian leaves no room for doubt as to his married); 23 Wyatt; 24 Frederick; 25
identity, but it is not certain that he was Francis Christian married Austin H.
his father's first child. Fergusson, of Charles City, and had is-
He married, Miss Diuguid (sister
first, sue 1 Dr. William Christian, never mar-
good, by whom he had a daughter, who 2 John Christian, called in the records
died in infancy; it is believed that he "of New Kent" (57 William). Lived at
had no issue by his first marriage; 11 "Roxbury" (now "Mountcastles"), New
Robert, born May 5, 1760 12 Henry Bens- ;
Kent county ; his will was proved in that
kin; 13 Major Edmund; 14 Capt. Jones county Sept. 10th, 1801, and a copy is
Rivers; 15 John (called in the records "of filed in a suit in Williamsburg. Married
Charles City"). Mildred Collier, sister of Elizabeth, wife
16 Elizabeth Christian married Wyatt of his brother William, and had: 26 Dr.
Walker, and had issue: 1 Elizabeth, who John Hunt, born Sept. 1, 1774; 30 Mary
married Dr. Watt Tyler, brother of Presi- Christian married Lyddall Apperson
dent John Tyler; 2 William, who married (son of John and Joyce Apperson he was ;
Appomattox Co, Va, Mch. 20, 1861. Fontaine; thirdlv, Pollv Dancy.
Their children were: 1 William Henry Ry hfa firgt marriage he had issue 39 .
den Sidney College, Va, and had Robert ^atharme; 4, Thomas Walker.
and Edward, who died without issue, and 2 jANE Eliza Hoswell married Wm.
Cora, who married J. M. Blanding, of M. Sutton, and had issue: 5 Charles W,
Texas, and bas issua who married Jones, of Surry Co, and
Dr. Taliaferro, and had issue: 8 1808. He married Mary Browne, daugh-
Lewis; 9 Susan. She married, second, ter of Wm. Browne, of James City Co.,
Isaac Walker, and had issue; 10 Doswell and Alice Eaton, his wife. His children
11 Conway; 12 Dudley. were four sons and eight daughters, viz
54 Robert; 55 William A., a student at
4 Thomas Walker Doswell (Major),
of "Bull Hanover Co., married
Wm. & Mary in 1813, never married; 56
John Beverley; 57 Dr. Oliver.
Fannie Sutton, and had issue 13 Thomas :
Bernard, who married Ellen Morris, and 58 Elizabeth Christian married her
has issue: 14 Sarah Jane (unmarried); cousin, William Douglas, of "The Forge,"
15 Ella (unmarried); 16 Norma (unmar- New Kent Co., son of William Douglas
ried); 17 Letitia Semple, who married and Mary Christian (see under 57 Wil-
Allen Tyler, and has issue. liam, ante), and had a number of children,
Christian had no issue by his second mar- sister of John B. Hendren, who married
riage. By his third wife, Polly Dancy, Bettie Collier Christian 59 Alice [see
he had issue: 42 William Browne; 43, Eaton, supra, and under 12 Henry Bens-
John Dour/las; 44 Turner, junior. kin, post), and also sister of the first wife
of the late Judge Hallyburton there was
45 Lilly Ann
Christian married John
James Marshall, who married Ella Dos- second, Lucy Ann Hankins, daughter of
59 Alice Eaton, married Patrick Hen- divided and Henry B. and his wife con-
deed to which you refer; I also know all Minor, Judge of the Law and Equity
about the place called 'Scruggs,' which Court of Richmond, who married Kate
the deed conveys; it adjoined this Gid- Pleasants, and has issue 2 George Gilmer ;
eon's residence, . . . All these places Minor, who married Ophelia Yarbrough,
I am perfectly familiar with, as they are and has issue; 3 Caroline Louisa Minor,
in the immediate neighborhood of my own unmarried 4 John Henry Minor, who
residence, 'Belle Isle.' " Dr. Samuel P. married Evelvn Harrison Gilliam; 5
ty 7
Christian to James C. Lamb, Apl. 5, 1899. Susan Watson Minor, died in infancy.
The deed above referred to is dated 14 Capt. Jones Rivers Christian (1
June 7, 1810, and is between Gideon William, 57 William) lived at "Sycamore ;
Christian, of New Kent Co., and Henry Spring," New Kent county; captain of
B. Christian and Elizabeth, his wife; it the New Kent Cavalry in the war of 1812,
recites that William Christian, of New and his son, of the same name (78 Jones
Rivers), was captain of the same company
Kent Co., then deceased, had conveyed to
in the war between the
States. He mar-
Henry B. Christian and Elizabeth, his
ried his Caroline Christian,
wife, daughter of said Wm. C, 146| acres
daughter of Dr. Collier Christian (see 26
called "Scruggs," and that said Wm. C. Dr. Collier) and had issue: 75 William
had devised to Gideon and Elizabeth 407 Collier, married Ann Terrell and had is-
acres in Charles City, which had not been sue (untraced); 76 Edmund Fleming,
died in 1898, married, but had no issue; Kent. Married Ann Bates, and had: 98
77 Dr. Henry B., living in Staunton, mar- Dr. John Fleming; 99 Caroline, married
ried a Mrs. Pence (nee Shrikehise) and her cousin Jones Rivers Christian (see
has issue; 78 Jones Rivers, died unmar- 14 Jones Ricers, ante); 100 Dr. Jordan
ried and without issue; 79 John Henry, Collier (lived at "Green Yard," Charles
died young. City), married his cousin Elizabeth War-
15 John Christian, called in the re- ren, daughter of Jane Christian and Ed-
cords "of Charles City," (1 William, 57 ward Warren (see ante, under 1 William
William). Will, dated March 21, 1811, re- Christian, note), issue untraeed; 101
corded in Charles City Co. Married Archibald Hunt, married Sarah Pierce
Warren, and had issue: 80 John, died ( untraeed).
without issue; 81 Louisa Collier, married 27 Archibald Christian (2 John, 57
Dr. Smith and had Jacqueline Ambler William). Married Fanny Warren, sister
Smith; 82 William Henry (untraeed). of Dr. Michael Warren, of "Warrenton,"
18 Thomas Christian (1 WilUam, 57 James Citv, and had: 102 Mary Chris-
William). Married Nancy Lacy, sister tian is still living in Charlottesville, Va.,
of Richmond T. Lacy, late of New Kent more than 90 years of age. She married
Co., and had issue: 83 Mary Rivers, died Isaac White and had Elizabeth, who mar-
in infancy; 81 William Henry; 85 Sally ried, first, Joseph Kent, of Montgomery
Ann, died in infancy; 86 Edmund, died Co., Va., second, Judge E. R, W atson,
in infancy; 87 Thomas, never married; Charlottesville; 103 Jane, married, first,
88 Lucy Allen Christian, died 1889, Samuel Parker, second, Philip Buffin (un-
married Wm.
H. Davies, and had issue: traeed) 104 John Archer, never married
1 Thomas Christian (living); 2 Mary, 105 Thomas, never married; 106 Eliza-
died in infancy; 89 Richmond Lacy (liv- beth, married John Bankbead, grandson
ing, unmarried); 90 Frederick (never of Thomas Jefferson (untraeed); 107 Ann
married) 91 Ellen ( never married) 92
; ; Collier Christian married William
Louisa, living, married her cousin Thomas Bacon Wilkinson, of New Kent, and had
L. Christian (see post, under 48 Llewel- nine children: 1 George Archer, died of
lyn Armistead), no issue; 93 Fanny wounds received war be-
in battle in the
(never married). tween the States; 2 Susan; 3 Mary; 4
23 Wyatt Christian (1 William, 57 Martha; 5 Fannie; 6 Southey, killed in
William). Memphis, Tenn.
Lived in battle in the war between the States; 7
Married a Mrs. Cocke, and had issue 94 : John; 8 Thomas; 9 William Collier, now
Mary, who married Wells, of living in Richmond.
Memphis, and died leaving one child, Note: The decendants of the Chris-
Ella, Avho married Cod, of New tian family who served in the Confederate
York 95 Fanny, who married, first,
; armies in the war between the States are
Ethridge (no issue), and second, almost innumerable. It has been said
Farmer (no issue); 96 Caroline, who mar- that no one of them failed to bear himself
ried Wells (widower of 94 Mary), with credit, while many of them were con-
no spicuous for gallantry and devotion to
duty. It has not been possible to notice
24 Frederick Christian (1 William,
such matters in this article, but it is es-
57 William). Went to Memphis, Tenn., pecially worthy of remark that William
Married and had issue: 97 Sally (un- Bacon Wilkinson and six sons (five of
traeed). then by this marriage) and two grand-
26 Dr. Collier Christian (2 John, 57 sons served together in the Virginia regi-
William). Lived at "Cool Well," New ments.
28 George Christian (2 John, 57 Wil- Company of Virginia, and was its first
liam). Lived at "Mountain View," in Ap- Cashier-General. (See Calendar of Vir-
pomattox county, Va., formerly a part ginia State Papers, passim; Virginia Ga-
of Buckingham county. Married Joyce zette and General Advertiser of May 1st
Diuguid, sister of the wife of 10 William and 8th, 1802; Examiner of May 5th and
Christian {see ante, under 1 William), June 5th, 1802 Mordecai's Richmond in
daughter, Mildred Collier, who died in The Cabells and Their Kin, page 277.)
infancy. Samuel Duval, father of Philadelphia
29 Col. John Hunt Christian (2 Duval, was a member of the Virginia
John. 57 William). Born September 1, House of Burgesses from Henrico County
1774. Lived at "Roxbury" (noAV "Mount- for many years was a member of the first
Major Andrew Dunscomb served in the Samuel Duval is said to have married
Revolutionary Army, and after the close Lucy Claiborne, daughter of William
of the war was appointed by the United Claiborne. One of his sons was Major
States Government to settle the accounts William Duval, an officer in the Revolu-
of the United States with the State of tion and a prominent lawyer of Rich-
Virginia. This led to his settling in Rich- mond, and one of its early mayors. The
mond, Va. He was Mayor of Richmond will of Samuel Duval, proved March 1st,
in 1795, and was one of the original in- 1784, in Henrico County Court, may be
corporators of the old Mutual Insurance found in Will Book No. 1, page 122.
114 Andrew H.; 115 Martha Phila- gustus, never married; 137 Elizabeth,
DELrniA Frances Christian married, married her cousin Dr. Edmund Oliver
first, Dr. Jeffrey Daniel Palmer, and had Christian {see post, under 57 Dr. Oliccr);
Lucy Frances (who married Algernon S. 138 Richard, married Martha S. Batte,
Parham); she married, second, Richard and died without issue; 139 Philip, never
H. Toler, formerly editor of the Whig, married; 110 Mary Lightfoot, never mar-
newspaper, and had Bettie Campbell, ried.
William Asbury, died without issue; 119 Armistead (no issue); second,
Edward Dunscomb; 120 Jonathan, died Mary Watkins, and had issue: 141 Robert
in infancy. Walker, living and has issue; 142 Ed-
Henry Asbury Christian married, sec- ward, never married; 143 Eliza Jordan,
ond, Mrs. Susan Fuqua, nee Palmer, married Royall, and died leaving
daughter of Elias Palmer, of Halifax Co., issue (untraced); 144 Frank A., living
and had issue 121 Marcellus Palmer; 122
: and has issue.
Turner, 57 William). He was for about Elizabeth, never married; 156 Emily, a
thirty years clerk of Charles City Co. He noted beauty, who married Joseph Carr,
married a widow, Elizabeth Jones (nee and had issue 157 Chris-
Irby), and had issue: 134 Virginia, who topher, died in youth; 158 Turner, died
married Col. James M. Willcox, of Charles in youth.
City Co., living, and has issue; 135 Rob- 47 Henb* Spotswood Christian (9
ert Walker, Jr., never married; 136 Au- Turner. 57 Williams). He was a student
— ;
of William and Mary College in 1826-'27 Binns, dead, no issue; 173 Ellen Douglas,
and 1829-'30. Went to Greensburg, Ind., married John Rudd, living, and has issue
in 1838. where he married Mary E. Wood- 174 Horace, died unmarried; 175 Kath-
fill, and had five children, only two of arine Overton, married Warner L. Flem-
whom are now living, viz J. H. Chris- : ing, living, and has issue; 176 James D.,
tian and Mrs. J. P. Long, a widow. junior; living, no issue; 177 Virginia
48 Llewellyn Armistead Christian Conway, married W. D. De Jamette, liv-
(9 Turner, 57 William). Married Eliza- ing, and has issue; 178 Elizabeth Armis-
beth Armistead Graves, daughter of Ed- tead, married W. L. Walters, Jr., living,
mund Valentine Graves, and had issue: and has issue; 179 Percy Churchill, mar-
159 Edmonia, never married 160 Jordan ; ried Jennie Bethell, living, and has issue;
Collier, married Rosa Depp, living, and 180 Pollard, died in infancy; 181 Ade-
has issue; 161 Thomas Llewellyn, mar- laide, died in infancy.
ried his Louisa Christian (see
cousin 54 Robert Christian (11 Robert, 1
ante, under 18 Thomas), living, no issue. William, 57 William). Married, first,
Edmund Thomas Christian
51 (9 Elizabeth Armistead, daughter of Robert
Turner, 57 William), He was for ten Armistead, of "The Neck," Chickahom-
years prior to his death Clerk of Charles iny River second, Mary Warren.
; By his
City County. Married Tabitha Rebecca first wife he had issue 182 Susan Travis,
George Llewellyn, living, late Judge of beth, Robert, and Mary, all of whom died
the Hustings Court of the City of Rich- in infancy. By his second wife he had:
mond ,Va. married, first, Ida Morris, and
; 186 Ann Fleming, who married Hon.
had three children; married, second, his Philip W. McKenney, late Governor of
cousin Emeline Christian (see post, under Virginia, and left issue.
84 WilUam Henry), and has three chil- 56 John Beverley Christian (11 Rob-
dren; 164 Richard Laugh orne, never mar- bert, 1 William, 57 William). He died
ried; 165 John Douglas, Jr., living, mar- in Williamsburg, Va., Feby 21, 1856, in
ried Eva Taylor, and has four children; the sixty-third year of his age. "He was
166 Margaret Ann, married Robert Wills, a gentleman of very estimable private
and died without issue; 167 Elizabeth character, and was well and favorably
Armistead, died in youth 168 Robert Sey-
; known in Eastern Virginia as an able ad-
mour, living, married Ella Stavro, and vocate and jurist." Richmond Dispatch.
has eight children; 169 Benjamin, died Was a student at William & Mary College
unmarried. in 1816. Judge of the General Court
52 James Doswell Christian (9 of Virginia. Married Martha Semple,
Turner, 57 William). He was Clerk of daughter of Judge James Semple by his
the Circuit Court of Hanover Co. Mar- first wife, Anne Contesse Tyler, sister of
ried Ellen Pryor, daughter of Dr. Wm. President Tyler. He had three sons, Rob-
S. Pryor, and had issue: 170 Susan To- ert, James Semple, and John Beverley,
masia, married Benj. E. Smith, living, all lawyers, who removed to Alabama,
and has issue; 171 W'illiam Pryor, mar- and one daughter, Mrs. Mitchell.
ried Maria Berkeley, living, and has is- 57 Dr. Oliver Christian (11 Robert,
sue; 172 Anna Pollard, married White 1 William, 57 William). Married his
cousin Christiana Christian (see ante, ing, Judge of the County Court of Ap-
13 Major Edmund), and had: 187 Dr. Ed- pomattox Co., Va., married Mary Agnes
mund Oliver, married his cousin Eliza- Thornhill, and has issue; 206 William
beth Christian (sec ante, under 39 Robert Diuguid, junior, never married 207 Mad- ;
Walker), ami had issue, (untraced). eline Patteson, married Rev. Luther R.
71 Dr.William Albert Christian (13 Thornhill, D. D., and died leaving issue;
Major Edmund. 1 William^ 57 William). 208 Edwin Marcellus, never married.
Lived at "Craigton," Henrico Co. Mar- 110 Heath Jones Christian (29 Col.
ried Anna, Martha Harrison and had 188 :
John Hunt, 2 John, 57 "William). Mar-
Elizabeth Collier, never married; 189 ried Martha James Turner, and had is-
William, living, married Harriet Cary, sue 209 Charles Meriwether, married
and has issue; 190 Judith Bray, living, Linda Lawrence, and had one child, Mat-
married Channing Robinson, no issue; tie; 210, Mary Miller, died unmarried;
191 Anna Harrison, living, married Win. 211 Heath Jones, killed in battle in 1863;
Fitzhugh Carter, and has issue; 192 212 Dr. John Hunt, married Alice, Law-
Henry Harrison, unmarried; 193 Edith rence, living in Baltimore, and has issue;
Murdaugh, died in infancy 194 Edmund,
; 213 William Turner, married Bessie
unmarried; 195 John Albert, dead, never Bowe, living, and has issue; 214 Hen-
married. rietta,married Garland Clarke, living,
84 William Henry Christian (18 and has issue; 215 Caroline Constance,
Thomas, 1 WilUam3 57 William). He married Newell Carver, no issue; 216
was born June 19, 1817, died Dec, 1876. Louisa Merewether, married Rev. Reverdy
Lived in Richmond. Married Emeline Estill, living in Louisville, Ky., and has
Dudley, and had issue; 196 Thomas, liv- issue; 217 Mildred Collier, married Ed-
ing, married Ida Kate James, and has win Sheild, living in Westfield, N. J., and
issue; 197 Elizabeth Warren, living, un- has issue.
married; 198 Mary Baldwin, living, un- 112 Dr. John Miller Christian (29
married; 199 Charles, died in infancy; Col. John Hunt, 2 John, 57 William).
200 William Henry, living, unmarried; Lived and died at Marion, Ohio. Mar-
201 Emeline, living, married her cousin, ried, first, Paulina Elizabeth,
in 1846,
Hon. George, L. Christian (.sec ante under daughter of George H. Busby, formerly
51 Edmund Thomas), and has issue. member of Congress from Ohio. By this
98 Dr. John Fleming Christian (26 marriage he had 218 George Busby, who
Dr. Collier, 2 John, 57 William). Lived married Lydia Ellen Morris, living in
at "Cool Well," New Kent county, Va. Ohio, and has issue; 219 Mary Heath,
Married Sarah Ann Pleasants, and had who married Frank Kent, living in Mis-
issue: 202 Dr. Samuel Pleasants, living- souri, and has issue; 220 Carrie Con-
near Richmond, Va., married Amelia C. stance, who married John M. Garberson,
Gordon, and has issue. living in Ohio, and has issue. He mar-
108 Dr. William Diijgtjid Christian ried, second, Josephine Elizabeth Norris,
(28 George, 2 John, 57 William). Born daughter of Daniel Norris, and had 221 :
Nov. 30, 1808, died April 14, 1880. Lived Daniel Norris, 222 Hattie Mildred, 223
and died at "Mountain View," in Appo- Berenice.
mattox county, Va. Married Lucy Samp- 114 Andrew
H. Christian (32 Henri)
son Patteson, and had issue: 203 Mildred Asbury, 5 Henri/, 57 William). Lived
Collier, never married 204 George Hunt,
; and died in Richmond. Married Mary A.
married Poca V. Megginson, and died Whitfield (daughter of Richard Whit-
without issue; 205 David Alexandra', liv- field, of Richmond, a, native of England,
and died in 1899, leaving issue; 226 Frank liam Walter, living; 250 Emily Pryor,
W., living, married Bessie Palmer, and living; 251 Hodges Man, living; 252 Mars-
has issue; 227 Annie J., unmarried; 228 ton, living.
George AV., died in infancy; 229 Andrew 183 William Armistead Christian (54
H., Jr., living, married Frances W. Robert, 11 Robert, 1 William, 57 Wil-
Archer, and has issue. liam). Married Louisa Jane Warren, and
117 Philip Daniel Christian (32 had issue 253 AYilliam Armistead, living
Henry Asbury, 5 Henry, 57 William). iron (Ferro). When therefore his com-
rades in arms were ordered by their sover-
Died in 1879. Married Nannie Davis,
eign to assume surnames and were cast-
and had issue: 243 Ellen Davis, dead. ing about for suitable appellations, this
123 Aurelius Christian (32 Henry motto was adopted by this bold warrior
Asbury, 5 Henry, 57 William). Died in for his name. There can be no doubt
1885. Married Sallie Garland, and had that he was the same Norman Baron
issue: 244 Henry Asbury, dead; 245 Wil- Taillefer, whose praises were sung by
liam Garland, dead; 246 John Garland, Wace, whose descendant, Hanger Tayle-
dead 247 Sallie Garland, married James
fer, held lands in Co. Kent, temp Henry
his son, Joseph, born in Scotland, was large metropolis. He married, February
reared in Ireland, but returned to Edin- 17, 1857, Velona A. Phillips of Northeast
burgh to receive his education, and studied Pennsylvania and had three children
medicine. He then went back to Ireland, Cora, who died young Robert D., Jr.,
where he married Sarah Duncan, also of who married 1889. Delia, daughter of
Scotch lineage, her parents refugees in Edward Wilkerson and his Avife, Virginia
Ireland. Dr. Patterson received a grant Cline, of Virginia parentage; and Bailie
of land for services rendered the govern- Duncan, who married Wm. Daviess, son
ment. His son, of Williamson Haskins and Hannah
Joseph Patterson, born in Ireland 1794, Daviess Pittman (see Pittman-Daviess) ,
died 1854, was also educated at the Edin- and had four children :Velona A., died
burgh University under the tutelage of his young; Marie Daviess, Cora and William
kinsman, Dr. Andrew Duncan, the emi- Daviess, Jr.
nent physician and President of the Royal
Medical Society. Joseph followed the
profession of his father. He came to This family belongs to an ancient his-
Philadelphia 1818 and married, 1830, toric house and are said to have derived
Barak Porter, also of Scotch-Irish an- their blood from the ill-fated Scottish
cestry. After twenty years residence in king, Duncan I, murdered by Macbeth,
Philadelphia Dr. Patterson decided to go which tradition may well be true since the
West, and traveling in his own carriage records of the Scottish clans are kept very
with his wife and two children, Robert distinct and may be The
easily traced.
and Caroline, he journeyed over the moun- offices occupied by various members of
tains and after spending the winter with the family show their importance in their
relatives in Kentucky, reached St. Louis native land and support the tradition.
in the spring of 1839. In 1854 he at- Two of the brothers, James and William,
tended a medical convention in Paris, fought under the Scottish chief, William
France, and died just before reaching Wallace, and James, the ancestor of this
home. His wife died the following year, family, escaped to Ireland. One of his
Their daughter, sons, William Duncan, was Grand Master
Caroline, born in Philadelphia, edu- Mason of Ireland about 1770 (an office
cated in St. Louis, married William I*, held only by the nobility), about the time
Eight and had children William Ansell,
: that his nephew, James, came to America,
who married Ida Barckleyj Sarah, who Andrew Duncan, M. D., of this family,
married William H. Harding, N. Y. an esteemed physician and professor of
TAlah, who married Mr. Hirst; Nettie, medicine in Edinburgh College, was de-
who married Mr. Davis, and Florence scended from a younger branch of the
Hight. Duncans of Ardowe, Angus. He became
eminent in his profession and served for Sarah, Henry, Alexander, Robert, Wil-
many years as President of the Royal liam, Thomas and Jane. Sarah and
Medical Society of Edinburgh. His wife, Henry were educated in Edinburgh, and
Elizabeth Knox, was a descendant of the soon after William Porter and family emi-
illustrious reformer, John Knox. His grated to America, settling in Phila-
son, Dr. Andrew Duncan, took prominent delphia in order to educate the younger
rank among those who distinguished children.
themselves in the history of medicine. Alexander and Thomas graduated from
He was born 1773. He was first physician Princeton. The latter became an emi-
to the king of Scotland, having held the nent physician, married Jane Duncan and
same office to the Prince of Wales for had three children, his two sons, Edward
more than thirty years. (Chambers' Em- and James, now living in Ripley, N. J.
inent Scotchmen.) Alexander became a Presbyterian min-
James Duncan (son of James), came to ister and was a chaplain in the U. S. army
America 1770, aged twenty-one years. He until his marriage, then devoted his re-
had brothers, Archie and William, and maining years to pastoral work,
sisters, Jennie, Sallie and Hattie. James Henry married a daughter of Hon. F.
married, 1796, Nancy Boty, living at McLain, M. C, from Madisonville, Ky.
Miflin, Pa., and had eleven children, Wil- Jane, married a Philadelphia merchant
liam, Hugh, James, Alex, Elizabeth, Arch- and died there, leaving two daughters and
ibald, John, Robert, Jane, Sarah, Mar- three sons.
garet and Nancy. Sarah Porter married Robert Patter-
Jane, William Porter, and
married son, M. D., of Philadelphia, and had two
their daughter, Sarah, married Robert children, Caroline and Robert D. Patter-
Patterson, M. D., and had children, Caro- son, of St. Louis.
line and Robert D. Patterson, of St. Louis. Robert D. Patterson married, first, Ve-
ona ^" PfoMtiP 8 ; children still living
. , , .,
branch of the family is of Scotch-
. . _. . , (1902) Robert D., Jr., and Sallie Duncan.
. , .„,.„.
„ Sophronia _, ,
T . ,,. TI--77- tj
Irish lineage, n ilnam Porter, of Scot-
o xj. j: He married, secondly, '
J1 l l
sister of James Duncan, living near by, prominently identified with church work
both the Porters and Duncans holding ^ as an elder of the Christian Church for
tflv. and IDps. OHn D. Gnay.
01 in D., son of Benjamin Franklin Dr. Ezekiel Porter, was a son of Dr.
dray and wife, Maria Jenkins, born in Hezekiah Porter and wife Hannah
Penmark, Wales, daughter of Edward Warriner, whose ancestors were foremost
Jenkins and wife Margaret , daughter of among the founders of Massachusetts;
John Davis and wife, Elizabeth Prestbury, the families of Bliss, Searlc and Stiles, the
of married Sept. 6, 1883,
Gloucester, latter ancestors of President Clcvc-
Lydia Blossom Gwin, born in Indiana, land and Gov. Wright, of New York; U. S.
but reared in St. Louis, where she was re- Senator Silas Wright; Ethan Allen, the
siding at the time* otfl her marriage. They hero of Ticonderoga, and Ezra Stiles,
have children, Pres. of Yale Collega
Hiram Liggett Gray, born Nov. 10,1893, Dr Samuel Porter, father of Hezekiah,
Laura Blossom Gray, born June 10, married Abigail Humphrey, another lin-
1900. ea.l descendant of Matthew and Priscilla
daughter of Samuel and wife, they wereancestors of Eun ice G rant, who
Meade, of Ann Arundel Co., Md. married David Pomeroy, and was grand-
Lydia Blossom Gwin, born in New Al- mother off Dr. Daniel Pomeroy Porter,
bany, Ind., was a daughter of Francis M. who married Lydia, daughter of Henry
Gwin, of New Albany, born in Louisville, Gould, of Eutland, Vit, aud wife Mary
Oct. 22, 1829, died Jan 6, 1861 served in ; Hickok, and issued Eliza Marion Porter,
the Mexican War under Gen'l Joseph who married Francis M. Gwin ( See Cole-
Lane; was left as dead upon the field at man pedigree). William Vaughn Gwin
Monterey, but recovered, and returned to (father of Francis) of Lanesville, Ind.,
the service, remaining until close of war. born in Pittsylvania Co., Va., 1607, moved
Being a minor at time of sendee, a special to Indiana, and was Harrison
sheriff of
act of Congress granted him land in Iowa, Co. 185.. He married, 1830, Susan Hcd-
(160 acres) signed by President Buclian- rick, daughter of Martin Hedrick, from
an. Later he was appointed Post Master Germany^ and wife Lyda. He was saved
under Lincoln, holding that office until from shipwreck when an infant; his
his death. He married, Oct. 12, 1856, parents, and brothers and sisters all being
Eliza Marion Porter, daughter of Dan- lost.
iel Pomeroy Porter and wife, Elizabeth Thomas Gwin, father of William, born
Gould, son of Dr. Ezekiel Porter and wife, in Pittsylvania, Va., 1772, moved to In-
Eunice Pomeroy, daughter of Daniel (liana, May
11, 1811, died 1835, married
Pomeroy and wilfe Eunice, daughter of Mildred Bates of N. Ca., born 1780, died
('apt. Ephraim Grant, son of Samuel in White Co., Ind., 1859. He was a, son of
Grant and wife, Grace Minor, son of George Holmes Gwin, of Pittsylvania, Co.,
Samuel Grant and wife, Mary Porter, son Va., son of Edmund Givin, who came
of Matthew Grant and wife, Priscilla, from Ireland, and settled in Virginia
emigrants and ascendants of President prior to the revolution. The Gicynns,
Grant. Gwyns, Gwins, and Winns, are all Welsh
IDiss Francis 171. Ralston.
This family is of Welsh extraction, the from the field a wounded comrade upon
first on record being John Robards, a his back.
colonist from Wales, 1740, a planter of This Capt. George Robards, born 1760,
"Tide Water," Va., who married Sarah married, 1785, Elizabeth Barbara Sampson,
Hill, of the Hill-Imboden family, and of Hugenot descent, daughter of Charles
died 1755, possessed of a large estate. Sampson and wife, Anne, daughter of
His son, Wm. Robards, Sr., a wealthy Capt. Thomas Porter and wife, Elizabeth
planter of Goochland Co., married Eliza- Dutois, daughter of Pierre Dutois, and
beth, daughter of Joseph Lewis, Sr., and Barbara de Bonnet (Hugenots). Charles
his wife, Sarah Cocke; granddaughter of was the son of Stephen Sampson, and his
William Lewis, and wife, Elizabeth, wife, Mary, daughter of SanJmrne Wood-
daughter of Col. Robert Woodson, of sou who married Elizabeth, daughter of
"Curies," and his wife, Elizabeth Ferris; Abraham Miclicaux, and his wife, Susanne
great granddaughter of John Lewis, of Rochelle (Hugenots).
Henrico Co. (colonist), who died 1687. Tne y had thirteen children: Lewis Ro-
They had five sons: John, William, Jr., bards; Anne Porter, married John Burton
Lewis, George'and Jesse Robards, and two Thompson (see Thompson); Marie W.,
sons-in-law, Capt. Jack Jouet (seeJouet) 'died young; Sarah Hill married George
and Wm. Buekner, soldiers in the war for Bowman; Archibald Sampson, married
independence, five of whom were officers. Amanda Carpenter; Elizabeth Barbara,
They were grandparents of the gifted married James Moseby; Mary Kemp, mar-
artist, Matthew Jouett, and Judge Richard ried Peter Bowmar Atwood; Jane Dutois,
A. Buekner; great grandparents of Wm. married William Buekner; George Wash-
Robards, Attorney General of Missouri, ington; Charles; James H. Aim ira X., mar-
and John B. Thompson, of
of U. S. Senator ried Wm. Owsley and Kathcrine W., who
Kentucky, and Admiral James Jouet, U. married James H. Sterman.
S. Navy.
Lewis *
The ° f this family wno
The first ancestor of this branch of the and had three sons. The eldest, Joseph,
family was John Le>wis, who, with his married, Mary Sanburn, and had a
wife, Elizabeth, came from Wales about son, Sanburn Woodson, who married
1640. They had two sons, John and Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Michaux,
William, and their names appear as pat- and' his Susanna Pochette (or
entees of large bodies of land in Henrico Rochell), French Hugenots. He was a
and Gloucester about the middle of the nephew of the Hugenot
XVII century. John's only son, William, preacher, Saurin. Their daughter, Mary
born 1661, died 1708, married Elizabeth, Woodson, married Stephen Sampson;
daughter of Col Robert Wood-son, and his their son, Charles Sampson, married Anne
wife, Elizabeth Ferris, of "Curies." They Porter, and their daughter, Elizabeth
had three sons, John, Joseph and William. Barbam, married Capt. George Robards.
Joseph, who lived in Goochland Co., Robert Woodson, second son of Dr. John
died 1783, married Sarah, daughter of Woodson, the first colonist, married Eliza-
Capt. James Cocke, and had three sons, beth Ferris, daughter of Robert Ferris, of
William, John and Joseph, and three "Curies," Henrico Co., later the seat of
daughters: Elizabeth, who married Will- the Randolph family of Virginia. She
iam Robards; Sarah Rcdford and Ann was a descendant of the Dc Fcrricrs, of
Moseby. In his will he mentions his Leicestershire, England, founded by
grandson, James Cocke. His son, John Henry Dc Fcrriers, son of Gualchelinc Dc
(Maj.), married his cousin, Mildred, Ferr<iers, Master of Horse of the Duke of
daughter of Col Robert Lewis, of Albe- Normandy (Amer. Ancestry, Vol 9, p. 208).
marle Co. Joseph Lewis, Sr., married, They had five sons and four daughters.
secondly, a widow, Anne Porter Sampson, The second daughter, Elizabeth Woodson,
whose daughter, Elizabeth Barbara Samp- married William Lewis, Sr.; their son,
son, married Capt. George Robards, son Joseph Lewis, married Sarah Cocke; their
of Win. Robards and Elizabeth Lewis. daughter, Elizabeth Lewis, married Will-
James Cocke married Elizabeth, daugh- iam Robards; their son, Capt. George Ro-
ter of John Pleasants and wife, Jane, bards, married Elizabeth Barbara Samp-
widow of Samuel Tucker. Their grand- son.
son was Gov. James Pleasants of Virginia. This name is spelled Cock,
John Pleasants died at "Curies," leaving Cocke, Cox and Coxe, Of the
daughter, Elizabet /^married James Cocke. first American ancestor, Alex Brown, the
Nicholas Cocke, buried at Middlesex, has historian, says: the pat-
"Richard Coclce,
the Cocke arms cut on his tombstone. entee of 8,000 acres of land in Henrico,
Dr. John Woodson, a native of Dor- was Lieutenant-Colonel, and seemed to di-
setshire, England, accompanied Sir John vide the county influence with the Ran-
Harvey to the colony of Virginia, 1621, dolphs. The original seats were Bremar
in the capacity of surgeon to a company and Malvern Hills, the old house still
of soldiers. Judging from the arms in standing and described as one of the best
possession of the family they belonged to specimens of colonial architecture, the
the old English family of Westminster, estate, one of the finest on the river. It
Woodeson. (See Woodson —Ferris.) received its name from Malvern Hill, Eng-
Du. John Woodson brought with him land, the seat of the ancestors of the
his wife. They had two sons, John, who first emigrant, the Caches of Hereford,
In Domesdav Book, is
emigration of the Porters to America
mr0n# it
were the descendants of John Porter,
found that the town of Aston.
was held by Odord under William Fitz
born 1590 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire,
William Sorter came to America 1630. Records, and the Wills of Thomas Wil-
He seems to have been possessed of large loughby III, and of his wife, Margaret
tracts of land in Cumberland, Goochland, Herbert Willoughby.
Henrico and Lower Norfolk, for his name Sir Thomas Willoughby, the first
appears frequently on the records in the of this family to come to America, was
transfers of large bodies of land prior to a descendant of Sir Christopher Will*
1610. He had sons and daughters, of the oughby, of "Evesbay," Knight of the Bath,
former, William, John and Thomas (Ref., died in 1448; was succeeded by his son,
Henrico Rec). John Porter, of Lower William, made Lord
Willoughby, of Par-
Norfolk, was expelled from the House of ham by Edicard VI; four years later he
Burgess, 1663, because he was friendly was made Lieutenant of Calais. He mar-
to the Quakers. (Henning.) They seem ried Lady daughter and heiress
to have been intimately associated with of Sir Thomas Heneage, died in 1570.
the Willoughbifs, for on the death of Sir His son, Lord Charles Willoughby, suc-
Thomas Willoughby III, and his wife, one ceeded, anidJ married Lady Margaret Clin-
year later, their large estates and the ton, of royal descent, daughter of the Earl
guardianship of the two children, Thomas of Lincoln. Their fifth son, Thomas, born
and Elizabeth, were left to John and Will- 1601, came to Virginia, 1610, being only
iam Porter, and in the next generation, ten years old at the time. In his first
, „ „ M „ ± mi ,
heir of Hon, Lieutenant Col. Thomas
John Porter, Sr., son of I apt. Tito s „
wuloughhy was born about 1652} and
and wife, Elizabeth DuTois: Styled was e(i ucated in England; he married
"Gent," died in Cumberland Co., 1791. Margaret Herbert, daughter of Richard
In the absence of any record, as to the Herbert, of Prince George Co., Va., a
origin of Mary Kemp, who married descendant of Lord Herbert of Cherbury.
Thomas Porter about 1700, these clews He succeeded to his father's office as well
are given for further research. They are as his large estates. (Virg. Hist. Mag.)
Elizabeth, sister of Sir Thomas, married . "The first of the name to
Isaac, son of Isaac Allerton and Fear
H *
come America was
Brewster; had Elizabeth, who married John, who claimed descent from the fam-
H a n cock
Lee; had Elizabeth Lee, married ily of Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, and this
Zachary Taylor; had Col. Richard Tay- claim was maintained by the seal which
lor, married Sarah Dabney Strother and he used bearing the crest of the Herberts,
had President Zacharij Taylor. He died, 1704, and on his tomb is cut the
Among- the many distin- arms of the Herberts, which may be seen
K P guished families early in the
in Blanford church yard near Petersburg
XVII century, were the Kemps. Sir Rob- to this day. They are the same as those
crt Kemp, of Gissing, Norfolk, Eng., was borne by Sir Richard Herbert, of Hol-
one of the largest subscribers to the Vir- broke, younger brother of William, I Earl
ginia Land Co., and about 1634 Richard, of Pembroke P (Slaughters, Bristol Par-
Robcrt and Edmond Kemp made their ish.) In the Herald's Visitation of London
appearance in the colony of Virginia and the following pedigree appears:
settled in Middlesex and Gloucester. The Philip Herbert, of Montgomery, second
Lancaster records give Sir Edmond Kemp son of Henry Herbert, Earl of Pembmke, by
as Secretary and Attorney for "Sir Rob- his third wife, Mary, daughter of Sir
crt Kemp, Knight, of Gissing," and the Henry Sidney, was born 1582; was made
Visitation of Norfolk give® the names of a Knight of the Bath at the coronation of
Richard, Robert and Edmond as the sons King James, 1603; married Lady Susan
of Sir Robert Kemp, Esq., of Gissino-. Vere, of the Veres de Vere, daughter of the
Sir Edmond, son of Sir Robert, Kemp, Earl °f Oxford; was created Baron Her-
Knight, of Gissing, was the ancestor of the hert Earl °f Montgomery; Knight of the
family of that name in Middlesex and Garter and member of the Council for
Gloucester. He was Justice of Lancaster, Virginia, 1612.
1655-7, died 1659. His widow, Ann, mar- William Herbert, III Earl of Pembroke,
ried Sir Guy Skipwith, 1660. His son. was knighted 1601; Knight of the Gar-
Lieutenant-Col. Matthew Kemp went to ter, 1604 member of the Council for Vir-
hopes of the present Prince of Wales, and honiCf hoYn about 1600, who married a
his open and secret abettors." daughter of Rev. Stephen Bachelor, to
In the Douglas Parish Records appears whom the king granted a coat of arms
the notice of the marriage of Stephen when he became pastor of a church in the
Sampson to Mary Woodson, also the mar- colony. Significant of his calling, "a
riage of their son, Charles Sampson, to plow in the center of a green field, with
Anne, daughter of Capt. Thomas Porter a sun in the right-hand corner, indicating
and Elizabeth Dutois, whose marriage is that he was dispensing light in that cor-
also found in these same records. In the ner of the world." (Dame Heraldry.)
family record is found the statement that Their son, Lieut. John Sanhorne, married
Thomas was the son of Thomas Porter Mary Tucker, daughter of Robert, of the
and Mary Kemp, whose name was given same family of Tuckers, no doubt, as
to one of her granddaughters, Mary Kemp Mary Tucker, who came into the family
Robarcls. in the next generation. Stephen Sampson
Archibald Sampson, eldest son of and Mary W oodson
had a son, Charles,
Charles Sampson and Anne Porter, was who married Elizabeth Dutois (Hugue-
sent back to England to be educated. On not)
his return he brought back with him two Elizabeth Dutois was
daughter of a
of the first race horses brought to America, Pierre Dutois and wife, Barbara De Bon-
"Magic" and "Kitty Fisher." They never net, daughter of Daniel de Bonnet, of the
quite lost the rolling motion acquired on Parish of Tarrigny, and his wife, Barbara,
board ship in their long sea voyage, and who, with their two small children, fled
the family tradition is that the restless from the southern part of France into
children of the family of that and succeed- Holland at the time of the Huguenot per-
ing generations were gently reprimanded, secution.
"Whoa, Magic; Whoa, Kitty Fisher." They were disguised as a Bourgeoise
According to the Woodson family market man and wife, with the children
papers Mary W 7 oodson was a daughter safely disposed among the vegetables in
of Sanborne Woodson and wife, Eliza- the panniers .swung on each side of a
beth, daughter of Abraham Michaux, and donkey, which they led between them,
wife, Susanne Rochelle. He was a son A sword thrust into one of the pan-
of Joseph and Mary Sanhorne W7 oodson; niers by a trooper, as they neared the
son of John Woodson (son of John), and border, came near disclosing their iden-
his wife, Mary, daughter of Capt. Samuel tity, but the who suffered a
little hero
Tueker, of "the ship Pine Tree" {Brock), flesh wound in the leg made no moan un-
This Samuel Tucker must have belonged til the troopers rode away and the danger
was They reached the border in
past. by Bishop Meade to the Theological Sein-
safety and went to Bristol, Eng., where inary in Alexandria. Abraham Michaux
the} remained a short time before joining
7 came to Virginia about 1700, and mar-
the Huguenot colony in the Manniken ried Susannc Rochette, or La Rochellc.
Town in Virginia. {Brock.) She was the youngest of three daugh-
"Prominent among the Huguenot refu- ter » from Sedan, France. The two eld-
gees were the Saurins, protestant minis- est were sent to Amsterdam with friends,
ters, one of whom, M. Saurin, drew and Susanna was afterward forwarded to
crowds by his eloquence to the French her sisters concealed in a hogshead com-
Church of the Savoy in the Strand, Lon- mitted to the care of a friendly sea cap-
don, 1703. The other brother, Jacques, tain. They remained in Holland until
for twenty-five years electrified the after the marriage of the eldest sister,
crowds, who went to the Temple of The when they went to the West Indies and
Hague hear him." (Weiss.)
to When from there came to Virginia, where
they escaped from Paris they were ac- Susmm became the wife of Abraham
companied by their nephews, the Mich- Michaux. They had a daughter, Eliza-
aux, who joined the Huguenot refugees on heth who married Sanborn Woodson; their
the James river in Virginia. A prayer daughter, Mary, married Stephen Samp-
book, with this note inscribed in French son, whose son, Charles, married Anne
has sent this book to his nephew, Abra- Elizabeth Barbara, who married Capt.
ham Michaux, in America," was presented George Robards.
Capt. James Cocke, Officer of Militia. (Henrico Thomas, son of Matthew Kemp, Justice of Glou-
Records.) married Mary, daughter of Capt. Curtis.
cester, 1695,
Lieut. Col. Walter Aston, Burgess, 1622-43. Thomas and wife, Mary Kemp, were living in Man-
John Woodson, Surgeon in Army under Gov. niken Town 1700. Mary Kemp married Thomas
Harvey. Porter. (See Henning and County Records.)
Lieut. John Sanborne, Selectman, Rep. at Court, Revolutionary Record.
Massachusetts. Wm. Robards, Sr., and wife, Elizabeth Lewis, had
Rev. Stephen Bachelor, established church, Mass. five sons, officers in the Revolutionary War, and two
Robert Tucker, prominent officer in colonial affairs. sons-in-law.
(See New England Register.) John, William, Jr., Lewis, George and Jesse Ro-
John Porter, Burgess, Lower Norfolk (Henning). bards.
Sir Tho's Willoughby, Justice, Burgess, M. C. Maj. Jack Jouct and Capt. William Buckncr.
High Lieut. (See Records of War Department.)
Mo., former United States Deputy Rev- Library; Secretary and Treasurer of
enue Collector a Mason, Knight Templar
; Mount Olivet Cemetery Association, Pres-
and Son of the American Revolution and ; ident of Hannibal Bible Society, Vice-
Mary Helm, President of the Missouri Society of Sons
Archibald Sampson, father of of the American Revolution, and delegate
*° the National Congress in Washington,
John L. RoBards, commissioned by Gov.
Desha 10
t^^t,^ L\ C, 1894, and in Boston 1895; Vice-
Fifth Tr
o(c t>
1825, the T7.-4M-T
in 4.1,: 1
Kentucky 4.
Regi- ' '
Jamie E. RoBards, daughter of Archi- noble English descent, and the dc Bon-
bald RoBards and his wife, Amanda Car- nets, the Diitois and the Michaux, French
penter, married in Hannibal Mo., August Huguenots. (See Robards.)
17th, 1855,Joseph Kirthj Rogers, born Joseph Kirtly Rogers and his wife, Jen-
November 19th, 1828, in Fayette Co., Ky. nie E. RoBards, had seven children:
He was a son of William and Fannie Wil- I. Fannie Carpenter, born in Hanni-
son Rogers; son of George Rogers and bal, Mo., July 20th, 1856 ; married Arthur
his wife, Mary Kirtly. B. Holland, in Columbia, Mo., May 24th,
The Rogers family emigrated from Eng- 1882 now residing
; in Trinidad, Col. ; had
land to Virginia at an early day and two sons, who died in infancy,
thence to Kentucky. Joseph K. Rogers II. Lewis Stanton Rogers, born in
Christian College of Columbia, Mo., for Trinidad, Col., March 9th, 1888.
twenty years, during which period he III. Archie Brown Rogers, born Au-
brought the institution up to the highest gust 3rd, 1859, resides in Jerome, Arizona,
position occupied by any western college. IV. Katie Clay Rogers, born January
He was for many years Curator of Ken- 22nd, 1861, died in infancy,
tucky University, and the literary honors V. William Kirthj, born May 14th,
which he had won in his college career 1864, died young.
were supplemented by the degree of LL. Jennie Mason, sixth child, born
D. conferred upon him by the Board of August 22nd, 1866, married, January 5th,
Curators of that institution. His wife, 1888, Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., son of
Jennie E. RoBards, was the grand- Hon. Thomas T. Crittenden, at one time
daughter of Copt. George RoBards, who Governor of Missouri, afterward Consul-
entered the Revolutionary army at sixteen General to Mexico. He was a grandson
years of age and won his title of captain of Henry Crittenden, brother of Hon.
through three promotions after many John J, Crittenden,; U. S. Senator of Ken-
hard-fought battles. He married in his tucky; sons of John Crittenden, born in
native State, Virginia, Elizabeth Barbara England, who came to this country and
Sampson, Huguenot descent, and
of served in the Revolutionary war, and his
brought her with him to Central Ken- wife, Judith Harris of Virginia. (See
tucky, where his father's large estate had Harris. )
been invested in lands and with govern- VII. Robert Estill, born February
ment scrip he had made for himself a Hth, 1871, resides El Paso, Tex.
home in Mercer Co., Ky. Through them, Thomas T. Crittenden and wife, Jennie
Mrs. Jennie E. Rogers derives her blood Mason Rogers, have children, Joseph
from the RoBards, the Hills and the Lew- Rogers Crittenden, born in Kansas City,
ises of Wales, the Sampsons, the Porters, Mo., March 31st, 1896, and
the Kemps, the Willoughbys, the Wood- Mary Allen Crittenden, born in Kansas
sons, the Porters, the Curtises, the Her- City, Mo., November 18, 1899.
bcrts, the Sanbornes and Bachelors, of (See J. L. Robards and Logan.)
Sarah Hill RoBards, daughter of Capt. patriot of English origin (see Barton) ; a
Archibald Sampson RoBards and wife, prominent citizen of Charles Co., Md.
Amanda, daughter of George Carpenter Capt. William Bowen, of West Vir-
and wife, Jane, daughter of Gen. Hugh ginia, father of Samuel Adams Bowen,
Logan, of the Revolution, and wife, Sarah died 1804 in Tennessee, whither he had
Woods, son of John Carpenter, a Revolu- moved, 1783, into what was then a part of
tionary soldier, and wife, Elizabeth Spear, North Carolina; built the first two-story
through her father derived descent from brick house in that part of the country,
many of the leading families of Virginia, which stands as a monument of a
(See Robards.) She married, first, De- se u} boru in Culpepper Co., Va., 1760.
cember 3, 1856, Col. Russell served through the' entire
Capt. Barton Warren Stone Bowen, Revolution; was brevetted General and
born in Kentucky March 23, 1830, died in retired on half-pay for life. For his ser-
Hannibal, Mo., January 1, 1868; ever vices received script entitling him to
loyal and generous to his friends. He a large body of land, which he located in
was a son of Samuel Adams Bowen, born the Green river country in Kentucky
in Cumberland Co., Tenn., December 25, where Russellville, Ky., was named for
1790; died in Hannibal November 2, 1852 ;
him, as was also Russell Co., Va. After
married, September 5, 1821, Amanda the war he served in the Virginia Senate
Warren Stone, daughter of for many years. He was "without fear and
Elder Barton Warren Stone, one of the without reproach." (See Russell Family.)
founders, with Alexander Campbell, of the The Russclls are of English origin, as
sect now known as "Christians," or "Dis- shown by the arms in use by the family
ciples of Christ ;"
one of the most eminent A lion rampant, gules on a chief sable,
preachers of what was then known as the three escallops, argent ; identically the
"Reform Church," a small beginning same as those used by the Russells, Dukes
which now numbers over a million and a of Bedford.
quarter members; son of John Bowen (a Quaker), father of
John Stone, of Maryland, one of the Capt. William Bowen, lived in Pennsyl-
prominent leaders of Colonial and
affairs, vania; was of Welsh origin, deriving de-
his wife, Mary Warren; son of William scent from J a mes Bowen-of Co. Pembroke,
Stone, a. planter and prominent pub- AVales, the family originally of the Ap
lie man, 1632, filling many important Owens, of Pentre Evan Pembroke, Co.,
offices. Arms: Azure, a stag, argent with an ar-
Mary Warren, was a daughter of Bar- row stuck in the back and attired, or.
ton Folliott Warren, of Maryland; son of Crest: The same device.
Lieut.Thomas Warren of Kent Co. (see Clifton, daughter of Capt. B. W. S.
Warren), who married Sarah, daughter Bowen and Sarah Hill RoBards,
of Capt. William Barton, a Revolutionary born in Marion Co., Mo. married 1880. ;
Da cid Hunt Hays, great-grandson of of dollars, without letting the widow know
Jonathan Ford Morris, who enlisted in from whom came, for use until Congress
the Revolutionary war as ensign of First should make a suitable provision for her.
New Jersey Regiment; promoted to Sec- These letters are treasured by the family
ond Lieutenant of Fourth Continental and are of public record.
Artillery; served as surgeon's mate in Sam'l Hays, father of David Hunt
Hospital Department 1780-82; was also Hays, born in Pennsylvania, for many
Surgeon of the New Jersey Militia. His years a prominent man in public life in
father, Joseph Morris, served as Captain St. Louis, died in Pennsylvania. His wife,
Morgan, he expresses great concern for his Chief Justice James Logan of Phila-
family and begs Gen. Morgan to devise delphia came over with Wm. Penn and
some delicate means whereby he can pro- was executor of will. He was the first
vide them with one, or many thousands Congressman elected from Pennsylvania.
; :
William W. Mosby, M. D., born in Mer- Kentucky March 10, 1794, died in Au-
cer Co., Ky., June 1, 1824, was reared in drain Co., Mo., January 9, 1871. He mar-
Calloway Co., Mo., his parents having ried, March 9, 1820, Elizabeth Barbara
moved from Kentucky and settled there Robards, who died May 15, daugh-
1828. He was educated in the common ter of Capt. George Robards and wife,
schools of the county, then took a medical Elizabeth Barbara Sampson, and had
course at Transylvania University, Lex- eight children, three of whom
are living
ington, Ky., 1844-5, finishing his course in William Wallace, John Q. and Elizabeth
the Medical College 1845-6.
Louisville B., who married Mr. Garner of Missouri.
Soon after his graduation he located in John Mosby, of Scott Co., Ky, father of
Richmond, Mo., May 1, 1846, where he be- James, was born in Virginia, a descend-
came a successful practitioner and has Robert Mosby, who
ant, probably, of Capt.
followed his profession continuously to was a son of Edward and wife, Sarah,
the present day. daughter of Col. Robert Woodson of
During the Civil war he was Surgeon of "Curies," whose daughter, Elizabeth, mar-
was delegate to the State Convention in and served on many hard-fought battle
fields, winning three promotions. After
Chicago, 1896, which nominated W. J.
Bryan, all showing that he enjoyed and the close of the war he married
Elizabeth Barbara Sampson, of French
retains the confidence and respect of his
fellow citizens to the present day. He Huguenot ancestry, daughter of Charles
has been a member of the Church of Christ
Sampson and wife, Anne Porter; son of
and an elder of the Congregation for over
Stephen Sampson and wife, Mary, daugh-
fifty years.
ter of Sanborne Woodson and wife, Eliza-
beth, daughter of Abraham Michaux and
He married, September 29, 1847, Sarah
wife, Susanne Rochelle, Huguenots.
Catharine, daughter of Joel Jacobs and
Anne Porter, wife of Charles Sampson,
wife, Mary, third daughter of James Tay-
was a daughter of Capt. Thomas Porter
lor and wife, Ann Sampson, of the old
and wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Pierre
Virginia families of Taylor and Sampson;
DuTois and wife, Barbara DeBonnet,
her two elder sisters were named Betsy Huguenot refugees from France. (See
and Sallie. Joel Jacobs and wife, Mary,
had eleven children James, Malvina,
Dr. and Mrs. William Wallace Mosby
Newton, Sarah Catharine, Mariam, Smith, have children, George J. Mosby; Charles
Francis, Edward, Perry, Emma, and A.,who married Miss Lee Shaw; William
Joella. Wallace, Jr.; John T.; Mollie E., who
James Mosby, of Calloway Co., Mo., married William Bernard, and James E.,
father of William Wallace, was born in who married Miss Jessie Murry.
The principal family of this name was em, 1307.His son, Sir John Semple, had
Semple of Ellerston in Renfrew, where from King Robert II, a charter confirm-
they had large possessions and offices as ing to him grants which John, Earl of
stewards and bailiffs under the several Carrick (his Majesty's eldest son), had
families of Stewart; proprietors of that made to him of the lands of Glassford,
country before they caine to the crown. Lanarkshire, 1375; left issue, Jean, mar-
The first Lord Scmplc was John, son and ried Sir John Stewart of Bute; John of
heir to Sir Thomas, who lost his life with Ellistown, and John of Fulwood.
honor while he was fighting in support John Scmplc, of Ellistown; was
of his king, which Sir John being much knighted by James IV; his son,
in favor with King James IV, was by him Sir Robert Semple, had charter from
created Lord Scmplc 1488; but attending James II to lands in Ayrshire; his son,
his Majesty to the battle of Flodden, Sir William Semple, married Margaret,
1513, he there with his royal master lost daughter of Lord Cathcart; was made
his life and was buried in the collegiate hereditary Sheriff of Renfrew; had char-
church of Semple, which he had founded. ter from James IV of the baronies of
He left two sons, William, his heir, II Renfrew and Castleton. ("Castle Sem-
Lord, and Gabriel, ancestor of the Sem- ple.")
plcs of Cathcart. Thomas Semple, Sheriff of Renfrew, sat
Arms: A chevron, cheque, ruby, and in Parliament 1183-1, designated Thomas
of the field between three bugle horns, dia- Simple, VI Compte de Renfrew. He fell
mond, garnished of the second. Crest: on battlefield fighting for James IV,
On a wreath a stag's head couped, ppr, at- 1488. He married Elizabeth, daughter of
tired pearl. Supporters: Two grey- John, Lord Ross, and left four daugh-
hounds, pearl, collar, ruby. Motto: "Keep ters and a son,
Tryste." Sir John Semple, created a peer by
Robert dc Semple, the first of the fam- James IV, the year his father fell in bat-
ily of whom any record remains, lived in tle; sat inParliament as a peer 1503-4.
the reign of Alexander II, 1214 was stew- ; He married, first, Margaret, daughter of
ard of the Barony of Renfrew, temp Alex- Sir Robert Colville; issue, William and
ander witnessed a charter of Mal-
III, Gabriel. He married, secondly, Margaret,
colm, Earl of Lennox, 1280 also a grant
; daughter of Sir James Criehton ; no issue.
of James, High Steward of Scotland. He Gabriel Semple of Cathcart, second son,
left two sons, who were great patriots married Janet Sprcul; issue, William and
and friends of Robert de Bruce, Robert Margaret.
and Thomas de Semple, to whom the king William Semple, son of Gabriel, was
granted a half of Long Niddery. succeeded by Gabriel Scmplc of Cathcart,
Robert de Semple, who married Mar- who had sons, Bryce, and
jory Brace, had a charter from King Rob- John Semple of Blackburn, had issue,
ert to which belonged to John
Largs, Robert, John of Closs, and William.
Baliol; died 1330, leaving a son, Robert Semple of Blackburn, succeeded
William dc Semple, Steward of Ren- but died without heirs and was succeeded
frew, 1311. by John Semple of Closs, who married a
Thomas de Semple, of Elliotstown, son daughter of the Laird of Newark. Issue:
of William, witnessed a charter of Robert, John Semple of Balgoun, who died with-
High Steward of Scotland, Earl of Strath- out a male heir; the succession therefore
reverted to William Semple, third son of 2, Lucy Virginia, who married Edgar
John of Blackburn. Issue, James, Wil- Ames of St. Louis and has four children,
Ham, Andrew and Robert Semple I, of Henry Sample, Edgar, unmarried, and
Kirkhouse. Issue, John, William, who Ada Semple, married Henry S., son of
fledfrom persecution to Ireland Pa trick,
; Maj. Henry S. Turner, V. S. A. (see
James and Turner), and has two children, Edgar
Robert Semple II of Kirkhouse. Issue, Ames and Marian Julia.
James, William of Kirkhouse, and Bruce. Mary Semple Ames, married Wayman
James, eldest son, pastor of Long Dreg- Crow Cushman, of St. Louis, and has two
horn Ayrshire, born September 4, 1686; sons, Henry Semple and Robert A. Cush-
died 1752; married Margaret Gemmie. man.
Issue, Janet, John, James, George, Eliza- 3, Eugene Semple, of Vancouver, who
beth, Eliza. was inaugurated Governor of Washington
John Semple, eldest son, born October Territory at Olympia April 23, 1887, was
17, 1727, emigrated to King and Queen born at Bogota, South America, 1840;
Co., Va., 1752; married Elizabeth Walker, his father at that time Minister to South
Baylor, 1761. Issue, John Walker Semple, America.
Elizabeth Baylor, James, Robert Baylor. 4, Julia Ellen, who married Ashley D.
John Walker Semple, eldest son, mar- Scott of Ohio, and has children, Ashley
Miss Laurie of Caroline Co.;
ried, first, D. Semple,. Mary Semple and Isabel.
secondly, Lucy Robertson, born November This is an old English fam-
Baylot*. Uy Jo}m Bay i orj the Amer-
18, 1761, died in Kentucky November 13,
1820. Issue, James Semple, Eliza Bay- ican ancestor, was born at Tiverton, Eng-
lor, Frances, John Walker, Robert, Isaac land, 1650; came to Virginia about 1676;
Robertson, Charles Donald, Lucy Baylor, settled in Gloucester Co. had trading
son Semple, born January 5, 1798, was son, John Baylor, born in Gloucester 1705,
several times speaker of the Illinois legis- patented lands in King and Queen 1725
lature; Attorney General and Chief Jus- Burgess 1740-60; married, January 2,
tice of the State; Colonel in the Black 1744, at Yorktown, Va., Frances, daugh-
Hawk war, and afterwards General of ter of John Walker of Mill Creek County
State troops ; Senator of the United States Lieutenant 1752.
and Minister to the Republic of Colombia, The first of the family of
South America took a prominent part in iiiaiKei*.Walkers into which the
the settlement of the Oregon territory. He Baylors married was Capt. Thomas
married, first, Ellen Duff Green, July 12, Walker, who came from Staffordshire,
1821, and had a daughter, Isabel, who England, 1650; Member of Colonial As-
married Robert Floyd Jones. Issue, sembly from Gloucester 1663 as Captain
Robert, Jr., who married Marie Flanigan; Major 1666. His son, John Walker, inar-
Semple, married Julia Shorb, and Edgar, ried Rachel, daughter of Capt. Richard
all of St. Louis. Croshaw of York Co. (son of Capt. Joseph
Hon. JamesSemple married, sec- Crowshaio, Burgess),
ondly, Mary Stephenson (Cairns), Miz- Their grandson, J oh n Walker, married,
ner, widow, mother of Hon. Lansing B. 1735, Elizabeth Baylor.
Mizner, Minister to Guatamala. Issue: (Ref., Gen. Page Family, Henning,
1, Ada, died young. Kimber.)
Wv. and Wvs. Royci? E. Simmons.
Roger Edwin Simmons of Baltimore, Abraham Simmons, Mary's Co., St,
M. D., born in Hagerstown, Md. gradu- ; Md. emigrant from England, settled in
ate (A. B.) of St. John's College at An- Anne Arundel Co. Records show that
napolis, married, June 25, 1902, Jessie he was granted " Simmons' Choice" 1702,
Atkins Moore of St. Louis. He is a son a large body of land in what is now Bal-
of Thomas Warfield Simmons of Hagers- timore Co. His brother, Isaac Simmons,
town, born June 16, 1836, graduated was granted "Planter's Paradise:"
1861 from Jefferson Medical College, George Simmons, father of above, came
Philadelphia; married, June 6, 1865, over with Leonard Calvert, Deputy-Gov-
Florcncc Bryan, daughter of Frederick ernoP of Lo rd, Baron of Baltimore, 1663;
and Christian Bryan; grandson of James sett led in Anne Arundel Co. His wife
Ringold Blunt, born in England 1740; was Elizabeth Simmons, granddaughter
owner of a large part of Kent Island, of Fernando Battle.
where he built the first Episcopal Church Moore, wife of Roger Edwin
in Maryland. His son, Wm. Blunt, Simmons, is a daughter of William Grant
owned six thousand acres of land in the Moore, an eminent physician of St. Louis,
Louisiana Territory (now in Mississippi). born near Lexington, Ky., February 16,
His oldest son, Maj. Ringold Blunt, held 1853, and wife, Etolia North, issued
a commission in the United States army. through her mother from Sir Joseph
Maj. James Simmons, Jr. (father of Williamson, Knight, born 1630, at "Cob-
Thomas W.), born April 23, 1780, owned ham Hall," Kent, Eng., an estate pur-
a large estate in Frederick Co., Md. chased from the Duke of Richmond; Sec-
commissioned Captain 1808, served in retary of State of England 1676; was im-
war of 1812 and for bravery was pro- prisoned in the Tower for introducing
mated to Major of Battalion of 28th Reg- Catholics into England. One of his de-
iment 1815; married, October 23, 1802, scen dants founded an estate near Rich-
Rebecca F. Simmons, her grandmother a mon(L VgLj calling it "Cobham Hall."
niece of Col.John Eagar Howard of Rev- (See pp< 96 97-) She was a descendant
olutionary fame, to whose memory Con,- also of jsfathamel Tenable, who came to
gress is now erecting a monument at Virginia 1680, and wife, Mrs. Nicks,
Washington City. widow of John Nicks, her father a Lewis.
James Simmons, Sr, born in Frederick (See Tenable, Lewis and Williamson.)
Co., Md., about 1723, owner of the Taune William Grant Moore, born near Lex-
Hill Mills, which ground the grain for ington, Ky., October1818 (father of Dr. 3,
the army of 1776; a man of large estate Wm. G. Moore), married, December 17,
and influence, died 1791 married Rebecca
1839. Sarah McConnell, daughter of
Shckill, of Saxon-English birth, her John McConnell and wife, Elizabeth,
father an early settler in Frederick Co.,
daughter of Julius Clark son and wife,
Md .; son of Elizabeth Dandridge of the old Virginia
Samuel Simmons, born in St, Mary's family see page 83) Jolm was a son of
Co., emigrated to St. Mary's Co, and oc-
WilUam McConnell who built the first
cupied an estate patented to his father, , , „ T _.
, ., ,
and niece of Col. John Eager Howard; John Whiting Moore (father of Wil-
son of: Ham G.); born in Virginia March 4, 1787,
died in Fayette Co., Ky., October 13, Courtis and Courteis. (Americans, of
1844; married, 1817, Mary} daughter of Royal Descent, Maryland Records, and
William Grant and wife, Elizabeth Boone, Collins' History of Kentucky.)
sister of the famous frontiersman, Daniel Mary Grant, wife of John
Boone. His father, Gtfant— Whiting Moore, was the
William Moore, of Fayette Co., Ky., William Grant
fifth child of
born in Culpepper Co., Va., March 5, and Sarah Mosby, who were
1753, died May, 1818; Lieutenant of 3d married in Fayette Co., Ky., May 25,
Regiment, Virginia line received for his ;
1788, their home near Lexington. Wil-
services a large grant of land in Ken- u am Grant was a son of William Grant,
tucky; married, January 2, 1778, Han- #r v and wife, Elizabeth Boone, both
rtah, daughter of Thomas Rwndsdell, living in Bryan Station fort, near Lex-
Lieutenant of 3d Regiment of Virginia in o-t n at the time of the memorable
line. They had twelve children, one of attack by the Indians. Elizabeth was
whom was John W. Moore, as above seen. a daughter of Squire Boone and Sarah
Daniel Moore (father of William), of Morgan, who was born in Pennsyl-
Charles Co., Md., was born in Virginia, V ania 1701 and died in North Carolina
He married Charity Courts, daughter of January 1, 1777. She was a niece of
Col. John Courts of the manor of "Clear Q Gn David Morgan of Revolutionary
Drinking," Charles Co., Md., now Mont- f ame ( see Mor gan ) The Morgans were of
gomery Co., near Washington, D. C. still ; Welsh ancestry, as was also her mother,
owned by his descendants. He was a son Squire Boone was born in Manchester,
of Eng., 1696; came to America with his
John Courts, of Charles Co., Md., born parents 1717 and settled in Berk's Co.
in Maryland died there 1747 son of Col.
; ; He died in North Carolina January 1,
John Courts of Charles Co., Md., born 1765. How many children he had is not
there and died there 1702. He was a man known, but Daniel Boone, the famous
of affairs, being vestryman of William pioneer, and Indian fighter,
and Mary Parish Justice, Commissioner,
Squire, Jr., Edward, George, Hannah and
Captain of Horse in Charles Co., etc. In Elizabeth were residents of Kentucky for
1699 he was awarded a manor of some a time.
1400 acres, which he called Clear Drink- George Boone III, father of Squire
ing. He was a son of "The Hon. Capt. Boone, was born, 1666, at Stoak, a village
John Courte, Gent," founder of American near the city of Exeter. He married
family 1637; he was a planter in St. Mary Mangridge, born at Bradswick
George's Hundred, Charles Co., Md. 1669. George Boone II I, with his family,
Burgess and Member of Maryland As- came from Devonshire, Eng., arriving in
sembly many years recommended to the
; Philadelphia September 29 (old style),
king as "a good, honest, substantial Pro- 1717, and settled in the township of Ex-
testant ;" he was appointed a member of eter, Co. Berks. He died 1794 ; his wife
the Governor's Council and so served until died 1740-1; they were interred in the
his death, 1697. He was of the ancient Friends burying ground in Exeter town-
family of "Couerte, Courte, or Courts,'' ship. He was a son of George Boone II,
of Stoke Gregory, Somersetshire, Eng. born in Exeter, Eng., and wife, Sarah
(See Somersetshire Visitations.) In Mary- Uppy; son of George Boone.
land the name is spelled Courte, Courts, Residence, Baltimore, Md.
IDks. Francis Bcaui*cgat»d De flguilai*. Hliss IDatty Carey §latlei*y.
George Carey of Leppington, Eng. had Francis Beauregard Aglar, born in St.
Anne Carey, married flattery Louis, Mo., February 14th, 1861, died Sep-
of Waterford Co., Ireland, and had tember 1901 married Elizabeth Pendle-
2, ;
John Carey Slattery, married Mary ton Slattery in 1893 and had
Cary of Waterford Co., Ireland, and had Francisco Paul Slattery de Aguilar,
Captain Dennis Paul Slattery, who was born May 30th, 1895.
born in Waterford Co., Ireland, Septem- Johnston.
ber 9, 1842, and brought up in England 1, The Johnstone family can be traced
by his guardian, the Hon. and Rev. Wil- through ancestors of baronial andlmightly
liam Bertie, second son of the Earl of Ab- rank to the reign of King Alexander 2nd,
bingdon and Chaplain of All Souls Col- of Scotland, when Sir Hugo de Johnstone
lege, Oxford, England. He came to Amer- founded large estates in East Lothian A.
ica in 1860 and in 1861, having previously D. 1200, and had,
been educated for the English Navy, he 2, A. D. 1225, Sir John de Johnstone of
passed his examinations for the United the country of Dumfries, who had,
States Navy and at the breaking out of 3, A. D. 1332, Sir John de Johnstone,
the Civil war was detailed to the Missis- who was witness a charter of lands in
sippi squadron. He commanded the gun- Annandale granted by Thomas Randolph,
boat Cricket during the Red River expedi- Earl of Morey, before the year of 1332,
tion. ( See Naval War Records, Navy De- and had,
partment Library, Washington, D. C.) 4, A. D. 1360, Sir Gilbert de Johnstone,
Died in Missouri April 20th, 1896. Mar- died 1360, and had,
ried Mariam Benjamin Johnston Owens 5, A. D. 1371, Sir John de Johnstone, a
in 1867 and had Elizabeth Pendleton, man of great note in the reign of Robert
Mary Carey, and Lucinda Johnston, died 2nd. He was warden of the West Marshes,
June 17th, 1874. died 1383 and had,
Elizabeth Pendleton, married in 1893 6, A. D. 1420, SirJohn Johnstone of
Francis Beauregard Aglar and had Johnstone, who was nominated by the
Francisco Paul flattery de Aguilar. Earl of Douglas Chief Warden of the
(See "Five Generations of a Loyal Marshes, died 1420, and had,
House," by Lady Georgiana Bertie.) 7, A. D. 1455, Sir Adam
Johnstone of
De Hguilar. Johnstone, who was remarkable for his
Francisco de Aguilar of the noble fam- loyalty to his prince and was particularly
ily of Aguilar de la Frontera, born in instrumental in suppressing the rebellion
Loxa, Spain, June 11th, 1803; died in of William, Earl of Douglas, for which
Boston, Mass., May 30th, 1849. After he service to the crown he was given the
brook of Boston, Mass., and had by his second wife, Lady Janet Dunbar,
James Francis Aglar, born in Boston daughter of George Dunbar, Earl of
November 5th, 1836, died in St. Louis March, and descended from the royal
January 25th, 1901; married lone Arm- family of Scotland and from the Anglo-
strong (daughter of John Armstrong and Saxon kings through Robert Bruce, he
his wife, Margaret McKimm of Virginia) had a son, Matthew of Pedinaine, ancestor
and had to the Johnstones, Baronets of Esterhall,
the Johnstones of Alva and the John- 18, 1701, William Johnstone, 3rd Earl
stones, Baronets of Harkness. Sir Adam of Annandale and Hartfell, who was one
died in 1455 and had, of the Privy Council of William 3rd, by
8, A. D. 1483, Sir John D. Johnstone of
Johnstone, who was one of the Wardens of
.,^ n
whom he ^
created Marquis of Annan .
„„„„+ a^ot^i
dale, Earl of Hartfell, Viscount Annand,
,. , r '
j t i •
the Marshes in 1459 and died in 1483,= '
12, A. D. 1568, Sir John Johnstone of Thistle and one of the Commissioners of
Johnstone, who had various charters of the Treaty of Union. This is entered in
land and fought in the battle of Pinkie the records of Parliament. In 1714 he
in 1547,=Elizabeth Jardine and had, was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal
13, A. D. 1559, Sir James Johnstone of in Scotland, after which he was Lord
Johnstone, died 1559,=Margaret Hamil- Lieutenant of the Counties of Dumfries,
ton, daughter of Sir John Hamilton of Peebles and Kirkenbright, died 1721. He
Sundrum and had, =Sophia, daughter of John Fairholm,
14, A. D. 1586, Sir John Johnstone of Esq., of Craignhall in the County of Stir-
Johnstone, who was appointed by James ling by whom he had James, his heir, Sec-
IV Warden of the West Marshes and Jus- ond Marquis of Annandale and Lord Wil-
tice General in 1570, died 1586,=Mar- liam Johnstone of Annandale, besides
garet, daughter of Sir William Scott of Lady Henrietta, who=Charles Hope, Earl
Buccleugh, and had, of Hopetoun, and Lady Mary, wife of Sir
15, A. D. 1608, Sir James de Johnstone, William Lindsey, Earl of Crawford. He
who was knighted at the coronation of had by his second marriage to Charlotte
Queen Anne of Denmark and was ap- Van Lore, daughter of John Vanden-
pointed Warden of the West Marshes. Bempde, Esq., of Westminister two sons,
He was murdered by Lord Maxwell in Lord George (born in 1720 so named, the
1608,=Lady Sarah, sister of John, Lord king being his godfather), who died quite
Herries, and had, young, and Lord John, born in 1721, who
16, A. D. 1653, Sir James Johnstone of was elected to the Parliament for the bur-
Johnstone, who was created by King roughs of Dumfries and died unmarried
Charles I Lord Johnstone of Lochwood, in 1742. The said Marquis was succeeded
also created in 1643 Earl of Hartfell ;= by his oldest son, James, Second Marquis
Lady Margaret Douglas, daughter of Wil- of Annandale (oldest son, 3rd Earl of An-
liam, first Earl of Queensbury, and had, nandale and Hartfell), who was a vale-
17, A. D. 1672, Sir James Johnstone, tudinary man, traveling much abroad for
2nd Earl of Hartfell, who in 1661 sur- Mg health and died at Nap i e s, Italy.
rendered his title to King Charles 2nd,
Lopd wmiam Johnstone (second
who then granted a new patent
n A
j.* n
to James,
r> an ? j
3rd Earl
? x
andi tt T7-
r, 7A ,
of Annandale
Earl Hartfell, '
Johnstone=Elizabeth Ann
20, Philip ister side a horse pearl and burnished
Taylor (daughter of James (3) Taylor of ruby. Motto: Nunquam non paratus.
Virginia) in 1768, and had two sons, Chief seat, Loch wood of Annandale in
Thomas, who=Sarah Smith, daughter of Dumfrieshire near the famous Well of
Joseph Smith of Virginia, in 1795, and Moffat.
Philip, who=married Lucinda Smith, Note Revised and corrected by Alfred
Margaret, who died unmarried. »
4. \r t i4. ™Mr,„\,^\,
ters, Margaret Johnston, Elizabeth Perry
4. tw™ o, Henry, Duke of Renish,
«7 »
France, who
and Mariam Benjamin Johnston.
6, Conrad 2nd, Holy Roman Emperor,
23, Mariam Benjamin Johnston Owens
who had,
=Capt. Dennis Paul Slattery, U. S. N. in
Henry 3rd, Holy Roman Emperor,
1867, and had three daughters, Elizabeth ?,
three boars' heads, erased, sa, as many 3, James (3) Taylor (father of the dis-
mullets, or. Crest: A buck, sejant, or. tinguished John Taylor, of Caroline Co.,
Motto: Duriosa virtus. Va., who was a United States Senator and
Hugo de Johnstone, East Lothian, 1200. Sir William Johnstone III, Earl of Annandale—
Sir John de Johnstone, died 1383. Sophia, daughter of John Fairholm, Esq., had
Sir John de Johnstone, died 1420. Lord William Johnstone=secondly, Elizabeth
Sir Gilbert de Johnstone, died 1360. Wyatt, great grandniece of Sir Francis Wyatt,
Sir John de John de Johnstone, died 1383. Governor of Virginia, 1621.
Sir John Johnstone, died 1420. Philip Johnstone=Elizabeth Ann Taylor, daughter
Sir Adam Johnstone, died 1455. of
Sir John Johnstone^Mary Maxwell. James Taylor III, of Virginia, issued from
Sir James Johnstone, A. D. 1485. James Taylor I, of Carlyle, Eng., issued from
Sir Adam Johnstone, A. D. 1508. The Taylors of Shadochurst.
Sir James Johnstone, died 1589. Earls of Pennington. (See Ta}dor.)
Sir John Johnstone=Elizabeth Jardine. Philip Johnstone and wife, Elizabeth, had
Sir James Johnstone=Lady Margaret Hamilton. Philip Johnston=Lucinda Smith, had
Sir John Johnstone=Margaret Scott, 1570. Mary Logan Johnston=Isaac Greathouse; they had
Sir James Johnstone=Lady Margaret Douglas. Elizabeth Greathouse=Nicholas Gwynn, had
Sir James Johnstone=Lady Henrietta Douglas. Elizabeth Gwynn and Ada Gwynn.
Elizabeth Gwynn=first, Russell Hancock, son of Ada Gwynn=Bryce Gray II, son of Bryce Gray, of
Gen'l Winfield Scott Hancock; issue, New York; issue,
Elizabeth, Almira Russell, and sons, Ada Bryce Gray and Bryce Gray III.
Gwynn and Winfield Scott Hancock. (See Johnstone Arms.)
Henry, the Fowler, Emperor of Germany gig, had Lady Catherine Howard=Edward Nevill, Lord
Otho, Holy Roman Emperor, who had Abergavenny, great grandson of Edward V; issue
Luitgard, who had Lady Margaret Nevill=John Brook, Lord Cobham,
Otho, who had also of royal decent, and had
Henry, Duke of Rhenish France, who had Thomas Brook, Lord Cobham, who had
Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, who had Lady Elizabeth Brook=Sir Thomas Wyatt, of Al-
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, who had lington Castle, in Kent, Poet to Henry VIII. Born
Henry IV, who had 1503, died 1544; issue
Agnes=Frederick Hohenstaufen, Duke of Swabia, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Kent, of Allington Castle=
had Lady Jane Hawte ; issue
Frederick, Duke of Swabia, who had Sir George Wyatt, Allington Castle and Boxley,
Frederick I, Barbarosa, Emperor Holy Roman Em- Kent; had
pire, had Rev. Hawte Wyatt (brother of Sir Francis Wyatt,
Philip, King of Germany, Emjeror elect; had Governor of the Colony of Virginia), who had
Mary=Henry Duke of Brabant, had Edward Wyatt, of Gloucester Co., Va., who had
Henry, Duke of Brabant, who had Conquest Wyatt, of Gloucester Co., Va., who had
Mary=Philip, the Hardy, King of France, had Thomas Wyatt, of Gloucester Co., Va., who had
Margaret=Edward I, King of England, had Francis Wyatt, of Gloucester Co., Va., who had
Thomas Plantagenet, fifth son of Earl of Norfolk, Elizabeth Wyatt=Lord William Johnstone (son of
had Marquis of Annandale of Annandale, Scotland), had
Lady Margaret Plantagent, Dutchess of Norfolk Philip Johnston=Elizabeth Ann Taylor, and had
=John, Lord Segrave, and had Philip Johnston=Sarah Smith, and had
Lady Elizabeth Segrave=John, Lord Mowbray, Mary Logan=Isaac Greathouse, of Kentucky, had
had Elizabeth=Nicholas Gwynn issue, ;
Elizabeth Gwynn=first, Russell Hancock; issue, Ada Gwynn=Bryce Gray II, son of
Elizabeth, Ahnira Russell Gwynn, and Bryce Gray, of New York; issue,
Winfield Scott Hancock. Ada Bryce Gray, and Bryce Gray III.
cords. The Gwvnns, ancestors of Nicho- and was prominent as a vestryman, 1652-
las Gwynn, from whom was issued Mrs. 77, with Charles Tompkins, Gwinn Reade,
Bryce Gray and Mrs. Ellerton Lodge Capt. Thomas Smith, Nicholas Smith, the
Wyatts, Baylors, Taylors, Tayloes, Wash-
Dorr (see pp. 251-2), lineal descendants
ingtons, and others, with whom the
of this Welsh family, are found among
Gwvnns later intermarried. John Tayloe
the earliest planters of the Virginia
married Elizabeth, niece, perhaps, of Col.
Colony, the name spelled Gwm } Gwyn, Hugh Gwynn, a daughter of Maj. Gwynn,
Gwynne, and Winn. The dropping of the of Essex. They lived in Richmond Co..
first letter, G, occurred first in the and their John Tayloe ("probably
eleventh century, when Owain Gwinedd Taylor of that day") was the founder of
married first Glawdys and they became "Mount Airv," one of the handsomest of
the progenitors of the present line of the colonial homes. This Elizabeth
Princes of Wales. He married, secondly, Gwynn Tayloe's and grand-
his cousin, Christian, from whom issued children married into the most prominent
the Wynns of Gwydir, asshown in pedi- Maryland families. Their son, John,
gree (pp. 254-5), and upon the tablet in married a daughter of Gov. Plater; their
Gwydir Chapel (see Wynne). tea in son John married a daughter of Gov.
Gwynedd, a lineal descendant of Gwynn Ogle; one daughter married Gov. Lloyd;
Rebecca married Francis Lightfoot Lee, is preserved by Tacitus. This occurred
signer of the Declaration of Independ- A. D. 51. (Casscll's Hist, of England,
ence, and Sarah married Col. Augustine Vol. 1 } pp. 9-10.) He was a son of Cuno^
Washington. Robert Baylor, of Glou- belinus, or Kynibelinus, or Cymbeline,
cester, married Miss Gwyn, of Gwynn's supposed to be the same as that immortal-
Island. From these records it will be ized by Shakespeare,
seen that these aarly colonists had re- According to the Roman version Cuno-
verted to the use of the letter G in spelling hclinus was, the husband of Cartismanda,
"their names. Queen of the Brigantes, a powerful prince
Wynne, of the King's Coun-
Capt. Peter i n league with the Romans. He had three
cil, 1608, came over with Capt. Newport sons—Adminius, who was exiled; Tago-
in the ship Mary and Margaret with Lord dumnus and Caraetacus, who, after their
de la Warr ( Sir Thomas West). He died father's death, bravelv withstood the inva-
1609 before receiving his commission as s i on f Claudius until Caraetacus was be-
Lieutenant-Governor, the ship upon which trayed and fell into his hands. He was
it was forwarded being lost at sea. taken to Rome accompanied
by his wife
The battle of Point Pleasant, the first an a children. His wife was a daughter of
of the Revolution, was fought upon Givynn ap Colhcyn, Lord of Dyfed, ap
Gwyn's Island. (son of) Edmoivcn Bendeu, Prince of
Givynn Arms: Sa, a fess or, bet. two North Wales and sister of Tcmgno, an-
swords, the one in chief pointing upwards, cestor of Einon ap Collwyn, father of
the one in base, downwards; blades arg, j estyn, whose daughter, Nest, was the
hilts and panels of the second. w ife Gf Einon ap Colwyn, these Colwyns
Crest :A hand couped at the wrist ppr, being ancestors of more than a third of
holding a dagger, blade arg, hilt or, thrust the older Glamorgan families of pure
through a boar's head, sa. The ancient Welsh blood. If, therefore, Gwynn ap
crest was a dragon's head erased, vert. Colwyn, Lord of Dyfed and Prince of
The boar's head may have come through Wales, was the father of Caraetacus' wife,
the Caradocs or (Caraetacus). Motto; A. D. 51, he must have lived B. C, and
Vim vi repellere licet. his princely lineage must have traced back
Wynn Arms : Vert, three eagles dis- many generations B. C. ( See Craddock,
played in fess, or. p. 55-6.)
(Vaughn), of Carmothean. He was an- scended from the Queen of the Brigantes
cestor of the Lewis family, through his and the Princes of Wales, and became
son Lewis (see Lewis), seventeenth in de- ancestors of the present line of Princes of
scent from Gwathford, representative of Wales, Kings of England, the Kings of
Teon of the lineage of the Princess of Gwent, and Glamorgan, as shown in the
Britain. (Ref., "Morgan and Gla- following abstract taken from the "Col-
morgan, Burke's Patricians" vol. 4, p. wynn Bay Pioneer," published some time
481. History of Yorkshire" Harrison.) ago, in which is shown the pedigrees by
The ancient Gwynns were, therefore, de- twenty-nine generations.
gwyn Gwynedd; 5, Rhun 6, Beli 7, King ; ; Eleanor, eldest daughter and representa-
Iago; 8, Cadvan, King; 9, Oadwaladyr tive of the Princes of Wales=Gruffydd
Vindigouel, last King of the Britons, died Nychan, Lord of Glynff rdy 27, Margaret,
at Rome
688 A. D. 10, Idwal lurch; 11,;
younger sister and co-heiress=Sir Tu-
Rhodri Molynog, 720 A. D. 12, Cynan ;
<*ar ap Grono of Pennrynydd, junior line
1, George Carey of Leppington, Eng., Hurst," taken from the Prerogative Court
had, of Canterbury, Marlboro, 121, shows that
2, Anne Carey, who= Slattery the direct line of descent through the
of Waterford Co., Ireland, and had, generations of Thomas, John and Joseph,
3, John Carey Slattery, who=Mary Leigh, of "The Hurst/' Parish of Stonely
Gary of Waterford Co., Ireland, and had, Co. Warwick, all three of w hom came to
preserved the Leighs of Maine were of the "The County Palatine of Lancaster has
family of the Lord Leighs of Stoneleigh always been distinguished for its ancient
Abbey, County of Warwick. A search is families;some of the old families of New
now being made in England in regard to England were branches of them, as Stand-
this,but as the results have not come in, ish of Standish, of which Duxbury was
up to date, it is impossible to publish originally a part, represented by Miles
them. However it is known that the Standish, ofPlymouth; Atherton of
"Maine" branch of the Leigh family lived Atherton, represented by Humphrey and
in the parish of Stonely, County War- James Atherton, Dorchester and Milton,"
wick, England, as early as 1539. The Then follows an inquisition taken at
will of Thomas Leigh, the elder, of "The Wigam, England, January 18th, 11th,
James 1613-14 before Edward Rigbye, '7, Susan Scollay, born October 3rd,
Esq., Escheator, after the death of one, 1817,=1839 Doctor Edwin Leigh and had,
Edmund Atherton of Winstanley, which 8, Elizabeth Wyman Leigh, born May
states that at the time of the taking of 16th, 1851, who=Captain Dennis Paul
the inquisition, Edmund
Atherton's son S lattery, late U. and had,
S. N.,
and next heir, Humphrey, was four years 9, Susan Leigh, William Henry Bertie,
and three months old, which, without and Ruth Carey Slattery.
doubt, shows that this Humphrey and Ref., Savage's Gen. Diet., Vol. 1, p. 73,
Humphrey Atherton of New England and N. E. Historical Reg., Vol. 35, pp.
were one and the same, as Humphrey At- 67-72.
el's or nephew and uncle, and were de- Mass., came to America in 1639. Amer-
scended from Robert (1) Atherton, who ican Ancestry, Vol. 5, p. 40, speaks of
King John, 1199-1246.
lived in the time of William Ward as "William Ward of Eng-
He was Shreve of the County of Lancaster land, of the Dudley- Ward family
and orig-
and held the Manor of Atherton of the inally of de la Ward, Normandy, France,
Barons of Warrington. The family was which family is represented in England
one of the richest and most powerful in by the Earls of Dudley." ( See pedigree
England until the direct line became ex- of Reginald Henshaw Ward, of New
tinct upon the marriage of Elizabeth York.)
(daughter of Richard Atherton and Eliza- William=Elizabeth
1, and had,
beth Farrington of Shaw Hall ) to Robert Hannah Ward, born in 1626=Abraham
Gwillyn. In 1825 the estate passed into Howe of Marlborough and had,
the possession of Thomas Atherton Powys, 2, Elizabeth Howe, born in 1665,=
III Lord Lilford, who inherited them Capt. Samuel Brigham, son of Thomas
through his mother. James ( I. ) of Dor- ,
Brigham of Watertown, and Mercy Herd,
chester, Mass., and Hannah Atherton, spoken of as a gentlewoman who came
had, from England and married Capt. Brig-
2, James (II.) Atherton, born May ham (see MunselFs American Ancestry).
13, 1654, of Lancaster, Mass., who= Capt. Samuel Brigham took a very prom-
June 16th, 1684, AbigailHudson, daugh- inent part in the Indian war, at one time
ter of Daniel and Joan Hudson, who were acting as lieutenant under Capt. Thomas
killed by the Indians in 1640. James and Howe and later commander of the 4th
Abigail Atherton had, garrison of Marlborough. (See History
3, James Atherton of Lancaster,
(III.) of Marlborough by Charles Hudson, 9-109,
born February 27, 1685,=$a rah Savage's Gen. Diet., Vol. 1, p. 252.)
and had, Samuel and Elizabeth Brigham, had,
4, John Atherton of Lancaster, born 3, Brigham, born July 10th,
1709,=July 1st, 1730, Phoebe Weight, 110%,=Edward Baker (see Baker-Mar-
shall line), and had,
and had,
4, Joseph Baker, who=Martha Dearth
5, Lois Atherton, born January 18, 1733,
and had,
=in 1752 Grover Scollay, of Harvard,
5, John BAKER,=$a/ome Rice Drury,
Mass., son of John Scollay, who came and had,
from Scotland and settled at Stomeham, 6, Nancy Baker, who=Major Thomas
Mass. Grover and Lois Scollay had, Leigh and had,
6, Grover Scollay, baptized May 16, 7, Doctor Edwin Leigh, who=Susan
1779,=Sarah Stowell and had, Scollay and had,
8, Elizabeth Wyman Leigh who==Capt. 5, John Baker,=Salome Rice Drury,
Dennis Paul Slattery, late U. S. N., and and had,
had, 6, Nancy Baker,=Major Thomas Leigh
4, Joseph Baker,=Martha Dearth and tain Dennis Paul Slatt&ry, late U. S. N.,
had, and had,
9,Susan Leigh, William Henry Bertie, as ensign; see Savage's Gen. Diet, of New
and Ruth Carey Slattery. England, Vol. 1, p. 85.
In King Phillip's war he served as cap- wick, Maine, January 12, 1812, and had,
tain and in 1675 he commanded the mili- 7, Doctor Elwin Leigh, born 1815=
tary company of Lynn; see "Records of April 10th, Susan Scollay, and had,
Mass.," Vol. 4, also "Annals of Lynn," by 8, Elizabeth Wyman Leigh, born May
Lewis and Newhall, 557-379-262. Capt. 16, 1851,=September, 1878, Captain Den-
Marshall's daughter also married a sol- nis Paul Slattery, late U. S. N., and had,
dier, for Edward Baker served with great 9,Susan Leigh, William Henry Bertie,
distinction in the French and Indian wars Ruth Cary Slattery.
Dp. and Dins. Honatio D. Spcncen.
Dr. Horatio Nelson Spencer, born July the year 1630. One of these was Garrard,
17th, 1842, at Almont, his father's country the youngest son of the above Garrard
seat near Port Gibson, Mississippi, comes Spencer, baptized April 25th, 1614. For
of a long line of distinguished ancestry. about ten years he was a resident of Mas-
Reviewing the lives of his progenitors one sachusetts we find him at Lynn in 1635,
is particulary impressed with the superior and later, at Cambridge. He finally set-
intellectual training and highly developed tled at Haddam, Connecticut, about 1640,
religious sense which is so generally man- and conspicuously identified with the
ifest. He is a direct descendant of the early history of this town. He was Dep-
immortal Thomas Hooker and John Wil- uty from Haddam to the General Court
son, and counts in his ancestral line the in 1674-75, 1678-79-80, and 1683. By his
families, Seidell, Brockivay, Pratt, New- wife, Hannah, he had thirteen children,
ton, Clarke, Ely, Lee and others conspicu- and among his descendants are many dis-
ous in the history of New England, while tinguished for their services to the church
his mother, Sarah Marshall, is a repre- and to the State. He died at Haddam,
sentative of the celebrated southern fam- Conn., about 1685. His son,
ily of that name. Samuel, married in 1673 Hannah,
The most remote ancestor of Dr. Spencer widow of Peter Blachford and daughter
having the common surname, and to of Isaac and Johanna Willey. He was
whom he traces in unbroken succession, one of the first settlers of Millington So-
is John Spencerj who died in 1558 at Ed- ciety, East Haddam was early chosen to
worth, Bedfordshire, England, the seat of be one of the surveyors of the township
this branch of the Spencer family. John and was otherwise prominent in its af-
Spencer's widow, Anne Spencer, known fairs. He died in March, 1705, leaving
as "the good hospitality keeper," died in four children. His third child, Isaac,
1560. was born January 8th, 1678; married, Oc-
John Spencer of Edworth was con- tober 2nd, 1707, Mary Selden, by whom
nected with Sir John Spencer of Althorpe, he had eleven children. He was Deputy
Northamptonshire, the ancestor of Earl from East Haddam to the General Court
Spencer and of the present Duke of Marl- from 1734 to 1741 inclusive. He died
borough. February 10th, 1751. Their son,
Dr. Spencer's line of descent from John Israel Spencer was born January 30th,
Spencer of Edworth, is as follows: 1731; married Elizabeth Marsh October
Michael, the son of John Spencer of 18, 1753. He was Deputy from East
Edworth, married, first, Anne Limer, Jan- Haddam to the General Court, or Assem-
uary 25th, 1555, by whom he had two chil- bly, at Hartford, 1778-79 and 1780 served
dren. She died in April, 1560. By his in the war of the Revolution as Captain
second wife, Elizabeth, he had seven chil- in Col. Charles Burrall's Regiment and
dren. Of these the youngest but one, afterwards as Major in Lieutenant-Col-
Garrard Spencer, was baptized May 20th, onel John McKinstry's Regiment, New
1576, at St. Mary's Parish, Stotfold, Bed- York Levies. He was conspicuous in pub-
fordshire. lic service, military as well as civil, as the
Garrard Spencer, baptized May 20th, records of East Haddam and the New
1576, was the father of eight children, York Archives amply show. He had eight
four of whom emigrated to America about children ; died November 18th, 1813.
Israel Selden Spencer, son of Isreal, ond marriage, Of these, three sur-
was born August 1st, 1762; married vive: Dr. Horatio Nelson Spencer of St.
Temma Brocktvay November 6th, 1783; Louis, Samuel Marshall of Glen Allen,
died March 5th, 1837, at Port Gibson, Miss., and James Grafton, who lives at
Mississippi, at the home of his son, the old home place near Port Gibson.
Horatio Nelson Spencer. He, too, was a Eacli one possesses in the highest degree
soldier in the Revolutionary Avar, enlist- those moral and intellectual traits which
ing when only fifteen years old. He ennoble human nature, commanding al-
served for six months as a private in the ways the admiration and the love of his
regiment of Col. John Ely, being a mem- fellows.
ber of the company commanded by Capt. Horatio N. Spencer, son of Horatio N.
John Gates. Later he served for a time and Sarah Marshell Spencer was educated
under Capt. Asa Worthington and Capt. at the AlabamaUniversity, graduating at
Zach Hungerford. He was largely inter- the age of eighteen, entered the Confed-
ested in mercantile business and in ship erate army and served throughout the
building, and he controlled a line of coast- war. At its close he took up the study of
ing vessels running from New York to medicine and graduated from the College
NeAV Orleans and the West Indies. He of Physicians and Surgeons in New York
was an earnest Christian and one of the City 1868 then went to Europe in order
Allister Knox Stewart, born in St. Margaret Patterson, and lie was ban-
Louis March 8, 1858, married, August 11, isked. His brother was a member in Scot-
1881, Annette Baxter Coleman, born De- land of the first Burns Society ; another
cember 25, 1862. brother organized the temperance so-
His sister, Cora Stewart, married, Oc- ciety of the world, of which he! was Presi-
tober 18, 1893, Dr. Charles M. Krause, dent. Robert Wylie served in the Spanish
whose mother was of the well-known war 1830, and was sent later to India.
Bull fa mill/ of England, daughter of Rev. James Stewart, father of John, married
John Bull. 1828, Margaret McKenzie, cousin of the
The tradition of the Stewart family, great surgeon, Dr. McKenzie, of London,
handed down from father to son, through who was called to the bedside of the Em-
many generations, is that they came from peror of Germany in his last illness of the ;
the royal house of Stetcart in Scotland, same family as Sir Thos. McKenzie.
In the early part of the XVII century John Stewart, father of James, married
they were banished to the Isle of Skye a daughter of the house of Argyle, Miss
and emigrated to America about
finally Campbell.
1828; settled in Cincinnati. The mater- The coat of arms handed down in this
nal ancestors coming from the houses of branch of the Stewart family is marked
Argyle, Wylie and McKenzie tend to w ith the olive leaves and doves, which is
confirm the tradition. found only with the Stewarts of Blantyre.
John Alexander Stewart, father of The myrtle leaves came from the Camp-
Allister K., born August 29, 1829, died bells, whose contributory clans all wore
February 20, 1878, married Mary Patter- a badge of the wild myrtle.
. The Stew-
son Knox, of Scotch-Irish ancestry, born arts carried the thistle as their badge and
January 7, 1835, daughter of Willia7n gave it as a national emblem to Scotland.
Knox, born January 5, 1798, died Decern- The Campbells rushed to battle with the
ber 30, 1836, and wife, Margaret Wylie, cry "Cruachaw," from the giant moun-
of the clan Campbell, born November 21, tains shadowing their fastnesses along
1800, died October 20, 1866, daughter of L oc h Awe. They marched to the air "The
William Wylie, born in Paisley, Scotland, Campbells are Coming;" the Stewarts to
and married there about 1775, Margaret the inarch "My King Has Landed at Moi-
Patterson. dart." The wail of the Campbells was
William Knox, son of William and "The Marquis Laurent." The white cock-
wife, Mary McCall, was a descendant of ade of the Jacobites belonged to the Stew-
William, brother of John Knox, the great artSj and was worn by all of the clans
Reformer, temp Marie Stewart, Queen of w h endured the long fight for the House
Scots. The Wylies intermarried with f Stewart.
the Irvines and McDowellsj as shown in This family, from which
their records elsewhere. Coleman. i ssue d Annette Baxter
William Wylie, who emigrated from Coleman, wife of A. K. Stetcart, came to
Paisley, was a man of wealth and settled New Jersey 1640. In the archives of that
in Boston, where he was condemned to State they are found occupying promi-
death because of his adherence to the king, nent and serving in the defense of
His life was spared by Gen. Washington the colonists. A Coleman ancestor is en-
at the personal intercession of his wife, rolled in the company commanded by
\ \
Miles Standish; be was the first man Penn., September 27, 1827, died May 10,
killed in New York. 1878. He enlisted in Company H, 5th
Christopher Coleman, head of this Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, and served
branch, was born in Essex Co., N. J., in the Mexican war with five brothers he
1730; married, 1760, Esther. Their son, took part in the Civil war. He enlisted
Christopher, of Eastern Pennsylvania, as 1st Lieutenant April 30 in Missouri
born in Essex Co., New Jersey, May 25, Infantry, and received honorable dis-
1768, died in Cleveland, Ohio, August 2, charge December 1, 1865, as Lieutenant-
1827 ; married, 1789, Ruth Simpson, born Colonel United States Heavy Artillery.
1767, died October 14, 1813. They had He married September 28, 1857, Elizabeth
sons, William, James, David, Jacob and Swain Gale and had daughters, Eliza-
Simpson; daughters, Esther and Catha- beth Gale, who married James I. Jones
rine. He was a soldier of the Revolution and Annette Baxter, who married A. K.
enlisted in Col. Proctor's Regiment, 1st Stewart.
Pennsylvania Artillery, Continental Line, There were three Gale broth-
as drummer boy, October 16, 1775; was ers, who came from England to
Bombardier (two guns) 1776. When he America 1739, relatives of Sir John Gale,
was mustered out he was stationed at who had two sons who settled in South
Fort Island, Pa., 1776; participated in the Carolina. Two Gale brothers stopped in
battles of Trenton, Princeton, Bound New England and were the ancestors of
Brook, Brandywine, Germantown, Mon- the two branches of the family found in
mouth Court House, and was in Gen. Sul- New Hampshire and Massachusetts. From
livan's campaign. He went to Pittsburg Merrill's History of Amesbury, it is found
(Fort Pitt) 1780 with a detachment of that Capt. Eli Gale, born there 1745; in
his regiment; was discharged there and 1774 he was elected to the town council
remained there. ( Penn. Archives. ) Wil- received a grant of land there and in 1778
liam, brother of Christopher, also served was one of five forming a Committee of
in the Revolution. Correspondence, Inspection and Safety.
His descendants seem to have inherited These five soldiers would have been among
his military ardor and patriotism, for the first to have been executed if the pat-
their names are found enrolled in every riots had not succeeded. He was wounded
war in which their country has engaged. in the battle of Bunker Hill. William,
His son, James, served in the war of 1812 son of Eli, was in the war of 1812; died
his son, Simpson, who settled in Ken- in service. They were Episcopalians.
tucky, had several sons in Morgan's com- In the records of "The Gale Family,"
mand; his grandsons, John P. and Gen. by the late James Blaisdell of Haverhill,
D. C. Coleman, served in the Mexican Mass., it appears that Eli Gale was born
war; his great-grandson, Walter Drought February 23, 1745, and married Dorothy,
Coleman, and great-grandson, James B., daughter of Ephraim and Anna Blaisdell.
son of Elizabeth Coleman Jones, served in They had thirteen children, the seventh of
the Spanish-American war 1897. Avhom, Daniel, who received pay for ser-
James Coleman of Cannonsburg, Penn., vices at Fort Philip, Plum Island, mar-
born May 25, 1795, died there March 11, ried in Amesbury, Mass., May 15, 1806,
1871 married Jane Baxter, born in West-
; Sallie Quiriby. Of this union was born
moreland Co., Penn., August 12, 1800. Daniel Q.. Bctxy, Lid a, Annette and Robert
Puritan parents. His son, Robert II_, Daniel Quinby Gale, born in Amesbury,
born about 1628, died in Amesbury, Mass., Mass., December 23, 1807, married, 1826,
1694; married in Amesbury 1667, Eliza- Elizabeth Swain, whose father moved
beth, daughter of Thomas Osgood, son of from Virginia to Maine. Her mother was
Sir John Osgood, a Puritan, who came to a daughter of Thaddeus Bemis and wife,
Massachusetts 1635; their coat of arms Judith Day, of Massachusetts. He was a
granted by King James I of England. soldier of the Revolution, born at Bemis
(See American Ancestry.) Merrill, in Heights near Boston 1765 died near Fry-
there, which has remained in the family Washington, Mo., 1837, one of the first
till the present generation. He was elected and became one of the most prominent
to the council 1667. They had children, lawyers of the county. He was the first
Lydia, Robert, John and Thomas. postmaster and held this office for twenty
Their son, Robert, born 1658, died 1705, years; was Circuit Judge eight years;
married Mary and had a son, Joseph, born County Judge four years and Prosecuting
in Amesbury 1700, died 1765; married, Attorney for eighteen successive years;
1725, Lydia, and had Robert, born in Ames-
was an officer in the State Militia (col-
onel), and a member of the G. A. R. at
bury July 28, 1725, died 1785; married,
the time of his death, January 7, 1894.
1752, Sarah. Their son, Robert, born in
Hon. D. Q. Gale and wife, Elizabeth, had
Amesbury May 23, 1753, died 1823 ; mar-
children, Sarah, Oscar, a quartermaster in
ried, 1774, Sarah. They owned a large
Price's Division, C. S. A.,and Elizabeth
stock farm; were strict Puritans. Their
Swaine, who married John P. Coleman
daughter, Sarah, born in Amesbury July and had daughters. One of them
9, and
1783, received a superior education Annette Baxter Coleman, who> married
was considered wealthy for that day was ; Allister K. Stewart. They have children,
a Puritan and married, May 15, 1804, Elizabeth Gale, Allister Knox and Mary
Daniel Gale. Their son, Adelaide. Residence St. Louis.
Thomm >
of Clayton Hall, Mr. Johnson, and had Mary, who married
Lancashire, Eng., married Louis Salveter, and has a daughter, Bettie
Agnes Thornwell, had William, whose son, Mae Salveter.
Sir Jasper, knighted 1660, married Mary The Warders (or Wardours) trace their
Bowyer, had Sir John, born 1665, Attor- lineage back for nearly a thousand years.
ney-General Virginia colony, and
of Sir Thomas Willoby Wardour was made
Judge of Admiralty, whose youngest son, Lord of Arundel and Count of the Holy
Thomas, married Isabella Lewis, of War- Roman Empire by Rudolph II, for dis-
ner Hall. tinguished services in the war against the
The eldest son, John Clayton, M. D., Turks. Burke also says, Lady Wardour,
and Fellow of the Royal Society, born in the absence of her lord, defended the
ait Fulhain, Eng., was an eminent botan- castle Cromwell's army under
ist and member of some of the most General Monk, twenty-four days with
learned societies of Europe. He left twenty men until the castle was almost
numerous descendants in Virginia, destroyed. Walter Scott, in his pre-
among them Elizabeth who married Mor- face to Ivanhoe, acknowledges indebted-
ris Jacobs, and had Susan, who married ness to Sir Arthur Wardour, of Wardour
Thomas Warder. Castle, for the Anglo-Norman Mss., from
From George Warder, the well-known which he obtained the historical data for
author, the following pedigree has been his work. Some of the family still spell
obtained, he having received it from his the name Wardour. (George W. Warder.)
Robert Henry Stockton, born in Mount ists during the Revolution. Tlie deseend-
Sterling, Kentucky, July 5, 1842, derives ants of Pierre were adherents of the Rev-
Ms lineage from Maj. George Stockton, olutionists." One of them, Maj. Jack Jouct,
born in Virginia, one of the pioneer set- by hard riding, warned the fugitive legis-
tlers Kentucky, and his wife, nee
of lature at Monticello of the approach of
Dorset/. They had eight children, among Tarleton'si Rangers, and they escaped
them Edward, born September 6th, 1784, capture. For this gallant act, Congress
died at Mt. Sterling, Ky., October 12th, awarded him a sword. He moved from
1830; married, 1815, Polly Allen, daugh- Virginia to what is now Woodford Co.,
ter of "Capt. Jack Jouct," of Revolution- Ky., and represented Kentucky several
ary fame, and wife, Sarah Robards, and times in the Virginia legislature. He
had eight children, among them: married Sarah Robards, a descendant of
George Jouct Stockton, second son, born the Lewises, Woodsons, Cockes, Ashtons,
in Mt. Sterling, November 29th, 1817, Fcrrises,and other prominent Virginia
died July, 1854; married, October 2nd, families {see Robards). She was- one of
1838, Gusta Arm, daughter of John W., the notable women of her day, and their
son of Win. Somersall, born in England, four children and their grandchildren
and his wife, Frances, daughter of John have contributed interesting pages to
Stevens, of the family of Gen'l Edward their state and national history.
Stevens, of Culpepper, Va. Their eldest son, Matthew Harris Jouct,
g This family is of the
.. became an artist of renown; his son, Col.
ancient house of that George B. Jouct, was killed at Perryville,
name in Derbyshire, the only county in while gallantly leading, a charge; another
England where they are found. They son, James E. Jouet, of the United States
are of very ancient lineage, the name first Navy, won distinction in the civil war,
appearing in the "Domesday Book," as and was made Rear Admiral, a position
possessors of the ancient manor of Sumer- which he now holds. William Robards,
sal I, temp Edward, the Confessor (G lover's second son, was commisioned Colonel, U.
Hist, of Derby). The coat of arms is de- S. A., by President Monroe,
scribed, "Arg, on a band, sa, three butter- Polly Allen, born February 8th, 1792,
flies, arg." daughter of Capt. Jack and Sarah Robards
George Jouet Stockton and wife, Gusta Jouct, married Edward Stockton, and had
Ann Smncrsall had children: I. Wm. George Jouct, father of Robert Henry Stock-
Edward (died young). II. Robert Henry, ton. Name now spelled Jouett.
married Bettie Mac Warder. III.— ary M A great deal of attention has been paid
Somersall, who married Wm. L. Cotton, by genealogists
to the Stockton pedigree
IV.— Gusta George Stockton, who died since m
many distinguished Americans
y° un 8- derive their blood from the old Eng-
°f thiS family De Vermont
son of Daniel, of the
deeds etc
ghown by parish
Ag the same COftt of
leftfrom religious motives, 1686, for Ply-
apms u used by tLe Amerimn ^ toc1ctm ^
mouth, England, from whence he sailed
for Rhode Island. He descended, without
doubt, from the noble family of Jouet, of
J, /jiij
heraldfi fed jugtified in assuming that
,, , .
the first
T 7„ mi
blood from John, eldest son of Thomas
, ,
t deriveld his
+1 „, A •
. , .. ,.
, ,. The names, Robert,
Rwlmrd and
is believed that the next generation was
represented in the Virginia Stocktons, one
TJmnm came,d, down,
m ever^ g e ratl
. .
^ ™
of whom Robert, was one of the settlers
of both famili ^
adds strength to her
of Shepherdstown about 1724, and Rich- statement.
ard and Thomas Stockton, who acquired p* This was one of the prom-
Virginia lands later. Maryland families.
Robert married a widow, Mrs. Fleming, Maj. Edward Dorsey was a field officer
and had George, born 1742, and a daugh- of the prov iiicial forces, Anne Arundel
grated, with his half-brother, Col Flem- His brother, Hon John Dorsey, was a -
"This family is of ancient lineage, de- ing able to save the king's he gave life,
riving blood on the spindle side from the up his commission and was succeeded by
I)c Tocnys; Richard Fairfax was Lord Cromwell. He assisted in the restoration
Chief Justice of England, temp Henry of Charles II, being one of the committee
VI; later was Attorney-General and Jus- sent to the king at The Hague, and was
tice of King's Bench, his family seat in received by the king with great favor."
Co. York. From him was descended Sir (Kimber's Scotch Peerage.)
Thomas Fairfax, knighted in the field for The Virginia branch of the Fairfaxes
bravery by the Earl of Essex in the Span- derive their blood from Rev. Henry
ish war. His son, Ferdinand, was Gen- Fairfax, Yorkshire; his wife, a de-
eral of the Parliament Army and com- scendent of Sir Walter Clifford and
manded the main battle with the Earl of Margaret De Tomy. (See De Toeny chart.)
Leven at Marston Moor, and was made William, Lord Fairfax, the first of the
Governor of York. His eldest son, Sir family in America, was appointed by the
William, defeated Lord Byron at Mont- king, 1720,Governor of the colony. He
gomery Castle, but was slain in action was accompanied to Virginia by Harriet
1644, wherefore the second son, Thomas, Fairfax, who married Sir Francis War-
succeeded Sir Ferdinand. dour.
u Sir Thomas,
under his father, com- "One most picturesque figures
of the
manded the right wing of the army at that stands out prominently upon the can-
Marston. In 1648, in his thirty-fourth vas of the pictures of early Virginia his-
year, hewas made General in Chief. He tory, is that of Thomas, Sixth Lord Fair-
drove the Prince of Wales into France fax, Baron of Cameron, over six feet tall,
and the King from Oxford. He led the handsome, with the distinguished bearing
Presbyterians in Parliament and brought inherited from a long line of soldier
the king back to London. Later, not be- lords." (Win. and Mary Quarterly.)
into active business pursuits of various Stockton, a vicar of the church of Cook-
kinds in which he amassed a large fortune. ham in Berkley was a leader of one of the
In 1887 he was made Consulor of Greece expeditions to the Holy Land. The an-
and in recognition of his services to the cest ors of this family were Lords of the
Greek nations and to the Greeks of Amer- Manor of Scot i andj wh ich they held under
ica hewears the Cross of Chevalier of the the barony of Malpos in Cheshire, origin-
Royal Order of the Savior, the most val- ally a foregt enclosed in feudal times,
uable decoration in the gift of the king; hence the name Stoc a place and Ton an
he was also made Royal Greek Commis- enclosure. In 1250 David de Stockton in-
sioner at the World's Fair.
herited the manor from his father, and
John Jannopoulo, a son of his first
C. they were honored by Henry III.
marriage, was born and educated in St.
The first Stockton in Amer i C a was Rich-
Louis, where he has become a successful
ard} a grandson of John Stockton of Mal-
business man. He married Nellie Stock- pog and Mg wifej ElGanor Clayton, He
ton, daughter of Edivard Canty Stockton
arrived at Flushing, Long Island, from
and his wife, Nellie Richards, a lineal de- Eng land 1656
married in England,
the Presiding Judge of Common Pleas of 1746, died January 12th, 1792, married
Somerset; they had eight children, the April 13th, 1769, Katherine, sister of Gen
eldest of whom, Richard, was one of the John M. Cumming. They had seven chil
signers of the Declaration of Independ- dren, of whom Lucius Witham of Flem
ence. He was associated with Benjamin ington, N. born May 26th, 1771, mar
Franklin in a mission to the English Gov- ried Eliza Augusta, daughter of Charles
ernment, and in 1774 was appointed a Coxe of Sidney, N. J., and had four chil-
uate of Nassau Hall and in 1714 was ap- born November 6th, 1802, a lieutenant in
pointed Secretary of the American Com- the navy and for some time U. S. Consul
mission to the Courts of Austria and for Saxony, died May 30th,1876 married,
Russia; he also negotiated treaties with first, Sarah Canty of South Carolina and
Holland. He was one of the ratifiers of had two Augustus and
sons, Philip
the Constitution of the United States and Edward Canty Stockton, born in the
afterwards Secretary of the State of New old Princeton homestead, built by the
Jersey. Commodore.
Robert Peter Stockton, grandson of Edward Canty Stockton married Nellie
Richard, the signer, after spending ten Richards and had three daughters, Bere-
years abroad became interested in colon- nice, who married Judge Frank M. Estes
ization. The United States equipped a of St. Louis; Maude Stockton and Nellie
vessel for him and he established a colony Stockton, who married John C. Jannop-
in Liberia, he was appointed Secretary of oulo. They have oneJ child,
the Navy by President Tyler but declined Stockton Jannopoulo.
the honor. In 1842 he obtained permission (Records of New Jersey, Stockton.)
IHit$, Anna liaiutis O'Fallon.
Among the early English emigrants to of Shadochurst, married, first, Elizabeth,
the Virginia colonies none contributed daughter of Philip Chute, Co. Kent, and
more to the success of the "Plantation" had Matthew, who succeeded to the estate;
than did James Taylor of Carlisle who , he moved to Essex and settled near the
soon became a leader in colonial affairs, Earl of Chichester, who was early repre-
and his descendants intermarrying with sented in the Virginia colony. mar- He
the most prominent old Virginia families, ried, secondly, Margaret, daughter of
became the progenitors of a race whose Richard Freeland, Esq., and their son,
names may be found enrolled with honor Richard Taylor, baptized 1597 at Great-
in the history of every period of the na- ham, married Anne and had
tion's progress: Burgesses, councilmen, John Taylor, born December 11th, 1611;
warriors and statesmen, serving their buried at St. Dunstan 1685; married
country well in every capacity two of the; Mary, and their son, Matthew Taylor,
early Presidents were furnished from this baptized at Midhurst October, 1653, was
line, James Madison and Zachary Taylor, employed by his cousin, a Mr. White of
The first of the family who came to New York in North America, purchasing
America was James Taylor, who came to lands of the Indians in New Jersey. He
New Kent Co. and became a large land married in New York and became the an-
owner and prominent in civil offices. One cestor of the Van Courtlands.
of the first homes established by the Tay- His younger half-brother, Thomas Tay-
lors was in Orange Co., "Hare Forest/' lor, of Wiltsboro, Lord of the Manor of
which led to the supposition that they Shadochurstjmarried, 1595, A</«es, daugh-
were descendants of the Earls of Hare, ter of Thomas Miller of North Fleet, who
No authority can be found for this, but died 1611, leaving Thomas, born 1595, who
after diligent search and by means of the married, first, Katherine, daughter of Sir
old Taylor arms handed down from father Thomas Honeywood, Knight of Elenstead,
to son for nearly four hundred years in and died 1625. Their son, John, of Wilts-
the New World, it has been established boro, was born 1623. Thomas Taylor,
that they came from the Earls of Penning- after the death of his first wife, married
ton, as shown from the following record Annie, daughter of Sir Thomas Hendley,
given by Burke. Knight of Linstead, and left Sir Thomas
TAYLOR EXCURSUS. Taylor, created a Baron 1665, whose son,
The original ancestor was the Norman Sir Thomas Taylor, born 1655, married
Baron, Taillefer, who accompanied Wil- Alicia, sole heir of Sir Thomas Colepep-
liam the Conqueror in his invasion of per. (Burke.)
Great Britain. His praises were sung By these intermarriages with the Hon-
by Wace, the Anglo-Norman poet, in his eyicoods and Culpeppers of Preston Hall,
description of the battle of Hastings, and their intimacy with the Chichesters,
Hanger Taylefer held lands in Co. Kent all of whom were early interested in the
time of Henry III. His son, William Virginia colony and represented by the
Taylor, of Shadochurst, living in the time first emigrants, it is easy to be seen that
of Richard II, Henry IV and V, left an James Taylor of Carlisle, the first of the
heir, John Taylor, who married Thomas- name in the Virginia colony, must have
ine, daughter of John Isaac, who died been a descendant of the Taylors of Shad-
1551 ; their son, John, Lord of the Manor ochurst, in proof of which is his coat of
arms, as herein given, now in the posses- married, first, Mrs. Alice Thornton Cat-
sion of one of his great-great-granddaugh- lett, second, Mrs. Elizabeth McGrath
ters,bearing the same markings as those Lewis.
used by the Pennington Taylors, the crest Zachary Taylor, born April 18, 1707,
died 1768, married Elizabeth Lee of Ditch-
and motto being identically the same.
ley, granddaughter of Col. Richard Lee,
Arms: Quarterly first and fourth arg,
ancestor of the Lee family of America.
on a chief sable, two boars' heads of the ( See Lee. ) Their grandson, Zachary Tay-
field,couped, for Taylor. Second, arg, a lor, became President of the United
chevron, between three greyhounds, cour- States. After her death Zachary Taylor
ant, ppr for Fairstead. Third arg, a chev- married, secondly, Mrs. Esther Black-
ron erm, between three mullets, gules, for burn.
Frleeland. Crest: A dexter arm em- 5, George Taylor, born February 10,
bowed in armor, the hand in a gauntlet 1711, died November 1792 married,
4, ;
grasping javlin, all ppr. Motto: Con- first, February 28, 1738, Rachel Gibson;
sequitur quod cum que petit. second, Airs. Sarah Taliaferro Conway.
1702, married Thomas Chew of Spottsyl- and his wife, Elizabeth Lee, married his
vania Co., Va. James Taylor III, born
3, first Chew, and their
cousin, Elizabeth
March 20, 1703; died March 1st, 1784; daughter, Sarah, married Richard Wool-
folk; their fourth son, Richard, married To Gen. TaylorNewport, Ky., grand-
Sarah Dabney Strother and had nine father of Mrs. 0'Fallon, history has de-
children; one of them, Zachary, became voted much space. Letter from Henry
President of the United States his daugh- ; Clay, referring to Gen. Taylor, says:
ter, Sarah Knox, married Lieutenant Jef- "During the war and for many
of 1812
ferson Davis U. S. A.j afterward Presi-
_, years previous, he possessed more influ-
dent of the C. S. A. The fifth son, Joseph ence than any other individual in this part
Pannill, of the United States army, born of the country. The zeal and activity of
1796, married Evelyn, daughter of John Gen. Taylor during the late war are well
W. McLean, Justice of the Supreme Court known to the entire western country. He
of the United States. devoted his individual fortune and credit
Anna Harris 0' Fallon is a lineal de- to the supplies of the armies of his coun-
scendant of the Earls of Pennington try when therewere no funds to reimburse
(see Taylor) through her grandfather, him." Of the same period Gen. Jessup
Ja?nes Taylor V; son of James TV and writes Gen. Taylor, a gentleman of large
his wife, Anne Hubbard; son of James fortune and extensive credit, and through
III and his wife, Alice Thornton Catlett; his intimacy with President Madison, pos-
son of James II and his wife, Martha sessed of great influence with the govern-
Thompson; son of "James I," from Car- ment, was urged by Gov. Meigs and others
England, and his wife, Frances.
lisle, to equip and put in motion fifteen hun-
Gen. James Taylor TV, of Kentucky, dred volunteers to reinforce Detroit,
during the war of 1812 and for many which he did, and "I have never seen any
years before, was said to be the most in- other body of men so completely equipped
fluential man of that section of the state. and better prepared with everything
To his efforts, mainly, was due the pro- which money or credit could command."
tection of the frontier, for during that Gen. Taylor was appointed Quarter-
war he assumed the heavy responsibility master-General, Gen. Hull conferring the
of paying the Quartermaster-General's ac- appointment, and when he returned to
counts from his own private means, in
Kentucky a prisoner on parole, he exerted
order to prevent the public service from
his credit when that of the public had
suffering. He was born in Virginia and failed, and continued to pay and supply
emigrated to Kentucky about 1791, died whatever was necessary for the service.
there 1818 leaving an estate valued at * * * «j k ave no ies itancy in express-
$1,000,000. His son, ing mv belief that to his efforts more than
James V, founder Newport, Ky.,
of to any other, except perhaps, Gen. Har-
died the day of his cousin, Zachary Tay- rison, Gen. Shelby and Gov. Meigs, are we
lor's election to the Presidency. He was indebted for the protection of the frontier
dangerously and the judges went to
ill after the fall of Detroit, As late as 1816,
his room to receive his vote, which was when I commanded at New Orleans, when
cast with the words, "I have given my last the credit of the government was entirely
prostrate, I was compelled to send my
shot for my country." He was born April
pay accounts to Gen. Taylor, which he
19th, 1769; married Mrs. Keturah Moss
promptly paid as the Treasury Records
heitch of Tuckahoe, near Lexington, Ky.
will show. To prevent
the public service
died November She was a
7th, 1848.
from suffering, individuals assumed heavy
daughter of Maj. Hugh Moss, born Sep- responsibilities; among those individuals
t-ember 11, 1771, died January 14, 1866, Gen. Taylor is entitled to first place."
and his wife, Jane Ford, of Gouchland Signed, Thomas Jessup, Major-General
Co., Virginia. and Quartermaster-General.
Kcturah Taylor, daughter of James 1639 and 1645. His son, Maj. William
Taylor V. and Mrs. Keturah Moss Leitch, Harris, was a Burgess for Henrico Co.
married Horatio Turpin Harris, and their 1652-3, and 1656-7-8. His great-grand-
daughter, Anna Mar-ia Harris, a woman son, Maj. John Harris, of Norwood, Cum-
of rare beauty and accomplishments, mar- berland, afterwards Powhatan Co., was
ried James J. 0' Fallon of St. Louis, Mo. a member of the Cumberland Co. Com-
Mrs. 0' Fallon organized in St. Louis mittee of Safety and married Obedience,
the first Missouri Chapter of the Daugh- daughter of Lieut. Thomas Turpin, Cum-
ters of the Revolution and served as Re- berland Co., and his wife, Mary Jefferson,
gent for two years. She is also a member aunt of President Thomas Jefferson.
of the St. Louis Chapter of Colonial Jordan Harris, son of Maj. John Harris,
Dames with the following record of col- served through the Revolution as Lieu-
onial ancestors tenant of the Virginia Continental line.
COLONIAL RECORD. Judith, sister of Jordan Harris, married
I. Thomas Harris, came from Eng- John Crittenden, an officer in the
land; resided in Virginia from 1611-16; Continental line, and was mother of John
a Burgess. J. Crittenden, Attorney-General and Sen-
II. William Harris, Henrico Co., Va., ator of the United States.
died 1678 a Burgess. ;
(Ref., Descendants of Capt. Thomas
III. John Harris, Powhatan Co., Va., Harris;" Henning, Vol. I; Records of
died 1800; a Burgess. State and Land Office. )
IV. Jordan Harris, born Virginia Henry Soane first appears as a pat-
May 20th, 1763, died in Kentucky October entee 1651, when his wife, Judith, and
7th, 1828 Lieutenant of Continental line
children are head-rights. He appears to
Revolutionary army. have become immediately a man of prom-
V. Henry Soane, Province of Virginia inence, being a Burgess for James City
prior to 1651 ; Speaker of the House of Co. 1652-3and 1657-8-9 to 60-61. He was
Burgesses. Speaker of the House 1661 and the House,
VI. Littlebury Mosehy, Virginia, Mem. "in consideration of his having faithfully
Rev. Com. of Safety, Cumberland Co. performed the great trust imposed upon
1775-6. him, and by that, done singular sendee to
VII.James Taylor, Caroline Co., Va., the country," awarded him a gratuity of
1732-1814; Burgess and Member of Con- 6,000 pounds of tobacco. The children
ventions 1774-5-6 and 1778. of Henry Soane and his wife, Judith, who
James I, married Henry Pendleton and Spotsylvania Co. 1726, married, first, Mary
was mother of Judge Edward Pendleton. Taliaferro and had issue, Col, John Thorn-
John, who was appointed one of the first ton, of French and Indian war, who mar-
Justices of Caroline 1731, was grand- ried, 1740, Mildred, daughter of Roger
father of John Penn, signer of the Declar- Gregory and his wife, Mildred Washing-
ation of Independence, and of John Tay- ton, aunt and godmother of George Wash-
lor of Caroline, U. S. Senator. Martha ington; second son Col. Francis, of Fall
Thompson was a daughter of Col, William Hill, near Fredericksburg, who married,
Thompson, son of Roger Thompson of 1776, Frances Gregory, sister of his
Yorkshire, England, her brother, John brother's wife; third, Reuben, who mar-
Thompson, married Rebecca, kinswoman ried Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory Leivis, sister
of William Claiborne, first Surveyor-Gen- of his brothers' wives and died 1708
era! of Virginia. (See Thompson.) fourth, Alice Thornton, who married,
From this marriage of James Taylor first, Mr. Catlet, secondly, James Taylor
and Martha Thompson sprang a notable of Caroline Co.
race of men and women First, Zachary
: (Ref., Page Family, page 21Jf. Slaugh-
Taylor, who married Elizabeth Lee, of the ter St. Marks Parish. Va. Hist. Reg.
Lees of Ditchly, and became great-grand- Will of Reuben Thornton.)
father of President Zachary Taylor. Sec- Christopher Branch, who is recorded
ond, Frances Taylor, who married Am- the first of the family in Virginia, came
brose Madison and became the grand- to the colony 1620; Christopher Branch
mother of President James Madison. was Burgess for Henrico Co. 1639.
III, Col. James Taylor, of Caroline, (Ref., Records of Henrico, Mss. filed.
born 1703, died 1784; married Alice Journal of the Burgess filed certificate.
(Thornton) Catlet and had issue, first, Richmond Critic.)
Francis, colonel of the Revolutionary James Taylor, Burgess for King and
army; second, Alice, who married An- Queen Co. 1714. (Ref., Va, Hist. Mag.,
thony Winston and was grandmother of Vol.1, No. 4.) (Compiled by Stannard.)
John A. Winston, Governor of Alabama, To the foregoing list of colonial ances-
IV, James, of Caroline, born 1732, died tors should be added the following
1814, member of the House of Burgesses Capt. Anthony Savage, "Gentleman,"
1772-4 and of the Convention 1774-6 and citizen of Gloucester Co., with large
1788. He married A nne Hubbard and had landed estates in Rappahannock; Justice
1660; styled Captain in County records married to his wife, Jane, daughter of
1660. (See Wm. and Mary Quarterly, Thomas Ford and Keturah Wynne by the
Vol IV, 1895.) father Qf Henry Clay a Baptigt cl e r gy.
* sv * #» fn ^ y*
• -7 Cannon, whoi,
marriedi Sarah i.
Tayloit— O'Fallon.
Col, John O'Fallon, father of the late 0' Donovan, in his Irish genealogies,
James J. O'Fallon, was born near Louis- traces the O'Fallons back to the battle of
ville, Ky., November 17, 1791; died in St. Clontarf 1014, at which Brian Bora,
Louis December 17, 1865. He was one of King of Ireland, was slain. Among the
the early pioneers, who has left the im- chieftains who fought under his standard
press of his individuality indelibly was Mothla, son of Faelan, Chief of the
stamped upon the history of St. Louis, as Desies of Munster.Mothla led his
his many public benefactions show.. He father's clan in the fight and they were
was a son an educated
of Dr. O'Fallon, afterwards called the "O'Faelons or
Irish gentleman of ancient lineage and O'Pheleans, later O'Fallon."
high social standing in his own country, Dr. O'Fallon married Frances, young-
avIio served with distinction in the Conti- est sister of Gen, George Rogers and Wil-
nental army under Gen. Washington, Ham Clark, born in Caroline Co., Va.
styled "Surgeon-in-Chief." {Barries U. their son, John O'Fallon, was born at
S. A.) He took the oath of allegiance at their country home, Mulberry Grove,
Valley Forge. (Hyde.) near Louisville, Ky., November 17, 1790.
Dr. O'Fallon descendants a
left to his He was educated at the academy at Dan-
record of the genealogy of his family ville, Ky., now Centre College; completed
which states that he was the son of Wil- his education and studied law under Rob-
Ham and Annie Eagan O'Fallon of Bal- ert Todd, Lexington, Ky. In the fall of
lyma House and that he was descended 1810 he joined a company of mounted vol-
from Malachi O'Fallon, Prince of the unteers under Col, Joseph Hamilton
Desies, who, with O' Rhine of Idrone, com- Daviess to take part in a. campaign
manding the Irish in 1170, at the time of against the Indians. At the battle of Tip-
theAnglo-Norman invasion, made the fa- peeanoe, the intrepid commander, Joe
mous attack upon the Earl of Strongbow Daviess, was killed and the young soldier,
on his arrival at Waterford. O'Fallon, was severely wounded. He came
to St. Louis soon after to join his uncle, Maryland; of the old English family of
Gen. William Clarkj the Indian agent for Howards, first cousin to the wife of Sir
Missouri, afterwards Governor of the ter- Thomas ^Yest, HI Lord Delaware, first
ritory. He enlisted in the U. S. A. as en- Colonial Governor and Captain-General of
sign and for gallant conduct was several Virginia. She was a beautiful and accom-
times promoted ; retiring finally as cap- plished woman, educated in Maryland and
tain. He accumulated a large fortune came to St. Louis with her parents in
and devoted his time and means to the ad- 1824, where she met and married Capt.
vancement of St. Louis. O'Fallon. They had children, among
Col. O'Fallon married, first, a Miss them sons, Benjamin, John and
Stokes, secondly, Caroline Schutz, born in James J. O'Fallon, who married Anna
Baltimore 1804, died in St. Louis Septem- Maria, daughter of Horatio Turpin Harris
ber 24, 1898. She was the great-grand- of Newport, Ky. Issue, one son, H. T.
daughter of Susannah Howard, sister of O'Fallon.
Gov. Howard of the U. S. Senate from Residence, St. Louis.
This name was most likely a corruption (married 1747). Their daughter, Eliza-
of Taylor and "William Tayloe," who beth, married, 1767, Gov. Edward^ Lloyd,
emigrated from London to Virginia about of Maryland Rebecca married Francis
1650, was, no doubt, of the same old En- Lightfoot Lee, signer of the Declaration
glish family as "James Taylor, of Car- of Independence; Eleanor married Rolp
lyle," who preceded him. He married Warmley Anne Corbin married Thomas
Anne, a daughter of Henry Corbin, of Lomax Mary married' Mann Page Cath-
; ;
King and Queen Co., one of the leading arine married Landon Carter; Jane mar-
colonists. Their son, John Tayloe, mar- ried Robert Veverly, and Sarah married
ried Mrs. Elizabeth Gwyn Lyde, daugh- Col. Win. Augustine Washington, of
ter ofMajor Gwyn, of Essex Co., of Westmoreland.
the old Welsh family of Gwynns, pro- John Tayloe III., only son) of John and
genitors of the Princes of Wales (pp. Rebecca Plater Tayloe, married Anne,
151-6). Their children were William, died daughter of Gov. Ogle, ofj Maryland, and
young; John, Betty and Anne Corbin. had fifteen children, of whom eleven sur-
Betty married Col. Richard Corbin, vived their father, who died in Washing-
grandson of Henry Corbin Anne Corbin ; ton 1824. His wife died 1855. Their
married Mann Page, of Mansfield. eldest son, John Tayloe, distinguished
The only son, John Tayloe, was a mem- himself in the navy, and the State of Vir-
ber of the council before the Revolution, ginia presented him with a sword; Benja-
and was re-elected and served as Burgess min Ogle, second son removed to Wash-
during the war died 1779, leaving twelve
; ington; William, Edward and George
children. His wife was Rebecca; continued to reside in Virginia; Henry
daughter of Gov. Plater, of Maryland Tavloe removed to Alabama,
IDn. and Wvs. Brent Arnold, HciopoiU, Ky.
Foster, fourth child of Col. Roger September 12, 1848, Mart) Keturah Taylor,
Thompson, and his wife, Sallie Lightfoot born April 5, 1825, died February 17,
son of Joseph, and his wife, Sarah Clai- 1896; daughter of Col. James Taylor VI,
borne; married Mary Williams, 'daughter and his wife, Susan Lucy, daughter of
of an officer in Navy, and had:
the U. S. William Taylor Barry, Professor of Law in
Lucy Jane, who married James Arnold, Transylvania University, at Lexington,
of Paris, Kentucky, who also derived Ky.; a Legislator and Speaker of the
lineage from: the Thompsons through the House; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary
marriage of Martha, daughter of Col,, of State; Judge of the Court of Appeals;
Win. Thompson, to James Taylor II (see United States Senator; Postmaster Gen-
Taylor), through his grandmother, Susan- eral in Jackson's Cabinet; Minister to
nah Taylor, who married Thomas Arnold. Spain; and Major on General Shelby's
She was a daughter of Jonathan and staff, in the war of 1812. He married
wife, Mary Ashhy; son of Jonathan and Lucy Overton and died in Liverpool, Eng.
wife, Ann Berry; son of Col. George and Col. James Taylor VI, of Newport, de-
wife, Rachael Gibson, who had, with rived descent from the Taylors and
Jonathan, ten sons in the Revolutionary Thompsons, as follows: He was a son
Army. Col. George Taylor was a son of of James Taylor V, and wife, Mrs. Keturah
James Taylor II, and Martha, daughter Moss Leitch, daughter of Maj. Hugh Moss,
of Col. Wm. Thompson. (Sec Thompson.) of Virginia, and wife, Jane Moss Ford;
James Arnold and wife, Lucy Jane son of James Taylor IV, and wife, Anne,
Thompson, had children: 1, Thomas De daughter of Col, Bcnj. Hubbard, of Car-
J I rdiman, married Ella Blunt, California;
(i oline Co., and wife, Miss Todd; son of
2, George; 3, James Madison, married James Taylor III, and wife, Mrs. Alice
Nellie Hart Talbot, of Kentucky; 4, Mary, Thomiton Catlett, daughter of Francis and
married Mr. Singleton; 5, John Tomlinson, his wife, Mary Taliaferro, son of Col.
married, lives in California; and, Francis Thornton, and wife, Alice, daugh-
Brent, married, April 17, 1879, Eliza- ter of Capt. Anthony Savage; son of James
beth Mills Jones, ofNewport, Ky., and re- Taylor II, born 1674, and wife, Martha,
sides in Cincinnati, where he is promi- daughter of Col. William Thompson; son
nent in railroad circles. They have one of James I, born in England, 1615 mar-
son, Brent Arnold, Jr., born in Cincinnati, ried Frances, who idled, 1680, leaving
April 21, 1881. Her father, three children. Through the wife of
Joseph Thompson Sarah, daughter of
Thomas Laurens Jones, of Newport, Ky.,
__ .«
. ~ ,.
born in North Carolina, January 01
21, 1819;
a graduate of Princeton University, 1840
' '
Thomas Claiborne, and wife, Anne
S(m of
granddaughter of Gov. John
Thomas West} n Lord De la
of the Harvard Law School, 1843; moved War ^ and of Maj John FoXs an officer in
to Newport, 1849, where he became prom- the Royal Army, Mr. Arnold derives de-
inent in state and national politics; Dem- SC ent from these ancient houses, of royal
ooratic representative in Congress, 1840 lineage. (See Claiborne, West-Dc la Warr,
to '44; died July 20, 1887. He married, and Fox.)
—— — :
November 7th, 1823 ; married, November army and was appointed Brigade Major
3rd, 1862,Susan Garrard Peers, daughter on the Weeden, March,
staff of Maj.-Gen.
of John Dalrymple Peers and his wife, 1777, two months before he was twenty-
Sarah Cole; son of Major Valentine Peers, one years of age; and as such served in
Avho came from Lisburn, Ireland, 1775. the battle of Brandywine September 11th,
The children of this union are 1777, where his officers and soldiers were
I. Roger Peers Taylor, who married handsomely complimented in the pub-
Eleanor Hall November 15th, 1887, and lished orders of Gen. George Washington
has two children. and Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel Green. Saffel's
June 1st, 1801, Hannah Fishback, sister Ky., Vol. 1st, page 442-3.) He married
Eleanor Orr, daughter of John Orr and
of James Fishback, an eminent preacher
Susanna Grayson, sister of Col. William
of the Christian church at Lexington, Ky.,
Grayson of Revolutionary fame, and a
member of the Virginia Convention 1788
Richard Taylor, father of Roger, born
to ratify the Constitution of the United
1749, died August 30, 1825; married States.
Kathemne Davis of "gentle blood." He John Orr was a son of the Rev. Alex-
was a son of ander Orr and his wife, Agnes Dalrymple
George Taylor, born in Orange Co., Va., of Waterside, Burwick, on the Tweed,
1711,and his wife, Rachel Gibson; said to Scotland, Eleanor Orr's sister, Anne Orr,
have had ten sons in the Continental married Hugh Stewart of Virginia, Her
army; son of brother, Alexander Dalrymple Orr, mar-
James Taylor II, born in Orange Co., ried George Washington's cousin, Mary
Va., 1674 ; died there 1729, and his wife, Ball. Another brother, John Dalrymple
Martha Thompson, a descendant of Sir- Orr, married a Lee of Loudon Co., Va,,
Roger Thompson (see Thompson) son of and through Susanna Grayson's brother
Roger Thompson, eldest son of Joseph West, third governor of the Virginia col-
and wife, Sarah Claiborne Thompson; son ony, had a granddaughter, Anne, daugh-
of Col Roger and wife, Ann Foster; son ter of Col. John West, Jr., and wife, Unity
of John and Rebecca Claiborne; son of Col
(daughter of Maj. Joseph Croshaw), who
William Thompson of the Royal Army; son married Henry, son of Maj. John Fox, "a
of Sir Roger Thompson, of Yorkshire, Eng- Cavalier" officer of the Royal Army, de-
land Thompson), married Sallie Light-
{see scended from the Earls of Holland. Their
foot, and had, Sarah, third child, who daughter, Anne
West Fox, married
married William Timbcrlake, and had: Thomas Claiborne, had Sarah, married
Georgianna E., who married, 1828, Joseph Thompson, and had sons, Roger,
James Taylor, born in Mercer Co., Ky., George, Leonard and John, officers in the
1776. He was a son of John Taylor, born Revolutionary Army (see Claiborne, West-
in Virginia, who emigrated to Kentucky De la Warr and Fox )
with his father, and married there, Naiwy Roger, the eldest son, married Sallie
Lewis, a descendant of Col. Wm. Lewis lAghtfoot,and had, Sarah, who married
and wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Rob- Mr. Timbolake, and had Georgianna, who
ert Woodson, of "Curies," and wife, Eliza- married James Taylor, and had children,
beth Ferris (see 1, Sarah Emily ; 2, Elizabeth, who married
John was a son of Samuel Taylor and Toehe Compton, of Louisiana, and had
wife, Elizabeth Hughes. The records of children; 3, Rebecca, who married Welling-
Cumberland Co., Va., show that he sold ton Harlan; children, Georgianna and
large tracts of land prior to his emigra- Wellington, Jr., both of whom died young.
tion to Kentucky. They also show that Sarah Emily Taylor, eldest daughter,
he was a son of Samuel, Sr., and wife, born 1830, married, September 20, 1849,
Sophia, and that he had) a sister, Frances, Benjamin Franklin Moore, born in Madi-
and three brothers, Joseph M., who had son Co., Tenn., May 6, 1828, eon of Ed-
sons, Zachary, Archibald; Richard, a ward, born Feb. 17, 1805, who married,
captain in the Rev. Army and Creed, who
1825, Lucinda Hunter, a lineal descendant
married Sallie Woodson, To these four of the Perrys of South Carolina from
sons, he deeded lands, and to Samuel, Jr.,
whom came Com. Perry, of naval fame.
1749, "a portion of the patent granted to
They emigrated to Sumner Co., Tenn.,
my names
father, Richard Taylor:' These
thence to Iberville Parish, La,, where he
seem to indicate clearly that they came had a large sugar plantation. He died,
from James Taylor II (son of James I) and May, 1894. He was the son of Elijah
wife, Martha Thompson, daughter of Col.
Moore, of North Carolina, who served as
William Thompson. (See Taylor.)
captain in the 10th N. Ca. Reg., in the
Through her great grandmother, Sarah
Revolutionary War, the records showing
Claiborne, Georgianna Timbcrlake, wife of
that he declined pay for hi® servicesi.
James Taylor, derived blood from Col.
Benjamin F. Moore, and his wife, Sarah
Win. Claiborne, first Colonial Secretary
and Treasurer for life of the Virginia Emily Taylor, had children, James E.,
colony; and from Sir Thomas West, II Eugene, Compton, Irene, William J. Mead
Lord Dc la Warr, whose son, Col. John and Harlan Moore, Harrodsburg, Ky.
: ; ;
Din. and inns. Douglas Hamilton Thomas.
chants National Bank of Baltimore forty
years. He married, November 15, 1837,
Annie Campbell Gordon, daughter of
Basil Gordon of Virginia, formerly of
Scotland, and Annie Campbell Knox,
fourth in descent from Col. William Fitz-
hugh of Bedford, Va., born 1651, died
1701. She was a lineal descendant of the
Dukes of Argyle. (See Campbell.) John
Hanson Thomas was a son of
John Hanson Thomas, born in Fred-
rick, Md., May 16, 1779, died in Frederick
May 2, a member of the Maryland
1815 ;
1861; President of Farmers and Mer- sided until his death, February, 1760
married Rebecca Bellicum, whose parents daughter of Sir Thomas Willoughby.
came from Holland and settled in New (See Willoughby.)
Castle Co., Delaware; son of James This family is traced back
Thomas of Kent Co., born in Wales and to Thomas Gushing of
settled in Kent Co., where he died about Hardingham, Hingham, Co. Norfolk,
1702 married Elizabeth Hackett, born in
; England. His descendant, Matthew, mar-
England, settled in Kent Co. about 1690. ried 1663, and had four sons. They all
Thomas Arms: Sa, a chevron, or, a five came over to Hingham, Mass. This
canton of last. Crest: A demi-unicorn, family, connected with the best Boston
ermine, armed and crined, or, supporting families, occupied a number of public
shield, sa. Motto: Virtus invicta glor- offices. One of their descendants was a
iosa. member of Congress 1774.
(See Isham, Randolph, Hanson, Brews- Arms: 1st and 4th, gu, an eagle dis-
ter, Campbell and Gordon elsewhere.) played, arg 2nd and 3rd, gu, three dexter
Isaac Allerton was born hands couped and erect, arg; a canton
BUevton. chequy, or and az.
in England about 1583,
died in America 1639. He was a member William Fitzhngh, founder
of the "Merchant Taylors Guild" of Lon- of the Virginia family, was
ward Sheriff; was knighted Lord Mayor cal with the devices of the Barons Fitz-
and became Sir Geoffrey Bolyn. During hngh of "Ravensworth, with divers other
the religious disturbances in England at manors in Richmondshire." The surname
that time, he went to Leyden, Holland, was not appropriated by the family until
where he married Mary Norris of New- temp Edward III, but it had enjoyed con-
burg, England, November 4, 1611. They sideration from the time of the Conquest,
had four children, Bartholomew, Remem- when Bardolph was Lord of Ravensworth.
ber, Mary and Sarah. They were all Pil- He was succeeded by a line of Fitz-Bar-
grims on the "Mayflower" 1620. Mary dolph, FitzAkaris, FitzHervey, Fitz-
The first authoritative reference to the 1678. This tallies in date with Henning's
American branch of this family herein assertion that "William Thompson, an offi-
represented is found in Henning, Vol. cer in the English army, was in Va.
XII, p. 118, as follows: 1678." He had probably been promoted
"William Thompson, an officer in the to the rank of colonel, commanding the
English army, 1678, and a son of Sir regiment before coming to this country,
Roger Thompson of England, had a vice the officer in command in England,
daughter, Martha, who married, 1699, In the London Domestic State Papers,
Col. James Taylor of Orange Co., son of in a list of naval officers, Abbott found
James Taylor of Gloucester. They were <3apt. Roger Thompson. As he found noth-
the ancestors of President Madison. She ing of his subsequent services it is pre-
died 1762, aged eighty-three. Her nephew, sumed that he probably resigned his
Sir Roger Thompson, lived at Blackwell's commission to take possession of his es-
Neck in Hanover Co. This line became tate; for Col. Wm.
Thompson, 1678, was
quite numerous, extending through Han- known in Virginia as "a son of Sir Roger
over, Louisa,Goochland and Albemarle,, Thompson,^ and William's grandson as
and there are at the present time numer- "Sir Roger" (Henning). This fact has
ous Thompsons of Kentucky." (Henning.) been banded down in the family along
In the Henrico Records is found this with the coat of arms and the ancestral
entry: "In 1689 William Thompson wit- names of the Roger Thompsons of York-
nessed a deed of Col. Byrd of Westover, shire, George, William, John, Richard, and
and in that year published that he was particularly Frances, Roger and Leonard.
going abroad for a visit." Abbott also found in the "Herald's
The family tradition is that William Visitation" of Yorkshire, 1563-4, "Roger
Thompson came over in command of a Thompson, seated at Scarborough, who
company of British soldiers about the had two sons, John and William (who died
time of Bacon's Rebellion. Concerning without issue), and a daughter, Aune, who
this story Dr. A. G. Grinnan, the well- became his heiress." She married her
known genealogist, says: "The English cousin Richard Thompson, of Kilham,
regiment (not company), as mentioned, thus merging the Roger Thompson line
came over soon after Bacon's Rebellion, into another branch.
After being here three years they were Burke shows that there were several
disbanded by Lord Culpepper, and paid branches seated in Yorkshire, the Thomp-
off in depreciated currency as narrated sons of Kirby, Kirk Deighton, of Kilham,
in Beverley's Hist, of Va. and I suppose the Thompsons of York and the Leonard
Col. Thompson then left the service." Thompson branch at Sheriff Hutton.
(Grinnan.) The Herald's Visitation shows the
In the list of officers in the English Roger Thompson branch at Scarborough,
army, found in London state papers, by Burke shows that they all intermarried
Abbott (the New York a
Genealogist), is to such an extent that it is well nigh
record of Thompson, appointed 'impossible at this distance to separate
captain in Col. Dungan's Reg. of Foot, the different strains of blood.
This branch of the family derive their They were all members of Parliament at
blood from a very ancient Yorkshire different times. (Burke.)
'family, the head being- John Thompson of Joseph Thompson, grandson of Col.
Thoreton, and Pickering Leigh, who mar- William, in his will leaves his daughter
ried Eleanor Phillips of Brickwell. They Frances in special charge of his sons,
had two sons, Henry and Richard of Roger and Leonard.
Haughton; the latter married Bridget, Col,Wm. Thompson had, besides
sister of Sir Flemming, Master of Ord- Martha, a son, John, who married Rebecca,
nance to Edward VI (Burke). kinswoman of Lieut. Col, William Clai-
The Flemmings were of early renown borne (family chart), and had a son, Col.
in three kingdoms, England, Scotland Roger Thompson, known as "Sir Roger,"
and Ireland severally. The Earldom of who lived at Blackwell's Neck (Henning),
Wigton was created by James I of Eng- who married Anne, daughter of Joseph
land (VI of Scotland) for the Flemmings. Foster, and had children, among them Jo-
In "Steward's Sketches of Society in seph Thompson, born 1703, who married a
Great Britain/' there is an interesting kinswoman, Sarah Claiborne, born 1713,
account of a visit to Cumberland House, daughter of Lieut. Col. Thomas (son of
Dumbartonshire Scotland, the seat of Ad- Col. William Claiborne, Secretary and
miral Fleming, nearly related to the Earl Treasurer of the Colony), and his wife,
of Elphinstone and Wigton (Brock). Aune West Fox, granddaughter of Gov.
Henri/ Thompson, son of Richard and John WeM, son of Sir Thomas West, II
Bridget Flemming, married a daughter Lord Delaware, and through her father,
of Wellburne and had a son, Richard, who granddaughter of Ma}. Richard Fox, a
married Aune, only daughter and heiress "cavalier" officer of the British army
of Sir Roger Thompson, seated at Scar- descended from the Earls of Holland.
borough, according to the Herald's Vis- They had ten children, Joseph, Mary,
itation of Yorkshire," 1563-4, who had Frances, Aune Fox, Aune Claiborne, Eliza-
children, William and Richard and Aune. beth, and sons;
Both sons died without issue, so that in Roger, George, Leonard and John, pa-
the marriage of Aune of Scarborough to triots of the American Revolution, who
her cousin, Richard, the Roger Thompson served through the war in many harcl-
line was merged into the Thompson lino fought battles. They sold their estates
of Kilham, leaving the coat of arms as in Virginia, and with their land script
here given unchanged. from the government, located large
Richard and Aune Thompson became the bodies of land in Central Kentucky, and
ancestors of the Thompsons of Kirby, and built handsome homes, to which they
{Kilham, and Sheriff Hutton, and Hanible- brought their families from Virginia.
ton, and Essick. Their son, William, of From these Yorkshire Thompsons came
Hambleton, married the daughter and five Presidents of the United States.
heir of John Barker and had Richard, Esq., Frances Thompson of Yorkshire, married
of Kilham, born 1580, who married Anne, Anthony Armistcad, and was ancestor of
daughter of Edward of Niclthorpe. Presidents William Henry Harrison,
Sir Edward Thompson, born 1639, mar- Benj. Harrison and President Tyler.
ried his cousin, Frances, daughter of Martha, daughter of Col. Wm. Thomp-
Leonard Thompson, and had a son, Leon- son, married James Taylor, and was the
ard, who married Frances, daughter of ancestress of Presidents Madison and
Henry Thompson, Esq., M. P., of Essick. Taylor. (See Armistcad and Taylor.)
Col. Wm Claiborne, the head of the captain to lieutenant colonel, and was of
American family of Claibornes, came over the court martial which tried the Rebels"
with Gov. Wyatt from England, 1621. (Henning). He
married Elizabeth
He had received from the Virginia Com- and had children. His brother:
pany in London, through the influence of II. Thomas Claiborne, born 1647,
his cousin Anne, Countess of Pembroke, served with distinction in the Indian
whose husband was a prominent holder wars, being promoted to the office of
of shares in the Company, the appoint- Lieutenant Col. In a fight with the
ment of Surveyor General of Virginia; and Indians he was killed by an arrow 1683,
in 1625, Gov. Yeardley appointed him and his tomb may still be seen at
Secretary of State for the Colony and "Roiinancoek," the family home in Vir-
Member of the Council, which place he ginia. He married twice, his first wife,
held until 1637. In 1642, the king ap- a Miss Dandridge, his second wife, Sarah
pointed "My well beloved servant, Will- Fenn. His son:
iam Claiborne, Treasurer of the Ya. Colony III. — Capt. Thomas Claiborne, o f
for life." In 1652, he was again made a "Sweet Hall," born 1680, married Annie
Member of the Council and was at all West Fox, great granddaughter of Sir
times earnest in the service of the Colony. Thomas West, II Lord De la Ware, and
In 1651, he was appointed one of the daughter of Henry Fox, grandson of
Major Richard Fox, an English "Cava-
Parliamentary Commission to subdue
lier" officer of the Royal Army, and had
Maryland, and succeeded in expelling
Sarah Claiborne, who married Joseph
Lord Baltimore and remained in undis-
Thompson. (See Ya. Rec. Virg. Hist.
puted control until Lord Baltimore made Mag., also De Toeny, elsewhere in this
his peace with Parliament. Meanwhile volume.)
Early in the XVII century there came marriage he had thirteen children. His
to Virginia in the interest of the Va. sons, owing to his active interest in the
colony, planted on the James river, by London Company's colony in Virginia,
King James I of England, Sir Thomas emigrated to America early in the XVII
West,III Lord De la Warr (the new ere- century, where they at once became
ation), and his brothers, Francis, John and prominent in colonial affairs.
Nathaniel He was of the ancient house Sir Thomas West, III Lord De la
of West, of royal descent (see p. 395), Warr, succeeded to the on the death
great grandson of Sir Thomas West, VIII of his father, 1602, and also succeeded
Lord De la Warr, in the second year of as Member of the Privy Council of Queen
King Henry tlie VII, the West family hav- Elizabeth, and on her death became Privy
ing made its appearance in Parliament, Counselor to James I. He took a most
in the reign of Edward II. Gerard Leigh, active interest in the "American Planta-
in his "Accedens d'Armorie," 1068, says, tionis" fostered by that monarch. He was
"This noble knight of worthy fame, did educated at Oxford, and in 1596, in the
beare twelve several! cotes (arms), the old church of St, Dunstan, he married
first whereof is argent, afess., dancette, Cesselye, daughter of Sir Thomas Sherley;
sable for the name of "West;" the second, they had seven children. In 1599, he
gueles, crueselle, botane, fytche, a lion was knighted by Essex at Dublin, Ire-
rampant, argent by the name "Lcmarre;" land, and served with distinction in the
the third three leopards head and, by low country wars. He was implicated
the name, "Cantelupe" the fourth, "Mor- with Essex's rebellion and imprisoned in
timer/' fifth, "PeveriU" sixth, "Tre- 1601. He came to Virginia in 1608, and
gore;" seventh, "Forte;" eighth, "Fits- was made a Member of the Va. Council
Piers;" ninth, "Verst;" tenth, "Haklyut ;" in 1609; was made first governor of Va.
eleventh, "Grisley;" and twelfth, "Thor- colony 1610, and captain general for life.
ley." This Baron, K. G., married
old He died 1618, on a return voyage from
twice, and left five sons and four daugh- England, and soon after his death, King
ters, who married into the leading fans- James granted his widow a pension of
ilies of England, the Earls of Warwick, £500 per annum for thirty-one years; she
Liecester, Hertford, Huntington, Essex, petitioned Charles I to renew it, upon the
etc. grounds that her husband had used her
His grandson, Sir William West, mem- jointure and impoverished himself in the
ber of the Privy Council of Queen Eliza- establishment of the colony. His great
beth, distinguished himself at St. Quen- services were acknowledged officially by
tin, 1568, and was made / Lord De la Warr the crown, the company and the colony;
(the new creation, the direct male line he was universally recognized as the
having become extinct). He married actual founder of Virginia. (Brown's
Elizabeth Strange, and had, Sir Thomas Gen. of the U. S. West pedigree.) Delaware
West, II Ix/rd De la Warr, who was the river, Delaware bay and the state of
head of the American branch' of the West- Delaware were named for him,
De la Warr family. He was a mesnber He was followed to Virginia by his
of the Privy Council of Qneen Elizabeth brother Francis, ninth son of Sir Thomas
and married her cousin, Annie, daughter West, II Lord De la Warr (by this time
of Sir Francis Knollys, and sister of called "Delaware"), in 1608. He became
Henry Gary, I Lord of Hunsdon. By this a Member of the Va. Council 1609; was
Warr, twelfth child of Sir Thomas West, tract of land upon which a house was to
// Lord De la Warr, and wife, Anne be built ^r him. He also left to him a
Bassett s will as his >
Thomas Claiborne, Jr., grandson of Col. cient of the old English families, deriving
William Claiborne, thus uniting the houses their blood, according to the chart pub-
of West-De la Warr and Claiborne; their lis hed by the Earl of Lindsay in the gene-
daughter, "Lady Sarah Claiborne," mar- alogy of the Lindsays, from Nicholas de-
ried Joseph Thompson, great grandson of Stafford, of the time of Henry I, a, de-
Sir Roger Thompson, of Yorkshire (see scen dant of the de Toenys, hereditary
Thompson), and became the ancestress of standard bearers of Normandy, who de-
this branch of the Thompson family. rived their descent from Niord, King of
p t
This family, found early in Sweden. (See De Toeny chart.) From
New Kent Co., was of Eng- the Foxes, the famous Lords of Holland
lish origin, Col.Joseph Foster, the first derive their blood.
emigrant, being "a cavalier," an officer Sir Stephen Fox, father of the first
of the English army. (See William and Lord Holland, was born in Wilts, 1627;
Mary Quarterly, Vol. VII, p. 223; Vol. he was Clerk of the Green Cloth from
VI, p. 89 ; Vol. II, p. 270. the time of Charles II. He was the
projector of Chelsea College as a military Gloucester Co., where they became in-
hospital, 1716, and was the ancestor of fluential and acquired large possessions."
the Earls of Ilchester and Holland. (Ref. Virg. Mag. of Hist, aud Biog. Virg.
Sir Stephen Fox who was Secy, of War Hist. Society, April, 1897, Vol. 4, No. 4.)
during the reign of George II, 1750, in "Henri/ Fox, son and heir of John Fox,
1755, became Secy, of State and Whig received land in Gloucester, 1685."
leader in the House of Commons when "The Foxes were ofKing William and
the elder Pitt was the leader of the op- a very old family. Henry Fox married
position. Anne West, daughter of Gov. John West,
It is from Sir Fox, born in
Steplven son of Thomas, II Lord Be la Warr."
Wilts, 1627, that the Virginia Foxes are (Virg. Hist. Mag.)
descended. They came to America early
in the XVII The following notes
century. Thompson— Burton,
are copied from the diary of Mr. Thomas Thomas Burton Longnor Hall,
H. Fox, who was born April 15th, 1793, Shropshire, England, was a lineal de-
at "Retreat," King William Co., Va.: scendant of Sir Edward Burton (from
"The Fox family, from which we are whom was also descended the noble
descended, occupied a high official as well house of Conyngham), knighted by Edward
as social position in England. Our im- IV after the battle of St. Albans, 1460.
mediate ancestor in this country was William Burton born in Shropshire,
Richard Fox, a cavalier officer under England, came to Virginia 1635; Will
Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles I, who probated in 1695, bequeathed 10,000
distinguished himself in many important acres of land. His son, Robert, married
engagements during the Civil War. February 11th 1676, Katherine, daughter
When Charles I was taken prisoner, Maj. of Rev. Cotten of the English
Fox escaped to Paris and there with two church, missionary to Virginia. Their
brother officers, Col. Norwood and Maj. son, William of Accomac, born in Vir-
Morrison, formed a plan to rescue the ginia November 19th, 1677, died there a
king froni Carysbrook Castle in the Isle wealthy planter. He married December
of Wight where he was confined. They 20th, 1700, Frances Bagwell, connected
were, however, foiled in their purpose and with the family of Gov. Wise. (American
not knowing what might await them, Ancestry, page 180, Vol. 5th.)
they embarked for America on board a Col. William Burton, son of William,
vessel The Virginia Merchant,
called married Miss Cobb and had children:
September 20th, 1649, and were wrecked Jesse, whose son, Jesse Burton Harrison,
upon the shore of Accomac, November was an eminent lawyer; Robert, whose
8th of the same year. Sir William, Berke- daughter, Elizabeth, married Dr. Robert-
ley, learning that some white men were son; had Archie, married Kitty Bishop,
among the Indians of the eastern short*, Harriet, married Mr. Messick, Mary Eliza
sent messengers to bring them before married Collins Moore: Rebecca and
him, and learning their history, he gave Susan Burton, married George and John
them colonial appointments. To
to all of Thompson.
Maj. Fox, was assigned the command at Sir Edward Burton was with King Ed-
Old Point Comfort, which he held at the ward IV successful in fourteen set bat-
Sir Robert Burton, had his first grant came famous in the world of letters as
of arms dated May 22nd, 1478. He mar- essayist and editor of the London "Spee-
ried Christian Stapleton, daughter and tator." He was born in Wiltshire, 1672,
heiress of John Stapleton, his son Edward and held many important offices; Chief
was Knight and Groom of the Stole to Secretary under the Lord Lieutenant of
Henry II. His great grandson was Ed- Ireland, Secretary of State under Queen
icard Burton, Esq., born 1601, who mar- Anne, and on her death, 1714, he was
ried Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Francis appointed Secretary of the Lord Justices.
Newton IIeightly, who died, 1643, leaving He married, 1716, the Dowager Countess
as his successor, Francis Burton, who mar- ofWarwick. His tomb is in Westminster
ried Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Berk- Abbey.
ley, Esq. (Burke.) His brother, John Addison, was an Ad-
William Burton, brother of Edward, miral in the English Navy (Wm. & Mary
came to Virginia, probably with Lord Quarterly, Apr., 1901, p. 265), who came to
Berkley, prior to 1635, and was the head this,country early in the XVIII century,
of the American branch of the family. His daughter married Col. John Cobb, and
„ . .. The progenitor of this their grandson, John Addison Cobb, mar-
family was Rev. Launcelot ried Mildred Lewis, granddaughter of Col.
Addison, born in Westminster, England, Charles Lewis, of "The Byrd." Miss Cobb,
1632. He was a man of fine education daughter of Col. John, and his wife, ne&
and literary ability. He served seven Addison, married Capt. Wm. Burton, and
years as chaplain at Tangiers, and after became the mother and Susan,
of Rebecca
his return to England wrote several in- who married brothers George and John
teresting books. His son, Joseph, be- Thompson.
Joseph Thompson married in Virginia.
Roger Thompson=Sallie Lightfoot.
George Thompson^Rebecca Burton.
Leonard Thompson=Emma Napier.
John Thompson=Susan Burton.
Roger Thompson.
Roger, eldest son of Joseph and Sarah Thompson; WilUam, who married Miss
Claiborne Thompson, married Sallie Light- Brand, of St. Louis, and had children,
foot, and had: Robert, Mary, William, Gertrude, James,
Joseph II, who married Elizabeth
I. Ida, Rebecca and Fred.
James. —
IV. Foster, who married Miss Wil-
II. George W., who married Harriet liams, whose father was a naval officer,
James, of Hanover Co., Va., and had and had children, Isaac, Joseph, Lucy,
children, Sarah married
A., who Jane, Maurice, James, Arnold, and
Thomas Taylor; 2, Thruston, married
Joseph II, son of Roger Thompson, mar-
Elizabeth Mason; 3, Bettie B., married R.
ried Elizabeth James, a, descendant of the
S. Taylor; 4, Harriet T., married Mr.
Earl of Camden, whose wife was the
Kimble. daughter of Charles I, and had one son
III. Sarah, who married Mr. Timber- and three daughters: Joseph Addison, who
lake, and had, 1, Georgi-
of Kentucky, married Amanda Singleton, and died with-
anna, who married James Taylor; 2, Lucy; out children; Ann, who married Thomas
3, Polly, both of whom married George B. Hooe; Mary McClung and Eliza Morris.
Thompson— Tomlinson.
Eliza Morris, Joseph
daughter of shown Hartford state house, also
in the
Thompson and wife, Elizabeth James, mar- in the Corcoran gallery, Washington,
ried, 1816, Dr. John Atwood Tomlinson, D. C,
an eminent physician, who also served in His second son, Joseph, was made
the State Senate of Kentucky. He was Quartermaster of the Fourth Regiment
a descendant of the Tomlinsons of Devon- of the colony, 1762 was afterward made
shire, England, where the register of the cornet. He married Elizabeth Curtis, 1747,
parish of St. Werburg shows that they and their son, Curtis, born at Oronoke,
belonged to the nobility. In this country Stratford, 1749, became a soldier in the
His son, Agar, married Sarah Hawley, (who follows), Lucy, who married Emmett
Garvin, of Louisville; Annie Eliza (who
granddaughter of Gov. Thomas Wells
Sarah Claiborne, married William
and to their son, Zacharia Tomlinson, the
Thompson; Caroline married Gcivl Wil-
only male representative of the family,
liam Belknap, and Amanda Singleton
he bequeathed the family coat of arms,
(who follows).
which he had brought with him from Tomlinson Arms: Sable, a fessi bet.
England. Zacharia married Hannah three falcons, Volante, or. Crest: Out of
Beach, and one of their sons, Gidion, be- a ducal coronet, a griffin's head, or.
came Gov. of Conn. His portrait is still Motto: Non Sibi, Sed Patriae.
20 [291]
nift$. Hnnc Eliza Boiocn.
cil of Safety Col. of Gunpowder Battal- sant argent attired, or, in mouth oak
ion. (Md. Arch. Jour. Conn., July 6th, branch vert, fructed, or. Motto: "Vir-
1776.) Their son: tute, dignus, avorum."
Lucy Madison, third daughter of Will- Excursus), all of them founders of the Va.
iam Hord Worthington, and hi® wife, Anne Colony. She married, Henry Clews, of
Eliza Tomlinson, a lineal descendant,
is New York City, an Englishman/ by birth,
througli her mother, of the Claiborncs, educated for the ministry of the Church
Wests, Be la Warr and Foxes, among the of England, but having a decided taste
most ancient of the noble houses of Eng- for active professional life, he came to
land, deriving their blood in a direct line, America and, following his inclinations,
through the Be Toenys, hereditary Stand- has become one of the most prominent
ard Bearers of Norway, from Niord, King financiers of Wall street.
of Sweden, 40 B. C, and through him from They have three children, the eldest an
Odin, King of Escardia {who, with an only daughter, Elsie, who has received
army of Goths, conquered Northern three degrees at Columbia College, and
Europe and settled Sweden), forty-first in has shown marked literary ability, hav-
descent from Eric, King of tlie Goths, in ing recently published a book on finance.
Scandinavia, 761 B. C, as deduced from Their sons are named, Henry, and Rob-
the Danish and Swedish Archives. (See ert Bower Clews.
Be Toeny, Claiborne and West-Be la Warr As illustrations of her family history
Ex.) She also, through the alliances of and lineage, Mrs. Clews is entitled to use
these houses, derives blood from the Cro- the escutcheons of the Worthing tons, Tom-
shaivs, Thompsons, Flemings, and Cam- linsons, Thompsons, Cam-dens, Bassetts,
dens and Fosters, of noble lineage (see Foxes, Clabornes and Wests-Be la Warr.
Guard and with him when he surrendered Taliaferro, Capt. John Light foot and
others. Capt. Christopher, eldest brother
his sword and commission; married, De-
of Maj. Thruston James, married Lucy
cember 13, 1786, Susanna Unseld, daugh-
His father,
Thompson ; their homestead, "Armfield,"
ter of a Kentucky pioneer.
Dr. George McCown, of Lancaster Co.,
in St. Martin's Hundred. He died 1779,
leaving nine children : Foster, married
Pa., born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, a ruling
Miss Clough; John, married, first, Miss
elder of the Presbyterian church; son of
Morris, secondly, Miss Mosely; Thruston,
Alexander McCown, a talented Presby-
married Sallie Pendleton; George, never
terian preacher was one of six brothers,
Thompson and wife, Sallie Light foot; son Co., Ky. Their daughter, Mary McClung
of Joseph Thompson and wife, Sarah Clai- McCoicn, had issue: 1, Mary E., married
Dr. Barbour; 2, Anne Eliza, married
borne, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Thomas
Alexander Craig, Pewee Valley, and had
Claiborne and wife, Anne West, daughter
Mamie, who married Gcnl Lairton, killed
of Henri/, son of Maj. John Fox, son of an in the Philippines; Louise, who married,
officer of the royal army, descended from April 6, 1886, 8. A. Culbertson, of New Al-
the Earls of Holland (see Fox), and bany, Ind. Issue, William Stuart, born
granddaughter of Gov. John West, third Aug. 28, 1887; Alexander Craig, born
April 18, 1900.
son of Sir Thomas West, II Lord De la
3, Alexander, Surgeon C. S. A. Sarah, ;
Eldest daughter of Alexander Craig, (de- others, two of whom, John, and Philip came
ceased), a prominent business man of Louis- to Va., and settled in Gloucester Co., called
ville, and wife Annie McCown, daughter
Ky., "brothers" in vestry book, and court records.
of Rev. Burr E. McCown and wife Mary Me- They prominent colonial offices. Old
Clung, daughter of Joseph Thompson of Va., records show, that John Lightfoot, who mar-
and wife Elizabeth James (see pp. 280-92); ried Alice Goodrich, "drove a coach with
married Dec. 12, 1881, six horses," and "Philip Lightfoot, bought
Eenry Ware Lawton, of the U. S. Army, from George Washington land which he had
promoted to the office of General, during inherited from Laurance Washington; had
the Spanish- American war, and killed in the a coach and six horses, and several two
Philippines in a gallant charge upon the wheeled and four-wheeled chairs," (Win. and
enemy, (1899). They had children Eenry Mary Mag. Vols. HIT.) From these two
Ware, George Albee, Annie Manley, Frances, Lightfoot brothers, came all of the Virginia
Catharine Mackenzie, and Louise, all residing Lightfoots.
in Peace Vallev, Kv. James, wife of
Lawton Arms: A shield, emblazoned with
Tbmiston. Joseph Thompson was issued
stars, upon a bar across the center; crosses, from John Thruston , Chamberlain of Bristol,
two in chief, one at base. Crest: A wolf born 1616, died 1675, son of Malachias
guardant. Motto: Honour. Thruston, of Wellington, Somersetshire,
Joseph Thompson, was a son of Col. Roger Eng. He was vestryman and warden of
Thompson issued from the Yorkshire Thomp- St.Thomas, the Martyr's Church in London;
sons, Claibornes, Foxes, Fosters, and Wests- married Thomasine daughter of Peter Rich,
de-la- War r, (see pp. 282-5) and wife, Sallic minister of Yeatsbury, Weltshire, Eng.
Lightfoot of the old English family of that Edward son of Judge John
name, leading colonists of Va. At Sandy Thruston, settled in Norfolk Co. where his
Point, Charles City Co., Va., once the splen- original will is preserved, sealed with his
did estate of the Lightfoot family, is a tomb coat of arms —three
bugle horns stringed.
with this inscription: "Philip Lightfoot, son The family records have been faithfully pre-
of John Lightfoot, Esq., Barrister at Law, served, from generation to generation, and
son of John Lightfoot minister of Stoke show intermarriages with the James, (p
Bruain, in Northamptonshire, Eng." The 292) Lightfoot, Mynn, Buckner, Lee, Cosby
coat of arms found upon the tomb is, "A bar- Fontaine, and other prominent Va. families
ry, of six, or, and gu; on a bend, sa. three Col.John Thruston, of Gloucester, Va
escolops, or, for impaling the
Lightfoot, married Sarah Mynn, and had Col. Charles
Corbin arms, arg, on a chief, or, three ravens Munn Thruston, who married Mary, daughter
ppr; crest, a human heart pierced with a of Col. Samuel Buckner, of Gloucester Co.
nail;" Philip Lightfoot having married Alice Va.
Corbin. The same arms appear upon the John Thruston married Elizabeth Whit
tombs of his sons. Philip and Francis. In ing, and had Charles Mynn Thruston, who
the old church at Stoke Bruain, Eng. there married Eliza Sydner, daughter of Judge
is found a small brass tablet bearing the Fortunatus Cosby, and wife, Mary Anne,
Lightfoot arms, in memory of Richard Light- daughter of Aaron Fontaine, son of Rev.
foot,placed there by his son, John Lightfoot, Peter Fontaine, the Huguenot exile, (See
Barrister at Law. This son, John's will Fontaine pp. Jj-5) They were ancestors of
mentions sons, John, William, Philip and the Kentucky Thrustons.
: :
Sarah Claiborne, was born in Albemarle Murray, of Blair, of Moulin and of Tillimet;
Co., Va., February 12, 1748. In an old Lieutenant and Governor General of His
letter written for his grandchildren, and Majesty's Colony and Dominion of Virginia,
the Revolutionary War broke out I was as his Majesty's Lieutenant and Governor General
one of George III captains. I joined the and Commander-in-chief in and over the Colony and
Americans at the very time that Lord Dominion of Virginia, with full power and authority
Dunmore was driven from Williams- to appoint all officers, both civil and military, within
burg and was appointed an officer by the the same, I, reposing special trust in your loyalty,
Committee of Safety before we had an courage and good conduct, do, by these presents,
American governor. was an officer
I appoint you, the said George Thompson, Captain of
throughout the Revolutionary War, and the Militia of the County Albemarle, whereof Charles
have not one drop of Tory blood in my Lewis, Esq., is Lieutenant and Chief Commander.
veins. You are therefore to act as Captain by duly exer-
In 1779, I was elected a member of the cising the officers and soldiers under your command,
Virginia Assembly and served until 1781, taking particular care that they be provided with
when I was called by the Marquis de arms and ammunition, as the laws of the Colony
directs ; and you are to observe and follow such
Lafayette to serve as one of his aides. I
orders and directions, from time to time, as you
accepted, and in the fall of this year
shall receive from me, or any other superior officers,
Lord Cornwallis was taken prisoner with
according to the rules and discipline of war, in
all of his army."
pursuance of the trust reposed in you.
Previous to this, during the winter of Given at Williamsburg, under my hand, and the
1779-80, he was with the land commisr seal of the Colony, this eleventh day of February and
sioners in Kentucky. In 1788, as agent in the thirteenth year of his Majesty's reign, Anno
for the Government, he made a trip Domini, 1773- DUNMORE.
through the South and Southwest of over
2,000 miles. In 1785, he was appointed by THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA.
the Governor a commissioner to survey To all to whom these presents letters shall come—
the James river and on to the Western Greeting
Know ye that the Court for the County of Flewanna
waters. He was at the Great Kanawha
having nominated George Thompson, Gentleman, to
March 12, 1790, when the Indians
the Sheriff for said County, our Governor, with the
made an attack on their boats on the
advice of the Council of State, doth approve of the
Ohio river. In 1792 he arrived at his
said nomination, and hereby constitute and appoint
home, "Shawnee Springs," Mercer Co.,
him the said George Thompson, Gentleman, Sheriff
Ky., where he spent the remainder of his
for the said County.
idays. This beautiful home remained in In testimony whereof, these letters are sealed with
the family until after his great grand- the seal of the Commonwealth and made
children were grown. One of them, Dr. patent. Witness Benjamin Harrison, Esquire,
Ap Morgan Vance, an eminent physician our said Governor, at Richmond, on the ninth
and surgeon of Louisville, Ky., has in his day of October in year of Lord, one thousand
possession the original commissions given seven hundred and eighty-three and eighth of
his great grandfather by Lord Dunmore the Commonwealth.
and Benj. Harrison, as follows ISeal] BENJ. HARRISON.
Leonard Thompson*
Col. Geoitge C. Thompson. Leonard Thompson.
George, second son of Joseph I and Third son of Joseph, married Emma
Sarah Claiborne Thompson, married Re- Napier, and had Richard, George, Nathan
becoa Burton, and had, George
Thomp- C. and Samuel.
son, who married, first, Sarah, daughter Richard married Lucy Napier, and had
of his uncle, John Thompson, and his aunt, Mary Atnuer, who married Dr. Thomas
Susan Burton, 1806.
Moore; their daughter, Mary Bowman,
In 1809, he married, secondly, Mary
married Walter Handy (see Handy), and
Madison McDowell, and had, 1, Sarah Clai-
had children, Thomas; Mattie, who mar-
borne; 2, William; 3, George Madison ; 4,
ried Mr. Duckworth, and Amie, who mar-
Maury Rebecca.. He married, thirdly,
Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel Hart, and
ried, first, Mr. Hockcr and had children;
had children. second Mr. Curd.
Of the children of his first marriage James, son of Richard Thompson, mar-
I, Mary Rebecca, married Frank Kinkead ried Miss Campbell, and had children:
II, William, married, first, Zilpha Clark 1, William; 2, Lucy, who married Beriah
and had who married Mr
1, Willia, Magoffin, Jr., (see McAfee), and had chil-
Wilkinson, of Keokuk; 2, George, who mar dren: Mary, who married Mr. SJuickkford,
ried Annie Bosworth; 3, Zilpha, who mar and Jennie, who married Victor Hugo,
tied John Grimes, of Kentucky. He mar kinsman of Victor Hugo, the author; 3,
ried, secondly, Sallie Claiborne Tomlinson; Emma, another daughter of James Thomp-
thirdly, Emma Clark. son, married Ebenezer Magoffin (see above),
The children of George Thompson's C.
and had children, William, Anna and
marriage to Sarah Hart, were, I, Susan,
who married Morgan Vanoe, of Tennessee,
and had children, 1, Mollie Oden,
Samuel, son of Leonard, married Miss
young; 2, Hart, married Miss Lomax; 3,
Lillard and had children, among them
Howard Burton; 5, Ap Morgan, M. D.,
; 4, Emily, who married Ellis Corn, and had
who married Miss Huntoon; G, Margery, children Henry, a preacher, who married
) ; ,
and wife, Rebecca Claiborne; son of Col. the English, temp Edward I, was made
Wm. Thompson Royal Army; son
of the High Constable of the Castle, his posterity
of Sir Roger Thompson of Yorkshire, Eng- enjoying this office; for many years, bear-
was a son of Samuel McDowell and wife, America, settling first in Pennsylvania,
Mary McClung; son of John and wife, going thence to Virginia, and finally set-
Magdalen Woods, her mother of the clan tling in Woodford Co., Ky., where he met
Campbell, Dukes of Argyle; son of Eph- and married Mary Rebecca Thompson.
raim McDowell and wife, Margaret Irvine DIps. Ulillia Thompson Wilkinson.
(a cousin), of the Irvines of Bonshaw,
William Thompson, brother of Mary
descendants of Bruce. See Irvine.
Rebecca Kinkead, married Zilpha Clark
The McDowells came from the historic and built for himself a beautiful home
race of Dowall, sprung from the race of near "Shawnee Springs," named "Cane-
Dougall and from intermarriage with the hurst," where they resided many years.
Campbells and Douglasses; were reckoned Their eldest daughter, Willia, married
among the most powerful of the warlike Andrew J. Wilkinson, of Keokuk, where
Septs that fought in the Presbyterian they now reside. They had children,
wars under the leadership of the Camp- George Renins, married Anna Beverly
bells (see McDowell). Ephraim, when Robertson; William, married Elizabeth
only sixteen years old, hurried to the de- Patterson and has one son, William Al-
fense of Londonderry and fought also at bert; Walter Browncll died, aged twenty-
the battle of Boyne. When an old man five; Mary Kinkead married James Alex-
he emigrated with his family to America ander Somcrvillc, and has sons, William
settled first in Pennsylvania moved from
; Wilkinson, Andrew Wilkinson and James
there to Virginia; finally his sons and Alexander Somerville, Jr.
3ohn Cbompson*
John, the youngest of the four Thomp- service of the United States, and fulfilled
son brothers, descendants of the Clai- the arduous duties of that office until he
borncs,W€sts-De la Warr and Foxes (see Ex- was taken prisoner by Col. Sim Coles'
cursus), and of the Yorkshire Thompsons, regiment of the British army in Fluvanna
married Susan, daughter of Col William County on 7th of June, 1781, while dis-
Burton, of Albemarle Co., Va. (see Bur- tribu ting orders to his regimental officers,
ton), of the ancient English house, the He was shortly afterward paroled and so
first of whom, Sir Edward Burton, was prevented from doing active duty until
knighted under the Royal standard on the surrender of Lord Cornwallis.
the field by Edward IV, after the battle At the close of the war. He emigrated
of St. Albans, 1460 (Burke). Col Wm. to Kentucky with his three brothers, and
fiur ton's wife was a Miss Cobb, daughter located land in Mercer Co., where he
of Col. John and Susan Addison Cobb, built himselfa home, "Viney Grove," to
niece of Joseph Addison, the British es- which he brought his wife and lived there
sayist. until his death, 1833.
John Thompson was born in colony of From this union there were eight chil-
Virginia in the year 1757, and on the 18th dren: 1, Sarah, who married her cousin,
of March, 1776, was appointed a lieuten- George Claiborne. Thompson, and lived at
ant in 7th Company of 7th Regiment qf "Shawnee Springs," near by; 2, Patsy,
Regular forces raised for the protection married Jack Meaux; 3, Rebecca Claiborne,
of Virginia, and aided in driving Lord married Richard Hart; 4, Mary, married
Dunmore from his position on Gwynnes Thomas Allen (and had children, James,
Island in Virginia, and continued in ser- William, Henry, Philip, Davis, Susan, Ann
vice until 29th of October, 1776, as shown Eliza, Sarah); 5, William, first married
by his commission on file Revolution De- Miss Kerr, afterwards Mrs. Vance; 6,
partment Pension Papers Washington George Burton, who married his two
City. Early in the year of 1778 he was cousins, Lucy and Mary Timlerlake; 7,
appointed adjutant of Col. William Philip, who married Saiahl Moseley;
Henry's Regiment of Virginia Militia in John Burton.
lUilliam Thompson.
William;, son of John Thompson and and Scotch houses. (See Thompson, Dc
wife, Susan Burton; son of Joseph and Toeny, Claiborne and West de la Warr.)
wife, Sarah Claiborne, daughter of Lieut.- William Thompson, born in Virginia
Col Thomas Claiborne and wife, Anne March 30, 1787, died in Memphis July 29,
West Fox; son of Roger and wife, Ann 1863, belonged to a generation of states-
Foster; son of John and wife, Rebecca men and patriots, who caught the inspira-
Claibornc; son of Col. William Thompson tion of the Revolution and formed the
of the Royal Army; son of Sir Roger, of connecting link between that epoch and
Yorkshire, England, derived descent the brighter, purer days of the Republic,
through his maternal ancestors, from His father and three brothers were officers
John West, third Governor of Virginia in the army of Washington and fought
colony, son of Sir Thomas West, second for Independence, until it was achieved,
Lord de la Warr; from William Claiborne, when they removed with their families to
first Secretary and Treasurer of Virginia Mercer Co., Kentucky, where they located
Colony from Ma). John Fox; and from
; large bodies of land. "Viney Grove" was
the Burtons, all of these families issued the homestead of John Thompson, in
from the most ancient and noble English which his children were all reared. Wil-
Ham completed his education, with the III, John, Claiborne, Jx>rn April 3, 1828,
study of law, under Henry Clay, and was in Nashville, Tenn., died February 2,
admitted to the bar 1807. He served 1872; graduated from the University of
through the war of 1812. Subsequently, Nashville and practiced law there until
while yet a young man, was a legislator, 1861, when he entered the Confederate
then moved to Memphis, thence to Nash- States Army as Lieutenant of the 20th
ville, Tenn., where he continued the prac- Tennessee Infantry; was promoted and
tice of his profession until his death. He served as Major on Gen. A. P. Stewart's
married, first, Miss Kerr of Danville, Ky., staff ; at the close of the war resumed his
and had three children, practice of law at Nashville, where he
I, William, who married Mary Nelson married, October 3, 1865, Bowena Wil-
and resided and had
in Shelby Co., Tenn., Hams Eiciny, daughter of Orville Ewiny
children, among them, William and Sid- and wife, H. Williams. She
ncy. still resides in Nashville, Tenn. They had
II, Joseph, married twice and had three three children,
children, La ura, Joseph and Mary. Eiciny Thompson, born November 24,
III, Sarah, married Judye Arthur of 1866.
Mississippi, and had four children: Car- Morgan Brown, born October 26, 1868,
Co., Ky., 1806, Anne Porter, daughter of out the civil war, upon the field and in
Capt. George Robards, an officer in the the councils of state. He
married, 1842,
Revolution, and his wife, Elizabeth Bar- Martha, Adelaide, daughter of Dams Mont-
bam Sampson, of Welsh, English and gomery, of Scotch descent, and his wife,
French Huguenot descent. (See Robards, Elizabeth Harper. They had three chil-
Record.) They resided at the family dren, Doetor Davis Montgomery, and twin
homestead, "Viney Grove," where their sons, John Burton and Philip Burton, all
eleven children were born: Sarah Burton, three of whom, though only lads sixteen
John Burton, Jr., James Henry, Maria, and seventeen years of age, served with
Patsy, Charles, Elizabeth, Philip Burton, their father in Morgan's command, and
Anne Porter, Susan Burton and Katharine, throughout the war, enduring for many
John Burton, Jr., the eldest, born 1810, months the hardship of imprisonment,
followed the profession of his father and One of these sons,
was early admitted to the bar, soon John Burton, became eminent in his
rising to eminence in the practice of law, profession, the law. He
married Martha,
but was better known in the world of daughter of Elder Henry Anderson, min-
politics. He was elected Lieutenant ister and translator, and they have one
Governor of Kentucky; represented his son, Philip Burton, Jr.
district several times in Congress, and in Philip Burton Thompson, Jr., also a law-
1851, was given a seat in the United yer by profession, while very young en-
young for such an honor,
States Senate, tered the field of politics and represented
He married Mrs. Mary Hardin Bowman, in Congress, the same district so long-
widow of Dr. Ben Bowman, of Missis- represented by his uncle, John B. Thomp
sippi. son. He married Mary Garnctt, and had
Charles, third son John B. Thompson, a daughter, Mattie, and a son, Garnett,
married, Jane Chambers, of Missis-
first, who married Lizzie Young, and had
sippi, and had one son, John Charles, who Martha, Philip and John Burton. Mattie
married Letitia, daughter of Hon. Beriah Thompson, daughter of Hon. Phil Burton
McGoffin, Governor of Kentucky, and his Thompson, married William Leonard
wife, Ann, daughter of Gen'l Isaac Shelby. Davis, of Washington City, and has one
Charles Thompson married, secondly, child, Worth ington.
Agnes Pearson, of Harrodsburg, Ky., The eldest of the daughters of John
whose father was of the old Philadelphia Burton Thompson, Sr., and his wife, Anne
family of Pearsons. Their only child Porter Robards, Sarah Burton, married
died young. He married, thirdly, Har- Col. Joseph Johnson, of Louisiana, and
riet Chambers, sister of his first wife. lived but a short while.
M aria, second daughter, married, 1839, Daviess, William, Jean Hamilton and
Maj. Wm. Daviess, son of Judge Samuel Letitia. (See Warren.)
Daviess, and wife, Hannah McAfee; son of Patsy, third daughter of John B. Thomp-
Joseph Daviess and wife, Jean Hamilton, son and wife, Anne Porter, died in in-
of Scotch-Irish descent (see Daviess and fancy.
Hamilton), and had children: Elizabeth, fourth daughter, married
I, Hannah, who married Williamson Hon. Henry Phillips, of Mississippi, after-
Haskins Pittman, a descendant of the ward Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana,
DuPuys-Trabucs (see DuPuy), and had and had children, Sarah, married Mr.
children, Nannie Trabue, William Daviess, Talbot; Nackitoeh, Charles, Alfred, Elden,
Asa, Marie Thompson, Trabue and Wil- Henry, Sidney and Randal.
liamson Haskins. (See Pittman.) Anne Porter fifth daughter, married
II, John Burton Thompson, who married Dr. Cary A. Trimble (see Trimble), and
Leonora Hamilton, and had children, had one son, Allen, who died young.
Emmeline, Marie Thompson, and Mortimer Susan Burton, sixth daughter, married
Hamilton. (See Hamilton.) Henry Massie, and had one son, Hon.
III, Nannie, died in infancy. IV, Anne David Meade, who married Juliet Mat-
Trimble. V, Samuel, died in infancy, thews.
William, and Samuel. Katharine, seventh daughter, married
Jean Hamilton, third daughter, married Walter Angus Dun, of the Scotch Angus
Wm. Warren, and had children, Marie and McElden families.
Thompson— filassic.
Susan Burton, fifth daughter of John Goochland May 1st, 1802; married, 1762,
Burton Thompson (see Excur.), and his Elizabeth,daughter of Thomas Watkins, of
wife, Anne Porter, daughter of Capt. Chiekahominy, Va. His father, Charles
George Robards and Elizabeth Barbara Massie, of New Kent Co., born in Che-
Sampson (sec Robards), married, February, shire, England, married Miss Macon.
1857, Henry Massie, of Chillicothe, Ohio, James Watkins, of Welsh descent, ap-
born July 31, 1811, died March 10, 1862. pears in the records, 1608, as "a com-
Their son, Hon. David Meade Massie, born panion of Capt. Smith in his perilous voy-
in Chillicothe, Ohio, February 26, 1859, ages of discovery in Virginia." Nothing
was educated for the bar and represented certain is known of his descendants ex-
his district in the State Senate of Ohio. cept Thomas, of Chickahomin3 r
, who oc-
He married November 6, 1883, Juliet L., cupied many prominent offices. Of him
youngest daughter of Thomas A. Matthews, Mr. John Randolph, in a manuscript left
of Covington, Ky., and his wife, Llewellyn by him, says: "He was beloved, honored
L., daughter of Lewis Pearse, of Mays- and lamented by all who knew him." He
ville, Ky. married a Miss Anderson, of Chesterfield,
Henry was the son of Nathaniel Massie, and lived in Henrico Co. Their daugh-
of Ross Co., Ohio, born in Goochland Co., ter, Elizabeth, who married Nathaniel
Va., December 28, 1763, died in Ross Co., Massie, Sr., died before 1783.
November 13, 1813, married, 1802, Susan, Nathaniel Massie served in the war of
diaughter of David Meade, of Chaumerie, the Revolution, while and at a boy,
Ky., son of Nathaniel, Sr., born in New twenty years of age emigrated to Ken-
Kent Co., Va., August 2nd, 1727, died in tucky, where he became an expert sur-
veyor and made the first settlement in a lineal descendant of the Massies, of
the "Virginia Reservation." In the spring Cheshire, seated at Coddington. The
of 1775, he, with a party of sixty, settled celebrated General Massie, so distin-
the town of Chillicothe, Ohio. In 1807, guished in the early civil wars of Eng-
having held several civil offices in the land, was the son of John Massie, of
state, he was elected governor but de- Coddington, and wife, Anne Grosvenor, of
clined to serve. (Am. Ency.) Eaton. From this family came Charles
Through his grandfather, Charles Mas- Massie to Virginia.
sic, who came over from England, he was (Virg. HiM. Magazine.)
Thompson— Trimble.
James Henry Thompson, second son came prominently identified with the
of John Burton, and his wife, Anne Porter history of NewEngland. Professor and
Robards, was born at " Viney Grove," Mer- Mrs. Tuttle lived abroad many years,
cer Co., Ky., 1812, and died at his home in pursuing their literary and artistic
Hillsboro, Ohio, April 6th, 1900. He was studies. On their return to America he
admitted to the bar in 1831, and distin- was given a professorship in Cornell Uni-
versity, where he continued until his
guished himself in his profession. He
married, September 21st, 1837, Eliza Jane, death, his literary labors and was recog-
nized as a writer and historian of great
daughter of Hon. Allen Trimble, a general
of the war of 1812, afterward Governor of
Anne Porter Thompson, fourth daugh-
Ohio, and hisi wife, Rachel Woodrow a de-
ter of John Burton Thompson, and his
scendent of the eminent Scotch church-
wife, Anne Porter Robards, was born
man and scholar of that name, a Quaker-
at "Viney Grove," February, 1826, and
ess of calm, beautiful character and
died in Columbus, O., 10th of May, 1899.
lovely in appearance, as shown by the
She married 12th November, 1844, Dr.
portrait that hangs upon the wall of the
Gary A. Trimble, of Chillicothe, Ohio, son
ancestral home at Hillsboro, Ohio.
of Gov. Allen Trimble, and his wife,
Judge Thompson and his wife had seven
Rachel Woodrow. He was an eminent
children: Anne Porter, Joseph,
physician of Cincinnati, and professor in
Marie, Mary, Henry Burton and John
the medical college, when he married,
first, Mary, daughter of Gov. McArthur, of
I, Allenwas an eminent minister of the
Ohio, who died, leaving one child, a
Methodist church when only eighteen
daughter, 'Nannie McArthur Trimble, who
years old; married Lucy Crum, and had
married William Madeira, of Chillicothe,
two children a son, George, and a daugh-
and had children: John, who married
ter Sallie, who married and died young;
Maud Renick; Annie, who married Dr.
II,Annie Porter, born 1841, died 1859 III, ;
Waddle, and Minnie, who married William
Marie, married Dr. Rives, of Cincinnati,
Ihdlcrton. Prior to his marriage to his
Ohio, of the famous Cabell-Rives family
second wife, Anne Porter Thompson, Dr.
of Virginia, a man of culture and marked
Trimble retired from his practice and
ability in his profession; IV, Mary, mar-
moved to Chillicothe and was afterward
ried Professor Herbert Tattle, of the old
a representative in Congress from that
English family of "TotehUU" or "Tut- district. Beside the children of Gov.
hill" of Peamore, Co. Devon, England, Trimble and Eachel Woodrow, already
who came to America in 1655 and be- mentioned, was Wm. Trimble.
Gov. Trimble's first marriage was with Kentucky, and had children, a son and
Miss McDowell (sec McDowell), and they two daughters, Nannie, wife of John
had Joseph, who became an eminent min- Clark, of Columbus, Ohio; Lucy, wife of
ister in the Methodist church, and Madi- Dr. Brown.
son, who had children, namely, James, Margaret, daughter of Madison Trimble,
John and Margaret; James died unmar- married Frank Armstrong, and has one
ried; John married Miss Holloway, of daughter, who married Mr, Swngert.
Margaret McDowell Trimble, born in February 3,
24, 1782, died in Hillsboro
Hillsboro, Ohio, married, December, 1867, 1870, aged 88 years, after an honorable
Frank Armstrong, a Philadelphia capital- and useful career. Legislator, 1816;
ist and highly cultured gentleman, edu- Speaker of the House, 1818; in 1822 and
cated abroad a linguist and writer of
; again in 1826, Governor of Ohio. Liberal
ability. He was a son of John Armstrong and enlightened views characterized his
of Enniskillen, Co. Fermaugh, Ireland, a administration, during which he shaped
lineal descendant of Alexander Arm- the policy of the Canal and Common
strong of Mangerton Castle on Liddale School systems of Ohio. He married,
river near Carlisle, Scotland, as shown by first
family records and the armorial devices Margaret McDowell , daughter of Maj.
brought to this country. They had one Joseph McDowell, a statesman and sol-
daughter, Mary Trimble, a charming dier of great distinction, one of the f ram-
young woman of many accomplishments, ers of the Constitution of North Carolina,
who married Robert Alexander Sivigert and at the battle of King's Mountain dis-
of Lexington, Ky., of the Scotch family played great bravery. He came of the
of Alexanders. Scotch McDowells, who sprang from
James Madison Trimble, father of Mrs. Dougal, the son of Roland, son of the
Armstrong, born in Hillsboro, Ohio, Sep- great and famous Somerland. They were
tember 27, 1808, died there February, allied by blood and intermarriage with
1873; educated at Troy, N. Y., and Ohio the Campbells, and found their natural
University at Athens; was a cadet at leaders in the house of Argyle. Under
West Point 1823-24, until ill-health com- the protectorate of Cromwell, they settled
pelled him to resign, much to his regret, with other chiefs in the north of Ireland,
as he had by inheritance an ardent mili- and with them were the founders of the
tary spirit. His active and useful life race known as Scotch-Irish, which has
brought him prominently before the pub- furnished to this country so many dis-
lic. He was President of the Hillsboro tinguishedwarriors and statesmen, as
and Cincinnati R. R. and interested in shown by the records. They emigrated*
the classification of Virginia military to Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Car-
lands in Ohio. He was often urged to olina early in 1700 and brought with them
accept nomination for prominent political their coats of arms showing descent from
offices,which he steadfastly refused. He the great Scotch clans. (See Campbell
married, October 1830, Mary Ann, daugh- and McDowell.)
ter of John Smith, of Hillsboro, Ohio, one James Trimble, father of Allen, when
of the pioneer settlers of the State. only twenty years old, took part in the
Gov. Allen Trimble, father of Madison, battle of Point Pleasant, and commanded
was born in Augusta Co., Va., November a company of border troops during the
war. He
married, 1780, Jane, daughter land, both names, Trimble and Trumbull,
of James Allen-, her only brothers were said to be corruptions of the original
killed in the war, one at Point Pleasant, Scotch Turnbull.
the other at Gates' defeat. With his land John Trimble emigrated from the old
warrants for military service, Capt. world early in the XVII century, and set-
James Trimble entered a large body of tled in Orange Va. He married
land in Kentucky, where he resided until Sarah, daughter of John McDowell, of the
his removal to Ohio. He was a son of famous old Scotch family of that name
John Trimble, of the brave and adventur- (see McDowell Excur.). Their son, James
ous Scotch-Irish stock which settled the Trimble, born in Augusta Co., Va., 1756,
valley of Virginia early in 1700. He was at the age of eighteen participated in the
slain by the Indians about 1758. battle of Point Pleasant, and afterwards
The Trimble arms show a crescent upon served as captain in the Revolutionary
the shield. Crest: An eagle rising from army under General Lewis. He married,
a crown of plumes. Motto: Malo Mori 1780, Jane Allen, daughter of James and
Quam Foedari. Margaret Allen, of Augusta Co., Va.; born,
The Trimbles are said to be descend- 1755. Their sons became distinguished
ants of the Turnbulls, famous in Scotch men, three of them held commissions in
lore of the border days
Turnbull Ex-
(see the war
of 1812; one of these, as noted,
cursus); and the coat of arms which has Allen Trimble, became Governor of Ohio;
been handed down in the family, would William Trimble was lieutenant colonel
seem to verify the family tradition, being in the regular army, and also United
identical with the device used by the States Senator, dying, 1821, while in of-
Turnbulls and the Trumbnlls, of New Eno-- fice, at the age of thirty-five.
Trimble— UIoocfaotD.
The first of the name was Patrick Wod- and Baron of Loudon, one of the Six-
row, born 1530. Robert Wodrow, born teen Peers of Scotland. Here he met
1600, was called by Alexander, Earl of and married Agnes, daughter of David
Eglinton, to be his Chamberlain; he mar- Campbell, of Ayrshire, a descendant of
ried Agnes Dunlop, and had six sons and
Archibald Campbell, Duke of Argyle (who
one daughter. A son, James Wodrow, crowned Charles II at Scone), and his
born 1637, was a Professor of Divinity in
wife, Margaret, second daughter of Will-
the Glasgow University. He married iam Earl of
II, Moreton, of the great and
Margaret, daughter of William Hair, Esq.,
noble house of Douglas. (Chambers.)
in 1679; their son, Robert, was the
first From the marriage of William Guthrie
historian of the church, author of ''The and Agnes Campbell, came Margaret,
Sufferings of the Church of Scotland:' He daughter of Patrick Warner, granddaugh-
was an eminent divine and had a promi ter of William Guthrie, who married Rob-
nent place in the ecclesiastical courts. He ert Wodvbw, anid was the maternal an-
married, 1708, Margaret, daughter of Rev.
cestor of the American Woodrows. After
Patrick Warner, of Ayrshire, granddaugh-
the death of Robert Wodrow, 1734, his four
ter of William Guthrie, of Fenwick.
Soon sons left Scotland. Alexander came to
after his collegiate course, William America and settled in Virginia, another
Guthrie was installed as tutor to Lord son settled in Pennsylvania, another in
Mauchlin, son of John Campbell, Earl Nova Scotia. Other Wodroios, sons of
James, also emigrated about the same and A. M. Glasgow;
of the University of
time; John Wodrow, either a son of Robert, minister in the Orkney Islands, London,
or his nephew, went to England and there Brockville, Canada, Chillicothe and other
joined the Quakers. His son, Isaac, mar- points in Ohio and Kentucky. He mar-
ried Mary (Jhlvers, came to America and ried Marion Williamson, born in Glasgow,
settled in Culpepper Co., Va.
Their son, Scotland, May 2nd, 1791, died February
Joshua, married Elizabeth Watson, of 16th, 1836, New York; daughter of Robert
Philadelphia, and moved from Virginia Williamson, Deacon in Ralph Wardlow
to Ohio, where their daughter, Rachel Chapel in Glasgow. Her mother, Marion
Wodroio, met and married General Allen Wright, was born 1749.
Trimble, Governor of Ohio. j ohn Wodrow, father of Thomas Wod-
Rev. James lUoodttoto. row, born in Paisley, Scotland, June 7th,
Another branch of the Woodrow family 1765, died 1837. He was an elder in St.
in America is represented by Rev. James George's Church, at Paisley. He married
Woodrow, of Columbia, S. C, a lineal de- September 27th, 1787, Janet Moreton. He
scendant of Patrick, James and Robert, must have been a grandson of Robert
born in Carlysle, Eng., May, 1828; and Wodrow.
married August 4th, 1857, Felie 8. Baker. JessieWoodrow, sister of Rev. James
They have four children, Jeanie, James, Woodrow, of Columbia, S. C, married
Marion and Mary Charlotte. He was a son Wilson, and her son, Woodrow
of Thomas Woodrow, D.D., born in Pais- Wilson, is now President of Princeton
ley, Scotland, March 15th, 1793, graduate University (1902).
Van Studdifond.
Dins. WavQavct Thomas Van Studdifond.
Mrs. Van Studdiford is of English an- in the 5th Penn. November 5th, 1778,
cestry, deriving from the
her blood lieutenant June 13th, 1779, transferred
Thomases, English emigrants prominent to 2nd Penn. 1st of January, 1783, and
in the settlement of Pennsylvania, Mary- served to June 3rd, 1783 he was in the
Marshall, was born at the United States Margaret Marshall, daughter of Lieut.
Arsenal at Frankford, Penn., 1822, and Marshall of the United States army, great-
came west with her parents, her father granddaughter of John Marshall, who
being placed in command of the Arsenal came f rom England with William Penn
at St. Louis. In this city she met and anci settled in Chester, Penn.
married Henry Van Studdiford, M. D., Through her father she derived blood
of noble German parentage, born at Parse- f rom the n0Dle fam ii y f Este, her grand-
penny, Morris Co., N. J., April 2nd, 1816, father, Martin Thomas, having married
died in St. Louis August 1st, 1866. He Rebecca, daughter of Moses Este and his
graduated from the Pennsylvania Univer- w jfe? Eunice Penguilly; son of Isaac and
sity with honor and entered at once upon j^g w jfe? Kymbal; son of Isaac
the practice of medicine in his native Este and his wife, Mary Towne, daughter
state; he very soon determined, however, f William Towne of Yarmouth, England
to seek a wider field in the west and set- son of Jeffrey Este of Salem, Mass., all
tied in St. Louis 1839, where he soon be- f j ier forefathers being prominent set-
came prominent among the practitioners, tiers o f Massachusetts, Connecticut,
teachers, and medical orders of that day, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Her grand-
whose fame extended beyond the seas. He father, Martin Thomas, Sr., married Miss
won for himself both fame and fortune. Lucas, of noble birth, who derived her
Dr. and Mrs. Van Studdiford had chil- blood from Sir Thomas Lucas, Culchester,
dren, as follows Martin Thomas Van
: England, one of the early settlers of Vir-
Studdiford, Mary Brantley, Laura Heiz- ginia and Maryland, his coat of arms be-
man, Kate Van Studdiford and Charles [Ug found on Gore's Roll of Arms. He
D. Van Studdiford. was a leader in colonial affairs and was a
Martin Thomas Van Studdiford mar- man shown by his will,
of wealth, as
ried a Miss Ball of Jonesburg, Mo. They Lieutenant Thomas came west with his
have four sons, William Henry Thomas, family and here his daughters were
George and Charles; one died in infancy, reared. Margaret married Dr. Henry Van
Mary married Mr. Brantley and has Studdiford,
one son named Henry Taylor Brantley. Mary married, August 19th, 1847,
Laura married twice, first, Capt. Charles K. Dickson, born at Haddenfield,
Thompson, by whom she had three chil- N. J., son of Richard L. Dickson, born at
dren, Laura, Margaret and Henry Thomp- Haddenfield, N. J., and his wife, Hannah
son. After Capt. Thompson's death Laura Frances West, a Quakeress from Phila-
married Dr. Heizman of the army, by delphia. They had children,
whom she has had no children. Josephine married Julius S. Walsh,
Katie Van Studdiford never married. Richard married to Alice Menkins.
Charles Van Studdiford married Grace Martin married to Eulalie Provenchcre.
Quire, a singer, of national renown in the James married to Emma Adams.
musical world. Charles and Estelle never married.
Margaret Van Studdiford died young. James E. married to Miss Forrester.
- '?*: . IB I •
Mr. Julius S.Walsh, born December with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He
21st, 1842, was a son of Edward Walsh, was admitted to the New York bar 1861
a native of Tipperary, Ireland, born De- and in the following year in recognition
cember 27th, 1798, died in St. Louis March of his scholarly attainments St. Louis Uni-
26th, 1866. His boyhood was spent in versity conferred upon him the degree of
Ireland but his ambitious nature asserted A. M. By the death of his father in 1863
and before attaining his
itself early in life the whole tenor of his life was changed,
majority he had embarked for the New Itbecame necessary for him to take charge
World where he followed the tide of emi- of a large business for the family, and
gration westward and settled first in his father's place as a director of various
Louisville, Ky., from there he removed corporations, relinquishing his chosen pro-
soon after to Ste. Genevieve, Mo., thence fession to do so. In his new sphere he
to St. Louis, where he soon became a sue- manifested great ability and is recognized
cessful man of affairs, foremost among the as one of the ablest financiers of the
merchants and manufacturers of the me- West. He married Josephine, daughter
tropolis in the West. He married twice, of Charles K. Dickson, son of Richard
first, Maria Tinker, secondly, Isabella, Dickson of Haddenfield, N. J., and his
daughter of Jules DeMun, sl scion of the wife, Hannah Frances West, a Quakeress
French nobility. (See DeMun Arms.) from Philadelphia. Charles K. Dickson
Six children survive their parents. married Mary Therese Thomas, born at
who became the wife of the late
Helen, the United States Arsenal at Frankford,
Solon Humphreys of New York, the great Pa., daughter of Capt. Martin Thomas, a
railroad magnate. distinguished officer of the United States
Maria C, who became the wife of B. M. army, who built and had command of the
Chambers of St. Louis Co. St. Louis Arsenal, where his daughter,
John, born in St. Louis 1844, married Mary Therese, married Charles K. Dick-
Sallie,daughter of Judge Shannon of son- ( See pp. 309-10.)
Lawrence, Kansas, who was first Gover- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Walsh have chil-
nor of Ohio and afterward Governor of dren: Chas. K. Dickson Walsh, Mrs.
Kansas. Their children were, Arthur, a Isabelle W. Palms, Julius Walsh, Jr., flf.
r 7
, ,_
Mr. and Mrs. Walsh have grandchil-
„ 7 .
^, 7 T
T7 7
_ ,
" '
fe " ' area: Josephine Palms, Charles Louis
U. S. A, and wife, Julia Chouteau,
Pflfa| ^ Jr^ and Iml)eUe deMun palms
Julius Walsh, second son, after a class-
Charles K
Dickson Walsh marrie d
ical course at St. Louis University, took Miss Keillor.
a special course of law and graduated (See Thomas Family, Marshall Family,
from Columbia College, New York, 1864, New Eng. Hist. Rec.)
Wv. and Wvs, David Davis Ulalken.
David Davis Walker; son of George arraignment of that period, so severe, that
Walker, of English birth, and Harriet he was imprisoned in the Tower, where he
Mercer., a native of Maryland, of Scotch died in 1677.
lineage, was born July 19, 1840, near Sir Edward Walker, Knight of the
Bloomington, 111. He received his educa- Garter and King at Arms, was born in
tion at Beloit, Wisconsin, and located Somersetshire and was appointed Secre-
soon after in St. Louis, where he began tary of War and
Clerk Extraordinary of
his mercantile career ; choosing the whole- the Privy Council 1676.
sale dry goods business, in which he has Sir Thomas Walker, as early as the
been eminently successful. He married, XVI century, is mentioned as Hereditary
1862, Martha A., daughter of Joseph Am-
Usher of the Court of Exchange, Marshall
brose Beakey and his wife, Mary Ann, and Barrier of the Court of Common
daughter of Elijah Keelah Bangs, a de- Pleas, until his death, 1613. Since it was
hereditary office, they must have ante-
scendant of the "The Fathers of New Eng-
land," and his wife, Esther Stackhouse
dated the XVII This Thomas
Walker was of Westminster and was a
of the ancient English family, of noble lin-
large subscriber to the London Virginia
eage, prominent in the founding of New
Land Co., and was no doubt representa-
England, and in the early establishment
tives of his family who came to America
in America of the Society of Friends.
during the succeeding century. One of
From this marriage there were six chil-
them as early as 1650, Capt. Thomas
dren :
of Scottish descent, having derived her families of the peerage the younger gener-
blood from the BombieSj famous in the ations derived their blood from some of
early history of Scotland as far back as the noblest of the royal lines of Scotland,
the XII century. As captain of one of Lady Edigia, Mercer, daughter of Sir
these rich merchantmen, his own ship, on Lawrence Mercer of Aldie, married Hon.
a return voyage from the Indies he met Gilbert Gray, of Perthshire, a lineal de-
his death at the hands of pirates his ship
; scendant of Louis VII, King of France,
was plundered and his body cast into the whose daughter, Princess Agnes of France,
sea. married Andelm de Burgh, descended
His wife did not long survive him, and from the Emperor Charlemagne, and had
died leaving their children, three sons and William Fitz-Andelm de Burgh, Steward
one daughter, unprotected, save for the to King Henry II, in 1177, Governor of
guardianship of the eldest son. He, in- all Ireland. His son, Richard de Burgh,
heriting the adventurous spirit of his the great Lord of Connaught and Trim,
father, soon turned his thoughts toward Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, married
the great Western Continent beyond the Hodierna, granddaughter of Odo O'Con-
sea. It was not long therefore, after the ner, the last King of Connaught, and had
death of his parents, before he sailed for Walter de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, in right
America, taking with him his younger of his wife, Lady Maude De Lacy; he had
brothers and sister. After an uneventful Richard de Burgh, II Earl of Ulster,
voyage they landed at Philadelphia, where Lord Justice of Ireland, 1296, whose
he connected himself with the old Phila- daughter, Lady Elizabeth de Burgh, mar-
delphia Bank with which he remained ried Robert Bruce (then Earl of Carrick),
identified until his death. for his second wife; their granddaughter,
His brothers and sister were placed in Lady Isabel, married the Laird of Lome,
school at Emmettsburg, Md. Soon after of royal descent, ancestor of the present
the completion of her education, the sister Marquis of Lome, who married the Prin-
married Dr. Scanlan of Cecil Co., Md. cess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria.
Her brother, George, met there and mar- They had Sir James Stewart, the "Black
ried Harriet Mercer, daughter of John Knight" of Lome, who married Johanna,
and his wife, Rebecca Davis, both the Queen Dowager of James I, King of Scot-
Davises and Mercers early settlers of land, and had Sir John Steiuart, brother
Cecil Co. The records of that period of James II, created 1457 Earl of Athol.
show that the men of both families oc- He married Lady Eleanor St. Clair,
cupied positions of prominence and trust, daughter of the Earl of Orkney, and had
John Mercer built for himself one of the Lady Elizabeth Stewart, who married
handsomest houses of that day and con- Andrew, Lord Gray. Their son, Gilbert
tinued to reside there until they removed Gray of Perthshire, married Lady Edigia,
to Illinois to join the family of Hon. David daughter of Lawrence Mercer of Aldie.
Davis, who had married a sister of Har- Lady Christina Mercer, daughter of the
riet Mercer. Laird of Bailor, married Hon. Duncan
^^ All of the Mercers are de- Forbes, eighth in descent from Robert
scended from the ancient Bruce, King of Scotland, and his wife,
Scottish Lairds of Ballar, and have ever Lady Isabella, daughter of the Earl of
been foremost in peace and war in their Mar. Their daughter, Princess Margary
native land. Their line of descent is Bruce, married the Lord High Steward
easily traced to the XIV century and of Scotland and had Robert II, King of
through their intermarriages with the old Scotland, who had Princess Mary, who
married George Douglass, Earl of Angus, turned about 1630 and in 1638 served as
and had Lady Elizabeth Douglass, who an officer in Ireland and until his death,
married the / Lord Forbes, whose grand- in 1675, was prominent in civil and mili-
son, Hon. Duncan Forbes, married the tary affairs in Ireland. Hisi elder brother
Lady Christina Mercer about 1480. and wife were massacred in the Irish Re-
Sir James Mercer, of Aberdeen, Scot- cording to the records and in the parish
land, was of a literary turn of mind, and register of Stephens is found the
after serving his king in Germany through record of the birth of Robert Mercer, son
the seven years' war, retired with the rank of Thomas Mercer and Elizabeth, his wife,
of Major, and passed the remainder of his December 19, 1696. Then follows the
life in seclusion, where his society was records of the births of William, Thomas
sought and highly prized by the most emi- and John, who were the ancestors of this
nent authors of that time. branch of the Mercers, and of many dis-
tinguished descendants of
people, the
With the union of the British and
Scottish clan, who married into the fain-
Scotch Parliament in 1707, Scotland lost
ilies of prominent Marylanders.
its legislative independence, and many
found in the colonial enterprise of Amer- Stephens Parish shown that as early
it is
ica a new opening for trade and commerce as 1694 Thomm Mercer was prominent in
which tempted them to migrate. Later, tne records of the church, and in 1705 he
in 1748, the adherents of the Young Pre- was made one of the vestry, Christopher
tender, after the battle of Cullodon and Mounce being one of the church wardens,
the defeat of Falkirk, found that their In 1737 Robert, son of Thomas, was made
only safetv would be in flight. Gen. Hugh a vestryman and in 1745 the records show
Mercer, of Revolutionary fame, who had that P ews were appropriated to Thomas,
been educated for a physician, was with Rooert ancl Jo1m Mercer. From this it
the Young Pretender as a surgeon at that will be seen tnat soon after their settle "
time, and after the defeat came to Amer- *»ent in Maryland they became identified
S. Supreme Court, U. S. Senator, and as one of the oldest and most important set-
Speaker of the Senate, acting Vice-Presi- tlements on the eastern shore of that
dent during the latter part of the Garfield State. At what time they went there is
administration. Her sister, Harriet Mer- not known since there were no reliable
cer, daughter of John Mercer and Rebecca public records kept. They are first found
Davis, married George, son of Thomas in the records of St. Stephens Parish,
Walker and Margaret McClellan. They Cecil Co., when the birth of a son, Wil-
had David Davis Walker,, who married Ham, son of William Davis and
Martha A. Beaky, of St. Louis. Angell, his wife, is noted his wife, no
to an equal rank with any other nation lass, toThrieve Castle, where, on refusing
of the scientific world." (Chambers' Emi- to join the confederates against the king
nent Scotchmen, Vol. II, page 544.) he was put to death by Douglas. Accord-
After the fall of the Stuart dynasty ing to tradition, the cannon (named Meg),
three of the Gregory brothers came to this now shown Edinburg Castle, was pre-
country and settled, one in New England, sented by the McClellands to James II to
one in Virginia, the third in North Caro- aid him in battering down Thrieve Castle,
lina, and from them came the Gregorys 1455 it was probably on this account that
found in colonial America. They were the family used as a crest, a mortar piece
descended from Henry Gregory, born in with the motto "Superba Frango."
Nottingham, Eng., settled in Boston prior Robert McClellan was heir apparent to
to 1639 he was the son of John Brough-
; his father, when he was granted by char-
ton Gregory, Sulney, Eng., who married ter the Barony of Bombie, 1593. In an
Alicia and was the Mayor of Nottingham, old feud with the Gordons of Lochinvar,
Eng., in 1571; son of Thomas of Over M
Thomas cClellan was killed at the door
Broughton son of Hugo; son of William;
; of St. Giles Church, Edinburg, July 1526.
son of William, who married Adoe Ormes- A Thomas McClellan was Gentleman of
ton of Lancashire; son of John Gregory, the Bed Chamber of both James I and
Lord of the manor of Tresley and As- Charles I. Crawford states that he was
fordby, who married Maude, daughter of knighted by James I and created a baron
Sir Roger Morton, Knight of Peckleton by Charles I. On the coronation of
and Leicestershire, Eng. (Ref., Amer. Charles I at Edinburg, 1633, he was cre-
Anc. ) The arms brought to this country ated a peer of Scotland by title of Lord
by the Gregorys show that they all be- Kirkcudbright. He married Margaret,
longed originally to the same clan. Matthew Campbell
sixth daughter of Sir
Richard, son of Thomas Davis, and his of London. He left no sons but was
wife, Rebecca Gregory, had a daughter, succeeded by his nephew, Thomas Mc-
Rebecca Davis, who married John Mercer Clellan. On the death of the IX Lord,
and had Harriet, who married George the title became extinct. (Die. of Natl.
Walker, son of Thomas Walker, and his Biog.
wife, Margaret McClellan. Margaret appears as a prominent name
Members of this ancient Scotch family, throughout the line, one of the maternal
from which came Margaret McClellan, de- ancestors being Margaret, daughter of the
rived their blood from Bombie, the first Earl of Murry, another Margaret, daugh-
Lord of Kirkcudbright, died 1640, who ter of SirMatthew Campbell, and Mar-
was the son of Thomas McClellan of Bom- garet McClellan, who married Thomas
bie, Kirkcudbrightshire, by Grisel Max- Walker.
well, daughter of John V., Lord Herries. Major Gen, George B. McClellan was
They are supposed to have been orginally also a lineal descendant of Thomas Mo-
ot Scotch descent but settled in Galloway Clellan of Bombie.
in the beginning of the XIII century. A Arms: A gold shield, with two chev-
McClellan of Bombie accompanied Sir rons, azure. a mortar piece,
Crest No. 1,
William Wallace into France after his de- with the motto, "Superba Frango." Crest
feat at Falkirk, 1298. No. 2, on a wreath of the colors, a crown,
From an early period they were Heridi- from which springs a right arm, erect,
tary Sheriffs of Galloway. One of them grasping a dagger, with a Moor's head on
was carried by William, Earl of Doug- the point, couped, ppr.
was erected to his memory in the church- mouth Deputy to the Colony Court for
yard. It, and the old mansion in a fair five years. He died at Eastham 1678 aged
state of preservation, may still be seen at eighty-six. He married, first, Lydia,
Loretto. daughter of Robert Hicks, second, Re-
Joseph Bechi, son of Emanuel, was edu- oecca and their descendants in-
cated for the priesthood, and was a lin- termarried with the Doans, Sparrows,
guist of rare ability. Not finding the Scudders, Mayos, Youngs, Hopkins,
church to be his vocation, he married a Snows, Lumpkins, Clarks, Wattes, Gor-
young woman born and raised in Pennsyl- dons, Prebles, and other prominent faini-
vania, Catharine Shriner, and settled in lies of that day.
Emmettsburg, where he prospered and be- (
Ref-> Dean Dudley of Boston; Bangs'
came one of its leading citizens, his name Chart Neiv Eng. Reg., Vol. 8.
by this time Anglicized or spelled as it Oapt. Jonathan, son of Edward and
was pronounced, Leakey. His son, Joseph Lydia Hicks Bangs, born 1610, died at
Ambrose Beakey, went to Philadelphia, Harwich, 1728. He was an officer in the
where he met and married Mary Ann, army, representative at court, etc. He
daughter of Elijah Keelah Bangs and married, first, Mary, daughter of Samuel
wife, Esther Stackhouse, who, having lost Mayo and his wife, Thomasine, daughter
her mother while an infant, had been of William Lumpkin, who with his wife,
reared by her eldest sister, Susanna Thomasine, was one of the original set-
Stackhouse, a believer in the gentle tenets tlers of Yarmouth, Mass. Their son,
of the Quakers, wife of Abraham Loiver,
Capt Edward B bom Sep tem ber
16th, 1665, at Eastham, died M
the well-known "Apostle of the Friends." i «, 1 ^ aae —., ., ,. , 00 „-,
mi .. _. **,, ,
, ,
MayJ 22nd,
, . .
They lived in Emmettsburg a few years ._.
' _ , __' „ .
afterward they joined the tide of emi- Jllne 22nd 1738 a Sed sixty-eight years.
> >
gration westward, and settled in St. They had two sons, Dr. Jonathan and
Louis, where Mr. Beakey engaged in the Capt. Joshua Bangs, born 1685 at Har-
manufacturing business. They had chil- wich, Mass., Maine,
died at Portland,
dren, Henry, Louis, Rebecca and Mary March 29th, 1762. He was a shipmaster
Ann, who married Joseph A. Beakey; and merchant and a highly valued citizen.
Jssue: Q n hjg removal to Portland, Maine, he
Emma C, who married James M. settled Clay Cove and owned from Clay
Hawken, Issue: Lewis B., Frederick C, Cove to King, now India street. He also
Samuel J. and Mary, who married Irvine owned Bangs' Island, which was named
A. McGirk; Ella H., Clemant C, Joseph for him. He married Mehetabel Clark,
A.,and Martha A., eldest daughter, who June 18th, 1713, died March 29th, 1761, in
married David Davis Walker, St. Louis, her sixty-fifth year. They had Nathan
Bangs, born November 23rd, 1714, Thomas they were taken to France, where they
Bangs, born November 28th, 1716, Joshua were deprived of their liberty and con-
Bangs, who married Sarah, daughter of lined in a French prison, where their eld-
John Waite; Thankful Bangs, who mar- est son, Henry, was born. Their descend-
ried Samuel Cobb, 1740; Sarah Bangs, ants are among the many United States
who married Gershon Rogers 1756; Marion citizens still holding "French Spoliation
Bangs, married Nathaniel Gordon 1754; Claims." One of their daughters,
Mehetabel Bangs, daughter of Capt. Mary Ann Bangs, married Joseph
Joshua Bangs and Mehetabel Clark Beakey; and their daughter. Martha A.
Bangs, married Hon. Jedediah Rreblc, a Bealcey, married David Davis Walker.
noted officer of the French war and Capt. Jonathan, son of Edward Bangs
Brigadier General of the Revolution. J} sealed with the same seal and crest as
Their son, Edward Bangs was
Preble, Sw. John Bankes of London, and they
Commodore of the United States Navy probably descended from the same ances-
and much celebrated for his military ex- tor.
ploits during the Tripolitan troubles, at Arms: Sa, a cross engrailed erm, bet.
one time being commander of the U. S. four fleurs de lis> or Crest: A Moor's
frigate, Constitution. head, full face, couped, shoulders, ppr., on
Thomas Bangs, born 1716, son of Capt. the head a cap of ma i n tainance, gu,
Joshua and Mehetabel Clark Bangs, mar- turned up erm, adorned with a crescent
ried Mehetabel Stone of Harwich. Their wn ence issues a fleur de lis." (Ref.,
son > Amer. Ancestry.)
Samuel Bangs, married, first,
Sir John Bankes, Lord
Hall, second, Rebecca Keelah, and had Bankes. Common
Qj^ef justice of
Nathan Bangs, D. D., late of New York pleas in the time of Charles I? was ad _
1609, along with Sir Dudley Digges, Sir The Mayos were prominent among the
Walter Cope, Sir Robert Killegrew, Sir early settlers of Massachusetts. Samuel
Edwin Sandys and fifteen others, knights Mayo of Barnstable, Mass., Oyster Bay
and esquires. Their term of office, for and Long Island, was born inEngland;
life, unless displaced. (Ref., Brown's died in Boston 1663. He was a master
Gen. U. S.) mariner and bought a tract of land of the
This Sir Baptiste Hicks was the ances- Indians at Oyster Bay in 1663. He was
tor of Robert Hicks, born in England, the son of John Mayo of Barnstable, Bos-
who came to America in the ship "For- ton and Yarmouth, who was born in Eng-
tune" and settled in Scituate, Mass., im- land and died in Yarmouth 1776. He
mediately after the landing of the Pil- came to Barnstable from England in 1639
grims from the Mayflower. He was the and was the first pastor of the old South
son of James Hicks of London, who mar- Church in Boston in 1673. His son,
ried Phoebe, daughter of Rev. Ephraim Nathaniel Mayo, married Hannah,
Allyne of Hertfordshire; son of Baptiste daughter of Gov. Thomas Prence of Mass-
Hicks, who married a daughter of James achusetts, and his wife, Patience, daugh-
Everhard; son of Thomas Hicks, of Tort- ter of Elder William Brewster, who came
worth, Gloucestershire, which he inherited over in the Mayflower. Their son, Thomas
from his father, John Hicks, himself de- Mayo, of Eastham, Mass., married Bar-
scended from Sir Ellis Hicks, who was bara Knowles 1677 and died 1729. His
knighted by Edward, the Black Prince, in tombstone may now be found in the old
1356 at the battle of Poictiers. Thomas cemetery of Orleans, Mass. He was a
Hicks married Joan Barney. prominent man; Selectman for twelve
In the English baronage ( Foster's Edi- vears.
tion, 1881, page 311) the lineage of Sir Samuel Mayo, son of Nathaniel and his
Michael Hicks-Beach is traced to Robert wife, Hannah Prence, married Thomasine,
Hicks, son of John Hicks of Tortworth. daughter of ~\YWiam Lumpkin, one of the
The Hicks of New England thus show a earliest settlers of Cape Cod. Their
clear common origin with the Baronets daughter,
Hicks-Beach of Gloucester, Eng., the rep- Mary Mayo, married Jonathan, son of
resentative of whom is one of the leading Edward Bangs and Lydia, daughter of
statesmen of our time. Robert Hicks, and they became the an-
The grandson of John Hicks of Hemp- cestors of this branch of the Bangs family.
stead, Whitehead Hicks, was Mayor of the (New Eng. Reg. and Amer. Ancestry.)
city of New York 1666-76 later appointed
; Thomas Prence (or Prince), father of
Judge of the Supreme Court. Elias Hannah Prence, who married Nathaniel
Hicks was well-known as the "Apostle of Mayo, was born in England 1601. He
the Society of Friends" in America. (Ref., was Governor of the colony 1634, Assist-
Amer. Heraldica.) ant Governor 1635; Governor 1638, and
Lydia Hides, daughter of Robert, lineal Assistant Governor 1639-57; was re-
descendant of Sir Ellis Hicks, married chosen Governor 1657 and served until
Edtcard Bangs, ancestor of the Bangs 1673. He arrived in Plymouth 1621, set-
family in America. tled at Eastham and lived there until re-
Arms: Gu, a fess, wavey, bet. three chosen Governor, when he moved to Ply-
fleur de lis, or. Crest: A buck's head, mouth, 1663. He was a man of eminent
couped at the neck, or, gorged with a worth and piety and an impartial magis-
wreath of laurel, ppr. Motto: "Tout en trate; strict in his religious convictions
bonne heure" (All in good time). (Ref., and a friend of learning. (Ref., Amer.
Burke. Diet, of Biog.
William Clark, of North Hampton, Hon. Capt. Waite of Maiden, Mass., Select-
Mass., born in England 1609, emigrated man of Framingham. Their son, Nath-
to New England 1630, in the ship "Mary aniel II, born 1670, married Reliance,
and John," settled in Dorchester, Mass., daughter of Gov. Hinckley 1700, their
1646, removed to North Hampton 1659. daughter, Mehetabel, born 1716, married
He organized 1661 a trained band of sixty Thomas, son of Capt. Joshua and Mehet-
men for defense against the Indians. He abel Clark Bangs.
was lieutenant company for de-
of the The "Fathers of New Eng-
fense against the Indians in King Philip's rlincKiey. i anti W ere mostly men of
war, and served in other Indian Avars. He great estates and families of liberal edu-
was one of the seven incorporators of the cation and of large experience. Thomas
church of North Hampton; Selectman Hinckley was one of these "Fathers," and
twenty years Judge of the County Court.
; the last Governor of the Plymouth Col-
He married Sarah Cooper, and their son, ony, which office he held from 1680-92,
Andrew Clark, had a son, Thomas Clark, when that colony was joined to Massa-
of whom it was said Capt. Thomas Clark chusetts. His wife was the only child of
of old Dorchester was a man of great note Quartermaster Smith by his first wife (of
in his time. He was a large proprietor noble birth), formerly of Lancashire, Eng-
of lands in Eastham and a sufferer by the land, and afterwards of Dorchester, New
Indians. He left a large estate, his England. Her father had been a quarter-
legaciesamounting to over three thou- master in the army of the Netherlands,
sand pounds. He married Mary, and her mother a gentlewoman of creditable
their daughter, Elizabeth, married Elisha family and of eminent natural powers,
Hutchinson, Colonel of First Regiment of piety and acquired accomplishments. She
Foot in Suffolk Co. Justice of Court of
; was born in Lancashire, Eng., 1630, her
Common Pleas and one of the council of parents living under the ministry of Mr.
1717; his grandson was Governor of Mas- Richard Mather. "They came up and
sachusetts. (Amer. Ancestry.) brought with them to Bristol, in order for
Mehetabel, daughter of Capt. Thomas New England, a young son of ye said Mr.
Clark, married Capt. Joshua Bangs, an- Mather, being carried on one side of a
cestor of Elijah Keelah Bangs. horse in a pannier and this young Mrs.
William Stone was one of the Mary on ye other side, as I have often
"Eighteen Gentlemen" to whom Sir heard her say." (Ref., Prince Mss")
Walter Raleigh in 1589 transferred the On May 23rd, 1635, she with her father
planting of the colony of Virginia, which and mother, Mr. Richard Mather and
then embraced all of New England. It wife and sons, Samuel and Nathaniel set
is probable, therefore, that John Stone, sail from Bristol. They settled at Dor-
one of the earliest settlers of New Eng- chester, Mass., and Mr. Mather became
land, was one of his descendants. He was the teacher of the new church gathered
born in England, July 31st, 1618, died at there. She married, first, Mr. Nathaniel
Cambridge, Mass., 1683. He came from Glover, son of Hon. John Glover, Esq.,
England in the ship Increase and married and secondly, the Hon. Thomas Hinckley
1639, Anne, daughter of Edward Hone of of Barnstable, Mass., whither she removed
Watertown, Mass. He was one of the and to the day of her death "appeared and
earliest settlers of Sudbery, was Town shown in ye eyes of all, as ye loveliest, and
Clerk 1655-79; Deacon, Selectman and brightest woman, for beauty, knowledge,
Ruling Elder. His son, Nathaniel Stone, wisdom and majesty, accomplishment and
born 1645, married Sarah, daughter of graces throughout ye colony." The chil-
1 :
dren of this marriage were Mercy, Exper- Am. Ances. ) It is said that the original
ience, John, Abigal, Thankful, Ebeneezer grant for the Brewster arms, given with >
and Reliance, all of whom grew up and Crest to Humphrey Brewster of Brush-
married. (Ref., Ret). John Prence, Mss. more 1561, is in possession of Gardi-
New Eng. Reg., Vol. 1st, page 92.) nal Brewster, Greenstead Hall, Essex.
Reliance Hinckley married the Rev. (Burke.)
Nathaniel Stone of Harwich and they had In the beginning of the year
Mehetabel Stone, who married Gapt.
Youn 0* 1628 John Endicott, the
Thomas Bangs. (New Eng. Rec.) First Governor of Massachusetts, born in
Samuel, son of Thomas and Mehetable Dorsetshire, Eng., associated himself with
Glark Bangs, married, firstly, Miss Hall, SirHenry Powell, Sir Joh n Young± Simon
secondly, Rebecca Keelah, andhad Nathan Whitcomb, John Humphrey and Thomas
Bangs, D. I)., late of New York. Herman Southcoat in the purchase, from the Ply-
I)., of New Haven, Conn., Rev. John and mouth Council in England, of a grant of
Rev. Joseph Bangs of St. Joseph, Mo., land for * considerable sum of money for
and Elijah Keelah Bangs, who married the settlement of Massachusetts Bay.
p ort/1J Stack John Young's name is found amongto the
Esther cy+„„7,.x,^„,„„
, , ,, »
house andi was father of ^— - -
Commencing with the year 1502, down Penn., and adjoining thereto his nephew,
for upwards of two centuries, may be Thomas, took up a larger tract. John,
found members of the family distin- the brother of Thomas, Jr., married Eliza-
guished as collegians and writers, most beth Pearson of distinguished ancestry,
of them being in orders; indeed to this and left many descendants. Thomas, the
day there are several of the name who are elder, left no children. He was a promi-
priests in the establishment. Leading nent Friend in his day and his name is
this list was Thomas Stackhouse, who was connected with many of their records.
at one time Principal of St. Aystins Hos- Thomas Stackhouse, the younger, was
tel, Troters, Cam-
Vice-Chancellor of probably about twenty-one years of age
bridge, and Chaplin to Henry VIII, and when he came to this country, and was
Rector of Kirby Sigiston Yorks. Then at that time a man of considerable means
follow a famous lot of men of the name he left a very large estate as his will
Hugh Stackhouse, collegian and natural- shows. He occupied many offices of trust
ist, died 1742; Thomas Stackhouse, the and was one of the four Collectors of
famous Bible historian, one of the most Money Granted Proprietory. He repre-
learned and pious clergymen of his day, sented Bucks Co. in the Colonial As-
William Stackhouse, D. D., Rector of St, sembly 1711-13-15, was re-elected in 1716
Ernie, Cornwell, from whom sprung that but refused to serve. He built the first
branch of the family. Thomas Stackhouse meeting house at Middletown, Bucks Co.,
was a classical scholar and John a distin- 1690. He was on various committees of
guished botanist. Another Thomas Stack- the Society, on road juries, etc. He was
liouse, famous both as a Friend and anti- thrice married, first to Grace, daughter of
quarian and there are many others. That
; Robert and Alice Heaton, who were also
they all belong to one and the same family of a Yorkshire family. Robert Heaton
cannot be doubted from the peculiar fam- was a man of means and is mentioned in
ily name. From Yorkshire, its originaJ Bessc as having suffered for his religious
home, it has spread over the world. There convictions. There appear to be two coats
is a branch in Cornwall who have changed of arms in this family. First, argent on
their name to Fend a r res, another in Salop a bend engrailed, sa, three bucks' heads
who have changed theirs to Acton-Scott, of the field. Crest: A buck's head as in
the arms. Motto: "Er cordiad y caera." Bangs. VII, Martha II, never married.
(From the foundation of the fortress.) VIII, James, married Hannah Field. IX,
The second coat is gules, three nags' heads Samuel Powell Stackhouse married Re-
erased, ar. Crest: A nags' head erased, becca Ann Sheldon. X, Amos and Rob-
or. crt, XI, Robert II, married
died young.
Robert Stackhouse, the third son of Elizabeth Davis Kimber, and second, Ann
Thomas and Grace Stackhouse, married Roberts Matlock. XII, Mary Poivell
Margaret Stone. His two eldest sons Stackhouse, and XIII, John Powell Stack-
were active loyalists during the Revolu- house.
tion, and had to flee for their
at its close, Esther Stackhouse, said to have been a
lives to Nova Scotia, where a number of woman of remarkable beauty of character
their descendants may be now found. An- and person, married Elijah K. Bangs, and
other one of his children, William, also a from this marriage came Henri/ P. Bangs,
stalwart supporter of the British Crown, born October 27th, 1808. Amos, born
enlisted in the Royal army and was taken January 2nd, 1811, died July 30th, 1831.
prisoner with Cornwallis' army at York- Rebecca, born May 6th, 1813, died May
town. 10th, 1873, married Anson Steel. Lewis,
James Stackhouse married Martha born March 26th, 1815, died November
Hastings, a descendant of Joshua Hast- 30th, 1878; and
ings, who came from Swerford, Co. Oxen, Mary An ^ Bangs, who married Joseph
a member of that distinguished family, at A - Beacky, of Maryland,
whose head to-day is the Marquis of Hast- (Signed, Wm. R. Stackhouse, Anti-
ings. All of James' sons were shipbuild- quary.)
ers, which occupation they pursued for An ancient famil y lon §
Heaton *
several generations. He appears to have seated in Denbighshire, the
been peaceably inclined; he united with first of whom settled in Wales. He was
the Friends, came to Philadelphia and en- in the suite of Henry de Lacey, the Great
gaged in business. One of his sons, how- Earl of Lincoln he was a Constable of
ever, Hastings Stackhouse, was such an Chester,and had a grant of the Lordships
enthusiastic loyalist that he had to leave of Rhos, and Rhyvoniae, North Wales,
the country till the close of the war. The present representative of the family
Amos Stackhouse, son of James and is John Heaton, Esq., of Plas Heaton.
Martha Hastings, was at one time master (Burke.) Grace Heaton, daughter of
of the schools at Mount Holly, where he Robert, a descendant of these Heatons,
met and married Mary Powell, a descend- married Thomas Stackhouse, Jr., ancestor
ant of Robert Powell, who came from Lon- of Esther Stackhouse, who married Elijah
don and settled in Wellingborough town- Keelah Bangs.
ship, Burlington Co., N. J., during Penn's Arms: Arg, on a bend engr., sa, three
time; later on he moved to Philadelphia, bucks' heads of the field. Crest: A
Of their children, bucks' head as in the arms. Motto : "Et
I, Susanna, eldest daughter of Amos cordiad y crera." (From the foundation
Stackhouse, married Abraham Lower, a of the world.)
preacher in the Society of Friends. II, This branch of the Powell
Hasting Stackhouse, III, Amos, who mar-
p 0WC -.
family was from Wales. The
ried Mariah Robinson. IV, Martha, died name originally "Ap. Howell!' descend-
in infancy. V, Powell, married Edith ants of Thomas Ap. Howell, of Castle Mo-
Dilworth, a descendant of an old Bucks doc, built by him 1588. He assumed the
Co. Family. YI, Esther, m&vY\eH Elijah K. name of Poivell, 1580, when he married
Sybil, daughter of Sir William Vaughn of John, born August 18th, 1732, served for
Porthame. He was the son of Howell Ap a short time as a British regular during
Gwylym of Brecon, Wales, 13th in de- the colonial wars. He married Susanna
scent from Bledyn Ap-Macnarch Regit- Bryan, daughter of Hearn and Mary
lous of Breconshire 1091. He
married Bryan, granddaughter of Thomas Bryan
Oten, sister of Rhys A.p-Tewdr, Prince of who came from Dublin, Ireland, to Bur-
South Wales. William, son of Thomas lington, 1680, and married Suzanna Hearn
Ap-Howell, of Castle Modoc, married or (Heron), an English woman of su-
Moulda, daughter of Jeff ory V., of Glynt perior acquirements. Their first child,
Aroly. His son, Hugh of Castle Modoc, Hearn, married Mary, daughter of John
married Elizabeth, daughter of Groynn of Eldridge and his wife, Miss Scattergood,
Trecastle. His son, William, of Castle 1730, and had Suzanna, who married John
Modoc, died 1637, married Anne, daugh- Powell; their daughter married Amos
ter of Rhys Keemys of Llanfairys, Coid Stackhouse.
Castle Glamorganshire. Several of his Elizabeth Parker, who married John
descendants came to America, Robert be- Powell, derived descent from John
ing the pioneer. He was the ancestor of Parker of Ravenroyd, Yorkshire, Eng.,
Mary Powell, who married Amos Stack- son of Abraham Parker, born there 1622,
house and ismentioned in Smith's His- died there 1670, described as Abraham de
tory of New York as one of the original Ravenroyd and de Harden/' son of Jonas
settlers of Burlington. Later, William Parker, Mickelthwaite, England, and his
Powell came to Philadelphia from Wales, wife, Isabelle Feather, who died at Raven-
Robert came over in the ship Kent 1677 royd 1667; their grandson, John Parker,
and was a member of the Society of born there 1664, came to America with
Friends; his wife, Prudence, was from an exodus of Friends at the time of the
Martin Le grand, London. She died April Quaker persecution accompanied by his
10th, 1678. He was one of the authors wife, Mary Doe; these records preserved
of the charter of Fundamental Laws of in her old family bible printed 1613.
West Jersey (N. J. Archives, Vol. 1.) Their grandson, John Parker, born at
After living in Burlington some years Wilmington, Delaware, was an eminent
he located a plantation in Willingboro minister of the Society of Friends. (New
township. He had two children, John, Eng. Reg.)
born in England, and Elizabeth, the first Mary
Powell, daughter of Elizabeth
child of English parentage in West New Parker and John Powell, married Amos
Jersey. John, married 1698, Elizabeth Stackhouse and had Esther, who mar-
Parker and had eight children. The ried Elijah Keelah Bangs and had Mary
youngest, Isaac, born December,
21st Ann Bangs, who married Joseph A.
1706, married Elizabeth, daughter of Wil- Beakey and had,
Ham Purdy, a Scotch emigrant, who set- Martha A. Beakey, who married David
tied in East New Jersey. Their child, Davis Walker.
"The history of the Hastings family has tries, also of France, as heir of the Plantag-
been definitely through all its
traced anets by marriage with the Princess Ida.
American branches, and back through George, the /// Lord Hastings, was cre-
English stock to its parent Danish stem. ated Earl of Huntly, 1529, and married
Freeman, the English historian, says the daughter of David, King of Scotland.
there are only five families in England The American descendants of the Hast-
that can really trace their lineage back of ings family are numerous, the connection
the time of Edward III (1327-1377), and between the English and American faui-
ings is a name older than the Norman George Hastings, grandsons of the first
Conquest (1066), for the castle and sea- Earl of Huntington, becamePuritans and
port of Hastings were held by that family fled to New England. As early as 1634
when William the Conqueror landed. The Thomas Hastings and wife arrived on this
region of the Battle of Hastings was in shore and in 1638 John and family fol-
possession of the family before the Nor- lowed. Said to be brothers, but more
mans had settled in Gaul (911), for as probably cousins. (Ref., Hastings Mem-
early as the time of Alfred (871-901) we orial.") Joshua, the head of this branch
hear of a Danish pirate of the name of of the family, ancestor of Martha Hast-
Hastings, who made himself formidable ings,came from Swerford Co., England,
to the Saxons by occupying a portion of Arms: "He bears for Hastings: Arms,
Sussex. arg, a maunch, sa; above the escutcheon,
The first of the family elevated to the a coronet, befitting his rank; mantle of
peerage was Henry, Lord Hastings, son of sable and silver. Crests, Upon a wreath
William de Hastings, Steward of Henry of the colors, a bull's head, erased, sa,
II (1154-1189). The Hastings coat of armed and gorged with a ducal coronet,
arms, containing a maunch (sleeve), Supporters : Dexter, a chevalier in armor,
shows that the Steward was
office of plumed on head with feathers, gu; hold-
hereditary in the family. The Hastings ing in right hand a spear, ppr Sinister, a
became allied to the Royal families of lady nobly dressed, plumed on head with
England and Scotland, and were per- feathers, arg, holding in left hand a letter
mitted to wear the arms of those coun- of challenge with Motto, I byde my time."
ated Earl of Surrey 1088, who married Daviess and wife, Jean Hamilton, both
Lady Gundreda, daughter of William the of Scotch-Irish descent. His wife, Maria
Conqueror, and Lady Matilda, daughter Thompson, daughter of John Burton
of Baldwin, Count of Flanders. His son, Thompson and wife, Anne Porter Ro-
William de Warren, II Earl of Surrey, bards, was a lineal descendant of the
married Isabel de Vermandois, a lineal de- Yorkshire Thompsons. ( See Thompson.
fWWfom w
Warren aud wife, Jean
Great, and
_ .
according to
. _
Hamilton, Jr.,
^^ ****?+
Letitia Craig.
Marie Daviess Warren marriedj August
descendant was the immediate progenitor
14> 1894? Lucien Pearson Beckner, of
of several colonists." Winchester, Ky., son of Judge Wm. Mor-
Sir Edward
married, secondly, 1581, gan Beckner, lawyer and M. C, a descend-
Anne, daughter of Sir William Davenport, ant through his mother, Nancy West, of
and his fifth son by this marriage, Wil- the English house of Wcst-Dc la Warr.
Ham Warren, was in Virginia 1633, when His wife, Elizabeth Tutt Taliaferro, was
he was speaker of the first General As- of English ancestry. (See Taliaferro.)
sembly (Virginia Rec), convened at his Lucian Pearson and Marie Warren
house to find fault with the Government. Beckner had children Jean Hamilton,:
John, an elder brother of William, had died young, and Elizabeth Taliaferro.
a son, John, living in St. Mary's Parish, The arms preserved by the Warrens
Maryland, 1642, who came over with Lord are those of Poynton. {See Hamilton,
Baltimore. William, a soldier of the Rev- Daviess, McAfee and Wallace.)
flips. Cilallace moore Bai*ttett.
Sir William, born 1645, had issue, ica 1734; settled in Falmouth, Va., 1746.
John. Thomas, Wm. Michael and Rebecca. He eloped with and married Elizabeth,
His son, John of Enderslie, married Jean, one of Dr. Brown's daughters (he had
heiress of Dr. Thomas Kennedy. He nine). Their portraits are owned by Mrs.
bought back Elderslie. His heiress, Elizabeth Brown Wallace of Fredericks-
Helcn, a famous beauty, married Archi- burg. In the family Bible, owned by
bald Campbell of the house of Argyle. Judge W. H. McBray r of Lawrenceburg,
They had Sir Islay Campbell, Lord Presi- Ky., is found the following family regis-
dent of the Court of Quarter Sessions as ter of Dr. Michael Wallace.
Lord Succoth. The present representa- "A daughter, unnamed, born and died
tive of this line is Sir James Campbell, same day; William, born November 20,
Bart, of Succoth, Co. Dumbarton, who 1749, died January 10, 1750; Gustavns,
has for arms, Campbell and Wallace, born November 9, 1751, died August 17,
quartered. 1802; Michael, born June 8, 1753, mar-
Thomas Wallace of Cairnhill, brother ried, June 8, 1775, Lettice (Smith) Wish-
of Helen^ son of William, son of William art; James, born September 26, 1755, died
and Margaret Steioart, died April 1748 December 12, 1790 William Brown, born
at Cairnhill, which had been in the family July 26, 1751, died 1833, married, June
over 200 years. He married Lillian, 22, 1787, Barbara Fox; Rebecca; John,
daughter of William Cunningham of born January 19, 1761, died May 4, 1829,
Craigends, Renfrew (see Cunningham married Elizabeth Hooc; twin brother,
and Royal Lineage), second son of Alex- Thomas, married, November 20, 1791,
ander, Earl of Glencairn "one of
first ; Mary Hooe.
the Cautioners for his nephew, Dr. Mich- Capt. William Broivn Wallace, born at
ael Wallace of Virginia. ( See indenture Elderslie, Va., July 26, 1751; died in
of Dr. Michael Wallace.) Lawrenceburg, Ky., 1833, of cholera, the
Thomas Wallace and had
wife, Lillias, same day as his wife, Barbara, daughter
children William; John; Hugh; Thomas;
: of Tunstol, or Thunos ( ?) Fox, born 1766,
Alexander; James; Michael, born 1720, died 1833. They left issue: Lncinda;
graduated from the Glasgow University; Ann Maria; Frames, Eliza, born April
left Scotland at an early day progenitor
21, 1796, married Dixon G. Dead man of
of Maryland Wallaces; Robert; Chris- Lawrenceburg, Ky. William Brown, and
tian; Margaret and Magdalen. Ann Wallace, born 1802, married John
William Wallace, eldest son, died be- T. Daricss of Boyle Co., Ky., later of
fore 1734, merchant of Galrigs, Ayrshire Georgetown; grandson of Joseph Dariess
(see Ayrshire Families, Vol. Ill, p. 83), and wife, Jean Hamilton, issued from the
Galrigs having been in the family since Dukes of Hamilton, premier peers of
1685; married : and had one son, Scotland (see Hamilton-Daviess), daugh-
Michael, M. D., born in Galrigs, Scot- ter of Miriam Brown (probably of the
land, May 11th, 1719, died at "Elderslie," family of Gustavns Brown), daughter of
Va., January, 1667; will probated King Janet Peebles; daughter of Margaret
George Co. June 4, 1767 married Eliza-
Wallace, issued from the house of Wal-
beth Brown, born October 5, 1723, daugh- '«<?e as above.
ter of Dr. Gustavns and Frances Fowke Through the marriage of John T.
Brown,; Charles Co., Md. Dr. Wallace Dariess and Ann Wallace, their children
have two strains of the Wallace and Ham- great-grandson of Thomas White of Cald-
ilton blood; issue, Mary, Julia, Annie icott, 1583, and wife, Elizabeth Leigh,
a ml daughter of Joan and Samuel Leigh of
Henrietta Dariess, who married Wil- the old Leigh family of England. ( Hay-
liam Harrison MeBrayer and had one den.) See Leigh and Leigh Arms.
child, Henrietta. Judge MeBrayer mar- Maj. Robert P. Blaclcwell was born in
ried secondly, Mary Wallace, first cousin Virginia (Faquier or Hanover Co.). He
of his first wife; no issue. served in the Revolutionary war; was at
Henrietta MeBrayer married, 1870, the siege of Yorktown; died near Frank-
Darnel Laicson Moore and had three chil- fort, Ky., in his ninety-fourth year. His
dren 1, Mary MeBrayer, married I ercy
: pedigree runs thus:
T. Whilden of Birmingham, Ala., and has Tlwmas Blackwell, A. B. Oxford Col-
one child, Percy, Jr. 2, Wallace. 3, lege, England, a Royalist "Cavalier," em-
William MeBrayer Moore. igrated from Hampshire, Eng., 1652 and
2, Wallace MeBrayer married Morris settled in Virginia,where under Charles
Whiton Bartlett, Attorney at Law, Lex- II he and his sons were office holders.
ington, Ky., and has two children: Robert Blackwell was a magistrate
1, Vincent Rochester Bartlett. under George III at the outbreak of the
2, Henrietta MeBrayer Bartlett. Revolution and at first a Tory, later, he
served with his brother, Rev. Dr. Black-
Morris W. Bartlett is a
Bartlett. well (Washington's Chaplain), in the
son of Rev. F. V. Bartlett,
D. D., and wife, Mary Moore, first cousin
Jersey campaigns. He was
given a grant
of land in Lunenburg Co., Va., where he
of Daniel Lane son Moore, who was pastor
of First Presbyterian Church at Lexing-
died 1788. He married Elizabeth Good-
ton, Ky., twenty-five years;born in Port-
win and had: 1, Robert, who left five
sons James, unmarried 3, John, emi-
; 2, ;
land, Maine; graduated from Yale 1856;
grated to Kentucky, left four sons; 4,
Chaplain of First Alabama Regiment at
Thomas, left five sons; 5, Joel, left one
Port Huron during civil war; has since
son; 6, Chapman.
made several voyages around the world;
son of William Bartlett, nephew of Josiah
John Blackwell, married
third son,
probably a, Preston) and had 1, Rob- :
Bartlett, signer of the Declaration of In- (
Long Island, issued from the BlackwelU John Rochester was a rich planter of
of Co. Norfolk, Eng. ; the same names, Westmoreland Co., Va., and a man of
Robert^ John and TJiomas, running prominence; served as Sheriff; Captain
through both. (See Blackwell elsewhere.) of Militia; Vestryman in Cople Parish
Thomas Moore came from 1785. He married Ann, daughter of Rob-
the vicinity of Liverpool, ert Judan, a rich planter of Westmore-
England; settled in Westmoreland Co. at land, who died, leaving eleven children.
an early day. It is said that be belonged He married, secondly, 1793, Anne South
to the family of Sir Thomas Moore. He McClanahan (widow), who died 1794,
lefttwo sons: 1, William; 2, Thomas, leaving one son, William.
who left two sons, Thomas, and James, John Rochester, son of John and wife,
who settled in North Carolina. Anne Judan, removed to Kentucky, tak-
William Moore, married Sarah Lawson ing with him all of his brothers and sis-
and left two sons, Elijah and Vincent. ters and settled in Boyle Co. 1798; died
Elijah, when nineteen years old, married there 1833. His sister,
Judith Harrison of Northumberland Co., Betsy Rochester^, married, 1794, Law-
Va., and had three sons, Lawson, George son Moore of Danville, Ky. died 1815, ;
tion, when their coat of arms, "or, a fess sued from the Fawkes of Gunston Hall,
bet. three crescents, sa," was confirmed. from which came Guy Fawkes. He came
NicJwlas Rochester, progenitor of the from the old Scotch families of Brown
American branch, was born in Kent Co., (see Brown elsewhere), and Mitchelson,
England, about 1640. His only son, his mother a daughter of John Mitchel-
William, was born 1680, and came with
son of Middleton, and wife, Janet, only
his father to America 1689. His son,
daughter of Alexander Hay of Monkton
John Rochester, had two sons, John, and
(issued from the Earls of Errol, Hamil-
Nathaniel Rochester, who married Sophia
ton, Douglas and Kinnoul, Scottish
B catty of Frederick, Md., 1768, and
founded the city of Rochester, New York, Peers), and wife, Helen, daughter of Sir
where his descendants now live. His Alexander Ramsey. They had six sons,
brother, one of whom, Samuel, Dr. Gustavus
Brown, mentions as his kinsman and ex- Hugh Stewart, was father of Margaret,
ecutor of his will one of his heirs in case who married Sir William Wallace, as
of failure ofmale heirs to succeed him. above seen.
John Mitchelson was a son of John; Their Margaret Wallace,
son of Samuel; son of John; son of married Peebles, younger son of
James; son of John, II Baron of Middle- Hon. John Hay, Marquis and Earl of
ton; son of John Mitchelson, I Baron of Tweeddale; created Viscount Peebles
Middleton son of Alexander; son of Rob-
; 1694; issued from William de la Haye
ert Mitchelson, temp James V, 1513. temp King David I granted lands of
The name was assumed with the barony Erroll by William the Lion King, 1200.
many centuries ago. They were desig- His grandson, Gilbert Hay, favored by
nated Mitchellson, or "of that ilk," and Robert Bruce, obtained a fine estate in
the family was possessed of Ludgate, Tweeddale. One of his descendants, Sir
Blackhaugh, etc., before they purchased Alexander Hay, of Monkton, son of Sir
the estate of Middleton. The first charter William Hay, Earl of Erroll and Kilmar-
that appears in the general register is nock, hereditary High Constable of Scot-
under the great seal of Andrew Mitchel- land, married Lady Anne, daughter of
son, dated November 2, 1540. (Doyle's Earl of Linlithgow, by his wife, sister of
Baronetage of Scotland.) Charles, XIV Earl of Erroll, and took the
~ , Margaret Wallace, ances- name, Hay. His son, Alexander, married
Davicss. * . , . ,
tor of this branch of the Helen, daughter of Sir Alexander Ram-
Daviess family, was daughter of Sir Wil- sey, issued from Simon de Ramsey of Dal-
liam Wallace (born 1645), and wife, Mar- housie temp David 1, 1140 Sir Alexander
the line. Margaret Stewart was lineally Co. Peebles bv Charles I, 1646.
issued from Alexander Stewart, founder Their son, Hon. John Hay, was father
of Paisley. His son, Alexander, received of who married Margaret
and Glas-
a grant of the lands of Gairlies Wallace and had Janet Peebles, who mar-
serton 1263 from Alexander III. His ried a kinsman, Brown, whose
son and heir joined Sir William Wallace,
mother was a daughter of John Mitchell-
the Scottish Chief; was killed at battle
son and wife, Janet, only daughter of
of Falkirk 1298. His son, Alexander,
Alexander Hay and Helen Ramsey, sister
was knighted by King Robert I. Crea-
of Hon. John Hay (above).
tions: Baron of Gairlies 1607, Earl of
Miriam Brown, daughter of Janet
Galloway 1623.
Peebles, McKee, of Scotch
married a
From Sir Walter descended Sir Thomas,
origin their daughter, Margaret McKee,
who married Lady Isabel, daughter and ;
for many years on the Circuit Bench, is tain of Militia and Justice of the Peace,
of Scotch-Irish lineage, his ancestors pass- He married, 1812, Elizabeth, daughter of
ing from Scotland to Ireland during the Col. Anthony Crockett, born in Botetourt
civil wars of William and Mary, and Co., Va,, one of earliest and most prom-
strongly espousing the cause of the Pro- inent of Kentucky pioneers and patriots;
testant Irish they settled in the north of served in the Revolution, and with the
Ireland and took an active part in the Virginia troops served under Gen. George
religious wars of that period. In 1737 Rogers Clark at Vincennes. His wife
they joined the large body of Scotch-Irish was Mary, daughter of James Robertson
emigrants to America and were promi- of Augusta Co., Va., sister of Alexander
nent in the early settlement of the Valley Robertson, who settled in Mercer Co.,
of Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and Ky., father of Chief Justice George
Kentucky. Through his mother, Sarah Robertson.
Margaret McKee, who married Julian From the marriage John McKee
Wood, Judge Wood was issued from the and Elizabeth Robertson was issued five
noble houses of Hamilton, Wallace, Doug- sons and two daughters, Mary, Robert,
las, Stewart, McKee. Cuningham, Peebles, Anthony, Joseph H. D., John, James and
Brown and others prominent in the Scot- Sarah Margaret, who married Robert
tish peerage and illustrious in the history Julian Wood and had
of that country. ( See Wallace, Hamil- John McKee Wood, at one time Speaker
ton, etc.) of the MissouriHouse of Representatives;
Sarah Margaret McKee was a daughter Attorney-General Judge of St, Louis Cir-
fT)t*. and rnps. Columbus Hailc.
Tempe Perry Hailc was issued from of Sevier and Colonel of the Regiment of
Samuel Wear, Robert Wear,
son of Militia. In 1788, he was appointed one
born about 1750, married about 1779 of the commissioners to treat with the
Mary Thompson born in Ireland about
-, Indians; the treaty lasting four days.
3 756, daughter of William Thompson and An election held December, 1793, ac-
wife, Elizabeth Lyle (originally spelled cording to proclamation of Gov. Blount,
Lisle, or de L'Isle), daughter of Matthew resulted in Col. Samuel Wear's becoming
Lyle and wife, Esther Blair. Mary a member of the first Assembly of the
Thompson came to America with her Territory of Tennessee, called together at
parents 1775; they settled in Augusta Knoxville, February, 1794 was one of the
Co., Va. (now Rockbridge), where; she met committee of five appointed by the As-
and married Samuel Wear, going with sembly to draft an address to Congress,
him soon after to Tennessee. He was an petitioning on behalf of the people a
officer of the Revolution, receiving hon- declaration of war against the Creek and
orable mention, as shown in Lyman C. Cherokee Indians.
Draper's book, "King's Mountain and its In 1794, he was appointed by the As-
Heroes," published in Cincinnati, O., sembly one of the committee on necessary
1881. On page 424 is found this passage laws; also "on the committee to regulate
"Samuel Wear was another of Sevier's the militia of the Territory, the House
Captains at King's Mountain. He was appointed Wear, Taylor and Doherty,
an active participant in the Franklin Re- each of whom have been actively engaged
public movement; led a party in 1793 in the service of their country." (Ram-
against Felassee, killing sixteen Indians sey's Annals, p. 626.) "These sages and
and taking four prisoners. In 1793-4 he patriots of 1794," they are called by the
was a member of the territorial legis- historian.
lature, and in 1796 a member of the con- In 1794, Samuel Wear was the first
vention that framed the Constitution of Clerk of the Court in the new Countv of
Tennessee. He served many years as Sevier, bv this time in the "Territorv of
Clerk of Sevier Co. Court, and lived to Tennessee." In 1795 he was elected to
a good old age." the Constitutional Convention called to
When he first emigrated from Virginia meet in Knoxville, January 11, 1796, and
he settled near the Little Pigeon river, on that date he took his seat in that mem-
now Sevier Co., Tenn., and "Wear's Cove" orable convention. But a greater honor
has borne his name for a hundred years. awaited him. He was appointed one of
In 1784, began his political career, for in the committee to draft the Constitution.
that year he was elected "Deputy to the Of this document, Jefferson said "It is
Convention to deliberate on public af- the least imperfect and the most repub-
fairs," which convened at Jonesboro, lican of those adopted by the several
Tenn., August 23, 1784. He was a mem- States." The convention was in session
ber of the bodv ever as-
first legislative twenty-seven days, and its unselfish spirit
sembled in Tennessee; the first Franklin is shown in the members appropriating
Convention a notable honor. their per diem and mileage money to the
Gov. Sevier, of the State of Franklin doorkeeper, clerk and printer, for whom
(now Tennessee), in June 1785 appointed no appropriation had been made. There
Samuel Wear Clerk of the County Court is every reason to be proud of the record
of Samuel WeaTj Revolutionary officer, This is an old English
pioneer and patriot, who left an untarn- family, with a clear pedi-
ished name to his children, one of whom, gree traced from the time of William the
J oh n j married and had issue, a daughter, Conqueror. The first American ancestor
Elizabeth, who married Robert Amir was
strong. His daughter, Edward Boyken, who came from Caer-
Mary Thompson Wear, born September narvonshire, Wales, to the Isle of Wight
10, 1795, died May 23, 1821; married,
Co., Va., 1685; died 1725. He had, be-
sides other sons and daughters,
August 15, 1816, Simeon Perry (of the
John Boyken, died in Isle of Wight,
famous South Carolina family from
Va., 1729. His son,
which came Com. Perry), born February
William Boyken, died in Isle of Wight,
24, 1786; died 1825. Of their children
Va., 1731. His son,
was James Monroe Perry, born in Tennes- William Boyken, married Bryant
see July 2, 1818. ITe went from Tennes- and removed to South Carolina 1755, en-
see to Texas and married in Palestine, tering land, then belonging to the British
Texas, about 1851, Mrs. Hannah Eliza crown, lying between Town Creek and
(Jackson) Bruce, widow of Dr. Robert Swift Creek, six miles south of Camden.
Bruce; daughter of Green and Temper- His son,
ance Jackson, who was a daughter of Burwell Boyken, born 1749, married,
Ephraim Jackson, born in England, who first, Elizabeth Whittaker, 1782; issue,
emigrated to America and married Han- three children; he married, secondly,
nah, daughter of Robert Tucker (see 1792, Mary, a sister of Elizabeth Whit-
James Hutchinson Wear was the son her mother, Mrs. Nannie
of William J. and Amanda Wear; his Wear, is descended from Henry Dawson,
great grandfather, Jonathan Wear, with w ho with unfailing loyalty rendered
four brothers, served in the Revolution- patriotic support to the cause of Amer-
ary war, all of them being participants ican i ndep endence, first as ensign, then
in the battle of Kings Mountain ; one of
quartermast er, and for gallant conduct,
his uncles, also named Jonathan Wear.' , , , „ ... , .
^ T ~ ,, was promoted to the office of lieutenant in
fought under Gen. Jackson at New Or*
. ±L
Nannie E., wife of James Wear, was the being the granddaughter of Dr. Foree, an
daughter of the late John J. and Lucretia eminent physician, whose ancestors fled
J. Holliday. On the paternal side she from France after the revocation of the
is descended from Samuel Holliday, born Edict of Nantes, and settled in Virginia
1710, and Janet Adair, born 1714. w i th the Huguenot colony 1700. From
From the memoranda of the Rev. David there they moved to Kentucky .
"Adam Holliday, a
born 1680, married ,
dren: John T . „ „., Mildred,
,,. 7 , , ,
' who
Holliday; mar-
Jane Macomson, born Hnoo
T ,r .
1688; their son, ,
. ,. x^ , .
to his son, William Saybrook, and Kic»«>dson; son of Elijah, born in Say-
,, , ,. ,, , , . ,, brook 1736, and wife, Anna Lovett; son
* him to the descendants of the 7 ,,.. 7 , .„ ,, „
and wife, Mary TT7 „
and the Maryland Wests, descended from 80 °; Bernard, King of Italy, about 850;
Robert Count of Anjou,875, ancestor of
Sir William West, tost Lord De la Warr
, M
, .
_^ _ . __ . „ _
tt 4 t t a aao a tt 7 tt *• Princess mmrwry, of Scotland, a
I, died 902, who had: Herbert II,
7 i i, 4.
Herbert , *1 ' .
Troyes, who married, secondly, Lady Saxan line She married, secondly, Sir
VII. Sir John Dc Mohun, VII Baron XIV.—Sir Richard West, VII Lord De
De Mohun, married Lady Joan, daughter la Warr, married Lady Katherine, daugh-
of Sir Reginald Fits-Piers,and had ter of Robert, Lord Hungcrford, and had
VIII. Sir John De Mohun, I Lord De XV.—Sir Thomas West, K. G., VIII
Mohun of Dunster Castle, married Lady Lord De la Warr, married, secondly, Lady
Audit-, daughter 'of Sir Richard Tibetot; Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Roger Copley, of
had Gatton, and had:
IX. Lady Margaret De Mohun, married XVI.—Sir George West, IX Lord Dela
Sir John Cantelupe, Lord of Smithfield,
Warr, married Elizabeth, idaughter of Sir
and had: Anthony Moreton, of Laehdale; had:
XVII. Sir William West, created in
X. Lady Eleanor Cantelupe, married
1568, Lord Dc la Warr, who married Eliza-
Sir Thomas De West, of Hamperden,
beth, daughter of Thomas Strange, and
Cantelupe and Great Torrington Devon-
shire. He was a gallant soldier, and
took part in the French wars of Edward
XVIII.— Sir Thomas West, II Lord Dc
la Warr (New Creation),who married An-
III, and in 1316, was with the king in
the battle of Cressy, where he personally nie Knolleys, first cousin of Queen Eliza-
captured King John, of France. They beth, and had thirteen children, among
I. Egbert King of Wessex, Bret- com III, u Caen Mohr," King of Scotland,
tcalda over England; had: son of Dwncan, King of Scotland, slain by
II. Ethelwolf, King of Wessex. Macbeth.
III. Alfred the Great. X. Matilda, daughter of Edivard and
IV. Edward, the Elder, King of Wes- Margaret, married Henry I, King of Eng-
sex; had: land, son of William the Conqueror.
V. Edmund, the Elder, King of Eng- XL Maude, widow of Emperor Henry
land; had:
V, who married Geoffrey Plantagenet, son
VI.—Edgar, King of England, who
of Fulk, Count of Anjou,King of Jerusalem,
XII. Henry II, King of England,
VII.—Ethelrcd, "Unrcde," King of Eng-
land, had:
XIII. Jolm, King of England.
VIII. Edmund Ironside, King of Eng- XIV. Henry III, King of England,
land, had: who died 1272, married Eleanor, daughter
IX. Edwcwd, the Outlaw, King of Eng- of Raymond Bcrenger, Count of Province
land, married Margaret, daughter of Mai- (sister of Margaret, who married Louis IX,
King and had Edmund Plam-
of France), XVI. Joanna, married John, Lord
tagenet, Avho married Blanche, the widow Mowbray, had
of the King of Navarre, and had: XYII.—John, Lord Mowbray; had
XVIII. Aleanor married, 1368, Roger,
XV. Henry Plantaycnet Earl of Lan-
Chatties IDnrtcK
Gasconv had
King of Castile, married Eleanor, daugh-
X.-Waifre, Duke of Aquitane and of
ter of Ki,uJ Jofm > <* E »9 md l< -
Edmund Ironsides.
I. Edmund Ironsides, King of England, VI. Princess Margaret, of Scotland,
married Lady Algitha, widow of $vege- widow of Conale Petit, Earl of Brittany
freith, a Danish thane; had: and Richmond, who married Humphrey,
II. Prince Edward the Exile, married Baron De Bohun, Lord High Constable of
Princess Agatha, daughter of Henry II, England, had:
Emperor of Germany, and had Princess VII.Lady De Bohun, married Reginald
Margaret, of England, who married Mai- V, Baron De Mohun of Dunster, and had:
com Canmorc, King of Scotland, and had: 1
VIII. Sir John De Mohmi, married
IV. St. David, King of Scotland, mar- Lady Jmn, daughter of Sir Reginald
ried Lady Maude, daughter of WaUheof, Fitz-Piers, and had:
the Saxon Earl of Northumberland and IX. Lady Margaret De Mohun, who
North Hampton, beheaded, 1075. married Sir John Cantelupe, and had
V. Prince Henry, of Scotland, eldest Lady Eleanor Cantelupe, who married
son of the Earl of Huntington and North- Sir Thomas West, of Hamperden, Cante-
umberland. Married, 1139, Lady Ada De lupe and Great Torrington, Devonshire.
Warren, died 1178, daughter of William, He was a gallant soldier and took part
second Earl of Warren and Surrey, a in the French war and was the ancestor
grandson of William, the Conqueror, and of the Wests-De la Warr, from whom Sir
his wife, Matilda, daughter of Baldicin, Thomas West, II Lend De la Warr was de-
Earl of Flanders. scended. (See William the Conqueror.)
Ulillinm Beverly Ulinslom. Henry IT)oenc Ulinslou).
The Kentucky branch of the Winslow- Harry Beverly, father of Susanna,, Jus-
two old Virginia families, conspicuous vania, 1720. His wife, Elizabeth, was
figures in the colonial annals of the col- only child and heiress of Robert Smith, of
ony. Brandon, granddaughter of Maj. Gen'l
William BeverlyWinslow, father of Robert Smith, M. C, died 1687. Harry
Henry Moore and William Beverly Wins- Beverly's will mentions daughters, Eliza-
loir, was born in Carrollton, Ky., June 14,
beth,Mary, Margaret, Susanna, Katharine,
Judith and Agatha j sons, Robert and Peter.
1814; died there March 16, 1883; son of
William Winslow and Peggy Mills, who He was a son of Maj. Robert Beverly, a
native of Yorkshire, who emigrated to
emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky,
Virginia, 1663, and settled in Middlesex,
1799; grandson of Col, Beverly Winslow,
an officer of the where he was Justice and elected Clerk
of Spottsylvania, Va.,
who married
Kathar- of the House of Burgesses, 1670, and soon
revolutionary war,
ine Robinson December 23, 1757, and died
became a leader in the colony; took an
active part in the suppression of Bacon's
in Spottsylvania, 1793; his will probated
February 3, 1793. He was one of three Rebellion, being one of the most earnest
sons, Beverly, Benjamin and Harry, who, supporters of Gov. Berkley, for which he
fell under the condemnation! of the Eng-
with their sister, Susanna, were the chil-
dren of Benjamin Winslow, of Essex, and lish Commissioners. He died, 1687, "a
wife, Susanna, daughter of Harry Beverly,
man loyal to the king; long a faithful and
married November 22, 1726, as shown by useful officer of the House of Burgesses; a
of the same family as the Massachu- Ind., and had Henry Ancell,
setts branch. Five sons of Edward Wins- Elizabeth, Margaret, Oliva and William
flower and became third Governor of the of Hugh Turner Woolfolk, born 1800, died
Massachusetts Bay Colony. John may 1848; son of Robert Wool folk, born 1750;
have been one of the younger sons, or a married, 1825, Nancy Gwynn Owen, daugh-
grandson of Eduxird Winslow. ter of Col, Abraham Owen, who was killed
leading his regiment under General Har- Wm. Beverly Wwislow and Martha Jam
rison, at the battle of Tippecanoe, Novem- Woolfolk had children, Nannie Owen,
ber 7, and was buried on the battle-
1811, Henry Moore, Louisiana, married William
field. He was prominent in the early Ficklin Howe; Maitie Rowland, James
settlement of Kentucky, one of the coun- Turner, Mariam Smith, married Daniel B.
Coltrane; Jennie Woolfolk, married W. W.
ties of Kentucky being named for him.
Martin; Wm. Beverly, Ruth, George B.,
He married, January 27, 1797, Martha,
married Lucy Hafford; and Pierce Godbey
daughter of Bartholomew Du Pay, and his
Winslow, who married Maynie Bond.
wife, Mary Motley ; son of John James and
Henry Moore Winslow, eldest son, born
his w ife, Susanna, daughter of John Peter
peror Conrad, 1033, in his invasion of born November 29th, 1888; Jennie Wool-
France, and made Governor over the con- folk, born February 6th, 1891; Esther
quered provinces, including Languedoc, Margaret, born January 21st, 1893, and
the birthplace of Bartholomeiv, 1653. (See William Beverly, Jr., born April 16th,
Du Puy, Gtrynn, Wynn, Owen.) 1895.
Dr. John Woodson, the emigrant an- Pay, Le Villian, Miehaux, Saiirin, Ro-
cestor of this large and influential family, che! lc, and Sal lee (Huguenots) besides
which has produced so many distin- many others. Dr. Woodson was killed
guished men, was among the early found- by Indians.
ers of the Virginia colony. He came over I. .John, eldest son of Dr. John Wood-
to Virginia in the ship George, 1619, as son, married (name of wife unknown)
surgeon to a company of British soldiers. and had a son, John, who married Mary,
He was of English origin, the name daughter of Capt. Samuel Tucker, master
spelled Woodeson, not unlikely a corrup- of the ship, "Vine Tree" (or Pine Tree?),
tion of the Saxon name Wodeson. The and had a son,
arms herein given, as preserved in the Joseph Woodson, who married, first,
family, would indicate that they belonged Mary Sanburne, of noble English birth,
to the Woodcsons now seated in Devon- granddaughter of John Sanburne and
shire. The progenitor of this family was wife, Mary, daughter of Rev. Stephen
a native of Dorsetshire and brought with Bachelor; daughter of Lieut. John San-
him to this country his wife (name un- burne and wife, Mary, daughter of Robert
known). They settled at "Fleur de Hun- Tucker, probably issued from the emi-
dred," where probably their two sons, grant, Andrew Tucker, who settled in
John and Robert were born. She was Massachusetts about the same time as the
a brave pioneer woman. In the absence Sanburnes and Bachelors. They had a
of her husband one day, aided by Kob- son, Sanborne, who married twice; first,
ert Ligan, she resisted an attack by Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Michaivx
the Indians, killing nine. She loaded and Susanna Rachette, known as
the gun while Ligan fired, and hearing a "Little Night Cap" (his mother a Sawrin,
noise up the chimney she threw her bed see MicJwux), and had a daughter, Mary,
upon the coals, the stifling smoke bring- who married Stephen Sampson, "Gent,"
ing two Indians down, whom she dis- of English origin, a commissioned captain
patched. Her sons, hidden in the potato of militia in Goochland Co., temp George
hole, were saved. They married early, I. (See Sampson.)
and their children and grandchildren and They had, besides other children,
their children married and have con- Charles Sampson, who married Anne
tinued to marry into the families of the Porter, of English and Huguenot lineage,
leading colonists of that day, among them daughter of Capt. Thomas Porter and
Ferris, Tarleton, Fleming, Lewis, Wat-
wife, Elizabeth Du Tots, daughter of
kins, Tucker, Porter, Moscly, Payne, Pierre Du Tois and wife, Barbara De
Cannon, Isham, Randolph, Jefferson, Bonnet, refugees from France, after the
Royall, Harris, Tmpin, Branch, Carring- revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Thomas
ion, Cabell, Cox, Cocke, Bates, Brccken-
Porter was a son of Thomas and wife,
ridgc, Van de Veer, Tenable,
Ander- Mary Kemp (Robards' family record).
son, Coodc, Povallj Parsons, Cooke, Wil-
From wills and county and parish records
liamson, Luddington, Sampson, Chris-
Tlwmas Porter, Sr., is supposed to have
tian, Hughes, Netherland, Robards, been the son of John Porter and wife,
Macon, Pryor, Miller, Hatcher, Moreton, Margaret, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Thomas
Scott, Sanburne, Terrill, Murry, Ellyson, Willoughby and wife, Margaret Herbert.
Pierce, Cheedle, Railey, Price, Farrar, Mary Kemp is supposed to have been a
Letcher, Trent, de (Ira /fen vied, and Du daughter of Thomas Kemp, "Gent," and
wife, Mary Curtis; son of Matthew Kemp, daughter of John Woodson and Mary
Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1675- Tucker, married her cousin, Joseph
83, and wife, Dorothy; son of Sir Edward 'Woodson, son of Robert Woodson of
Kemp, son (or nephew) of Sir Robert Curies, and had children: Tucker, who
Kemp of Gissing, whose wife was a (laugh- married, first, Sarah Hughes, second,
ter of Col. Christopher Wormley, Gover- Mary Netherland; Mary, married Stephen
nor of Tortugas 1632-5, M. C, Virginia Woodson; Judith, married Charles Chris-
colony, 1637. (See Willoughby, Kemp, ticwij Martha, married John Gannon.
bards; Anne Porter, who married John many years David Meade, Judge of Cir-
Burton Thompson (see Thompson); Marie cult and Supreme Court: Robert E., Law-
W., died young; Sarah Hill, ma,rried yer: Richard Kidder and Elizabeth, who
George Bowman (see Bowman); Archi- married, first, Cary Lee; second, Y. C. Mc-
bald Sampson, married Amanda Car- Coy.
penter (see Robards); Elizabeth Barbara, From the marriage of Tucker Woodson
married James Moseby (see Moseby); and Mary Netherland came Wade Wood-
Mary Kemp, married Peter Bownar At- son, who married Mary Harris, daughter
wood; Jane Du ToiSj married Wm. Buck- of Col.John Harris and wife, Obedience
ner; George Washington; diaries; James Turpin, daughter of Thomas and Mary
H.; Almira N., married William Ousley, Jefferson Turpin (sister of President
and Katharine W., who married James H. Jefferson). She was a sister of Judith
Sterman. Turpin, who married John Crittenden
In the Douglas Parish Register of and became the mother of Hon. John J.
Goochland Co. is found the names of Crittenden of Kentucky, Attorney-Gen-
Stephen Sampson, John Woodson, and eral United States. Wade Woodson
Joseph Woodson, vestrymen 1751-56. "To and wife MarV Harris, had children
Stephen Sampson and wife, Mary Wood- Th °™as, Jefferson, John, Jordan, Wade,
son, a son, Stephen, 1729." "To Charles He married, secondly, Alice Cheek, and
liad 8i1a* Godson, Governor of Missouri
Sampson and Anne Porter, a daughter,
EmX*»> married Frm MarMam ^ MarV>
Elizabeth Barbara, 1768," Goochland Co, f
married, first, James Scott, secondly, Co I.
Thomas Kemp and Mary, his wife, lived
James Thornton; Caroline, and Charlotte,
in Manniken Town, 1742. Thomas Kemp , , .
T , . TTT J7 . ,.
' who married John, son of William and
and Thomas Porter lived in Henrico 1744. Mildred Redford Woodson; of thelr igsue
(Virg. Magazine.) one \)ecSLme the wife of q ov Jarvis of
Joseph Woodson, son of John and Mary North Carolina another, Dr. L. A. Wood-
shown by their coat of arms: sea-horses encounter was unavoidable he gave fight.
upon the shield, with a demi-sea-horse for He captured one large vessel without
the crest, and in this country they all damaging it, and the commander re-
seem to have taken naturally to the sea. marked, "You are a rising country if you ;
For many years they were shipbuilders, send to sea such ships as this you will do
or merchantmen, owning their own craft great things," a prophecy fulfilled just
and carrying on a thriving trade between a century and a quarter later in Manila
the colonies or the West Indies and the Bay. After many successful cruises he
mother country. They soon became prom- acquired the title of Commodore. He
inent in colonial history. took from the British sixty-two sailing
His wife was Mary Belcher, "an English cannon and three thousand prisoners, and
lady of fine appearance and education, so yet, when impoverished in his old age, he
" petitioned Congress for the payment of
stately that she was called 'Lady Mary:
Their son, Andrew II, followed the sea. was unsuccessful, because
his arrears, he
"his claims were outlawed," a sad com-
He built him a handsome home, still
standing, the rich hangings of vermilion mentary upon the gratitude of republics.
and gold, and interior decorations brought (New Eng. Hist. Reg., Vol. 26, p. 105.)
from abroad may be seen there to the Mary Tucker, daughter of "Samuel
Tucker, Master of the ship, Vine Tree,"
present day. His son, Samuel, born 1747,
became one of the most picturesque feat- according to the Woodson records, cer-
ures of the naval arm of the Revolution-
tainly belonged to the Tuckers indicated
in the above sketch, and the ship owned
ary war. When very young he ran away
from college and embarked on board the by her father, Samuel Tucker, must have
been the first"Pine Tree," instead of
Roval George and became an able and
"Vine Tree," as handed down in the! fam-
brave seaman. He was represented to
ily tradition, and it was for this ship, no
Gen. Washington as such, and from his
doubt, that Com. Samuel Tucker three-
tent at Cambridge he sent him a commis-
quarters of a century later, named his
sion as Captain, one of the first commis-
vessel over which the silken banner
sions issued for the formation of the in- Pine Tree." The intermar-
floated, "the
fant navy. His patriotic wife made for riages of the Tuckers and Sanburnes
him the banner under which he fought, of would indicate that her father came
white silk, a pine tree embroidered in of the Massachusetts branch, as the San-
green, occupying the center. So success- burnes and Bachellors and Andrew
ful was he in his cruises that he was made Tucker all settled in Massachusetts about
Commander of the Boston and appointed the same time; if so, chronologically, he
by John Hancock to convey the Hon. must have been a son or brother of the
John Adams to France as envoy, a dan- first Andrew Tucker. The marriage of
Mary Tucker, daughter of Robert Tucker, scendants after them for many years.
to Lieut. John Sanburne in Massachu- (New Eng. Reg., Vol. 10, p. 271.)
setts, their Mary, marrying
daughter, To Rev. Stephen Bachellor was granted
Joseph Woodson, son of John Woodson by the king a special coat of arms in-
and wife, Mary Tucker, daughter of Sam- dicative of his ministry in the New
uel Tucker, of ship Pine Tree, is sig- World a green field, with a plow in tin,
nificant; also the name, Mary, probably center; in the left corner a rising sun,
taken from "Lady Mary." representing the sun of righteousness
This name was orig- which would shine upon his new field of
Sanborne. Sanborne labor. (Dame Heraldry.)
inally spelled
or Sanbourne. Dr. Thomas Sanborne, This family is of English
who visited England in 1853, says that it origin, John Sampson
is so spelled there, and they are now- being mentioned as one of the captains
seated in Montford, Co. Berks, Hamp- who accompanied Sir Francis Drake in
shire, and Somersetshire. He found there his expedition to the New World prior to
the coat of arms as here given. 1600. That he was an officer proves him
Sanburne Arms: Sable, a lion ram- to have belonged to the nobility. It is
pant, or, bet, two mullets in chief, three not known that Stephen Sampson, born
at base. Crest: A dexter hand holding about 1680, was a lineal descendant, but
a sheaf of arrows, ppr. it is probable that he came from the same
John Sanborne, born about 1600, mar- family, the word "Gent," or "Gentleman,"
ried a daughter of the Rev.Stephen Baeh- attached to his name in the public records
elder (or Bachellor). He died in Eng- showing that he belonged to the nobility.
land, leaving three sons, one of them, In the records of the Goochland Court
John {Lieut.), born 1620, who married, appears this notice: "Stephen Sampson,
first, December 30, 1648, Mary, daughter Gent, produces a commission to be cap-
of Robert Tucker. Their daughter, Mary tain in the Militia of Goochland Co.
Sanborne, born 1651, married Joseph Teste, P. G. Miller, Dep. Clerk, Gooch-
Woodson. Lieut. John Sanborne was a land Court," "They took the
prominent man, for many years Select- oath appointed by Parliament in the first
man and Representative at General year of the reign of George I, being an
Court, (N. E. Reg., Vol. 10, p. 271.) act for the further securing of his Maj-
Rev. Stephen Bachellor esty's person and government, and the
Bacbellor. succession of the crown of Great Britain
was born in England
about 1561 took orders in the Episcopal
in the heirs of the late Princess Sophia,
church, but was ejected for non-con- being Protestant and for the extinguish-
formity. He then went with other non- ing of the hopes of the present Prince of
conformists to Holland, and from there Wales and open and secret abettors."
came to America, bringing with him his This note applies to Stephen Sampson
daughter, widow of John Sanborne, and and three others who were sworn in at the
her three sons. He sailed in the ship same time.
William and Francis, landing in Boston That they were people of prominence
1632. From there he went to Lynn to and influence is shown in the Douglas
join his daughter, Theodate, who had mar- Parish Records, where the name of
ried again. From Lynn he went to Ips- Stephen Sampson is found on the list of
wich, thence to Newburg, and finally set- vestrymen, along with John and Joseph
Hampton, where John and William
tled in Woodson, 1751-56. There is also a record
Sanborne lived and died, and their de- of the birth of a son "to Stephen Sampson
and Mary Woodson, 1729," and to Jacques Saurin was one of the minis-
"Charles Sampson and Anne Porter, a ters of the French church in Threadneedle
daughter, Elizabeth Barbara, 1768," cor- street, London, 1701-25. He then went to
roborating the family record. The Hague, and Weiss says of hini there
That they were people of wealth is
"Nothing can give an idea of the effect
shown from the fact that Archibald, son produced by his inspired voice, which for
of Charles and Annie Porter Sampson,
twenty-five years resounded beneath the
was sent back to England to be educated
vaulted roof of the Temple of The Hague,
and on his return brought with him two
race horses. ( See Robards.) unless it be the profound veneration and
Philip White, born in Hanover Co., Va., Upon receiving permission to kiss his toe,
January 12, 1766, married, 1786, Lucy she drew back, and when it was explained
Mills, Albemarle, born 1764; issue,
of to her that only sovereigns were permitted
Betsy White, born 1788, married, first, to kiss his hand, she answered, "Your
Nathan or Matthew Clark 1809, and had Reverence, I come from a land where: the
by this marriage, Lucy Mills Clark, women are all sovereigns," and she was
married John Stull Greathouse 1828; most graciously permitted to kiss his
Ellen M. B. Clark married William Rob- hand this bon mot is preserved in history
ertson 1829; Peyton- White, born 1790; till the present day.
Zacharia White, 1793; Edward Wliite, Philip White, and wife, Lucy Mills,
born 1795; Thomas White, born 1799; moved, to Anderson Co., Ky., and lived
Martha- White, born 1802; Thomas Jeffer- near Lawrenceburg; their daughter, Eliza-
son White, born 1804, a distinguished beth White Clarke, who married, secondly,
II. Robert Woodson,, second son of ried to New York, where he married
Dr. John Woodson, the emigrant, married Anne Van de Veer and had children:
Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Ferris Charles, Major in the Revolution, mar-
issued from a long line of English noble- ried Nancy Jackson; Mary Thompson,
men. ( See Ferris.) The eldest, a son, married Nathaniel V enable; Tarleton;
John, married Judith, daughter of Frederick; Cliarles Van de Veer; Anne
Stephen Tarleton, of the old English Van de Veer, and Elizabeth Jackson.
family from which came Col. Banistre Other children of Charles and Ursula
Tarleton, the famous British Ranger. Woodson were Jacob; George; Frederick
Richard, married Anna Smith. ( Major in State line) Susannah, married
Robert, married, first, Sarah Lewis, John Pleasants; Sarah, married Henry
secondly, Rachael Watkins. Terrill; Mary, married John Pleasants;
Joseph, married his cousin, Man/, Judith, married Thomas Cheadle.
daughter of John Woodson and Mary Josiah Woodson and wife, Mary Roy all,
Tucker. had a son, John, who married Dorothea,
Benjamin, married Sarah Porter. daughter of Isham, son of William Ran-
Sarah, married Edward Mosley. dolph (R. D., see Randolph) and wife,
Elizabeth, married William Lewis (see Jane Rogers, and had children, Josiah,
Robards and Elliott). who married Elizabeth Woodson; John,
Mary, married George Payne. married Polly Anderson; Isham, Jane,
Judith, married William Cannon. married Archibald Pleasants; Molly, mar-
John Woodson, eldest son of Col. Rob- ried Col. Nathaniel Morris of the British
ert and wife, Judith Tarleton, had chil- army; Betsy, married John Cheadle;
dren Tarleton, who married Ursula,
Nannie, married Stephen Woodson; Su-
daughter of Charles Fleming, of noble sanna, married Isham Railey; Patsy, mar-
English birth, R. D. (see Fleming); John, ried Thomas Railey; Judith, married Wil-
married Susannah Fleming Bates; Rob- liam Railey; Sallie, married Philip Wood-
ert, married Sarah Womaek; Jacob; son.
Josiah (Major in the Revolution), mar- Stephen Woodson and wife, Elizabeth
ried Mary Roy all; Stephen, married Eliza- Branch, had children: Rev. Matthew
beth Branch; Judith, married Stephen Woodson. Chaplain in Revolutionary
Cox; Elizabeth, married Joseph, grand- army with Washington, who married
son of John Pleasants. (See Pleasants.) Elizabeth, daughter of Jean Pierre Le
Charles, son of Tarleton Wbod&OMi 'and Villian and wife, Philippa, daughter of
Ursula Fleming, married, first, Mary, Count Bartholomew Du Puy and wife,
daughter of John Pleasants, and has chil- Countess Susanne Le Villian, Huguenots
dren Charles, who married Ann Trotter
(see Du Puy), and had children: John,
and had daughters, Ann, Sarah and Mary Stephen, Elizabeth, Philip, Mary, Frances,
Elizabeth. He married, secondly, Agnes Jacob, Daniel, Samuel, Thomas, Jane and
Pearson Richardson and had George, who Tabitha. Stephen, son of Stephen, mar-
married Sarah Friend and had Margaret; ried Lucy Farrar and had a son, Farrar.
Charles Friend married Wilson Tarle- Elizabeth, married Alexander Trent.
ton, Frederick, Agnes, married John El- Richard, second son of Col. Robert
lyson; Sarah, married James Clark; Car- Woodson and wife, Elizabeth Ferris, mar-
oline, Matilda, who married Thomas ried Ann Smith and had children
Fleming Bates; and Ursula, who married Richard, known as "Baron Woodson
Robert Woodson, third son of Co I. Rob- of that name, early colonists, and had
ert and wife, Elizabeth Ferris, married, Joseph Lewis, Sr., who married Sarah
first, Sarah Lewis and had: Stephen;
Cocke. Their daughter, Elizabeth, mar-
Joseph, who married Elizabeth Parsons; ried Wm. Robards, Sr. (see Robards) and
Robert; Elizabeth, married John Porall had five sons, John, William, Jr., Leicis,
Sarah, married Joseph Parsons; Mary, George and Jesse, and two sons in law;
unmarried; Agnes, married Richard Wil- Jack Jouet and William Buckner in the
liamson. Robert Woodson married, sec- Revolutionary army, five of whom were
ondly, Rachael Watkins and had : Eliza- officers: Ensign William, Captains Lewis
beth, married John Knight; Judith, mar- and George Robards, Major Jouet and
riedJohn Cooke. Capt. Buckner. Among their grandsons
Joseph Woodson, fourth son of Col. was Matthew Jouet, the gifted artist, who
Robert, married his cousin, Mary, daugh- had sons, Col. Jouet, killed in the Civil
ter of John Woodson and wife, Mary
War, and Rear- Admiral James Jouet, U.
Tucker (as seen above).
S. N., who rendered gallant service in the
Benjamin Woodson, youngest son of
Civil War; other grandsons were Judge
Col. Robert and wife, Elizabeth Ferris,
Richard A. Buckner and Judge Joseph
married Sarah Porter, of the old English
family of Porters in Virginia (see Porter),
Leicis of Kentucky; Attorney-Gen. Wil-
and had, William, who married Sarah liam Robards of Missouri and Jjieut.Gov.
This family, found among the earliest Missouri river, cross the Stoney Moun-
colonists in Virginia, is of Welsh origin, tains and descend some river to the Pa-
Thomas M. Green, the historian, says, "Of cine ocean a hazardous expedition. He
the Welsh families who gave tone to the associated with him William Clark,
Society of Virginia in the first half of the and together they made the famous explor-
XVII century, not one was more respect- a tion of the Northwest, On his return he
able, nor one of higher character and received large grants of land from Con-
standing than Gen. Robert Lewis, who, gress and was appointed Governor of
with his kindred, came over about the year Upper Louisiana. If closely followed
1645, entered lands and made his home out, each line demonstrates the truth of
in the tide water counties. His people heredity. According to the W elsh
had been sheriffs, deputies, county lieu- alogists, the ancestor of all these Welsh
and members of Parlia-
tenants, justices Lewises was
ment from Brecknock, Pembroke, Gla- Qwathford, the representative of Teon,
morgan and other counties of Wales for of the lineage of the Princess of Britain,
centuries, before he founded in this coun- who, at the close of his life in the XV
try a hardy and enduring race, and to century, retired to Glamorgan and became
the present day the name Leivis belongs the Bishop of Cuerlow, or Gloucester,
to the most respected of the Welsh landed and afterward of Llandeau, whence he
gentry." The American Lewises all soon was driven by the Saxons,
became leaders in their counties; inter- Sixteenth in descent from Gwathford
married with the most prominent families, was Richard Gwynn, whose son, Lewis,
the Fieldings, Washmgtons, Madisons, was the ancestor of the Lewis family of
Cobbs, Ho wells, Warners, Woodsons, Van, of the Lewises of Clifach, of Vargold,
Merriwethcrs, and others, and became of Penmark, of Listolybout, of Lyntaft, of
the progenitors of a large family, whose Lanescher, of New House, and Green
names, true to their Welsh record, are Meadow. (See Ped. of Leivis in Gen. of
found on the most important pages of Morgan and Glamorgan, p. 38.)
the nation's histoiw. One branch of Lewis of Co. Pembroke; Cadivar, Prince
the family settled in Pennsylvania and of Divit at the time of the Norman Con-
from it came Francis Leivis, signer of the quest, 1066; was ancestor of Llewcllan,
Declaration of Independence. John Leicis Laird of St. Clair, and of Fredica, who
married Isabella, daughter of Copt. Au- was the father of Philip Llewellan of Ivor}
(justinc Warner, a Welshman of noble who was the ancestor of the Lewis family
birth, and was the ancestor of Col. Field- of St. Pierre, Co. Monmouth.
ing Lewis, distinguished in the Revolu- Geraldis Cambrendis states that when
tion, who married Betty Washington, William, Earl of Gloucester, attempted to
sister of the President, and had many deprive Ivor of his camels, his retainers,
notable descendants. Gen. Andrew Lewis headed by Ivor, and in the night time,
and brother,, Charles, were heroes of the scaled the walls of Cardiff castle and in
Revolution. John Lewis was a member the face of a garrison of 120 men at arms,
of the King's Council before the Revolu- carried off the earl, his countess and their
tion and his grandnephew, Gen. Merri- son and held them until they got their
wether Lewis, was the great explorer of terms. He was afterwards slain in battle,
the West, appointed by Jefferson at the Ivor lived in the reign of Henry II, A. D.
age of twenty-seven years to take com- 1154-59. (For Ivor and Gwynn see Crad-
lnand of the expedition "to explore the doch-,also Gwynn and Wynn.)
Of this clan, Kimber, in doni and estates of Wigton. He was an of-
rlcminy, j^ g co ttish Peerage, says ficer of the American Revolution and fell
"This family is derived from a person of in the service of his country, refusing to
great distinction, who, in the reign of leave her service for immense estates and
David, about the year 1140, transplanted the earldom of Wigton," which, in 1760
himself from Flanders into that realm (as seen above), was by
and took his surname, Fleming, from the Charles Fleming , the seventh earl dying
country of his origin. We find several without issue and the next heir being in
of this name in the reigns of Malcolm IV, America. John was probably the elder
William I, Alexander II and III, Sir brother of Charles.
Robert Fleming being one of those Sir Tar leton Fleming, second son of the
patriots who, in 1209, stood up for the Earl of Wigton, who married in England
interest of King Robert I and the inde- Mus Tarleton, emigrated to America in
pendence.of Scotland, and never leaving 1616, landing at Jamestown, Va., but set-
his rightful sovereign till he had set the tling afterwards in New Kent Co., where
crown upon his head; his Majesty, in he died. He had three sons, Tarleton,
recompense for the signal service and his George and Charles, and several daugh-
other merits, rewarded him with the ters. Tarleton. married Miss Bates of
baronies of Lenzie and Cumberland in the Virginia, of the same family as the Mis-
county of Stirling, and several other do- souri Bates, and one of their sons, Tarle-
nations. ton, married Mary, sister of Thomas Ran-
"Creations: Lwd Fleming by James dolph of "Tuckahoe." (Brock.)
II, and Earl of Wigton by James VI. John, eldest son of Robert Woodson,
Arms: First and fourth, pearl a chevron the emigrant, married Judith, daughter
with a double treffure, flowered with of Stephen Tarleton. Their son, Tarle-
fleurs de lis, ruby, for Fleming. Second ton, married Ursula, daughter of Charles
and third, sapphire, three cinquefoils, Fleming of New Kent Co. John Woodson
pearl for Frazer. Crest: On a wreath married Susannah Fleming. Josiah mar-
a goat's head erased, pearl, armed or. ried Mary Royall. Stephen married Eliza-
Supporters: Two stags, ppr., attired beth Branch. Elizabeth married Joseph
and unguled topaz, each gorged with a Pleasants, which was the beginning of
sapphire collar, charged with three cinque- many intermarriages between the Flem-
foils, pearl. Motto: Let the deed show, ings, Tarletons, Pleasants and Woodsons.
favor, but his claim was set aside by the longed chiefly to the Society of Friends,
House of Lords." (Kimber.) and the first emigrants no doubt came
From was
the sixth earl, John Fleming, over with the exodus of Quakers from
descended the Flemings who came to England.
America. In an old book in the posses- John Pleasants and his wife, Jane, emi-
sion of C. N. Woodson, appears this mar- grated from Norwich, England, 1665, and
ginal note in the handwriting of his settled on the James river. Their estate
father, Charles Woodson was known as "Curies" and became after-
"John Fleming, brother of the late ward the seat of Robert Woodson, and
Judge William Fleming of the Court of later still of the Randolphs, with both
Appeals of Virginia, was heir to the earl- of which families the Pleasants intermar-
ried, as also with the Tarletons and daughters, Anne and His son,
Cockes, and became with them the pro- George, married Mary They were
Senator from Missouri, and his brothers, ters, Mary and Hannah. His brother,
Frederick, James Woodson, Tarleton, John Bates (son of John, son of George,
Charles and Fleming Bates. John Pleas- son of John), in his will probated in York
ants, father Mary, wife of Charles
of 1719, mentions sons, John and Isaac, and
Woodson, married for his second wife, daughters, Hannah and Anne; grandsons,
Mary Woodson sister of Cliarles, daughter Fleming, John and Charles Bates. His
of Tarleton and Ursula Fleming Wood- son, John Bates, married Susannah Flem-
son. John Woodson, son of John and ing and had sons, Fleming, John, Charles
Judith Tarleton, married Susanna Flem- and James, and daughter, Hannah, wife
ing; Elizabeth (his sister) married Joseph of Robert Easely. Susannah Fleming
Pleasants, son of the emigrant, John. Bates married, secondly, John Woodson,
Jonathan Pleasants, of Fine Creek, son of Jolm an <* Judith Tarleton, and had
married Anne, daughter of Isham Ran- sons, Robert and Tarleton.
dolph and wife, Jane Rogers (second hus- Thomas Fleming Bates, grandson of
band) she married, thirdly, James Pleas-
John Bates of York Co., and wife, Su-
ants of Goochland Co. and they were the sanm Fleming, married Carolina Ma-
parents of James Pleasants, Governor of **W*> daughter of Charles Woodson and
Virginia. John, son of Josiah Woodson wife, Mary Pleasants, and had Frederick
and wife, Mary Royall, married Dorothea, Bates of Missouri, Secretary of the, Treas-
daughter of Isham Randolph, and their ury, afterward Governor of the State;
daughter, Jane, married Archibald Pleas- James Bates of Arkansas Fleming Bates,
ants, these two marriages bringing into and Edward Bates of Missouri, M. C,
the Woodson-Pleasants-Tarleton-Flcming Judge and Attorney-General under Lin-
line the Randolphs and the Royalls. ^^- His son, Judge Barton Bates, of
Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Pleas- St Louis was father of Onward Bates of
ants and Elizabeth Woodson, daughter Chicago, who married Virginia CaMle-
Bartholomew six hundred, years later. David Terrill II married Sarah, daugh-
For full record of this family (see Du ter of Col. Charles Lynch, who was an
Puy elsewhere.) important character in those days; an
ThiS family into wnicu the austere judge, with whose name is asso-
Tltabue '
He died December 16, 1768, leaving Pat- 1801. The family originated in Norman-
rick Henry trustee, and sons, Abraham, die, France. In the IX century the Payne
Nathaniel, Hugh, Lewis and John. Siegnieurs resided near the little town
Abraham, Y enable (1701-68) was a son St. Lo' and had large possessions. From
of Abraham V enable who emigrated from this family came Hugh de Pay en, the. Cru-
England 1685 and married about 1700 sader, who instituted the Order of the
Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Lewis of Knight Templars. Upon their coat of
James City Co., Henry Nicks,
widow of arms they have for motto, "Modo, mori
Nathaniel Yenable3 son of Abraham II, quam foedari."
born 1733, married Elizabeth, daughter of The English Porters are all
Richard Woodson of "Poplar Hill," Po™**- descended f rom William de
Prince Edward Co., and wife, Anne Mi- \ a,
Grande, who came over with William
chaux, daughter of Abraham and wife, Su* the Conqueror. His son, Roger, or Ralph,
sanna La Roelxe, or Rochelle, Huguenots. was Grande Porteur to Henry I, whence
Nathaniel Y enable was a Burgess; vestry- comes the name. Lands were awarded
man of St. Patrick's Parish afterward; William Lc Grande by the Conqueror in
left the establishment and organized the Kenilworth near Warwick. In succeed-
firstPresbyterian church in Virginia; was mg centuries they spread to various parts
Justice of his county and member of the of England, and in the XVII century
Virginia House of Delegates; was one of joined the adventurous nobles, emigrating
the founders and first trustees of Hamp- to America. (Amer. Hcraldiea.)
den Sidney College, and supported it a The first emigration of the Porters to
part of the time during the Revolutionary America were the descendants of John
war; died, 1801. His son, Samuel Wood- Porter, born, 1590, in Kenilworth, War-
son Tenable. l>orn in Prince Edward Co. wickshire, Eng., at Wraxhall Abbey.
tinguished in the war of 1812 ; appointed wer « Deemsters or Judges in the Isle of
Chief of the army by President Madison M &n and members of House of Keys 1422.
but declined Secretary of State of New
Tne coat of arms of the Isle of Man family
York ; Secretary of War of the United is described "Az, a chev. humette, bet.
States 1828-29; died 1841. three covered cups, or. Crest: Unicorn's
The Virginia branch of the Porters., head erased, arg, collared and armed, or.
William and John, were large patentees Motto: Salus per Christum,
of lands in Cumberland and Henrico James Christian, son of Thomas, mar-
counties, and their descendants were ricd Amy, wife of Gideon Macon, Burgess
found in Lower Norfolk. They intermar- f»r New Kent Co. 1629.
ried with the Willoughbys (see Willough-
R»an<*h The head of th * s family,
by's will, 1712) ; the Kemps
(see Robard's ' " Christopher Branch,
Family Record elsewhere), and through "Gent," Burgess for Henrico 1639, emi-
them, with the Herberts and Curtises. grated from England with his wife, Mary,
Capt. Thomas Porter, son of Thomas and and settled in Henrico. His son, Samuel
Mary Kemp, married Elizabeth Du Toit, J,of Manchester Parish, Chesterfield Co.
daughter of Pierre Du Toit and Barbara died 1789, leaving eight children one of
De Bonnet (Huguenots). Their son, Capt. whom was ancestor of Elizabeth Branch
John Porter, Gent, lived and died in Cum- who married Stephen Woodson. Samuel
berland Co., the title, "Gent," indicating Branch II married Jane Martin, grand-
that they were of the nobility. The mar- daughter of Anthony Martin of Gooch-
riage of their daughter, Anne Porter, to land (Revolutionary soldier) and wife
Charles, son of Stephen Sampson and Mary Ann, daughter of Capt. Antoine
Mary Woodson, leads to the inference that Rapine, French Huguenots.
Sarah Porter, who married Benjamin, son Mary Miller, wife of John,
of Robert Woodson, was of this family ""lei*.
g(m of Benjamin and g am j£
of Porters. (See Robards elsewhere.) Porter Woodson, derived descent from
B aron Chris- Thomas Miller, who died in Northumber-
De Qpaffcnpcidt topher de Graf- land Co., Va., 1719, and wife, Winifred,
ascendant of one branch of the
f enreidt, Their son, William, married Mary Heath,
Woodsons, was a Swiss nobleman from daughter of Thomas Heath and wife,
Canton Berne, Switzerland. He married Winifred, daughter of Robert Jones, Jr.,
Lady Regina Tscharner and had a son, and wife, Sarah Garlington, daughter of
who married Lady Barbara,
Christopher, Christopher Garlington of Northumber-
daughter of Sir Thomas Needham of land. Robert Jones, Jr., was son of Rob-
Shropshire, England. He was foremost ert Jones, "Gent," a soldier against the
in the colonization of the Carolinas and Parliament. Thomas Heath was a son of
Mrs. Mary Heath, daughter of Capt. Wm. William Moseley came from Rotterdam,
Lee, Burgess for Northumberland Co. Holland, with his wife and two sons,
1693, son of Col. Richard Lee, Secretary William and Arthur. William, Jr., mar-
of Virginia Colony; of King's Privy ried Mary, daughter of Capt. John
Council, Burgess 1647-51. ( Seel Lee.) Gookyn. He had a son, Edward, who
Robert Povall III married Winifred married a widow. It is probable, there-
Jones Miller, issued as seen above from fore, that Edward Mosely, who married
the Heaths, Jones, Carlingtons and Lees. Sarah Woodson, was issued from the sec-
The marriage of Elizabeth Woodson and ond son, Arthur. ( See Moseley.)
John Povall, taken in connection with
n .. This an old English fam-
the marriage of John Woodson and Mary ily issued from the Banks
Miller, suggests the conclusion that they, or Bankes family of Canterbury (see
John Povall and Mary Miller, were issued Bankes elsewhere), Joseph Royall, the
as above. These facts are given as clews. emigrant, having married Katharine
(See Becord elsewhere.) Banks (first husband). She married,
Capt. Robert Ellyson ap^ secondly,Henry I sham. The children of
pears in Maryland Becords Joseph Royall and Katharine Banks were
1613 was Sheriff at St. Marys removed
; ; Capt. Joseph Royall, born 1616 (Justice
to Virginia, where he was High Sheriff of Henrico 1699-1723) Sarah Royall mar-
married his cousin, Nannie Woodson; 2, Maj. Hugh Moss was a son of
Elizabeth^ married, 1778, cousin, Ma).
moss. James Moss and Miss wife,
Josiah Woodson; 3, Philip, married K (perhaps Kincaid); son of Ed-
cousin, Sallie Woodson (all of these ward Moss of New Kent, Va» He was a
cousins children of Col. John Woodson gallant soldier of the Revolution fought ;
who married Benjamin F. Gray, Jr., of a lieutenant and was soon promoted to
St Louis, son of B. F. Gray and wife, captain, then colonel in the Continental
Maria Jenkins; son of Richard Gray line,fought at Princeton and Monmouth,
and wife, Eleanor Meade, daughter of and led the forlorn hope of 150 in the
Samuel Meade and wife, Anne Carr ?), (
storming of Stoney Point, which was
supposed to be the daughter of Walter captured. He was one of the original
Carr and wife, Hmise Breeze. Shei died members of the Order of Cincinnatus. He
in Anne Arundel Their daugh-
Co. 1826.
married after the war, Catharine Grattan,
born in Ireland 1753, daughter of Maj.
ter, Anne, married Thomas Kearney, M.
John Grattan, born in Belfast, a kinsman
C. and Legislator from Annapolis; they
of the great orator and patriot, Henry
had a son, Benjamin Meade. Richard Grattan. He settled with his family in
Gray was a Revolutionary soldier and in Rockingham Co. about 1761. Their daugh-
the war of 1812 in the artillery corps ter, Agnes Sarah Bell Gamble, married
which defended Forts Henry and Charles. Judge William H. Cabell.
Elizabeth (daughter of Rich- Ferrers , and the fact that both Farrar
ard Ferris, or Ferrers, seated and Ferris intermarried with the Wood-
at "Curies," the latter part of 1600), who sons supports the theory that they are of
married Robert Woodson, second son of the same ancestry. Probably, it was
Dr. John, the emigrant, was issued from through this family that John Washing-
an ancient Norman family, Henri de ton came to this country, as the Ferrers
Ferriers of Gascony, which, in the XVII intermarried with the Laurence Wash-
century, intermarried with the Laurence ington family about the middle of the
Washington family, ascendants of George XVI century.
Washmgton. first President of the United Nicholas Farrar (or Fer-
Pa^an * American
rer)j ancestor of
In American Ancestry, Vol. VII, is branch, born in 1546, was issued from the
found this pedigree of John Ferris, born Yorkshire Ferrars and nearly allied to
1637, who settled in West Chester, New Robert Ferrar, Bishop of St. David's, who
York, and has many descendants in this suffered martyrdom 1555. Nicholas Far-
country: "The Ferris family was orig- rar was a distinguished member of the
inally from Leicestershire, Eng., de- Virginia Co. married Mary Wodenorth,
scended from Henri de Ferriers, son of of an old Cheshire family, and had chil-
Gioalchelme de Ferriers, Master of Horse dren 1, Susannah, married Thomas
to the Duke of Normandy." Upon the Collet; 2, John, born 1590, Treasurer of
Battle Abbey Koll is found the name of the Virginia Co., married Bathsheba
Henri de Ferriers. Owen; 3, Erasmus, born 1591 ; 4, Nich-
The first of the Virginia branch came olas,born 1593, Treasurer of the Virginia
to this country 1619. It is known that Company and member of Parliament; 5,
Nicholas Farrar (or Ferrer), a distin- Riclvard, born 1596; 6, William, a bar-
guished member of the Virginia Co. in rister, who was in Virginia 1621,
M. C.
London, married Mary Wodenworth, of an 1627-33 Justice of Charles City and Heu-
old Cheshire family, and had, among rico. He died before 1637, leaving two
other children, Nicholas Ferrer (or Far- sons, William and John, who held promi-
rar), born 1593, educated at Cambridge, nent colonial offices: Justices, Sheriff sand
took the B. A. degree 1610; traveled in Burgesses. No
family rendered greater
the Princess Elizabeth's suite; emigrated services to the infant colony than the
to Virginia 1619. He had a brother, Farrars (Virg. Hist. Mag., Vol. 1, p. 419).
Richard, born 1596 and who died before Capt. Wm. Farrar had issue: 1, Col.
1637, leaving two sons, William and John, William, Justice of Henrico, Burgess,
ancestors of the large family now known 1662-6, married Mary ; died 1677
There is a family tradition that Rich- and Burgess, 1680-84 died unmarried. ;
ard Ferris (or Ferrers), father of Eliza- Co1 "W 7 »*- Farrar and wife, Mary, had
beth, was the brother of Nicholas (born issue: Maj. William of Henrico, Jus-
Woodson, her father may have been either perance Brown, widow of Thomas Batte.
a brother or nephew of. William. The IV, Martha, married Walter Skeplcy.
name, Ferris, is an easy corruption of V, Cicely.
; ;
Maj. Wm. Farrar and wife, Priscilla Stephen Woodson said Elizabeth Branch
Baugh, had issue William, Abel, Thomas,
: had sons, Stephen, who married Lucy,
Priscilla and Nicholas. daughter of John Farrar, son of Thomas
Thomas and wife, Katharine Perrin, and wife, Katharine Perrin, and Josiah,
had issue Perrin, William, Thomas and
: whose wife (Mary Royall) married, sec-
Martha. ondly, Joseph Farrar (son of Thomas)',
John and wife, Temperance Broicn, had Joseph Royall Farrar, whose third
had issue John, Temperance and Mary.
: wife was Jane Ford, widow of Maj. Hugh
The descendants of these families reside Moss; from their son, Dr. B. G. Farrar,
in Louisa, Chesterfield and Goochland, issued St. Louis Farrars.
and have since emigrated to various ... . t The Washington^ in-
lilashington. . .,,
, ,. .
Gwalchelme de Ferriers, father of Henri de ceeded 1248; married, first, Sybilla Marshall, fourth
Ferriers, assumed the name from a small town in daughter of Earl of Pembroke; secondly, Margaret
Gascony, France, otherwise called Ferriers, from the de Quincy, daughter and co-heiress of Roger, II
iron mines abounding there, and also because he Earl of Winchester. He was succeeded, 1254, by
bore for arms six horseshoes. He came into Eng- his son, Robert de Ferrars, VII Earl of Derby, and
land with the Conqueror and obtained a grant of Ferrars; married, first, Marie, daughter of Hugh
Tutbury, Castle Stafford. His son, Robert de Fer- le Brun, niece Henry III, secondly, Eleanor,
riers, Lord of Tutbury, having contributed greatly daughter of Ralph III, Lord of Bassett of Drayton.
to King Stephen's victory over King David of Scot- This line continues down through the Plantagencts,
land, was created by that monarch Earl of Derby Bolingbrokes, Standleys and Ghents, down to 1677,
1 138. He married Havise de Vitri. Their son when Robert Shirley, great-grandson of Robert
Robert II, Earl of Derby, married Margaret, daugh- Deveraux, II Earl of Essex, Viscount Taunworth,
ter of William Pevercl, Lord of Nottingham. Their Baron Ferrers of Chartley, Privy councillor and
son, William, was styled Earl de Ferrers 1167. His Cup Bearer for Coronation of Queen Anne 1702,
son, Robert II, was arbitrator between the Kings of married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Law-
Castile and Navarre 1190; took the cross 1187, be- rence Washington, Esq., of Caresdon, Co. Wilts,
came a Crusader 1190; married Sybilla, daughter of and the names Lawrence and Washington are car-
Lord Breckwork. He died before Acre 1190. His ried down in the Laurence and Shirley line, Earls
son, William, succeeded and had many honors added of Ferrar, to the present day. (Doyle.) Through
became a Crusader 1218; married, 1192, Agnes, a the Laurences, the Washingtons and Ferrers are of
sister of Earl of Chester. Their son, William, suc- Royal Lineage. (See Royal Lineage of Lazvrence.)
Royal Lineage of Fleming.
Burke gives but one family of Tarletons in Eng-
land to which belonged Sir Banistre Tarleton, the
British Ranger, during the Revolution. They were
seated at Lintwardine Co., Hereford, and bore for
arms, gules, a chevron, erminos, betw. three cinque
foils, or; Crest; on a wreath, betw. two ostrich
feathers arg, a mural crown, thereon a leopard's
head. Motto Post Nublia Phoebus. There is no
graduated from the law department of January 8, 1900, after a long, active and
Washington University of St. Louis 1877 useful life. Bcnj. J. Woodson was a re-
practiced at the St. Louis bar until 1883, markable man, prominent among the
when he removed to Platte City, thence sturdy pioneers who settled Missouri,
to St. Joseph, where he continued the He had eleven children, five of whom are
practice of his profession and is now living, four sons and one daughter, the
(1902), and has been for twelve years, former all occupying offices of trust and
Judge of the Circuit Court, No. 1. distinction, viz
Through his father, Jourdan Woodson, he William E. Woodson, Treasurer of
derives descent from Dr. John Woodson, the St, Joseph Gas Co. Dr. Charles R.
who came from Dorsetshire, England, Woodson, Superintendent of the State In-
1619, on the ship George, with his wife, sane Asylum; $. C. Woodson married Mar-
Sarah, and was surgeon to a company of garet P. Perrin of Platte Co., Mo., and
soldiers under Gen. Harvey; was killed has two children, Olive M. and A. P.
by the Indians. They had two sons, John Woodson; Benj. J. Woodson, a prominent
and Robert, from both of whom this attorney at law, St, Joseph, Mo., and
branch of the family derive descent, Judge A. M. Woodson; the daughter,
John married and had a son, John, who Calcea E. Woodson married Dr. John B.
married Mary, daughter of Samuel Reynolds of St. Joe.
Tucker of the ship "Pine Tree," and their r, Margaret J. Fulkerson was
daughter, Mary, married her cousm, a descendant of the Hughes
Joseph, son of Robert Woodson (second family of Virginia. In 1600 three broth-
son of Dr. John), and wife, Elizabeth ers, Orlando, Leander and William
Ferris of "Curies." ( See Ferris.) Hughes came to the Virginia colony from
Joseph and Mary Woodson, had a son Wales. Leander married and was the
Tucker, who married, first Sarah Hughes, father of Archelaus Hughes, who lived to
secondly, Mary Netherland, thirdly, Alice be forty-five years old. He married Mary
Cheek, and had Wade and Silas Woodson, Dalton, who died at the age of ninety-five
who was Governor of Missouri 1872-4. years. They had children, Leander, John,
Wade N. Woodson married Mary, Archelaus, William, Madison, Samuel,
daughter of Col. John Harris of Powha- Nancy, J eancy, Sally, Ruben and Matilda.
tanCo.,Va. ( see arris), and wife, Obedir Jeaucy Hughes, born June 16, 1780,
ence, daughter of Thomas Turpin and died July 5, 1870, married John Fulker-
wife, Mary Jefferson, sister of President son, of Lee Co., Va,, May, 1801. He was
Jefferson. Her sister, Judith Harris, born in Washington Co., Va., January 6,
married John Crittenden and was the 1773 died January 22, 1846. They had
Mo., a descendant of one of the prominent by Gen. Washington "Old Solid Column,"
old Virginia families of that name. He also of Capt. John Morton, U. S. Minister
was foremost in all civic, educational and to Bordeaux, France. Eight of the
religious movements, and served with brothers were prominent in the Revolu-
diligence and ability in various public tionary war. She was of Huguenot de-
offices. He married, secondly, July 29, scent, direct from Abraham Michaux and
1845, Juliet Howard, of the old Baltimore wife, Susanne Rochelle, called "Little
family of Howards. Her father, Henry Nightcap."
Howard, born February 6, 1774, was a Obadiah Woodson, father of Jacob,
lawyer; son of John Hoicard. Through born in Prince Edward Co., Va., was a
her mother she was descended from the captain under Gen. Washington (before
Fauntleroys, of royal descent. (See the Revolution), fighting the Indians. He
Fauntleroys.). married Constance Watkins, a descendant
Richard, father of William C. Woodson, f Thomas Watkins of Swift Creek,
born in Prince Edward Co., Va., Septem- daughter of John Watkins of Appomat-
ber 21 1787, died at his home in Chariton
Co., Mo., July 3, 1822; a civil engineer;
Richard Woodson, father of Obadiah,
he was one of the first American settlers k nown as "Baron Woodson/' because of
of the State and made the journey west his vast estates and influence, lived in
by the wagon road through the wilder- Gloucester Co., Va., and married Ami
ness. He was therefore one of the active Smith. He was a son of
pioneers in the social, religious and busi- Robert Woodson, prominent in colonial
ness interests of the State, this activity affairs, and wife, Elizabeth, daughter of
contributing greatly to the sturdy virtue Richard Ferris of "Curies," son of Dr.
so conspicuous in his character. He mar- John Woodson of Dorsetshire, England.
persecution into the north of Ireland, family of Henry Clay, of Kentucky. They
Dr. James Guild had, among other John, father of Mrs. Dolly Payne Madi-
children, Dr. Lafayette Guild, who was son, wife of the President; Susanna
surgeon on Gen. R. E. Leete staff and (Heale); Robert, Agnes Michel, and Anna
Medical Director of army of North Vir- Hm-rison.
ginia during the civil war. George Payne (father of Josias, Sr.,),
Mary Elizabeth Williams, wife of Dr. born in Goochland Co., was High Sheriff
James Guild, was a daughter of Judge 1732; married about 1704, Mary, daugh-
Marmaduke Williams, born in Rocking- ter of Robert Woodson and wife, Eliza-
ham Williams elsewhere);
Co., N. C. (see beth, daughter of Richard Ferris; son qf
a lawyer by profession; elected 1802 to Dr. John Woodson from Dorsetshire,
the State Senate, in the following year to Eng. Children, John, Josias and George
Congress, to succeed his brother, Robert, —
Payne. ( See Woodson Ferris.)
who was appointed by President Jeffer- William Payne, father of George, mar-
son Governor of Mississippi Territory; ried Susanna, daughter of Richard erri- M
moved with his family to Tuscaloosa ma n, "Gent," Lancaster Co., Va.
all of
1818; he was a legislator; a delegate to John Edward Hall, father of Mrs.
convention which framed State Constitu- Joseph H. Johnson, was a son of John
tion, Commisioner, 1826, to adjust
1819 ; Andrew Hall, born in Maryland 1798
accounts between Alabama and Missis- married, 1832, Ann Elizabeth, daughter
sippi ; Judge of Tuscaloosa Co. Court by of John Crane, born 1780, and wife, Ann
Johnson; son David Crane, born 1743,
of him a long Judges was issued, the
line of
died in Philadelphia March 2, 1818. last of whom was Judge David D. Crane.
( Records found in the Old Swiss Church Deacon Azariah Crane , eldest son of
Register, Philadelphia.) David Crane Jasper, born 1618, died 1730, was Deputy
married Mary; his father, Jonas Crane, to Provincial Assembly 1691-5; married
born 1708, living in Newark, N. J., 1713. Mary, daughter of Gov. Treat of Connecti-
II e married Sarah; his father, JohnCrane
cut; will probated 1730.
of Essex Co., N. J., to whom letters of Jonas Crane (boh of John Crane), who
administration on his father's estate in was in the service of King James I, under-
Newark were granted. He married Mary went many privations for his adherence
f), who was named administrator of to the Puritan cause and emigrated to
( his
estate. He was a son of Azariah Crane, America 1639, bringing with him a large
born 1648, died in Trenton, N. J., Noveui- silver bearing the family coat of
ber 5, 1730: records show Azariah Crane arms, still preserved in the family. It
Deputy Assembly 1694-5;
to Provincial is described, "Gules, upon a fess, bet.
will probated 1730. His wife, Mary, was three! crosses, pattee, or, a crane bet. two
Normandy and settled in Co. Suffolk, land and brought with him a part of his
Eng. The arms show that three of the family. He married Alice Gaylord;
families participated in the fifth Crusade died at Weathersfield, Conn., 1669. By
under the Grand Prior of the Templars, this marriage he had, with other issue,
Some were ambassadors to foreign courts, Robert Treat, born in England 1621,
and one a Keeper of the King's Forests, who came to America with Saltonstall
Sir Ralph Crayne was with Sir Francis and settled in Milford, Conn., 1610,
Drake when, on the "Golden Hind," he and became Judge. He founded Newark,
visited America, 1577. Sir Robert Crane, N. 1666 returned to Connecticut 1672
J., ;
1630, lived at Coxhall, Co. Essex, Eng. Magistrate 1675; commanded in King
Jasper Crane, the emigrant from Essex Philip's war, and was at Bloody Brook
Co., lineal descendant of Sir Robert, 1676 headed a relief party when Spring-
gave the name of his native place to his field was attacked by Indians, and de-
new home in New Jersey, Essex. He was feated the enemy at Hadley took part in ;
one of the first settlers of New Haven, the battle of Narragansett Port. For
1638, and one of the great magistrates thirty years he was Deputy Governor and
there. He lived in Bradford, Conn., 1643; Governor of Connecticut from 1683 to
Representative, 1650 founder of Newark,
; 1698.
N. J., 1666 ; Deputy to Provincial Assem- In a graveyard near Milford, Conn., is
bly, 1667-73 ; died before 1691. From a tombstone with this inscription "Here :
lieth interred the body of Col. Robert terford, 152740. His father was William
Treat, Esq., who faithfully served this Treat, whose name appears in parish of
colony in the part of Governor for near Staplegrove 1503-10. He was a son of
thirty years,and at ye age of four-score John Trott. or Treat, of Staplegrove,
years, exchanged this life for a. better. Taunton, his name appearing in Calendar
July 12, 1710." By his marriage with 1456-79. (Kef., Talcott's New York and
Jane Tapp he had, among other children, New England Families; also "The Treat
Mary, who married Azariah Crane. Family," by John Harvey Treat.)
Richard Treat, the emigrant, was born Judge Edmund Tapp, father
PP * of Jane, wife of Gov. Robert
in Somerset Co., Eng., 1584; died 1670,
in Weathersfield, Conn. married, April ;
Treat, was prominent in the early history
27, 1615, in Pitminster, Eng., Alice, of New England. He was
one of the
daughter of Hugh Gaylord. He was a original patentees of Milford, Conn. The
man of great influence in Weathersfield, deed of purchase, signed by the Indian
holding many offices of public trust: chief, Ansantuwoe, was given to William
Juror, Grand Juror, Deputy fourteen Fowler, Benjamin Fenn, Edmund Tapp,
years, Committeeman, Assistant Magis- Zacharia Whitman and Alexander Bryan
trate, Selectman; one of a Committee of February 12, 1639, the chief making for
Ten to receive funds for maintenance of his mark a bow and arrow. Edmund
students at Cambridge. In 1662 Rich- Tapp was one of the three men who held
ard and his two sons-in-law were paten- the important positions of Trustee,
tees under the charter granted by King "Pillar of the Church," and Judge of the
Charles II. He was a member of Gov. Civil and Criminal Courts 1639; Magis-
Winthrop's Council 1663. (Ref., ib. 15- trate after the Union, Governor's Assist-
388; ib. 7-103, 112.) His father, ant 1644 and member of the Council of
Robert Treat, was baptized in the ham- War 1644 ; died 1653.
let of Trendle, now Trull, 1599, married
Mrs Johnson is a member of the. "D.
Walter Raleigh. This branch of the fam- Elizabeth Keith; no issue; married, sec-
ily was issued from the Ishams and Ran- ondly, 1817, his first cousin, Martha
do Iphs asfollows: Wm.
Randolph, mar- Washington Pleasants (third husband),
ried Mary Isham; their son, Islvam, mar- daughter of Ann Randolph and James
ried Jane Rogers; their daughter, Eliza- Pleasants. Their son,
beth, married John Railey and had eleven Daniel Boone Railey, born 1820, at
children, among them three sons, who "Cane Brake," Woodford Co. died 1869; ;
Isham Randolph (above); Charles, tenth William, born 1858, and Anne, born 1862,
son, married Polly Mayo of "Bucks Run." married J. C. Burnett, Louisville, Ky.
Col. Ulilliam H. Uloodson.
Col. William H. Woodson, born in Jes- Ashley and moved to Independence, Mo.
samin Co., Ky. educated at Center Col-
; They had children 1, Meade, who married
61, Judge of Circuit Court 1875-81, mem- Hughes Winston of Platte Co., born in
ber of Constitutional Convention Oif Mis- North Carolina 1814, died 1901 ; Colonel
souri 1844, legislator 1852-4; married in the C. S. A. ; commanded the 5th Mili-
Anna R. Meade, daughter of David Meade tary Division of Missouri at the battle of
of "Chaumerie," and wife, Sarah Waters, Pea Ridge; member of Missouri Legis-
brother of Susan Meade, who married lature 1872-3; married, 1838, Elizabeth,
Nathaniel Massie. Samuel H. and Anna daughter of Capt. William Tebb of Vir-
Meade Woodson had issue: ginia, and wife, Lydia Kennedy, of the
I. Judge Tucker Woodson, State Sen- eastern shore of Maryland. John H. was
ator for many years from Jessamine Co., a son of
Ky., who married Evelyn, daughter of Gen. Joseph Winston, born in Stokes
Charles William, son of Col. Byrd of Co., N. C; died in Platte Co., Mo., 1840;
Westover, Va., and had issue: Tucker, was one of triplets, three sons, all of
William C, Jessamine Byrd and Anna whom lived to occupy prominent stations.
Meade, whomarried Letcher, He became Major-General of North Caro-
Nicholasville, Kv. became
lina Militia; one of his brothers
II. David Meade Woodson, Circuit Governor of Alabama, the third became
and Supreme Judge, who married Lucy a Supreme Judge in one of the southern
— :
to whom the State of North Carolina pre- Island. He finally went to Virginia, 1622,
sen ted swords. He represented his State where he married Grace O'Neill, born
in Congress 1603. He held in Virginia the rank of
David Meade, born 1690, captain, 1625, commander and commis-
IDeade married Susanna, daughter sioner of Elizabeth City, 1628. His son,
Evettand. of Sir Richard Everard, William, born 1624, in Northampton, was
Governor of North Caro- burgess, 1654-60, and died about 1688,
lina, and wife, Susanna, daughter of Rt. leaving a son, William, naval officer of
Rev. Richard Kidder (Bishop of Bath Accomac, 1713, whose son, William, had
and Wells); son of Andrew Meade, the Sarah, who married David Meade (Wm.
emigrant, and wife, Mary Latham of & ]\| ary Quarterly).
Flushing, Long Island, a member of the
Prominent among the early
Society of Friends. Sir Richard was a Byrd.
colonists was Col. William
son of Sir Hugh
Everard, created a bar-,
Byrd of Westover, whose beautiful daugh-
onet by Charles I 1629, and wife, Joan,
ter EvelVn has often been the theme of
daughter of Sir Francis Barrington and > >
and wife, Catharine, sister of Thomas in the front rank even to the present day.
Cromwell, Earl of Essex, who, by the de- Tne original manuscripts are still pre-
sire of the king,assumed the surname of served in the family of Judge Tucker
his uncle, Cromwell, and through his in- Woodson of Nicholasville, Ky., who mar-
fluence he and his family obtained great ried Evelyn, daughter of Judge Charles
wealth and station. ("Genesis of United William Byrd, of Westover, Va.
States.") Byrd was of noble birth, as shown
Richard Kidder, son of David and Su- by his coat of arms preserved by the fam-
sanna (Everard) Meade, was aide to Gen. ily, and of royal lineage, as shown by the
Elizabeth Woodson, who 2, Caroline, married Dr. Augustus Wil-
(Xloodson — married William Lewis, son; their son, Nathaniel Warfield Wil-
Elliot. nac* tnree sons, William, son, married Mary Burnham
Columbia of
Joseph and John. Joseph their daughter, Louise Wilson, married
married Sarah Williamson and had a son, A. G. Wilkinson, a prominent govern-
William, who married a kinswoman, ment official at Washington, D. C.
Elizabeth Woodson, and lived in Din- 3) Martha, married Henry Machir;
widdie Co. Their daughter, Elizabeth, their mU) John Machir of Columbia, Mo.,
married Bryan Wimbush Lester. Their married Miss January; their daughter,
daughter, Harriet, married John Wil- Maria J., married Thomas A. January
liamson Roach; their dauthter, Mary (brother of Derrick A. January of St,
Hazeltine, married in St. Louis, Henry Louis) issue, Charlie, Machir and Laura.
boro, Scotland.
Mary E u zaheth} who marr ied James Sid-
Anne Woodson, daughter of Charles nGy Rollins and had children 1, Capt. :
and Anne Trotter, married Cayt. William James H. Rollins, who married Eulalie,
Pope Powhattan Co., Va., an intimate
of daughter of Col. Bowman, U. S. A. ; 2,
friend of William Wirt, in whose biog- George Bingham Rollins, married Mar-
raphy by Kennedy, Capt. Pope figures ga ret Clarkson; 3, Maria H., married
conspicuously. His daughter, Lucy Ann irvime 0. Hockaday; 4, Sallie Rhodes,
Pope, married Capt. Robert K. Dabney died unmarried 5, Curtis Burnliam Rol-
and had sons, William Pope Dabney of Uns, married Mary, daughter of Harry
Powhattan, and Robert Dabney of Ten- McCune and Mary Moss Hunton,
nessee. daughter of Judge Logan Hunton of St.
Mary Woodson, Anne (grand-
sister of Louis, and wife, Mary Jane Moss, sister of
(laughters of Charles and Mary Pleasants Mrs. Crittenden; 6, Frank Blair Rollins
Woodson), married a Selden and had died unmarried; 7, Mary Hickman Rol-
Charlcs, Mary and Joseph Selden, who Uns, married Judge John Henry Overall
distinguished himself at the storming of of St. Louis; 8, Florence Rollins, married
Chepultepec. Rev. Joseph Gray; 9, Edivard Tutt Rol-
Maj. Josiah Woodson and wife, Eliza^
beth, daughter of Rev. Matthew Woodson, 5, Elizabeth, died unmarried.
had daughters:
five 1, Mary, married Dr. Woodson Moss, son of James
James Wynne Moss. Wynne Moss and wife, Mary, daughter of
Maj. Josiah Woodson, married Sarah Dr. Warren Woodson Moss, Professor
Ann Brookey, a celebrated beauty had ; in Columbia State University of Mis-
two sons, James Moss, prominent attor- souri, married Miss Anderson. His sister,
ney of San Francisco, and Woodson. Laura Moss, married B. W. Stephens,
„, . Capt. Oliver Perry Moss, son of the .founder o>f Stephen's College,
a brother, married Caroline which was the foundation of the State
Thornton of the old Virginia family, her University.
mother a daughter of Gen, Stephen Trigg, Mary 3Ioss, married Dandridge Hun-
son of Col. John Trigg, of Bedford Co., ton, son of Thos. Hunton and wife, Stella
Va., who commanded a company of Mil- McGhee of New Orleans. He was a
itia from Bedford and fought under Gen. brother of Judge Logan Hunton, who
Lafayette at Yorktown, and was present married Mary Jane Moss, daughter of
at the surrender of Cornwallis. His com- Maj. Hugh Moss, and had issue, Elizar
pany formed a part of Col. Callaway's beth, Mary, and one son, Moss Hunton,
regiment. In 17S8 he was a member of who resides in Kansas City. Their eldest
the. convention that adopted the Constitu- daughter, Elizabeth, married, first,Barry
tion of the United States; in 1797, he was Taylor of Newport, Ky. ; secondly, Hon.
elected a member of Congress and died E. C. Moore, for many years United
while a member of that body, 1804. He States Consul in Mexico. Mary Moss
was a son of William Trigg, Judge of the Hunton, second daughter, married Harry
Court of Chancery and Bedford County McCune of St. Louis. Mrs. Moore and
Court 1703-72, died 1773. Gen. Stephen Mrs. McCune both reside in Columbia,
Trigg married Elizabeth Clarke, daugh- Mo.
tor of Judge Robert Clarke of Bedford Jennie McCune, daughter of Mary
Co., Va,, son of Judge Christopher Clarke Hunton McCune, married Bowman, son,
of Hanover; Judge of the Court under of Capt. James H. Rollins and wife,
the English Government, 1741 died 1755.
; Eulalie Bowman.
Mrs. Caroline M. T. Moss, widow of Capt. James Sidney Rollins,law-
Oliver P. Moss, still living (1902), resides
m St Joseph, Mo
Pennsylvania, graduated at
of John Woodson and Dorothea Randolph, Jefferson College; son of Henry Rollins,
old Scotch house (see McLcllan), and had to America during the Revolution; en-
two daughters, Susan, who married Dr. listed in the Continental army and fought
James Hugh Moss (brother of Mrs. Crit- at Brandy wine and other battles. He
tenden), and Olivia, who married Prof, married Sallie Harris Rhodes, of Madison
Matthews of the State University at Co- Co., Ky. Their son, James Sidney, mar-
lumbia, Mo., and had Gertrude, who mar- ried Mary E. Hickman of Columbia, Mo.
ried Mr. Shaw of the State University of issue, Laura R., married Irvine Hocka-
Missouri, and Jesse, who married Prof, day: Capt. James H. Rollins, U. S. A.,
Philley. Judge Woodson married, sec- married Eulalie, daughter of Col. A. H.
ondly, Amanda Dick of Fredericksburg, Bowman, U. S. A. (See Bowman, U. S.
Va. A.) He died in St. Louis 188S. Issue:
John A. Woodson (son of Judge War- Mary, wife of Hon. John H. Overall of St.
ren Woodson), married Miss Baker, and Louis; George Bingham; Curtis Burn-
hasi a large coffee plantation in Mexico ham, married Miss McCune; and Edward
near Montevideo. Tutt.
Gioydiir Chapel Llanniost.
This beautiful structure was erected Wynne, who died at Lucca, in Italy; Sir
in the year 1G33, by Sir Richard Richard Wynne, now living; Thomas
Wynne, of Gwydir, from a design of In- Wynne, who lyeth here; Owen Wynne,
igo Jones, and was for many years the now living, Robert Wynne, who lyeth
burial place of the illustrious family of here; Roger Wynne, who lyeth here; Wil-
(riri/dir. At the sides of the Chapel, liam Wynne, now living; Maurice Wynne,
fixed in panels of wood, are several en- now living; Ellis Wynne, who lyeth
gravings on brass, illustrative of the per- buried at Whitford, in the County of
sonages who are interred below; and in Flint; Henry Wynne, now living; Roger
the east corner is a tablet of white Wynne, who lyeth here, and two daugh-
marble, containing the following remark- ters: Mary now living, married to Sir
able pedigree, comprising a, period of 500 Roger Mostyn in the County of Flint,
years: Knight, and Elizabeth now living, mar-
"This Chapel was erected A. D. 1633, ried to Sir J 01111 Bodville, in the County of
by Sir Richard Wynne of Gwydir, in the Carnarvon, Knight."
County of Carnarvon, Knight and Bar- Beneath which is a superb engraving
onet, Treasurer to the High and Mighty °f Dame Sarah Wynne, one of the daugh-
Princess Henrietta Maria, Queen of En- ters of the old Chevalier, Sir Thomas Mid-
gland, daughter of Henry the Fourth, dleton of Chirk Castle, and wife of the
King of France, and wife to our Sovereign above mentioned Sir Richard Wynne; she
Lord, King Charles where lyeth buried
died June 16tn 1671
This P iece of en "
his father Sir John Wynne of Gwydir, graving was executed by one William
Knight and Baronet, son and heir to Vaughan in a style of elegance hardly to
Morris Wynne, son and heir to John be me t with, and may be justly reckoned
Wynne, son and heir to Meredith among the first productions of the age in
Wynne, which three lies buried in the which he lived.
Church of Dolwyddelan, with tombs over 0n the south side are tw o stately pyra-
them. This Meredith was son and heir midical columns of variegated marble,
to Evan, son and heir to Robert, son and decorated with martial insignias, one to
heir to Meredith, son and heir to Howell, the memory of Meredith Wynne, the
son and heir to David, son and heir to other to sir John Wynne and Sydney his
Griffith, son and heir to Caradock, son Wife on tbeir pedestals are Latin in-
and heir to Roderick, Lord of Angiesea, scriptious on black marble, which have
son to Owen Gwynedd, Prince of Wales, been thus translated:
and younger brother to David, Prince of "To the Memory of Meredith Wynne, a
Wales, who married Emma Plantaginet, descendant of Owen Gwynedd, Prince of
sister to King Henry the Second. There Wales, who under happy auspices,
succeeded this David three Princes; his founded the House of Gwydir, removed
nephew Leolinus Magnus, who married and endowed the Church of Saint Gwyd-
Joan, daughter to King John,— David, his delan, during the third Tournean Expedi-
son, nephew to King Henry the Third, tion, in the fifth year of Henry the
—and Llewelyn the last Prince of Wales Eighth. He died in the month of March,
of that house and line, who lived in King 1525."
Edward the First's time. Sir John "To the Memory of John Wynne of
Wynne married Sydney, who lyeth Gwydir, Knight and Baronet, with Syd-
buried here, daughter of Sir William ney the Daughter of William Gerrard,
Gerrard, Knight, Lord Chancellor of Ire- Knight, Chancellor of the Kingdom of
land, by whom he had issue: Sir John Ireland, the wife of his youth, to whom
she bore eleven sons, and two daughters; esteemed the Sappho of her age; many
they lie here waiting the appearance of of her poetical productions are still ex-
Christ in Glory." tant.
Between the above monuments is a The carved oak gallery is said to
small tablet of white marble to the Mem- have been removed here from the Abbey
ory of John Wynne ap Meredith, with a of Aberlleehog or Maenan Abbey, upon
Latin inscription to the following effect: the dissolution of that religious house.
"John Wynne ap Meredith, an Inheritor Under the above mentioned gallery, in
of his Father's virtues, a just and pious the church, in a pew belonging to
Man, to whom Euna his wife brought five Kyffdy, a Latin epitaph to the memory
sons and two daughters. He died the of Griffith Lloyd, of Bryniog, Rector of
9th of July, 1599." this parish; this is said to have been writ-
On the efUgy in armour,
floor is a stone ten by himself, and has been much ad-
with the feet resting on a liou couchant, mired for its singularity; it runs thus:
of Howell Coetmore ap Griffith Vychan "Once the undeserving School- Master,
ap Dafydd Gam, alias Goch, natural son Then the more undeserving Lecturer,
to David, Prince of Wales, from whose And last of all, the most undeserving
descendants, according to tradition, Rector of this Parish.
Gwydir was purchased by the Wynnes. ]> not think, speak, or write anything
Near to the Howell Coetmore
effigy of ev ii of the Dead."
is the underpart of a, stone coffin in which From 0wm Q wynedd, who married for
Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, surnamed the sec0nd w ife his cousin, Christian, came
Great, the son-in-law of King Jolin, was the Wynns of Gwydyr, Lannurst, as
buried at the Abbey of Conway; to the shown in above pedigree, the letter G, and
coffin is fixed a piece of brass with this finalS) edd) being dropped in the junior
inscription: ij ne i
rphe present representatives of this
"This is the coffin of Leolinus Magnus, f am ily are the Earls of Ancaster, Carring-
Prince of Wales, who was
buried at the toDjand Sir w< Wvnilj B art,
Abbey of Conway, which upon the disso-
The toblet in Gwyddevr Chapel in mem-
lution was removed thence." ory of gir Jolm Wvnn and wife? Sidney
On going from the Chapel to the Church
Gerardj is the long-sought connecting link
you pass over a large square Hag of free betwe en the American Gwynns and
stone, having on its sides a Latin inscrip-
Wvnng? ai]d this ancient family of
tion thus translated:
Gwynns (See Gwynn), Princes of
"To the Memory of the Sons of John Wales? ajlcestors! of the present King of
Wynne of Gwydir, Knight and Baronet, England? Edward VIT. Captain Owin
who died during their Father's life time: Gwynn Esq son of thia Sir Jo h n Wynn,
, .
John Knight was buried at Lucca, in the came oyer from Eng i and wit h the noble-
free State of Italy, in the year of his age
men who emigrated! to the Virginia colony
30, of our Lord 1613. Robert, who had under the III Charter,
entered into holy orders, in the year of Wynns
From descend ed
this family of
his age 24, of our Lord 1617. Thomas:
from 0wajn G dd issued the Llovds ,
Roger: Thomas: in their minontv, ,, ^r ,.,, „ TT ., TT „ .
it has been said, "All of his good deeds listed in a regiment under Wayne and
will never be fully known, for his work served throughout the Indian war. In
has been so quiet and unostentatious as 1 81 5 he again volunteered was appointed
not to be apparent to the outside world, paymaster in Col. Dudley's regiment was;
His long and stainless life has been il- taken prisoner by the Indians and com-
luminated with an active benevolence pelled to run the gauntlet, escaping un-
tliat is almost unmatched in the history injured. He married Elizabeth, daugh-
of St. Louis, and his charities throw a ter of Gen. Levi Todd, of Kentucky (see
golden luster on the city of his adoption." Todd), and had children, Lucian, Walter
It is generally known that Mr. Winston C, Robert E., and Alfred, who married
Churchill's popular novel, "The Crisis," Angelica Yeatman. They had children,
was inspired by a close contemplation of Peyton T., Alfred C, Charles Y., Angel-
Mr. Yeatman 's character by his young ica C, married Albert Spears, and died
U) <§
young.. James Yeat man and Lucian Dud- mitted to St. Johns College, Cambridge,
ley ; who died young. 1705 B. A. and M. A. 1717 rector 1717-
; ;
ruary 22, 1827. At the age of twenty- 1681; son of William and Mary Peale
four years he began his career as an artist, of Great Dalby, Leicester, Eng., and prob-
studied with Hessetius and Copley; in ably grandson of William (died 1641)
1767 went to London and studied under and Elizabeth of Great Dalby, Leicester,
Sir Benjamin West of the Royal Acad- En «- (
Am -
as Colonel in the Virginia Militia 1772. sirHenr " Howard, of England, claim a
tenant and captain 4th Bat. Philadelphia of Norfolk; Earls of Suffolk, and Berk-
Militia, 1776-8 was at Trenton, German-
^^ Earls of Carlisle Barons of Laner-
I ;
town, and Valley Forge; was a member ton; Earls of Effingham; Earls of Wick-
of many committees 1777-81, and of the law >
etc -
TneJ bear for arms > S*, a bend
State Assembly of Pennsylvania 1779. He »et, six crosslets, fitchee, arg. Crest: A
painted portraits of all of the prominent lion rampant, arg, holding a cross of the
men in military and civil service during shiel d. Motto: Sola virtus invicta. The
that period and was the founder of Peal&s third son of Sir Henry Howard of Eng-
Museum 1784-1854, and with his son, Run- land married 31iss Rebecca Ownings, and
brandt, was one of the leading promoters from this marriage issued the Baltimore
of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine and Washington Hoioards, who intermar-
Arts. He married, January 12, 1762, ried with the Ridgleys and Brewers.
He married Priscilla Dorscy. His daugh- Gary. 2, Col. Samuel Carr, married Bar-
ter, Rebecca, married Judge Charles Wal- bara, daughter of Overton Carr. Dab- 3,
lace Hanson. Prudence, second daugh- ney, married Elizabeth, daughter of
ter of Gov. Ridgely, married Gov. George Overton Carr and Anne Addison (Judge
Howard; Mary Pue Ridgely married Col. of Court of Appeals 1811). 4, Lucy, mar-
Charles S. Dorscy, and her daughter be- ried Richard, son of Richard Terrell and
came the wife of Col. George R. Gaithcr Nancy, sister of Barbara Overton. They
of the 5th Regiment, Veteran Corps. removed to Kentucky and had 1, Mar-:
Waller. 3, Sarah, married John Minor. affairs of the place. In 1826, he was apt-
4, John, who married, first, Mary, and pointed by Gov. John Miller to the office
had a son,Thomas; secondly, Barbara, of Judge of the St. Louis Circuit Court,
daughter of Capt. James Overton, of Han- which position he held eight years. He
over Co., and wife, Elizabeth. John Carr married, first, Anna Maria, daughter of
settled at Bear Castle with his wife, Bar- Dr. Aaron Elliot, and had three daugh-
bara. They had children: 1, Dabney, ters, Anna 31 aria, who married, first,
born October 26, 1743, died May 16, 1773 — Mitchell, second, George W. Kerr;
Burgess from Louisa Co.; member of Virginia,who married Charless Cabanne,
Committee of Correspondence; married
and Cornelia, who married Thomas P.
Martha, sister of President Jefferson. 2,
Dyer. Judge Carr married, secondly,
Samuel, Lieutenant in 9th Virginia Regi-
Dorcas, daughter of Silas Bent, Sr., and
ment, 1776, afterward Captain; died in
had five sons: Walter, Dabney, Clmrles
the service. 3, Garland. 4, Overton. 5,
Elizabeth, who married Nathaniel Ander-
Bent, Thomas and Robert Carr. Judge
son and had Wm. Overton Anderson. 6, Carr died March 31, 1851.
The Benoists belong to an ancient and illustrious French family, descended di-
rectly from Guillaume Benoist, Chamberlain to Charles VII of France. Antoine Gabriel
Francois Benoist was a Chevalier of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, which
Order he received from Louis XV of France in recognition of his distinguished services
in the French army in Canada 1735-60. His eldest son, Jacques, married a granddaugh-
ter of Le Moyne' de Ste. Helene, the second of the famous sons of the renowned Charles
Le Moyne and brother of De Bienville, the founder of New Orleans with D'Iberville;
the first to enter the mouth of the Mississippi river, and one of the greatest captains
of his day. Their son, Francois Marie Benoist, born in Montreal, Canada, was educated
at Laval University, Quebec, and soon after joined the tide of French Canadians, emi-
grating to St. Louis. Not long after his arrival he married a daughter of Charles
Sanguinette, and wife, Marie Anne, daughter of Dr. Auguste Conde, a native of France;
at one time Post Surgeon of the French army stationed at Fort Chartres. Charles
Sanguinette was a son of Simon Sanguinette, a notary of Quebec, Canada, who married
Angelique Du Chouquette.
Louis A., son of Francois Marie Benoist, married, first, Miss Barton, secondly, Miss
Hackney of Philadelphia, and had children, Sanguinette H., who married Miss Curtis; Ann
Eliza, who married Dr. Montrose Pallen; Louise, married Cornelius Tompkins; Esther
A., married Wm. F. Naste; and Conde, who married Clemence Christy. Louis A. Be-
noist married, thirdly, Sarah E. Wilson of New Jersey and had Clemence, who married
Charles A. Faris; Eugene H., married Almira Lee; Howard, married Agnes Foy; Theo-
dore, married Mary Hunt; Henry, married Ella Carten; Helene A., married John F. Car-
ten; Louis A. and Leo De Smet, unmarried.
_ Joseph Brazeau, born in Canada 1701, was among the early emi-
Bnazeau grants to Kaskaskia, where he was killed by the Indians 1779.
Cbatflcvillc. Francoise, his daughter, married Jean Baptiste Charleville, of
the Huguenot family of that name, Canadian French settlers of
Kaskaskia. Their son, Joseph Charleville, born, 1776, in Kaskaskia, married, 1797, Vic-
toire Verdon and moved to St. Louis, where their daughter, Athenaise Charleville, was
born, 1810. At the age of eighteen she married Wilson Farris of Virginia, grandson of
Wilson Farris who fought in the Revolution grandnephew of James Wilson, one of the
Louis Charles Cherot Boisliniere was born on the Island of Guadeloupe, one of the
West Indian possessions of France. His father was the owner of a large sugar planta-
tion and his son was educated under private tutors, concluding his course and taking his
degree in letters and arts at the University of Paris; studying law in the same institution,
and received there a degree entitling him to practice law in France. After an extended
tour through South America, he returned to Guadaloupe, where, finding many changes
in the affairs of the island unsatisfactory, he emigrated to the United States and settled
first in Kentucky, where he studied medicine, completing his course in St. Louis, where
he took up his residence and became an eminent author, educator and physician. He
died in St. Louis January 13, 1896, leaving a family of sons and daughters.
Joseph Chauvin, of Charleville, France, with his eldest brother, Jacques, settled in
Canada, where his son, Jacques, was born 1788. He removed to St. Louis with the Can-
adian French colony, and married Louise, daughter of Joseph Michel Tayon and wife,
Marie Benoist. Their son, Francis de Vaux Chauvin, married Emilie Papin and had
children: Marie Louise, who married C. A. Genestelle; Robert L., who married Martha
Moore; Lucille Manette married Louis C. Hirschberg; Vilrey and De Vaux. Joseph and
Louis C. Hirschberg, born in Rheinish Bavaria, emigrated to St. Louis 1812.
Joseph Michel Tayon, born in Canada 1750, emigrated to St.
j. Louis 1764. He married in Canada Marie Benoist. He was a
man Qf influence> an(j f or man y years Syndic, or "Overseer," of
the village. His daughter, Marie Louise, married Jacques Chau-
vin; Marie Josepha married Gregory Kieserau; Marie Anne married Etienne Daigle
(D'Aigle); Joseph married Marie Berger; Lieut. Charles Tayon married Celeste Des-
champs; Francis married Pelagie Chauvin; Helen married Registre Loisel, Jr.
Registre Loisel, of the Parish of Assumption, Lower Canada, married Manette
Massin. Their son, Registre, Jr., born in Canada, emigrated to St. Louis 1793; married,
1800, Helene, daughter of Jacques Chauvin and wife, Marie Louise Tayon, and had
children: Josephine, who married Hypolite Papin; Clementine married Sylvestre Papin
and had Marie Clementine, who married Leopold Carriere, born in Brest, France, 1815;
and Registre Loisel, Jr.
Antoine Chenie, whose ancestors came from France and settled in Canada, was born
at Point Claire; educated in Montreal, then came to St. Louis where he associated him-
self with the American Fur Co. He married Marie Therese Papin, born 1788, and had
six children. He built the first three-story brick house in the village. His eldest son,
Antoine Leon, married Julie, daughter of Jules De Mun and wife, Louise Gratiot; son of
Jacques de Mun of the French nobility (see De Mun and Gratiot); and wife, Madaline
Millecour. They had children:
1. Isabel, who married Dr. Ellsworth Smith, and had children, Ellsworth, Jr., M.
D., who married Grace Platte; De Mun; Julie, married Dr. Crosby, Surgeon U. S. A.; Shep-
pard, married Susanna Cabanne; Emilie, married J. Perry Francis.
2. Julie Chenie, married Sheppard Cabanne, M. D., and had children, Susan, who
married, first, Robert Goode, secondly, Lieut. Goode, U. S. A.; and Sheppard Cabanne, Jr.
3. Therese Chenie, married John M. Sellers.
4. Marie, married Charles Quinette.
5. Leon Chenie, married Amanda, daughter of Prof. Sill, and had children, Joseph;
Julie; Isabella, who married Thomas Preston Haley; Leon; Therese and George.
Amanda Chenie married Auguste Masseure; Jules Chenie married Josephine Lane;
Tulie Chenie married Henry Gourd; Athalie Chenie married J. S. Pease; their son, Oliver
Pease, married Marie Therese Papin.
Jules Chenie and wife, Josephine, daughter of Dr. Harvey Lane
La iyi **
°f -e Genevieve, had issue: Harriet, who married Francis X.
La Motte and nad .
x g ou i ard; 2, Elizabeth Patterson La
Motte, who married John Mullanphy Gates. Harriet Chenie La
Motte married, secondly, Gen. D. M. Frost.
John Mullanphy Cates was a son of John B. Catcs and wife.
Gates Catherine Jane Clements, daughter of James Clements and
wife, Eliza, daughter of John Mullanphy, the well-known philan-
niulltinpbv *
Marie Therese Bourgeois, an orphan of French parentage, was reared by the Ursuline
Nuns of New Orleans. She married Chouteau and her son, Auguste Chouteau,
born in New Orleans 1750, became the pioneer settler of St. Louis. When but a boy
under the direction of Pierre Ligueste Laclede, he landed, February 15, 17G4, at the pres-
ent site of St. Louis, and following instructions, proceeded with his companions to fell
the forests and lay the foundations of the little trading post, which soon thereafter was
occupied by a number of French families gathered at Ste. Genevieve and other points on
the Mississippi river, thus becoming a nucleus for the many French families of noble
birth, refugees in Canada, New Orleans and elsewhere from the political troubles, which
had involved their native land in revolution. He became active and prominent in the
development of the little post, and twelve years later, 1786, married Marie Therese,
daughter of Gabriel Cerre of French ancestry, born in Montreal, Canada, and wife, Marie
Le Fontaine, of the old French family of Huguenots, refugees from France on the revo-
cation of the Edict of Nantes. (See Le Fontaine.) They had children:
1. Auguste Aristede, who married Catharine, daughter of Simon Sanguinette, of
French nativity, a notary from Quebec, Canada. 2. Henry, who married Clementine,
daughter of Edward Coursault (born in Normandy, a shipmaster), and wife, Aglae Paul,
daughter of Eustache Paul, born in San Domingo. 3. Gabriel Sylvestre. 4. Eulalie.
married Rene Paul. 5. Louise, married Gabriel Paul. Emilie, married Thomas Floyd
Smith, U. S. A. 6. Auguste Rene, married Rebecca West Sefton. (See Dodge.) 7.
Edward A., married Elizabeth Julia Christy. 8. Virginia, married Joseph C. Barlow,
born in Philadelphia 1803; moved to St. Louis 1820. They had children: Jospeh Au-
gustus; Edward Chouteau, who married Harriet Kipling; Marie Celeste; Helen Clem-
ence, married James A. Phinney, U. S. A. Martha Theresa Estelle Naomi, married Henry
; ;
3. Charles P. Chouteau, married Julia Ann Belin Gratiot. Their daughter, Emelie,
married John Henshaw, and left children. Their son, Pierre, married Lucille Manette,
daughter of Robert Chauvin, and has a daughter. Nannie Chouteau, married Lieut. David
Johnson, United States Army, and has children.
4. Paul Ligueste Chouteau, married first, Constance de Breuil; secondly, Aurora
Hay. Pelagie K., married Bartholomew Berthold. (See Berthold.)
Pierre Chouteau, married secondly Brigite Saucier, daughter of Capt. Saucier.
De Bauduy.
The papers still in show them to be lineal descendants
possession of this family,
of Louis de Bauduy, of San Domingo, who married Marie Duval. Their son, Pierre, a sec-
ond son, Thomas, was followed by a daughter who married Mr. Bordes, and had a daugh-
ter, who married a merchant of Bordeaux, named Duthil.
The family had estates in La Grande, Boyne, and at La Petite Riviere, where Pierre
was born. He became a Captain of the Militia of the Island.
An ancestor of the De Bauduys, fought with the celebrated band that secured the
crown of Brittany for Beaufort, and in single combat overcame, in the presence of the two
armies, an English knight, who challenged any one of the knights of France, then present
in the ranks of Blois.
The De Bauduys of later years, since 1769, are related by ties of consanguinity or
intermarriage, with the Viscount and Baron de la Farrango, and to the Bishop of St.
Bries; to Charles Chugue Robin, Marquis de la Tremblaine, afterwards Marquis de Mon-
tague, and Chevalier de St. Louie. During the French Revolution, the Bauduy estates
were lost. Jean Baptiste Bauduy was a distinguished official of Santo Domingo, pos-
sessed of rare talents; killed in the insurrection of 1791, after a gallant defense. He had
four children, the eldest of whom married a Des Chappelle, descended from an ancient
and noble family of Brittany.
Alexander De Bauduy, a youth of eighteen years, recently returned from France,
signally avenged his father's death, at the hands of the negro rioters, and received for
gallant conduct, a sabre of honor, from Gen. Le Clerc, commanding the French troops.
He entered the French Army, and rapidly rose to distinction. He served in Spain, was
afterward Governor of Corfue, and after the abdication of Napoleon was retained in his
command by the Bourbons, as a testimonial to his worth and bravery; dying in 1826; Ba-
ron De Bauduy, General of the French Army, and Chevalier de la Legion d Honneur.
Dr. Jerome K. Bauduy, of St. Louis,the only grandson of Pierre, brother of Gen-
eral Bauduy, and through his mother is a great grandson of Baron John de Keating, a
Colonel in the French Army; a Chevalier of the Ordre de St. Louis, and the last of the
Irish Brigade. Dr. Bauduy adopted in early youth, the study of medicine, in which he
has been eminently successful, and of national renown as a neurologist.
De Lassus.
Pierre Charles de Eault, Marquis de Lassus et de Luziere, knight of the Grand Cross
of the Royal Order of St. Michael, was born in the town of Beaumaril Hainault, French
Flanders. He married there, Domatile Josepha Dumont Danzin de Beaufort, of the an-
cient nobility of France. He left France during the early part of the French Revolution,
with his family, arriving in New Orleans, 1794. From there he went to Ste. Genevieve,
where a French colony was established, and from there removed to St. Louis, where he
was appointed a civil magistrate, holding his office until the transfer of Louisiana to the
United States, 1803. His son, Charles de Hault de Lassus, was a Colonel in the Spanish
service, and afterward Governor of Upper Louisiana. His second son, James de Mar-
cellus, Camillas de Lassus, married his eldest daughter Odelle, married
first, Sylvester Pratte; secondly, Louis Valle, and had sons, Leo and Paul.
James Marcellus Ceran de Lassus de St. Train, born in Hainault, 1770, came to St.
Louis with his father. He served in the French Navy prior to the Revolution. After
reaching the United States, he was for a time commander of a Spanish galiot on the
upper Mississippi. He married, 1796, Marie Felicite, daughter of Louis Chauvet Du
Breuiel; died 1818, leaving sons, Domitil, Ceran, Felix, Savary, and Charles St. Vrain,
who married Eulalie Bouis.
Felix St. Vrain, third son, was a trusted Indian Agent, in the service of the United
States, in dealing with the Sacs and Foxes, including Black Hawk's band. He learned
their language, had their confidence, and was very much beloved by them, but finally lost
his life; was cruelly massacred by them, in one of their uprisings.
Among the early settlers in St. Louis, was Antoine Vincent Bonis,
_ Sr., born in Genoa, Italy, 1752, and emigrated to America about
** ou,s *
1780. From New Orleans he came direct to St. Louis, where in
1782, he married Madaline Robert, of Carondelet. They had
children, who by their marriages into the families of the early settlers became prominent
in the old Creole Society. Antoine Vincent Bouis, Jr., married Celeste Vasques; Andre
Vincent, married Angelique Noise; Pascall graduated 1718 from the IT. S. Military Acad-
emy; Francis Vincent, married Helen Croisette; Marie Therese, married Sir Richard Dil-
lon, of Montreal, Canada; Eulalie, married Charles de St. Vrain, and their daughter,
Amelie, married Edmund W. Paul; Julie Odelle, married Lucian Du Moine; Elizabeth,
married Samuel English.
De L'lsle.
This one of the most ancient of the "Old French Families" of St. Louis; one of the
few families that has taken good care to keep an authentic and unbroken pedigree. Their
well preserved genealogical chart written on parchment shows a line of descent, un-
broken, from 1400, and also gives the history of the bestowal of the coat of arms. They
have also the actual seal used by the family for the past century positively, how much
longer with them is a matter of conjecture.
The Chart shows their ancestors all to have been of noble birth, and holding high po-
sitions; some of them counsellors of the king, others officers of the French Army; both
before and after the Revolution. The name in full is De L'Isle du Fief.
As far back as 1696, the Garesches were recognized as "nobles," for in the armorial
manuscripts, for the first time recorded in the archives of La Rochelle, France, there
is registered Coat of Arms, described as follows: "D'Argent, encroissant de gueles, sur-
mounte d' une mantelle de Sable."
The private records of the family, show printed histories as far back as 1635. As
nobles they were affiliated in and around La Rochelle with the aristocrats, but never neg-
lected the interests of the common people. In 1795, Daniel Garesche was Mayor of La
Rochelle for several terms.
Pierre Isaac Garesche left France for St. Domingo, 1763, to establish with his
brother, Jean Garesche du Rocher, a business enterprise, and plantations, which they
continued until the Massacre, when they returned to La Rochelle. A
brother of Jean
and Pierre was a member of the Constitutional Assembly in France, and appointed on a
committee to demand from the King, a recognition of the "Tiers Etats," the common
people; despite the fact that he belonged to the nobility. A
Garesche was the first
founder of the Chamber of Commerce in La Rochelle, where the name is still venerated.
Jean Garesche du Rocher, left France, 1811, and settled in Philadelphia, where he
was naturalized, having then a daughter, Elise, (who married and returned to Paris), and
two sons, Vital Marie, and Jean Pierre, both of whom married demoiselles de Bauduy.
Jean Pierre, dying in St. Louis, left a son, Pierre Bauduy, who became a lawyer of dis-
tinction. Vital Marie Garesche represented the United States as Consul General to
Cuba; was land agent for the United States when Missouri was a Territory; dying in St.
Louis, he left sons, Justus P., a distinguished officer of the United States Army; Alexan-
der J. P., a prominent lawyer; Frederick P. A., Priest of the Catholic Church, and Ferdi-
nand L., whose name is synonymous with honesty in the commercial world. Edward Gar-
esche married Emma Jennings.
Nicola Jarat, a native of Vessen Franche Conte, France, joined the French Colony
in St. Louis, after a short stay in Kentucky. He married in St. Louis, Miss Barbo, of
French parentage; their daughter, Cornelia, married Ray, son of Gov. Alexander McNair.
Nicola Jarat married secondly, and had children; Adele, who married Mr. Mc-
Cracken; Vital, married Miss Crotea; Julia, married first Mr. Short, secondly Wm. Mor-
rison; Felicite, married first James Waddell, secondly Charles Tillman, and Melanie, who
married Samuel C. Christy.
La Beaume.
Louis Tartaran de la Beaume was born in Languedoc, France, and married there,
Adelaide Du Temple. Becoming involved in the political troubles of that revolutionary
period, he emigrated with his family to America, casting his lot with the French set-
tlers in St. Louis, where he died; leaving children, who intermarried with the French
families already domiciled there. His daughter, Marie Louise, born in France, married in
St. Louis, Albert, son of Edward Tesson (born in San Domingo), and wife Lucy Maroth;
Pierre Auguste La Beaume, born in France, married in St. Louis, Elizabeth McPherson.
Louis T. La Beaume, married, secondly, Susanne Du Breuil, and had eleven children;
Louis A., Theodore, who married Elizabeth Louis Tartaran; Charles E., who married
Dora Shaw; Eugenie, who married Peter E. Blow; Alexander, who married in France, and
Susanne, who married, 1826, William, grandson of Capt. James Newman, born near
Harrisburg, Pa., when quite a young man emigrated to St. Louis, where he married. He
and his wife both died young, leaving an only son, Socrates, who married Marie,
daughter of Dr. Vitalis, a native of France. They had children: William H., who mar-
ried Elise Papin; Louis Newman, M. D.; Marie, who married Wentworth Terry; Mimie
who married Mr. Hatch, and Caroline.
Louis Chauvet Du Breuil, was born in Rochelle, France, 1736. He
was a son of Rene Chauvet Du Breuil, of noble lineage from
Du Ki'cuil. one £ the ancient families of France; Attorney for the King.
He married Marie Dagnan. Their son Louis Chauvet, was one
of the earliest of the French voyageurs to St. Louis. He married, 1772, Susanne, daughter
of John Sautone, and Suboda Tugaret. They had nine children: Marie Felicite, who
married James Ceran de St. Vrain; Antoine; Susanne, married Louis Tartaran La Beaume;
Celeste, married Auguste Fremon de Lauriere; Louis Ceran; Charles, married Louise
Paul; Elinore, married Wm. Sharpe; Clarisse, married Edward Hempstead; Constance,
married Paul Ligueste Chouteau.
Auguste Fremon de Lauriere, Lord du Buffay, and de Crois, of
Nantes, France, was one of the early French colonists arriv-
Dc Launicpc. ing in st Louis, 1796. He married, 1796, Josephine Celeste,
daughter of Chauvet Du Breuil, and had children, Loraine,
who married G. N. Bright, of Lexington, Ky.; Celeste, married R. M. Duvall, of Cincin-
nati; Ozite, married Lucius Phipps; Du Buffay, marrit^d Zelina Du Breuil; Charles, mar-
ried Celeste Du Breuil.
Robert Edward Lucas was born in Normandy, France, 1758, of ancient French line-
age, and held prominent offices in the Government; was Procurer du Roi. He married
M'lle de L'Arche. Their son, Jean Baptiste Charles, born at Pont Au de Mer, 1758,
married Anne Sabin, and came to America, 1764. He settled first in Western Pennsyl-
vania, and represented his district in Congress. In 1805 he removed to St. Louis. They
had children: Robert; Charles; Anne, who married Theodore Hunt; William, and James
H., who married Emily Des Ruisseau, of noble French ancestry; and had children: Wil-
liam, who married Mary Honier; Lizzie, who married first Mr. Hicks, secondly Judge
Hager, U. S. Senator from California; Robert, who married Clare Kennedy; Charles, who
married Miss Moreton; James who married Florence Dedrick; Henry V., who married
Louise Espenschied; Joseph D., who married Frances McLaran; Nancy, who married
Dr. J. B. Johnson.
"A French officer, the first of the Papins, came to Canada with Gen. Chapman.
He was a native of France, issued from the Orleans branch of the de la Papin family,
who trace their ancestry back to the XIII century, where they are established among the
gentry of noble standing." (Beckwith's Creoles of St. Louis.) His grandson, Pierre Papin,
born in Montreal, married Anne Peleticr and had Gillis, who married Marie Francois
Chaperon, and had Joseph, born in Montreal, who removed to St. Louis 1710. He was
educated for a civil engineer, but was given an appointment in the Commissariat of the
French army prior to the cession of Canada to the English, and held many important
positions in that department. He married a kinswoman, Margaret Papin, and had one
son, Marie Joseph, who married Marie Louise Chouteau, daughter of Pierre Ligueste La-
clede and wife, Madame Marie Therese (Bourgeois) Chouteau, founders of St. Louis, and
had children: Joseph, born in St. Louis, married a widow, Mrs. Bradshaw; Marguerite,
married Mons. P. Le Due; Alexandre La Force, married Julia Brazeau; Marie Therese,
married Antoine Chene; Marie Louise; Hypolite Leber, married Josephine Loisel; Pelagie;
Sophie; Pierre Millecour, married Marie de Moulins; Sylvestre V., married Clementine
Loisel; Emilie, married F. D. Chauvin; Pierre Didier, married Catharine Cerre; Theodore
D. Artigny, married Marie Duchoquette. From these marriages came numerous families,
of which mention is made of the first three generations.
Marguerite, the eldest daughter, married Philip Le Due, son of Giles, son of J. A.
Le Due and wife, Marie Humeler, born at St. Denis, Paris, France, 1773. When quite
a young man he came to Louisiana with his mother and brothers; was private secretary
to Gov. De Lassus, and came with him to St. Louis as Secretary of Upper Louisiana. He
filled many positions in the Civil Government of the Province until his death, 1810.
Alexander La Force married Julie, granddaughter of Joseph Brazeau. Their daugh-
ter, Fannie, married Larkin Deaver, of an old Maryland family, and had Julia Deaver,
married, first, Henry Chouteau, secondly C. Hewitt and had a daughter, May, who mar-
ried Lieut. Williams, U. S. A.
Louise Deaver, married Hon. Bernard Caulfield, M. C.
Marie Therese married Antoine Chenie. (See Chenie.)
Hypolite Leber, married Josephine Loisel, daughter of Registre and Helen Chauvin
Loisel, and had children: Hypolite; Joseph L., married Sophie Shaw; Alexander; Henry;
J. Theodore; Pierre Millecour, married Marie de Moulins; Eugene, married Mary Booth;
Marie Louise, married E. C. Du Pree; Zoe, married Edward Tracey; Emily Lise, married
James Waugh; Marie Josephine, married R. C. Greer.
J. Theodore married Adelaide Vion and had children: Grace, who married Mr.
Miltenberger; A dele; Rene; Vion; Sophie, married H. L. Haydel; Zoe, married, first, De
Lor Buerthe, secondly, Charles Benedict; and Alise, who married W. H. Walker.
Zoe, daughter of Hypolite, married Mr. Tracey and had children J. Clark Tracey
Elise, married W. H. Newman; Belle Tracey, married, first, C. H. Nash, secondly, Calvin
R. Nutt.
Sylvestre V. Papin and wife, Clementine Loisel, had children
: Theodore, born 1827,
who married, first, Julie Henry and had children, Theophile, Jr., and Julie; he married,
secondly, Emily Carlin and had Edmund Vilery and Emily Lucille, who married Mr.
Borden of St. Clair, Michigan.
Timothy L. Papin, son of Sylvestre V., born 1722, was educated in Paris. His
daughter married Edmond Blair of Chicago; his son, John Papin, M. D., married Jessie
Emilie Papin, born 1797, married, 1816, Francois de Vince Chauvin, grandson of
Joseph Chauvin of Charleville, France, who, with his elder brother, Joseph, settled in
Canada. His son, Jacques, came with the colonists from Canada. Marie Louise Chauvin
married Charles A. Genestre; Robert married Martha Moore; Lucille Manette married
Louis Hirschberg; Sophie married Louis Hirschberg. Their son, Frank Hirschberg, mar-
ried Miss Frost, daughter of Gen. D. M. Frost.
Marie Papin married, first, G. W. Atchison; her daughter, Marie, married C. Bent
Carr, grandson of Capt. Silas Bent. Issue, George A.; Dorcas B., who married Earnest
Bell; C. Bent; Fannie L., married Rufus J. L. Taylor; Marie P.; Robert C. and Hazel A.
Marie Papin Atchison married, secondly, Dr. Gratz Moses; educated at the Philadelphia
University, graduated in medicine 1835; practiced his profession at Bordentown, N. J.;
went to Europe as private physician to Jerome Bonaparte, ex-king of Spain. On his re-
turn to this country he settled in St. Louis and married, first, Mary, daughter of Col. Sam'l
Porter Ashe; their daughter, Mary, married Mr. Eaton. Dr. and Mrs. Moses had, besides
two sons, John and Dr. Gratz A. Moses, who had children: Marie, who married Dr. Paul
Tupper; Ella, who married Mr. Howell of Georgia, and Ashley.
The descendants of Adolph Papin are Julie M., Clara F., Ashley, Louise, Adolph,
Llewellyn, Marie and Maurice Papin.
Eustache Paul, a native of France, emigrated to San Domingo, where he had large
estates, and married there, Marie Anne Scolastique, daughter of Rene Masse, ex-Gover-
nor of San Domingo. They had children: Gabriel, Sophie, Aglae; Eulalie, died young,
and Rene, all born in San Domingo. Gabriel, born in Capa Francaise, was sent to France
to be educated in the Ecole Polytechnique. He was a Chevalier of one of the Military
Orders of France; Captain of Sappeurs et Mineurs, of an Engineer Corps serving in the
Spanish and Italian campaigns; was promoted to the rank of Colonel; was on the French
flagship at the naval battle of Trafalgar, where he was severely wounded. His father,
Eustache Paul, and family, having been forced to flee from San Domingo during the
Insurrection, died en route for America and was buried at sea. His widow and children
continued their journey to Philadelphia, where they settled and were joined by the
eldest son, Gabriel. Later they moved to St. Louis, where the children all intermarried
with the leading families, and their representatives may be found in nearly all of the
old Creole families.
Gabriel Paul married Louise, daughter of Auguste Chouteau and wife, Catharine
Cerre, of the old French family of La Fontaine. Their son, Gabriel Rene, born 1813,
was educated at the United States Military Academy; distinguished himself in the Mex-
ican war, leading the troops at the storming of Chepultepec, capturing in person the
Mexican flag, for which gallant conduct he was promoted to the rank of Major. He served
in the Rio Grande Expedition and subsequently in the Civil War on the Potomac; Brig-
adier-General at the battles of Chancellorsville and in the Richmond campaign. At the
battle of Gettysburg he suffered a severe wound, from which he lost his sight, and while
totally blind was placed in charge of the Soldiers' Home at Harrodsburg, Ky., where,
with his charming wife, he was soon surrounded by a select coterie of friends, drawn
from the exclusive Southern element, who, though differing from him in politics, recog-
nized and admired the noble qualities and gentle courtesy of the gallant soldier. He
married, first, 1835, Mary, daughter of Col. Wm. Whistler of the U. S. A., of an old Mary-
land family; secondly, Miss Rogers.
Sophie Paul, eldest daughter of Eustache Paul, married Theotine Fleurrie de Gen-
erelly of Lyons, France. (See de Generelly.)
Aglae Paul, who had been Maid of Honor to Hortense, Queen of Holland, married
Edward Coursault, born in Normandy, France; a shipmaster, owner of a fleet of merchant
vessels trading in the West Indies. Their daughter, Clementine Georgiana Coursault,
married Henry, son of Auguste Chouteau and wife, Marie Therese Cerre, and had Clem-
ence, who married Henry Chouteau; Edward Louis; Aglae, married Neree Valle; Henry
A., married Julia Deever; Gilman.
Rene Paul, married Eulalie Chouteau.
Of the third generation, Edmund Washington Paul married Amelie de St. Vrain;
Amelie married Peter N. Ham; Louisa married, first, Charles du Bruiel, secondly, George
Gosnell, a descendant of Capt. George Gosnell, one of the earliest navigators to the
Virginia colony. Their daughter, Tullia, married Edward Bullitt, of Louisville, Ky.
Tullia Clemence Paul married Frederick Wm. Beckwith of an old Maryland family,
George Beckwith having come from Yorkshire, England, 1G48. He was of ancient
lineage, tracing his ancestors back to temp William the Conqueror. John W., son of
George, married Mary Floyd Smith, daughter of Maj. Thomas Floyd Smith and wife,
Emilie, daughter of Col. Auguste Chouteau. Abigail Floyd, mother of Maj. Thomas
Flovd Smith, was a sister of Col. John Flovd of Kentucky.
Therese Paul married, 1846, George R. Taylor, of English ancestry, descended from
the house of Marlboro. They had issue: 1, Laura, who married Albin Mellier; 2, Ida
Reber, who married her cousin, Auguste Chouteau, son of Edward A. and Julia Christy
Chouteau; 3, Therese; 4, Louise; 5, Agnes; 6, George R., Jr.; 7, Walter Cerre Taylor, who
married Martha Keels Lowman, niece of Samuel Cupples.
Amadee Auguste Mellier, a native of France, married Miss Yver-
don, of Swiss parentage, and had three children: Amadee, Jr.,
ITlclllCP. born in France, came to America with his parents 1830 and
settled in Baltimore; married Christine Haverstock of Phila-
delphia and removed to St. Louis 1846. They had children: Ida, Reber, Albin, Duncan,
Taylor, Lina, May, and Margaret.
Estelle Felicite Paul married Richard W., son of Waldemar Ulrici, who, with his
wife, came from Germany at an early day, and had children: Richard (above); Reinard,
married Julia Lane; Robert; Rudolph, married Jacquelline Ham; Meinard; Helene, who
married Mr. Dryer.
Adolph Paul, born 1824, married first, Mary, daughter of John W. Reel and
Eugenie Saugrain; secondly, Virginia Menkens, daughter of Peter and Man' La Rue
Jean Babtiste Pratte, born in France, married Madeline Lalumandiere, daughter of
Alphonse and wife, Aimee de la Haye of the French nobility. They emigrated to Louisi-
ana and settled at Ste. Genevieve, where their son, Bernard, was born 1772, and reared.
He removed to St. Louis 1793, where he engaged in business and married Emelie, daugh-
ter of Sylvestre Labadie, born in Tarbs, France, son of Dominick and wife, Anne Belac,
and had children: 1, Sylvestre Pratte, who married Ottille de Lassus, daughter of
Camille de Lassus, younger brother of the last Spanish Governor of Upper Louisiana; 2,
Bernard Pratte, Jr., married Marie Louise, daughter of Antoine Chenie and wife, Marie
Therese Papin; 3, Emilie, married Ramsey Crooks; 4, Therese, married first W. B. Alexan-
der, secondly, Louis de Peugnet; 5, Celeste, married Stephen F. Nidelet; 6, Pelagie, married
Louis Vital Bogy; 7, Aimee married Joseph Blaine; and,
8, Mary Christy Pratte, who married Mr. Chenie, and had children: Sarah, who
married Bernard G. Farrar; Mary Anne, married Maj. Thomas Wright; Matilde, married
first, Dr. D. N. Walker, secondly, Col. N. P. Taylor; Frances, married, first, Maj. Taylor
Berry, secondly, Judge Robert Wash; Elizabeth, married Genl. W. W. Ashley, U. S. A.;
Virginia married Dr. Edwin Bathhurst Smith; Harriet, married Capt. James Dean, U. S.
A.; Edward Howard, married Susan Preston, of Kentucky.
Bernard Pratte and wife Marie Louise Chenie, had children: 1, Louise, who mar-
ried Clay Taylor; 2, Celeste, who married Augustus C. Tracey, son of Edward and wife
Mary Ann Dent, sister of Julia Dent, who married Genl. U. S. Grant, U. S. A.; 3, Julia
Pratte, who married, secondly, Hon. Wm. Gilpin, Governor of Colorado; 4, Lina Pratte,
a famous beauty, who married Dr. P. Gervaise Robinson, formerly of South Carolina, now
residing in St. Louis; Bernard, who married Julia Edwards, of Kentucky; Sylvestre, who
married Mary Sloan.
Louis D. Peugnet was born in France, where he took an active
p and prominent part in the political troubles, which preceded the
r cmjnet.
Coronation of Louis Napoleon, as Emperor of France. Not long
after this event, he came to the United States, and joined the
French Colony in St. Louis, where he married Theresa Pratte, daughter of Bernard and
wife Emilie Labadie (or L'Abadie). They had children: Ernest Peugnet, who married
Helene S. Thompson, and Armand Peugnet, who married Virginia Sarpy Berthold (widow).
Pierre Provenchere, born in Orleans, France, 1740, was for many
D . years tutor to the Duke de Berri, son of Charles X. King of
Hl*©vencbC!tc. France. During the Revolution, he left his native land, and came
to Philadelphia, where he died, 1811, leaving one son, Antoine,
who followed the tide of emigration westward to St. Louis, where he settled, 1802. He
married Mary Rutgers, whose father, a native of Holland, had emigrated to St. Louis.
Their descendants are found prominently identified with the "Old French Families" of
St. Louis.
Gregoire Berold Sarpy was born in France, 1764, son of Charles Sarpy and wife
Susanne Trent, of Fuinel, Gascony. Of their children who emigrated to America, John
Berold, settled in New Orleans, as did also De Lor; Susanne, married Mons. d' Alvarez,
of France, and Marie, married Mons. La Forte, of France. Gregorie Berold, after a short
residence in New Orleans, joined the French Colony in St. Louis, where he married
Pelagie Labadie, and had issue: John, Berold, Susanne, Pierre Labadie, and Thomas.
John Berold Sarpy, married, first, Adele Cabanne, and their daughter, Virginia,
married, first, Frederick Berthold, secondly, Armand Peugnet, of France. John Berold
Sarpy, married, secondly, Martha Russell, and their daughter, Adele, married Hon. J. L. D.
Morrison, and had children: Martha Adele, who married Eugene Kelly, of New York; and
Minii, who married Clark, son of Gen. Eugene Carr, U. S. A.
Dr. Antoine Francois Saugrain, born in Paris, France, 1757, was a son of Claude
Marin Saugrain, who was for many years custodian of the great Arsenal Library, of Paris,
and at the time of the Revolution, saved it from destruction by the mob. He lived to be
seventy years old, and died in Paris, 1806. His son, Antoine, was educated for a chemist
and physician. He entered the service of the King of Spain, by whom he was sent to
Spanish- America, to examine and report upon the physical condition of the country. After
this service he returned to America with letters of introduction to Benjamin Franklin.
During his exploration in Kentucky, he was captured by the Indians, and suffered many
hardships, until he finally made his escape, and returned to France. He returned to
America, in 1792, with a party of French colonists, among them John Michaux, and
wife Marie Baileue, of the Petit Champs, Paris, and children: Rosalie Genevieve, who
married Dr. Saugrain; Sophie, married Dr. John H. Robinson; John; Alexander, and Mel-
choir. They all settled at Gallipolis, Ohio. Dr. Saugrain and wife went to Lexington,
Ky., where they lived a short time, then moved to St. Louis, where they were living at
the time of the Louisiana Purchase. They had children : Rosalie, who married Henry
Von Phul; Frederick; Eliza, married Dr. James Kennedy; Eugenie, married John Reel;
Henrietta, married Thomas Nail, and Alphonse.
William Von Phul, of noble German parentage, was born in West-
hofen, Central Pfalz, Germany, 1737; emigrated to America, and
v p .
Von Ml>ul.
Sou a i*d.
Antoine Pierre, son of Henri Francois Soulard, and Marie Francoise Leroux, was
born in Rochefort, France, 1766. His father was an officer of the French Navy, and
he following the profession of his father, was also of the navy. Leaving it with the
rank of lieutenant he came to St. Louis, where he was appointed Royal Surveyor of Upper
Louisiana. He married Julia, daughter of Gabriel Cerre and wife, Catherine, daughter of
Antoine Gerard, and wife Marie Le Fontaine.
Antoine and wife, Julie Cerre, had children:James ("Gaston"), who married Eliza-
beth, daughter of Col. Thomas Hunt, U. S. A.; Henri, who married Harriet, daughter
of Dr. Harvey Lane and wife, Julienne Hamtramck, daughter of a Prussian officer; Gene-
vieve; Elizabeth; Benjamin, who married Rose Closey, of Philadelphia; Mary, and
Blanche, who married Gen. Turner.
Joseph Bogy, of Kaskaskia, married Marie, daughter of Vital
Beauvais, of French ancestry, who emigrated to Louisiana, 1740.
R ^* Their son, Louis Vital Bogy, served with distinction in the In-
dian War of 1832; was a legislator, and head of the Indian
Bureau; was elected to the U. S. Senate, from Missouri, 1873. His son, Joseph Bogy,
born 1838, married Eliza, daughter of E. B. Kimball and wife, Julia, daughter of Gaston
Soulard. Of their children:
1. Benj. Kimball married Fannie Lopez, of Spanish ancestry, and had among other
children Virginia, who married Kearney Mason and Fannie, who married Walter Douglas.
: ;
Neree Francois Valle, born in Ste. Genevieve, Mo., 1818, was a grandson of Francois
Valle, of St. Germain, France, who had three sons, Francois, Felix and Jean Baptiste.
Franco is had issue: Ama die, who married Sylvanie Sarade; John; Frank; Neree,
who married Aglae Chouteau; Clothilde, who married — Rozier, of St. Genevieve; Mary,
who married Thomas Reyburn, and had one son, Valle Reyburn.
Felix died, leaving several children.
Jean Baptiste left a son, Jules Valle, M. D., residing in St. Louis.
Neree, son of Francois Valle, married Aglae, daughter of Henry Chouteau and wife,
Aglae Paul, and had children, among them, Blanche, born 1846, married John A. Dillon.
Genevieve Marie Valle, married Dr. Arthur Lee Randolph. Issue: Valle, Joseph,
Mary Page, and Arthur Lee.
Patrick Dillon, father of John A., was born in Londonderry, Ire-
land, and was a commissioned officer, in the army against the
u '" on *
British Government, in the Irish Rebellion, 1807; escaped and
came to Philadelphia. He married, first, Anne Nash, who died
leaving two daughters, Mrs. Dr. Charles, and Mrs. James B. Eads. He married, secondly,
Eliza Jane Eades, of Kentucky. (See Eades.) Issue: Eliza, who married Count de la
Vaulz, France, formerly an officer of the Pontificial Zouaves, and
John A. Dillon married Blanche Valle, and had children: Gertrude Pia; and John
A., Jr., born in Rome, Italy; Maude M., born in St. Louis; Blanche Marie; Adele; Genevieve
M., and Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon and family now live in New York City (1902).
. (Ret.— Billon's 'Annals of St. Louis," BeckwiWs "Creoles," and family records.)
Alfred the Great.
Alfred, alone of all the English Kings, is called "The Great," and of him it has been
worthily said that he was a man against whom, though he lived in that fierce light that
beats upon a throne, there is no evil charge, and who might appropriately be termed "The
Good" as well as "The Great."
No one man has done so much to make Englishmen what they are, as King Alfred.
To him is due the fact that the Anglo-Saxon type so largely survives, for when it seemed
that they would pass, as. did the Celts and Romans before them, and that the heathen
Danes might take their place, it was to Alfred's courage then, and his wise and patient
work later, we owe the salvation of the Anglo-Saxon stock, which was the making of the
typical Englishman of to-day; the Englishman from whom so largely sprung our American
people. He spent his life laying broad and deep the foundations of the British Empire.
He united the petty kingdoms of Kent and Essex, and Wessex, and Norfolk, and Suffolk,
the Middle, and East and West Angles, t he Saxons, the Mercians, Wales, and together
they resisted the yearly incursions of the Danes, and in one battle he repulsed them after
nine years continuous defeat. He built up the walls, the gates, and bridges of London,
making it a walled city of defense. He created the navy, building larger and swifter
ships than those of the Danes; a fleet of one hundred sails, with which he defeated them
on their own element, the sea.
He was not the creator of the English law (the foundation of our American laws),
but he remodeled it, beginning his code with, "Thus Sayeth the Lord, 'I am the Lord thy
God.' " This was the key note; the laws of the people must conform to the laws of God
as recited in the Mosaic law and the Acts of the Apostles, closing finally with the in-
junction of St. Matthew, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, that do ye
even so unto them."
Alfred was born at Wantage, one of the royal residences of the Kings of Wessex,
849. He died, only fifty-three years old, Oct. 28, 901, worn out by the hardships and
privations and mental strain of his brave, arduous career, and was buried at New Minster,
founded by him at Winchester. His son Edward succeeded, and nobly carried on his
father's great work. Edward's daughter Elfrida, married Count Baldwin, of Flanders,
and became the mother of Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror.
"There is no portrait of him; the outer man has perished, but in deeds, there stands
revealed the most perfect character of our annals. From every critical ordeal Alfred
emerges resplendent, in renown still Alfred the Great."
In 1901, a statue was erected to his memory in the market place at Wantage,
celebrating the one thousandth anniversary of his death.
CUilliam the Conqueror.
To the many Americans of "Royal Lin- After the battle of Hastings he was in-
eage," who trace descent from William the vested with the title of King of England on
Conqueror, the accompanying portrait of Christmas day, 1066, within the freshly
reared walls of Westminster Abbey, founded
that worthy Duke who crossed the border
by Edward the Confessor, and from that
and seized the Crown of England from the time onward it has been the exception for
Saxon Kings, will be of exceeding interest, the ceremony to be performed elsewhere.
as also the fac simile of his seal preserved This ceremony was not without excitement
now over a thousand vears. and came nigh ending in a tragedy.
It would be impossible a book of this nature to give more than a bare outline of
the establishment of the colonies in America, and only partial lists of the personages
who took active part in this great historic drama; sufficient, however, to show the ori-
gin of the "gentle blood"' inherited by many thousands of our American citizens, of both
high and low degree, from their noble sires. To many of them humble stations have
been allotted by fickle fortune, but it is a significant fact, that among the more favored,
such as have found their way back to the old world, have been received with the greatest
honor. It is interesting to note how many of our daughters are seated in the most
ancient halls of the mother country, honored wives of the leaders of the national councils
of Great Britain.
The Spaniards were the first to establish colonies in America with the idea of
founding a new Roman Empire in the west, and thereby restore the Roman Catholic Em-
pire in Europe. Protestantism was first planted in America 1516 by Jean Ribault, who
undertook the foundation of the first Huguenot colony at Port Royal, S. C. In 1564
a second colony of Huguenots was sent out under Capt. Rene de Londonniere, who
settled on the St. John's river, Florida, where they were massacred by the Spaniards. In
1565, those who escaped the massacre found their way to Wales, taking with them
samples of the products and giving such glowing descriptions of the country that many
private expeditions were set on foot by rich English adventurers, hoping to secure for
themselves some interest in this wonderful land. The House of Lords and the House of
Commons became interested. The Government was represented by the king, the royal
family and many great officials; the church by her most eminent theologians; the
trades by the city companies of London and by some of the greatest merchants of
England; the army, the navy and the learned professions by an assemblage of peculiarly
illustrious names. England had the earliest support of the New Netherlands and the
eyes of all Europe were looking upon their efforts "to spread the Gospel among the
heathen people of the New World, to plant an English nation there."
It was under the management of some of the greatest men in English history.
They selected one of the strongest positions on the Atlantic coast. They took fast hold
there and they prayed "unto the merciful and tender God, who is both easie and glad
to be entreated that it would please him to bless and water their feeble beginnings,
and that as he is wonderful in all his works, so to enrich this grain of seed that it may
spread until all of the people of the earth admire the greatness and seek the shade and
fruit thereof." And it pleased God to answer their prayer. All of the people of the
earth seek the shade and admire the fruits of the little seed planted a little over four
centuries ago. (See Genesis of United States.)
Queen Elizabeth first granted letters patent to Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1578, for the
inhabiting and planting of an English colony in America. It was 1583 before he finally set
sail from Plymouth with a fleet of five ships. He was lost on the return voyage. In
1584 letters patent were granted to his half-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, who, with
Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlow, sailed from England and reached North Carolina in
July of the same year. They returned with glowing accounts of the country, which was
named for England's Virgin Queen, Virginia, To Sir Walter Raleigh was given a charter
to establish for the Crown, the Governor to be appointed by the Crown, and this ter-
ritory was finally extended so as to embrace the whole- Atlantic coast.
Sir Walter Raleigh's fleet of seven vessels made their second voyage to America
April 9th, 1585, commanded by Sir Richard Greville, and among the officers were
Thomas Cavendish, Mr. John Arundel, Mr. Raymond, Mr. Stukely, Mr. Bremige, Mr. Vin-
cent, Simon Ferdinando, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Russell, Edward Gorges, Francis Brook,
Capt. John Clark and others. Capt. Ralph Lane, Philip Amidas, John White, Thomas
Hariot, Edward Stafford and about one hundred and three others who were by agree-
ment to remain in the colony one year at least. They landed on the present coast of
North Carolina.
In the same year, in response to the declaration of war upon England by the King
of Spain, Sir Philip Sidney and Sir Francis Drake started forth on their mission of
warfare. After the siege of Carthagenia, returning to England, they took St. Augustine,
Florida, en route, then visited the English settlement at Roanoke, where they spent a
month before "setting sail for England." Many of these officers returned later to the col-
onies with patents for land; their names may be found in the records of the land offices
and their descendants are numerous throughout the United States. Following is a list of
Under the Dutch government, and the directors of the West India Co., a great
many Hollanders settled in what are now known as Kinderhook, Ghent, Stuyvesant, Stock-
port, and Claversack, the latter being the seat of the VAN RENSSELAERS, "Patroons" of
the lower manor which consisted of 170,000 acres of land. Kilraen, the first emigrant
came from Nieukirk, Gelderland, 1637, to New Amsterdam. The early records of the
Dutch Reformed Church, show that the well known county names of to-day are found on
the lists of the early settlers. They founded the "Manor Van Rensselaerwyck." THE
LIVINGSTONE Manor contained 160,000 acres, the patent being granted in 1685, to Robert
Livingstone, of Scotch descent, for Rev. John Livingstone, born 1603, exiled on account of
his religious convictions. He went to Holland, the birthplace of the American emigrant,
the first Lord of the Livingstone Manor. In the year 1710, Queen Anne purchased for him
6,000 acres for the settlement of the German Palatinates, who had served in the British
army, and formed the original settlement of Germantown. The Livingstones are descend-
ants of the Earls of Linlithgow and Colendar.
Stephen Van Cortlandt came over from the Netherlands in 1697, and obtained the
grant of the Manor of Cortlandt in New York.
Yrederijck Felypsen, came over from the Netherlands 1693, and became one of the
"Manor Lords," of New York. They are now known as the Philipses of Philipsboro.
Philip Pietersen Schuyler emigrated in 1650, and became one of the largest land-
owners by patent of the Albany District.
Bcvenvyck Isaac Kype, a descendant of Ruloff de Kype, a Norman lord, obtained in
1657, a large grant of land in the New York colony. It was erected as a manor by
patent dated 1688, for his descendants, Jacob, and Hendricks, under the name of Kyps-
Johannes de Peytser, came over from Haarlem, Netherlands, to New Amsterdam
1652, and was one of the six citizens who drew up the first charter.
William Beekman, originally from Cologne, came over from Hassalt, Overyssel, to
New Amsterdam, 1647.
Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of the New Netherlands, 1647, was the son of a Fries-
land clergyman.
Jan Jansen Bleecker, came to New Amsterdam from the province of Overyssel, Neth-
erlands, 1658.
Cornelius Berents Van Wyck, came from his native village of Wyck near Teck,
Holland, to the New Netherlands, 1660.
Charles Martensen Van Roosevelt, came from the Protestant Netherlands to New
Amsterdam, 1651, and from him is descended our President of the United States.
Jan and Jacobus Van Strycker obtained, in 1643, from the Staats General of the
Netherlands a grant of a large body of land, and came to New Amsterdam 1651-2.
Jacob Jacobson Schermerhooren, Joris Van Alst, the Van Sietorts, the Van Norts,
the Schencks, the Van Voorhees, and many others, Holland Dutch of noble descent, all
bearing arms, make up the old Knickerbocker Aristocracy, which began with the "Pa-
troons," or "Lords of the Manor," in the first third of the Seventeenth Century.
Zbe palatines
"The Lords Proprietor" were those English noblemen who received from their sov-
ereign princely grants of lands, with regal rights, the king only retaining a feudal tenure
over them. Such grants were given in Newfoundland, Maine, Long Island, Maryland,
Pennsylvania and Carolina. The northern provinces were shortlived, the provincial char-
ter of Maryland was never revoked; the Palatine Principality established in Carolina in
1663 lasted sixty-five years, during which time the Proprietors were absolute lords of land
and water within their boundaries. Could declare war, levy taxes, establish courts of
justice, and otherwise exercise kingly rights, such as the Counts Palatine, who played an
important part in the history of medieval Europe.
In 1634, Charles I granted to Sir Edmund Plowden and eight other petitioners the
whole of Long Island and forty miles of the adjoining continent including the present
states of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, to be known as the County
Palatine of New Albion. In 1639, a Palatine principality was estabished in Maine by Sir
Ferdinand Georges, which lasted under his son ten years. In 1610 George Calvert, Lord
Baltimore, received a royal grant for the Province of Newfoundland, which he called the
Province of Avalon, and built him a magnificent home, and established a colony on the
eastern coast. On account of the climate he abandoned it. Returning to England in
1632, he received the magnificent grant of the Province of Maryland which contained "the
most ample rights and privileges ever granted by any sovereign." He died before the
charter was delivered, but his son Cecil Calvert, carried out his father's plans. In 1629
Charles I granted to Sir George Heath, a charter to the Carolinas. In 1633 King Charles
II granted to Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of
•Craven, John Lord of Berkley, Anthony, Lord Ashley (Earl of Shaftesbury), Sir John Car
teret, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkley, all of the country between the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans, between parallels 31 and 36, called Carolina, in honor of Charles,
embracing North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi and finally Vir-
ginia. Portions of this patent were sold to Sir John Tyrrell, Henry Duke of Beaufort,
William Lord Craven, James Bertie Doddington, Greville, Sir John Colleton, Archibald
Hutchinson, John Collora, Joseph Blake, and John, Lord Cartoret. Sir Wm. Berkley, was
at that time Governor of Virginia, and the charter was issued to him and his associates.
In 1665, Sir John Yeamans established an important colony in old Clarenden Co.
Carolina, which did not flourish under the rule of the Lordsi Proprietor; their rights were
therefore purchased by the crown in 1728, and they became colonies of the English
Crown, and the Palatinate of the Lords Proprietors was abolished.
There were three orders of nobility created in the Carolinas by the Lords Propri-
etor, the charter granted by the crown authorizing such an establishment. 1st, the
Palatines, already named; second, the Landgraves, John Locke, Sir James Cartaret, Sir
John Yeamans, first governor of Carolina, 1671. Sir Edmund Andros, Col. Joseph West,
Thos. Colleton, Esq., Joseph Moreton, Esq., Daniel Axtell, Sir Richard Kyrle, James
Colleton, John Price, Thomas Smith, Esq., Col. Robert Daniel, John Archdale, Joseph
Blake, Thomas Amy, Edmund Bellinger, John Bagley, Esq., John Wyche, Sir Nathaniel
Johnson, Christopher, Baron de Graffenriedt, Maj. Edward Jacques, Abel Kentely, Esq., Mr.
William Hodgson, and Charles Eden. The third order of the nobility was the Caciques, of
which there were twelve: Capt. Henry Wilkinson, Mr. John Smith, Maj. Thomas Rowe,
Mr. Thomas Amy, John Gibbs, John Ashby, John Monk, Esq., Sir Nathaniel Johnson. Dr.
Christopher Dominick, Thomas Smith, Esq., Philip Ludwell, Esq., and William Hodgson.
In 1623, a quo warranto was issued whereby all of the charters were annulled and
Virginia ceased to be a Proprietary and beca me a Royal Government under the king, to be
dealt with as he saw fit.
Iu 1632, Charles I granted to Cecilias Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, the lands which
once formed a part of the Virginia charter. Will am Clayborne, an influential and promi-
nent colonist, had already settled the Isle of Wight, over which there was much conten-
tion, but Clayborne was upheld by the king and appointed Councilor and Secretary of
State for Virginia, and so continued.
10. John Woodnord, son of Thomas, As- Skipwith of Prestwould, Leicestershire, cre-
ated Baronet by James I.
say Master of the Mint.
22. Sir Henry Chichley, Governor of Sir
11. Kobert Jones, a supporter of Bacon
Thomas of the Privy Council.
but a soldier against the Parliament, who
23. Col. Joseph Bridger, whose tomb-
had received many wounds. stone in Isle of Wight Co., states that he re-
12. Nicholas Dunn, Chief Clerk of the ceived a special summons to wait upon the
Kitchen, forced to go to Virginia and died king. (Ref., William & Mary Quarterly,
there. Vol. 6, pp. 89-90.)
Anthony Langston, formerly Ensign
13. To these names should be added, "John
in Prince Maurice's Kegiment and after- Smith, the young English Cavalier, without
wards fourteen years in Virginia. whose labors and the labors of his gallant
14. Mr. Henry Bishop, "who formerly coadjutors, neither the Puritans nor the
served the king in those unhappy wars in Covenanters would ever have made a lodge-
England." ment upon these shores." Sir George
15. Alexander Culpepper, whose father Yeardley, who called the first legislative
/'lost all his estate, life and liberty for the Assembly of the American Continent; Capt.
king." Nicholas Martiau, Capt. George Utie, and
Capt. Samuel Matthews, who sent the tyrant
16. Peter Jennings, who faithfully served Gov. Harvey close prisoner back to Eng-
his majesty's father. He became Attorney- land; Col. William Claiborne, who con-
General for Virginia.
tended in arms against the spoliation of
17. John and Laurence Washington, sons Virginia by Lord Baltimore; Alexander
of Kev. Laurence Washington, a loyal min- Spottswood, who crossed the mountains
even ahead of the Star of Empire; Robert
18. Sir Dudley Wiat, who died at James Beverley and Wm. Stith, whose histories
City. stand unrivaled during the time they wrote;
19. Maj. Kichard Fox, who came with and the splendid Col. Wm. Byrd of West-
Henry Norwood, 1649. over, whose writings are not excelled in
20. Dr. Jeremiah Harrison, whose wife, literary taste by any production of his or
Frances, was daughter of Thomas Whit- any age. (See William & Mary Quarterly,
grave, Co. Stafford, Eng., who saved the life Vol. 6, p. 134.)
A valuable collection of the arms of New England families, patrons of Samuel Gore,
a carriage painter of early days. Compiled from the orders found on his books, A. D.
Philip White, born in Hanover Co., Va., January 12, 1766; mar-
lUbltC. ried, 1786, Lucy Mills, of Alberniarle Co., Va., born 1764; issue
Betsy White, born 1788, married first in 1809 to Nathan or Mat-
thew Clark and had by this marriage, Lucy Mills Clark, married John Stull Greathouse
in 1828. Their children were: Tevis, Elizabeth White, Mary Ellen, John Clark, and
Lucien Philip.
Tevis Greathouse, 1829-1871, was a prominent lawyer in Vandalia, 111., married Julia
Elizabeth White Greathouse, 1832-1903, married at Shelbyville, Ky., 1855, to William
Singleton Smith, of Greenville, 111. He was born in Morgan Co., Va., July 15, 1810.
Mary Ellen Greathouse married Saml. A. Blanchard.
John Clark Greathouse, 1838-1867.
Lucien Philip Greathouse, 1842-1864. The youngest Brigadier-General of the Civil War.
Killed before Atlanta, July 22, '64, after more than three years active service in the Union
Army. He fought in forty pitched battles, the names of which are cut on his monument
at Vandalia, 111.
William Singleton Smith, and wife, Elizabeth White Greathouse, had six children:
Edgar Tevis, Lucy Ellen, Alice Greathouse, Lizzie Leah, Lucien Greathouse, Clarke Stull.
Edgar Tevis Smith, married, 1902, Sarah Harrison Colladay. She was a daughter of
Lieutenant Sain'l K. Colladay, 10th U. S. Cavalry, and Sallie B. Harrison. On the pater-
nal side a grand-daughter of Emily Kittenhouse and Charles Colladay, of Pennsylvania,
married in 1826. A great-grand-daughter of Benjamin Rittenhouse and Fanny Wade,
married, 1793. And a great-great-grand daughter of Francis Wade, a Colonizer of North-
ern New York, and Sarah Nelson, married, 1763.
Lucy Ellen Smith, unmarried, teacher at Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo.
Alice Greathouse Smith, married, 1881, Lieutenant Robert London, Fifth United States
Cavalry, a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, class 1873. They had one daughter,
Lucie Smith London. Her grandfather was Manger London, born at Wilmington, N. C,
1812, married Rachel J. Troy, 1843. Arms: He beareth Azure 3 Cross Crosslets, 2 Bend-
lets, Gules by the name of London. This coat was granted by Sir Edward Walker, Garter
K of Arms; February, Anno 1664, 17th Charles to Robt. London, Esq., of Albye Com. Nor-
folk, etc. Motto. Fidus et Audax.
Lucien Greathouse Smith, 1867-1898, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy,
class of 1891.
Clarke Stull Smith was graduated from the United States Military Academy, class of
1898, and is now a Lieutenant in the Engineer Corps, U. S. Army.
Jeremiah, married S. McDowell, and had eight children, the eldest of whom, Ann, married
Slayback, and had Charles, who married Miss Newman; Alonzo, married Miss
Waddell; Preston, and Minnie, who married Dr. Bond, residents of St. Louis; Joseph
married E. Cosby, and had children: William Minter married Elizabeth Waggoner, and
had children, Wm. Garnett; Sarah A. married Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Texas; Mary T., mar-
ried W. S. Rainey of Tennessee; Louisa, married C. B. Goodwin; Eliza J.; Rose, married,
first, Wm. Eagle, secondly, J. W. Fowler; Martha Minter, married Wm. H. Stovall, and
had Wm. H., George A., James K., and Elizabeth; Lamira Minter, married R. A. Parker,
and had children; Elizabeth, married J. D. Beattie; Wm. Garnett; Robert A., married S.
Flowers; Mary; Walter, married Miss Burr; Arthur married Miss Berry; Minter, married
Miss Pillow; Lamira, married Lucian Clapp, and Lou Kay, married George Henry.
Bartholomew, son of Count Bartholomew Du Puy, and wife, Mary Motley, had Martha,
who married Colonel Abraham Owen (see Owen), and had Elizabeth, who married Daniel
Brannin, of Louisville, Ky.
Since going to press, it has been ascertained from old wills, and
Fielding. records, that Hannah Fielding (p. 95) was issued from Ambrose
Fielding, "Gent." of King and Queen Co., Va.
The will of Richard Fielding, of Northumberland Co., Va., dated July 6, 1666, mentions
brother Robert, of Gloucester, Sister Elizabeth (F.) Gwyn, of Horton in Gloucester,
Brother Ambrose Fielding, in case Ship Phoenix arrives, his plantation at Great Wiecom-
icco, Northumberland Co. To brother Edward Fielding all his part of Ship Phoenix, with
all of his tobacco and stocks of goods, on board, and all the rest of his estate in Va. and
Henry Fielding, of King and Queen Co., Va., "Gent," will dated 26 October, 1704, leaves
to his daughter Frances, all of the residue of his property both in Virginia and England.
She married John Lewis, son of Colonel John Lewis, and Elizabeth Warner. In case of
her death before marriage the estate to be divided between his mother, Madame Frances
Fielding. She to be executor, with a Mr. Francis Thompson, England, executor (cousin),
and others. She to share estate with John and Mary Howell his step children; in case
of death, to go to his cousin Francis Thompson, in England. Since the Lewises, Addisons,
Howells and Thompsons inter-married it is likely that his mother was a Thompson.
Scarborough, page 22. Charles Minn Thruston, married 1738, Mary, daugh-
Flournoy, page 96. ter of Col. Sam'l Buckner of Gloucester Co."
Thomas Pittman, page 96. (Family Record, see William and Mary Quarterly,
Virginia Cline, page 104. volume 4, page 181.)
Jean Jacques, page 80. Charles Mynn Thruston, page 43.
Forster, pages 118 and 119. E. W. Stephens, p. 371.
Gilbert Marshall to Henry I, page 131. Francis Davis Porcher, Jr., instead of Thomas
Sir Grey Skipwith, page 234. Davis Porcher, Jr., page 363.
Wood, instead of Woods, page 332. Joseph Smith of the Revolution (p. 143), married
a Miss Smith, and this record of the Smith's, is
Chilperic, King of Bergundians, 450; (page 44,
probably the record of his wife's family. Further
of Pedigree.)
first line
researches it is hoped will develop^ his lineage.
Maj. Richard, instead of John Fox, pages 21, 22.
Elizabeth McConniche (p. 102), was probably the
278, 280; (see pages 404-5.)
daughter of Rev. Wm. McConniche and wife Mary,
Capt. Francis West preceded Gov. Thomas West daughter of Col. John Hanson (see p. 17).
to Virginia Colony, instead of having followed him, The great house D'Albini; not of D'Albinis.
page 286. Col. John Addison (p. 289), married Barbara Dent,
Mynn Thruston, instead of Munn, page 296. daughter of Thomas Dent, and Barbara Wilkins
Sarah Minn, was ancestor of this family, and in (p. 15), daughter of Thomas Wilkins, Burgess, of
the early records was spelled Minn, page 43. "Col. Fauquhar Co., and wife, Weeks (see pp. 67-8).
Abadie, xiii. Bangs, 312, 317, Blanding, 206, 217. Burnham, 115, 370. Chambers, 61, 94,
Abell, 123. 319. Blanton, 83. Burgess, 86, xiv. 303, 311.
Acton-Scott, 322. Banks, 41, 43, 318, Bledsoe, 9. Burritt, 148. Chantel, 177.
Adair, 335. 356. Bliss, 51, 228. Busby, 224. Chandler, 152.
Addison, 15, 289, Bankhead, 220. Blossom, 228. Bushrod, 171. Chappelle, 147.
376, 410. Barbo, 382. Blount, 27, 30, 117, Burton, 225, 288- Chapline, 45-47.
Adgate, 64. Barbour, 127. 172. 303-7, 365. Chapman, 222.
Adkins, 140, 191. Barclay, 174. Blunt, 244. Burwell, 144, 229. Chardavoine, 100.
Adoe, 114. Barnes, 150, 384, Blythe, 191. 183, 336. Charlaville, 377.
Aglar, 246. 152, 154. Boarman, 195. Burnett, 367. Charles Martel,
Aguilar de, 246, 50. Barrington, 369. Bodley, 145. Butler, 36. 338.
Albini de, 34, 148. Barry, 278. Bohun, 336, 339. Byrd, 363-4, 369. Chastain, 181, 206.
175. Bartlett, 56, 150, Bogy, 388. Chauvin, 378, 405.
Albright, 195. 152, 329. Boisliniere, 378. Cabanne, 37-38, 61, Chatfleld, 35.
Alden, 114, 149. Bassett, 1, 144, 287, Bolton, 218. 376, 379. Chauncey, 148.
Alexander, 46, 216, 336. Bolyn, 5.
Cabell, 39-43, 353, Chauvet, 378-84.
386. Bates, 220, 221, 347, Bond, 341. 357. Cheadle, 347.
Aliot, 37. 351. Booker, 225. Cheek, 361.
'Cable, 352.
Alfred) the Great, Bateman, 98. Boogher, 31, 33. Chenie, 38, 60, 378,
Cadwallader, 56.
337, 389. Batte, 222. Boone, 245. 384.
Cairns, 243.
Allen, 2, 36, 51, Battaile, or Bat- Booth, 210. Cherigeny, 261.
Calloway, 141-3.
228, 300, 348, 305, taly, 103, 272. Borden, 384.
Caldwell, 45-7,
Chew, 272.
307. battle, 12, 18, 244. Bouis, 382. Chichester, 271.
62, 72, 148, 187.
Allertota, 234, 282. Battle, Abbey Roll, Bourg le, 380.
Chilton, 115.
Alsop, 27. 390. Bourgeois le, 379. Chilperic, 339.
Callis, 3.
Alston, 42, 262. Bauduy, 159, 381. Bowe, 224. Chinaldi, 24.
Calvert, 46.
Alvarez de, 387. Baxter, 148, 263, Bowen, 239. Chivers, 308.
Camden, 291.
Ames, 243, 388. 265. Bower, 299, 303. Christian Familv,
Bowman, Camp, 136.
Anderson, 376, 96, Beakey, 312, 324. 20, 23, 211-225, 205, 355.
Campbell, 133-5,
1, 3, 5, 179, 371, Beauford, 162, 381. 370, 404. Christy, 38, 382,
110, 182, 263, 298,
376. Bearer, 91, 92. Boyce, 61. 383.
302, 307, 328.
Andrews, 48. Beauvais, 388. Boyd, 229. Chopin, 377.
Boyken, 333, 334. Cannon, 94, 276,
Chouteau, 37, 379,
Antrolns, 167. Beatty, 330.
343, 347, 363.
Apperson, 88, 216, Beckham, 148. Brackenridge, 196. 60-3, 377-88.
Brady, 60. Caradoc, 55-7. Church, 380.
223. Beckley, 363.
Bradshaw, Carey, 221, 246-59,
Argall, 57. Beckner, 326. 23. Churchill, 1, 380.
Argyle, 10, 196. Bedell, 145. Bradford', 114. Churchman, 185.
Archer, 225. Bedinger, 125. Bradley, 178, 211, Carleton, 54, 173-5. Chute, 271.
Beeson, 19, 84, 185. 219. Carlin, 384, 388. Claiborne, Excur-
Armistead 1
, xi, 1, 2,
116, 216, 219, 223, Bell, 357. Brannan, 90.
Carpenter, 237-40. sus, 20, 53-54, 42,
336. Belfield, 9, 10. Brantley, 310. Carr, 38, 150, 222, 112, 175, 221, 284-
Brazeau, 377, 384. 374-6, 385.
Armstrong, 187, Bellicum, 282. 287, 303.
188, 246, 306. Beltramy, 378. Branch, 204, 209. Carrington, 39-41, Clardy, 85.
Arthur, 301. Belin, 60, 61. 217, 347, 355. 54, 204, 255, 353- Clapp, 73, 126.
Arundel, 34. Bemis, 265. Breckenridge, 351. 354, 175, 173, 287. Clark, 33,45,64,110,
Arnold, 278. Bennett, 134. Bremond, xiii. Carriere, 328. 150, 124, 380, 387,
Aston or Ashton, Benedict, 153, 384. Breeze, 357. Carroll, 114, 351. 224, 277, 317, 320,
29, 232. Benoist, 377. 379. Brent, 133, 134. Carter, Excursus. 353, 298-99, 371.
Astor, 373. Bent, 192, 376, 385. Bremaker, 20. 117. Clarkson, 89-90,
Ashley, 40, 357, Berkley, 223. Brewer, 375. Carter, 44, 92, 115- 244, 370.
386. Bernard, 61. Brewster, 281. 282. 117, 222. Clay, 88, 364.
Atkins, 154, 216. Bethel, 223. 321, 153. Garten, 377-8. Olaybrook, 84.
Atdhason, 385. Betts, 153. Brock, 54, 175. Caruth, 124. Claypoole, 373.
Atherton, 256. Berry, 37, 65, 72, Brooke, 16, 105, Carver, 224. Clayton, 266-8, 216.
Atkinson,, 88, 322. 73, 125, 386. 107, 114, 281. Casey, 198. Clements, 61, 379.
Atwater, 65, 73, Berthelot tie, 167, Brokey, 371. Cason, 133. Clendennin, 196.
126. 171. Brooks, 216. Castleman, 351. Cleveland, 51, 228.
Atwell, 134. Berthold, 61, 378, Brown, 98, 109, Cates, 379. Clews, 293.
Aubrey, 201. 381, 386, 387. 121, 205, 212, 222, Caton. 45-7. Clough, 3, 295.
Austin, xv. Beverly, 1, 117, 178, 215, 217, 328, Catlett, 68, 272, Colonial Establish-
Atwood, 36, 185 340, 341. 331, 357, 301, 302. 278 ment, 392.
230. Billon, 24, 25. Bryan, 101-3, 145. Caulfield, 384. Coat of Arms,
Aylmer, 1. Binns, 223. 192, 244, 324. Cavalier, Emigra- viii.
Blackburn, 181. Buck, 181. tion, 401. Cobb, 289, 318.
Barton, 6, 11. Blackford, 260. Buckingham, 34- Cave, 9. Cod, 220.
Bacon, 1, 146. 380. Blackwell, 26, 30, 35, 302. Cayce, 19, 84-5. Cocke, 220, 231,
Bachellor, 235, 345. 129, 133, 329. Buckner, 230, 348. Cerre, 63, 379, 387. 348.
Bailey, 118, 119. Blaisdell, 264. Buffin, 220. Chadburne, 256-8. Coffin, 48-9.
Baker, 199, 371. Blair, 229, 384. Bullitt, 385. Chadwick, 281. Cole, 31, 116.
Bakewell, 383. Blaine, 386. Bull, 263. Champe, 116. Coleman, 180, 211
Ball, 132,145, 330. Bland, 14, 61. Burke, 222. Chamberlain, 185. 263-5.
\ INDEX. 407
Collier, 215-221, Davis, 33, 111, 121, Du Puy, Excur- Flemming, 219, Gosnell, 385.
224. 222, 225, 272, 279. sus, 76-100. 223, 290, 284, 347, Grady, 98.
Coligny, 61, 403. 303, 314-15, 364. Du Puy, 40, 140, 350, 365. Graffenreidt, 355.
Collins, 8, 90, 108. Daviess, 95, 121-5, 181, 190-91, 347, Flournoy, 87-98, Graham, 45-7, 177,"
Colman, 48-52. 227, 304, 326, 328, 352 181, 206, 404. 379.
Ooltraine, 341. 331. Du Thiel, 37-8. Floyd, 182, 382. Grant, 57, 228, 355
Colstan, 281. Day, 33, 109, 154, Du Tois, 207, 230, Floyd,-Jones, 243. Grattan, 357.
Colville, 90, 242. 265. 235, 342-3, 355. Fontaine, 4, 63, Gratiot, 37, 60, 380.
Collwyn, 55-9. Declaration of In- Dwight, 261. 182, 217, 296, 379. Graves, 216, 222.
Combs, 165. dependence Dyer, 380. Forbes, 64. Gray, 39-41, 228,
Conde, 377. Signers, 401. Dylander, 100. Force, 335. 357.
Compton, 280. Deadman, 328. Forrester, 73. Gray, Ada Cwynn,
Contee, 281. Dearth, 257. Eads, 94, 129-32, Ford, 20, 225,
43, 251-3.
Conn, 62-3, 365. Dearing, 225. 388. 273, 278, 359, 410. Greathouse, 251-2.
Conner, 10. Dean, 386. Eakin, 147. Forster, 118-19,203, Greer, 384.
Conway, 272, 223, Deaver, 380, 384. Earickson, 132. 403. Green, 63, 129.
69. Delaney, 61, 177. Easely, 348. Foster, 35, 278, Greenleaf, 48-9.
Cooke, 25, 195, 346, Dempsey, 225. * Easton, 352. 287. Gregory, 153, 250,
387. Dent, 15, 386. Eaton, 212, 217, Fouche, 326. 272, 315.
Cooms, 31. Depp, 223. 385. Fox, 20, 54, 175, Griffin, 29-30, 170-
Cooper, 320, 340. De Bauduy, 381. Edmunds, 352. 218, 287, 305, 403. 173.
Corbin, 15, 89, 277. De Beaufort, 381. Edwards, 29, 169, Foy, 377, 380. "riffeth, 56, 74,
Cordes, 261. De Bonnet, 36, 386. Francis, 379. 372.
Cosby, 36, 93, 182. 207, 230-41. Eldridge, 207, 324. I^ranciscus, 177. Grove- ? 64.
Cotambert, 380. De Choquette, 384, Elliot, 37, 101-104, French Canadians, Grimes, '82, 210.
Cotton, 180-1. De Breuil, 383. 404, 160, 370, 376. iv. Grishom, °\2.
Courts, 245. De Forest, 194. Ellis, 116. Freeland, 271-2. Griswold, J 14-17.
Coursault, 380. De Graffenreidt, Eltonhead, 15. Friend, 103, 347. Grundy, 147-*>.
Craddock, 55-9. 355. Ellsworth, 27. Fritchey, 8. Guerrant, 85, 205-
Crane, 365-6. De Jamett, 204, Ellyson, 1, 2, 347, Frost, 379, 384. 210, 217.
Crawford, 90, 173- 223. 356. Fulkerson, 361. Guild, 365-6.
177. De L'Arche, 193 English, 382. Fullerton, 110. Gunnell, 406.
Creely, 163. 383. Eppes, 10, 41, 43, Fuqua, 222. Guilds, ii.
Crenshaw, 218. De Lassus, 381. 356. Fry, 162. Gutherie, 126, 307.
Creoles, v. De Lauriere, 383. Erroll, 330. Gwathey, 195.
Crests, viii. De I/Isle, 382. Erskine, 173. Gaither, 196, 376. Gwathford, 136
Crie, 329. De Lei Warr, 286- Erwin, 138, 374. Gale, 264, 302. 230, 349.
Crichton, 242. 287. Espenschied, 203, Gamble, 357. Gwin, 228.
Crisp, 95, 190. De Meniel, 380. 384. Garasche, 194, 382. Gwynn, 136, 251-
Crispin, 25. De Mun,60-61, 311, Este, 309-11. Garberson, 224. 255, 277, 372-373,
Crittenden, 57, 238, 378, 404. Estes, 270. Garland, 24, Z*^ 404.
274. . De Paw, 298. Estill, 224. 376.
Crockett, 332. De Stafford, 54. Ethridge, 220. Garlington, 207. Haas, 225..
Croisette, 382. De Toeney, Ex- Eubank, 140. Garrison, 383. Hackett, 137, 2S2.
Cromwell, 369. cursus, 54. Evans, 99, 105, 107, Garth, 195. Hadley, 70, 73, 126.
Crosby, 379. De Veaux, 366. 362; see also Gathwright, xv, Hager, 384.
Croshaw, 22v, 243. Dick, S * Owen. 206, 357. Haines, 89.
289. uickson, 61, 310- Everard, 369. Gaulbert, 43. Haile, 333-4.
Crotea, 382. 311. Swing, 125, 301, Gault, 141-2, 189. Hall. 279, 318, 365-
Crowly, 34. Dickenson, 114. 361, 364, 378. Gay, 219. 366. "
Crudup, 12. Dillon, 388. Gaylord, 25, 366- Haldeman, 1:
Crump, 133, 216, Dillworth, 323. Fairfax, 265-68. 367. Hallet, 27.
225, 237. Dimitry, 162. Fairleigh, 180. Geiger, 106. Haley, 65, .z
Crutchfield, 326. Dunguid, 221, 216. Farrar, 43, 194, Genestelle, 378. 239.
Culbertson, 295. Dodge, 62-63. 358, 386. Generelly, 24, 385. Halyburton, 218
Culpepper, 271. Dods, 64. Farmer, 220. Genestre, 384. Ham, 385-6.
Cummings, 270. Dole, 48-9. Farrington, 109, Gentle Birth, ii. Hamilton, 42, 118-
Cunningham, 156- Doneghy, 55-9. 192, 257. Gentry, 112-13. 125, 186, 304, 330.
162, 327-8. Denley, 364. Farris, 377. Gerrard', 63, 106, Hampton, 126, 134.
Curd, 237. Doit, 251-2. Fauntleroy, 29, 253, 372, 387. Hamtramck, 387.
..Curtis, 234, 291, Dorsey, 267-8, 375- 170-2. Gervaise, 159. Hancock, 251-2,
, 294. 376. Fawkes, 330. Gibson, 111, 133, 380.
Ourwen, 42. Doswell, 217-18. Fearon, 25. 278. Handy, 189-91.
281-2. Dougherty, 148. Ferguson, 108, 164. Gill, 162, 161.
2, Hanson, 16, 281-2,
v Cushman, 293. Douglas, 108. 164, Ferrer, 29, 358-9. Gilliam, 219, 225. 376.
Curtis, 57. 215, 218. 307. Ferris, 230, 347-71, Gilpin, 386. Hardiman, 218,
Douliere, 24. 358; J62, 368. Girardin, 197. 278.
4, 113, Dover. 309-11. FieIdingr74-5, 95- Glasgow, 381. Hardin, 191.
6116, 370, 376. Drummond, 65-75. 97, 405. Glass, 222. Harding, 145, 226.
O'Fiygle. 387. Dryden, 279. Field, 27, 274, 323. Glassell, 10, 272. Harger, 35.
Ogi'lvie^mple, 279. Dryer, 386. Filley, 109, 192, Glenn, 113, 196. Harker, 25.
O'Hara/idge, 89. 174, Dubart, 7. 312. Glover, 280, 320. Harklakenden,
Olds, 3 J 222, 229, 244. Dudley, 164, 224. Fisher, 163-65. Goode, 37, 379. 151.
Oldhanfr, 217. Duncan, 226. Fitzhugh, 25, 281- Goodfellow. 31. Harlan, 280.
Olmste/il, 194. Dunscomb, 221. 282 Gookin, 144-6. Harlowe, 45-52.
O'Neil/varez, 387. Duvall, 217, 221, Fishback, 111, 195, Gould. 50, 228, 353. Harrison, 23. 65-9,
Opel, A-tigny, 384. 383 279. Gordon, 31-3, 224, 95. 74-5, 129-135,
Opie, tenport, 129, Dun, 122, 304. Flagg, 64. 281, 318. 216, 224.
Ord, /T32. Du Bose, 261. Flanigan, 243. Gore's Roll of Harney, 388.
Orr, Hudson, 186. Du Pree, 384. Fleury, 24. Ai-ms, 402. Harper, 368.
Orris, Iv
408 INDEX.
Harris, 112-13, 205, Howard, 244, 277, Kennett, 164. Lillingtori, 42. Merriwether, 145,
219, 272-6, 342, 362, 375. Kennedy, 387. Lindsay, 54, 61, 162, 349,
361. Howe, 258, 320. Kennon, 54, 175. 173-177. Messenger, 330.
Hart, 141-6, 200, Howell, 323, 372-3. Kent, 220, 224. Lindsley, 178-9. Messick, 43, 288.
298, 300. Hudnell, 133. Ken-, 301, 376. Little, 38, 49, 178, Metcalf, 20.
Hartman, 28. Hubberd, 19, 273- Kershaw, 155-161. 301-2. Micheaux. 204. 230-
Haskins, 89, 94-9, 275. Kidd, 92. Lockett, 19. 241, 342, 346, 353-
140. iHughes, 280, 343, Kidder, 369. Loisel, 378, 384. 354, 362, 387.
Hastings, 323-5. 361, 368. King, 198, 298. Long. 223, 352. Milby, 204, 217.
Hatch, 383. Hugenots, iv, 400. Kingsland, 163- Lopez, 388. Middleton, 155.
Hatcher, 348, 363- Hundley, 189. 165. Lorange, 206-7. Milldollar, 34.
364. - Humber, 212. Kipling, 379. Loring, 45-7. Mills, 115, 169.
Hatton, 16, 17. Humphrey, 6, 50, Kingsbury, 38. Lloyd, 55, 255, 353. Millecoeur, 60. 384.
Haverstock, 386. 228, 311. Kinkead, 299. 373. Miller, 201, 206-10,
Hawkens, 317. Hunt, 183-4, 221, Kimbrough, 387. Logan, 97, 180-182, 219, 221, 355.
Hawkins, 150, 180, 388. Kimball, 388. 237-40, 251-2. Mills, 162, 340.
218. Hunter, 62-3, 280. Kirtland, 260. Lomax, 298. Milner, 1, 2, xv-
Hawson, 75. Huntington, 64, Knapp, 387. Lowe, 86. xvi.
Hay, 330. 115. Knight, 93, 167. Lower, 317, 323. Miltenberger, 384.
Haydbck, 136-1*7. Huntoon. 298. 398. Lucas, 68, 74, 193, Milton, 45-7.
Hay ward, 138-139, Huntonn, 298. Knox, 122, 227, 203, 310, 383, 388. Minge, 216.
370. Hutcheson, 204, 263. Luddington, 347. Minn or Mynn, 43,
Hays, 240. 208, 217. Kuykendall, 301. Luke, 200. 296.
Hayhurst, 322. Hutchinson, 37, 59, Lumpkin, 317-19. Minor, 51-2, 219,
Hazard, ^"94. 99, 320. Labadie, 386. Ludlow, 116. 376.
Hazlet* 35. Hyde, 63, 297. Laclede, 379-80. Lyon, 175. Minter, 91-3, 191.
Healy 380. La Beaume, 383. Lyell, 218. Minto, 101-2.
Illsly, 49. Lacy, 212, 220. Lynch, 353. Mitchell ,37. 65, 70-
Bears, 324.
Heaton. 322-3. Ingraham, 29, 170. La Force, 384. 73, 126, 223, 378.
Innes, 86, 134. Lambert, 115-16. Mitchellson, 330-1.
Heath, 206-7, 355- Machir, 370.
Irby, 222. Lambkin, 65. Molesworth, 379.
356. Macklot, 37, 61,
Ireland, 216. Lake, 225. Morris, 218, 223-4,
Helm, 58-9, 86, 237.
Irvine, 140-1. 189,
Henderson, 127. La Motte, 379. Macon, 205, 208, 240, 291-5.
225. Lancaster, 114-16 Moore, 123, 245.
Henry, 145, 215-16. Isham,
212, 304, 355.
41, 43, 127- Lane, 33, 228, 378 280, 328-30.
Hendron, 218-19. Madeira, 110.
8, 281-2, 347, 351. 386-9. Morton, 20, 348,
Henshaw, 381. Madison, 69, 272,
367. Lapp, 387. 358, 361-2, 367.
Heraldry, vii. 292, 299.
Ives, 73, 126. Lamed, 380. Morgan, 107, 125,
Heredity, vi. Maffitt, 61, 380.
Herbert, 56, 234-6. Jacobs, 182, 241, La Rue, 59, 140. Magoffin, 123, 187, 358, 361-2, 367.
Herron, 324. 266. Lasley, 363.. 298. 240, 249, 379.
Ji*nes, 224, 295. Latham, 114-15, Mallory. Moran, 198.
\ Hess, 122. ^ , 25.
Hicks, .317-19, Z%4. Jarat, 382. 369. Manning, 26. Montgomery, 123-
ock, 228. Jameson, 178-9. Launay, de, 166-9. Manson, 183-184. 124, 179, 187-303.
Hickman, 370-1. Jannopoulo, 269. Laurence, 119-120, Mar. 129. Montague, 193-4,
165-72, 224, 359. Marion, 262. 151-3.
Hidenberg, 379. January, 195, 370.
Jasper, 25. Lawnin, 335. Markham, 130. Montaigu, 155.
Jefferson, 43. 220, Lawton, 296. Maroth, 383. Moiaiholen, 60, 404.
Le Beaume, 383. Marott, 12, 219. Moss, 1, 2, 40-4,
Higginson, 229. 274, 342-3.
l*c uuc, 384. Marlow, 34. 57, 192, 357, 370-
Hight, 226. Jenkins, 40, 56, 200,
Leber, 384. Martin, 10, 19, 205, 371.
Hill, 1, 2, 23, 33, 228, 357.
Jennings. 193-4, Lee, xv, 13-18, 45, 207. Moseby, 241, 274.
48-52, 88, 116.
205. 180, 207, 210, 234, Marsh, 260. Moseley, 22, 143,
.- ^w jngy, 70-1, 126.
Jerdone, 215. 272, 388. Marshall, 3, 122, 206, 347, 356.
,"24kley, 320. Moses, 385.
Job, 74. Le Fevre, 82, 181. 129. 218, 130, 259-
-VJi^d, 1, 2. Leek, 212. Motley, 83, 97, 341.
Johnson, 92, 162, 260, 309-11, 404.
iHinton, 86. Mottoes, viii.
353, 365. Le Fontaine, 4, 63, Maschett, 356.
Hirschberg, 379. 182, 379. Moyer, 368.
384. Johnston, 29, 72, Masse, 380, 387.
86, 142, 246-52. Leftwieh, 92.
Masseur, 378. Mounce, 314.
Hite, 109. Lefflngwell, 64. Mountfort, 38, 201.
Joly, 61. Massie, 206, 304,
Hoames, 145, 250-
Leger 'St„ 370. Mudd, 141, 195-97.
Jones, 88, 205-7. 352, 368.
217, 222, 265, 278. Le Grande, 52, 84- Mulanphy. 61, 379.
Mason, 223.
Hobson, 139, 144.
Jordon, 229, 342. 85, 204, 208, 217, Mulock, 195.
Mather, 320.
Hockaday, 370-71.
Jourdan, 361. 353. McAfee, 123-4, 187-
Matthews, 103,
Hocker, 298.
Jouett, 230, 247, Llewellyn, 88. 8 *298
155, 301, 304, 371.
Hodgen, 140-146,
267-8, 348. Leicester, 103, 121. McArthur, 3, 93,
195. Leigh, 13, 34, 256,
May, 12.
110, 191.
Judson, 147-8. Mayflower, 397.
Holliday, 18, 335. June', 100. 329. McBrayer, 122,
Hollo way, 191. Leitch, 273. Mayo, 319, 353, 328-30.
Jury, 122. xiv.
Holman, 207, 210. Le Moine, 377, 382. McCaa, 334.
Hopkins, xiv, 109, Kayser, 38. Leroux, 387. Meade, 194, 228, IMcCall, 263.
205. Keen, 120. Lester, 101-2, 370. 304, 357, 368-9. McCauslan&h-
HopjJer, 46. Keelah, 317-18. Lewis, 55, 67, 74. Megginson, 224. MeClintock,
Horn, 12. Kehlor, 149-154. 89, 101-3, 136-7, Mellier, 386. 186.
Hornsby, 272. 25, Kemp, 38, 234-56. 229-31, 267. 272, Menkins, 386. McConnell,
Horsemanden, 370. 343. 347-9, 342-3. 370. Menzies. 302. McConnicho,
Hood, 292. Kendall, 105-7. Le Villain, 81-98. Mercer, 313-15. 102.
Hoskins, 137. Keisereau, 378. Lightner, 104. Meredith, 99, 137, McCormiek, 1
Hosmer, 35. Kennard, 20. Lightfoot, 15, 2L'2, 254, 373. 178,187-8.
Hostetter, 99. Kennedy, 368, 378. 280, 291.- 295-6 Merriman, 196, McCown, 295-6^
House, 125. 384. Liggett, 48. 365. McCoy, 368.
INDEX. 409
McCraeken, 382. Oswald, 197. Pope, 182, 370. Robinson, 224, 270, Shriekhise, 220.
McCune, S7Q-11. Osgood, 265. Porcher, 260, 363. 324,389. Siegrist, 170-2.
McClung, 299. Owsley, 230. Torter, 20, 36, 48, Rochelle, 204, 235, Sill, 379.
McDonald, 113. Overall, 370-71. 50, 88, 94, 147, 346, 362.
Simmons, 244-245.
McDougal, 61. Overstate, 202-203. 207, 210, 226, 228, Rochester, 330. Simpson, 34-35.
McDowell, 59, 189- Overton, 3, H 125, 232-36, 343, 346, Rodes, 113, 324. Sinclair, 210.
91, 263, 298-9, 112-13, 182, 278, 354. Rogers, 36, 43, 63, iSingleton, 216, 291.
306, 368. 376. Portis, .98. 89, 124, 148, 238, Skiuker, 380.
McElroy, 189-91. Owen, 56, 105-7, Poteet, 361. 318. Skipwith, 36, 234.
McGhee, 371. 146, 200-1, 340, Povall, 206-9, 356. Rolf, 49. 404.
McGiaw, 347. 342, 246-51. Powell, 170, 323-4. Rollins, 370. Slattery, 246-250,
McGirk, 317. Owings, 375. (See also Howell.) Ross, 242. 256-259.
McKee, 124, 331-2. Prather, 182. Roosevelt, 197, 363. Slaughter, 165, 292.
MeKenny, 223. Page, 1, 175.
2, 54, Pratte, 386-7. Roubilard, 380. Sloan, 387.
McKenzie, 263. Palatines, v, 399. Prebble, 318. Royall, 40, 216, Smith, 13, 25, 38,
McKibben, 19. Palmer, 204-8, 217, Prestbury, 40, 200, 222, 356. 41, 60, 86, 91-2,
McKim, 246. 222, 225. 228, 357. Rudd, 64, 117, 223. 95, 97, 103, 114,
McKinney, 126. Palms, 311. Preston, 143, 329. Rust, 149-54. 141-143, 206, 220,
McKiuley, 57, 109, Pannill, 180, 272. Prence, 319. Russell, 239. 223, 248, 251, 347,
192. Papin, 312, 378-85. Price, -387 102. /? 9 Rowland, 20. 303-4, 385-6, 410.
McLaiin, 227. Parker, 13, 36, 145- Priokett, 65. Ryland, 43. Snow, xiii-xiv.
McLannakan, 63, 146, 220, 324, 368. Priest, 380. Soane, 274.
129. Parrisk, 165. Prayn, 186. Sackett, 27. Somerville, 299.
McLare, 65, 74. Parhain, 222. Provenchere, 386. Salveter, 266. Soulardi, 387-9.
McLaran, 193-4, Parsons, 347. « Puegnet, 387. Salsbury, 207. Snead, 225.
384. Pasehall, 388. Puritans, 397. 'Sampson, 185, 231, Southward, 163.
McLaughlin, 197. Fatterson, 46-7, Puryear, 181-2. 234-5, 345. Spear, 237.
McLean, 272. 205, 208, 226-7. Pryor, 73, 126, 223. Sanborne, 235, 345. Spencer, 205, 260-2.
McLellan, 313, 371. Patteson, 216, 217, Sanderson, 124. Sprague, 48-52.
McLenny, 194. 222, 224, 263. Quartermain, 197. Sanford, 380. Spratt, 360.
MeMiehall, 124. Patton, 138. Quinn, 65-9, 74. Sanguinette, 377. Spottswood, 174,
MeMul'len, 225. Patroon, 398. Quinby, 264-5. Santone, 383. 183-4, 229.
McNair, 382-3. Paul, 24, 385-8. Quinette, 379. Sarade, 388. Stackhouse, 317,
McPherson, 109, Payne, 212, 347, Quive, 310. Sarpy, 38, 378, 387. 322-5.
382. 354, 365-7. Saucier, 381. Stark, 162.
McTier, 125, 197. Peay, 83, 97. Kailey, 347, 367. Saugrain, 387. Starr, 153.
Peale, 375-6. Ralston, 229. Saurin, 236, 346. Stavro, 223.
Napier, 298. Pearce, 59, 88. Rambo, 100. Savage, 180, 219, Stebbins, 154.
Nash, 384. .Pearson, 69, 303, Randle, 65-9, 74, 275, 278. Sterling, 51-2, 204.
Naste, 377. 322. 75. Sawyer, 194, 368. Sterman, 230.
Neale, 134. Pease, 379. Randolph, 40-3, Baylor, 105-7. Stephens, 67, 267,
Neill, 59. Peebles, 121, 331- 127, 275, 347, 356. Scanlan, 111, 383. 357, 371.
Nelson, 301. Ransdell, 245.
•fc$k le-br* -Z& Scarbourough, 31. Stephenso«v 243.
Nethertan, 273.361. FedreuvMe, 61. Ramsey, 330-31. Scearce, 191. iSteptoe, 132-3.
Newell, 88, 150. Peers, 84, 279. Rapine, 207. Sehonnard, 27-28. Stewart, 196, 263,
Newlie, 141-2. Penn, 25, 298. Ravenroyd de, 324. Schwencke, 105-7. 302, 327-31.
Newman, 129, 383- Pembroke, " 56, 234, Rastrick, 16. Schutz, 277. Stith, 211.
384. 130, 285. Ralston, 229. Schuyler, 163-4. Stiles, 51, 93, 225,
Nieholls, 147-8. Pence, 220. Rector, 9. Seollay, 257. 228, 365.
Nicholson, 50. Penguilly, 309-10. Red ford, xv, xvl, Seholastique, 20, St. Leger, 370.
Nidelet, 386. Pennington, 198. 231. 385. St. Vrain, 381-5.
Niedringhaus, 139. Perry, 333-4. Redd, 112-13, 361. Scott, 101, 243. Stone, 239, 318,
Niord, 54. Pen-in, 356-9, 361. Redwood, 225. Scruggs, 219. 320, 364.
Niord, Excursus, Peterson, 24-5. Refugees, iii. iSeabury, 115. Stockton, 25, 185,
175. Peyton, 23, 36, 135. Reel, 386-7. Searle, 51, 228. 266-70.
Noble, 158. Phelps, 151-2. Renick, 110. Sefton, 62-3, 379. Stokely, 201.
Noise, 382. Phinney, 380. Rees, 162. Selden, 260, 370. Stout, 120.
Nordyke, 136-7. Phipps, 384. Reese, 368. Sellers, 378. Strother, 180, 273.
North,! 244, 150. Phillips, 226-7, 270, Reybuirn, 388. Semple, 218, 223, Strycker, 104.
NorthJbp, 162. 284. Reynolds, 8, 99, 242-3. Sublett 88. 1 °n-l.
Norris, 224, 282. Pierce, 216, 220. 269-70. Seymour, 28v Summersall, ztiv.*
Nowlin, 217. Pierson, 38, 303. Ridgely, 252, 375. *],;;, -lu'lford, 9. Sutton, 217-18.
Nugent, 198-9. Pierrepont, 31. Ridgeway, 185. Shal'lcross, 192. Supporters, viii.
Nutt, 387. Pittman, 95-96.123. Richards, 99, 269- Shannon, 180, 222. Swain, 264-5.
304, dl2, 404, *05- 70. Sharpless, 136. iSwigert, 306.
Odell, 71. 406. Richardson, 31, 99, 'Shaw, 241, 371. Switzer, 194.
O'Fallon, 271-7. Pitzer. 368. 125, 201, 347. Shekill, 244. Sydnor, 43.
O'Flaherty, 377. Pinchl>eck, 40, 56- Richebourg de, .Shelby, 165. Symmes, 36.
Ogi'lvie, 173. 57, 357. 363. Shelden, 323. Symonds, 151.
O'Hara, 84. Pixlee, 147. Rickey, 99. Shelton, 3-4, 112-
Olds, 3. 340. Plaux de la, 196. Robards, 230, 41, 15. Tailefer, 271.
Oldham, 95. Pleasants, 43, 124, 348, 343, 351. Sherman, 148. Taileferro, Ul, 204.
Olmstead, 151. 206, 219, 224. 231, Riehle, 383. Sheppard, 204. 210, 217-18, 225,
O'Neil, 180, 369. 347, 350-1, 367. Ritter, 140. Scherer, 108. 278, 326.
Opel, 96. Plummer, 38. Rives, 305. Sherridan, 180. Talbot, 162, 278.
Opie, 90. Poindexter, 216, Roach, 101-4, 370. Shields, 2, 219, 224. Tapp, 367.
Ord, 45. 225. Robertes, 167. Shippen, 405. Tarleton, 347, 351-
Orr, 84, 279. Pollard, 143-5, 218, Robertson, 243, Shorb, 243. 360.
Orrick, 362. 250-2. 299, 330, 362. Short, 36, 382. Tartarau, 383.
Orris, 154. Pomeroy, 50-1, 228. Robbins, 18, 163-5. Shriner, 317, 332. Tayloe, 253, 277.
410 INDEX.
Taylor, 1, 2, 20, 38, Tolly, 292. Veaux de, 276. Webb, 221, 352. WHloughby, 25,
111, 177-82, 195- Tomlinson, 20-22, Vernon, 182. Weeks, 67-8, 74. 233-4.
7, 223. 225, 241,/ 35, 291-4. Vermiel, 97, 404. Weisinger, 380. Wilson, 33, 140,
248-52, 271/80. ' Tompkins, 253, Venable, 346, 348, Wells, 147, 294, 308, 348, 370, 375.
283-4, 291, '371, : 377. 354. 335 Winslow, 340-41.
378, 386, 404. Tmnkies, 218. A^on Phul, 387. Welsh, 194. Winston, 4, 116,
Tayon, 378. Tower, 150. West, 65, 69-73, 144 368
Taverner, 103. . Topp, 302. 126, 326. Winn, 222, 253-5,
Waddell, 368.
Tebb, 368. Towne, 310. West De la Warr, 372-3.
Waite, 320.
Teller, 163. Trabue, 87-98, 140, Excursus, 336- Winter, 57.
Temple. 195.
Wageman, 378.
339. Wise, 35.
190, 206, 404.
AVagner, 364.
Templenian, 59. Tracey, 64, 384-6. West De la Warr, Witherspoon, 98,
Wallace, 121-2, 200,
Tenny, 49. Treat, 366.
20, 69, 96, 228, 332.
Tennyson, 136-7. Trent, 353. 278, 280, 286-89, Wodenorth, 358.
Walker, 204-5. 216-
Ten-ill, 219, 347, Trigg. 144, 371. 356. 88, 187, 204.
17, 218-21, 243,
"353, 376. Trimble, 110, SOS- Westeott, 89. 332, 404.
312-24, 386, 109,
Terry, 94, 383. SOS. Wetherell, 25. Woodson, 40, 103,
155-61, 96.
Tesson, 383. Trotter, 370. Wharton, 11. 231, 255-6, 342-72,
Walsh, 311, 324,
W herry,
Thomas, 125, 281- Troutman, 341. 388. 404.
3, 309-11. Tucker, 231, 342, Whetney, 182. Woodrow, 305-8.
Walthell, 191.
Thilley, 371. 368. White, 102, 220, Woodrow,
Warner, 151, 307.
Thompson, 1, 8, 20, Tudor, 55, 254-5. 321, 329, 346, 403. Woolfolk, 111, 195,
Ward, 217, 257. Whistler, 385.
38, 61, 111,
95, Turnbull, 101, 155- 340.
Wardour, 266. Wigton, 232, 284,
113, 116, 123, 12b, 60. Woolridge, 88.
Ware, 34, 222.
180, 230, 272. 275, Turner, 219, 224, 347, 350-1, 360. AVorcester, 90.
Warren, 152, 216, Wilcox. 40, 57, 216,
283-307, 234, 243, 388. AVorts, 99.
219, 220, 223, 225,
310, 343, 348, 386. Turpin, 274-6, 34i. 220-22, 353, 357. Worsham, 356.
Thomson, 113. Tuttle, 305. Wiley, 142, 189. Wormley, 1, 236.
Thornhill, 224. Twyrnan, 122. Waj ier, 51-2, 228.
Wilkerson, 104,
Was 386.
Worthington, 292-
Thoi'oughgood, 20, Tyler. 1, 2, 216. 227. 335, 352.
116. 218-19, 223, 284.
Was igton, 50, Wilkins, 15, 65-7,
Todd, 145-6. Vaughn, 33, 55-6, Weakley, 180. Willing, 27, 373. Yeatman, 374-76.
Toler, 222. 253-4. 373. Wear, 333-335. Willis, 37. Young, 321.
Armistead, 336. Dandridge, 173-5. Henry, 174. Marshall, 131. Skipwith (Peytonl,
De la Warr, 336-9. Howard, 252. Meredith, 55, 253- 135.
Bassett, 336.
Drummond, 65, Howell, 57, 253-5. 255, 372-3. Stewart, 161, 302.
161, 174. 372-5. Moore, 174, 184. Spottswood, 174,
140-7 Blount, 30, 117,
--Z4P Dudley, 175. Montague, 191. 183-4.
Brook, 54, 173-5.
Du Puy, 77, 96. Isham, 43, 128. St. Leger, 370.
Neville, 252.
Browne, 330-1. Irvine, 141, 189.
ilppes, 43. Nelson, 370.
BurwHl. 183-4. 336. Tuthill, 36.
Ihans, 99,105,253- O'Fallon, 276. Thompson, 96, 290.
Syrd, 369. Jefferson. 43.
255, 372-3. Tucker, 174.
Jenkins, 56, 253. Overstolz, 202.
Owen, 253-5, 372-3,
Carter, 44, 117. Fairfax, 54, 173-5,
Ar aughn, 55, 253-5,
Carrington, 54, 173- 287. Kennou, 54, 173-5.
Fage, 54, 174. 372-3.
175, 287. Fauntleroy. 172. Peyton, 135.
Carleton, 54, 173-5, Ferrers, 359. Lawrence, 172. Perrin, 356-9. Wallace, 327-8.
Campbell. 135, 161, Fontaine, 174. Lee, 174. Pleasants, 43. AVashington, 172,
327. Fox, 54. 173-5, 287. Lewis, 54-5, 136, Powell, 57, 324,372- 359.
Oadwallader, 55-6, Fleming, 260. 253-5, 372-3. 373.
253-5, 372-3. Lindsay, 54. 173-5. West De la Warr,
Railey, 367. 286, 336-9.
Claiborne, 53-4, Good, 174. Lloyd, 253-5. 37fc-
173-5, 287. Griffeth, 54-5, 253- 373. Randolph, 43, 128. Wharton, 11.
Claypoole, 372-3. 255, 372-3. Logan, 182. Read, 174. AVilcox, 57.
Craddock, 55-7, Gwynn, 54-5, 253- Llewellyn. 372. Rovall, 356. AVilling, 372-3.
253-5, 372-3. 255, 372-3. Lowther, 53-4, 173- Rogers, 43, 128. AVoodrow, 307.
Curwen, 53-4, 173- 175, 287. Wyatt, 249.
175, 287. Harrison, 336. Ludlow, 44. Semple, 242. Wynne, 253-5. 372-
Cunningham, 161. Hastings, 325. Lyon, 54, 173-5. Shippin, 370. 373.
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